#att 35
klimtjardin · 4 months
☁ Contos de Nube ☁
Atualização 36
Ao início de um intenso verão de altas temperaturas, Nube abandonou o bucólico cenário de nevoeiros que obrigava seus habitantes a enrolarem seus pescoços em cachecóis e deu lugar a dias de roupas menos pesadas.
Nessa tarde, Avelã recebeu a visita de um velho amigo, que se fez mais necessária do que ela imaginava.
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Avelã aproveitou para desabafar a respeito de seus sentimentos.
Ela se sente confusa e como se estivesse magoando Netuno ao desistir de seu relacionamento com ele para assumir um com Venus - se for o caso.
Ela ama Netuno e o fato de que eles são muito parecidos, no entanto, com Venus é diferente; ele soa como um companheiro, mas ela se sente nervosa de dar um passo em relação a isso.
Mesmo com pouca experiência, Yarnie tentou aconselhá-la a fazer o que era certo. Ele também contou sobre o climão lá na pensão e como as coisas ficaram estremecidas entre Hermes, Cereja e ele.
Para Yarnie, isso não importa mais. Ele já tem outra pessoa em mente.
Enquanto isso, na pensão da Prímula, seus habitantes curtiam uma calma manhã regada à sol, todos em seus pijamas e música alta ao fundo. Nada mudou por aqui aparentemente.
Cereja chamou Hermes para uma conversa, cuja qual ela iniciou cabisbaixa, ao informá-lo de que havia acabado de fazer um teste de gravidez e que deu negativo.
Hermes compartilhou do sentimento de Cereja no mesmo instante.
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Cereja ficou chateada por horas, mesmo seu marido tendo a consolado.
Mais tarde, Estrela procurou Xavier na pensão.
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Ela parecia um pouco furiosa com o destino que seu gêmeo estava tomando na vida.
Para ela, estava na cara que Avelã só brincava com os sentimentos dele, desde aquele aniversário da Pérola em que ela disse com todas as letras que não tinha interesse nele.
Xavier tentou ser compreensivo, porém, ele acabou jogando a real para Estrela: ela deveria deixar o irmão seguir o rumo dele e começar a pensar em sua própria vida. É óbvio que doeria vê-lo fazendo outras escolhas que não a incluíam, uma vez que ambos eram super grudados, mas era a realidade.
Ela ficou chocada de descobrir que Xavier estava certo.
É, meus amigos... Será que teremos mais treta no próximo capítulo?
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croquis-el · 1 month
Well, um, hiya☆
I've come to life a little here and brought you some interesting features in the characters' spoken language
To begin with, let's look at the male trio of main characters: Naruhodō, Mitsurugi, Odoroki (Wright, Edgeworth, Justice)
Some people know it, some don't, but in Japanese there are many options for how to refer to yourself, i.e. "I" can be said with different pronouns and they are all ranked by gender (there are also gender-neutral ones) and the level of politeness.
The first one we have is Naruhodō.
He always, regardless of the situation, uses the pronoun "boku" (ぼく) in relation to himself.
僕 (ぼく)
僕 (boku) is a first-person pronoun often associated with male speakers. It has earnest, polite, cultured connotations. Overall, 僕 (boku) has a softer, less aggressive than 俺 (ore), another common pronoun with masculine connotations.
Naruhodō uses it both in the first trilogy, when he is 24-26 years old, and after the 7-year gap, when he is 33-35. It doesn't matter if he is in the courtroom or talking to friends - he always uses "boku".
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言わずと知れた、ぼくだ。 若手実力派弁護士として、 今年で3年目に入る。
Iwazu to shireta, bokuda. Wakate jitsuryoku-ha bengoshi to shite, kotoshi de 3-nen menihairu.
It goes without saying that it is me. I am a young and talented lawyer, and this is my third year in the industry.
ぼく・・・・今、弁護士を 目指して、勉強しているんです。
boku ima, bengoshi o mezashite, benkyō shite iru ndesu.
I'm studying to become a lawyer.
いいや。ぼくは、 大学は芸術学部だったからね。
Ī ya. Boku wa, daigaku wa geijutsu gakubudattakara ne.
No. I entered the arts department at the university.
When addressing someone, Naruhodo uses pronoun "omae".
お前 (おまえ)
お前 is a second-person pronoun that's masculine and rough — it's often used for cussing! It could also be a way to show affection to close friends, partners, and family in a very casual manner.
It is curious that he only addresses Mitsurugi this way, while he addresses the others (Mayoi, Odoroki, etc.) by name + suffix (Mayoi-chan, Odoroki-kun).
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もしかして、おまえ・・・・ やったんじゃないの?
Moshikashite, omae yatta n janai no?
Maybe you... did it?
そういうおまえだって、捜査の時は 証拠品をつきつけまくってたとか。
Sōiu omae datte, sōsa no toki wa shōko-hin o tsukitsuke makutteta to ka.
Even you, who is like that, apparently presented a lot of evidence during the investigation.
おはよう。思ったより早かったねえ ・・・・オドロキくん。
Ohayō. Omottayori hayakatta ne e Odoroki-kun.
Good morning. It was earlier than I thought... Odoroki-kun.
Next up we have Mitsurugi.
Mr. Politeness uses the pronoun "watashi" when referring to himself.
私 (わたし/わたくし)
わたし (watashi) is quite a common first-person pronoun as it's used regardless of gender, and both in casual and formal situations.It also has a certain elegant, sophisticated feel to it.
It also does not change over time, and is used by him both at 24-26 and at 34-35 years old.
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私が異議をとなえれば、裁判長は かならず聞き入れるだろう、と。
Watashi ga igi o tonaereba, saiban-chō wa kanarazu kikiirerudarou, to.
If I raised an objection, the judge would certainly listen.
私が検事の職をまっとうできるのも、 周りの誰かの支えがあってこそ。
Watashi ga kenji no shoku o mattō dekiru no mo, mawari no dareka no sasae ga atte koso.
It is only thanks to the support of those around me that I am able to carry out my duties as a prosecutor.
礼を言うのは・・・・ 私のほうだ、成歩堂。
rei o iu no wa watashi no hōda, Naruhodō.
I should be the one to thank you, Naruhodo.
But he has a special attitude towards the informal address "you". And by the way, it depends on the situation Mitsurugi is in, and not on who he is addressing.
Because he uses at least 4 (maybe more, I couldn't catch them all) options of address!
The first is "omae". We have already discussed it, so I will not repeat myself. But the situation in which it is used is when Mitsurugi tries to be cheeky, when he makes fun of others (most often, of course, Naruhodō)
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Omae no seida zo. Naruhodō.
It's your fault, Naruhodō.
Ikoku demo shōko-hin no tsukitsuke to wa, omae mo aikawarazuda na.
You're still the same, presenting evidence even in a foreign country.
Next, the address "kimi".
君 (きみ/キミ)
君 (kimi) is a second-person pronoun with various nuances. Some dictionaries define 君 as a pronoun you can use in a friendly way towards someone of equal or lower status. These days, however, the way 君 is perceived varies quite a bit from person to person.
Outside of hierarchical situations like the workplace, 君 is used a lot to sound literary or poetic.
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成歩堂。折り入って キミに頼みたいことがある。
Naruhodō. Oriitte kimi ni tanomitai koto ga aru.
Naruhodō. There's something I'd like to ask you.
キミのいない法曹界は 平和そのものだったよ。
Kimi no inai hōsōkai wa heiwa sonomonodatta yo.
The legal profession would be at peace without you.
いや。・・・・・・・・だが、結局 キミの力にはなれなかった。
Īya. Daga, kekkyoku kimi no chikara ni hanarenakatta.
No... But in the end, I couldn't be of any help to you.
In the example, Mitsurugi asks Naruhodō for help, so I don't think it's a hierarchy thing. It's more of an equal thing. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
And then comes the most epic part. Kisama.
貴様 (きさま/キサマ)
貴様 (kisama) is a second-person pronoun that's masculine and rough, it's often in combination with vulgar language!
Although it's associated with masculinity, that doesn't mean it's a pronoun only for men. Even if you don't use 貴様 regularly, it's a great way of expressing your anger.
貴様 can also be a way to show affection in a very casual way towards close friends, partners, and family. In this case, the above example would be playful, rather than showing genuine anger.
Mitsurugi uses it when he gets angry (usually in the courtroom) and sometimes in relation to friends. So, the area of ​​application is justified by its purpose as a pronoun.
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キサマの娘が、人を小さなハコに 詰め込むというショーをな!
Kisama no musume ga, hito o chīsana Hako ni tsumekomu to iu shō o na!
Your daughter puts people into tiny boxes in a show!
き、キサマなどに、美的感覚を 非難されるイワレはない!
kisama nado ni, biteki kankaku o hinan sa reru iware wanai!
You have no right to criticize aesthetic sense!
And the last one - addressing by name + suffix or without suffix (Mayoi-kun, Naruhodō)
Next - Odoroki Hosuke (Apollo Justice)
He's a real manly man, haha. He always uses the pronoun "ore".
俺 (おれ/オレ)
俺 (ore) is a first-person pronoun with a strong masculine feel. It sounds "manly" and less gentle than 僕. 俺 is also a pretty casual pronoun and can be seen as vulgar, especially when used in formal situations. In order to use 俺 naturally, the speech style also needs to match the manliness of 俺.
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オレは、ここの事務所の 所長さんに会いに来たんだよ。
ore wa, koko no jimusho no shochō-san ni ai ni kita nda yo.
I came here to see the director of this office.
A odoroki ore mo, chottonara dekiru yo.
I can do it a little bit magic too.
But he doesn't bother with addressing others, and always addresses them by name + suffix (Naruhodo-san, Minuki-chan, Garyu-kenji, Mitsurugi-kenji)
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成歩堂さんが 弁護士をやめたのって・・・・
Naruhodō-san ga bengoshi o yameta notte
Naruhodō-san quit being a lawyer...
(みぬきちゃん。 片付け始めたぞ・・・・)
(Minuki-chan. Katadzuke hajimeta zo)
(Minuki-chan, you're starting to clean up...)
I hope this will clarify the characters a bit and give you a new perspective on them.
One day, I'll do the same with the main female characters (because it takes a lot of time, but I bless those who post screen recordings and screenshots, thanks to them I can quickly find the right moment).
There may be errors and typos, don't be afraid to point them out to me
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pikahlua · 3 months
MHA Chapter 427 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.427 死柄木弔とはなんだったのか 堀越耕平 ナンバー427 しがらきとむらとはなんだったのか ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 427 Shigaraki Tomura to wa nan datta no ka  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 427 What was Tomura Shigaraki? Kouhei Horikoshi
1 会社員(35) かいしゃいん(35) kaishain (35) Office worker (age 35)
2 恐ろしかったです おそろしかったです osoroshikatta desu "He was scary."
3 退治されてホントよかったです! たいじされてホントよかったです! taiji sarete HONTO yokatta desu! "I'm so glad he was exterminated!"
tagline 2 TV特番は語る‼︎ テレビとくばんはかたる‼︎ TEREBI tokuban wa kataru!! A television special narrates!!
4 学生(21) がくせい(21) gakusei (21) Student (age 21)
5 友だちが亡くなりました ともだちがなくなりました tomodachi ga nakunarimashita "My friend passed away."
6 最悪!殺人鬼! さいあく!さつじんき! saiaku! satsujinki! "He's the worst! A damn murderer!"
7 ありえないマジ人生めちゃくちゃなんですけど ありえないマジじんせいめちゃくちゃなんですけど arienai MAJI jinsei mechakucha nandesu kedo "Life has become an impossible mess."
8 家壊されてるし いえこわされてるし ie kowasareteru shi "My house is destroyed."
9 主婦(70) しゅふ(70) shufu (70) Housewife (age 70)
10 止められなかったのかなって…ねえ…… とめられなかったのかなって…ねえ…… tomerarenakatta no ka natte...nee...... "I guess he couldn't stop...you know......"
11 思いますねえ おもいますねえ omoimasu nee "That's what I think."
12 飲食店経営 いんしょくていけいえい(30) inshokutei keiei (30) Restaurant manager (age 30)
13 始めはただのチンピラだと誰もが思っていました はじめはただのチンピラだとだれもがおもっていました hajime wa tada no CHINPIRA da to daremo ga omotte imashita "At first everyone thought he was just a hooligan."
14 誰もここまでの脅威とは思ってなかった だれもここまでのきょういとはおもってなかった daremo koko made no kyoui to wa omottenakatta "No one thought he could be this much of a threat."
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1 国際支援とボランティアにより急速に進んでいる復旧作業ーーー こくさいしえんとボランティアによりきゅうそくにすすんでいるふっきゅうさぎょうーーー kokusai shien to BORANTIA ni yori kyuusoku ni susunde iru fukkyuu sagyou--- "Restoration work is progressing rapidly with international support and volunteers---"
2 X(た)しかその一方でX(た)だ復旧の手がX(間)に合っていないXXもーー X(た)しかそのいっぽうでX(た)だふっきゅうのてがX(ま)にあっていないXXもーー X(ta)shika sono ippou de X(ta)da fukkyuu no te ga X(ma) ni atte inai XX mo-- "On the other hand, it is true that some restoration work is not done in time XX--" (Note: A lot of this line is cut off from view, so I made some guesses on the words, but I still can't see the whole thing.)
3 堆く積まれた瓦礫は被害が如何に広範囲に渡ったかを物語っている うずたかくつまれたがれきはひがいがいかに��うはんいにわたったかをものがたっている uzutakaku tsumareta gareki wa higai ga ika ni kouhan'i ni watatta ka wo monogatette iru "The rubble piled high tells the story of how widespread the damage was."
4 多くの人間を巻き込み未曾有のテロを引き起こした敵連合 おおくのにんげんをまきこみみぞうのテロをひきおこしたヴィランれんごう ooku no ningen wo makikomi mizou no TERO wo hikiokoshita VIRAN rengou "The League of Villains, which caused an unprecedented terrorist attack in which many people were caught up--"
5 そのリーダー死柄木弔とは何だったのか特集第二弾をお送りします そのリーダーしがらきとむらとはなんだったのかとくしゅうだいにだんをおおくりします sono RIIDAA Shigaraki Tomura to wa nan datta no ka tokushuu dainidan wo ookuri shimasu "we will send you part 2 of the special freature on their leader: What was Tomura Shigaraki?"
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1 巨躯や鱗の複数"個性"に耐え切れず「脳無」化しかけていましたがーーー きょくやうろこのふくすう"こせい"にたえきれず「のうむ」かしかけていましたがーーー kyoku ya uroko no fukusuu "kosei" ni taekirezu 「noumu」 kashi kakete imashita ga--- "Unable to withstand the multiple quirks of a giant body and scales, he was on the verge of becoming a noumu, but---"
2 我々がかねてより脳無の研究を進めていた事と われわれがかねてよりのうむのけんきゅうをすすめていたことと wareware ga kanete yori noumu no kenkyuu wo susumete ita koto to "we have been conducting research on the noumu for some time, and"
3 脳無化の進行がまだ浅かった事で辛うじて抑えられました のうむかのしんこうがまだあさかったことでかろうじておさえられました noumu-ka no shinkou ga mada asakatta koto de karoujite osaeraremashita "because the progress of his transformation into a noumu was still in its early stages, we barely suppressed it."
4 何しにノコノコ来やがった人殺し なにしにノコノコきやがったひとごろし nani shi ni NOKONOKO kiyagatta hitogoroshi "What did you come here to do all nonchalantly, murderer?"
5 否定はしない ひていはしない hitei wa shinai "I won't deny that."
6 死柄木の最期を伝えに来た しがらきのさいごをつたえにきた Shigaraki no saigo wo tsutae ni kita "I came to tell you about Shigaraki's final moments."
7 …死体撃ちにでも来たのか?てめェ悪趣味だな …したいうちにでもきたのか?てめェあくしゅみだな ...shitai uchi ni demo kita no ka? temeE akushumi da na "...You came here to shoot a corpse*? You have some bad taste, bastard." (*Note: This is a concept of unsportsmanlike conduct in a first-person shooter video game.)
8 スピナーが生きてたら伝えてくれよ スピナーがいきてたらつたえてくれよ SUPINAA ga ikitetara tsutaete kure yo if Spinner is alive, please tell him [this].
9 生きてるから…伝える いきてるから…つたえる ikiteru kara...tsutaeru "Because you're alive...I'll tell you [this]."
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1-2 死柄木弔は最期まで壊す為に戦った しがらきとむらはさいごまでこわすためにたたかった Shigaraki Tomura wa saigo made kowasu tame ni tatakatta “Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end.”
3 ……は? ......ha? "......Huh?"
4-5 ……死柄木にそう言えって言われたのか? ……しがらきにそういえっていわれたのか? ......Shigaraki ni sou iette iwareta no ka? "......Shigaraki told you to say that?"
6 スピナーにって SUPINAA ni tte "To Spinner, he said."
7 …俺? …おれ? ...ore? "...Me?"
8 トガや荼毘にも? トガやだびにも? TOGA ya Dabi ni mo? "And also to Toga and Dabi?"
9 コンプレスには? KONPURESU ni wa? "What about to Compress?"
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1 君だけだった きみだけだった kimi dake datta "It was only [for] you."
2 ……死柄木は………… ……しがらきは………… ......Shigaraki wa............ "......Shigaraki............"
3 希望だったんだ… きぼうだったんだ… kibou dattanda... "was [my] hope..."
4 笑って「全部壊そう」と言った! わらって「ぜんぶこわそう」といった! waratte 「zenbu kowasou」 to itta! "He smiled and said 'Let's destroy everything!'"
5 泥花で歪な地平を見せてくれた でいかでいびつなちへいをみせてくれた deika de ibitsu na chihei wo misete kureta "In Deika, he showed me a distorted horizon."
6 あいつは俺の代弁者だったんだ あいつはおれのだいべんしゃだったんだ aitsu wa ore no daibensha dattanda "He was my spokesperson."
7 虐げられても俺自身が しいたげられてもおれじしんが shiitageraretemo ore jishin ga "Even though I was being oppressed, I myself"
8 「異形だしな」って諦めてた… 「いぎょうだしな」ってあきらめてた… 「igyou da shi na」 tte akirameteta... "said 'I'm just a heteromorph' and gave up..."
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1 いや…考えるのをやめてたんだ いや…かんがえるのをやめてたんだ iya...kangaeru no wo yametetanda No...I stopped thinking.
2 考えてXくなる kangaete Xku naru (Note: An important symbol in this line is cut off, but this thought a continuation of his refleciton on how we stopped thinking.)
3 そんな俺に夢を見せてくれた そんなおれにゆめをみせてくれた sonna ore ni yume wo misete kureta "He showed a dream to me when I was like that."
4 Xかでかい事が起きるかもって Xかでかいことがおきるかもって X ga dekai koto ga okiru kamo tte "I thought maybe it would awaken something big." (Note: This line is cut off again, so I've made a guess at the gist of the meaning.)
5 何者かになれるかもって…‼︎ なにものかになれるかもって…‼︎ nanimono ka ni nareru kamo tte...!! "I thought maybe I could become someone...!!"
6 無理しなさんな��ぐ抑え…! むりしなさんなすぐおさえ…! muri shinasanna sugu osae...! "Don't overdo it, restrain him right away...!"
7 死柄木弔は俺のヒーローだった! しがらきとむらはおれのヒーローだった! Shigaraki Tomura wa ore no HIIROO datta! "Tomura Shigaraki was my hero!"
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1 破壊が目的の破壊行為なんてのはですね はかいがもくてきのはかいこういなんてのはですね hakai ga mokuteki no hakai koui nante no wa desu ne "The purpose of destruction is vandalism, isn't it?"
2 なんの大義もない考えもないかんしゃくでしかない! なんのたいぎもないかんがえもないかんしゃくでしかない! nan no taigi mo nai kangae mo nai kanshaku de shika nai! "He had no great cause, no ideas--it was nothing but a tantrum!"
3-4 ゲームが……好きだったんだよ… ゲームが……すきだったんだよ… GEEMU ga......suki dattanda yo... "He liked......games..."
5 警察の調査が進み悲惨な過去も明るみになってきたわけですが けいさつのちょうさがすすみひさんなかこもあかるみになってきたわけですが keisatsu no chousa ga susumi hisan na kako mo akarumi ni natte kita wake desu ga "As the police investigation progresses, his tragic past is coming to light."
6 原因追明は重要ですがセンチメンタルに取り沙汰せば げんいんついめいはじゅうようですがセンチメンタルにとりざたせば gen'in tsuimei wa juuyou desu ga SENCHIMENTARU ni torizataseba "It's important to identify the cause, but if we get carried away sentimentally,"
7 感化された人間がまた現れる繰り返しますよ かんかされたにんげんがまたあらわれるくりかえしますよ kanka sareta ningen ga mata arawareru kurikaeshimasu yo "people inspired [by him] will apear again and [things will] repeat."
8 引きこもってる間ずっと俺ゲームばっかやってて ひきこもってるあいだずっとおれゲームばっかやってて hikikomotteru aida zutto ore GEEMU bakka yattete "The whole time I was shut in*, I was just playing games" (*Note: By "shut in," Spinner is referring to his time as a hikikomori.)
9 そしたらあいつも soshitara aitsu mo "and he also"
10 やってるゲームけっこうおんなじでさあ! yatteru GEEMU kekkou onnaji de saa! "was also playing pretty much the same games!"
11 我々はきぜんとした態度で言わなきゃいかんですよ! われわれはきぜんとしたたいどでいわなきゃいかんですよ! wareware wa kizen to shita taido de iwanakya ikan desu yo! "We have to say it in a firm manner!"
12 畜生であると! ちくしょうであると! chikushou de aru to! "That [in his next life] he'll be a lowly beast*!" (*Note: This term comes from the Buddhist ocncept of a reincarnation into an animal by a person with bad karma in a previous life.)
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1 初めてできた はじめてできた hajimete dekita "I was able to do it for the first time."
2 XXだちXXたんだよ…‼︎ XXdachi XXtanda yo...!! "I made friends...!!" (Note: While most of this line is missing, I have provided what I think is the most likely gist of it.)
3 あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃって言ってた あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃっていってた aitsura no HIIROO ni naranakya tte itteta "He was saying he had to become a hero to those guys."
4 死柄木の心の真ん中には敵連合がいたよ しがらきのこころのまんなかにはヴィランれんごうがいたよ Shigaraki no kokoro no mannaka ni wa VIRAN rengou ga ita yo "The League of Villains was at the center of Shigaraki's heart."
5 きっと死柄木も同じ事を思ってたから きっとしがらきもおなじことをおもってたから kitto Shigaraki mo onaji koto wo omotteta kara "I'm sure Shigaraki was thinking the same thing, so"
6 君には伝えたかったんだと思う きみにはつたえたかったんだとおもう kimi ni wa tsutaetakattanda to omou "I think that's why he wanted [me] to tell you."
7 熱に当てられたまま ねつにあてられたまま netsu ni aterareta mama While I was exposed to that heat,
8-9 "流れは止められない"と考える事をやめてきた "ながれはとめられない"とかんがえることをやめてきた "nagare wa tomerarenai" to kangaeru koto wo yamete kita I came to stop thinking, "The flow cannot be stopped."
10 俺という者はつくづく気付くのが遅すぎた おれというものはつくづくきづくのがおそすぎた ore to iu mono wa tsukudzuku kidzuku no ga oso sugita As the person I am, I came to realize it too late.
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1-2 もう一歩進んでいれば もういっぽすすんでいれば mou ipposusunde ireba If I had taken one more step,
3 俺は おれは ore wa could I
4-5 俺のヒーローを救えたのだろうか ともだちをすくえたのだろうか tomodachi (kanji: ore no HIIROO) wo sukueta no darou ka have saved my friend (read as: my hero)?
6 今もまた第二・第三の死柄木弔やAFOが息を殺しているかもしれません いまもまただいに・だいさんのしがらきとむらやオール・フォー・ワンがいきをころしているかもしれません ima mo mata daini ・ daisan no Shigaraki Tomura ya OORU FOO WAN ga iki wo koroshite iru kamo shiremasen "Even now, a second or third Tomura Shigaraki and All For One may be holding their breaths*." (*Note: This is an idiom in Japanese that means someone is holding their breath either to not make a sound or to focus hard on something. The implication here is that someone inspired by Tomura Shigaraki or All For One could be out there waiting to see how society reacts to all this.)
7 次の脅威に目を向けなければ つぎのきょういにめをむけなければ tsugi no kyoui ni me wo mukenakereba "If we don't focus on the next threat..."
8 おまえたちは omae-tachi wa "You all"
9 これからも戦い続けるんだろう? これからもたたかいつづけるんだろう? kore kara mo tatakai tsudzukerundarou? "will continue to fight from here on, right?"
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1-2 そしていずれ死柄木弔も敵連合も忘れて笑うんだろう そしていずれしがらきとむらもヴィランれんごうもわすれてわらうんだろう soshite izure Shigaraki Tomura mo VIRAN rengou mo wasurete waraundarou "And eventually you'll forget about Tomura Shigaraki and the League of Villains and laugh."
3 本を書く ほんをかく hon wo kaku "I'll write a book."
4 死柄木弔という恐怖の象徴をーーーー… しがらきとむらというきょうふのしょうちょうをーーーー… Shigaraki Tomura to iu kyoufu no shouchou wo----... "About the symbol of fear called Tomura Shigaraki----..."
5 敵連合は壊す為に生きたと永劫ヒーローに突きつけてやる ヴィランれんごうはこわすためにいきたとえいごうおまえたちにつきつけてやる VIRAN rengou wa kowasu tame ni ikita to eigou omae-tachi (kanji: HIIROO) ni tsukitsukete yaru "[about how] the League of Villains lived to destroy, and how they contronted all of you (read as: eternal heroes)."
6 過去は消えない俺が死柄木弔を紡ぐ かこはきえないおれがしがらきとむらをつむぐ kako wa kienai ore ga Shigaraki Tomura wo tsumugu "The past doesn't disappear. I will spin [the tale] of Tomura Shigaraki." (Note: Get it? Because he's Spinner? Eh? Eh?)
7 …コミックだといいな ...KOMIKKU da to ii na "...It'd be good as a comic."
8 あァ⁉︎ aA!? "Huh!?"
9 心配しなくていいよ しんぱいしなくていいよ shinpai shinakute ii yo "You don't have to worry."
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1 一生忘れない いっしょうわすれない isshou wasurenai "For my whole life, I won't forget."
2 フン… FUN... "Hmm..."
3 俺からも伝言だ おれからもでんごんだ ore kara mo dengon da "Here's a message from me, too."
4 タコに TAKO ni "To the octopus,"
5 頑張れよって がんばれよって ganbare yo tte "do your best."
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1 待合 まちあい machiai Waiting room
2 おかえり少年 おかえりしょうねん okaeri shounen "Welcome back, young man."
3 伝言は伝えられたかい? でんごんはつたえられたかい? dengon wa tsutaerareta kai? "Were you able to convey the message?"
4 はい hai "Yes."
5 頼まれていた…治崎の件だが たのまれていた…ちさきのけんだが tanomarete ita...Chisaki no ken da ga "You asked me about...the matter of Chisaki, but"
6 みっともねえ姿だなあ みっともねえすがただなあ mittomonee sugata da naa "What an unsightly appearance,"
7 治崎 ちさき Chisaki "Chisaki."
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1 組長… オヤジ… OYAJI (kanji: kumichou)... "Pops* (read as: boss)..." (*Note: I'm just going with the dub's translation of the "old man" monniker Chisaki uses for his adoptive father.)
2 寝たきりだった筈じゃ… ねたきりだったはずじゃ… netakiri datta hazu ja... "You should be bedridden..."
3 てめェの"個性"でな てめェの"こせい"でな temeE no "kosei" de na "By your quirk, right?"
4 だがサポートアイテムってのぁ加速度的に進んでるそうだ だがサポートアイテムってのぁかそくどてきにすすんでるそうだ daga SAPOOTO AITEMU tte noa kasoku doteki ni susunderu sou da "However, it seems support items are progressing at an accellerating pace."
5 それと組長じゃねえもう組はねえ それとくみちょうじゃねえもうくみはねえ sore to kumichou ja nee mou kumi wa nee "Also, I'm not the boss, we have no organization anymore."
6 組長 オヤジ OYAJI (kanji: kumichou) "Pops (read as: boss)."
7 人の道外れちゃあいけねえ ひとのみちはずれちゃあいけねえ hito no michi hazurechaa ikenee "Don't stay from the path of humanity."
8 そうなるからだよ sou naru kara da yo "Because that's what you become."
9 俺ぁずっとてめェに手を差し伸べてたんだよそっちに行くなってな おれぁずっとてめェにてをさしのべてたんだよそっちにいくなってな orea zutto temeE ni te wo sashinobetanda yo socchi ni iku natte na "I've been holding out my hand to you for a long time, telling you not to go that way."
10 玄野は叱ってくれなかっただろ くろのはしかってくれなかっただろ Kurono wa shikatte kurenakatta daro "Kurono didn't scold you, did he."
11 ごめん… gomen... "I'm sorry..."
12 オヤジ…ごめん OYAJI...gomen "Pops...I'm sorry."
13 遅ェよその台詞は生涯壊理へ向けろ おせェよそのせりふはじょうがいエリへむけろ oseE yo sono serifu wa jougai ERI e mukero "It's too late. Direct that line to Eri for the rest of your life."
14 壊理はおまえを忘れるがおまえは壊理にした事を忘れるな エリはおまえをわすれるがおまえはエリにしたことをわすれるな ERI wa omae wo wasreru ga omae wa ERI ni shita koto wo wasureruna "Eri will forget you, but never forget what you did to Eri."
15 安心しろ あんしんしろ anshin shiro "Don't worry."
16 てめェがくたばるまX(で)俺がずっと叱ってやるよ てめェがくたばるまX(で)おれがずっとしかってやるよ temeE ga kutabaru maX(de) ore ga zutto shikatte yaru yo "Until I kick the bucket, I'll keep scolding you."
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1 塚内さんありがとうございます つかうちさんありがとうございます Tsukauchi-san arigatou gozaimasu "Thank you, Mr. Tsukauchi."
2 いいよエリちゃんに思い出させるよりよっぽどいい い��よエリちゃんにおもいださせるよりよっぽどいい ii yo ERI-chan ni omoidasaseru yori yoppodo ii "It's fine, it's far better than making Eri-chan remember."
3 ………どうすれば .........dou sureba ".........What should I do"
4 こんな事なくなるんでしょう こんなことなくなるんでしょう konna koto nakunarundeshou "to stop this from being lost?"
5 なくならんよ nakunaran yo "It won't be lost."
6 ホークスにヒーローどちゃくそ増やしてもらうか ホークスにヒーローどちゃくそふやしてもらうか HOOKUSU ni HIIRO dochakuso fuyashite morau ka "Should we have Hawks increase the number of heroes?"
7 え⁉︎ e!? "Eh!?"
8 ホークスそんな強権あるんですか ホークスそんなきょうけんあるんですか HOOKUSU sonna kyouken arundesu ka "Does Hawks have that much governmental power?"
9 冗談だよ じょうだんだよ joudan da yo "It's a joke."
10 さ!切り換えていこう さ!きりかえていこう sa! kirikaete ikou "Well! Let's change it up."
11 今日からは新入生も授業に参加する 暗い顔みせたらいかんよ きょうからはしんにゅうせいもじゅぎょうにさんかする くらいかおみせたらいかんよ kyou kara wa shinnyuusei mo jugyou ni sanka suru kurai kao misetara ikan yo "Starting today, new students will also participate in classes. I don't want you to show them a gloomy face!"
12 でもヒーロー科は縦のつながりあんまり無いから顔合わせる事も… でもヒーローかはたてのつながりあんまりないからかおあわせることも… demo HIIROO-ka wa tate no tsunagari anmari nai kara kao awaseru koto mo... "But there aren't that many vertical connections* in the hero course, and that includes meeting face-to-face..." (*Note: "Vertical connections" refers to a type of relationship between people of different rankings of some sort. In this case, second-year students are in a senior ("senpai") social rank to first-years ("kohai").)
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1 轟先輩ィイ とどろきせんぱいィイ Todoroki-senpaiII "Todoroki-senpaiii!" (Note: "Senpai" is an honorific for a person senior in rank to oneself, such as an upperclassman or a more senior employee working at the same company.)
2 ダイナマイト先輩ィイイ ダイナマイトせんぱいィイイ DAINAMAITO-senpaiIII "Dynamight-senpaiiii!"
3 連絡先いいですかあ れんらくさきいいですかあ renraku saki ii desu kaa "Can I get your contact info?"
4 大ファンなんですぅ だいファンなんですぅ dai-FAN nandesuu "[I'm a] huge fan!"
5 写真とってくださあい しゃしんとってくださあい shashin totte kudasaai "Please take a photo [with me]!"
6 かっこいいいィイYEE かっこいいいィイイェエ kakko iiiIIIEE "You're so cooooool EEE!"
7 なんだってんだ? nanda ttenda? "What are they saying?"
8 除籍だろこいつら全員‼︎ じょせきだろこいつらぜんいん‼︎ joseki daro koitsura zen'in!! "Expel them, every last one of these guys!!"
9 一年生すげえ いちねんせいすげえ ichinensei sugee "The first years are amazing."
tagline 来る新一年逃げろ二年A組‼︎完結まであと3話 きたるしんいちねんにげろにねんエーぐみ‼︎かんけつまであと3わ kitaru shin-ichinen nigero ninen EE-gumi!! kanketsu made ato 3wa Run away from the coming new first-years, Class 2-A!! 3 chapters left until completion.
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trial of Titus Annius Milo
date: 52 BCE, Milo charged on March 26, trial on April 4-7/[8]) charge: lex Pompeia de vi (murder of Clodius) defendant: T. Annius Milo pr. 55 advocates: M. Claudius Marcellus cos. 51 M. Tullius Cicero cos. 63 (Crawford, Orations 72)  prosecutors: M. Antonius q. 51, cos. 44, 34 (subscr.) Ap. Claudius Pulcher cos. 38 (nom. del.) Ap. Claudius Pulcher sen.? (subscr.) P. Valerius Nepos (subscr.)  quaesitor: L. Domitius Ahenobarbus cos. 54 jurors: Q. Petilius M. Porcius Cato pr. 54 (voted A) P. Varius witnesses: Q. Arrius pr. before 63 = ? Q. Arrius pr. 73 C. Causinius Schola of Interamna C. Clodius Fulvia M. Porcius Cato pr. 54 Sempronia residents of Bovillae virgines Albanae 
Cic. Mil.; Liv. Per. 107; Vell. 2.47.4-5; Asc. 30-56; Quint. Inst. 3.6.93, 3.11.15 and 17; 4.1.20; 4.2.25, 4.3.17, 6.3.49, 10.1.23; Plut. Cic. 35; App. BCiv. 2.21-22, 24; Dio 40.54-55.1; Schol. Bob. 111-125St; Schol. Gronov. D 322-323St; see also Cic. Att. 5.8.2-3, 6.4.3, 6.5.1-2
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svenskjavel · 1 year
Påverka positivt: Bidra till samhällets välmående
Donera blod: De är väldigt måna även om din hälsa när du är där så att du inte påverkas negativt. Du får fika på plats samt eventuellt en present (trisslotter, presentkort) beroende på lokala vanor. 18-60 år. Länk
Plantera bi-vänliga blommor: Vi är beroende av bin så för att säkerställa deras hotade fortlevnad hjälper detta. Ex. kattmynta, kungsmynta, timjan, kärleksört, blodnäva, Bonus: många av dessa växter medför även fjärilar. Länk
Second hand butiker, både handla och donera. Återbruk. Ett ställe att hitta mer unika saker. Billigare.
Plocka upp skräp när du är i naturen
Anmälning till tobiasregistret. Ifall någon behöver en stamcellsdonator söks det efter en matchning här. Du blir endast tillkallad om de hittar en matchning och du får lov att rädda livet på någon. 18-35 år. Länk
Donera organ efter sin död. Från 15-års ålder bestämmer du själv. Det går att registrera undantag ifall du inte vill donera specifika organ. Tar mindre än 2min. Länk
Skiftet. En hemsida som låter dig över 18 skriva under namninsamlingar på mindre än 10 sekunder. Sök aktivt upp de som intresserar dig först när du skapar kontot så mejlar sidan dig sedan när liknande namninsamlingar läggs upp. Här arrangeras även demonstrationer. Länk
PhoneHero samlar in och renoverar mobiler så att de kan säljas i andra hand. Du kan både köpa och sälja till dem. Länk
Om du får rester på ett matställe som du inte vill ha, be om en låda/påse att ta med i ändå. Ge det till någon av de mindre lyckligt lottade som sitter och tigger utomhus. (Detta gäller när det kan ske på ett respektfullt vis, ex. inte något du bitit i, men de två sista nuggetsen du inte orkade)
Gör ovanstående med de små schampoo och balsam flaskorna du snodde från hotellet men aldrig använde.
Undvik engångsartiklar av plast
Lägg gärna till om ni har egna förslag
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petterbrorson · 1 year
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Utsikt från Gettjärnsklätten, akvarell, 26,5x36 cm
På fredagen den sjunde april när jag var på väg till vår lilla timmerstuga, så körde jag förbi Gettjärnsklättens naturreservat. Jag hade inte planerat att stanna till där, men när jag åkte förbi vägskylten så kände jag att jag ville gå upp dit och ta en titt. Det måste vara minst 35 år sedan jag var där senast och det var en fin kväll utan andra planer, så varför inte? Det var en brantare klättring än vad jag mindes, men utsikten var värd andnöden.
View from Gettjärnsklätten, watercolour, 26,5x36 cm On Friday April 7th, when I was driving to our little logcabin, I drove past Gettjärnsklätten nature reserve. I hadn't planned on stopping there, but when I passed the road sign I just felt that I wanted to go up there and have a look. It must have been at least 35 years since I was there the last time, and it was a beautiful evening with no other plans, so why not? It was a steeper climb than I remembered, but the view was worth the shortage of breath.  
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askadelcatty · 2 years
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Almian Skitty / Almian Delcatty The Kitten Pokemon / The Prim Pokemon An Ice type variant In northern Almia's cold, snowy environments, Skitty and Delcatty have evolved to survive the cold temperatures. (Details under the cut!)
| ALMIAN SKITTY | The Kitten Pokemon Ice Type Ability: Refrigerate or Slush Rush Hidden Ability: Snow Warning
Height: 2'0" (0.6m) Weight: 24.3lbs (11.0 kg)
This Skitty's energetic and playful nature lends it well to hunting, its fur naturally blending it into the surroundings around it. Its large eyes, in comparison to Hoennian Skitty, help it perceive through any snow that may be disguising its prey. Skitty's are known for being hard to earn their trust, and its twice as true for this variant. Having been left alone in the cold tundra for hundreds of years, its become distrustful of humans, though its large, snowshoe-like paws and fluffy fur make it just as appealing to keep as a pet as its Hoennian cousins. Its said that an Almian Skitty's eyes are keen to any movement around, making them avid hunters. Legends say that they can see through the snow, though its yet to be proven true.
HP: 50 ATTACK: 45 DEFENSE: 35 SP. ATT: 45 SP. DEF: 35 SPEED: 50 TOTAL: 260 Almian Skitty evolves into Almian Delcatty with the use of a Blue Tears of Prince's Shard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ALMIAN DELCATTY | The Prim Pokemon Ice Type Ability: Refrigerate or Slush Rush Hidden Ability: Snow Warning Height: 3'07" (1.1 m) Weight: 71.9 lbs. (32.6 kg) Unlike Hoennian Delcatty, these Delcatty have grown to keep dens and protect them and any territory around it. While its normal to see them traveling alone, some decide to live in family groups as well, working as a group to keep their dens safe. Almian Delcatty are just as clean, if not more so than their Hoennian cousins. With a snow-white coat, they like to keep themselves and their environment spotless. They do, however, sometimes move territories at will, keeping some of their Hoennian aimless nature. Its said that long ago, that the youngest prince of Almia was gifted a Hoennian Delcatty as a sign of peace between nations. With the castle now abandoned, the descendants of that one Delcatty are thought to have adapted into what we know as the Almian Delcatty, with luxurious fur coats to protect them from the cold. Some say that they keep the secrets of the Late King and Princes of Almia. STATS
HP: 70 ATTACK: 65 DEFENSE: 55 SP. ATT: 65 SP. DEF: 55 SPEED: 90 TOTAL: 400
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captainkirkk · 2 years
Aizawa is 31, as of the latest MHA manga, Peter is ideally 35-40, depending on if you want to give him a kid or not. and while Aizawa would certianly respect Spider-Man, spidey talks more than both his best friends combined, and has a terrible sense of humor, which would drive him up the wall. He'd get along perfectly with Woverine though, absolutely. And while I totally see them working well together, barring the occasional personality clash, let's be honest, he'd get so tired of their shit so fast. They're constantly saying just. the most outlandish shit you can think of, referencing that time they went to a different galaxy, or how much they hate magic, what the fuck do you mean Logan is 200 years old??? ect. ect.
But the thing he'd hate the most? how much crazy they enable his kids to do. you drop Spidey and Wolvie into MHA, they're gonna accidentally destroy the League of Villains while taking some of 1A out for food, and then be like. 'good learning experience guys, next time we'll show you how to steal info so you an blackmail a government!'
I was picturing comics Peter who's in his late 20s/early 30s, but Into the Spider-verse Peter also works well here
Also you're so right, Aizawa would find him so insufferable. And Marvel heroes don't have formal superhero schools, in that universe baby heroes have to learn how to survive on the job. By Logan and Peter's standards, they're being responsible so long as Class 1A are att leasted supervised while fighting the LoV
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officiallydriedkelp · 9 months
Jag vill veta mer om vemfan Märta är, de gav förklaringen om Gorm-kärlekshistorian, och det kändes som att de var klara med förklarandet. Men jag är inte klar! Jag vill veta vem hon är relativt till gamla trolltider
Ett tag funderade jag på om hon var barnet i huset, men hon hette ju Ulrika, dessutom verkar det inte logiskt tidsmässigt. Typ 8 är gammal plus 44 sedan gamla trolltider = 52, och Märta är ju äldre än så.
Min enda teori är om hon är mamman i huset, om vi låtsats att hon var kanske 35, så det + 44 = 79 år. Men Märta är ju inte riktigt sååå gammal, så det är inte logiskt, men det är min enda rimliga teori. Men i så fall, var är hennes dotter och varför har hon aldrig nämnts???
För det måste ju vara samma hus, det hade inte varit logiskt om det var ett annat hus, och dessutom är vätten fortfarande i huset, och har varit där sedan 1800-talet enligt honom själv. Och det kan inte vara en helt ny familj som flyttat in, för Märta sa att huset varit i familjen i generationer.
Så vafan är det som pågår??? I NEED ANSWERS
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there-are-4-lights · 7 months
"Fyra av tio, 39 procent, svarar ja på frågan om myndiga svenskar själva ska få bestämma ”vilket juridiskt kön de ska ha i pass, personnummer och offentliga register”. I stort sett lika många, 41 procent, svarar nej. Resten svarar att de inte vet.
Skillnaderna är dock stora mellan olika grupper. Exempelvis är varannan man (49 procent) emot förslaget medan en av tre (33 procent) är för. Bland kvinnorna är motsvarande siffror 34 procent emot och 45 procent för. Kvinnor i åldern 35-49-årsåldern är betydligt mer negativa än sina yngre medsystrar. 48 procent säger nej i den äldre gruppen mot 32 procent för ja. Bland de yngre kvinnorna är i stället 59 procent positiva medan endast 27 procent säger nej.
Bland moderata sympatisörer säger 60 procent nej, medan 23 procent tycker att det är ett bra förslag. Mest negativa är Sverigedemokraternas anhängare – 66 procent av dem säger nej. Omvänt är vänsterpartister i regel positiva till lagändringen, 71 procent svarar ja och 14 procent nej. Socialdemokratiska sympatisörer uppvisar den största osäkerheten i frågan: 46 procent är positiva till förslaget medan 27 procent svarar ”Vet ej” på frågan. En lika stor andel svarar nej.
De som är mest positiva är kvinnor i åldersspannet 18 till 34 år där förslaget stöds av 59 procent. Omvänt är det gruppen män i åldrarna 50-64 år som är mest negativa, med 57 procent nej-röster."
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klimtjardin · 4 months
☁️ Contos de Nube ☁️
Atualização 35
Avelã ficou instantaneamente feliz ao ver Venus.
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Imagino que não tem sido muito fácil para ela, ter dado um tempo no namoro que parecia ir tão bem {pelo menos para ela} e de repente se ver sem companhia.
Aliás, esse reaparecimento de Venus na sua rotina também despertou algumas... emoções.
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Eles conversaram e conversaram e conversaram, parecia um assunto sem fim. Era como se fossem dois jovenzinhos começando a vida novamente!
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Venus começou a relembrar outras memórias do seu grupo de amigos, como as festas que costumavam fazer.
Foi então que Avelã decidiu perguntar se aqueles sentimentos do passado continuavam os mesmos.
Venus não teve problema em provar para ela.
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O que vocês acham, hein? Esperavam por essa?
Uma chuvarada atingiu Nube no meio da tarde, logo depois que Venus saiu da casa da Avelã.
Aliás, vocês não estão sentindo falta de um núcleo mega importante da nossa história? Vamos dar uma espiada em como estão indo nossos moradores da pensão da Prímula!
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O clima do lado de dentro da pensão não parece diferente do de fora, no entanto.
Yarnie e Hermes acabaram se desentendendo, quando Yarnie deixou escapar que sempre teve uma queda por Cereja.
Tudo bem, isso foi há algum tempo, Yarnie já superou - ou foi obrigado a superar depois que Hermes e Cereja se casaram.
Porém, a tensão ficou pairando sobre eles por dias e dias.
Será que teremos uma amizade arruinada por causa disso?!
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Dutch human rights groups oppose the export of F-35 fighter parts from the Netherlands to Israel 🇮🇱
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/12/2023 - 00:07in Military
Human rights groups are trying to prevent the export of F-35 fighter parts from the Dutch government to Israel in a hearing that began on Monday. During the summary process before the District Court of The Hague, they argued that such exports make the Netherlands complicit in potential war crimes, pointing to the alleged use of these planes by Israel in attacks on Gaza.
The Israel-Hamas war has already resulted in more than 15,000 civilian victims.
Since 2019, Woensdrecht Air Base in the Netherlands has been storing U.S.-owned F-35 parts, which are then distributed to the requesting countries. After Israel's recent request for F-35 parts, Dutch customs requested government approval due to export license requirements for military products. Dutch ministers cited a decision not to interfere with existing agreements based on foreign and security policy considerations.
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The human rights groups Oxfam Novib, PAX and The Rights Forum emphasized the importance of preventing civil damage to the detriment of complying with such political obligations. Its legal challenge focuses on the obligations arising from export law, the Dutch constitution and international law, including the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and the EU Common Position on the Control of Arms Exports. These instruments highlight the prohibition of arms exports when such exports contribute to human rights violations, in particular genocide, war crimes and serious violations of the Geneva Conventions. In particular, the human rights group raised concerns about a possible violation of the Genocide Convention.
PAX director Martje van Nes criticized the government for deviating from the clear framework for arms exports, considering it an accomplice to the use of combat aircraft by Israel.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development said they had considered the risks associated with exports of F-35 parts. Israel's right to self-defense, amid threats from Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, has been weighed against potential violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Based on current information, they maintained that there is no evidence that the F-35 jets were involved in serious violations of international human rights law.
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Human rights groups claimed that Dutch export rules prohibit the export of weapons if there is a clear risk that this will contribute to violations of international law. Frank Slijper of PAX also clarified that the claim does not depend on a violation of international law itself, but rather on the failure of the Dutch state to conduct an adequate risk analysis of possible violations of international law when approving the export license.
Israel has categorically denied any violation of international law since the October 7 attack by Hamas. On the other hand, numerous international NGOs have called for the investigation of the bombing of Israel, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
The verdict is scheduled to be delivered on December 15.
Source: Jurist.org
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IIF-35I 'Adir'IAF - Israeli Air Force/Israel Air ForceRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Dutch Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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🈵BNHA 2: Hidding in the USA- Episode 11: Un rayo de esperanza y….¿Mi héroe?🈵
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*Jueves 11 de Octubre, 2018, 04:30 AM*
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Lo del desgraciado que te hizo eso, no te preocupes que ya lo hice pagar por lo que te hizo, así que estás a salvo
-Atte: 肯·韋瑟斯-“
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trial of Publius Clodius Pulcher
date: after Nov. 23, 57 BCE charge: lex Plautia de vi (violence) defendant: P. Clodius Pulcher aed. cur. 56 prosecutor: T. Annius Milo tr. pl. 57, pr. 55
Cic. Red. Sen. 19; Sest. 85, 89; Mil. 35, 40; Att. 4.3.2 and 5; Fam. 5.3.2; Plut. Cic. 33.3; Dio 39.7; see also Q. fr. 2.1.2
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känner du till ordet hin?? tydligen hade djävulen sitt eget pronomen förr i tiden och jag tycker det är dags att Bring It Back!
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Nytt koncept: alla har ett eget pronomen, ingen får ha samma. Antingen får du hitta på ett med din egen fantasi eller en keyboardsmash, har du tur kan du ärva ett pronomen från en död släkting
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hauyne-sims · 2 years
Heyyyy, Hope youre well! I seen your post about the cas poses. Just wondering, where DO you find good and different poses?! Who do you dl from? :))
Hi :) it's a bit of a mixed bag. I download a lot from @helgatisha. She has gotten increasingly better att overriding different traits with her poses. She also usually offers options between two traits so you can pick which one to override.
Some traits are really difficult to find poses to override but in the last month I have managed to find a few:
Female pose pack N4 by @nell-le (high maintenance trait)
Model pose pack v.10 by @roselipaofficial (dog lover trait)
Pose pack 35 by @katverse (perfectionist trait)
Hope some of this helps🤍
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