#big brother papyrus
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floofanflurr · 1 year ago
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Take him back ⬇️
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Y’all wanted me to take him back when I did the first drawing and shared it with no context!!! So I took him back!!! (Still with minimal context.)
I’ve been working on this on and off for half a year and despite my best efforts, you can see my style changing if you look closely. Oh well!!
I like to imagine that Frisk is falling down here and did a Big Dumb™️ and tried to give their SOUL to Asgore since they’re dying anyways.
Papyrus does not support this venture.
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beezoobledoodles · 1 year ago
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(a Papyrus and a babybones, drawn earlier. still not done as i still have Undyne, alphys, mettaton, muffet, grillby, toriel and asgore to finish Ughhhh..XD)
(ill explain the symbols in another post once everyone is finished.)
(i also figured a way to DRAW papyrus.)
all of this will be worth it when the comic version of my story-
which Can be found Here :3
comes out :3
but for now. have these two
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spooky-things-au · 3 months ago
Ah, a classic, isn't it? Thank you for asking! :) Ask game
🏳‍🌈  do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
To be honest, there aren't many headcanons, I have that aren't popular and I just ended up adopting or aren't straight up canon. But I do have a few for my current fandoms and few I had in past.
LGBTQ+. These headcanons are hard for me, I usually just go with with characters' preferred pronouncecand making most characters Bi/Pansexuals to be able to swing them in both sides (que, why I still don't know many sexualities/identities), but I do have few that I am very attached to.
Those of them are : Genderfluid!Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon), Lesbians!Haruka Tenoh and Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune, Pan!Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon, Transfem!Phineas (Phineas and Ferb)... and honestly, don't get me started on my version of Altertale (my favorite Undertale AU, that's a can of worms for another time...)
About race and neuro are harder for me, because I'm really scared writing something wrong about them, but also don't really know how to write those too so it seemed accurate and not stereotypical. Same thing goes to religion-
But where's my biggest headcanons lie... it's familial ones/found family. That's where my obsessions lie... there are too many to list, so here are few, I can name from the top of my head :
Eden Twins/Siblings Adam and Lilith (Hazbin hotel), Sera and Adam as a Mother and Son (Hazbin hotel), Shadow as Sonic's son (Sonic the hedgehog), Shadow being Cream's brother/father figure (Sonic the hedgehog), Family Outer Senshi (Sailor Moon)¹, Half-brothers Ross and Skid (Spooky Month), Skid and Ross as brothers in general-, Big brother Papyrus (Undertale)- and I'll stop here, or we'll be sitting here for the whole day- hah
(1. This one is actually canon, Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna end up adopting Hotaru when she's reborn, but I love it too much not to mention it.)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 5 months ago
I gave in
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Enjoy <3333
BABY!! 🫵 they have matching big dark eyes
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He’s so small could cradle him and rock him to sleep and sing him a lil lullaby
{ @signanothername }
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clemsharmony · 3 months ago
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finn-from-adventure-time · 1 year ago
Sans is one of the most accurate older sibling representations I’ve ever seen. Yes, he would do anything in the world for his little brother, but also he’s going to make “womp womp woooompppp” sounds with his trombone when something doesn’t go papyrus’s way. He’s going to offer to untangle papyrus when he gets stuck in their hammock, but he’s also going to trick him into trying new foods by lying about what they are bc his little brother is too picky. Everyone else thinks his brother is a dork, meanwhile he genuinely thinks papyrus is the coolest person ever because he’s his little brother. He’s just so real bro he’s the epitome of the older brother experience
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saturnaous · 11 months ago
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I am plagued by visions
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meliake · 1 month ago
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haven't painted in a while
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1sjust-lilsilly · 11 months ago
Break Time!
Ft.) ✨Font Trio✨ [Aka: Sans, Paps, & Gaster]
“What do you mean working for 3 days straight and only eating Noodle Cups isn't healthy?????”
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A reminder to all content creators to take a break from creativity. Try out new hobbies or go for a walk! Even reading a book will help avoid and help with burnouts, and I say this from personal experience :/
If you have a Gaster (Someone who tends to isolate or overwork themselves) then try inviting them to hang out or take them for lunch! Checking up on friends can go a long way for a person.
Note on Q&A for the Pocket Crew: Sorry for not answering your Asks! I will get to them eventually but like I said its good to take a break from hobbies once in a while or try out other things. I've been wanting to draw more Font Trio and color palletes.
I typically only upload stuff whenever I feel like it and if I finish it. Sooo i might disappear from my social platforms for like a couple of months or two, I've been absent on my YT Channel for like a year now 💀
Anyways! That's all I want to say. God bless & stay safe 😙✌️
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maiuoart · 2 years ago
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Memories ♥
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beezoobledoodles · 1 year ago
Papyrus shifted softly in his bed, he buried his face into his pillow, bringing his blankets up to his chin. he snuggled into the warmth as he fell back into a peaceful slumber.
the feeling of a small weight on his feet made him groan awake, he slowly rose, using his arm to lift him gently, he rubbed at his sockets- his eyes adjusting to the dark of his room- thats when he spotted the small body at the end of his bed- the body in question, cast in shadow if not for the tiny light of his eyelights.
papyrus sighed softly as he gave a gentle chuckle, sitting up in bed as he lifted the small body in his arms, close to his chest "sans? what are you doing out of your crib?" he slowly got out of bed and shuffled over to the crib in the corner of his room and gently placed sans back inside. he covered him up with his little blanket, covered in stars "there we go...nice and tucked in.." he yawned softly, sans stared up at him, his eyes wide like dinnerplates, he gave a tiny giggle as he swivled in his blankets "hm? what is it my dear brother?" he gently patted his little baby face "do you want me to read to you?" he smiled cheerfully as he shambled over to his bookshelf, which comprised of mostly comic books, puzzle books and some baby books which he found going through the dump with alphys and undyne.
"ah! heres one!" he smiled and pulled at his chair. he smiled softly "this one is-" he squinted softly before groaning- turning on the lamp on his desk "ah! there we go! now i can read!" small giggles erupted out of the lil babybones as he rocked himself happily, nibbling at his fingers. "ah you silly bones!" he bellied as his shoulders rocked with laughter. "okay- this one is called- fluffy bunny: in space"
an hour went by as papyrus finished the book. He gently put it back on the shelf as he stretched, sleep overwhelming him as he fell back under the spell of warmth.
The next morning papyrus stretched as he yawned, getting out bed, his alarm read *7:30 AM* he nodded as he got dressed, he appointed a soft orange sweater and a pair of soft blue jeans. he tucked his cuffs into his boots as he nodded in the mirror. he brushed his teeth before wandering over to the crib.
the little babybones sound asleep, curled in a little tiny ball under his blankets.
Papyrus gave a tin awe as he gently lifted him into his arms "hey-" he whispered "it's time to wake up" he gently kissed him on the forehead.
the babybones refused, getting a yawn in response, keeping his head burying in papyrus' neck.
papyrus gave a quiet, playful sigh as he got him ready for the day, getting him in clean clothes, a soft blue sweater, tiny shorts and a little baby jacket and his shoes.
they were going to visit toriel in the ruins. he was going to pick up more supplies, he had a rather busy day.
he carefully shook the bottle as he put in the sink to be washed later- sans gave a huff and pouted, papyrus could only watch with an awe "you finished it all! theres nothing left! i promise you'll get some yummy food later" he picked him up, gently whiping off his mouth and heading out the door.
The tall skeleton gently held the knob as he locked it. heading off on his way.
the townspeople watched, some cooed and awed, asking how papyrus was, a few of the mothers from his support group asked if he needed any help, he assured them if he did he'd let them know.
sans babbled happily as he watched the trees go by, he pointed off into the woods- papyrus paused "hmm? whats that?" he turned his attention to the trees, a dash of yellow quickly leaving his vision.
"must be my imagination" he rolled his eyelights as he gently knocked "ms toriel i'm here!" he exclaimed, the ruin doors opened, Toriel smiled graciously as she fixed her dress "ah! hello papyrus! please come inside!" she ushered him in and closed the door.
"how are you doing today? has the morning been treating you okay?" she asked kindly as she headed into the living room "a- yes very, thank you ms toriel." toriel nodded "hows sans been? has he been any trouble as of late?" she pondered curiously, papyrus shook his head "not really, for that i'm grateful- he's been such a dream lately- i just came by for some more supplies if you have any?" toriel paused, she thought for a moment "ll...i really have left is old clothes and some toys- but.."
"you want to save them in case?" she nodded softly, papyrus waved it off "its- snow- problem toriel-" the queen paused, a little caught off guard, she let out a howling laugh "ha! that's a clever one! i'll have to- write it down!" she chuckled "i've been working on one myself wanna hear?" she gave a wide grin, papyrus sighed "i guess i could- humer- you" he grinned just as wide.
toriel laughed harder, she calmed herself down just enough "okay- okay- wh-what does a skeleton use- to tile his roof with?" she covered her mouth, her goaty tail wagging excitedly "what? what does a skeleton tile his roof with?" toriel let go as she snorted "shingles~!" she held onto the table as she laughed "very funny ms toriel" it even earned a laugh from sans.
"i-i'm sorry, i had too." she wiped a tear away from her face as papyrus smiled "well..thank you anyway ms toriel. i'm gonna go see alphys, see if she has anything" he waved goodbye as he left the ruins.
Papyrus trudged through snowdin to get to the ferry "ready to see aunty alphys?" he smiled, sans wiggled in his coat "i'll take that as a yes!"
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anneimaginesundertale · 2 years ago
(Jess upset at a rude person with Lucky?)
"You'll be hearing from my lawyer!" The woman tossed her neckbrace at you across the desk. It hit the file cabinet behind you. The woman threw her arms in the air and screamed. With a few more choice words, she stormed out of the agency.
You sat back in the chair, glad the brace hadn't hit you, and covered your face with your hands. You knew she didn't have a case. Her employer had hired G to prove she was lying about her injury to get out of work and he had. Her angry bluster was just that--bluster. You knew that. It didn't help your racing heart, though. You thought about locking the door and turning the sign to closed for a bit, at least until G got back. Then he could deal with the crazies. Maybe you'd do that when your pulse got back to normal...
Your phone rang in your bag. Startled and still running on adrenaline, you leaped out of your chair and sent it spinning across the room. The phone kept ringing. You fumbled to get it out and finally pressed the accept button. "Hello?" you asked, out of breath.
"Did I call at a bad time?" Lucky's voice was worried.
You walked over to your chair and pulled it back to the desk. "No, no," you said, trying again to calm your pulse. "I just...It took me a minute to get the phone. Sorry. What's up?"
"What is up with you?" your brother asked. "You sound out of breath. Are you all right?"
You forced yourself to take a long, deep breath. "I'm fine," you said. "Just...dealing with crazy people this morning."
"Anything I can do?"
For a moment you thought about telling him no. Then you thought how good it would be to have someone--anyone--especially someone like Lucky--here with you. "Could you come down and keep me company for a bit?" you asked. "I could use a hug."
"I'll be there as fast as I can," Lucky said. "Chin up. I'll see you soon."
"See you soon."
He hung up. You got up and turned the sign to closed, then sat down again and tried to focus on organizing files.
True to his word, Lucky appeared at the door in twenty minutes. He knocked, startling you again, and you rushed to let him in. He immediately pulled you into a hug. "There there," he said. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"
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mar64ds · 2 years ago
I was wondering why Sans only has a mattress instead of a bed in his room when I suddenly realized the parallels of how bare his room is compared to Papyrus' and Kris and Asriel's opposite sides of their shared bedroom
yeah it's a parallel that makes me want to explode
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bluu3berry · 11 months ago
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Tall grass is tall.
Frisk needs to keep hold of MK or he’ll run off into the fields
Fun fact monster kid is nonbinary C: they have no confirmed gender like frisk and chara
I imagine monster kid is like a seed planter he digs holes with his feet as frisk drops the seeds in and they both barey it agressivelt, they have their own plot of land (very small like a neighbourhood backyard) where they plant stuff so they don't make a mess of the cash crops..
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Recently had a silly Handplates dream where Papyrus was trying to snoop around Gaster and Alphys’ lab, but didn’t know who Alphys was and so was trying to pass it off as his own lab lol (Patreon)
#Doodles#Dream log#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Gaster#Sans#Alphys#And also he was Big Brother Papyrus to a babybones Sans lol#I doodled them as close to the dream as possible so if it's silly or doesn't make sense take it up with my subconscious lol#I remember Gaster had a reputation for being very charming and charismatic which ?? Sure okay lol#He was also quite smiley - personally I read that as him putting on a face to the public but even that seems out of character for him lol#Everyone else was pretty much as usual - Alphys small and nervous and Papyrus loud and bombastic#I don't remember what exactly he was looking for - doubly weird 'cause I hadn't reread him and Sans exploring yet! :0#Just of them moving into their house - though I did read a bunch just before sleeping so safe to say I can attribute that lol#This was the only really clear part of the dream - the rest was just scrolling scrolling scrolling pages and pages of comic panels#Can't imagine why lol#Also intercut with some of the poses I ended up doodling before - surprise! They were dream doodles lol#Also in case it's not clear - Alphys was Very Much Present while Papyrus was trying to pass himself off as the name on the door lol#Oh yeah I'm pretty sure he was also speaking in WingDings thus why Alphys didn't immediately call him out lol#The room was quite cute actually - not at all the sterile grey of the True Lab#Warm and wooden with high windows nearly covered in clutter and paperwork with a desk in the middle lit by yellow light#Cozy#Barely evil-looking at all
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mariusroyale · 2 years ago
i can’t wait for the inevitable resurgence of rottmnt in the future where people’s content mature and actually make sum sense
like when undertale came back w ppl being like.. yo why the fuck did we make sans go thru so much.. and for WHAT
im gonna see the bitches from rise tiktok realise how dogshit some of their takes are w ooc angst and be like… what were we thinkin
why not get started now, let raph say fuck u cowards- u know that guy doesn’t care 😭😭 mf probably taught them inadvertently
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