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wolfsrainrules · 2 months ago
More world building inspiration you gave me! Any remaining supers that join the bats get basic training and the day to day use of their powers are often used for supply runs rather than outright battles with the Death Angels. When they ARE in battle its more about retrieval and extraction support if they aren't herding because those can quickly become suicide runs. Flying supers become so much more important if they are able to do so quietly. Anyone can "herd" them away but Speedsters are safest to do so and are in more danger when it comes to food shortages or a lack of safe spaces to sleep. Atlanteans taking in refugees and helping supplement food sources for mainlanders as keeping and butchering livestock is now one of the most dangerous jobs. There are arks and islands for humans that are Death Angel free so long as none of the supplies pick up a pest.
FIRST POST FOR THIS AU @iphoenixrising more thoughts for you lol I do love that for thought, but keep in mind the creatures are adapted to give off the ‘radiation’ that Kryptonite does!
It’s not as powerful as straight shards of it, but they ARE effective against a super that gets too close, so they can’t just lash out at them and win. There’s also the danger that, depending on how much they swarm, the creatures can compound effects on a super.
Now, flying silently? Absolutely an important skill! The supers are the go to  for getting between cities and such, and they absolutely get training on stealth and such. They’re also good at silently dropping people into place via a ‘rappel’ type of drop, where they stay up high enough to be out of effect range, and the bat- or other super- drops down. They are ALSO very good at sweeping an area for a bird’s eye view, or dropping explosives or poppers from up high to buy time. They’re definitely in a support and extraction team- though they often have to do that from high enough up that their powers aren't affected by the proximity to the kryptonite radiation.
Speedsters are FANTASTIC at crossing distances, evac, and herding, but are absolutely at risk for the food shortages, so they get some MAJOR training on picking and choosing when and how to use their speed at the best most effective moment in just the right way. They want to minimize how much energy they spend. Keeping them fed is an adventure. There may or may not be a trip taken to the wider universe to see about food and perhaps a safe route out? This may be the cause of the human race stepping out into the wider universe, and the heroes work on getting them out?
Atlantians are a saving grace. Since the creatures can’t swim, they are the main force that starts getting people off the mainland, spreading them across islands and safe zones, offering sanctuary and such. Any creature that finds itself too close to the ocean  in any manner a creature of the sea can get to it will find itself dragged down and killed. Warnings were put out by the King to his people yes, but also to the wider sealife. 
I could see islands being made specifically for livestock raising and butchering, Atlantians and Supers being the ones to bring fresh stock out where they can. 
It’s a learning curve for SURE.
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jt1674 · 1 year ago
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years ago
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Decided to draw up some more fish people or Atlantians.
I love these. The first three look like relatives of Hydro.
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ele--noir · 4 months ago
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The Wisdom of Whales
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foolsocracy · 10 months ago
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identity reveals are always fun
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xkeyon · 1 year ago
Marvel stuff for year of the Elf
Something going around is this year (2024) is the year of the Elf. Mainly games and anime really bringing Elves to the front of everyone's interest and so comics should really get in on that, to me it is most important Marvel does this. There have been a number of Elves in the Marvel universe. From 2 of the nine realms we have gotten Elves that are in a number of other groupings, so the Light Elves could make an 8 member team facing against the Dark Elves. There are the Elves from Otherworld, going more into Marvel UK corner of things. Not to much there to go into from established bits but it could be explored. There are the 2 Elven groups of Weirdworld, those being the Elves of Klarn and their splintered cousins the Savage Elves. Maybe it is time for Marvel to give a Epic Fantasy Adventure, the first arc surrounding the Elves of Weirdworld. There is also Elves with Guns but I will leave that alone, as I am not sure where to even start with that.
While not Elves themselves there are some others who I feel could fit the drive for the Year of the Elf. Namor, along with Namora & Namorita pointed ears in a story of Atlantean magic and lore would be in a good direction. Northstar & Aurora were lied to by Loki that they were part Light Elf, due to powers and the ears. Maybe the 2 made some friends that will visit them. Finally this is more for something to come is the twin Inhumans Treste and Irelle, now their mother Auran gained strong hearing through Terrigenesis along with the a word seeker power. Perhaps when the 2 get to go through Terrigenesis themselves they should also get superior like ears. Unlike their mother theirs wouldn't be as strong or big and no word seeker, this would be more of an additional change. For their actual powers Treste Trichokinesis with the hair having a few Transmutable options, while Irelle has an eye power to view things as if she was looking at it from a different location.
So ya if you like it make sure if sharing to have "2024 year of the elf" along with tags of ones that catch your attention.
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elizabethemerald · 11 months ago
Aquaman DPxDC Prompt
Real Life Mermaid Danielle
Ellie has explored a lot of the surface world over the last couple of years, but now she has a new place to explore, the entire ocean! Obviously to explore the ocean a little easier she changes her form to that of a mermaid so she can live out every little girl's fantasy (at least according to Jazz) At least until Aquaman finds a child mer exploring the ocean. He and Mera always wanted a daughter. His rage when he finds out she's a clone made by a man she calls "The Bastard" against her template's will will be breathtaking to see.
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 month ago
Billy Batson!Skull would be sooo funny
"Yeah! Finally I am a real adult!"
*The curse happens*
"Oh, goly!"
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null-entity · 5 months ago
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Tangled Merman stock
Model: Me.
Photographer: The Remote Camera Trigger.
If you want to help support me and get awesome stuff like early access/polls & pose requests Become A Patron or you can check out my Ko-Fi store for exclusive stock!
Read My Rules Before You Use My Stock.
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wolveflix · 5 months ago
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Atlantian Spears 01/10 🙌🏻
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anthurak · 2 months ago
You ever have that one fandom you’ve really gotten into for what is ultimately a very small, niche aspect of it? Like you might kind of enjoy the more ‘mainstream’ parts of the show/game/franchise/etc. that most people are into some of the time. But at the end of the day, the part of the series that you’re REALLY into, the part that REALLY drew you in and is the part that REALLY keeps you in this fandom, is this one little underappreciated aspect that most of the fandom barely even cares or even knows about, if at all.
For me, that fandom is Yu-Gi-Oh!, and that small little niche of the fandom that represents the core of my interest in this series is CARD LORE.
Sure I sometimes might enjoy playing the game on Master Duel or Duel Links, and sometimes I enjoy discussions on the anime or get hyperfixated on brainstorming a whole AU/rewrite.
But the truth is, what I’m REALLY into Yu-Gi-Oh! for is story, lore and characters behind all those cards and their amazing artwork.
And I know this is the case because do you know what actually really GOT me (back) into Yugioh? The thing that got me writing and posting and thinking about Yugioh over the last year?
This crazy little short released one year ago today showcasing the stories and characters of those cards in glorious animation.
At the end of the day, it’s not the game or any of the animes that I’m REALLY into Yu-Gi-Oh! for.
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THIS is what I like most about Yu-Gi-Oh.
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So you had better believe that I am going to be the exact OPPOSITE of ‘normal’ about the Chronicles animation shorts that are going to start releasing in a couple months XD
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xkeyon · 2 years ago
I disagree on Triton, as I have imagine him meeting someone in Atlantis and just because of circumstance hasn't brought up maybe because it made more sense for them to be living there and didn't want to bring them into the confusion of Attilan politics fearing and what the Genetics Council could have done.
i hope marvel never ever EVER gives maximus or triton kids or unnamed/barely mentioned wives. if they ever do some subplot about a long lost Secret Son for EITHER of those characters i will eat rocks
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nyxerabuesnight · 7 months ago
"In the end, we are all stories. And what we do is write our own." — The Crown of Gilded Bones
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jackalopc · 17 days ago
to the sunshines out here rotg posting still,
i love you i miss you keep up the amazing work my ass is gonna be rejoining soon as soon as i brush back up i am so sorry, as ombric shalazar's #1 fan, i have failed in upholding my duties of ombric posting
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brbgensokyo · 4 months ago
ive got a real obsession with undead, water and subterranean chambers and as far as I can tell it traces back to a fucking rinsed cunt living who made his money spruiking aura photography trapping me in a pool with him on at a new years party (I was fourteen and impressionable) as he drunkenly explained his brand of spirit science to me while Ebeneezer Goode was blasting out at 2am
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foolsocracy · 9 months ago
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anon sent an ask abt roy and garth but it vanished into thin air so this ones for you, wherever you are
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