#blood sugar range
asteroidtroglodyte · 6 months
You all know this meme:
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Good meme. Funny. Everyone laugh.
Quick question real quick
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One of these molecules is the primary ingredient in Wood, which in turn is one of the primary ingredients in both Trees and Houses.
The other molecule is what your cells and metabolism run on. It’s what your muscles and brain need to run.
Quick question real quick can you tell them apart do you see any difference between the two just asking you know
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tj-crochets · 10 days
So in a good news/less good news thing, I might have found out the cause of the Unexpected Floor Time! I got my blood test results back and my sodium was on the very very low end of normal. Still technically in the normal range, but very not normal for me, so my issue may have been that this week I am more sodium Georg than usual???? I mean I do have salt wasting syndrome but also I eat so much salt every day and I am on medication to help me retain salt better (fludrocortisone! it's great!) So anyway that's why I have not got much crafting done this week. I've been extremely tired and unsalted lol Oh wait the good/less good format! Okay so good news is might have an answer and it's not any of the worse options, less good news is that I need more damn salt lol
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toast-notcooked · 9 months
cant tell if i feel sick because i took that test earlier and the nausea hasnt gone away or if i feel sick because my blood sugars have been out of whack all week or if i feel sick from anxiety or if its all of the above
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vio-starzz · 7 months
You ever just wake up after napping
look at your monitor
🎉im over 400🎉
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arionawrites · 10 months
the way i just had one (1) therapy session after having a minor breakdown last night and already i feel so much better??? yall therapy can be so hard but also once you find the right therapist it is SO worth it
unrelated (kind of) but for the first time since i was first diagnosed almost 9 years ago i have actually managed to keep my blood sugar in range for 24 hours!! i literally have never managed this before now and i almost cried when i realized pfkfk
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this screenshot is from like an hour and a half ago bc i took it right before my therapy session and it’s now at 99% because my blood sugar went to 201 for like 5 minutes but i feel like that doesn’t count lmaooo
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houndpitspub · 1 year
it's funny that non diabetics see sugary foods as the worst thing a diabetic could eat, but honestly, sugary foods hold nothing to the absolute havoc sushi can cause
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serkonans · 1 year
paying $75 for these dumb sensors........... the pharmaceutical field is evil
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2amcheese · 2 years
Almost died after my dentist appointment because the stress and pain and whatever sent my blood sugar plummeting :) didn't even have sugar so I had to wait until I got home and promptly ruined my fluoride treatment by eating like 10 glucose tablets :) ok now tho
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savageboar · 10 days
speaking of metformin ive been considering trying to take it to improve my a1c but im concerned about the side effects and the correlation it seems to have with alzheimers and parkinsons. at least ill be seeing my doctor at the end of the month and ill ask him if there's a better medication for blood sugar. ive also been learning how to monitor my blood sugar with a testing machine. im trying to take it more seriously as i get older i guess lol
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Hypoglycemia: Care to be taken while on insulin
One of the biggest and most common issues associated with insulin is hypoglycemia—caused by very low blood sugar. This is a potentially life-threatening condition and it is important to know the risks, symptoms, and treatment so you can address it quickly, and, most important, how to prevent it.
Read more to know how to treat: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/hypoglycemia-care-to-be-taken-while-on-insulin/2808
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wasif-health-tipps · 3 months
Mastering Blood Sugar Control: Strategies for a Healthier Life
Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health and well-being. Fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to a range of health issues, from fatigue and irritability to more severe conditions like diabetes. Here’s a comprehensive guide to mastering blood sugar control through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.Understanding Blood SugarBlood sugar, or blood glucose, is the amount of glucose present in the blood. It’s a primary energy source for the body, but maintaining it within a healthy range is essential. Blood sugar levels are influenced by the food we eat, how we exercise, and various physiological factors.1. Balanced DietA balanced diet is the cornerstone of effective blood sugar management. Focus on these dietary principles:Choose Low Glycemic Index Foods: Foods with a low glycemic index (GI) release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Examples include whole grains, legumes, and most vegetables.Incorporate Fiber: Fiber slows the absorption of sugar, which helps in controlling blood glucose levels. Opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.Control Portion Sizes: Eating large portions can lead to spikes in blood sugar. Use smaller plates and be mindful of serving sizes.Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks: Reduce the intake of foods and beverages high in added sugars, like sodas, candy, and baked goods.2. Regular ExercisePhysical activity is vital for blood sugar control. Here’s how exercise helps:Improves Insulin Sensitivity: Regular exercise makes cells more responsive to insulin, which helps in managing blood sugar levels.Aids in Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight through exercise can improve blood glucose control and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Enhances Overall Health: Exercise supports cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and boosts mood.Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.3. Consistent Meal TimingEating meals at regular intervals helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels.Don't Skip Meals: Skipping meals can lead to blood sugar drops or spikes. Aim to eat every 3-4 hours.Balanced Meals: Each meal should include a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to provide a steady source of energy.4. Stress ManagementChronic stress can affect blood sugar levels. Incorporate stress-reducing techniques into your routine:Practice Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help manage stress.Get Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support overall health and blood sugar regulation.5. Monitor Blood Sugar LevelsRegular monitoring helps you understand how different foods and activities affect your blood sugar levels.Use a Glucometer: Track your blood sugar levels as recommended by your healthcare provider.Keep a Log: Record your blood sugar readings along with information about your diet, exercise, and any symptoms you experience.6. Seek Professional GuidanceConsult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to create a personalized blood sugar management plan. They can provide tailored advice based on your specific health needs.ConclusionEffective blood sugar control is achievable through a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, consistent meal timing, stress management, and diligent monitoring. By adopting these practices, you can maintain stable blood sugar levels and support your overall health. Remember, individual needs may vary, so working with a healthcare professional is essential for developing a plan that works best for you. Blood Sugar Control: Strategies for a Healthier Life
#Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health and well-being. Fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to a range of hea#from fatigue and irritability to more severe conditions like diabetes. Here’s a comprehensive guide to mastering blood sugar control throug#exercise#and lifestyle changes.Understanding Blood SugarBlood sugar#or blood glucose#is the amount of glucose present in the blood. It’s a primary energy source for the body#but maintaining it within a healthy range is essential. Blood sugar levels are influenced by the food we eat#how we exercise#and various physiological factors.1. Balanced DietA balanced diet is the cornerstone of effective blood sugar management. Focus on these di#helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Examples include whole grains#legumes#and most vegetables.Incorporate Fiber: Fiber slows the absorption of sugar#which helps in controlling blood glucose levels. Opt for fruits#vegetables#whole grains#and legumes.Control Portion Sizes: Eating large portions can lead to spikes in blood sugar. Use smaller plates and be mindful of serving si#like sodas#candy#and baked goods.2. Regular ExercisePhysical activity is vital for blood sugar control. Here’s how exercise helps:Improves Insulin Sensitivi#which helps in managing blood sugar levels.Aids in Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight through exercise can improve blood gluco#reduces stress#and boosts mood.Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week#such as brisk walking#swimming#or cycling.3. Consistent Meal TimingEating meals at regular intervals helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels.Don't Skip Meals: Skipping me#proteins#and fats to provide a steady source of energy.4. Stress ManagementChronic stress can affect blood sugar levels. Incorporate stress-reducing#deep breathing#and yoga can help manage stress.Get Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support overall health and blood sugar#and any symptoms you experience.6. Seek Professional GuidanceConsult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to create a perso
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easily-overlooked · 5 months
Instead of creative writing, I'm working on resume writing! I ought to at least have mine up to date, a few applications filled out and have some interviews lined up before I finally just lose it and quit.
I think its safe to say now, the current DM drove off my staff with his unhinged demands and incompetence and I'll be shocked if my one colleague comes back after his family emergency. I fully expect the next time I see him will be him dropping his keys.
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lozyworld2 · 6 months
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unlettered-heathen · 7 months
I finally got prescribed Jardiance today after the shitshow that was the 6 months I was on Ozempic. It helps keep sugars down by getting your kidneys to flush more glucose. Generally takes about a week to take full effect, but like, Holy. Shit. My FIRST DOSE was today, okay? At lunch bc that was right after my appointments and such. I was told it could take a week before I noticed the effects. 2 hours. 2 HOURS! And I started pissing up a storm (the kidneys! They are flushing!) like 5 times in the next 2 1/2 hours! And! I'm feeling shaky (non-diabetics get this sometimes after not eating a while but for diabetics just Know it means a Low -relatively, at least) so I test my sugars and I'M NEARLY DOWN TO SINGLE DIGITS, BABY! I've been sitting at 12-19mmol with 22s after breakfast since getting off the Ozempic. One. Dose. Holy fuck the risk of yeast infections and the challenge pissing might be fuckin worth it.
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dog-babyy · 7 months
Love how if you’re fat doctors just assume you have diabetes
Once was in the hospital and was telling them I had numbness and neuropathy in my arm and leg and the doctor says “oh that’s just your diabetes” I had to tell him that no I do not have diabetes and he was just like ‘oh…..I don’t know then”
When I went to the spine doctor he was like yeah of course you have neuropathy and numbness your spine is disintegrating
Then I was in the hospital for a hemiplegic migraine but we didn’t know it at the time and they just decided that because I’m on metformin and I’m fat I must have diabetes so they put me on a 0 sugar diet like no fruit no carbs and then when the nurse kept coming in checking my sugar and it kept dropping lower and lower he said “hold on a minute do you have diabetes?’ And when I told him no I could tell he was pissed at whoever put me on the diet
Like is it so hard to look at my chart and see there is no mention of diabetes and just believe it or god forbid even ASK before you try and kill me first
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top10review83 · 8 months
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Say Goodbye to Blood Sugar Worries
Say goodbye to blood sugar worries with NuviaLab's Revolutionary Solution! Our advanced formula, enriched with natural ingredients, supports optimal blood sugar levels. Choose wellness with confidence.
see more details below
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