#aspec couple
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[Text] Ace Visibility Week 2024 event, coming October 20-26!
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[Text] Ace Visibility Week 2024 AO3 collection.
Night out
A break
It seems so long ago...
What have we done?
On that day-
Feels so good when you hold me
A favor
Monsters in the dark
Gift of heart
Unnatural limbs
Link to the collection (with a FAQ): https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AceVisibilityWeek2024. Crashcourse FAQ: indeed includes aro stuff; can include sex as long as a-spec is respected; NO pwp/smut for the sake of it; and consent is a MUST.
My first event, I hope y’all will join in the a-spec loving! 🖤🤍💜 🖤🤍💚
Please use tags #acevisibilityweek2024, #aceweek2024 and #aceweekao3. Feeling a bit spicy, use #teachthealloshowtoact.
It’ll be easiest—I think—to keep track on AO3 because of the way it’s set-up, but I will definitely be trolling Tumblr as well (I don’t have Twitter, it scares me). Of course, art and pod fics, etc are welcome.
I know I don’t have a following or a Twitter, but regardless, I hope other aces and allies will join me in this, and we can have it as an annual event sorta like MerMay and AUgust!
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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curiositysavesthecat · 4 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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lgbtqtext · 8 days
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quitefair · 9 months
Anyway. Aro and Ace Resources upon ye.
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Since we're almost at 2024, and coming out of all this horrendous aphobic discourse, I thought I'd put together a bunch of aromantic + asexual resources for people who are maybe questioning themselves, or want to know more (heck yes for learning!) Most of these are long form (Youtube videos/articles) because that's how I feel is best for learning, compared to shorter form content like TikTok.
Long post, resources under the cut!
Yasmin Benoit (she/her, aromantic asexual)
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The first asexual activist I stumbled across all those years ago. She was infamously the reason for a lot of aphobic comments on twitter, because hey, she's also a lingerie model, and lord forbid somebody who identifies as asexual present... yknow. Sexy.
She's also a researcher, who's putting in the effort to depathologise asexuality and aromanticism, especially within psychiatry and mental health.
Ace Dad Advice (they/them, asexual/agender/queer)
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AceDad is one of my favourite a-spec activists. Their simple, easily digestible posts on Instagram outlining the various aspects of asexuality, aromanticism and agender (the triple As lmao) are a comfort to read. There's also lots of affirming stuff on there that's helped me with my own spiraling thoughts.
They've also written a book about asexuality! Which is one that I've yet to read, but am looking forward to.
Spacey Aces
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A collective of neurodivergent a-spec humans making videos on asexuality, aromanticism, queer platonic relationships, neurodivergence... a whole lotta fun stuff! Their videos are soft and comforting and very affirming.
Nik Hampshire (he/him, aromantic)
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So Nik doesn't make Youtube videos anymore, but he's done a series on what it means to be aromantic but not asexual, which I feel is super important to add to the online conversation! This one's for all the allo/aros out there, he's chill and confident and talks about things in a very enthusiastic way. Love him!
Misc videos (I'm sure you've seen these around before)
Jayden Animation's coming out video
Being AroAce Doesn't Ruin Your Life | Alice Oseman's Loveless by shaggyjebus
Rowan Ellis' interview with Alice Oseman (author of Heartstopper, who is herself aroace)
Anthony Padilla
I spent a day with asexual people
I spent a day with aromantic people
(the titles are a little clickbaity, but trust me the conversation is honest and respectful. anthony is honestly such a good interviewer.)
The Sci Guys
Science of Asexuality
Science of Aromantics
My experience being Aromantic Asexual (AROACE)
I’m Happy To Be Aromantic Asexual
How being aromantic asexual affects my daily life
Questions Aromantic Asexuals Get Asked (Part 1)
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anewgayeveryday · 3 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Caleb Widogast and Essek Thelyss from Critical Role-Bisexual and Demisexual MLM Respectively
Art by @kayfullcolor
Requested by @cinnamonzor
Status: Alive and Dating
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theacecouple · 4 months
10 Years
Our 10 year anniversary is coming up next week, and we're planning to record a podcast episode to discuss the life changes and milestones we've experienced together!
If we also did a lil Q&A, what questions do you have for an Asexual (ace-ace) married couple of a decade?
Leave a note or drop us an ask!
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aspecpolls · 3 months
when you questioned your aspec identity (or currently are), what did/are you MAINLY questioning? (we all probably went through many of these degrees, if one era stood out as the longest or you actively identified as questioning during that time, please answer for that!)
(you can read "certain" as "pretty sure"; I know it's hard to be certain)
I was gonna do one poll but doing separate aro/ace would probably be better. (feel free to make versions for other aspec identities too) Ace example:
A. i was unsure of what being asexual was so I did not know if I fit AND/OR when I was questioning, I was not specifically questioning asexuality (unsure of whole orientation)
B. if I was allo or on the asexual spectrum (certain of a degree of alloness)
C. if I was 100% asexual or on the spectrum(s) (certain of some degree of aceness)
D. where on the ace-spec I was/what I experienced (certain not on either end of spectrum)
A or B and then D
B and then D
I spent significant time questioning my identity in a different multiple of these ways
I never identified as questioning/I did not spend significant time questioning my a/sexuality
other/see results
people questioning right now please answer! I wrote in past tense for simplicity
Had to cut out some words on a few of the options to make them fit, please refer to the original ask for the full answers!
OP also requested that I add this note: If someone questioned whether or not they're asexual/acespec and determined they were allosexual they can definitely still answer!
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indigosabyss · 8 months
hate when ppl want to ship an explicitly aroace character with someone and decide that it's not REALLY erasure if they make sure to mention that the character is asexual. Like,,, did you forget about the aromantic part???
This really annoys me bc demi-ro, gray-ro, and a lot more arospec identities exist! They are a vital part of our community!! What's the point of having these characters if you won't take them as an opportunity to learn about the way other people view attraction???
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
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aro & ace books: autistic aspecs!
The Many Half Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester - YA paranormal, an autistic acespec MC, aroace side character
Compound Fracture - thriller, MC figures out he's autistic & arospec
The Tale That Twines - fantasy, autistic grey-aro love interest (MC is also demi & neurodivergent and says it's been suggested e's also autistic)
Convenience Store Woman - contemporary novella. not explicit, but the MC is pretty clearly aroace and autistic coded, most of the story is about these experiences
Kea's Flight - scifi with a bunch of autistic characters, one major character is an ace lesbian
Poisoned Primrose - cozy mystery, autistic bi-ace MC
Party of Fools - high fantasy, one of the MCs is an autistic ace lesbian (+ other aroace / autistic characters)
Odd Blood - paranormal romcom, autistic demisexual MC
Earthbound Hearts - YA contemporary/fantasy, autistic ace lesbian MC
See also: The Mariah Mission - YA contemporary, the love interest is ace, and autistic coded (mentioned in author's note),
The Summer Love Strategy - YA contemporary, the love interest is an autistic demi-aroace trans girl
#aspec books / aspec database / tumblr masterpost
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redysetdare · 1 year
*bites off the head of everyone who calls aroand ace rep homophobic*
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therainbowwillow · 9 months
I really loved @theacecouple’s latest podcast on finding community out of the James Somerton situation!
I think I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I am aspec myself thanks to seeing other ace people in the public eye!
In the name of this community that has helped me discover this facet of my identity, I want to promote The Ace Couple’s MarketplACE where aspec creators are spotlighted:
Thank you guys for being active members of this community and making it easier for others to be active as well!
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ilovedthestars · 2 years
ok aspec friends I have a proposal: to push back against shipping culture I think we should start un-shipping characters. oh they're a romantic couple in canon? well I think they should really be best friends. they'd just be SO cute as platonic roommates you know. the creators are trying to hide it with romantic feelings but you can just tell they're pining to be each others' ride-or-die bff
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curiositysavesthecat · 4 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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lafilleestmorte · 2 months
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anewgayeveryday · 3 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Anita Sanchez and Kovit Sangwaraporn from Not Even Bones by R Schaeffer-Aromantic Asexual and Queerplatonic
Read Not Even Bones on Webtoon Here
Requested by Anon
Status; Alive (and Dating)
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