#apology tour analysis
hazbin-critique-place · 3 months
Blitzo just randomly walks in. AND DON'T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE HIM, HE'S LITERALLY THE CLOSES THING TO MY COPING MECHANISMS IRL AND PEOPLE HAVE DESCRIBED ME THE SAME WAY AS HIM, I'M NOT SHITTING ON HIM, but rather the storytelling... Like... What??? Like, make it make sense.
So he just randomly comes and goes, as he wishes??? And we saw he didn't have any problems with stealing (maybe just felt bad a bit but come on he kills ppl for living and we see how sadistic he can be he's NOT gonna have problem with that) why doesn't just steal from Stolas' house and sell that shit????? Like - he could fucking quit his job or find a better one!!!
And then he wouldn't need the grimoire, and... Boom.
Then, why is he even there??? Like - did he use his brains at all?? Like - bruv, you got rhe crystal already, so if you wanna act like you don't give a shit... Just don't come pleading to him (bird dick guy) and basically annoy the shit out of him for next 10 minutes even if you're right. Trust me, that's not how you feign nonshalance. I would know.
Stolas being sassy at him, then??? Like - if you have the guts to be sassy, why don't even have the whole conversation wuth him and sit and talk the relationship out with each other already??? Are you THAT stubborn?! That's not normal.
Also, if you really don't want him there, Stolas, just teleport him out. Or yourself. Just - fucking make it make sense. You HAVE the powers, and I KNOW that in Good Omens Crowley and Az would in this situation probably forget that, Neil even speaks about it in some interview or idk, but... Come on. HE'S SMART. STOLAS LITERALLY READS. (I know this is stereotyping but there IS a reason for the stereotype - literally a majority of people who'd read in their free time (and c'mon, even I, an ao3 monster, wouldn't read after such a fight like Sto and Blitz had - my anxiety would be making scenarios and pacing through the garden already -) ARE smart.) Don't make him look all educated and priviledged and informated and shit just to act like this mean asshole, like - does he ENJOY annoying Blitzo back??? (Also, pls shut, you twitter users who "dOn'T dEaDnAmE hiM!!!1!" all over reasonable posts when you lack better arguments. It literally IS his legal name, and if he had such a problem with it, he could change it easily... Take Anthony to Angel Dust, after all. Or just nicknames could work.) Bcs I at this point honestly think he does.
Also, you dumb, dumb, hypocritical bird, why would you show him a fucking invite when you could just repeatedly tell him to at least 'go away' or just act objectively reasonable????
And if you're trying to be so polite bro, just magic him a cup of tea, or something, to match the yours. It would nicely fit to the scene and aesthetic, also it would make you seem more nice and classy... At least I could like you.
Also, are you ignoring Blitzo or fuck¥ng talking to him???
Because at the same time, you want to have an alone time, but you still throw baits to elarge the conversation at him.
He's all sassy and makes comments and aaahhh - so you're like satisfied with the situation now or what???
I mean, poor Blitzo -
If you hate him, just tell it to him already. Poor boy.
Oh god, we aren't even 3 minutes in and I have already writen a goddamn novel.
Also, I know it's supposed to be funny, but the whole party idea is honestly just dumb. Like... I would be so bored and not even excited to even go to a place designated to constantly talk about a person I hate? Lol
Like I love a good gossip but not as a theme for a goddamn concert-having function!
Also, you know that happy people live longer, right? This is kinda unhealthy - I mean, that's just basic, no? Like don't support and feed your hatred towards an individual just to feel better about yourself, or at least don't force it.
Bcs I get the guy who broke down crying at that one shot after he tried to hit the blitzi plush so much. And the other dude was hyping him up. I'd be so much confused, like him. Like - he's going through some hard stiff, like some facking serious character development right now, just let him be!
About Martha... Ehhh, I love her new design and character, but it just seems boring and soul sucking now that every character, after they're denonised, they just happened to be the same, most generic, and shitty snappy, constantly angry and always frustrated (and frustrating) characters ever. Like - does hell really that much brainwash people??? I mean, it would be interesting, but honestly I don't think that Vivzie did this intentionally at all.
Also, why would you even sleep with your nemesys... 😭 I'm a number one enemies to lovers fan and I don't ship it if they don't bite rach other but this, especially so unexplored and just randomly thrown in, does NOT make and sense.
It was funny though lol. I want more of these just to see how much Viv's one-dimensional view of her own fucking characters transforming to hell changes.
Part 2 soon.
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elcarimercanto · 3 months
My Personal Favorite Thing From Apology Tour
I like the terms that Blitzø and Verosika are on right now. I like how they seem to have a mutual understanding. She doesn't want to or need to forgive him, but she wants to see him be better.
As our girl Charlie would say, "it starts with sorry"
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She can tell he cares about Stolas a lot but she also knows Blitzø needs to work on himself and give Stolas a break before he pursues him again.
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Also notice how when she saw Blitzø was at the party she wasn't furious and asking him to leave. She just says he was brave for showing up. She seems almost not surprised that he's there. This is because Verosika knows that Blitzø hates himself probably more than most of the people at the "I hate Blitzø" party. He belongs at this party more than anyone. Verosika realizes this when he talks about wanting to change his ways, and this is why she offers him cake.
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I saw the piece of cake as a peace offering. She's letting him know she understands how he feels about himself and how it makes sense why he's at the party.
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anemicjellyfish · 3 months
I'm on a roll thinking about this show. So let's give credit where credit is due: (Apology Tour spoilers ahead.)
Blitzø had HUGE character growth in Apology Tour.
We see in the beginning of the episode, Blitzø is behaving pretty much how Blitzø behaves normally: sexually inappropriate. It's what he's kinda been known for since the start.
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We know that, prior to Full Moon, these advances were welcomed by Stolas.
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However, this isn't the case now. Stolas makes it very clear that he doesn't want their relationship to be about sex. He goes on to say he doesn't believe Blitzø owes him feelings in return, but that Stolas' own confession shouldn't be ignored.
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A LOT is being discussed in this scene; some things are being alluded to/danced around, while other things are directly spoken about.
But one thing is clear: things cannot go back to how they were before.
Blitzø reacts with anger, the emotion to which he is very accustomed, before running off on his Apology Tour.
To cut this post much shorter than my last analysis, we'll skip to the end party!
Blitzø finds Stolas after his (absolute banger) song. Their entire conversation scene is filled with touching, and none of it is sexual. There's no grabbing, just holding.
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Blitzø's actual apology to Stolas gets interrupted by Better Than Blitzø guy. While Blitzø is clearly annoyed by this, he sees Stolas wanting to dance with this guy, and waves him off to do so. While Stolas didn't need this permission, it was polite of him to request it.
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And it's the first of three major moments that Blitzø shows inner maturity.
The Blitzø from earlier that day would have shoved Better Than guy, or grabbed Stolas and carried him off elsewhere. He would have at least screamed at this guy.
While Stolas and Better Than are off dancing, Blitzø finds Verosika and gets the much needed truth: that his actions hurt people.
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Which prompts the response from deep within Blitzø: "I don't wanna be this way. Not forever."
Being able to admit he wanted to change was a massive step for Blitzø.
After one more moment of anger at Better Than guy making out with Stolas, Blitzø follows Verosika's advice. He lets go.
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Blitzø leaves the party without another word.
He lets Stolas have his space. He doesn't try to interfere anymore. He's said his part, albeit to a drunk Stolas, and he realizes that he can do no further good by being there.
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As much as he's hurting here, Blitzø is growing.
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jubileemon · 2 months
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Stolas is a genuinely nice person, but has a massive problem in failing to understand the feelings of the people around him. In his mind, if he plans something out that, in the best case scenario, will make himself and the person he is with happy. Although he loves Blitzo and his daughter Octavia very dearly, he does have a tendency to be wrapped up in his own emotions to the point where it seems difficult for him to express them, likely due to being lonely and neglected for most of his life.
Despite Blitzo being very clear about his personal reservations with their relationship, Stolas doesn't seem to understand just how much of the power imbalance is present and how he needs to talk things through with the Imp for things to work out between them. In "Full Moon", where Stolas ends up causing Blitzo to reject him because he didn't properly explain why he wanted his grimoire back and doesn't give enough time for Blitzo to process his feelings. This caused the imp to panic and lay open his objections with Stolas, as he genuinely cannot understand Blitzo's problems and decides to break things off with him. The next episode "Apology Tour" showed that he does recognize he might have some faults in their relationship failing, only for Verosika to stop the realization by insisting that everything is Blitzo's fault during the song.
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moon-andstardust · 3 months
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That scene. That scene right there is soo telling. We've known since the beginning that Blitz has commitment issues, but we're only now starting to see just how deep they ran and just how much they affect his relationships.
I feel like these words, "I love you," trigger blaring alarms in his head, a panic reaction. Remember what happened the first time he dared to love someone? The first time he tried to confess his love?
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Oh, nothing big.
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He just permanently disfigured his crush, killed his mother and ruined his sister's life*.
This accident, this event lies in the core of 90% of his issues and problems.
This is why he runs the second things get serious. This is why he dumps Verosica the second she says she loves him.
In Blitz's eyes, his love is destructive. His love only ruins. So if he cuts ties before things get too complicated, maybe the other person won't get even more hurt, even more damaged. It's a twisted and fucked up desire to protect not only himself and his heart but also his loved ones**. It has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy and a never-ending cycle: the more he pushes and pushes and pushes, the more people push back. Because no one likes getting hurt. No one likes having their heart broken. And when these people finally snap, when they've had enough of Blitz's bullshit? He can point and say, see? I told you so! They are better off without me!
Blitz's cruelty doesn't stem from outright malice. It stems from Blitz being deeply broken and damaged.
Before he can start a stable romantic relationship of any kind, he needs to forgive himself for that accident. Otherwise, that deeply rooted self-loathing will continue to get in the way and cause him to repeatedly self-sabotage. And he has to do it himself, Verosika can't do it for him, M&M can't do it for him, Stolas can't do it for him.
The good news is that he is already taking the necessary steps. Making up with Fizz: a step in the right direction. Genuinely apologizing to Stolas and Verosika: a step in the right direction. Letting go of Stolas, realizing that his actions have serious consequences on his loved ones, owning up to his mistakes: all steps in the right direction. I don't know about ya'll but I'm eager to see where this is going and what happens next.
*it was an accident. Wrong place, wrong time, but Blitz sure as hell doesn't believe that.
**I belive this last bit is fully subconscious and Blitz isn't much aware of it. He says it himself: he buries all of it deep in his mind, avoids thinking about it at all costs
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helluvagirlboss · 15 days
Based on a conversation I had with @oversensitiveandoffputting I think that ironically, “Apology Tour” was the episode that fully convinced me that Stolitz was a relationship that could work in the long run.
Hear me out, because I know this is the episode where the state of Stolitz is the worst it’s ever been.
In every romantic relationship, you two will inevitably piss each other off and you might end up in an argument that ends badly. But after you two have said your piece how will you proceed? How will you treat them before you make up? Well “Apology Tour” gave me that answer.
Yes Blitz and Stolas opened the episode having a really brutal argument where the two of them, mainly Blitz, said a lot of hurtful and insensitive shit. But later in the episode at the Anti-Blitzo party, Blitz goes to talk to Stolas still trying to apologize even after Stolas publicly sang a song about how much Blitz hurt him and that he was “a motherfucker” (which honestly, good for Stolas, the bird needed a healthier outlet for his pain).
And when Stolas sees him, despite him being mad at Blitz, despite the fact that he is still clearly hurt by Blitz’s actions and words, and despite the fact that he is surrounded by people that would 100% be on his side if he were to expose Blitz, Stolas still tries to hide Blitz and warns him against exposing himself. Even when he’s mad at him, Stolas tries to protect Blitz.
And on Blitz’s end of things, Stolas is drunk off his ass and extremely vulnerable. Despite the fact that Blitz in that moment has the power to try to make Stolas feel worse about himself, despite the fact that Blitz is also extremely hurt by Stolas’s actions, despite the fact that Blitz could easily have chosen to leave Stolas to drink himself to the point of danger, he still chose to take care of Stolas in his drunken state and bothered to listen to what Stolas had to say and only left when Stolas asked him to.
Even when the two of them are mad at each other, confused as hell about how badly things ended, when they no longer have any obligation to each other, and are too wrapped in their own feelings to understand how the other is hurt, they are still looking after and caring about each other, even if only to the extent of ensuring things don’t go worse for the other person.
I don't know how to articulate how much this means to me because after seeing a lot of couples both fictional and in real life go through a rough patch, maybe even break up, and they proceed to treat each other just awfully because of their hurt, what Stolitz did is almost unheard of to me. They have no more obligation to each other, but they still chose to take care of each other when both of them were at their most vulnerable.
They didn't have to but they still chose to.
Now this in and of itself doesn't mean the two of them are ready to get back together. Blitz needs to unlearn his self-destructive habits born out of debilitating self-hatred, and he needs to learn that his -self-loathing will hurt the people around him because let me tell you, it hurts like hell when someone you love is determined to not accept that you care about them. And Stolas still needs to do a lot self-reflection on why his actions lead Blitz to believe that Stolas could not possibly care about him, because it also doesn't feel good when it feels like someone doesn't respect you enough to treat you like an adult.
However, the fact that the two of them still chose to be kind and attentive to each other in spite of their anger and the messiness of the situation, this tells me that when the time comes for them to have another conflict that frustrates them both, they will work to overcome it together.
They know how to have a good time together, but now they're figuring out how to have a bad time together, and honestly if this is how they treat each other when they are at their worst, I have a lot of hope for how they will handle conflict moving forward.
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speakofthedebbie · 2 months
"stolas was in the wrong!!" "blitzø was in the wrong!!" what if theyre both fucked up people with fucked up pasts whose inability to see past their trauma leads to them hurting each other. you ever think about that.
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So I just remember a post I saw some days ago about this scene in the last episode of helluva boss that talked about how much they loved how the contact between Stolas and Blitzø really makes clear that they've been having sex for some long time. I hadn't paid attention to it till I read the post, they seem so very comfortable around each other, it's very clear that they know what the other is okey with, and there's really a lot of care put into how they touch and embrace, the care and trust is traduced into the most caring body language, if someone sees it please tag me I beg you all (I love it with my soul)
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helluvahusker · 18 days
Of course Blitzø freaked out about losing the book, but his part in When I See Him was 100% about his excitement to see Stolas, just as a friendly reminder that he was definitely not only fucking Stolas for the book. He literally says "We have a nice arrangement" but he's talking about how he gets to have consistent good sex without being in a relationship, because that scares the fuck out of him, plus a prince could never love him anyways. He's worried things are bad between him and Stolas but the book doesn't even factor into it until IMP mentions it.
And then in Apology Tour Blitzø is DETERMINED to have sex with Stolas again to the point it gets uncomfortable and pushy, but he absolutely refuses to acknowledge that Stolas wants a relationship, not an arrangement. Like this man literally confessed his feelings and Blitzø is like "haha nope, I dont believe you but lets fuck because that's the closest thing I'll ever get." (I'm reading between the lines here, obviously) The issue is not that Blitzø doesn't like Stolas, the issue is that he doesn't like himself.
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(apology tour spoilers)
you know what? I think apology tour is actually my favorite episode of helluva boss so far.
Yes, I cried, and yes, I want my babies to be together. But I think this episode was actually a turning point- blitz is trying to get better.
And when they were talking on the couch.. blitz holding stolas in his arms, their casual banter, stolas looking at blitz to make sure it was okay for him to dance with that other guy, and blitz's little wave of approval. They fit so well together even when they're fighting.
I love this episode because it's realistic. Sometimes people need time apart to be able to make it work, and sometimes things are complicated and sad, not fluffy little gays all the time. How stolas is so lonely and just wants to be loved, blitz doesn't believe he CAN be loved, and they're both so broken yet perfect for each other. I do think that they need time apart so they can both grow and just have time to think about their relationship. Blitz is already showing signs of acknowledging his issues and wanting to change, which is good.
And it's interesting to see myself in both of them, and I know lots of other people do as well. It's nice seeing that maybe we can change, too.
This is the most invested I've been in their relationship, I think ever.
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helluvatired · 3 months
about stolitz's argument in apology tour, it's a perfect example of how wrong it is to think that in every discussion it's always a black and white area and there's always one totally wrong and one totally right. stolas and blitzo may be right about some things but also wrong about others
it is also a good example to understand how a series is structured and that not all conflicts will be addressed in a single episode lol
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anthurak · 3 months
The Eclectic Bunch of the 'We Hate Blitzo' Club
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I feel like I’ve seen a bit too much oversimplification/generalization of the ‘Blitzo Sucks’ party in Apology Tour, with a lot of people taking Dennis’s presence at the party to mean something like ‘Only Verosika and maybe a few other people there were REALLY hurt by Blitzo and everyone else is just using it as an excuse to party’. I think this idea misses the possibility of there probably actually being a quite varied and eclectic mix of people at these parties.
Like yeah, you’ve probably got a few people like Dennis who just got maybe a somewhat hostile run-in with Blitzo at a party, and you’ve got people like Verosika who were in serious, long-term relationships that ended VERY badly.
But then you’ve got what I imagine are most of the people at the party who were in brief flings/one-night-stands with Blitzo which nonetheless ended in VERY ugly fashion. As I went into in this post, I think people are underestimating just how volatile and hare-trigger Blitzo is when it comes to relationships. And how quickly and violently he can lash out when he thinks someone is ‘getting too close’ or ‘trying to convince him they care’. Meaning that I feel like most people at the party were likely still hurt pretty badly by Blitzo.
And there’s likely also a subset of people who have even bigger issues that their breakup with Blitzo caused or at least was a major contributing factor in, like it’s clear that Verosika’s substance abuse and whatever else ended her up in rehab was a direct fallout of her breakup with Blitzo. And I imagine she’s far from the only one at the party who had something like that happen to them.
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And then you’ve got some people who weren’t hurt directly by Blitzo, but are instead friends/family/partners of people who WERE, likely the aforementioned ones who got hit especially hard, and are there to support them. Like how we see a good number of Verosika’s succubus crew at the party, plus Vortex, who clearly never had a thing with Blitzo but are instead there with Verosika.
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Like I wouldn’t be surprised if Better Than Blitzo Guy isn’t actually one of Blitzo’s ex’s, given that he doesn’t seem to recognize him, but is instead a friend of one (maybe even Verosika herself) who’s at these parties just to help out.
(Yes, I do realize this could be a head-scratching thought to everyone who’s convinced themselves that he must be some Goetia sleeper-agent or some other bullshit, but there IS in fact such a thing as a ‘random nice person’.)
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Heck, there’s probably at least a few people who are more or less ‘over’ their issues with Blitzo, but still come to these parties for the friends they’ve made there who aren’t.
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And then there’s Wally Wackford who might just be there to hock ‘Blitzo Sucks!’ merch, but I imagine it was somewhere between explaining the fourth and fifth times Blitzo fucked him over that Verosika let him stay. I mean if anyone can appreciate some good ‘Blitzo Sucks!’ merch, it would be her. Heck this may not even be his first year :D
All in all, I feel like the yearly attendees of the ‘Blitzo Sucks!’ parties a quite a bit more broad, varied and nuanced than I think I lot of people are giving them credit for.
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blackphanto · 3 months
The Anti-Blitzø party
Sorry for being absent for so long, p.s.: this is my take from this party, feel free to share yours
The episode: Apology Tour meets its climax when Stolas arrives at the Anti-Blitzø party Verosika invited him this year for being 'his freshest ex'. And like Stolas points out at all these demons chose to spend the one night of the year, where demons can come up freely on earth, celebrating mutual pettiness, which isn't exactly the case. Verosika claims she's hosting these parties to help those who got screwed over by Blitzø cope. She even admits to him that helping the others makes her feel less shitty for being mad at him.
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This isn't inherently bad, she has the right idea, but is executing it wrong.
On one hand this party could be helping by allowing demons to let out their pain in whatever way they want; venting, drinking, rage, singing, random hookups, ... It's also a great party to meet up with new demons. After all "What did Blitzø do to you?", is a good conversation starter by the look of it.
However, it's not helpful when everything is just about hating and shitting on Blitzø. It creates a horrible obsession and antagonizes him. Not everyone there is 'healing' or moving on, they're holding their grudge against him and it becomes unhealthy. And I know that they're from hell so they don't know a healthier lifestyle, but that's not really an excuse.
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Stolas & Verosika
This section is dedicated to my analysis on these 2, especially Verosika
Stolas gets uncomfortable at this party real, but is welcomed by a happy drunken Verosika, who tries to get him to open up and feel comfortable by saying he's among friends and that they all know his pain. Do they really tho? And he does! His song 'All 2 U' is a rock ballad that expresses how he feels about his whole situationship with Blitzø: "I don't think you meant to hurt me, cos I don't think it meant a thing at all to you" - he doesn't think Blitzø felt anything for him, might even think he didn't enjoy the sex or any of their other interaction. "But maybe it's all on me for missing every sign and every glance and every turn" - Stolas tries to put the blame on himself, which is something we often do when we love someone who did us wrong. We try to blame their bad behavior for something we did, even though we shouldn't feel responsible for their bad doing. "All these what if, what if, ..., makes me burn ❤️‍🔥!" - Stolas wants to blame himself, but it hurts. Self-blame is a coping mechanism that often comes from a childhood trauma and he is expressing the consequences of it, the overwhelming pain and intrusive emotions. And like he said to Blitzø this morning: "Seeing you is hard right now!"
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In a way you could say that Verosika was helping him by putting the blame on Blitz, she didn't want Stolas to hurt himself over him: "No, no, no, he's a motherfucker!". Even in her own song she expresses what she truly feels over Blitzø, "Ever since you went away, I've been haunted... I always get whatever I want and I wanted you" - so there was in fact a point where Verosika loved him and we know it, it's the whole reason why he dumped her like that. And even after that break up she still wanted him, why? Because like she said she was haunted, she missed him and wanted something we all want when a person screwed us over, closure. Yet, she never got it which left her feeling upset and not knowing what to do about it:"I thought I could stomp you out, like a fire, like a flame. It's done now, but I'm covered in ashes and I still feel the same!" - she resulted in unhealthy coping mechanisms, like fighting Blitzø every time they crossed paths (Spring Broken & Ozzie), but it's not helping her heal her wounds. She even said: "The worst part is; you still make me feel like a bad person for being angry at you now." One could say that this is what inspired her to host these parties, the realization that she's not the only one dealing with these emotions, that she's not alone. There are other demons like her who have been wronged by Blitzø and never got closure. "Baby I'll get over it, I got over you..." - I think this is the message that she wants to send to everyone at this party: you might not get over the situation that fast, but you're definitely getting over him! Verosika herself got over Blitzø but her obsession comes from never getting over her relationship with him, never finding closure and that is definitely changing.
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Speaking of the imp, Verosika and him having this very much needed conversation was good for either of them. He's realizing how shitty of a demon he was to others and wants to change, while she's forgiving and encouraging him in his new journey. I know I've been kind of shit talking Blitzø in this entire post, but he's also a victim of himself. So, please cut him some slack.
Don't know any other way of ending this post, but yeah thank you for reading it all the way through.
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blitzosicedcoffee · 16 hours
I cannot find it now which annoys me cause I literally saw it this morning but someone made a post about how Verosika Calls Blitz "Blitzo" to get under his skin, and how that must mean Blitz must have opened up about his past to her.
Unfortunately, I don't think he did. What I do think she saw, was his evolution from Blitzo to Blitz. His evolution further into this fuckboy persona.
"When this cool guy I was dating just bailed after I told him I-"
I think she knew him as Blitzo and then he only started using Blitz when they started dating. Cause if you think about it, if their relationship was public, and she was a POP STAR. You think he wanted the name "Blitzo" in the tabloids?
No. So he chose a cooler name. Changed his attitude with it, put on the mask. I obviously think he still cares about her. I mean he gave her a nick name.
"Hey, Ver".
But I think the biggest thing he was worried about in their relationship was tanking her reputation because of her being with him. And because he's Blitz, he couldn't communicate that with her. What's communication? So he put on the mask.
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impsandstars · 3 months
After apology tour I am not too worried about Blitz. He has, whether he reaches out to them or uses them, a support system of people who care about him. He has Loona, m and m, and fizz (and I guess you could say by extension Ozzie). If he falls into a downward spiral there are people in his life who will hopefully intervene whether he asks for it or not.
Stolas doesn’t really have anyone on his side or anyone to be his support system. He cannot unload everything that he has gone through on to Via who is only 17, his kid, and is not at all aware about the truth of his marriage or what is going on with blitz. He did create a connection with Verosika but I don’t know if he would turn to her as a person for support? Maybe.
I am worried about what will happen if he falls further than he is now. It was alluded to that there may be something going on with his medication and we have seen him more and more heavily drinking. What happens if he falls to pieces and no one is there to care for him or help him through it? Blitz was kind of his person, even if they didn’t talk about the deeply emotional stuff, he was the one Stolas turned to a lot. Now that doesn’t seem to be an option.
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nyxofdemons · 3 months
Your statement of Stolitz in Apology Tour being “high school sweethearts heartbreak vibe“ was fucking eye opening. Like, yeah, I can’t explain it, but that whole party, it had that vibes. Stolas just off in the corner, talking to himself…
Is this anything?
it sure is a start !! like. something about the halloween party feels EXACTLY like the teen media staple trope(?) of the party at the rich kid's house when their parents were out of town for the weekend that was in every single high school movie in the 90's/00's ?? so it has this sort of "nostalgic" vibe to it. i was actually more referring to blitz and VEROSIKA about the high school sweethearts bit, though, honestly! our general perception of their relationship is that it was, if not something similar to, the "first real relationship" kinda thing. they seem to have had a young love/young adults going out partying and causing chaos/etc type of relationship. it's almost criminally "the prom queen and the bad boy" coded. the first heartbreak of your life dynamic. and with the focus this episode puts on them i think it just BOOSTS the nostalgic feel of the party altogether
you ARE so right about stolas though, he DOES also fit this, like, perfectly. he is ALSO experiencing his adolescent first heartbreak (this even goes DOUBLE for him because queer second adolescence is like, a HUGE thing with him!) booksmart socially uneasy friendless kid who doesn't get invited out ever having a time of unbridled yearning and social awkwardness at the party he didn't even really want to be at but felt obligated to attend. in another life he is our quiet bookish not like other girls birds YA protagonist
i fucking love the trope subversions in helluva boss but i think this is actually a new one (this episode/their dynamic in it) and i am so here for it. it feels like a callback to those retro high school film tropes through a lens of tragic adulthood and hopelessness, and that goes for all three of them (which as i just said is BOLSTERED and even more thematically appropriate what with stolas' immaturity/first love character focal points)
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