#anti irish
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victusinveritas · 7 months ago
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troythecatfish · 10 months ago
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Irish MEP Clare Daly calls for tangible action against Israel
Pointing out that formal Irish recognition of Palestine is already decades late, the Independent MEP proposed that more needs to be done. She suggested an arms embargo and the suspension of Irish trade with Israel.
Source: Mintpress
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millingroundireland · 1 year ago
What was the Irish Potato famine and why does it matter?
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Anti-Irish riot in Philadelphia in 1841, Lithograph by H. Bucholzer in 1844.
Many have written about the Irish Potato Famine, which some call the Great Famine or Great Hunger. Most seem to agree it began in 1845, although some say it ended in 1849, and others say it ended in 1850, 1851 or 1852. [1] Some say the causes were due to the fact that "most of the Irish countryside was owned by an English and Anglo-Irish hereditary ruling class"and most were "absentee landlords that set foot on their properties once or twice a year, if at all," while the average tenant farmer, like John Mills, lets say, "lived at a subsistence level on less than ten acres...there was never any incentive to upgrade their living conditions," and they often allowed "landless laborers, known as cottiers, to live on their farms," with poor Irish laborers becoming "totally dependent on the potato for their existence." Others, like Harry George, said that "...at the period of her greatest population (1840-45) Ireland contained something over eight millions of people" but a large "proportion of them managed merely to exist, lodging in miserable cabins, clothed with miserable rags, and with but potatoes for their staple food" and when the "potato blight came, they died by thousands" not due to the "inability of the soil to support so large a population" but it was a "horde of landlords, among whom the soil had been divided as their absolute possession, regardless of any rights of those who lived upon it." He also wrote something, trying to disprove the Malthusian theory, that
Consider the conditions of production under which this eight million managed to live until the potato blight came. Cultivation was for the most part carried on by tenants-at-will, and they, even if the rack-rents they were forced to pay had permitted them, did not dare to make improvements, which would have been but the signal for an increase of rent. Labour was thus applied in the most inefficient and wasteful manner and labour, that with any security for its fruits would have been applied unremittingly, was dissipated in aimless idleness. But even under these conditions, it is a matter of fact that Ireland did more than support eight millions. For when her population was at its highest, Ireland was a food-exporting country. Even during the famine, grain and meat and butter and cheese were carted for exportation along roads lined with the starving and past trenches into which the dead were piled. For these exports of food, or at least for a great part of them, there was no return. So far as the people of Ireland were concerned, the food thus exported might as well have been burned up or thrown into the sea, or never produced. It went not as an exchange, but as a tribute - to pay the rent of absentee landlords; a levy wrung from producers by those who in no wise contributed to production. Had this food been left to those who raised it, had the cultivators of the soil been permitted to retain and use the wealth their labour produced, had security stimulated industry and permitted the adoption of economical methods, there would have been enough to support in bounteous comfort the largest population Ireland ever had. The potato blight might have come and gone without stinting a single human being of a full meal. For it was not, as English economists coldly said, "the imprudence of Irish peasants" that induced them to make the potato the staple of their food. Irish emigrants, when they can get other things, do not live upon the potato, and certainly in the United States the prudence of the Irish character, in endeavouring to lay by something for a rainy day, is remarkable. They lived on the potato because rack-rents stripped everything else from them. Had Ireland been by nature a grove of bananas and bread-fruit, had her coasts been lined by the guano deposits of the Chinchas and the sun of lower latitudes warmed into more abundant life her moist soil, the social conditions that have prevailed there would still have brought forth poverty and starvation. How could there fail to be pauperism and famine in a country where rack-rents wrested from the cultivator of the soil all the produce of his labour except just enough to maintain life in good seasons; where tenure-at-will forbade improvements and removed incentive to any but the most wasteful and poverty-stricken culture; where the tenant dared not accumulate capital, even if he could get it, for fear the landlord would demand it in the rent; where in fact he was an abject slave who, at the nod of a human being like himself, might at any time be driven from his miserable mud cabin, a houseless, homeless, starving wanderer, forbidden even to pluck the spontaneous fruits of the earth, or to trap a wild hare to satisfy his hunger? No matter how sparse its population, no matter what its natural resources, would not pauperism and starvation be necessary consequences in any land where the producers of wealth were compelled to work under conditions which deprived them of hope, of self-respect, of energy, of thrift; where absentee landlords drained away without return at least a fourth of the net produce of the soil; and when, besides them, a starving industry had to support resident landlords, with their horses and hounds, agents, jobbers, middlemen and bailiffs, and an army of policemen and soldiers to overawe and hunt down any opposition to the iniquitous system?
Others said it was related to a monoculture. Some readers may say that this doesn't matter based on the fact that Margaret Bibby and John Mills came before the famine began, likely in the early to mid 1830s, varied years before any famines. Although, considering the famines in 1830-1834, 1836, and 1839, which I talk about below, this may have been a favor. However, this does matter because at least some Mills family members were undoubtedly effected by this event.
This post was originally published on WordPress in June 2018.
Famine was nothing new to Ireland. It has been "common in Ireland in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries—for example in 1740–41 (bliain an áir ‘the year of the slaughter’), 1756–7, 1800, 1807, 1821–2, 1830–34, 1836, and 1839—but it was also common elsewhere in Europe," with the western seaboard the worst affected. But what began in 1845, ending possibly in 1852, was a horrible catastrophe, which the government failing to deal with the problem, leading to further crisis. Some say that with the "devastating fungus destroyed Ireland's potato crop," leading to "starvation and related diseases," over hundreds of thousands, if not a million, may have been killed, with others blaming capitalism as the cause of what happened.
Regardless of what you blame, the reality is that there was a strong population decline from 1841 to 1851 in Ireland,  changing the social and cultural structure of the island as a whole. In the process, however, the landscape of parts of the U.S. was changed as well from incoming Irish immigrants, as 3/4 of those who left Ireland came to the U.S. The heart of Ireland's economy had been sunk. But, Irish history was to go on.
With the information about Ireland's other famines, specifically the ones 1830-1834, 1836, and 1839, before the "potato famine" beginning in 1845, it could help us answer some of the the remaining questions, determining more push and pull factors from County Tipperary in Southern Ireland, connect to the stories of John and Margaret's children, and down the line.
© 2018-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] Joel Mokyr, "Great Famine," Encyclopaedia Brittanica, accessed May 11, 2018; "Sources in the National Archives for researching the Great Famine by Marianne Cosgrave, Rena Lohan and Tom Quinlan: Introduction," National Archives of Ireland, Sept 1995; Brian McDonald, "British fail to attend Famine ceremony," Independent, May 17, 2010; "The Irish in Philadelphia"; "Fertility trends, excess mortality, and the Great Irish Famine"; John Gibney, "Where was your family during the famine?," Sept 2008; "The Great Irish Famine," Nov 1998; Dan Ritschel, "The Irish Famine: Interpretative and Historiographical Issues," 2009; Mark Ward, "Irish Repay Choctaw Famine Gift: March Traces Trail of Tears in Trek for Somalian Relief," American-Stateman Capitol Staff, 1992; Jim Donnelly, "The Irish Famine," BBC, Feb 17, 2011; "The Irish Potato Famine," Digital History, 2016; Eleanor Bley Griffiths, "What was the Irish Potato Famine?," RadioTimes, May 11, 2018.
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seachranaidhe · 2 years ago
TUV candidate lambasts GAA club and Linda Ervine for 'misrepreseation' of east Belfast
The mother of the director of BBC NI demonstrating her ignorance of gaelic culture and her unashamed bigotry. She’s a perfect fit for the TUV. TUV candidate lambasts GAA club and Linda Ervine for ‘misrepresentation’ of east Belfast https://twitter.com/jgtsport/status/1658580874273648640?s=20
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arguablysomaya · 9 months ago
black haired jason my love and light
brown haired jason the keeper of my heart
red haired jason
white streak jason my reason for being
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thererisesaredstar · 5 months ago
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While Revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas. -Thomas Sankara
Mural in Belfast, Northern Ireland
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mysharona1987 · 2 months ago
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Zionists calling Irish people “Paddystinians” as an insult shows exactly what they think of Palestinians. The mere term “Palestinian” or anything related to it is considered a slur to them. Many have never saw Palestinians as human in the first place.
That Irish people are quite happy to be compared to Palestinians is quite the backfire. It’s not an insult, it’s a badge of honor.
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vyorei · 1 year ago
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More protests!
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nando161mando · 5 months ago
Pro-Israel Twitter is calling for Ireland to be conquered to 'solve the issue of living space' and so they will 'no longer make fun of Israel'.
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defleftist · 1 year ago
The only appropriate way to spend St. Patrick’s Day is to continue to stand up against the occupation and oppression of all people around the world. 🇵🇸🇮🇪
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tales-from-syscord · 11 months ago
I believed this happened a couple of years ago? But I'd thought it was a very peculiar experience for me to share.
So, I used to be in this traumagenic server with what seems like a lot of blacklists and claims to be POC friendly. It was one of our few DID/OSDD focused discord servers that we joined when we first suspected we have DID. (We got diagnosed a year later.)
I remembered being in a ticket with one of the mods because they looked at the names of our alters through pk. They then LITERALLY did some google research on the name origins and made it something like this.
" Hi! We noticed your names may be considered cultural appropriating blablabla
Casey = Irish
Ari = Jewish
Please consider changing your names!"
And then had the nerve to even ask me what my race is, but I felt so uncomfortable?? I said Asian. They want me to specify further. I said Southeast Asian. And if my memory serves me right, they wanted me to specify more than that.
When I looked at that message where I had to change my own and my alter's names, I felt like they were JOKING?? HOW IS CASEY A CLOSED NAME??? It's.. a generic name used by pretty much everyone in the world.
They mentioned how Irish is a closed culture, and I think they mentioned Irish discrimination during the US immigration and all. I understand, but at the same time, Irish itself isn't a closed culture at all?? Not to mention, I've been using Casey as my name for quite some time now.
Ari being linked to Jewish makes no sense to me either. People sometimes use it to shorten the name 'Ariana' for short, but I also see many non-Jewish people also using that name too.
Ari is an alternative spelling of our body's name, so we don't feel weird using our irl body's name (which is Arabic) to the people online. It's not a sense of shame of the body's name but more privacy concerns, easier pronounciation, and having our own individuality.
It's worth mentioning that a lot of Muslim and Christian names are derived from Judaism, too. The Muslim and Christian names just have a different spelling to it, so I don't know what the hell they were thinking.
I felt so mad and felt this was all too ridiculous. I had to keep my cool and leave because what kinda server is this??? That claims to be POC safe?? I'm sorry if I don't sound the most open-minded, but it's just a weird experience to me, really. When I think of cultural appropriating, I would think of taking a name from, let's say, a Romani name or a Tamil name, and then use it without realizing the significance of that culture just because it looks pretty for some aesthetic. Not whatever tf this server was pulling.
As an Irish system, what the fuck?? Casey is definitely not a "closed culture Irish name," LMAO?? You're not overreacting DW anon, that's just wild.
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cowpokezuko · 5 months ago
There are three genres of folk music:
Colonialism but we're sad about it
I have lost my one true love and now I'm going to play a sad banjo song
Workers of the world Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains! You can and should beat the shit out of capitalists and their thugs.
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troythecatfish · 10 months ago
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bugwolfsstuff · 8 months ago
Im bored, lets play a game
How do you think Rachel Smythe, creator of Lore Olympus would fuck up your country's mythology/gods if she did a lore olympus-esque webtoon of it?
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goddisposez · 2 months ago
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these two being my favorite most specialest boys in the terror kind of baffles me because they have next to nothing in common. except that i know they both come loud and abundant
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intothedysphoria · 1 month ago
There were ways Steve enjoyed being woken up in the morning. His boyfriend sitting on his feet was not one of them.
Not that Eddie had noticed of course. Why would he. He was busy loudly arguing down the phone about flight times to Cardiff.
Oh fuck, the trip to Wales. Steve had completely forgot.
A sharp yank from under the bedclothes got him free, Eddie, completely unperturbed, continued his conversation.
There wasn’t enough coffee in the world to get him through the day. Still, Steve gave his best whack at it and put six teaspoons in the Cardiff City mug Eddie had got for Christmas.
Fifteen minutes into breakfast and his boyfriend finally emerged, clutching his phone with a sleepless look in his eyes.
A mumbled “hi love” as he leant down to kiss Steve then wandered around the kitchen in search of his own breakfast.
They were meant to be meeting Billy and Chrissy for brunch in a hypothetical world where neither Billy or Eddie had ADHD, but of course that didn’t end up happening.
Brunch turned into a late lunch at a “traditional Irish pub” (Billy, proudly Dublin raised, seemed skeptical), and an excuse for Steve and Chrissy to play with the new Snapchat filters whilst their boyfriends discussed “the future of metal.”
Steve had been dating Eddie for five years, been friends (also exes) with Billy even longer, and was still yet to understand the politics of the metal scene.
Eddie made the noise he always made when he wanted to “proclaim” something and Steve ripped his head out of the latest Harry Styles album.
Several people from the other tables turned to give them a look. Eddie seemed undeterred.
“Plans for Cardiff! Anyone? Billy?”
Billy shrugged and gave a non committal response about visiting bars before Eddie gave gave him an incredulous look.
The request to go on a Doctor Who filming location tour came about two seconds later.
Chrissy wanted to go to Barry (definitely Gavin and Stacy related) and then Eddie’s gaze met Steve’s. And there was really only one answer Steve could give
“I just want to go wherever you are”
Even Chrissy rolling her eyes next to him couldn’t deter the mushy look Steve was giving to Eddie.
After they got back home and Steve was just lying on the couch, playing Mario Kart on his switch, Eddie rubbing his ankles, Steve remembered a long conversation he’d had with Chrissy while high the month before. His mouth moved faster than his brain.
“Eddie, when we’re in Wales, would you ever want a foursome with Billy and Chrissy?”
Eddie’s cheeks went very red and he lightly flicked Steve’s hair but the answer ended up being “ well I uhhhhh wouldn’t be opposed.”
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