#yugioh rambling
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anthurak · 4 months ago
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Hey, so for anyone who grew up with or just watched the 4kids Yugioh dub, do you remember that time in Duelist Kingdom when Yugi dueled the supposed ghost of the supposedly dead Kaiba? You know, that episode with all the talk of the practically phantasmal probability of Yugi’s victory?
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And then when ‘Kaiba’ unmasked himself as this creepy clown looking guy, you know he revealed that he was essentially the personification/manifestation of the darkness of Kaiba’s soul that Yugi banished to the Shadow Realm with a mind crush at the end of their duel in the first episode. Only to have been freed from the Shadow Realm by Pegasus and sent to defeat Yugi?
Thus actually making this guy a genuine shadow/evil-counterpart to Kaiba that Yugi has to defeat in a twisted repeat of their first duel, and Yugi effectively cleaning up unfinished business when he defeats this shadow doppelganger of Kaiba and banishes him permanently this time.
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As well as presenting a pretty good example and exploration of the strange, occult mysticism at work in this setting and the kind of power that both Pegasus and Yugi possess through their Millennium Items. It turns out that Yugi really did banish this dark piece of Kaiba’s very soul to this mysterious ‘Shadow Realm’, and that Pegasus was able to actually retrieve this piece of Kaiba’s soul, give it a body and make it his minion. And that Yugi is powerful enough to then PERMANANTLY banish this specter back to the shadows, never to be free again. Or, depending on your interpretation of the wording, Yugi’s mind crush may have just outright DESTROYED this piece of Kaiba’s soul for good.
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An act which is certainly reinforced by the following ultimatum Yugi delivers to Pegasus, a statement delivered magically/telepathically over the video-screen that Pegasus is watching, something that even echoes what PEGASUS did to Yugi in their first duel, with Yugi wreathed in an aura of mystical power that ends with Yugi shattering the glass in Pegasus’s hand.
So that’s the dub version…
…And then you find out that in the original Japanese dub, the Kaiba doppelganger was… just a random evil, creepy clown working for Pegasus who was really good at disguising and impersonating people and decided to pretend to be a dead Kaiba to mess with Yugi.
For some reason.
As sacrilegious as it may sound, I feel pretty comfortable in saying that the English dub did actually make a few GOOD changes.
And yes, I know that in the manga, it was a ventriloquist with a Kaiba dummy who claimed that Kaiba's soul was in the dummy but was really just bullshitting. Which frankly I consider only MARGINALLY better than 'random evil clown disguised as Kaiba', simply because we get to see Yami go all Season-Zero on him with a sick penalty game.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year ago
I wanna live in the yugioh world solely so I can watch the defucntland episode about Maximillion Pegasus.
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polyphonetic · 2 years ago
You're in his DMs. I died 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, and my soul is in the puzzle around his neck. We are not the same.
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halfamask · 10 months ago
Joey and Kaiba are the best literary parallels in yugioh and you can’t tell me they’re not because:
Older sibling entirely in charge of taking care of their (similarly aged) younger sibling because their parents didn’t do it
Desperate to be good at Duel Monsters to the point where they define their worth at least partially on it
Both can be seen as dueteragonists to Yugi’s protagonist
Trash talk a lot and are also saner about a lot of the weird fantasy stuff than Yugi, who has to live it in his head
Both definitely coping with inferiority complexes that Kaiba solves with an endless need for power and control and Joey solves with friendship and making a joke of everything including himself
And the way they go about life really shows this. Kaiba sees his life as a result of his controlled scenarios, manipulation, power gain through fear, and depending only on himself of course he’d be terrified to become joey who has none of those things of course he looks down on who joey has become. Joey feels like he got dealt a lousy hand but grew because of yugi and Tristan and tea of course he resents kaiba for acting as if your connections with people don’t matter of course he regards kaiba as a spoiled brat who doesn’t know his own privilege. They are two sides of the same damn coin and their stories could be reversed so easily it’s scary
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marblesmind · 1 year ago
YuGiOh protagonists tend to fall into two categories:
1)Silly little positive guy who wants the best for people and will be put through the absolute wringer
2)Mechanics trying to overthrow a corrupt company/government system
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chaoscheebs · 10 days ago
You know what would be incredible for a Yu-Gi-Oh video game that I'm not sure if it's ever happened yet?
So, Yugi is usually, like, in the beginner level of these games, right? I say, leave him there. BUT.
Bring him back as the final boss. He'd be like, "Wow, you've really grown! Now I won't have to go easy on you anymore. :D" And then he absolutely demolishes you if you're not actually as good as he thinks you are now.
Please, Konami, you can both do the funniest thing AND be true to my son, I am begging you.
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pkpumpkinn · 8 months ago
>:D Kaiba appreciation post
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He's so crazy I love it when he goes >:D
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dlight98 · 3 months ago
It's crazy to me that the Neopets Battle Dome TCG is rated higher than Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Magic The Gathering on board game geek.
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justapalspal · 13 days ago
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@wisteriawater come venture onto my yugioh shelf to see my silly malik and his little chibi ra companion
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In slightly better lighting you can see how chunky and goofy his hair looks. I love his hair to absolute pieces. And his eyes are so dazed… what is he focusing on? Is he focusing on anything? Who knows! Certainly not I 😂😂
Plus you can see how his hands are like. Ready to punch and then either draw a card or poke someone’s eyes out LMAO
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anthurak · 6 months ago
Okay you know how basically EVERY fantasy series gets at least a bit weird with Light and Darkness representing some ‘good and evil’ dynamic?
It’s either the typical Light-is-Good-and-Dark-is-Bad, or it’s the ‘subversive’ take where you just swap the dynamic so Dark is Good and Light is Bad.
Even when it’s some Order-vs-Chaos thing, it’s almost always the watered-down, generic version where Order=Good and Chaos=Evil, or you’re just doing the ‘subversive’ flip again.
The point being, it feels like fantasy stories just CAN’T HELP attaching morality to light and darkness.
The reason why I bring this up is that I’ve recently noticed that early Yugioh actually does a really subtle and fun twist on this idea with Yugi and Kaiba that is not only a bit subversive but also manages to detach any real morality from this representation of Darkness vs Light.
Obviously we have the subversive element of Yugi, the hero, being associated with darkness via his Dark Magician, while Kaiba, the rival, is associated with light via his Blue Eyes White Dragons.
But more than that, Yugi’s association with darkness via his Dark Magician more represents the cunning, trickery and guile the Yugi so often uses to defeat his opponents.
Whereas Kaiba’s association with light via his Blue Eyes represents how he relies on overwhelming power to destroy his opponents.
Basically, we have the twist of the hero being associated with darkness and the rival associated with light AND managing to make this ‘darkness vs light’ conflict NOT represent any kind of ‘good vs evil’, but rather represent the ideologies and strategies of these two characters.
Oh and yes, this does in fact make the story later pivoting into a super-generic 'light-good, dark-bad' dynamic EXTREMELY jarring in hindsight.
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plutoschiild · 2 months ago
it makes me so happy to think about an AU where atem is not a 3000 year old spirit trapped inside a puzzle, but a 3000 year old spirit trapped inside .. a cat body . it would make him so silly, because wdym you were once a pharaoh, a mighty leader, treated like a literal god in this earth, having the knowledge to all the existing games and controlling shadow magic and now you're here melting with some pets behind you ears??
i like to imagine that yugi found him after completing the millennium puzzle, yes, but they meet during a moment where atem is in danger and yugi rescues him. like yugi completes the millennium puzzle -> atem wakes up confused in domino -> he fucks around and finds out -> yugi finds him and takes him home. yugi puts him on his bag in the front of kame game and enters home, because he doesn't think his mother or his grandpa would approve a cat.
so he hides atem inside of his bedroom for months, and atem gets bored in the beginning, because yugi would be out for most of the day during the week. so he starts following the teenager secretly, and when yugi notices his presence, its too late - he is already on his destination. then everyone would have to deal with yugi playing duel monsters with a cat on his lap, sometimes jumping on the table and laying over the cards lazily or just dropping things around out of nowhere, because he is bored and yugi isnt giving him attention.
(eventually, sugoruku finds out about atem because he needed something that was inside yugi's room and his grandson was in school. so he enters the bedroom and atem is on the bed, belly up and spread all over the mattress, like he is the king of that cubicle of a room.)
and do you know that cat that wants to start a war with everyone, but adores their owner deeply? that is cat atem. he is distrusting of almost everyone around him, except for yugi's friends, but with rules. no one can rub his belly but yugi; no one can put him on their lap but yugi; no one can give him medicine but yugi; no one can >tame< this beast of a cat but yugi. all that it takes is for yugi to sit down on >whatever< surface and atem is already jumping on his lap, dirtying his dark clothes with his fur.
besides, yugi eventually learns that atem can sense the evil in people. when they are around someone with bad intentions, atem gets defensive, hissing and attacking if that person tries to get too close to him or yugi. and, coincidentally or not, not too long after that, the rumours start to run about that same malicious person going through some traumatic experience and never being the same ever again.
atem also constantly tries to keep a cold facade, but melts so easily to yugi. look, he has thoughts like a person, right? he thinks that this is a completely normal thing for a cat to have - critical thinking, knowledge about games, political debates inside of his head. and when he is trying to keep that facade around other people --always on yugi's lap-- and yugi starts scratching behind his ear, he enters a dilemma, thinking "oh.. oh no, this is going to ruin my reputation! ok, act nonchalant.. im a dgafer, im indifferent to .. this super special awesome ear scratch- wait im losing my focus! ok i don't care i don't care i dont ca- OH YES RIGHT THERE"
so duelist kingdom starts, yugi starts to hear a different, slightly deeper voice inside of his head during the duels. at first, he thinks he is going insane, but that same voice whispers to him all of the strategies that granter his victory. and when he duels against pegasus, he gets to see the truth - he passes out and sees atem in his human form for the first time. after that duel, he starts seeing atem during the duels in his spirit form by his side, indicating the card and strategies to win and in his sleep, atem visits him and they spend what seems like hours getting to really know each other - even though atem doesn't know a lot about himself in the beginning, he loves knowing every detail about yugi.
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a-wynterwonderland · 10 days ago
It's pretty much impossible for Yugi to forget Atem's face since they look practically identical but what if other memories of Atem begins to fade as he ages?
The first thing that fades is their soul and mind link; Yugi forgets the way Atem's soul feels in his and their linked minds. He starts forgetting his hand gestures as he speaks, his body language and his mannerisms. The shade of his red eyes, even the confidence and intellect glinting in them. He forgets the way he smiles and grins and smirks. Maybe he starts forgetting the sound of his voice.
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oddeyes588 · 6 months ago
gOD I'm eating so well today... we're finally getting some good characterization for Ruri and Rin... hell, it's incredible that we're getting some characterization for them AT ALL. I'm gonna ramble about it.
Ruri. Oh Ruri... it's genuinely so funny seeing her complete contrast with Yuto and Shun, who have all the dark and broodiness that comes with being characters who've been sharpened by the harsh edges of war. Yuto is in a bit of a middle-ground compared to Shun, but Ruri sits on the complete opposite end of the spectrum to her brother.
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She's very chill and sweet, in stark contrast to Shun's tendency for rage and violence. Hell, she's the only one of the Xyz Trio who ISN'T glaring constant daggers at Dennis. She's sympathetic, and this goes in line with what we already knew about her. Having received the same teachings from Yusho as Yuya, she's pacifistic and hates the violent dueling that destroyed her home, as it's not what dueling is meant to be.
While Yuto and Shun get understandably hardened in order to do what is necessary to survive, Ruri doesn't want to lose what she loved about her home, and as such tries to maintain it. It's not like she let everything that happened slide off her back, she still has fear for Academia, but she's readily sympathetic, and it's honestly very sweet to see. While Yuto and Shun are still trying to adjust into the process of healing, Ruri is ready to dive in headfirst, because that's exactly what she was waiting for the whole time.
Basically, for having seen the Horrors of War, Ruri is handling herself remarkably well.
And at last... Rin. Rin is hilarious in a few ways, but to start with a more serious note...
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It truly does speak to how good of a place Heartland was versus how shit of a place the City was from the get-go, because out of the two, Rin is somehow the more traumatized one? Not that anyone can blame her, since she grew up in a Capitalist Dystopia where you can be arrested and sent to a "correctional facility" indefinitely for the crime of, uh, trespassing on the property of the rich. Oh, and at the age of 14, too! Rin is often scared and fully ready to choose violence over it. Honestly, the idea that Rin's automatic reaction to somebody lunging out at her is to drive her knee into their stomach makes way too much sense... and it really speaks as to how little brain cells Yugo has that he doesn't learn his lesson, and keeps trying to hug her out of nowhere.
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But with that said... god I love Rin, actually. Despite Yugo's inability to learn why you don't suddenly glomp somebody, she's got exactly the amount of "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" energy that we expected... by which I mean she has an ABSURD amount of that energy. She cares about Yugo just as much as he cares about her, though she shows it via the very hilarious method of affectionately dragging him at every opportunity.
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And it's actually so great. I love her. Anyways! It's also neat to see how her overall focus is actually on a much smaller scale compared to everyone else. Yuzu has—or rather, had—obviously she asks about her home, asks how the Synchro Dimension is doing... and she's happy to hear that it's finally on the right track. But while the other three girls are somewhat vested in the fate of the universe(s), the state of their home, etc... Rin seems to focus a lot harder on the fact that she missed the Friendship Cup on account of being kidnapped at the time.
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And while yes, there's a hint of tragedy to that considering that the losers of that particular tournament are all sent to an underground work facility to be worked until they die...
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...her being lowkey SUPER competitive is a delight.
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xerith-42 · 4 months ago
The reason I love torturing my blorbos is because the writers of Yu-Gi-Oh looked at Jounouchi and said "How much can we put him through in one season?" And then decided to start the arc by beating him up in a back alley, stealing his favorite card, making him feel like a failure to the most important person in his life, fight for his life against two people who are not playing fair in a tournament he shouldn't even be in, AND THAT'S NOT EVEN GETTING INTO THE MIND CONTROLLED FRIENDSHIP DEATH TRAP OF SADNESS we do not have time to get into that, because after Jou is out of that traumatic experience he goes on to the finals where his first duel ends with him getting struck by lightning, then he has to watch one of his best friends lose her memories of him and then lose her soul to the madman that's been tormenting them, oh and Jou also gets paralyzed by that madman but that's not important because after that this madman duels him in a Shadow game so hard Jou ends up in a coma.
And he ends the season perfectly fine.
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inkblackorchid · 1 year ago
Since it has been a good while since I last looked for some quality jank screenshots, I decided to do that today again. So, here are everyone's favourite characters in all their low-res, wonky, off-model glory:
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Feel free to use these as icons or whatever else you please. Be free.
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chaoscheebs · 10 months ago
Consider: we constantly see Seto Kaiba constantly covered up. Like, the most we ever see skin on him was he had a button or two undone during Duelist Kingdom. For the most part he is dressed pretty much neck-to-toe and usually wearing a coat on top of it. Even when it's presumably summer, because we also see concurrently, like, Jou in short sleeves, Yugi in a sleeveless shirt, Anzu in shorts, etc.
Now, the depressing angle is he has some potential scarring from one thing or another that he's hiding. This is not about that.
The FUNNY angle, tho', is broham is just. Like. Constantly cold all of the time. Boy has big heat regulation issues that make him constantly run cold like all of the time and it sucks, like, a lot. A LOT.
Which means, boy howdy, if you actually get him comfortable with physical touch, his constantly freezing ass is going to make any excuse to leech your warmth. Hold his hand. Snuggle up to him. Let him snuggle up to you. He is only doing this to get warm it's not like he likes you b-baka.
Tl.dr, much like a dragon, Seto Kaiba would probably curl up in a volcano with his hoard if given half a chance because WARM.
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