b-0-ngripper · 2 days
A Project 2025 adviser, Mike Krikorian, said that "Haiti wasn't colonized long enough".😐
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sadiet63 · 9 days
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I'm very protective over Hobie,Gwen and Margo because y'all really showing ya asses the most when it comes to them and as an afropunk who's audhd and mentally ill due to brutal ass childhood trauma and an eldest child,i clock what y'all doin' without even trying.Hobie spent all his screentime being the personification of our heritage i.e AFROpunks,not universal punks and especially not universal alt for the 'Hobie is goth' headasses(yes,this genuinely happens)and a black gentleman who gives Mama's Boy but y'all deliberately twist his words,behavior,relathionships and even his design to cater to normies and no,i ain't talking about whitewashing,i mean the sexualization-Where the fuck is his Spidersuit top under his tee in a lot of fanarts i've seen???????And the weird ass trend of feminizing him for sexualization when he's accurate black femme rep and kink based designs have no place on a goddamn underaged children's character(He's seventeen,they've called him a teenager in all official sources and 'he's 19/20' was talking about his concept art based on the og idea of a timeskip inbetween Itsv and Atsv and you can look up Gwen's own concept art if you don't believe me)
Gwen gets victim blamed for her cop dad who pointed a gun at her,A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD TRANS GIRL,gaslighting her into moving back in with him when they already had a turbulant relathionship thanks to him as implied in the movie itself and the script and realistically there's no such thing as a cop being a good parent and y'all 'she's just like her dad' weirdos should get decked for that,ESPECIALLY the grown ones who should know how to act by now.'She should've done more to help Miles' as if the whole tragedy isn't that she couldn't because all the adults around her took away everything that would let her-It's not her fault either y'all don't got media comprehension or any problem with jokes about Peter B sexually harrasing Miguel as shipping or Miguel being antiblack to Miles and Hobie but Gwen putting her shoes on Miles' bed,opening his collectable by accident,going through his sketchbook and calling his parents by their first names is toooooo far,she's so racist omg!!!Don't play with me,she wouldn't do or say even 1% of the shit y'all do Miguel,Hobie and Miles G and she was a girls girl in the comics y'all don't read for Miles,Hobie,Margo OR Jessica either so that Margo moment was a retcon and she wasn't even mean to Margo herself
And Margo.God she's had it the worst because misogynoir is omnipresent no matter what.At least Hobie and Gwen have plenty of positive content and shipping,Margo gets a cameo if she's lucky.She might've not been an mc but she will be in Beyond as confirmed by the crew and y'all give her NOTHING.You including fucking Pavitr as Miles' love interest over her because godforbid a bisexual black boy like black girls instead of just black guys and white girls,right?That's not diverse at all!!Shut the fuck UP,Pavitr and Miles have zero chemistry compared to Miles and his black love interests!And Margo is as interesting as Gwen and Hobie already and certainly deeper of a character The Spot's discord mod lookin' and actin' ass and you're threatend by that so you have everybody hate her because black girls can't be cool,smart,pretty,funny,flawed and everything else except the sister figure or the token or the 'wrong choice' or just not exist!The way she's obviously close to Hobie because they're both black and a major theme of Spiderverse is black solidarity and is obviously only not best friends with Gwen too because the writers couldn't dare risk letting teenage girls know they have options outside of fighting over guys even if one of you is literally transfem and one of you is literally black,NTM her not even giving her a Spidey intro is demonic on so many levels.Miles is a real Spiderman but i guess Margo isn't so that's why she dosen't deserve Miles or Miles G because obviously Miles G likes Gwencel Stacy-I MEAN GWEN 42,right???????I mean why would Gwen Stacy be black,she isn't in every other universe and Ghostspider shouldn't be either because it's not like it would fix the one problem with her and Hobie as a ship in the movie and having a black girl mc in Miles Morales stories wasn't the comics either,totes!!!
Y'all thinkin' you cute with all this shit.Nah,that ain't sliding by me,mainly because it's been a year and you still at it.Sick of y'all and you need to keep my kids' names out of your mouth 'cause the bullshit is drooling through.Invest in soap instead of official Spiderverse merch Hobie wouldn't even want you buying
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supahstarrr · 6 days
Anti-Haitianism, this hatred of Haitians which has been in place for centuries, has accelerated recently into violence due to many white liberals and conservatives alike feeding into it. As meaningful it is to learn about how this unique form of hatred centuries manifested in the past, as meaningful it is to learn about their their revolutionary principles from the past, it is also just as important to focus on them and their revolutionary principles in the present.
Support COJEHA, a non-government organization focusing on helping the youth of Haiti through agriculture, financially helping students, fostering entrepreneurship among youth, encouraging mutual aid and much more. Keep up with this organization on facebook or on their website, various of their goals with images and photos can be seen on those platforms including the g0fundme.
In 2023, our headquarters in Port-au-Prince were overrun by gangs, displacing our workers and children. With funds depleted, we're reaching out to global citizens for help.
On their website: "Due to political unrest and violent takeover of many teritories in Haiti, our office and many resources were taken from us. The Centre d'Organisation de la Jeunesse d'Haiti (COJEHA) is currently raising funds for our children's fees, food, basic and necessary needs and most of all -  for our new campus which will allow us to be self sustainable by 2026."
Support the Youth of Haiti Now!​
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thashining · 4 days
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I am tired, y'all.
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seasonofthewitch06 · 11 months
A LOT of y’all would have defended slavery, indigenous American genocide, and demonized the Black Panthers if you lived back then. The plight of the Palestinian people directly mirrors those crimes against humanity.
How do you THINK oppressed peoples have fought back? Genuinely.
For nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience.
Colonial powers have none.
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afriblaq · 4 days
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tomorrowusa · 7 days
The pet eating disinformation being spread by Trump, Vance, and other loony Republicans had its roots with folks which Weird Donald once described as "very fine people".
The issue in Springfield, about 45 miles from Columbus in southwest Ohio, involves thousands of Haitian immigrants who have settled in the city in recent years, many of them there legally under federal programs after having fled violence and political turmoil. Residents and political leaders, including Vance, have for months raised economic and public safety concerns, asserting that an influx of as many as 20,000 immigrants to a city that in 2020 counted a population of 59,000 has strained resources. Claims about pets being abducted, slaughtered and eaten are more recent. Blood Tribe, a national neo-Nazi group, was among the early purveyors of the rumor in August, posting about it on Gab and Telegram, social networks popular with extremists. While the group’s leader has taken credit for Trump’s indulgence of the claims, Blood Tribe’s reach is unknown; its accounts on those sites have fewer than 1,000 followers. Some Blood Tribe members also planned a couple of events in the real world, like a small Aug. 10 march in Springfield protesting Haitian immigration and an appearance at a city commission meeting later that month. The rumor soon crossed over to mainstream social media, like Facebook and X. NewsGuard, a firm that monitors misinformation, traced the origins to an undated post from a private Facebook group that was shared in a screenshot posted to X on Sept. 5.  “Remember when my hometown of Springfield Ohio was all over National news for the Haitians?” the user wrote. “I said all the ducks were disappearing from our parks? Well, now it’s your pets.”
A "savvy genius" is not somebody easily taken in by racist internet spam. The United States is not well served by a POTUS whose decisions are easily influenced by obvious bullshit.
Around that time, other social media posts about the rumor sprouted and went viral, some of them based in part on residents’ comments at public hearings. On Sept. 6, there were 1,100 posts on X mentioning Haitians, migrants or immigrants eating pets, cats, dogs and geese, according to PeakMetrics, a research company. The next day there were 9,100 — a 720% increase. The number of posts spiked again Monday, to 47,000, when Vance advanced the rumor on X.
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crane-song · 5 days
I don't want to get too political on this blog but it is about my life and I wanted to share how the current state of things in Springfield, Ohio have impacted me.
I attend one of the two universities based in Springfield (Which I won't name for privacy and personal safety reasons) and we are currently on remote learning thanks to the shooting and bomb threats leveled against us and other schools in the city. These threats were made out of the xenophobic hatred for the Haitians in our community. Thanks to lies spread by Republican politicians schools are going under lockdowns, being evacuated or going remote to protect students, mostly children. These include elementary schools, one of which was evacuated today.
Even though I don't live on campus my parents made me come home (they don't live in Springfield) for my own safety. I'm lucky to have the privilege of that option but many people in Springfield and many of my fellow university students don't have the option to flee. Let me be clear--The politicians promoting racist and false rumors that Haitian immigrants are eating people's pets don't care about anyone in Springfield. They are doing it for their own political gain and don't care about the consequences these lies have on the average person. They have given motivation to, let's be honest, domestic terrorists who are willing to scare and hurt Haitians and everyone else caught in the crossfire just to fulfill their xenophobic and racist desire to 'protect' an idealized white America. But people won't call them terrorists because they're white Americans.
As someone who spends about eight months out of the year living in Springfield I have never heard of a Haitian stealing and eating people's pets. They are not a threat to the security of our community. That would be the KKK, who are currently handing out fliers in town by the way, and the white nationalists threatening people.
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mspec-defender · 11 days
Man I wish more people would talk about how racist Republicans are being right now.
Seeing Republicans try to spread false rumors around kind Haitian Immigrants who are just trying to get by is disturbing and disgusting.
If you know any Haitian migrants please tell them how much you love and appreciate them. You have to make the radical decision to choose love instead of hate.
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sadiet63 · 5 days
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punkeropercyjackson · 10 days
Book!Percy and Show!Annabeth are a lot more Hobie-coded and Margo-coded than they are Miles x Gwen-coded and the only reason Percy x Annabeth is compared to Gwen x Miles at all is because of misogynoir(Margo hate causing her to be completely overlooked by the fandom at large and the need to refuse to let Annabeth not exist for Percy).Y'all can get pissy at me for saying this but you're gonna need proof i'm wrong first🤗
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reynard61 · 6 days
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thashining · 5 days
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
Donald Trump doesn’t care that his lie accusing Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio of eating people’s pets is causing a spike in anti-immigrant hate incidents in the area or was the reason for a bomb threats Thursday morning targeting the local government and local schools on Friday. It also doesn’t matter if you fact check Trump on this BS claim. This is not about the truth. Nobody—I mean nobody—understands what animates, radicalizes and incites his base to vote, make threats and commit violence more than Trump. That is why he is targeting both Black people and immigrants with his lies. This is racism for a purpose.  He gets that with one lie, he is targeting two communities that MAGA hates: Blacks and immigrants.  
As we all recall, Trump--as President--slammed the idea of accepting more immigrants from Haiti and Africa calling them “shithole countries.” Instead, Trump stated he wanted more people coming in from places like Norway aka white people. Trump’s base loved that. That is why during the debate Tuesday, Trump repeatedly fear-mongered about non-white people coming over the border, declaring, “What they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country.” He then added the now infamous line, “In Springfield, they're eating the dogs…they're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there.”
ABC News co-moderator David Muir instantly fact checked Trump saying “ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports” of any animals being treated that way by immigrants. But Trump remained defiant, saying, “But the people on television say their dog was eaten by the people that went there.” When Muir factchecked Trump again, he then offered this ominous line, “We'll find out.”  Trump’s lie at the debate about Haitian immigrants was something his base has been worked up about for days—as Trump knows. The first prominent right winger to amplify the lie was Trump’s close ally Charlie Kirk—who has a history of making racist comments about Blacks--posting just days before the debate on Twitter that “residents of Springfield, OH are reporting that Haitians are eating their family pets.” His post was viewed more than 4 million times.
Trump’s son, Donald Jr. then amplified the lie on social media that Black migrants were kidnapping and eating people’s cats and dogs. Next Elon Musk -the owner of Twitter and vocal Trump backer--did the same. That got the attention of the Trump campaign.  If the MAGA base believes/loves the claim Black immigrants are such savages that they are eating people’s pets, they were going to join.  That is why on Monday, Trump’s running mate JD Vance claimed in his post viewed more than 10 million times that “reports now show people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country.” A short time later on Monday, as the NY Times reported, the Trump campaign did a massive email blast to their supporters quoting the lie about the Black immigrants.
[...] In reality, Springfield residents have overall been welcoming to the Haitian immigrants to their community over the past four years.  Jamie McGregor the head of McGregor Metal, a family-owned business in Springfield, told The New York Times how it was lacking workers after it had invested to increase production before "the Haitians were there to fill those positions." Joe Ruck, a co-owner of Champion City Cuts Barber Shop, told USA Today that Haitian immigrants are working the jobs no one else wanted. But Trump’s lies have embolden the haters in Springfield. As Newsweek documented, there has now been a surge in vile comments directed online and in person against Springfield’s Haitian community. A 19-year-old, who graduated from Springfield High School and now works at an Amazon warehouse said he has been called a "dirty Haitian" and an "illegal."   
[...] Despite many officials warning that Trump’s lie will lead to violence against the Haitian community or Blacks in general, he refuses to stop. On Thursday night in the midst of this backlash and after the bomb threats, Trump again repeated the lie to his supporters at a rally in Arizona, telling them “20,000 illegal Haitian immigrants have descended on a town of 58,000 people, destroying their way of life.” (The Haitians in Springfield are in the US legally.) The convicted felon added the lie that these migrants are “walking off with their pets.” And earlier on Thursday, Trump posted five digitally doctored photos on social media of himself saving pets from migrants—including the racist image at the top of this article where Trump is saving a white cat from angry Black people.
Dean Obeidallah’s column on the Springfield Cat-Eating Hoax is spot-on. Donald Trump, JD Vance, and the right-wing media’s racist and xenophobic scapegoating of Haitian migrants has led to bomb threats and a rise in anti-immigrant hatred in Springfield, Ohio.
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