#basic dental care
healthylifewithus · 11 months
Tooth decay is a common dental problem that affects many people worldwide. It can lead to discomfort, pain, and even tooth loss if left untreated. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent and combat tooth decay to maintain a healthier smile. In this article, we'll explore the causes of tooth decay, offer practical tips on how to prevent it, and introduce Steel Bite Pro, a natural dental health supplement that may assist in maintaining your oral hygiene.
Get full details by clicking here
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Understanding Tooth Decay:
Tooth decay, often referred to as dental cavities, is primarily caused by harmful bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria feed on sugars and starches from the food you eat, producing acids that erode your tooth enamel. Over time, this erosion can lead to cavities, tooth sensitivity, and other dental problems.
Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay:
(1).Brush Regularly: One of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristle brush, and be thorough in your brushing technique.
(2).Floss Daily: Dental floss helps remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline, where your toothbrush can't reach.
(3).Limit Sugary Snacks: Reducing your intake of sugary foods and beverages can significantly lower your risk of tooth decay. When you do consume sweets, try to do so during mealtimes rather than as snacks throughout the day.
(4).Fluoride Treatment: Fluoride is known for its ability to strengthen tooth enamel. Many toothpaste brands contain fluoride, but your dentist can also provide fluoride treatments.
(5).Regular Dental Check-Ups: Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. This helps identify and address dental issues before they become more severe.
Introducing Steel Bite Pro:
In addition to these oral care practices, there are natural supplements like Steel Bite Pro that may aid in maintaining your oral health. Steel Bite Pro is formulated with a blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals known for their potential benefits in combating gum disease, tooth decay, bad breath, and other common dental issues.This dental health supplement is designed to complement your regular dental care routine, offering a natural and holistic approach to oral hygiene. It is free from harsh chemicals and preservatives, making it an appealing option for those who prefer a more natural solution.
To buy this amazing product click here
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dreamlogic · 9 days
got a good grade at the dentist today against all odds 😇 it's been uuuhhhh 8 years since my last check-up (i know, i know, i have a final boss-sized mental block against dental care), but i have NO new cavities, only a tiny bit of gum recession, and LESS gum inflammation than my last visit! all i need is a basic cleaning, to have a couple existing fillings touched up, and to be fitted for a night guard. the hygienist said she was "surprised and impressed" that my mouth was so healthy, which the dentist herself attributed to "very good home care." 😌😏
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briarpatch-kids · 2 years
I want to use this chance to shill acceptance and commitment therapy where you basically acknowledge that sometimes your problems can't be CBT-ed away and shit really is fucked so you gotta choose to live the best life you can with the situation you've been given. It's about figuring out what you value and making steps towards living your life with those values.
Literally the best "shit life syndrome meets disability" therapy type you can get.
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
re: homeschooling that's fascinating! and also really depressing with your experience with formal school, glad that didn't last too long. I hate how it's such on shaky bureaucratic ground though. do you have any kind of diploma for proving you've completed the equivalent of high school? or does this kind of study just basically lock you out of the job market? I guess if you're doing specialised work (like being a dance instructor), you might not need that anyway
yeah im lucky that i wound up in a field with non-school qualifications because i have absolutely no documentation of any education past age 9. the government here really just pretends homeschoolers dont exist - unless things have changed in the last 15 years (which hopefully they have but i doubt it) theres no way to access any kind of legal proof of education as a homeschooler without enrolling in some kind of formal schooling. the system is in dramatic need of overhaul and because it affects such a small number of people, nobody can be bothered actually doing that. i qualify for ue now because im over the age for adult admission (here once you're over i think 23 you can apply without the high school qualifications and you just have to sit an english comprehension test to make sure youll understand the coursework) but i dont actually want to go to university anymore so im still out here without any evidence of schooling to my name. it basically set me up to be unemployable without pursuing alternative qualifications.
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nowoyas · 11 months
Actually maybe sodium lauryl sulfate should be in no things because all it does is make it foamy and give me mouth ulcers
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furshrimps · 1 year
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Uhhh guess what...?
I just came home from the vet with Pukki just to find this
At least Pukki seems to be doing much better with the new antibiotics.
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I love socialized medicine btw
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shararan · 7 months
Havent been able to leave the house to go back to the gaming night hosted once a week with my program.... where they got genshin...... i wanna play fontaine..... and run around with my faves....
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shamia962 · 13 days
🚨Help Shamia family🍉🙏
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Jamal Shamia, Iam a criminal lawyer, lam suffering of many diseases hypertension and diabetic mellitus and Muscle spasms and always got shocked and coma
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Unfortunately, I was injured in the war and suffered a very serious injury, which was a blood clot in the hip joint area,
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which caused him many infections and the infection spread in the area. is currently in Gaza, and my home was destroyed at the beginning of the war. We have lost security and peace. We have witnessed how a single rocket can destroy your entire life, both your past and your future. Our dreams have been shattered. Now the future is unknown and dark. There is no home, no basic life essentials, no job. We are now seeking to leave this country for a life abroad and to obtain security. We estimate our loss to be at least $50,000 to rebuild a home and start our lives anew.
My wife, Mufida, is 62 years old. She traveled before the war to have surgery on her eye alone, and now she is stuck on the Egyptian side. She has no breadwinner and needs many medications and medical supplies.
After that, she suffered a broken hand due to the lack of necessary care for her. I want to collect money to go to her and support her.
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Ahmad Jamal Shamia resides in Gaza and is a third-year student in dental school. He lost his education due to the devastating war in Gaza. He was studying at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, and his home was destroyed in the war. He is currently suffering from moving from one temporary shelter to another. Ahmad was a diligent, ambitious, and creative student who ranked first in his class. He didn't limit himself to what he learned in university. He attended courses and workshops online with Egyptian doctors to learn more and excel in his field. He always sought excellence and worked hard for it, and he loved helping all students.
He now needs money to continue his education, which will cost him a lot of money since he will complete his studies in Egypt.
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My family is living in extreme danger due to the brutal bombing of their city. There are daily explosions and attacks. The city is no longer safe for them. My family has been unable to work for 11 months due to the war, and they are living on minimal food and water while constantly suffering from fear and shock from the attacks around them. Many in the family have medical needs, and their lives are at risk every moment. Prices have risen in Gaza, and they struggle daily to meet their basic needs.
The family is requesting help to cross the border into Egypt so they can begin rebuilding their lives. Time is of the essence! Help us transport them across the border to Egypt so we know they are safe from the increasing and indiscriminate attacks.
I hope we can work together to help my family leave Gaza. Their escape from the difficulties will only be possible through this fundraising campaign. They are counting on us! Thank you for your support. Thank you for coming together
@pcktknife @palestinegenocide @plomegranate @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @el-shango-drew-and-shot @enabledseal @sar-soor @sayruq @helpingg @horrorhorizon @heydreamchild @terezbian @tamamita @everydaylouie @palipunk-blog @queerstudiesnatural @onedollopofsourcream @relevant @itslucyhenley @jackrackhams @just-british-things @junosaccount @what-even-is-thiss @wildandmoody @walaa @arabian-batboy @soon-palestine @gazafunds
Virefitted by :
@gazavetters no#82
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another account for me
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dissociacrip · 4 months
i saw that one disability-related post a while ago about dental care but i can't find it again so i'm gonna mention a few things as a (mild to moderately) mentally & physically disabled person, whose teeth hurt when i eat sweet stuff now + i've had a root canal due to a fall + i'm learning to take care of myself, that may or may not help other folks with their dental routine
note: i am not a dentist & this info is mostly what i've gleaned secondhand from dentists, so yeah, i am not an expert in any capacity
water flossers aren't as effective as regular flossing (doing both is actually what's most effective) but they're better than nothing & helpful in cases where coordination problems or other issues might prevent regular flossing technique (i imagine this also depends on the quality of the water flosser)
if you use one of the plastic pre-made floss picks things, rinse the string off in-between each time you use it to floss one side of a tooth, it's tedious but it mimics moving to a new (clean) part of the thread like you do with regular floss
if you get an automatic toothbrush, get one that does circular rotation rather than just vibrating or whatever, as this mimics the tools they use in a dentist's office + imitates the circular motion you're expected to make with a standard toothbrush (which is also hard with coordination issues), i got one that does this pretty cheap from walmart (it's an oral-b but i forgot the specific type) + it automatically times it for you
if you have white spots on your teeth that are uneven with the shade of the rest of the tooth those are potentially white spot lesions due to demineralization; whitening products can make this worse rather than help it, but some products can help with remineralization such as mi paste topical tooth creme, which contains calcium and phosphate (i have yet to try this myself but it seems to get suggested by a lot of dentists, orthodontists, etc. for white spots on teeth & it's also supposed to help with sensitivity and tooth health in general because the white spots are lesions so it's not purely cosmetic!)
it's advised to not rinse your mouth immediately after brushing as this potentially dilutes & reduces the effects of the flouride (if you use fluoride toothpaste), stuff says to wait at least 15 minutes or so
just giving your teeth a quick scrub (even if it's without toothpaste and just water) is better than not brushing your teeth at all
if you have trouble seeing a dentist for financial reasons, try to see if there are income-based or charity dental services in your area, sometimes dental schools also provide low-cost/free dental care
that's all i can think of for now, i wish i had more advice for people who struggle to be able to brush their teeth at all in general but this is all i got unfortunately :(
additionally - you're not bad, useless, gross, or a failure if you struggle to (or can't) maintain oral hygiene; this stuff is much easier for some people than it is to others & those who take it for granted like to forget that, no one deserves to be mocked or looked down on for being disabled & struggling to/not being able to do """basic""" stuff like this!
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Literally all the shit rich people have turned into luxuries are stuff many disabled people need (or would need to manage their pain but can't afford it)
Comfy ergonomic chairs
Indoor pool/hot tub (therapy bath)
Massages on the regular
Aides (rich people call them servants)
Yea even a cook who makes you special meals (perfect for people with special dietary needs and for those with severe allergies, as well as people who are in too much pain or are otherwise unable to cook)
Elevators in your house (even small ones just for groceries, my rich aunt has one in her beach house!)
Rich people don't buy these for fun I hope but custom powerchairs are obscenely expensive. It pisses me off when I see another person invent "the wheelchair of the future!" Which then is literally never fucking used because none of us can afford it (and insurance definitely won't pay)
Indoor gyms or even personal exercise equipment. Hard to go out to a gym somewhere else when you're disabled, especially if you are immunocompromised
Outdoor spaces to relax in. It's literally vital for your mental health to at least see the outdoors. I'd rather be bedridden in a sunroom (with retractable blinds) than a shitty apartment with one tiny window.
There's even freaking health retreats these people go to regularly. There's a fibromyalgia retreat in new york where they basically take care of all your needs while trying different treatments and seeing which ones help. Either it's heaven or making money off of scamming desperate people who are able to scrape the money together to go.
Private planes, which I honestly think shouldn't exist, but one that specifically catered to people with disabilities (spaces for wheelchairs/other mobility devices, accessible handicapped airplane bathroom, anxiety reducing tools, trained medical personnel and care team)
Also customized cars, except instead of making gas guzzling racecars to joyride in while everyone else is trying to get to work, cars with electric ramps, lifts, doors, cars customized for someone with limb differences. Those cars where you can roll your wheelchair right up to the wheel. Fuck even self driving cars once they are no longer deathtraps.
Skincare products that are safe for sensitive skin like eczema but also actually work
Nice-looking clothes customized to fit limb differences, access points, look good in wheelchairs, colostomy bags, etc. while also being comfortable and not fast fashion.
Dental care!!! What the fuck why is this shit so expensive!! I don't want my teeth to fall out!! (Disabled people usually need more dental care bc we have a harder time keeping up maintenance)
Rich people go and splurge on all of these even though they don't need them while calling disabled people selfish for begging their insurance for even one of these.
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mohamedjshamia · 19 days
Help My Family Escape the War in Gaza: A Cry for Safety and Survival
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Dear Friends and Supporters,
I write to you with a heart heavy with pain and urgency. My name is Mohammad Jamal Shamia, and I reside in Sweden. I am raising funds to help my family and loved ones, who are trapped in Gaza, escape the unimaginable horrors of war. Their lives have been turned upside down, and now they stand on the brink of despair, with no place to call home and no future in sight. We are fighting for their survival.
A Family Torn Apart by War
My family consists of eight members: my father, my mother, my four sisters, and my two brothers. Each one of them has a story of pain and loss, but I will start with my father, Jamal Shamia, who is still in Gaza. His home was destroyed in the very first days of the war. A single rocket shattered not just his home, but also our hopes and dreams. The life he had worked so hard to build was reduced to rubble in a heartbeat. He now stands without a roof over his head, in a place where there is no security, no peace, and no hope for the future.
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My mother, who left Gaza for surgery in Egypt before the war started, is now stranded on the Egyptian side, unable to return and without any support. She worries every day about my father, her children, and grandchildren who remain in Gaza, not knowing if they will survive another day.
Sisters in Crisis: Homes Lost, Lives Disrupted
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My sister Rasha Jamal Shamia and her husband, Khalil Abu Samaan, have two children, Mira and Omar. They have been forced to flee their home in Gaza City and are now living in a tent in Rafah, far from everything they once knew. Their home, their children’s education, and their future—everything is gone. Their days are filled with fear, and their nights bring no rest. The constant sound of bombs haunts them, and they have no way to provide their children with the life they deserve.
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My sister Rana Jamal Shamia and her husband, Mohammed Salama, are in a similarly desperate situation. Their two children, Amir and Taim, witnessed the destruction of their home firsthand. The bomb that took away their shelter also left Rana and her family with deep physical and emotional scars. They are now displaced in Rafah, struggling every day to survive. The trauma they have endured is unimaginable.
My sister Maram Jamal Shamia and her husband, Mareed Al-Suwirki, were able to leave Gaza with their children, but they carry with them the scars of war. Their home in Gaza was destroyed, and they lost everything. Mareed, a dentist, lost his job, and they are now trying to rebuild their lives outside the war zone, but they need your help.
My youngest sister, Reem, has been living outside Gaza for some time, but she hasn’t been able to reunite with the family. The pain of separation and worry for her loved ones has been unbearable.
A Brother’s Dreams Shattered
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My brother Ahmad Jamal Shamia is a bright, ambitious student who was in his third year of dental school at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. The war took everything from him—his education, his home, his dreams. Ahmad was ranked first in his class, always striving to be the best and help others. Now, he is left with nothing. He moves from one temporary shelter to another, hoping for a chance to continue his studies in Egypt. But without financial support, this dream too will be lost.
The Desperate Situation
The situation in Gaza is beyond dire. Every day, my family faces unimaginable hardships. They live in constant fear, with bombings happening around them day and night. They are without basic necessities—no reliable access to food, water, or medical care. The trauma of living through this horror has left deep emotional wounds that will take years to heal, if ever.
We are desperate to get them out. We want to transport them to Egypt, where they can begin to rebuild their lives and find safety. But this escape comes at a high cost. It will take $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child to cross the border and start anew in Egypt. My family is counting on this fundraising effort to save their lives.
How You Can Help
Your support can make a life-saving difference. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to rescuing my family from this nightmare. With your help, we can reunite them with safety and security on the other side of the border. Time is running out, and the risks increase with every passing day.
Please consider donating to our campaign. Your generosity will not only provide my family with the means to escape the immediate danger but also offer them hope for a future where they can begin to heal and rebuild their lives. I cannot thank you enough for your support.
Together, We Can Save Lives
My family is relying on the kindness of strangers and friends alike to help them escape the ongoing violence. Your donation is not just financial assistance���it is a lifeline, a chance at survival. We need you now more than ever. Please, stand with us and help bring my family to safety.
Thank you for your kindness, your compassion, and your support. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can save lives.
@pcktknife @palestinegenocide @plomegranate @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor @sayruq @helpingg @horrorhorizon @heydreamchild @terezbian @tamamita @everydaylouie @palipunk @queerstudiesnatural @onedollopofsourcream @relelvance @itslucyhenley @jackrackhams @just-browsing1222 @junosaccount @what-even-is-thiss @wildandmoody @walaaibrahim @arabian-batboy @soon-palestine @gazafunds
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master An "Effortlessly Elegant" & Put-Together Look
Table of Contents:
Treat your skin like royalty
Take ample care of your natural hair
Dress in crisp neutral outfits that cater to your body shape
Choose your accessories wisely
Embrace feature-enhancing makeup
Keep your nails clean, filed, and simple
Regarding your signature scent(s)
Follow your dental & bodily hygiene routines religiously
Treat your skin like royalty:
Use high-quality skincare twice a day
Wear sunscreen every day
Remove your makeup every night before bed no matter what
Use makeup that doesn't clog your pores/irritate your skin
Change your pillowcases weekly
Eat plenty of produce & drink lots of water
Prioritize sleep
Limit or eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and processed foods/sugary drinks
Keep your skin exfoliated/derma-planed
Take ample care of your natural hair:
Use high-quality shampoo/conditioner combos that suit your hair type & don't cause build-up
Hydrate with a scalp mask 1-4 times a month
Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair
Apply shampoo to the roots/hair covering your scalp and conditioner only on the "ponytail" section of your hair
Use a specialty hair towel after getting out of the shower
Always comb wet hair and brush 1-3 times a day when dry
Limit heat on your hair when possible & always use a heat protectant every time you do
Use non-elastic or silk hair ties
Get regular trims at least 3-4 times per year (get your hair layered if it's very thick)
Try to limit how much you dye or, especially bleach, your hair and do elaborate styles with tons of heat & harsh products
Dress in crisp neutral outfits that cater to your body shape:
Embrace minimalist basics (tees, tanks, blouses, sweaters, jeans, trousers, blazers, leather jackets, coats, etc.) in high-quality fabrics (Pima cotton, Merino wool, Tencel, mulberry silk, etc.)
Choose options in black, white, grey, charcoal beige, navy, burgundy, or cream depending on your skin tone and preferences
Invest in a collection of sleek footwear options (black boots, loafers, black pumps, white sneakers, etc.) in minimalist, timeless styles that suit the color palette, hemlines & proportions of your go-to outfits
Ensure your shoes and accessories feel proportional to the weight/silhouette of your outfit, color-coordinate with the rest of your look, and have streamlined hardware from head-to-toe (all silver, all gold, or one piece that mixes silver/gold and another gold & silver piece each to balance out the color palette)
Keep all of your clothes steam and lint-rolled, so they look crisp & fresh all-day
Befriend your tailor to take in or let out clothes as needed when purchased off the rack
Choose clothes/styles that flatter your body shape and proportions
Utilize belts and bra tape to adjust the waist, keep shirts tucked in, and keep straps from falling down or create an impromptu cuff/hem on your pants
When in doubt, select a neutral head-to-toe monochrome outfit
If on a budget, consider choosing black, grey, camel beige items to hide fabric imperfections that could cheapen your look
Choose your accessories wisely:
Select sleek, simple neutral (& almost exclusively) monochrome shoes made with smooth (recycled/vegan) leather with
Pair almost any outfit with a shoe featuring a slight platform, block heel, kitten heel, and/or a sharply pointed toe to elongate your silhouette
Complement your outfit with structured, pared-back handbags with no logos (Focus on quality and construction, not the brand name) in a neutral shade and timeless silhouette
For jewelry, choose at most one statement piece and all others should be focused on different areas of the body (e.g. don't mix statement earrings with layered/bold necklaces or stacked rings * bracelets). When in doubt, choose simple diamond chains or earrings, sleek bangles or chainlink necklaces & bracelets, simple pendant necklaces, and minimalist rings in hardware that all go together
Embrace feature-enhancing makeup:
Cover up any dark circles, blemishes, or hyperpigmentation with a color-matched concealer
Lightly contour with a bronzer that complements your skin tone
Fill in your brows for a naturally full look (or get them professionally tinted)
Apply a light wash of rose, coral, or mauve blush
Use black mascara with a little bit of eyeliner and/or a subtle wash of brown eyeshadow on the lids
Apply a "your lips but better" nude shade or "just kissed' berry lipstick or pigmented lip balm for a subtle wash of color
Keep your nails clean, filed, and simple:
Maintain cut, cleaned, and filed short nails
Opt for a square or almond nail shape
Choose a timeless nail shade (pink, nude, red, beige, dark cherry, navy, dark purple, black) with no nail art
Hydrate your hands and scrub under your nails daily
Regarding your signature scent(s):
Ensure your body wash/lotion and perfume scents don't clash
Test perfumes for a trial day to ensure they smell divine with your unique pheromones
Choose a fragrance appropriate for the seasonal/occasion
Apply a dab on each wrist and on your neck/behind the ears. If the scent doesn't project well on you, try applying these small dabs on the cuffs and shoulders of your jacket/walk into it to get it on your hair (if it would stain your clothes)
Don't layer more than one heady perfume at a time or scents that don't have complementary and/or shared notes
Follow your dental & bodily hygiene routines religiously:
Floss every day (after each meal if possible)
Brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush twice a day
Have mints on hand if you're a garlic, spice, or coffee lover
Keep your lips & hands well-moisturized and protected with SPF
Shower your body daily and be extra diligent in scrubbing your privates, everything behind, and under your arms
Don't use very hot water in the shower (it burns/dries out your skin)
Exfoliate 2-3 times a week with a sugar scrub
Moisturize daily or anytime you get out of the shower
Apply SPF on any exposed sun (especially in the summer or when the UV index is high in your area)
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this FIV+ man needs a home!
hello! this very friendly little stray orange boy in Houston TX needs somewhere to live that is not my house! I’m willing to drive within the texas triangle, or meet someone halfway. He has had some basic vetting.
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why is he in my bathroom and why can’t he stay here?
He is a known community cat that is the bane of my first cat’s existence, and wanted to be friends So Bad I had to put bird spikes up on my windowsills. My two cats are FIV negative, and I can only hold onto him for two more weeks.
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what’s his deal?
He's about two, about ten pounds, and is extremely people social to the point it is genuinely difficult taking pics of him, bc he is convinced both hands should be petting him at all times. You can sling him around with one while he purrs up a storm. I’ve seen him peaceably hanging out with other colony cats outside, so I assume he is cat social with a slow introduction.
He is not thrilled about having his ears touched (he is ear mite free) or having his paws touched, but we are working on desensitization. He is also extremely bad at being restrained for a blood draw at the vet.
what care has he received?
Basic exam
Rabies vax
Revolution II flea/tick/mite treatment
FeLV/FIV test (negative and a faint positive respectively, he can be retested in six months to see if it was a false positive but should be treated as if he is a positive cat in the meantime)
He’s eating (grain free dry kibble since that’s what my girls are on) and drinking and healing well from his neuter.
He's correctly using the litter box with basic clay litter, he's not spraying in my bathroom or pissing up the sides of the litter box, but he is a very enthusiastic advocate of burying waste as thoroughly as possible.
He will need a dental at some point for some gingivitis, and he will need to get the rest of his vaccinations and have a second round of dewormer (I’ll give it to you) in two weeks.
who else has been contacted?
Over forty local rescues and shelters, who are all at capacity or haven’t responded since I tried to contact them a week ago. I've also been posting on local Facebook FIV+ cat groups.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
would you be willing to write reader getting her wisdom teeth out and being all loopy and out of it while leah takes care of her (their relationship is relatively fresh) and she asks leah if she wants to know everything reader loves about her and leah agrees, thinking it is mostly going to be like sexual stuff or about her body but reader lists almost exclusively her personality and stuff like leah being super eloquent and hardworking etc and leah is just very positively surprised and swooning at it
it’s just fluff basically but a bit cheesy lol
happy gas II l.williamson
leah spun her keys around on her fingers as she returned to the dental clinic, jogging up the stairs and shoving her keys in her pocket as she stepped inside, a slight shiver going down her spine as the air conditioning pumped down onto her.
"hi, i'm here to collect my girlfriend? y/l/n, i was told to come back around two." leah smiled politely, resting her arms on the counter as the receptionist nodded, stepping out to check with the doctor.
"she's just waking up a little from the anesthesia love, take a seat and you'll be able to see her shortly the nurse will come and fetch you..." she trailed off expectantly with a raised eyebrow. "leah." the blonde smiled, thanking her and moving to sit down in the waiting room.
shifting around in the hard plastic chair the footballer busied herself watching a the big quiz re-run playing on the small telly above her. "leah? leah? leah!" she'd become so engrossed in the show, even mumbling along answers that she almost missed her name called out.
shooting out of her seat she sent the nurse an apologetic smile and hurried after her, making small talk as she was lead toward the recovery room. "is that-" leah started with a frown hearing a familiar laughter echo through the halls.
"sure is. your girlfriend is up there with one of the worst behaved but most amusing patients we've had!" the nurse chuckled and opened the door, leah stepping in after her.
"lee lee! you didn't leave me." you beamed happily, spitting the gauze out as the nurse hurried over to replace it with some fresh ones. "no i didn't, i told you i'd be back right after your surgery sweets i just went to get something to eat to pass the time." leah smiled with a shake of her head.
"she's certainly a character." the doctor chuckled with a shake of his head. "oh yes she is." leah agreed, the two of you were a relatively fresh pairing, having gone on several dates and a prolonged talking phase you'd only been dating for around three months now.
"is that normal practice? my little brother had his wisdoms out a couple years ago and never needed that." leah frowned as she noticed your hands had been restrained to the arms of the chair with velcro.
"no its not, however your girlfriend seems determined to pull out her gauze and if she doesn't keep it in her mouth long enough to stem the bleeding she's in for a world of pain." the doctor explained as leah nodded along.
"if she's not pulling it out she's screaming, singing or yelling causing it to fall out." the nurse sighed as you rolled your eyes and leah moved to be by your side.
"love can you please be quiet for a little bit? if you don't keep the gauze in your mouth to stop the bleeding they'll need to remove all your teeth." leah warned as your eyes widened in fear at the lie and you were instantly silenced.
"well thats one way to do it." the doctor laughed as leah smiled smugly and ran a hand affectionately through your hair. "so! aftercare." with that the older man ran leah through everything she would need to do as your primary carer for the next forty eight hours.
your hands now freed and helped into a wheel chair as the anesthetic meant your limbs weren't quite strong enough to hold you up leah wheeled you out of the clinic, shaking her head as you blew kisses to all of the nurses.
"stop that! save some for me." leah teased flicking your ear, some sort of gibberish mumbled from your mouth which was still stuffed with gauze. another nurse helping leah get you from the wheel chair into the car you happily waved her off as she returned with the chair toward the clinic, leah slipping into the drivers seat.
"why am i in the back!" you huffed, words a little muffled from the gauze but with the drowsiness wearing off they were less slurred.
"because you got voted one of the worst behaved patients at that clinic and i wouldn't put it past you to grab or push something you dont need to up here." leah smiled in amusement as you scoffed.
"thats so mean! they really voted me that." you seemed genuinely heartbroken as leah pulled out of the carpark. "love are you crying?" leah bit down on her lip to stop her smile as she glanced to you in her rear view mirror.
"yeah! thats really mean of them, i was so nice." you sobbed and leah couldn't help but cover her laughter with a cough knowing this was only the side affects of the anesthesia. "baby girl you both threatened and tried to bite the poor doctor multiple times, thats not very nice." leah reminded, corners of her mouth curling upward.
"cause he wouldn't keep his dirty glove covered hand out of my mouth!" you huffed with a scowl, head thumping against the back seat. "thats because he needed to remove your wisdom teeth you muppet, which are in your mouth." leah chuckled with a playful roll of her eyes.
"lee lee i am starving, get me some food please." you demanded, kicking the back of her chair like an annoyed child. "you're not allowed to eat for another four hours my love, sorry." leah apologized, your protests falling on deaf ears as she continued to drive home.
placating your whinging and trying her best to keep you quiet so the guaze stayed in your mouth leah felt a sense of relief wash over her when finally she pulled into the driveway of her apartment where you’d be staying the next few days so she could keep an eye on you.
she scrambled out of the car and hurried to your door, opening it before you could and helping you out, your legs a little stronger now some more time had passed.
successfully getting you up and out of the car and into the house she helped you onto the sofa, dashing off to change clothes so she was more comfortable, changing in lightning speed given she didn't want to leave you unattended for a moment longer than needed.
finally after a half hour of squirming and wiggling and fighting leah at every turn to take the gazue from your mouth or get up and move about you'd settled, an ice pack resting on your jaw to help the swelling as your back pressed into leahs front.
"leah." you spoke up, tilting your head back and shuffling a little so it rested on your shoulder and she hummed. "do you wanna know everything i love about you?" you smiled tiredly as your girlfriend chuckled, already quite sure what would be next out of your mouth as she gestured for you to continue.
but to her surprise it wasn't anything of the sort that she'd expected, no cheesy pick up lines or suggestive comments, no cheeky remarks about her body or your time spent together in the bedroom. in fact, it was the complete opposite of what leah expected.
"mm well i love that you're so passionate. about football, the arsenal foundation, your friends, your studies, your hobbies, a very very passionate woman." you started, a slight slur returning to your voice as the pain medication you'd just taken started to kick in.
"i love that you make me feel loved, and safe, and accepted, and happy, and comfortable. you love me for me and you have never asked or expected me to change." you continued, leah stunned into silence as you affectionately patted her leg.
"i love that you're so well spoken, and you always know what to say. but sometimes you know what to say and you don't say it because you want to annoy me and it works! because you know too well how to annoy me." you rolled your eyes as leahs smile grew.
"i love how much you love your family, its so special to watch the bond you all have. i love how much you love football, as a player and a fan and a spectator and sometimes an unintentional gaffer!" you grinned lopsidedly, your eyes closed now as leah pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, hugging you tightly.
"i love how good you are with my neices, and how much my mum loves you, even if the two of you gang up on me now!" you cracked open one eye tiredly to glare up at her causing her to chuckle and run a hand through your hair.
you paused as you let out a long yawn, again shuffling back so you were laid down a little more and comfortable once again between leahs outstretched legs. the girl assumed you were finished, her heart well and truly melting at your sweet confessions.
"i love that you are unapologetically yourself and you stand up and speak out on what you believe in. i love that even though you can't cook to save your life you order me pizza and let me pick the movies we watch." leah was grateful the two of you were alone now as she was sure if any of her friends and family saw just how in love she looked with you right now she would have the mick taken out of her forever.
"i love how strong you are and how you bounce back from everything, and you always try to find a silver lining or a different way to look at things. i love that you're so honest and open about how you're feeling and what you need when you need it. i love that-" your last few words were barely understandable as you inhaled and exhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut again as leah waited a moment before confirming you had indeed finally fallen asleep.
she could have cried at everything you said, and to be honest she was shocked she hadn't given she was basically a puddle of a human being, a pile of sap and heart strings and lovesick puppy eyes for you.
"oh my pretty girl, my best girl, if only you knew just how much i love and adore you. but i promise to spend each and every day showing you so, forever and always."
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yyokkki · 2 months
Hiiii~ any headcannons on how we meet/court/rizz/woo malleus or kalim? Or even trey?
Hii!! You're my first writing request!! I'm sorry it took this long though, this trio in particular are hard to write for me,, 100000 character analyseseses later and I'm finally done TT Trey's is kinda mid cuz I'm actually so blank rn but I hope you don't mind!
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Your mere existence is enough-
Jk jk, to be totally honest with you, even though I love the Malleus Otome Game allegations I don’t think he’s even considered you like that-
For one, you are first friend and rather than romance he’s more focused on the platonic bond you have.
It’ll take some time for him to see you as a romantic interest, most likely after he manages to befriend others at NRC.
Once that hurdle is passed, we can get to the wooing phase >]
He’s someone who has a very limited knowledge on human customs beyond what he’s learned in Biology class so you’d have to make a trip to the library to read up on fae courting rituals.
Offerings. Lots and lots of offerings. Ice cream, precious jewels, pretty rocks, basically anything you think is nice.
He’ll be quick to catch on.
I do think it’ll take some time for him to accept your feelings. He doesn’t know what it’s like to be in love and he can’t tell if his heartbeat speeding up whenever you’re around is because you’re his best friend or the love of his life.
That’s where peepaw Lilia comes in!
The self-proclaimed master of love himself!
He probably got impatient and decided to just speed things up by having the love talk with Malleus 50 years ahead of the schedule.
(Lilia is really cheering you two on. He’s grown on you as an individual and sees the genuine care you two have for each other.)
Malleus dates to marry, (It was straight up marriage before so thank Lilia) so he brings up the topic of royalty and its duties and dangers. 
He understands if you back out but if you stay? Prepare yourself, for when a Draconia falls, they never climb back out.
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Now, making Kalim Al-Asim fall for you is no easy feat. It’s easy to have him like you, sure! But love?
He’s accepted that his future marriage will be arranged by his parents, and he plans to make the best out of it!
But if one day he discovered his smile got a tad brighter around you than anyone else?
Kalim is full of hope but he isn’t innocent or dumb. He knows how he feels and he knows what would happen if he were to act on said feelings. 
Your life would be in constant danger to the point that one day you might come to hate him and he dreaded that possibility.
So instead of running into your arms, he keeps his distance. It’s not obvious enough for you to notice but he keeps himself steadily behind a line.
To earn his love is to earn his trust.
Trust that you’d never make yourself unhappy just for him.
Trust that you won’t be burdened by his emotions.
Trust that you’d always appreciate his existence.
Trust that he doesn’t need to do anything grand to keep your love.
Trust that no matter what, you’d never be able to hate him.
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Trey hates conflict. So much of his life is based around avoiding it.
But after Riddle’s incident he’s come to realise that letting something stew for too long will make the pot boil over.
Thus, someone who balances him out, knowing when to act to stop a problem in its tracks would be a godsend.
Someone who despite his ‘normalcy’ loves him for him. Not the completely average student, the kind and caring vice dormleader of Heartslabyul or the dental obsessed freak. Just Trey Clover. For all that he is.
Besides that, he’s always had a longing for domestic bliss. Icing wiped onto noses, matching aprons and the like.
If you were willing to live that out with him it would be all he needed.
While he does enjoy the occasional flirt, wooing him is as simple as that. Calling him out, loving every part of him and savouring the treats he’d made with you in mind.
Next thing you know, you’re receiving ulterior motive cupcakes every week!
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