#applying for jobs is a full time job
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 28 days ago
Sometimes you'll hear people talk about how God has guided them to wherever they're at through little nudges or providential serendipity or little nudges to do or say this or that
I'm having the opposite experience, wandering into bad career moves, silly errors, inadvertent oversharing, etc., unintentionally self-sabotaging in a futile quest that can lead only to ruin despite my best, even desperate efforts to the contrary
#one pair of footprints in the sand but it's me blindly wandering off alone begging for help completely out of earshot#now the Christianese answer to this is to stop trying so hard#and just put it in God's hands#except that God isn't going to fill out these applications#nor has God led anyone to offer me a job apropos of nothing#or friendship or intimacy or love for that matter#all these things I am on my own to chase down#ironically pushing them further away with every effort#forcing me to conclude that God's plan all along was actually just isolated misery#like that cartoon of the guy begging God for a sign of what he should do and God tells him to be an accountant#except that God is telling me to stay in my hometown#bounce from dead end job to dead end job#be lonely#and submit to my family whose presence I cannot tolerate#for years people have theorized that there are some people who are created with the nature of a slave#I was created to be ground into the dirt#'Ivan what prompted all this today?'#accidentally left a reference to another job application in a cover letter#applying for jobs is a full time job#you need to give every application your full undivided attention so that ChatGPT can filter you out#except I already have a full time job#and a family that I can only describe as ASTONISHINGLY needy#of course there is no other kind#so when and where do I find the time and the ENERGY to devote to each and every job the love and care it demands?#will any of this ever return to me?#after I have poured myself out so there is nothing left#will anyone or anything pour back into me?#will I ever reap anything worthwhile?#is it worth it to be alive
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saturnniidae · 26 days ago
Al and Ed's dynamic is so funny bc Edward's got such a complex about being the older one even tho the difference is by one year and he thinks himself a single mother of one raising Al by himself and he needs to protect his little baby brother at all costs then Alphonse is like holding Ed's leash and telling him no when he barks/lunges at passers-by and is making sure he gets his rabies shots and doesn't die doing something stupid also protecting him at all costs etc
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muscatjello · 1 year ago
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I need new clothes smh
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brown-little-robin · 2 months ago
I just applied for a job, everyone clap and cheer!!!
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fleshgardens · 10 months ago
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photos don't do it justice, but I'm really happy with the test print! I'll probably adjust the colors just a tiny bit but then it will be perfect
I'm waiting for confirmation about the prices for a few print sizes, I also have to figure out postage fees, especially for the larger prints. Also packaging options and costs. I wanna make sure they're packaged well and will reach everyone in perfect condition. After all that I'll finally be able to open the preoders! Thank you all for your patience ✦
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scentofpines · 9 months ago
i got an email today from my uni that was sent to all students from the faculty i'm in and it's a job offer for a project from the uni's school museum where they catalogue and analyze old school note/exercise books from 1820-1950s and...idk i should probably apply right??? They're not even asking for a CV (mine would be empty), how often do you get that lmao. And it's only 6 hours a week, starting this October and the project is supposed to last 3 months and there is a possibilty of the museum hiring you for longer. And i mean, if it sucks i guess i can push through the 3 months? should i do it ahhhh my panic brain is screaming but it's not often that there is a job offer that is that nice
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eddis-not-eeddis · 4 months ago
Applying for the teeny-tiny pool of jobs in the area and it makes me want to retreat into the woods never to be seen or heard from again.
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queenboimler · 7 months ago
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skunkes · 5 months ago
question for any artists who are employed full time: is the work/life (art) balance rly possible... (for You since i know it depends on the job/position/career etc)
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hyenabeanz · 2 months ago
(Petty intersection of professional social media geek and hockey whine incoming.)
I want to fire whoever is in charge of the Frost social media. Out of a cannon.
Whoever is doing it either doesn't know how Facebook works or is not bothering to do the work. It's very clear they upload to Insta, and just hit "upload to Facebook" when doing so. Which... Doesn't actually make a post. It just sticks it in the photo album. Which means the only way people see it is if Facebook decides to grace a timeline with it, or if they click on the photo album. It does not show up on the page.
....which means right now that unless you go digging, it looks like both the Minnesota Vikings and the Minnesota Twins have posted about Women and Girls in Sports day and that the Frost have not. (The only reason I went digging is because my partner went "wait no, I saw something?")
Fuckin embarassing.
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melto · 1 month ago
update on job interview: Really weird vibe. it lasted 10 minutes and they didnt even know what i was interviewing for and it seemed like they were lying about the hours on the application. all they did was confirm some stuff on my resume. had a shit ton of interviews happening. i did the best i could but i didnt really have a chance to say much. i dont feel super great about it even if they do get back to me next week with a job offer so im gonna try applying to some other places. Sigh.
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bushpoppy · 9 months ago
applied for a job 👍
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mrsterlingeverything · 9 months ago
I have no idea what to do in 1 week when my entire life changes significantly idk what to doooo
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phoenix-before-the-flame · 7 months ago
I’m watching one piece, and now I’m wondering do you have any hcs on the world building in the fairy tail universe ? Do you think theirs some crazy kingdom’s , advanced technology in some lands ? Love to hear your thoughts 💗
hmmmmmmmmmmm kinda a bit of a deep question tbh.
Structurally FT has good bones for its world. And that's kinda it lol
There's a fleshed out map of all the countries within the continent that fiore is found on (Ishgar, which has 16 named countries apart from fiore itself) and expanding wider than that we know that there are about 3 named continents (Ishgar to the east being a peninsula connected to the mainland that we know nothing of, Alakitasia to the west where Alavarez is and Guiltina to the north) and a fourth unnamed continent further east that exists within earthland.
But while we have all this info, nothing in particular comes into play as the series had progressed, the majority of the series' arcs all more or less take place within the same country, which for a series that has it's characters constantly travelling for missions looks particularly bad, especially when even the known locations all visually seem indistinct from each other in terms of stuff like architecture. It's a reason why I appreciate edolas in particular because it at least offered something that visually stood out and an insight into how that culture functioned. (and in Phoenix Priestess for the small montage the squad in the city of Rose Garden and showing a bit of the country Veronica)
Like it is frustrating to me whenever I think on it because the solution would be just to change the locations of where they travel to just to expand the background of the places travelled, wouldn't even have to change arc structures or anything to give some life to the named countries like:
Joya despite its small size as a country is the main manufacturers of trains and exports the majority of the transportation other countries use as well as weapons. Wizards are less found here, with treasure hunting being a more popular job choice.
Sin, despite the ironic name, is a deeply religious and faith driven country. Magics that have connection to nature and celestial bodies are particularly revered here.
Desierto mostly deals with trade, having constantly active shipping ports. Enchanted items such as brooms and carpets are popular and easy transport choices within cities and are more widely used than vehicles.
Iceberg's largely uninhabited due to the weather with most of the population sticking closer to the country's borders.
Like this is all just purely flavour text examples to just try and bring some life to these otherwise lifeless locations but you get the general gist of it.
There was clearly this effort to establish these locations by giving then names (and drawing a full on map) so it always boggled me that they were never properly used as a backdrop for the arcs within the story. (Tower of Heaven? Move that arc to Sin, Lucy's arc with Loke? Takes place in Stella, That arc with the giant village? Put it in Minstrel).
Like shifting around major arc locations would easily open up avenues to naturally expand the world as the story moves. And not even just big arcs, but smaller less grand filler arcs (which jesus christ did ft rlly need because it defs need breathing room between all the big events. It's why the story moves at such a breakneck speed without things really feeling as though they've changed in any meaningful ways) would do wonders to make earthland feel like a genuine lived in world (like how it is within the world of one piece that you cited as an inspo for this ask.)
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glittergroovy · 1 year ago
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hi I need groceries! can't find work, broke, disabled, trans & hungry
if you can throw a few bucks my way it's super appreciated!
k0fi (goes thru p@ypal)
v3nmo: @Grubcore
throne will ship things on my wishlist directly to me; I really need a new Brita filter in particular
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vaultsixtynine · 3 months ago
is there some secret to working retail/grocery that i don't know. bc i've applied to a lot of shit for second jobs over various points in my life and i've never been able to land a job in that sector like. Ever
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