#batwoman writers
Barb isn't going to help Bruce avoid Vicki!
Bruce: You seriously aren't going to help me? Do you not care about my needs?
Barbara Gordon removes her glasses taking a deep inhale and a long exhale.
Barbara Gordon: I say this in no uncertain terms: The level of fucks I give about your avoidance issues is a field destroyed with salt thus depriving the land of fucks to grow. BEHOLD! The vast, desolate field in which I grow my fucks! Cast thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is as barren as your social calendar! Should by some unholy miracle a single fuck sprout forth, I shall pluck it with mine own hand, and with great enthusiasm, I’ll shove it down your throat until you choke on my indifference!
Bruce Wayne: So… does that mean you’re still not going to help me dodge Vicki Vale’s interview request, or…?
Barbara: YES!
Bruce shutters in fear, noticed by his cousin, Kate Kane as she slices an apple. She chuckles silently.
Bruce: Okay I'll just call her myself.
Bruce leaves grumbling under his breath. Barb groans rubbing her forehead as Kate Kane scooches next to her.
Kate: Barbara, I’ve only known you for a short time, but gotta hand it to you, you managed to put fear in... Bruce. I thought that was a feat only I could achieve. It's like watching a lion tamer with a steel chair. I don’t know how you do it, but it’s impressive.
Barbara: I was that man's intern, I've dealt with a lot. He seems to think he can put any fear in me. My dad is Commissioner Gordon and I am from New York, he should know that as a New Yorker, you don't piss off another New Yorker. Especially one coasting on 3 hours of sleep.
Kate, more impressed: We need to talk more.
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richardgrimes · 11 months
so supercorp is actually endgame apparently haha. ahshahasf. hahafhdbjsdngjfd,
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kdrama-movies-more · 10 months
That finale's Nam-soon makes me think she's actually a long lost child of Moon and Bong...
#strong girl nam soon#she's got the craziness of em both; huh...they'll end up like Okey-Dokey's parents...Ok-hui and Yong-myeong are more like the Capn and aunt#Si-o became the lovechild of the worst that was ever dealt to KSW and Moon storywise and Do Kang-woo and Dr. K (seriously)#nah the ending landed not at all; I really don't get why not just have had the mom be the MC batwoman from the start versus dear Ppang#the story was wayyy more about them anyway to the point of neglecting a lot of what was really important (the grandmother's grew on me tho)#although I don't get how nobody gets about nam-soon nd hee-sik; they're non-toxic and mutual and on the same page#ironically most ppl objected to Moon nd Bong on the grounds it's toxic nd one-sided(and I can't figure out the writer but platonic is his#version of ScullyXMulder) but it just boils down to Hee-sik nd Moon not having a real backstory to make foil/parallel connections(?) with F#in byt at least the two do have the true gold- old school bickering chemistry...i really don't get story choices sometimes#civillians wreaking havoc with police while investigating; asking too much out suspension of disbelief; woobifieds death#putting the ML on the backburner; too many sideplots too few resolutions....#unnecessary and easily avoidable love triangles; 'love is deadly'- only Heesik escaped(kindof*) Moon went 180deg characterwise w/infatuatio#and made worst choices RSO and KSW were doomed by it#*the whole forcing the idea of tradition to have a child so young was very uncomfortable with Heesik who shouldv meet Min-hyuk nd talked
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leighlew3 · 11 months
ICYMI, the Supergirl, Batwoman and Gotham Knights writer Natalie Abrams who penned the DC Comics official Batwoman CW-tie in just confirmed it. She was making Supercorp canon in how she wrote Lena in that comic.
Someone asked, and she answered with a link to the comic she wrote after SGCW wrapped:
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In which this happened…
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There ya go.
Kara was Lena's "hot date".
Supercorp is canon, as confirmed by this writer herself from an official DC Comic that was a direct tie-in/companion comic series to Supergirl and Batwoman and the Arrowverse itself.
Debate is over. 🤷‍♀️
Supercorp Endgame. 😏
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alltheprompts · 5 months
Danny phantom x DC au #11
A prompt based off today(4/17) bat appreciation day.
I feel like the Danny would see this a as the perfect day to mess with the bats of the birds and bats in the family. And posts on social media that man this would be the perfect day to show some appreciation for batwing, batman, batwoman, Batgirl, black bat and any that I forgot and start a trend. (He would also do this on bird appreciation day, May 4 for the birds)
The bats would have no clue why there is a sudden increase in bat themed decoration or why there are areas with signs that say gifts for the bats and more. Danny would be proud that he started this.
Later, oracle finally explains what Danny did and that the birds will get one in a few weeks. Depending on if he knows them or just generally lived in Gotham and appreciates heroes in general is up to the writer, but if he is just some guy who started a new holiday for the bat fam. It would kinda be funny when they found out he was an unappreciated hero and just wanted the bat fan to know that they were. They would in turn leave little gifts for Danny on the day he first appeared as a hero. It makes him cry a little.
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dailycass-cain · 2 months
Can you tell us more about Gabrych and the end of the 2000 run? Why was it cancelled?
Near the end of the comic book event "Infinite Crisis", Batgirl Vol. 1 was axed. This was not due to low sales (several DC Comics at the time were selling worse and continued on when the relaunch "One Year Later" program was to hit) but for a rather sexist reason.
Back in 2010, the inker for Batgirl Vol. 1, Jesse Delperdang, posted on Deviantart the real reason the series was canceled, "canceled to make room for the coming Batwoman."
That "coming Batwoman" was an ongoing series by Devin Grayson, and would never see the light of day (DC got cold feet when the character got more publicity than they realized and decided to retool the character (which we got with Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III over in Detective Comics a few years later).
Because more than "one female bat comic" was one too many. Not only that but just last year Dan DiDio posted on Facebook the original outline he had for "OYL" regarding Cass:
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Of course, DiDio always changed his mind and instead, we got the racist caricature in OYL. Nor would this be the last time DiDio would change his thoughts on what to do with Cass (2009, 2011, and 2016. Each a can of worms of themselves).
So that's why Batgirl Vol. 1 was canceled, due to sexism.
As for Gabrych, he continued to work with DC until an Omega Men mini in 2006-2007 and began to go back to his life outside DC Comics. He did come back to write a 2010 graphic novel Frogtown for the Vertigo label.
The thing is, DC Editorial under DiDio was a nasty business. Sometimes you followed the edicts or didn't and walked altogether (Kelley Puckett for a brief run with Supergirl Vol. 5 in 2008 and Dylan Horrocks with the "War Games" event when he and Grayson objected to Stephanie Brown being brutally murdered and DC taking away Babs from the comic too). Or you got nasty pricks in editing to deal with like Eddie Berganza (a noted DiDio toadie). It was just a toxic culture altogether, and I'm glad it is over when DiDio got fired in early 2020.
Two have left comics altogether (Puckett & Gabrych) and Horrocks is doing indie comic work in his native New Zealand, but avoiding the Big 2 after the "War Games" experience.
The sad truth is, if you write a Batgirl ongoing there's a 75% chance you're gonna get out of the industry. Literally, there's only a handful of Batgirl writers who've done stories on the ongoings and not left.
We just got Bryan Q. Miller back to DC in a few months (they're also reprinting the Batgirl Vol. 3 run he did), and that's probably cause most of the old regime left (see an SDCC 2020 Batgirls panel he was on with Sarah Kuhn and others where he goes onto a tale regarding his clashes with the heads over Cass).
Puckett did do a new foreword to his Batman Adventures run which got an Omnibus recently. So MAYBE there's hope for him too.
I hope I answered your question to the fullest on why Batgirl Vol. 1 ended and why Gabrych left the industry.
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denissepalacios21 · 11 months
SuperCorp it’s canon In batwoman’s comic earth-prime confirmed by the writer Natalie Abrams
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dc-polls · 1 month
DC Glow Up Tournament
Renee Montoya (The Question)
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"BTAS Renee: A supporting character who's just there to play Good Cop to Bullock's Bad Cop. Not the worst starting point of all time, but she has, generously, half a personality, and could be replaced in almost every appearance by an unnamed stock character. Post-Crisis Renee: Greg Rucka took one look at her, went ""oh that's a suicidal lesbian and her creators just didn't notice"", then spent thirteen years putting her through psychological torment to rebuild her into a fascinatingly messy hero who understands that it is impossible to be both a good person and a cop. It's one of the (if not THE) best long term character arcs in DC - so few writers get a chance to do a slow burn on this scale, and she just kept getting better as it went. 10/10 for both the results and the glow up process."
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
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Listen is there anything more ICONIC than Kathy Kane, the Batwoman who was introduced as a love interest PURELY to beat back the gay batman allegations, being rebooted into Kate Kane, the Batwoman who is Batman’s gay cousin.
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emeldiir · 21 days
It’s so crazy to me how even in shows that are supposed to be progressive and queer focused, bisexuality is so misunderstood and misrepresented. I’ve been watching Batwoman with my boyfriend, and the way they handle bisexuality in the show is quite frankly, a fucking travesty.
the show centers on a sapphic couple who have been broken up for a few years, and one of the women (a bisexual) is now in a relationship with a man. Her whole identity is portrayed as if she’s betrayed her lesbian ex girlfriend by being with a man (despite the fact that they’ve been broken up for years) and is seen as an obstacle that needs to be overcome.
The show also passingly conflates bisexuality with polyamory as if this isn’t one of the biggest negative stereotypes that affects the bisexual community.
this sort of treatment happens a considerable amount with queer focused shows and movies, another one of which is can think of is Orange is the Black, in which in the main character, Piper, is bisexual. Pipers bisexuality is a huge part of the storyline, but she is only outrightly labeled as bisexual a handful of times throughout the entire show, and when she IS labeled bisexual it’s accompanied with the description of shallow.
Bisexual representation is abysmally handled in queer media, and I need writers to start actually researching what it means to have a bisexual character, and not simply fall into the dozens of negative stereotypes that are out there about us.
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cosmicpoutine · 7 months
ive only been reading batfam stuff for like a month now but i think the most genius thing superhero writers have ever done was give kate kane a fucking wig
"you're batwoman"
"pft no im not, her hair is like really long and full, do you know how long it takes to grow that much hair? couldn't be me"
all allegations dropped
most heroes do the bare minimum to hide their identity, but shes just out here outsmarting everyone. go a step further and make the wig natural hair, a shade darker, and she got every hairdresser backing her up
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ladyadaine · 2 months
Today in my life I have engaged homophobes in conversation in a comment section for the DC Pride 2024 comic.
So far, they have coined the phrase "homo-fascist snowflakes", told me to get back on my meds and stated that gay people have more rights than straight people.
Some fun quotes from the bigots:
"Here's a tissue, wipe the blood from your tongue."
This one's kinda fire, actually
"Are you ok upstairs, child? Skipped any meds recently?"
Unoriginal and inaccurate. I'm on way too much meds.
"Last time I checked, gays had more rights than the straights, and whole government spend more backwards to appease them, especially in the UK."
I guess someone doesn't pay attention to the news or knows how transphobic the legislation of their country is.
"Yeah, because that's is normal. When we read comics we want to see things that are fantastic wish fulfillment, not the writers personal politics or agendas."
Some context. They claimed that Tim Drake liking a guy introduces sexual content to a medium marketed to kids. I mentioned the constant sexualization of female characters and the multiples times that Batman has canonically fucked and that was their reply. Also, objectively funny that they think only comics with gay people in them are political (say hello to Captain America punching Hitler, everyone) and that they assume every comic book fan is straight.
"The problem is is that there are no actual artists or writers who are writing gay people in the stories, just activists who want to push their personal brand and politics at the expense of storytelling."
I directed them to the numerous amazing comic books with queer characters (Batwoman, Runaways, everything with Loki) and pointed out the multiple renowmed comic book writers who are queer (Grant Morrison, James Tynion IV, the usual roster) and, because this was about Robin, mentioned that the late and great Kevin Conroy was married to a man.
So far so good. Waiting on more replies to share. Wish me luck!
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bitimdrake · 3 months
I don't know if you've already been asked this, but I was wondering if you could rank the Gotham vigilantes by combat level? Like, I've heard Black Canary is actually a really skilled martial artist, and was wondering how they compare to each other.
This question first puts forth how we classify Gotham vigilantes. Black Canary is indeed a vigilante who has often been in Gotham, but can we truly call her first and foremost a Gotham vigilante? What about the other Birds of Prey? The Outsiders? Alan Scott? Catwoman I think is safe to count by now, but Harley and Ivy have had more recent rehabilitations so?? For sanity, I'm going to keep this fairly limited.
Second it illuminates for me personally the gaps in my knowledge. I have barely read about Kate Spencer/Manhunter and skipped a lot of Kate Kane/Batwoman. I haven't read much after Flashpoint. And hey, what is even going on with Bette Kane these days?
Anyway my primary answers to what you've sent here are:
You have heard correct; Dinah is indeed known as a very skilled martial artist.
Trying to rank vigilantes one-by-one is a fool's errand and will only lead to petty infighting about "no my fave should be better" and "this comic where X won a fight against Y is clear proof, and that other comic where they lost against Y is clearly OOC"/"no, it's the other way around!!!" arguments. There is no clear order, no matter what anyone might try to convince you of, and characters will almost always be portrayed stronger and cooler in their own books, and weaker and not as good as supporting characters in someone else's book.
I think at most we should do rankings in groups:
She Gets Her Own Category
It is simply narratively important to Cassandra Cain's story for her to be the best in the world, in a way that it is not and never has been important to any of the others' narratives. Based on the metric of who's won what fight, you could maybe argue this, but based on narrative weight, no way. And I put story first, so. Perfect for a year, etc etc.
Top Tier Adult Vigilantes
Dinah, Bruce, Dick, Jean-Paul Valley, Jason, etc. Helena probably goes here, although I remember less focus on her hand-to-hand since the crossbow is so iconic.
Put two from this group in a fight, and it's not a terrible stretch for the writer to pick either as the victor.
You Go, Kid
Tim, Stephanie in and after her Batgirl era, and I think current Damian although my knowledge after the reboot tapers off.
Gonna be a struggle for them to beat one of the adults above, but they are still incredibly good fighters.
Trying Their Best
Pre-Batgirl Stephanie, early Damian. Both have grown out of it since, but in Steph's early years we were regularly being told or shown that she just didn't have the training to hold up to other Gotham vigilantes. And though Damian was surely a fantastic martial artist for a ten-year-old, it was also made regularly clear in his early preboot appearances that he wasn't half as good as he thought he was, and the older vigilantes could kick his ass if they wanted to.
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charliejaneanders · 6 days
I'll probably watch Penguin at some point, but I was just realizing that I don't care about Gotham City without Batman (or Batwoman.)
That's why I wasn't into Joker, Gotham, Pennyworth(?), Gotham Knights etc. etc. etc. Gotham City and its villains are just not that interesting on their own.
Exception: I did love the GCPD comic by Brubaker, Rucka, et al. That was two of the best comics writers at the time just having fun telling cop stories.
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leighlew3 · 9 months
So I watched the animated Legion of Super Heroes and I just can’t. I can’t with straight Supergirl anymore. Mon El as a villain? Phenomenal. Do I hate Brainiac 5? No. But the romance doesn’t work for me. Despite its flaws, once you’ve seen Supercorp, the plot beats and heteronormativity of Kara and Brainiac 5 just can’t compete. You also can’t convince me Sasha Callie’s Supergirl was straight either.
Preach. While it was hilarious to see Mon-El as a villain and have Kara kick his ass (which now makes 3 separate versions where that ship has been buried one way or another by DC, The CW, WB, etc) ... I'm honestly so sick of watching them do the same things with Kara again and again and again, especially on the romantic front, and it's entirely uninteresting for the most part.
I mean it's pretty ironic that the single best love story she's ever had in any medium was the queerbaited one between she and Lena Luthor in TV series, ffs.
Until they realize that the concept of Kara/Lena (aka the real "Supercorp" despite a couple of DC writers recently attempting to st-- I mean conveniently use the exact LGBTQ fan-created phrase, a very similar logo to the LGBTQ fan-made one and even utilize some eerily similar SC elements from the SGCW TV series) is a literal GOLD MINE of creative opportunity and money to be made... they're going to just continue to rinse and repeat the same dull shit and wonder why most people simply just don't care and they can't break out of the box (except with a couple limited runs like WoT which have no love interest).
Kara/Lena as a romantic couple literally subverts a 60+ year lore of Super vs Luthor -- taking it from a story of hate to a literal love story, and also bringing the characters back to some rather interesting and queercoded dynamics they already demonstrated between the two way back in the Silver Age comics.
Interestingly, DC has already toyed with a sapphic Supergirl in various versions already. In Bombshells: United #33 she kissed Lois Lane. In DC's Dark Knights of Steel Miniseries in 2021, they had Supergirl and Wonder Woman in a queer relationship. And with the CW tie-in Batwoman comic run for DC, the author recently subtly confirmed Kara/Lena as dating.
So why continue to go back to the same old outdated, bland, repetitive heteronormative angle that doesn't even sell enough to maintain a long-running Supergirl solo comic series, lead the show to be critically panned half the time and end on a flop note with furious fans, etc? Inexplicable, beyond the usual blind spots and phobias.
At some point, somebody will wake up and smell the creative potential and profits. Until then, we wait. And keep pushing, creating fan art and fanfic, etc and show 'em how it's done.
It'll happen eventually. I have faith. I fully believe it. Whether it's in a year, five, ten or twenty. It'll happen. Greatness cannot be ignored or avoided forever. 😉 Some day...
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bitterrobin · 11 months
Small tangent on Bette Kane and how people treat her
re-reading Beast Boy (2000) in order to really get a sense of where Bette was pre-Batwoman run (2014).
Does anyone else just feel sad whenever Bette brings up Titans West and everyone shoots her down? Objectively, I know that no one thinks Teen Titans West is a great team - especially when people like Hawk and Dove seem better off solo. But you do get a sense of loneliness whenever Bette is so excited at the prospect of getting the band back together.
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Given that it's become sort of a running gag for Bette to suggest reforming Titans West, it is something that DC is aware of.
As the Beast Boy run continues, Gar gets himself into incriminating shapeshifter trouble and is put in a holding cell by the police. Bette goes to help him in her Flamebird costume (notably the one from the 80s).
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After reading a lot of her earlier appearances in older Titans comics, this kind of exasperated annoyance when Bette makes an appearance is surprisingly frequent. She doesn't have a great reputation among the other Titans at least.
Later on in issue #2, Nightwing hears of Gar's predicament and goes to LA. In the next issue, he fights an enemy shapeshifter who was impersonating Gar. Bette shows up back in the police station to try and bail Gar out, but her check is invalid and the police officer from the prior issue rips it in half. Bette mentions, confused, that she's never tried to post bail before and that she even borrowed money from her Aunt Kathy. (Knowing that Catherine Hamilton wasn't created until the Batwoman series, I personally think this Kathy is supposed to be Kathy Kane.)
When the police learn that Nightwing is fighting "Beast Boy", the heroes learn that the murders of the previous issues were the cause of an impersonator trying to frame Gar. Bette leaves and goes to help Nightwing.
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This is the first time I've seen Dick and Bette interacting outside of brief Titans crossovers. It's super obvious that he thinks she's annoying and that she's not skilled enough to be a vigilante. He cuts her off mid-speech and tries to sideline her when they fight the shapeshifter. When it inevitable gets away, he puts the blame on her involvement. Later on, he leaves her to deal with the police and the public on her own.
Putting all of these panels together, the writers are making Bette out as not a "real" hero, someone who clings to the past. In comics like this, Bette is always treated like that annoying little girl who doesn't know when to give up. Especially because Bette has never had her own solo comic, all of her characterization comes with the perspective of whoever's run she's cameoing in.
I am willing to concede that Beast Boy is a very early 2000s comic but since Bette is the only other female character in it besides two villains - it doesn't look good overall. Not to mention, this comic still sticks with the continuity of "Bette has a crush on/is obsessed with Nightwing." ANYWAY this leads to some panels that I actually like, even if it comes off rude and a little misogynstic with Dick telling Bette what to do.
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It's that last little declaration of defiance that really solidifies to her character to me. Bette Kane has never needed permission to do anything, especially not being a hero. Also, this kinda puts back into canon that Dick was the inspiration for Bette becoming Flamebird.
When it comes to her characterization, I can't help but feel like she should be (rightly) a little bitter about this convo. When we get her back in Batwoman, Kate doesn't treat her as an equal either and also tries to get her to quit. Bette is a bit younger in the Batwoman run since I think it's post-one of many reboots, but it just adds onto the lack of trust anyone has in her.
Despite being Bruce's cousin, she's a blip in the wider Batman comic-verse. I'm pretty sure Bette hasn't directly interacted with Bruce in a comic, much less anyone other than Dick, Kate, or Cass (once).
All of this goes to say that I'm definitely addressing all of that and making it a main point in my fics. My Flamebird-in-Gotham au came about specifically because I want to reconcile the Bette Kane I like with the way others in-universe treat her. Bette deserves to be treated with respect. Trust me, there will be words had in fanfic form.
(Also bc I just think Bette and Damian interacting would be both interesting and funny).
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pcrtifacts · 3 months
Fandom creators tag game
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I write stories. Strictly fanfic only; I don’t think I’m quite brave enough to try writing my own stuff. I’m trying to learn how to draw, but I’m a bit too much of a perfectionist so it’s slow going. I’m quite proud of my first CW Supergirl fanfic, make this place your home. I didn’t think people would like it so much.
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
I’ve only posted things for CW Supergirl, and it’s just the one story plus a oneshot series for Supercorptober. But I’ve tried my hand at a couple other fandoms, namely Assassin’s Creed and Marvel’s X-23. But those aren’t fully fleshed out, more like writing exercises.
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp. Not sure if it’s controversial? Doesn’t feel like it.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
THEY ARE CANON IN MY HEART. Seriously though, they’re not explicitly canon on the TV series itself, but I know they were confirmed in the Batwoman comic by the writer.
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
I know it’s controversial now, but the first fandom I really got obsessed with was Harry Potter. I grew up with those books, so since I was around 10, I guess? I’m not quite brave enough to get into fanfic writing for that fandom though, both because of the controversy and because the people over there can be kind of mean from what I’ve seen in comments. I’m sure it’s not everyone, but the Supercorp fandom has been so nice and I think I’m a bit spoiled.
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
I haven’t written a lot, but maybe it’s the Spice Girls oneshot for my Supercorptober series? Or maybe the vigilante prompt for the same series, the one where Kara’s an office lunch thief. Idk.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I first started watching Supergirl when it first started, but I fell out of it after S2. Then I got back into it during the lockdowns in 2020, smack in the middle of the big rift, and that was that.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Nope. No one in real life knows.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
I love it! I’ve received two pieces of fanworks, both from @thatonebirdwrites, who also tagged me in this game! I wish I could return the favor, but again, I’m not quite confident enough for that. Maybe in the future.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
I find that in canon stories, there’s a lot of handwaving over little details in a way that requires a lot of suspension of disbelief. Like in CW’s Supergirl, there’s a lot of vague science and plotholes that drive me crazy. I’m a scientist, so I like trying to infuse my work with realism, and I like making things make sense, if that makes sense lol. I think that goes for both character motivations and for things in the world I write. I usually end up with lots of background information that never makes into the story, but I feel like it makes the story stronger when I find the opportunity to weave it in. Tl;dr, I try to make the world and the characters feel real and grounded.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
In the same vein as the previous question, a few people have said they enjoy my worldbuilding and storytelling, so that’s lovely.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
In the last 24 hours? I think it might be an older Supercorp art piece with Kara and Lena snuggled up together with a cat. It was reblogged by @fazedlight under #vintage supercorp, which is awesome because I wasn’t on tumblr at the time a lot of fan stuff was circulating.
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
Little fluff scene from make this place your home:
Kara’s eyes opened when Lena jerked away. Jess was standing in the doorway, an amused, uncomfortable smile on her face. “Miss Luthor, the Danvers are here.”
“Right.” Lena straightened up, discreetly wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand. “We just need five minutes, then you can let them in.”
“Of course.”
Jess shut the door behind her, and Lena stood, clearing out the debris from lunch, and Kara started to help. “Are you upset that Jess saw us?”
Lena chuckled. “Not upset, no. A little embarrassed, maybe; kissing isn’t exactly a workplace activity, after all.”
Kara’s brow furrowed “Should we not do it here, then?” she asked, trying to get a firm grasp on what things were and were not allowed in terms of physical affection. For all that humans enjoyed it, it seemed there were a lot of rules surrounding what was and wasn’t appropriate in different places.
“No, no.” Lena smiled. “It’s fine. Besides, I think Jess will knock from now on.”
Excerpt from an in-progress medieval omegaverse Supercorp AU:
“Might I cut in for the next dance?”
Lena turned. The clumsy blonde alpha from Krypton was standing there, a hopeful smile on her face. Edge turned as well, chest puffing up at the younger alpha as he exuded dominating pheromones. The Kryptonian straightened but remained perfectly civil. The music had ended, and Lena gladly took the opportunity to step away from the scowling Morgan Edge. “Certainly, my lord.” She cut her eyes back to Edge. “Duke Edge.”
Ignoring his grunted reply, she let the Kryptonian alpha take her hand, and oh, that felt nice. Lena’s hand just fit into the alpha’s warm, not-at-all-clammy one. Lena’s brow furrowed. That, combined with the blonde’s fairly pretty features and her refreshing scent, had Lena’s omega perking its head up.
It was annoying.
She allowed the Kryptonian to lead her back to the dance floor as the musicians started. “Lord Zor-El, is it?”
“Kara, please.” The alpha – Kara – settled her hand on her waist, leading them into an easy waltz. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Luthor.”
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Yes! I’ve just caught up on the Shared Moments series by @thatonebirdwrites! It’s a Korrasami rewrite of The Legend of Korra, and the worldbuilding and lore is absolutely world-class; the changes they made to canon are so imaginative and so well thought out. It’s in progress, and I can’t wait to read more.
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
I try, but I’m not very good at doing it consistently. It’s hypocritical, I know, considering how much I appreciate every comment I receive. But I’m trying to do better.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I only have one fic that’s currently being posted, but I’ve got another Supercorp fic in the works (see sneak peek above). I have other ideas waiting, but those are probably the main ones. I’m definitely finishing make this place your home, and I do hope to finish my other ideas. There just never seems to be enough time.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I haven’t finished any! Not unless Supercorptober counts, and I finished that in the requisite month, by some kind of miracle. Make this place your home has been going for over a year and I really hope to have it done before it reaches two.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
I’m gonna pass on this one, not sure I understand how to answer :/
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I guess not? I find it hard to read fanfics if I don’t know the background, let alone write for it.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
Not sure I have any followers lol. I think one of my favorite fics is The Science Guild by dreiser, which is one of the inspirations I had for a more science-y Kara. It went dormant for a few years but it miraculously updated a couple of weeks ago. But I also want to recommend Confession by TheBirdWrites, which is an absolutely fantastic. I’m still catching up on the sequel fic, Unraveling Realities, and it’s still ongoing, but it’s so good.
I know it’s not great to be a dead end for a tag game, but I don’t really have any mutuals because I’m too shy to follow people, let alone tag them. I did have fun answering this though :)
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