#asexual dorcas
sadcatinapartyhat · 6 days
Dorcas Meadowes headcanons developed (mostly) in the void
Hey Marauders Tumblr! I'm pretty new here, but I've seen people making lists like this of their headcanons, and as somebody who has never really interacted with fanon, I thought it would be interesting to share some of mine to see how they compare to what other people have come up with. I’ve had these for years, and my inspiration for them was literally just a few pieces of art on Pinterest (so, interestingly, the ways in which my headcanons are most similar to popular fanon tend to be in the characters’ appearances), the canon books, and my own overactive imagination. I'm starting with Dorcas, because from what little I've gathered she, Marlene, and Mary seem to be the characters for whom my interpretations are the most different from what's already out there (although it's fascinating how close they actually are sometimes).
Please do lmk what you think!!! I've put the list below the cut so as not to annoy people who just want to scroll ↓↓↓
First things first: like I said, I developed these before interacting with fanon much, so I am a Gryffindor Dorcas truther (I know a lot of people have her in Slytherin now, sorry 🙃)
“The weird and offputting one” (said with love)
One sibling. A brother, two years older, in Ravenclaw
Intelligent and creative. Would have been in Ravenclaw with her brother, but adamantly refused, as at the age of 11 she found him deeply irritating and could not stand to be in his presence
Very emotionally level. Difficult to excite, difficult to anger, difficult to deeply wound
Fatal flaw: stubbornness
Patronus: tiger 🐯
Acquired something of a reputation for casual meanness throughout her school years (though, importantly, not for cruelty). It wasn’t that she didn’t always think before she spoke; rather, it was that she cared more about what she thought than the feelings of those around her
Fashion-adventurous. As a child, enjoyed bright colours, patterns, and loose cuts; as an adult, enjoyed black, jewel tones, and artfully distressed items (would likely have enjoyed the goth subculture, but alas, ‘twas after her time)
Mastered colour-changing spells in third year so she could match the beads in her braids with her outfit, nail polish, and mood
Along with James and Lily, one of the few amongst her friends to have a happy upbringing
Would have done well in art school (mixed-media sculpture)
Did not dream of labour. Worked occasionally as a professional duellist, and won nearly all of her matches when she did, but devoted most of her time to the Order and her portraiture (which she hoped to one day make a living from, though she was unwilling to sacrifice her abstract, vivid style to satisfy her more traditional customers)
Genuinely confident in herself from an early age, including in her sexuality (asexual biromantic) (because gosh darn it this fandom needs some ace rep)
Figured the ace part out when she kissed her first boyfriend and hated it, but still wanted to know his mind and hold his hand; figured the biromantic part out when Marlene went on a date with her first boyfriend (which, in Marlene’s case, was comphet) and Dorcas also hated it
Confessed her feelings to Marlene straight away when she realised, but only to get it off her chest; never expected her feelings to be returned. Proceeded to date around a bit, and was pleasantly surprised a short while later :)
Had one Muggle grandmother, with whom she was very close. Passed away the summer between Dorcas’s fifth and sixth years (just after Dorcas received an ‘O’ on her Muggle Studies O.W.L.)
Took the maximum four out of five supplemental subjects after second year, mostly because a Ravenclaw bet she wouldn’t
Proposed to Marlene the night of James and Lily’s wedding, privately, in a dark corner of the dance floor after the newlyweds had left
Siouxsie and the Banshees #1 fan. Tragically too busy avenging her recently-murdered fiancée to listen to Juju, although she did hear “Spellbound” once or twice on the radio
Also an enjoyer of the B-52s
Anyway...I think about my version of Dorcas a lot (could you tell lol), and I'm pretty invested in these headcanons because they form the basis of her characterisation in the fanfiction I write, so I probably won't be changing my mind anytime soon, but it's always fun to hear what other people think! Seriously, please let me know :)
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not-rab · 10 months
headcanon that dorcas had a muggle mother, but it wasn’t clear whether her father was magic or not, since he had ran off when he found out that he got a woman pregnant
headcanon that dorcas didn’t know if she was a muggleborn or not, resulting in a lot of bullying from the slytherin house
headcanon that regulus, evan and barty were the only people ready to befriend her because, though all of their parents had strong views on blood supremacy, they couldn’t care less
so headcanon that when dorcas left the three to join the order, regulus, evan and barty felt the most betrayed because they had stuck around when no-one else would dare go up to her without the hexes and curses
and headcanon that when it was finally time for them to go up against each other in duel, regulus, evan and barty couldn’t strike first because they took a vow to never be the one who cursed the muggleborn/half-blood/whatever dorcas meadowes
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fall-95 · 9 months
If they got kidnapped:
Regulus/Dorcas: brutally murders kidnappers
Barty: accidentally joins kidnappers and is now so confused
Evan: poisons kidnappers
Pandora: either reformed the kidnappers or drove them insane
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 4 months
There was no doubt about it that Evan Rosier was beautiful. Girls whispered as he passed in the halls, boys winked at him at parties, beckoning him to the dark corners of the common rooms where they could remain undiscovered.
Yes, there was no doubt that Evan was beautiful, but he didn’t feel pretty.
He wasn’t sure when the word had become significant, it was as if the word beautiful was superficial, as if he was superficial. He supposed the meaning had started to sound different when he listened to them come from Dorcas’ mouth. The way she described Marlene, as if words could only pale in comparison, Shakespeare himself would be threatened by the pure emotion that dripped from Dorcas’ words, so much so that the word pretty made Marlene sound like the greatest treasure ever to grace the earth.
Fucking lesbians.
Evan had never felt like a treasure, as an heir he was worth something, but that was a job, his birthright.
He had never once believed that there were soulmates, someone who could mirror even the darkest most broken parts of his soul, someone who would accept every flaw, every scar, every wall that his mind put up. But watching his friends with their partners?
Watching them made him believe that someone could truly love him unconditionally, like they needed him like air, as if the sun couldn’t rise without him. He believed there was a chance, but that didn’t mean he was deserving of it. He could hope, maybe even pray, but at the end of the day he couldn’t imagine even a soul as broken as his could have once come in a matching pair.
That was until, of course, he met Barty Crouch Jr.
And by Merlin and Morgana alike did that boy make his soul sing.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
“who plans to marry in the next 10 years?” Minnie asked
2 students lift their hands
“Who plans to never get married?”
Almost all hands are lifted
“Can someone tell me why?” Minnie asked, now confused
Only one hand left standing
“Yes, Sirius?”
“It’s Illegal”
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michael-the-candybar · 2 months
my evan rosier headcanons because I rarely see any.
• that man has the most tired eyes stare (think ryan from The Office but amplify it by 5x)
• because they’re twins to me, if pandora is a seer than evan has something similar. but to him it comes as nightmares for lack of better words.
• i saw someone say that his gay awakening was ironically, barty’s dad, and as much as i hate him, it’s too funny to not think about. especially thinking about how mortified barty would be if he found out.
• he wouldve been seen as the “weird, shy and quiet kid” in hogwarts, especially in his younger years. barty, regululs, pandora, and dorcas are the only ones who know backwards that is.
• he had a pet tarantula that was probably named something stupid like fuzzy. (he never named it and barty got sick of it not having a name)
• evan sleeps in 2 ways. 1: he’s sprawled out across the bed, blankets are thrown everywhere and you can’t tell what limb is coming from where. or 2: he sleeps pin straight on his back when barty sleeps with him.
• he loves to climb (dont come at me because of crimson rivers i know😭) but no honestly when ever he needs to be alone or is just bored, you’ll always find him up in a tree at an impossible height or random ledges around the school.
• i just wanted to add that that one scene in TBOSBAS where tigress tells coriolanus that he looks just like his father, was very much pandora to evan for me.
• he has a bad habit of biting his nails, so when it gets to the point where his nail beds start hurting, barty will paint his nails so he stops chewing until the paint chips off.
• abandonment issues but pushes everyone he loves away.
• he often will just shut down at random points in the day. when things get too overwhelming, he just isn’t all there. to anyone else, it looks like nothings changed when this happens but barty and pandora are the only ones who have caught on. he keeps conversation very minimal, or not talking at all, blinks maybe once a half hour, it if happens during meal times he just wont eat, avoids the great hall all together.
• scared of clowns. dont ask why, he just is.
• first time he tried to have sex with anyone, he immediately threw up after just making out with them.
let me know if you want to hear more! or want to see other characters
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dreamer0903 · 2 months
My personal opinion on
✨️ The Marauders and their sexualities✨️
James = Pansexual, he just loves people
Sirius = Gay, no question about it
Remus = Gay (sorry, I can't think of him as Bi)
Peter = Asexual and bisexual, like...he doesn't really think about relationships or those things, but sometimes he wants a relationship, and when he does, he is like "Yeah I don't care if it's a boy or a girl"
Mary = Bisexual, she prefers women, but she is down to whatever
Marlene = Lesbian, this girl hates men
Lily = Bisexual, literally the Bi queen
Dorcas = Lesbian, this girl hates man more than her girlfriend
Regulus = Gay AND demisexual, he thought he was ace, but then he kinda started feeling... something (🙂) for James (I love reading Explicit Jegulus fics but at the same time I love Regulus as demi sooo)
Barty = Pansexual, he doesn't care, he is alright with everything, you just need to be hot
Evan = Bisexual but he prefers men, also maybe asexual (?) idk I see a lot of people hc him as ace and I'm 50/50 for this one
Pandora = Bi or lesbian, I can't decide, but maybe more lesbian, she is a girl's girl
Obviously, those are my opinions. Feel free to disagree with me without insulting me, maybe? hopefully?
Tomorrow, I'm gonna recommend more fics, so get ready, babes :))
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addsalwayssick · 10 months
Sirius and Regulus “slutty waists” black
james “slutty thighs” potter
remus “slutty hands” lupin
lily “slutty lips” evan’s
mary “slutty eyes” macdonald
marlene “slutty clothes” mckinnon
barty “slutty tongue” crouch
evan “slutty biceps” rosier
dorcas “slutty words” meadowes
pandora “slutty” rosier
peter “cute” pettigrew
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nyxiolls · 9 months
Barty loved Evan. Barty loved Evan. Barty couldn't allow himself to love Evan, he couldn't live without Evan. He was too destructive. He was too impulsive, he was always getting in trouble, he needed Evan like oxygen. He loved Evan. He broke a guy's nose once for making fun of Evan. He got suspended for a week, Evan stopped going to school for a week to stay with him.
Barty spiralled sometimes, sometimes they'd argue and Barty felt like his world was collapsing on him. Barty hated it when Evan was mad at him, he didn't know how to function without Evan. Barty and Evan had a kind of soft, clingy and obsessive love. They need each other to exist, they love each other like it's the only thing they've ever known. Barty would do anything for Evan.
He couldn't get himself to tell Evan he loved him, he wanted him close. He didn't even know if Evan liked guys ; he was never the one to talk about it. He stayed friends with him, consuming him as much as he could, taking anything he could get from him. Eventually, it all became too much and he ran. He vanished, he left Evan hanging and wondering why, he never got an explanation.
He was scared of the things he felt for Evan. He was scared that he'd end up hurting and ruining Evan, after all, he always ruined what he touched.
Evan loved barty. He loved him like it was all he'd ever known. He was scared. He was scared that barty wouldn't love him anymore when he figured out that Evan wasn't natural, when he came to know that Evan didn't want sex like normal people did. He loved barty, but never enough to trust him fully. Evan loved barty like it was the easiest thing he'd ever done. He loved barty, that's why they stuck together. He knew barty hated arguing with him, that it made him spiral.
Evan loved barty, that's why he let Barty go when he left, hoping he'd come back. After all, to love is to set someone free.
Barty never returned. He never loved anyone else either, he wandered around. Searching for pieces of Evan in everything that he saw, He loved Evan, he hoped he could go back home to him, but after all these years, he was still scared of being close to him. He didn't understand his own head. Life hadn't felt good for him since he left Evan. He wandered around, lifeless, in an empty shell of a body, trying to figure out his own head.
Evan kept looking for barty. Everywhere he went, he'd hope he ran into him, or caught a glimpse of him really, he wasn't picky. He never loved anyone either. He tried relationships, really he did, but he never felt at home with any of them. He kept looking for barty, he didn't care if he'd have to spend an eternity doing it, he'd look for him. Even if he runs again, he'll let him go, and search for him.
Barty and Evan are each other's home.
ps. (Barty has bpd in this, and evan is asexual and it's the same in all of my works)
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regulus-smith · 1 month
(This post is filled with non-graphic descriptions of s e x . Scroll if you dont like that.)
Why is s e x so icky. What do you mean I gotta put THAT THING near my privates. No thanks. Nuh uh. Not putting their ding dong into my shite hole. Nope. Never. I'd rather dive off a cliff.
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redblvvd4 · 2 months
I fear I've found all the marauders art so I'm just saving random art to my pinterest boards and pretending it's them
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japepperony · 1 year
Stop writing marauders fics and making peter this outcast that they ignore and didn't love. His betrayal hurt for a reason. Remus truly believed Sirius did it. And Sirius didn't want Pete dead because he let him go to Azkaban. No, he wanted him dead because he did what they promised they never do and that's hurt each and he did that. And I know for a fact James would resent him because he didn't just put James and Sirius in danger, he put lily and harry in danger. But secretly he'd forgive him. He'd pray it was a trick and peter was tortured. Or he was being a spy for Dumbledore and had to say something. James loved peter. Remus loved peter. Sirius loved peter. PETER IS A MARAUDER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. That doesn't mean you have to hate him. But stop making him this terrible, evil, scheming, person.
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fall-95 · 1 year
Barty: Sometimes I get bored while brushing my teeth, cause two minutes is a long time y’know.
Regulus: It’s really not that long…
Barty: So, I go for walkies, like sit down on my bed, start doing stuff,
Barty: and sometimes I get so invested in what I’m doing that the two minutes are up and I’m just vibing with my mouth full of toothpaste.
Regulus: *sighing* Of course you do.
Barty: One time I sat there for half an hour with toothpaste still in my mouth.
Dorcas: Half an hour!!
Pandora: *appears* Oh, it gets worse.
Barty: But then, out of no where, I got the urge to cough.
Evan: Oh shit. Where’s the mess?
Barty: Rude! I made no mess. So as I was saying, I had to fucking sprint to the sink, I barely made it in time.
Pandora: He almost choked, I thought he was having a heart attack!
Evan: *snorts*
Regulus, mutters: I’m not even surprised anymore.
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biopsssihozz · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
slytherin pantheon pride arts! they all ended up a bit different stylistically esp because ive been drawing them for like 20 days now
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
Marauders era as things me and my friends said- part 3
*see a straight couple making out*
Evan : Ew can they not?
Evan: What?
Pandora: That’s rude
Evan: I’m not being a hater
Evan: just hetrophobic
Dorcas: Actually, Valid
Regulus: Like, they can do that but why push that in our faces?
Evan: So rude
*continues eating chips*
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siriuslydying · 1 year
Peter and Marlene playing "Smash or Pass"
Peter: hum... Dorcas?
Marlene: OMG SMASH!
Peter: uh... Lily?
Marlene: smash!
Peter: c'mon Marls! She's one of your bestfriends! Anyway... What about Effie?
Marlene:*without hesitation* smash!
Peter: You can't say smash to everyone! You'll have to pass the next one, okay?
Marlene: *mumble* fine...
Peter: Okay now... Minnie!
Marlene:*whisper* smash...
Peter: I don't want to play this game anymore.
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