#at the office bc she had sick kids
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springsteens · 3 months ago
I don't know what it is about me that people always assume they can treat me like shit
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howtobeamagicalgirl · 1 year ago
My feelings about the staff meeting were 100% spot-on, and it turns out that the staff meeting was, in fact, about ME!!!
#ranntics#a 15 minute bitchfest about how ''people have been calling out when they don't have enough sick time to cover their missed days'' i.e. ME#then a 10 minute vent about how some teachers will bleach toys and set them out to dry and then leave them over the weekend#and then call out sick so the poor assistant manager who was subbing in the room had to put them all away 😭 which was so stressful for her#I know the first part was about me bc after the meeting my CA approached the manager and apologized for being out (her kids have been sick)#and the manager said ''it wasn't about you it was about LeeAnn calling out for the hell of it 🙄''#I HAD COVID AND FLU SYMPTOMS. FUCKING SHOOT ME.#apparently her issue is that I text her ''I am feeling unwell and will not be in tomorrow'' instead of a list of symptoms#so she thinks I'm lying#.....but like. if I'm lying it is just as easy to type ''vomiting all night sorry can't come in''#to me sending her a list of symptoms and just saying ''feeling unwell''are the same thing. if she had an issue she could have told me#instead of wasting the valuable time of 20+ other people to vent about it to a group.#oh and the bit about toys being left out was too specific to be about anyone else bc I'm the only person who cleans their goddamn toys#and mine was the only classroom she had subbed in this week#they had both of these talking points typed out and printed on an agenda that they passed out to everyone in the meeting.#y'all both have offices. we could have talked in there.#they don't like confrontation so they hold an ENTIRE MEETING WITH EVERYONE JUST TO TALK SHIT ABOUT ME?? LADIES.
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toxictigertonic · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween!! I was going to post this earlier today, but the past two weeks have been wack so I'm writing this the day of lol.
- Hates Halloween bc crime increases Halloween night and he's sick of dealing with property damage calls. Though, he does like enforcing the law, so he does get a little enjoyment out if it.
- He'd walk into a Halloween party for a noise complaint and get mistaken for a male stripper 😔
- Finds people dressing up as a cop insulting. Little kids could get away with it, but adults? That's impersonating an officer, bucko!
- If someone asked if he was dressed as a cop he'd actually lose his shit and get into a screaming match with them. The disrespect!
- Not the biggest fan of candy, but he'd be the guy that actually enjoys candy corn. The monster /j
- A little old lady would offer him candy and he'd accept it with a smile, then immediately try to pass it off to someone else.
- He would NOT pass out candy. Fucker hands out apples and shit bc he likes to see the disappointment in children's eyes.
- Says some absolutely WILD shit to anyone in a sexy costume. Man or woman, doesn't matter, he's pointing out how you look in a very uncomfortable way.
- Kids would manage to prank his ass and handcuff him to something for the rest of the night. Good luck responding to calls, jackass.
- She loves Halloween, Futterman hates it with a passion for obvious reasons.
- She's cooing over the children's costumes. She'd give extra cute outfits extra candy (if Futterman let her hand out candy)
- Futterman makes her hand out apples and floss and toothbrushes and she feels a little bad seeing the children get sad. The babies deserve a little treat :(
- She'd secretly hide a piece of candy under the apple and dump it into the kid's hand with a not so secret wink.
- Futterman lectures small children who have big bags of candy and makes them cry. You're gonna get cavities!!
- In particular, if he sees taffy or candy corn or anything that's pure sticky sugar he loses his fucking mind. Screaming about plaque and tartar while the kids run away.
- Gooseberry is dressed up as a big friendly witch! Her pointy hat and heeled boots make her even taller and the children are in awe of this big friend. Futterman is her familiar. He's not impressed.
- If Futterman had a choice he'd be a weregoose. He's frightening children in more ways than one.
- I can guarantee she didn't get to go trick or treating as a kid. She should be allowed to trick or treat as an adult without Futterman giving her shit.
- Another child who didn't get to go trick or treating. Got to see other children receive candy but his dad 1. Didn't care enough to take him trick or treating, and 2. Knew it was far too dangerous to be out and about with his status as mob boss.
- This translates to a desperate need for him to go trick or treating. But, he'd be really iffy on wearing a costume. On one hand, he wants to really experience what he missed out on! On the other hand, he feels like he'd be mocked and that he doesn't need a costume, he just deserves candy.
- A little old lady would pinch his cheek and call his costume cute and he wouldn't be sure if he should cry or get pissed off.
- The amount of candy this man would devour would be terrifying for anyone to witness. Candy after candy, chocolate after chocolate, his tummy would hurt so bad by the end.
- He's NOT picky, either. Have a candy you don't like? Pass it to him, he'll scarf it down without even thinking about it. A couple of the sticky ones make his teeth hurt, though.
- The sugar crash afterwards would be legendary. He's face down on the carpet, half dead, shaking from the low blood sugar, with a puddle of drool under him. Someone clean him up and put him to bed.
- Costume wise, I can either see him going as an imp (the poster and bc he's my evil little guy) OR a unicorn bc of the line he has with Coyle. Pacifier comes with both outfits whether you like it or not.
- If you offer him some shit like popcorn balls or non candy when he comes to your door (or point out that he's an adult), he's pulling out Lupara. Don't test him, he's rabid.
- He'd be so excited if he could go trick or treating with Gooseberry. He'd hold her hand and feel like the most special little guy. One hand in hers, one hand on his pumpkin pail, paci in his mouth, he's happy as can be.
I love Halloween so much, everyone have a great night and enjoy some candy and the Geister event!
@thehalloweenspooks @millie-milkshake (thank you both for asking teehee)
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 1 year ago
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req: basically r pulled an Emily and died on everyone, just to add to the trauma she died in Emily’s arms because that’s a great start to a Emily Prentiss x fem!r fic right?? So, she not dead really but people don’t know that. Basically Emily’s just missing her more than usual until the Attorney General reveals that y/n had been on a mission and stayed low. Nobody in the team knew about it, in order to make sure there were no distractions at all. Emily basically just doesn’t know how to feel.
WARNING: angst, sad!emily, r is gone for 8 months, reunion, betrayl?, trauma bc it’s Criminal minds, cursing, implied smut, wife!emily
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Today marked the anniversary of y/n’s death. In truth, all of the team died a little that day, it was just a matter of how much. For most it took over a month, at least. For Emily..no, she couldn’t get over it.
She found herself at the Shooting range for hours at a time just trying to get her mind off of the hell she was living.
No matter how hard she tried, she experienced the love of her life die in her arms. It haunted her more than anything in her life had. She once told some, “After being assaulted, drugged, and killed in the line of duty, I figured what’s the worst that could happen.”
This. This is the worst.
She could still vividly remember the smell of blood that overloaded her senses, she could hear her own screaming, she tried so hard to stop the bleed but it just kept coming. ———
“no, no, no, no. Baby, stay with me, please!” Emily sobbed, she tried putting as much pressure as she could as she screamed for a medic, someone, anyone to help her.
“Em, hey, look at me..” she said weakly, holding her wife’s face, “Calm down, it’ll be alright” she whispered, brushing her hair out of her face. Blood covered her vest, sirens glared outside, “Help is here, you’re going to be okay! I love you so much, please don’t die on me, I can’t lose you too” Emily held her close and sobbed, she could feel your breathing become shallow. The paramedic swiftly but quickly took y/n away. Leaving Emily soaked in a pool of her own wife’s blood.
“Emily? You get that?” JJ asked, holding her arm, the section chief nodded and skimmed through the file. “Okay so, the Attorney General asked us to take a rest from cases and finish up some reports and paper work. We all have a meeting with her back here at 7:00” Emily announced, Shooting up from her chair and walking to her office locking it behind her. Her blind were already shut so she just plopped down on her chair.
She felt a burning in her eyes as she flipped through files. Her breath seemed to get caught in her throat while her vision blurred. Emily gripped her pen, angrily snapping it and throwing it down on te ground the ink splattering on the ground next to her, it was red, reminding her of the blood…so much blood. Affer y/n’s death, she wasn’t really the same, she was the shell of the person she once was. Her temper was shorter and her work hours seemed to add up.
She was almost never home the smell reminding her of y/n and the love she could never have again. But, she came home most weekends wanting to just sleep in her clothes all day. The house wasn’t a mess because she hadnt touched anything since she died that day. But she did get the strength to clean dishes once in a while. But there was never much considering she lived on coffee and granola bars.
Emily stared at the framed photo of her and y/n reminding herself that they never got the chance to start a family. They were thinking about adoption and hopefully raise the kid as their own.
She let out a sob, her head in her hands as she wailed, her throat closing up as she struggled to compose herself.
She couldn’t do this.
No, not without her
The night that y/n passed on was the hardest, she refused to believe she was gone, telling herself that it was just some sick joke. She cursed everything and cried for months blaming herself for not acting quicker. Some people told her to just move on, Emily had lived without her once, she could do it again.
No. She couldn’t just move on. That was before she knew that y/n was the one person that she needed, the one person that she truly wanted. Her heart ached if she was gone from her for even a moment, she couldn’t last a day without giving her a call. At this point she must’ve called her so many times, each time she held onto the hope she would answer. That her sweet voice would be at the other side.
It wasn’t possible to forget her wife, not when she gave her so much to remember. It pained her that she waited for a love that would never comeback, she was pissed at the world and herself.
It should’ve been her instead of y/n that night, she could vividly remember the sound of y/n’s laughter which quickly melted into horrified and pained screams. She could hear the killer’s voice in her ear, he taunted Emily and blindfolded her, letting her only hear the screams of terror as he stabbed her wife. Her y/n.
She could’ve untied the ropes faster, gotten her to sit up off of the floor faster, she could’ve killed him sooner.
Emily clearly recalled y/n telling her to move on and be happy, it was the only thing she asked of her before her passing. How could she ask such a thing?
Emily practically fell in love the moment she saw her, how could she ever feeling the same way about someone else. No one could replace her. Ever.
Thinking back to the memories, she sniffled but smiled a little knowing not all of her was gone.
“Oh, Emily this is our new Agent, Y/n Y/l/n” Hotch introduced, letting y/n shake the other woman’s hand, “Hello, it’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard of your case, you’re brilliant” she complimented, drawing a deep blush from the older woman. She stuttered for a second trying to register the words. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you too, I’m Emily Prentiss”
It wasn’t long before the team began to meddle with their blossoming love, JJ, Garcia, and Rossi being the most active with their witty remarks about the two. It wasn’t long before Hotch left and Emily stepped up that they got together.
It was supposed to be a secret, that was until Emily forgot to lock the door mid make out session and Tara happened to walk in.
She wiped at her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling like rain. It was close to the meeting and she couldn’t let anyone see her like this. So, she cleaned herself up and stepped out of her office for the first time that day. Tara was the only one in the bullpen, the others, she assumed were out somewhere getting coffee.
“Hey, you been crying again?” The doctor asked, opening her arms up for the other woman. Emily nodded, fighting back the resurfacing tears. “I know it’s the anniversary of her death, Em. If it helps, I’ll come with you to her grave after the meeting” Tara smiled sadly, the team all came in, JJ handing Emily a warm cup. Deep down, they all felt sorry for Emily. They knew how much they loved each other and how much they’ve sacrificed. As 7:00 approached they all filed into the debriefing room, an extra chair was out for the Attorney General, Deborah, and there was an empty chair next to Emily. Y/n’s old chair..
As much as they hate to admit it, they pretend she’s still sitting their with her giddy smile and optimistic nature. “Hello, Agents, I thank you for coming in,” Deborah said with confidence and authority radiating off of her, “As you know, Agent Y/l/n had sadly passed on the field approximately 8 months ago, it has also come to my attention that you are all aware of Project Morning Glory, correct?” They nodded their heads some flinching at the mention of y/n, who they all had tried to not think about all day.
“The Project has been fulfilled and the target has been neutralized. We needed absolutely no distraction for her whatsoever, so I ordered for her to fake her death” Luke was the first to speak out, “what?” He let out a sigh of relief and astonishment, “she’s alive?”
”Yes, Agent Alvez, y/n is very much alive” Everyone was completely and utterly flabbergasted, Emily blocked everyone out the thoughts in her brain being incoherent as she played it all back to the moment she held her wife close, screaming at the Lord above for any kind of help. “I saw her bleeding out, I smelled the blood, I felt her go limp, she’s dead” Emily had refused to believe it, the tears pooling in her eyes for what seemed like the billionth time that day. She had been close to accepting that that she was gone, now this?
“If you have concerns, please, direct them toward me-“ Deborah began but was sharply cut off by a hurting Emily Prentiss. “Concerns? I have concerns, alright! For 8 months my team has been struggling, I’m struggling!” Emily stood up from her seat, her hands gripping the round table. Everyone lowered their heads a bit, even though her wrath hadn’t reached it’s peak yet. “Case after case, do you know what we’ve gone through? The sacrifices? Yes, I have concerns!”
JJ felt tensions rise, as she picked her head up to see Emily spilling tears, “I begged for her to come back. As a shadow, even in a dream. You took my wife from me, you are sick” Emily said through gritted teeth, the Attorney General looked guilty for a moment before smiling at the door.
“Agent Y/l/n, it’s nice to see your face”
Emily frozed, she wasn’t ready, when everyone turned around and cried during the reunion, Emily didn’t turn, the 8 months she had replaying in her head in a constant loop. Her lack of motivation and depressive episodes got worse, she needed y/n and now it seemed like she was just stabbed the in the back.
Nothing could stop this Internal war she was having with herself, she couldn’t believe her ears, it was like she wanted to move but her body refused to. “Emily? Honey?” Y/n called out, her sweet voice a little more tired sounding. Her hair was still the same, assuming she had to maintain an image while being undercover as a secretary to a high-stakes business man. A small cut was above her forehead, her lips were swollen light she had just taken a beating. She had hoped for a more sweet reunion but deep down she knew Emily needed time.
Emily was angered, she couldn’t take the sight of anyone, so instead of getting a sweet kiss and a long hug she stormed out her head full of thoughts she could hardly process, while people tried calling out or going after her, Y/n stopped thme knowing her wife would need time. ——
In her office, Emily knocked her files off the desk with a loud grunt, she slammed her fist down on the desk and yelled cursed as she tore books from the sheleves, and even threw the framed photograph of her and y/n across the room. She rested her herself on the table behind her desk. She sighed, as she felt a cut on her knuckle she brushed it off and sniffled, straightening her blazer when the door opened.
“Emily? I know you might not be ready to talk, I just wanted to let you know I was sorry, I was going to reject the offer but he was gonna go after you, I just…I couldn’t risk that.” Y/n admitted closing the door softly, noticing the room looking like a tornado had hit it, she smiled softly seeing the framed picture and picked it up.
“I mourned you, I lost the one person I loved most in this world, I finally got what I wanted, what I needed. Then, you just got ripped away from me, I couldn’t handle it” Emily sobbed, hurriedly walking over to her wife and sobbed between words, “I couldn’t move on, just thinking about it made me sick, I blamed myself for it everyday, and every night the same nightmare.” The emotional state the Unit Chief was in was overwhleming to say the least, the woman was shaking as she buckled at the knees. “I’m here to stay, for as long as you’ll have me”
“Stay forever then?” She sniffled, kissing her lips softly, the world disappearing around them, right now, it was just Emily and Y/n, no cases, no missions, no death. Just love.
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littlejazzy · 8 months ago
Do you have good recommendations for AgeRe stories? Something really cute and fluffy? (I'm a lonely regressor and I love reading stories about really sweet caregivers.)
I do!! I adore reading agere fics, so here are some recs! I hope you enjoy!!! 💖
Decontamination by SailorChibi - Marvel - Baby!Tony and CG!Steve - After a battle, Steve takes care of his baby - (This one is a Classification!AU/Littles are Known!AU... like, one of the very first ones. Very good and fluffy. If you ever read thorough their fics, (tagged NSAP bc agere straight up did not exist as a community yet) you'll start spotting alot of things that other people were/are inspired from.)
Picnic by SailorChibi - Marvel - Baby!Tony, CG!Steve, Middle!Bucky, Toddler!Clint, CG!Coulson, Kiddo!Scott, CG!Sam W., Kiddo!Peter P., CG!Wade, Kid!Wanda, and CG!Vision - All the Avengers have a nice picnic - (classification!au, but a different verse than the previous fic jsyk. this one is suuuuper fluffy and cute and fun <3)
Less than Five by SailorChibi - Daniel Craig's James Bond - Little!Q and CG!Bond - Q regresses smaller than usual; his daddy makes sure he's taken care of - (classification!AU, first of a series. first two fics are pretty fluffy, but the third has some angst, which makes the fluff even sweeter, in my opinion)
coffee makers and bumblebees by orchidsncrake - Daredevil - Little!Matt and CG!Foggy - Matt becomes overstimulated and after an altercation with the office's coffee maker, Foggy is there to make everything better
Small surprises by undergroundrice - Daredevil - Little!Matt and CG!Foggy - Foggy stumbles onto Matt regressing, and together they figure it out
A Second Shot by mylittlestories - MCU - Little!Natasha, Little!Clint, and CG!Coulson - Natasha didn't have much of a childhood. When she sees that having a second one is possible, she wants; Coulson and Clint are happy to make her family :) - (This one is unfinished, but what's there is just so nice I have to include it!!)
Give your Dreams the Wings to Fly by Honey_Dewey - FNAF Movie - Little!Matt and CG!Ness - Mike gets sick at work, but his boyfriend is there to make everything okay
the road to hope and adventures into the unknown (target) by romansprince - Barbie (2023) - Little!Ken, then CG!Barbie and CG!Gloria - Ken has become human... except he's never had a childhood. Sometimes he feels Fuzzy, but that's something he thinks he can keep secret. As he turns out, he can't, but it works out anyway - (Two separate fics that take place in the same universe/series. The first one/set-up is a little angsty, but the second is more fluffy)
Movie Night by mcschnuggles - Heathers - Little!JD and CG!Veronica - JD unexpectedly drops into headspace during a movie night with the rest of the teenagers; Veronica helps him through it - (Modern!AU, Everyone Lives!AU, this one is kinda angsty, but like, it's canon appropriate, lol - also!!! make sure that you check out the author's other works!!!!! lots of agere fics for a large variety of fandoms!!)
Toffee Ticking Time Bomb by GayCheerios - Star Wars - Little!Anakin and CG!Obi-Wan - Obi-Wan has to find his padawan's stuffie before the inevitable temper tantrum ensues - (classification!AU, part of a very nice and good series that, if you enjoy this fic, you should also check out)
Baby's First Bath by CyberToddler - Beetlejuice: The Musical - Toddler!Beetlejuice and CG!Maitlands - The Maitlands give Beetlejuice his very first bath - ( 👉👈 I wrote this one 😖)
Evolution by Cgetbrmj - The Last of Us (TV) - Little!Ellie and CG!Joel - Series that follows each episode of the show, and explores how these characters stumble upon age regression as a coping mechanism and how much they both realize they enjoy it. - (Slowburn agere, as it explores how it develops naturally between both characters. This one DOES contain some angst as it relates to the show, but overall is as fluffy as its setting allows)
The Doctor's Office by agerefandom (tazia101) - Twilight - Little!Reader and CG!Carlisle - Reader goes to their first check-up in their new town and unexpectedly regresses; thankfully, their doctor is more than understanding - (I can not emphasize enough how much I love this one. Hits all the right buttons, I'm so happy/thankful I found it before I had to establish care w/ a new doctor, it's just- so good)
Sugary Sweet by agerefandom (tazia101) - Twilight - Baby!Reader and CG!Alice and Jasper - A comfy, happy morning with your vampire caregivers - (be sure to check out the writer for more fandoms!! lots of agere fics, including gen and reader!insert!)
little life at the mansion by myworldoffanfiction - X-Men - Little!Reader and CG!X-Men (the main gang lol) - First chapter is a busy yet comfy morning while living at Xavier's Mansion. Second chapter is a fun Summer evening - (this one is sooooo sweet 😭)
Play Pretend by Vinnies_Comfort_Corner - Scream (1996) - Kiddo!Reader, Flip!Stu, and CG!Billy - You and Stu play pretend while waiting for Billy to come home - (if you enjoy this one, make sure you check out their other regression fics!!! there's even one with a petreg puppy!reader!! and other horror media!!)
Red Stained Fingers by CyberToddler - Scream (1996) - Little!Reader, CG!Stu, and CG!Billy - Unorthodox sensory play with diy-ed fake blood, lol - (I also wrote this one 😅 it's sugary sweet, I promise, lol)
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beifong-brainrot · 5 months ago
Headcanons about Aiwei's relationship with the Beifong babies bcs I'm lowkey obsessed with that finely aged twink.
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Aiwei is sort of an enigma, since all we know is that he was a member of the Red Lotus and he was infiltrating Zaofu. We are never really told how long he's been in Zaofu, but Suyin seems to consider him family, so probably a few years. I personally believe he became Suyin's right hand man around the time she was pregnant with the twins. I headcanon that that pregnancy was very hard on Suyin's body and that's also the reason the twins were her last biological kids.
And Aiwei, working under the Red Lotus' commands, took advantage of Suyin's fragile state and helped her a lot in managing the city while she was incapacitated and also offering her a lot of mental support, becoming her friend. I think Suyin, being the traumatised and affection starved person she is, would very quickly come to consider him family.
One of my sillier headcanons is that Wei was named after Aiwei, due to Suyin's gratitude for how much Aiwei helped her during her pregnancy. And since they already had a Juniour in the family, they just named Wei an abbreviation.
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I can see Aiwei's first "oh shit I'm getting attached to this family" moment when he's holding baby Wei.
After Zaheer and co get arrested, Aiwei is a bit lost. He has nowhere to go, and his leaders cant really communicate with him much.
So he stays in Zaofu, where he has a good position and good connections. At first it's just a strategic choice at remaining in a position where he can still spread the teachings of the Red Lotus.
But he also spends a lot of time with Suyin and her family. I mean, he seems to be the only person (outside of staff and guests) living in the same district as the Beifong mansion is situated. And it almost looks like this house was built purely for him?
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I think he becomes a sort of pseudo uncle to the Beifong babies, and probably was very important, since I headcanon that Suyin was very protective of them and perhaps even had them homeschooled.
I can actually even see Aiwei being one of the kids' educators in this homeschooling. He appears to be a learnt man and I could theorise that he has some knowledge of medicine. He was able to notice Lin's mental condition affecting her body. Also, he raised no suspicion to being able to diagnose that Korra was immobilised with shirshu venom and also no one was surprised that he just had the antidote on hand. Like yeah, he probably knew the Red Lotus would use the venom, but the fact that no one was surprised that he just seemed so prepared for diagnosing and curing the venom of this rare and dangerous animal leads me to believe that he may be some kind of medical practitioner, or at least well oriented in the field.
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Due to this, I can also see him as the person who would tend to the baby Beifongs when they got injured or sick as children, leading for him to get even closer ingrained with the family. I think especially when Kuvira arrived and started getting in arguments and potential altercations with the baby Beifongs, they would often find solace with him
I think Aiwei might try to help Kuvira deal with her anger, but I don't believe she'd ever really trust him as much as the other kids did.
Particularly since Kuvira is such a controlling individual, even in her youth, while Aiwei is a big proponent of personal freedom.
Like she'd definetly hear him yapping about individuality and act like an angsty teen at the school mandated trip to the therapist's office.
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But I always imagined that Aiwei and Huan were actually super close. Huan seems to echo a lot of Aiwei's individualism based ideals which could be due to him admiring Aiwei so much.
I also think Huan got his eyebrow piercing for his 17th birthday when Aiwei helped him get it without Su knowing. Su is still a little salty lol.
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I like to imagine that Aiwei was the one to first take note of Huan's artistic talents and encourage them over Huan trying to continue Toph and Su's legacy of more combat based bending. I can also see him helping Suyin accept the fact that maybe Huan won't want to follow in her footsteps.
I headcanon that the different art and pottery pieces on the shelf in Aiwei's house are Huan's first works, before he developed his very characteristic style.
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I headcanon that Huan always had an extremely sensitive seismic sense which developed when he was cery young and that it led him to get overstimulated easily. And Aiwei, who leans into his seismic sense, helped him manage and compartmentalise the overwhelming amount of sensations.
I think Huan was most hurt by Aiwei's betrayal, after Suyin. He looked up to Aiwei, and trusted him idolised him. And I think that Aiwei never being able to give them an answer due to his spirit being trapped just ate Huan up. I think it lead to Huan becoming much more distrustful and even more closed off than usual. This was extradited by what happened with Baatar and Kuvira, perhaps leaving Huan barely speaking to people who aren't Opal or the twins, unless strictly necessary, as we never hear him speak after the Beifong family gets captured by Kuvira.
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Speaking of Aiwei's kinda death, I don't buy that the only reason Zaheer eliminated Aiwei is because he was a 'loose end'. Like my brother in Raava you and your polycule got imprisoned for like 14 years or smth that was the ultimate fumble.
I think it's because Zaheer sensed that Aiwei had gotten close to the Beifongs and his loyalty to the Red Lotus might be compromised. Especially that the Red Lotus are also planning to attack the Northern Air Temple, directly endangering Opal, whom Aiwei is basically an uncle to. I mean, he was at her goodbye dinner.
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I also like to think Aiwei, being a spiritual person, helped Opal a lot in her first days of airbending and taught her to meditate to centre herself.
I also believe that in the Fog of Lost Souls, he is tormented by memories of his happy years with the Beifongs and by the fact that he betrayed them, endangered them, threw away his relationship with them for a borderline cult.
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lovelykiitsune · 10 months ago
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❞ 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬
❞warning: dead wife + illness/sickness + Grammar mistakes + Akuneko kids are fictional and not canon, they're my ocs + no editing bcs this is reuploaded from my deleted blogs/acc
word count: 6k
a/n: the Villa Butlers and Nobles are coming soon, but I don't know when ^^;
1st Floor Butlers profile:
Dilf!Berrien Cliane - the ex-barista, he recently divorced his wife, but has won custody of his twins. Daisy and Benjamin Cliane, they almost look exactly like him. He adore them, and always love them. Raising two children could be hard and difficult, especially as a single father that recently divorced his ex-wife. His ex-wife wanted to refuse to pay child support, but couldn't due to Berrien that had won the court. He haven't told his kids about the impact with the devils. He was worried that might affect his relationship with his children.
Dilf!Berrien always apologize for his children mess. He wouldn't scold them, since he is a gentle father. He would tell them, not to bother you because you are the master of Grosvenor manison and families. Jokes on you Berrien. You loved the his kids. You always adore them. You three will always enjoy him brewing the tea and severing it. He always thanking you for looking after his kids. Very apologetic single father. Daisy and Benjamin loved their father more than their mother.
Dilf!Berrien always check on kids, grades, schooling, behavior, and their mental health too. He loved it when you spend time with his twins, it's help him to relax while he was on duty. You found him, playing the piano while the kids were dancing and singing together, holding hands as they twirls around the dance room. Yes, he could attract other towns women. His ex-barista move while serving you tea, makes you get distracted. Aruji-sama! Don't get distracted by his move! You're spilling the tea!
Dilf!Berrien kids, Daisy would always come to his office, she wants her father to rest. You can't say no to her puppy face. Benjamin is a shy kid, his twin sister is energetic and very talkative. Benjamin wants his father to stop working, he would come and place his tiny hand on his father lap. He have a quiet voice. Also can't say no to his puppy face. They would help him with his work, but Berrien is too focus, wanting them to finish their school works and activities. Since Berrien is always busy with his duty and won't able to pick his kids, at least you volunteer.
Dilf!Berrien didn't plan to find another lover. He wants to focus on his time with his twins and you. He would find you and the kids in your bedroom. There papers filled with crayons with different colors mostly scribbled. Your room is a mess Aruji-sama...! He would tuck you in your sleep until he took the kids to sleep. He will NOT step on the drawings that you and the kids made. He would look at it and collect. A smile appears on his face as he neatly tucked them away. He will probably keep it somewhere safe.
"This is a lovely masterpiece Aruji-sama, Daisy and Benjamin. I'll keep it somewhere safe. Thank you for being in my life. I really appreciate it. You worked hard today, you deserve some rest."
Dilf!Lono Fontaine - The chef of the Michelin stars restaurants. Now he is working as a butler, but a chef...? He could sprinkle like salt bae. He was divorced by his ex-wife, but his wife doesn't want her son, so he accepts the offer. He already knew taking care a kid is like taking care of another human responsibility. I mostly see him as a good father and amazing father type rewards. He absolutely loved his son, Alex. They do have a good relationship, but sometimes Alex would also get along with Bastien too. Who has no interest with Alex.
Dilf!Lono always Lono. He would argue with Bastien, but not in fornt of Alex. He hates seeing his son witness the fight. It's really hard to make up with them. He would like it if you spend time with Alex because he seems to be really attached with you. Alex is a very positive kid, he has a wild imagination.
Remember that Dilf!Lono could bake cakes and sweets. Baking with son and father bounding moment. Imagine the mess in the kitchen. Anyway! Dilf!Lono would definitely give the kids sweet, but in secret! (Yeah they found yet and scold him abt it but SHHH)
Dilf!Lono is actually very smart at math. He would help his son or the other butlers daughters/sons with their math homework. He is actually good at fraction and measurement math homework, but he doesn't give out answered. The butlers will be watching *cough* *cough* anyways! He would reward them with sweets pastries, if they gotten the right answer. If they got it wrong, he is very patient for them to figure it out.
Since Dilf!Lono has duty. He liked seeing you and his son spending time together, either baking or decorating pastries. Yes, he is the type of dad would cry if you the Aruji-sama of the Grosvenor manison and his son, gifted him the Happy Father's Day.
"Haha, Thank you Alex and Aruji-sama. You two are the precious people, that I've ever met. Huh? I'm crying? AH! N-No! I'm not crying! I just got back from duty... i... Thank you... Alex and Aruji-sama..."
Dilf!Bastien Kelly - returning military and now working as the butlers of Grosvenor manison. He has one daughter, Meredith Kelly. His wife eventually died due to giving birth to his daughter. He hasn't gotten used to his wife passing, but he doesn't blame his daughter for the death. He loved his daughter to death. He is extremely protective of her. He doesn't like it when Alex gotten near her. He will give death glares to Lono, if he is giving her sweets. He will keep an eye on Alex aka Lono's son. If he has interest in his daughter. Ehe overprotective father mode is on!
Dilf!Bastien isn't good at communicating with his daughter. He is worried of being a terrible father or her role model since he was mostly focused on training everyday. He doesn't have time spending time with his daughter. His daughter knew that he was busy, since she always spending time with you or the other butler kids. She doesn't hate or dislike her father. She is a fast learner, she did knew her birth-mother passing.
Dilf!Bastien is the type of father would watch over her in silence like a overprotective father would be, hiding behind the building or tree. He will see you and his daughter together, either reading under the tree or petting muu. His love language for his daughter was either silent or just awkward hugs. Dilf!Bastien doesn't like sweets, but his daughter was the opposite. He is good at making braids for his daughter. He will add any flowers to show that he loved her. You remember complimenting on Meredith. You could see Dilf!Bastien choke on his tea. He is blushing while he excused himself to do "training."
Dilf!Bastien doesn't mind if you spend time with his daughter as long she doesn't get hurt. He is a social awkward father, but doesn't know how to communicate. You did saw Bastien and his daughter petting Muu together. You almost squeal as you saw him smile, you almost got caught. You could hear him communicating with his daughter the first time. Dilf!Bastien and his daughter spending time together! The first time! You wanted to record, but you respect his privacy, as you lean on the wall and listen.
"I guess spending time with you isn't bad... I apologize for avoiding you since you were the kid... It's not your fault that your mother died. I always still love you and your mom too... Um... Can we spend time together one last time... please?"
Second Floor Butler Profile:
Dilf!Harues Clifford - Ex-Police officers, currently going through his wife death. He and his two son had moved towns to towns. He quit being the police officer, now currently working for you, Aruji-sama. His two sons were well-behaved and very bright. Owen (youngest) and August (oldest) Clifford. They're like father to son personality. They both wanted to help their father with duty but they were told not to bother. They will be in the library or just be with you.
Dilf!Haures would never force his two sons to do training unless they asked or wanted to. He would take it easy on them, since they're both are kids. This may be funny of weird but... they are exactly like Haures. They eat just like him. Their personality is like Haures. How they wear and how they speak. Of course, they will scold other butlers just like him. You remember listening to Owen and August scolding at Ammon and Boschi for not doing their duty. You couldn't hold your laughs, but you left anyways. No, they aren't shy around women.
You adore Dilf!Haures two sons. You always spend time with them. Reading and doing puzzle together. Dilf!Haures like Bastien doesn't have freetime to spend time with his sons. He always training or working. He doesn't ask his sons for help since he doesn't want them to be involved. He will scold them for being involved. Since he is extremely tired and would yell at them on accident. Which leaves Owen the youngest in tears. Which leaves a awkward silent treatment for both of them.
Dilf!Haures always tired for scolding other butlers and being on duty 24/7. He doesn't mean to yelled at his two sons. He will give Owen favorite for a gift for an apologize. He may be not good with kids, but at least you are there. He doesn't want to be a bad father, he just want them to know that he love them and show that he made a mistake a promise not to do it again. You often see tired Dilf!Haures and his two son sleeping on the library with a book on his hands. You couldn't help but took a picture. Whoops! Seems that you forgot to turn off the flash. Congrats you woke him up.
"A-Aruji-sama! W-What are you doing here? Huh? I fell asleep in the library...? My apologize, I'm gonna leave now. Huh? Owen and August laying next to me? You... want me to stay with them...? *sighs* Alright if you inist... Do you mind if you stay here too...?"
Dilf!Fennesz Oswald - Librarian as a part-time and worked as a bulter full time. A lots of middle age women will always come to Dilf!Fennesz part time, so they could talk to him. Same as Haures, he is currently going through his dead wife pregnant has passed away in the carriage crash. He was happy that his only son that survived, he was sad that his unborn child that passed away too. Quite a harsh reality to face, but he is still happy that his son has survived. His son's name is Liam Oswald, the surviving member during the carriage crash.
Dilf!Fennesz had to face reality. He is really trying to be in the best mood for his son. He doesn't blame his son for the accident. He loved and adore his son very much, that it hurt him. He still visit his dead wife grave, giving her favorite flowers. He's the type of dad would hold his emotions then break down when he is alone. He will act like nothing happen when he came to his part time or back to the Grosvenor manison. Deep inside you already knew his past due to Liam explanation. Liam is very honest kid, he loved his hard-working father. He was raised by the right father, but sometimes Dilf!Fennesz doubt that thinking that he was a terrible father for raising his son alone.
Dilf!Fennesz is the opposite of the rest of Dilf!Butlers. He just let his son do whatever. If he wants play soccer, no worries! He would sign his son up! Oh? He wants to join the chess clubs? Absolutely! Oh...? Student council? Definitely! Why not? Dilf!Fennesz would not let his son do his library or butler work.
Since Dilf!Fennesz worked in the library in his part time. He always brought books for his son read together. You could see or hear that he is reading to his son aloud. Your heart melt when hearing that Dilf!Fennesz is spending time with his son during bedtime stories. Liam would always go to your room, since his father either duty work or library. He likes spilling about how amazing his father was. Liam love telling you about the memories of his families. You were on the urge of tears because how heartbreaking and wholesome. What's you didn't know that Dilf!Fennesz was hiding behind the doors, holding stack of books. He wasn't mad or upset. He too was almost on the urge of tears but he just smile.
*Knock* *Knock*
"Excuse me Aruji-sama. It's getting late. Do you want to read a bedtime story? Hm...? You do? Wonderful! Please get comfortable. You can pick any stories. Oh? The Princess of the Moon? Sure, let's read it together, okay?"
Dilf!Boschi Arenas - Look! I know what's you're thinking, but shush! Anyways! Dilf!Boschi is a good dad. Let's me explain. He is learning how to be a good father for his son and daughter. His son (youngest) Rhys and his daughter (oldest) Emily Arenas. Rhys is a wild-child, always misbehave and causes a lot of butler having a headache. Emily Arenas, however is a gentle, kind, helpful girl. Of course she is a big sister to Rhys and will scold Rhys and apologize to you for her brother behavior. Dilf!Boschi will doesn't mind Rhys to be a troublemaker as long he doesn't stole his father prosthetic arm or mask. Imagine the mansion was chase by Rhys and Boschi heavy footsteps in the hallway.
Dilf!Boschi adopted Rhys and Emily. They aren't his biological kids. He knew that someone has abandoned them in the alleyway during the rain when they were baby and a child, but they already knew that they don't have a mom in their life. He does like it when Rhys bother Haures, but he will drag Rhys away if he is making you feel uncomfortable. Emily always help with her father chores, but she will be caught by her father working on his chores. She is ban from touching any supplies of chores. That doesn't stop Emily because she will make any hairstyle for her father. Braids? Boom! Ponytail? No worries! A bun? Yeah, she got this! At least Emily is having fun putting flowers or hair clips on her father's long smooth hair.
Dilf!Boschi doesn't mind spending time with his kids. He wanted to have a bounding moment with them. Since they don't have a mom. Emily and Rhys sees you as a mother to them. You always look after them when their father wasn't around. You always spend time with them. Even tho you are Aruji-sama in the Grosvenor mansion and the families too. Emily will make flower crowns that made from daisy from the ground and Rhys running in circles around the tree. He will act like he doesn't care, but reality his heart was warming up. Emily really like Ammon since he has teach her how to braid or make other hairstyle to make for her father. Boschi will act like he doesn't care and would be tough. He is cracking a small smile on his face as he cross his arms.
Dilf!Boschi like the rest of the butlers. He is protective of his two children. He doesn't like it when Haures oldest son has interest in his daughter. He would 100% separate them. You did have a girly talk with Emily about crushes. He doesn't accept his daughter having crushes. Not on his watch. Nope! Never in the million years. He still have nightmares seeing his daughter got kissed by on the back of her hand by Haures oldest son, August. Rhys is fine. He is just poking his father's prosthetic arm is laid on the table.
Dilf!Boschi isn't very much an academic. Emily or the other butlers children would be either studying in the library or just be with you. He does want his kids to learn about fencing. Not saying he is a bad father but he is a chill-laid back father type, expect overprotective of his daughter and his son too. He will see them studying in the library alone. Quite chaotic for Rhys, but Emily scold him to be quiet. Hours pass by, he is still checking on them to make sure if they're still there. It's getting dark. He saw Emily and Rhys sleeping on top of the table. He was worried that they were sleeping there for too long. Yes, he practiced with his prosthetic arm to carry them. Useless now because he heard you passing by.
"Hm, Aruji-sama. It's a getting late. I will escort you to your room soon. Hm? You want to help me carry those kids? Ha. No need I'm fine. W-Wait! Don't get injured. Ha... sorry, I just painck... at least let me tucked them to sleep. You should get some sleep too. It's getting late..."
Dilf!Ammon Lead - Gardener... he is just a gardener. ANYWAYS! He recently recovering from his wife passing. His daughter, Rośe Lead. Like Fennesz, he thought he was doing a terrible job of raising his daughter. Reality, he is doing a fantastic job for raising his daughter like a lady. She will cover her father lies, but will get caught little sooner, but you cannot say no to her puppy eyes. He and Rośe had a very healthy relationship of daughter and father bounding. They would spend time in the gardening. Like the rest of the butler, he is a little overprotective and a little of laid back father, but he would only teach her how to take care of flowers and other plants.
Dilf!Ammon - He liked making a small gift for his daughter, flowers crowns. She loved flower crown. You would see her mostly everyday, coming to your room and place any flowers crown on your head. She also gift Muu some too. Please praise this girl for doing a good job. She mostly gift everybody with flower crown made from her hands. Also since her name is Rośe, her father would make her stay away from actual rose flowers torns. You could hear him talking about his daughter embarrassing story how Rośe as a toddler touch the torns but she acts like nothing happen. Poor Dilf!Ammon after he saw his daughter finger bleeding. Don't worry he didn't passed out.
Dilf!Ammon - doesn't like talking about his past or the scar on his back. If you or his daughter asked, he would brush it off and change the topic. You never questioned it after you heard Boschi explain it to you expect for his daughter. You and Rośe would spend time together in your room or in the garden. If her father was busy doing his duty and couldn't be together. Not like Boschi but if Dilf!Ammon found out that his little girl has a crush. He would never question it because he want to respect her privacy, but he would tease her on which boys that she has a crush on. You just stood there and watch the teasing. Not wanting to upset her.
Dilf!Ammon - isn't the type of father that would scold or yelled at her for making a mistake. He is the calming dad, I think he is the type who would calmly explain that making mistake is okay as long you didn't do it in the future. He does hate to see his daughter cried. He would reassure her by calming her down. He is trying his best to comfort her. You were passing by the garden place and see Rośe with her dad. She is crounching down in tears. You made eye contact with Dilf!Ammon. You turn away as nothing happen but you hid behind the walls as you listen to their convo.
"Shhh... it's alright my little rose. Don't cry, don't let those tears spoil you. Papa is here, it's alright, papa loves you. It's alright to make mistake, I'm not mad at you. You are a amazing kid. You are loved. Hm...? You want Aruji-sama? Alright, let's find them okay? How about they could join you for flower crown? Ah, there's that smile."
Third Floor Butler Profile:
Dilf!Lucas Thompscie - Doctor. Is it obvious? Anyways! A total dad on crack, mostly inserting dad jokes in fornt of his daughter and his butler mates, especially you. You are not tired of his jokes since he does respect your discussion. Lucy Thompscie aka his daughter, doesn't understand her dad's jokes, but she still laughs it off tho. He is divorced by his ex-wife after finding out that she was after his knowledge and looks. He did won custody of his daughter. I mean fair because Dilf!Lucas has good looks and women would charm him. He still adored his daughter. Anyways, you found Lucy pretty cute. She doesn't really like spending time with her dad, mostly on you. Yeah, that her father in the corner.
Dilf!Lucas - He always busy with his work. That's the reason why his daughter doesn't want to bother him or spending time. Lucy would cling on to you like a Koloa. Her father's did gave her a stuff pastel rose pink with white spots long ears bunny. She still have it because you will see her carrying it everywhere, 24/7. Don't question it! Since Dilf!Lucas always busy on his work. He will make hia daughter stay away from Miyaji and his kids too. Quite a show, but the rest of the butler would separated them, preventing from seeing each other. He will make his daughter eating healthy things. She will fight him until he told her to finish it. You pray for that poor kid. He wanted her to be healthy and not be sick. Since kids needed some vitamins and nutrients.
Dilf!Lucas - Yes, he drinks wine like those wine mom. He doesn't drink in fornt of his daughter since she mostly cling to you or Muu. She rarely visit him. If she does then she pull her eye bag and stick her tongue out. She isn't like those misbehaving children. She doesn't like her father. You cannot tell if he is used to this or is he heartbroken that his daughter despite him. Reality he is used to her behavior, he knew that she is a shy kid. He would just laugh it off saying that she just shy. He was glad that she doesn't have to watch him over his shoulder doing his work.
Dilf!Lucas - since his childhood, he was very smart growing up and ended up in college at a very young age. He wanted his daughter to study and do well at school. He is fine if his daughter was or wasn't intelligent enough for her education. He would help her, depends how his schedule or how busy he was. He won't ask for your request because you are Aruji-sama. Eventually you helped Lucy anyways. Yes, he did try to stop you from helping her. He just wanted to test his daughter intelligence with all the subjects. If you're out of town of something, he will babysat his daughter, by making her sitting on his stool, doing absolutely nothing beside clinging into her pastel pink rose stuff bunny plush. She will not join the other butler kids because she rather being with you instead. He doesn't question his daughter about and thinking that she just too shy.
"Lucy dear, stop giving me the cold look. You remind me of Mr. Miyaji. I understand you wanted to see Aruji-sama, but they are at work/school right now. Oh? You don't want to play with the butlers kids? *chuckles* how about this. I will take a break from work, so we could some chess together? How about that? No? *sighs* you're just like Aruji-sama. Stubborn... I still love you kid okay? Let's take a break shall we? How about some ice cream break? Just a father and daughter moment."
Dilf!Nac Stein - Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT! I haven't figured out or have talked about his old work place but seeing his official art of what his past was. ANYWAY not gonna spoil it. Dilf!Nac definitely pretty, handsome and he never age. He still working with Grosvenor families. He still took care of finances. I would say that he is divorced, his wife won custody but the children has visitation, so they could visit their father any time they want. The youngest daughter Elena and the oldest son Trey. He absolutely adore his two children, you remember meeting them the first time. Exact same eyes as Nac has, and no Aruji-sama they are not twins. I mean they have the same feature but they're not twins. You don't often see Trey and Elena a lot since they are living with their mother. You don't really meet her a lot since Dilf!Nac didn't bring the topic about his ex-wife or meeting someone else. He rather foucs on you, the kids and his work.
Dilf!Nac is always Nac. He still complimenting you of being beautiful/handsome. A father with boost confidence. Don't feel ashamed or creep out! He just want to see you smile and feeling good about yourself. Remember that Lamli and him were enemies. Yeah, they are still the same as always. He doesn't want his kids to be the same behavior as Lamli. No worries, they are not like him, quite the opposite to their father personality. Trey is a independent young man, he treats women with respect, but he is terrible at complimenting people back, and also helpful. Elena quite a bookworm. She's really quiet, it gets to the point where her father would always check on her because she was too quiet, but nope she is sitting in the corner reading. He doesn't compare his kids, he loved them to death.
Dilf!Nac is very elegant looking. He doesn't have wrinkles or any eyes bags under his eyes. He does have a beauty marks and a scar the same as always. He likes neats things, he always make sure his kids outfit was straightened and dress well. No filthy, because that does really bother him. He always make sure that his kids have manners and respecting him and the others especially you because you are Aruji-sama. He doesn't like kids that disrespecting you or him. Also I forgot to mention that he always talk about how amazing you were. I bet the kids already knew how amazing you are. RIP the kids can't say that enough to their dad, they just nodded their heads as they listen to their dad ranting about you. You did sneeze eventually.
I did read more information about Dilf!Nac that he likes to do embroidery. Imagine he was doing Embroidery with his daughter, Elena or his son, Trey together during break. You did find them together in Nac's office place, working on Embroidery. You didn't disturb them, you just left with a smile on your face. You should bring your phone/camera over. At least he is taking a break with his kids and spending time together.
"Now, now. Trey, don't painc. You are doing an amazing job. Make sure you follow the pencil line where to drew. Ah, don't poke your finger with the needle. Oh? Elena that's an amazing flower right there. Keep up with the good work! You two are doing well. I'm pretty sure Aruji-sama would like it if you show it to them!"
Dilf!Lamli Bennett - how do I explain this? Wasn't sure if he was a good father or just bad...? Anyway! He still have that baby face and no, he doesn't age like Nac does. His personality may still the same like always. Always and continues to annoy Nac nagging and won't do his duty, but will do it unless Nac nagging them again. I was thinking that Lamli is actually widowed. His wife has passed away due to an illness. He tries his best to raise his twins since he has the childish personality. About the twins they are like the high school host club twins but no incest, but they look exactly the same. I feel bad for Aruji-sama for being involved with the game, "who's the real Aki or Jin?" Yeah, they are childish like their father, but they do like pulling on pranks on the other butlers or the kids but not you. Very chaotic Bennett family here. You could see Nac or Haures/or his eldest son scolding the Bennett twins.
Dilf!Lamli - he always spend time with you. He knows who is Aki or Jin but he wouldn't tell you unless you praise him or give him attention then he will tell you which one is Aki and Jin. Good luck remembering that because they wore the same clothes and wouldn't leave any difference. He doesn't want to stress you out. Remember his personality may still the same. Well, Dilf!Lamli is very protective of you and his sons too. Well in public, he acts like a gentlemen, but he hates other nobles flirting you or harassing you. He does carry an extra knife in his pocket. Don't worry the twins will stop their father from stabbing another noble. I forgot to mention that Dilf!Lamli doesn't drink like Lucas does. He rather foucs on you since you are his master.
Dilf!Lamli - he isn't good with kids that cried. I know. It may sound rude but it true. He doesn't know how to comfort the kids from crying. He isn't good comforting the kids but he will make silly faces preventing them from crying. If it works then that calms Lamli down. If it doesn't then he has to think harder. He does enjoy being with his sons pranking on other butlers or their kids. You would hear loud footsteps running from the hallway or scolding. He did stop the twins from pranking you. He would probably lecture them about how great you are and should be respected. That didn't stop the twins, they will continue try to prank you until they will be caught red-handed. At least you're not covered in anything due to Lamli protection. You could finally sighs in reliefs. Yeah, the twins like pranking Muu too. They loved Muu by the way.
Dilf!Lamli would take you to stars gaze. He'll probably wake you up around midnight or 3 am. You might be thinking? Does he takes his kids too? Yeah, the twins are awake and peaking over their father shoulders. You four did sneak out of the mansion to see stars or the Aurora lights. You could see him pointing at the stars and the constellations. You could see him smiling, you don't see eyes bags under his eyes. He is telling you and the twins about the stars and the history. At least you could stay a little longer. He does let you rest your head on his lap while you are either sleeping or awake listening to his story. Sometimes the twins would be bored and would run around the woods, not too far. They know how late it was, and they knows about angels. Sometimes you would hear them singing K-I-S-S-I-N-G songs. Imagine that woke the butlers and would get scold, expect for you. If you're either too sleepy or fully awake.
"Aruji-sama! Aruji-sama! Look! That's a headless angels! Isn't that amazing! Imagine the angels hunt is like that. Wouldn't be so cool! Hey! Hey! There's a Cassiopeia- Oh? Aruji-sama? Are you sleeping? Hehe! Don't worry you're safe with me and the stars too. I'll take you to your room. Have sweets dream Aruji-sama!"
Basement Profile:
Dilf!Miyaji Oldia - definitely good with kids especially with every butlers sons and daughters. Dilf!Miyaji does age a bit but his scar still remains on his face. He has some small wrinkles under his eyes. He still kept his tall, elegant looks very nice. He wasn't big fan of big event, but he was also quite popular with women. Not very popular than Lucas, but a little bit. Yes, Dilf!Miyaji does have a only son. He seems very much a babysitter in this manison. He would watch the kids if any one of them comes near the danger. Very much a fatherly figurine, always there for the kids, and very masculine. He does have a really good relationship with his son and other children too. Pretty much everybody even the kids like Dilf!Miyaji because how soft-spoken that he was. He is pretty much busy with everybody kids or sometimes on duty if he wasn't with the kids.
Dilf!Miyaji - is a music teacher, and used to be a doctor. He is now working with the Grosvenor families. You are surprised that a man in his late 40s with a son, now working with two jobs. You do understand that he is good with kids and a loyal butlers babysitter. Lucas and Dilf!Miyaji still remains enemies. He does have a flashback when his son being polite to Lucy aka Lucas's daughter. No problem! He must respect women and others too. What he didn't know that, his son, Makoto is that he kiss her back hand. Yes, he saw everything. He took his son and ran off with Lucy being left alone and confused. You were watching in the distance, not knowing what to do. He doesn't want his son to be with his enemies daughter or in the future. Would be awkward, if Lucy's has become his daughter-in-law and Lucas would be there.
Dilf!Miyaji more like daddy wolf- *cough* *cough* ANYWAY! Since he is protective of the kids. Well... he is protective of you too. He will a death glare to anyone that wanted to hurt you. He does also have to take care of Lato's sanity. He was worried about Lato being close to the kids. He does know that he gentle towards the ladies. Dilf!Miyaji was lucky to get off his nasty marriage. He mostly focused on you, and the children sake. Similar to everybody, he doesn't plan to find another lover. Since he was a music teacher, but he is smart and intelligent. He is very helpful around the kids if they're stuck on their homework or school work. He will be embarrassed if you stood in fornt of the door, having a Tea party with the kids. He will clear his throat, not wanting to be rude. You still remember it, but he will brush it off if you bring that topic up. Don't embarrassed him in fornt of the other butlers.
Dilf!Miyaji is a... boomer. *kiit laughing in the background* I'M SORRY HE IS ACTUALLY! He doesn't know how to use smartphones. You eventually have to teach him on how to use it. You know how parents held their phones. Glasses and the phone farther away from their face. Yeah, that him. You have to held your laugh. He is not technically blind, but he will put bold words and very bright screen to max. Eventually you're done with helping him, how to use the phone. The image will appears on your head during lessons. Good luck helding your laughs because he is there with you. He will be happy if you hang out with him or play with the kids while he watching them. You two were like mother and father to them. The kids secretly think that you two were a couple. I mean, they're not wrong. You act like you heard nothing but deep inside you are flustered. Dilf!Miyaji still like sunbathing, like always... anyways! He already knew that kids are noisy, but he is good how to calm them down. You would be watching Dilf!Miyaji lifting the basket with his musculine, buff, arms. You try to look away, but he always caught you red-handed. He doesn't mind if you don't do anything gross.
"Aruji-sama, you have been looking at me. Is it one of the kids hiding behind the white sheets? No...? Oh... Ah? What's wrong? You're looking red. Are you having a fever...? It's not really hot today. It should be a little warm today. Hm...? My arms...? Ah... you are flustered about... me...? Ah, I apologize I should find the kids first. Hm? You want me to stay? Alright, I'll stay. Children should get some fresh air too."
Flure Gracia - I don't see him as a dilf. All I know that he isn't good with kids. At least he is having fun designing the outfits for them. Poor Flure would be tease terribly. No worries the kids love Flure. He seems very sweet with the kids while Miyaji isn't around. He doesn't know how to handle their feelings or their behavior. If one of the girls have a doll or a stuff plush. He would create them an accessories and outfits. He does enjoy seeing the kids praising them. He often help Miyaji with his other duty. He does get tease by Lato, because he gotten a lot of attention from kids. He rather being with you and the kids.
"Aruji-sama, I may be shy around kids, but do you mind staying with me? I do enjoy having you around. I apologize for hogging you."
No, Flure will not show his dolls to them.
Lato Bacca - Also don't see him as a dilf. Same thing with Miyaji. He is good with the ladies, but on the gentlemen... um... alright. He will watch over the kids, but Miyaji would refuse, but he would watch them for protection if they got bully or misbehave. He rather getting hurt instead the kids getting hurt. Some kids would be scared of him because of his aura and eyes. You didn't find him scary. You understand that they're kids. Lato would run away if his sanity gotten worse. He would leave the kids confused. At least Miyaji could get to comfort him. Once Lato got warm up with the kids. They will start to like him more. Be careful not to swing one of the kids Lato...
"Aruji-sama, welcome home. I'm playing with the kids. They are starting to warm up with me. Hm? Miyaji-sensei is not here, he is in his music part-time. Don't worry, I will be careful with the kids. You trust me right?"
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monstrsball · 2 years ago
in honor of iwa day, i have written up all of my headcanons for his lesbian moms that i came up with months ago. it's what he would want. <3
okay, to make it easier for me and you, i went ahead and gave them names! sachiko & mayumi. now, let's get into it.
they were friends for a long time before they got together, they didn't get together until after iwa was born. i'm thinking he was around three or four when they officially started dating? (i suppose i'll take this moment to say sachiko is technically his biological mom but the distinction doesn't matter to any of them, iwa honestly gets pretty annoyed when people ask) young enough that he has always known both of them as his moms!! [his father isn't in the picture]
sachiko works in an office & mayumi is a doctor.
personality-wise, i think iwa and mayumi are more alike. she can be fairly blunt at times and has her own stubborn streak. she's the one who introduced him to godzilla too! however, iwa did get his sense of humor from sachiko! he's also like... the spitting image of her. same eyes, same smile, etc.
he loves both of his moms but because of their similarities, he probably butted heads with mayumi more when he was a teenager. nothing too bad though, they just got into silly arguments sometimes lol.
they're a fairly outdoorsy family! they go camping at least once (if not multiple times) every summer and they tend to do a lot of stuff! fishing, swimming, hiking, bug catching, etc. oikawa would go with them from time to time when they were kids.
sachiko and mayumi both play softball! they just play for a neighborhood association now but they were on a team together in high school. and mayumi played in college! she probably could have gone pro if she wanted to but she thought making a career out of it would kill her interest in the sport so she didn't.
they know a bit about other sports too! they had siblings and friends who played other ones but, funnily enough, volleyball was the one sport they didn't know a whole lot about. so they were thrown for a loop when that was the one iwaizumi got really into.
they learned quickly though! i'm picturing like. eight year olds iwa and oikawa sitting down and teaching iwa's moms all about volleyball. :')
sachiko is really into furniture restoration/refinishing! she's taught iwa a lot about it and he helps her with her projects from time to time. her projects are just for the family but she does daydream a lot about opening up her own little shop dedicated to it.
mayumi has a garden! i think she mainly grows fruits and veggies but she started a section for flowers too after sachiko mentioned wishing they had flowers. they end up with excess a lot so they're always giving fruits and veggies away to family and friends. the aoba johsai volleyball club always gets free fresh produce, living the dream.
in high school, iwa spends every sunday in-season helping her with the garden! only exceptions being when he's sick or has to be away for volleyball/school. he has plenty of time to hang out with his friends the rest of week so he likes devoting some time to hanging out with his mom. sometimes though his friends will come over and help too (it's sort of a rule if they want to hang out with iwa on a sunday, lol, bc he will rarely budge on it).
but honestly? his friends coming around probably has more to do with them also wanting to spend his time with his mom, lol. i think iwa's moms are really popular with his friends! they all think they're both really cool.
a majority of the seijoh four hangouts happen at wa's house, probably most of the seijoh hangouts in general tbh.
partially because iwa is an only child so his house is less rowdy but also because everyone just feels really comfortable there and his moms are more welcoming to a horde of teenagers than the other parents lol. (as long as they are told ahead of time)
they're pretty fond of iwa's friends! they think they're all pretty good kids and sachiko likes to send iwa to school with a treat for them on their birthdays. at first, it's just for oikawa, matsukawa, and hanamaki but by his third year it's expanded to include the whole team.
which sort of happened because his second year, iwaizumi offhandedly mentioned that it was yahaba's birthday too and she got really upset that he didn't tell her matsukawa shared a birthday with one of the first years on the team because she would have sent something for him too! (and she had only met yahaba like... twice at this point) she did send him with something a few days later. so his third year, she asked for an updated birthday list.
so, basically, the opinion held by all of iwa's friends is that iwa's moms are cool (but not in a trying too hard/acting too much like their friends way!!).
literally the only thing stopping matsukawa and hanamaki from making milf jokes is their utmost respect and admiration for them (and lesbians).
on that note, hanamaki and matsukawa both keep in touch with them after they graduate! and they hang out with them a lot even when iwa isn't there (especially when iwa is in california, they miss their son!!). their bonus moms tbh.
i think everyone on the team keeps in touch actually but matsukawa and hanamaki are the only ones who visit with them regularly.
they will send iwa messages informing him that they are stealing his mothers and iwa leaves them on read.
oikawa calls them "Mayumi-chan" and "Sachiko-chan" because he is incapable of referring to those older than him the way he probably should. iwa hates it but his moms don't mind it at all. in fact, i think sachiko is flattered by it.
his moms love oikawa, always have!! oikawa likes to tattle on iwa when iwa's being 'mean' because they always tell iwa to be nicer to him lmao. (they're aware iwa isn't really being mean, they just like teasing him)
for the longest time, oikawa's parents thought they were just really close friends and this was something iwa never really corrected because he was like.... a child. i'm picturing like oikawa's mom talking to him (age 10) and she says something like "oh, it's really nice of your mom's friend to help you guys :)" and he's like "??? uh, yeah."
she is mortified that she said that to him when she learns that they're actually a couple.
i made a post abt this but i'm just gonna put it here too. when they were kids, after oikawa met iwa's moms for the first time, he asked him later why he didn't have a dad and iwa said he got eaten by a shark.
this didn't really deter oikawa from asking further questions though because then he just had lots of questions about the shark that ate iwa's dad. and thus began a lifelong friendship.
HAPPY IWA DAY! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! everyone should love iwa's moms. open to asks about them always.
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chronicallyblogged · 2 months ago
Tw racism
I admitted something that I've been very ashamed about for a very long time to my partner. I never spoke about it before even once.
When i was a middleschool kid I was put in the hallway in an unlit unwindowed cove in a desk by myself. Because i had missed school due to mental illness and was expected to teach myself material here while the class watched a movie. I didn't want to be by myself with my delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. Much less in low light which makes them worse. I could hardly see the paper anyways. So I wrote a bomb threat on my desk. I think I just wrote "bomb today". I think i expected for us to go outside for a while like a firedrill. A victimless crime bc no way someone would be blamed bc I wrote it. And if they found out it was me then I would probably be hurt at home but the school would figure psychosis and not make me go out there again.
Anyways I went and told my teacher. She told me not to worry. She knew who exactly who did this. I could just calm down and watch the movie with everyone. I was confused bc no she did not know. Bc I did it. But I didn't want to give up the privilege of being in the class room so I kept quiet. I dont know what I thought would happen to the person but I dont think I thought it more serious than detention.
There's a big gap in memory and then I'm in the nurses office with my mom picking me up. I must've had worse symptoms. They were telling her what I found but don't worry they were dealing with the kid right now. I think they also questioned me about it some but I didn't have much to say. I mean I barely changed my hand writing.
When we left in the parking lot i looked behind me and saw a young black boy be put in the police car. I was confused. He didn't do it. I knew people could be racist to people their age but I dont think I understood adults could be racist to kids. Or that police weren't just terrible in general but uniquely terrible to poc. Or that the only time I would be believed as a severley psychotic person would be to punish a poc. I hesitated to say something. I asked if they think he did it? My mom said yes and not to look at him. The way she spoke made me frightened to speak. I know what she did to me for being sick. I didn't know what she'd do for being sick and in trouble with police. So I said nothing.
But i wish I did. I know there's nothing I can do for it now. But it something that haunts me and it probably should
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enniewritesathing · 7 months ago
All the pre-relationship ship questions!
hi, anon! 👋
you got it. It's a lot to read!
How did they first meet?
The short version is that Brian on the track team as a freshman and he was constantly being picked on by upperclassmen/teammates (he was way better than them so. yknow, take him down a notch.) Without any prompt, John stepped in. At this time though, no one really knew John and it was very easy to make shit up about him.
One day, during a class that they shared, Brian goes to the bathroom. It doesn't return for a while and the teacher asks if someone can go; John does. He finds Brian a mess -- and asks what's wrong. When Brian doesn't tell him, he guesses. He's right. John basically makes the command decision to be like "I'll take care of them."
(Brian just realizes that it's John, the kid who rarely says anything. He just knows he has a gym bag that he keeps in the front of the classroom.)
Brian offers to do any homework that John has, and John declines. He doesn't need to do anything, except join him for lunch. In the meantime, they got to know one another. Turns out they have a lot in common (and John admitting that he's shy but bc the way he looks, people read it as something else. The girls certainly do.)
One lunch, the people who were harassing Brian found him and did what they did -- but see, John's there. And they don't know. :)
Long story short, (lol), Brian got swung on and John blocked/countered the leader with a punch. Everyone who was involved got suspended, even Brian (bc zero tolerance is such bullshit and John voiced it as such.)
Outside of the principal's office he and Brian are sitting outside. They both hear a woman's voice going off. Brian looks over -- this doesn't seem like this is John's first rodeo the way he looks. Brian's shaking like a leaf -- what will his aunt say? What will she do to him? John takes out a piece of paper, writes something down and gives it to him. It's his phone number and address (?). As Brian's about to ask, the door swings open. A tiny woman comes out and says John's full name... and John is immediately on the defense, pleading his case and she's not having it -- wait until his uncle hears about this.
She briefly looks at Brian and he shrinks as well -- but only for a second; she asks if he's okay. His reply is meek. Honestly, he thought he was gonna catch some strays but she was satisfied -- and turned back to John before storming off. He makes the 'text me' gesture before following suit.
Brian waited two days before coming by the house. He's nervous. Door opens, it's tiny woman. John's mom. Brian apologizes for the whole mess that he's caused but she waves him off. John told her the full story; though he was out of pocket about it, he did the right thing, so she really can't fault him for it. Brian's relieved and she asks if he wants something to eat after calling down John.
(later on, Brian figures out that she was politely calling him skinny -- which he very much was.)
John's surprised at seeing Brian and for the first time, sees him smile. It's a nice smile.
What was their first impression of each other?
Brian thought John was ~cool and mysterious~ and fairly intense. Turns out John was generally a shy person.
John thought Brian could use a lot of sandwiches, lol. He thought that he was smart. (He still does.)
Who felt romantic feelings first?
John, actually. He didn't quite know what to do about it so he was pretty clumsy.
Brian really caught feelings at a gross time (long story short, John had a bad stomach virus and was throwing up in the middle of the night; Brian came in and put his hair in a bun and looked after him for the rest of the night. Didn't care that he was probably gonna get sick. He knew he was really in deep for him to do that.)
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
They did not! As it went on, they realized that there was something between them and decided to test it out with a kiss*.
*several practice kisses
**Brian insisted on John needing practice.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
I couldn't find the post that I made thinking on this but it would be very different for the both of them.
I think I said that John would be a full-time Muay Thai boxer if he hadn't met Brian. With that, he wouldn't have much time for relationships, if at all. If he did end up finding someone, it's more of a settling down sort of thing, if that makes sense. I feel that he'd have something missing but not quite sure what that is.
(and this is not taking to account that he's a werewolf... he'd be more harsher on himself about it, imo.)
Brian would've been way different. I still think that he would've gotten away from his aunt eventually, maybe running away, but because of him not having a support system... he'd be in perpetual survival mode. He certainly won't like it, no, but he is built for it. He wouldn't stay in one place too long, or be with anyone that long either. One he senses a shift, Brian will leave. It wouldn't be terribly stable.
What was their "flirting stage" like?
Clumsy. John's an accidental flirt more than anything else (and this is still true), so there was a lot of pseudo false starts. Brian is more of a physical flirt with touches (hand on arm or when John flexing his bicep... it wasn't much back then lol).
How do their friends and family feel about them as a couple?
For John's side -- his family was very supportive! (Family in the beginning being his mom and aunt and uncle at this point. Dad's side of the family didn't know about it until a few years later and they generally disagree. Not like he talks to that side. If his dad were still alive, he'd be a little surprised but supportive anyway.) Noelle was supportive in that she saw how her son lit up around Brian and how so much better he was in general; it was very obvious after a few talks that he clearly loved him and gave him that nudge.
At first, John didn't think his uncle Elijah didn't approve (there was the whole masculinity at play... it wasn't toxic but maybe some lean into it. I guess indirect?) When Eli pulled him aside after Muay Thai practice and asked John what was up with him at the time (sudden intensity, more focused). He asked, "Who is it?" and John was leery but he told him anyway. Eli nods and tells him that it's fine, to his surprise.
(I think I'll do a one shot of this at some point.)
Everyone else was more or less "god, finally."
For Brian... well, his family didn't even know as he's disowned, and his aunt that he stayed with didn't know until John and Noelle got him to bring him back to their place for good. Connie was disgusted and was about to drop a slur but Noelle punched her square in the nose. Years later, when Connie was at the hospital Brian worked at -- and he realized that even she was terminal from cancer, she was still keen on tearing him down. She admitted that she wished she had her knife on her when she accidentally punched John in the side. (She actually swung on Noelle and John grabbed at the last second; she ended up punching him instead.)
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snowball-doie · 3 months ago
hiii!! can we (literally me) get a background on ahri, jooha, and reyna? i always see you answering asks abt talking abt it but i never really read them because i get so confused 😭 i wanna read them tho bc you’re an amazing writer!!
hi! no worries, lovely, i think we're overdue for another rundown to catch up new followers <3
polycule: johnny and ahri started dating first, for a little bit too, before johnny offered the idea of a threesome with yuta. after the threesome, they got together. doyoung was next to join, then taeyong shortly after. haechan wanted in for the fun. jaehyun and jungwoo were easily easily convinced by the others. mark took his time to get into it, and honestly the boys were surprised that he was willing to try it at all.
ahri: she's honestly just a big sweetheart who likes to get dirty in the sheets lmaoooo. she had a normal, boring office job before moving into the big house with the boys, and she fought to keep it for a bit tbh, but eventually she was more happy staying at home doing fuck all than going to work- and the boys can afford to take care of her, so how could she pass up on that? she's a big cuddle bug, so she doesn't have her own room in the house, she just bounces between beds (but most of her belongings are in johnny's room). she and johnny got married for legal reasons. she's reyna and jooha's mom, and a VERY good one at that, because she's very hands-on and attentive, and her kids love her more than life itself.
reyna: she's the oldest kid, and her biological dad is mark (but none of the parents or kids know that, because the parents all agreed to just be fair and not know who her dad is). when she was a newborn, she got really sick one night and they had to rush her to the hospital where she spent a few days in the NICU. growing up, she's really close with yuta because he teaches her japanese, takes her on trips to japan, etc. jaehyun takes her to the office all the time, and that's where she learns everything about being an idol. her love for performing comes from her dads, and taeyong is her biggest supporter, teaching her how to dance and sing, and she becomes the leader of her idol group later on because of taeyong. she auditions at a few companies before becoming a trainee at sm; she debuts in a co-ed group where she ends up dating one of her group members.
jooha: he's the youngest kid. his dad is jaehyun-- he only finds that out after he goes to college, but all of the parents knew that since day one because jaehyun really wanted a kid when he decided to enlist early and ahri was pissed at him. he's a HUGE nerd. he loves all things plants and animals and all that, and his dads are big supporters of his hyperfixations-- jooha and taeyong raise fish together; mark, jungwoo, doyoung, and haechan take him to places like the library, book stores, aquariums, etc. etc. jooha gets bullied a lot throughout school because he's different, and while he doesn't really give two shits, his parents are ready to start world war three for him-- and so is reyna lowkey. her whole thing is that "she's the only one allowed to bully her little brother". jooha spends summers in america/canada with johnny/mark's parents so that he can get better at english because it's harder for him to learn languages than it is for reyna. he eventually gets into an ivy league school in america where he's a stem major.
my followers are REALLY good at remembering more than me, so if they have anything they want to add, then feel free to send an ask for our new followers <3 and for anyone new, if you guys have any more questions, feel free to let me know so i can catch you guys up some more! <3
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gor3-hound · 1 year ago
havent made an ask for like 6 days now, was hella confused when i saw the new stuff under the tag LMFAO nyx u might have 2 🍼anons now… also may i present this idea…. husband!leon w wife!reader, but reader had a husband before leon! her old hubby was the love of her life; her 1st friend, 1st kiss, 1st date. they had a son, but her hubby passed away after getting super sick.. reader’s parents r fuckin assholes so they pushed her to remarry, lest their grandkid grow up fatherless. they didn’t approve of her old husband, so they think it’s a blessing he died so she could try again w a better man! 
so they arranged a marriage for her. bright-eyed, young officer leon kennedy instantly won her parents over w just his smile! & leon treats reader so well; kisses her hand, hugs her so gently, cares 4 her son that isn’t even his by blood. he loves her like no other, his new darling wife<3!! but thing is,, he isn’t reader’s old lover :(.. reader resents leon bc she was forced to marry him; a replacement of her late partner. no matter what leon tries/does, reader’s unresponsive to his affection & always pushes him away. she pulls her son away if leon tries talking to him. her son’s the only thing left of her old lover, god forbid he grows up to be like leon.
& leon’s just tryna love her, trying his best to be a good husband, baby doesn’t understand y she’s so cold..(◞‸◟) resorts to drinking to forget abt it. when he becomes an agent, he’s fed up w the bullshit missions & coming back home 2 a heartless woman (she didn’t even care abt what he experienced when the event in Raccoon City happened!)he’s so tired of trying to get reader to come around, it’s been years & nothing!!. the kid doesn’t talk to him anymore either bc his bitch of a mommy told him not to. he gets so fed up, that one day, he just snaps & bends reader over, decides to fuck his frustration into her. he’s drunk, she’s crying, but this is the most contact leon’s ever felt in a loooong time. doesn’t regret a thing when he’s sober. she doesn’t deserve an apology, & he’s already so far gone!. plus, she owes him after taking everything away from him.<3 
but um... god the way you always cook has me reeling ughhhh omfg like. it becomes a regular thing for leon to do it at this point, breaks reader down enough to where she doesn't even flinch away from him anymore. she doesn't love him, she hates him even more now... but like, she's numb enough not to care...
SO !! leon can finally pretend he's in a happy relationship even if you ignore him... now he can cuddle you, touch you and fuck you without a complaint :3
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mattsdae · 2 years ago
You seem to be interested in South Park Studios pranks, so:
They like to have fun with their money too. In the office, Parker will give someone $5,000 to eat pickled pork lips bought on the Internet or put them in a cash-grab machine for thirty-one minutes or make them eat six McDonald’s McRib sandwiches and four Starbucks lattes in one sitting (the kid puked up some of it, and he made him drink the puke). One year, he refereed a two-month-long weight-losing competition in the office. The pool was $3,700. The winner lost forty-eight pounds in nine weeks. “Right before we gave him the money, I was like, ‘Wait, let’s get a box,'” says Parker excitedly. “I told him he won and he could have the money or the box. He took the box, which actually had $8,000 in it. It was seriously one of the most exciting moments ever.” He shakes his head. “He took the fucking box.”
“I’m the go-to fart-on girl,” says Jennifer Howell, a friend who works for their production company, Important Films. “Matt and Trey like to pin me down and fart on me, or fart on my food when I walk out of the room. One time, flying first-class to Toronto, Trey stood up on his seat and farted in my face. At the airport gate, they like to play ‘angry boyfriend,’ screaming at me and pretending to hit me in the face.” She laughs, perhaps a better sport than she should be. “There’s nothing I can say to embarrass them in return, other than say they have small penises or my friends say they were really shitty in bed. Plus, they’ve warned me that any revenge I exact will come back a hundredfold.”
“I’ve been witness to many gross things Matt and Trey have done to other people with their private areas, front and back,” says Goodman later. “A while ago in Cabo San Lucas, one of the guys passed out in our hotel room and Matt stuck his full penis and balls on his face while I took pictures.” Parker is by all accounts the worse offender. “A few years ago, Trey had a habit of sneaking up on a bunch of us while we were sitting around watching football,” says Goodman. “He’d stand behind us, quietly turn around, pull his pants down, spread his legs apart and go, ‘Hey, guys.’ “
They also like to mess with the show's post production department, like one time they put penetration shots of gay porn in between takes just so the guys had to watch it while taking it out
Matt also chased their animation director Eric Stough threatening to kill him after the guy farted on his lunch and made Eric lock himself in his car in fear, and then Matt and Trey pissed all over his car
honestly, i’m gonna act like i never read any of this bc i can’t wrap my head around how much i hate them as people, even if i find them attractive. they are genuinely insufferable people and i am well aware of that, i just choose not to think about it.
(i got the source https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/south-park-still-sick-still-wrong-231538/ )
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shion-yu · 1 year ago
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Gave myself almost-pneumonia and my couch looks like a damn stock photo.
Since the whole time I’ve been like, “Am I living one of my shitty fanfictions? Coz this sucks.” Let me tell y’all a story.
Cold weather sucks as a severe asthmatic. I moved to the South so I didn’t have to deal with the frigid winters of upstate NY. I’m basically on and off sick until Spring comes (and then there’s allergy season but I digress). I think it’s helped some, but my lungs are just fucked up ok?
Anyways I went to a concert last Saturday and it was freezing. Then I went to the zoo on Sunday with a friend and it was also cold and swarming with kids who don’t know how to cover their mouths when they cough. It was a great weekend but by Tuesday I was sick - great. I had some warning bc my friend I went to the zoo with said they got sick yesterday. But it just seemed like a minor cold and I’ve been through this a million times, I truly did not think it was gonna get too much worse. My asthma was mostly under control and I rested a lot all week.
Thursday I’m more tired, but I start nebulizer treatments and even skip ice skating class and reschedule it for Saturday bc hey, I’m responsible. But Friday I start to feel worse. Like to the point where everybody at work is like wtf go home and one of them told me she’s gonna get me holy water. But it’s okay, it’s still been SO much worse and I’m really fine.
Saturday morning I wake up and I feel like I’m cured. So I go to ice skating class. And maybe I take a little walk in the rain. Bad fuckin idea. By the end of the day I’m having full blown asthma attacks one after the other and sweating like crazy. My abdomen is aching from coughing so much that it hurts to sit up. But I really don’t want to go to the ER. Not again. So I message my pulmonologist and hope I can just say never mind I’m good now by the time he answers on Monday.
That brings us to today, Sunday. I woke up at 6am after only 4 hours of sleep because I can’t stop choking. I’m sneezing and coughing up fluorescent green stuff, my throat tastes like blood and I have a fever. I really, really didn’t want to go to the doctor but it’s time. I drag my sorry ass to urgent care where the entire hour I sit in waiting, everybody who walks by gives me a ‘goddamn’ look because I’m coughing loud enough to alert the entire damn office. I’m so embarrassed bc what if they think I’m being dramatic and wasting time - again? I awkwardly explain my situation and the doctor sends me for CXR. When it comes back he says “Well, you don’t have pneumonia yet but see alllll this stuff here? That’s inflammation. I’m gonna prescribe antibiotics and (way heavier) steroids and you might have bronchitis already but your asthma is so bad that it’s indistinguishable by now. Also with your lungs you probably won’t be able to tell you have pneumonia until it’s pretty bad.”
So anyways, that’s my week. At least I got a lot of writing done for Whumptober - didn’t have to dig very deep to find enough misery to go around to all my fav OCs lol.
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necro-hamster · 1 year ago
top ten funniest liam facts 3 2 1 GO
1) his apartment is a fucking disaster and definitely has a box of porn bds hidden somewhere. wires everywhere. hacked vending machine. complete fire hazard. damn bitch you live like this?
2) he used to get babysat by local animal groups when he was really young. they were like his go to people when he was a teenager and needed life advice. they mostly just taught him how to hit things really really really hard
3) he has optics w a yellow iris and white pupil and everyone thinks he got them custom made bc they're not a style usually sold. but he actually just stole them on a job lol. he hates how they look #fail
4) idk if furries r a thing in cyberpunk world but if they are then he's definitely a closet furry. if he had a fursuit he'd be like 20% more mentally stable
5) he gets into screaming matches w johnny. like out loud not in his head. his neighbors r so sick of him. but it's really par for the course living in a megabuilding
6) his mom thinks he has like an office job and that's where he's getting money to send to her LMAOOOOO she doesn't know her kid is a fucking street merc chat 😂😂😂
7) when he was like 19 he got into an accident where he was on his bike and a car fully ran him over. he was clinically dead for like 30 seconds. would've definitely died if the person who hit him wasn't decent enough to stop and try to help and also didn't have enough money to pay for medical bills. probably the luckiest thing that's ever happened to him. he still rides without a helmet
8) he romances kerry but they're both fucking disasters and neither of them are cleaning the fucking house. damn bitch you still live like this????
9) related. when kerry started bending over on that damn boat liam almost had a heart attack cuz he's autistic and awful at picking up on flirting. he wasn't upset but he was surprised. at first he even like asked just to make sure. like um are you aware your hole is out kerry was that on purpose or..
10) he has a stutter and it does not go away when johnny is steering. it pisses johnny off so so so bad because he's never had to deal with a speech issue before. he had the audacity to whine about it after going on his little joyride. typical johnny L. the stutter does eventually go away for liam all around as more of his brain is rewritten and even tho he's in a ton of pain he thinks it's really funny. johnny not so much (on account of liam actively dying)
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trickstarbrave · 7 months ago
I feel like other adopted kids and foster kids constantly long for their bio families whenever I see them talking abt their struggles online. And I guess maybe it’s bc I wasn’t directly adopted but became a ward of the state but was basically always raised by my grandparents (who I am not biologically related to, my mom is adopted)
Past a certain age I never really missed my dad. I am completely over it. I used to get sad but I think I mostly wanted a father to feel normal and have all those “father daughter bonding moments” described by other ppl. I have my grandpa who I often call dad bc he’s the only father figure I’ve had, and I think that’s more than enough. I guess I also missed my dad himself but I’ve forgotten most of the memories ZTFXVXGJBJB
My mom talking abt getting in touch w her bio parents and I do not know how to tell her I don’t rly WANT to meet them bc they’re strangers. I have never at once felt like my grandparents weren’t my real family. My uncle is like my older brother, and tbh my grandparents have been more my parents than my mom ever rly was (not entirely her fault she is deeply mentally unwell and had substance abuse problems, but fails to recognize that was why she lost custody of me and was never really a full parental figure). My mom has even said I’m “the kid they actually wanted to adopt” instead of her and yeah that was. Weird to hear. But I guess that cements we simultaneously have a sibling body and mother and child bond with the sibling one being being strong since she views me as the spoiled youngest sibling. I don’t think I’m necessarily spoiled for that reason I think it was more so bc my mom had serious psychological issues that were effecting me and I nearly died multiple times as a baby and continued to be sick the rest of my life. Then again my mom was also disabled as a baby. I don’t know if I can trust her judgement that she was not spoiled considering her parents have bailed her out hundreds of times and made excuses for her to my uncle and I. So
Anyways that was a tangent this family is my real family. I don’t wanna blend with my dad’s and not just bc his mom is crazy and I don’t wanna meet my mom’s bio family but I guess I will if she really wants me to. Doesn’t mean I need to have a relationship w them. But I don’t really have any desire to. Maybe that’s also the autism or mental illness for me idk
I’m really afraid to like, say it around other ppl who grew up not w their bio family bc idk I’m afraid I’ll get accused as ungrateful or trying to trample on their feelings. Or that I am actually a freak and no one else feels like how I do bc my situation is so weird and convoluted or that I don’t “count” and “wouldn’t get it” bc my bio mom WAS still technically around
On a side note oh my GOD I just realized in grade school when they asked me to meet a woman in the office and she asked me a bunch of questions abt my problems at home that was a social worker. I was being interviewed by a social worker. I think I was actually being interviewed bc I missed a lot of school, came to school w random bruises and scrapes, was underweight, and didn’t react much when getting hurt. None of those were from abuse or neglect tho I was just chronically ill so I missed school and had trouble putting on weight, have a weirdly high pain tolerance, and had poor spacial awareness so I often bumped into things or fell down (I think i still do actually). I literally had no clue until now when I remembered that while writing this post VHCGUVFCHVVHVHBJ HELP
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