#arc-schnee swap au
howlingday · 10 months
Okay, I absolutely adored your last Jaune & Weiss social standing reversal!
So how about one where their family dynamics are reversed?
Weiss is the one who leaves her loving parents and siblings behind, intent on becoming a hero like her grandmother....
...While Jaune is the one desperate to leave his strict, manipulative mother and drunkenly depressed father. Meanwhile, all 7 of his sisters, apart from Saphron the eldest, are either very distant or cold to him.
Weiss Schnee had everything a woman of her status could ask for. Since her grandfather's passing of his position as CEO of the Schnee Dust Company to his daughter, and her mother, Weiss had been the perfect example of how a Schnee should be at her age. Her sister, Winter, dismissed the offer to take her mother's place and instead chose her own path to become a huntress like her grandparents and her mother. Weiss would also choose this same path, mockingly called a copycat by her siblings. Speaking of said siblings, Whitley, the youngest of the three, threw himself into his studies to pick up the slack left by his sisters. He was always the odd one, loving mathematics and probability and statistics and other such complicated business jargon that made any other thirteen-year-old's head spin. Their father, Klein, seemed to be the only member of the family who seemed to understand him, or if he didn't, he hid it very well.
Weiss was now at Beacon, modestly packed with only the barest of essentials as the representative of the Schnee Dust Company. If said "bare essentials" required three suitcases and a trolley to carry them, then so be it. Still, she was confident she would excel in her classes and establish herself as the team leader in time at all. And if she didn't, then oh, well, right?
Even if she really wanted to be team leader so badly.
Jaune Arc was living in hell. Saphron had the right idea to run away, just like he was doing now. The only difference between them was that Jaune had enough sense to take a weapon with him. If only he held that sense when his mother had one of her "fits". Not like Dad would do anything to stop him. He'd been deep into the bottle since his time in the war, and in a way, he was still there. He felt pity for the poor man, though it was cold comfort for him when seven other women were screeching at the only two men in the house. And now, that pity would be long forgotten, hopefully like his mother and her underhanded manipulation of his family's actions would be. Y'know those stories about the "perfect man who does everything around the house"? That was him, being groomed by his mother to be perfect at everything so that someone would look his way and decide, "Yeah, I'll definitely marry someone tall, blond, and scraggly!"
The last he saw of his family before boarding the bullhead was his father sitting on the porch, bottle in his hand. He didn't say anything. He didn't do anything. He'd been the same man for the past seventeen years of Jaune's life. Most motion he made was taking an especially long sig of his liquor until it was only the bottle left. As the alcohol soaked into his blond, graying beard, Jaune made an oath, a promise; Jaune Arc would never become his father.
He'd say he'd give his word, but what good would that do? An Arc never kept his word before.
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This AU is one where the roles are swapped drastically. No, this one is swapped so weirdly. For example in normal RWBY Roleswaps, Yang would take Ruby’s role and Blake would take Weiss’s, vise versa.
This one not so much, the roles reversed would be:
Ruby - Jaune
Weiss - Nora
Blake - Pyrrha
Yang - Ren
Ozpin - Salem(A Normal One)
Mercury - Emerald(Another Normal One)
Oscar - Cinder
These are the main ones, but you can tell these are weird. Except Ozpin and Salem; and Mercury and Emerald those are the same. But just imagine Blake that adopts the personality of Pyrrha and falls in love with Ruby who is Jaune, weird. Then you have Salem inside of Cinder’s head. Oscar basically adopting a hungry Mercury and a crippled Emerald. This could be way more chaotic in by the way if I added more characters. And just note everyone’s personality is the same; only the roles are different. The shipping is also chaos for Blake loving Ruby, Ruby crushing on Nora, Ren and Pyrrha happen, Jaune and Cinder could happen, and if I were to include another every emotion would snap in me.
Here is the funny part this is not even every character only the few most important to me.
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aceironwood · 2 years
OCIN: Beacons of Hope Volume 2 - Chapter 8
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Chapter 20: Volume 2, Chapter 8 is now available!
The Beacon dance winds down, and Ozpin spots an intruder on campus. But there’s no time to dig too deeply into the situation-- it’s time for the first year missions, and Team OCIN has a plan for how to follow up on their leads about Torchwick’s plans
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Prof. Nikos AU Concept
To be clear this isn't the only Au/ comic I'll put the model in but it is the one that comes to mind for me most often.
Pyrrha is born into the previous generation to RWBY's main characters like Jaune was in my Prof. Arc AU, also like him she became Glynda's partner.
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There weren't any problems to their partnership, in fact Pyrrha would even say it was a pleasant one. But, not a ideal one... Between Glynda's intimidating nature and stern attitude and her fame she merely found a compatriot on the pedestal instead of making many friends with life long bonds.
Sure there were Summer and Tai... Nit Qrow though, he was spiritually taxing and Raven was worse.
But slowly she found herself drifting from them as well. After all her and Glynda did have examples to set. And even after their teammates quit that only meant they had to work that much harder.
Which lead her to now, her being a celebrity, renowned huntress and the most popular teacher in Beacon...
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But also a maiden though that secret was to be held under wraps indefinitely.
Of course she never was able to quite find her way off her pedestal. Everyone just avoided her through school, intimidated or worse... They were obsessed.
When she said she was the most popular teacher in Beacon that was hardly a exclusively good thing...
Many students, fellow teachers during Vytal or even council members had tried to involve themselves with her. Some with honest if not unreciprocated feelings for her. Others having ulterior or more carnal goals in mimd.
At times like that she was glad that she could at the very least believe in Glynda. Even this year she expected little different, already a few boys had been unashamedly gawking at her. At least they weren't as blatant as miss Adel had been the year previous. Though they failed compared to miss Schnee who she could sense was going to be particularly insistent fan of her's.
Honestly it was at times like this that she was thankful for that silly rumor about her and Glynda being more then just partners were so rampant through the school.
They helped dissuade the more gullible or naive students, if only they didn't incite the more passionate fans. It was at times like this that she missed Velvet.
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The girl had been a wonderful experience to have, but that relationship was over and she had reality to face.
And Reality as it turned out was a blonde boy, one rather plain at first glance. admittedly unimpressive physically compared to the other possible students.
And she realized it when that Ravenette Weiss look alike abducted the flying boy straight out of the air.
He had a scratch from a tree branch, one that bled... That didn't heal, he didn't have aura. She moved to intercept but Ozpin was quicker and with a annoyingly good point. That boy, Jaune Arc stayed even after seeing other be launched into the forest. He heard his words and knew the risk.
So she stood and watched, watched him and his foul mouthed partner walk through the forest, the color swapped looking Schnee obsessing over him. She watched them stumble into that cave, she knew she should've cleared the Deathstalker out of it!
But she hadn't and now he was paying the price, at the very least they'd secured the Relic. And then it happened, they'd met up with four girls Ozpin had noted interest in and two others.
Forming teams, but also drawing in two rather dangerous Grimm. They made the right call, choosing to retreat from the threats. And the blonde could've, but his partner and another boy sadly couldn't make it across the bridge before the Deathstalker had them. Honestly she was suprised when he let turned back to help them, well let the redhead girl launch him towards them.
For most it wouldn't be all that impressive, a dime action a hunter would be expected to take. But Pyrrha saw more to it then that, the boy hadn't had aura for even a hour yet.
He still should've had his morals and thoughts firmly within what civilians would consider commonsense. And what he was doing was very much not that. She saw it, the way he tended, the tremble in his legs.
He was scared, very scared, to him who didn't fully understand what aura was it must've felt suicidal to face a Grimm like that. And yet there he was, fighting, giving orders and exceeding what she could've ever expected of someone with the clear lack of formal training he demonstrated.
It was completely fascinating and admirable. It was why she approached him during the first years entrance celebration after party.
Ignoring team RWBY (Especially Weiss), CRDL and just about everyone else. She could see it in his posture, Jaune wasn't enjoying his position as leader or the attention it got him as other students seemed quick to criticize.
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She understood their logic to a extent, Valkyrie and miss Gelé were clearly stronger and Lie Ren more skilled.
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Bit that line of thinking was heavily flawed in her opinion. And so she spoke to him, amd was suprised, he, he was utterly ignorant of most things relating to Huntsman!
It sent her through a loop, maybe it was because of how pitiful he looked then, or perhaps how much determination she could gleam in his gaze when he spoke of his dream to be a Huntsman... And also maybe, possibly because he seemed utterly ignorant to who she was. Regardless she spoke then and there. Informing Jaune that she'd be training him as one of his electives (Classes)
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He made one small comment about her thinking he wasn't good enough, but she quickly nipped that in the bud. Everyone had to start somewhere and she was a bit more stubborn herself compared to her Beacon days.
Glynda couldn't help but feel Pyrrha was putting too much interest into Arc. Did she hate the boy, no.
But Pyrrha shouldn't be putting all her free time into spending her time with a schoolboy... No she was not jealous no matter what Qrow said! She was just concerned about her partner's reputation.
And besides that Jaune Arc had shown to be dreadfully unprepared for this school given his Proformance during Initiation. She'd even go as far as to say that if it hadn't been for miss Gelé's unsettlingly strong interest in him that there was a good chance he would've perished during the exam.
If Pyrrha intended to truly invest time in training him she couldn't help but feel it'd a rather significant amount of effort for her part...
Pyrrha had enough on her plate, surely she didn't need to add training a underwhelming student on top of that.
And... Yes, perhaps there was a fraction of truth to the drunkards word... After all, Pyrrha and her were the only two given such high expectations. She was the only person who could understand her.
Of course she valued their friendship more then anything in the world. But the heart simply wanted what the heart wanted. She only hoped she could be professional and not let it effect her teachings.
Though given how far behind Arc was perhaps she could afford to be a bit more... strict
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Pyrrha had to admit, Jaune was a breath of fresh air, while still severely lacking in skill and training she felt that could be rectified and firmly believed in him. Honestly she was afraid this year would be a dull one but with him things were looking up.
She actually fell asleep rather peacefully that night... And had a dream.
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Well... Oh dear.
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bastart13 · 2 years
Oh no, I’m sorry I should have been more clear with the question. I mean like who can beat the character they took their role of
Like Canon!Tyrian vs Reverse!Blake
Canon!Cinder vs Reverse!Ruby
Reverse!Ren and Nora vs Canon!Roman and Neo
Nope, don't worry, that was 100% my fault. I just completely misread the initial ask
Take 2!
---Heroes ---
C!Ruby v R!Cinder: They are both babies so I don't want them to fight, but while Cinder can put up a fight and Ruby might not want to use it, silver eyes don't work well against a Maiden. Also Cinder is a bit of a blunt fighter in comparison.
C!Weiss v R!Watts: If Watts has preparation time or the right environment, he can throw Weiss off, but otherwise she's beating up the nerd.
C!Blake v R!Tyrian: Tyrian has an agility Blake doesn't quite have so unless she catches his tail or traps him in a copy, she'd probably lose.
C!Yang v R!Hazel: Ah, gotta love abusing your semblance to no personal cost :) I'd give the edge to Hazel. He can take a lot more hits than Yang and he hits heavy.
C!Jaune v R!Emerald: Jaune probably wins, though it's not the best fight. While it's hard to hit Emerald, he has more range of offence and defence.
C!Nora v R!Roman: Roman is running away from a rocket sledgehammer because he does not have the power to counter Nora. His best chance is a few shots before she smacks him.
C!Pyrrha v R!Mercury: If she figured out his metal legs, Pyrrha would probably win, but until then it's an even fight.
C!Ren v R!Neo: Fairly even fight, but Ren doesn't have much of an advantage over Neo and she's just a little more skilled.
---Villains ---
C!Watts v R!Weiss: Weiss beats up the nerd. She may be a businesswoman, but she still needs to be a perfect combatant as well
C!Tyrian v R!Blake: I think I'd give this to Tyrian. They both have evasive, unpredictable fighting styles, but if Tyrian gets a hit he can do more with it from his semblance. Blake has a little less punch.
C!Cinder v R!Ruby: This match up is not in Cinder's favour. While she has more firepower, R!Ruby is literally trained to kill Maidens with her silver eyes. Also, while neither are particularly stable, Cinder runs hot and impulsive while Ruby stays cold and focused.
C!Hazel v R!Yang: Battle of the tanks! Hazel can take pretty much any hit from Yang, but Yang powers up every time he hits her. This fight would be long and honestly? Likely a stalemate unless Yang gets the right hit.
C!Emerald v R!Jaune: Jaune is primarily a support so while he's bulkier than Emerald, he doesn't have much defence against her semblance. If she got a sneak attack, Emerald would take him out.
C!Roman v R!Nora: Nora's taking him out. He could try to keep distance but Nora can rocket herself in close and then he has no defence against her hammer.
C!Mercury v R!Pyrrha: Mercury has metal legs and this Pyrrha isn't too nice to use her semblance in moderation. She wins.
C!Neo v R!Ren: Hmmm probably Neo. While agile enough to hit her, Ren doesn't have much counter to her semblance other than ignoring emotional manipulation.
Bonus: Salem could kill Ozpin in both versions because...... he's the only one of them who can die
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bridgyrose · 4 years
Jaune: *pacing back and forth* You really think it worked?
Oscar: *stepping out of a machine* It had to have worked.
Nora: But what if it didnt? What if General Ironwood gets them on his side?
Oscar: I… saw Ruby’s simulation. I think I broke through to her.
Jaune: If it did work, we should be seeing them come any minute now.
Nora: *sighing* Right….
Ren: It’ll be okay Nora. They will be fine
Oscar: *smiling as she saw Weiss* And there they are.
Weiss: *rushing over in a flurry of petals* There you guys are.
Nora: *hesitating* Did… . you just use Ruby’s semblance?
Weiss: Yeah...we… might have a lot of explaining to do.
Ruby: *using shadow clones to jump around* Okay, I get why Blake loves this so much.
Yang: *riding a few glyphs and stopping in front of Jaune* I’m not sure I’ll get used to these glyphs.
Jaune: So… you all… swapped semblances?
Weiss: It’s… a bit more than that.
Oscar: Speaking of, where’s Blake?
Ruby: We… dont know. We didnt see her after waking up.
Jaune: So Ironwood has her.
Weiss: That’s the assumption. Winter said she fought her, but we dont exactly know how true that is.
Jaune: Seems like a lot has changed in a few days.
Ruby: A few days?
Jaune: The airship was shot down only a few days ago. How… how long do you think it’s been?
Yang: A… few years?
Nora: Let’s get you back to the Happy Huntresses. We can have Pietro look you all over.
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asknordicwinter · 4 years
Team Swap AU? Who’s on the team with Weiss and Nora? Are there any other couples?
Nora and Weiss other teammates are Blake and Ruby together they form RNBW, as for other couples their maybe some ladybug, Martial arcs and Greekfire 🙂
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So I take it with the other members of RWBY and JNPR we haven't seen yet: Jaune is Cinder Weiss is Neo Ren is Watts Pyrrha is Hazel
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“Well ... it’s about time, darling.”
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“You hear that, Pyrrha? Silence. I’ve half a mind to thank the little boy who silenced you.”
You’re very correct! Weiss is the oddly silent assistant to Ruby Rose.
Lie Ren is the disgraced (and long thought dead) scientist hailing from Atlas, Jaune is the power-hungry warlock hellbent on revenge for what Roman did to him, and Pyrrha is ... someone who lost one too many people in her life.
Thanks for the question! Remember inbox is OPEN for questions about RMEN or the Swap AU!
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fangirlingpuggle · 6 years
Hey so came up with a RWBY roleswap AU last night when I couldn’t sleep, I'm not sure how all the swaps would work but I thought this was fun so here.
Ozma and Salem are swapped Salem being the powerful Sorceress who rescued the captured prince in a tower and is stuck in an endless cycle or reincarnation, her last host was Headmistress Goodwitch (Ozpin and Glynda are switched in this AU) and Ozma is the king of the Grimm.
Ruby is Salem’s current host (her eyes are not sliver but red) and Oscar is the prodigy allowed to enter Beacon early and a sliver eyed warrior.
Mercury is swapped with Yang, he being adopted when Mercury dad left(Mercury’s dad is swapped with Raven though instead of leaving to joint the bandits he leaves to be an assassin) as he was a member of the original team with Tyrian who is switched with Qrow, Hazel who is switched with Tai and Hazel’s sister who is switched with Summer. Oscar is Hazel’s nephew and he and Mercury were raised as brothers by Hazel who took in Mercury when his dad left and then Oscar after the death of his mum(aka Hazel’s sister). Yang has the awful childhood with Raven who raised her to be a bandit and ended up taking her arms when Yang tried to use her semblance against her (Yeah raven is 100% dead in this AU)
Weiss is swapped with Penny, she is the sole heir of the Polendina robotics company and Weiss is a combination of Schnee summons ability combined with technology so an artificial human. (Also Watts is swapped with Ironwood)
Blake is swapped with Adam, he keeps the mark on his face covered with an eyepatch, Sienna is his adopted mother and the X head of the Whitefang (she’s swapped with Ghira). Ilia is swapped with Sun and she’s the friend who tags along with Adam.
Jaune is swapped with Emerald, Cinder with Pyrrha, Neo with Nora and Roman with Ren, the instead of Emeralds illusions the accidents would be caused by Jaune remotely boosting peoples Aura’s to dangerous levels making their attacks go crazy.
Like I said Tyrian is switched with Qrow, he’s an honorary uncle to both Oscar and Mercury as being a member of the team (i’m not sure if he’s be able to actually turn in to a scorpion like Qrow can change into bird or what). Qrow in this AU is kinda (well very) crazy and super aggressive utilising and almost revealing in all the bad luck he causes.
Yeah not all the swaps work but I though it was fun especially if there was a cross over and the canon team met the roleswap team and everybody just freaking out with Tyrian and Qrow being like “AHH not again leave these kids alone crazy...who are YOU calling crazy??” and yeah sliver eyed Ruby and Oscar and Salem/Ozma reincarnations Ruby and Oscar just bonding and so many different and fun interactions.
So yeah dumb fun AU idea I had if anyone has any other swap ideas or anything let me know thanks for reading =)
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inkperch · 2 years
Ok, SO! I did a roleswap au for RWBY by putting every main character (RWBYJNPR) into two random name spinners: Spinner one picked the character, spinner two picked the character roll (with exactly as much 1-1 preciseness as I felt like for that particular swap, lol, this isn’t very consistent-). A lot of them were really lucky, I swear I didn’t rig any of theses, here’s what I got: 
Pyrrha --> Jaune 
Straight of the bat, we have Pyrrha Nikos, who, like in canon, was a famous tournament fighter... until one day she doubled back to get a forgotten water bottle and walked in on her manager talking about how he’d been rigging her fights. She revealed this near-instantly, of course, it’s Pyrrha, and her manager was fired and put under investigation. But, from a mix of genuine bad habits from all the rigged matches and sheer nerves at learning her entire success had been a lie, Pyrrha’s next tournament round was an absolute flop, with her finishing close to last. She applied to Beacon hoping to prove to herself that the sport she built her entire life around wasn’t just her getting lucky. She’s. Not doing so great rn-
Ruby --> Ren
Speaking of not doing so great! Patch is gone in this au. Like, straight up, it got nuked, no one knows what happened to Taiyang but the last time anyone saw him he was holding the line against a metric fuckton of Grimm while evacuations went down, so odds are looking not great for him being alive. Uncle Qrow took both girls in, but he couldn’t be around much in person, especially not seeing as he blamed himself for what happened to Tai. So, Ruby’s. A lot quieter. Still the small, honest soul we all know and love, if anything what happened to Patch only strengthened her resolve to be the Fairy Tale hero everyone needs- for better or worse.
Weiss--> Blake
So, in general I have this little headcanon that prior to Nicholas ‘I’m literally Santa Claus’ Schnee, the Schnee family were known and reviled due to their hereditary semblance (’passing your soul down to your kids?? What are they, clones??’) and specifically for the fact that a main ability of that semblance was summoning giant fuck-off Grimm to fight for them. And uh. Here it wasn’t the Schnee’s who founded those dust mines-
(honestly, Blake and Weiss both got of lightest with the changes, their actual motives are basically the same, Weiss just has different angst-)
Ren --> Pyrrha
He wasn’t the best fighter, not even in the small, local village tourney’s were he got his start, but he was the most desperate- the rest of the competitors were their for fun, or bragging rights, he was there because the prize money could buy him and Nora an actual meal. Luckily for him, a talent scout happened to be at one of those small tournaments, there to watch their nephew get their ass kicked- and they saw promise in the young boy who did it.
Nora --> Ruby
Nora has silver eyes. It wasn’t an accident, that their city was targeted. 
(I swear, I didn’t just do this whole thing as an excuse to make everything angsty-er-) 
Jaune --> Weiss
It was the Arc family that founded the dust mines! This has not made conditions better. At least in the Arc family mines, it’s a genuine lack of care that sends you to your easily-preventable death as the Arc family dotes on each other happily in their ivory tower, not an attempt to squeeze every last drop of profit from you that they can! But yeah, Jaune is spoiled sweet, he genuinely believes his parents are just unlucky, what with so many people they trusted with important positions in the company turning around and betraying them like that! Why, Stabby McBackson was so nice when Jaune met him- he’s sure Stabby put up just as good a front around his parents, so he’s going to go out, really see the world, and then he can help his parents deal with all of these jerks who keep slipping between the cracks! (Jaune baby the entire company is just one big crack at this point-)
Yang --> Nora
I swear I didn’t rig this-
Which. Yeah, not much changes here? Nora and Yang are weirdly similar characters, if I’ve already burned Yang’s home to the ground and killed her father for Ruby’s part of the roleswap-
her Raven Issues:tm: are. A lot worse than in canon though, cause y’know, her dad died and her uncle constantly worked himself to death leaving her to basically raise her little sister even more than she did when Summer died and Raven still didn’t even say hi-
Blake --> Yang
Remember how I mentioned Blake and Weiss got the least changed? Yeah-
Blake basically just steals Yang’s personality and nothing else, with the personality change being just as much of one in-universe as it is out- it’s largely an act, because she knows her disguise is flimsy if Adam tries to track her down, but he knows her well enough that he’ll hear ‘goes to parties’ and call the guy who found her an idiot who obviously had the wrong person-
As for the teams, I randomised them too- NBLR (Nobler, or as the characters realise when they pick up on the colour name ‘no blur’ aka a pun-), Nora Valkyrie, Blake Belladonna, Lie Ren and Ruby Rose, led by Nora Valkyrie. And ASXN (Ashen), Jaune Arc, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao-Long and Pyrrha Nikos. Led by Jaune Arc
(I did randomise the leaders, but honestly the choices make sense- Jaune really needs the kinda growing up leadership’ll force him to do in this au, and Nora’s got those Silver Eyes.)
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gdiwes · 5 years
Chapters: 6/7 Fandom: RWBY Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Qrow Branwen/Clover Ebi, Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie, Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna/Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long, Robyn Hill/Winter Schnee, Marrow Amin/Jaune Arc Characters: Qrow Branwen, Clover Ebi, Elm Ederne, Vine Zeki, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Harriet Bree, Marrow Amin, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Penny Polendina, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Robyn Hill, Winter Schnee, Jaune Arc Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, fairgameweek2020, The Ace Ops are FRIENDS, Teasing, Flirting, Kissing, swapping weapons, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, soulmate-identifying items, 5+1 Things, Confessions, Scars, Mild Body Worship, Scar Stories, dumb college kids, Domestic Fluff Summary:
(Add. Tags: Yes that is a reference to a Britney song, I love her and I would live my best life for her, anyway, Fair Game Week 2020 Baby!!!, yes this was an impromptu join, but I got an idea so I HAD to, I'll update the tags as the week goes on, and depending on how many prompts I finish, sorry I'm late to the party with starbucks !!!)
Day 1: Flirting: Qrow flirts first and Clover is f l u s t e r e d. Day 2: Date: Qrow gets Clover a new pin. Day 3: Weapons: The Boys try to use each others' weapons and fail miserably, kinda lol Day 4: Soulmates: I've managed to put feathers into a Soulmate AU. Day 5: Comfort: Clover hears some stories about Qrow's scars. Day 6: Atlas Ball: The second time Qrow's there to see it, he thinks he can beat Clover to ask him to go. Day 7: Free Day: Clover discovers Qrow can turn into a bird.
I was really busy getting home the last couple days so I’m late to the party but here’s my updated fic for Fair Game Week 2020!! Thank you for sticking with me everyone, and thank you if you contributed to the week!! Y’all are such talented artists and writers, I am SO FED my skin is SO CLEAR my crops are SO WATERED,..,.,,, This has been such a fun experience, and I hope you enjoy this if you read!! 
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howlingday · 11 months
au where the arc family owns the Arc cooperation the predominant dust manufacturer in the world. while the schnees remained the noble knights of atlas.
the jaune however grew up humble by virtue of his massive family keeping him grounded reminding him that even as heir to the company he still was only a small part of something larger.
whereas weiss still had a toxic father and alcoholic mother and still was put under a lot of pressure to be perfect.
so personalities remain the same but status and wealth are switched
Humility and Pride
"Well done! Give it up for Jaune Arc, the pride and heir to the Arc Institute of Dust."
The crowd roared as Jaune's father finished exclaiming around him. People from all over Remnant, either close friends or business partners of his family had come together to cheer for the young scion of the Arc family name. As Jaune removed his helmet, he gave a smile to the cheering throng, especially the... similarly aged group of the guest family's daughters. That ended, however, when he caught his mother giving a scolding glare at him. As if to tell him, 'Keep it moving, lover boy.'
Jaune turned round the room, admiring the crowd admiring him through the cloud of ash that was the captured Grimm he had slain. Something about this felt wrong to him. True, the Grimm were awful monsters to be eradicated, but to turn it into a sport? But he knew why this had to be done.
After all, the headmasters of Beacon, Haven, Atlas, and Shade had sent some of their brightest minds to come view. In a special section of the atrium, on a balcony overlooking the entire demonstration. One such fellow made a fuss about seeing a mouse that everyone swore wasn't there. He'd hoped he wouldn't be attending that school.
But that would come later. For now, Jaune returned to the staging area, where he was to swiftly shower, change, and mingle with the potential future educators. After all, he was Jaune Arc, and when an Arc gives his word, he stands by it. No matter what.
"It's about time you got home, Weiss. For a moment, I thought you'd finally had the guts to abandon us like your sister did."
Weiss ignored her father's comment. She made her way into her room, past the door to the obnoxious 'family history' of the once great Schnee name. If only she could ignore it as easily as her father's words. On her way, she also passed by her younger brother's room, glancing through the crack to find the young man staring in the dark at a screen of passing numbers on a black screen. She rolled her eyes and continued until she finally reached her room.
"Mom is out again." She didn't turn to greet her younger brother. "She's out with Mr. Sieben again."
"She's at her therapy-"
"No, she's not." He said. "I hacked into his garage camera. She's... She's been there for hours."
"He's her therapist. Maybe she feels more comfortable-"
"In his bed than father's?" Weiss whirled at her brother. His eyes were read and puffy. "I... I'm want to tell Mom tonight, but..." He gulped. "I'm scared of what Dad will do if he finds out first."
"If I find out what?" The two flinched and found their father glaring at them. He was always sober, which made him all the more terrifying. "Whitley?"
The boy trembled, shivering under his father's gaze. He opened his mouth. "I-"
"I'm going to Atlas." Weiss glared defiantly as her father shifted his terrible gaze to her. Unlike her brother, she would not cower. Not even when his fist came flying with her next act of defiance. "And you can't stop-"
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aceironwood · 2 years
RWBY Fic Directory
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OCIN (pronounced “ocean”): Beacons of Hope is the first arc of an age swap au based on RWBY. Focused on fifteen year old Morokat Ozpin, the plot will progress in a similar fashion as the original plot of RWBY, with the main changes here being the switching of generational order (ex. Summer is Ruby’s daughter in this au, and she’s a teenager while Ruby’s an adult). The nature of this AU does also require some roles to be changed around, and the differing personalities and backgrounds of the protagonists also means that there are some significant story changes.
Ozpin has always dreamed of one day becoming a Huntsman like the heroes he’s spent his life hearing stories about. When he catches the attention of Beacon Academy’s headmaster, he’s invited to attend the academy two years early. Navigating school life, his new team, and his newfound leadership position won’t be easy— and that’s not even getting into the Dust thieves he’s had an encounter with. Still, with Team OCIN and Team STRQ by his side, Ozpin’s sure that he’ll be able to handle whatever Remnant throws at him.
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The Other Side of the Mirror is a RWBY AU with the basic premise of what would have happened if Weiss Schnee had gone to Atlas Academy rather than Beacon. Set in Atlas, this story follows Weiss and her new team as they begin their first year at the academy, including some of the growing pains that come with team interactions.
Ciel Soleil, the daughter of a pair of engineers that chose to become a Huntress rather than follow in her parents’ footsteps. Weiss Schnee, the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company given the chance to study at a Huntsman Academy, but only close to home in Atlas. Penny Polendina. A humanoid robot with a soul, tasked with one day saving the world from an unknown threat. Rowan Park. A girl with a powerful but mysterious Semblance, given an opportunity that she never would have gotten if not for it. Though the paths that brought these four girls to Atlas Academy were distant from each other, they’re now being brought together as a team. They’ll have to learn to overcome their differences in order to reach their goals— especially their shared ones of being Huntresses and fighting Grimm.
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mewmewchann · 7 years
Full list of RWBYSWAP swaps
You guys still remember RWBYSWAP, right? That RWBY AU (that I created AGES before I made Y.v.S) where the characters are roleswapped?
Well, I’m trying to do more art of it, so I’ve decided to post a list of who swaps roles with who. Or at least who I’ve decided so far.
I’ll probably post their designs later at some point.
All swaps are under the cut!
Weiss Schnee switches roles with Ruby Rose Blake Belladonna switches roles with Yang Xiao Long Pyrrha Nikos switches roles with Jaune Arc Lie Ren switches roles with Nora Valkyrie Sage Ayana switches roles with Sun Wukong Scarlet David switches roles with Neptune Vasilias Yatsuhashi Daichi switches roles with Coco Adel Fox Alistair switches roles with Velvet Scarlatina Mercury Black switches roles with Emerald Sustrai Neopolitan switches roles with Roman Torchwick Tyrian Callows switches roles with Cinder Fall Winter Schnee switches roles with Qrow Branwen Glynda Goodwitch switches roles with Professor Ozpin
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aceironwood · 2 years
Hi! Hope your week is doing okay. So, your header had me in a thought: in your opinion where and how did both Ironwood and Ozpin both similarly went wrong, and how and when did they diverge enough that Ozpin and Oscar manage to accomplished their objective alive at the end, mostly, while Ironwood sinks to the bottom of a new lake, alone and defeated, in your opinion? And why? In your OCIN AU will James and Chae-Yeong both be leaving for and then leaving Atlas at the same time? Do you have anyone in mind in Oscar's place as a member addition, not as Oz incarnation of course, as a tagalong? Who's taking Qrow's place as the spy field agent? Where's Ren in the AU? Why did you make Winter's hair formerly black? How did you think Ozpin in canon should have told the truth about Salem, and when? Would he have come up with a better answer to Ruby's question on dealing with Salem if he wasn't in the middle of a mental breakdown, and the others in a building panic attack, or Qrow punching him?
Ironwood vs Ozpin
I think the main thing that contributed to both Ironwood and Ozpin's mistakes were both of them have trouble trusting people. Neither of them really felt able to be able to share things with others-- be it Ozpin holding back important information from both Remnant and the others in his inner circle, or Ironwood holding back any kind of vulnerability for fear of looking weak
So then the key difference is that Ozpin is able to start trusting more, and start opening himself up more through the help of Oscar and being called to task by people close to him (others in RRAYNBBOW), but Ironwood never has that. Ironwood is so deeply steeped in Atlas' culture of repression, that him opening up is much harder than it is for Ozpin to. And that tendency towards repression, and maintaining images, and all that other corely Atlesian stuff is ultimately what dooms Ironwood. If he had opened up, and he had a close support system, and he was willing to admit that he made mistakes, he could have been saved, and he could have been the hero he believed himself to be. But he was tragically doomed by the narrative and his own commitment to Atlas
Age Swap AU Questions
The question about James and Chae-Yeong is a little spoilery, but I will say that both of their arcs in volume 4 will be based on Atlas, and they will both be leaving Atlas so the team can reunite in volume 5
Ren is currently teaching at Beacon along with the others from Team JNPR, and I have him teaching Stealth & Security. Originally there was going to be a reference to that in chapter 1 of volume 2, but I just couldn't manage to work it in naturally
And Winter has black hair in this bcs I personally subscribe to the belief that in canon she dyes her hair white to fit with the Schnee family image. Winter has black eyebrows, unlike her siblings and mom, and we know that Jacques' hair was originally black. While the Schnee family tree is different in this, I did decide to let Winter keep the naturally dark hair
I saved the question about who will eventually be a tagalong to the main group like Oscar and who will be fulfilling a Qrow-like role for last in this section, mainly to talk about a bigger thing. And that's that especially as the story goes on, a lot of the parallels between characters get less cut and dry. To some degree, I already wanted to kind of have that be present. Like, Ozpin is like Ruby narratively, but he's also like Oscar. So there will be characters fulfilling some of the same narrative roles that others do in canon, but it won't necessarily be a simple "this character fulfills this singular role from canon" for everyone. Especially in the Mistral arc, a lot of the plans I have diverge from what things are like in canon, with there being the same end place but a different way of getting there. I think I mentioned it before, but since volume 4's arcs are so heavily tied to each of the characters and their specific journeys (beyond the RNJR plotline), there's a lot of differences in the v4 plots for the age swap. That means that there are some pretty sharp differences in some character roles that get filled
I will say off of that, though, that there will be new characters joining the larger group in volume 4, with a couple of them sticking into 5 and onwards. For a spy/field agent-like role, I'll say that Team RWBY in this universe has some parallels with Team STRQ in the main one
Ozpin's Secrets
tbh I think that, at the very least for the people who got clued into how Salem exists, there are Maidens, there are magic relics that she is trying to get, the basics of "hey I'm in an immortal divorce battle with my ex wife" should have been part of the pitch. Like, I don't think he needs to get into the nitty gritty details or anything, but at least a tl;dr of what Jinn showed RWBY and co would have been good so everyone involved has a better understanding of what's going on. You're already dumping a bunch of ridiculous and terrifying information on people about the end of the world and how magic is real, might as well throw in how you and Salem are tied together
I do think whether he should have mentioned that Salem can't be killed (by him) would have also been important information to throw in, but how to do that's a little trickier. If you think you can win against something, even if it'll be difficult, it's easier to fight and commit. But if you believe that your enemy is unbeatable, that can destroy morale. I think Ozpin talking about that with his inner circle could have helped better prepare them for Salem, and maybe led to some other ideas flowing about how to handle things, but that's still something where I get why he'd be hesitant to talk about it
However, I do think that regardless of anything else in the situation where Ruby asks what Ozpin's plan is to defeat Salem, it would have been the same response no matter what. It seems very clear to me that Ozpin has no idea how to defeat Salem. He knows that he needs to keep the relics and Maidens away from her. He knows that he needs to keep her in check. But he doesn't have any actual plans for how to beat her. So no matter how much time he would have had to think about it, no matter how RWBY and co would have reacted, it always would have been the same answer. Ozpin just has no idea how to beat Salem
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Semblance swap au?
Yang: *rushing through and dispatching a few grimm* 
Citizen 1: *cowering behind a car* Is… is everything safe? 
Yang: *nodding* For now. Start packing what you need to get to the crater. 
Citizen 1: *nodding and rushing back to their home* 
Yang: *creating a few glyphs to put up an ice barrier to keep the grimm at bay* One street down, just- *pulls out scroll to look at map* twenty or so more to go… 
Weiss: *over the comms* How’s evacuations going? 
Yang: Just finished getting the first street cleared and blocked it off from the grimm. 
Ruby: *over comms* Mantle Police are starting to work with the Happy Huntresses to help out with the evacuations. All we have to do is plug up the holes in the wall for now the best we can. 
Yang: *sighing and looking over to the gaping hole on her side* Alright…  I think I can do that… 
Weiss: I’ll leave that to you. If you cant, then take out as many grimm as you can. 
Yang: *frowning as she saw a pack of sabyrs heading her way* That I can do. 
Jaune: *running through the base, destroying cameras as he saw them* That should get their attention-
Blake: *stepping out in front of Jaune* Stop. 
Jaune: *coming to a stop, sword and shield out* Blake, you’ve got to come-
Blake: *pulling out her Atlas Military issued sword* You’re under arrest. 
Jaune: *sighing* Right… I was afraid it’d come down to this… 
Blake: *using glyphs to wall off the hallways, closing Jaune in* 
Jaune: *backing up against the wall behind him* Okay, that’s a neat trick. 
Blake: *rushing off at Jaune in a flurry of black petals* 
Jaune: *activating the dust in his shield, ready of Blake* Please dont hate me for this… 
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