It's Love
13K posts
Hello! I’m Cig, Tarlos is my OTP, and I’m happy you’re here, so please feel free to say hi! I’m carlos-in-glasses on Ao3.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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tk/carlos in every episodes ↳ 2.05 · difficult conversations
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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911: Lone Star | S4E16 -> Soulmate Scene Pt. 1
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
omg i get another chance tomorrow!! and after tomorrow i get another chance!!! and after that another!!?!
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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911: Lone Star Angst Week | Season 1 "Dammit, TK, you promised me this would never happen again."
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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La Sangre de Los Reyes | OrchidScript
Austin, Texas. 1880: The longer one lived in Austin, the more they heard of the Reyes family. Stories and rumors that grew more sordid the further they went; twisting hearsay over candlelight, campfires, under the darkness of pre-dawn. TK had heard plenty -- a bloody history, a wilting family tree, a list of tragedies longer than his arm -- but he hadn't been there long. Everyone, it seemed, was eager to talk about Rancho Nueva Luna.  A job was a job, even if it was one out on the Reyes ranch. So much the better to put an ear to those sordid stories. Or so TK thought when he took the position. Confronted with the realities of the property — and the family's youngest son, Carlos — larger secrets unfurl, revealing gnarled roots needing to be dug up. If only they can do so in the time left.
Read on Ao3
i. stepping over the devil | ii. the lotus eaters | iii. phantom glass | iv. sanguinaria | v. king illegitimate | vi. bier right | vii. make all hell howl | viii. ab origine | ix. I am yours, you are mine
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 3] -> favourite s1 moment(s) -> the police station scene in 1.03
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
"The Carlos Shoulder Shimmy":
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-- might I present:
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"The Tyler Kennedy Shake 'n Shuffle"....
...Finger guns, you say? :
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the Old-School Groove with the Hovering Fist --
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and a jumpy club sway (inc. mild confusion) :
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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You know, the whole time I was on the run, I just kept thinking... why? Why did he do it? Because of money. That's why. Well, I hope it was worth it.
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 hours ago
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Here it is folks! The first chapter of my debut 911 Lone Star fanfic, a trucker/truck stop AU. You can read the whole thing here on AO3
Carlos looks around, surveying the new rest stop. He can see right away why Tommy would suggest this place. It’s small and homey. There’s a motel, a gas station and a diner called Tyler’s on one side of the road and a small mechanic shop on the other side that, to an untrained eye, might look rundown, but Carlos knows that shops like that are often run by some of the most trustworthy mechanics. Besides, if Tommy suggested it, it’s gotta be good. The whole setup is tucked away, about a mile off the interstate. It’s quiet and peaceful and everything seems to move at a leisurely pace around here. 
Carlos parks his rig in the wide open space available between the diner and the gas station and breathes a long sigh as the deep growl of the engine shuts off. It had been a long 8 hours of driving and he’s ready for some food.
There’s a handful of other semis parked here too. As he scans his eyes down the row of sleeping rigs, one catches his eye, a black Peterbilt with light blue wings painted down the side and a plethora of keychains and small decorations hanging from the rear view mirror. 
That’s gotta be Nancy! He thinks as he jumps down out of his rig. It’s been a long time since he’s run into her and he’s looking forward to catching up.  
Carlos heads for the diner. It’s small and homey just like everything else, and he can smell the aroma of food wafting out before he even reaches the door. His stomach growls and he realizes for the first time just how hungry he really is. 
The bell on the door jingles pleasantly as he enters. He looks around the small restaurant. It’s well decorated with old posters and newspaper clippings, a couple of old photographs of people standing in front of the building, and some framed artwork that looks like it was drawn by a child. It’s the kind of place that makes one feel at home right away.
Tagging some folks who have shown an interest in this one (let me know if you want to be added/removed) @neversleepuntilfive @lemonlyman-dotcom @eclectic-sassycoweyes @nisbanisba @firstprince-history-huh @annoyingcloudearthquake and a special thanks to @rangersoup for both making me write this and bouncing ideas back and forth with me
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carlos-in-glasses · 12 hours ago
Tarlos HC: Carlos at some point tried to include TK in his yoga sessions as a couples activity, but seeing TK in yoga clothes aways derails the rest of the day 😏
Absolutely, YES. Carlos also fails to be a very good talker when TK is in his Lycra. They are both a total mess for each other. Cannot believe how lucky they are. They are each other's downward-facing dog 4 life.
And if you have not read it: @heartstringsduet has written a fic that I think will be right up your street! Please enjoy Cataclysm, that comes with the tag 'naked yoga and make it sexy'.
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carlos-in-glasses · 21 hours ago
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Coping with the sudden snow with a doodle. Based on this post from @paperstorm
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carlos-in-glasses · 21 hours ago
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Rating: E Words: 11K CW: Sex Summary: While on a getaway in Colorado, Carlos and T.K. get romantically snowed into their vacation rental. But their little couples' trip is rudely interrupted when Carlos suddenly comes down with the flu.
“Babe! Babe, look! Look! Do you see? It’s everywhere!!”
Carlos chuckles. “I see.”
T.K. has his face pressed against the glass of the car window, his eyes glued to the snowy landscape that swallows them up as they drive through the winding roads of Aspen, Colorado. “There’s so much of it!”
“You two never seen snow before?” their driver, Jeff, asks from the front seat.
“We have,” Carlos tells him. “It’s just been a while.”
“Seven years,” T.K. says without taking his eyes off the roadside. “And that was not good snow. That was death snow.”
“Death snow?” Jeff’s eyebrows rise in the rearview mirror.
“It’s a long story,” Carlos tells him. “Let’s just say we were both put off of freezing cold weather after that.”
“OH!” T.K. cries, smushing his face into the glass. “Someone made a snowman!” He pulls out his phone. “I’m going to take a picture for Jonah.”
Read the rest on AO3
Thanks to @nisbanisba, @heartstringsduet, @annoyingcloudearthquake, @emsprovisions, @carlossreaders, @rangersoup, @strandnreyes, @lemonlyman-dotcom, and @pimento-playing-hopscotch for the Seven Sentence Sunday tags! I gave you a few more than that lol!
Tagging @literateowl, @henrygrass, @ladytessa74, @liminalmemories21, and anyone else who would like to share!
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carlos-in-glasses · 21 hours ago
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Rafa on Instagram (May 9, 2024)
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carlos-in-glasses · 24 hours ago
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you for the tag, @nisbanisba @heartstringsduet @carlossreaders @annoyingcloudearthquake 💝
This is from a fic I actually finished today- a very silly fic based off of an ask I saw, that has been live for about a half hour-
“Baby, do you want me to drive?” TK asked, running his hand through his husband’s curls. “I wasn’t the one working until one this morning. You could sleep if you want”.
Carlos shook his head. “We’re not going to our close zoo. Getting to Dallas is more tricky”.
“Oh, ye of little faith,” TK rolled his eyes. “I drive every day. And I used to drive for a living. The taxpayers literally lined up to pay me to drive around”.
“They paid you to take the ambulance out on the highway?” Carlos raised an eyebrow. “I would’ve liked to have seen that”.
“Well, they did,” TK said with his signature lopsided grin. “And they would line up beside my ambulance to compliment my driving, and my attention to detail, and—”
“How much your nose could grow in a few seconds, you big fibber?” Carlos finished. Jonah giggled when TK stuck his tongue out at him.
Read the rest on AO3-
No pressure tagging - I tag @anewkindofme @laneybishop89 @carlos-in-glasses @henrygrass @kiankiwi @firstprince-history-huh @paperstorm @lavenderrdaughter @everlastingday @thisbuildinghasfeelings @chicgeekgirl89 @lightningboltreader and anyone else who wants to do it- open tag 🫶
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 day ago
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thanks @nisbanisba @heartstringsduet @emsprovisions @carlossreaders @rangersoup !!
TK nods as he uses his body weight to keep compressing the man’s chest. His badge bounces and a pen falls from his pocket and TK pays it no attention. Carlos positions himself by the man’s head, securing the bag over his face and squeezing twice once TK calls thirty. By then, a whole team is entering with him. Dr. Risher is still here from the night shift, likely the attending overseeing the case.
“What happened?” he calls out.
“Collapsed during a blood draw. Thought it was syncope until his tele started going off,” TK recites.
“Switch off with me.”
“I’m good, I can—”
“I said switch off, Strand. Let the actual doctors take over.”
TK shoots a glare over at Pearce at the same time Carlos looks up in shock. TK finishes his cycles before seamlessly switching with Pearce despite the shit he just pulled. Carlos quickly does his respirations as then keeps his eyes on TK as he leaves the room without a second glance.
tagging @paperstorm @orchidscript @ironheartwriter @tellmegoodbye @theghostofashton @reyesstrand @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @alrightbuckaroo @freneticfloetry @henrygrass @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @neversleepuntilfive @basilsunrise @bonheur-cafe @butchreyes @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk + open tag!!
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 day ago
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Seven Sentence Sunday Chapter 4 of The Lone Ranger
Thanks for the tags @emsprovisions @annoyingcloudearthquake @heartstringsduet @nisbanisba!!
Here's a snippet from Chapter 4 of The Lone Ranger. Chapter 4 has now been posted and can be found HERE!!
Sam’s climb into his truck is slow, his back is screaming now, cussing him out for not staying in the hospital and getting prescribed pain medication. He tosses the trail cam into the passenger seat, and throws his hat down on top of it before settling into the driver's seat. He takes a second to breathe, closing his eyes and letting his head rest against the back of the seat. He takes a couple deep breaths that really don’t help things. Why does it have to hurt so fucking bad? His moment of peace and quiet doesn’t last long and gets interrupted by his phone ringing. He lets out a groan and digs in his pocket for it. Chief Jones’ name is lighting up his screen.  “Go for Campbell,” Sam says, answering the phone, his voice a little more hoarse than it should be. The four wheeler ride was definitely better than walking, but it was still rough. “Where are you?” she demands. She sounds stressed and even a little angry. “I’ve been trying to reach you for over an hour.” “Doin some good ol’ fashioned detective work,” Sam replies, glancing over at his passenger seat. That camera better have something usable on it. “Well you need to be at the hospital. Like yesterday.” “Did something happen? Is Reyes okay?” Sam asks, straightening up in his seat, a new wave of concern coming over him. “Yes and no.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “There was a shooting.” “What?!” “Someone took a shot at him through his room’s window. They missed him, but got a nurse. Your presence here would be greatly appreciated, Ranger.” “But he’s not hit?” “No,” Jones replies. “He’s fine– or as fine as he has been.” “On my way,” Sam promises, and hangs up. They’re taking shots at him through hospital windows now? He puts his truck in drive and switches on the lights. If it happened an hour ago, he probably doesn’t need to be running with his lights and sirens on, but he doesn’t care. He needs to get there.
Tags under the cut
tagging: @my-beloved-lakes @lemonlyman-dotcom @lonestardust @thisbuildinghasfeelings @primal--scream @tellmegoodbye @carlos-in-glasses @futures-tense @neversleepuntilfive @chicgeekgirl89 @henrygrass @paperstorm @happilylovingchaos @ironheartwriter @ccgrizzy @strandnreyes @welcometololaland @captain-gillian @reyesstrand @reasonandfaithinharmony
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 day ago
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Hiiii!!! Thanks for the tags @nisbanisba @heartstringsduet @annoyingcloudearthquake @emsprovisions & @carlossreaders 💕
I believe I have shared part of this before but, in true wip form, it has been reworked a bit! From the Welcome Home Jonah sequel
He remembers waking up from nightmares and running to find his dad. He remembers how scary it was, and being reassured that the monsters from his dreams weren’t real.
He also remembers his dad sneaking him cookies from the secret stash he kept hidden in the laundry room, squirreled away behind the OxiClean. This was just one of the many hiding places Gabriel Reyes had around the house for his emotional support snacks. There was also, among others, the anxiety cupcakes tucked into one of the storage totes in the garage, the Little Debbie Snack Cakes in the hall linen closet for his midnight snacking needs and the infamous desk drawer for his emergency Cheetos. It was the worst kept secret in the Reyes family, but everyone also knew that to touch one of Gabriel’s secret snack stashes was to risk losing a limb.
After the elicit cookies he remembers his dad tucking him back into bed, and putting on a puppet show featuring Kique the Koala and his other stuffed animals until he forgot about the nightmare and fell back to sleep.
He wonders how many more of his forgotten memories this fatherhood thing will bring back.
Tagging @my-beloved-lakes @whatsintheboxmh @welcometololaland @basilsunrise @henrygrass @everlastingday @iboatedhere @hereghostslive @laelipoo @chicgeekgirl89 @ladytessa74 @alrightbuckaroo @ironheartwriter @literateowl @the-126-family @firstprince-history-huh @eclectic-sassycoweyes @captain-gillian @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @freneticfloetry @sapphic--kiwi @herefortarlos @filet-o-feelings @tinyluminaryzombie @kiwichaeng @guardian-angle22 @rmd-writes @reyesstrand @never-blooms @decafdino @rangersoup @futures-tense @carlos-in-glasses @tellmegoodbye @orchidscript @thisbuildinghasfeelings @bonheur-cafe @paperstorm and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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