#aquaman villians
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wanderingmind867 · 15 days ago
I feel like Batman and his villians get all the love, and it perplexes me. Because trust me: I love Batman villians (even if i really, really hate batman 90% of the time). But despite liking most batman villians, I wish more supervillians would get their day in the sun.
Look at Superman's Rogues Gallery. Lex Luthor, Parasite, General Zod (and like 10 other Phantom Zoners), Livewire, Metallo, Atomic Skull, Mister Mxyzptlk, Toyman, The Prankster and Terra-Man. Then look at Flash (Barry Allen) and his rogues gallery: Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Trickster, Captain Boomerang, Abra Kadabra, The Top, Pied Piper, Mirror Master and the Rainbow Raider. Superman and Flash have more than enough rogues for their own tv shows and games and comics, but i'm not done. We still have the other four founding JLA members to cover (besides martian manhunter, since nobody ever gives j'onn the star treatment he deserves).
But look at Wonder Woman's foes! Ares, Angle Man, Doctor Psycho, Circe, Cheetah, Blue Snowman, Silver Swan and Giganta! Look at Aquaman's villians! Black Manta, Ocean Master, King Shark, The Scavenger and The Fisherman! Finally, let me mention all of Hal Jordan's foes: Sonar, Sinestro, Hector Hammond, Goldface, Evil Star, Star Sapphire, the Weaponers of Qward and so many more. All these characters have interesting villians. But Batman is the only one who gets attention. I don't mean to complain (since i do still like batman's villians), but i wish these heroes we see so little of would get more love and respect.
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 5 months ago
Comment any specific villain ideas you got based on your answer!
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simnationsim · 2 months ago
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Black Manta in the sims 4.
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ayaanlikesyou · 1 year ago
it's funny to look at early Aqualad appearances because LOOK AT THE LITTLE GUY
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he needs a comically sized lollipop and should shout Yipee and Gee Whiz whenever something fun happens to him
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kingoftheu · 1 year ago
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rainbowobsidiandesigns · 5 months ago
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A fun new series I'm hoping to add onto every now and then! When the wheel gave me Debbie I was so excited. Sure she's a bit of a deep cut but my favorites always are! Who should I add to the wheel?!
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emmbny · 11 months ago
Have this random pic i found funny
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Oh! Question ⁉️ when you said some villains that villain cat MC have or had relationship with, who are those villains is having relationship with them ( maybe heros too bc let's be honest here, there's a lot of ships out there cannon or not) well except for Jason as much I love him, am curious about others too (that have a relationship with villain cat MC)
For platonic villains I’d say CV! Reader was close to Joker before the whole torturing and killing Jason thing, they’d regularly prank each other. Hence they’re pretty close to Harley and therefore Ivy in the current time. Ofc there’s cat woman. They’re also very close to the Superfam. Particularly Jon cause he’s just an adorkable boi but he’s more on the romantic end.
He has a huge crush on them. Very much the simping for the older kid of the group sort of thing.
They also like tackling Aquaman and biting him like a fish.
Anyways back to villains. I feel like the Al Ghuls in general have a soft spot for CV! Reader.
They like trolling Lex Luthor a lot. Lex is incredibly intrigued by CV! Reader’s harem making capabilities that he often forgives their pranks in exchange for a chat or two. Though Penguin takes the crown for the most trolling.
They’re also platonically close with the Riddler cause they share similar ideals when it comes to the truth. But not to his extreme.
Punchline views CV! Reader as a status symbol almost? Like them acknowledging her would giver her a sense of legitimacy. But they kinda just feel weirded out if not completely disgusted by her and anything related to Joker that isn’t Harley. Hell the latter took a while before she could appear around CV! Reader without triggering them.
I also have a few oc! Villains that work with CV! Reader but that’s for another day.
Feel free to add more. I’m not well versed in DC villains so I’m up for suggestions. Reader is you after all so the sky is whatever limit you put on yourself
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ryemiffie · 9 months ago
I love imagining the scenario where one of Bruce's kids is getting married but no one knows Bruce's identity and it creates shenanigans. Like for example, Dick is marrying Starfire and she doesn't know Bruce's identity.
And they of course want Bruce at the wedding since he's Dick's dad, but they also want a hero as security due to the nature of the wedding, not only as a wedding between two heroes but also a Wayne wedding (not to mention holding a wedding like that in gotham is never easy) which is a pretty big deal in both respects and garners a lot of attention to be the perfect opportunity for a villian attack. So Starfire and Dick decide to request a justice league member there as security. Some heroes are eliminated due to them already being meant to attend as guests who are meant to be able to enjoy the wedding and some already have missions that need their attention, like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter are busy off-world, Shazam and HawkGirl are busy with a villian who's been on the run, and Superman is supposed to be doing press for the wedding as Clark, so they decide to give the task to Batman seeing as he's more than qualified and is already accustomed to the area (gotham), he can't figure out a way to decline the mission without risking his identity being leaked since he really has no reason to not be able to do it, except of course saying he has civilian business, on the day of the wedding, at the exact time of the wedding.. yeah hell no, Batman is way to paranoid to say something like that! So he agrees to do security as Batman for the wedding while also agreeing to attend the wedding as Bruce, ya' know, so people don't suspect anything about his identity due to the situation.
And before you ask yes Dick has realised the situation but no he is not helping Bruce out of it because its fucking funny to him, and none of the other batkids agree to where the suit for the day since they're also guests and they also find the situation funny as hell. So cue Bruce trying to constantly switch between making appearances as Bruce and doing security as Batman, like the classic sitcom episode where the person has to constantly switch between one date to the next, but it's Batman just trying to enjoy his kid's wedding.
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zylev-blog · 1 year ago
This is the masterpost for everything that I have posted, not reblogged or added on from someone else.
DCU Only
The Batkids hide in Batman's cloak: here
DP Only
Ghosts as a separate species: here
Young Danny: here
Danny really hates Christmas: here
Failed Ghost Danny: here
The Purge: here
Secret Arms dealer: here
Danny is Jon Kent: here
Martian Danny: here
Danny's being followed: here
Danny is Bruce Wayne: here
Danny is the clone of Barry and Hal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Ace the bathound: here @bloggerspam wrote a beautiful fic for this!
Danny goes back in time to kill villain Tim: here
Danny is Diana's daughter: here
Danny arrives during DCeased: here
Danny is Alfred's son: here
Danny is centries old: here
"My name is Danny Fenton, and this is Jackass.": here
Danny is the son of Clark Kent and Lana Lang: here
Danny is convinced Batman is a vampire: here
Danny is Deadshot: here
Danny infiltrates the Light: here
Danny is Jason Todd: here
Danny pays Diana a visit: here
Dan meets Jason Todd: here
Red Lantern Dan: here
Dan raises Kal-El: here
Jazz gets drunk: here
Halfa Jazz: here
Jazz is Lex Luthor's daughter: here
Tucker is Amity Park's protector: here
Dani wants to get arrested: here
Dani is from the future: here
Dani is the clone of Bruce and Danny: here
When Dani destabilizes, Superman stabilizes her dna. She doesn't appreciate this: here
Danny is Clockwork's assistant
Clockwork's assistant au: here
Apprentice of time au: here
Green Lantern Danny
Adult GL Danny: here
GL Danny in Justice League: here
GL Danny helps arrest his parents: here
Danny and others:
Danny and Jazz go to a gala: here
Danny and Dick talk during a stakeout: here
Damian's rant: here
Cujo steals Jason's gun: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Wally crosses into the DP universe: here
Bruce trains with Phantom: here
The Phantom siblings like to throw things: here
Gotham is on fire: here
Danny and Sam make a bet: here
Flash, Batman, and Joker accidentally cross into the DP universe: here
Danny and Bart are from the future: here
Dani and Dani decide to crash Bruce's interview: here
Mind-controlled Superman crashes Danny and Sam's date: here
Damian and Danny are best friends: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Dick and Danny talk: here
Dick and Danny are childhood friends: here
Danny rescues Bruce in 1732: here
Jason and Danny kill the Joker: here
Deaged Danny
Danny escapes CADMUS: here
Danny and Dani are adopted by Aquaman: here
Oliver adopts Danny: here
Clark adopts Danny: here
Barry adopts Danny: here
Teen/Adult dad Danny
Ellie and Damian's forced friendship: here
Single Dad and toddler Ellie meet Single mom Kara and baby Kal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Klarion and Nabu's Dad: here
Danny is Zeus, and Diana's father: here
Dick throws a party for his 30th birthday: here
The Batfam discover the GIW's warehouse by accident: here
Freakshow and Joker are brothers: here
Tim accidentally creates a portal to Amity Park: here
Dick accidentally saves Danny instead of Tim: here
Danny becomes backup Red Robin: here
Deaged Dick: here
Jazz, Harley, and Bruce are in medschool together: here
Halfa Tim Drake: here
Villain Fentons au: here
Valerie doesn't want to be on a hero team: here
Dick and Damian are ducks: here
Kryptonian Jack Fenton: here
Amity Park is its own nation: here
Villian Fentons: here
A Turkey ghost sends the Fentons on a country-wide chase: here
Little Baby Man Danny: here
Conner is Phantom and Superman's clone: here
Kryptonian Danny: here
Dash/Danny: here
Tim/Danny: here
Tim/Danny gods of Krypton: here
Damian is Jazz and Bruce's son: here
Valerie/Danny raise Dani: here
GL Jazz/Bruce: here
FBI Agent Jazz Fenton(Nightingale): here AO3 link: here
Stephanie/Danny: here
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
There's been so many different Batman shows, and I grew up during a time when there was like 50 of them on TV (if I may be hyperbolic). I saw Batman 1966, Batman The Animated Series, The Batman (2004), and Batman: The Brave and The Bold. I saw all four of those shows to some extent, and I kind of want to dissect my opinions on each of them.
I was born in 2005, so Batman 1966 and Batman The Animated Series were both beyond my age range. But I caught reruns of both shows. I don't know if it's overplaying my hand to say what tv stations they aired on, but there was a channel for exclusively retro kids content (like 40s-80s stuff) when I was really young. So that's how I learned of Batman: 1966. The first episode I saw featured Burgess Meredith's Penguin hypnotizing Alfred. I remember that one being my first very clearly, and I then vaguely remember binging some of the first and second seasons when I got them from the public library. I loved them, although I never did get around to watching Season Three of Batman 1966. I plan to eventually (now that I have it on DVD). I'm curious to see my thoughts.
Now as for Batman The Animated Series… I caught that one on reruns too, but not on a channel for retro programming. No, reruns of it just aired late at night sometimes. And I really only remember one episode I saw as a kid: Two-Face. Both parts, but Part 1 was the real standout. I remember that one almost viscerally. It made me a fan of Two-Face, and he'll forever remain a favourite. But I didn't actually love the show that much. Beyond the occasional highlight (like Heart of Ice or Two-Face parts 1 and 2), I really don't remember much about the show. It wasn't a highlight for me. I always found Catwoman especially dull on that show. Maybe my mind would change upon revisiting it, but I don't really want to revisit it.
Now, The Batman (2004). This one started when I was yet to be born, but it ended when I was probably around 4 years old. Being born in 2004, I don't really remember seeing too much of this one on TV. Except for the time I may have gotten a DVD from a library or a blockbuster or something, and it had the debut episodes of Catwoman, Mister Freeze and Man-Bat. I also vaguely recall an episode with Joker and a Train, and Penguin with the Green Lanterns (or something like that)? I didn't actually watch much of it, except for me binging Seasons 1 and 2 online when I was slightly older. I remember liking the first two seasons. Especially the interesting takes on the villians.
Now finally, let's talk The Brave and The Bold. This one aired when I was probably in the age range of being six to nine, and I loved, loved, loved this one! It's still my favourite! I remember a lot of episodes in decent detail. I remembered the first season particularly. The Outsiders, Plastic Man, The Music Meister, Blue Beetle, Aquaman, Owlman, Bat-Mite, etc. I didn't really watch as much of seasons two and three, but season one stands out super strongly in my minds eye. There's a reason I asked for it this Christmas, after all. Also, my public library had the tie-in comic! I remember reading it! I learned about Power Girl, Sugar and Spike, Kid Eternity and Captain Marvel/Shazam through that thing! It was the best!
So I saw four Batman shows, and only really remember scraps from each of them. Maybe I should revisit them all someday. But i'm focused on Batman 1966 and Batman The Brave and The Bold for now. They're the best of the best, in my opinion. And now, if anyone wants me to, maybe i can make some more posts on this stuff later. Maybe I can rank the DC movies i saw, as well as the other dcu tv shows. Maybe I can even talk about the voice actors for each show, or whatever. I have an excessive wealth of stuff to say with these topics, I think.
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rokishimizu4 · 7 months ago
BatFam x Symbiot Reader Masterlist!
This will be the place for my BatFam story(Linked from my AO3) and little Headcannons!
Story: The Sleeping Bat (SCP_66666 on AO3)
Feral Warning:
Tim Drake (Red Robin): 1
Barbara Gordon (Oracle): 1 2
Dick Grayson (Nightwing): 1
Jason Todd (Red Hood): 1
Cass Wayne (Orphan/Black Bat): 1
Stephanie Brown (Batgirl/Spoiler): 1
Bruce Wayne (Batman): 1
Alfred Pennyworth (Best Grandpa): 1
Damian Wayne (Robin): 1
Duke Thomas (The Signal): 1
Selina Kyle (Catwoman): 1
small Sickfic oneshot: 1
—- Can’t have it be the Batfam without~
Clark Kent (Superman): 1
John Constantine: 1
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman): 1
Barry Allen (Flash): 1
J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter): 1
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern): 1
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow): 1
Arthur Curry (Aquaman): 1
Harley fucking Quinn (Best Girl): 1
~~~~~Quizzes for the main story~~~~
Relationship between BatFam and Symbiotic!Reader, and their gang: 1 2
Who’s in a relationship with Bruce fucken Wayne? (Yes, this in fact affects who the boys & girls are in a relationships with): 1
Powers for 4 of the 7 members of Symbiotic! Reader’s gang: 1 2 3 4
Anti-hero/Anti-Villian names: 1 2 3 4 5
Pictures of Reader and gang!
Incubus/succubus x Ice Elemental 1
Batman & Scooby-do crossover: Velma
D Gray Man: Miranda
This has nothing to do with my BatFam & Symbiotic! Reader & Gang, at least until I start writing Bruce x Selina x John Constantine x Barry Allen. But I still want people to know. Just in case
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camerawhoisalsocam · 2 years ago
Okay time to rip this crossover trailer to shreds. First the Grimm are no threat to the Justice League.
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You cannot convince me that Superman will have any difficulty dealing with a Grim army. Add in Wonder Woman, Flash, and Jessica Cruz and it is basically over. Grimm arent even on Parademon level and those things are Apokolips cannon fodder that Batman can beat with ease. I know they see the Grimm are evolving to their weaknesses, but Kryptonite only works on Superman?
Wonder Woman is almost as strong as him and has almost no weaknesses, besides in her early days when you could beat her by tying up her hands but I dont think these grimm can consider that a great deal of strength. In Batman's contingenies for the JL, he needs to give Wonder Woman a "Phantom Opponent" aka fake construct of some sort like a hologram or a simulation to keep her locked in battle. No way any of these Grimm are doing that.
And as for Flash? Again, no Weaknesses besides plot stopping him! Unless those Grimm tap into the speed force no Grimm should be able to touch him.
I didnt see any yellow Grimm either so unless these things can somehow make Jess lose her will power they stand no chance. She has taken on way stronger armies, these glorified hell hounds dont stand a chance
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I didnt mention them above so I'll speed run them cuz I still think the Grimm stand no chance. Cyborgs tech is way too immense and can adapt and upgrade constantly, so if the Grimm evolve so can he. Vixen and Black Canary are meta humans and can easily take on the Grimm cannon fodder, both hero's are around building level and are amazing at hand to hand combat. And as much as I hate how OP he is for being a rich guy with good tech
Batman can clear out these grimm. Not only does Batman have contingencies for every league member up above who can easily stomp these Grimm into black mist, Batmans no kill rule only applies to humanoids. Grimm are just animals on steroids, Batman is gonna be mercing them.
Like does the Leauge REALLY need team RWBY? Just call up the other members like Martian Manhunter, the 3-4 other Lanterns, Aquaman, Dr Fate, Shazam, the Hawks, Zatana, Constantine, the Teen Titans, or literally so many other people? If they say in the movie that the other members are across the world also dealing with this then thats fair. Not really cuz so many of these characters can wipe out these Grimm with ease! Grimm are weak! They aren't like something that can give the Teen Titans a run for their money!
My power scaling complaints really popped off huh? Okay whats next?
So they hype up Kilgores partner in crime who's supposed to be stronger and smarter. We get this shot which makes me think this is another simulation
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But oh jeez I dunno who this potential secret villian is! Really it could be any RWBY villian who's a genius and has the color yellow as one of this primary colors. Oh! I know! Hazel! (pst its Watts)
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Okay so Team RWBY got new powers to show off. Except Weiss. Yang shoots fire, Blake has staffs and shadow energy, and Ruby with her wooden Cresent Rose teleports.
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And Weiss...
Yeah in both of her actions shots to show off her new abilities she's in her shitty V7 outfit and not using that stupid gun she's supposed to have in the cover.
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One noticeable thing is that JNPR is just gone. They haven't been seen, mentioned, there's been no leaks on them, so I dont think they gonna appear. Im thankful that Renora Cyborg love triangle isnt gonna happen, but im also disappointed that the one good part of the first crossover, that being the Jess and Jaune duo, will not happen. You know I actually feel bad when I wanted to see Jaune on screen.
And im sorry but this is just choppy work when it comes to editing
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This scene of the sea dragon comes out of the water and scares Blake, Ruby narrates and says fearfully "What is that?" And Blake as bland as she can says "They made a new Grimm". Im sorry but, if they made a new Grimm, why not show it when they say its new? Why show a Grimm from Volume 4? Just show the new Grimm!
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Thank you! It actually looks cool! Except it shouldn't even be that scary! It looks like nothing out of the ordinary for team RWBY minus the Kryptonite, which shouldn't be an issue when you have WW, Flash, Jess, Cyborg, and everybody else who isnt weak to it.
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And I hate that Jess just flies and shoot fire. I can tell this is as creative as its gonna get for her, the girl who's powers allow her to make ANYTHING!
All in all it's nonsensical. Its like putting Goku into My Hero Academia and expecting something to actually hurt him. The RWBY verse is not that strong, its just not. The JL who are arguable the strongest super hero team in all of comics, are not supposed to have trouble with these things. Now if it was the Teen Titans I'd believe it. But with the JL this is like Tuesday to them. They've fought the Legion of Doom, the forces of Apokolips, Gods new and old, whole Lantern Corps, demons and monsters, Meta Humans out the ass, and so much more. Hellhounds that can replicate their powers and weaknesses should be a cake walk. But somehow they're gonna nerf the hero's and make team RWBY the greatest hero's of all time! They're gonna save the Justice Leauge and the earth! They did everyone now clap! Clap and forget how those incompetent idiots doomed their own world!
I hate this. I hope this is the last RWBY project released. I feel bad for the animators who got forced to make this, I dont want it to flop so they dont suffer but FUCK do I hate this and want it to flop so bad it finally kills Rwby so I can stop seeing greenlight volume 10. The only hashtag more annoying is the restore the Snyderverse.
So yeah those are my thoughts. Cant wait to pirate this in October.
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garthofshayeris · 1 year ago
i know you said you think 90s aquaman would be executed differently today - do you mind explaining how? I'm curious about it (and reading thru that series atm :P)
Absolutely! While I do think 90s Aquaman is the best overall run, there are plenty of cringe-y things that could be improved upon. I think a lot of people forget the context of the time something is published (unfortunately, the 90s are actually several decades behind us) and while that doesn't excuse anything, it does open up potential to see things that don't age very well.
I think the overall treatment of Mera and Dolphin would have been better. Dolphin is so clearly written as a Love Interest First, Character Second that it puts her in an unfair light. Mera as well is hardly in the series, which I don't think DC would want these days. If it was written today, I think DC would have kept Mera around and had Dolphin be the Other Woman/Love Triangle aspect. I hate love triangles, so I don't think this would be an improvement per say, but it is what I think would happen. They would probably develop both women as being opposites of each other though, which could be fun.
Speaking of, I think they would have spent more time on the Garth/Dolphin romance. It's clearly a "we don't know how to use Dolphin now" moment because she was not very developed outside of Orin's storyline. I'm still down for a Dolphin/Garth romance, of course, because I think DC is still too cowardly to let him fuck a mermaid. Maybe in another 30 years? But with Dolphin as a developed character, the romance could happen over time instead of over a few issues.
I think Koryak and all the interactions with his people would be handled with a lot more research and grace. Admittedly, I have never heard an Inuk individual's stance on this comic (if you know of anyone, please link me!!), but reading those issues now...much improvement to be made, for sure. I would love to have Koryak really promoted as an Indigenous hero and that could happen if they had the right writers/researchers on the team. His powers are cool and honestly, I really like Koryak. This also applies to Orm, who is also an Inuk in the series. Although his purple Ocean Master outfit is my favorite, I total redesign could be cool. My hot take is that Orm is better when he's a jealous human. Not that New52 Orm is bad (it's the only character change I LIKE in the recent series) but there's something SO funny about Aquaman having super petty villians.
Vol 5 has a huge cast of really interesting characters, but not all of them got to shine. I think it's more likely that several of them would have gotten mini series or limited solos if it was made today. There's so much opportunity to lean into different mythology as well from around the world.
I think the lore of Atlantis overall would not need much changing (it's nothing like the current run, but in my perfect world where this is happening, the current run is wiped out and restarted lol) BUT if they wanted to loop in some characters who came from anything post-Flashpoint, I think a lot of them would fit very well into the storyline. The downside is that the writers would need to use their noodle and actually adapt the characters, and Aquaman writers are not allowed to do that. I think DC takes them out back and shoots them if they try. That's why none of our faves are in the comics :/
so tl:dr...more respect for the female characters, more respect and research into cultures used in the story, and better focus on some of the minor characters. If only...
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solongandgoodnightxoxo · 7 months ago
other than the rizzler, who would you (hypothetically) smash or pass?
Joker is a clown (derogatory) and I don’t like him
Cat woman is a smash
Harley is a pass but only because she scares me
Penguin is too short, pass
Bane seems nice but pass
Two face is a smash on SIGHT
Ed is a smash on sight as well (you already knew that but I love him so he is included <3)
Not a villian, but aquaman can call me up any day
commissioner gordon SMASHHHH
Annnd I’m blanking. I guess Jervis is a pass, he looks like he would gnaw on my bed frame
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pipermint8magic · 2 years ago
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Hmmm... A crack ship I havent seen anywhere. Penguin x Aquaman.
I relized I dont have a villian x hero ship yet (from DC)
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years ago
On the 2nd and 3rd day of CinemaCon my studios (WB Discovery/Disney/Universal/Focus Features) gave to me:
Day 2: Warner Bros:
Screening of THE FLASH which received rave reviews (though one critic, whose opinion I normally am I aligned with says it falls apart in the third act). Receiving fewer raves (less raves?) is AQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM. Says director James Wan, "It’s an action-adventure story with a really fun bromance between Arthur and Orm. Orm was a villain the first time around, but this time Arthur needs him.”
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- Footage from BLUE BEETLE which gives a better look at its villain Carapax;
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title for the next Conjuring films which is titled CONJURING: LAST RITES, keeping with horror THE NUN 2 had a teaser trailer, in their sizzle reel a title card for BEETLEJUICE 2 was shown; a new FINAL DESTINATION film is in development, trailer for the Oprah Winfrey produced THE COLOR PURPLE movie musical, a first look of Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa in .....FURIOSA; footage from the Timothee Chalamet fronted WONKA which shows Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa; presentation from Chalamet, Zendaya and their DUNE: PART TWO director Denis Villeneuve. Unlike the first installment that was partially filmed in IMAX, this is entirely in the IMAX format. Greta Gerwig and her BARBIE stars teased their film; a trailer was shown for Ben Wheatley's take on THE MEG with MEG 2: THE TRENCH.
Unrelated to CinemaCon, Warner Bros. announced several Batman related projects that are going to Amazon Prime Video: the animated film MERRY LITTLE BATMAN , its spinoff BAT-FAMILY, and notice that there is already a series two renewal for BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER.
MERRY LITTLE BATMAN is essentially HOME ALONE with Damian Wayne.
The art looks awful.
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Day 3: DISNEY AND FOCUS FEATURES: A screening of THE BOOGEYMAN, based on a Stephen King novel.
The studio touted their slate of 20th Century, Marvel and LucasFilms. Noticeably absent is talk of their Searchlight film MAGAZINE DREAMS starring Jonathan Majors. It was considered to be an awards favourite this coming season before Majors became embroiled in assault allegations.
There was a 20-minute look at the animated film ELEMENTAL; footage from GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.3
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; THE MARVELS; trailer for Taika Waititi's NEXT GOAL WINS, a look at animated film WISH featuring the voice work of Ariana DeBose and Chris Pine, a look at THE LITTLE MERMAID, Gareth Edward's THE CREATOR (fka True Love) starring John David Washington, Gemma Chan and Ken Watanabe, footage from INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY,
Sir Kenneth Branagh's return as Hercule Piorot in A HAUNTING IN VENICE
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and the first trailer and clip from HAUNTED MANSION.
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UNIVERSAL: After saluting SUPER MARIO BROTHERS which has made over 900 million dollars at the box office, they threw to their sizzle reel featuring directors talking about the magic of movies. The sizzle reel included images from the upcoming WICKED starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande.
WB defector Christopher Nolan was first up to promote OPPENHEIMER with 5 minutes of footage; logo treatment for the next SAW
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; teaser for the Mike White (White Lotus, School of Rock) penned animated film MIGRATION about a family of ducks (featuring the voicework of Kumail Nanjiani, Elizabeth Banks, Keegan-Michael Key, Carole Kane, Danny Devito and Awkwafina)
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; Will Ferrell was in person with a dog to throw to extended footage of STRAYS, the live-action comedy about an abandoned dog (Ferrell) who goes on the search for his owner (Will Forte). It features the voicework of Jamie Foxx, Isla Fisher, Josh Gad, Harveyy Guillen, Jamie Demetriou and Randall Park, amongst others.
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First trailer for David Gordon Green's EXORCIST sequel, EXORCIST: BELIEVER, news of a sequel to THE BLACK PHONE; Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake were on hand to push TROLLS WORLD 3, Jack Black came out for KUNG FU PANDA 4
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. The villain is The Chameleon who summons villians from Po's past, confirmation that the Sam Taylor-Johnson helmed Amy Winehouse biopic has wrapped filming, first look at MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 3; footage from Ryan Gosling's THE FALL GUY directed by David Leitch (Bullet Train, Atomic Blonde); familia Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Sung Kang and Tyrese Gibson arrived to promote the tenth entry in the Fast saga - FAST X. Vin Diesel came out alone to announce that FAST X Part 2 is coming in 2025.
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