#writing round up
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roomwithanopenfire · 3 months ago
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2024 Writing Round Up
Happy last day of 2024!! I’ve been loving seeing everyone’s writing and art and doll round ups making their way around, but I waited until the very last second because I posted chapters of fic today ahaha
Thanks for tagging me: @run-for-chamo-miles @drowninginships, @monbons @emeryhall @confused-bi-queer
@rimeswithpurple @nausikaaa @prettygoododds @artsyunderstudy @noblecorgi
@alexalexinii @ileadacharmedlife and @best--dress
Rest of the post is under the cut because it is so long. 
First, I’ve posted 28 fics this year! 24 for them for Carry On, and 4 of them for Stranger Things. (One of the Stranger Things ones was technically posted last year, but I posted the majority of it this year, so I’m counting it for 2024.) 21 of these fics were for the Carry On Countdown. 2 of those fics are long completed multichapter projects, and 1 is a long uncompleted multichapter project.
According to AO3, I’ve posted 219,532 words this year, but we can subtract about 14.8k from that because AO3 counts work totals based on date updated and I posted the first 2 chapters of No Sweeter Drug in 2023 (so it’s actually 204,704) . This brings my total words on ao3 up to 288,701, so you can see how I really went crazy this year.
No Sweeter Drug (than just giving you my love) - 60k, Stranger Things, Nancy/Robin. Nancy and Robin had a whirlwind summer romance before their sophomore year, but Nancy left her behind, because Nancy Wheeler doesn’t date girls. But after the Upside Down, Nancy finds herself questioning who she even is. And she has to come to terms with her feelings for one Robin Buckley. This is the first stranger things fic I ever posted and I loved writing it. Seriously, I had so much fun with this fic. I’m pretty sure some of my best prose is in this one.
Proof of Life - 80k, Carry On, Simon/Baz. Vampires attacked Watford and Baz was Turned, but this time Natasha Pitch lived. What would Baz’s life be like growing up with his mother? How would Natasha feel about her son’s… condition? And what happens when you throw the Mage’s Heir into the mix? Omggg I had the best time with this fic. I’d been working on this for so long, it was absolutely insane to finally start posting it in March of this year. Thanks to @demadogs for betaing this and hyping me up so much, this fic wouldn’t be half as good without her. Also I got to join the fandom more when I started posting this fic, and I loved meeting all of you so much <3
Just Come Along - 8k, Stranger Things, Steve/Eddie. Steve’s estranged grandfather dies, and he’s the only one in his family who cares enough to make the trip. Eddie, despite barely being friends with Steve, agrees to come with. Along the way, secrets are shared, memories are made, and Eddie and Steve become closer than ever before… I wrote this for the Steddie Summer Exchange and it was my first time doing a fandom event! I had so much fun!!
The Way We Are - WIP, 11k, Carry On, Simon/Baz. Baz and Simon meet in a coffee shop not knowing that one of them is a vampire and the other a vampire hunter. After a tense encounter, both of them are left with questions about who they are and their morality. And as if that’s not enough, neither of them can stop thinking about the other… My COBB fic with @alexalexinii!! This is the only WIP I have to carry over into the new year, and I’m hoping to finish it up soon. I’m literally obsessed with the themes I have in this fic and I want to get them right.
i want an icee and a nice girl to date - 5k, Stranger Things, Robin/Nancy. Nancy doesn't know why Robin in her 8am class gets on her nerves. Maybe it's because she talks too much for so early in the morning. Maybe it's because she didn't seem appreciative of Nancy sharing her textbook with her. Or maybe there's no good reason at all. Eddie thinks Nancy's only two options are to either become enemies with Robin or fall in love with her. Nancy thinks Eddie's full of shit. But when she ends up in a dark movie theater with Robin, Nancy starts to see her in a new way… My fic for the Stranger Things Sapphic Big Bang with @ddoonnccnn !! I loved this little college AU and the art for it is ADORABLE (seriously, click on the fic just to look at the art, trust)
we can go forever - 3k, Stranger Things, Robin/Nancy. “I came from the ocean,” she said, like she was sharing a great secret. “That’s where I live.” 12-year-old Nancy does not believe her. There's no way that this girl is actually some sort of creature... right? Gift fic for @sweetronancer !! Percy ily and I wish you the bestest new year ever <333
What to Bring to An Abandoned Planet - 12k, Carry On, Multi (Simon/Baz, Penny/Shep and like a lot of friendships) Agatha, Baz, and Trixie are a small yet mighty group of space pirates who take down a transporter ship that holds Penelope, Shepard, and Simon on their way to relocating to a new planet. But once Agatha’s mighty ship—the SC Comet—falls way to space debris, the six of them have to learn to work together to survive on an uninhabited planet. I wrote this for @agni-ashes for the Secret Snowflake Exchange and I had wayyyy too much fun with this AU.
And then I wrote all 30 prompts for the Carry On Countdown!! This ended up being 21 fics, but here are a few of my favorites.
Agatha Wellbelove and the Six Sigils - 10k, Agatha gen fic. When Agatha ends up in a study in the White Chapel, she doesn’t think it’s going to change her life forever. When she finds a bag of coins with magickal sigils on them, she certainly doesn’t think it’s going to mean anything important to her. But when she starts having visions of the future… Well, she’s got to do something about it. I love Agatha actually. I find her character so fascinating. I had so much fun exploring her here, and I hope to write more about her in the future!
Some Bright Morning - 3k, Lucy & Simon. Lucy’s baby is the Chosen One. What does that mean? Why is he taking Lucy’s magic? What will Davy do to a child like that? Not feeling safe and not knowing what to do, Lucy turns to an old friend. I loved writing this fic so much!
i wanna go outside but i’m terrified it might be cold or too hot or too radioactive - 1.6k, Simon/Baz. Simon and Baz are the only ones left at Watford during Christmas break. Therefore, when the nuclear apocalypse hits, they are trapped in a bunker with only each other as company. Will they become friends or kill each other? Only time will tell… This was SO much fun to write. I think I had the most fun with this one out of all the Countdown fics.
I’m not going to link anymore, but I also wrote a GBBO au, a Penny turns into a vampire fic, a Mordelia POV fic that I actually LOVE, a short and sad Fiona/Ebb fic, a couple Fiona & small Baz fics, a 2nd person POV humdrum fic, and several other ones that I’m really proud off. I can’t believe I was able to finish the entire countdown, I’m so proud of myself!!
I’ve also kept track of how many words I wrote monthly this year! I only started using a spreadsheet to keep track in mid-March, so the early months are retroactive and are probably underestimated compared to the middle ones. I also didn’t keep as good track each day in Sept-Dec, but I still feel that’s fairly accurate overall, I just don’t know my daily totals.  So check out my chart and graph!!
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That’s a total of 186,286 words!!
I like looking at this because I can see where my motivation dropped off. When school started in September there was a huge dip, but I picked back up in November with the countdown fics! April looks really low, but it was a month of editing so I still did lots! Also, I posted more words than I wrote, which seems really silly, but I wrote all of No Sweeter Drug in 2023 same with most of Proof of Life
And now, because this post isn’t long enough already…
Of the days I kept track of my daily word totals (April-August), the day I wrote the most words was August 13th. I wrote 5,856 words of a still unposted Farcille smut fic. It’s extremely nsfw and I wrote almost all of these words in the backseat of a car (my parents were in the front) after driving back home from my out-of-state doctor’s appointments. I cooked up the whole idea while in an MRI machine lolll. (I will post it one day but it turns out editing smut is a lot less fun than writing smut)
Throughout the course of this year, my favorite writing font switched from Georgia to Lora. I love Lora so much now, she’s so cunty.
When I’m writing, chances are I’m listening to one of 3 things. This absolutely perfect playlist on youtube—I do my best writing with this but sometimes I’m not in the mood; one of two albums by David Bowie (1 or 2); or my vocaloid playlist (which i’m still curating, one day when it’s perfect and like 10 hours long i’ll share it)
Google docs new tab system is a lifesaver!! I could fit all of my COC fics on the same google doc, I love it. You don’t even want to know how many different documents I’d have for one fic before this system was introduced.
(Kind of unrelated, but I also started journaling late 2024 and now I can’t stop. Does this make me cooler? Perhaps not, but offloading my thoughts onto a page is very useful. Also I put quotes and doodles in there.)
I’ll be bringing one WIP fic from this year into 2025—The Way We Are. I honestly thought I would have finished it by now, but I lost my writing motivation and then gained it only for COC, but I’m hoping to finish writing the last two chapters soon. (I’ve told myself I can’t post anymore  of it until I finish writing it, which maybe wasn’t a good idea but oh well). I genuinely love this fic and the themes I explore in it, so I hope to finish and post more soon!
My main goal for 2025 is to just keep writing. I try to have a daily goal of at least 200 words a day, and the months where I stuck to that goal are some of the ones where I wrote the most. It takes me about 200 words to get into the flow and want to keep writing, so it ends up really effective. I have a newer, sexier, writing tracker spreadsheet for 2025 and I feel very inspired to fill it up. 
If you read this whole thing, I love you! This was a yap yet so it ended up long, so I'm hiding the sappiness down here. I've had SO much fun joining the fandom this year. I love and appreciate all of you, from the first time I was tagged in a wipsday on here, to everyone who's commented on my fics. The Carry On fandom truly is the bestest ever, you guys are so encouraging and make me want to keep writing forever and ever <3
I’m pretty sure most people who’ve wanted to have done this already, but be tagged anyways (sorry if I missed you if you've already done this):
@aristocratic-otter @arthurkko @beastmonstertitan @blackberrysummerblog @bookishbroadwayandblind
@bookish-bogwitch @brendughh @brilla-brilla-estrellita @cccloudsss (tyyyy for being such a good friend and the fastest beta everrrr) @cutestkilla
@facewithoutheart @fiend-for-culture @horsesarenotdeer @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature
@larkral @meanjeansjeans @m1ndwinder @raenestee @rbkzz
@shrekgogurt @skee3000 @supercutedinosaurs @talentpiper11 @thewholelemon
@valeffelees @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @argumentativeantitheticalg
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confused-bi-queer · 3 months ago
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Lee's 2024 Writing Round-Up
I hadn't noticed how much I accomplished this year until I did this. I wrote about 115k words and I started doing things that both scared me and excited me. An odd combination, but a welcome one.
You can find me here in my AO3 profile ConfusedBiQueer
- Fanfiction -
tolerate it (G, 1k) (SnowBaz, WS era angst)
this body is mine, it's my body (E noncon, 10,4k) (Baz gets through a hurtful experience)
starstrucked (G, 548) (SnowBaz fluff)
que allá viene el Caporal (T, 3k) (Mexican SnowBaz AU) I started writing Mexican things!
make it stop (T, 5k) (SnowBaz, Injured Baz) ofrendas del día de muertos (T, 4k) (Mexican SnowBaz AU)
Carry On WIP Adoption Fest @co-wipadoption for @martsonmars
Diving Right Into (E, 25.1k, 4 ch) Out of all these words, this year I just published 5k, and I finished this fic after 2 years!
December: Carry On Countdown @carryon-countdown
All prompts: A Holiday With David Cadwallader (M, 29k, 27 ch) (MalMage) Day 9, prompt "side ships"/alternative ships": illicit affairs (E, 2k) (MalMage) Day 21, prompt "WLW": A Holiday With Natasha Pitch (E, 3.9k, 2 ch) (NatLucy) My obsession for the parents in Carry On grew a lot more with this.
Favorite WIP
Cautionary Tale (E, 45.8k) (MalMage) This is the thing I'm proudest of because I finally posted this after 2 years of plotting. This has made me a better writer and it has made me happier, there's nothing better than writing for yourself and find people who enjoy it as well. Writing MalMage has remade me as a person and a writer.
- Fanart -
December: Carry On Countdown
Day 23: Goats An EPIC: The Musical x Carry On Crossover | SnowBaz Day 30: Something New A Mexican Meme | SnowBaz Starting to draw, which terrified me, has been game changing for me. And it's also one of those things I'm proudest of.
Thank you for tagging be @forabeatofadrum @monbons
Now tagging other friends: @artsyunderstudy @letraspal @samalander01 @foolofabookwyrm-activated @roomwithanopenfire
@excalisbury @wellbelesbian @johnwgrey @cutestkilla @stitchyqueer
@valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @shemakesmeforget @pato-roldnart @rimeswithpurple
@ebbpettier @alexalexinii @blackberrysummerblog @onepintobean @martsonmars
@jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @raenestee @hushed-chorus @kohatenz @ileadacharmedlife
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ambernotember · 1 month ago
writing round up
okay I posted a lot of things in the past two days so I'm doing a little round up
fluffebruary road trip grumpy x sunshine pillow talk (follows big romantic gestures) working out together sharing a blanket
118dailydrabble reconciliation - shannon search - the lees abnormal - buck & frank dance - harry, may, michael, david resent - sal & gina advisor - elaine & rick haunt - taylor & lou seize - sue, josh, linda, maddie spinoff - josh, buck, omc tear - the lees
make me write truck accident au (@morgangilloryy request) shannon lives au (@chimneyz request) cozy/apple orchard (@sad-girl-hours23 request) truck accident au (@desert--moonchild request) omgcp/911 crossover (@iphyslitterator request) truck accident au (@trombonechurchill request) a little bit of almost everything! (@pilot-kinard request) truck accident/shannon lives (anon request)
tease tidbit tuesday (shannon lives au)
also a link to my fandom trumps hate offerings!
tag list @chimneyz @morgangilloryy @swagmaster9k @geekwarrior107 @racerchix21 @fan-of-a-lot
interact with this post to be added/removed
i haven't been tagging my 118dailydrabbles because... that would be a lot of tags for people
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queenaeducan-writes · 3 months ago
2024 writing round up
i saw it on my dash and wanted to do it! tagging: @blackjackkent, @theshirallen, @dreadfutures, @theluckywizard, @ anyone else who would care to do this!
words posted: Not counting Tumblr RP or I'd be here forever, 76,581. 35,245 of those were Var Shiral'vhen.
additional words written: 21,585 on VS, plus some other WIPs means I have typed about 33,109 words. There are more in my notebook (but probably not a significant amount).
grand total of words: About 109,690 words! <3
fandoms: Dragon Age, HotD, BG3
highest kudos: 187 on The Queen's Pleasure, making it the first fic I ever posted to break 100 kudos.
highest hit oneshot: 2667 on The Queen's Pleasure.
new things I tried:
New fandoms! BG3 got me back into writing for fun before DA reassumed its throne, and I published HotD for the first time, too!
Smut! I published five smut fics on AO3, one on Tumblr, and another that will probably not make it out of the docs I'm gonna be real.
Long fic! Technically I've tried before, but writing Var Shiral'vhen with @theshirallen has been a pretty new experience as someone who mostly writes oneshots. It's been fun, though!
fic I spent the most time on: Var Shiral'vhen on the basis of it being a long fic. For one shots, probably The means by which art is made due it being my first attempt at Solian smut and that ship being very dear to me (and it was originally started back in like 2022).
fic I spent the least time on: I wrote Stronger Where it Breaks (Veilguard spoilers) after I beat DA4 in a short space of time. They will learn was also written similarly quickly.
favorite thing I wrote: I'm going to list multiple answers bc I deserve it.
I think it might be the unpublished Var Shiral'vhen chapter "Rift test take 2" just because I adore the Solas/Ian conversation in that chapter. It really encapsulates what I find fascinating about their dynamic, put them in a room together and they will start vibing even when I wasn't planning on it.
(Veilguard spoilers in the link) They will learn, a fic I mostly wrote for Joly but ended up getting more attention than I expected on Tumblr! I really enjoyed working with Elvhenan worldbuilding and I'm looking forward to doing more with the OCs I started crafting for the purposes of the fic.
(Veilguard spoilers in the link) The shape of you, a really abstract fic that's sex but also isn't sex. It was more a picture than words in my head so writing it down was difficult, but I enjoyed how it turned out esp since I didn't spend too long on it (it was like two sessions of writing).
favorite thing(s) I read:
(Veilguard spoilers in the link) keep my body from the fire (Solas x Felassan) by Almalexiasgf. I loved the depiction of Solas's [redacted] and Felassan's handling of it. It captured everything I love about the new lore surrounding the elves in DA4.
deus proditus (dame aylin & ketheric thorm) by @darethshirl. Such a neat exploration of these characters and their hostile relationship to each other, their love of Isobel, divinity/mortality. Highly recommended!
The History in our Skin (nb!lavellan & keeper deshanna) by @theshirallen. You were a fool if you thought I wouldn't include Joly in this. I love the pain and the peace in this, the impossible choice Deshanna saddles Ian (still a child but in choosing becomes grown) with. "There is no right answer" but only because the world is hostile to everything they are.
it ends, or it doesn't (felassan & an ensemble cast) by @dreadfutures I'm still making my way through this one (VG put a huge dent in my reading habit I carefully built over 2024 lmao) but I love Blue's Felassan POV and the worldbuilding they do for the Dalish/ancient elves. It's so inspiring, and the mystery is so good.
Mien'Harel (solas/felassan, solas & ensemble) by @bodysnatch3r Again, making my way through it, but Matty has such a great use of language and the worldbuilding is so good. I'm going to have my heart broken (more) when I continue I'm sure, but I'd highly recommend checking this one out.
these violent delights (Zevran x f!Tabris, Lucanis & Zev/Warden - Rated T) by @inquisimer. I love love love the Zev/Tabris pairing in this, and the playing off Lucanis is also excellent. I'd highly recommend it for its intrigue and character dynamics!!!
writing goals for 2025:
Continue Var Shiral'vhen
Not burn myself out on exchanges
Try to satisfy the need for engagement w/ more realistic means
Stop comparing myself/my headcanons/my divergences to others
new works: It was only after listing them that I realised I was supposed to just say how many, but I wrote it so it's here now. Anyway. 13!
Var Shiral'vhen (Solas x Nonbinary!Lavellan - Rated M) An adaptation of Solas and Ian's love story as well as Thora's journey as Inquisitor. About finding love in impossible places, undoing the damage the world has done to you, building trust from the ashes of other people's fires.
They will learn (Solas & Original Elvhen Character- Rated G) Veilguard spoilers. The world is new, and so are the people. Solas meets a new invention and sees the beauty and horror of creation.
The shape of you (Solas x Nonbinary!Lavellan- Rated E) Veilguard spoilers. Solas asks Ian a difficult question that Ian has no trouble answering.
Five, Seven, Five (Solas & F!Cadash - Rated G) Veilguard spoilers. Set in Inquisition. After a visit to Cadash thaig, Thora is inspired to write poetry after a lifetime of reading it. She shares it with Solas, as she shares everything with Solas.
Stronger Where it Breaks ( Solas x Nonbinary!Lavellan- Rated G) Veilguard spoilers. On Ian's suggestions, Solas takes up journaling to deal with some of his issues.
Pawn Takes King ( Solas x Nonbinary!Lavellan - Rated E) Technically Veilguard spoilers for the game's hub/home location. After a game of chess results in a rare victory, Ian claims his spoils.
The means by which art is made ( Solas x Nonbinary Lavellan! - Rated E) After Solas discloses his preference for bottoming, Ian tops him for the first time. It is not a night without its setbacks.
In Defense of Spirits (N/A - Rated G) A meta about the spirits of DA:O and how they can be read more sympathetically with the future game's lore taken into account.
The Art of Reading Aloud (Gale x F!Tav - Rated E) Ophelia (Tav) gives Gale a blowjob while he explains the history of the Moonshae Isles to her.
A Study of Hands (Gale x F!Tav - Rated T) An exploration of Gale's mental state throughout act I of BG3 as well as his developing feelings for Ophelia (Tav).
Chip Butty (Gale x F!Tav - Rated E) The morning after the party with her Tiefling kin, Ophelia wakes up with two headaches. One, from wine. Two, everyone expects she bedded Gale the night before.
The Queen's Pleasaure (Alicent x Rhaenyra - Rated E) When the King calls, Alicent does not linger longer than she is wanted. Her return is interrupted by a wayward princess, fresh from a foray into Flea Bottom, and hungry for companionship. Or: What if Rhaenyra had found Alicent before she found Ser Criston?
A Little Light (Jowan & Connor - Rated G) After years of young apprentices giving him a wide berth, lest they catch his talent for mediocrity, Jowan finds himself in the position of tutor to the young Connor.
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my-favourite-zhent · 2 months ago
2024 Writing Roundup (Late)
Wasn't sure whether to put this on @unmoderatedzhentarim or here but all my other writing is here so what the hey.
I really enjoyed reading everyone's writing roundups and wrap ups have been wanting to do one, bit late as I've not had the time or energy for tag games the last few months (hopefully will soon).
Words posted (not including group works): 69, 682
Additional words written over various projects:
NT: 14, 198
F&F: 8,827
F&F Sequel: 1466
Untitled One-Shot A: 468
Untitled One-Shot B: 1513
Total: 26, 475
Grand total: 96, 156
I feel a little bit better about my output seeing it as a total number.
Fandoms: Baldur's Gate 3 (pretty much just the Zhentarim)
Highest Kudos: New Tricks at 77, a Rugan x OC long fic that I hope to finish this year. Set before and during the events of the game.
Highest Hit One shot: I don't have one posted from *this* year but Worthwhile Reward from last December comes in at 101. This one is Rugan x Tav where Tav gets the drink she was promised at the Elf Song.
New Trickshings I tried:
A long fic, which I have a love-hate relationship now as it's my darling but seriously can it just write itself?
Lore research, have not written in 20ish year but I don't recall investigating anything back then.
Getting involved in Fandom, previously I've watched a lot from the sidelines so it was nice to actually talk to other creatives and fans this time around, big shout out to @littleplasticrat for pulling me into it.
Fic I spent the most time on:
New Tricks by a landslide, it's consumed me pretty much every single day of 2024, even if my output has slowed down considerably.
Fic I spent the least time on:
Untitled One-Shot A, have only spent a few hours on it. This was going to be a character study of one of the Zhents but the other projects are consuming me so much that I don't know if or when it will get done.
Favourite thing I wrote:
New Tricks! Again! As much as I had fun getting Fortune and Favour started NT is still my first love and will probably continue to be so until it's finished.
Favourite thing(s) I read:
Quite a few and I'm bound to forget some but I'll break it up by category and hopefully I do not over tag and anger tumblr:
A Honeypot; A Thirst Trap by @threerattsinatrenchcoat
The start of the Bandit Queen saga. Rugan and the Waukeen's rest gang have met their match in the Bandit Queen. Time and again they come up against her schemes and vice-versa. Will the gang ever come out on top? Will Rugan ever get laid? Read to find out!
Aqua Vitae by @dustdeepsea
Amazingly grounded and poignant work that takes place in the Rugan cut-content AU. Octavia (Tav) runs into Rugan at Elfsong only to find him a lot more troubled than when last they met.
One For the Road by @thisaccountisagainstmywill
The first in a series of character defining dalliances for Rugan. The exploration of his first romance and how it would shape him.
Isn't it a Marvel by @fistfuloftarenths
A post BG3 ending where bard Tav enjoys a day out with her favourite (former) Zhents, and a little bit of mischief.
Somewhere I have never travelled also by dust
An encounter with sweet Zhent Olly from the POV of a young woman named Nora in Berdusk.
I was and forever will be so touched Dust decided to set this in the NT universe, and I hope I'll be able to do Olly some justice!
On-going series aka Long fic:
de diversis artibus also by fistful
A fantastic Salazon centered story, the narrative is shared between him and the POV of a very sheltered Partriar's daughter by the name of Rosafieri. Rosa is both infuriating and endearing in her naivety and the perfect compliment to Sal.
God and Monsters also by dust
The threequel to Aqua Vitae. Set post-game, Octavia (Tav) and a broken Rugan embark on an investigation for the guild while studiously avoiding talking about their feelings.
The Red Right Hand by @pentuppen
Yvie St. John is a firey medical assistant that, thanks to the reckless and selfish behaviour of her mother, finds herself the target of some various dangerous loan sharks. A chance run in with our favourite Zhent simultaneously ruins her life and offers her an opportunity to get everything she's ever wanted.
The Inkskin Pact by @littleplasticrat
A Rugan o' Clearlight story, a little exploration on one of his various tattoos and how it is very beneficial for a Zhent Tav.
A Snake in the Garden also by pentuppen
Rugan collects on a debt anyway that he can, only the token he's taken isn't traded for coin but for a night with an extremely talented tiefling courtesan.
The Perfect Mark by @luvwich
What if instead of encountering a heroic Tav, Rugan ran into a rather unscrupulous Dark Urge? One who doesn't fight her violent tendencies but instead finds a perfect opportunity for them in an unknowing Zhent.
Writing Goals for 2025:
Actually finish New Tricks (is this realistic? I couldn't tell you).
New Works:
Untitled One-Shot B! B is a bit different in character and trajectory but it's fun to write and its a bit of a collaboration so I hope to wrap it up soon.
Thanks for reading this far! And if you haven't done your own roundup yet give it a try~
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year ago
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2023 Writing Round Up
Thank you for the tag @heartstringsduet @reasonandfaithinharmony @jesuisici33 @chicgeekgirl89 @thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @orchidscript @welcometololaland @ladytessa74 @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @alrightbuckaroo
Rules: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones you're most excited about.
15 fics this year! I have loved writing and sharing every one of them. Thank you to everyone who has read or will at some point. Work is a lot busier these days, so I don’t anticipate writing the same volume in 2024…but we shall see! I just want whatever I share to be good quality, and it’s my New Year’s resolution to keep improving. I love Tarlos. I love writing Tarlos fic. I love this fandom.
The Ruins of Wonderland – a reimagining of TK and Carlos getting back together after their breakup. I posted this on New Year’s Day, resolving to start 2023 off on the right fanfic foot.
Chasers – A coda for 3x13. TK talks to Cooper about his past, while Carlos goes for a swim and thinks about his own. When Carlos gets home, he and TK have an important chat. The rection to this fic spurred me on to continue writing in the flashback/vignette/timeline format.
Man to Man – A coda for 2x11 and 2x12, which also looks at Carlos coming out to his parents and where he is now with it all.
Afterglow of a Supernova – When fiancés TK and Carlos help Carlos’ high school crush and his wife during a call, they end up having a dinner with them that leads to jealousy in an unexpected way. The feedback I’ve had on this fic sent me to the moon on rainbows.
The Heart Behind the Shield – My first chaptered fic! I'd been wanting to write a 2x08 coda, but it was 4x04 that made it possible. This combines events from both episodes where there’s duality, and was an absolute blast to write and post.
The Light of Our Life – Listen, I wrote this during an extended lunch break and posted it the same day. For somehow it’s my fifth most kudos’d fic of the year…Thank you!!! We were all deep in our Lou II feelings at this time. Never forget.
Fire Island – TK and Carlos travel to Fire Island, where an older gay couple talks to them about their experience of the AIDS crisis in 1980s New York. This fic by far had the most emotional impact on me while writing it, and based on feedback it seems to be the same for readers(?) People have shared personal stories and memories with me since I posted this, and I just want to say I’m truly grateful for the response, given I wrote it in January but didn’t feel brave enough to post it for a few months.
With Infinity Folded Into It – Written for the @tarlosweeklyprompts Countdown to the Wedding event (prompt was: Love). After TK proposes, Carlos remembers the first time they said “I love you.” It’s fluff, it’s smut, it’s kinda angsty because Carlos is trying to bake and baking is stressful.
The Center of the Maze – Another written for Tarlos Weekly Prompts Countdown to the Wedding. (Prompt: "I Never Thought I Would Get This Day".) I thought this was going to be a 2k one-shot; it turned into 20k split into 4 chapters… Seven times they thought they would never get married, and one time when they actually did. I was super inspired and happy with the writing in this one.
June into July
When Soulmates Swim – The closest I’ll ever come to writing a sports AU (….or is it?👀…) Sparks and splashes fly when TK and Carlos each take up swimming while they recover from workplace injuries. I really pushed myself with smut and humour in this fic and the feedback I’ve had has been incredible. One of the most enjoyable writing experiences I’ve ever had, this fic holds a special place in heart.
Release The Hand to Relax the Animal – TK and Carlos explore the world of tantric massage in their own way. Written because Rafael Silva has madly attractive hands, and @heartstringsduet and I thought we should celebrate. You can read Michelle’s hands fic, Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life, Too, here. It is BEAUTIFUL.
(Nothing in August)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines – A 3x08 coda, which also gets into TK and Carlos’ childhood memories of 9/11, and the way that event went on to impact their lives (to the point where it set them on the path to meeting each other). It recieved the most amazing comments, with people sharing their memories of 9/11, so like Fire Island this fic feels deeper to me in a social way.
Suddenly in the Silence – I’d ‘joked’ about the show giving us Ghost Gabriel in season 5, but a conversation with thisbuildinghasfeelings led me to explore that concept myself. In this fic, it’s up to the reader to decide whether they think the spirit of Gabriel is around, which made writing it challenging but a lot of fun. It’s so interesting to see what side people fall on!
Where All This Love Comes From – This is my Tarlos novel at ~90k words, due to finish posting in February. I began writing it in March, when a hefty amount of plot relied on Gabriel being alive after season 4. Substantial rewrites happened after May, which was pretty gutting at the time, but ultimately I think this has ended up being the best thing I’ve written so far in my life.
There is a smutty one-shot coming with a scream very soon…And I hope you like it!
I'm not sure who has already done this - tagging with no pressure if you want to share/haven't already - and open tag!
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @goodways @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @wandering-night19 @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @rmd-writes @rosedavid @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader @taralaurel @three-drink-amy @redshirt2 @noxsoulmate @sanjuwrites @bonheur-cafe @liminalmemories21
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redroomroaving · 3 months ago
2024 Writing Round-Up
Thank you for the tag @librivore42 and your very kind recommendation, too. I'm very glad to have met you, and look forward to writing with you in 2025.
No pressure tags to everyone I mention as I go along and @darkurgetrash and @lemonsrosesandlavender
words posted: 555,975
additional words written:
oh god hold on, I have ... a lot of WIPS uh... about ... 39,335+ (I gave up trying to pull together at a certain point. It's probably closer to another 45k at least sat in various forms in my docs.)
This year it's been all Baldur's Gate 3
highest kudos:
Sufferer I shall, my Abdirak x Donnick fic, with 91.
highest hit one-shot:
Trusting, Trusted, my Klaus x Kar'niss one shot, at 550.
new things I tried:
So many things! I'd never written a word of smut before February this year; I'd never written M/M, I'd never written a longfic or collaborated in fandom writing events. I also barrelled into drawing smut, pushing myself to fun new places with my art and even doing a little bit of animation.
Also I like, joined discord to start a Geraldus server and made a load of friends in the process. It's been a fun year!
fic I spent the most time on:
The Harper & The Tower, my Rolan x Geraldus longfic, which I finally completed a few weeks ago but started way back at the end of February. 155k words, making it my longest fic ever and probably the longest thing I've written to date.
fic I spent the least time on:
I wrote a few lil snippet-y things, so it's probably a tie between Dandelions (Lorin x The Thief) and Alas, Poor Jaymes (onesided Gortash > Waiter Jaymes)
favourite thing I wrote:
'Sufferer, I shall.' Spilled outta me like a hurricaine, pulled my heart open, left an OTP in my chest.
Good times. 😭
favourite thing(s) I read:
I'll steal Libri's approach here; go read the wonderful works of @tickitytockityrattityrottity, @benicemurphy (yo please read 'Cute', the Kar'niss x Geraldus fic because-), @lizziemajestic, @adoenamedjane, @graysparrowao3, @captainsigge, @littlemisscactus amongst far far too many others I haven't listed here. This fandom is brimming with so much talent.
writing goals for 2025:
Another 500k!
Nah, that's not a real goal. I'd like to complete my other WIPS, make some progress on my big chunky AUs, get Harper Bor the number of fics on Ao3 he deserves, and branch out a bit; write some other fandoms and more F/F pairings and... evergreen ...
new works:
I've got a few I've just about started that I'll count as 2025 works really; my Bor x Geraldus fic 'A Harper Fell Here', 'The Gauntlet', my Lae'zel x HWW oneshot, and my planned collaboration with @librivore42 - Waiter Jaymes x Skoona.
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liminalmemories21 · 1 year ago
2023 Writing Round Up!
tagged by @jesuisici33. Thank you!
Writing Round-Up: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones your most excited about.
Fewer stories this year, but they were all mostly much longer. I genuinely cannot believe that Knave 2 was this year, it feels like so long ago, but apparently was just February. I also can't believe I wrote it in two months. I think maybe Knave 3 kicked my ass so much I forgot that Knave 2 wasn't longer ago.
The Knave of Hearts . . . he said he'd steal no more (February 25, 2023 | 60,161 words | Rated E | Tarlos | White Collar AU)
Do you know where Tyler was the night of the 10th?"
"TK," he repeats stubbornly.
Mattheson looks up. "What?"
"His name is TK. Nobody calls him Tyler except his mother.”
Mattheson makes an ostentatious show of noting the correction in the file, although it hasn’t made a difference the last seven times Carlos has said it. "So, the night of the 10th, do you know where Mr. Strand was?"
We Were in Screaming Color (June 25, 2023 | 66,639 words | Rated E | Tarlos | Season 4 Interstitials)
All the conversations we didn't see in Season 4
The square root of sixty nine (July 6, 2023 | 11,630 words | Rated E | Tarlos)
5 times TK asked for consent + 1 time Carlos did
A Secret is a Strange Thing - Owen, Gwyn, Enzo (August 5, 2023 | 5,793 words | Rated T | Tarlos adjacent)
character studies - six kinds of secrets each person kept
to be at home in fragments (October 9, 2023 | 3,488 words | Rated G | Tarlos)
collection of tumblr prompts
The Knave of Hearts . . . brought back the tarts (November 17, 2023 | 65,951 words | Rated E | Tarlos | White Collar AU)
It starts so innocuously that it’s hard to pinpoint, even in hindsight. But he thinks that maybe it was his father’s birthday, sitting on the porch waiting to digest lunch before they embark on cake. TK is sketching a line of Steinlen style cats to march along the walls of Marisol’s bedroom. [ . . .]
His father laughs at the two of them. “That reminds me actually, a friend of yours stopped by to visit me the other day." TK freezes in reaching for his ice tea, and Carlos’s father arches an eyebrow. "Tulson. Agent Tulson stopped by my office. Who did you think I meant?”
TK exhales and picks up his glass. “The mind boggles. What did Matt want?”
“Wanted to ask if I’d heard any rumors about a new art thief nosing around town for targets.”
Think It Over, Think It Under (November 30, 2023 | 12,864 words | Rated T | Tarlos adjacent)
6 conversations TK had with his sisters-in-law + 1 conversation Carlos had with his sisters
Once Upon a Bus coming soon - the bus driver AU
tagging @ladytessa74, @chicgeekgirl89, @chaotictarlos, @strandnreyes, @paperstorm, @rmd-writes, @louis-ii-reyes-strand, @reyesstrand, and @welcometololaland
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xthelastknownsurvivorx · 1 year ago
2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks @inexplicablymine for the tag! This was a lot of fun to do
Satisfied (Never Have Been, Never Will Be) — RWRB, T, 833
Or, a rewrite of the lyrics of "Satisfied" from Hamilton set at the beginning of Philip and Martha's wedding, except Alex is a little flirtier and a little less repressed, told from Henry's pov.
Some Element of Mystery — RWRB, M, 4k
Or, five times that Alex thought Henry was a stripper, plus one time Henry corrected him. Written for the informal stripper!Henry fest.
Was working on finishing my master's thesis instead of fic for the most part, though I did write a few drabbles and make progress on my reincarnation au (see November)
Burn (They're Watching Us/I Hope That They) — RWRB, T, 295
Or, a rewrite of the lyrics of "Burn" from Hamilton, set immediately after the email leak, told from Alex's pov.
Graduated/finished my master's 🎉🎉 while also writing more of my reincarnation au (see November), including some major revisions
Got sick for part of the month, then spent the rest of it furiously working on my brownstone anniversary exchange fic (see July) doing tons of (probably unnecessary) research about Saturday Night Live and royal weddings.
SNL | Season 45 Episode 2 | HRH Prince Henry & FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz — RWRB, M, 9k
Or, the fic in which I said bet and sent firstprince onto Saturday Night Live instead of having Alex go to London for a weekend. Written for the Brownstone Anniversary Fic Exchange.
Spent the month trying to make a lot of progress on reincarnation au (see November) and finally got some betas
Had a bad case of writer's block for most of the month, then went insane and wrote something for firstprince week (see October) despite promising myself I wasn't going to participate
Not a Day I Don't Miss (Those Rude Interruptions) — RWRB, T, 2k
Or, a Henry character study set during the week following Henry running from the lake house, loosely inspired by Taylor Swift's "Last Kiss". Written for firstprince week.
Red, White, and Royal Switcheroo — RWRB, T, 6k
Or, a body swap au set during Alex's "make nice" trip to England in which Alex and Henry have to play at being each other, and Alex discovers Henry's role is, in fact, very much not much easier to play. Written for Halloween, Huh?
Every Time My Heart Swings Back to You — RWRB, M, ~90k (ongoing)
Or, a reincarnation au set mostly in the modern era with college students Alex and Henry trying to piece together the story of their past lives as a knight and a prince through a series of non-linear flashbacks.
Trying my best to finish reincarnation au while also plotting out a very ambitious fic for a new fandom (mysterious lotus casebook) that I'll be trying to tackle in 2024. Also the month I got super into cdramas/c-ent.
Wow, compiling all this made me realize I wrote a whole lot more than I thought: posting 9 stories and writing around 50k new words! I also participated in a lot more fan events than ever before and finally begin sharing the story that's been living in my brain and docs only for almost three years. All in all, a very satisfying year for me while also looking forward to new projects in 2024~
I'm probably one of the last wants to get to this but tagging a few others who I don't think have done this (let me know though if you have) @14carrotghoul @formorewishes @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @celaestis1 @celeritas2997 @cricketnationrise, plus open tag because I'd love to see anyone else's writing year in review~
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littlemisskittentoes · 1 year ago
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2023 Writing Roundup
okay chickie wings! first and foremost, a massive thank you to @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @rockyroadkylers and @songliili for tagging me in this game. also pretending that @read-and-write- and @anincompletelist tagged me in this one because they were kind enough to tag me in the Year In Review that i never got around to doing
without further ado...
2023 (kittentoes's version)
January through August
nada. kittentoes was a mere lurker.
boxing with no gloves- G, 2.2k
Henry is pushing his arms through the woolen sleeves of a peacoat. He faces Alex and there’s no softness left in his features. He’s genuinely angry this time. None of the endeared exhaustion of his antics Alex is so used to seeing from him. None of the fondness that always plays hide and seek in his eyes when he looks at Alex. Henry looks blank and placid. His press face, edged with a hint of venom. And Alex has seen versions of this face. He’s seen a calmer facade of it, one that had boarded a plane back to England by the time Alex woke up. There’s something cold settling in Alex’s stomach. A kind of panic crawling up his throat. There’s ice dancing at his fingertips, but his hands are sweating, and oh God, Henry’s leaving again. --- Or, Alex and Henry get into a fight. Henry tries to leave, Alex needs him to stay. So he does.
i'd be smart to walk away (but you're quicksand)- M, 3.6k
Henry remembers too, telling himself not to get too close. He remembers knowing intrinsically, unequivocally, that loving Alex would set him on fire. Now, here he is. Burning. Henry is alight and smoldering. And as naturally as Henry knew how combustible Alex would be then, he knows now that he is going to be left as nothing but ash and soot when Alex finally decides to walk away. Still, Henry can’t convince himself to pull the lever on the alarm to set off the sprinklers. He lets himself savor the flames. – or, five times that Henry convinced himself he couldn’t have Alex Claremont-Diaz, and one time he lets Alex convince him he can.
i'll love you when the ocean's dry- M, ficlet
“Getting into trouble without me, sweetheart?” “Alex, Alex, you’re going to be so bloody proud of me. Are you listening?” And Alex can hear the flush of Henry’s cheeks, the spark dancing in his eyes. “Pez, hush, Alex has to hear this. Alex, you’re listening, right?” And that wasn’t unusual either. More and more Henry had let Pez convince him to allow himself to loosen up a bit. More and more Henry had started slackening his hold on the carefully crafted veneer he had been trained for years to perfect. Every time, it takes Alex’s breath away. Alex loves every facet of Henry, each mask and every mood. But there’s something about seeing Henry settle into a kind of peace with himself that has Alex feeling like he’s falling in love all over again. He leans even further into the cushioned recliner and lets the drunken lilt of Henry’s voice ease something in his muscles. “I’m listening, baby. Go ahead.” — or, Henry is drunk, and Alex loves him completely.
we should just kiss (like real people do)- T, 2k, Junora
June hasn’t felt like she’s had a home in a long time. There was the house and Texas growing up, of course. But the inevitability of arguments turned silence left the walls feeling more haunted by memories, rather than preserving them. There was the Lake House. But the knowledge it would only ever be a short-lived reprieve made a kind of melancholy brush against the dock with each pass of the waves. There were the dorms of UT Austin, and Evan taking up most of the twin-sized mattress. But thinking too hard about that always made the resentment rear-up, bitter at the back of her throat before she was able to quell it back down. But the picture of Nora sprawled across her carpet, her halo of screens casting pale light along her cheekbones, dancing above her cupid’s bow. Nora’s curls falling into her face with the dip of her head towards the screen, fingertips rushing across the keyboard not daring to stray away long enough to push the strand back. It’s all so achingly familiar that for all June’s skill as a writer, her entire repertoire of connotations and words, she can’t for the life of her think of anything else. -- Or, Henry and June's PR stunt, from June and Nora's perspective.
when you say my name (i like the way it sounds)- G, 3.6k
When he looks back, he gives himself a moment to take it in. He basks in the sound of familiar laughter echoing around their kitchen in the simmering warmth and comfortability that comes with being sucked into Pez’s antics and lulled back by Bea’s steadiness. He revels in the swirl of Nora’s genius and calm of June’s kindness. It’s not quite the same as LA all those years ago. It doesn’t take him by surprise or feel novel anymore. But it's still that feeling of rightness, a crystal clear understanding that this, these people, will always be a kind of home to him. -- or, The Super Six take on a Halloween party. Henry, for once, let’s himself let loose. Drunk, uninhabited, and free to love Alex in public, Henry is happy. Alex stays sober to look after him, and he is so in love he could die.
you paint dreamscapes on the wall- E, 5k
“Fuck, H. What are you? A damn vampire?” And Henry loved this too. The way the fire in Alex never quite went out, just smoldered down to embers. He didn’t think he’d ever quite get used to Alex’s wit, his sheer audacity to taunt and pick at him. But Henry was sure he never wanted to, anyway. He loved that that audacity snuck through the cracks of following orders, and waiting in positions. In between the begging, and Alex only ever finishing with permission dripping from Henry’s lips, it was still there. And Christ, if it wasn’t the single-most precious thing Henry had been gifted the honor of experiencing. -- or, Alex is in his own head too much of the time. But Henry can always bring him back.
you call the shots babe (i just wanna be yours)- E, 9.9k
“I wish David were here.” The sigh from his lips rustles one of Alex’s curls loosened away from under the cap. Alex’s eyebrows scrunch together and there’s a new mask edging his features. One Henry can’t quite place in his filmy headspace. “Oh. I thought… Pez said you didn’t have a boyfriend?” The bark of laughter pulled from Henry’s throat is loud and unfettered. The kind of laugh he usually keeps hidden away or stifled behind the guard of a hand against his mouth. “No, no. I mean yes, Pez’s right. But David isn’t–” Another giggle breaks into the words. “David’s a beagle, Alex.” ___ or, Henry gets high, and Alex is everything he's ever wanted.
i know heaven's a thing (i go there when you touch me)- E, 17.2k
He’s never been much of a jealous man. He’s always been far more lured in by the tease of potential than seduced by the idea of possession. Henry isn’t owned by Alex. He chooses to give himself over. And now, watching Henry offer himself not just for Alex, but for Pez as well— Pez, this bright light of energy and unending kindness that has never done anything but protect Henry—well, Alex isn’t sure anything has ever quite knocked the breath out of him the same way the sight of it does. --- or, when Henry acts like a brat, Alex enlists Pez's help to remind him that he doesn't need to in order to get what he wants.
many times, many ways- M, 4.8k
The thing is, Alex knows he can’t replace the bittersweet wave of memories that swarm Henry’s head at the sight of snow flurries and smell of peppermint in the air. He doesn’t want to. He wants Henry to keep those close, even if it is through the sepia tone of melancholy. But Alex can’t help but wonder if maybe he can find a way to balance poignancy with something a bit easier. Something a little bit lighter. Something Henry can revisit to understand where he belongs, how he fits into the “happy” of it all any time he needs. He looks over to Henry, finally asleep against his chest. He takes in the gentle slope of Henry’s nose, the fluttered fan of eyelashes against moon-bathed cheeks. He fixates on the subtle canyon, the soft part of Henry’s lips, the phantom wind of a silent snore, and Alex knows: the very least he can do is try. — or, holidays have always come as a reminder to Henry of what he’s lost. But Alex always manages to remind him of everything he’s gained too.
all we know (is touch and go)- G, ficlet
“I had it under control, Alex. You can’t just swoop in anytime you think something might go wrong. You’re not bloody invincible. It’s high time you stopped acting like you are.” “Now where would be the fun in that, sweetheart? Can’t very well get you to play nurse for me if I stick by the sidelines, now can I?” Alex pulls out his best smirk, the one that usually convinces Henry to stop talking to kiss it off of him instead. The glare Henry shoots him makes it clear he’s not getting off that easy tonight. --- or, Alex gets hurt being the hero and Henry just wants him whole.
Coming Soon
PWP Onesot- featuring: somnophilia, Daddy Dom!Alex, so much dirty talk-- coming to an ao3 near you within the next few days
"don't you call him baby"- kensington divergence multichap, featuring: kittentoes's first oc, a lot of angst, alex with a boyfriend that is not henry-- coming to an ao3 near you within the next few months (the current, sole focus wip)
Aftercare Oneshot- featuring: safeword use, healthy communication, domestic!firstprince-- coming to an ao3 near you the next time i need a break from kensington
(Hopefully) Coming Later in 2024
"it always leads to you (in my hometown)"- the 'tis the damn season/childhood best friends to lovers au, featuring: dual timelines, baker!henry, an orion tattoo, and drunk love confessions
smokey smoke verse series- oneshots continuing the relationship established in "you call the shots babe (i just wanna be yours)
more kitten!henry
tagging some friends! @happiness-of-the-pursuit@matherines@inexplicablymine @wordsofhoneydew @firenati0n @read-and-write- @affectionatelyrs @saintlynomenclature @adreamareads @absoluteaudacitywrites @raysletters @daisymae-12 @ssmtskw @hypnostheory
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redrikki · 1 year ago
January Writing Round-Up
In January, I participated in the Theon Greyjoy Fanworks Exchange and the Three Sentence Ficathon. I wrote a total of six stories in two fandoms.
A Song of Ice and Fire
Grin and Bear It - Theon attends the tourney at Lannisport following his father's war. King Robert rubs his hair for luck as he heads to the lists. Theon hopes he dies. He hopes they all do. (Theon Greyjoy, Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark)
Strange Children in Our Bed - It had been seven long months since Catelyn's husband had been home and in her bed. Theon Greyjoy was the only thing spoiling their reunion. (Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Theon Greyjoy)
I see your little petrified skull, labeled and resting on a shelf somewhere - Theon vs. specimen jars (Theon Grejoy, Maester Luwin)
forgiveness isn't given if you don't feel some regret - Jeyne can't quite forgive. (Jeyne Poole)
Miraculous Ladybug
It was only a dream - Marinette's nightmare of married life. (Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
You're so gorgeous / I can't say anything to your face - The world's dumbest identity reveal. (Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
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khadrimxart · 1 year ago
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Goodbye 2023! You were a productive year with lots of scary firsts! Hoping for more of that this year. On top of what I have in my writing list I'll be trying to work on landscapes, pixel art, and sewing too! Plus baking things I've never tried.
I can't wait to share all my new projects with you and I hope you'll join me on this crazy roller coaster ride. Happy New Year!
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nonverbalnaji · 29 days ago
February Writing Round Up
If this month highlighted anything, is that there's a definite difference between the types of fics I write especially when it comes to scope.
Total words written: 57,717
The Ebb and Flow of You - 16 chapters (total 25, ongoing).
Jayvik mermaid AU that might be getting the better of me with scope creep because plot keeps happening but there's still a lot of fluff and smut.
A Momen, A Choice - one shot (potentially more?)
Jayvik alternative ending to episode 8 when Viktor notices the corrupted hammer's gem but is interupted by Mel... what if he wasn't interupted?
There's been a bit of feedback that people would like more, so I may expand this into a short work of an alt ending but I'm waiting until work calms down a bit.
Arisen in Piltover Zaun - 1 chapter (total 5, ongoing).
This isn't a Jayvik series... yet. I know what they're up to, but it's a waaays off yet before I jump to them. The scope of this fic is Runeterra-wide with some adjustments and my own twist on previous canon lore as well as making other canonical characters fit alongside the events of Arcane.
Overall, really happy with this progress, Jayvik truly has been healing for my writers block and I'm just gonna keep following the joy. I am so grateful to everyone who has been enjoying my stories too <3 I've certainly learned a lot from my first fic! Might do a spiritual rewrite of it to do the tropes and themes better justice in the future but I have so many ideas aha.
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skepsiss · 11 months ago
Currently writing
Short story for a contest, unrelated to any fandoms. About a young Funeral Home Director. (3k)
Personal project, my supernatural, crime fiction novel about a bi-racial woman and her trans femme love interest. ("Hollow Peak")
Steddie summer exchange, (still need a title). 13k, finished but needs to be beta read. Baseball AU.
Steddie Big Bang, 12k ish, long way to go still (probably going to be 30k by the end). "Senior Year" is based off of Steve and Eddie if they became pals in their senior year of high school.
Stranger Things Big Bang, 16k ish, only 2 chapters left to write. Wayne & Steve friendship.
Chugging along.....
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lilyflxwers · 9 months ago
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phoebe bridgers/waiting room//unknown//fernando pessoa/the book of disquiet//ryebreadgf//hieu minh nguyen/this way to the sugar; poems ‘my first’//unknown//gwen benaway/holy wild//
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gazpachoandbooks · 11 months ago
Currently imagining Arthur + Gwen + the knights asking someone (maybe druids?) who this famous "Emrys" is and they proceed to do a version of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" while Arthur, Gwen and the knights grow increasingly more distressed with each line and Merlin hyperventilates in the background
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