#life of brian good omens overload
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I don't know why, but cosmos is forcing me to tumblr this.
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Thank you.
in spite of whatever hole resembling a grave our ceo is currently digging himself into i want to emphasize that trans women are invaluable to our communities and you enrich our lives just by being here. i know my life wouldn't be the same without the trans women in it and the same goes for hundreds of thousands of people. i'm horrified thinking about what predstrogen and every other trans woman on this site is going through right now and i cannot stress enough that regardless you are loved and my support for trans women will always be unwavering
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What am I?
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@loretta-dont-you-oppress-me: But what am I?
@bil-daddy: you're just a human that goes along with gender as far as you can.
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Finally I have my own video clip, even with music.
Loretta - You'll be a woman soon.
Music by Urge Overkill
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Elective Affinities
Let me humbly announce that I have now found a new place of action and affection. Family is where you feel you belong.
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Thank you for being family, @blameless-job @ennonymous-twink @bil-daddy @sitisonmyface (unfortunately not in the picture)
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Fake birth? Naaaaw, we all know that's the way to go. @bil-daddy just is the best midwife (gn). His rib shack is a delivery service, uhm, maternity ward.
As for sensing each other: Angels can't do it, just as they cannot take possession of bodies. Demons can do both. But their memory is worse. They live so much more in the Here and Now.
Don't hesitate to ask me, if you want to know anything about angels and demons - or maternity.
So the thing is that Bildad the Shuhite conducted an elaborate fake childbirth right in front of two archangels and a host of other angels without a single one clocking him as a demon. This suggests that either there's no angelic sixth sense alerting them to the presence of demons or if there is, Crowley knows how to avoid triggering it.
This has a bunch of interesting implications, but the one my brain has latched onto like a pertinacious terrier is the possiblity that Aziraphale has actually introduced Crowley to the archangels at least a dozen times through the ages, always under a new alias, and with Crowley wearing a series of increasingly improbable fake moustaches.
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Update on my Life
What happened so far ... a long time ago ...
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I was so tired of all the talking and arguing and bickering and judging. And I thought: It's time to move on! I need some Good Omens in my life.
And lo! So much has happened lately:
I have found a new family and new friends
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy and @docdust
I have found a new congregation (not a church!)
I became a disciple of Bildaddy the Shuite (and also a bit of a friend)
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I got a job as 666th scrivener at the @shutanictemple
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy and @docdust
I have been promoted to 666th Senior Administrator of the Shutanic Temple
We have started an orphanage for kids (human) for a whole bunch of kids --> @shutanic-temple-orphanage
I am truly blessed with choices
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This is me with Crowley. I met her on a the rather dreary occasion of a mass crucifixion. We were both there to mourn a friend.
I feel so seen
I was assistant wedding planer at the wedding of @bildaddyanduziraphale-aremarried
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I have become a muse to artists
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Artworks by @lacking-hydration and by @lafakiwi-draws-archive
@shutanic-temple-orphanage is now all set up with a petting zoo. Here is a rare glimpse of its outskirts:
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me and @bil-daddy on our way to feeding the greedy bunch ...
I have my own music video now:
Loretta - You'll be a woman soon.
On January 18th @bil-daddy and my humble self opened the @shutanic-temple-art-gallery
I proposed to @gandalf-big-oos
(Stay tuned for further developments ...)
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Full video
And my best friend Sitis (@sitisonmyface) said: "That's right! Don't you oppress her! They can have babies, if they want to."
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photo courtesy of @bil-daddy
"Have faith in Bildad the Shuhite! He is the best midwife and the best cobbler in all the land of Uz."
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photo courtesy of @docdust
And then she sang: "I believe in miracles, since you came along, Bildaddy (@bil-daddy ) You sexy thing (sexy thing you)" ...
What happened before:
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As an adopted member of the Good Omens family, part of the larger @shutanictemple household, I can only emphasise every single word.
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family picture by @docdust
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family picture by @bil-daddy
Hello Mr Gaiman!
What do you personally think Aziraphale and Crowley would think of the film "Monty Python's Life of Brian" (1979) regarding the film's humourous, satirical take on organised religion?
I think they both loved it. Crowley because it felt familiar, Aziraphale because it felt naughty.
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Oh, there are artists out there making likenesses of me ... See, @i-dream-of-sheeny, I am a muse, too.
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Artwork by @lafakiwi-draws-archive
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Artwork by @lacking-hydration
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Loretta - Emotions - Hands - Face
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seeing all the drawings you've been reblogging males me wanna join in on the making of fanart
Go ahead … I will reblog. I promise.
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loretta-dont-you-oppress-me · 11 months ago
I can relate in so many ways ...
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when trans day of visibility overlaps with easter
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Application and supplication
Herewith I'd like to hand in my job application (sorry for the terrible pun, @blameless-job) to the @shutanictemple as a faithful scrivener and minute-taker. (Perhaps also as personal secretary of @bil-daddy - Bildad be His name)
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Sincerely, Loretta Dontyouoppressme
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My dress for the wedding
This is the dress I will wear for @bildaddy-and-mrazfellcos-wedding.
Don't you oppress me. I've been feeling so strong since Asthoreth came along.
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Hi Loretta sorry I didn't immediately understood where you were coming from I thought you were some character from Good Omens. Now I see you are from Monty Python's Life Of Brian!
What makes it even worse is that I have seen Life Of Brian once but it so long ago so I barely remember anything...
It's all good :-D
I now live in the Good Omens universe - I was "adopted" here :-D
Elective affinities ...
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