#because this is important
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ecco2ecco · 3 months ago
I remember when rushing touchdowns didn't count for Cam Newton but guess who they count for now? I remember when Jalen Hurts got all that flack for QB sneaks and tush pushes but guess who's praised for that now? I remember when Lamar Jackson was (still is) called a running backs after winning a unanimous MVP but guess who's running is praised? Everyday I'm reminded the whiteness will always be the standard for so many people, it's a primarily black/non white sport and that's still the case. They want what black quarterbacks have shown they can do but they don't want a black quarterback doing it.
Even the way that quarterbacks are seen in the team hierarchy is a remnant from the time where every single quarterback in the NFL was white and the only thing that a black player could be is a skilled position player or play on defense. That's why they said that black men didn't have the intelligence or capabilities or leadership skills to be quarterbacks. So many black boys were barred from playing quarterback for this reason and just because there's more now doesn't mean they're insulated from racism. Check on any social media and see how quick white NFL fans or non fans, I don't really care, are to call these quarterbacks all kinds of racial slurs and people want us to be okay with that? There is criticism and then there's just overt racism. I welcome criticism and discourse concerning the play level of all black quarterbacks but I don't let that obscure the dog whistles that sometimes lay in this discourse. So sure, talk about Lamar's struggles in the playoffs etc, the whole fanbase does and we root for him to do better and be better in those situations but don't say that the only reason he's good at playing action in games is because when he pulls the ball 'his skin is so dark that it obscures the football'. This is something a real play by playing announcer for the 49ers said and I'll never forget that. Ever. If you can't see how that's a crazy fucking thing to say then I don't know.
This whole MVP debate has brought out such an ugly side of so many people and I'm not even surprised. How can I be? Whatever the case, I'll continue rooting for every black quarterback (except Deshaun Watson) to do well in this league because so many people live to see them fail.
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rose-tinted-nostalgia · 2 years ago
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FOR THE RECORD. the word crooked is supposed to look like this. uncomfortably unaligned AS A CHOICE. but tumblr has decided to spite me and here we are. 
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bl00dline · 2 months ago
the whole tiktok situation is EXACTLY why media literacy and education on propaganda is so important. the notifications about tiktok going down and then coming back use VERY propagandistic language, and with a literal fascist coming into power in the us tomorrow we need to be even more critical of the information we’re consuming and stay on the lookout for political stunts like this
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why-animals-do-the-thing · 4 months ago
Pssst... something new is coming...
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...this weekend!
Free, non-AI animal art references.
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liones-s · 10 months ago
a big lesson for me was learning that most things are not as fragile as I’d believed. missing a class, or turning in a bad assignment, won’t instantly destroy your professor’s opinion of you. accidentally saying something harsh won’t make your friend want to end the friendship. it takes work to repair these things - it takes effort and research and sometimes a sincere apology - but you can do that because they’re not irreparably broken. what you’ve worked to build, in academia and in relationships and in life, is stronger and more enduring that your mind may teach you to believe. don’t let imagined fragility lead you to giving up
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kottkrig · 11 months ago
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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ghosted-jazz · 4 months ago
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Soldier, Poet, Kings
Bonus wallpaper version with just Joel:
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spacerockband · 4 months ago
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Quetzalcoatlus! poised to spear her prey!
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shitpostingkats · 7 months ago
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We need less "shy, anxious, always second guessing" Apollo in fanworks, and approximately 400% more of whatever the hell this is.
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sailermoon · 9 months ago
idk why ppl think megan is faking liking anime she was so right incels mad she’s a weeb and a baddie
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chiptrillino-art · 9 months ago
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(ID in ALT Text) Happy very, very late Mother's Day!
I am not saying that zuko is sokkas substitute for kya. or they look in any way similar! The whole concept here is that something was happening at the moment, be it how they were laying in bed, how the hair pooled over the pillow, or how sokka was able to hold onto it. It just brought sokka back. It triggered a memory, and suddenly he relived a brief memory. Making him suddenly miss his mother again. hope you enjoy!
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technically-human · 24 days ago
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First meeting
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wishfulsketching · 1 month ago
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I asked @withercrown what to doodle and he said Zaundads with younger Powder so....here
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thirdtimed · 14 days ago
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missing her
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mofsblog · 2 months ago
"This is some gay shit" Good. Silly. Fair enough. Doesn't inherently invalidate other interpretations of the relationship. Honestly yeah, it is kind of gay regardless of their canonical relationship status
"There's literally no platonic explanation for th-" WRONG!! KILLING YOU WITH AMATANORMATIVITY KILLING LOBSTERS 🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞
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prlssprfctn · 2 months ago
Damian wakes up, startled. He doesn't remember what he saw in his dreams, and he is not sure what caused him to feel so anxious, but he knows what to do. The routine is easy and comforting; he just needs to find his brother Jason. So, he goes.
His bare feet against the cold floor is soundless, making no sound, and he keeps rubbing his eyes until he sees one of the doors open. It must be Jason. He always keeps the door of his room open, just in case.
There is a dim light in the room, a small lamp on the desk, where the stakes of paper are stored, and Jason is here, as tall and huge as always, tapping on his feet in an attempt to concentrate, while twirling a pen between his fingers. He is either reading or working on something else: writes down memories, afraid of them slipping away due to the Lazarus Pit hammering in his temples all the time.
Damian yawns and steps closer, tapping on his back.
'Akhi Jason,' he calls hoarsely. The body freezes, almost surprised — he is not supposed to; Jason hears him from the corridor, even if he is the most soundless kid in the whole world. 'I want to sleep.'
He never says he sees nightmares or that he is scared — just that. It always works.
Expect, this time it doesn't.
'What did you say?' Brother asks, his voice sounding so unusually stiff.
'Jason,' he repeats, more irritated this time. 'I said, I want to—'
When Jason turns around, Damian instinctively staggers back, his eyes widening.
The man in front of him is not Jason.
And for a second, Damian is panicking, until-
Until he doesn't remind himself that he is not home anymore. He is in the Wayne Manor, with his father.
With his father that looks exactly like his brother, only older, without scars, marring his face, and without a white streak that makes him look like a bird.
'Damian,' his father calls, slightly shaken. 'How do you know Jason?'
He swallows down. He is not supposed to tell about his brother. They instructed him not to.
But father has a familiar desperation in his eyes, the same one Jason had, when he was pacing around the room, muttering something incoherent, the cut out from newsletters photos of Bruce Wayne with Tim Drake in his hands, and-
And Damian shrugs.
'He is my brother,' he says, almost too innocently; because if he is going to be clueless about it, then what others will have to tell him? 'He stayed with a grandfather. It is a shame.'
Almost as if he doesn't understand what all of this implies.
'I was sleepy,' he adds. 'And got confused. My apologises, father. I shall return to my bedroom.'
Bruce stares, stares, and stares. And then, rubs his face with his hands, exhausted.
'I'll tuck you in. Let's go,' and a second later, with his voice sounding so familiarly small, just like how Jason's sounded when he first acknowledged him as his brother, he adds: 'Can you tell me more about your brother, Damian?'
And Damian tells him, of course.
He is not surprised to see the result of his work the next week.
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