#barbara the sleeping car
wonderful-magician · 3 months
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Diamond and Dolly!
( 2024 pearl and 2024 Dinah ! )
Diamond is a bi queen and Dolly is a Lesbian who likes mullets and tall robots. I agree. Real. I LOVE THEM. GRRR. anyway focusing on their characters I will make them slightly different obviously compared to pearl and Dinah since they aren't the same people in my au. Diamond is more shy, but enjoys the spotlight of a good outfit. And Dolly is headstrong but a total hopeless romantic who would put her and thundercabs initials on a tree. Diamond and Dolly are close friends of course! Childhood friends even. ( Diamond offers relationship advice despite never being in a real relationship before 2024 rusty... ) Luckily Dolly and thundercab work out because they are perfect for each other obv.
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Tassita and Barbara!
( tassita and 2024 belle )
Tassita is HE/HIM ONLY!! For mine of course :3 and he is dating Barbara because I like these 2 so much. Tassita is a quiet car and Barbara is a sleeping car. They don't go to parties like ever. and usually never participate or even attend races either. They just don't like loud sound, and honestly- when off the job? They'd rather sleep... Or like read... Probably sleep...
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alienzil · 2 months
Grandfathered In
There, a job well done. Alfred thought to himself as he put the last grocery bag in the back of the car. Meal planning and shopping for a family as large as his own (and their semi frequent unexpected guests) did take quite a bit of his time but he'd managed to finish a bit early this week.
Alfred was thinking fondly of spending his extra time with a nice cup of tea and a book when he heard a noise from the nearby alley.
He stilled and listened intently. That was the sound of someone in pain. A child in pain if he wasn't mistaken (a sound he would rather he wasn't so familiar with). Well then, the tea would have to wait.
Alfred quietly moved into the alleyway, his hand inside his coat gripping the pistol hidden there. Hurt child or not, it never hurts to be cautious in Gotham.
"Good Heavens!"
There was a boy with pure white hair and bright, barely open, luminous green eyes. He was curled up, partially hidden by the dumpster, clearly barely clinging to consciousness and was oozing bright green blood from a large abdominal wound as well as several smaller cuts and burns.
He approached slowly and held out his hands to try to appear as friendly and non threatening as possible. "You appear to be in a bit of trouble young sir, perhaps I can help?"
The boy nodded weakly and Alfred knelt down and reached to pick him up. Best to get him into the car quickly and make use of his emergency first aid kit to stabilize the boy then get him home for further treatment. The hospital clearly wasn't an option for the young Meta... or alien perhaps? Something to ask once the boy was up to it.
Alfred carefully cradled the child and briskly moved back towards the car. He appeared to be a young teenager but he weighed so little, Alfred almost felt as though he was holding a toddler rather than a teen.
He lay the boy down in the back seat and leaned over to reassure him, gently moving his hair out of his eyes and petting is head in a soothing gesture. "There now, we'll have you right as rain in no time."
"Ha" the injured young Meta tried to laugh. "Might take...some time.. Don't ya think?"
Oh he'd fit right in, Alfred couldn't help thinking. Sassing even as he lay there bleeding. Well, in spirit if not quite the usual appearance, Alfred considered, eyeing the white hair and bright green eyes but-
A bright white suddenly light filled the car. Alfred blinked away the spots from his vision then stared in astonishment at the now black haired, blue eyed boy before him. Well then, fit right in indeed.
Bruce blearily wandered into the kitchen and sat down at the table just barely holding in a yawn. He'd been in space on a mission with the Justice League for over 3 weeks and had only just gotten back to Earth in time to crash into bed and get a few hours of sleep before he had to be back up.
He reached for his coffee and looked around the table at his children. Tired as he was, it was good to be home. It even looked like everyone had made it for breakfast, a rare event for their family. Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Stephanie, Barbara, Damian, Duke and...
"Who's this?" Bruce asked with friendly smile. Did one of his kids make a new friend?
Alfred silently appeared next to him. "That is your son."
"My son?" What was happening? Bruce was too tired for this. He counted again, Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Stephanie, Barbara, Damian, Duke and...he looked closely at the last one. Black hair, blue eyes. Looks like one of his... He had no idea who this child was.
"Your son." Alfred said firmly as he sat some papers next to Bruce's plate.
Bruce looked down. Those were adoption papers.
"Oh. My. God." Stephanie whisper screamed from across the table. "That's where B got the adoption habit from!"
Bruce's attention was diverted from the multiple children trying to shush Stephanie as an uncapped pen was placed in front of him. He looked up as Alfred raised a single eyebrow and gave him a pointed look.
"Right, of course. My son."
He quickly scanned the adoption papers as he signed them then looked over at his latest child.
"Welcome to the family, Danny."
Note: I don't currently have plans to continue this. Anyone can add on if they would like to :-)
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Damian is the warmest person in the family. Can you give me a list of times where people used him as their personal heater? Or something like that lol
Steph: Dang it, the toaster's broken.
Damian: *doing his homework in the kitchen*
Steph: Hm...
Steph: *puts bread on Damian's head*
Damian: Father said to stop smoking on patrol.
Jason: He's not the boss of me.
Jason: *plucks one of Damian's hairs*
Damian: Hey!
Jason: Relax, it's just one hair. You might wanna stand away 'cause of the smoke though.
Jason: *strikes the hair like a match and lights his cigarette*
Damian: *sleeping*
Duke: *roasts marshmallows above him*
Cass, laying on Damian: Mmm, heated pillow.
Damian, on the phone: Jon, I'm going to have to take a raincheck.
Bruce: Damian, can you clean the snow off the driveway?
Damian: Yes, Father.
Damian: *walks around until the snow melts*
Dick: It's freezing out there. I can't feel my fingers.
Dick: *sees Damian*
Dick: *squishes Damian's face to thaw his hands*
Damian: Tt.
Damian: *sticks his finger in Barbara's mug*
Barbara: Damian!
Damian: It was getting cold.
Barbara: Oh, thanks.
Kate: And if Renee asks why you're coming to the drive-in theater with us?
Damian: Tell her the truth.
Kate: Which is?
Damian: Your car's heater malfunctioned.
Alfred: Master Damian, I need to make a quick call. Can you make sure the water is ready for tea? m
Damian: Of course.
Damian: *holds the teapot*
*teapot starts boiling*
Selina: Ooh, it seems like you're running a fever.
Damian: No, I am always like this. The doctor says it's the pent-up rage inside a pint-sized body.
Tim: You're like a microwaved Hot Pocket—burning on the outside, ice cold on the inside.
Damian: Thank you for the compliment. I think you do a splendid job of having teeth.
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pinkthrone445 · 2 months
-Baila conmigo- Part 3
(Dance with me)
Part 1 Part 2
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fun, soft, smut, hurt
Summary:Mel finds you sad in a bar and decides to step in, not knowing that life will bring you back together again. Then a night destiny gets you closer than ever.
Just as quickly as time began to pass, you quickly became friends with the other teachers at school as well. While the redhead and that funny flirtation with her was your favorite interaction of the day, you also liked to spend time with others, especially with Jacob and all his witticisms.
Although you had already been working at school and "dating" the redhead for a month and a little more, the moments with her had not been more than a few goings out and a couple of wild kisses. You hadn't had something more intimate yet and it wasn't because you hadn't proposed it, but because she wasn't ready or sure to take that step yet, so you were patient about it and didn't wanted to push anymore. She didn't even know your house yet. But all that was about to change.
While you were in your classroom correcting a couple of your students' assignments taking advantage of the fact that they were sleeping a very well deserved nap after PE, the redhead entered your classroom very careful not to make noise and wake them. You looked up from the papers to pay attention to her, frowning at the sight of the tiredness under her eyes
-"Hola Mel, is everything okay? Do you want to sit?" - You asked worried
-"No, I'm okay... I came to ask you a favor... After school can I go with you to your house? Jacob is bringing his new "friend" home and the walls are too thin and I don't want to listen to them. Please?"-she asked with a very tired tone. The request took you by surprise, since you started working at school, the redhead repeated over and over again that you and she could not have a romantic relationship because it would make everything very complicated and strange, plus it was not what she was looking for. Even though you felt attraction to her, you accepted those terms, so your interactions with her limited to a few goings out, drinks and nothing else. But this request took you by surprise, she could have gone with Barbara or even Janine, but no, she came to ask you and that made you feel something that you couldn't quite place-"Can I? Please?" - she asked again bringing you to reallity
-"Yes Mel, no problem" - You tried to play it cool even though that made you very exited. She smiled and kissed your forehead
-"Thank you sweetheart" - she whispered, even though her eyes still looked tired, her face seemed more relaxed-"See you later" - she said before going back to her classroom.
At the end of the work day you couldn't stay put because of the excitement you had about she coming to your house, but you tried not to let it show, especially when the redhead started walking next to you to go to your car.
After a short drive filled with class day talk, you parked the car in your garage.
As soon as you entered your house, the redhead let out a sigh of tiredness
-"This shoes are killing me, these clothes are making me so uncomfortable" - she complained looking at your couch- "that looks comfortable...."-she whispered with tired eyes and you laughed
-"My room is upstairs if you want to pick something more confy to wear while I cook..."-you offer and she smiled like a little kid in a candy store almost running upstairs to change.
A few moments latter, the redhead came down using your confy long sleeve fútbol t-shirt and without her boots, only using the big shirt and socks.
Your eyes started at her feet, her purple socks with little flowers were so cute, it made great contrast with the white milky skin of her legs. Her skin looked so soft and perfect, it surprised you how she barely had age marks on them, and you loved how her thighs were so full and had no gap between them. Then your long t-shirt covered the place you had imagined night after night when you felt all hot and bother, but you could still see the shape of her hips because the fabric hug them perfectly, the same with her boobs, she filled that t-shirt so much better than you. When you reached her face, she had a smug smile seeing how long you had stared at her. She looked like pure perfection, it wasn't your fault for staring.
You knew the thing that you and her had wasn't romantic, but every time that you knew something new of her, you couldn't avoid falling deeper for her. You were so fucked. If you were honest with yourself, you had never been attracted to someone as you were attracted to her, she was the perfect mix of mischief, intelligence and beauty. You didn't know if you liked more how witty she was when she spoke or the silence that fill the air every time you had the chance to kiss her.
A sigh left your lips and you forced yourself to take your eyes off her to return to the chesse risotto you were making, she laughed and took the bottle of beer that was next to you, taking a sip without letting go of her arrogant smile
-"That smells amazing" - she rested her chin in your shoulder, hugging your waist and laughed softly when you didn't answer-"The cat got your tongue?" - she pressed her chest on your back
-"That shirt looks good on you... But I don't want to eat my dessert before the meal and ruin my appetite, so stop teasing and wipe out that smug look on your face, go to the couch and pick a movie to watch"- you jocked pretending to be annoyed and she kissed your shoulder laughing before letting you go
-"So bossy" - she said going to the couch putting a depper swing in her hips, sure that you would be watching while she walked away, and she was no wrong.
When the meal was ready, you took two plates to the couch along with two beers, where the redhead was already comfortably curled up in a blanket while watching House wives, looking happily at you and the food.
You didn't know how, but by the time the two of you had already finished what you had made for lunch and the beers you brought, the two of you were snuggled together on the couch, the redhead was sitting on your hips and your hands where on her thighs as you shared wet, slow, deep kisses.
You weren't sure if the TV was playing low in the background or if your heart was beating so hard you couldn't hear the noise properly. The only thing you knew was that you never wanted that moment to end.
Her tongue and yours played softly trying to dominate each other, sometimes even your teeth and hers gently clashed but it was no reason to stop. Her loose hair fell like a waterfall on your face tickling you and the swaying of her hips on yours made you feel butterflies in your stomach. Your curious hands ran over the skin of her legs, slowly getting under that t-shirt she was wearing only to discover more of the warmth of her skin that drove you crazy.
The redhead from time to time let out small angelic moans that made you moan too, it was like when you eat something delicious and you can't help but let out a sound because of how good it is, she was good enough to deserve all the noises of appreciation.
Melissa began to lower her kisses to your jaw until she reached your neck, while her hands played with the buttons of your shirt opening them little by little
-"Mel..."-Your voice was agitated and came out weaker than you wanted-"Are you sure you want this? Because I do want to, but I've heard you say many times how complicated it would get if we started dating..." - You commented scared that she would move away but it was necessary to talk about it before it went further on
-"I'm sure of this, because this doesn't mean that we are dating or anything serious, it's just two grown-up friends having fun, just that, nothing else. No one else has to find out about this, just you and me blowing some steam" - she answer between kisses finally taking your shirt off.
Although you were a little bit hurt by what she said, especially because you hoped that this would mean something more important to her like it was to you, you didn't stop her. You would rather have bits and pieces of love from her, than have nothing at all.
You'd rather have this kind of fun as "friends" than just be real normal friends without having anything else involved.
When your mind stopped scheming and you focused on the present again, you changed positions on the couch. You left the redhead sitting on the cushions and you knelt on the floor in front of her, between her legs, taking off the blouse she was wearing and throwing it away leaving her only in her black underwear.
The contrast of the darkness of her underwear against her almost clear skin made you salivate, you wanted to bite and mark her whole body, make her yours even if that wasn't the case.
After licking your lips trying to control your impulses a little, you kissed her lips again which were a little more swollen than normal and that only made them more delicious. Your hands explored her back playing with the straps of her bra and leaving small scratches with your nails as your lips went down to her abundant breasts, giving kisses and some licks you mapped all over the skin that was exposed. And finally, when your hands detached her bra from the way, your lips connected with her nipples sucking hard, while one of your hands played with the other by twisting and pinching it gently. Melissa let out moans that sounded like a mix of a symphony and a porn movie at the same time. Her hands went to your hair playing with it and making a mess, grabbing it in her hands and gently pulling it whenever your teeth bit into her soft skin. Her back arched gently leaving a perfect space for you to put your arm there and gently lift her off the couch to remove the only piece of clothing she had left, her soaking and ruined panties.
Your hands returned to her breasts while still playing with them, but your lips continued their kisses, going down and making a wet trail down her abdomen to her crotch.
The warmth and aroma that her center radiated made you feel dizzy from desire, specially when you could see how she was literally dripping for you.
-"What a show you are putting for me Mel" - You said aroused grabbing one of her legs and putting her foot supporting on your shoulder, making her knee bend lightly. Your wet lips gently touched her skin, giving soft and went kisses on her thighs while your hand squeezed the outside of her leg, giving a great contrast between your gentle kisses and the roughness in which your hand squeezed her skin.
The redhead dropped her head backwards resting the back of her neck on the couch, closing her eyes while enjoying your caresses. From your point of view, the way her legs were spread, her center dripping, her chest rising agitaded making her boobs bounce a little, her messy hair against the leather of the couch and her relaxed pleasured face, she looked like an angel that came to visit you to earth to make you feel like you were having a piece of heaven in your hands, holding the paradise between your finger tips. If you looked up the description of perfection in the dictionary you were sure you could find a picture of her.
Your soft kisses became some more passionate the closer you got to her center, leaving marks on the inside of her thighs where there was no risk of someone else finding them. When you finally got your face in front of her crotch you could feel how you literally started salivating for her. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes to enhance your other senses, slightly sticking out the tip of your tongue and slowly running over her outer lips until you reached almost her center dripping, but instead of coming in, you stuck your tongue out a little bit more and went back up parting her outer lips until you reached her clit, licking it in gentle circles.
The redhead's hands gripped your hair tightly again and moved her hips against your face gently, rocking back and forward making the leather of your couch squeak. Your fingers joined the work your tongue was doing and began to play gently at her entrance, filling them with her juices and moistening them completely even though you hadn't yet delved into her. Your lips formed an "o" shape and you began to suck on that pleasure button that was becoming more and more swollen and sensitive. Melissa began to let out more desperate sounds and move her hips against your face with less and less control each time.
When two of your fingers finally got into her, her back immediately arched putting more pressure on your shoulder with her leg and almost completely lifting her hips off the couch, giving you a new angle at which your fingers could enter her more deeply and comfortably.
The way her walls hugged your fingers made you moan with pleasure, the way she clenched only because of you, was something you weren't expecting to feel that good, to make her feel that good.
-"If you stop now I will... I will kill you" - she said between heavy breathings and desperate moans. You wanted to reply but your mouth was too busy tasting her heavily juices to stop now.
When you added one more finger you began to feel a little difficulty with following the pace you were taking before since her walls were getting tighter and tighter around you. Her hands pressed you more closer against her center and she ride your face faster.
At the moment you started to lick her whole pussy with your tongue flattened against her and then going back to her clit to play in circles while your fingers where still plunging inside her, her body began to shake and she came in your hand without more warnings.
Your movements continued a little longer until she slumped against the couch with her body completely relaxed and an angelic smile. You decided to clean her with your tongue enjoying a little more the unique flavor of her juices, kissing every part of her body until you returned to her face and kissed her lips softly making her moan still numb and gone for the strong orgasm
-"You are good" - she said smiling dizzy "My turn now" - she smiled mischievously kissing you again.
That kind of cardio continued for many rounds more until you two couldn't take it anymore and decide to cuddle on the couch under your blanket.
When you were about to fall asleep with her body on top of yours, her phone rang with a message notification, she sat on your hips grabbing her phone and laughing lightly
-"Jacob says that the house is empty now..."-she said to you and felt a little bit sad thinking she would like to go back to her house to sleep now that the fucking part was over, but instead of that, she turned off the phone and got confortable on top of you hiding in your neck ready to sleep without saying another word.
After that, nigths like that happened a lot more often, nights in where she would stay at your house after a sheared dinner and sex or you would stay in hers if Jacob wasn't there to see you arrive.
More months began to pass, more months sharing passionate nights together, more times hearing "this nights are only something physical since something romantic would complicate things because we are co-workers", more months working at Abbot and more months falling more deeply in love with her hoping that one day she would finally stopped using that silly coworkers excuse.
After working there for almost a year, Janine decided to come back and make your work as a substitute come to an end. But thank heavens you quickly got an offer in a new place, which opened your life to new possibilities.
Those new possibilities made you realize that maybe now you could have something that you always wanted...
-"What is going on sweetheart? You seem distracted" - The redhead asked when she realized that you were not paying attention to the movie or her
-"I... I got a new job offer now that my sub time ended at Abbot" - You said still hugging her while you two watched a movie at her house, she smiled looking at you very happily
-"That's great! Congratulations" - she hugged you and you signed - "You don't look happy with that... What happened?" - she asked again, worried
-"I'm happy with the job, don't get me wrong... But something was going through my mind... I was wondering... Maybe now that we won't work together anymore, things will be less complicated if we decide to officially date... You know, like girlfriends?" - You said hopefully and she stoped smiling
-"Oh kiddo... That's... I don't... That's not what I'm looking for right now... I just wanted to have a little of fun... But if that has became a problem for you, maybe we can stay being only friends now that we won't see each other so often?" - she tried to play it cool and you frowned
-"Friends?... When have we been just friends?"-you asked and she smiled softly
-"Always? You are a great friend to me... This is fun and all but I don't see you like anything more than a friend right now..." - she repeated and you started to feel a little bit angry and sad
-"So every time that you told me that we couldn't be together because would become a problem, professionally talking, was all a lie to keep me entertained? You just didn't wanted to be with me at all and you used that as an excuse?" - You asked hurt and she started to get nervous
-"I... Just... I thought... "-She stuttered
-"I have seen the way you look at me Melissa, you can't say that's it's how you look at a friend" - You replied hopefully waiting for her to realize that she has feelings for you
-"I... I look like that to the people I care about... Like Barb, that doesn't mean I want to date her" - she was quick to think and answer to ease you
-"You don't fuck with Barbara" - You said angrily- "You can't tell me you don't feel anything after 7 months fucking and slepping together Mel..."-you said, hopefully trying to making her realized
-"I appreciate you... But just as a good friend..."-she repeated AGAIN and you rolled your eyes
-"Do you remember that first night at the bar? From that first moment I knew that you and I had a connection and I know you felt it too... When the night was over, it was like if your face was tattooed on my soul, in a single dance I gave you my life and I began to miss you as if I had known you for years...You can't ask me to settle with being only friends when we have never been friends Mel... From moment one we were something more and you know it."-you tried to stay strong, but every passing moment made you feel a bigger lump at your troat and you felt like the waterfalls wanted to scape from your eyes
-"I'm scared of breaking our friendship if this doesn't work" - she kept putting up new excuses making you feel more sad
-"You are scared of breaking a friendship that doesn't exist, we have never been friends Melissa, from the moment one that we met, we started kissing and fucking each other, that's not how friendships start, that's not part of friendships at all. You can't put me in the friendzone because I have never been your friend... I can't be your friend when I want to be everything for you"-You whispered very weakly trying not to avoid her gaze
-"I'm sorry sweetheart... But I don't feel the same" - she said sadly and you got up from the couch holding your tears for dear life-"Wait, what are you doing?" - she asked scared
-"I'm going to my home... I can't be near you, not anymore, it hurts. I'm sorry" - You grabbed your jacket and she quickly stood up following you
-"Hey, the fact that I don't want a romantic relationship it's not reason to leave" - she whispered trying not to grab your hand and forcing you to stay
-"The fact that we don't want the same thing is reason enough to leave... I'm sorry Mel but I can't be your friend... I hope one day you feel the same love that I feel about you, I hope one day you feel it too, even if it's for someone else and not for me," - You said closing the door behind you, leaving the redhead with an emptiness and cold she was no expecting, leaving the best part of your heart and hopes there and taking the rest in peaces. Wishing that cupid would take pity on your sad soul and touch the redhead's heart so that she would come out after you, telling you that she didn't want to lose you and that she loved you too, but cupid would have to be an expert in anatomy to aim for a heart that doesn't exists.
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gweninred · 7 months
Heyyy so you asked for requests and I am here to deliver
Ofc feel free to ignore this if you don't like the idea!
So Melissa x overworked reader with constant migraines, messed up sleeping schedule and always on edge. So Melissa decides she'll have to take care of reader whether they like it or not.
Just some fluff with our fav red head <3
- taking care
Thank you for this request! I love this, of course I’m not ignoring this 💗 I hope you like it !!
“Come to bed, honey.” Melissa’s voice was raspy, she leaned against the doorway of your at-home office. “You’ve been in here all night, it’s getting late.” You were sitting at your desk, eyes glued to the computer in front of you.
“I’ll just finish this lesson schedule and then I’ll join you.” You looked at the redhead, her hair was messy, and she looked tired, her reading glasses still on top of her head. “Okay, 10 minutes or I’ll drag you to bed.” She warned, before she disappeared. But then minutes turned into thirty minutes and your girlfriend hadn’t showed up yet. Thirty minutes turned into an hour and one hour turned into two. Glancing over to the clock you saw it was almost 2 AM. You sighed, making sure to save all of your documents before closing off.
Melissa had fallen asleep sitting up, her head resting against the headboard of the bed, her glasses now sitting on top of her nose and her phone still in her hand. “Oh baby.” You murmured as you placed her phone on the nightstand next her glasses. You moved her so she was lying down, kissing her forehead before snuggling up next to her.
“Hurry, honey!” Melissa yelled from the stairs, you were still getting dressed for the day.
You felt exhausted and stressed from the lack of sleep tonight. Not only tonight, the past few weeks your sleep schedule has been messed up. When you weren’t able to fall asleep you always ended in the office. Sometimes with your laptop working in bed when you didn’t want to leave the redhead presence. When Melissa was still awake and figured you couldn’t fall asleep she’d make sure to make you as comfortable as possible. She didn’t like you working at night when you should be sleeping. But most of the times her own tiredness taking over and falling asleep before you did, then you still ended up preparing for work the next day.
You grabbed your bag and rushed down the stairs, Melissa was already waiting for you. “I told you to go to sleep.” She handed you a sandwich she just made. “Eat. Don’t want you to be hungry.”
“I don’t want to argue about that, I want to sleep 15 minutes after you told me to go to bed.” You lied,the redhead guided you out of the house, locking the door behind her. “I don’t think so. I fell asleep and I don’t remember you being there.”
“Can you shut up?” You snapped at your girlfriend. “I’m getting tired of you being up in my shit all the damn time!” You’re taking a seat in the car, Melissa driving.
“Can you drop the attitude? It’s getting on my nerves. And I’m only trying to be helpful!” She snapped back at you. You stuffed your mouth with the sandwich, decided that you’d ignore her.
The ride was silent and uncomfortable. You didn’t mean to snap on your girlfriend you could she see was hurt, but you didn’t feel like apologising, you didn’t feel like talking at all.
When you arrived at school Melissa disappeared in her classroom, still no words from the both of you. “Good morning!” Janine greeted you. You just gave her a disappointing smile. “Where’s the girlfriend?” Barbara asked. You went to make yourself a cup of coffee, hoping the caffeine will have some effect on you. Nowadays it barely did. “In her classroom.” You shrugged, normally Melissa would make coffee for you. “You okay, y/n?” Barbara added. “Just great.” You said sarcastically before leaving the teachers lounge.
Your head was pounding, feeling heavy as brick. “Okay, let’s forget about the math for now.” You told your students, you went to sit down at your desk. “Let’s have some quiet drawing time.” You leaned your head into your hands, rubbing your head. Your students were very well behaved. They tidied up their math books and grabbed their colouring pencils. “I will be right back, kiddos. Just going to get some water. Please behave and stay quiet.” You left your classroom.
You found yourself knocking on Melissa’s classroom door, the door was opened and she was sitting on the edge of her desk. When you knocked she looked up, telling her kids to start working on their assignments. “What’s the matter?” She asked, her tone was annoyed, her arms crossed over each other. You leaned your head against the wall. “Do you have some painkillers for me?” You knew she always kept those in her bag.
“You’re having a headache again?” She looked worried, cupping your face. You nodded slowly.
“Just started to get nauseous too.” Melissa sighed, getting her bag. She digged in her bag when she found the painkillers she popped two out and handed them to you. “Just tell when it gets worse, okay?” You gulped the pills down with water. “I’ll let you know.” You turned to leave your girlfriend, returning to your students.
When lunch came around you rested your head on top of your desk, groaning from the pain. You closed your eyes, the light in the room getting too bright, making your headache even worse. “There you are!” Melissa’s voice rang through your ears. “Quiet, please.” You groaned, you opened one eye to see a blurry Melissa. “You. Really aren’t feeling wel. Mh?” She caressed your back. “We’re going home, come on.” The other teacher pulled your arm.
“No I can’t go home.” You protested. “Yes we’re going home. You can’t work like this, sweetheart.” As much as you’d like to stay you really didn’t feel well. So you gave in and got up. Melissa’s arm wrapped around your wast as you walked out of the classroom.
“God, you look like you got hit by a car.” Ava gasped as she saw you. “Get your things, baby.” The redhead told you when you had arrived in the teachers lounge. “We are going home, Ava. Y/n is sick.” You shoot your girlfriend a glare that is saying ‘I’m not sick?’ . “Whatever, mr. Johnson will take care of your kids.” She didn’t bothered to look up from her phone.
When you had arrived home Melissa made you sit down on the couch. She kneeled down in the ground to pull your shoes off. “I’m sorry for snapping at you this morning. I didn’t mean what I said, I was just frustrated.” You rested your head against the couch, sighing.
“Don’t worry about it.” Melissa smiled at you. She placed your shoes by the front door, the gesturing for you to get comfortable on the couch. She placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’m going to make some soup. Do you want soup? I can make something else if you want.” She whispered. “Soup would be great, tomato soup though.” The redhead draped a blanket over you before disappearing in the kitchen.
By the time Melissa had returned you were fast asleep. She decided to let you sleep until you woke up by yourself. Your mouth had become dry and you were starving. Melissa was sitting by your foot-end. One hand rested on your legs, her other holding her phone. “Mel?” You voise was raspy. “Hey, how’s that head of yours?” She rubbed your leg up and down, trying to make you as comfortabel as possible. “Still not the best.” You muttered. “I got you soup, it’s on the stove.” She got up.
“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”the redhead asked when you finished the soup, which was delicious by the way. Anything she made turned out heavenly delicious.
“Just cuddle with me.” Melissa didn’t need to be told twice. She went to sit behind you so that your back was resting against her front. Het hands wrapped around your waist while she placed soft kisses on the back of your neck. You rested your head on her shoulder, closing your eyes again. “Thank you for taking such a good care for me.” You muttered, Melissa’s hand stroking through your hair. She didn’t answered, or you didn’t hear because not much later you fell asleep again, your body telling you it can’t keep in track.
You felt safe in your girlfriend’s arms.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Nightlight meets the Batfamily
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Nightlight didn’t know why she got transported to this smelly dinging alley.
All she remembered was helping Professor Sumdac carry some heavy material’s then feeling fuzzy and landing in the ally.
Worse, several important wires responsible for transformation had come out of their sockets.
Nothing could get wo—
Nightlight looks at her window and sees a small figure leaning on her frame. They were bleeding. She opens the door, and the figure falls into her front seat. It was a boy in a costume.
Nightlight: “Hey kid! Are you okay?”
The boy slowly lifts his head groaning.
Nightlight: “Kid is there a hospital or place we can go to get help?”
The boy groaned more, his eyes closing. Nightlight wraps her seatbelt around the boy. He yelped as the belt went over his wound and tightened.
Nightlight: “Sorry, can’t have you bleeding out. Now, is there a place we can go and get you help?” The boy hazily nods: “…putting in coordinates… wanna sleep bats…”
Nightlight puts the coordinates in and speeds off.
Nightlight: “Hang tight kiddo. Help is on the way.”
Nightlight’s spark was in overdrive when the boy suddenly slumped in her seat.
She was surprised when a secret entrance opened into a large cave.
She honked her horn several times getting the attention of an older human and another human in a wheelchair.
Carefully opening the door and letting the boy get carried off by the older man.
The woman rolled over to her.
Barbara: “Bruce? Bruce where—” Nightlight: “Who’s Bruce?”
The human woman in wheelchair made a startled noise.
Barbara: “Who said that?” Nightlight: “I did.” Barbara: “You’re the car? But how the batmobile—wait how—”
Nightlight pops her hood.
Nightlight: “If you can connect those wires, I’ll explain everything.”
The woman hesitates but eventually plugs in the wires. Nightlight transforms and stretches a bit. She looks down at the woman and kneels offering her digit.
Nightlight: “Thank you Ms…” Barbara: “…Oracle.”
Nightlight tilts her helm a bit.
Nightlight: “Oracle? Not a traditional human name I’ve heard. Or is it a code name?” Barbara: “Code name. Now, explain.”
Nightlight explained her situation to ‘Oracle’.
The older human, Alfred, soon came towards the pair telling them that ‘Red Robin’ was now stable.
The bot vented in relief and introduced herself to the older human.
She eventually sat down by the med bay while happily chatting with the older man when ‘Red Robin’ had woken up.
Tim groans as his eyes adjust to the light. Alfred goes to Tim side gently patting his head.
Alfred: “Good sleep, Master Tim?”
Tim groans as he adjusts himself to sit up in the bed.
Tim: “I guess. But I was having the strangest dream about the batmobile talk—”
Tim looks over at the giant robot in the cave waving at him.
Tim: “…I think I’m still dreaming. The batmobile is a mech.” Nightlight: “I’m no mech kid. The names Nightlight.” Tim: “…” Nightlight: “Yeah, don’t worry we’ll explain everything, right Barbara?” Tim: “It knows your names?!”
It takes a bit to explain to Tim what happened, but he does eventually understand and does say thank you for the rescue.
Nightlight simply pats his head.
Now… to tell the others about their temporary companion.
Tim was half tempted to bring Nightlight with him to his team’s hide out until she could go back home.
But it was ultimately decided that The Batman should be let on this.
The batmobile and two motorcycles pulled into the cave. The vigilantes get out.
Jason: “And that’s why you don’t film pigeons while you’re on patrol.” Damian: “Todd I swear--.” Bruce: “Enough both of you.” Bruce: “Did anyone check in with Red Robin.” Dick: “I thought he was with you. He was calling for the batmobile… are you guys seeing this?”
Tim, with bandages, was in the palm of a giant robot that looked oddly similar to the batmobile.
Nightlight: “Then I somersaulted Starscream and shoved the bomb right up his—Oh! We have visitors.”
Nightlight was picking out tiny ‘batarangs’ while Tim, Barbara and Alfred explained the situation.
Jason wants proof of the transformation.
Nightlight does then goes back to her root mode.
Jason: “So, she’s kinda like the female robot alien version of you B.” Nightlight: “I am not—” Bruce: “She is not—" Dick: “What did you say your job was again?” Nightlight: “I’m a detective. I solve mysteries, put the bad guys in cuffs—”
Jason gives Bruce a smug look.
Damian: “Did your parents die when you were young.” Dick, Tim: “Damain!” Nightlight: “Umm, no? I don’t have any parents. That concept is more of the traditional Earth thing. I have had mentors though.” Dick: “… How about a complicated love life?” Bruce glares at all his children: “Okay now how about we stop—” Nightlight: “I have a Conjunx if that’s what you’re asking.” Batfamily: “Conjunx?” Nightlight: “I believe its translated as ‘Spouse’, on Earth.” Jason: “… how come the robot version of you has her life together and you don’t.” Bruce: “Jason--” Tim: “Last one! Do you have a tendency of adopting orphans or kids in general?” Nightlight laughs a bit before thinking back at most of the members on Team Prime: “… I have become a figure to some extent.” Nightlight looks over at Tim before plucking him up and placing him on her shoulder: “Anymore questions?” All Bat kids looking up: “…” Nightlight: “If you want up—” Batkids: “Please!”
Bruce broods in silence as his kids are carried up the bots shoulders and helm.
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artemismoorea03 · 11 months
Jim Gordon had seen a lot of things in all his years as both an officer and Commissioner but for the most part things stayed at an arms length or he was able to easily separate himself from situations. Of course, there were incidents that were a bit harder to seperate from like Barbara becoming paralyzed due to Joker, all the times he or Barabara nearly died, kidnappings, and watching friends and loved ones either die or go down a dark path, but for the most part his life wasn't too crazy.
At least that was until one summer that all changed rather dramatically. In the form of a redhaired teenager showing up at his police station. She was around 17 and was wearing teal pants, a black shirt and a teal headband. But no matter her age or what she was wearing it didn't change the fact that she looked like Barabra had when she was younger.
That mixed with the fact that she specifically asked to see 'Jim Gordon' was something that made all of the Gotham PD point her in his direction. Once they were face to face the girl let out a shaky breath.
"My name is Jasmine Fenton, I'm your second cousin and I need your help protecting my brother from my parents and Batman."
Jim was shocked, blinking confusion away as he held up his hand. "Wait wait. You're my-"
"Second cousin. My mother is Madeline Walker."
Maddie. He knew Maddie though he had only met her a couple of times. Her mom and his dad were siblings. That explained why Jasmine looked so much like Barbara at least.
"Maddie... right, I remember Maddie. Okay, so why does your brother need protection? Specifically from your parents and Batman?"
Jasmine played with her hands. "My... my brother is different, Commissioner Gordon and my parents found out. They hurt him... badly. So we came here because you're the only one who might be able to help us but if Batman finds out we're here then Danny could get hurt again. B-but my parents and the government are wrong out him! H-he's not evil, he's a hero. H-he's a hero but because of what he is... he's labled as evil..."
Jim frowned, "Okay... is your brother a meta?"
Jasmine shook her head. "No."
Damn. Meta protection act wouldnt help here.
"Alright... is your brother with you?"
Jasmine sniffled then nodded. "He's in the car sleeping."
Jim stood up, grabbing his jacket off of the coat hanger. "Take me to him, please."
"You won't hurt him?"
"You have my word."
Jasmine looked at him, her teal eyes filled with more exhaustion and anxiety than any childs should be. Then, she let out a shaky breath and lead him out of the room.
They walked through the police station before Jasmine lead him out to the parking lot to the furthest corner of it where a beat up red station wagon was parked alone. Jasmine then gestured to the back window as Jim looked in.
The seats had been laid down and blankets laid out in a makeshift bed where a teenager around 14 or 15 laid sleeping on it. The teenager had healing bruises on his face and arms as well as a multitude of bandages that Jim could see peeking over the blanket, specifically on his chest. What had Jim the most concerened though was how pale the boy was and how weak his breathing seemed.
Any doubts Jim might have had immediately flew out the window. It no longer mattered who these two kids were they were kids in trouble.
"Why didn't you take him to the hosptial?" Jim asked, looking at Jasmine who looked ready to cry.
"Because if the Government finds out where he is they'll take him away and kill him. What he is isnt supposed to exist and is listed as 'dangerous'." She sniffled.
Jim frowned. The goverment couldn't know yet they took the risk to come to him? They must have been desperate.
"Okay, let me see your keys. I'll take you kids to my place to hide then call my daughter."
"Y-your daughter?" Jasmine asked, handing the keys over regardless.
"Yeah. She's good with these kinds of things and if she can't help I might know somebody else who can." Jim explained, climbing into the drivers seat as Jasmine ran to the other side.
"T-they won't turn us in, right?"
"No, they wont. My daughter is a librarian and my friend is a butler, they know how to keep secrets." He promised, pulling away from the police station in the direction of his house.
He could only hope that he would be able to help these two kids, and that whatever fear they had of the Batman wouldn't end up being justified fears.
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janeyseymour · 4 months
La Cosa Nostra- pt 15
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 13. Part 14.
cowritten with @schemmentis - we're gonna try to revive this story, and y'all better buckle up because it's gonna get so good
WC: 3.1k
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You manage to get the girls up and fed before Melissa stirs on the couch. It must be a groggy Schemmenti morning considering the girls haven’t swarmed her and woken her up themselves nor asked you why Mommy was sleeping on the couch all weekend. You gently shake at your wife’s shoulder once the girls have their shoes on, remembering how upset she’d been when you’d taken them to school without waking her. Plus, you don’t exactly feel generous and worried about making sure she gets enough rest after your fight. 
You roll your eyes at her groggy ‘what’ when she cracks her eyes open. “Your daughters want to say good morning and goodbye, is what.” You mutter, stepping aside and wave the twins the okay to hurry to Melissa.
You step back towards the front door as Melissa kisses them each multiple times. Tuning out the goodbyes and I love yous. You’d thought after not speaking aside from the essentials over the weeknd you might feel less upset; you don’t. It’s the same as before you went to sleep the night you fought. Mel’s decision over you, her standing by it, and worst of all her hitting you in all the worst places. You can’t let any of it go, not first, anyway.
You force a deep breath when you feel your little girls running back to your side, opening the front door. “Let’s go, littles, before you’re late.” You mutter as you usher them out.
“You didn’t kiss Mommy again,” Rosie states once you get into the car.
“We were running late,” is all your response is. 
Once you’ve seen them off to their class safely, you leave the girls’ school. Your eyes roll when you hear your cell phone ring for the third time in the short trip to drop them off. You know without looking it’s Tony just like it was the last two times, no doubt to ask again for the ledger which you still have no intention of giving him directly. You don’t trust Tony as far as you could throw him. Still, you know you’d better have it in hand soon for when he produces whoever he answers to. It wouldn’t be good for that to happen and you to not have it.
You sigh as you slip back into the car. Which means you probably have to break your silent streak with your wife and ask her to talk to Barbara to get it back. You really don’t want to do that though. Your pride and your stubbornness wants you to hold out for Melissa to at least admit she was being an asshole the other night. Even if she won’t admit she was wrong about the rest of it. 
You don’t have Barbara’s number but you do know where she’ll eventually turn up. You pull the car from the school lot, driving to the church. If Mel intends to be in early at the restaurant today; you don’t feel that bad about making her walk this time.
You slip in just after the morning service. Thankfully, you still spy Barbara’s head in the usual back pew. You genuflect at the side, crossing your chest before slipping into the seat next to the older woman- the one your wife would usually claim.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Barbara greets you quietly once her head raises from her prayer. “Another bit of prayer needed, hm?”
“A little bit.” You hedge. You’re not fully lying; you do think it might bring some relief after your fight with Melissa. Which, now that you’re sat next to her, you realize you may have overlooked your wife telling Barb all about. “I was also hoping to see you.” You add.
“Oh? Well, that’s sweet of you. You know I’m always glad to see you or Melissa and your girls in the Lord’s house.”
You flash a smile, one you’ve flashed the Feds and other Family members alike to be as charming as you can. “You know our whole family is always happy to see you. Especially the girls.”
“Oh, I can’t wait for next weekend. They were positively a joy at Sunday breakfast, yesterday. Though you and Melissa were rather quiet.”
“It was…a long week, last week.” You admit. “Mel and I haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye lately.” You hadn’t meant to share that last part but you lean into letting it off your chest in some way, at least.
“I’m sure you two will sort it out. You always do.”
“I hope so.” You answer truthfully. You might still be angry, and definitely hurt, but you still love Melissa with all of you. You hope the fact she’s been dealing with being relegated to the couch for a few days is a sign she still feels the same, too. Since she hasn’t disappeared to her Ma’s or even Kristen Marie’s.
“Are things okay between the two of you? Would you like to chat about it, perhaps over brunch?” Barbara offers.
You take her up on that offer, and you find yourself bringing her back to your house- just in case the Feds are still watching you. You mill about the kitchen as you prepare a few things before settling at the table with her.
“So,” Barbara hums. “What’s got you turning up at church more often than usual lately- both you and your wife?”
“Could use a bit more prayer these days,” you sigh softly as you take a bite full of your breakfast.
“You didn’t pray today though,” the woman points out. You just shrug at that. “So what made you really come to the church?”
You throw around the options in your head. You could break your silent streak and speak with Melissa, or you could ask the woman herself for the ledger.
Deciding to bite the bullet, you say softly, “I was hoping I would run into you. I need the book that I know Melissa gave you.”
Barbara blinks once, twice. “What book, dear?”
“Barb, I know Mel gave you the book for my salon.”
The woman’s face flickers through quite a few emotions before settling on a neutral face once again. “Oh. I still don’t know what you’re speaking of? What your wife gave me was not a book.”
“Babs, I need the goddamn book,” you sigh.
“Do not take the lord’s name in vein,” Barbara tells you sternly.
“Barbara, I need the damned book. My life is on the line here,” you plead. You don’t mean for that last sentence to slip out, and you have to do everything you can to hide it on your face; the severity of the situation. For all she knows, you’re exaggerating and just using it as a hyperbole.
“And why would that be?” Barbara raises a brow. “It’s just the simple finances for the salon.”
“It is,” You hastily agree with her comment. “But I…” You take a breath, forcing out the familiar lie you gave Valentina when she first noticed Melissa’s extra stress, just modified a bit. “I’m trying to work out selling the salon so I need the book with all the finances in it to go through with a potential buyer.”
“Selling it?” Barbara repeats, a hand pressing to her chest. “Why on earth would you sell? You’ve worked hard for that place, Y/N!”
“I know but it hasn’t been profitable since…well, since I don’t even know when, Barb. I thought I could juggle it and put it back in proper working condition but the clients just aren’t coming in like they used to.”
Barbara suddenly drops the hand at her chest held in shock. “Y/N, surely you know I’m no fool.”
You blink. “Of course you’re not, Barbara. Why would I think you were—”
“The book I have is not for your salon.”
“Yes, it is.” You say, brow furrowing in confusion. Because it is for the salon, both books, and you don’t know what else Barb could think it belongs to.
The older woman sends you a long suffering look, the silence between you drawing out for a moment. “Not for the legal business of your salon though, is it?”
Your face drops. Like, actually drops- jaw open and everything. “What?”
“I’m well aware of what I possess,” the woman tells you in a monotone.
“What on Earth are the two of you thinking; getting mixed up in all of this- and with your two girls!” Barbara admonishes you sharply, and you feel like you’re being reprimanded by a principal.
You search for words, but none come.
“You two are so lucky I haven’t turned it in, and I nearly did!”
“Y-you didn’t?” you whisper out. 
“Of course I didn’t, and the only reason I didn’t is because of Cat and Rosie!” Barb states. “Otherwise, I would have!”
“I- thank you,” you say softly.
“The two of you better get yourselves out of this mess, before it destroys your lives,” the woman tells you lowly.
“The only way out of this mess is prison… or death,” you inform her. “And at this point, if either of us goes to prison, or something happens to Mel, I genuinely fear I won’t survive. When it comes down to everything, Melissa is the matriarchal figure in the family.”
“Neither of those things can happen,” Barbara tells you. “And that is not true- the both of you have the most equal partnership I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Listen, I really do need the ledger back,” you try again.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Your wife entrusted me with it, and while I do not agree with what I hold onto in the slightest, I am not breaking my promise to Melissa.”
“I’m sure she told you not to open the book though, right?” you press. At her nod, you continue. “You broke that promise. So, give. me. the. book.”
“I have to go,” Barbara states. “Thank you for a lovely breakfast.” She makes to head out, and you follow her.
She climbs into her car, and speeds off. 
You’re left standing on the porch of your townhouse, staring after Barbara’s car even after it’s definitely peeled its way out of your neighborhood. You honestly didn’t know she could drive that fast. Melissa loves to call her a grandma whenever she drives the lot of you anywhere. Barbara would throw back that it was only being safe and God forbid she get into a wreck because your wife wouldn’t stop back-seat driving. 
“Fuck.” You curse, briefly covering your face. “Fuck!” You repeat as you pull your hands away. You lean back into the doorway just enough to grab your keys from the hook by the door. You slam your front door shut, not even bothering to take the time to lock it. You won’t catch Barb at this rate, but you’re fairly certain you can catch your wife. 
You’re certain, at least relatively so, Barb won’t turn you both in. Not if she hasn’t already. But it sure sounded like she was just waiting for Melissa to ask for the book to confront her herself first. You just happened to ask before your wife. You know though Barb isn’t likely to be going to Twelve Tables to have that confrontation with Melissa. So, instead, you are.
You speed your way there, not really worried about the reds or stop lights or any possibility of getting pulled over. A ticket was nothing compared to what all hung in the balance now. You make your way into the restaurant as fast as your feet will carry you.
“Hey, Y/N, how’s—”
“Not now Val,” You interrupt your wife’s right hand. “Where’s Mel?”
“She’s in the back, but—”
You wave a hand at her, muttering a half hearted ‘thank you’ as you hurry through the kitchen toward the back office. You don’t even stop to worry about knocking at the closed office door. You’re throwing it open with practically all your weight behind it in your haste that has you stumbling into the room.
“Mel, we need to—”
“What the fuck?” Melissa grouses at the slamming open of the office door. Her mood doesn’t exactly improve when she looks up to see you, a glare from green eyes sent your way. “I’m in the middle of a meeting.” She says, the end of it coming through her clenched teeth with a nod to the man standing at the desk in the office with her.
“I really need to talk to you. Right now.” You rush out.
“Ya don’t talk to me all weekend, and now ya want to? Now? I told ya, I’m in a meeting. Get out.”
“Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti!” You nearly yell, stepping into the office and gripping her wrist and fighting to physically pull your wife from the office.
“God…damn it. Fine!” Melissa huffs, agreeing to go once she realizes you aren’t going to let her actually work until she does. “‘Scuse me a minute.” She says to the man before following you out of the office and shutting the door after her. “What the fuck is so damn important you have to try and literally pull me from work? One of the girls’ better be hurt or the world better be endin’, so help me God, or it’s gonna be you on the couch now, Y/N!”
“Our world might be ending,” you sigh quietly, eyes down. Then your eyes meet her own. “Barbara knows.”
The redhead has the same face that you wore when Barbara revealed that she knows what she possesses. “What?”
“Do you see why it’s so important now?” you ask her.
“Fuck. Fucking shit.” She runs a hand through her hair. “We’re fucked. We’re going down, and we’re taking all of-“
“She said she hasn’t turned us in because of the girls,” you whisper. “But we have to figure out what to do before something terrible happens to either us, or Barb and Gerald. They cannot get involved.”
“Fuck!” Melissa shouts.
“I know,” you sigh. “I know. I- I don’t know what to do.”
“How do you know she knows?” your wife implores.
“I was at the church earlier,” you tell her. And you recount the earlier events before, “and then she told me that the binder wasn’t for the legal side of the salon. She knows.”
“God dammit,” Melissa whispers. She runs a hand over her face. “Fuck. Okay, uhm… let me handle this meeting, and then I’ll meet you at home so we can figure out what to do.”
“I’ll be sitting in the back waiting for you,” you tell her. “And don’t forget that we do have to pick up the girls today.”
“I know,” she says. “I know. Okay. We’re gonna- we’re gonna be fine, and I- fuck.” You watch as red curls whip around and head back into the office.
With a sigh, you head for the back exit again. Valentina looks at you curiously, but you don’t acknowledge it. You just continue on your way. You pull your car closer to the back door, idling as you wait for your wife. She’s quickly slipping into the passenger seat in less than five minutes.
As you pull out of the lot of Twelve Tables and head towards your home once more, Melissa runs her hand through her hair as she glances at the clock. “Okay, we still have a few hours before we have to get the girls, so we can figure this out.”
“Figure this out?” You echo, glancing at Melissa. “Babe, we have what, four hours? We’re gonna figure this all out and fix everything in four hours?
“It’s just Babs.” She says, trying to convince the both of you. It’s clear she knows how much power her church friend holds at this moment, and it terrifies her. She takes a deep breath, rolling the passenger window down enough for wind from the drive to whip her red locks out of her face. “She didn’t turn us in because of the girls…we can, we can buy time.”
“How? How are we gonna buy any time?” you implore. “We got the Feds still digging into shit; who knows what part of the Family they’re eyeing right now? But it doesn’t matter. Any part of it goes, you know the rest is screwed.”
“That’s only if somebody flips. Nobody would flip.”
You take the risk of holding your eyes off the road a little longer than you should to give your wife a look. You both could likely think of ten people each from your respective sides that could, under the right circumstances, absolutely flip.”
“Fuck, I know!” She says, waving your glare away from her as she looks out the passenger side window. “Look, they ain’t got anywhere yet, huh? That means we still got time. We just need to make sure Barb really ain’t gonna do nothin’.”
“She wouldn’t talk to me past tellin’ me she promised you to only give it back to you and then that she knew.”
“Oh, sure, she can stick to that part of the damn promise.” Melissa grumbles as she gets out nearly before you can put the car in park in the driveway. She turns back just as you catch up to her on the front porch. “Ya didn’t even lock the door! Aduzipach!”
“We do not have time for another argument!” You toss back as you reach the top step, gently ushering her inside with you as you pull the door shut again. This time you do lock it behind you. “We have to be on the same page, okay? We really have to be or we’re definitely screwed. I’m still pissed, and hurt but whatever. It doesn’t matter right now. Right now what matters is you, and me, and the girls. That’s all that matters, which means we have to figure a way out of this bullshit.”
“Amore, you know there’s only two ways out of the life. Neither one lets us be there for the girls- at all.”
“And both I’d preferably like to avoid entirely.” You add, sighing as you slump into your couch. “So..w we have to literally do the impossible.”
“I don’t know how we’re going to do that,” Melissa groans as she leans into your figure.
Barbara Howard speeds off, and she doesn’t necessarily know where she’s going. But after a bit, she figures that you aren’t following her, and she stops at a local diner to pick up takeout for a lunch date with her husband, the senator.
TAGS: @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
from miles away
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: melissa’s ex husband pays you a visit after you move in
warnings: joe, protective r, a couple gross innuendos, author is a proud man hater and it shows
translation: sfigato means loser
note: haven’t written for melissa before but i had the idea for the argument for something else and thought i’d try something new. let me know how y’all feel about this and if you’d like more melissa stuff or not :)
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three years ago, she would cover your eyes when you came over for dinner, now you’re here. for the last five months, you’d woken up every morning morning with melissa laying across your back as she lightly snored in your ear. her light breath passing over the shell of your ear, mixed with the smell of her honey shampoo, it was almost enough to lull you back to sleep every time.
getting dressed was more about watching melissa while you tried not to drool. getting ready was more staring at her while she applied her lipstick, her taunting you with winks in the mirror when she caught you. leaving always consisted of you running ahead of her to open the car door, kissing her knuckles as she sat down. mornings were precious with melissa schemmenti.
smack… smack… smacksmacksmack. thunk.
you heard melissa snicker behind you as she watched you fight the vending machine for a kitkat stuck on the edge of a bag of doritos. you playfully glared back as you dropped more quarters in to get her raspberry iced tea. she’s lucky she’s cute.
you offer the iced tea to her with a sweet smile, but pull it out of her reach at the last second, “making fun of me, schemmenti?”
“i wouldn’t dream of it,” she answers with fluttering lashes and a pitched voice, loving the laugh it drew out from you. she extends her hand, speaking normally, “now hand it over, hot stuff.”
lunch was the best period of the day. no students for half an hour, and then for another half hour when fourth graders went to gym. pure peace for the whole hour. granted, half of that got to spent admiring melissa from across the table instead of listening to anything anyone says.
your eyes drink in the site of her with a ponytail, bangs pushed back by her glasses, and wearing your sweater, the very one she had given back to you two weeks ago because it ‘didn’t smell like you anymore.’ barbara side-eyed you with a chuckle, simply amused by the adoration for her best friend that was practically seeping from your pores. the heart-eyes directed melissa’s way were rudely interrupted by the phone behind the coffee maker ringing.
teacher lee reaches for it first before stretching an arm out to you, “front desk for you.”
never once has someone shown up in the middle of the day for you. you grab the phone from lee, “hello?”
“it’s ahmed. i got a guy up here saying he wants to talk to you about his wife,” he speaks quietly and unsure into the phone.
you’re silent for a second, scanning the room before saying quickly, “conference room two, i’ll be there in a minute.”
hanging up the phone, you gather yourself together. melissa and barbara stare at you for a second, then look at each other. you think quickly to avoid a certain someone from following you.
“got a parent up front, i guess. i’ll see you in a bit,” you don’t spare a glance to melissa before nearly running out the door. please be anyone else, please be literally anyone else.
you pass ahmed, only asking him, “he got a green cap on?”
“yeah, why?” he asks without looking up from his phone.
“mental preparation.”
melissa stared at the door for a moment before looking at barbara with nothing but confusion on her face, “what kind of parent stops by in the middle of the day?”
barbara shrugs, “maybe one of the parents works at the hospital, they have got schedules going each and every direction.”
melissa hummed in agreement, but still was weary about your departure. she leaves the lounge early to ‘touch up her makeup,’ and heads towards conference room two. three equally curious ducklings, janine, jacob, and barbara, follow behind her.
two familiar voices argue on the other side of the door, and melissa is frozen in place listening for a moment. she opens the door quietly, seeing you shove her ex-husband back before getting in his face.
the conference room door felt as if it weighed ten thousand pounds, your muscles tensing as you stepped in. closing the door behind you, you crossed your arms and spoke.
“what do you want, joe?”
“annette mentioned something about you moving into my house,” he stated with a disgruntled tone.
you sharply exhale through your nose, “it’s not your house. and that doesn’t answer my question. why are you here?”
“you’re living in my house,” he says again.
you exhale with annoyance, “your name isn’t on the deed anymore and you don’t pay for it. you haven’t since before you two got divorced. it’s melissa’s house, not yours.”
he stepped forward in attempts to intimidate you, “i want you out of my house and away from my wife.”
“what wife?” you retort quickly, “surely you don’t mean melissa? she divorced you, if you remember correctly.”
he stepped even closer, only about a foot of room between you, “god you two deserve each other. you’re just as arrogant, and she’s just as stupid,” his finger poked into your shoulder, “let me give you a little advice on handling that cu-”
your palm goes to his own shoulder and shoved him back, “speak about her like that again and i promise they’ll never find you,” deep breath in, deep breath out, “and don’t touch me, ever. or give me your advice or anything else, as a matter of fact.” getting into joe’s face, you continue, “i don’t need to ‘handle’ melissa,” you exaggerate the quotations marks around his wording, “you and i both know, very fucking well, that she can handle herself perfectly fine.”
joe doesn’t back down, so you continue, “and why would i advice from you? she. left. you. why would i want advice from the man who fumbled that hard,” you’re nearly laughing in his face at this point, “but if i want advice on how to become greatly acquainted with my own hand, i’ll give you a shout.”
“you’re a disgusting bitch,” he seethes.
“all that and more,” you say walking towards the door, “you can walk down this hall and walk out the front doors,” you gesture with your thumb, “i’m sure there’s a bathroom stall wall with a nice, comfy hole in it just calling your name.”
joe’s front crumples with the last of your words, anger and defeat written across his face in permanent marker. you obnoxiously wave at him as he leaves, muttering under his breath as he stares at his feet. you hear ahmed laughing to himself, before looking at him, “not a word ahmed. not. one. word.”
“dude…” he laughs, “should i put him on the no-entry list?”
you shrug, “if he comes back, call me, no matter who he asks for. only call me.”
“aye-aye captain. i’m not messing with you, not even a little bit,” ahmed jokes as you walk back to the lounge.
melissa was standing wide-eyed in the hall. she was taken back by every part of the conversation she’d heard. she’d never seen you that angry, and come to think of it. she’d seen you upset, annoyed, even pissed. she still recalls the violent yell of ‘WHAT?!’ when you watched the game of thrones finale together, she swears it echoes in the living room still. but she had never seen you speak with such pure anger and hatred.
“melissa…” barbara cautiously starts.
“later. very later,” melissa replies, still collecting her thoughts.
when they heard your voice in the hallway, the group quickly made their way back to the lounge. melissa and barbara pretend to look interested in their phones, not looking at you as you came in. janine and jacob were sitting looking at each other, both nearly in shock over what they had heard you say. you’d never said anything that grotesque in the three years they’d been at abbott, but damn.
taking your spot across from melissa, and instead of resuming your not-so-subtle staring, you stare at the table. a few minutes go by before you feel someone’s foot tap against yours. you look up from the table to see melissa staring at you, nodding towards to door, a silent request to talk.
with a short nod, you get up and start to walk towards your classroom, melissa follows after she packs up her things.
you hear her heels click against the tile floors of the classroom and just say, “eavesdropping isn’t very polite, mel.”
“so is not telling me joe was here,” she replies. she’s right, and you know she is. you knew it was him, or at least you were pretty sure.
“he asked to speak to me,” you lean against your desk and grab her hand, “and it was just some sad uber-masculine way to try and intimidate me.” you play with her rings as your explanation quickly turns into a rant, “but he insulted you, melissa. to my face! he can say whatever he wants about me, i don’t care. but you? you? no way in h- why are you smiling?”
she yanks your arm and pulls you into a hug before speaking, “you threatened to kill that sfigato all because he called me a bitch?”
you shake your head the best you can with her vice grip around your neck, “not a bitch, worse. and he kept saying it’s his house and you’re his wife, like he doesn’t live above that gyro spot, lonely and alone.”
you feel melissa’s laughter more than you hear it, and it makes your arms tighten around her waist once more before letting her go. she’s so lovely, simply lovely. how anyone could let her go was beyond your comprehension. you’re just thankful that she trusts you, enough to let you befriend her, and then enough to love her completely.
“you don’t need to protect me. i’ve got four bats hidden around the house and two in the car. and one under my desk,” you watch her count again in her head, “and the one in your car.”
“i know you don’t need me to,” you fix the chains of her necklaces as you continue, “but i love you, and that means i’m sticking up for you, no matter what, no matter who.”
melissa is nearly certain that if you two weren’t at school, she’d be a puddle of tears. the gentle fixing of her necklaces, your soft voice and oh-so-sweet words, she just wanted to kiss your face all over. workplace rules have her settle for a lingering kiss to your cheek, i love you too mumbled into your skin.
you cupped her cheek, thumb caressing the apple of her cheek. in the most loving tone you say to her, “if he shows up again i’m gonna use the damn car bat on him.”
melissa laughs heartily, “maybe he’ll just find the hole in stall wall and get too busy to come back.”
a mix of a groan and laugh leaves you, you’d entirely forgotten your earlier words. melissa stays in the classroom until the end of lunch bell rings, before she quickly kisses you goodbye.
you watch her walk away, then watch her run back in, “how did he find out you moved in?”
“i don’t know how, all i know is annette had something to do with it,” you answer with a little shrug.
you see her face immediately go into planning mode for what to say to annette when she inevitably chews her out. she spins to leave your classroom for real this time, but just as she’s about to head out the door, you pull her back in and press another kiss to her lips, for good measure.
feedback appreciated as always <3
title is from passionfruit by drake
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kisscara · 2 years
eat, sleep and be admired! [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ fluff, modern au, slight bullying
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"hey, what's up with them?"
"seriously? this is the last period..."
scaramouche has been your deskmate in every class since the beginning of the second semester. he wouldn't mind sitting next to you if he had the right amount of patience to actually tolerate you. you should be considered lucky that you always sit in the back, since you spend most of your classtime sleeping anyways.
he muses as he rests his chin in his hand, taking delight in the way you doze off with your head down on the desk. if only you could realize how much the rest of your classmates have been poking fun at you, maybe then, scaramouche could get a good laugh out of it.
this is exactly why he can't bear with you at all. what's the joy in watching other people tease you when you're unconscious? it's practically useless if he doesn't get to see you grow absolutely red in embarrassment. and so, he always wakes you up. the complaints of his peers going, 'don't wake them up yet!' and, 'let's wait until the teacher notices,' slips past his ears as he reaches out to gently shake your shoulder.
scaramouche's pretty indigo eyes watch with amusement when you slowly sit up and rub your eyes. he glares back at the classmates who were teasing you just moments before, now cowering from beneath his cold stare. "oh, it's you again! thanks for waking me up," you sheepishly chuckle, not even noticing the way people whispered behind your back.
he scoffs and for a split second, you admire how beautiful his smile is. "what's your deal, anyways? do you have a job or something?" scaramouche asks, simultaneously spinning his pen in between his fingers. "no, why would i?" you say in response, completely oblivious as to why he asked such a question.
you start flipping through pages in your notebook and your eyes go wide the second you look at the board. "how long was i asleep for?" you quietly query, tugging on scaramouche's sleeve. he rubs his nape and looks down at his notes. "you can have mine. i don't need to study for this stuff; it's only for weak-minded people, much like you." scaramouche slides his notebook towards your side of the desk.
"really? thank-!" you pause when he gets up as soon as the bell rings and exits the classroom, leaving you all alone. "you?" you shake your head. 'what a weird guy,' you wonder within your mind, collecting your items to leave school as well.
as you walk to the bakery, you notice that weird guy taking the same route you do. it's strange because every single time you walk, you haven't crossed paths with him, not once. and for some reason, every single time he stops in his tracks, you do the same. it's not like you're sneaking up on him or anything so?...
then, when he continues to walk, you carry on as well. all is fine until the two of you reach a crosswalk and have to wait until the walking sign lights up from across the street. you have no choice but to be noticed by him either way. it's awkward, to say the least. you keep on moving from foot to foot while eating a chocolate cornet your friend got for you while scaramouche idly stands.
he's much too occupied counting how many cars pass by when you finally start talking to him. "how come you're taking this route today?" you ask, mouth full of your pastry. you watch the way his eyes shift side to side as they follow the cars' whereabouts.
"none of your business." he adjusts his schoolbag over his shoulder and walks as soon as the road is clear of any passing cars. you curiously tilt your head and take another bite into the cornet. you start walking forward when scaramouche reached the other side. you're on your way to your favourite bakery and dealing with him is the least of your worries at the moment.
but of course, the world isn't on your side today because he's also heading to the same bakery.
"hi, barbara!" you greet the blonde at the front counter with a soft voice, hoping to not look as awkward in scaramouche's presence. luckily for you, the blue haired male is immersed in looking for a pastry in other glass cases.
"if it isn't my favourite client." barbara places a paperbag on the counter; you've been here so many times that she already knows your usual.
she crosses her arms and her fine locks sway with her movements. "that'll be 6.50 but you have a lot of points on your card, are you sure you'd rather not get this for free?" barbara queries with a quizzical look. you shake your head, "i'm saving them up for something important. thanks!" you take the paperbag and turn to face scaramouche, whose back was facing you.
"you getting anything?" you peer over his shoulder and you see the way his hand hovers over the case with melon bread. scaramouche retracts his hand and turns his head to look at you. there's a pure smile on your lips and your gorgeous eyes are filled with delight.
scaramouche narrows his eyes, "what does it matter to you?" you put a finger to your chin and crouch down to meet the view of the melon bread. you glance back at him and suggest, "i can buy whatever you want anytime. think of it as a thanks for being my personal wake up call in class."
his pupils dilate in surprise but only for a quick moment. "no, i can very well buy things for myself." scaramouche digs in his pocket but tenses up when his hand feels around. "... it appears i might have to take you up on that offer." he sighs, instantly turning red. this was so embarrassing; how could he forget his wallet in his locker?
you clasp your hands together, "alright!" barbara watches with deep interest from behind the counter as you and scaramouche converse with each other.
"thanks, i guess." scaramouche murmurs as he bites into the plush dough of the bread. the two of you walk together, side by side, to your own houses. the beautiful orange and yellow that paints itself across the sky covers your home nation, inazuma, in a blanket of the sunset.
you munch on a chunk of your pink frosted donut, happily mumbling, "it's nothing! i got it for free, anyways. i have a lot of points stacked up on my card there." he gives you a side eye. "how often do you buy pastries there? i always see you eating them in class." scaramouche purses his lips when you glance at him.
"it's not like i look at you that much or anything..."
you giggle, "i visit the bakery before and after school; their pastries are completely irresistible. how come you went there today, of all days?" scaramouche shrugs, "seeing you eat so much of those pastries in class had me a bit hungry too. i normally don't like foods that are too sweet so i went with the melon bread."
your mouth hung agape, "ah, so that's why. i guess you never did strike me as the sugary type of person." you finish the last of your donut and lick off the frosting from your fingertips as scaramouche sneers. "what's that supposed to mean?"
"nothing. oh, there's my house! i'll see you tomorrow, scara!" you exclaim, running ahead. you leave him speechless and frozen on the spot. "scara?..." scaramouche's eyes are wide and his cheeks are tinted pink. he rapidly shakes his head to wear off the addicting trance you placed on him.
"well played." he smiles as he eats the rest of his pastry.
from that point on, he starts walking to the bakery with you, everyday, after school. the two of you become close and rather quickly in such a short amount of time. of course, scaramouche still has to wake you up every single time you fall asleep in class but this time, it's an action with affection behind it.
you began developing feelings slowly but surely for him and he to you as well. but there's one problem. scaramouche is the type of guy who will never face his true feelings no matter what, so someone has to take matters into their own hands, right?
"hey, hey, scara!" you poke at his shoulder as he has his head buried in his arms on his desk. he looks up at you and mumbles, "what?" you grin, "there's a new pastry at the bakery. you wanna check it out with me?" the bell rings and causes scaramouche to stand up and gather his things. "sure."
that single word had your heart doing somersaults in your chest. you felt so giddy the whole walk there, it made scaramouche feel queasy. plus, it didn't help that you were talking about the dessert since... "barbara told me that you should only give this dessert to someone you really admire and i have a special someone for that. what about you, scara?" you take a glimpse at him.
scaramouche felt his stomach drop. you, liking someone? impossible. he grumbles, "i don't get the idea of it anyways." you grab onto his sleeve, "why not?" scaramouche rolls his eyes, "who's this special someone of yours? you never mentioned you had one." you let go of him and the cold air hit his arm instead of your warm grip. "you'll see! 'cause i'll be giving it to them today. they should be at the bakery soon!"
your grin turns even brighter than before and scaramouche dryly gulps. how cruel must you be to drag him along just for this? barbara's head perks up when you and him enter. "good afternoon, (name), scaramouche," she greets. you excitedly exclaim, "hi, barbara! scara, you can find something you want, i'll go get the dessert."
you notice the way his lips downcurve into a cute frown, "fine." you rush to the front counter and barbara lowers herself to grab something from the side. she gives you an encouraging thumbs up, "good luck!" you take the packaged sweet from her. it's a pink and red frosted cupcake coated with sugar and perched inside the frosting is a ring with a purple heart gem.
you thank her again and the second you turn around, scaramouche is standing there. you nearly jump in surprise, "scara! did you find something you want to get?" he shakes his head but his gaze remains cold and distant. you smile, "i don't think the person's here yet. can we sit at one of the tables to wait?"
scaramouche nods, still silent. you place the cupcake on the table and sit across from him. he huffs, "you know, i should get going. it'll be awkward if i'm just here." you wave your hands around, "it's fine! i want you to meet him." you find it hard not to menacingly giggle like a maniac!... or something.
scaramouche doesn't reply any further but sinks into his spot. a whole hour passes and the two of you talk and play video games together. however, scaramouche feels as though you've been stood up.
he feels bad, surprisingly. but he doesn't know how you remain as happy and cheerful as ever when you're with him. you look out the window next to you. "look, scara! the sun is setting." your eyes watch in awe and scaramouche deadpans. "(name)..."
you sigh. it's been fun toying with him for a while but you suppose it's time to put it to rest. you stand up and push the dessert towards him. "will you accept this from me?" your cheeks turn pink as you meekly grin and he finally gets the hint. 'what a pretty sight,' he thinks to himself. scaramouche walks over to you and you turn to him.
he cups your face in his hands and your heart rate quickens by the second. "i don't like sweets... but the only one i'll be willing to taste is you." scaramouche's lips perfectly slot into yours and you return his gentle kiss with the same intentions. his lips are soft and warm and you smile at how lovely it felt.
scaramouche pulls away, still holding your face. he suddenly pinches your cheeks with a glare in his eyes, "it wasn't funny how you talked about confessing to another guy." you whine, "okay, okay! but in all honesty, your reactions were funny!" scaramouche leaves you be and takes the dessert.
"come on, let's go the park," he says, offering his hand. you rush to him and hold onto his arm instead. scaramouche smiles as you complain how much your face hurts and barbara muses with lovesick eyes as the two of you leave the bakery.
it's not the ideal first date; spending your time in a little kids' playground and eating a cupcake on the slide, though you wouldn't want it any other way. "what do you like about me?" you ask, slowly swinging next to him on the swing set. "that's a hard one to answer," he says in response, to which you gawk at.
"can't take a joke?" a smirk adorns his lips and you grumble under your breath. "hm... i like a lot about you. i like how kind you are. i like how you laze around and eat 24/7." scaramouche notices that the sky became darker than before. you pout, "is that what you're going to tell people if they ask you the same question about your (s/o)?"
scaramouche's grip tightens on the chain of the swing. calling you his (s/o) has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? speaking of a ring, the ring that was in the cupcake nicely wraps itself around his finger and each time he looks at it, a grin forms. "why not? what would you tell other people about me?" scaramouche gets off of his swing and walks behind you.
you rest your back against his torso when his arms snake around your waist, putting the swaying of your swing to a stop. you feel his lips against the back of your head and your heart is whole and content. "i have a lot to tell them about! i like your hair, your voice, your hands, your humor, your hugs, your kiss and-" you stop short when he disrupts your sentence.
"kiss? should we make it plural?" scaramouche smiles when you turn your head to face him. his eyelids are lowering as he leans in and finally pushes his lips into yours. the faint taste of the cupcake on your tongue would have made him grimace in normal circumstances, but you somehow make desserts taste so good to him.
© kisscara
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the-white-void · 11 months
Scriptor De Re
~Synopsis: The Traveler is known for their grand accomplishment throughout Teyvat, but who pulls the strings behind the scenes.
~Note: The concept of reader is similar to how Veliona is with Seele (both characters from Honkai impact 3rd).
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The Traveler roams around Teyvat to find the end of their journey with the help of a floating child who calls herself Paimon. They have gained strength and power from their journey, more so than the normal adventurer. Could it be because they are a descender? Or do the elements react differently with them? Or maybe... something... or someone else helping them, not seen under the normal eye.
This world is but a game to you, no? Everything is under your will. You just need to follow to the end you made. Guide what you had started from beginning to end. Fill the sad void in your heart.
There are often times when passers-by see the Traveler mumbling questions and statements to themselves and seem to receive an answer in return. Some people thought they had a special communication device while others thought they went nuts from stress. Although, what the traveller sees would either give them a guided path or the nightmare that would consume their world.
"[name]? Do you think these 'stats' on the brooch would help me" the traveller mutters while holding a flower brooch from the Maiden's Beloved set.
"No no, your kit isn't built for healing; it has decent stats for a Barbara, so you might wanna give it to her" the distorted voice responded with a sigh.
"What makes it good for her specifically?" the blonde whispers questionably and waits for their voice to answer.
"Barbara scales off her healing from health, which the Maiden's set gives, and the substats there increase her health stats even more" the voice mumbles tiredly.
"[name], you sound tired, do you need some rest?" they stood as the distorted voice groans "Yeah, I am; imma just take quick power nap, you do what you want while I'm at that" it said as the feeling of power slowly fades, then the traveller finds a place to eat.
"I can't believe they added a new interact mode" you muttered to yourself as you allow the soft sheets and pillows to cuddle you while you drift to sleep.
You were woken by the sounds of bustling streets, not that of cars honking at each other, but rolling carts and yells and chatter from people using some terms you weren't very familiar with "what the heck's going on?" you thought to yourself while picking yourself up from the ground next to the traveller... THE TRAVELLER?!! You turn to see the Traveller snoring in the bed with Paimon drooling next to them "so. I'm in Genshin now... I dunno if that's a good thing" you mutter.
The sound of muffled mumbling tickled the ears of the traveller to rise from their bed to find a figure at the edge of their bed muttering indecipherable words, with a voice they're quite familiar with.
The sound of muffled mumbling tickled the ears of the traveller to rise from their bed to find a figure at the edge of their bed muttering indecipherable words, with a voice they're quite familiar with "[name]?" they mumble while drool drips down their face as they see a figure mimicking the body of a human.
While they try to register the person in front of them as the figure steps away looking as shocked as they were. Paimon wakes up from the smell of food cooking from the window "Traveller, you cooking something tasty?~ WHO IS THAT!!?" She yells in surprise at the messy figure at the end of the bed.
"You see it too?" The reveller questioned the small Paimon as he thought only they could see the figure.
"Wait! I can explain. Not really. But I'm not here for trouble." You try to defend yourself with your hands up as your voice begins to distort.
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I'm not done with this.
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wonderful-magician · 11 days
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StEx appreciation month!! Day 9!! Belle and Belle Jr/Barbara!
Favorite performers ( not ordered )
- PP Arnold
-Janet Williams Adderley
- Ashlyn Weekes
Favorite songs/moments
Sadly I much prefer Belle the sleeping car over I am me 😔 I don't really like I am me. But the new belle is pretty cute design wise! Her wig is to die for!
I understand why Memphis Belle was cut. But I think she's very important to the history of StEx! And Belle Jr is adorable! Even if I have my gripes
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neuroprincess · 7 months
His Favorite Person - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Summary: The moms are going through a difficult time with LuLu's first teeth and a hero comes to the rescue.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Well, some realistic motherhood, it's not all flowers. Also, FRIENDSHIP GOALS
Word count: +2100
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Six months went by in the blink of an eye and with it many challenges of first-time motherhood, the moms could barely breathe properly until the month mark, Luca is very smart and, despite his strong personality, didn't give as much trouble as expected. The redhead is in love with those squeezable cheeks and chubby little doll hands, the loud giggles are the highlight of her days, as well as Y/N's. But the relief and sense of stability has gone as quickly as it arrived, one day the baby is all smiles trying pasta, the next so fussy that getting him to eat becomes a mission impossible. So a week goes by that they would describe as hellish, not only because of the problems with feeding and the understandable irritability due to teething, but also because of the suffering shared with all the pain the boy is going through with the new phase, gums tearing and keeping him awake all night mumbling and feverish, causing general concern. On Friday, they're not sure whether or not to host the weekly couples' dinner; before it can be cancelled, Barb and her husband appear at the door with a pan in hand, worried looks on their faces followed by muffled laughter. At work, Melissa had already been seen with bite marks and obvious signs of not sleeping, the woman just didn't imagine it would be chaotic to the point of leaving her, literally, dishevelled.  
"Where's my handsome little boy?" she greets LuLu excitedly and reaches out to take him from the younger's tired arms "What happened to make you cry, my dear?" and wipes the tears drying on his rosy little face, immediately noticing the high temperature "Poor thing..."  
"Sorry about our condition, I was going to call you to cancel, but we were trying to get the fever down and completely forgot." the teacher whispers, staring at the scene in amazement, the moment her son clings to the friend he stops crying immediately, doesn't seem to be the same little monster who defeated her in exhaustion minutes before "What a sly one! Do you see that?!" she points out indignantly. 
"Well, it's not my fault I'm the favorite." Barbara jokes and walks past them into the house, unsurprised to see a dozen toys scattered around the living room, the kitchen a complete mess, dirty dishes in the sink, open packets and cubes of frozen fruit on the counter, a doctor's recommendation for relief "Kid, was that all you?!"  
"He's a Schemmenti." Gerald jokes, following along, leaving the pie on the nearest surface "How many hours did you sleep today?"  
"Maybe three... or four." the timetables jumble in Y/N's head, she can't remember what time they went to sleep or how many times she woke up in the middle of the night.  
"And it's been the longest night's sleep so far," adds the other, rubbing her eyes.  
"You're clearly not well, why don't you try having a decent bath and getting some sleep while we take care of everything?" he offers, starting to gather up teddy bears and small cars on the carpet.  
Surprised and grateful, the couple exchange glances at this generous offer; the idea of being able to take a bath for more than five minutes, plus a little rest, is tempting, but they are reluctant to let them deal with it instead.  
"Go on, get some rest!" the man insists, shooing them away with a hand wave "We'll take care of everything." 
"Are you sure?" Melissa asks with concern, it seems like a lot to do or maybe she's mentally overloaded to the point where doesn't want someone else to do something she considers an exclusive responsibility "I mean..."  
"Don't be stubborn." Barb interrupts her and goes into the kitchen, putting Luca in the highchair, he doesn't even grumble about not being on lap "Take advantage of our presence until he gets sick of us, this phase is terrible." 
The redhead raises her hands in surrender and Y/N exhales satisfied, tired to the bone, nursing a baby full time takes a lot of time, energy and attention, she can hardly imagine the state of her wife who works all day at school and still tries to give the same support as best she can.  
Looking at Luca, who is calmly sitting down and taking the previously rejected piece of fruit into mouth, Melissa finally gives in.  
"All right, but please call us if anything happens."  
Everything goes very quickly and on autopilot. Before they realise it, the pair find themselves under the shower's hot water, washing each other's hair and sharing non-sexual cuddles, satisfying their longing for quality time together. Motherhood is deep, rewarding and valuable for both, a priority that has guided the small family's decisions and routine, little by little intimacy has been put aside amid the daily demands. They don't blame anyone or anything but the circumstances, they've read that it could happen at a certain point, all the nuances it would bring and they haven't forgotten their promise to stay together, to say "I love you", all the possible clichés to get through the storm without shaking marriage.  
The teacher couldn't hold back a moan on entering the room, every muscle relaxed and the tension drained away, there was a calming sensation, she felt refreshed from the tip of the toe to the last strand of hair. Y/N can say the same, she never thought that a simple shower could feel like a full SPA, even with a massage, she barely lays down on the bed properly and already feels soft hands rubbing damp skin. There are soft smiles, some mischievous, strong fingers squeezing sensitive spots that manage to elicit the happiest sighs, occasionally there are teasing touches and loving bites.  
"Years of relationship and still doves in love." they are surprised by Barbara's sudden appearance, they didn't hear her push the door slightly open "I've brought dinner and some tea."  
She lifts the tray with caprese chicken sandwiches, pieces of pie, red fruit and camomile tea, would offer whisky if it wasn't for breastfeeding, she knows they deserve it when they go through the chaotic teething process, the girls were relatively calm and yet almost destroyed the house when they got their first set of tiny sharp teeth.  
"Get fed and try to rest for a few hours." she put it between the couple "Let's do the same with the little one, he's already struggling to keep eyes open. You deserve a decent night's sleep."  
"So true, I look like a different person now, imagine when I finally get some sleep." the redhead jokes before taking a generous bite of bread, her last meal having been lunch "Delicious!"  
"Did LuLu give you and Gerald much trouble?" the younger smiles fearfully and sips the hot liquid "No crying, no grumbling, no breaking things, maybe we're in a dream."  
"No, he was a little angel... except with Gerard when he tried to give him a piece of cut mango, I'm pretty sure he was trying not to bite him." she confesses the last part in a whisper, they laugh well aware of the implication "He's jealousy incarnate."  
Melissa tosses her hair to side, her expression proud, needless to say he inherited it from her and everyone knows it.  
"Mel once threatened to bite someone." she adds, explaining her friend.  
"And I did." she says even more proudly, the person deserved it.  
After all, Y/N still finds herself amazed by her adventures and oddities, she knows half of the stories from others, as the woman hardly ever brags about her achievements. Conversation doesn't last long, minutes later Gerald appears too, Luca agitated in his arms and ready to attack anyone who annoys him, just push at the edge a little. The youngest mother mentions getting up to intervene, only to be stopped by a sign from Barb, who picks him up without a second thought.  
"No, you need a bit of time to yourselves." she reinforces and sets the boy on his feet, kissing the cheeks, leaving a lot of lipstick marks "Today we're going to give them a break, aren't we, cutie?!" 
As if he knew what the topic was, he tries to answer in babbles, all the adults smile at such cuteness. Within seconds he is no longer irritated, an effect that only the one and only Barbara Howard has. She strokes the coppery hair, making him close the eyes immediately, an adorable giggle as he snuggles into her chest, little legs wiggling with joy.  
"I'm starting to be offended by this more than obvious preference."  
"I never tire of saying it, it's not my fault that I'm his favorite person." she shrugs and stands up, stroking the baby's back over the newly laid pyjamas, she inhales the sweet smell, delighting at the contact, her daughters are grown up now and the times when she could lovingly hold them all the time without protest are gone "LuLu and I will see you tomorrow." 
She bends him over so that the mums can kiss him goodbye, but by this point Luca is already unconscious, losing the long and stubborn battle against sleep.  
"Sorry, I'm going to have to say it, I LOVE YOU BARB!" Y/N sighs in pleasure and gives a grateful kiss, then throws herself against the mattress, clinging to the soft blankets "Nothing can convince me that it's not a dream."  
"She needed it too, badly." Melissa reflects and moves closer to the friend, stroking her son's face affectionately "I really appreciate and am very grateful for what you're doing for us, being a mother has been intense and unexpected, we're lucky to have a support like you and Gerald, it's something I never expected in my life. The only reason I'm probably not crying right now is because tiredness overcomes even the tears." she jokes, wrapping her in a tight hug between loving smiles. 
"There's nothing to be thankful for, I love our little prince and that's what friends do."  
The door closes, Howard takes him to the nursery and they wait for a cry or any negative reaction, but the only noises to be heard are footsteps echoing down the corridor and the man humming while doing the housework. They smirk, silence has never been more appreciated than at this moment. The teacher lies down next to her wife, hands running along her robe-covered waist, fingertips brushing exposed skin, mouth meeting the back of neck, leaving a lingering kiss, the younger laughs, turning so that they are face to face, then leans in to bring their lips together.  
"I think we should kidnap Barb." Y/N proposes with a grain of truth.  
"We need to do that, cara mia! I'll take her down and you tie her up, deal?" 
"Deal! But what about Gerald?" she jokes.  
"He can survive without her, we can't."  
"I can't believe we're going to sleep properly, I'm so excited that sleep has fled." she confesses eventually, feeling a new wave of energy coming from nowhere "It's so strange not having anything to do."  
"That's because you're overwhelmed, principessa." Melissa props herself up on elbows so that she's partially seated, the hand that rests on the waist wanders down her curvaceous body and stops at the face she loves so much to see when waking up, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear "But we have this evening to ourselves. God, they're being real heroes today."  
"Yes! I swear that when she took LuLu in the arms I saw her in costume and cape for a millisecond."  
"And he simply stopped crying, it's like she has superpowers."  
"Or she's just his favorite person... in the whole world." Y/N leans over and kisses her, a consolation prize for what she's going to say next "I'm sorry, darling, but that's the truth. You've lost your place to Barb."  
"At least I'm still your favorite?" the redhead makes those abandoned puppy dog eyes, feigning sadness.  
"Always, hottest biter in the world."  
The lights are switched off, they move closer in the soothing darkness and cuddle affectionately, wrapped in the comfort of being in the arms of the one they love. Sleep gradually comes, accompanied by the previous worries about Luca, if he's managed to eat properly, if he's hydrated enough, or if he's lain down in the right position.  
"I can hear your thoughts, Mel."  
"I'm sorry, amore mio." she whispers, a little thoughtfully. Despite her religious upbringing, she's not a fan of most traditions, so baptism hasn't crossed her mind until now, as she watches her best friend and confidant win over her son with her mere presence, creating a beautiful bond "What do you think about inviting Barb to be LuLu's godmother?"  
"Perfect! We couldn't find anyone better than her."
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Schemmenti Family Masterlist
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
Birdflash? Please?
How about some high school Dick and Wally
Wally fell faster, Dick fell harder.
Wally start developing feelings the first time they go on patrol with just the two of them. There was just something about watching the gears in Dick's head turning as he disabled a booby trap.
Dick wouldn't return the feelings until over year later, when they're watching a movie at the Manor and Wally dozed off halfway through, mumbling in his sleep.
They were each other's date to junior prom at both of their schools.
Dick picked Wally up in Central City on a cloaked Bat-plane and took him to dinner at an upscale place Bruce recommended, but they quickly realized that wasn't their style and slipped out to get pizza instead, even if it meant missing the first half hour of the dance.
Wally ran to Gotham, but to maintain their identities, rented a minivan to pick Dick up from the Manor because the rental place was all out of limos. He decorated it with some cardboard and paint for that extra romantic touch. Bruce wasn't pleased but Dick thought it was hilarious.
They also got part-time jobs to keep their covers (and get some experience).
Wally was a science tutor and Dick often made the trip just to pretend he didn't know what the periodic table was.
Dick worked at a fast food joint and always wrote his number on Wally's receipt with "call me" underneath.
Back in their day, queer people were still nearly unheard of and coming to terms with it, especially as a teenager, was way more difficult. Even though Bruce and Barry would be accepting, the idea of telling them was no less daunting.
A few months into dating Wally, Dick devised a multi-step plan to butter Bruce up and tell him. It included doing all the chores, ordering Bruce's favorite meal, an hour-long queer history presentation with cited sources, Barbara as his hype woman, and a fallback plan where he'd escape to a safehouse. None of that ended up happening, because before Dick could execute it, Bruce told him all about his own past with guys.
Wally came out a little later and a lot more impulsively, blurting it out while he and Barry were in the car before jumping out and speeding down the highway. Barry caught up to him an hour later in another city and assured him that everything was okay. Though, Barry wasn't thrilled about the prospect of hanging around Bruce more than he already had to.
Dick thought it'd be a good idea to sign up for debate. Wally warned him about getting overcompetitive but Dick didn't listen. Nonetheless, Wally didn't mind staying up to help organize flashcards and rehearse before a big meet.
For some reason, Wally joined band and picked the French horn. The teacher wasn't great and neither of the boys knew the first thing about how a French horn worked. At one point, Dick tried to straighten it into a regular horn in the Batcave while Wally contemplated dropping the class.
Arcade dates! Sometimes they went head-to-head. Other times, they worked in sync just like on the field. And they'd always win prizes for each other. One time they didn't win much, so they pretended to propose to each other with Ring Pops.
Another kind of date they enjoyed was teaching each other new things. Wally absorbed new information really fast and regurgitated it back when they hung out. Dick, meanwhile, had a more physical love language and liked to guide Wally's hands in guitar or batarang lessons.
Dick saved Wally's contact as "Roadrunner" and Wally saved Dick's as "Lightning Rod."
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pinkthrone445 · 6 months
-Abbott's house- Part 2
Part 1
Tumblr media
Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, funny, soft
Warnings:none(?) future smut
Summary:The district gives the school the idea of spending a month living together to strengthen bonds, you never thought that would change your relationship with some so much.
Hi! This is an interactive story, if some thinks about something funny that one of the people of Abbott would be like to do, and you would like me to introduce it in the second part of the fic, you can leave it on the comments. I hope you like this part! Thanks for your coments!
It had been a couple of days since you had slept with Melissa, and instead of you stopping thinking about it as time went on, your desire to sleep with her again and feel her warmth near you only grew, it had been years since you had had such a perfect and peaceful night's sleep.
When the weekend came, some planned to go home on their days off to visit relatives, Barbara would see her husband again, and Mr. Johnson would see a son he had, which you were very surprised to learn that he was a father. Mel decided to stay since she had nothing else to do, just like you, Jacob, Janine, and Gregory. Ava said she was going to see her boyfriend and that it was forbidden to enter her room.
Jacob, Janine, and Gregory planned to go to a bar, but you didn't feel like it, so you decided to make other plans. Mel didn't want to leave you alone, so she decided to stay with you without knowing what she was getting into.
As night came, you started to pack your bag to go out, Mel sat on her bed watching what you were doing
-"Are you going to tell me where we're going to go?" - she asked, and you shook your head, laughing at her annoyed face
-"To a mall that I saw online..."-You muttered, hiding the true purpose, Mel decided to go along with you even though she knew you were lying.
When everything was ready, the two of you got into Melissa's car, you gave her the address, and you let her drive.
When you arrived at the location you gave her, the two of you got out of the car and she didn't hesitate to take your hand, which made you smile as you felt how well your hand fit hers and how her warmth always balanced your cold hands.
-"This doesn't look like a mall, I'm afraid you'll abandon me here..."-She muttered and you laughed, it wasn't a mall, but if you told her where you were going, maybe she wouldn't want to, yso you wanted to save yourself that trouble. As she entered the building, Mel understood why you had been so vague with what you were telling her. It was a skating rink, which she didn't know how to do and probably would have refused to come if you had told her, but seeing your excited face to be there, she decided to stay.
-"Let's go rent some skates!" - You screamed and tugged at her hand. Once ready, you entered the skate rink but the redhead wouldn't let go of your hand-"Do you want me to get you a walker to help you keep your balance?" - You asked truthfully and she shook her head laughing out of nervousness and embarrassment
-"I'm not a child, I can do it alone" -she muttered stubborn
-"If you say so" - You let go of her hand and started skating around her , twirling and doing little pirouettes
-"How are you so good at ice skating?" - She murmured in surprise and annoyed without moving from the spot, she looked like a cat near the water with how tense she was
-"A friend taught me... It's nice, give it a try!" - You screamed excitedly and skated a little farther away from her
-"Don't abandon me, please" - She whispered, embarrassed that she couldn't take a single step alone
-"I thought you could do it alone... Do you want me to push you?" - You asked with wickedness in your laughing voice, if your face was an emoji at that moment, it would be the devil smiling
-"No! Don't even think about it! I'll take off my skates and kick your ass... Come here and hold my hand" -She demanded and you came over laughing and let her put her hands around your arm, starting to skate gently with her
-"Thank you for coming with me Mel... I know this is not your first choice of activity... But I love to skate and I wanted to share it with you... Form a good memory together" - You whispered and felt her grip on your arm grow tighter
-"It's okay, it's more fun than I thought... Besides I like knowing what you like and what you don't... Like scary movies, maybe I'll use that to my advantage while we're here so we have to sleep together again" - She joked and you laughed a little, blushing.
For a while the two skated talking about a couple of things, sharing anecdotes and jokes until it was time to close so you had to leave. You carefully guided Mel, who hadn't let go of your arm in all this time, to the edge of the rink and made her sit down so she could remove her skates. Carefully you knelt in front of her and untied the shoelaces
-"I can do it hon" - She murmured, looking at you and you nodded
-"I know you can do it, but I want to help you anyway"-You responded by carefully removing her skates and putting her shoes on, when you looked up, the redhead was looking at you with something hidden behind her eyes, a look you couldn't quiet decipher, it was as if her gaze let out words that her lips couldn't say yet.
-"Thanks hon" - She whispered with a different tone in her voice, one you hadn't heard before
-"You are welcome Mel..."-You whispered as well, mesmerized by her eyes. After a few more seconds, you cleared your throat looking away from her and changed your own shoes.
The return home was peaceful, the comfortable silence was filled by soft music as you looked at the street lights with a smile that you couldn't wipe off your face.
-"Are you okay hon?" - Mel's voice brought you back to the present, and you nodded
-"Yes... It was a beautiful night, I enjoyed it a lot... It's been a while since I've had such a good time, I wish nights like this lasted a little longer..."-You muttered without thinking and looked out the window again after smiling at her
-"We're in no hurry to go home" - She replied and you looked at her confused
-"What do you mean?" -You frowned more
-"I mean the night isn't over yet, are you hungry? - She consulted smiling at you and you nodded
-"I could eat"-You answered, and at that very moment, the redhead changed the course she was driving in and headed to a drive-thru to order food. Without consulting you, she ordered your favorite food as if she had known it for years, which surprised you, then she ordered for herself and paid-"How do you know what my favorite food is?" - You asked, still surprised, and she laughed
-"Because I pay attention to you, whenever you bring this food to work, you do a little dance of happiness"-she muttered and you blushed. Instead of giving you your food on the spot, she kept driving to a secluded spot where there were almost no lights.
-"Mel? What are we doing? Are you going to give me my last meal and then you're going to kill me?" - You joked and she laughed, shaking her head
-"No...I just want you to keep enjoying the night" - The redhead opened the glass of the car ceiling and told you to look through it, as there were no lights nearby, the stars were seen in their maximum splendor and the moon looked bigger than ever. Mel took the food and gave you your share smiling-"Enjoy" - She whispered, caressing your hand and you stopped seeing the sky to see her in her eyes
-"Perfection..."-You whispered, not quite sure if you meant it because of the beauty of the stars or because of her beauty, everything was perfect, specially her.
As you ate, music played softly in the background, your chest brimming with calm and happiness.
When you finished, a soft and fresh air began to run, as the roof was open, a shiver ran through your body. Mel carefully leaned back your seat and hers and then covered you with her coat, the position you were in, was perfect for continuing to gaze at the stars. The redhead grabbed her cell phone, put it in the car and started playing your favorite series and then leaned back in her seat again. Silently and delicately you reached for her hand and intertwined your fingers with hers without saying anything else, the caresses she began to give in your hand, relaxed you even more.
From the moment you arrived at that house you didn't know what was going on, but you liked to enjoy the attention that Mel gave you. At school you were friends, but not to this point of trust that you were having right now.
When the second episode started, the redhead noticed that you had fallen asleep holding her hand, smiled at how cute you looked, stopped the series that was playing. She carefully buckled you up and then drove slowly home.
When you got home, Melissa saw that Jacob's car was already at the driveway, meaning they already had comeback from the club.
You were deep asleep in the passenger seat, lying and facing the same side that Mel was driving, the redhead turned off the car and stared at you for a few seconds, your breathing was calm and you looked happy even in your sleep, your lips were slightly parted and your hand was touching slightly her leg. You looked so peaceful and beautiful, your lips soft, soft, plump and ready to kiss. The redhead began to lean gently towards you, almost brushing her lips against yours. Your breath tickled her face as she checked to see if you were really asleep. When she was about to connect her lips with yours, Jacob ran out of the house smiling in relief at the sight of Melissa's car, the young man glued himself to the window of the car screaming, not knowing that you were asleep because of the tinted windows
-"Melissa! Help us! Jeannine it's trying to cook!!"-His screams caused you to wake up scared and startled, almost hitting Melissa because of how close she was to you
-"Hey! Hey hon, it's okay, you're safe, it's just Jacob being Jacob" - The redhead took your hands gently and caressed them, making you soothe a little, then she kissed your forehead and the tip of your nose making you laugh a little lost and sleepy-"That's it... That's better sweetheart... Jacob we will be there in a minute" - she told your housemate and helped you put on her jacket before getting out of the car with you.
Upon entering, Mel thought you were going straight to the room to continue sleeping, but instead you stayed by her side
-"Don't you want to sleep anymore? When I'm done cooking something for them, I'll go to the room... I don't want to risk Janine burning down the house for trying to cook..." - She murmured and you laughed as you sat at the counter watching her cook
-"I'll wait for you, I don't like to be in the room alone" - You murmured and hugged yourself with the redhead's jacket you were wearing, taking advantage and breathing in her perfume.
While Mel cooked, she would treat you to small bites on your lips to get your opinion on whether there was anything more to the plate. When the food was ready, you and Mel went to the dorm room. Mel was about to lie down on her bed when she heard your soft voice inviting her to sleep with you, which she couldn't say no to and crossed over to your bed hugging you and giving you warmth, helping you sleep better.
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snaileer · 10 months
Please go read the rewritten better version here please
When Bruce woke up, his mind was filled with fog. Why? What happened to-
His wife turned in her sleep next to him, and he smiled down at her. Her red hair fell around her shoulders.. red? Bruce blinked again. Diana’s hair was black, dark ebony, not- oh, he sees, of course, her hair was just a dark, dark red, of course, how could he miss it.
He gently leaned down and kissed her temple, watching as her eyes snapped open, then blinked slowly as tenseness faded.
“It’s morning time, Diana, time to get up. We have a big day today!”
Diana smiled as she sat up, pausing to briefly rub at her forehead with scrunched eyebrows, “Of course, dear.. I’m just, I think I had an odd dream..?” Diana looked slowly around the room, confusion lacing her features, “Bruce, where..why is today a big day..?”
Bruce paused, “I… don’t kno-“
Their bedroom door slammed open, “Mom! Dad! Get up! I don’t want to be late my first day of school!”
In the doorframe stands a young boy, 14 or 15 maybe, with dark black hair and bright blue eyes.
Barbara comes up behind him, stark red hair contrasting with the teal headband pushing it back, “Come on Danny, we still have an hour, we’re not going to be late, we still have to have breakfast.”
Bruce smiles, “Don’t worry Danny, your pops can cook up breakfast fast enough to get us there on time!” He practically jumps out of bed, sweeping Danny into a hug as he goes past.
The cloudiness of his mind is easy to forget as he starts on scrambled eggs for the family. He drops the first two eggs with shells in the pan with a wince, this is why Alfred never-. Who was-?
“Here Bruce, let me take over,” Diana slides in beside him with an indulgent smile as she empties the pan and starts again.
“Thanks Di, you know I was never much good at cooking,” he leans down to kiss her.
She turns to briefly return it before grabbing a spatula, “Well, I didn’t marry you for the food, Bruce.” She smiles.
“Ughhhh! Gross parent germs!” Danny groans from the table, already eating a piece of toast.
Babs walks by with a smile, ruffling her brother’s hair, “They’re just like that Danny, you know you’ll have to get used to it right?”
“Never!” He says, but there’s a smile on his face.
They all laugh at that as Diana takes the plates and puts them in the sink.
“If you don’t want to be late we better get in the car soon Danny,” Bruce says, checking his watch even though he doesn’t remember getting dressed with it this morning.
“Dang it!” Danny shouts, grabbing his backpack and running towards the door. Babs walks calmly behind him, both already in the car when he gets there.
Bruce listens to the family chatter of his kids as they drive, only to pause at a stoplight when it falls deadly silent.
He glances back, surprised to see Danny staring out the window with a glazed, hurting look.
Bruce follows his eyes to a closed burger restaurant on the other side of the street. Yellow tape is placed across the darkened storefront.
“What’s that place Danny?” He asks, curious as to why the boy is reacting so strongly.
Danny stiffly turns forward, “It’s nothing, Dad, just go. It’s just a closed restaurant, we don’t go there anymore.”
Something scratches Bruce’s mind, “Why not, Danno?”
Danny slams his hands down on the seat, “We just DON’T, OKAY!”
A horn honks behind him, the light green and Bruce presses the gas forward.
“Have a good day at school!” Bruce says, waving at them from the car window as they get out.
Danny waves back at him, shyly embarrassed by his dad’s display, but accepting of it anyways.
His mind blurs, thick as molasses- B! Where!- gray fog that smothers his que-
Bruce watches his kids come back down the steps as school ends, surrounded by a flood of other teens.
He gets out to stand and greet them, a smile on his face as their teacher introduces himself.
“Hi there, I’m Mr.Lancer, and you must be young Daniel’s father… Jack?” The man asks, grey hair pulled back in a ponytail.
Bruce scrunches his brows, “I’m Bruce,” he shakes the extended hand firmly, “Pleasure to meet you.”
The man’s smile brightens, sharpening at the edges in a way that makes Bruce’s head tilt, “Of course, of course! It’s a pleasure to have Danny in my class, I just have so much to teach him,” The man smirks.
“Come onnn, Dad, let’s go!”
Bruce turns around, still waving to the teacher as he gets in the car. The eyes stay on them through the rear view mirror as they drive away.
Bruce pries his eyes away from the schoolfront, glancing at his son.
“How was school, Danny?”
“Fine, I mean Dash is still here but at least he’s in different classes this year.”
“And how about you, Princess?” He says, looking at Babs.
Babs looks up at him through the mirror, a hint of tightness on her lips, “I’m… fine. My legs have been hurting all day though. I can’t figure out why.”
“I’m sure it’s no big deal. Let’s go inside.” Danny says, getting out of the car. They’re already home, though Bruce is sure it should have taken longer. The thought is lost to thick cotton in his mind.
Babs is able to get out of the car on her own, following them up to the entrance. Why does that seem odd?
Diana greets them as they come in, giving them each a hug. Bruce notices a shine around her wrists.
“What’s that, Dee, new jewelry?”
Diana looks down at the thick golden bracelets with a lift of her eyebrows, “Oh.. I was.. cleaning out the basement today… we just have so much stuff down there. I found them in a box… I think.. I think they’re from my mother.” Diana runs a gentle finger along the smooth metal surface, face soft with nostalgia.
When Bruce looks up, he sees Danny standing in the kitchen, eyes glued to the basement door with an empty stare.
“Our basement? … isn’t it…”
The doorbell rings, making Danny look over, trance lost.
When Diana opens the door, Tim and Steph are standing there. Bruce stares at them for a second, unblinking.
“Danny, your friends are here!” Diana yells, making the boy come rushing back down the stairs.
“Hi, Steph, hey Tim, ready to play DOOM?” He says with a smile.
“Of course, Danny!” Tim exclaims, pulling out a slim modified PDA, “I just downloaded the new mods, it’s gonna be sick! Maybe we’ll finally beat Steph!”
Steph playfully kicks at him with a combat boot, “As if, loser! You know I win every time.”
Bruce watches them go upstairs, both barely sparing a look at him as they follow Danny.
Why does he feel like the floor is dropping out from under him? Why do his thoughts keep getting swallowed by this… this.. fog?
Why is he…?
What’s happening?
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