#anti-oppressive christianity
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gingerswagfreckles · 12 days ago
Not really loving how my post about the left's love affair with eugenics and blood and soil ideology framed as "decolonization" got coopted into another "wait it's all Christianity??" "It always has been" post." Y'all are sticking your heads in the sand if you think this is a problem with "cultural Christianity." This is the exact same pattern we saw play out in the 1979 Iranian revolution and much of this ideology was coopted from the Nazis by the Soviets and reframed as progressive. This is not an issue with Western "cultural Christianity" and it would be great if Jumblr could stop engaging in the same "there's actually one secret root cause of every problem in the world and if we get rid of it we will have utopia" thing that antisemites have been using against Jews for 2000 years.
#i stg some people really dont understand that the problem with that ideology is not ~we are blaming the wrong religion/people~#there are recognizable patterns of oppression and social issues that have to do with Christianity but not every problem in the world is#rooted in cultural Christianity and the only reason you see so many issues with cultural Christianity is because you live in a majority#Christian country where Christians are in charge#i promise the samd ideology that we see antisemitic ~activists~ in Lebanon using are not caused by their extremely oppressed tiny Christian#community. i promise that the Iranian revolution that found roots in much of the same ideology and thought was not caused by their tiny#oppressed Christian community either#the similar arguments about who is indigenous to the contested areas of Pakistan and India and therefor who can kill which civilains and be#justified has 0 to do with Christianity#and im sorry but the concerted effort by Hamas to insist that Jews are not indigenous to Israel and that therefore it is acceptable to kill#Jews is not rooted in Christianity it is rooted in the co opting of Soviet antisemitism to justify their very much not Christian religious#extremism in a way that appealed to the communist bloc and now appeals to the Western Leftists that have adopted this ideology as well#jumblr#antisemitism#leftist antisemitism#soviet antisemitism#im sorry but the only reason you dont feel the need to be sensitive when talking about Christianity is because you do not live in a country#where Christians are a oppressed or scapegoated minority but i promise that does not mean those countries do not exist or those communities#do not exist and scapegoating Christians or cultural Christianity for problems that have very little if anything to do with Christianity is#the extact same shit people have been doing to jews for 2000 years#this eugenics shit has become a very common argument for the murder of jews and other communities living in the Wrong Place#all over the world and it is not at all contained to ex Christian leftists#this exact anti imperialist rhetoric was used to justify the expulsion of the jews from egypt in the 1950s#and from Iran in the 1979 when jews were charged with being imperialist spies for Iran and America#do you think those countries were Christian? lol#this eugenics shit framed as anti imperialism is not rooted in Christianity or ~cultural Christianity~ and has basically nothing to do with#Christianity at all#christianity#jewblr
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 1 year ago
LGBTQ Christians, like a lot of Christians, value their feelings and comfort over the very real harm caused by Christianity and the people who've been harmed by it. Good for you that your denomination is affirming and you have every right to practice the religion of your choice but how fucking dare you try to dictate how people should feel about a god and religion that has been used as a tool to oppress the very community you're a part of.
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haggishlyhagging · 2 years ago
Mary is wife, mother, and child to the same male power-figure. She is utterly meek, abject, passive. In her, the ancient power of the Goddess is captured, chained, used, cannibalized — "metaphysically cannibalized," in Ti-Grace Atkinson's critical phrase — domesticated and tranquilized. It is no accident that Mary is portrayed as giving birth in tranquility and bliss, as a reward for her asexuality and total submission (thus "redeeming" the crime of Eve)—while Christ, her son, takes on the suffering and dramatic childbearing role of the Mother. For he twists on the cross in labor, to give birth to a redeemed human race. Pierced by a soldier's sword, blood and water pour from his body—exactly as from a woman in childbirth. The figure displayed on the crucifix in Catholic churches particularly is a male parody of the female experience—of menstrual bleeding, of childbirth, of ontological physical suffering for the human race. But while Christ coopts this female experience into his own power and glory—women, who really do these things, have been forced to hide the signs of our bleeding and childbed "crucifixions" as unclean processes, and badges of corruption, inferiority, and shame. The deified male martyr flaunts his "sacrifice" everywhere, and we are supposed to bow down to it. Women, the real thing, are required by "decency" to hide our messiness out of sight.
-Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor. The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering The Religion of the Earth.
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 9 months ago
I was blown away by this post and need to talk about it, or I will never sleep lol. I wish I could show you our entire conversation but the OP deleted all my comments so I couldn't screenshot anything.
"Nazis weren’t atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons."
The nazis, including Hitler, were absolutely not supporters of Christianity, you don't even need to be a Christian to see why this is so problematic. The main idea of Christianity is that Jesus is the Messiah, the one and only Son who loved the world so much he sacrificed his life to pay the debt of our sins.
Jesus isn't just not Aryan, or not white. He is a Jew. Christians literally worship him, seeing him as both fully human and fully divine.
Hitler taught that Jews were inferior, the scum of the Earth, deserving of inhumane treatment and death. Why would he support a religion that worships a Jewish man as the Messiah?
Furthermore, the gospel teaches that ALL people, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, etc. We're made equal in the eyes of God, and that we all came from the same two people.
Hitler taught that the Aryans were the superior race, and preached the inferiority of anyone else. Why would he support a religion that so blatantly contradicts his teachings?
But wait- if Hitler and the Nazis were against Christianity, why did they employ Christian rhetoric in speeches? Why did they negotiate a treaty with the Vatican?
If you are a psychopath vying for support and leadership in an overwhelmingly Christian nation, are you really going to talk about how useless you see Christianity, or how it is a threat to your rule? Of course not. Hitler was a demagogue. He wanted to appeal to the common 1930s German citizen, which meant he would need to appeal to Christians.
It wasn't until he had secured power that he could finally show his true colors, breaking his promise to the Vatican to not interfere with the rights of the church. Among the many groups persecuted in the holocaust were Christians, especially Roman Catholics. Clergy in Germany and other territories were closely supervised to make sure they didn't contradict the Nazi teachings, Catholic organizations were shut down, and many prominent Christians were sent to camps for forced labor and execution.
I pointed out some of these the the OP, to which they responded
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How stating that the Nazis weren't supporters of Christians and that Christianity cannot coexist with Nazism makes me a holocaust denier, I don't know. I'm not the one denying that a certain group was persecuted by the Nazis (the OP stated in a comment of theirs that the Christians put into camps were only attacked for their ethnicity, not their religion) and trying to make it look like the Nazis actually loved and cared about that group.
I also don't understand how Christianity is inherently antisemitic. I asked the OP what about it was antisemitic, so after deleting all my comments, they blocked me. If you have the answer, let me know, I am genuinely curious.
It makes me sad to see that people actually believe this kind of propaganda. Also, if you're going to make a post about the evils of Nazism, you probably shouldn't use misinformation to villianize and scapegoat a group, or censor people who speak out against said misinformation. Just saying.
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canwediscuss · 6 months ago
When Christianity is gone, nature will heal. Honestly though, the cognitive dissonance required to be devoted to a slave religion death cult really makes me understand why every historical society had some kind of class/ caste system. These people are incapable of critical thought and only survive because the billionaire oligarchs want them to
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solsthiems · 7 months ago
Leftists get comfortable with religion and religious people. No shut up do it.
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saesans · 2 months ago
desperately need to know who came up with “right-wing, left-wing, the whole bird hates women” because it’s going on the list of things i plan to say as an exasperated elderly wise woman delivering truths to the naive young women of my mountain village
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snekdood · 1 year ago
im not gonna act like its as severe as hindutvas make it out to be but if you deny hinduphobia exists you're just a dumbass i think
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healingwgabs · 1 year ago
Predeterminism and religion go hand in hand for most religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism included (the idea of God having a "plan" for you and that "everything happens for a reason") and this is especially harmful to trauma survivors, esp when that "plan" involved experiencing torment, in many cases, unfathomable. Love isn't abuse and that includes God. I'm not sure how this differs from someone abusing you and then calling it love, a lesson, or an opportunity for growth..
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haggishlyhagging · 6 months ago
Such was the condition of women during eighteen hundred years of Christianity: legislated for as slaves; imprisoned for crimes that, if committed by a man were only punished by branding the hand; buried alive for other crimes that committed by men were atoned for by the payment of a fine; denied a share in the government of the family or the church; their very sex deemed a curse. The twentieth century is now about to open, showing no truly enlightened nation upon the face of the earth. From the barbarism of inhumanity, the world is slowly awakening to the fact that every human being stands upon the plane of equal natural rights. The church has not taught the world this great truth. The state has not conceded it. Its acknowledgment thus far has been due to the teachings of individual men and women that self-constituted authority over others is a crime against humanity.
-Matilda Joslyn Gage, Woman, Church and State
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passionfruitmango · 3 months ago
LOL can't say I've ever seen someone say "dni if you're anti christian" but it took all my might not to be a shithead before hitting that block button
How you gonna be Christian and engage in something 90% of your religion looks down upon? Look inward.
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yeslordmyking · 5 months ago
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genesisrhapsodyoffire · 6 months ago
Is anyone else getting random posts showing up on their dash from random Christian people on Tumblr I'm Jewish and I am not happy about this no I am not stop it get some help especially you Tumblr
To clarify my tags what I am saying is I do not believe there is such a thing as a good christian. All Christians who claim the title of Christian in the USA benefit from the fact that in the United States laws are literally made to cater towards the beliefs of the Conservative Christian majority in the government who seek to eliminate the rights of people like me. Until you, the quote unquote silent majority of quote unquote good Christians who don't actually believe in this stuff or so you say, speak up on behalf of those of us you can't and reach your really crappy awful terrible quote unquote brothers and siblings otherwise in Christ you're also the bad ones and I don't want any of you on my page.
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haggishlyhagging · 6 months ago
Carol Ochs, in The Myth Behind the Sex of God, discusses the story of Abraham, Isaac and Sarah and finds that in order to prove that Abraham is not rooted in the older tradition, God demands that he renounce the most fundamental tenet of the matriarchal religion and kill his own child. Abraham's choice is between the matriarchal principle of protecting his child and the patriarchal principle of following an abstract ethic, obedience to God. Abraham passes the test and is pronounced fit to be the father of a new, patriarchal religion.
Naomi Goldenberg maintains that giving voice to biblical women cannot save Judaism or the Old Testament for, as she says, "The nature of the religion lies in interplay between a father-God and his Sons. In such a religion, women will always be on the periphery." Some women scholars advocate the complete abandonment of Judaism and Christianity. Others are working to reform these traditions by removing various sexist practices. Goldenberg sees the reformers as engaged in a hopeless effort. She feels that it is futile to defend patriarchal creeds.
-Shirley Ann Ranck, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
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wanderingcritter · 2 months ago
My daily schedule according to anti-kin mfs
3am: get up to aggressively bark and howl at the moon for 2 hours, waking all of my neighbors up in the process
6am: make myself a well rounded breakfast consisting exclusively of raw deer meat
6:30am: scream and cry for half an hour because my mom is forcing me to go to school and wolves CLEARLY do not go to school. my life is hell
7am: throw all of my deodorant in the trash because it blocks my natural 💫 𝓅𝒽ℯ𝓇ℯ𝓂ℴ���ℯ𝓈💫
8am: arrive at school wearing my fav buttplug tail and galaxy wolf shirt
8:30am: have a vague memory of having graduated high school already, but that cant be true because no therian is older than 16 so here i am
9am: yell at my classmates for calling me a human and tell them that they're being therianphobic, and that im going to cancel them on twitter and make sure they never get jobs
9:30am: enter psychosis
10am: angrily email the school board for the 8th time this week because they won't put litter boxes in the bathrooms for me which is therianphobic oppression
10:30am: sit alone in a corner and growl/hiss at any humans who get too close to me
11am: enter psychosis
12pm: single handedly regress the trans rights movement by 10 years
1:30pm: refuse to sit in a chair for class and instead perch up on a desk. teacher threatens to kick me out, tragically i am forced to comply
2:30pm: cast a spell on one of my religious classmates as i leave school using my evil devil anti-human anti-christian magic
3pm: more raw deer meat omnomnomnom
5pm: enter psychosis
5:30pm: burn a picture of charles darwin in my trashcan because i hate all of that therianphonic science and biology nonsense. you can't tell me what to do CHARLES
6pm: enter psychosis
7pm: enter psychosis
8pm: i curl up in my nest of roadkill bones and sheets that haven't been washed in 3 months and gently fall asleep <3
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 9 months ago
Oh! So now, cancel culture is not a "right-wing conspiracy" anymore! Now it's happening, and it's a "GOOD THING ACKCHUALLY"!
Yeah, OP, go and spout your self-righteous balderdash to Zamii or to the Covingtongate kids if ya dare. Or any of the other cases you will find here.
Or better yet, how about I consider the fact that I found the original post reblogged, without any addition or nuance, from someone whom I consider a bible-believing sister in Christ. And this is already the second time that this sort of thing has happened within the past fortnight.
You know, by the way, fellas, that the Lord does not look favourably upon slander of the brethren? In other words, repent.
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