#ban dog culture
stopthewoke · 23 days
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soupkiddo · 7 months
tried to put myself in the headspace of a transphobe and got pissed off cus it's so fucking stupid
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Some antisemitic dog whistles to watch out for
Because overtly hostile antisemitism is difficult to sell to people, and because it often gets people banned from media platforms, conspiracy theorists rely on other terms to get their ideas across.
Note that people will sometimes use these terms without understanding their connections to far right conspiracy theories, and some of them have legitimate uses outside of far right conspiracy theories. Don't assume that everyone who uses them is a secret Nazi or something. However, do pay close attention to what else they're saying and who they're getting their info from.
Banker/International banker: references the conspiracy theory that Jews control the banks.
Cabal/Kabbalists: references the belief that the Jewish conspirators are into Kabbalah (which is sometimes claimed to be satanic).
Globalists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews are working to create a one world order.
Talmudists: Literally just means Jews.
Marxists/Cultural Marxists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews created communism.
Leftists: references the conspiracy theory that progressive/leftist politics are a Jewish conspiracy.
The elite/elite bloodlines: references the conspiracy theory that most wealthy/ruling families have Jewish blood.
Khazars/Khazarian mafia: references a debunked hypothesis-turned-conspiracy theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of Khazars who converted to Judaism. (Conspiracy theorists often claim that this means Ashkenazi Jews aren't "real" Jews - which is nonsense from every angle because Judaism does not measure Jewishness through genetics.)
Generational Satanists: references the 13 Illuminati bloodlines conspiracy theory, which is basically a knockoff of the material in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion combined with blood libel and the anti-Catholic conspiracy theories of Alexander Hislop. Conspiracy theorists often claim that it isn't about Jews, it's about powerful families who sometimes just happen to be Jews, but like... c'mon, it's an obvious Protocols/blood libel knockoff that also happens to demonize a few more people. You're not slick.
Lizard people: references David Icke's assertion that the world is under the control of blood-drinking reptilian aliens who created Judaism to enslave humanity. Some people literally believe in Icke's lizard aliens; some just use the term as a dog whistle for regular Jews.
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k-s-morgan · 18 days
I in no way mean to be disrespectful, I hope you and your family are doing well and I’m so sorry for the recent attacks. I’m just ignorant and want to know what would happen if Ukraine surrendered to Russia?
I hope you are safe from bombing and air raids 🙏🙏
Hi! Thank you <3 And don't worry, that's a good question.
What I'm 100% sure would happen in case of Ukraine's surrender, even under the most optimistic scenario:
We'd have to give up the entire country, not just a part of it. Russia always comes back for more. It's been following the same pattern with different countries forever. With Ukraine, it got a pretty decent chunk back in 2014. That land continued to belong to Ukraine on paper only - in reality, it was fully under Russian control, and no one really fought for it any longer. Was Russia satisfied with it? No. It kept preparing and then attacked to overtake even more land. It will never have enough, so to give up now means to acknowledge that the entire Ukraine will cease to exist as a country, whether right away or after Russia starts another war against us.
Ukrainian language, culture, and heritage would be destroyed completely in the coming years. Our history - and the history of the world children are taught - will be re-written. There is a reason why the majority of countries that were a part of USSR speak primarily Russian. Russia keeps carefully erasing other languages and culture, it's been doing it for ages. It's doing it right now on the occupied territories.
Pro-Ukrainian activists and people of note would be persecuted, kidnapped, tortured, and killed. This is also a pattern, it happens everywhere Russia invades. I know many examples personally.
We'd be gradually cut off of the outside world. Like, Russia has banned major fanfiction sites; it's trying to block YouTube and other platforms. The transformation into a semblance of North Korea would be inevitable.
Ukrainians would be treated as third-rate non-humans on their own territory. Again, it's been happening everywhere Russia barges into.
Ukraine would be used as a military base to attack other countries, and Ukrainians would be forced to become Russian soldiers.
As for the rest, it could go in several ways. Maybe Russia would want to show how 'amazing' it is, so it'd turn Kyiv into a second Moscow, creating different well-paid positions and opportunities to suck up to Kyiv residents and to prove its hypocritical benevolence.
On the other hand, it could just as well turn the entire country into a concentration and extermination camp. Russia has been torturing, raping, degrading, and murdering our people everywhere. Stealing their homes, kidnapping children, etc. and etc. I have a huge number of friends, people I know, or their friends who shared their stories, and each of them has been absolutely horrific.
My Mom's colleague, for example, used to live near Bachmut. When Russians came in, they immediately began to hunt down anyone related to the police and the military and killing them or actually demanding ransom for them. They kidnapped this colleague's friends, a married couple, kept them in a dog's kennel, pissed on them, beat them up, and raped the wife repeatedly. At that point, the colleague managed to flee the area, and she has no idea as to what happened to them afterward.
This could very well be the fate of our country in case of our surrender since the world obviously doesn't care and wouldn't bat an eye at the millions suffering and dying, kind of like it's happening now.
So surrendering is dangerous because we might cease to exist, but perhaps we are just prolonging the inevitable. A tiny country with a pathetic level of support cannot win against a giant that has a ton of everything and whose allies keep sending it even more weapons of destruction. Oh, and let's not forget how Russia keeps producing more and more weapons because the US and EU keep selling it the parts it needs for missiles and other stuff, and how Ukraine, after seemingly getting help from these US and EU, is forbidden to use it to strike Russia back.
It's all a joke to everyone but us, so I honestly don't envision a positive outcome at all. In the end, as long as our heroes are determined to defend Ukraine, we'll keep trying to hold on. The future will show what it'll lead us to.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I had a fantastic moment in a Pokemon Unite Discord server today. This one anti was upset that the outfits for some Pokemon are dresses, because that's "pedophilia coded" and "too sexual not to be on purpose" and ". Before I could even say anything, this one dude, who is in his 50s and not fandom involved outside of Pokemon and so oblivious to anti culture, went off. "That's really disturbing that you see dresses and think of sex, even when it's on an animal. But that you think of LITTLE GIRLS AND SEX is UNACCEPTABLE! What is WRONG with you?! You need to be on a registry!" He pinged the mods. "This person SEES DRESSES and thinks of LITTLE GIRLS having SEX! PLEASE BAN THEM! This is an all-ages server! There are kids here!"
And since a lot of the people who are mods are gamer types in their 40s who are also not knee-deep in fandom discourse, and most of them are parents regardless of age? They banned this anti in under a minute.
It turns out that if you see a dress on a fictional dog and think of children having sex, normal people do not think you're a safe person to be around.
I really hope this makes that anti reflect on what she's saying and thinking and gets her to snap out of it. But even if it doesn't, it was really nice to see a glimpse of what life must've been like before people would agree in most situations that something normal was creepy.
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creative-anchorage · 1 year
If you were to imagine the first car-free neighborhood built from scratch in the modern US, it would be difficult to conceive such a thing sprouting from the environs of Phoenix, Arizona. [...] But it is here that such a neighborhood, called Culdesac, [...] an unusual experiment has emerged that invites Americans to live in a way that is rare outside of fleeting experiences of college, Disneyland or trips to Europe: a walkable, human-scale community devoid of cars.
[...] The apartments are also mixed in with amenities, such as a grocery store, restaurant, yoga studio and bicycle shop, that are usually separated from housing by strict city zoning laws. ... “It’s positively European, somewhere between Mykonos and Ibiza,” said Jeff Speck, a city planner and urban designer who took a tour of Culdesac earlier this year. “It is amazing how much the urbanism improves, both in terms of experience and efficiency, when you don’t need to store automobiles.” ... [C]ar dependence has been reinforced by zoning laws that not only separate residential from commercial developments, but require copious parking spots added for every new construction. “The result is a nation in which we are all ruthlessly separated from most of our daily needs and also from each other,” Speck said.
Culdesac can be seen, then, as not only a model for more climate-friendly housing – transportation is the US’s largest source of planet-heating emissions and, studies have shown, suburban sprawl fuels more of the pollution causing the climate crisis – but as a way of somehow stitching back together communities that have become physically, socially and politically riven, lacking a “third place” to congregate other than dislocated homes and workplaces. ... Vanessa Fox, a 32-year-old who moved into Culdesac with her husky dog in May, had always wanted to live in a walkable place only to find such options unaffordable. For her, Culdesac provided a sense of community without having to rely on a car every time she left her apartment. “For some, cars equal freedom, but for me, it’s a restriction,” she said. “Freedom is being able to just simply walk out and access places.” ... Driving to places is so established as a basic norm that deviation from it can seem not only strange, as evidenced by a lack of pedestrian infrastructure that has contributed to a surge in people dying from being hit by cars in recent years, but even somewhat sinister. People walking late at night, particularly if they are Black, are regularly accosted by police – in June, the city of Kaplan, Louisiana, even introduced a curfew for people walking or riding bikes, but not for car drivers.
If neighborhoods like Culdesac are to become more commonplace, then, cities will not only have to alter their planning codes, but there will also have to be a cultural switch from the ideal of a large suburban home with an enormous car in the driveway. [...]
Johnson, who said he is planning to bring the Culdesac concept to other cities, is upbeat about this. “This is something that the majority of the US wants, so they can work all over the country,” he said. “We have heard from cities and residents all over the country that they want more of this, and this is something that we want to build more.”
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worlds-worst-ships · 2 months
Do you ship it? ((C*nt of the month edition) trying not to get banned)
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Hi Matt! Since I know comedians these days love googling themselves and finding things about them that piss them off so they can whinge on stage about it, I have something to show you. Here's a list of people in history with disabilities who made more of an impact on the world than you could possibly imagine;
1: Michael Bisping, professional MMA fighter, had multiple fights at the highest level on the trot with an impressive win ratio with a missing eye, unbeknownst to anyone but him (would love to see you make fun of him)
2: Albert Einstein, most famed and celebrated professor of the 20th century, was on the autistic spectrum. Gave more to the world in a year than you did in your life.
3: Tim Burton, among the most famous directors, producers and animators in history, revolutionizing goth culture in his long career, is also autistic. He put in far more work than standing on stage and being a dick.
4: Stephen Hawking. Even an idiot like you knows this one. I'll leave it at that.
5: Hellen Keller, was literally deaf and blind for most of her life and was still a famous author. So whats your excuse for writing such shit, tasteless jokes?
6: Zack Gottsagen, an actor with down syndrome, became the first actor with down syndrome to present an Oscar.
7: Stevie Wonder. I imagine even he could see how utterly insufferable modern comedians are.
Nooooow then, lemme guess, "yOu'Re jUsT a PiSsEd oFf TrAnS pErSoN gEtTiNg OFfEnDeD" lemme tell everyone something about myself.
I'm not trans.
I'm straight.
I have no physical disabilities whatsoever.
I actually don't get along with a lot of lgbt people because they're, guess what, PEOPLE, very few of whom I get along with anyway. Its never once been to do with their identities or rights, but purely because, as is the case with every demographic, most of the ones I've met are pricks.
"BuT ThEy GEt OFfEnDeD-" yes, when you deliberately scroll twitter looking for offended lgbt people, you tend to stumble across them. Wouldn't ya know it?
Anyways. Comedy is dog shit. Getting up on stage and deliberately being edgy because you've lived no sort of life away from people who you know you'll offend is not talent. Its something a 14 year old with an inferiority complex would do. Thanks for being another nail in the coffin of actual, watchable comedy.
Oh yeah, and if you want an example on how to actually joke about domestic violence, cross-reference the name "Wilbur" on my blog. See, its funny when you're making fun of the abuser and the fact that they do these things, but not when you mock a victim and make fun of them for having these things happen to them. Never once do I mention his victims, its purely making fun of him and the sheer absurdity of his behavior in the scope of who he is. And we're on Tumblr, literally the symbol of people getting offended, and never once have I gotten backlash for those jokes, so you, as a man with a Netflix special, have no excuse for such lacking creativity.
One last thing, for my readers... anyone wanna bet some petty cash that a woman or three from his past are gonna come out with a few tasty bits of drama about ol' Matty boy, if you know what I mean?
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ryttu3k · 1 year
"The question has never been: Can you build cities?
Ants do that.
The question has never been: Are you capable of considering your own existence and getting kind of depressed about it?
Any animal in captivity does that.
The question has never been: Can you use tools?
Crows do that. Otters do that. Apes do that. Good Lord, everybody does that.
The question has never been: Can you perform complex problem solving?
Dogs do that.
The question has never been: Can you experience love?
Nobody doesn’t.
The question has never been: Can you use language?
Parrots and dolphins and cuttlefish do that.
The question has never even been: Do you understand object permanence, can you recognize yourself in the mirror, do you bury your dead, do you bond emotionally with your young?
Elephants do all those things, and some humans definitely don’t.
The only question is this:
Do you have enough empathy and yearning and desperation to connect to others outside yourself and scream into the void in four-part harmony? Enough brainpower and fine motor control and aesthetic ideation to look at feathers and stones and stuff that comes out of a worm’s more unpleasant holes and see gowns, veils, platform heels? Enough sheer style and excess energy to do something that provides no direct, material benefit to your personal survival, that might even mark you out from the pack as shiny, glittery prey, to do it for no other reason than that it rocks?
Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything pulses to a beat laid down by the Big Bang. Everything feels the drumline of creation from star to sex to song. But can you make that rhythm? In order to create a pop band, the whole apparatus of civilization must be up and running and tapping its toe to the beat. Electricity, poetry, mathematics, sound amplification, textiles, arena architecture, efficient mimetic exchange, dramaturgy, industry, marketing, the bureaucratic classes, cultural critics, audiovisual transmission, special effects, music theory, symbology, metaphor, transportation, banking, enough leisure and excess calories to do anything beyond hunt, all of it, everything.
Can everyone else trust that, if you must declare war and wipe out half a quadrant, you’ll at least write a sad song about it?
Well, even that is not quite enough.
Are you kind enough, on your little planet, not to shut that rhythm down? Not to crush underfoot the singers of songs and tellers of tales and wearers of silk? Because it’s monsters who do that. Who extinguish art. Who burn books. Who ban music. Who yell at anyone with ears to turn off that racket. Who cannot see outside themselves clearly enough to sing their truth to the heavens. Do you have enough goodness in your world to let the music play?
Do you have soul?"
- Space Opera, by Catherynne M Valente
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shiyorin · 1 year
What do you think it would be like if primarchs used social media?
Lion El'Jonson:
Private account, doesn't accept follower requests
Rarely posts, usually just sunset or forest photos
Uses emojis sarcastically in replies
Has 20 followers but thinks it's way too many
Aesthetic pictures pose artfully depict exotic hobbies and runway couture 
Filters all photos to perfection  
Constantly debates high art vs pop culture 
Thirst traps cause monthly massacres
"Like for a follow back 🔥" 
Photos are exclusively poorly-lit fortress blueprints 
Bio is 25000 character treatise on siege tactics
Follows exactly 12 history scholars 
Hates everyone and everything on the site 
Actually ran some incisive political commentary bots before being banned
Jaghatai Khan: 
Only posts the sickest motocross and extreme sports clips
Videos have insane views but no captions 
Fans think he's a cryptid until rare livestreams 
Hijacks Fulgrim's comments to hype rad stunts
Leman Russ:
Changed his name to 'Wolf Daddy 🐺'
Shirtless hunting/drinking photos get 10K likes
Roasts everyone in comments but they love it  
Followers think he's a viking hipster meme page
Follows biker gangs, sled dog accts, scholars of old Terra 
Rogal Dorn:
Only posts are architectural blueprints and records of fortifications
Gets into epic debates about structural principles in comments  
No one knows if he actually loads new content or just archives old
Somehow gains tons of followers thirsting for DILF
Konrad Curze:
Pure darkness and screams in hazy JPEGs 
3 followers and they're all bots
Posts disturbing ‘prophecies’ and murder puzzles
Under investigation for doxxing
Angelic selfies bring all the followers to his page    
Flowing locks and golden abs get 20K likes instantly   
Quotes poetry in every reply but no one understands 
Only follows animal shelter and children's hospital accounts
Ferrus Manus:
Only follows engineering/robotics pages
Posts heavily filtered machine shop mini-documentaries 
Photos of custom machines that make engineers weep
Comments are unintelligible techno-babble  
Somehow gains huge gym bro following thirsting for muscle
Gets banned monthly for graphic content and abuse
Posts angry rants about society in broken caps
Got suspended after sending death threats to Guilliman
Only follower is Khârn who comments 'THIS' on everything  
Roboute Guilliman:
Shares updates on the latest Codexes 
Only follows serious history/philosophy lecture pages
Posts long analyses of governance strategies 
Constantly lectures others in comments
Has blocked half his followers for trolling
Aesthetic is grimy gas mask selfies in back alleys
ONLY reposts plague doctor memes from 2003
Bio is endless copypasta about essential oils
Gains cult following of goths, metal heads and preppers
Endless livestreams talking about theoretical magic at 3AM with 2 viewers. 
Tries making TikToks explaining sorcery but the videos are an hour long each.
Overexplains memes and emojis in long-winded threads
Memes and facts threads blow up as the most esoteric
Horus Lupercal:
Selfies showing off abs get him 50K followers in a week
Posts stunning photos from across the Imperium with #blessed captions
Fan club is half the mankind 
DMs from people asking for selfies blow up his notifications  
Lorgar Aurelian:
Aesthetic is dark robes and candlelit monasteries
Constantly reposting zealot sermons out of context
Accidentally starts wars of faith whenever he livestreams
Got suspended for uploading hardcore Slaneeshi hymns
Still has 10 alt accounts all named Brother [REDACTED]
Only follows puppy accounts and craft bloggers
Posts Happy Holiday baking tutorials and dad jokes
Likes and comments positivity on everyone's posts
Followers think he's the nicest DILF ever online
Secretly the biggest wholesome meme page
Corvus Corax:
Only darkness, shadow puppets and cryptic poems
No one knows if he's real or a myth on the deep web
Internet detectives can’t trace his true identity  
Only sends encrypted coordinates in mysterious DMs  
No one has any idea what he's trying to say  
1 follower is Alpharius who only replies 'No, I'm Alpharius'
Constantly pretending to be other online  
No one knows their true forms or agenda 
Takeovers of government sites spark conspiracies
Leaves clues implicating everyone else’s schemes
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roxxie-spirt · 7 months
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Alright alright I should probably post this, sorry for a sudden disappearance! My phones been in repair and I only have my iPad to do all my socials and idk for me I just don’t like posting on my iPad it’s purely a me thing 😭…. Anyways! Here’s a dump of goey doodles ugh I love them so much, I’m going to post right after this for next gen so yah! This drawing above is Zoey’s and garroths first kiss for one another 🥺
Then a major jump into Zoey and garroth with Child (zenith) and before you say “why does she have her dogs out 😭😭” WELLL ELVES WANT TO FEEL THE EARTH TO ABSORB THE NATURAL MAGICCC while they’re expecting :3, I’m gonna say some things about elves and their pregnancy!
Elves carry for about 10-11 months
They have cravings for magic induced fruits
Within the culture elves embroider on a blanket for their babies , not just for fun but for a spell that’s woven in the blanket for protection (this practice is now banned in Yggdrasil due to the law of using magicks )
Usually in Yggdrasil there’s a garden for expecting mothers, young children and their parents , and new borns and parents to soak in the nature magic’s . It relaxes them and it’s a need for children and new Borns to walk around the garden. Since Zoey is banished from Yggdrasil she’s kinda just walks around a neighbors garden , but garroth makes their own private garden with the help of Travis and Lucinda for magical plants!
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pathfinderyderss · 1 year
Heads up! The user barbex is a proshipper (supports romanticizing abuse in fiction).
Hi! So, I apologize for my delay in responding to your message - I have had a lot of thoughts and wanted to make sure l was expressing them in the best way possible.
I want to be honest, when I first read your message, I didn’t know what pro-shipping was, but I do know @barbex --I've been following her for the better part of a decade and she is an excellent author and l enjoy her views on the Dragon Age lore (and her views on Anders). I've also done more than a few of the prompt months that she's put together.
With all of that said, I wanted to better understand your viewpoint and see what it is that is defined as part of your block list. So, I hopped on your blog! I found your blocklist and the items you've listed as egregious enough to report users and as a former Literature Major, it saddened me to see such Puritanical and Orwellian views being broadcast with such vitriol.
The first thing I want to address is that in my fifteen plus years in fandom I have always subscribed to the “Don’t Like, Don’t Read" mentality. I am unafraid to block people on this website for a single take I don't agree with, and with that I am a FIRM supporter of accurate community labels as there are many things that I myself do not enjoy or want to read - so my blocked tags are plentiful and the blogs I block are many and that curated experience is why I do not get involved in any sort of fandom drama. 
I implore you to do the same. Fandom can be such a wonderful, constructive experience when you surround yourself with like-minded individuals. A dear friend of mine reminded me of the phrase, ”No Good Fandom, Only Good Friends” and nothing could be more accurate. Your tiny corner of the Fandom is an amazing way to flourish socially and mentally; however when your energy instead is spent on searching for others with ideological differences the experience instead becomes a witch hunt full of dog piling and negativity.
Now, on your blog, I noticed that you bemoan that you are unable to have a conversation about Fandom/Purity Culture/Fanfiction and I feel like this is an important topic to discuss so l am going to indulge in this against my better judgement, and at the end if you don't like what I've said, l implore you to block me as well.
My primary issue with your block list is that it derives from anti-intellectualism and a puritanical view of fandom. Which, if that is how you want to experience fandom, that's fine, but publicizing it is beyond ridiculous and leads back to my earlier point about witch hunts and dog piling.
Based on your list, your primary concerns in your block list stem from the following topics: rape, incest, pedophilia- including predatory age gaps and abuse. And I wonder; do you devalue fiction in the same way?
The first thing on your list that caught my attention was your adamant disapproval of the Thanatos/Zagreus ship in Hades. Is this just a general distaste for all Greek/Roman mythology as all of it could meet your block list above? Does Disney's Hercules get a pass due to the inaccuracies in the retelling — does the Hera/Zeus relationship get a pass because it isn't explicitly mentioned? And does it matter that it is a more inaccurate retelling of the myth?
In that same vein; are stories like Jane Eyre (which contains both a predatory age gap and a horrific example of a mentally ill character) or Wuthering Heights (which contains incest and abuse) not worth telling to a modern audience because they show these things? Are we forgoing media literacy and critical thinking now because these things glorify the worst parts of humanity?
And regardless of if it is a piece of classic literature or a piece of modern fanfiction making the decision for others that they cannot read these things due to them being "bad” or "wrong" or "shameful" is no different than banning books. And you devalue the readership of these pieces of literature by saying that they are unable to critically think for themselves and find the value of an individual piece of fiction.
I emphasize again, YOU as an individual do not have to view or interact with this material if it makes you uncomfortable, but I beg you not to police others in an Orwellian fashion over the media they choose to produce or view. Use the block button and blacklist tags you don't like or make you uncomfortable - that is what they are there for. Instead, talk to people who share your views but do not turn this into a witch hunt or an NC-17 purge that we've seen so damaging to our communities in the past.
All of this is to say; find joy Fandom — whatever that may mean for you and let others do the same. 
I hope this was informative.
- Ryder
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stopthewoke · 1 month
Are these people sacrificing their babies on purpose? Don't they watch the news, where you hear of mutts attacking children weekly?
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mlmxreader · 6 months
My Best Ally | Aragorn x gn!reader
↳ ❝ “You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.”With Aragorn please ❞
: ̗̀➛ Aragorn has an alliance with the general of an army, although it isn't just politics
: ̗̀➛ blood, injury, war, violence
There was no surrender, and there was no way that withdrawal would work either; the flap of the coat of arms flew high above you, displaying a great red dragon with claws as big as mountains and teeth as harsh as sunlight. There was only one thing to do - drive them through the hills, and out of your lands.
Just as your ancestors had done for years, it was now down to you to follow in their footsteps; it was down to you to ensure that the white flag with a red cross never took over. You would die before seeing your countrymen perish to those dogs.
Drawing your sword, you turned to your men, and took a harsh breath.
"This is the killing field!" You bellowed. "This is where we show them no mercy! Ride with the wind!"
They cheered, although you clenched your jaw in a vain attempt to stop your heart from hammering in your chest; with an absent hand, you reached up and touched the small chunk of metal around your neck.
The small necklace that Aragorn had given you, inscribed with an old elven saying, was always around your neck when you went to battle.
The men fell into line in their respective battle positions; cavalry at the front, archers at the back. All wearing bright red armour made from dense dragon scales.
They were never fearful of what may come, knowing that if the battle was lost then those bearing the white and red flag would take over everything; they would flood villages and ban the language, outlaw and violently suppress the culture and traditions. They would not allow the land of the dragon to flourish and thrive.
Your men could not afford to be scared.
"Ride them down!" You called out, getting up on your horse with a huff. "Hunt them until the last man!"
It was true that your battle tactics were always less than merciful; you always left one man alive to go back and warn his countrymen, and he was always on the brink of death.
If he refused, his horse would be sent back, dragging his body as his shoulder blades were forcibly pushed up and out of his skin, and they would always find rats feasting inside his stomach.
You were very good at breaking the enemy's will.
You charged with the cavalry, herding the enemy lines into a small circle so that they were completely rounded up with no escape; you liked to watch them beg for their lives with fear in their eyes as they dropped to their knees.
As they surrendered, you gave the order, and they perished.
But while the rest of your men stood tall as they marched home, you did not; you gave word to your right-hand, telling him to look after the group, before heading towards the woods.
You left your horse at the edge, and felt relief wash over you the second you stepped onto the mossy ground.
"Aragorn!" You called as you wandered down to the little bridge, taking a seat and letting your legs dangle over the edge as you waited.
He was never very long, always running out of some of the bushes before smiling and letting out a quiet laugh. "You lived."
"As always," you nodded, waiting for him to sit down before you rested your head on his shoulder. "Good thing about dragonscale armour - you don't get killed."
Aragorn laughed softly, although his eyes soon caught the spatters on your armour. "Did you get hurt?"
"It isn't my blood," you whispered. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come to see you before-"
"It's alright," he murmured. "You seem tired."
"It seems the more they try to take our lands, the more tired I become," you started, "it's difficult, disgusting work... slaughtering them like cattle... but we are only trying to stop them from destroying our land."
"I know," Aragorn nodded slowly, letting his hand rest on your thigh as he cleared his throat. "One day, they will sings of you."
"I sure hope not," you laughed quietly. "I do not want to be remembered."
"You have no choice," he mused. "You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die. I will never let you be forgotten."
"Now you're just rubbing it in," you joked.
He gave your thigh a little shake as he hummed. "You know, the woods are whispering again."
"Really?" You asked. "What is it this time?"
"They say that there is a war coming," he explained, "and that your lands will have to unite with the rest of Men in order to save the world."
"I would do it on one condition," you admitted.
"Which is?"
"It would be under your banner," you told him plainly. "You have my alliance, Aragorn, just as you have my heart. If you want my men, you will have them - but only under your banner."
He nodded slowly. "I hope it does not come to it."
"As do I," you breathed out. "But you know as well as I do that the woods are not wrong. Can't you feel it? Something... brewing."
He nodded slowly, chewing at the inside of his lip. "I feel it. But where there is anxiety, there is hope."
You extended your hand to him. "If you shall ever need an ally, promise you will call upon me."
He held your hand tightly, kissing your knuckles. "Always. You are my ally in every way, General."
You nodded curtly, daring to smile at him. "And you are mine, Ranger."
He smiled back, licking his lips. "Shall we walk?"
Slowly, you stood up with him, and linked your arm with his. "I might be a little slow, today..."
"I'm aware," he whispered. "You are fresh from battle, I wouldn't expect differently."
"Thank you," you told him softly. "Really, Aragorn, thank you."
"Anything," Aragorn insisted. "Anything that I can do for you, I will, always. You are, after all, my best and favourite ally."
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doberbutts · 7 months
genuine question coming from a place of good faith: is it wrong of me to be scared for transmascs right now? the harassment of transfems by both radfems and now even tumblr staff is fucking horrendous, but im terrified that due to so much recent discourse, people are going to blame transmascs for it and hate us even more than they already do.
i genuinely do care about transfems and it’s utterly ghoulish what’s going on right now, and it needs to stop, but I can’t help but get this awful sinking feeling over how it could affect transmascs by proxy — but I’m not sure if that’s wrong of me? is it wrong to worry about, should I be focusing entirely on transfems right now? is it transmisogynistic of me to be concerned about both of these things instead of just the one? I don’t know if what I’m feeling is wrong and it’s stressing me out so badly :(
I don't think it's ever wrong to be concerned about multiple real problems at once.
I have stayed pretty quiet on this situation, mostly just adding stuff to my queue if I agree with it but not weighing in personally. Mainly the reason is that I genuinely don't know anything about the trans woman in question who all of this fuss is for. But, I have seen other trans blogs get nuked for seemingly flimsy reasons, and I have seen self-professed terfs and radfems crowing victory with the latest victims of their mass-reporting.
And I think this is a bit of a PR nightmare, but I also think this site does have a serious harassment problem the staff does not take nearly seriously enough while it also seems to punish in equal amounts blogs that get harassed AND blogs that were literally just minding their own business, with really the main similarities being that they are blogs owned by people belonging to seriously marginalized and at-risk demographics talking about controversial topics like racism and LGBT politics.
It is really quite frustrating that there are now accusations that trans mascs talking about their own oppression are behind this, when not only is there no proof behind the claim but also even without a lot of direct knowledge I am seeing a certain demographic cheering that their mass reports worked and I gotta say, that demographic largely isn't trans mascs.
I also think there is a lot of hypocrisy floating around, because some of these blogs I'm seeing mad about this latest streak of bans are also people who themselves have advocated for harassing others and mass-reporting others who simply fail the vibe check while just existing as themselves, off this website. And while those users don't have the power of the literal CEO, they're failing to see how they've contributed to the problem of this website's user culture of "send the most vile thing you can think of en mass until they break and leave and good riddance".
I say this as someone who also has been harassed by a band of people wanting to chase me off of this website. It is why I don't interact much with dogblr anymore. I have had several people who joined in that dog pile later approach me and apologize, but the damage is still done and I am not interested in engaging with a "community" so willing to tear someone apart on flimsy accusations that weren't even true. I almost killed myself that night, I had a mental break and turned off my blog completely for several days just to make it stop, and returned to see people similarly crowing with delight that they'd successfully run me off. It's happened to me, and the perpetrators were almost entirely white cisgender women, and I have been very reliably told by multiple other people that both my blackness and my transgender status were significant motivators in their poor behavior.
This also happening in the wake of yet another transgender teen killed by their peers has left me simply mentally and physically exhausted. I began involving myself more in the transgender community on here because I wanted this to stop. I wanted to help uplift my siblings and get them out of the pit before the whole thing caved in. It's feeling very hopeless right now for trans kids around the world and in the mean time it's also apparently my fault a trans woman I don't even know got banned I guess..
In any case. Hold your head up. We'll get through this, somehow. We always have. We always will.
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scatteredlight1 · 9 months
Am I the villain...?
Instead of 'Am I the asshole' it's just silm characters except they're going 'Am I the villain...'.
Sons of Feanor version:
Maedhros: I might have stolen a couple of jewels from my uncle. For context, these jewels were made by my father and then stolen by others. However, when I picked up the jewels they burned me and I jumped into a chasm. I am now stuck in the halls of the dead, thinking about my past actions, and the leader around here, Mandos, is accusing me of being a villain. I have committed many crimes while I was getting these jewels back, including mass murder, theft, kidnapping, arson, starting a war against the bad guy who killed my father, and perhaps a few more. But I also saved a few people. This place keeps making me think: am I the real villain here? Am I the cause of all the problems? Am I at fault for allowing my brothers to roam unchecked?
Maglor: Am I the villain? Yes. I am the villain. I kidnapped innocent children after killing their parents brutally, burned down ships when my father asked, didn't protect my lands when my brother asked, and then I abandoned those kids I stole to wallow in self-pity. I'm contemplating whether or not I deserve to be called anything right now.
Celegorm: I just got killed by the son of this girl that I liked. My dog abandoned me for her, and she stole my family's jewel and refused to return it. And now this stupid god guy is accusing me of being a villain for not respecting a person's wishes? Am I the villain when I was abandoned by everyone and accused of crimes I did not commit?
Caranthir: I was just minding my own business, scamming people and getting in the money needed to fund a whole ass war and then my brothers decided we had to kill a bunch of people and I had to participate. So I did. Now I'm dead and this guy tells me I can't get money because I was basically a horror story told to children. Would I be the villain if I killed him? (He's already dead btw.)
Curufin: Whatever anyone else is saying, I am not the villain. But apparently, it's cool to post 'Am I the villain stuff' or so my brother said. So. I might've killed a bunch of people and I might've made weapons that harmed way more people. Does that make me the villain? I think not. Those people were keeping me and my brothers from our birthright. We asked them politely multiple times, but it didn't work. Sadly, we had to resort to violence, although we were set on achieving it through peace. Additionally, those people tried to ban our language, eradicate our culture, and refused to allow our refugees to settle under their protection because they were sanctimonious, prejudiced, and stuck-up.
Amrod: Can I be the villain when I've been dead since the beginning?
Amras: My twin was killed by my father, and then my father died. I proceeded to do unspeakable things to get revenge on the guy that firstly made my father insane enough to kill my twin and then my father. Anyone else who was injured was just collateral and completely accidental. Besides, I spent most of my time listening to my older brothers and following their orders, but this random guy I bumped into called me a villain. Am I really the villain?
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camoftarakas · 15 days
Gonna be super for real, here is my masterpost of why its important for me that you take advantage of your right to vote to choose Kamala Harris.
Section 1: Personal Issues
I am a transgender person. I live where i'm pretty sure it will be safe to do so for the next 4 years, but not only should i not risk it, i shouldn't be willing to send my trans family into danger, especially the young ones. Republicans are making a big point out of removing the Trans agenda from schools. what the fuck does this mean? right now the target is that teachers, counselors, school faculty who hear a child is trans will be obliged to report it to their home. this is a direct danger to the next generation. If you do not hide who you are, it may be ripped out of you. Children will feel they are better dead than being out. and adults who abuse queer kids will not be held accountable.
I am an autistic and disabled person. Donald Trump and his cronies think vaccines cause autism. this is absurdly hateful, but beyond that they call for pullbacks and regulation for vaccines. For an incredibly safe, incredibly guarded piece of protection against disease, regulation means less access to medicine. More epidemics, more sick people, shorter lives for the disabled.
Section 2: Domestic Issues
the full access to abortion and childcare must be restored. the two are forever linked, and both are essential healthcare. people in my life benefit from this, your neighbors benefit from this, human beings benefit from this.
whoever is in charge has the sole ability to appoint supreme court judges for 4 years. The court can not become further packed against us, whoever you are, because they are not shy about infringing the rights of your neighbors or your family on party lines.
the ability for people to only just get by under a Republican presidency will be gutted. tax cuts for the wealthy are not just immoral, but the government can not operate on less income. The burden comes down on those who deserve it least. Hunger, homelessness, freezing, overheating, death.
voting rights are the target of Republicans, especially for the most reliable opposition: Black and Latino Americans. this is happening now in states desperate to suppress minority voices, or to assimilate them into a regressive white culture of last century. If that isn't bad enough, voter suppression is sure to expand to any dissident population. The future is on the line.
Section 3: Global Issues
Donald Trump uses dog whistles to express israeli support. He calls democrats "Hamas", claims they are "Destroying Israel", calls jewish people delusional for supporting them. There isn't a perfect palestinian candidate. that is all but explicitly banned in politics. Vice president Harris will be clipped out of context saying that she vaguely supports Israel's right to self defense, because that is the most she can say without causing panic and confusion. If elected, Kamala Harris would be the most pro-Palestinian president ever, and it's not any amount of praise to say that. But she seeks solution, the end of Israel's control of them, the acknowledgement that what is happening there is unconscionable. MAGA has trained us to think that a vote to a candidate is a total endorsement of all their actions and word-of-mouth values, but it is the NORMAL and DECENT thing to do to demand better from the person you elect. Donald Trump is in Netanyahu's pocket, you won't get anywhere asking him not to rain terror on Palestine.
Ukraine has a right to self-governance as well. Republicans would pull support, and hold more conferences with Putin than with our allies across the world.
Republicans will refuse investment into clean energy. Trump's last presidency saw a resurgence in Coal, and ramblings about dead birds. Republican control will hold back any responses to the climate disaster another 4 years.
Section 4: Closing Thoughts
A US president can not fix the world. A US president can't even fix their own country. But god damn it don't give in to assured worsening. don't vote for third party; they're not gonna win, they're not gonna win next time, the point you want to make will fall on deaf ears; the time and place is not now or here. don't skip voting, 1/3 of americans don't vote because they don't think their voice makes a difference. vote in every category, there are important issues left to you. You may not turn your state, but you can turn a policy, or your city, or your county, or your representative, or make sure people in your district get a fair trail with a good judge, or that a good person is in charge of your schools. vote like your neighbors life depends on it; it does. vote like the world depends on it; it does. vote like it's the least you can do; it is. You have to participate in this one simple task, flawed as it may be, to not be a hypocrite when you ask for change, when you ask for progress, when you ask for justice. You can elect people who serve you, not who demand you serve them. You can choose to take a step forward, instead of standing still while you're dragged backwards with the rest of us. you can save lives, real lives! you fucking matter, every time, but please for the love of god, do the bare minimum at least this time. And after we're done, we'll go out, and ask for more, ask for better, because government is for us and they need to listen to us, forever, whoever.
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