#body swap fic!!
becausebuckley · 5 days
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i sing the body electric | buddie | body swap | 7.4k
Eddie blinks rapidly, trying to clear his vision. But no matter how many times he blinks, the hands before him remain the same. They’re slightly larger than his own, with thicker calluses and longer fingers. The skin is paler, the nails are shorter than Eddie prefers. He flexes the fingers, watching as the tendons ripple beneath the skin. Then, he notices the small, crescent-shaped scar on the base of the left thumb. Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. He knows that scar. It’s not his. It’s Buck’s. or: eddie and buck wake up in each other's body.
read the full fic on ao3 here!
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u3pxx · 2 years
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a compilation of klapolly doodles ... but they've swapped bodies ⁉️ huhhh???? (aka i put the boys in one of my favorite tropes pftt)
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zecoritheweirdone · 3 months
hey do you guys wanna see a comic for a msa au me and my friend ascel came up with? trick question yes you do. anyway- hehehehehhhoo body swap au <3.
okay quick context for this rq- this is an au where it diverges after freaking out- instead of possessing the truck, lewis ends up chasing the gang for a while, maybe a week or two? arthur and vivi don't know why this random ghost they met ages ago keeps going after them, but one things for sure- he really, really wants arthur's head on a spike.
cut to the present- arthur got separated from vivi and mystery, and lewis ends up chasing him into the woods!
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
This is a SAD story with no heartwarming happy end or moment of redemption. It's the middle of the night and I feel depressed, so why not write some sad fiction
You've loved Sanji for a while, but he doesn't even see you. When Nami asks to switch bodies for a day, you experience his devotion for a short while - before going back to being invisible for him
Part 2
Part 3 is actually a choose your own adventure type!
Part 3.1: Zoro or Sanji?
Part 3.2: Law or Sanji?
Also check out my stories and headcanon masterlists
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You weren't sure what she was planning, but Nami assured you that it was of the utmost importance that she borrow your body for a day. She also swore by her mother's trees that it wasn't anything illegal. And also all the money you owed her would be forgotten - so it seemed overall like an acceptable deal.
She somehow blackmailed your crews ally Trafalgar Law into this to make the switch. So when you anchored at an amusement island full of casinos and shopping opportunities, you found yourself in the thin, busty, long legged body of hers.
You looked down at her - in your body - and couldn't help but frown at the small, mousy girl looking up at you with Nami's glint in her eyes.
"Thanks Y/n, take good care of my body. See you tonight!" She saluted you and sprinted off the ship with determination.
Unsure what to do, you wobbled to Nami's closet on your much to long legs that were in much too high heels. Hopefully she had something like a shirt, you felt naked in her Jeans and Bikini Top combo.
Eventually, you found a simple shirt with a round neck and some flats and felt more like yourself immediately.
Getting out into the sun, you enjoyed the feeling of a cool breeze playing with her long hair and sighed.
"Oh Nami-swaaaaan how wonderful to see you this morning! I made extra tasty breakfast for you todaaayyyy!" Sanji screamed with his usual slurred voice. It took you a few seconds to make the connection that he, indeed, was talking to you. Or Nami, wich was gone for the day.
You turned and looked at Sanji who was prancing towards you with heart eyes and an excited expression.
"May I accompany you to the table mademoiselle?" He held out his arm.
You took it, and your heart already pounded like mad in your chest. He was gorgeous, smart and charming. He was strong and kind and had dominated your thoughts since you joined the crew.
Too bad you never lived up to the standard he had for women. Small, mousy, not at all shapely or beautiful. He treated you friendly, but way too often he seemed to overlook you. And he never, ever treated you like your female crewmates.
So this felt new and exciting, his blue eyes looked at you for the first time, really seeing, even if it was not you he really looked at.
Happily, you let him walk you to breakfast and push your chair to the table that was already loaded with all kinds of the crew's favorite food.
"Y/n not coming?" He asked when one seat remained empty.
"She left for the city just a few minutes ago" you answered.
"Very well" He said and absent mindedly took the plate and cutlery away to make place.
Usually, you ate and goofed around with Usopp and Chopper, but of course, you are not here, Nami is. You've barely taken a bite out of your toast when Sanji already inquired if it's to your liking, while simultaneously barking at Luffy and Zoro to remember their manners.
"Nami-swaaan, my sunshine, my diamond, do you need anything else?" He asked, totally in love.
"Uhm, maybe a tea?" You answered, still a little perplexed. He never asked you anything like that before.
"Tea? Of course, right away my angel!" He cooed and hurried back to the kitchen, preparing the tea.
The rest of the breakfast continued just like that - Sanji asking endlessly for your wishes and getting to work immediately when you so much as whispered an answer.
Afterwards, everyone was getting ready to explore the island. You were planning to look through a few bookstores and end the day reading at a cafe.
"Nami-swaaaan, may I accompany you to the city? I will carry all your shopping bags!" He begged you eagerly.
"I don't plan on doing so much shopping..." You said with your hands raised in defense of his onslaught of affection.
"I'll just look around a bit and maybe get a book" you explained as Sanji already sank to one knee, taking your hand.
"Than I will be your bodyguard, the city is dangerous!" He informed you and like that, it was settled that he would come with you.
He wore one of his more casual outfits - a brightly colored hawaian shirt, a fitting tie and short cargo pants - so you two looked more like cringey tourists and less like pirates together.
Going with Sanji to explore the city felt almost like a date, commenting on clothing in shop windows and what would look so nice on Nami's body. You didn't plan on buying clothes that day, you didn't exactly know what she would like anyway, but he was very, very insisting that you at least try on a few things.
Unsure what to do, you left the decision to Sanji and he immediately lead you into one of the store
You tried a few things, just basic shirts and a dress, and of course it looked gorgeous on Nami. She could have worn a potatoe sack and look like a million beri. Sanji was almost swooning and loving every bit of it.
"So beautiful!" He gushed. "Nice body!" He squealed in delight. "Why don't you try this bikini?" He asked as he held up a few shreds of fabric.
"Why don't you try on something?" You asked him, already thinking what kinds of shirts or jackets would suit him best, and trying to discourage him from suggesting more revealing outfits.
Meanwhile at the Casino
Nami wandered past the picture of herself with the fat letters "DO NOT BELIEVE THIS WOMAN" and chuckled to herself. The owner of that chain of casinos kind of had a grudge against her, but the new face she was wearing couldn't be more inconspicuous. And she didn't directly do anything illegal, so it will be absolute fine.
Soon, you flattered him into wearing some nice shirts that accentuated his bright eyes and slender frame. Much like Nami, he could wear pretty much anything and look fabulous, now it was your turn to gush about his looks and search for more outfits.
"Are you sure you don't want to try any more?" He asked insecurely as you handed him another suit to try. He didn't seem to be used to being on that side of the conversation, he talked softly and shyly all of a sudden.
"Do you really think this looks good on me?" He would ask again and again, revealing his sweet side even more.
"Of course, Sanji-kun! You look so handsome in that shirt." You said and saw his cheeks flush like he was a cute maiden.
"In fact, I like it so much that I'll buy it for you" eliciting an expression of pure shock from him.
"That is so nice, but what interest do you want?" He asked, already afraid that he was driven into debt. Of course, Zoro already was looking at an amount he would never pay off in his life, something Sanjin surely wanted to avoid.
"No, I really want to give you a gift. Promise!" You said and took out your purse.
"Really? A gift from my beautiful Nami-swan? I was never more happy!" He was almost crying from joy.
Leaving the store, he hummed and cuddled the fine dress shirt that you bought him, thinking it was a gift from his beloved. He looked so happy and sweet, you would love to shower him with gifts endlessly.
"How about we take a break, eat lunch at a restaurant?" You asked him, getting used to interacting with him in this new constellation. Of course he would say yes and of course he would be delighted at the chance.
"Yes, of absolutely! I'll find the best restaurant in town for you!" He promised and already started to walk towards the restaurant mile.
Like a researcher, he studied every restaurant meticulously, almost like his life depended on it. After what felt like an eternity, he finally decided for a small seaside bistro that looked not at all fancy or outstanding.
As he guided you to a table, he explained: "it may not look like much but their kitchen is filled with fresh herbs and they have few, but excellent dishes."
And he was right, it was fresh and delicious. You used the opportunity to get to know him better, since he usually didn't talk so lengthy to you.
"Tell me about yourself? A few stories from the baratie perhaps?" You asked, shamelessly nosy.
He looked like you had just gifted him the all blue on a pladder.
"You really want to know? About me?" He tentatively asked.
You nodded.
"Oh damn...where should I start? There's so many stories..." Once he started he almost couldn't stop, he seemed delighted by Nami's attention. She usually treated him politely, but held him at arms length if she didn't need anything. You felt a bit bad for changing the relationship somewhat, but you couldn't help but bask just for this one day in his company. Those blue eyes fixed on you, sparkling with joy and love, his pretty mouth telling you about his life. Moments that could be treasured long after this freak magic ended.
You hung on his lips and both of you forgot the time. He told you about the cooks that raised him, how Zeff trained him and how he went from a clueless kid to a master cook.
It felt like you got to know so many new sides to him and you fell in love with all of them. You knew that he was kind, but you didn't know that he loved animals as well. When a cute dog wandered by - telling by his round shape no doubt the villages favorite stray - Sanji absent mindedly scratched it behind the ears and gave it his leftovers.
It got late and the sun was already low in the sky.
"Time to head home, I don't want Luffy to starve tonight" He said with a chuckle.
Over already? He finally relaxed and opened up like never before, desperate to get just a few more moments with him you said: "come on, it's not that late. I bet they already bought something to eat in town. Let's search for a nice spot and watch the sunset!"
He looked speechless, the cigarette he just lit hung loosely from his lips.
"Uhm...sunset...watch...together???" He stammered in shock. "SO IT IS A DATE" he screamed and proceeded to bleed waterfalls from his nose.
No! You promised you wouldn't get Nami into trouble.
"No! No date! You know what, this is my fault, let's get back to the ship." You protested and tried to save the situation.
"What date? Who said something about a date? I just wanted to...uhm..buy some dates for dessert, yes. Let's watch the sunset as friends." He tried to save the situation.
Lucky for him, all you wanted was this moment with him, but without getting Nami into a situation she didn't want.
You found a spot on a low brick wall along the beach and watched the sun paint the sky in violet, pink and soft blue. It was calm and peaceful and you took deep breaths as you took in the beautiful scenery.
You turned to look at Sanji, but he was already staring at you, his mouth open.
"You're so God damn fucking beautiful" He whispered.
"You look like an angel..." he continued and leaned in to kiss you with heavy lidded eyes, competitively enchanted. You forgot who you were and why you were here, all that existed was this gorgeous, soft, wonderful man and you. Your eyes fluttered shut as your heart kicked into overdrive.
"Oh Nami-San" He whimpered when you could already feel his deep, nervous breaths on your face - slapping you back into reality.
This was not your kiss to have. This man didn't even want you. What you did there was deeply, deeply wrong on many levels. You jerked back, gasping, leaving Sanji to lose his balance and crash to the pavement below.
"Oh Nami-swan, your love is hitting me like a brick wall" he said, looking up at you with crossed eyes and a bleeding nose.
Panic rose inside of you - not only did you practically lie to your crewmate Sanji, you abused the body of your friend as well. You looked down her body, reminding you that none of this should be happening. You grabbed the cook at his collar and heaved him up. Emulating Nami's more demanding voice you say:
"NOTHING happened between us today, you hear me? NOTHING. We had a nice shopping tour, ate something AND THAT'S IT."
Baffled and with slightly wet eyes, Sanji nodded.
"And now we're going home." You said and dragged him to his feet. Ignoring his softly whispered questions, you stalked back to the ship on long legs that weren't yours, left a helpless and absolutely devastated Sanji on deck, and shut yourself in the girl's room
Meanwhile: Nami
A broad grin in her face and a big sack of money on her back, Nami left the casino. She won - fair and square. She didn't always need to revert to robbery to get what she wanted - give her a card table and a bit of time and she wins everything just like that.
Nami was banned from all major casinos, so she didn't get to play as much. It was so much fun, she may have overdone it with the beer a little...y/n would surely understand.
Finally, Nami came back, a very sour looking Law in her grasp. After putting everyone in the right body again, Nami gave him a brown paper envelope that he checked briefly, called her a witch, and left for good.
Crushed by guilt and feeling strangely dizzy, you confessed your guilt.
"I swear nothing really happened...I told him to forget it...I'M SO. SO. SORRY!" You collapsed at her feet as she turned in front of the mirror, admiring herself.
"Ah, thanks for the heads up. I'll deal with him, don't worry." She said, totally relaxed as she squeezed her boobs in both hands and pursed her lips, admiring the pose in the mirror.
"God, I missed these two!" She finally exclaimed and dressed in a bikini top and hotpants.
"So he'll be a little more annoying than usual. No biggie. Oh and...by the way? Maybe stay away from casinos for a few months" She said with a wink and ran down to the kitchen for dinner.
You felt like you couldn't show your face to Sanji ever again, when you remembered that you didn't spend the day with him. Nami has. And she would handle it.
You swayed down the stairs and sat down, there was no plate in front of you. Fair enough, you weren't really hungry. You watched Sanji as he carefully wooed Nami with special treats and compliments, all the while looking sad and small. When you finally decided to get up and get your own plate, he mumbled "oh sorry y/n, didn't think you were coming" barely glancing at you. "Just help yourself" He said as he pointed to the mountains of food on the table.
He stalked around Nami for the whole evening, ignoring you completely. Now that you've known how his attention and love felt, his indifference stung more than you could ever have imagined. And there was nothing you could do about it, you were just you. Not interesting.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you excused yourself hastily, fully crying before you could reach the relative privacy of the girls dorm.
You were crying over your own shortcomings, over perfect moments that would never come back, over blue eyes that would never look at you ever again, your pathetic weakness. Agitated, you threw yourself on your bed, bud were unable to fall asleep.
You decided to take a bath to feel better, and it helped, even just a little. Spending a long time relaxing in the hot water, you finally got tired and decided to give sleep another try.
As you walked back to the girls room, shriveled up like dried fruit and with ouffy eyes, you saw Sanji lean over the railing, smoking and looking out to the sea. He looked lost in thought, sad. You would have loved to comfort him, give him just the tiniest piece of happiness back, but it was pointless. He whispered something under his breath. Deciding against eavesdropping, you returned to bed and left him by himself.
"You did quite a number on that guy. He brought me flowers this morning, can you imagine?" Nami told you, chuckling.
"White roses. He's really lost" She added, looking at you for some reaction.
"Sorry..." You muttered, your voice trailing off.
"I shouldn't have..."
"Don't feel bad, I'll be alright. It doesn't matter anyway if I'm too nice to him or kick him in the face, he'll be into me no matter what. It's annoying but harmless, and sometimes useful" She winked at you, trying to lift the mood.
"You know, it's not your fault he made it into a date. Bet he just coerced you into it, you're too nice!" Nami went on, you looked away, flushing.
"It's not like you wanted it, right?" She asked.
"Right?" She added a bit more insecurely.
"Oh." Her eyes went wide at your pained expression.
"Oh, well, uhm. An idiot like that for a nice girl like you? Nah!" She grimaced as your face darkened more and more.
"You deserve so much better! Some day you'll find the one" She talked on, slowly realising that it was not exactly making you feel better.
"Haha...sorry" She pouted.
"It's okay, I'll get over it." You answered.
"You're strong, you will." Nami patted your back and finally left.
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effen-draws · 1 year
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Some concept paintings for my swap!Kim's psyche skills and also for the newest chapter of my swap fic:-))
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penny00dreadful · 3 months
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Written for @psychocatnerd for the @steddiesummerexchange
It's a body swap fic, baybeeee! I hope you like it! 🥰🖤
Rating: Explicit
Part 2 AO3
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Steve slowly came to consciousness and immediately knew something was wrong.
Everything just felt off.
Like the world had been tilted one degree to the left.
Blinking his eyes open he felt just slightly more settled by the familiar sights around him. 
The various metal posters and leaflets tacked to the wall, the amp and guitar just in his peripheral vision and the feel of the room around him told him he was in Eddie’s bed.
He didn’t remember coming over to Eddie’s last night but clearly he must have.
It wouldn’t have been the most unusual thing in the world. The two of them were practically inseparable at this stage. Steve was trying and failing every day to douse the fire of his incredibly strong and incredibly embarrassing crush and Eddie probably just viewed him as a good friend.
Steve shifted around, staying in his comfy cocoon for as long as he could allow himself.
But as sensations came back to him from waking up, something else seemed off. And he noticed the second weird thing of the morning as he took stock of everything around him and turned his head towards Eddie’s side of the bed. 
Eddie wasn’t here. Eddie wasn’t lying next to him, in his own bed, a cloud of wild hair sticking up at all angles and the most atrocious morning breath and skin and tattoos and all elbows and knees.
Eddie never woke up before him.
The guy practically had to be dragged from sleep by multiple alarms and the smell of coffee like some kind of Pepe Le Pew, his nose pulling him from dreamland before his mind had caught up, but Eddie wasn’t here.
He wasn’t sprawled over Steve like a weighted blanket or curled into his arms like they so often were when they woke up, neither of them really talking about it but also neither of them really had an issue with it. 
Maybe he had slipped out to the bathroom or something?
But Steve couldn’t hear any other sounds apart from Wayne moving around the kitchen and he knew it was Wayne because of that grumbling smoker's cough.
What the fuck was going on?
Why was Steve cuddled up in Eddie’s bed without the man in question?
Dragging himself to his feet, Steve had only just managed to stand when he nearly jumped out of his skin because double what the fuck there was something tickling, something dragging over his back that was definitely not supposed to be there.
Steve slapped his hand behind him, curling his fingers around whatever the fuck it was and yanked, trying to put as much distance between it and himself as he could. But that only resulted in his scalp screaming in pain because whatever it was, was attached to his fucking head?
Still holding a fistful of whatever the fuck it was in his hand, it felt suspiciously like hair, what the fuck, he nearly fell on his ass as he tried to hurry himself over to Eddie’s mirror because since fucking when had he become so uncoordinated?
Looking up at the mirror hanging over his desk that was borderline unusable because of the amount of photos and more flyers and doodles and other shit stuck to it, not to mention the giant fucking guitar blocking it, Steve was nearly shocked out of his skin again because what the fuck… Eddie?
Eddie was standing there, blinking back at him through the mirror looking just as outraged and freaked as Steve felt.
Except Eddie wasn’t standing behind him when he turned to look and the Eddie in the mirror turned to look as well and then and then Steve finally took in the big glaring obvious thing that he probably should have noticed first.
Steve’s own reflection wasn’t there.
Was this… wasn’t that some kind of vampire thing? Not being able to see his reflection?
It was just Eddie blinking at him with his fist in his hair and and from the look in his eye, he was starting to panic like Steve was starting to panic because what the fuck was going on?
It could be the vampire thing or maybe Eddie was trapped in the mirror? Was this some kind of mirror dimension fuckery or something like that?
Steve reached a hand out to try and calm him because he was feeling pretty fucking panicked himself right now but he hated seeing Eddie this way and the guy must also be fucking freezing because, oh yeah, had Steve failed to mention that Eddie was stark fucking naked for some reason?
Eddie reached out at the exact same moment, mimicking his movements perfectly.
A little too perfectly.
Steve’s hand was in his eyeline now, except that that wasn’t his fucking hand. That was Eddie’s fucking hand attached to his body and Steve would know Eddie’s hand anywhere. 
He’d spent fucking long enough staring at them as they moved and gestured and rested on his thighs and Steve has had so many, so many thoughts about those fucking fingers.
Especially since Eddie had decided to lean even harder into the ‘Freak’ persona with more tattoos and more piercings and just somehow becoming all around fucking hotter than ever before, the fucking asshole.
Didn’t he know that Steve was only a man?
A weak, weak, bisexual disaster of a man?
Only it was even worse now because Eddie had apparently gotten far more tattoos and piercings than Steve had known about, the guy was still naked in the mirror and it was taking every ounce of willpower Steve had to not look down.
Point is, that the hand attached to his body is not his own hand and when he looked back up to see what the fuck Eddie was making of this, Eddie was following his movements again and was that Eddie in the mirror?
Could it be him? Like, Steve, him?
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shitfuckballs and ass.
Steve took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart and finally took stock of everything, glancing down at the body he was in.
God, he was in trouble, he was in so much trouble.
Yup, that-
Fuck, that was Eddie’s body.
He was in Eddie’s body.
Why did he have to be so hot?
Steve felt like he was about to burst into flames. He had an eyefull of tattoos stretching across pale and scarred skin, a nipple piercing winking up at him, dragging his gaze like a moth to a flame and he refused to look any lower but he could feel it.
He could feel it.
Fuck, he needed to not be getting hard right now because that was like a… a violation or something.
He needed to calm down and figure out what was going on because the only two options he could think of were that he was having some kind of psychotic episode which would be not good or this was some kind of supernatural nonsense which would also be not good.
Okay, okay. Relax. Everything was fine?
Everything was fine. 
He would figure it out and everything would be fine.
Except hold on because everything might not be fine because if Steve was here, in Eddie’s body, then where the fuck was Eddie?
Okay, he needed… fuck.
When did he get so scatterbrained about everything?
He needed to find Eddie’s walkie. Where did he keep it?
Steve turned, dragging his eyes through the clutter around Eddie’s room, waiting for the familiar shape to jump out at him all the while trying not to pay attention to the fucking beast swinging between his legs.
Why was it always the skinny nerds who had the biggest dicks?
Life wasn’t fucking fair.
Get it together, Steve. 
He needed to fucking stop thinking about it and just find the goddamned walkie. 
Except he couldn’t. And he knew he wouldn’t be able to because knowing Eddie, he could have hidden it in a fucking lampshade or something for safekeeping because apparently Eddie’s mind refused to run in straight lines. 
Steve sighed to himself, giving it up for a lost cause. 
Next option, the phone.
Except… no.
Pants first and then phone. 
He didn’t want to scar Wayne. The man needed a break. 
Steve snatched up the clothes sitting at the end of the bed that Eddie had presumably shed the night before. Apparently when the guy was in his bed alone, without Steve, he slept completely naked.
“Could sleep naked with me if he wanted to.” Steve grumbled to himself, finally covering up all of that tempting skin that he wanted to taste and gaining some of his sanity back.
Just as he stepped out of Eddie’s room, the phone rang. 
Wayne was the closest from the two, picking it up while stirring the tea Steve had bought him to help him sleep better. It made something unbearably fond and a little embarrassed squirm in his chest.
After a muttered grunt of a hello, he looked up at Steve and held the receiver out.
“It’s your boy, son.”
Steve’s heart thumped loud and hard in his chest.
Eddie’s boy?
Eddie had a boy?
Eddie had a boyfriend?
Why hadn’t he told him?
Did he know about Steve’s big gay crush?
And how the fuck was Steve supposed to answer the phone to Eddie’s boyfriend and pretend to be him when he didn’t even know that Eddie had a boyfriend? 
He was gonna fuck up Eddie’s relationship and then Eddie would know and be miserable and oh fuck. Jesus Christ, this was all fucked. 
Steve swallowed as Wayne raised his eyebrows, still holding the receiver aloft and he took it with hands he was trying to keep from shaking. 
“Hello?” Steve said into the phone and oh wow that was trippy as shit, hearing Eddie’s voice come out of his own mouth, the same but different, being heard inside his own head.
“I know your secret.”
Oh fucking hell, double trippy as shit because that was his voice, Steve’s voice coming down the line at him. Steve scrunched up his nose.
Was that what he sounded like? All the time? Gross.
So, what the fuck did Wayne mean by ‘your boy’?
“What?” Steve replied, oh so eloquently. 
“I know your secret, Stevie.” And yup. That was Eddie. His familiar tone and intonation sounded very strange through Steve’s voice. “I found Miss Farrah looking at me from your bathroom cabinet.”
Steve sighed, the tension leaking out of his body at least with the knowledge that Eddie was safe, even if he was stuck in Steve’s body. 
“Are you telling me while I spent this whole time freaking out, you were just going through my stuff?”
Eddie hummed. 
“Not quite. Got a little distracted.”
“Oh?” Steve hedged, not really sure if he wanted the answer to that. Fuck, what did he find? “By what?”
But apparently Eddie wasn’t going to answer his fucking question. 
“What secrets of mine did you find?”
Your giant fucking penis. 
Steve could practically hear Eddie light up over the line.
“Oh, so you did find something! What was it, sweetheart? Did you find my super secret porn stash?”
“No!” Steve snapped back but… maybe he could go back and look for it. 
Maybe just to get an idea… Just a little bit of curiosity-
“Did you find mine?” Steve asked in a panic, because fuck if Eddie had, he’d know. Steve’s porn stash was full of leather and tattoos and motorbikes and handcuffs and he’d know.
“I guess you’ll never know.”
Steve sighed in frustration and rapped the receiver of the phone against his forehead.
Okay, well, Eddie was still teasing him, still talking to him so he probably hadn’t. He probably had no fucking idea that Steve was just a little obsessed and a lot horny over him and Steve was going to do everything within his power to keep it that way.
“Okay. Just- just stay there, I’m on my way over. We need to figure this out.”
“Oh.” Eddie whined, probably pouting, the menace. “But I was so looking forward to getting behind the wheel of your baby.”
“Absolutely not.” Steve snapped. “Don’t you dare. I’m coming over, just sit your ass down and don’t touch anything.”
“Too late for that.”
Steve’s brain came to a screeching halt.
What… what… what? Did he? He couldn’t have. Would he? Would Eddie have indulged himself in a morning jerk off inside Steve’s body while Steve was denying himself that very thing. 
Well that just was not fair. 
“I can’t have this conversation with you over the phone. Do not go near my car. I’ll be there in twenty.” He didn’t give Eddie a chance to answer, just slammed the phone back down and tried desperately not to think of Eddie touching his dick, even if it was in his own hand in his own body.
He needed clothes.
He needed to dress Eddie in appropriate clothes. Clothes that would say Eddie.
Steve shuffled his way back to Eddie’s room, threw open his closet door and was left just staring.
There was no organisation here at all.
There were jackets in with T-shirts and jeans and jumpers thrown in with no rhyme or reason, even though almost everything was black, there were still splashes of red or grey or white in between all of it which meant not only were they not organised by type, they also were not organised by colour.
Steve’s closet at home had a meticulous order to it, a colour out of place would have his shoulders tensing but strangely he found the lack of organisation here didn’t bother him as much as he knew it should.
Maybe just because it was Eddie’s space, he didn’t know.
Finding something that made Eddie look like Eddie was surprisingly easy, everything in there was just so him.
But even so Steve couldn’t deny himself the opportunity once his hand landed on a cut off t-shirt.
Sue him, it was hot outside.
But did every single pair of jeans Eddie owned have to be so damn tight?
Steve was stuck in between complaining and not complaining because while he was squeezing himself inside, it became abundantly clear that the pair he was wearing were way too fucking tight to wear underwear with which then brought up the question of, did Eddie go commando occasionally?
He must, right?
Jesus fucking Christ, Steve could not handle this right now.
He somehow managed to get Eddie’s body completely dressed without passing the fuck out and luckily for him, Wayne was already in bed by the time he flew out the front door to the trailer. 
Steve sat himself down in the driver's seat of Eddie’s van and could do nothing but stare.
Because he hadn’t thought about this.
It was a gear shift.
His Bimmer was an automatic.
Fucking hell Eddie could drive manual.
Why was that so hot?
Why was that so hot?
And why had he never fucking noticed it before?
How had he never noticed it before?
What the fuck was he going to do?
Steve shifted in his seat, trying to keep his heart rate in check. Despite the fact that he was in Eddie’s body, trying not to touch it all over like some kind of stalker creep, wearing Eddie’s clothes was still really doing something for him.
His jeans were tight. Steve was no stranger to tight jeans but Eddie’s were something else, and anyway, he wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to put Eddie’s body in the tightest thing he owned, though he was slightly regretting it now.
The seam at the crotch was digging and tugging against his balls and that fucking piercing, sending his blood rushing all over and he had to stop himself from rolling his hips up against it just to feel it again. 
He could feel the air against his knees and his stomach, his skin erupting into goosebumps, he was so completely surrounded. In Eddie’s clothes, in his van, in his fucking skin.
Jesus Christ Steve couldn’t handle this, he needed to go drown himself in the lake.
He glared down at the gear shift, trying to figure out what he could do before he huffed to himself and threw the van door back open.
Fuck it, his house wasn’t that far, he’d walk. He was not going to give Eddie the satisfaction of seeing him struggle to drive his van up the driveway. He’d probably destroy something in the engine if he tried.
And maybe the walk could do something to calm him the fuck down.  
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Part 2 AO3
As always, my biggest thanks and much love to @hbyrde36 for the beta work with this and to the @strangerthingswritersguild for their motivation!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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chaosgremlinmunson · 3 months
For @steddie-week July 4: body swap
Steve wakes up slowly, he's so comfortable and is surrounded by luxurious silk sheets, a million pillows, and a cool dark room. He blinks for a moment thinking maybe he's still asleep, maybe this is still a dream. His overworked mind thinking of the height of luxury instead of his flat above the coffee-shop he manages working odd hours and barely sleeping. He's making it, but just barely, were it not for Claudia and Dustin Henderson and the casseroles sent weekly he's sure he'd be malnourished. I mean, food or bills? Well, he can get a few tiny staples, but the bills need paid or it's sleeping in his tiny car, the Beemer having been sold out from under him at 19 when he finally told his father he wasn't going to work for him, he was queer, and he was going to find his own way if they couldn't accept him. The fight that ensued insured he'd never be considered a Harrington again, oh he could keep his last name, but make no mistake, that was the day Richard and Diane Harrington's son died. So here he was hallucinating a life he could only dream of, he raised a hand to wipe at his eyes and noticed the ink littering his skin. Black nail polish, and as he sat up long dark curls cascading over his shoulders and face. He rose immediately searching through the dark for a light switch and then spinning to find a mirror only to see the front man of Corroded Coffin staring back at him. He gaped at his reflection turning this way and that, his eyes roving over the body before him before landing on the bare hips in the mirror. To his left the phone rang, and he launched himself over the bed to retrieve it.
“Hello?” He said quietly.
“Hey, yeah, hi.” His voice said back, what the fuck, his voice? How? “So, uh, it seems like I'm either hallucinating, or, and hear me out, I body swapped with whoever you are. I'm um, standing in your…. apartment I guess you'd call it, and uh, honestly I have no idea what to do here man. But, I have a sold out concert in two days and I kinda need my body back to go perform. No offense, I'm sure you're really nice and talented and all, but I, just..” the voice trailed off, he could hear the nerves in his own voice.
“Yeah, uh, not hallucinating. And I'd prefer to give you your body back too. It's a nice body and all, but I am so not equipped to be a metal singer man, I can barely listen to it without getting migraines. Tell you what, are you in Indy? I haven't left your…home? Yet or anything, actually I haven't even found where you have your clothes at, and I'd prefer to have some semblance of clothes on. But maybe you could come to where you live and we can talk?”
“Yeah, yep, that uh, that sounds good. You fell asleep in jeans and tee so I'll just come by in this, and oh your keys were in your pocket. Cool, what kinda car do I look for?”
“It's a small white car just outside the coffee shop downstairs. If anyone tries to stop you just say you have a family emergency and will call them later.”
“Sounds good, uh if they try to stop me what name do I answer to if called?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Steve, my name is Steve. “
“Sounds good Stevie, I'll be there as soon as I can.”
Steve hung up the phone when the dial tone started and looked around, he noticed a door painted black with a red dragon and decided to open it, he was greeted by an immense collection of black clothes and pulled out the first things he saw, on the table next to it there was a dish with some scrunchies and hair ties, he chose a silk one to tie up the curls after finger combing them carefully. Once he was done with that he made his way downstairs wandering until he found the front door, a small bench sat next to it with boots and other shoes lined up carefully and he sat, waiting.
Before he knew it a knock came to the front door and he opened it to see his own face looking at him wide eyed.
“This is real then.” He watched his mouth say, he nodded and swallowed.
“Hi, Eddie. I want so badly to say it's nice to meet you, but uh, every time I've thought about meeting you it was more running into you, or maybe going to a concert with my ear protection but having the backstage passes to meet the band, flirting and then…well. Anyway, ahem, why don't uh you show me where your coffee is and we can brainstorm how to change us back?��
Eddie led him into the kitchen and he sat on a bar stool while he flitted around making them some coffee. They started talking, it lasted for hours and finally Eddie looked at him for a moment, and then took a deep breath.
“Okay, I want to try something, and if it doesn't work please don't punch me.” He began, and leaned over to pull Steve into a kiss who immediately saw stars behind his eyelids and melted into the embrace. Either this kiss was world shattering, or the cosmos conspired to find Steve a boyfriend. Eventually they pulled apart both panting and slowly opened their eyes. Steve found himself looking at the rockstar now and giggled.
“It worked.” He whispered. “You're you again, and I'm me.”
“That it did sweetheart. I know this seems fast, but do you want to maybe go on a date with me? I don't think I'm going to forget you anytime soon.”
“I'll go on all the dates with you Eddie Munson.” And Steve pulled him back into a sweet passionate kiss.
They would spend the next weeks and months getting to know each other, but they felt as though they'd known each other in every life, for eons. Fate brought them together and they fell hopelessly, emphatically in love.
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gardenoflupins · 6 months
Bodyswap AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 976 words
Remus should have known something was wrong.
He woke up feeling refreshed and strong which was unlikely after a full moon. When he inspected his arms he knew something bad had happened. There were no scars from the bites he had given himself last night. Along with this, he could see black hair falling down his shoulders.
He scrambled out of his warm bed to the closest mirror in the odd room he had woken up in.
Remus skidded to a halt when he was face to face with Sirius Black, looking at him with wild eyes and a heaving chest.
Remus’s mind ran with all sorts of horrible thoughts before he decided the mirror was cursed.
That was until he remembered he could literally see the difference in his body.
Spiralling with paranoia, Remus leaned against the mirror and stared at the wide, light grey eyes looking back in terror. Not an expression he has ever seen on Sirius.
It hits Remus coldly when he remembers Snape’s threat from the beginning of the week about how he was going to make Remus regret it when Remus told the headmaster that Snape found out his secret and was going to out him. Obviously, Dumbledore forbade it and Snape was left restless and bitter.
But this?
Turning Remus into the most popular boy, one he hardly knew, was ridiculous and futile. He changed Remus’s appearance, so what? At least now he was temporarily hot.
Remus evened out his breathing. This was fine. He would fix this before classes started. He leaned his back against the mirror and looked around the room. He took in the music posters and the way the room had unfamiliar things scattered around.
Worse, he saw James Potter blinking blearily from his own bed. Remus froze, thinking for the first time that maybe this wasn’t some type of fucked up polyjuice potion and that perhaps Snape had discovered a way to swap his body with someone elses.
The blatant reason blares through his mind. It was so someone else would take in their wounds and make the connection that Remus was a werewolf.
His hands began to shake. Who was he swapped with? Snape? Mulciber? Definitely with someone out to get him.
He’d run to the infirmary to see if he was right. As he darted to the door, James intercepted him. Remus hadn’t realised he had gotten up.
“Where are you off too? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he yawned.
Don’t reply, don’t reply, don’t reply.
What would Sirius say?
Where was Sirius?
It dawned on Remus that Snape had probably swapped his body with Sirius’s. Somehow, that was almost worse. His eyes fluttered shut.
“Nowhere,” he breathed.
Remus could not get rid of Sirius’s friends. They followed him everywhere and always pestered him with conversation. He was gnawing on a fork by lunch because he hadn’t seen Sirius all day and couldn’t visit the infirmary alone.
He could burst into tears from anxiety.
Surely, if things were horrible, a professor would have pulled him aside.
The more he waited, the more his paranoia grew. He couldn’t hide it from Sirius’s friends who watched him like hawks but didn’t press after how stressed he’d been the first time they tried.
“Can I sit here?” a voice asked from behind.
Remus stiffened, knowing that voice intimately. James and Peter looked curiously at the speaker. Slowly, Remus turned around, feeling faint and pale.
His own face stared at him with a raised brow. Sirius looked sickly in his body but he hid his pain well. Not waiting for his response, he flopped down next to Remus.
“Looking good, by the way.”
Remus cringed into himself and Sirius kicked him sharply under the table. Remus flinched. “Ah— thank you? I mean, I know.”
Sirius gave him a very unimpressed look with Remus’s evaluation of him. Remus chewed on his bottom lip, drawing Sirius’s gaze to it. Right, of course. He wasn’t in his own body. It was surreal to see himself sitting next to him with expressions he didn’t usually make. Those at least screamed Sirius Black.
Fortunately, Sirius ignored his usual group of friends who gawked openly. Remus didn’t know what he’d do if he went into his usual chatter with the boys. He could see that Sirius’s temperament today was reserved and displeased.
Sirius side eyed him. “Can I ask why?”
Remus looked at him with despair, this wasn’t his doing at all. “Snape,” he answered mournfully.
Sirius looked past him to glare hatefully at the Slytherin table. The snarl on his face was the harshest expression Remus had ever seen. “Stupid fucking cunt,” he snapped.
Remus jolted, not expecting it. He started worrying that Sirius was very unhappy to be in a werewolf’s body. He obviously knew what Remus was by now, especially if he spoke to Madam Pomfrey.
“Cruel, tactless, piece of shit,” Sirius listed with agitation. James and Peter stared at him with eyes wide with shock and glee. They would surely harass him later with gratitude. Brilliant.
“Let’s go to Mada—“ Sirius’s eyes flicker to his friends. “Professor McGonagall wants to talk to us about doing study sessions together.”
Remus caves in on himself. He was going to be in so much shit. He irrationally thought of Aurors waiting for him outside.
Sirius places a hand gently on his own and Remus looks into his kind eyes. “Hey, you’re alright, I promise. I’m going to fix this.” He casts another venomous look at the Slytherin table. “And I’m going to fucking kill him.”
Remus holds his breath. Perhaps, their shared hatred of Snape would save him. He lets Sirius tug him out of his chair and doesn’t let go of his hand, clasping it tightly for support. In response, Sirius rubs a thumb soothingly over it.
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frownyalfred · 11 months
say what you will about superbat, but they are absolutely the target couple for the “it’s not weird if we fuck while bodyswapped because it’s really just like fucking yourself” trope
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Steddie body swap au where Steve-as-Eddie has to pretend to know dnd AND explain why Eddie-as-Steve is showing up to club meetings and is visibly shaking whenever ‘eddie’ calls his npcs ‘funny little guys’
Eddie-as-Steve has to be restrained from getting his nipples pierced
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faeriescorpio · 4 months
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TF2 Body Swap AU in which everyone is miserable except for Pyro and Scout but then some of Medics least smart birds start following Scout as Medic around and Scout freaks out so really only Pyro is happy
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Swaps: Spy -> Scout -> Medic -> Soldier -> Engineer -> Heavy -> Pyro -> Demo -> Sniper -> back to Spy
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berenwrites · 3 months
Through Your Eyes - Steddie - PG13
for @steddie-week Day 4
Prompt: Trade / body swap / Wouldn't It Be Good by Nik Kershaw
rated pg-13 | 943 wds | cw: choking | tags: eddie lives, pre-steddie
Summary: Steve wakes up and something is definitely not right.
A/N: Apologies for being late with this and for not writing day 3 - everything I tried to put to paper over the last 2 days refused to play ball until this morning.
(Also on AO3)
Through Your Eyes: A Living Nightmare
Steve woke up choking and desperately trying to pull something out of his throat. His lungs were screaming at him. He couldn’t breathe. When the obstruction finally cleared his airway, he threw it to the side, coughing up slime and sucking in precious oxygen.
For what felt like an age, all he could hear, all he could feel, were his lungs franticly trying to get enough air.
His whole body ached, and his chest felt like it had been pounded. It was, unfortunately, not an unprecedented feeling. Not that that made it any easier to deal with.
Only as he finally managed one long deep breath did he realise something was wrong. Looking up, he saw a red sky. Ice flashed through his veins as he took in the Upside Down. Turning his head from one side to the other, be looked for any explanation. Next to him was a pile of vines that looked like they had been in some kind of shape like the pots they had made from snakes of clay in kindergarten. The ‘pot’ was open right next to where he was kneeling. It dawned on him the thing he had pulled from his throat had also been a vine.
He had gone to sleep in his own bed, waking up here made no sense. He hadn’t been anywhere near the Upside Down.
It was so hard not to panic.
How had he got here? What had happened to him?
So many questions flashed through his head. None of which he could answer.
He forced himself to take another deep breath. He needed to get up and get out. He’d done it before, he could do it again. Only when he tried to stand, his limbs refused to support him, and he ended up back on his hands and knees. Slime-covered hair flopped in his face, wrapping across and under his chin. He froze.
That wasn’t right.
Staring down at his hands, he let the fight or flight need lower as his confused mind sorted through what was going on. Rings glinted from his fingers in the red light. He didn’t have rings. Sitting up and back, he lifted his hands, looking at them and down at his body. Only it wasn’t his body. He recognised the ripped jeans, even more ripped now, and the devastated Hellfire shirt. This wasn’t his body because it was Eddie’s.
For a second he felt the ridiculous desire to laugh.
This made no sense. Nothing made any sense. Was he having some bizarre nightmare? It felt so real.
Just when he thought he might go mad, he felt a weird kind of pulling. It felt like someone was standing behind him and pulling on his insides. Something ripped, like Velcro. His surroundings went hazy, swirling and making his stomach churn. He felt like he was falling, only it wasn’t air rushing past him, it was something else, something that made his nerves tingle. He still landed with a thud though, body shuddering from head to foot like he’s just been thrown to the floor.
It was so overwhelming it took him a few seconds to adjust. When he opened his eyes, he saw his bedroom, only he wasn’t in his bed, he was sitting at his desk, and in his left hand was a screwed-up piece of paper. In his right was a pen. If he had been in bed, he could have put everything down to the weirdest nightmare he had had yet, but he wasn’t.
He swallowed, remembering the taste of slime in his mouth and the rawness of his abused throat. Not sure what he was going to see, he flattened out the piece of paper, taking in the scrawling handwriting that was not his own.
Steve, I don’t know why this is happening, but I need you to believe it is. Maybe it’s the bats, fuck if I know. He brought me back. Restarted my heart, cocooned me in his vines, and healed me. He wants an avatar to cause chaos and terror. He wanted you, but couldn’t get into your head, so whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. So, he’s making do with me, only when he tried to take over something happened. It felt like a door slamming shut in my head, and I found myself in your body. I can feel myself being pulled back, so I’m writing this as fast as I can. I don’t know if I’ll be able to fight him off when I’m me again, so I need you to know what I know, what I saw when he was in my head. He’s weak. We nearly did it. But he’s getting stronger because of the rifts. Act fast. I’m sorry I broke my promise. I had to save Dustin. Did what I thought you would have done. I need to tell you
The writing just stopped, as if Eddie had been in the middle of it when they swapped back.
Steve read it a second time, then a third. Gripping it tightly, he stood and pulled the box from under his bed, taking out the walkie he had hidden there.
“Anyone listening, this is Steve, we have a code red, repeat code red. Over.”
“Dustin here,” came back almost instantly, not really surprising as the kid was paranoid since their encounter with Vecna, “what’s the situation? Over.”
“Eddie’s alive in the Upside Down, we need to move. Over.”
He didn’t know how they were going to do it, but he did know two things: one they had to get Eddie back, and two Vecna was going down, for good this time.
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doodlingbiscuit · 4 months
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*crumples this up in a ball and slams it next to your feet*
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #98
Danny had a pretty shit life. He was adopted at age 8 after Ra’s slit his throat and his mother threw him into the lazurus pit at the last second. His adopted mom Maddie liked ghosts way more than his adopted dad Jack thought she did. So when Vlad revealed he was half ghost she left Jack for him. Jack in his grief of losing his wife swears all ghosts to be evil especially Vlad. Danny does his best to hide everything from his dad but Jack has started to notice that Danny has some odd behavior from time to time.
Jack decides it’s time for him and his son to leave Amity Park for a while and head to the only other city that they were considering moving too because of the ambient ectoplasm. An invention goes wrong shortly after they move into their apartment and Danny finds himself switching bodies with his twin.
Waking up in Wayne manor was a shock for Danny he didn’t know his brother got adopted by Bruce Wayne, he’s got to sneak out of here and make it back to the apartment as soon as he can so he can switch them back he just hopes his twin won’t assume the worst with his dad.
Waking up in his supposed long dead twins body was a shock for Damian, but apparently he wasn’t at least that’s how he felt when he first woke up but their were several things going on here that didn’t make sense about his twins body. For one his body temperature was way lower than it should be, Damian didn’t need to breathe as much, and it seemed his twin somehow despite not carrying the meta gene developed powers that he very much had difficulty controlling. He’s got to get to his twin he assumes is probably also very confused at the moment.
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ozthedm · 20 days
I couldn't find a single BG3 group body swap fic, so I am emerging from the depths of hell to write one myself.
No Tav/Durge. No ships. Just silly shenanigans and Act 1 party bonding.
Check it out here and let me know what you think!
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penny00dreadful · 3 months
Folie à Deux - Part 4
For @psychocatnerd
Rating: Explicit
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 AO3
Robin was completely stumped, which wasn’t exactly what Eddie wanted to hear but he supposed they were no worse off than they had been before.
They talked about contacting the kids, all away at college but as they argued back and forth about it they decided to let it play out until tomorrow.
After all, they had woken up switched so maybe they’d wake up tomorrow… switched back?
There was a not 0% chance that they would change back, after all and it would take the kids half a day if not longer to get back to Hawkins so they’d figured they’d be better off waiting. 
Eddie didn’t know what Robin and Steve had spoken about in the garage, but when did he ever know what they had been talking about? He wouldn’t be surprised if they hadn’t spoken at all and just communicated through some kind of mind meld, staring at each other like freaky little aliens.
And Robin had called him the pod person.  
She hadn’t interrogated him nearly as hard as he had expected, given how she’d held a knife to his throat only a few hours previously. She was remarkably cool about the whole thing, just asking when he’d noticed the difference which he was simultaneously not wanting to divulge and also delighted to disgust her with. 
She had this funny little curl to her upper lip when he told her how he had originally thought his piercing had fallen out and it was only then that he had realised that something was off.
Though she had been extremely unsurprised to hear that he had his dick pierced, which left Eddie spiralling ever so slightly because there was only one person she could have heard from about that particular piece of jewellery so like…
Had Steve touched his dick?
Please god, he hoped so.
Not to be, like, creepy about it. 
But please god, he hoped so.
The only vague theory Robin was able to put forward was that it could be linked to the matching bat bites the two of them were sporting, the joint venom and trauma and general Upside Down fuckery that they still barely understood.
But it was only a theory and they were still completely in the dark.
So they waited.
Robin and Steve did what they had planned to do that day anyway, hang out and gossip in front of the TV, only now, Eddie was involved.
He had momentarily forgotten himself and said that he’d head home to give them their space. 
But he couldn’t head home, he was reminded. 
He was in Steve’s body.
And Steve’s body couldn’t just turn up to the trailer without explanation and hang out in Eddie’s room when he wasn’t around.
Wayne wouldn’t really have had an issue with it, he adored Steve but it would definitely be… strange.��
It hurt to think of, and hit him with a momentary panic. Would he have to go the rest of his life with his relationship with Wayne altered?
Would he eventually be able to tell him?
What if it never got fixed, would he still be able to treat Wayne as his uncle?
Eddie couldn’t lose Wayne, he couldn’t.
Steve and Robin had taken a hand each and talked him down, told him that they’d never let that happen. They’d fix it. No matter what.
He was pulled down onto the couch to sit in between the two of them, which was a telltale sign in and of itself of how much he had probably been freaking out because those two were always joined at the hip, so for him to be stuck in the middle…
It was big.
It meant everything. 
Eddie took the excuse though, felt Steve cuddling up to him on one side, Eddie’s own hair getting stuck in his mouth but he didn’t mind. Having Robin nestled into his other side was just as nice, too. He couldn’t deny it. Eddie was a touchy guy. He liked to be touched and hugged and cuddled and held. And being squeezed on both sides was everything.
They made their way through a truly obscene amount of movies and tv shows Steve had practically stolen from work.
Friday the 13th and Heathers, along with the Golden Girls, the biggest hit between the three of them.
It was well past midnight by the time they all trudged up to bed. Eddie had insisted they stay up to see if they switched back like some kind of Cinderella story, but unfortunately he was not wreathed in a swirl of sparkles and then popped back into his own body, so all there was to do for it was to sleep.
He ducked into the usual guest room he frequented, though it had been getting rarer and rarer he stayed there. While Eddie’s trailer was small, it had a complete lack of guest rooms and unless Steve wanted to be sleeping out in the living room with his Uncle, Steve often stayed in his bed with him.
Here in the Harrington home, they had no such excuses to sleep in the same bed, though that hadn’t stopped them on the few occasions they claimed to be too drunk or too high to have good judgement about these things. 
But Robin also had dibsed the bed so, the crafty lesbian got the bed, damn her. 
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Eddie was surprised he managed to get a full night’s sleep after what had to be the weirdest dream in existence.
Like, really?
Ending up in Steve’s body?
Fucking hell, his horny brain was really going to extremes.
Like what had possessed his mind to come up with something like that?
Nothing sexy had even happened.
He didn’t know how to explain it, but when he came to consciousness, he just knew without even having to open his eyes, that he was in his own body.
Like, of course he was in his own body.
It had all been some kind of fucked up dream, right?
Except something else was off.
As he slowly woke up more and more, his brain coming back online, he realised there was a body pressed up against his.
A small, lithe body with unmistakable boobies pressed into his arm.
What the fuck, had he gone out last night or something? Had he brought some girl back with him? When was the last time he had woken up next to a girl in his bed?
A long fucking time.
Eddie blinked his eyes open.
Oh, it was just Robin.
And oh. He was in Steve’s room.
Robin was plastered to his side, curled around him like a vine. But one of those pretty green ones, sprouting ivy or wisteria, not some freaky Upside Down vine sprouting slime and horror.
“Jesus H. Christ.” He muttered out, trying not to wake her.
So all of that had happened.
He’d been in Steve’s body all of yesterday. He was back in his own body today. He was simultaneously relieved and… a little disappointed.
It all felt very anticlimactic. All that build up, and for what?
He tilted his head down to look at her, his own arm curled tight around her back, keeping her close to him. 
“You two really are inseparable, aren’t you?”
“Don’t say that to me while your boner is digging into my leg.” Robin responded, muttered and sleepy, not moving an inch, still clutched on tight, stopping Eddie from jumping out of his skin.
Eddie huffed. “Well let me go then, and I’ll move.”
“No.” Robin squeezed him so tight the air was pushed from his lungs. “I’m comfy.”
“Then stop complaining about my boner.”
“No. I’m gonna complain about your boner as much as I want. Besides, Steve’s gonna come in in a minute, so maybe try your best to will it away. I’m not getting stuck in between whatever dance the two of you have got going on.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and was just about to open his mouth to ask just how she knew Steve was about to come in when the door swung open.
Steve stepped inside looking like a kicked puppy, looking like a little boy who’d just woken up alone after his mother had sworn to stay with him.
He trudged over to Robin’s side of the bed and fell in next to her.
She immediately abandoned Eddie, swivelling on the spot to cuddle into Steve’s side. Eddie sighed dramatically to himself and threw his arms over his eyes, humming out a pitiful few bars of All By Myself, giving his voice a performative wobble that was cut off by a hiss when Robin kicked him. 
“This abuse of your elders, Buckley. Are you not even going to say ‘welcome back to your own body, Eddie? Oh, it’s so great to see you feeling like yourself again, Eddie?”
“No. Coffee.”
Eddie grumbled, rolling himself out of bed and nearly collapsed to the floor when his legs and stomach flared up with… he wouldn’t quite call it pain, but it wasn’t pleasant. It was like a deep ache right in his muscles.
“Ow, fuck.” He flopped back down onto the mattress, sending the other two bouncing. 
“Eddie?” Steve asked, lifting his head from his pillow and eyeing him with some concern. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” He nodded. “Yeah I’m… I’m fine, I guess. Just a little achy.”
“That would probably be the squats.” Robin’s voice came out at half volume, buried where it was in between Steve and the pillow.
“Oh, well, that’s just fantastic, isn’t it?” Eddie huffed, standing again with a groan and stretching his muscles out, raising his hands over his head and shaking out his legs. “I get left with the consequences of Steve’s bad decisions yesterday.”
“Hey!” Steve pouted, his cheeks pink and his eyes hurriedly flipping up from Eddie’s hips, caught red handed. “Exercise isn’t a bad decision.”
Eddie put his hands on his hips, pushing his pelvis forward, just to hopefully drive Steve even more insane. “Well apparently I didn’t even need it, I’ve heard I can squat, like, 300.”
 Steve fixed him with a deadpan glare.“You can do 160.”
“Same thing.”
Steve hoisted himself up onto his elbow. “It is not-!”
Robin let out a groan of frustration, throwing a pillow over her head and nearly elbowing Steve in the nose. 
“Coffee!” She screamed, her outburst reduced by the pillow and the way she was kicking her legs like a toddler in a tantrum.
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So, everything was back to normal now, right?
Eddie went home to Wayne, hoping that he hadn’t noticed anything extremely off. Thankfully he hadn’t.
Steve spent the rest of the day with Robin, probably mind melding again or choreographing another dance or whatever it was those two did in their spare time.
Eddie tried to take his mind off everything by burning the skin off himself with a hot shower, hoping it would help to loosen his sore muscles out, but no luck.
It also did next to nothing to clear his brain.
Because how normal could things be now, after this had happened?
Steve knew he had his dick pierced.
That was going to be something that lived in his brain forever now.
That Steve knew.
And Eddie knew that Steve had his vest secreted away in the back of his closet.
He kind of wished he’d never found it, because once Eddie had something like that to fixate on, it would never leave him.
It was gonna consume his every waking thought.
But he had managed to last most of the rest of the day before he’d grabbed his keys and headed back to the Harrington home.
He had to know.
He had to ask Steve about it. 
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Eddie sat in his van and waited. 
Steve wasn’t home yet. He’d probably driven Robin back to the bus station and it only left Eddie more time to stew, to panic, to think that this was a fucking terrible idea, what was he going to do?
Just attack Steve with information he wasn’t supposed to have about something that was probably super sensitive?
That would be a terrible way of doing things.
A knock on the window made him jump so hard he honked the horn.
Steve was outside because of course Steve was outside, his hand still raised where he’s two knuckle tapped on the glass in some kind of hot guy move that he probably didn’t even know he was doing but every fucking move Steve made was a hot guy move.
He was looking at Eddie with a strange mix of amusement and concern. 
Eddie stared at him, trying to get his brain and mouth to cooperate, trying to stop his mouth from blurting out the question he’d come here for, in a complete lack of impulse control.
He really did try his best.
Steve pulled the driver's side door open.
“You okay, Ed-”
“I found the vest.”
Eddie watched as the small smile across Steve’s face slipped away along with his hand on the door handle, his elbows curling into his body and his eyes breaking away from Eddie’s to look anywhere else.
Shit. Shit.
God damn his stupid fucking brain why did he have to do it like that?
“Steve, I-”
“Can I explain first?” Steve had stuffed his clenched fists into the front pockets of his jeans, his shoulders curled in on himself and his eyes still firmly on the side of the van.
Eddie could only nod and Steve gave his own stiff nod back, gesturing to the house with his head and turning on his heel without looking back, leaving Eddie to scramble after him.
They entered silently, Eddie mentally tearing his hair out and Steve… Steve was stiff yet still somehow keeping himself small. He was angling his body to the side, like he was trying to keep Eddie in his peripherals.
Like he was worried Eddie was going to swing at him. 
Or run.
Which hurt, he couldn’t lie to himself about that but he supposed he understood.
Steve pulled his fist out of his jean pocket and gestured Eddie towards the couch without looking at him, still not saying a word.
When Eddie sat silently, Steve hovered above him, seemingly unsure about whether he should sit too or stand a few paces away.
Eddie took a deep breath.
“I’m not mad.”
It came out much quieter than he had intended. 
Even though Steve had been standing still, hesitating about what to do, Eddie could still tell his muscles locked at his words, frozen up like he was taken off guard.
Silence settled around them again, like a thick blanket and Steve finally looked at him.
Eddie shrugged. It was his turn to look away now, tugging at a rip in his jeans, unable to answer until he heard a telltale rip of the tear getting a little bigger.
“I dunno.” He muttered, shrugging again. “Why do you think I should be mad?”
Steve stared at him, mouth agape, a confused furrow in his brow.
“Because… w- because I stole your… your… like your signature thing?” Steve shook his head like he couldn’t believe he was having to explain this. “That vest is like… it’s you. It’s yours and you clearly put a lot of work into it and Robin told me that vests like that are… important and I just… took it-”
“Why did you take it?” Eddie asked, needing that question answered more than anything. 
Steve opened and closed his mouth again before his shoulders sagged and he finally sat down, across from Eddie, on the coffee table, elbows on his knees and head bowed.
It was a long moment before Eddie heard him almost whisper out;
“You were dead.”
Eddie swallowed. “It didn’t take.” He said, attempting a lighthearted tone, but it came out more of a nervous giggle.
“It nearly did.” Steve breathed. “You died. On the operating table. Twice. And then you were in the ICU for days, they didn’t know if you’d make it, if you’d just… go.”
Eddie could only nod. He knew all of this, he’d been told, afterwards. Wayne had been straight backed and strong shouldered as he’d said it, but his eyes had been shining and he’d been holding Eddie’s hand in a death grip.
“I couldn’t…” Steve hesitated, head in his hands. “It was a way to feel… close. I took it from where it had been left in the Winnebago and I was going to-” He sighed, long and heavy, like he was trying to breathe through drowning, “-I was going to take it home and clean it up and give it back to you but… then you were hanging on by a thread and even when you’d gotten more stable you still weren’t waking up and they didn’t know if you’d even be the same when you woke up. If there’d been too much blood loss for too long or if you’d gone too long without oxygen to your brain or if you would even wake up full stop-”
Steve’s voice was getting high and thready and Eddie wanted to do nothing more than reach out, but he knew if he did, Steve would spook, like a cornered animal.
“It was selfish, but I needed something. And it sounds stupid but something in the back of my mind told me that if I let it go, I’d be letting you go and then you would actually… go.” He shook his head, hands in his hair tilting back and forth with the movement. “For a while… I thought it would be all I had left of you.” He whispered, his voice catching.
“Then,” Steve sighed again, an extra slump to his shoulders. He raised his head a little, but still didn’t look at Eddie. “Then once you were healing and getting better, I kept meaning to give it back, I really did. I brought it with me in my car on so many occasions but I just… couldn’t let it go. Eventually too much time had passed and it felt so weird that I still had it, I weirded myself out with it and I was… ashamed. That I’d kept it. This part of you. Away from you. So I… I hid it.”
Eddie nodded again, though Steve still wasn’t looking at him, turning things around and over in his brain.
He meant what he said, he wasn’t mad about Steve keeping it. He’d known from the moment he’d thrown it at Steve’s face that it was going to end up permanently stained with Upside-Down goop and Steve’s own blood. He liked seeing Steve in it too, and even more so, liked that Steve had kept it as his own little secret thing, even if he was ashamed by it.
Which he didn’t need to be.
Eddie was pretty sure he would have done the same thing had the roles been reversed. 
“I’m not mad.” Eddie repeated, watching Steve as he shook his head again. He looked like he was relieved to have the information out, even if it hurt him to do so, like pulling a thorn. Eddie finally gave into the urge to reach out, scooting forward until his knees were just barely in Steve’s space, in between.
He reached out with a gentle hand, fingers tipping Steve’s chin up so he could finally look him in the eye again.
Steve stared at him wide eyed, taking in Eddie’s expression, while Eddie dipped his own gaze, tracking it all around Steve’s face, taking in his moles, his strong nose, the soft pink bow of his upper lip, the gentle swell of his bottom lip before he slowly moved his gaze back up to those sad, if slightly startled, downturned eyes.
Eddie knew what he wanted it all to mean; Steve keeping the vest. Same as he had yesterday, he knew what he hoped and hearing Steve’s reasons… it certainly felt like his hope wasn’t unfounded.
He leaned forward some more, fingers still on Steve’s chin.
“I’m not mad.” He repeated for a third time, whispering it into Steve’s mouth before he finally left no space between them, kissing him softly and as sweetly as he could, more gentle than he could ever remember being.
There was barely half a second of Steve’s frozen shock before there were hands in his hair, pulling him closer still and lips moving against his own, so tender and slow it made his stomach explode with butterflies.
Shit this was actually happening.
Steve was kissing him back.
Fuck yeah!
Steve pulled away, just a tiny bit, to mutter “How long?” Into his mouth, sealing the two of them back together again before Eddie could answer.
His brain was slow and syrupy, he was being kissed like he was the most special thing in the world, excuse him for taking a little longer than most might have to comprehend what was being asked of him.
Not that he could.
“What?” He asked, barely separating. It was almost incomprehensible, given that he refused to be away from Steve’s mouth for any longer than he needed to be.
“How long- have you- felt-” Steve kissed him in between the words, “-however you feel- about- me.”
“Shit, man.” Eddie kissed him back, feeling a creeping ache in his spine from where he was almost bent over to reach Steve but he also could not give a singular fuck right at this moment. “I don’t know, like-”
Steve cut him off with another kiss. 
“My junior year?”
Steve stopped kissing him completely, but only pulled back enough to be able to speak unimpeded.
“Well- I-” Eddie stumbled around his words, futilely tugging on Steve’s shirt to get back to the kissing. “You were getting picked regularly for the basketball games and you were in those shorts and you were on the swim team and those speedos should be fucking illegal by the way. Like who the fuck decided it would be okay for Steve Harrington to be walking around all wet looking like that. I was nothing but a poor hormonal queer teenager, Stevie!”
Steve blinked at him and Eddie was stuck a little cross eyed trying to catch his expression.
“You can’t have liked me for that long.”
“Uh, I can. And I did. I do.”
Steve closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against Eddie’s and just… breathed.
“Uh, Stevie?” Eddie grasped the back of his neck. “Everything okay?”
Steve muttered something that Eddie didn’t catch, somehow too quiet, drowned out by the sound of his own thundering heart. It was almost like Steve had only mouthed the words, not actually said them.
Steve tilted his head away and with a firm hand on Eddie’s shoulder, pushed him back into the couch, climbing onto his lap and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, burning his face into Eddie’s neck.
“I said, we could have been doing this the whole time.” Steve answered him and again, Eddie had trouble connecting the dots.
He shook his head in confusion.
“I’ve liked you since the first time you stood up on a fucking lunch table, you freak.” He punctuated the statement with a little nip to Eddie’s neck, a move that had Eddie tilting his head to the side with a little sigh, heat starting to build in his body.
Steve hummed into his skin, almost amused and started kissing up and down the column of his throat, occasionally dragging his teeth. 
Eddie could feel Steve grin whenever a new sound was worked out of him and he shoved his hands into Steve’s back pockets, dragging him closer.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 AO3
As always, my biggest thanks and much love to @hbyrde36 for the beta work with this and to the @strangerthingswritersguild for their motivation!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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