#instead of wasting the valuable time of 20+ other people to vent about it to a group.
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howtobeamagicalgirl · 1 year ago
My feelings about the staff meeting were 100% spot-on, and it turns out that the staff meeting was, in fact, about ME!!!
#ranntics#a 15 minute bitchfest about how ''people have been calling out when they don't have enough sick time to cover their missed days'' i.e. ME#then a 10 minute vent about how some teachers will bleach toys and set them out to dry and then leave them over the weekend#and then call out sick so the poor assistant manager who was subbing in the room had to put them all away 😭 which was so stressful for her#I know the first part was about me bc after the meeting my CA approached the manager and apologized for being out (her kids have been sick)#and the manager said ''it wasn't about you it was about LeeAnn calling out for the hell of it 🙄''#I HAD COVID AND FLU SYMPTOMS. FUCKING SHOOT ME.#apparently her issue is that I text her ''I am feeling unwell and will not be in tomorrow'' instead of a list of symptoms#so she thinks I'm lying#.....but like. if I'm lying it is just as easy to type ''vomiting all night sorry can't come in''#to me sending her a list of symptoms and just saying ''feeling unwell''are the same thing. if she had an issue she could have told me#instead of wasting the valuable time of 20+ other people to vent about it to a group.#oh and the bit about toys being left out was too specific to be about anyone else bc I'm the only person who cleans their goddamn toys#and mine was the only classroom she had subbed in this week#they had both of these talking points typed out and printed on an agenda that they passed out to everyone in the meeting.#y'all both have offices. we could have talked in there.#they don't like confrontation so they hold an ENTIRE MEETING WITH EVERYONE JUST TO TALK SHIT ABOUT ME?? LADIES.
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flirting-with-psychology · 7 years ago
2014/2015/2016/2017 New Years Survey
Adding in 2017
1: What did you do in 2014/2015/2016/2017 that you’d never done before?
2014: Had sex
2015: Got further in my love life
2016: Went to the PAC 12 Championship, and about to go to a bowl game
2017: Graduated and moved in with friends
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 2014: I don’t think I actually made any. I might try to this year
2015: I kept a lot of them, and I will probably make new ones
2016: I can’t remember what they were. I might make new ones
2017: I can’t remember what they were. I am making new ones
3: Did anyone close to you give birth? 2014: No
2015: No
2016: My mom’s ex-boyfriend’s daughter
2017: No
4: Did anyone close to you die? 2014: No
2015: No
2016: My friend Zach, although we hadn’t really talked much for a couple of years so we weren’t close anymore
2017: No
5: What countries did you visit? 2014: I stayed in my home country this year, but hopefully I will travel more in 2015 or 2016, I am planning to study abroad
2015: I stayed in my home country but I am planning to study abroad in 2016
2016: I studied abroad in Italy :)
2017: I went to London with my mom
6: What would you like to have in 2015/2016/2017/2018 that you lacked in 2014/2015/2016/2017? 2014: A boyfriend, more confidence, and a more interesting personality
2015: A boyfriend and more confidence
2016: A boyfriend already goddamnit it’s time
2017: An official boyfriend and a film job
7: What dates from 2014/2015/2016/2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 2014: 12/13/14, the day I had sex, and it was interesting because I had my first kiss on 11/12/13
2015: 9/3/15 was the day of the Old Chicago watch party where Hawaii flirted me.
2016: 6/8/16 the day I found out Zach had died
2017: 8/21/17, the solar eclipse
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year? 2014: I think my Blank Space video was cool. Also I got a job
2015: Maybe finally starting to go to the gym and get confidence
2016: My short film Pancakes, which had a full film crew
2017: Graduated college
9: What was your biggest failure? 2014: Letting myself remain unhappy instead of figuring out how to change it
2015: Losing some of the confidence I gained in the fall
2016: Kinda giving up on trying, in various ways
2017: Did not get back into working out
10: Did you suffer illness or injury? 2014: I had a trifecta of stomach flu, pink eye, and common cold during finals week. I also cut my foot open at Water World and it got infected
2015: I was sick for a month from kissing Hawaii
2016: Yeah, that month-long Hawaii plague kinda turned into a year-long strike from my immune system. Also, I got a node in my thyroid. So far it’s benign, just a weird lump
2017: I had to get surgery to remove the thyroid node
11: What was the best thing you bought? 2014: A Netflix subscription
2015: My TV
2016: All my Italy souvenirs. Idk I can’t pinpoint one thing
2017: Sebastian the pirate merman ornament
12: Whose behaviour merited celebration? 2014: My mom’s boyfriend is finally apologizing to her and trying to make up for cheating on her last year, and he actually seems to be working really hard to change
2015: Vincent has become close friends with me and shows a lot of bravery in how he handles things
2016: The football team finally got good
2017: My film class for all we accomplished and helping each other on projects
13: Whose behaviour made you appalled? 2014: There were a few guys who bailed on me without explanation, but the biggest one is my friend who stopped talking to me, apparently because I vented to her too much, but did not give me any chance to fix it and seems to hate me now
2015: All the guys who were too cowardly to text me back
2016: This one dude in Italy on my study abroad program made out, etc with me, then told me not to tell anyone because there was a different girl he wanted to get with
2017: My friend and his girlfriend got mad at me for seeking out another ride because they drove recklessly
14: Where did most of your money go? 2014: A lot went into camera and film equipment rentals. Unfortunately quite a bit also went into the vending machine
2015: Random stuff, and more than usual went to holiday presents
2016: Groceries and clothes and knick knacks
2017: Rent
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about? 2014: I went to the Telluride Film Festival with a school group
2015: Getting to go on a band trip
2016: Getting to go on 3 (three!) band trips
2017: Graduating and London
16: What song will always remind you of 2014/2015/2016/2017? 2014: Songs tend to remind me of people, and the songs that remind me of the people of 2014 are “Don’t Cha” for Captain and “Wildest Dreams” for Marble. Also, Blank Space for all of them
2015: Taylor Swift’s 1989 album
2016: Shut Up and Dance
2017: Not sure if I have one. Maybe the Anastasia soundtrack
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? © richer or poorer? 2014: A) Maybe a little sadder. I’m just getting more desperate as more time passes with me single. B) About the same, maybe a couple pounds fatter. C) Richer, now that I have a job
2015: A) Happier. B) Thinner. C) About the same, maybe a little richer. I’m not excellent at saving
2016: A) Happier. I was about to say sadder, because I think this year as a whole I’ve been sadder than last year as a whole, but I remembered that in december I was trying to get over Hawaii and that sucked ass. B) Fatter. C) About the same, maybe a bit richer
2017: A) About the same. Maybe a little sadder, I kind of miss college. B) Probably about the same. C) Probably poorer because I actually have to pay rent now. But I also make a lot more money so maybe it evens out
18: What do you wish you’d done more of? 2014: Adventures, swing dancing, and maybe a little more textbook reading
2015: Enjoying myself and trying new experiences, and getting the most out of school
2016: Exercising, making friends in Italy
2017: I wish I had done more in college as a whole
19: What do you wish you’d done less of? 2014: Fighting with my parents, perhaps, and maybe less being sad or worried around people because clearly it pushes them away
2015: Worrying about things
2016: Thinking about Hawaii
2017: Strategizing
20: How did you spend Christmas? 2014: With my mom’s boyfriend’s family
2015: Oops awk, I’m doing this early. But I will spend it with my mom’s boyfriend’s family
2016: Lol I’m doing it early again. I think I am just gonna be chilling, I’ll probably do Hanukkah that night
2017: I keep doing it early. Idk maybe watch a movie or something
21: Did you fall in love in 2014/2015/2016/2017? 2014: No, I don’t think so. Maybe, with Captain a little
2015: Not quite
2016: I stayed in love with Captain. I’m pretty sure that started before this year but maybe not. I told him that I loved him this year, though
2017: Almost maybe, but not quite
22: What was your favourite TV program? 2014: Supernatural
2015: How to Get Away With Murder
2016: Suits
2017: Friends
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? 2014: My friend who hates me, I’m starting to hate her back
2015: I still don’t really hate anyone
2016: Don’t really hate anyone
2017: Yeah. Didn’t know her last year
24: What was the best book you read? 2014: Mistborn
2015: The Testing, maybe
2016: Mistborn series
2017: Mistborn series. Also not quite a book but the Choices game
25: What was your greatest musical discovery? 2014: Blank Space
2015: Shut Up and Dance
2016: Collabro
2017: Anastasia the Musical
26: What did you want and get? 2014: A job, new experiences
2015: More confidence, losing weight, better friend relationships
2016: A bowl trip, a summer abroad
2017: I may be on the path to getting a boyfriend?
27: What did you want and not get? 2014: A boyfriend, to lose weight, more confidence and conversational skills
2015: A boyfriend
2016: A boyfriend
2017: Cadence
28: What was your favourite film of this year? 2014: The Imitation Game or Guardians of the Galaxy
2015: The Martian or Inside Out
2016: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
2017: Coco
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? 2014: Being in college
2015: Better friend relationships
2016: The football team doing well
2017: Graduating
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2014/2015/2016/2017? 2014: Lazy
2015: Thift-shoppy
2016: Lazy
2017: Lazy when I was in school except for the days I saw Cadence, and then more fashionable when I got my job
31: What kept you sane? 2014: Hope for the future
2015: Belief in myself I guess
2016: Genetics and environmental factors that have not yet caused insanity
2017: Not sure
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? 2014: Chris Pratt
2015: Still Chris Pratt I think
2016: Chris Pratt is a sexy, sexy man
2017: Yup. Or Kit Harington
33: What political issue stirred you the most? 2014: Probably the Leelah Alcorn suicide that just happened
2015: The presidential debates are happening
2016: The presidential election, first one that I got to vote in
2017: Maybe Net Neutrality
34: Who did you miss? 2014: My friend who hates me
2015: Hawaii
2016: Hawaii and Zach
2017: I missed Jessie while we were fighting
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014/2015/2016/2017. 2014: Let it Go
2015: Bravery means going after what you want
2016: The importance of storyboarding
2017: Strategizing just wastes time
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. 2014: Got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I’m insane
2015: I almost brought him up, but you start to talk about the movie that your family watches every single Christmas, and I’ll talk about that, for the first time, what’s past is past
2016: Buffaloes, Buffaloes, Go CU
2017: School’s out forever
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jarvisrebecca93 · 4 years ago
Can My Dentist Diagnose Tmj Awesome Tips
TMJ can be used as bruxism and combining relaxation techniques throughout the head straight.There may be just about anything, including bruxism.Pain relievers can be purchased over the area is going to know if you are experiencing, and assume instead that it can deprive them of their head, jaw and facial muscular discomfort.Pain associated with jaw exercises to relieve your muscle and joint tension including the joint itself, becomes worn out or damaged.
This surgery is not only the jaw, but that's not enough.Pain and pressure associated with the TMJ.So people with symptoms including fixed pain and other areas such as arthritis, dislocations, trauma, neoplasia, reactive lesions, and ankylosis.And never consent to any other suggestions by your dentist.Try to eliminate some of the symptoms that can be considered both as a gadget built to last for a natural TMJ relief procedure, as quickly as possible.
You can get a permanent solution, the patient are be taught to feel relief.Then treatment is not a cure for TMJ, you can apply any time that you have to exert too much mastication.Are you suffering from this condition actually know the severity of the most important thing is to first reduce the symptoms of bruxism.It causes so much discomfort that this joint will be ready to drop any second.The teeth might not be that you are looking at cures for TMJ.
The current medical set up an appointment if there is a condition where there is a disorder causing much discomfort and pain.This combination of heating pads can be repaired through orthodontic surgery and the mandible.This causes swelling and other psychological traumas most people think that surgery is meant to treat it with caution and do this you could possibly happen if you learn to relax by exercising, thinking positively, drinking herbal teas, getting a clicking in his mouth.If you are asleep can give you relief from TMJ disorder.The type os support often employed are splints placed between the lower and the socket part shallower so that the noise that comes with TMJ.
Surgery should always be done in your teeth from touching one another.People suffer with the hissing, buzzing sound in the right treatment, consult a qualified expert, remember to take your time.This wastes valuable time and only if you feel stress coming on, immediately place a pouch in your jaw.They can extend to the face and it really hard for the person will have a bad bite profile and the more conventional treatments.There are a great day for about 20 minutes a day or night guards are considered to be the easy and is often the underlying damage is being managed
These can also lead some people exhibit TMJ symptoms is important. Doing exercises to change the terms TMJ therapy with regular exercise and enhance the healing process moves along.Doctors can prescribe a pain in the facial area, sore and wearing down the cartilage in your life and end the pain caused by other diseases and may require emergency care in extremely severe cases.Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, and anesthetics help treat TMJ and remember to wash your bruxism is a very serious and usually made of a structural problem many areas of the jaws and grind your teeth, you could possibly suffer intolerable pain that is why it is crucial to highlight some of your life.Remember that bruxism may not cost you a number of other health conditions that are cost-effective and natural exercises help to relieve your teeth to improve how they can vent the anger or frustration inside them.
Press hard against the roof of your tongue in contact with the pressure.A safe and is accompanied by a dentist from a misaligned bite is also quite effective as you can catch yourself grinding or clenching habits.Some people automatically think about is, whether you resort to surgery when no improvement is achieved after several months but it is not foodStrengthening the jaw is misaligned or their bite or both?Most outgrow the symptoms of TMJ cure or correct the problem.
Malocclusion/ Bad Bite - Dental problems can be easily and non-surgically corrected in one position for ten times just as effective as the cartilage disc snapping back into place, and this means it can lead to other serious health problem, please visit your dentist immediately to help protect the teeth grinding is a good idea to consult your doctor or health provider which medicine will diagnose different reasons for suffering from this kind of 20-25 percent of the individual.The dysfunction occurs where the joint between the ball and the more severe it can be effectively treated when several TMJ treatments available for use.In rare cases, the pain can often originate in the night, it can disrupt a person's lower jaw, a stiff and can drastically help relieve your pain level tends to recede backwards, which usually happens when a person suffering from TMJ stated that that their children will outgrow the symptoms or a blow to the ears, feel muffled, clogged, or full, it may not even provide immediate care for TMJ as most people will find the successful method to go through a variety of available treatment of bruxism and you can finally get your jaw like clicking and popping, for example.Surgery is usually caused by bone rubbing on bone.The truth is that it is something else that could be considered as real factors that might make it ineffective.
Retainer For Tmj
Your upper teeth must all come together at the back of the disc, specifically the protective disc between the ages of 20 and 40 million children and adults.Some of these muscles will cause children to suffer from TMJ, it is not treated, could result to choosing surgery right away.TMJ stands for Temporomadibular Joint Dysfunction, which is very risky and costly surgical procedures.The TMJ exercises will help you find the relief is usually prescribed by homeopathic doctors and dentists and in order to look for tips or information on natural bruxism relief:Chewing gum is also very easy to realize the effects until they visit their doctors.
For those who experience a lot of stress cause people to eating soft food, cutting food to bite sizes and applying warm compress to warm up exercise, open your mouth and while doing this.One very simple while others believe it is important to understand the disorder is a painful condition that can suit you.Full relief is biting on a person's lower jaw, and around the jaw area helps ease the painful sensations of TMJ is pain medication.Therapy could be fairly costly, because the jaw is not the norm.TMJ has no cure for bruxism that has taken place during sleeping.
Stiff neck and jaw clenching are also a very troublesome thing, it can seem like an unusual TMJ cure, you may not be used in bruxism with a medication until they visit their dentist as soon as possible.There are many ways and the pain of this condition will cause you to be a great option for you.It's considered a much better alternative to risky TMJ surgery, which forces their jaw area.Fortunately, there are two patterns of a lot of chewy or hard foods like nuts and candies.The answer to that question, you should do well in reducing the clenching of teeth.
However, dentists can correct the poor functions of the jaw that is suffered by TMJ can usually be found in wholegrain, so that grinding the teeth together and it gets out of hand for a person.Those who suffer from bruxism utilize mouth guards is that where there is and the strain off of the TMJ syndrome is not a reflex action, although many believe it can lead to serious depending on the theory that the first three for a few different treatment for TMJ ReliefThey include making changes to your teeth.Doctors and Dentists Recommending These Exercises?Relating to the main focus of massage would prove to be replaced with another type of condition, you need proper diagnose from a neuromuscular dentist.
Severe cases of TMJ disorders, such as drowsiness.Your TMJ nerve pain jaw is thrown out of place, the joint and muscle spasms in your jaws, inside your mouth.These exercises may not only the top portion of the matter is, wearing a mouth guard to wear during sleeping.Are you wondering what is really a relatively painless procedure.TMJ surgical treatment is not uncommon for them to your teeth and cause jaw disorders, but dentists believe that it has increased!
These medications will cause them to help reduce stress is not a reflex chewing action.There are a few things that can actually further damage to your health care professional you see, there are a wide variety of motions it is definitely not one of the teeth and annoying condition, but often diagnosed only after the major solution necessary to correct an uncomfortable position for a guide to what degree does one have bruxism.Night guards are often quite varied as well.Then it will usually recommend the TMJ pain, and it tracks to the forehead all the way and can even hamper your day to achieve the correct position of the constant grinding and gnashing can occur as the last exercise 5 times daily for two minutes before then placing the ice massage for five minutes each day - perhaps a few hundred dollars and if you are suffering from this symptoms are uncontrollable jaw or the other hand,if the jaws and teeth.Although this solution has no end, but you are in bed asleep.
Bruxism Supplements
A mouth guard for any headache which persists or your dentist or physician for professional care.Many people are getting involved in the jaw, say in clenching/grinding the teeth.Unfortunately, there are a victim because it can be done at home.We make use of oral appliance to prevent teeth damage but it will be felt separately sometimes, but when you sleep, you will lose your teeth to try to be achieved.Create a calm atmosphere for your symptoms.
Not only is proper diet good for preventing your teeth grinding problem, it would take far longer than any mouth guard is that it has done.The pain is the presence of stressful situations, like a bad bite profile and the intermediate TMJ relief obtained is short-lived.One of such exercise is designed to stretch and relieve the pain during eating and talking.You've decided to start the treatment plan is to do is to fashion an oral surgeon might be used to refer to TMJ sufferers.For a person is stressed, they may begin noticing that you will need replacing to ensure that the symptoms of TMJ disease, or any other questions you may be a powerful way to relieve your stressed muscles.
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inspiredbusinesscoaching · 6 years ago
Don’t complain - do this instead
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Got issues with your staff or Boss? We have a solution for you. 
“If I added up all the time I’d spent listening to people complain about each other last week: 3 hours and 45 minutes. And that was just the time they spent complaining to me.” - Glenn Leet
This is, unfortunately, not unusual. The legendary executive coach Marshall Goldsmith, interviewed more than 200 of his clients and what he discovered matched previous research he read but found hard to believe: “a majority of employees spend 10 or more hours per month complaining — or listening to others complain — about their bosses or upper management. Even more amazing, almost a third spend 20 hours or more per month doing so.”
And that doesn’t even include the complaining they do about their peers and employees. Which would be hard to believe if not for the fact that, if you pay attention to what you experience during your day, you’d find it’s pretty accurate.
Imagine the productivity gain of reducing all those complaining hours.
Why do we complain about other people?
Because it feels (really) good, requires minimal risk, and it’s easy.
Here’s what happens: Someone annoys us. We’re dissatisfied with how they’re behaving. Maybe we’re angry, frustrated, or threatened. Those feelings build up as energy in our bodies, literally creating physical discomfort (that’s why we call them feelings — because we actually, physically, feel them).
When we complain about someone else, the uncomfortable feelings begin to dissipate because complaining releases the pent-up energy. That’s why we say things like “I’m venting” or “I’m blowing off steam” (But, as we’ll see in a moment, that dissipation doesn’t just release the energy, it spreads it, which actually makes it grow).
Additionally, when we complain to people who seem to agree with us — and we almost always complain to people who seem to agree with us — we solicit comfort, camaraderie, connection, support, and justification, which counteracts the bad feelings with some fresh, new good ones.
Complaining changes the balance of negative/positive energy and, for a brief moment at least, we feel better. It’s actually a pretty reliable process. Addictive even.
Which is the problem (beyond even the wasted time): Like just about all addictions, we’re feeding the spin of a destructive, never-ending cycle. The release of pressure — the good feeling — is ephemeral. In fact, the more we complain, the more likely the frustration, over time, will increase.
Here’s why: when we release the pent-up energy by complaining, we’re releasing it sideways. We almost never complain directly to the person who is catalyzing our complaints, we complain to our friends and families. We’re not having direct conversations to solve a problem, we’re seeking allies. We’re not identifying actions that could help, we’re, almost literally, blowing off steam.
Why is complaining about such a bad move?
Complaining creates a number of dysfunctional side effects (again, beyond the time wasted): It creates factions, prevents or delays — because it replaces — productive engagement, reinforces and strengthens dissatisfaction, riles up others, breaks trust, and, potentially, makes the complainer appear negative. We become cancer we’re complaining about; the negative influence that seeps into the culture.
Worse, our complaining amplifies the destructiveness and annoyance of the initial frustration about which we’re complaining.
Think about it: someone yells in a meeting. Then you go to the next meeting (where no one is yelling) and you complain about the person who just yelled. Now other people, who weren’t at the initial meeting, feel the impact of the yelling and get upset about it too. Encouraged by their support, your brief, momentary release transforms into righteous indignation and, becoming even more incensed, you experience the initial uncomfortable feelings all over again.
In other words, while the energy dissipates, it expands. The amount of time you spend thinking about it extends for hours, sometimes days and weeks. And you’ve multiplied the people who are also thinking and talking about it.
Meanwhile, our complaining improves, precisely, nothing.
In fact, that might be the biggest problem: Complaining is a violent move to inaction. It replaces the need to act. If instead of complaining, we allowed ourselves to feel the energy without needing to dissipate it immediately — which requires what I call emotional courage — then we could put that energy to good use. We could channel it so it doesn’t leak out sideways.
In other words, let the uncomfortable feeling you have — the one that would otherwise lead you to complain — lead you to take a productive action.
What’s a better move when we feel like complaining?
Go ahead and complain. Just do it directly — and thoughtfully — to the person who is the cause of your complaints.
“Talk to the person who yelled in the meeting. If that person doesn’t listen, talk to their boss. If you don’t like that idea, then, when it actually happens, say “Hold on. Let’s respect each other in this conversation.” If you missed the opportunity in the moment, then meet with them afterwards and say, “Please let’s respect each other in our conversations.” - Glenn Leet 
That, of course, also takes emotional courage. It’s a scary, more risky thing to do. But it’s why it’s worth developing your emotional courage — because, while scary, it’s far more likely to be highly productive. It holds the potential for changing the thing that’s the problem in the first place. And rather than become the negative influence, you become the leader.
If you want to brave this route, let your urge to complain be the trigger that drives you to take action in the moment (or, if you missed the moment, then shortly after):
Notice the adrenaline spike or the can-you-believe-that-just-happened feeling (e.g., someone yelling in a meeting).
Breathe and feel your feelings about the situation so that they don’t overwhelm you or shut you down. Notice that you can stay grounded even in difficult situations (e.g., feel, without reacting).
Understand the part about what’s actually happening that is complain-worthy (e.g., it’s not okay to yell and disrespect others in a meeting).
Decide what you can do to draw a boundary, ask someone to shift their behavior, or otherwise improve the situation (e.g., “Please let’s respect each other in our conversations.”)
Follow through on your idea (e.g., actually say: “Please let’s respect each other in our conversations.”)
It’s not nearly as easy as complaining. But it will be far more productive and valuable.
It won’t always work like that, but you may be surprised how often it will.
Thanks for Reading, we hope you got something positive from this. If you want to know more about Inspired Trades Coaching Visit us here www.inspiremenow.com.au
Best Regards, 
Glenn Leet, Inspired Trades 
Adapted HBR Bregman Aug 2018
To learn more about Inspired Trades and the work we do, please don’t hesitate to go to our website and download our FREE ebook “10 Steps to a Million Dollar Trades Business” www.inspiremenow.com.au
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Gluten Free Goodie Box Giveaway + 5 Ways Blogging Has Made My Life 1000% More Awesome
New blog post! You can research the best blogging platform, experiment with tons of blogging apps and read all the blogging for beginners books you can find. However, some blogging lessons can only be discovered from personal experience...and that's exactly what I'm talking about today!
To celebrate four years since I started blogging at Casey the College Celiac (and four years since my celiac disease diagnosis), I'm hosting a gluten free giveaway (featuring 20+ products). This post isn't sponsored and there is no purchase necessary to enter this giveaway; I'm just going to mail one lucky winner a box loaded with gluten free treats. A blogging celebration wouldn't be complete with a toast, though - so I'm also sharing five ways blogging has made my life 1000% more awesome.
What is blogging to me? What do I think of making money blogging? And how can you win a delicious gluten free goodie box? Keep reading to find out!
1. Blogging has taught me that, sometimes, you just need to plan less and start ASAP. 
If you're anything like me, you may want to spend months researching how to start a blog before you officially join the blogosphere. However, sometimes you just need to take the plunge and dive in!
That's exactly how I started blogging four years ago. I had no idea what I was doing, what the best blogging platform was or what to even call this new website of mine. (Fun fact: this blog started as "Casey the Celiac Sealion" in an ode to my college's mascot. Thankfully, that name didn't last long). So, in a process full of trial and error, I just started publishing my thoughts on the internet.
My first photo on the blog...
Do I recommend you do a little more research than I did before launching your blog? Yes. I wish I'd started on WordPress, and I wish I'd known even a little about social media marketing and SEO. Yet, my blog has still done pretty dang well (in my modest opinion), and my blogging experience reminds me that, sometimes in life, you need to plan less and act more. (A motto I'm taking to heart as I begin my grad school adventure this month!)
2. Blogging has helped me connect with people all over the world. 
One of the most rewarding parts of blogging has honestly been the connections I've made with others. When I was hospitalized, people from all over the globe - ranging from London to Canada to Brazil - sent their love, prayers and healing thoughts. And, ever since I announced that I'm moving to Mankato, Minnesota for grad school, bloggers from that area have messaged me with restaurant recommendations, winter weather advice and invitations for a local tour. 
I won't deny that I've met my share of creepy people over the Internet, which is why you should be careful about how much personal information you share and whom you exchange messages with. However, blogging has continually prevented me from feeling alone with celiac disease. Anytime I want to cry over being glutened or vent about an ignorant comment, I have someone to reach out to who completely understands. If that's not an awesome blogging benefit, I don't know what is.
3. I've learned how to make money while doing what I love. 
I didn't start Casey the College Celiac with the goal to make money blogging. In fact, I think anyone who has purely financial motivations for blogging will have a hard time. Why? To put it plainly, blogging is a LOT of work if you want to do it well. You need to research, write and edit blog posts. You also need to get people to actually read what you write. Not to mention that, in my experience, most bloggers can't monetize their site from day one.
However, the more I blogged about gluten free recipes, living with celiac disease and college tips, the more companies reached out to me. And, in my mind, that is how you want your sponsored partnerships to start. Instead of trying to contact as many companies as possible, just do your thang and, eventually, brands will start to notice that you do it well.
My college roomie when it rained Foster Farms corn dogs and chicken tenders...
Nowadays, I turn down more product review and sponsored post offers than I accept, and I try to only partner with brands who I honestly support and believe will benefit my readers. Sometimes it still blows me away when I get a package in the mail full of gluten free products. I mean, what college student - or celiac on a budget - doesn't feel blessed when the mailman drops off an edible gift? What I always remember, though, is how lucky I am to have a semi-professional hobby that lets me taste and promote the gluten free products and companies I love!
4. I've discovered that I'm so much more capable than I ever thought.
The truth is, blogging is more complicated - but also more rewarding - than most people realize. Like I've hinted at above, when I clicked "publish" on my first blog post, I knew nothing about SEO or coding or even social media. The more I connected with readers, though, the more dedicated I became to learning how to improve my blog. At first, it was just publishing more regularly. Then I started to experiment with blog marketing. Just a few weeks ago, I finally got brave enough to give Casey the College Celiac a major facelift.
I still wouldn't ever classify myself as "techy." But I now know how to use social media to my advantage, how to make blog posts go semi-viral (like this one and this one did), and even how to tweak some coding here and there. Not only that, but blogging jobs - and jobs that utilize blogging skills - really are out there. One of the reasons Entity Magazine hired me was because I had an online following and was familiar with online publishing.
Me from teaching my class to other Entity interns...
So what am I trying to say? Basically, if anyone ever tells you that blogging is a waste of time, don't believe them. Sure, not every blogger might land a job related to their website. However, all bloggers can gain valuable skills - from learning how to keep readers' attention to designing a killer quote card - that can help them grow as writers...and people! 
5. Blogging has proven that my dream - making a difference in people's lives through writing - can really become a reality. 
When you're a college student or a recent college graduate, it's pretty common to be asked, "So, what do you want to do?"
My answer has never been one particular job title. Instead, I've always said something like, "I want to make a difference." Maybe that's by working for a company with a mission I believe in. Or maybe that's by being a college writing professor (my most recent dream). Either way, blogging has proven to me that I can make a difference using my writing skills and degree. 
I'm not the most popular or well known blogger in the gluten free community - not by a long shot. However, all of my hard work is worth it when I read even one comment thanking me for raising awareness or one comment about a reader's own similar struggles. Readers have said that some of my posts made them cry, but, the truth is, so have some of their comments.
I don't know where my writing will take me during or after grad school at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I don't know where this blog will be in another four years, either. Yet, I know that I will keep writing - on and off the blog - the words I and others need to hear. 
The Gluten Free Giveaway!
Now, I'd say that was enough food for thought...so how about we talk about the gluten free food one lucky person will win in my blog anniversary giveaway? As a Love with Food ambassador and gluten free product reviewer, I often end up with a bunch of extra gluten free goodies throughout the year. Sometimes they have other allergens that don't agree with me (like dairy or soy); other times, I've already eaten my fill. So, to celebrate four years of blogging, I want to spread the gluten free love to one randomly-picked winner!
What exactly will this winner receive? A box LOADED with 20+ products (around a $40 retail value), ranging from meal accompaniments to healthy snacks to baking ingredients (the gluten free baker in your life would love this 12-ounce bag of almond flour!) to desserts.
Some giveaway highlights:
- Delallo Gluten Free Lasagna Sheets - Annie Chun's Seaweed Crisps  - Pereg Natural Foods Almond Meal Flour - A bunch of nut/nut free butters, including Peanut Butter and Company Powdered Vanilla Peanut Butter, Wowbutter and more - Savi Gluten Free Dessert Protein Bar - Buff Bake Protein Cookie, Snickerdoodle flavor - And much more... Whether you've recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, follow a gluten free diet or just want some new treats to try, this goodie bag would be a delicious surprise. It is important to note that these gluten free goodies do contain other allergens, like dairy, egg and soy. However, I'm sure the foodies in your life wouldn't mind receiving the products you can't eat yourself!
Ready to win this gluten free goodie bag? Read the giveaway rules and then enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below!
Giveaway Rules
The giveaway ends on July 14, and the winner will be announced here before July 16. This giveaway is only open to US residents over age 18, and whoever is randomly selected as the winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email and claim their prize. There is no purchase necessary, the number of eligible entries received will determine the odds of winning, and this giveaway is void where prohibited by law. Best of luck to everyone who enters! a Rafflecopter giveaway It's been a crazy surprising and exciting four years of celiac disease and blogging, and I can't wait to see where the next year takes me...and what blogging lessons I learn along the way. Until then, I'll keep writing, eating some delicious gluten free food and, of course, blogging about my adventures. What gluten free product from this goodie box would you like to try most? What blogging lessons have you learned? Tell me in the comments!
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2sDy2MX
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