#au: crisis countdown
lilbombus · 1 year
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excuse the constant different name spellings but Malaine Jona Harley (or May May Jona for short) is the eldest daughter of Jade Harley and Davepeta.
She’s the essential scout of the group and the heart of the family. Due to this new session trapping the kids and descendants in the game without their parents, she usually scouts the dream bubbles to find any clues on how to get back home, while finding ways to lvl up. She talks to dead versions of the trolls and even becomes close to her Leijon side of the family. While she’s hesitant to meet the beta and alpha groups, she may talk to them without fear of them finding out who her parents are by hiding her blond hair strands, wearing black mascara, and wearing a face mask. 
One of the strongest players in the group, she has multiple skill sets in both long-range, short-range and even hand to hand combat, she also has two sets of pistols with different modes such as charged electric shots, ray gun, lasers shots, grappling hooks, and regular bullets that she can change with ease. Also her two pistols can be attached together to make a long ranged rifle. Her specialty is probability - making it extremely difficult for her opponents to predict her next moves due to her numerous “combo” attacks. (think of her like those character in fighting games such as street fighter)
Her personality and Inspo were based on Sango (Inuyasha), Edward Elric (FMA), and Kanaya Maryam.
Anyways, I like to think May May Jona met Davepeta during the few years Davepeta’s was in the game and gave them a note with half of her name on it. She never told them who she was but she kept calling them "Renny." Davepeta was suspicious but didn't know if she was a Leijon descendant or their "direct descendant".
(if you're wondering May May Jona was born from the ectobiology machine with Davepeta's dna mixed with some random trolls dna. she might not be biologically related to Jade but she's her kid and they have the same laughter. Jade added Jona to her name so she'll follow the name trend of the family in hopes she wouldn't feel left out.)
Her name created a paradox and guaranteed the crisis countdowns’ timeline/universe.
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glitter-stained · 2 months
Jaykyle enemies to lovers misunderstanding AU where they hatefuck once during Countdown to Final Crisis and part ways. Jason becomes Star Sapphire from a different mechanism than usual just because he's so powered by love, and forgets to mention it to just about everyone but Carol. Cue a very confused Kyle being accosted by a bunch of curious/angry bats and/or outlaws who think the reason why Jason's struggling with his power (his magic keeps exploding in his face) is because Kyle broke his heart. (It's not, Jason just needs to learn about self-love). Upon learning that, Kyle goes through three different crises in ten minutes and decides that while he still doesn't like Jason he has to "take responsibility" and "make this right" because he thinks Jason loved him and was being defensive of Kyle's hostility and he used and ditched him, so he decides to help Jason with his powers and resolve the situation. Eventually this is what they needed to give eachother a chance and they fall in love, but god does Jason laughs his ass off when he finally learns about the misunderstanding.
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thenixkat · 2 months
will stew over fic ideas (specifically the Ted comes back wrong au) now that I know what happened after Ted's death i know that the comics after Infinite Crisis skipped ahead one year instead of dealing with the direct aftermath of shit
but i also know that there's will shit and, like, as much as I hate the nice guy-ification of Ted and Barbra's friendship that was fucking contrived for Ted to be alone, her freezing him out played a hand in his death so she shouldn't have his money in my book. Especially when she left Booster Gold in a lurch when he needed help too and supposedly Booster is Ted's best friend
i can come up with up with a decent reason for Ted and Barbra's friendship to go icy at least from Barbra's side that isnt nice guy-ification like she did pressure him to go back into the field after he retired (clearly with the mindset of if you've got the power its yer responsibility). (there's so much wrong with Ted dropping off the face of the Earth more or less between his diagnosis and Countdown but like that's what happened)
Like I could see an aftermath of Ted getting diagnosed with his heart condition and going 'That is a sign if there ever was one' and perhaps not looking into ways to get it potentially fixed or mitigated so he can do more hero wise and wanting to go back to basically retired tech support and Barbra being miffed about it. Cause unlike her paralysis that she's refusing to get fixed unless the tech to do so is widely available to the public (I think i'm remembering right) Ted's condition is potentially fixable with modern technology especially since it wasnt specified any more than ''degenerative heart condition' which could be a lot of things and some of those things are fixable
might need to workshop it, but that's what comes to mind
like that makes more sense to me, Barbra getting icey on 'you could fix yer shit and go back to helping people in the field but are choosing not to which is selfish' and not that incel friendzoned shit the writer pulled out their ass
it also bothers me so much that no one questioned why Ted was back in costume in Countdown to Infinite Crisis which is set after he got diagnosed. Yes it was most likely just the writer being ablest, but it fits that bullshit superhero mentality that heroing is more important than anything else and you should be out on the field even if its actively killing you. Like sure Ted's heart could give out on him at any second but he should be in costume and doing things
I still loathe the absolute fuckery of Ted being a joke to the entire superhero community that no one takes him being in trouble seriously… but… I could blame that on Maxwell Lord if he can just… brainwash fuckers through audio recordings. And has enough of a grudge/is targeting Ted on purpose. The shitty writing can be explained with enough application of other shitty writing
the issues of having to work with shitty writing to make a follow-up au fic for the shitty writing just the sheer 'wow that's bad and makes no sense but if i dont use it this fic i'm making wont work'
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
In Cycles and Cessation Official Masterpost
Hi everyone! I realized that I hadn’t made any masterposts for my aus and I figured it would be good to do that now to help with organization.
This will have any art, writing, music and questions answered that I’ve made for the au as well. There’s also a separate master post that has all of the fanworks that people have made for ICAC which you can find here. Both of these lists will be updated every so often with more work as time moves on. You can find any work I make for this Au by looking in the #in cycles and cessation tag on tumblr! All of the works will be under the cut.
SYNOPSIS: In Cycles and Cessation aka (ICAC) is an au that follows the plot of the hit indie game In stars and time, but Mirabelle is the one who’s looping through time instead of Siffrin. This au is basically a character study of Mirabelle, mainly because I wanted to see how she changes in the timeloop. (FULL GAME SPOILERS + A6SE/ “2HATS” & SASASAP SPOILERS APPLY TO THIS AU) Also for clarification for the future posts instead of calling each individual section “ACTS” it will be called “ARCS”.
What was Mirabelle’s first loop like? ( ARC 1 SPOILERS)
How does Mirabelle feel about the Change God? ( ARC 3/4 SPOILERS )
How did the conversation at the Clocktower go in Act 5? (ARC 5 SPOILERS)
How does Siffrin feel about what Mirabelle said to him in Act 5 during post game scenarios? Is he okay? (ARC 5/ ARC 6 SPOILERS)
What’s Mirabelle’s relationship like with Euphrasie? (FULL GAME SPOILERS)
Good Morning, Siffrin! (ARC 1 SPOILERS)
This Is The Happiest I Can Remember Being, Mira! (ARC 1 SPOILERS)
The Happiest He Can Remember Being // Rewind Hangout (ARC 1 + ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) (finished lineart/ colors by @/tealgoat)
An Eye For An Eye (ARC 3 SPOILERS)
You Can’t Change Your Expression Fast Enough (ARC 3 SPOILERS) (finished lineart/ colors by @/tealgoat)
I Have A Question.. (ARC 3/4 SPOILERS)
{Just Attack. } (ARC 4 SPOILERS)
In Cycles & Cessation Loading Screen + Misc Concept Doodles (ARC 4/5 SPOILERS)
First Initial Concept Drawing of Rewind (A6SE SPOILERS)
Updated/ Revamped Concept Drawing of Rewind (A6SE SPOILERS)
Overture/Beginning/Prelude/Foreward (A6SE + SASASAP SPOILERS)
Overture (finished lineart/ colors by @/tealgoat ) (A6SE SPOILERS)
Rewind’s True Identity (ARC 3/4 + A6SE SPOILERS)
One Bow Ending (ARC 6 SPOILERS)
The Moon Will Sing (A6SE + SASASAP SPOILERS)
Mirabelle Childhood HCS ( it’s canon to the au yipee) ( FULL GAME SPOILERS)
Chrono-Crisis Countdown!
The Forsaken Savior, The Ghost Writer & The Universe’s Cosmic Joke (A6SE SPOILERS)
Mirabelle First Arriving To The Timeloop Support Group (ARC 6 SPOILERS)
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jayladfanpage · 16 days
Hi! Tq for the help. Sort of fanon-just-getting-into-canon writer here. I've read Barr's Detective Comics Run + Starlin's run for Robin Jason and UTRH + Lost Days + Countdown to final crisis for RH Jason. Going to be reading more but this is where I am at.
I just wanted to know, how would you approach a story where Robin Jason and RH Jason meet? What are the considerations from canon someone should take writing it? They're complicated, both of them. I don't think RH Jason even likes it all that much but morso deems it as 'necessary' and has made himself a moral casualty.
I'd be happy to have another viewpoint on this! But basically although Jason was an angry teenager, rightfully so, about the unfairness towards victims and the justice system itself being rigged against poor people (the whole diplomat's son fiasco and even adtif discussing immunity) I think he was the type to still view his bleeding empathy and compassion as righteous. I think he'd be vv put off by murder? Atleast the extent to which RH Jason is doing it?
Trauma changes people and grief is such a heavy driving force and I'd want to explore it but I feel iffy on many aspects.
How does RH Jason see himself? Does he see that love and open heart as weakness? It's a mess ;-; I feel my RH Jason characterisation isn't hitting at all. Does he have a moral compass (I don't think so???) Plus for all his love, he's also an asshole (imp information to me). Plus I just don't think Jason as a whole is suitable FOR vigilantism. It's an absolute mess. So if you have any input lmk! Tq.
— ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠’⁠O⁠’⁠*⁠)⁠/
I think a key part here is to not ignore Robin!Jason's anger. He was, generally, kinder and sweeter than Red Hood Jason is, but he was still angry and plagued by violent instincts. You can play this up, have Robin realize that if he continues on this cycle that he doesn't know how to break, he'll become Red Hood. He'll become apathetic to victims and grow hypocritial and, most importantly, alone. Jason, especially as Robin, is desperate for connection and affection. He would genuinely recoil at the idea of having no one that loves him -- it is, after all, what drives Red Hood to demand Bruce kill the Joker.
I do, yes, believe Robin Jason would be put off by the rampant murders. Not that Red Hood kills, I think after Felipe Garzonas he could realistically see himself becoming a killer even if you don't believe Jaybin pushed Felipe off, but he would be upset about the sheer extent of it.*
*You can tie in some of the Batman mythos here. Jaybin fully, throughly believes in Bruce's mission, fully believes that Batman is capable of saving Gotham. To see or know that Red Hood murders people would imply to him that he loses faith in Batman. It would break his illusion that Bruce is all-knowing and all-powerful, and that's GREAT angst potential.
Red Hood Jason believes himself to be right. Judd Winnick said on an interview something that's stuck with me-- Jason does not see himself as a crimelord. He does not see himself as a mass murderer or a villain. He believes himself to be a better Batman. Jason has full faith in his methods and his aggression, and he would not take kindly to anyone (especially a past version of himself) who told him he's wrong.
He does NOT view love and an open heart as a weakness. Red Hood is perhaps even more open with his emotions than Robin has ever been. He's loud about his feelings and he demands people listen to him, forces them to understand and sympathise with him. It hardly ever works, but he does try.
Lastly, Jason actually has a very strong moral compass, he's just wrong. He's headstrong and stubborn and sure of himself. He believes that his murders will change the world, he believes he's a good person. He thinks taking control of crime is the only way to truly stop it. He thinks if you're a horrible enough person then you're no longer a victim, you're a casualty.
None of that applies to himself, of course. He thinks he's good, and kind, and understands politics like nobody else does. He thinks he's saving people when he tells them to join him -- see Green Arrow (2001) #69-72 with Mia.
Hopefully this helps!! Don't be afraid to reach out again if you need anything else, and may the inspiration gods bless you!!<3
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carlos-in-glasses · 9 months
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2023 Writing Round Up
Thank you for the tag @heartstringsduet @reasonandfaithinharmony @jesuisici33 @chicgeekgirl89 @thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @orchidscript @welcometololaland @ladytessa74 @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @alrightbuckaroo
Rules: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones you're most excited about.
15 fics this year! I have loved writing and sharing every one of them. Thank you to everyone who has read or will at some point. Work is a lot busier these days, so I don’t anticipate writing the same volume in 2024…but we shall see! I just want whatever I share to be good quality, and it’s my New Year’s resolution to keep improving. I love Tarlos. I love writing Tarlos fic. I love this fandom.
The Ruins of Wonderland – a reimagining of TK and Carlos getting back together after their breakup. I posted this on New Year’s Day, resolving to start 2023 off on the right fanfic foot.
Chasers – A coda for 3x13. TK talks to Cooper about his past, while Carlos goes for a swim and thinks about his own. When Carlos gets home, he and TK have an important chat. The rection to this fic spurred me on to continue writing in the flashback/vignette/timeline format.
Man to Man – A coda for 2x11 and 2x12, which also looks at Carlos coming out to his parents and where he is now with it all.
Afterglow of a Supernova – When fiancés TK and Carlos help Carlos’ high school crush and his wife during a call, they end up having a dinner with them that leads to jealousy in an unexpected way. The feedback I’ve had on this fic sent me to the moon on rainbows.
The Heart Behind the Shield – My first chaptered fic! I'd been wanting to write a 2x08 coda, but it was 4x04 that made it possible. This combines events from both episodes where there’s duality, and was an absolute blast to write and post.
The Light of Our Life – Listen, I wrote this during an extended lunch break and posted it the same day. For somehow it’s my fifth most kudos’d fic of the year…Thank you!!! We were all deep in our Lou II feelings at this time. Never forget.
Fire Island – TK and Carlos travel to Fire Island, where an older gay couple talks to them about their experience of the AIDS crisis in 1980s New York. This fic by far had the most emotional impact on me while writing it, and based on feedback it seems to be the same for readers(?) People have shared personal stories and memories with me since I posted this, and I just want to say I’m truly grateful for the response, given I wrote it in January but didn’t feel brave enough to post it for a few months.
With Infinity Folded Into It – Written for the @tarlosweeklyprompts Countdown to the Wedding event (prompt was: Love). After TK proposes, Carlos remembers the first time they said “I love you.” It’s fluff, it’s smut, it’s kinda angsty because Carlos is trying to bake and baking is stressful.
The Center of the Maze – Another written for Tarlos Weekly Prompts Countdown to the Wedding. (Prompt: "I Never Thought I Would Get This Day".) I thought this was going to be a 2k one-shot; it turned into 20k split into 4 chapters… Seven times they thought they would never get married, and one time when they actually did. I was super inspired and happy with the writing in this one.
June into July
When Soulmates Swim – The closest I’ll ever come to writing a sports AU (….or is it?👀…) Sparks and splashes fly when TK and Carlos each take up swimming while they recover from workplace injuries. I really pushed myself with smut and humour in this fic and the feedback I’ve had has been incredible. One of the most enjoyable writing experiences I’ve ever had, this fic holds a special place in heart.
Release The Hand to Relax the Animal – TK and Carlos explore the world of tantric massage in their own way. Written because Rafael Silva has madly attractive hands, and @heartstringsduet and I thought we should celebrate. You can read Michelle’s hands fic, Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life, Too, here. It is BEAUTIFUL.
(Nothing in August)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines – A 3x08 coda, which also gets into TK and Carlos’ childhood memories of 9/11, and the way that event went on to impact their lives (to the point where it set them on the path to meeting each other). It recieved the most amazing comments, with people sharing their memories of 9/11, so like Fire Island this fic feels deeper to me in a social way.
Suddenly in the Silence – I’d ‘joked’ about the show giving us Ghost Gabriel in season 5, but a conversation with thisbuildinghasfeelings led me to explore that concept myself. In this fic, it’s up to the reader to decide whether they think the spirit of Gabriel is around, which made writing it challenging but a lot of fun. It’s so interesting to see what side people fall on!
Where All This Love Comes From – This is my Tarlos novel at ~90k words, due to finish posting in February. I began writing it in March, when a hefty amount of plot relied on Gabriel being alive after season 4. Substantial rewrites happened after May, which was pretty gutting at the time, but ultimately I think this has ended up being the best thing I’ve written so far in my life.
There is a smutty one-shot coming with a scream very soon…And I hope you like it!
I'm not sure who has already done this - tagging with no pressure if you want to share/haven't already - and open tag!
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @goodways @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @wandering-night19 @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @rmd-writes @rosedavid @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader @taralaurel @three-drink-amy @redshirt2 @noxsoulmate @sanjuwrites @bonheur-cafe @liminalmemories21
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boyfridged · 1 year
i got comments and dms asking to explain certain parts of paint it over, which is a good excuse for me to provide you with directory notes. i understand the fanfic could be difficult to follow since i put a lot of meaning of this work into the minutiae (and it is a part of a slightly more expansive au). however, i also want to add that of course all readers are entitled to their own interpretation, so i encourage to skip this if you prefer it. but if someone is curious – a lengthy explanation can be found under the cut.
firstly, this fanfic touches upon a question that is often brought up in discussions of utrh: why did bruce leave jason to die in the end? this is something that is difficult to explain and seems completely unreasonable, especially if we don’t take into account the weirdness around the infinite crisis that takes place at the same time (the final panels in which it seems that the time wraps itself etc.) and so i asked: what if bruce acted more in character and looked for jason instead of abandoning him after the explosion? and- would that be a comfort or would it derail into something even worse?
and so the main thing that is happening with bruce in this fanfic is his attempts at fixing his reprehensible and impulsive decision of throwing the batarang (and partially even his failure in protecting jay as a child). bruce is authentically trying to repent and be a good father to jason. except the worst has happened and it cannot un-happen, and all of his actions; even the genuine acts of care, are tinged with the horror of it.
moreover, the tragedy of utrh and jason’s death itself is the loss of many years in which jason would grow up and emotionally mature in expectations and understanding of his father. trying to fix that stunted relationship puts them in a dream-like space of missed childhood and makes bruce revert to his past habits. the breakfast scene for example is an image based on post-patrol breakfasts in the silver age and early 80s, in which bruce often worn colourful robes and read a newspaper/sometimes even engaged in some puzzles like crosswords etc. post-crisis and post jason’s death especially, this habit seems to disappear from the comics for the most part. but here they settle back into it, which perhaps would be sweet in any other circumstances.
most importantly, when it comes to jason: the reason for which he is so passive almost all the time is twofold: first of all, he is just very depressed (as bruce says, he did not have any plans for the after of the grand finale of his red hood stunt with the joker. it was pretty much a suicidal mission and what happened was something he had no ways of predicting) and second of all, he does love bruce and wants to forgive him, believing it was an accident (this is mostly inspired by canon post-utrh, for example, countdown, wherein jason is eager to meet bruce and seems to have completely forgiven him the batarang. but it’s also inspired by utrh itself and his messy narrative in which he goes from blaming bruce for leaving him to saying he did not care about bruce not saving him, which suggests he really wants to absolve bruce of as much fault as possible).
however, there is still some internal struggle which i had in mind i wrote the ending of the breakfast scene; jason touching the bandage on his neck there is both a threat and a bit of an accusation. it is also something i wanted to emphasise because in a suggestion of the self-harm and refusal to get professional medical help, jason re-victimises himself too. despite in theory having what he wanted back: his dad, he still feels the wrongness of the situation and wants to keep the evidence of it. ironically, it only further challenges his autonomy, causing him to stay on soft/liquid diet and the neck trauma/mechanical damage leading to partial muteness.
this is his choice. it’s also tied to the detail of jason handing dick keys in the last scene. jason could leave anytime. he is free to do as he wants, something that bruce also indicates in the breakfast scene. i guess the question is how probable it is that he could act reasonably with all the baggage and trauma.
and finally, dick’s pov— dick arrives in gotham weeks after the events of utrh. he does not know of what (for example) the first week was like, something that bruce briefly mentions (the scene in the cave). in the wider context of the au, which is not explicitly mentioned here, the first week is the time when jason keeps aggravating his wound on purpose, especially when bruce says something he does not like (this is slightly hinted at in the breakfast scene too; bruce's quick reaction to jason's fingers lingering at the bandage). so dick also takes jason’s injury to be more serious because it’s not healed yet; but it’s because he is missing a piece of information. dick is also just understandably disturbed by the level of codependency that bruce & jason fell into. he thinks jason should get back on his own feet. this is of course something that becomes even more imperative when he learns the truth. so when dick talks of bringing jason to safety, it has more to do with the general environment and settling with him somewhere where he won’t be perpetually stuck in the place that serves as a reminder of what he has suffered. plus- less obviously, he also says that to calm jason down because ironically the idea of a tangible threat explains his decision better in the moment than telling his brother he cannot be staying at home with someone who slit his throat, intentionally or not.
i hope this clears things up a bit. this is of course not the one true reading and there can be plenty of more interpretations that i would love to hear about! i purposefully leave things unsaid to allow for this freedom. there are also things i have never properly mentioned, like alfred’s position in that all, but that’s a whole another topic that has to do with what happens in this universe after this fanfic. thank you so much for reading and your patience. i hope this was somewhat of an interesting read too.
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slexenskee · 1 year
JJK Recs
Got a comment on this and figured I'd turn it into a post. Here are some of my favorite Gojo-centric JJK recs that basically live rent-free in my head and also very much so helped me form my own characterization for Gojo. Most of these are GoYuu bc I'm a shameless fan.
I keep the warmest truth - dehawny: Gojo/Yuuji | just adore this ace!Gojo headcanon. lowkey so torn on Gojo's sexuality bc I absolutely can see him being asexual and maybe even a bit touch-averse with the whole Infinity thing, but I also can see him being a total slut lol. This is one of my favorites and the only ace!Gojo I've found I think? The tags are just perfect and very much so aligned with my own personal Gojo heacanon 😂 "Gojou is confident about everything and that includes his sexuality", "he's also good at everything except maybe communicating"
A Duty and Responsibility - googlehome: Gojo/Sukuna this fic definitely pushed my 'bottom Gojo agenda' idk I can see this man with any sexuality I swear. Another great characterization of Gojo, and also Sukuna. I adore very serious fics with a splash of humor in the narrative. I can't imagine Gojo as a person who takes himself entirely seriously, no matter how much responsibility he accepts, or how many burdens he carries for others, or what kind of nonsense gay crisis he ends up in, so I just love his voice in this.
Countdown - Rizna: Gojo/Yuuji a fandom classic as far as I'm concerned. This is such an excellent role reversal AU - if you're into S2 teenage brat Gojo, this delivers. I love all versions of Gojo, including mouthy teenage twink Gojo deeply obsessed with his adult sensei who's Trying His Best™ to be the adult in the relationship.
Enough (A Cinderalla Story) - athena_crikey: Gojo/Yuuji in an absolutely fucking hilarious twist of irony, I actually didn't read this story for a long time because it was a rockstar AU and when I first got into this fandom I was desperate for canon stuff. Meanwhile I then go on to bust out 400k+ words of my own rockstar!Gojo AU, so I guess I'm just a fucking clown.
Heart Laid Bare - athena_crikey: Gojo/Namami incredible introspection on how Gojo handles (or rather, doesn't handle) the burden of being invincible and the strongest told in Nanami's POV. I could wax poetic about this fic and the way Gojo comes across so multi-faceted as both a man who can do everything and also a man who can't even remember to adequately feed himself. I drew a lot of the inspiration for Gojo's cursed technique in my fic from this, how Infinity is both his blessing and his curse and the parallels to his overuse of RCT being a kind of toxic spiral.
Shared Infinity - athena_crikey: Gojo & Yuuji - read the tags on this one it deals with some heavy stuff (not with Gojo) I love the way this fic showcases Gojo as a mature adult deeply protective over his students while still maintaining his kind of flippant/uncaring outer persona we see in the show. Just completely love fics that really naile the dichotomy of Gojo being both caring and yet rather unkind.
Take Two - athena_crikey: Gojo/Yuuji - specifically love how this AU fic deals with the idea of Gojo's own fame being his shield between himself in the world around him where his Infinity technique doesn't exist. I love how Gojo is handled in this one, so jagged around the edges, and just his own worst enemy when it comes to his own feelings. Also love me a Gojo who can own up to his own mistakes, look at our baby go, showing emotional maturity and everything!!
Still, More Firsts - hngr4fngr: Gojo/Yuuji man do I adore this whole series. Great porn with ridiculously excellent plot/characterizations lol like I came here for the bottom!Gojo and left with way too many feelings about how Gojo deals with his trauma and how that would effect his sex life. Also has a super interesting take on how Infinity works!
little lamb to the slaughter - voxofthevoid: Gojo/Yuuji still obsessed with the astoundingly incredible smut, just absolutely shook by how god-tier this writing is, it is so hard to write good smut, just pacing, flow, word choice... this could be a masterclass on how to write really great smut that can actually pull a visceral reaction out of a reader. I think a great deal of that ability comes from a mastery of the tone of voice of the characters, too. Gojo is just incredible in this Yuuji POV, the way he describes Gojo is just utter perfection. On a related note, in general Yuuji's voice is so fucking funny in a way that doesn't detract at all from the mood of the story. In fact I think this would be too heavy without his hilarious occasional inputs.
there is no try (but it's still going to take a while) - juurensha: Gojo/Geto I love me a star wars AU jfc. I'm not even a fan of SatoSugu but this is just *chefs kiss* Jedi Master Gojo is such a mood.
anchor - valleykey: Gojo/Geto I love this one mainly for the Suguru characterization, which I truly never thought I'd say bc I'm just not normally a fan of his character/relationship with Gojo. He's just perfect in this fic though - it just makes so much more sense for his characterization, and idk, pulls it altogether in a way I think it falls flat in canon. That isn't to say Gojo's not great in this, he's just really not the main character at all. But it deals well with Gojo's loyalty to those he deems worthy of it (even if the recipient isn't considered 'proper' by jujutsu society) and just offers a good take on supportive (and smitten) Gojo
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laufire · 5 months
how about the canon au in countdown where jason becomes batman? earth-15?
I don't care that much about earth-15 specifically (I was largely underwhelmed by what countdown did with the multiverse), but I do have a couple of ideas of how to explore jaybats 👀. one of them is based on a conversation with a friend about alternative outcomes of a world where bruce did kill the joker and aditf and caused a diplomatical crisis. in one of the alternatives I talked about I imagined bruce just... giving up on everything and becoming a recluse, basically.
in this world I imagine jason feeling disappointed by bruce, not for killing the joker (lol no) but by how he handled things later, giving up, made other people clean his messes etc. well this jason wwould take all that training talia offers and become the batman bruce couldn't be, just in a different way than in canon :P
if I were optimistic I'd imagine dick trying to help, become batman for at least a bit... but I think he and bruce are worse than ever in this version. bruce drove everyone away.
tim probably tried to help as well, but not with better results. I think he tirelessly still tries to take care of bruce (who dismissed alfred, who might've gone to dick), but has given up on the hero side of things.
I haven't thought much about how I'd write the other gotham vigilantes yet but I think for this one I might have the remaining heroes (barbara, steph, huntress...) either driven away or in disarray. maybe jason's return occurs earlier, during no man's land, when maaaaaaybe bruce did try to fix things in washington and that gave jason a push, thinking that there could still be some hope there (hope later dashed when bruce has another depression era after he fails, but no worries, talia will slap it out of him).
eta: forgot to say this obviously comes with secret identity shenanigans and jason fucking with everyone. one of my favourite things ever <3
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aquietwritingcorner · 7 months
Not Allowed to Die
Title: Not Allowed to Die Day: Febuwhump 2024, Day 29 Prompt: Not Allowed to Die  Fandom:  TMNT 2003 Word Count: 2484  Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating:  T Characters: Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo Warning: NA Summary: It was his responsibility. It was Mike’s responsibility to look after his little brother while they were out. But he’d been irresponsible, and now he was running, his thirteen-year-old brother held tightly to him, and repeating that Donnie wasn’t allowed to die.    Notes:  Part of the Little Don AU, an AU I’ve had forming in my head where, during a crisis with the Time Scepter, Don sacrificed himself to save everything. Instead of it killing him, though, it turned him into a baby, and his family has needed to raise him all over again.  ff.net || AO3
Not Allowed to Die
Mike ran as fast as he could, his thirteen-year-old brother held tightly to his chest. One hand was under his brother, supporting him, while the other wrapped around his shell and held his head to Mikey’s shoulder, keeping it from bouncing too much as the older turtle ran.
Donnie didn’t return the grasp at all.
In fact, his brother was limp and unresponsive, and Mike was terrified. He should never have let Donnie go into that warehouse alone. He should have insisted that they stay together and not split up! It was his fault that Donnie was hurt, and it was tearing him up inside. Mike was smarter than this! He was twenty-two years older than his baby brother! He had far more experience than Donnie had now! He should have seen the warning signs and not trusted his teenaged brother’s judgement on this!
Donnie’s arm slipped from where Mike had it thrown across his shoulder, and Mike could feel the slick blood trail it left behind. He doubled his speed.
“Hang in there, Donnie,” he said. “You’re not allowed to die, alright? You’re not allowed to die!”
But Mike was afraid that if he didn’t get him help soon, that Donnie would die. There had been a bomb in that building, and Donnie had headed straight for it, trying to disarm it. Mike should have seen that coming. Donnie always went straight for the tech. Even as Don, that’s what he had done. But what Donnie hadn’t realized was that, even though there was a countdown on this bomb, there was also a remote control—and one of the Foot had it.
Mike had screamed out a warning to Donnie just before the Foot Ninja had set it off. If the explosion hadn’t of killed the Foot Ninja, Mike would have killed the man himself. Instead, he had dug himself out of debris and gone desperately searching for his little brother.
He’d found him, and for a second fear and coursed through him at the idea that he might be dead. Fortunately, that was quickly pushed to the side when he saw his little brother breathing. But when he also saw how heavily he was bleeding, the panic had started again.
Donnie’s side had taken the brunt of the explosion, leaving that side of him bloodied and burned. Mike had seen shrapnel in there, too, but he counted his lucky starts that none of it seemed big. His shoulder hadn’t been sitting right, though, and he had a large headwound that had been bleeding. Mike had quickly looked him over, determining that his neck seemed fine, and that his shell was still in one piece, before scooping his baby brother up. He had heard movement around them, and he had known that there were more Foot around. He’d needed to move fast if he was to get Donnie to safety. He’d pressed the emergency button on his shell cell, and then he had just run.
The Foot had been chasing him since, and Mike had needed to fight, even while holding Donnie. He dodged and evaded as much as he could, though. His goal was not to defeat the Foot, but to get Donnie home.
“Hang on, hang on, hang on,” Mike said as he ran. “You’re not allowed to die, alright? You’re not allowed to die. You’re not allowed to die!”
He got no response from his little brother.
He kept running, taking as many alleyways as possible and trying to avoid the Foot. He heard something coming down the street, heading for him, and he doubled his speed, looking for an alley way to travel down that wouldn’t have a dead end in it. The Foot had been trailing him. If they were sending back up this way, Mike wasn’t about to let them catch up.
“Mikey! Mikey for the love of—Stop Running!”
Mike skidded to a stop, turning to look. It wasn’t just any vehicle that had been trailing him up this deserted road, it had been their vehicle, the Battle Shell 2.0. And Raph was leaning out the window yelling at him.
Mike ran straight for it without a moment’s hesitation.
The side door was already opening, and Mike leapt in, making sure to keep all of Donnie’s limbs safe as he did. The door rolled closed behind him, and the Battle Shell 2.0 took off down the road. But Mike didn’t care as he carefully laid his baby brother down on the floor of their truck.
“Mikey, what happened?” Raph asked, even as he gathered supplies.
In their younger years, Mike might have taken that as an insult, a questioning of his skills. Now he knew that his brothers didn’t doubt his skills at all, but that the question was asking just what it was. Mike shook his head.
“A bomb. They planted a bomb and blew it early,” he said. “I—I tried to make sure his neck and shell were alright, but—”
“Never mind all that,” Raph said. “Help me stop the bleeding on his head while I take a look at his side. Leo!” he called out to the front of the truck where, presumably, Leo was driving. “Step on it—and take us straight to Leatherhead’s!”
“Right!” Leo said, and the truck moved faster.
“Keep pressure, Mike,” Raph said as he looked over their baby brother.
“He—he can’t die,” Mike blurted out. “Raph, he can’t die, he’s not allowed to die!”
“I ain’t about to let him die, Mike,” Raph growled out. “So, stop yammering and keep that pressure steady!”
Mike nodded, taking short breaths and trying to breathe deeper. He was on the edge of panic, and he knew it. But Donnie was just thirteen. He was still a kid! Mike knew that they had all been just a little older, fifteen, when they had first gone topside. They’d felt so grown. But two years older than Donnie was now didn’t feel grown at all. It felt like that was still childhood, and all Mike could think of was how it wasn’t fair. Donnie was a child! He shouldn’t be laying on the floor of a truck he modified, bleeding everywhere while enemies chased them. He should be staying up playing video games, reading for the fun of it, and building things.
“You’re not allowed to die,” he said, softly but forcefully to Donnie. Raph heard him, but aside from a glance, said nothing.
The trip to Leatherhead’s wasn’t far, especially since the Battle Shell 2.0 could easily fit through the sewer tunnels, in case of an emergency just like this one. Leo must have called ahead, because Leatherhead was already there, ready and waiting. Raph lifted Donnie off the floor as soon as they were stopped, and he, LH, and the Fugitoid took off to the infirmary with Donnie.
And then Mike was left there all alone, with only his brother’s blood for company.
It took Mike a moment to realize that Leo was beside him, and he looked up at him. “I…” Mike started. “…he’s not allowed to die.”
“I know, Mike,” Leo said. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Mike nodded, and let Leo lead him away.
Mike sort of lost track of time after that. Leo took him to the bathroom, where he helped Mike to get Donnie’s blood off of him, as well as to patch up any injuries he had gotten. Then he took Mike to Leatherhead’s living room, sat him on a couch, wrapped a blanket around him, and headed towards the kitchen. He came back with something warm to drink and pushed it into Mike’s hand. Mike took it, and then just waited.
Master Splinter arrived only a few minutes later, and not long afterwards, so did April and Casey and their kids. Mike didn’t know how long they all sat there. It could have been thirty minutes. It could have been half the day. All he knew was that he needed to know that Donnie was going to be okay.
“You’re not allowed to die, Donnie. You’re not allowed to die! That’s almost happened too many times already, when you were Don, and we’ve lost Don, too. We gained you, though. And you? You’re NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!”
Finally, Raph came out, looking tired, but alright. He looked up at the group that had gathered. “He’ll be alright,” he said without preamble.
Tension left the room, and Mike felt himself go limp on the couch cushions.
“He’s gotta recover,” Raph said. “But the shrapnel wasn’t bad, and the burns aren’t too serious. His shoulder’s busted at the moment, but LH and the Professor have got that in place and immobilized. And his head wound looked worse than it was. He did lose a lot of blood, but he’ll be alright in time.”
Mike could have cried.
Mike nearly sat up at attention.
“Boy genius is awake, and he wants to see you,” Raph said. “So, get your mopey shell in there.”
Mike glanced over at Leo and Splinter, but they both nodded, and he didn’t waste any more time.
At some point, they had managed to set up a small almost-hospital in a room here at LH’s. It had come in handy a time or two before, and they’d managed to get some real things, like an actual hospital bed. That’s where Donnie was now, his mask and pads removed, arm immobilized, and bandages wrapped around him. He was chattering quietly to the professor, but as soon as he saw Mike, he lit up.
“Mikey!” he said.
Mike walked closer, coming up next to the bed. “Hey, squirt. How are you feeling?”
“Raph told me that I couldn’t say ‘fine’,” Donnie said, “or anything close to it, so I guess I’m feeling kinda bad,” he said with a wince. “But are you alright?”
Mike blinked. “Me? Bud, I’m not the one that almost got blown up. I’m fine.”
Donnie winced at that, and looked down at his hand, fiddling with the bed sheet. The professor, watching the two of them, politely excused himself, leaving the two turtles functionally alone. Mike sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Hey—Donnie? What’s going through that brain if yours?” he said. “Talk to big bro Mike.”
Don bit his lip, and then looked up at Mike, guilt on his face. “I’m sorry!” he blurted out.
Mike blinked. “Sorry?” he said, confused. “Donnie, what are you sorry about?
“I didn’t listen,” he said. “I thought I could do it. I thought that, if I could defuse that bomb, then maybe I could go on missions with the three of you. Like… like you used to do with the old me.” His head sank down a little. “I know you miss him. I thought that maybe if I could do that, then things might be sort of normal again.”
Mike blinked. “Oh, buddy…”
He stood up, and moved closer to the head of the bed, so he could sit next to Donnie. Donnie shifted over to accommodate him, and Mikey gently wrapped an arm around his little brother, carefully pulling him into his side.
“Alright, Donnie, I want you to listen to me good,” he said. “Yeah, I miss Don. I miss old you. I miss my big brother that I could go crawl in bed with after monster movie marathons and giving him crazy ideas for inventions. I miss the memories and the jokes and all of the stuff we shared together. I miss him. But,” he bopped Donnie lightly on the nose. “That doesn’t mean I want him instead of you.”
Donnie blinked at him, but didn’t say anything, so Mike continued. “You’re Donatello Splinterson, the same as he was, but you’re not Don. You’ve lived different lives, had different experiences, and you’re different people. And I love both of you. I love Don and I love Donnie, and I wouldn’t trade one for the other. Besides, Don wouldn’t want that. He wouldn’t want the him that’s you to stop existing.”
He put a kiss on the top of Donnie’s head, being careful of the injuries there. “When you’re ready for patrol, then I know that we’ll gladly take you with us. But not because we want you there to replace Don, but because we want you, Donnie, with us. We love you. Not because of who you used to be, but because of who you are, okay? So don’t go around trying to replace Don. Grow up into who you are. That’s all we want.”
Donnie looked at Mike with wide eyes, his chin trembling a little. He looked away, and used his good arm to wipe at his eyes. Mike obligingly pretended that he couldn’t see the tears in them.
“O-okay,” Donnie finally said. “Okay. But… I really do want to go on patrol with all of you,” he said.
Mike chuckled a bit. “I know you do. But I think tonight proves that you’re not quite ready for that yet.”
“Yeah,” Donnie agreed with a sheepish smile.
Mike stayed with Donnie for a little bit longer, and then he left, knowing Master Splinter wanted to come in and spend time with his youngest son. Mike collapsed back on the couch as soon as he could, staring at the ceiling.
“You good, Mike?” Leo asked.
Mike nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I will be. Where are April and Casey and their crew?”
“Gone to get us food,” Leo said. “No one really feels like cooking.”
“And no one wants you to cook, bro,” Mike shot back.
“…How’s Donnie?” Leo asked softly.
Mike took a moment to consider. “He’ll be okay. He just needs to figure out who he is, apart from Don.” He paused. “He wants to go on patrol with us.”
“Not for a while, not after tonight,” Leo said. “He’s not ready yet.”
“Yeah, I think he gets that,” Mike said. “But maybe that’s something to work towards.”
“I’ll talk it over with Sensei,” Leo said.
Raph called out to Leo from the kitchen, and Leo left to see what he needed. Mike stayed put, thinking over the night’s events. Donnie had been hurt, badly. But he was alright. He was going to be okay. And they had some things to work through with him. But that was alright with Mike. As long as his baby brother was alive to work through them, that was alright with Mike. They’d talk it through, they’d train more, and in a couple of years, maybe Donnie could go on patrol with them.
But not until he was ready. Not until they knew he was ready. Because if there was one thing that Mike was certain of, after seeing it happen once, it was that Donnie was not allowed to die. None of them would let it happen, and that was a promise.
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lilbombus · 1 year
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If the Striders' wear sunglasses for the “cool kid” facade while hiding their emotional vulnerable side, Kaseli Vantas Strider (Kany) continues this “eyes are a gateway to the soul” motif by reading them and many others like a chapter book - especially knowing when someone is lying or hiding something from her
Chosen as the leader by the new time player, she works by collaborating with her teammates for ideas, note changes in the game, and ask about their progress in leveling up. She also has a knack for guessing her teammates' classes (aside from their aspects) - this ability helps her decide which teammates should team up for the best dynamic and lvl progression, benefiting both parties in the process. 
A major example of this is teaming up Tiempa Megido (the newly ascended page of time) and Corail Peixes (the theorized knight of life) to quickly further Tiempa’s abilities as a page and for Corail to lvl up as a non-ascended "healer" before "end game,” where everyone must ascend to godhood to play a part in escaping and going back home. 
Her personality and inspo were based on Korra (legend of korra), Sally Acorn (satam & archie) and Maka (soul eater) 
I like to think Dave and Karkat promised themselves they’ll have a child in the latter half of the year but than procrastinated to the last day, last hour, to the very last minute of the year to activate the ecto machine, making her the second youngest of the family and the second youngest of the group of 14. 
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🎄Christmas Countdown Playlist 2023 Prompt List
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And we're off! Feel free to explore all sorts of interpretations of the prompts, or devise a prompt of your own based on the song! Here is a review of the Rules and Tagging Guide, and the link to the ao3 collection.
Plain text and playlist links below the cut!
Twelve Days of Christmas: Wing AU | Countdown | Secret Santa Exchange
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree: Swing Dance | Time Travel | Pumpkin Pie
Shake Up Christmas: Fairytale | Spreading Kindness | Joy
You Make It Feel Like Christmas: Meet Cute | Gingerbread | Food Fight
Spidey-Bells: Mid-Life Crisis | Parody | Superhero (or No Capes) AU
Ringing the Bells for Jim: Sickfic | Major Character Death | Miracle
Winter Wonderland: Frostbite | Idyllic Scene | Building Snowmen
Underneath the Tree: Lost | Found Family | Lonely Celebration
Santa Baby: Expensive Gifts | Pet Names | Manipulation
Imperfect Christmas: Family Game Night | Passing Down Traditions | Lights Display
Lully, Lulla, Lullay: Mourning | Parental Love | Lullaby
The Holly and the Ivy: Christmas Morning| Walk in the Woods | Torment
Have fun creating!
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thenixkat · 3 months
i'm already imagining a version of this that is disconnected from the Crisis event mostly just cause my brain is poking at fixing Rebirth but also nearly getting murdered after yer supposed to be out of the game cause ya retired twice would be a good transition to Ted not going back onto the field again. He can still fly support and transport, but no fighting, leave that up to hired metahuman personal assistants. Move into a mentor role for the next Beetle
but I am picturing Vic and Victoria being there cause the conspiracy is right up Vic's alley and he's known Ted since the first started heroing. And Victoria would hate someone fucking with the family's money and company
also its easier to picture a scandal with Ted having a quasi-villain sister and also Rebirth Ted isnt a member of the Justice League which would make more sense to not as easily get help from them and have to rely on only his own supperbuddies
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The worst thing about passing your fourties is how aware you become of your own mortality eventually. Like to the point of having decades left to live feeling the same as a short week or so. Whole new layer of anxiety.
There's really something to mid-life crisis. It's that time of your life when your brain has as much to look back on as to look forward to (hopefully (no but really should I hope for 40 more years?)), and you make the balance of: hmm do I want more of what I had or do I want something else?
And then you drop down crying and rocking yourself because the autism in your brain cannot find a safe mental zone to let you exist in anymore. You want to write but will you have time to finish everything? You need to relax but if you spend but one second not writing, will you have time to finish everything? How much longer will I be able to write? How many years left until I lose my skills?
Some days, I truly envy people who don't have a care in the world. Please to let me borrow your brain so I can pour all my anxiety into you tyvm.
Then other days, I just go "eh 🤷‍♀️" and no not me spending hours writing an AU just because of All the Good Bad Feels it brings me and ignoring the countdown because In The Zone. It's only after I get out of The Zone that I realize another day has passed me by and I've yet to finish so many stories and edit them and upload them and share my world with the world and--
It's never gonna happen, is it? Frankly, this is something that brings me more peace every day, like, realizing: it's okay if I don't finish everything. Do as much as I can, enjoy everything I do, share with people who enjoy as well, on the backburner hold a couple stories to self-publish after all because why not, and just live and relax and enjoy. As long as that is done, then no time is wasted.
Even this post isn't a waste of time. It feels good to write the anxiety out of my nerves.
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shootingstar-scuderia · 3 months
🧸 - half of me! 
okay so this makes me think soulmate au... but i kind of want a lil twist to it bc the title feels so innocuous, like something HAS to be lurking underneath... I'm thinking norstappen ? maybe??
maybe it's just kind of a generic soulmate au where you have a timer counting down until you meet your soulmate. and max is just going through life and he's noticing oh wow his countdown timer is getting really close to being zero but he doesn't really care because whatever happens happens. but then he dies and goes to this weird purgatory-ish state where meets lando who is a jr. reaper.
and max is upset, not about being dead or the fact that he didn't get to meet his soulmate, but because he was in a really fun championship battle and it would have been nice to finish that out.
and he's kind of annoyed because he can't pass over into the afterlife because soulmates are supposed to pass over together and even if you died before meeting you meet them in purgatory.
and max is just like "well this is dumb" because now he has to wait around for his soulmate to die but lando explains that actually time works weirdly here so even if his soulmate died after him they still would have met the moment max came here and they would have passed over together and that the fact that hasn't happened to max is really weird
and jr reaper lando doesn't wanna call it in because it's like his first century on the job and he can still get fired really easily bc he's a newbie. so max is just stuck here for the foreseeable future and it's chill for a bit but then he gets bored out of his mind so max just starts prying. he's asking all these questions about the afterlife and how being dead works and then eventually he brings up the topic of soulmates and lando is just like oh we don't have soulmates. and max is all like "but you were human before, you must have had a soulmate" and lando kind of has a whole crisis because he realizes that he doesn't remember anything about his human life and if he actually had a soulmate
and max is just like "well this won't do" and he makes it his mission to get to the bottom of all this and in the process uncovers a whole plot of like kidnapping humans when they die and stripping them of their soulmate so they can be come reapers and the reaper council can keep their reaping numbers up or something ?
i really don't know 😭😭 this plot is not as exciting as i hoped to make it lmaooo
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jayladfanpage · 15 days
Thank you so much for your insights, they are lovely and so so helpful, sending so many many hearts to you. you are absolutely lovely, this is an emoticon of me holding those hearts.
❤️❤️❤️╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠) <{for u!}
I think I'll have to also pick what Robin Jason I am portraying since I'm very partial to Barr's run. Is it early Robin Jay? Is it 14-15 and his life is tumbling, he's more disillusioned than ever and 'secure' (don't know if that's the right word, basically more prone) enough to lash out to him. As you said, early post-crisis Jason has such deep trust in Bruce. How he got into Bruce's car just after the whole Ma gunn's plotline, and the 'Robin? Robin.' panel! That inherent trust in Bruce is so important. And the deconstruction of it and Bruce's adherence to a legal system + institutionalised justice is also so imp for a older Robin Jason.
Still. He'll trust him so much. That's important.
Thank you sm for your comments!! again!! RH is still a headache for me I think due to lack of reading haha. Lost Days + UTRH + Countdown to final Crisis are my current basis and I think I might be a little soft in my interpretation of him. Also! You're so right about the moral compass thing! I am now thinking morso on the lines of 'his morality is not dictated by a dogma but just whatever feelings he has.' so it's like more arbitrary than Bruce's impartial code and embedded in relationships, societal standings, his view of the world etc etc
I don't think that's ever changed even since childhood but his execution of it is currently also affected by grief, immense pain and so much more. Which doesn't make him wrong, but it doesn't make him right.
But yeah! I think I do go a little softer in my interpretation of 'Mr. 8 heads in a dufflebag' to a certain extent, I'm really happy I realised that! I'd love to make him more rounded with the atrocities he commits haha. He's a bleeding open wound! A flood of emotions! He's so open about it, he takes the lump in his throat and throws it into the fire for everyone to witness! I have to acknowledge that! He thinks he's right! Thank you for all those comments! Feel free to add anything more! Thank you so much for your suggestions and time!
— ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠’⁠O⁠’⁠*⁠)⁠/
Thank you for all the hearts!! I will treasure them :)
If you want to base your Robin mostly on Barr's run, I'd recommend going younger? Barr and Starlin were writing Robin Jason at pretty much the same time, but Starlin's feels older and heavier than Barr's run. So if you're going for sweet baby Jay i'd wager like 13 is a good age (which would be exactly 10 years in the past for Red Hood Jason! He's canonically 23 right now!) But older Jaybin would be more angst forward, and Red Hood would see all the things 15yo Jaybin is doing that will eventually lead to all the horrible things that happen to him. Up to what you want to achieve, really!
That thing about Jason's morality being based on his feelings is PERFECT! He's a deeply, deeply emotional person, and absolutely cannot view real life without the rose-colored glasses of his trauma and what he thinks is righteous anger.
You are very kind and it was/is a delight to help you!!! I would love to read the finished fic whenever you do post it (you're not forced to send it to me of course, I'm just saying this because I adore time travel AUs)
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