#eric idle loretta
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Finally I have my own video clip, even with music.
Loretta - You'll be a woman soon.
Music by Urge Overkill
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andagon · 1 year ago
If not for you
The next song is a musical wish of @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me. The song was written by Bob Dylan and dedicated to his friend George Harrison. Enjoy:
Happy Valentine's Day to all who love ...
and especially to you, Loretta ...
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Loretta with George Harrison
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and who started this whole movement?
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💕Aziraphale is showing off his two favourite beings in the entire universe💕
Finished an older sketch for the prompt "gender non-conforming parenthood"🏳️‍⚧️ for #ineffablefamfeb
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yonderghostshistories · 11 months ago
Here's a poorly done meme expressing my love for the shipping of the 2 MOST BEAUTIFUL AND ABSOLUTELY LOVELY TRANS ICONS, 🏳️‍⚧️❣️ Loretta and Gabriella Montoya ❣️🏳️‍⚧️! Enjoy!!
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(@commonguttersnipe you're very much right! They'd be besties for life!! Also, yes, please do write that Gabriella x Loretta being bffs fanfic, it's needed AHHH!!!!!)
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Oh, there are artists out there making likenesses of me ... See, @i-dream-of-sheeny, I am a muse, too.
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Artwork by @lafakiwi-draws-archive
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Artwork by @lacking-hydration
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Thank you for creating my likeness. I really appreciate it!
Deleted my Reddit account, so I’ll be posting my drawings here instead. Here is Loretta from “Monty Python’s Life of Brian”
With trans flag:
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With no background (slightly different because I was dumb with layers when I drew her)
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yonderghostshistories · 1 year ago
Imagine an interaction/conversation between these 2 (beautiful ❤️) people
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[ Image 1 on the left shows Loretta, played by Eric Idle, who is a trans 🏳️‍⚧️ character and appears in the movie "Monty Python's Life of Brian" (1979) ]
[ Image 2 on the right shows Gabriella Montoya, played by Jim Howick, who is a trans 🏳️‍⚧️ character and appears in the Six Idiots' movie "Bill" (2015) ]
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Oh, I missed celebrating my birthday ... I was born on 11 November 1978. I wish I'd had a party....
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coochiequeens · 2 years ago
So here you have something there's never been a complaint about in 40 years, that I've heard of, and now all of a sudden we can't do it because it'll offend people. What is one supposed to make of that?
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Actors warned John Cleese that his Life of Brian stage show should not include a scene about a man wanting to be a woman and have a baby, the comedian has said.
The Monty Python star is working on a stage production of the troupe’s 1979 comedy film, The Life of Brian, which parodies the Messianic message of the New Testament.
In the film version, a character named Stan explains that he wants to be a woman called Loretta and “have babies”, before being told by Cleese’s character Reg that this was impossible.
This exchange reportedly met with opposition from actors in a readthrough of the script for the planned stage show because it could “offend people”, raising doubt as to its inclusion in the final production.
'You can't do that stuff nowadays'
Cleese said performers involved in the readthrough told him: “We love the script, but you can't do that stuff about Loretta nowadays.”
Speaking to the audience for his one-man show, he added:  "So here you have something there's never been a complaint about in 40 years, that I've heard of, and now all of a sudden we can't do it because it'll offend people. What is one supposed to make of that?
“But I think there were a lot of things that were actually, in some strange way, predictive of what was actually going to happen later."
The potentially offensive scene features Eric Idle as Stan telling his fellow members of the People's Front of Judea “I want to be a woman”, and adding “from now on, I want you all to call me Loretta”.
He explains that this is because he wants to have babies, and explains that “it's every man's right to have babies if he wants them”.
'You haven't got a womb'
Cleese’s character Reg explains “you haven’t got a womb”, but the People’s Front decide that they will champion Stan’s right to have babies, as it is "it is symbolic of our struggle against oppression”.
Cleese revealed the concerns with the script amid a growing debate about gender ideology, which purports that people born female who identify as male are men, and could give birth to children as men.
This idea has been reflected in the NHS, with the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust recently employing the phrase “birthing people” instead of mothers in an announcement about perinatal mental health care.
In 2021, Brighton and Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust unveiled “gender inclusive” phrases to be used as best practice by medical staff, advising that “birthing parent” was the more appropriate term.  The word “breastmilk” was replaced with “chestmilk”.
'I've changed some things'
While it remains to be seen if Cleese’s script will include Stan’s wish to be a woman, the star has said that audiences can expect some differences between the stage show and the film.
Cleese said: "I think Life Of Brian is our best film. We are going to do it in London in the second half of next year and I've changed certain things."
According to the Daily Mail, he said: "There is a new character - Fiona Pilate, Pilate's wife - who falls in love with Brian. And, spoiler alert, Brian does not get crucified. But rest assured he will still sing Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life."
The film was accused of being blasphemous when it was first released, and was banned in Ireland as part of a clerical backlash against the comedy, often cited as the greatest of all time.
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commonguttersnipe · 2 years ago
Smash or Pass: Monty Python's Life of Brian character* edition
(*that means ALL the characters from the movie, unless otherwise you can only remember a few, which is also fine)
Brian- Smash (He’s not only the messiah, he’s also the standard)
Mrs Cohen- Pass (Only because she’s scares me…)
Judith- Smash (She’s pretty)
Loretta- Smash (Fun fact: she’s actually my wife)
Reg- Pass (He has back trouble y’know?)
Francis- Smash (Adorable little guy)
Mr Cheeky- Smash (I’m a sucker for a guy with a sense of humour)
Pontius Pilate- Smash (Sorry.)
Biggus Dickus- Smash (It’s literally in his name)
Centurion- Smash (I’ve come to the conclusion that John was really hot when he was younger)
Ex-Leper- SMASH (So gorgeous…)
High Priest- Pass (The beard.)
Mr Big-Nose- Smash (He can take me to the fucking cleaners anytime)
Nisus Wettus- Smash (He’s very calming)
Gaoler- Pass (He’s my sleep paralysis demon)
Gaoler’s assistant- Smash (Is it just because he’s played by Eric Idle? Yes.)
This was actually really fun…
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nicklloydnow · 2 years ago
“When Life of Brian first appeared on Britain’s cinema screens in November 1979, it was the funniest film I had ever seen in the cinema. Back then, there was still a Christian church capable of a low, meaningful growl at this evidently facetious treatment of its founding credo. Yet the artistic integrity, the long serpentine backbone of Python, held firm.
A lot has changed since then. According to Cleese, the ‘Loretta’ scene, in which a male member of the People’s Front of Judea demands his right to have babies, raised eyebrows at a read-through in New York last year. ‘We love the script, but you can’t do that stuff about Loretta nowadays’, the Americans told Cleese. Here we see how an religious diktat, incomparably more impactful than anything from the church of the 1970s, has forced Cleese and Co to expunge one of Life of Brian’s most beloved moments.
In 1979, self-proclaimed defender of the faith Malcolm Muggeridge and the then Bishop of Southwark appeared on a late-night chat show to defend the Gospel against Life of Brian. They challenged John Cleese and Michael Palin for what they saw as the film’s tiresome, wanton, schoolboy vandalism of their faith. I remember watching it at the time. I was 14 and knew nothing of Muggeridge’s genuinely heroic stand against Stalinism, or rather against Fleet Street’s reluctance to address its evils. I was simply impatient with these old men and their indignantly quivering jowls. Get out of the way, I thought, you’ve had your day. We’re the young generation, and we’ve got something to say. Now I see that they were merely the Horatiuses at their own bridge, just as I am at mine now. One need only wait. The world rolls, and sooner or later you find it at your door.
That trans is the new religion has become a cliché. But it will rarely be illustrated more vividly than here, as its scowl humbles a jest that once stood up to Rome and Canterbury combined.
Scott Alexander once wrote on his Slate Star Codex blog that the new woke creed was rushing into the God-shaped hole left by the New Atheism movement of the early 2000s. It was persuasive. Although I still find it curious, if not downright suspicious, that trans ideology should have been so enthusiastically and noisily embraced by everyone from Goldman Sachs to Disney and basically the entire global corporate hegemony.
There is a part of me – my brain, specifically – that would rather Cleese (and Eric Idle) stopped trying to re-engineer and re-stage their earlier classic works altogether. The Pythons have made more last laps of the farewell circuit than Frank Sinatra. They are not, I fear, going to unearth untapped artistic potential. And there is a danger now, by allowing these kinds of artistic castrations, that they will begin to do real, Roger Waters-tier damage to their collective legacy.
In any case, the real blame for this has to lie with Cleese’s new opponents. Unlike today’s Christians, Loretta’s co-religionists would be willing to disrupt his production by any means necessary – from intimidating punters, shaming advertisers, withdrawing labour, etc. (Has there ever been more naked projection than in the nom de guerre of Stop Funding Hate?)”
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everyoneislgbtpride-edits · 3 years ago
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Loretta from Life of Brian is canonically a trans woman!!
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lafakiwi-draws-archive · 5 years ago
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I'd apologize for so much Monty Python on this blog but I must admit they are very fun to draw and so, henceforth, no apology will be issued
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Wonderful Wednesday
I don't know why, but Nanny Ashtoreth @dream-of-pain is in an extremely good mood (and in shape too). She must have had a very uplifting experience. She even helped me with the laundry. And she was humming all the time ....
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Amazing ...
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lacking-hydration · 4 years ago
Some doodles of my favorite characters played by Eric that I don't talk about quite as much as the usual suspects...
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(aka "Proof that Eric can pull off playing men and women fantastically")
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disneybuddy · 3 years ago
PEOPLE DEFENDING STUNT-CASTING IN ANIMATION (AND ALSO MOVIE STUDIOS, PRESUMABLY): Celebrities lending their voices to animated movies means that the film will be successful at the box office!
NORM OF THE NORTH: (features the voices of Rob Schneider, Ken Jeong, Loretta Devine, and Gabriel Iglesias yet still winds up being a flop)
RISE OF THE GUARDIANS: (features the voices of Chris Prine, Jude Law, Hugh Jackman, Alec Baldwin, and Isla Fisher yet still winds up being a flop)
UGLYDOLLS: (features the voices of Kelly Clarkson, Wanda Sykes, Janelle Monae, Nick Jonas, Blake Shelton, Pitbull, and Bebe Rexha [among other celebrities] yet still winds up being a flop)
TURBO: (features the voices of Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Samuel L. Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Maya Rudolph, Ben Schwartz, and Ken Jeong yet still winds up being a flop)
DELGO: (features the voices of Freddie Prince Jr., Val Kilmer, Chris Kattan, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Eric Idle, and Michael Clarke Duncan yet is one of the biggest flops in the history of cinema)
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