#anti perversion
wolfieloveswade · 3 months
me at eric kripke right now
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short-wooloo · 4 months
Because the stupid acolyte witches have brought it back to the forefront with their nonsense, I need to remind everyone
People who either never read or haven't read the Darth Plagueis book in a long time always seem to forget that Plagueis' experiments FAILED
He tried-TRIED to create life through the Force, it didn't work, badly, it didn't work so badly that it managed to piss off the Force which in turn retaliated by creating Anakin, Plagueis' attempt at creating life was so unnatural, such a perversion, so offensive that the Force created a life form for the purpose of destroying the sith
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miabucky · 4 months
just read an interview from the director about how we’re apparently supposed to LIKE john walker. THAT was them writing him as likeable. maybe it’s just wyatt’s acting or something but i have never been so put off by a character in my entire life. the villainy just radiates off him. unsettling costume self-righteous attitude violent outbursts literally written like every fascist extremist ever. and they want me to pity him ?? to find him likeable or fucking redeemable?? FFFFHDJNE like i have absolutely no history with that character i have no reason to dislike him other than the fact that he is so deeply unlikable. i know “likeable” is a personal opinion but mostly im concerned for the people that like him. i genuinely cannot comprehend what people saw in him in that show to make them like him. as a person, not as a character. he’s a really cool villain and everything i’m just confused that people are treating him like a victim or a straw man. he used lethal force on civilians. he wanted to use sam and bucky to legitimize his claim to the throne. he sees that shield as a symbol of patriotism to a broken nation, a military, not to people. he feeds into every negative stereotype about captain america that steve refused to bow to. he is the american imperialist that the military wants, that steve would never be because his heart is too full of altruism to have any room for ego. the foundation of captain america is the idea of being a good man. without that, captain america is just another tool for the military industrial complex.
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obsessivefangirl · 2 months
Boo hoo you find a fanbase annoying, you disagree with things a person did, when people get hurt learn to shut the fuck up actually
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 4 months
Slayer - Perversions Of Pain
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flash-from-the-past · 8 months
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Bash the Computer
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anne-et · 1 year
Can you imagine that Rhysand wanted Feyre to get pregnant soon so he could have an heir for the Night Court?
I hate Rhysand, I hate the pregnancy plot, and I hate what he did to Feyre, but if he wanted to have an heir soon because of what happened Under the Mountain, he was pretty smart here.
Check it out:
Rhysand is High Lord of the Night Court, he has no heirs, and no nephews or cousins ​​(Morrigan I don't think counts as she is female, and women don't receive the magic of the Courts) to be High Lord if Amarantha kills him. Maybe that's why he joined Amarantha, so he wouldn't die.
All the other High Lord had relatives to be their successors, Helion for example, he was the nephew of the former High Lord (I think, I don't remember exactly) the whole family of the former High Lord was killed, only those who lived to be the new High Lord it was Helion.
If Rhysand died, who would become High Lord? I haven't read the books in a while, so I don't remember if Keir is actually Rhysand's blood relative. If so, do you really think Rhysand would want Keir to be High Lord of the Night Court?
With Nyx's birth, this would make him more "calm" in case he died, not only because he now has a successor to the Night Court, but also because Feyre wouldn't rule if he died. Because? Because of the damn bargain. Feyre knows NOTHING about ruling, and he knows it very well.
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wolfieloveswade · 3 months
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I’d be the first to admit I can be very biased and stubborn when it comes to characters I relate to, just look at my unapologetic defense of Feanor and his sons, but I’ve never sent anyone death threats and rape threats over them not agreeing with me on my interpretations of a character. Like I don’t exactly like Indis but I’ve never went out of my way to send anon hate to people who love her. I despise Thingol but I can see where he comes from in regard to the Noldor and have never sent any anon hate to people who hate Feanor and his kin.
Most fandoms I’ve been in have had so called “teams” that people root for yet never in my many years in fandom spaces have I seen a fandom as toxic and unwilling to engage in polite discourse as the HoTD fandom. Even the Star Wars fandom with all its media illiteracy doesn’t have the level of hate present in the HoTD fandom.
I’ve made many “controversial” posts about many things in many fandoms yet I’ve never once received death and rape threats over it until I started posting about my opinions regarding HoTD. Even my most controversial Silmarillion posts didn’t warrant any anon hate yet my inbox has been filled to the brink with anon hate regarding my “wrong analysis” within this fandom. Idk if it’s because the demographic of people who are staunchly team black tend to be younger teens and adults who feel like any opinion that attacks their favorites is an attack on them or because the show writers are encouraging the black and white thinking of one side is good and the other side is evil, but it’s quite tiring engaging in this fandom when most people attack anyone who’s opinions don’t align with their own.
Now I’m not saying Team Black Stans are the only one engaging in such uncouth behaviors but the majority of people I’ve seen being bullied off this site have been people who are Team Green or just Alicent Stans.
When did the internet etiquette of don’t like don’t read/block and move on, stop being practiced? It isn’t hard to just scroll down when you see posts you disagree with or just block the account with opinions that you find infuriating. It’s better for everyone’s mental health and internet experience if people just blocked and moved on instead of sending 10 anons in an hour telling me to kill myself or how I should be raped because I happen to enjoy Aegon as a character.
These people aren’t real! Their fictional! I like Feanor because I like him and I find him interesting. It doesn’t mean I want to go out and start killing people to get back stolen property lmao. And just because I enjoy team green far more than team black doesn’t mean I’m going to one day decide that I should start assaulting people. 
And don’t get me started on the people who deliberately go onto correctly tagged posts to start a fight. Why do you want to argue so badly!!!! Join a debate team if you want to argue with people who also want to argue with you! There’s no need for you to scroll through a tag that is going to make you angry just to start a fight. I don’t go into the anti-Jedi tags and start scrolling. I don’t engage in media that upsets me if I can help it. My internet experience is curated to make me happy, and if I know the anti team green tag would make me angry, I don’t go scrolling through it to start arguments with people I’ve never met and will never meet and who’s opinions really don’t mean jack shit to me.
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sherlokiness · 1 year
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This was in response to me wondering what the Jon Snow show will be about. You keep thinking that, babe. As if Bran and Sansa won't have songs worshipping them sung about them for generations. They're the Starks who lead the people after The War for the Dawn. Like... Name a more iconic duo.
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God damn. The tits and dragons brigade are really still onto the Sansa oathbreaker thing huh. If we're talking about broken "oaths", why don't we start with Jon giving the North away to a foreigner when he said it wasn't for love? Then to Dany, after knowing that Jon is actually her rightful King, forced him to lie about it to the world and continue living a lie?
If Sansa conceded to lie about Jon's parentage, Dany could have had Jon killed discreetly because he was a threat to her rule. People wouldn't care that much if she had some bastard killed.But if the world knows Jon's a Targ and Dany had him harmed then it would be a different story. So actually, Sansa was protecting Jon.
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senadimell · 2 years
Been catching up on Dracula Daily and wow. There is a whole lot of Christian biblical imagery going on, especially references to the Gospels.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔶 - 𝔄𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ℑ𝔫 𝔄𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔶
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dreadwedge · 10 months
the truth is, a year actually has 730 days, not just the 365 they tell you about. for each and every day in each and every year, there actually exists a secret anti-day, a perverse reflection of the original. they sneak it into the calendar when you aren't looking. it passes in what feels like an instant, and slips out the door before you realize any time has passed at all. but if you keep your eyes open long enough you start to see the light change. you start feel the weight of the hours passing. the chill that travels up your spine as you walk in the aberrant light cast by the pallid shadow-sun. strange, unfamiliar creatures prowl the streets during the anti-year, hiding between our days like ghosts between hazy memories. this is called "night"
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wolfieloveswade · 5 months
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The Rainbow Community needs to be a safe space for everyone, no perverts, no pedophiles, I could go on but I digress
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autolenaphilia · 6 months
It's so infuriating when anti-kink type of transmisogynist deny their dogwhistles and when criticized go: "I'm just against pedophilia and incest, why are you bringing up trans women, it's actually you who are transmisogynist for pointing out my dogwhistles." Like we can't tell that "the evil predatory fetishist freaks who claim their sicko perversions are queer" is so obviously code for trans women, like it's literally what radfems have said about trans women for decades. And the transmisogyny being criticized is not theoretical and abstract at all. They keep on doing callouts of trans woman after trans woman for having weird kinks.
And like these people are explicitly reviving 70s radfem arguments about kink and porn, something you can't cleanly separate from their transmisogyny. These radfems undeniably saw their crusades against porn, kink and trans woman as the same struggle. Trans women were and are the ultimate pornsick sado-masochist freaks in the radfem worldview.
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luvyeni · 2 months
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pairings ‎⸝⸝⸝ perv!jisung x fem!reader wc. 2.1k+
genre. smut
𓄷 includes ... sub jisung, perversions, unprotected sex, oral ( m. receiving ), public sex , overstimulation, idk man jisung is weird , but like so is reader.
request. han jisung smut🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
「 authors note 𖹭 」 not my favorite but i hope you like it.
❪ masterlist! ❫
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jisung hated his job as the cashier at the cafe; he didn't like how he had to interact with people all day; the teenagers who order drinks that took 10 minutes to make, the older people complaining to him about princes he has no control in , the small children who don't need coffee in the first place — he hated it, but someone needed to pay his bills.
that was until you walked into the cafe a few months ago , looking for a job which you got; and his life from then on his shifts got ten times better — not only did he get a promotion to manager , which not only gave him a good pay raise , but he got to move to the back where he no longer had to interact with the outside population.
not only that , but you also made his shifts much better, he liked to watch you through the screen, and the way you interacted so sweetly with the customers, even the horrid ones. not to mention you were always so nice to him , even when you were having a bad day, you still would come to the back and have a conversation with him before returning back to the front , where he would watch you some more — and some days if he was lucky, he'd get a peek of your panties when you would bend over to get a cup or to pick up dropped change on the floor.
he still remembered the last time he jerked off in that back room; watching you, he felt so disgusting afterwards , you weren't even doing anything, it was late at night and you were cleaning up the cafe with a coworker and he was going over the books in the back , he so happened to look at the camera , it was a warm day and you wearing a tank top, one that showed off your boobs and a mini skirt that was too short , he could've dress coded you but he didn't get paid enough and he didn't want you to see him as a loser — but if you caught him doing he did you'd probably think he was anyway.
you were just so pretty and he was thinking with his cock; and before he knew it he was palming himself , cumming in his pants , heavily breathing as the post nut clarity hit him. he quickly locked up the back , wishing you and the other worker there a good night as he ran out the door , covering himself , eyes to the ground in shame.
he couldn't look at you for a week; not only did he feel guilty, but because he wanted to do it again; and it wasn't that long until he did it again, and then again— until he no longer felt guilty about doing it , he couldn't stop himself , he needed to do it , not a shift went by where he didn't touch himself watching you through the cameras.
“i don't know, i think he's pretty weird.” your coworker said , it was a 15 minutes to closing , so you were wiping down the tables. “who?” you asked, you were never one to gossip but it was a slow night , not many people buying coffee at 9 pm and you were bored. “jisung.” your other female coworker said. “he stays back there constantly , and when he does come out it's just to grab a coffee and stare at yns boobs , it's creepy.” she said. “what , my boobs?” you questioned. “he's never looked at my boobs.” you said. “has he?”
“of course you'd like the creepy manager.” your male coworker said. “i don't think he's creepy , he's just a bit anti-social, it's quite cute.” you smiled , your friends rolled their eyes. “leave him alone , he's nothing but kind to everyone , he lets you come in even though you obviously haven't passed a drug alcohol test since even before you were the legal age , and you; he spends 30 extra minutes each week to put in your hours because you're too lazy to do it yourself , he even puts in hours that you're late just so you won't take a pay cut.” you defended the boy.
“look at you defending him , what you got a little crush on him?” you scoffed , rolling your eyes. “i don't have to like him to know he's not a bad person , or a creep.” you said , walking away to finish cleaning the tables.
“we're leaving , are you coming or are you gonna wait for your boyfriend?” they stopped as they walked out the door. “shut up.” you rolled your eyes. “i guess that means she's waiting , let's go.” they exited the store , you walked over locking the door.
you began to count the money from the counter , humming the music that was playing from the speakers — then you heard it , your name coming from the back. “huh?” you turned down the speaker , thinking you misheard , but you heard it again , this time much louder. you put the money down , following the noise; until you got to the manager's office. “y-yn.”
you put your ear to the door; he wasn't just saying your name, he was moaning your name. “jisung?” you pushed the door open , your eyes widened at the scene. “yn.” his eyes widened at the shock as you watched the boy desperately try to pull his pants up. “what are you doing?” you asked ,even though you knew what he was doing , you literally caught him with his cock in his hand , you looked at the computer then back to him. “were you watching me while doing that?”
his first thought was to beg for your forgiveness , and that's what he did. “y-yn i'm so sorry , i didn't mean to — you didn't mean to jerk off while watching me , what? wipe tables.” you interrupted , the boy lowered his head. “you felt comfortable doing this , have you done this before?” he didn't say anything but it answered your question. “you have.” you said. “im sorry.”
“that's all you have to say? im sorry.” you scoffed. “i defended you when they called you a creep , turns out you are one.” he felt a pit in his stomach , he felt guilty , he really did , but he was also still really fucking hard. “sh-shit.” he cursed , feeling his cock twitching in unbuttoned slacks. “i really should report you for this.” his eyes widened. “calm down i won't turn you in perv.” you closed the door , behind you.
“i-m not a pervert.” you scoffed. “really? normal people don't jerk off to their coworkers.” he kept his head low even as you approached him. “how long have you been doing this?” he shrugged. “ a-a few weeks after you came,” he admitted. “so instead of asking me out with the chance of maybe fucking me , you watch me through the camera while jerking off?” you smirked. “i would've fucked you, all you had to do was ask.”
you put your hands on the arms of the chair , caging him in , your boobs right in front of his face. “see you can't even look at me now, but you can see my tits can't you , guess they were right about you constantly staring at them.” he bit his lip. “touch them.” he finally looked at you. “wh-what?” he stuttered. “do it.” he brought his hands up to your boobs , squeezing them , you bit your lip containing a moan. “feel good?” he shook his head. “s-soft.”
you stood up , lifting you shirt over your head. “pulling your pants down.” he was frozen. “do it now or i'll call HR on your ass.” he quickly got up , his pants falling to his ankles. “sit.” he obeyed , you got down on your knees , your face directly in front of his cock. “wh-what are you doing?” he asked , not like he wanted to stop you. “doing what you obviously wanted me to do.”
you pulled his cock from his underwear, it stood tall in front of your face , his tip a purplish red from his previous endeavors, leaking with pre cum. “look at you , so hard i guess you didn't get to cum.” you kissed his tip. “no fuck.” he sighed. “d-didn’t get the chance.” he moaned as your mouth closed around his length , slowly making your way down his shaft. “oh fuck your mouth feels so good.”
he felt like he was dreaming; you were supposed to hate him , you were supposed to think he was gross — but here you were gagging on his cock in the same room you caught him in. “oh fuck im cum.” he moaned , gripping the arms of the chair. “pl-please let me cum.”
he whined as you pulled away. “why should i?” you stroked his member , slowly teasing him , he couldn't cum like this. “didn't you cum enough by perving on me for the past few months?” he whimpered. “pl-please let me cum.” he begged. “please i-i’m sorry.” you sped up your movements , he moaned loudly. “you wanna cum? cum all over my tits , since you like them so much?” he nodded. “pl-please I'm gonna cum.” his brain was fuzzy. “fuck im cumming!”
he let out a loud moan as he came , covering your upper body in his seed , as you kept going. “fu-fuck , i came.” he moaned , but you didn't stop. “yn fuck I came.” he let out a huff of air as you let him go. “you came so much.” you brought your fingers with his cum on it to your mouth. “you taste good too.” he groaned , his cock twitching once again. “i want you to fuck me.” you stood up , pulling your panties down your legs , leaving your skirt on. “if you get to use me only fair if I use you?”
you climbed into his lap , his cock now hard again standing tall. “pl-please use me.” you cursed as you lowered yourself on his cock. “fu-fuck.” you sat down on him. “yo-you feel good.” he moaned. “so-so tight.” you began to move your hips , holding his shoulders. “y-yn please go faster.” he moaned. “pl-please.”
“fuck you want me to use you?” you began to bounce on his cock. “treat you like a toy?” he nodded dumbly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “fuck use me , please use me.” you scoffed. “fucking perv , i bet you thought about this everytime you jerked off back here.” he moaned. “you did , think about me fucking you like this?”
jisung was going crazy; his head was spinning as you were milking him for everything he had. “you're gonna cum?” you pulled him from his daze , there were tears wielding in his eyes from pleasure. “cum for me.” you kissed behind his ear. “be a good boy and cum for me.” that set him off and he came , he threw his head back slamming his hand on the desk next to him as you continued to bounce on his cock.
“y-yn.” he moaned. “yn please i can't cum again.” he was spent, you grabbed his chubby tear stained cheeks. “you can , cum for me again.” he let out a whimper like moan as he came for the third time. “sh-shit i can't go again.” he said. “fuck im gonna cum.” you cursed , as you came , you kissed his needy lips , he chased your lips as you pulled away , making you smile. “cute.”
“well i still thinks he's a little weird.” your coworker said. “regardless if he did ask you out on a date.” you rolled your eyes. “what does he even do back there all day?” you smirked to yourself , before turning back to your coworkers with a serious face. “he does his job , now leave him alone and get back to work.” you ordered , and they shrugged going back to what they were supposed to be doing— you turned around right at the camera , winking.
yeah he was a pervert , but he was your pervert.
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