#anti evil
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yummytiger · 7 months ago
me at eric kripke right now
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sephirthoughts · 24 days ago
How do I tell my friends I might be a proship without telling them I'm a proship.. 😓
I think you do it exactly like that. You tell them without telling them. What do i mean? Strap in, babe.
The term proship is useless for now, so forget about the term. The defiinition of proship is what? You don't think people should be harassed for what they read/write/enjoy in fiction, and you oppose censorship. My brother in fandom, that is the stance of nearly every single irl human being, if they think about it for five seconds, and are not a lunatic maga freak or an evangelical christo-fascist.
You see, outside the internet, no one has even heard of pro and anti ship. I know this, because i have mentioned the terms to normal people, and then had to explain at length, and then admit that i write fanfic and then everyone wants to see it, and it's a whole embarrassing thing.
BUT people have heard of moral panics, censorship epidemics, thought policing, fascism, evangelical bullshit, and other forms of oppression of all kinds. People with working brains don't support those things, because they can see their effects in the past, and know what they eventually lead to.
At the core of every hand-wringing, pearl-clutching, think-of-the-children purity movement, is the theme that ideas are dangerous. The thing is, they're not wrong. Ideas are dangerous. Do you know to whom? To the oppressor. To the ones in power, invested in maintaining the status quo. To anyone who wants to keep you meek and obedient. Anyone who wants to control and exploit you.
It is no coincidence that the first thing taken from people who are being denied their humanity and basic rights, are the means for transmission of ideas. This always takes the form of literacy denial and language control. Every single time. From attempts to eradicate native languages by conquerers, to the american slave holders prohibiting slaves from learning to read or write, to women under sharia law today. Why? Because ideas are extremely powerful, and if you can read and write, you can be exposed to and transmit ideas.
Ideas teach people that they are individuals, that they are inherently worthwhile, that they have the absolute right not to be controlled and used like livestock. That there is beauty and truth outside the hell they've been taught to accept as the only reality. That they deserve kindness and compassion. That theirs is a righteous anger that can catch and spread, till it burns like wildfire, and clears out the filth and stagnation of the violent, oppressive, monstrous powers that be.
When those ideas catch hold, the oppressed will inevitably get together and rebel against the opressors. Oppressors fucking HATE being rebelled against, because their power is ALL based on fear, and on tricking the oppressed into accepting and participating in their own oppression, and once the facade is broken, and their weakness is exposed, and the fear fades, their power vanishes.
What does this have to do with making fictional characters do kissy-kissy on the internet? Turns out, a LOT. Because people who benefit from the censorship of dangerous ideas ALWAYS start out by trying to spread panic amongst regular people about certain ideas being dangerous. Ideas like, FOR EXAMPLE, fictional portrayals of so-called immoral acts.
It's easy to get people to agree that they don't want children to be sexually exploited, so the censorshippers use language that equates the producing or consuming of fictional or nonfictional literature on sexual topics, with actual child sexual exploitation.
They want people to believe that the very idea of sex (outside their own sanitized and censor-approved criteria) will turn these poor poor brainless ignorant innocent stupid children into willing and easy victims for the ravening pedophiles that are lurking around every corner.
That the idea of queerness in books will turn adults into sexual predators and children into prey.
Or that the idea of sorcery in Dungeons and Dragons will turn children into satanic cultists, who will murder their families for evil rituals (that panic really happened in the 1980s guys it was wild).
Or that reading the ideas in the actual bible would incite black slaves to revolt against their white masters (it absolutely did and it was fucking awesome).
Or that reading the ideas in the actual bible would incite serfs and peasants to revolt against the Catholic church and stop paying them all that delicious indulgence and tithe money, that the church was extorting out of them using their enforced ignorance and fear of going to hell if they disobeyed the clergy.
Or the Victorian belief that reading about the very idea of women standing up for themselves or having any kind of sexual agency at all would teach wives to turn against their husbands, abandon their kids, and run away to live in lesbian wiccan cults in the forest (sounds kinda based tbh) thus destroying the very fabric of society.
That one popped up again in the 1990s thanks to Pat Robertson and his cult of evangelical misogynists, but this time it was that women would abandon their husbands and kids and run off to live like shameless sluts with the homosexuals and artists in the big city (and by the way they'd also be having abortions constantly just for fun because women LOVE abortions and Enforced Family Values are the only thing stopping them from gleeful rampages of fetus-slaughter), thus destroying the very fabric of society.
But the censorshippers know how obviously evil and oppressive their goals are, so they don't start with proposing total control of your thoughts. They pick things that it is easy to get people to agree with, SUCH AS PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM FICTIONAL PORTRAYALS OF SEX, thus using people's disgust and fear as sleight of hand, to get them used to accepting the mental framework that ideas can be dangerous to them, and that banning and burning THOSE YUCKY BOOKS is ok.
Because into the fire with all those yucky books with the scary sexy stuff or satanism or bad language or uppity women, also go books like Orwell's 1984, and Fahrenheit 451, and then Marx's Das Kapital and Darwin's On the Origin of Species, and then actual science books with evolution in them, and then all those pesky women's studies books, and then anything that even admits queer people exist, and then history books that document segregation and slavery and the Holocaust, because those really make oppression and slavery and genocide look bad, and if people know the signs to look for, it won't be so easy to oppress, enslave, and genocide them again.
By the way, notice how the so-called evil topics being banned and screeched about by the censorshippers and puritans are never violence, or murder, or war, or guns, or rapacious money-worship that chooses to let children starve and die in the name of profits for the super-rich?
That is because violence, murder, war, guns, and rapacious money-worship that chooses to let children starve and die in the name of profits for the super-rich are the tools of the oppressor, and if people realize those things are horrible and wrong, it's harder for them to trick you into submitting. It's so blatantly obvious that once you realize it, it feels like "how could anyone not see this?"
FACT: It starts with "we need to protect The Children from being exposed to Evil Sexual Content" and literally ends in Authoritarianism. That is not an exaggeration, that is the verifiable historical pattern.
It is happening in the US right now. The evangelicals and incels and magas are taking away the bodily autonomy and basic human rights of real women. The rights our mothers and grandmothers fought tooth and nail to grasp. They are demonizing and harming trans children. The equality that we queers and freaks have been striving so hard for, and still haven't even reached, is being violently and relentlessy asaulted, all in the name of The Children.
They call it Family Values, but it is fascism. Do not be fooled by these monstrous pigs, just because they are doing the oppressing while holding up a banner of righteousness and morality. They want you enslaved or dead, and that is the bottom line.
These puriteens and antishippers, who are online in their very loud and energetic mobs, shrieking and screaming and trying to incite hatred and panic about "minor-coded" anime characters and incest ships and age gaps (and height differences now apparently), are simply parroting the ideas of the authoritarians, the fascists, the oligarchs, and the theocracies of the past, wrapped up in therapy-language and newspeak.
The internet is a wonderful place for connecting people from all different cultures and backgrounds, but it's a double-edged sword, because, like in any free meeting space, hyperspecific subcultures begin to pop up. Some of those subcultures are based on hate and fear. The current crop of hand-wringing puriteens are one such subculture.
Here on the internet, it may seem like the puriteens are in the majority, but it's only because they are extremely loud and energetic. For the most part, people don't even take part in such discourse, because they just want to go about their business, enjoy their little stories about fictional kissy-kissy, and live their lives.
The antis and puriteens are weaponizing outrage, in order to crush and destroy everything they are scared of, or think is yucky, or don't understand, just like every other reactionary hyper-conservative movement in history.
That is all it is. Reactionary conservatism from a bunch of angry kids who are terrified of the very idea of sexuality, because they have created their own internet echo-chamber, in which sex has become so demonized, that all its forms are now evil, to them, and must be killed with fire.
TLDR: the default brain configuration of the adult human being IS proship. Because all proship means is "i am not an asshole and i oppose authoritarianism."
IN CONCLUSION, my dear anonnie friend, rather than coming out to your friends and saying "i'm proship" thus risking their knee-jerk emotional overreaction by using an unfairly demonized term if they are antis, OR risking confusing them completely if they are not of the chronically online ilk, maybe don't say anything at all. Show them where you stand. Use your actions.
For example, don't take part in shit-talk of so called illegal or immoral ships. Don't support the harassing or bullying of people who like ships the antis think are yucky. Don't listen to puriteen or anti language without at least saying "hey bro that's uncool you sound like an evangelical mom right now".
If your friends really are antis, then you are the voice of reason, now, comrade. The voice of reason is usually very quiet. But that's ok. Change begins small and happens gradually, through slow and steady progress.
Remember, no one changes anyone else's mind by yelling slogans at them, or telling them that they're wrong and an idiot. Even when they are verifiably wrong and an idiot.
Thank you for the ask, and I hope everything works out! Vaya con dios!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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rosejacksonwright · 4 months ago
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'And We Will Keep It Moving."
- Art By RoseJW 🌹🖤🎶
Happy to send for free, any donations at all help, thank you.
- PayPal/Zelle/$RoseJW1
$100/€90/£75 - 4x6" & 4x6" Inches; Mixed Media On File Card
(January, 2018)
#AntiEvil #KeepMoving #Conquer #AbstractFigurative #Commissions #Art
- For Tibby; Life With Harry, Nutella, Ali, Ruby & Sweet Pea
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mugiwara-lucy · 3 months ago
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Kamala will make the FUNNIEST president in all of American history 😂
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yourhighness6 · 10 months ago
Ugh I will always love the concept of Katara using blood bending to revive Zuko after the last agni kai, mostly because it makes no sense to me that Zuko was able to bounce back so easily after being struck by lightning, but also because the way the show treats bloodbending is just odd to me. It was a defense mechanism created by a traumatized victim of some of the most devastating parts of colonization, and although I understand that Hama was supposed to symbolize the "bad parts" of waterbending and was important for Katara's growth in realizing that the world isn't entirely black and white, its still disappointing to me that the show never explored the gray areas of blood bending, especially since that episode was, as I stated above, about understanding the gray areas of the war. Katara using blood bending to revive Zuko would add so much to the last agni kai in demonstrating that she has truly realized that "good" and "evil" are relative concepts, and Zuko being saved by both a defense mechanism of a survivor of colonialism and a type of bending used to terrorize his people would have even added to his arc, as the narrative required him to save and subsequently be saved by the physical embodiment of everything his family sought to annihilate.
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gryficowa · 7 months ago
I came to mention that Marvel is owned by Disney and Disney supported Israel, so we are boycotting Disney
I'm giving you an additional reason to boycott (And I'm angry that Pixar's movie about emotions, the continuation of the previous movie, was a success, even a bomb, which means that Disney got the money)
So in short, Marvel belongs to Disney, and Disney supported Israel financially and even bragged about it, so if you type "Disney support Israel" on the Internet, you will see his message and how he brags about it)
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So fuck Disney, not for "Woke", but for supporting Israel, for censoring the creators, for recording in the area next to labor camps during the filming of "Mulan", fuck him for everything
TOH proved that diversity is not Disney's problem and right-wing conservatives call it "Woke" I give depth to the characters, the problem is queerbaiting and paying for anti-LGBT+ organizations
Disney is a disgusting capitalist company that only thinks about making money (Pocahontas and how much they romanticized white crimes and antagonized the tribe because they are angry and aggressive towards innocent white colonizers… And this romance, which is problematic, because it was based on a book by a man who distorted the facts and the real Pocahontas gave him a hard time for what he wrote in the book)
This movie proved that Disney counts on money, not on quality and creative freedom (Because "Beauty and the Beast" won an Oscar, it must get it too, fuck the fact that the movie is distasteful to those who learn about this girl's story)
Disney has so much shit on its conscience that it's no wonder it gave money to the colonizer
So yes, boycott the movie not only because of the characters depicting Israel, but also because Marvel belongs to Disney
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abdoulazizmourad · 2 years ago
Ana kot bahdar doroos le ahmed amer w kanet men ahla lahazat bs lel asaf 3amalt bel kalam met2khar shwya bs elhamdolelah eni 3amalt shwya.. ana batalt arooh bsabab kot faker nafsi labesni gen fil dars
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daenerys-targaryns · 8 months ago
people let their true colors shine through their consumption of media. case in point an adult man in a position of great power can rape his way through a numerous amount of serving girls in the castle he lives in and through the streets he frequently visits, but if he’s nice to exactly one member of the small folk due to said small folk member stroking his ego while he sits the throne suddenly *all* of his past evil actions are forgiven and he would ‘make a great king.’ in the same breath these people will cut to a moment twenty years in the woman claimant’s past where she stated, “their wants are of no consequence,” after stumbling upon a play that blatantly makes fun of her for being born a woman and being a girl heir, which in turn upsets her because it’s an insecurity she’s dealt with her entire life, something she’s never been able to forget. SHE isn’t forgiven, instead it’s used as a way to say she wouldn’t make a good queen and has no care at all for the small folk (she is the only royal family member attempting to keep the realm united as of right now).
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i-am-aprl · 1 year ago
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 days ago
Dark Secret
So! Danny was discovered pretty quickly after his first battle against the Lunch Lady. His hair turned white, and his body shape was a little different, but he largely looked very similar to his Human Form, so it was only a matter of time really.
Thankfully he was assumed to be a Metahuman.
He didn't look like any other Ghost, the closest resemblance was his hair and eye color, but even that could be explained away. Also his parents were adamant that he couldn't be a Ghost because he was still Sentient and not Evil, so he must just have powers that just looked similar to Ghost Powers esthetically. Probably as a result of the Portal Accident, which he used as an explanation for how his powers awakened.
Danny also avoided using the more obvious Ghost Powers like Intangiblity and Invisiblity, sticking mostly to the most basic Flight and Energy based Powers he got to be as generic as possible. If anybody saw otherwise, it was a trick of the light or a trick of the Ghosts.
Danny became the Hero of Amity Park, always pretending to be something else. It was his darkest secret.
Unfortunately because the public never saw a Ghost like Phantom on a positive light, their perception of Ghosts never changed. Nobody believed that Ghosts could be anything aside from Evil, and as the knowledge of Ghosts and the Ghost Zone began to spread around the world that perception became more and more commonplace.
If Danny had been revealed in the early days, it could have been salvageable, but nowadays if his secret was revealed he would have to convince the entire world that everything they knew about Ghosts was wrong. It would practically be impossible.
Even when he joined the Justice League when he became an Adult, he still had to hide his secret. Years of hiding made sure he could conceal his true Nature from the magic users on the team, but he still had to be distant from the team just to be sure.
While all this was going on in the Living Realm, his adventures in the Ghost Zone still happened as normal. He saved Pandora and the Acropolis, dethroned the Tyrant King Aragon, managed to defeat Pariah Dark in Single combat, and even became recognized as a Great Warrior by the Far Frozen.
After years of hiding, he actually felt more at home in the Ghost Zone than in the Human Realm. There he could be his true self without having to hide a huge part of his identity, and people accepted him for who he was. Sure he had enemies there, but he also had more real friends outside of Tucker and Sam.
He was content with his double life, acting as a Hero to the Public while hiding his true self, and secretly going to the Ghost Zone to be himself among his friends and even his enemies.
Of course it all came crashing down when he Anti Ecto Acts finally passed.
Now there was a Legal Path for Humans to enter and profit off of the Ghost Zone. Beyond just being able to legally kill and experiment on Ghosts, the Acts also allowed Humans to claim parts of the Ghost Zone as their own Property, enslaving the Ghosts residing there, and destroying the Ecosystem of the Zone because there were no laws preventing it.
And now Danny had a choice.
He could either side with the Humans to which he was a Hero, allowing them to destroy the Ghost Zone and Enslave the denizens living there with the full support of the Government, or he could side with the Ghost Zone, betraying Humanity and the people he had been protecting for years, but trying to save those who had accepted him for his true self years ago.
To him the answer was obvious.
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misandresther · 2 months ago
"As long as God is male, the male is God." — Mary Daly.
Men despise that women create life. That's why religions exist, they have a male god and male prophets and women supposedly exist to serve their needs and be property, our fathers, then husbands and later our son's. It's a patriarchal lie, it's not real, there is no punishment after passing for non-believers, just eternal death and possible peace.
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yummytiger · 10 months ago
it's disgusting that a piece of shit show like hazbin hotel exists, brainwashing the youth with luciferian/satanic propaganda
I hate that we live in a time where Christians are the most hated people on the planet
but I'm also relieved to know that there are many Queer Christians like me who are trying to make the world a better place
I just wish that we were putting out tv shows and movies to educate and entertain people(someday we will be, Praise God Almighty, we will be <3)
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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rosejacksonwright · 4 months ago
'Over It'
- Art By RoseJW 🌹🖤🎶
$25/£18 - 6x4" Inches; Mixed Media On File Card
(September, 2017)
#AntiEvil #AntiAbuse #Commissions #Art
- For Tibby; Life With Harry, Nutella, Ali & Ruby.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year ago
I really find it interesting how Zionists have no issues constantly using words like "Islamic" or "Islamist" or "jihadist" to describe the people they're killing without any fear of being accused of Islamophobia or that they're being bigots.
Because they know that we live in a world where anything or anyone remotely "Muslim" are automatically portrayed as inherently evil and deserving of death, especially in the US and other Western countries where Israel gets most of its support from them. So therefore, no one can be mad at them for killing all of these people, right? After all, they're only killing scary radical "Islamists" and "jihadists," NOT innocent people.
Meanwhile you would never hear any pro-Palestine people calling IDF soldiers "Jewists" or "Jewish extremists," even when they're literally branding the star of David onto Palestinians' faces and houses, instead we have to be very careful to not associate Judaism with Israel's crimes and are obligated to write a long essay about how we in fact do NOT want to kill every Jew in the world before we're allowed to show a shred of sympathy toward the thousands of Palestinian civilians being murdered as we are speaking.
Yet somehow that's not enough and they still hit us with the "when you say Zionists you actually mean Jews!" all while ignoring how they themselves aren't putting any effort into not demonizing Islam and Muslims with their words, because demonizing Islam and Muslims isn't an issue to them and the only way they can justify all the killing they're doing.
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caninecorpze · 8 months ago
Shout out to the systems with the weird ass fictives
With the niche sources
With the problematic sources
With Multisourced alters
With alters who can’t source separate
With alters who source separated immediately
With alters who hate their sources
With alters who love their sources
You’re all valid, don’t let people hate on you for something you can’t control
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