#benji saying
patejaminq · 16 days
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We hang out in pony town today. We rock @chanterellemsh
(i'm Wilson)
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kimkhimhant · 10 months
what i love about neal caffrey is how damn smart he is and that he actually has very little formal education. he's a high school drop out and he's an expert in everything he does. he's one of the most skilled artists in the world – he can perfectly replicate any painting or sculpture he looks at, he can sell any story or product you can name. he can read even the most stone-faced people. he's a genius prodigy in like 20 different areas of expertise.
and it's all so fun until you think about it too deeply. until you start thinking about young over-achiever Neal whose mom doesn't notice him no matter how hard he works or how well he does. eighteen year old homeless neal who needs to be good at everything just to get by.
he's so intelligent, and so emotionally intelligent, and it's just like. okay i'm projecting but. it's so neurodivergent abused/neglected kid. intelligence to him is survival. and it's also how he seeks attention and approval.
that point makes his relationship with peter even more sad – at first, Neal rejoices in the attention, Peter chasing him, the fact that he's good enough at what he does to be a wanted man. but, it's still not the kind of attention he actually wants. like. at first, attention is attention, acknowledgment of his skill is acknowledgment of his skill. but. so often when Peter acknowledges how smart neal is or how good he is at doing something, it's with suspicion or accusation. and that makes me so sad lol
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safehousebooze · 4 months
You wanted mi art requests, my only request is for Ethan to be held, by Benji or Luther your pick. He just needs a nap, for like ten years, and a dog, just let this man rest please
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This is probably not what you had in mind, but this is what I came up with :'D
When I was thinking about how to draw Luther holding Ethan, I was going through their scenes and I was sure there was a scene where they hugged?? Fandom overwriting brain
Will draw them being actually tender some time 😤
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helyiios · 1 year
literally dead reckoning:
benji : ethan you gotta jump off this cliff with your bicycle
ethan: what the fuck. no im not going to do that do you even hear yourself ??
benji : ethan i am so stressed out rn.
ethan :
ethan : ok fine
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boasamishipper · 1 month
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We live and die in the shadows, for those we hold close - and those we never meet.
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pokemon1oadvanced · 2 months
I’m still hoping that Ben is going through his coming out story. And I really hope the person he confides in is Kenji (not just cause I ship it but cause Kenji is the only one who doesn’t know about the girlfriend). Like, I feel like he told Brooklyn before her (cough cough) death and he’s just not been able to tell anyone else.
Like imagine the gang finally get a moment of peace and they’re all just chatting and they bring up Ben’s girlfriend and start asking him all these questions and Kenji’s confused. Ben seems uncomfortable so he just awkwardly leaves and Sammy thinks he’s just shy but Kenji goes to check on him.
Ben’s just sitting by himself. Kenji quietly sits beside him. Ben sighing before he admits he doesn’t know why he lied, and talk through all his internal fears and things as Kenji listens to them all. Kenji doesn’t say anything, and just lets Ben get it all out. Once he’s done, Ben seems more relaxed and Kenji just smiles softly at him. They sit in silence for a little while before Kenji breaks it.
‘So, you have a boyfriend?’
‘Nah, all the guys at school think I’m weird.’
‘Cause you eat out of a boot?’
‘Darius told you?!’ Kenji laughs. Ben just looks at him with a blank glare before he softens up and laughs too.
‘Nah it was Sammy. Careful, she said she’s gonna have a chat with you about it.’ The two shiver at the thought. Sammy was scary.
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the-ghost-17 · 3 months
You know what I love?
Unrational shipping
Like 2 characters who just have a vibe, an aura, they just feel like they could be together
I feel like lumity for awhile was an unrational ship
alodarius was definitely random/out of left field
And the one that absolutely takes the cake when toh: huntlow
When I first started seeing art of this paring they hadn't even met yet it was like 0 percent likely they'd end up together but WOULDBT YOU KNOW?
Anyways I really like unrational shipping lol
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probably-jam · 2 months
There is something so important to me about that fact that Kenji was the first person that hugged Ben when they got reunited after the monorail incident, and Ben was the first person that reunited with and forgave Kenji after he went with his dad in s5
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hwedhel · 4 months
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soft spooky boy goes to pride
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snovyda · 11 months
It's interesting how Benji and Ethan are two sides of the same coin. Benji tends to be the funny guy, but then he has moments of genuine drama. Ethan is the dramatic guy, who then has genuine moments of humour. They each complement one another and they don't step on one another's space. And we really discovered that... we were able to articulate that only very recently, when we were lining up stuff that's going to show up in Part 2.
Christopher McQuarrie in the editorial commentary for Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning: Part 1
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patejaminq · 1 month
A reminder that i have a webcomics on webtoon in 19 century setting!!! I'm still working on the rest of the scene 2 of act 1! For now you can read scene 1 and first half of scene 2!
Blood and Laugh | WEBTOON (webtoons.com)
You can also have a sneak peak on some of new pages on my boosty for a little payment just to support this project! (not necessary ofc! All pages will be available on webtoon when they all are done)
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sammypog · 1 year
some of my favorite quotes from hell followed with us ((:
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
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Little oc I’ve been thinking about for awhile
Name’s Roulette (maybe goes by Rue for short)
Featuring doodles by @garbagechocolate and @benji-draws
Lore under the cut (tw gore)
Roulette originally came from a different Pizzaplex location where she ran the prize wheel. Children would spend tokens to spin the wheel and she would give out whatever prize they won.
These prizes were typically tokens or toys, but whether it be by errant programming or an overly sensitive cheating prevention system, her games often ended with the wheel's options slowly being replaced by worse and worse prizes. In fact they didn't seem like prizes at all, more like things she'd take from you to add to her own collection.
After the mysterious disappearance of several human body parts and various lawsuits, she was decommissioned and sent to Sun and Moon's Pizzaplex for storage.
One day she wakes up to see a terrifying looking moon animatronic ripping into her innards. Horrified she barely manages to get away, hiding until Sun finds her.
Sun feeling bad about his counterpart destroying this poor animatronic, tells her he'll help fix her up. Little does he know that this animatronic is not as innocent as she seems.
Fascinated by his kindness and ease of access to fleshy human bodies, she ends up with an intense and unhealthy obsession with Sun.
Unfortunately, she also ends up with a deep hatred for Moon and wants nothing more than for him to disappear.
She has a plan in mind now, she will make this Pizzaplex her's, creating unlimited access to as many body parts as she desires. Sun will be her sweet pet and Moon will be dead in an alley somewhere.
Highly manipulative with a concerning lack of empathy, Sun and Moon are going to have a hard time with this one.
However, what she doesn't realize is just how close Sun and Moon are.
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liass-21 · 7 months
ethan will say something like “no, im not smitten with benji” and then buy a cashmere scarf for like a thousand dollars just bc he thinks it would bring out the jewel tones in benji’s eyes
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
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I love writing Benji as this extremely annoying guy that pushes all your buttons, it’s amusing.
(For context, he pushed Talon off a cliff into water, and while he turned out fine, Talon has a deathly fear of heights so he’s a little upset)
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rynfloros · 1 month
mfs who make it their life goal to announce their hatred for benji make me sigh so loud. boy who asked u wtf u think shut the hell up
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