ducklingart · 7 months
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In the #goodomens book it says that Crowley decided to be nanny Astoreth because that week he had seen Mary Poppins, I'm sure he wanted his romance with his angelic chimney sweep. ❤️​🐦#goodomensfanart #aziracrow #Aziraphale Evidently I made Crowley wear a ducky skirt.🦆​
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gingerbreedhouse · 9 months
Enter Mrs Sandwich!
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Now that's what we call an appearance.
Meet Madame Tracy!
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Enter Lady Ashtoreth
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amagnificentobsession · 10 months
@dream-of-pain ✨
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turtleneck-crowley · 10 months
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hellos, I am looking for a second parent (an aziraphale, to be specific) so I can bother many ppl at once. I haves bilfather @bildad-but-also-nanny-asthoreth (they is the best internet father one could ask for, but they need some partner in crime)
If u think u would be a good co parents to the lovely *insert many of Crowleys alter egos* then chat w me or the blog tagged above!
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My dress for the wedding
This is the dress I will wear for @bildaddy-and-mrazfellcos-wedding.
Don't you oppress me. I've been feeling so strong since Asthoreth came along.
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andagon · 8 months
Good Morning Hellllllll
Damp and chilly weather in the infernal depths of hell, including greenish mist wafting through the crowded corridors ….
We begin our programme with a song request from a certain Lady Asthoreth for her wife (?) @duchess-shax
There's a little note on it that says: "You're neglecting me, bitch. And you can't spell either. So listen to this …."
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valtoon · 4 years
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maybe not
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klauztrooph · 5 years
Crowley is a feminist
I was doing housework and I have to stop and come to tell you all this.
I'm from México, yesterday we marched to protest the murders of thousands of women (feminicidios) and the most recent rape commited by police officers to a girl. And I was thinking maybe Crowley was there too, maybe as a sometimes female presenting being he know how hard it is.
And then it hit me. They are using hot pink glitter to throw the politicians and police, it has to be his idea.
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gildalilli · 5 years
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found this today in Typo. Someone draw crowley reading it
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stag-bi · 3 years
my feelings towards crowley are mostly "god this is such a cool character", "i wish i was more similar to him", "i wanna study him like a bug" etc but when i see fanart of fem!crowley or nanny asthoreth im like Awooga (disrespectfully) (like a lustful jezebel) idk what my sexuality is doing in this respect
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amagnificentobsession · 10 months
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May I Nanny Ashtoreth?
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turtleneck-crowley · 9 months
Calling All Newts 🦎
(Aka Minors on tumblr!)
If you wish follow my royal coolness😎 and need parental guidance or just want to share your neat little fandom projects, you must only follow my family friendly account @ https://www.tumblr.com/bildad-but-also-nanny-asthoreth
If I see you snooping around i will vanish you into hellfire 🔥👹👹👹 (aka unfollow you)
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I promise to post just as cool GO content there so no snooping. Hear me?!!!
And you must follow my rules
1. Don’t say anything inappropriate (like Azicrow kissing etc.)
2. Don’t post personal stuff to me (personal info)
3. Always show your parents/guardians your chat if you wish to talk to me
And finally 4. Do your homework, get good grades and GO TO SLEEP BY BEDTIME!!! 💫
Have fun tumblring (cause I know you’ll do it anyway 🙄)but stay safe.
Love you and always listen to Nanny.
-nanny asthoreth/bildad the Shuite
See you around minions.
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P.S. yes you can be a blue one.🫰✨
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bonelessteeth · 5 years
i think my fave part of the good omens fandom is how people saw crowley in a dress as nanny asthoreth and instead of turning it into a joke thing or a fetish thing, decided "actually, more of this please" and produced more content of crowley and aziraphale being gender non conforming/non binary/ wearing "womens" fashion just because
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faeryqueenwitch · 5 years
✰✰God And Spirit Correspondences✰✰
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✰ The following lists contain information on magical goals and their related deities
AGRICULTURE  • Adonis, Amon, Aristaeus, Baldur, Bonus Eventus, Ceres, Consus, Dagon, Demeter, Dumunzi, Esus, Gahanan, Inari, Osiris, Saturn, Tammuz, Thor, Triptolemus, Vertumnus, Yumcaa, Zochipilli
ARTS • Athena, Ea, Hathor, Odin, Thor
CATS • Bast, Freya
CHILDBIRTH • Althea, Anahita, Bes, Camenta, Cihuatcoatl, Cuchavira, Isis, Kuan Yin, Laima, Lucina Meshkent
COMMUNICATIONS • Hermes, Janus, Mercury
DREAMS • Geshtinanna, Morpheus, Nanshe
EARTH • Asia, Consus, Daghda, Enlil, Frigga, Gaea, Ge, Geb, Kronos, Ninhursag, Ops, Prithivi, Rhea, Saturn, Sif, Tellus
FERTILITY • Amnu, Anaitis, Apollo, Arrianrhod, Asherali, Astarte, Attis, Baal, Bacchus, Bast, Bona, Dea, Boucca, Centeotle, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Cybele, Daghda, Demeter, Dew, Dionysus, Eostre, Frey, Freya, Frigg, Indra, Ishtar, Ishwara, Isis, Kronos, Ono, Lulpercus, Min, Mut, Mylitta, Ningirsu, Ops, Osiris, Ostara, Pan, Pomona, Quetzalcoatl, Rhea, Rhiannon, Saturn, Selkhet, Sida, Tane, Telepinu, Telluno, Tellus Mater, Thunor, Tlazolteotl, Yarilo, Zarpanitu
GOOD LUCK AND FORTUNE • Bonus Eventus, Daikoku, Fortuna, Ganesa, Jorojin, Laima, Tyche
HEALING • Apollo, Asclepius, Bast, Brigid, Eir, Gula, Lxlilton, Khnos, Paeon
JOURNEYS • Echua, Janus
LAW,TRUTH, AND JUSTICE • Astraea, Maat, Misharu, Themis
Love • Aizen Myo-O, Alpan, Angus, Aphrodite, Asera, Astarte, Asthoreth, Belili, Creirwy, Cupid, Dzdzilelya, Eros, Erzulie, Esmeralda, Fenrua, Freya, Frigg, Habondia, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Kades, Kama, Kivan-Non, Kubaba, Melusine, Menu, Minne, Mamaja, Odudua, Olwen, Oshun,Prenda,Rao, Sauska, Tlazoletotl, Turan, Venus, Xochipilli, Zochiquetzal
LUNAR MAGIC • Aah, Anahita, Artemis, Asherali, Astarte, Baiame, Bendis, Diana, Gou, Hathor, Hecate, Llmaqah, Ishtar, Isis, Jacy, Kabul, Khons, Kilya, Lucina, Luna, Mah, Mama Quilla, Mani, Menu, Metzli, Myestaa, Nanna, Pah, Selene, Sin, Soma, Taukiyomi, Thoth, Varuna, Yarikh, Yerak, Zamna
MARRIAGE • Airyaman, Aphrodite, Aryan, Bes, Bah,Ceres, Errata, Frigg, Hathor, Hera, Hymen, Juno, Patina, Saluki, Svarog, Thalassa, Tutunis, Vor, Xochipilli
MUSIC AND/OR POETRY • Apollo, Benten, Bragi, Brigid, Hathor, Odin, Orpheus, Thoth, Untunktahe, Woden, Xolotl
REINCARNATION • Hera, Khensu, Ra
SEA • Amphitrite, Benten, Dylan, Ea, Enoil, Glaucus, Leucothea, Manannan Mac Lir, Neptune, Nereus, Njord, Paldemon, Phorcys, Pontus, Poseidon, Proteus, Shoney, Yamm
SHAPE-SHIFTING • Freya, Volkh, Xolotl
SKY • Aditi, Anshar, Anu, Dyaus, Frigg, Hathor, Horus, Joch-Huva, Jupiter, Kumarbis, Nut, Obatala, Rangi, Svarog, Tane, Thor, Tiwaz, Ukko, Uranus, Varuna, Zeus
SLEEP • Hypnos
SOLAR MAGIC • Amaterasu, Apollo, Atum, Baldur, Bochia, Dazhbog, Helios, Hiruku, Horus, Hyperion, Inti, Legba, Lugh, Mandulis, Mao, Marduk, Maui, Melkart, Mithra, Orunjan, Paiva Perun, Phoebus, Ra, Sabazius, Samas, Sams, Shamash, Sol, Surya, Texcatlipoca, Tonatiuh, Torushompek, Utto, Vishnu, Yhi
WEALTH AND PROSPERITY • Adad, Acolus, Agni, Amen, Baal, Bragi, Burlash, Catequil, Chac-Mool, Chernabog, Donar, Fomagata, llyapa, Indra, Jove, Jupiter, Kami-Nari, Koza, Lei-Kung, Marduk, Nyame, Perkunas, Pillan, Pulug, Quiateot, Raiden, Rammon, Rudra, Shango, Sobo, Summanus, Taki-Tsu-Hilo, Tawhaaki, Tawhiri, Tefnut, Thor, Thunor, Tilo, Tinia, Typhoeus, Typhon, Yu-Tzu, Zeus, Zu
WISDOM • Aruna, Athena, Atri, Baldur, Brigid, Dainichi, Ea, Enki, Fudo- Myoo, Fugen Bosatsu, Fukurokuju, Ganesha, Minerva, Nebo, Mimir, Oannes, Odin, Oghama, Quetzalxoatl, SIa, Sin, Thoth, Vohumano, Zeus
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speremint · 5 years
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[Main Designs]
Reversed Omens Nanny/Gardener designs because a LOT of people have been asking me what I think they’d look like!
The ONLY reason Azirafell is still the gardener despite Anthony owning the nursery is because he called dibs first before Anthony could jsdklfjek
They’d still go by Nanny Ashtoreth (Asthoreth app just refers to a fertility/love goddess) and Brother Francis (because Francis refers to a patron saint of animals and Azirafell likes the irony).
Nanny Ashtoreth easily slides into the loving maternal figure that Warlock is lacking (albeit she’s a bit of a wine mom) and Brother Francis really loves to emphasis “survival of the fittest” “in-this-world-it’s-kill-or-be-killed”.
Azirafell also sucks ass at gardening (sometimes deliberately, but usually unintentionally) and often times, Anthony has to help him fix the garden so he doesn’t get fired jsklfje
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