#as a person with tourettes
sp3ctrum-int3rn3t · 13 days
shhhhhhh don't tell anyone i like tmf oh wait fuck
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worms-in-my-brain · 10 months
People with psychotic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with personality disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with substance abuse disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with tic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with bipolar disorder are neurodivergent too.
People with dissociative disorders are neurodivergent too.
Neurodivergence isn’t just ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression. (Plus those last two also get left out sometimes!) Neurodivergence is anything that affects your brain.
“Neurodivergent people hate loud noises” is actually just as valid as a statement as “neurodivergent people have delusions,” “neurodivergent people have tics,” or even “neurodivergent people have low empathy.”
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transgender-png · 1 year
fuck it. shout out to "high functioning" neurodivergents
the ones who can mask easily, the ones who can get social cues, the ones who have managed to go most of their life not even knowing they were ND because they didn't present as the stereotypical ND person.
the ones who can pay attention in class, understand social etiquette, who understand societial expectations
the ones who don't feel neurodivergent enough bc they don't struggle in the same ways/areas a lot of NDs do, or they can't relate to other NDs' experiences because they always understood these things easily
the ones with high empathy, the ones who DO get the joke, the ones who are constantly told that they can't possibly be neurodivergent because they don't act like what you'd expect a neurodivergent person to act like.
you are neurodivergent enough. you are valid, and so are your experiences. not struggling as much as others do in some places doesn't mean you dont struggle at all. your condition and diagnosis is valid. your symptoms are valid. YOU ARE VALID. not checking all the supposed boxes doesn't mean you aren't neurodivergent. you are enough. you are valid. you are loved. you are valued. you matter. you belong in neurodivergent spaces, you deserve to use whatever resources are available to you, you are allowed to take up space in these communities. and i am so, so proud of you.
feel free to, and actually, i encourage you to reblog this with your experiences. we belong in this community as much as anyone else. please also tag this w/ any neurodivergent conditions i may have forgotten 💙
since this is getting lots of notes I'd like to add, even if you're undiagnosed or maybe self diagnosed, for whatever reason, (i.e. can't get access to a diagnosis, not being taken seriously, or just not wanting an official diagnosis, etc.) this still applies to you. actually especially to you folks. don't think for a second you're not valid just bc you don't have the paperwork or whatever to say it
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pinkxcloudz · 8 months
"start unmasking your symptoms!" mfers when people with schizospec disorders, personality disorders, paranoia, tics and tourettes, OCD, PANDAS, and dissociative disorders unmask
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unicornsand · 1 month
Hey, listen here. Psst, down here.
Disability isn't a competition. You are not less or more disabled than another disabled individual. No one is "disabled enough." Saying that certain disabilities are not valid is ableism. You are not immune to ableism just because you're disabled.
If it affects your ability to do activities negatively, it's a disability.
Yes, this means chronic pain, yes this means joint pain, this means sensory issues, this means mental issues, this means brain damage, this means deformities, this mean developmental disabilities like ADHD, this means tic disorders and tics themselves, this means all disabilities. All disability is disabled enough.
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dailydivergent · 6 months
Neurodivergent reminder: Overstimulation feels a lot like anxiety, and understimulation feels a lot like depression.
More importantly, you don't need to know which it is to practice self-care.
Self-caring anxiety and overstimulation looks the same:
Recognize you're feeling big feelings
Take as many deep breaths as your need to slow your mind
Identify what’s causing the feeling, whether sensory, environmental, or situational
Minimize that cause as much as possible immediately
Self-caring depression and understimulation looks the same:
Recognize you’re in need of stimulation
Turn on an interesting long-form video of some kind
Do some quick exercise like a walk or jumping jacks
Call a friend that'll let you infodump
If you're neurodivergent and easily get stuck on labelling things — I see you.
I'm here to remind you that you don't need to know what it is to take care of it in the meantime.
You can — will — figure it out later.
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it-is-only-a-novel · 8 months
Neurodivergent: a list
A list of those who are included under the "neurodivergent" label.
Applied Neurodiversity
Dissociative disorders
Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DpDr)
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD)
Unspecified dissociative disorder
Eating disorders:
Anorexia nervosa
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Binge-eating disorder
Bullimia nervosa
Mental illnesses:
Delusional disorder
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Personality Disorders:
Cluster A:
Paranoid personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder
Cluster B:
Antisocial personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
Cluster C:
Avoidant personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Personality change due to another medical condition
Personality disorder not otherwise specified (PD-NOS)
personality disorder trait specified (PD-TS)
Tic disorder
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
Tourette syndrome
Transient tic disorder
Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)
Angelmans Syndrome
Auditory processing disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Body integrity identity disorder (BIID)
Bipolar disorder
Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR)
Down syndrome
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Fragile X syndrome
Intellectual disability
Irlen Syndrome
Meares-Irlen Syndrome
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Obsessive love disorder (OLD)
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS)
Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)
Savant Syndrome
Williams Syndrome/Williams Beuren Syndrome
This is by no means a full list.
If you: see that I'm missing something, or
want me to rephrase something, or
have a resource to share, or
have a suggestion for organizing the list
please let me know in the comments/rebloggs.
I'm autistic and I love making lists. I also hope it may help spread awareness about neurodivergent people!
I am not an expert. But I do believe that we should be careful to include people in the neurodivergent umbrella. We are stronger together.
Updated: 9/2/24
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didderd · 11 months
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when u kiss his chipped eyebrow <333
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
Reminder that you have zero right to romanticise or joke about other people’s mental illnesses or disorders unless it is your own or the individual has condones certain jokes.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
The theory that Mozart had Tourette’s syndrome is just wild to me because the “evidence“ that he had coprolalia is so not how coprolalia works
Like yes let me just. Let me just fulfill my brain’s immediate and momentary impulse to write an entire canon called Lick My Ass, then write up the music and perform it with my friends at parties
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waywardvoidpoetry · 1 year
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the typo was completely planned trust me
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dilfsisko · 4 months
i just think maybe it's not random strangers on the internet's place to accuse teenagers of faking disorders
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sunnycanwrite · 10 months
"Aww your tic disorder is so cute"
You know I definitely didn't think it was cute when it started intruding on my life. When it made doing my job dangerous. But if you want to infantilze my disability because sometimes I make "silly noises" or shake my head in a funny way, stop.
It's not cute that at for time I had I needed someone basically glued to my side to help if tic could potentially hurt me. So yeah, this list is one of many saying the same thing. But some that disrupted the course of my life is not cute.
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tic-loud-tic-proud · 5 days
Reminder to everyone that the best thing to if someone is trolling you online is to block and ignore them
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threemouthedcanine · 1 year
Are you Black and neurodivergent and looking to meet and connect with like-minded individuals?? Join my discord server
Quick overview!
—mixed age server, with a minimum age of 14 and no cut-off age!
—the server does not permit any harmful or damaging content. There is absolutely zero tolerance for ableism, racism, islamophobia, antisemitism, misogynoir, transmisogynoir, or any form of LGBTphobia
—plenty of roles and channels for all kinds of artistic self expression, including painting, writing, sewing, music production, photography, and programming!
—an active focus on fostering a safe, friendly, and welcoming space for all Black neurodivergent people (including people with personality disorders, schizospec disorders, dissociative disorders, tic disorders, etc, if you are in any way neurodivergent you are welcomed!)
—server includes Pluralkit as well as a variety of bots for fun and entertainment!
—fully trans inclusive 💗💙🤍💙💗
—mixxies can join 🔥🔥🔥💯🥰
Feel free to join, reblog, invite your friends, it's a chill space for chill people and we're happy to provide a space for neurodivergent folxeaus that isn't painfully white centric <3
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 4 months
That neurodivergent feeling of relating to all but also none of the questions in your diagnosis process due to multiple types of neurodivergency
You either scream 'YES', 'NO' or 'IDFK'.
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