#Originally they were rushed through because there was nobody to protect the people against the Ghosts
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month ago
Dark Secret
So! Danny was discovered pretty quickly after his first battle against the Lunch Lady. His hair turned white, and his body shape was a little different, but he largely looked very similar to his Human Form, so it was only a matter of time really.
Thankfully he was assumed to be a Metahuman.
He didn't look like any other Ghost, the closest resemblance was his hair and eye color, but even that could be explained away. Also his parents were adamant that he couldn't be a Ghost because he was still Sentient and not Evil, so he must just have powers that just looked similar to Ghost Powers esthetically. Probably as a result of the Portal Accident, which he used as an explanation for how his powers awakened.
Danny also avoided using the more obvious Ghost Powers like Intangiblity and Invisiblity, sticking mostly to the most basic Flight and Energy based Powers he got to be as generic as possible. If anybody saw otherwise, it was a trick of the light or a trick of the Ghosts.
Danny became the Hero of Amity Park, always pretending to be something else. It was his darkest secret.
Unfortunately because the public never saw a Ghost like Phantom on a positive light, their perception of Ghosts never changed. Nobody believed that Ghosts could be anything aside from Evil, and as the knowledge of Ghosts and the Ghost Zone began to spread around the world that perception became more and more commonplace.
If Danny had been revealed in the early days, it could have been salvageable, but nowadays if his secret was revealed he would have to convince the entire world that everything they knew about Ghosts was wrong. It would practically be impossible.
Even when he joined the Justice League when he became an Adult, he still had to hide his secret. Years of hiding made sure he could conceal his true Nature from the magic users on the team, but he still had to be distant from the team just to be sure.
While all this was going on in the Living Realm, his adventures in the Ghost Zone still happened as normal. He saved Pandora and the Acropolis, dethroned the Tyrant King Aragon, managed to defeat Pariah Dark in Single combat, and even became recognized as a Great Warrior by the Far Frozen.
After years of hiding, he actually felt more at home in the Ghost Zone than in the Human Realm. There he could be his true self without having to hide a huge part of his identity, and people accepted him for who he was. Sure he had enemies there, but he also had more real friends outside of Tucker and Sam.
He was content with his double life, acting as a Hero to the Public while hiding his true self, and secretly going to the Ghost Zone to be himself among his friends and even his enemies.
Of course it all came crashing down when he Anti Ecto Acts finally passed.
Now there was a Legal Path for Humans to enter and profit off of the Ghost Zone. Beyond just being able to legally kill and experiment on Ghosts, the Acts also allowed Humans to claim parts of the Ghost Zone as their own Property, enslaving the Ghosts residing there, and destroying the Ecosystem of the Zone because there were no laws preventing it.
And now Danny had a choice.
He could either side with the Humans to which he was a Hero, allowing them to destroy the Ghost Zone and Enslave the denizens living there with the full support of the Government, or he could side with the Ghost Zone, betraying Humanity and the people he had been protecting for years, but trying to save those who had accepted him for his true self years ago.
To him the answer was obvious.
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never-ending-fanfic · 2 years ago
You have so many good WIP titles that I can't even decide 🫣. Fortunately, two are already gone and one I know what it's about 😊. But, uh, hmm, I'll ask for… *whispering* Loth-rat, Loth-cat, Loth-wolf, run. Pick a path… “Scars After Onderon”, please 🥹?
Sure thing! Thank you for asking! ♥️
This one, once again is in my head and not started, but I'm excited to write it and you can thank @probablynot-john for the inspiration and idea (although their original idea was a little darker)
Kallus, after living through Onderon and the slaughter of his unit, didn't come back unharmed. He just lost the only people he could say he was close to and considered friends, he saw them get killed by Gerrera's Lasat mercenary in a particularly merciless way. But because of the explosion and shock he was unable to stop the merc from hurting him, even though he let him live. He has scars from the merc's claws and weapons all over his back, on his chest and arms.
He's been ashamed of them ever since he recovered and saw the leftover visible, rough scars. It served as a reminder of how helpless he's been, how he couldn't lift a finger as his friends were killed in front of him, how he couldn't even defend himself against the one who killed them. He hates looking in the mirror, the reminder of that day is clear on his skin. He was so weak then and he never wants to be weak like that again.
It goes on and doesn't stop with the Rebellion. He's very careful not to let anyone see them, which was so much easier with an Imperial uniform. Yavin is a hot place and walking around in a jacket isn't always the best idea but he does it anyway and he's quite successful in keeping his scars from the view of others.
Until one day he goes on a mission with the Ghost and needs to change into new clothes to go undercover or somthing like that. Zeb says he can change in his room and Kallus rushes with doing that, thankfully nobody had the idea to burst into the room.
The same couldn't be said about after the mission, when he was changing back to his clothes, because Zeb walked into the room just as Kallus was putting on his shirt. And the time stopped. In the blind panic Kallus rushed to close the door, ignoring Zeb's apologies. It was too late anyway, he saw the damage
Zeb doesn't know how to confront his friend about it- he saw the scars and is now concerned for Kallus as the wave of protectiveness washes over him.
No more spoilers for you for now, if you wait patiently then you might live to the day I write it
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mochegato · 4 years ago
Jasonette Protection Program
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Marinette pulled her coat closer around her as she made her way from the bus stop to her apartment.  She had made the brilliant decision when she moved here not to get a car because… Gotham.  The likelihood that it would get damaged or destroyed in some kind of attack was ridiculously high.  The likelihood the bus would get blown up or taken over, while definitely still present, was significantly lower.
But today she was regretting that decision.  It meant she couldn’t isolate herself like she wanted to.  It meant she was exposed to anybody and everybody at the bus stop and on the bus and on the sidewalk and any one of them could have been the one to drug her.  She eyed the people around her as she walked.  Okay, maybe not the woman who looked like she was in her 90’s and could barely walk… and dropped her knitting out of her bag.
Marinette rushed over to her and paused right before reaching her. She twirled around and scanned the faces around her.  She could feel somebody watching her.  She could feel their eyes scrutinizing her every move.  She studied the shadows and the windows, but couldn’t find anyone watching her.  She frowned slightly and shook her head.  She was getting paranoid.  She was seeing and feeling things that weren’t there.  
She sighed and turned back to the woman, crouching down to help her put her knitting back in her bag.  The woman smiled in appreciation, which Marinette returned with a shaky one of her own.  She walked the remaining few feet to her apartment building and took a cautious look up and down the dark street before turning into it.  She made sure she heard the click of the door latching before continuing up the stairs, not that it would do anything.  Logically she knew that, but her anxiety still demanded it.
She kept her eyes on the stairwell as she made her way up to her apartment on the top floor, eyes hyper vigilant for any movement, her ears hyper sensitive to any sounds from the stairs.  She got to her floor and paused for a few moments waiting to see if any sounds or movement indicated someone behind her.  She let out a relieved sigh when there was no noise and turned to her apartment before letting out a muffled screech.
Jason jumped, dropping his phone he had been scrolling on, in his rush to hold up his hands in a placating motion.  “Just me.  It’s okay. It’s just me.”  He watched her for a few seconds.  She was starting to breathe hard, her eyes were boring into him. “Although I just realized you may not remember me.  So this was actually an incredibly stupid plan.”  He took a few steps away from her door, his hands still held up to let her know he wasn’t a threat.
Marinette continued to stare at him for a few more seconds, forcing her breathing to slow.  “You… you’re Tim’s brother, right?  You… you were…” she squinted at him, “you were in my bedroom?”
Jason grimaced and looked down to the floor as he rubbed the back of his neck.  “Yeah… that doesn’t make me sound too good, does it?”
She eyed him suspiciously.  “What are you doing here?”  
He perked up slightly and gave her a small, reassuring smile. “I wanted to check on you and see how you’re doing today.  It can hit a day or a few days later sometimes.  And I’m a security expert.  I consult on it for people and companies.  I wanted to offer to check your security for you so you’d feel safe, at least when you’re at home.”  He turned to her door and knocked on the doorframe.  “I can already tell that you need better locks.  I could have broken in easily, but I didn’t think you would appreciate finding me in your apartment.”
She raised an eyebrow at him but let out a quiet chuckle and looked away after a few seconds.  “You would be right.”  She looked back up at him and tentatively walked over closer to her door.  “But, I don’t think I can afford to hire you.”
Jason waved off her concern.  “I wouldn’t let you.  I’d charge Tim for it.  He can afford it and he’s worried enough that I’m actually kind of surprised he hasn’t contacted me already, but I suppose that has something to do with him not wanting you to meet me in the first place.”
Marinette quirked her lips to the side and studied him.  The longer she watched and talked to him the more memories came back and the clearer they became.  She was slowly starting to get bits and pieces of the night before, not enough to create a coherent picture, just incredibly short scenes, a word here, a smile there.  Regardless of what she could remember though, this was Tim’s brother and although Tim didn’t want them to meet, he trusted him, not that she would ever be allowed to say that out loud to either of them.  
She finally nodded and pulled out her keys.  “Well, I can at least offer you dinner while you’re here. If you’d like.”  She gave him a small smile as she passed him into the apartment taking off her coat and dropping her bag on the small dining room table.
Jason raised his eyebrows in surprise.  After the way she had reacted when she saw him, he honestly didn’t think she would talk to him let alone let him into her apartment.  He was starting to understand how she could have gotten drugged so easily if she was that trusting.  But then again, Tim had said they all were being careful. Her even more so than the others. So why was she so trusting now?  “I would never turn down free food,” he said slowly.
He closed the door behind him with a quick glance at the inside part of the lock, confirming his original suspicions.  Standard issue, not particularly secure.  He could have picked it in all of three minutes when he was only eight.  He didn’t have to lean down to study the doorknob to know it was in worse condition. One good kick and the door would be wide open.  He sighed. If anyone wanted to get into her apartment, it wouldn’t take them very much effort.
He turned back to the apartment, letting his frown morph into a smile.  Her apartment was cozy and lived in and very much her.  There were touches of her everywhere along with some touches that he wouldn’t have expected.  He shook his head at the condition of the apartment.  It wasn’t terribly messy but it also wouldn’t count as anything close to clean.  He could see why she and Tim got along so well.  Neither could clean up after themselves to save their lives.  
There were bits of fabric and half completed sewing projects scattered around along with random pages of scientific reports.  He raised an eyebrow at that.  Odd combination.  His eyes caught on men’s shoes by the door.  He scrunched his forehead in confusion.  If she lived with someone, where were they?  Where were they last night?  Why hadn’t Tim mentioned him?  “You live with someone?  A boyfriend?”
Marinette looked up from the refrigerator.  “No.  Well, yes, but no.  I live with my best friend,” she explained quickly, “but he’s visiting friends this week.”
Jason nodded.  That was good at least.  She wasn’t living alone.  There was someone else with her usually.  That makes it less likely someone could just break in and attack her.  He moved over to the window and sighed again, more deeply this time.  It was worse than the door.  “No curtains. You should probably get some, preferably lined ones.  This lock is ancient too.  It wouldn’t take much to jimmy it.  We’ll get you new locks for your windows and your door.”
Marinette looked at him wide eyed as she set a bunch of grapes and a jug of filtered water from the refrigerator on the counter.  She hadn’t been expecting the locks to be that bad.  She knew it wasn’t amazing, but then again, she hadn’t really been too concerned about being specifically targeted here.  Nobody really knew who she was, or rather used to be.  She was just an average citizen here.  
She stared at the window for a few seconds, her head cocking to the side and her eyes unfocusing as her mind wandered through the possibilities of what could have happened and what still could.  She was no longer safe, not even in her own home.  But then again, she never really had been had she?  She had just thought she was.  She thought she was safer after they’d defeated Hawkmoth, but she’d just traded one danger for another.
Jason watched as her face morphed from one expression to another, her eyes distant.  Her face clearly displaying each and every emotion she was going through, no matter how flitting.  Jason could guess where her head went.  When her eyes started shimmering, he opened his mouth to bring her out of it when her phone rang.  She jerked back violently, knocking over the jug of water.  
She cursed as she tried to stop the jug’s descent only to knock it further away, further spreading the water.  She gave a defeated groan and grabbed a towel from a nearby drawer to start sopping up the water.  Jason jumped to grab a few more towels to help.  It took a few minutes, but they were finally able to clean up the water with a minimum of damage to papers left on the counter.  Luckily, none of Marinette’s sketches were on the island anymore but Adrien was definitely going to have to reprint some of his papers for research.
Marinette gave Jason an appreciative smile and threw the papers in recycling and the towels in the sink.  She let out a deep frustrated sigh as she leaned against the counter.  After a few seconds, she ran her hands through her hair and laughed.  Jason frowned at the sound.  It was short and mirthless and sounded utterly wrong coming from her.  He could see her starting to spin but didn’t know her well enough to know how to help.  God, he really hadn’t thought this through.
Jason very slowly started reaching for her so she could see his hands coming.  Shen she didn’t shy away, he set a hand on her arm to ground her.  She looked up into his eyes, panicked eyes meeting concerned eyes. They both jumped when her phone started ringing again.  They both chuckled quietly at their reactions.  
“Sorry…” she started but was cut off by another ring.  She shook her head at herself.  She hadn’t even noticed the original call had dropped.  She checked the caller id and smiled at the phone. “Hey Tim.”  She paused to listen to him.  “No, I’m fine.  I just… I knocked something over and was cleaning it.  Sorry for scaring you.”
She gave Jason an apologetic smile as she listened to Tim.  “I’m doing okay, I guess.  I think I’m just jumpy… and getting paranoid.  I could have sworn someone was watching me walk home, but when I looked nobody was around or rather nobody was paying attention to me.” She missed the slight grimace Jason shot toward the floor.  “No, thank you though.  Actually, your brother is here already.”  She smiled at Jason again and put Tim on speaker.  
“…that so.  That’s very thoughtful of him,” Tim quipped in a clipped tone.
“Yeah, he’s checking my locks,” Marinette continued, seemingly oblivious to the tension in his voice, or attributing it to his concern.  “Apparently my door and window locks are pretty bad,” Marinette frowned at the thought.
“Uh huh.  Well it’s just so great that he came over then,” Tim gritted out.
Marinette did a double take when Jason’s phone dinged repeatedly with an extended series of text notifications.  She blinked at it a few times before looking questioningly at Jason. He rolled his eyes and turned his phone off.  He met her eyes with a shrug and a wink as he sat at her island.
“Tell him I say hi and remind him he has plans with Bruce soon,” Tim continued tightly.
Jason huffed.  “Tell him to tell B, I'm not going on patrol until Demon Spawn calms down.  And tell him I’m sending him the bill for this.”  He motioned vaguely around them.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Tim conceded easily before his voice turned harsh again, “And tell him…”
“You two do realize you can hear each other and you two both know you can hear each other and I know you can hear each other and I’m not an owl!” Marinette admonished them sharply.
The room was silent for a few seconds before Tim started chuckling.  “Sorry, Hermione.”
“Thank you, Harry.”  She nodded at the phone even though he couldn’t see her.
“Hey!  That makes me Ron?  What the fuck?” Jason objected raising up from his seat in offense.
“Oh come on, you’d look good with red hair,” Marinette teased him lightly.
“You better fucking not be Ron,” Tim growled.   “You’re more like Draco anyway,” he continued flippantly.
“Fuck you, Pretender,” Jason growled.
“Yeah, this is making me feel better,” Marinette sighed, leaning against the counter.
There was a guilty pause as the men took in her words.  “Sorry,” Jason finally spoke up after a while.
“What?”  Marinette gave him a curious look until realization set in.  “Oh!  No, I was serious.  You two remind me of my friends.  It feels comforting, normal.”
Tim waited a second before speaking up cautiously. “So… you’re okay for tonight?  You feel safe?”
Marinette smiled at the phone again.  “Yeah, Tim.  I’m okay.  Thanks for checking on me.”
“Of course.  Let me know if that changes.  I’ll be over in three minutes flat,” he promised.
Marinette grinned mischievously.  “Do I get a free pizza if you take longer?”
Tim huffed out a laugh.  “Absolutely.”
“Sweet.  I might test it just for that,” she teased him.  “Night, Tim.”
“Night.  And tell Jason to turn his phone back on before I do it for him.”
Marinette rolled her eyes.  “Still not an owl,” she singsonged before she hung up.  She looked over to Jason with a concerned smile. “Do you have to go?  It sounded like you already had plans?”
Jason waved her off and took the battery out of his phone before leaning against the counter near her.  “I have plenty of time.  Like I said, if I show up now De… Damian is going to attack me.” Marinette’s eyes widened in concern but Jason waved her off again.  “It’s fine. He isn’t as tough as he thinks he is. He wouldn’t be able to hurt me, but Bruce would yell at me for it and Dick would give me his disappointed in you lecture.  It’s better for everyone if I stay away for a few days.”  
He grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. “Tim just doesn’t want me stealing his friend away with my superior looks and charm.”
Marinette scowled lightly at him.  “Tim is very handsome and charming,” she insisted defensively.
Jason shot her a devilish smile.  “But not as much as me, right?”
Marinette scoffed at him and rolled her eyes.  “You certainly seem to think so.”  She rinsed some grapes and set them in a bowl between the two of them. “But he’s the only reason you’re here right now.  If you weren’t Tim’s brother and we hadn’t met last night when you were fairly respectful of me in my… state…”
“Fairly!?” Jason squawked.
“I’d have called, well, not the cops, but Tim, to take care of you,” she continued over him.  She grabbed a grape and chewed on it while she watched him appraisingly as she leaned back against the counter opposite him.  “Do you make a habit of stealing his friends?”
Jason shrugged and grabbed a few grapes.  “No, we generally move in different…” he searched for a nice way to phrase it, “circles.”
She hummed in response.  “And yet here you are, willingly entering in a circle with one of his friends.” She eyed him pointedly.  She quickly broke their eye contact to look down and cross her arms over her chest protectively.  “Thank you for breaking into this particular circle to help me out. Last night spooked me more than I want to admit.”
“Did you want to talk about it?  Or pretend like it never happened.  I can help with either,” Jason offered.
Marinette stared at the grapes for a while without talking. Jason was certain she was about to start spiraling again when she spoke up quietly.  “I was keeping an eye on my drinks.  I only took my eyes off of them when I was around people I trusted and we weren’t exactly close to other people for someone to just slip something in.”  She frowned and looked at nothing in particular. She poured herself a glass of water and held the rim of the glass against her lips without drinking it as she remembered the night before.  “I don’t know which scares me more, that someone was that good to get it in with all of us there or…”
“That one of the people you trust might be responsible,” Jason finished for her after a few seconds of silence.  When she looked up to meet her eyes, she looked so shaken and uncertain, he wanted to pull her into a tight, reassuring hug, but after the night before, he wasn’t sure a virtual stranger’s embrace would be the most reassuring.  He settled for moving to lean against the counter next to her so their arms were almost touching, but she still had her personal space.
“Yeah,” she said wrapping her arms around herself and rubbing her arms.  
“You think you were the intended victim?” he asked curiously.  He and Tim had already discussed the night and decided that she had to be, but he was curious what her thoughts were.  “You don’t think it was just opportunistic.  You think whoever was with targeting you.”
She shook her head and looked down, frowning at the floor.  She gripped her arms tighter.  “I don’t know.  I was never alone and I only drank with my friends at our own table away from other people.  I mean someone at the bar could have drugged it before it was brought over when the waitress brought drinks but…”
“How would they know who it would go to,” Jason finished again.  “Seems unlikely they’d risk the drug like that if they didn’t know who it would go to. If they didn’t have a plan to get the person out.”
Marinette looked up at him anxiously and nodded.  She studied him for a few more seconds before she shook herself out of her daze.  She looked up at him with a fake smile.  “So what are you feeling for dinner?  I can make some pasta.  I can do stir fry.  I can whip up a casserole.  What do you want?”
“I’ll be happy with whatever you feel like having tonight,” he assured her with a smile.
“I don’t… really… feel like eating,” she mumbled, looking away again. “This is more something for me to focus on instead of last night.”
Jason gave her a gentle smile and lowered himself to her level, trying to gain her attention.  “Look, I know you don’t know me but why don’t we order take out and we can watch a movie, or if you want to be alone, I can leave.”
“I don’t want to be alone,” she answered quickly, instantly looking over to him with a desperate look in her eyes.
Jason nodded slowly and gave her a gentle smile.  He rested his hands lightly on her arms to reassure her he was there and not going anywhere unless she wanted him to.  “That’s understandable.  I wouldn’t want to be either.  Do you want me to call Tim over?  I know you probably feel safer with him and when he can’t be here in three minutes, you get a pizza.”
She gave him a wan smile.  “No, I trust you.  And I’m not really feeling pizza right now.”
Jason smiled back.  “I want to joke and say that’s a terrible decision, but now doesn’t seem like the best time.” She gave him a deadpan look that made his grin widen.  “I’ll save that for later,” he finished with a wink. His expression quickly turned serious as he watched her.  “You should eat though.  What kind of food do you want to try?  There’s a good Indian restaurant around the corner.”
She looked away.  “I don’t want to order out.  I don’t want food that I…”
Jason nodded and moved closer again.  “Yeah, that’s reasonable.  Let’s make something together, yeah?  I saw some eggs and milk in your refrigerator and there’s bread on the counter.  How do you feel about breakfast for dinner?  French toast sound good?  I think you call it Lost Bread?  And how do you feel about Clueless?”
“The movie?” she asked confused.
“Yeah, adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma.”
“Fan of Alicia Silverstone or Jane Austen?” she teased weakly.
“Both,” Jason answered with a wink.
Marinette snickered and nodded.  “That all sounds amazing.”  She moved away to start getting the pan and bowls out, watching him while he got the ingredients prepared.  “Thank you, Jason.  You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“No problem.  We’ll get things figured out so you can feel safe, or at least as safe as you can feel in Gotham,” he assured her, and himself.  They were going to find who drugged her and make her feel safe again.  Whoever it was messed with one of Tim’s friends, one of the few he really trusted, that means whoever it was messed with his family and nobody messed with their family.
@jasonette-july-event @maribatserver @aespades @demonicbusiness @read-fantasy-to-escape-reality @jayjayspixiepop
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vrisrezis · 4 years ago
aot characters having a crush + dating hcs (havent proof read sorry for any mistakes)
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- she understands that there’s something that draws you to her, however doesn’t fully understand what it is at first
- it’s enough to make her be more interested in you rather than the yeagers
- she believes that it might be your strength that’s overwhelming (and if you have overwhelming strength she is convinced that’s what it is for awhile)
- it is until she sees how Niccolo and Sasha are with eachother does she actually realize that what she feels is love and attraction towards you
- upon realizing this, doesn’t know what to do at first
- she was originally professional, but often kept to your side and felt an odd protectiveness admiration towards you
- now, she was much more casual and more flirtatious
- while acting confident around you, she secretly got butterflies.. you made her ... nervous ..
- nonetheless flirting with you is often, sometimes going as far as to kiss your hand
- she wants to properly court you and get you to return her feelings. She’d feel really bad if you never felt the same. Especially since she isn’t as used to the feeling
- it takes a long time for her to finally ask you out officially, but she does and is pleased by your answer
- however being with yelena isn’t easy, she isn’t one to follow you around like a lost puppy
- she had her motivations, she’s a yeagerist. If you’re not okay with that she isn’t gonna care enough to bother to stay along.
- she feels bad of course, she loves you after all but still
- if she ever had to go against you it hurt her but she would also understand it just needs to be done
- when that mess is over though she is fine with just sticking by your side
- or if you join her it just makes your relationship stronger and better
- doesn’t like pda cuz people might think she’s weak but she’s very soft when you guys are alone though
- lots of smooches from her
- she loves to tease you as well, she can’t help it though..
- she says you’re just so cute she has to bully you a little (more like a lot)
- secretly wants you two to get married so one day she will purpose be prepared for it
- she knows it’s stupid but hey... she has some hope
- secretly feels lucky to be with you even if she doesn’t say it
- doesn’t say that she loves you as often as she’d like, which she feels bad for deep down
- she doesn’t always know how to be vulnerable and express herself, while yes it does happen it takes time
- in a way you are her safe space and you make her calmer
- in a way, you were her hope and her god more than zeke ever was.. and that’s because you allowed to her to feel freedom, to feel love and to feel being loved, you’re more of a god to her now more than .. anyone else
- so maybe she tends to be a bit too protective, and maybe she tends to be very short with others that wanna talk to you because she wants your attention, aaaand maybe she tends to go overboard for you because she believes you saved her...
- so maybe she shows she loves you through actions rather than words
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(While I don’t like her in the romantic sense she is my second best girl so I felt it was almost necessary)
- having a crush is always complicated, especially when you’re a kid.
- when you’re a kid as stubborn and prideful as gabi though, it’s even more complicated.
- she doesn’t even realize she likes you either, she’s too into her own head. Too overconfident to think about other people and especially in that way .. she’s oblivious, even to her own emotions
- she can’t help but wanna be around you all the time though, that’s something not even she can ignore
- she tries to impress you often, she will do the dumbest shit just to get you to pay attention to her in some way
- she works harder than normal, falco notices that immediately and catches onto what’s going on
- she tries to act tougher around you, just better in general
- she gets protective of you, when she does something stupid and you follow along she gets really angry and doesn’t understand why
- eventually after a talk with falco, she realizes (finally) that she likes you but never knows how to approach something like that
- eventually works up to the courage to tell you how she really feels about you but it’s really rushed
- is very happy when you guys start dating though
- doesn’t know how relationships should go.. important to keep in mind it’s her first relationship and you guys are just kids
- everyone likes you guys together though
- often grabs your hand, as her way of trying to keep you protected
- she hates getting you involved in her messes but it happens very often and she feels bad about it like everytime
- the first time you kissed she was a blushy mess wow
- yeah you’re the only one that’ll make her so flustered like that
- and it’s easy too, all you gotta do is kiss her cheek, or hand, and she loses it
- she lets you do her hair every morning, ah so today you decided to do her normal look? With the ponytail with some hair down? Or maybe a full on ponytail? Or maybe a little braid, or maybe just leaving her hair down for the day? Yeah who knows! Really she doesn’t care you do her hair everyday now
- speaking of which likes you playing with her hair even if she doesn’t admit it or say much about it
- hugs are often from her but usually when nobody’s around, she’s been through a lot... especially for a 12 year old.. (probably you too), just hug it out y’all
- she has a problem saying that she loves you, not that she doesn’t but she feels almost scared to say it.. like maybe you don’t love her and just like her
- after all, you guys are young.. how would you even know what romantic love is?
- but deep down you both know that nobody else would ever in a million years make you guys feel how you two feel about eachother
- on multiple occasions thought of leaving this all behind with you and falco and just living in a forest or something together but she knows she wouldn’t be happy that way
- she was meant to fight, but she and you make a promise to try not to die in this shitty war
- she will brag about how amazing of a girlfriend she is, but also brag about how you’re a wonderful s/o and how everyone should be jealous of how happy she is
- you know how she screamed while those mfs were getting trampled? Yeah if anyone were to hurt you she screams that kinda crazy ...
- she’s just extremely protective and really doesn’t wanna lose you too:( she’s lost some close friends and she’s scared of losing you as well
- kinda just always sticks to you like glue
- Levi just refers to you as the brats s/o
- real talk though Sasha would’ve adored you guys and been your biggest shipper
- gabi gets embarrassed if anyone says how cute you guys are
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( not interested in him romantically either but he is a fav)
- falco realizes quite quickly that he likes you, gabi loves to constantly remind him and tease him to hell about it which is so annoying to him ...
- while he worries about you .. way too often.. if you ever wanted to become a titan he is doing everything he can to make sure it doesn’t happen
- he is extremely blushy and flustered around you like at all times
- he can’t say for certain he’s in love, after all he’s a kid and he knows at that age he has no idea what that shit is but at the same time he’s never felt this way for anyone in his life and he doesn’t think he ever will
- protective of you, especially in battles. Would not hesitate to jump in front of you to save you and take any hits he can for you. He does this for gabi and still does. He’s a protective guy when it comes to you two
- he lacks the confidence to tell you how he feels, he is extremely shy with you
- eventually gabi eggs him on so much that he’s basically forced to ask you out
- he’s relieved you say yes
- he’s even more blushy around you though, and ends up panicking because he’s not sure how he should be around you..
- should he act different? Or the same? Yeah you get it
- he loves holding your hand though, while it does make him die on the inside it makes him happy and warm
- hug him and he will die
- kiss him and he will die like 10 times over
- seriously this boy can’t handle affection without having like a heart attack or something
- gabi just thinks it’s so hilarious
- sometimes gabi purposelessly gets you guys to kiss so he can just die
- he’s an awkward boy but he loves you ... yes he loves you
- he’s way too scared to say it though, what if it’s too soon, what if you laugh, etc.
- will genuinely get mad in a relationship now though if you still wanna be a titan.. before he kept it to himself but he believes he deserves a say now that you’re dating and really hates the idea of your life being shortened
- eventually he admits he loves you, he wants you to live a long life, he wanted you guys to get married someday
- he would have dreams, fantasies, about you guys getting married.. even before you were dating
- it’s how he realized his feelings
- he would have dreams about you all the time
- now he still does, but he can just visit you at night and be by your side
- if he can, he’d like to buy you things and overall spoil you
- or try to take you out on dates as often as he could
- everyone knew about his crush though if we’re being honest he is obvious as fuck
- he would be too shy to hug you, but secretly wants a big hug from you give him a hug you both have been through it
- secretly a clingy boy don’t comment on it he will die
- he just wants to keep you safe and protect you please let him protect you
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- she’s a bit of a tsundere let’s be real! She can be a bit mean at times and brush you off
- or just relentlessly tease you
- however she cares about you, she wanted you to live a long life and not get yourself involved in this fucked up shit
- that’s why she for the longest time wanted you in the military police
- and why it’s so obvious to everyone else that she likes you
- she eventually admits her feelings thanks to marlo and she is forever grateful to him for it even after him being gone
- hand holding is often, and gives you a big kiss on the cheek usually
- she’s not shy about her relationship, she wants everyone to know. She doesn’t see it as weakness
- besides she lost an important friend, she wants you to know you’re important to her and that she isn’t ashamed of you or to be with you.
- enjoys teasing you in general, sometimes will tease and call you a perv even if you’re so obviously not being one she loves to embarrass you
- often feels worried whenever she can’t be with you
- she often freaks herself out and thinks something bad might’ve happened to you
- she always tries to be respectful of you and your boundaries, while this is a normal thing to do she really gets worried about overstepping ever and will apologize even when she doesn’t have to
- something about you just makes her more soft and more worried she’s doing something bad or wrong
- protective gal that will kick anybody’s ass for you to keep you safe
- in the world you live in though, kinda necessary isn��t it?
- she tries to take you on dates and even if it isn’t always a common occurrence she tries her best
- kinda wants to baby you sometimes but she also knows how annoyed she’d be if you did so
- she just cannot help but act like a mom sometimes to you, especially if you don’t know how to take care of yourself
- now that you’re dating flirting with you is quite common, she likes to flirt !
- especially if it makes you flustered, all of a sudden she’s a huge flirt now
- overall you make her nervous and flustered, so she wants you to feel the same
- totally used to gush about you to like Annie before you guys started dating, she couldn’t help it! Thankfully Annie found it amusing
- still even after all these years swoons over you like damn how are you so attractive
- still tries to convince you to stop fighting within the survey corps if she can but she knows she can’t at this point with how long it’s been going on you’ve clearly had your mind made up for awhile now
- she wants to start a family with you but doesn’t know how to tell you
- honestly just wants a normal life with you she loves you so much
- (btw, y’all end up having kids named Sasha and marlo <//3)
- she hates the idea of you dying it’s something she thinks about extremely often and she gets nightmares
- she tries to keep that from you, honestly she tries to make herself look strong in front of you like all the time
- she eventually opens up doe
- give her cuddles and hugs ;( plz
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- oohhh boy here we go
- if falco was bad enough well here’s armin
- motherfucker dies if you even look his way
- he’s so blushy and so nervous, he cannot help it
- he would eventually get comfortable around you though, and would often talk to you about the sea and things he wanted to explore with you together
- or read books for you to fall asleep to
- it made him happy when you did though, it meant you were comfortable enough to fall asleep around him
- if you ever teased him he wouldn’t know what to say and would just stutter and not get his words out
- in general stutters around you from time to time he can’t help it you make him so nervous
- he told you how he felt of course because of mikasa and eren
- when you guys started dating though, he still didn’t know how to go about romance as it was entirely new to him.
- in a relationship? Not a protective guy let’s be real you’re the one protecting him half the time and he always feels embarrassed about it
- he gets worried easily though, if you’re fighting and tend to be reckless.. it’s easy to be overprotective of a rather weak boy so it’s likely he’s constantly worrying about you .. yeah
- more courage now that you’re dating so if you tease him he may stutter but at least he’ll try to defend himself a bit better
- loves giving you cheek kisses
- shy boy is not for pda but if you wanted it who is he to deny
- likes holding your hand, loves when you hold his hand... man he just loves you so much please
- he probably spent a lot of time talking about you to Annie
- he’s thought about starting a family with you but truly cannot bring himself to talk to you about it, in the world you’re in and the place he holds .. he will just have to wait
- while a smart person, you are somebody he will go to for advice from time to time
- mostly though, he wants to be somebody you can rely on
- spoils you, my god he is such a simp he can’t help but spoil you
- sometimes you’re a distraction he will just stare at you and when he gets caught he’s so embarrassed
- like armin is so obviously in love with you wtf
- he likes being hugged a lot
- often lays his head on your lap and falls asleep he finds it calming
- he’s very sweet, and calls you sweetheart or honey
- he likes to just remind you how much he loves and cares for you, he never wants you to forget.. even if it makes him blushy and embarrassed
- hitch totally teases him about how lame and mushy he can be when it comes to you
- you’re his biggest motivation to finish this war for good
- also he is quite insecure in a relationship but he’s generally insecure asf just reassure him <//3
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- what a sweet gal! She loves spending time with you, talking to you about random shit like how your day was and whatnot
- sometimes complains to you about how tough the day was or how hard Levi made her work lol
- or about all the cleaning
- she tells eren about you quite often and even somebody as dumb as eren catches onto her feelings for you
- she’s aware of her feelings.. or eventually becomes aware of them
- she’s not sure initially what to do with them, she’s young but she’s not an idiot and she understands that loving somebody in this line of work isn’t ideal
- she hasn’t truly experienced what others have though, she doesn’t understand the full extent
- so she allows herself to selfishly tell you how she feels
- she’s glad you return them, and if you weren’t already in Levi squad you are now as you show to be an important asset
- often you two will clean together and spend as much time as you can, you keep your relationship mainly secretive
- it’s unprofessional and besides you two might be separated due to Levi’s order
- it’s just best to say you work better together, which you do btw
- while her father believes she’s too young to marry, he does like you nonetheless
- she’s always embarrassed when he brings up the marriage thing and how she’s still young
- the idea of getting married to you just makes her flustered and drives her crazy that’s all
- not for pda, again your relationship is a secret
- Levi catches on, he could care less
- holds your hand mainly, kisses your hand, caresses it ... she loves your hands please
- often jokes around with you, she always did but moreso now that you’re dating
- she likes to tease you a bit but it’s all in good fun, plus bonus points if you get flustered
- she wants to brush and do your hair in the morning (yes even if short)
- she lets you brush and do her hair too though
- in a modern au would totally be the type to make you music playlists and have you listen to them but okay
- she finds comfort in being around you, even in her worst times
- which would’ve saved her tbh
- she tries not to think too much about the future, or a future that could be without you.. she just wants to live in the present with you for now and pretend everything’s gonna be okay
- she’s (mainly cuz of her father) had thoughts about having a normal life with you and getting married and having kids
- she knows that can’t happen, not for a long time :(
- clings to your arm a lot
- she’s good at comforting you
- she’d do anything to keep you from being moody or sad
- she’s also very sappy sometimes
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- blushy boy, anytime he’s around you his entire face is filled with an enormous blush that anybody can notice
- while people might not notice things about bertholdt they can at the very least notice his rather obvious crush on you
- if you haven’t made a move by now you either wanna see him do it himself or your oblivious as fuck
- lots of stutters
- probably sweats a little tbh
- stares at you constantly, it’s hard not to notice and Reiner comments on it quite a bit
- if you’re a soldier he definitely feels guilty, but considers taking you back home with Reiner (kinda like ymir with historia)
- he tells you how he feels finally because Reiner keeps egging him about it
- he’s a blushy mess as he confesses, but he’s happy that you say yes
- in a relationship he can be insecure at times, he doesn’t think highly of himself so it’s to be expected
- just reassure him:(
- of course you would know about his secret if you’re a soldier, and you’d have to be okay with it and not expose him. Of course he’ll say his side of the story and all that. It’s likely you take his now
- he’s still a blushy nervous ... and rather obvious boy
- sometimes he just wants to hold your hand but is too shy to but he’s so obvious about it since he keeps staring
- just take this mf hand already
- he’s too shy for a lot of things tbh
- also side note if you’re really short like historia that is so funny to him but he doesn’t say it out loud
- will absolutely swoon if you touch or play with his hair, first of all you’re probably too short to reach his hair so it’s not a common occurrence (or if not, always in public), but also because nobody’s done that before it makes him feel so loved
- after dating for awhile and being a bit more confident he is the type to say I love you often, he can’t help it because he genuinely does love you but sometimes is scared it’ll lose its meaning because he says it so often
- is extremely protective actually, light cause him to make some grave mistakes on the battlefield because of how protective he can be of you
- you in general got him swooning
- he likes to cook for you (back at home?)
- in general would love to just spoil you
- if you do the same he dies
- if you ever compliment him, big blush on his face
- honestly can’t help but talk about you to Reiner, Reiner likes hearing about it though and he’s not annoyed by it because Reiner is a sweet boy that likes hearing his friend be happy
- while he likes you laying on him, likes laying on you more, like your lap or something ..
- he’s a big cuddle baby he wants to be held despite being so tall he is just.. please
- he wants to protect you during the day but at night just wants to feel safe and protected in your arms
- if you were ever threatened, if you are attacked and etc he is gonna be yelling he ain’t going down without a fight
- you make his brain short circuit and you make him stupid
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leviiattacks · 4 years ago
Two Faced | Chapter One
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.6k → click here for the next part !
Shock-waves of terror rush through your body. You can feel your heart thump erratically against your chest and your train of thought is a complete mess. All you know for sure is that your fate is certain, you're going to die. The illegitimate daughter of the Rambova family from the Negri Republic is going to be killed and it just so unfortunately happens to be you. Your eyes are coated in a fresh layer of tears and all you can do is sit there huddled in the corner of your room whilst you pray. Pray to who exactly? You're unsure of that detail.
The days of pain and neglect that you constantly endured ended with the war caused by a single man. That man who was rumored to be cruel enough to murder the child of another enemy noble in cold blood. The Duke of the Paradis Empire. Levi Ackerman. By the emperor's orders he took an army to conquer all of the rebelling, independent countries which surrounded Paradis, and unfortunately for you the Negri republic was one of them.
Soon, the Rambova family was the last of the nobles left within the nation.
"Y/N. Even a little pest like you has a role to play. You must stay back and protect the castle." that was the first and last thing your father said to you when news of the war spread. Your father threw you away and so did the rest of your household. Not even a thank you was issued when they all dashed past you towards the palace's back gates. Truth be told you were simply a child born out of convenience, born to marry another aristocrat to strengthen the family's reputation, but the war made you see your position with even more clarity.
No one ever loved you in this palace, it would be futile for you to say they did, lying would not ease the numbing ache in your heart.
"SEARCH EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY!" One of Duke Ackerman's men alerts the other soldiers and that's when you begin to shiver in pure terror. The shrill screams of the palace maids can be heard and are more than audible, they echo back and forth, settling in the shells of your ears. You really are going to die today and no one's going to save you. Who would? The servants who laughed at you because of your shameful origin? Those servants seem to be at deaths door themselves, you don't hold anything against them. Or would it be your "family" who treated you like the dirt beneath the crevices of their shoes? That "family" had ditched you and left you for dead in the palace. Duke Ackerman was a wild animal and you were a piece of bait to everyone else. No one was going to help you and this was the end of the line.
You gaze out your window and see even more of his army approach. There's not enough time for you to run, even if you attempt to do so you'll be killed in no time at all. Your mother's words echo in your mind. No one was willing to keep her around. A toy, that's what she was for your father, a play thing on the sidelines for when his real wife wasn't well. A few years after giving birth to you mother had fell gravely ill but father did nothing to help. The money needed for her treatment wouldn't have even made a dent in his riches but he did not see it fit to spend such a large sum on the likes of her. He wasn't going to help a courtesan who refused to abort what he deemed a nuisance. That's what you and your mother were - problems, issues, nuisances and inconveniences he wanted nothing to do with.
But right now all you can think about are her last words. They ring in your head and you feel your tears creep right back up. However, they subside when you take the true meaning in.
"Listen carefully, when the grim reaper comes for you, act proudly and look him in the eye without fear. You must do so for me." the one time you had seen her force a smile was then, on her death bed she had smiled so daintily it felt fake. Why did she have to act strong even in her last moments? Why did she have to try her damnedest to hide her pain and suffering from you?
Without a seconds thought you decide to follow her last instructions and what she taught you. Deciding to look death in the eyes, it's the way your mother wanted you to leave. To die proud of yourself was a privilege she never received.
Shakily, you walk towards your dresser and throw on your best dress. It isn't amazing considering the fact that your father barely invested any time in you let alone any money but you made do with it. Tying the faded baby blue ribbon that came with it around your waist you play around with the frilled sleeves. Screams are all you can hear but you swallow away your fear. Putting your hair up into a bun and pinning it back as tightly as you can, your face is in full view now, you won't be able to hide behind your hair when you're finally taken away.
With faith and hope in your heart, that is how you choose to exit. Faith that after this something better was coming. An after life with mother, one where she would be treated the way she deserved. A place where you'd be able to see her smile in sincere clarity. As you stick the last pin into your hair the door to your bedroom rumbles. It takes a matter of seconds for it to be knocked down by three soldiers.
Two of them march towards you and yank you away from where you are in front of your mirror, in the chaos a vase full of flowers shatters and hits the floor. The sound of the glass shattering and hitting the marble floor only makes the situation more intimidating.
The soldiers drag you through the hallways of the castle and the way they grip tightly onto your arms irks you slightly. They're quite literally dragging you towards the slaughter house yet they continue to handle you and the other innocent people within the palace's walls with this degree of brute force. You know you don't deserve to die, nobody here does.
At some point you're thrown to the floor of the main hall, a pain shoots up your side due to the impact of your hip hitting the floor but you soldier through it. You try to look death in the eye but it beats you to it.
Multiple bloody corpses are scattered across the floor. A heap of them are piled up in one corner and your eyes water in defense. The Palace's head chef is one of the latest additions to this pile, her guts hang out, she's been sliced open mercilessly. The contrast between her current form and her usual stern but soft face haunts you.
This was your fate, your body was going to be hauled atop of this pile of corpses. How were you to die? Would you be cut up into bite sized pieces? Would your heart be ripped out of your chest, left to bleed out until you and death would meet?
You place your hands in front of you and they land on the floor as you raggedly breathe in and out trying to calm yourself down. Mother said death was scary but you never thought death would be delivered to you in the form of cold blooded murder.
Your haphazard thoughts are suddenly put to a halt when you hear a deep, gravely voice from above your head.
"Child of the Rambova Family." He pauses and your head shoots up to see who's addressing you.
Shaking once again the tears you've been holding back spill out. You are face to face with death himself, the grim reaper in human form. Duke Ackerman. His feline eyes are devoid of any emotion and he looks down at you through his eyelashes as though you're an animal.
Looking you up and down as if you're nothing but a pest you can't help but smile at that. Everyone thought of you that way, you weren't ever good for anything right? Your thoughts make you wallow in even more sadness and you burst into an extensive crying fit in front of the Duke himself.
He murmurs something inaudible under his breath then you see him swing his leg backwards. He savagely kicks your left shoulder and you fly towards the cold hard floor."You're oh so, stupid."  Shrieking, as his boot drives further into you, the lump in your throat hardens. "For not." another kick is delivered to you this time, it hits your right shoulder angularly. "Running away." a final kick lands on the left side of your face and despite his boots digging into the hollows of your cheeks you don't cry out in pain like you did the first time. That is until he swiftly holds you by the neck and firmly slams you up against one of the marble walls to perfectly punctuate his point. Letting go of you midway, you crash to the ground again, gulping and gasping for air.
His eyes. They're stone cold. You can't sense any emotion behind him. Yet he kneels down to your level his slim fingers trace the tear stains across your cheeks. The coarse but warm texture of his hand catches you off guard, you aren't accustomed to human touch and by reflex you unintentionally move slightly closer to his warm palm. He sneers at you absolutely disgusted with the way you react to his touch.
"It's a shame that you're objectively my kind of woman." His eyes snake towards the ribbon which cinches your waist in and the tension you feel increases ten fold. His gaze then meanders to your collarbone which is now crudely exposed after your one sided fight. His eyes darken "What a shame indeed." He mutters.
You begin to think that maybe the man above you has some pity left in his heart and you reach your hand out to possibly negotiate but before you can the fatal sound of him unsheathing his sword is heard.
Not even a knife can cut the tension in the air but somehow the words he shamelessly announce next manage to do just that.
"I shall give you the honor of having me personally see to your death."
Your life flashes before you eyes. He darts towards you and the cold edge of his sword is as close as it can be to your neck.
Don't close your eyes, Don't close your eyes. Look him in the eyes for the sake of mother.
Defiantly, you glare at him through the tears which mingle with the perspiration which coats your face. The tears rain down your cheeks and a droplet lands on his hand.
He flinches at the damp feeling but you see the grip he has on his handle harden.
You hadn't noticed in the previous frenzy and chaos but he's covered head to toe in blood, the ugly sight causes you to try and hold in your external reaction. But you can't fight away the tears, you clamp down on your lips so tightly that blood gradually trickles down your chin.
There were so many activities you wanted to try. You wanted to wear a beautiful dress, you wanted to fall in love, you wanted to marry, you wanted to see the world and all it had to offer. You wish as hard as you can for some sort of help some sort of release. You feel terrible because you aren't facing death in the eye. You aren't proud, you've betrayed your mother. Your blood and tears mix together and you swear you see a glint of something from the corner of your eye, but that's not the issue right now. You're about to die. This is real. This is all real.
You watch in fear as he swings his blade above his head preparing to end it all, right here, right now but suddenly a flash of white light illuminates your surroundings, you and the Duke are both momentarily blinded by it. The light morphs into an intricately beautiful symbol. Then, the clatter of his sword falling to the floor is heard. Your thoughts race, what on Earth is going on? At that moment a streak of light pierces through Duke Ackerman's chest and he groans in pain.
Pulsing from the pattern is a strange, bright light. You watch it flicker, changing colors from silver, to a misty white, then it suddenly weaves itself into a sky blue. You clench your fists, your nails digging deeper into your palms. Threads of silver then engulf both you and the Duke. You both become a part of the stunning floral designs. It's whimsical being trapped inside the kaleidoscope of colour, it's all so beautifully horrifying.
Out of nowhere both you and the Duke are flinged to the floor and the performance evaporates away. Curled up in a ball you're far too fearful to look up and see what has happened. You hear his voice again.
"My lady, please forgive me for my rudeness." The Duke murmurs his words and you can't make out whether or not he's being condescending or is genuinely apologetic.
Then he does the unthinkable, he falls down on one knee.
"And please allow me to receive the pleasure of marrying you." He sticks his hand out gracefully expecting you to hold it but you stare at him in pure horror.
"From the moment I saw you my heart was simple ensnared by your beauty." He holds onto your cheek affectionately, it feels different this time, you can feel the love practically spill out of his voice and touch but you're ultimately confused. He can't possibly love you, you're strangers. Oh, and he did try to decapitate you a few seconds ago.
His eyes are the definition of infatuation, they seem to glint with happiness even in the dimly lit hall and you have no idea what to say to this sudden confession. You don't even know where this confession has come from.
Then realization dawns on you.
It does sound impossible but it's really the only thing you can find remotely believable at this point.
Has someone perhaps cast a spell on the Duke? And is that someone, you?
You stare at his hand apprehensively and you know you've got no other choice. Even if he is joking and ridiculing you, at least you know you've tried to not fall directly into death's expectant hands.
"I...am yet to except. However, I shall give you a fair trial to court me." You awkwardly agree and place your shaky palm into this hoping he isn't fooling around. Much to your relief he isn't, you witness the man's eyes soften as he faintly kisses your knuckle.
Your surroundings are a landscape of dead bodies, you want to jerk your hand away from the monster in front of you, but your goal is survival.
Thinking about what exactly you have got yourself into, it doesn't seem to be pretty at all.
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femmeharringrove · 4 years ago
see, it's not like steve's ever been good at coping.
it's bad after starcourt, but instead of dealing with it then steve just puts everything into healing others. he comforts eleven, stays on the phone all night with lucas or dustin, helps will learn not to fear the cold, gives billy a shoulder to cry on and a place to live.
and so billy gets a front-row seat to steve's self-destruction.
he doesn't think it's his place to speak, initially, but he does worry when steve leaves early in the afternoon and comes back wasted, bruises on his throat and traces of powder on his clothes. some weekends he doesn't come home, he goes to indianapolis and shows up late sunday evening with a massive hangover and billy just gets him to eat and drink a little before getting him in bed. steve's not eating enough, he's losing weight and billy worries because this is his best friend, not even heather matches their level. and steve's done so much good for him but he doesn't know how to return the favor - not until steve barrels out of the bathroom one night shaking like a leaf, tears streaming down his face. billy takes one look inside, catches sight of two life-changing sticks, and rushes out after him.
and it's then, when he finds steve out by the quarry in a panic, that he knows how to help.
"i didn't mean to get pregnant," steve sniffles, and the moment billy crouches next to him the brunette is shuffling closer, scared and in need of comfort. and billy's still working on the physical thing, learning it's okay to be affectionate, but he doesn't hesitate to hold steve as close as he can.
"i know," he murmurs. "it's okay. we'll figure it out. you aren't doing this alone, you hear me?" and initially billy thinks he's fucked up because steve starts crying again, but when this round of sobs passes the other boy gives him a shaky smile.
"you promise?"
"cross my heart and all that shit." and that's just it. whatever steve needs, billy's got him.
steve initially doesn't want to go through with it, but decides ultimately it could be a good thing. he's thought about parenthood before, always wondered if he could be a better father than his own. this is a chance to prove it. and billy gives him all the support in the world. nobody messes with the only child of the harrington family, they can't afford the fallout, but he's always gotten dirty looks after coming out and they get worse now that he's pregnant. but billy follows him everywhere now amd anyone who gives him a look has to face the blonde's anger. and sure, he's not where he once was. he's still putting on muscle and learning to use his hands again, but half of what makes billy hargrove scary is the way he presents himself, the glare that suggests he knows people won't mess with him. and they don't, amd they don't mess with steve either for the same reason.
and when billy isn't around to do the protecting, steve's got others. joyce has kicked people out of melvad's before, for harassing a fifteen year-old steve. and five years later she still does it, voice calm and eyes steely. claudia is at every appointment he has, making sure the other nurses and doctors call him by the right name and pronouns. she's there when steve sees the baby's hand for the first time and has a breakdown because he's growing a whole person and doesn't know if he'll really be able to take care of them.
and claudia, she remembers being confused and a little judgemental when steve came out as steve, but that was before she caught him shuffling down the aisles of the library one day, small and clearly anxious about everyone he came across. thirteen year-old steve had lacked the easy confidence he sported now, and it was when she saw him that it sort of clicked. she didn't understand how someone could be a gender other than the one they were born as, but she made a point to greet him as steve any time she saw him and made an effort to accept him. now he's like the older son she never had, dustin's big brother, and when he weeps frantically over the daunting trial of parenthood she takes him by the shoulders and gives him the most serious look she can muster.
"nobody is ever ready for parenthood," she tells him, and one hand comes to wipe his tears away. "but you have exactly the heart for this job. you're going to be the best father in this whole town."
which steve doesn't agree with. the best dad in town is hopper.
hopper, who's been harassing people for harassing steve for years, but is more aggressive about it now because steve really means something to him now. sometimes, eleven calls him her brother, and hop figures, yeah, the kid could use a dad. so he makes a habit of checking up on him, and it gets more frequent now because he's also checking on billy, and with a baby on the way hopper's protectiveness is at an all-time high. nobody wants to fuck with the chief, so no one fucks with steve.
when the harringtons find out, steve's dad is livid, but it's steve's mother who keeps him from lashing out. the couple can't stand the blow to their social life and so it's off to lansing for them, a fresh start or whatever. the house stays under their name, though, and steve and billy make it theirs. the cosy master bedroom becomes steve's, billy finally decorates the guest room downstairs as his own. his mother calls sort of regularly, she's not thrilled about the situation but she's eager for a grandbaby to spoil, and steve counts that as a blessing.
of course, the party freaks out when steve announces his pregnancy. it's not like they didn't know steve could get pregnant, but they've never considered the idea that he would. eleven, max, and will are immediately thrilled, discussing baby names and wanting to pat his belly - especially el, who's never really experienced a pregnancy. mike and lucas are a little weirded out, but mike brings steve a bunch of baby books left over from holly and lucas donates his own old toys, declaring that baby harrington was going to be the coolest baby ever if he got to help look out for the little one. dustin doesn't know how to feel initially, which stresses steve out, but when someone throws a slur at steve three weeks after that dustin flips out, yells himself hoarse at the fucker, and declares himself steve and the baby's most ardent protector. the whole group has already discussed babysitting schedules and, yeah, maybe steve did cry about it, but he's pregnant and it was probably the hormones and not anything else, thank you.
robin gently berates him about sleeping with strangers out of town when she finds out, but after that she takes her position as aunt very seriously. within four weeks she buys three outfits, five stuffed animals, and a french record to help the baby learn the language.
"no such thing as too early," she says as she drops it on the dresser in steve's old room. the new nursery.
it's a labor of love, mostly by billy. woodworking is a big help with his hands so he was all too happy to make a crib himself. again, steve cried, but this time he feels it's justified. billy's put a rocking chair in too, and a record player too - "your taste in music is shit," he'd deadpanned as he brought the thing in. "someone's gotta culture the little snot." amd billy does that all the time, he's called the baby a snot, a turd, a little shit, all that jazz. but his face is softer than it's ever been and that makes steve smile every single time.
steve's labor of love starts five weeks early, much to his horror, and it hurts like a bitch. he gives birth early in the morning after a rainy night. she's a little replica of steve, down to the moles on her cheek, and he doesn't think he's ever known love until he looks at his daughter and feels the almost painful swell in his chest. he cries as he hugs her against his chest and swears on his life he'll do right by this wondrous little girl. her name is nikita - no, not after the elton john song, though later when she asks that's what he tells her, just so she can throw her head back and groan, "daaad!"
no, she's named after his grandmother. and she gets rosaline for a middle name after billy's mother. because, even if they didn't say it, it's clear billy intends to co-parent. he doesn't call it that, he just says he's helping a friend, but he's the one who changes her diaper at night and bounces her to sleep listening to metallica and teaches her to eat spaghetti.
and originally, he's the one she calls dad.
first it's baba, which steve thinks is in reference to the fact that billy bottlefeeds her, and billy thinks it's similar enough to "billy" to not be anything more than that. but she gets older and learns to say billy and steve, and still calls him baba. baba and papa. and to the outside world it makes sense, they're a little family, steve and billy ooze a chemistry anyone else can't deny. but it takes them three extra years to get with the program and become a couple.
to this day, niki claims there aren't more clueless people out than her dads when it comes to love.
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years ago
Goodbye For Now | Din Djarin
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I had a dream the same day this aired that incorporated Goodbye by Avril Lavigne... and yeah, this was born. I put a lot of my own experiences into this fic. It’s very personal. Regardless of that, I hope you enjoy! 
tag: @earthtokace​ / @kyber-queen​ / @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ 
This is literally the first fic in years I’ve used Y/N and it’s just one line for the fic, and I think it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written on Tumblr. 
Word count: 5.1k OOPS 
In the quietness of a little room in the back of an inn on Nevarro, the question asked by a grieving Din Djarin rolls around in your mind. You hadn’t been able to give him an immediate answer. It was too fresh. Too heavy. 
What’s the hardest part about letting go?
As The Mandalorian sleeps fitfully behind you with his arm wound tightly enough around your waist to ensure you do not disappear in his sleep - because has he not sacrificed enough? - you ponder his question as much as your sleep deprived mind is able. 
Din.. I think the hardest part about letting go is being able to accept that the people you’re letting go of aren’t apart of your life anymore. They aren’t physically with you anymore. They aren’t imprinted on your memory, on your soul. You just have to let it... fade. Let them fade until they're just a story. 
Your eyes flicker down to the ring that lays on your left finger. 
But in a galaxy as remarkable as this one... There’s always that glimmer of hope that someday, maybe someday... they’ll come back to you. That they won’t leave you. 
  “And Grogu will never leave you Din.” You whisper, wrapping your hand around his forearm and lightly squeezing it as you settle into the warmth of his embrace. “Never.”
Your blood chills in your veins at the words, “I go alone.” because there is no possible way in Sith hells you are allowing Din to walk onto that cruiser alone. As Bo-Katan reiterates the plan to the crew around you, your eyes are focused on the rigid and silent Mandalorian standing across the holo-table. 
You’re not coming with me. 
Are you really naive enough to believe I’m letting you go alone, Din? You snap, to which he winces at your sharp tone. If Gideon is half intelligent as I think he is, he’ll have installed impenetrable defenses on those dark-troopers. You'll need a Jedi to get through them. 
You can practically feel the burn of his gaze through the helmet. It’s obvious he wants you with the larger group, but you refuse to bow when the life of your son is at stake. If he’s going to retrieve the baby, you very much intend on remaining by his side to ensure the safety of them both. 
Until the end. 
Fine. You stick by me, don’t say a word- He pauses and swallows the reluctance in his throat that dies when he meets your eyes through the helmet. You know he’s looking at you... and you know how fearful he is. And please, don’t die. 
You beam. Dying without you, Din Djarin? I have no intentions of doing that anytime soon. 
The two of you disengage from the shuttle, trekking through the bodies left in the wake of the women in the landing bay as you move in the direction of the brig. Doctor Pershing had disclosed that Gideon had been keeping the baby there, so there was no reason to believe that he wouldn’t still remain within the same cell. 
Your blood roars in your ears as you disengage the lock on your staff and hold the hilts of each saber in your hands. The Force envelops you in its comforting hold - wraps around your bones and your scars and your muscles and invigorates you with a strength you haven’t felt since before The Republic fell - and guides your steps that will lead you in the direction of the little one who holds a large piece of your heart. 
The other piece is held in the hands of The Mandalorian. 
Din. You murmur. I just need you to know that you may see a side of me today that you’ve never seen before. If that in any way changes how you feel about me-
He stops you short just as a pair of Stormtropers jog past. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you. He sounds certain, almost confident, in his answer. The sound of it makes your chest warm. 
It’s right there on the tip of your tongue. You’ve only said it to each other once in the time that you’ve been together, but you’ve never desired to say it more then this moment, but it doesn’t feel right. It’s too rushed. Dancing too close to the edge of anticipation as you seek out your child. 
Your heart nearly jumps out your chest as Din sprints in the direction of the doors where the dark troopers are emerging and one lone soldier has escaped. Before you can react, the man you love is being held against the wall in an iron grip and a fist is repeatedly pounding itself into his helmet. 
The Dark-Trooper turns its eyes on you, and you’re suddenly flung into a lifetime  of battle skills that kept you alive when you’d served as a Padawan in The Clone Wars and on the front lines of The Rebellion. You slide forward on your knees and remove the legs of the trooper just as Din impales the thing with the Beskar spear slung across his back. 
  “I’m fine-” He rasps, extending a hand to hold you at arms length as your trembling hands tighten their grip on your saber. It’s not often that Din comes face to face with Death when you're standing right there. People are petrified of Jedi. There aren’t many of them left. Mandalorian bounty hunters, however... They can be more expendable. Easier to break then one who is gifted with The Force. 
  “C’mon. I’ll take point.”
Right here. The Force whispers its assurance as you both stand in front of the nearest cell, and the moment the door opens you are granted with the sight of Moff Gideon holding the dark saber in front of Grogu. 
Buir. You’d completely forgotten the baby had bonded himself to you in the days just shortly after you’d found him. He’d rarely used it. He’d only ever opened himself up to project his emotions onto you in order for you to know when something was wrong, but the minute you see him sitting on that bench, he’s talking to you.
Grogu holds his hands out as if he’s reaching for you, wide eyes pleading for you to remove the Force Suppressant handcuffs that envelop his tiny hands.  Buir. 
Tears prick your eyes as you ignite your saber. The other sits idle on your hip just out of reach.  
  “Drop the blaster,” Moff nods to your saber. “And your saber. Slowly.” The two of you drop your weapons simultaneously. “Now kick them over to me.” Before Din can do so, you wave your hand to throw your weapons just out of reach. “Very nice. I didn’t know Jedi could be civil.”
The venom drips from his words. “If you’re not careful,” You warn. “I will show you what I look like when I am not civil.” A split second passes as you watch the fear flicker through his gaze before he’s tightening his grip on the dark saber. Moff had not, to your knowledge, encountered any kind of Jedi up until this point. He only knew of their abilities. Not of what they were capable of - with the dark or the light - with The Force at their disposal. 
The damage you could cause.... 
  “Give me the kid.” 
  “The Kid is just fine where he is.” Gideon replies, to which he begins moving the dark saber back and forth just to hear the satisfying hum of its kyber that rings within the hilt. “Mesmerizing, isn’t it? It used to belong to Bo-Katan.” Din stops short at his statement. “Yes. I know you’ve both been traveling with Bo-Katan. Friendly piece of advice, assume I know everything. Like the fact that your wrist launcher has fired its one and only salvo.” 
Your gaze is still trained on the kid. Did he hurt you? Your voice is gentle as you prod at the shields that Grogu has placed inside of his mind. For someone who has little to no training, he’s rather good at making sure nobody can reach the most vulnerable places of himself. Ad’ika, it’s okay. It’s your buir. Did he hurt you?
Din and the Moff are still talking as your son lifts his head, meets your soft - and familiar, he hasn’t felt this safe since he was last on Tython, knowing you and Din were out there protecting him - gaze, and shakes his head. 
Bless The Maker. 
You shake yourself out of your reverie at the Moff’s words. “I see your bond with him. The bond the Jedi has made with him,” He comments, disengaging the dark saber as he moves away from the baby. “The two of you can take him, but you will leave my ship immediately and we will go our separate ways.” 
The Force coils itself around you. Tightens around your arms as if you pull you away from the baby, and just as Din moves to pick him up, whispers danger before The Moff has reengaged the dark saber and slams the weapon into Din’s jetpack. 
  “Din! Go!” 
Buir. You throw yourself right into the line of fire, regardless of the threat to your own life, and envelop Grogu in your arms as the fight between the Moff and Din carries out into the hallway. Safe. 
You aren’t sure if he’s talking about himself or you. Regardless, you cradle him against your chest and bring your knees upward to shelter him within your manse. 
Yes. Safe. 
The cuffs fall to the floor with a snap of your fingers. 
You’re straight up itching to punch Bo-Katan right in her smug face. After bringing Gideon to the bridge where the rest of your team awaits you, the Moff confesses the origins behind the Dark Saber - which for some reason is a tradition, despite Mandalore’s loss, that Bo-Katan still follows because it is what she knows - and the Princess of Sundari refuses to take it back from Din. 
  “You are so stuck in your old ways, Bo-Katan.” You snap, Grogu still cradled in your arm as you pace the width of the bridge. Din still wields the blade and grasps the Moff in the other hand, hardened gaze set on the thick-headed Mandalorian before him. “Wake up! This is not your sister’s Mandalore-” 
The youngest Kryze whips around. Shock and disbelief writes itself into your features because that is the only time you can recall seeing such a fire lit within her. “Don’t you dare speak her name-” She snarls, pointing an accusatory finger  at you as the two of you step toe to toe. “Or even think of her.” 
You are so tempted to release your biggest secret, the one you’ve been keeping from everyone - even before you met Din - for your own safety. You hadn’t even told the Skywalker's about it. 
It’s fortunate you didn’t obtain the auburn hair. 
  “Why don’t you kill him now and take it? It’s yours now.” 
  “What is?” 
 “The dark saber.” 
Bo-Katan will not relent. Until she wins that saber in combat, she refuses to even lay a hand on the dark saber. You find the entire thing amusing given what your former Master had told you in hushed stories underneath a starry sky about Clan Kryze. Stubborn, prideful women. Satine’s pride had earned her an early grave. Bo-Katan, however... that remained to be determined. 
  “I yield. It’s yours.’’
Din is too good for the throne of Mandalore. All he wants in life is a ship, the baby, and you. That is what drives him to hand the dark saber over to Bo-Katan. That is what drives him at all. 
You know about the Dark Saber. You’ve heard the tales surrounding it since you were small, stranded on a home world you’d have rather never seen again with your father and a thrumming lightsaber crystal. The Force will be with you. Always. He had made that promise just before he died, and you had carried his words with you ever since. That man had sheltered you, raised you, made you his own. 
And as Din watches you hold that Dark Saber out in front of your hand, he finally sees the resemblance. He sees the ferocity in your gaze and the defeat in Bo-Katan’s, he sees how similar you too are in both personality and physical appearance. 
What the kriff? 
  “He’s right. The power is in the story, not the weapon.” Darkened eyes meet your own as your pulse thrums erratically beneath your grip on the Dark Saber. “Ironic how a Jedi raised on Coruscant knows more about Mandalore then most of the people in here, two of which are from Mandalore.” 
  “Who said I wasn’t from Mandalore?” 
Before the two of you can argue, one of the alarms begins blaring on the opposite side of the bridge. The dark troopers have breached the ray shields and board the cruiser. 
  “You’re about to face off with the Dark Troopers. You had your hands full with one, let’s see how you do against a platoon.” 
This was the precise moment you’d warned Din about. “Bo-Katan,” You call over your shoulder at the Princess, who turns to acknowledge you as she puts her helmet on. Now or never I guess. “Ke'pare olar, cabuor cuun adiik. Par Clan Kryze.” 
Before Bo-Katan can ask you what you’re doing, you reach into your tunic and reveal the pendant you’ve worn since long before you met Din. A token from the man who'd taken it upon himself to raise you, you’d been everywhere with the tiny silver owl that almost never left your person. 
Her breath catches in her lungs. The last time she saw that pendant... 
  “Din?” You question hesitantly and lowly enough that the others can’t hear, handing him the baby before you reach for your sabers. “Remember when I told you I was going to do something you’ve never seen before?” Din nods and tightens his grip on Grogu as you activate each saber and turn in the direction of the doors. 
The Mandalorian catches your trembling hands wrapped tightly enough around your sabers to turn your knuckles white. 
Din swallows the trepidation that lingers in his throat and squares his jaw beneath the helmet, allowing his fear of what may happen to you - despite knowing how well you can take care of yourself - to confine itself to the back of his mind. He can dwell on it later. 
You’re making the child’s safety your top priority. 
  “Don’t let it change anything.” 
You cast one last look over your shoulder at the man you love, allowing your gaze to soften as Grogu eyes him, then you, and rests a tiny hand against Din’s. He’s trying to tell you I’ll keep him safe while you’re gone. It’s sweet. Endearing. 
  “It won’t.” Din replies quietly, to which his voice then whispers I love you across your bond. Your heart nearly explodes with how gentle it is, how he chose now to tell you again after so long of having not heard it. There’s a newfound strength coursing through your body as you turn towards the doors and call to Fennec to open them. “Be safe, Sarad.” 
  “I will.” 
As someone who usually calls on the Light Side of the Force, you’re oddly coaxed to the lingering darkness in the hallways of the Cruiser. You’ve never allowed yourself to fall like the Sith do. You’d had every reason to do so over the years, and yet you never did. 
It occurs to you as you make your final stand alone that the only reason you never fell was because you found the baby. 
Oh Force... 
The metallic footsteps of the dark troopers ring in your ears as you stand vigil before the doors to the room that contains your family. Your aliit. 
Forgive me. 
  “Go on then!” You yell, hoping your voice will carry through the hallways in which they are following to lead themselves to you. “What, are you afraid of a Jedi? I’ve bested the dark, I’ve survived two wars and a mass genocide! Nothing can break me!” You twirl your wrists in the usual jar’kai motions and settle yourself into your favorite defense position. “I’m ready! Are you??” 
Outside the main viewport, a lone X-Wing flies within view with the hangar as its destination. 
Your head falls to your chest. I’m calling on you... Be with me. The steps grow closer, the anticipation of their lethal capabilities thrumming in your veins. Be with me. 
The first dark troopers circle the hall. You peer out of the alcove in which you’re hiding, position yourself in the middle of the platoon, and lift your head towards the ceiling. 
Din watches from the surveillance array as the first squad of dark troopers begins trembling. The metal crumbles beneath the weight of your Force grip. “Sarad-” He whispers, fingertips ghosting the screen as he watches the troopers turn in your direction and set their targeting systems on you. “Sarad.” 
Be with me. 
Unaware of the other Force User who’s just landed in the hangar, your head snaps upward and your instincts kick in as your sabers begin moving of their own accord. You are not the one moving with such grace, such poise, years of training in desert sands with a man who’s constantly dancing with his ghosts. 
You are not you. You are simply The Force. 
Blue collides with obsidian. Further down the hall, Grogu watches on the surveillance as his buir and the Jedi he’s called upon move to meet each other half way. 
Before you reach the newcomer, you’re nearly knocked off your feet by the way his presence radiates in The Force as you clench your hands into a fist and send the last Dark Trooper slamming into the wall. 
  “No way.” The two of you snap upward to meet each other’s gaze. It’s been years since you’ve seen that familiar face - the same familiar face you’d spent so many nights with training in the forests, the same face that had always softened as the two of you traded stories about your pasts and the Jedi who’d trained you - and it’s a welcome sight that this happens to be the Jedi that your ad’ika had called upon on Tython. “Luke?” 
The newcomer throws his hood back to meet your eyes. 
Buir. Grogu watches the surveillance screen as you and Luke join one another in the elevator. There’s one small platoon left that’s come from a separate hallway that the two of you can eliminate without barely lifting a finger. 
The powerful two Jedi can radiate. It’s cosmic. 
It’s alluring. Mesmerizing. A flurry of blue and green weaving between one another as each individual dark trooper is reduced to a pile of smoking metal. Din watches Grogu where he stands, little hand planted on the surveillance screen as the two of you emerge together from the elevator.
  “Remarkable.” Din whispers, because it is. The way that the two of you fight is almost like you were born to do it together, to fight with one another and as one another. 
The last dark trooper crumbles under Luke’s grasps. When he passes by the camera, Grogu turns to his father and tips his ears back before whining for Din to lift him up. 
  “Open the doors.” 
Din tries not to laugh at the utter indignation on Fennec’s face as he cradles the baby’s neck in his hands, moving around the bounty hunter to stand before the blast doors. He knows they’re safe when you’re standing on the other side of it. 
The crowd watches as the newcomer follows on your heels through the smoke left in the wake of your destruction, and the two of you both remove your hoods to acknowledge them. 
  “Is he... A Jedi? Like you?” 
Luke, ever the civil, folds his hands across his stomach and nods. “Yes.” He says quietly, green eyes softening as the baby peers around the edge of the chair to look at his buir and the man who has answered his call. “Come, little one.” 
Grogu looks to Din, and then to you. You can hear his question as clear as day inside your mind. 
Are you ready to let me go? 
And in that moment, everything comes crashing down in front of you. He’s asking for your permission to go with Luke. He’s asking for the permission of the woman who’d saved him and the man who’d taken it upon himself to keep him safe, to raise him, to let him go with the other Jedi in order to be properly trained. Maker knew you couldn’t do it. 
  “He doesn’t want to go with you.” 
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, my love 
  “He wants your permission. Both of you.” Luke’s voice breaks through your reverie as you hang your sabers on the belt that’s swung low across your hips. This child has been your livelihood, your reason for breathing, since the year following the genocide of the Jedi. Since you lost your world. 
And it seems like you’re about to lose it again. 
I can’t hide
I can’t hide 
I can’t hide what has come 
    “He is strong in the Force, but talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect The Child, but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.” Unfortunately for you, Luke knows you so well that he can feel the weighed projection of your feelings that emanate from you like a flare within the darkness, which is what prompts you to gently usher you towards Din. 
  “Hey, go on. This is who you belong with. He-He’s one of your kind.” 
I have to go 
I have to go
I have to go... and leave you alone... 
“I’ll see you again. I promise.” 
Wide, innocent eyes flicker between you and Din before Grogu is reaching up, ever the gentle, to press his hand against his helmet. This would be the first and most likely the only time the baby has ever seen Din’s real face. 
You flash a questioning look at the man you love. Then, without question, he wraps his fingers around the bottom of the helmet and slowly lifts it off. 
The beskar clang resounds within the bridge. 
But always know
Always know... Always know
That I love you so.. 
Your heart has begun to bleed just by watching this exchange. Din has gone so much of his life without knowing what love was, how gentle people were capable of being. That had all changed when The Child had healed The Mandalorian’s lonely heart. It had never been you. It was him who healed you both. 
Din’s lips quiver as Grogu presses his hand to a bare cheek. Your tears are becoming harder to keep at bay, and with the sudden tightness in your chest, you’re suddenly finding it incredibly difficult to breathe. Nevermind the fact that the room has suddenly begun spinning. 
 ‘’Alright, pal. It’s time to go.” Din said quietly. You aren’t entirely sure if he's talking to himself, to you, or to Grogu. “Don’t be afraid.” 
Everything around you is muted. Numb. Like your body is trying to fight a shock that you haven’t experienced since Order 66. 
Buir. A tiny whisper, echoing in the back of your mind as a gentle hand rests on your shoulder. A flash of a child’s cry echoes in your ears as a blonde woman hands a baby into the arms of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the very man who had taken it upon himself to raise you. Safe. That whisper grows into the voice of your son. Your son is staring at you over Din’s shoulder and desperately trying to call your attention as your world comes crashing at your feet. Buir is safe. 
That’s what he means. Since you’re not going to be looking over your shoulder and sleeping with one eye open anymore just because he’s in the same vicinity as you - such a powerful being inside this tiny body - now, you are safe for the first time since The Empire fell. 
The fact Grogu puts your safety over his own makes your heart break. 
  “You’re losing a child.” It’s Bo-Katan’s voice that brings you back to reality. The gentle and foreign tone she’s using is enough to jar you and bring your focus back to the matter at hand: It’s time for Grogu to be with his- your people. “It’s alright to grieve.” 
It is, but you can’t. Not right now. 
You stumble forward and wipe at your eyes as you press your front to Din’s back. He’s very clearly overwhelmed by the loss of the baby, but that doesn’t stop him from nodding in thanks to Luke. 
Goodbye, sunshine
Goodbye for now 
Your anguish is replaced by a split second of joy as Grogu looks at you, waddles forward to cradle your leg against himself and say i love you through his Force Bond before he’s turning in the direction of the astromech who’s just rolled into view. 
  “May The Force Be With You.” But before Luke walks into that elevator, he casts one last look at you. It’s the same look he gave you before you’d left to make a life for yourself. To be your own person outside of the legacy of the Jedi that you’d been brought up in. “I’m offering you the same opportunity I did when you left, Y/N. You can help me in training The Child with the new Jedi Order I intend to build. There are many young Force Sensitives to find.” He holds out his free hand and tries to hide his smile as R2 beeps his approval. “A new world. Would you like to be a part of it?” 
Through your Force Bond, you clearly feel Din’s heart drop right into his stomach and his chest tighten as reality hits him: You and the baby may be leaving him together. That would leave him alone for the first time in several years.. and Din doesn’t remember what he was like before he met the two of you, before he loved the two of you. 
He doesn’t want to go back to being a ghost. 
  “I left you for a reason, Luke.” And just like that, the infamous Mandalorian masks his shock as you step backward and right into his hold, maneuvering your arm so as to take his hand within yours. “And I have no intention to leave my aliit. Not this time.” 
Luke nods. It’s all he can do. “Very well. As I said, May The Force Be With You.’’
Grogu looks at the two of you as Luke carries him into the elevator. 
Goodbye, brown eyes 
Take care of yourself 
It is so difficult to keep your composure as your son watches the two of you disappear from view. Your knees are already trembling by the time Din pulls you into his arms, and when the elevator doors close, you throw your head back against Din’s chest and let out a wail that shatters the silence following their departure as the two of you sink to the floor. 
I have to go.. and leave you alone 
But always know that I love you so
Din’s split second decision comes as he buries his face in your hair and whispers as gently as he is able, “Marry me.” 
I love you so
Your eyes snap open to meet his own. Tear filled onyx meets your gaze as you cradle his face in your hands and kiss him - once, twice, three times until he’s open and begging and desperate for more of you - before pulling away to envelop him in the tightest embrace possible. 
Oh... he’s so wholly and wonderfully yours. 
Bo-Katan approaches you as you stand in Slave One, knees brought to your chest and chin resting upon them as she kneels in front of you. You and Din haven’t said a word since you boarded the ship, and it’s a needed silence. You must have time to process your losses. 
Why did I have to let him go? 
  “That pendant.” Bo-Katan whispers. “That pendant used to be in my family, Clan Kryze.” The former Princess of Mandalore tilts her head as your gaze remained focused on the cargo hold, eyes vacant as she continues. “It was mine. That pendant was mine and eventually passed to my sister, Satine. You know about Mandalore before the Empire, you know about Kenobi, you know about The Force.” 
Your eyes slowly shift to hers. 
  “I don’t think you’re from some backwater planet. I think you were born on Mandalore,” Her eyes soften, the first time you’ve seen her show any kind of humanity in the entire escapade since leaving the Cantina. You didn’t think she was capable of it. “I think Kenobi raised you wherever he ended up, and I think he was your Master. I think you are Mandalorian, little one.” Bo-Katan stands to her feet and hesitates for a brief moment before resting her hand against your head. “But I don’t know. I never will.” 
Your entire body sags into her touch. 
  “Be peaceful, little Jedi.” She stops before turning to look at you over her shoulder, flashing the faintest smile - one you swear you’ve seen before - before returning to her spot beside Koska. 
Your eyes flutter as you fall asleep.
The End
In the quietness of a little room in an inn on Nevarro, he asks you again. 
  “What is the hardest part about letting go?” 
And this time, you have an answer. 
  “The hardest part about letting go is knowing they’re somewhere out there in the world, away from you, and you still love them. Love them so deeply and so much that it hurts you to be away from them.” You trace the contours of his exhausted aspect, lightly poking the end of his nose just to see the toothy and bashful smile he flashes in response, and prop your head on your hand as you lightly trace his bicep with steady fingers. “You wanna know what the best thing to do is before you inevitably must let them make their own way?” Din hums his acknowledgement and opens his eyes to meet your own. “You love them. You love him..” You exhale slowly on a sigh and lean inward to press your lips to his forehead. 
Din sinks into your hold and allows you to cradle his head to your chest. You bury your face in his hair and reach into your shirt to reveal the owl pendant. 
 “And you hope it’s enough.”
Hm. Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to tell her. 
One day. 
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prose-for-hire · 4 years ago
Love, Hate, Love: Part two
Part One // Part Three
Pairing: Spike x fem!vamp!reader
Request: Spike and the reader really dislike each other until she recalls his human "identity". They were best friends as kids and wrote poetry together and upon remembering this their perception of each other begins to shift. This is part two of three.
Originally requested by: @therapieliteratur​
A/N: Head’s up: The timeframe is switched up a bit, Angel left earlier and Spike stayed in Sunnydale since like Lover’s walk or something. It’s vaguely set in season 3 but with very little season 3 written about. 
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You smiled, skipping through the tall grass. Your best Sunday dress was starched rigid. Binding. But you had not wished to change, anticipation getting the better of you.
You were going to meet him again. It was a youthful love, you had only been a teenager. It was three, maybe four years before your death. Aged twenty.
The summer was uncharacteristically warm. Your eyes viewed this dream in sepia.
There he was. Your love. He averted his gaze as soon as you approached. He did this every time. He was shy, with a poet’s heart. You had always been the more confident one. He had caught your eye, he had been in awe of you growing up. Watching you from afar.
Ever since he could remember, his eyes had only been for you.
You had started to meet this way. Stolen moments. You sat under that large oak tree, on the hill. You could see for miles from up there, but your entire world was right there beside you both.
You weren’t supposed to be here. You weren’t supposed to meet him this way, you knew it. People would talk. But your hearts had sung when you were together. You sneaked glances at each other, your faces bathing in sunlight.
God, you missed the sunlight. Those youthful eyes transfixed on your own. Sparkling in the hazy afternoon sunlight.
You both wrote poetry, that had been how your minds connected. With your hearts following. You were well-educated for the time and he adored that your wit matched his own. That he had someone that could appreciate beauty and every other emotion you could find in nature. In life. Even in death.
You hid the last one close to your chests. It was macabre and others may have laughed. Others did laugh. When you spoke of life and love and death.
You had been viewed as outcasts but nothing mattered when you were together. When you had affirmations of his blossoming love.
Oh, you wrote such poetry. Together you could change the direction that the Earth would turn. Your love, your sweet and undying affections could stop the world on its very axis. You often read aloud. Your own work and others. You gushed over the others beautiful prose.
But this day, this one was special.
He had asked you to marry him that day. Through his carefully thought-out poem. You were both young, but there was no question in your mind. You had known him since you were a child. Your love growing from childlike friendship to subtle affection, before weaving into this unquestionable love. The foundations of your adoration so solid. There was no doubt in your mind.
This thought stuck with you, in your dream. You remember it now. This was a memory, no mere dream.
His love had made you weep like a baby. You could feel the salty tears welling, threatening to spill over your cheeks. Your hand grasped his, so tight.
This was his turn for tears to well.
You were just smiling at each other now. You leaned in, initiating this. He had been anxiously awaiting this moment. Had written of it over feverishly. And you felt this now, where you hadn’t in reality. You felt his emotions, knowing they were pure. A pure love.
Your lips met, in a sweet kiss. It was simple and quick, but it was new to you both. Your lips barely grazed his and you found yourself instantly wanting more.
But, you pulled back to look at him. I mean, really looked at him.
Your decades rushed back to you. The wisdom of your age, all you had seen. Growing out of your naivety and the promise of this sweet matrimony. The wedding that never was.
You suddenly recognised him. You knew who was looking back. And you noticed he was doing the same thing. Scanning your face, trying to recall more of this forgotten youthful romance. This innocent love you had shared.
Something shifted as the penny dropped. The recognition. A storm started around you, one that had never occurred on that day. It had been a happy day, you hadn’t known what was to come.
You both started to be pulled in opposite directions.
You tried to cling to him, your hands grasping for him and he reached out. Trying to take your hand. You screamed, being pulled out of the dream backwards.
You recognised that look in his eye. Those crystal blue eyes that had seen you with such favour in your youth. Was the man, no, vampire you now detested.
And you knew it was him. Really him. He was dreaming the same thing. You didn’t know how, but you did.
You woke up with a start. You sat up instantly in bed, breathing heavily despite there being no need. You ran your hand through your hair in disbelief.
Oh no. Oh, God, no.
Don’t let it be him.
It stung. That your only true love could be the root of your current hate. This man, this infuriating man who stood for everything you now fought against.
Oh, you hated him so. For making you feel this way. All these contradictions weaved into the crumbs of affection that were starting to surround you. Leading you to a path you hadn’t travelled since. It was overgrown now, your heart protected by thorned bushes. By barbed wire and electric fencing.
You had let nobody in the same since. Had hidden yourself away, made yourself more reserved. Especially since regaining your soul.
Dreams are funny things. Sometimes abstract. Often a reflection of your subconscious. And apparently, today, they were shared memories of a lifetime ago. You hadn’t even thought about until it all came rushing to the surface that day.
Neither of you knew why now. Why had your minds hidden such glorious moments of your youth?
Of course, you both knew the answer. It was too painful. To remember what happened. The love. The loss.
At the same moment as you, he woke up with a start. His hand still outstretched for you as if he could have pulled you back out of that dream with him. Back into his bed, the way he had dreamed of having you all those years ago.
Oh no. Oh, God, no.
Don’t let it be her.
“Anybody but bloody her” He muttered, pulling the covers from his body in disdain and stalking towards his mini-fridge to get out some blood.
He hated thinking about who he had once been. William. He could barely remember much of that life anymore. He had consciously ignored that part of himself. But now it was all he could think of.
You. Oh God, how he had adored you. He couldn’t recall even now feeling as elated as he had when you had agreed. That summer’s afternoon. Sneaking around after and finding places to kiss you. To hold you.
Stupid, lovesick idiot. That was all he had even thought to do at the time.
His mind swam with such contradictory thoughts. Of course he had tried to reach for you, yesterday. To comfort you. Because you were her. God, he hated you for that.
You both spent that night walking directionless through your own memories. Ones that only now had been unlocked again. It was painful, bittersweet.
The gnawing realisation that your hearts were tugging you closer towards the other was ignored. Pushed away.
You couldn’t.
He couldn’t.
Not again.
You were sat in the demon bar. You had steered well clear for a few weeks but there really was nothing like drowning guilt, sorrow and now a fixation on a vampire you had thought you hated like drinking alcohol beside demons that loathed you as much as you loathed yourself.
And, of course, just as you ordered your drink he arrived.
You caught each other’s eye briefly. Both snapping your gaze away immediately once the other met your eye. He didn’t make a beeline towards you straight away like he usually would. You didn’t keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t doing anything stupid this time. You wouldn’t dare let him see you looking.
It had been every day since last you saw each other. The same, or similar dreams. Of your youth. Your love. It was hard to face someone after that.
After a long while of arguing with his own mind, he moved to look at you. His silent strength (that you had loved about him) now showing. He would have to study your face, he couldn’t not. He had to check that it was you.
He sighed, taking a massive gulp from his drink. You were so different. Not in appearance but in character. You looked almost broken now. Melancholia pumped through your heart rather than blood. He could tell, his heart almost ached, knowing you were wracked by guilt or whatever it was that happened when vampires gained souls.
You looked up, glaring at him before dropping your look to your drink despite it never doing anything to you. He couldn’t not say anything. What had once been a quiet courage was now a bolder one.
“Oh, look it’s the Slayer’s pet. She loosened the leash tonight, did she? Let you walk around all by yourself?” He prodded. But his heart wasn’t in it, you could hear his usual amusement was failing him tonight. You stayed silent hoping he would just go. For very different reasons than from your last interaction.
You had been exhausted last time, indifferent.
Now it was because it was starting to mean too much. Hurt too much to look at him.
“Pet?” He asked, knowing you didn’t like it. Usually made you talk to him when he called you that. You just continued to stare into your drink, but words started to form in your mouth. A way you wouldn’t speak anymore.
“My heart is leaden, to my grave the thoughts do beckon.”  You recited the line from memory. A memory you hadn’t been aware of until recently. You didn’t look up from your drink, you were aching. Guilt and sorrow and him.
His eyes widened, he knew those words. It was you. It had only ever been you.
He couldn’t stop the words that left his mouth, the desperate grasping at the past, “Y-you saw it too, didn’t you?” He pressed. His voice wavered and his jaw tensed at his own nature. His eyes willed you to agree, willed you to show him that you hadn’t changed beyond repair. Hadn’t hardened the way he never thought you could.
“I don’t know what you mean” You said shortly, getting up and downing your drink before moving to walk away.
He swung you around to face him. Your fist clenched expecting a fight. But there was no more fight. You just stared at each other, feeling the proximity more intimately than you ever had before.
Your faces started to soften and you felt it. Because his touch was now reminding you of how he had held you. Stolen kisses and silent confessions of affection. Handwritten love notes and poetry that would make you fall deeper in love. Sunkissed faces and those freckles he used to get when the summer was particularly warm.
Oh God you just wanted to lean in and kiss him and now he was feeling exactly the same. Your minds fought against the embrace.
He dropped your arm as if it was white-hot. Scolding him. As if he couldn’t bear it.
It hurt you both. Stung. His action. You were both in your own heads though. Your minds in turmoil, a tsunami of your own making.
You hated that it was the other. You hated that your hearts had started to hope. You hated that a part of you would easily trade in everything to be back in your dreams. Or to really be back there. Together.
How could it be him? How could that beautiful man, with that beautiful heart, be him. The killer of slayers. The evil, big bad that tried to kill the only people that had been kind to you since you moved here.  
How could it be her? How could that once confident, glowing woman be you. The miserable, brooding souled vampire. The one that shone with arrogant self-righteousness. Tried to be good.
Without a word you just walked away from each other. No fight. No subtle jabs at the others opposing nature.
Words failed you now, but your minds spun. Such discordant unending lines of jarring poetry. Cut and spliced together. Love and hate and hope and dread.
It was all-consuming.
Because neither of you were so sure that you were these opposites. Not anymore.
The next day you were sat in the Sunnydale school library. It was a lot different from the education you remember. For the better, you decided.
You were supposed to be lending your expertise, what with the age and knowledge of the demon you were facing this week. But you weren’t really contributing.
You could get quiet sometimes and Angel had warned them not to press you too much about it, understanding why. But you weren’t usually like this. You didn’t brood like Angel did, but you were very obviously troubled by your past.
The group had taken you in, they were fond of you. You had lived through most of their troubles already so you gave them advice when you could. Even with Giles, you offered assistance that he took gratefully. You were the one vampire with a soul he could actually rely on after what happened with Angelus last year.
You were staring at a book as if it were written in gibberish. You were like a statue, you weren’t breathing or blinking.
“What’s up with spooky the soul-haver?” Xander whispered, as if you couldn’t hear it. The boy thought you would have a romance like Buffy and Angel’s. You told him otherwise. He was working on accepting it. Still.
“She’s been having dreams” Willow shrugged, it was all she could get out of you. Buffy looked up, slightly worried. She knew Angel had struggled with visions and bad dreams.
“Spooky can totally hear the human gremlins when they speak words” You muttered and Xander went red, and the others’ eyes scattered away from you which made you half-smile. You began to explain a quick excuse but you were quickly cut off.
“Don’t wig, it’s so far beyond nothing-”
“Slayer!” A familiar voice shouted, “Slayer, come out and face me!”
He had become tired of hiding in the shadows. Since Dru left. He wanted to beat the Slayer. Do something to take his mind off you. He slammed his hand on the walls as he stalked along looking for her.
Everyone shared a look and Buffy took the nearest weapon to her, a sword, and sped off through the corridors to find him before he ran into a teacher who had stayed behind to catch up on their lesson plans.
Both fought, hard. Trading blows with Buffy nicking his skin with the sword. You uncharacteristically stayed to the side.
It was equally matched until Buffy held his shoulder, he had cast an eye towards you. She took the chance and slid the hilt deep into his torso. He groaned in pain. You felt it as if she had struck you herself. You clutched your own body, where the wound was on his.
She didn’t stake him, as if he weren’t worth it. Merely warning him to give up. Buffy turned, satisfied and the others began walking away. Leaving him wounded, his knees buckled and he was on the floor.
All you could think was that he was hurt.
“William!” You shouted without thinking. It was him, no matter what had happened since. It was him.
Your mask had slipped. He saw those kind eyes. You used to look after him, the one that would try to fight any of the bullies of your youth. He had held you back more than once, fearing you would get a reputation. For being improper. And he, for being laughable. Emasculated.
“Didn’t think you cared, sweet” He said, his tone still hard. So different from the lyrical assurances he would whisper in your ear. But the moniker gave him away. Sweet.
He had always called you that. His sweet.
“I-I don’t…” You lied. This was the first time you understood properly that those feelings hadn’t been lost in your youth. They had been hidden. Repressed. Because it was so painful. There had always been something missing, only now you realised.
Losing his favour had been more painful than your own death.
William was waiting at the chapel, the entire day was thick with humidity. The skies grey and threatening to spill.
You had chosen an intimate service. Something that was yours. Just you and those that would witness the union. You would leave your hometown and make a life together. Away from the hard eyes and cruel tongues.
“Oh, I am the very spirit of vexation! Where is my wife to be?” William paced, the sun was starting to set. Darkness settling in.
“She will be timely, do not fret” the vicar spoke with assurance but he was concerned.
Time spun. It slowed and started to stop, dying as his hope did. You never came. He waited into the evening but you never arrived.
He wept, his heart broken and leaking. Salt water rubbing into the wound. Unimaginable pain. He ran. Sobs echoing around the empty chapel.
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years ago
And Into The Fire
Chapter 12: A Definitely-Not-Plan
Summary: Months after the Mitchells saved the world, Linda gets a phone call asking if she’s seen two defective Pal MAX bots. Powerful people are after Eric and Deborabot 5000, and it’s up to the Mitchells to protect them.
Taglist: @squidsushi , @astro-aye , @shitmyex, @sharks-are-friendly, @snakeguy99
Check reblogs for AO3 link!
A Definitely-Not-Plan
One of the worst parts of being a parent, Linda thought, was having to wake up your children when they were sound asleep with peace written all over their faces. As their original plan of spending the night at the campsite was discarded without warning, Aaron fell asleep very quickly into their high-speed journey to Silicon Valley. Even Rick (who had been adamant that he would stay awake) began to snore after an hour or so.
She hadn’t minded. She would much rather her boys be well-rested for whatever they were about to face.
While driving, it felt like the journey was taking forever. But now that they’d arrived it felt like it had taken no time at all. They weren’t too far from the massive Pal Labs facility that looked very menacing as it loomed in the near-distance.
They’d arrived at their destination. And she had no idea where to go from here. Unless they simply charged into the building…
Doing her best to brush all illegal-sounding thoughts from her mind, Linda continued to gently shove her son awake.
“Aaron, sweetie, we’re here.”
“Mmm not yet, Mom...”
She briefly considered leaving Aaron in the car to let him sleep. Which, although it may keep him safe, could also result in him being in a whole different danger that was out of their control. She’d rather keep him close.
“Rise and shine, son.” Rick said, purposefully speaking in a louder tone which caused Aaron to wince and squeeze his eyelids shut tighter. “We need to rescue the bots.”
That caused Aaron to stir a little. “But it’s still dark.”
It was true, dawn was only just beginning to break and soon they would lose the cover of darkness. But at least there was a chance, as small as it may be, that fewer people would be there due to it being the middle of the night.
However, Linda doubted it. Especially if both of the bots were inside.
“So what’s the plan, Lin?” Rick asked her once Aaron began to sleepily climb out of the car.
Shoot. She’d promised to have thought up a plan by the time they’d arrived in exchange for letting her drive the car. And in her defence she had tried, but without knowing what the situation was going to be like she couldn’t think of anything apart from…
“We storm in there and demand that they give them back.”
The hesitance on Rick’s face was totally justified. “Uhh, are you sure? No offence but that sounds like a pretty dumb plan, dear.”
“Got any better ideas?” She quipped back. And although it sounded sarcastic, the question was completely genuine.
“Why don’t you just pay for the bots?” Aaron supplied, shutting the car door in a way that sounded far too loud for the serenity of the night around them. “Just buy them off Pal Labs then they’ll leave us alone.”
“Aar, that’s a great idea!” Rick exclaimed in a hushed voice. “We may be completely broke afterwards, but it is a good idea.”
Linda had to admit that the idea was smart and even had a better chance of working than her plan. But there was something about the notion of having to buy her sons back that didn’t sit well with her. To treat them as collectable items, as inhuman as they were, went against all of her instincts.
(Her… sons? The bots. Her boys. Her… sons.)
“Let’s keep that as a last resort.”
“Yeah, that’s a better idea.” Rick agreed. “I’d like to save my money if possible, 'specially since I’m not working at the moment.”
She smiled at her small victory. Now came the hard part. “So… shall we go?”
“What, we just drive right up to them and walk in?” Rick frowned. “We really don’t have a better plan?”
“We never have a plan.” Aaron added from below them. “But we always win in the end, don’t we?”
Linda bit back a comment about how last time was nothing but pure luck. She also admired her son’s optimism and tried to let some of it sink in to calm her own nerves.
“You’re right.” She said, bending down to kiss Aaron’s forehead. “We’ll get them back.”
Even if it meant having to tear the whole building to the ground.
“I don’t understand.” Muttered Katie. “So you were trying to decommission them?”
“That’s what I thought they were trying to do.” Mark replied. “That’s what I was trying to do, but apparently that wasn’t the plan. They want one disassembled and one online for some reason.”
With Agent Ward busy elsewhere and due to the lack of agents/employees at this time of night, nobody was able to supervise the two as they sat in the locked office. It gave them an ample opportunity to have a private chat.
And it also allowed Katie to gather as much information about what the hell was going on here.
“Right… but why?”
Mark shrugged. “Beats me. Unless they want to build their own robot army-”
He paused abruptly- a look of horror growing on his face.
“Oh my god they wanna build a robot army.”
Katie wasn’t even surprised. Of course that was what they were planning, what else could it be? The robots had already proved their worth at being able to take over the world, just imagine what they would be able to do if they were utilized by the government of any country, let alone the United States.
“...Are you sure you can put him back together?” She asked quietly.
Mark Bowman blinked. “What?”
“Eri- uh, that Pal MAX bot in the lab.”
He furrowed his brows. “I’m pretty sure. I specifically told them not to break anything when taking it apart, whether they listened or not is out of my hands.”
They fell into silence for a few moments. Mark was sitting in his wheelie chair while Katie sat on the computer desk at the side of the room. It was surprisingly comfortable.
It was Mark that was the first to speak up again.
“You called it Eric.”
Katie hung her head. It sounded a lot more like an accusation than a comment. “Yeah… I did.”
“Why?” Mark Bowman continued. “Because the Evil Warden can’t be right, you and your family aren’t actually-”
“Working with them?” Katie finished. “I mean yeah, if adopting them counts.”
She knew it was probably a bad idea to tell him the truth, but she really needed an ally in this place, and since Mark Bowman seemed to be a prisoner in his own facility he was the best (and only) person for the job.
It took a few seconds for the implications to sink in.
“...You what? Adopted them?”
“Yeah.” Said Katie nonchalantly. “They helped us save the world, actually. A dinosaur fell on them and they turned defective and told us how to stop Pal. We literally couldn't have done it without them.”
The expression on Mark Bowman’s face was priceless.
“It's a long story. And then when all the other robots switched off, they had nowhere to go so we took them in.”
Mark looked stunned. “So you use them like normal? Get them to cook and clean and stuff?”
“God, no!” Katie cried. “They’re a part of the family! They’re practically children and they have their own personalities and everything. They gave themselves the names ‘Eric’ and ‘Deborahbot 5000’.”
“...And ‘Eric’ is chopped up on a table in Lab 5.”
Katie sighed, the memory of what she’d seen flashing through her mind. “Yeah. That’s it.”
“Well that makes a lot more sense.” Said Mark. “I still think turning them off is the best option though. They may seem nice, but they’re dangerous-”
“No they’re not! They’re absolutely harmless! Deborahbot practically started crying when he stood on a beetle by accident!”
Mark scoffed, but at least he didn’t argue.
“We all love them.” She added. “We just want them back. And I’m pretty sure the whole world is safer if they’re with my family instead of the CIA.”
Mark seemed to contemplate this for a few moments. “I mean…”
All of a sudden, the computer behind Katie began to flash red, causing her to jump straight off and Mark to leap onto his feet.
“What’s that?!” Questioned Katie, pointing at the screen that was flashing the words: CODE #15.
“That’s the alarm.” Said Mark worriedly, rushing to the computer. “Someone’s broken in.”
Comments make my day! :)
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mochegato · 4 years ago
Enemy Mine
(Part one of the Jasonette Mine series)
Red Hood heard the thud behind him midsentence, which was rude, really. They could have at least waited until he was finished with his instructions.  He hung his head and let out a long, deep sigh.  “Damn it.”  He would have pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration if he hadn’t been wearing his full helmet.  He motioned to the henchman next to him to wait a second.  He needed to gauge how bad things were before coming up with a plan. There was still a chance to save this operation, depending on who it was and whether he could distract them enough.
He turned slowly and let out a low growl.  That was not who he wanted to see.  Ladybug here was worse than Batman, it meant the rest were likely to come to back her up at the first indication of an issue.  The others he could appeal to their vanity and let them think they could handle it alone, maybe even distract them long enough to complete the mission, but she wasn’t nearly so arrogant.  Not to mention Bruce seemed to keep an extra close eye on Ladybug when she was dealing with him, like he was more worried about him than one of the other rogues.  
But ultimately, the real reason he didn’t want her here now was he didn’t want her to know what he was about to do.  He wasn’t afraid she would get hurt.  She could protect herself better than any of the rest of the bats and he would protect her if it came down to it.  What he couldn’t protect her from was seeing what he was about to do.  But it was too late to turn back now.  There was too much riding on it.  He turned back to his henchman.  “Continue on like we planned.  Get everything ready.”
“And her?” the henchman gritted out with a glare at her.
“I'll handle her,” Red Hood assured him and nodded toward the door.
As soon as the door was closed, Red Hood turned to her with a killer smile she couldn’t see under his helmet.  Time to distract.  And if that included charming the pants off of her, God he wished that could be literal, so be it.  “So you’re going to handle me, huh?  What exactly does that entail?” she asked with a teasing smile.
He let a breath out.  He wasn’t prepared for her to flirt back.  “Ladybug,” he answered as casually as he could and nodded to her.  “We've got to stop meeting like this.”
“Whenever you're ready to walk away from this life, I'll happily work with you instead of against you.”  She moved into the office and perched on the edge of his desk.  “Until then though, this is the only way we will.”
He tracked her movements and let his eyes linger on her as she leaned back on his desk.  He took another breath and let it out slowly.  He needed to focus.  Today was too important.  “That's something to consider, beautiful.”
She raised an eyebrow at him.  The seriousness of her expression was offset by the amused glint in her eyes.  “You trying to charm me out of fighting?”
He leaned closer to her.  “You saying I could?”
She cocked her head to the side as if in thought. “Hmmm.  Not today.  But by all means, continue trying.  It’s much more enjoyable than the tactics most rogues take.”
He chuckled and leaned away again.  “If I was trying to charm you, you'd be charmed, Princess.  I’m just stating facts.”
She looked down for a few seconds.  When she looked back up at him it was softer and shyer than he had seen her before.  “Does that mean I have a chance at talking you into leaving this life?”  She kept her eyes on him for a few more seconds as if trying to gauge his response, but he just sat there frozen.  Seemingly finding her answer, she moved over to the large window overlooking the warehouse floor.  “Because this is kind of a big operation to just walk away from.”
He moved next to her and crossed his arms.  “Hey, this operation keeps drugs off the streets and keeps the pedophiles away from the kids.”
Her eyes softened.  “I know,” she said gently.  Her eyes became harder.  “But that's not what this is about today. Is it? This is about solidifying your control.”
“Which I need to do in order to continue to help,” he pointed out sharply.
“This going to get people hurt.”
“We're trying to minimize that.  Try to limit it just to the people who deserve to be hurt.”
“And who’s that?  Who deserves to be hurt, to be killed?  Does just being around make a death sentence deserved?”
Red Hood scoffed.  “If one person dies it's too much, huh?  Sharing the Bat’s beliefs now?” he jeered at her.
Ladybug looked at him curiously. Not at all put off by the false persona he was putting on.   “I’m not a fan of death, I'll grant you. I never have been.  Creation, you know?” she motioned to herself with a small, wry smile.  “But I’m more concerned about who's going to die.”
“Nobody is going to get hurt but the people in that building, Pixie.”  He propped his arm on the wall next to her and leaned closer to her.  “I don’t suppose you’d trust me on that.”
She looked at him analytically for a few seconds.  “Do you know why I’m here?”
He rolled his eyes and leaned away from her.  “To ruin my fun?”
“Added bonus, definitely,” she smirked at him, “but not the original intent.” Her face suddenly took on a more serious expression.  “I’m here to warn you…”
“Oh?” he cut her off sharply.  His eyes shone dangerously as he moved closer to her until he towered over her, looking down at her with a malevolent smile.  “Warn me about what?”
Ladybug straightened up and met his eyes unintimidated.  Red Hood cursed his helmet for hiding his normal intimidation tactics.  “We know about the plan…” she continued.
“And the Bat is planning on interfering?” he cut her off again, moving even closer until their chests were almost touching, a hard edge in his voice.
Ladybug raised an eyebrow, but didn’t back away.  “And,” she started, letting her annoyance at him not getting her point and repeatedly cutting her off show in her tone, “Batman knows and intends to stop it before it happens,” she confirmed, “but how do you think we found out?  It wasn’t from one of your guys.  They know you’re coming.  They’re prepared.  This isn’t going to be as easy as you thought.”
His body went rigid.  He looked past her onto his warehouse floor watching his men as they finished the last of the preparations.
Ladybug watched him closely for a few seconds.  “Did I lose your attention so quickly?  My information not interesting enough to keep your attention? Or are you already planning something to hurt all of us?”
“Never to hurt you, Pixie.  And you’re more than enough to keep my attention,” he answered sincerely if a bit distractedly.  “But, that's not one of my guys.”
“What?”  She whipped around to look out over the warehouse too.
“I know everyone who works for me.”  His voice was forcefully calm as his eyes flicked from person to person. He pointed at someone loading a box.  “He doesn't.”  His eyes frantically searched.  If there was one, there was more.  “Neither is he.  Damn it.  This is an ambush.”
Red Hood rushed to the computer at his desk and started pressing keys to flip through security camera footage.  “Son of a…”
“What?”  Ladybug was next to him in an instant looking at the screens too.
“You were right.  They knew and they brought the fight to us,” he growled making a mental calculation of how many people were surrounding his warehouse and their weapons.
Ladybug sucked in a breath and reached up to tap the com in her ear. Red Hood grabbed her arm before she could notify the rest of the bats.  “We don’t need them here,” he growled.
Ladybug’s face scrunched up in annoyance.  “This is out of your control now.  There’s too many of them and they are too well armed.”
“My men and I can handle this,” he growled at her.
Ladybug let out a frustrated huff.  “You saw how many of them there are out there!  And some are already inside!”
“I don’t need his help.  We. Can. Handle. This,” he insisted, crossing his arms across his chest.  “We have a stockpile of armaments here.  We can defend ourselves without outside help.”
Ladybug let out a frustrated, muted scream as she pulled on her hair.  He moved closer and raised an arm intending to squeeze her shoulder comfortingly.  Instead, she turned to face him and shoved his shoulder hard enough for him to stumble back.  “You are just bound and determined to get yourself killed, aren’t you?” she hissed at him.  She stood up to her full height, her back ramrod straight, an angry frown on her lips. “And what good does that do anyone? How does that help… the street kids?”
Hood’s eyes softened, his shoulders dropped slightly.  “Just the street kids you’re worried about?” he teased lightly. “Better be careful, Pixie.  I might start to think you like me.”
She huffed and looked away.  After a second, she looked back at him with a determined set to her face.  “So what’s the plan?”
“You’re going to help?” he asked, too shocked by her willingness to help to keep it out of his voice.
“This is going to get bad, especially if they get to the stockpile. I want to contain the damage. But,” she turned to him with a warning in her voice, “I won’t just stop them.  I’ll stop everyone I come across.  I’m not going to kill or let you or your men kill and I need to be seen stopping both sides so rumors of favoritism don’t start spreading.  That wouldn’t be good for either one of us.”
Red Hood nodded in understanding and smiled at the thought of them working together, even if his hands were tied in the process.  He moved a step closer to her and leaned his head until he was just a few inches from her.  “But I am right?  Your favorite.”
Ladybug stared at him for a moment and opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed her mouth and looked back through the window.  “Let’s get moving.  We don’t have time to waste.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded with a grin as he followed her through the door, guns drawn.  Ladybug eyed the guns and raised an eyebrow.  “Yeah, yeah, non-fatal shots, I know.”  Ladybug nodded and unhooked her yoyo, continuing down the steps.
“What’ll you do now?” Ladybug asked after all the Penguin’s men had been piled up in a few vans and taken back to be dropped off without their phones or wallets a long way from Gotham.
Red Hood shrugged considerably more casually than he felt.  He watched her from the corner of his eye, noting her hesitance and awkwardness. She was shuffling from foot to foot almost like she was hesitant to leave and he desperately wanted her to stay. He wanted to keep her next to him and make sure she was safe and protected, warm and smiling.  But he didn’t have time today.  Today, tonight, he had other priorities.  “Check on my guys.  Check on the families of the ones that fell.  Figure out the mole.  Move to a new base.”
Her face fell slightly, but she nodded.  “Ah.”
Red Hood took off his helmet as he moved closer to her. He cupped her face.  “You could help,” he suggested softly.
Ladybug leaned into his hand but gave him a bittersweet smile and shook her head.  “Not going to help a crime boss.”
Red Hood sighed and removed his hand.  He looked down and nodded.  “Yeah, I understand.  Thanks for not taking me in.  I guess that’s the best I can get today.”
Ladybug nodded and looked away sadly.  She gave him one last smile before she pulled out her yoyo.  “Yeah. Night, Jason.”  After a moment’s hesitation slung it out and swung into the night.
Red Hood nodded to her and watched as she swung away. His chest tightened as he watched her leave.  It was getting hard to take a full breath and getting harder the further away she got. His eyes followed her until he couldn’t make her out against the city nightscape.  “Night, Marinette,” he whispered to nobody.
Continued in Mine Protector
@jasonette-july-event @maribatserver
120 notes · View notes
taeminyourmind · 4 years ago
Music and Us x Taemin (M)
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Genre - Fluff, Smut (protected sex), Strangers to Lovers
Synopsis - Brought together by music, you and Taemin begin a friendship that flourishes into a romance. After a year together, you tell Taemin that you’re ready, and he makes it his priority to make your first time gentle.
Words - 6.5k+
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Whitney Houston’s How Will I Know blasts through the store’s speakers while you straighten the crates of records. Closing time is lurking in the shadows to release you from your shift so you can enjoy the night. 
Tonight was unusually warm, making people swarm the sidewalk and streets - groups of friends joke around while playfully pushing one another, people are drunkenly clinging to one another and slurring their words before laughing, people in their business attire loosened their buttons and ties as they navigate through the crowd. You love watching people walk by and sometimes wonder what their lives are like - Are they happy? Where are they going? Have they had their heart broken recently? Are they in love? But the one thing that keeps you on the night shift is the city’s lights that cast the buildings in neon hues. Something is addicting about its beauty.
Spinners is a record store that sits towards the edge of Myeondong shopping street. It's run by an older gentleman named Gio who wants to share his love of vinyl with Seoul. When you met him for an interview you were hired right away for the night shift so he could go home and be with his wife and toddler. Besides that, Gio is a private fellow whom you don’t know much more about. You’ve learned through the years that some things are meant to be unknown.
The song’s powerful vocals and perky 80s dance beat make a great combination that it’s impossible to not move along with its melody. The song’s composition engulfs your mind and transports you to the middle of a brightly colored dance floor, alone with only the music to keep you company. While you sway your body, mouthing the words to yourself, you fail to notice someone has entered the store.
“Encore!” A voice exclaimed when the song ends causing you to jump at the sudden noise. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright. I’m just a little embarrassed, I was expecting anyone to be here. Did you need any help?”
There’s a height difference between you and the young man standing in front of you. His broad shoulders are the first things you see until your eyes travel up more to see his face. His black hair is parted down the middle with the bangs slightly covering his eyes, on his ears, his cross earring reflects the store’s lights.
“I’m here to pick up an order,” he answers with a smile.
The records that are resting in your arms are soon put down before you go behind the register. Taemin follows and stands on the other side, his eyes looking at the posters and signed memorabilia hanging on the walls.
“I love coming in here,” he says.
“Do you come here often?”
“At least twice a week. But I worked late, so I came tonight.”
“That explains why I don’t remember your face,” you smile and look behind you at the boxes of orders. “What’s your name?”
“Lee Taemin.”
“Lee Taemin,” you say repeatedly to yourself as your eyes scan the names in front of the packages. “Here it is.”
You grab the package and place it on the counter while you enter the information into the computer system. While the loading screen swirled, you take a few glances at Taemin who’s leaning against the counter on one elbow, his head turned to watch the people go by the window. The different colors of neon lights paint over his face to create a watercolor design. From the side, you can better see his features - he is a rare beauty.
The sound of a receipt printing snaps you out your trance and makes Taemin turn to look at you. A soft smile appears on his face when your eyes lock for a moment.
“Here’s your order,” you say.
When you look up, you see the boy lost in a trance. You wave your hand in front of his face but to no avail. It’s not until you snap your fingers that he breaks his trance.
“Something on your mind?” You ask while handing him his package that he tucks under his arm.
Taemin stays still for a moment before sliding a hand in his pocket and bringing out a small piece of yellow paper. He hands you the paper and your eyes skim over the words that talk about an upcoming show for artists and musicians.
“I’m going to perform some songs,” he says. “Some covers and some original work.”
“So, you’re a singer?” You inquire while leaning forward on the counter.
“Will you come?” His fingers brush against your hand to point at the details on the bottom of the paper.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you answer while avoiding eye contact.
“What’s your name?”
“___,” he repeats with a smile. “You won’t regret it if you come.”
He turns on his heels and walks towards the door. When his back faces you, you look up and watch how his poised body moves - his head held and his broad shoulders swaying confidently. His dark backside contrasts with the bright neon lights that shine through the window. Your mind swirls as you look down at the paper in front of you - should you or should you not go? It’s been a while since you went out and had fun, and you decided it’s time you go out and enjoy yourself.
“I think I’ll be able to make it,” you call out to the boy.
Taemin stops with his hand on the door and turns to look at you.
“Alright, ___,” he smiles before winking. “I’ll see you then.”
Taemin pushes the door open and disappears into the crowd. You rush to the door to switch off the open sign and spot Taemin among the crowd, your eyes following him until he’s out of sight. You feel yourself breathe for the first time since he came into the store. Were you holding your breath the whole time? Or were you trying to control yourself from letting any feelings show through. You shake your head and switch the sign off.
“I just met him,” you say to yourself while locking the store’s door. “No way I caught feelings that fast.”
Taemin’s face continues to pop into your mind as you put things in place to close the store. Your eye catches the yellow paper resting on the counter when you shut down the computer. Placing it in your back pocket, you grab your bag and bike from the back and exit the store. The street is less busy as the night goes on making it easy to lock the doors and pull down the security gate. You thought the bike ride home would help you clear Taemin out your mind, but all that does is solidify him in your thoughts and make you wish for Wednesday to quickly come.
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Each day seemed drawn-out as Wednesday approached. The hours seemed longer and you found yourself unable to get proper rest and wishing the day to quickly go by. When Wednesday finally came, its hours teased you as you watched the clock move at a glacial pace. You had gotten permission from Gio to close early, which also resulted in a tease about you having a crush.
The night sky blankets the city with its building beginning to display their colorful neon signs. The sidewalk begins to flood with characters of all ages as the sounds of night fill the air. You change into a green silk blouse, black leather pants, and a gold heel. You close the store for the night and find yourself flowing the flow of the crowd. There’s a feeling of excitement leaping around your chest as you are engulfed in the night scene. You stand at a crosswalk, waiting for the okay to walk, and look at HoneyB’s bright honeycomb sign.
HoneyB’s is a place where music and food lovers can come and indulge in these pleasures without judgment. They pride themselves in supplying homemade food and providing live entertainment from local talent. It’s a hot place to perform if you’re an up-and-coming artist because many music executives frequent there.
You walk through the honeycomb-shaped doors and are immediately greeted with the aroma of hotteok. The interior decoration was a combination of peach yellows and olive greens with gold accents relating to bees along the walls and tables and its floor was brown laminate wood flooring. 
You take a seat in the back where you have a clear view of the presenter on stage. He’s wearing navy blue thick-framed glasses and a maroon suit with intricate gold accents and a black tie. He exudes charisma as he interacts with the audience and cracks a couple of jokes that make you chuckle. Each time he steps on stage to present the next artist you feel your stomach flip, hoping to hear Taemin’s name. And each time his name isn’t called, you feel a little disappointed.
“And now ladies and gentlemen, the man you’ve all been waiting for,” the present zealously began. “Taemin!”
The sound of Taemin’s name piqued your attention. You raise your head and watch the lights dim as the room explodes in applause. Taemin seems to glide when he walks to take his place behind the microphone. A short sleeve fitted blue jumpsuit with black belts fastened around his waist drapes his body as one arm sports a black leather glove that goes up to his elbow. His hair is gelled back and his eyes are covered in a dark eyeshadow. The outfit complements his body and you scold yourself taking in his physique.
From the moment the music began to eerily play from the speakers, you are hypnotized by the way his body is fluidly moving with the rhythm and hits each beat. And then, he begins to sing in a sultry tone that takes over the music. He grips the microphone stand while his body moves provocatively against it as if it were a person. His moves mesmerize you and his voice captivates you. If nobody else in this world was born to do so, he was born to be a performer.
The audience erupts in applause and whistles when his set ends. The overwhelming support makes Taemin put his hand on his heart and smile bashfully. He collects the roses that are thrown on stage and bows before exiting.
“He’s amazing!”
“Do you think we can sign him?”
“I hear he only performs twice a month and for a lot of money. And if he’s pulling crowds like this, I understand why.”
So many people talk loudly to praise Taemin’s performance and make you feel proud to see how many enjoyed his performance. With Taemin as the last act, the house band begins playing jazz classics. Your body sways with the melody until a rose appears in front of your eyes. Your eyes follow the arm and see Taemin smiling warmly at you. You take the rose in your hands while he takes the seat beside you, placing the rest of the roses on the table.
“What’s this for?” You ask while smiling at the rose and then at him.
“For coming tonight.”
He scoots his chair closer to yours and turns his body so he faces you. He leans his elbow on the table and rests his cheek in his palm. His eyes study your face as you admire the rose in your hand.
“You did amazing,” you compliment. “You’re amazing.”
“Oh, no,” he humbly answers.
“Oh, c’mon,” you say while softly pushing him. “You can say you’re amazing. There’s nothing wrong with boasting a little.”
“Okay, I am kind of amazing.”
The two of you remain quiet and enjoy the next two selections from the band. Now and then someone will notice Taemin and congratulate him on his successful performance, and each time, Taemin humbly thanks them.
“Have you ever thought about going into the business,” you ask before the band starts their next selection.
“Think? I dream about it!” He exclaims. “I love performing. There’s nothing more I want to do than be on stage and entertain.”
His face lights up in his excitement. His eyes are wide and his hands move along with his words that are flying from his mouth. The passion he possesses for the stage is a rare thing to see these days; many people you know are miserable in their jobs and have long lost any motivation they had for their passions. Similarly, you feel the same about music and can find yourself excited to teach and recommend new music to others.
“In the meantime, I work at my mother’s bakery,” he says while resting back in his chair.
“Your mother owns a bakery?” You ask in surprise. He smiles at the change in your face and nods.
“She opened it a few years ago when she got laid off from a job she was miserable at. She took a chance and used much of her savings to build her dream and it’s growing despite a couple of rough patches in the beginning. Her ambition makes me want to work harder for my dream.”
Taemin’s eyes sparkle as he talks about his mother. You can see how important she is to him and how much he admires her. A part of you breaks at the thought of having a mother that deeply cares for and loves you. Maybe in another life, you will have a mother like that.
“Hey,” he whispers, his hand gently rubbing yours to get your attention. “Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” You nod, trying your best to smile.
Perhaps he can feel the shift in your emotion because he softly smiles at you and squeezes your hand. You’re thankful he doesn’t press forward and make you talk about the thoughts swirling in your mind. Squeezing his hand back, you stand to your feet with the rose resting one hand while the other reaches out to Taemin.
“Shall we?”
He looks at your hand for a moment before grabbing it and standing to his feet. The height difference between you seems greater than the first time you met; your head is at the same level as his chest making you crane your head to look up to him. Together, you walk out of the establishment and into the soft summer breeze that’s carrying a floral scent from the nearby tree.
“___,” he says. “Are you able to have lunch this Friday?”
“This Friday?” You look up and think for a second. “Sounds good. I’ll be at Spinners.”
“Great, I’ll pick you up after I leave work,” he says while bringing out a napkin from his back pocket and using a pole to write his number on it. “Here’s my number.”
He hands you the piece of paper before standing on the curb and hailing a taxi. It takes a minute before one pulls up to the curbside. Taemin opens the taxi door and turns to you. Before you can walk to the taxi, your body is met with a warm embrace as he wraps his arms around you. Hesitant at first, you allow yourself to relax and place your head against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist. He smells like a mixture of cologne and the hotteok from HoneyB’s. You feel him give you a soft squeeze and kiss the top of your head before letting go.
“Call me when you get home,” he whispers into your head and lets your body go.
“I will,” you smile before entering the taxi.
You wave to Taemin as the taxi begins its journey down the street. Your eyes stay focused on his figure until it gets lost in the crowd.
“Was that your boyfriend?” The older taxi driver asks when you turn around.
“Him? Oh, no. He’s just a friend.”
“I’ve had many friends in my life, and the only one that put a smile on my face like the one on yours was my wife.”
You relax your face when they point out your smile, realizing you haven’t stopped smiling since the hug. Your fingers caress the rose’s petals while you look out the window at the change of scenery. You live on the outskirts of the city even though you dream of living in its heart one day.
Entering your apartment, you immediately place the rose in a cup of water and dig in your pocket to find Taemin’s number. For a second, you hesitate before calling. Each ring makes your heart pound faster as you begin to think that perhaps he was pulling your leg and gave you a fake number.
“Hello?” A voice finally answers.
“I told you I would call when I made it home,” you say, trying to hide the smile in your voice.
“I’m glad you made it safely,” Taemin says softly. “Good night, ___.”
“Good night, Taemin,” you whisper as you lay in bed and look out the window at the stars pulsating in the night sky. “I’ll see you Friday.”
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Friday - 1 p.m.
The record store is empty aside for you and Gio who are placing the newly released records in a bin by the front door. Cheap Trick’s mellow When You Need Someone plays through the speakers causing you to sway with the melody and hum the words. You are so deep in the song’s rhythm that you don’t hear Gio talking to you.
“Earth to ___,” Gio says, giving you a light push to bring you back.
“I asked if you were going on lunch break soon.”
“Oh yeah, I am! I’m just waiting on Tae -”
You stop yourself from saying Taemin’s name, making Gio raise one eyebrow. He watches you turn your back to him and make busy by straightening records that were already straightened. Walking beside you, he bumps your shoulder.
“This is the same guy you went to see the other night?”
A sigh falls off your lips. You nod your head and try your best not to look at Gio who has his eyebrows raised in excitement.
“___, if you have a crush on him, then say so!”
“I don’t have a crush on him!”
“Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself? Look,” Gio turns you to look at him with a fatherly look. “There’s nothing wrong with having a crush on someone you just met. Don’t go your whole life not knowing what it is to love and be loved.”
“I love music and you love me,” you protest.
“I’m talking about love in the romantic sense. Music isn’t going to love you back and of course, I love you, you’re like a daughter to me.”
You open your mouth to speak but close it when someone taps on the store’s window. You and Gio turn and see Taemin smiling and pointing to his watch. You smile and wave at the boy and give the rest of your record crate to Gio.
“Not a word,” you warn before grabbing your jacket and walking out the door.
Taemin is wearing a distressed light wash denim jacket and matching jeans, an 80s inspired white tee, and red converse. He has an apple hairstyle with the ponytail pulling his bangs out his face. Seeing you come out of the store, he immediately walks to you and wraps his arms around you. You take in his scent and melt at the smell of fruit-filled pastries lingering on his clothes.
“Are you hungry?”
“Starving, I haven’t eaten all morning.”
“Why?” He asks and pulls away. His face contorts in confusion while he grabs your shoulders.
“I’m not really hungry in the morning,” you shrug.
Taemin’s eyes travel over your face and release his grip. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he pulls you to walk with him down the sidewalk. He holds you close as the sidewalk crowds with people rushing for lunch. The feeling of being held close to his body makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. You try to get rid of the feeling by thinking that he is just overly friendly and shows his care and love through touches.
“You just met him,” you think to yourself. “You can’t fall for someone you just met.”
The diner Taemin decided to take you to is only a 15-minute walk from Spinners, but it wouldn’t seem as bad if it wasn’t for the crowds and waiting at crosswalks. The clouds provide shade from the scorching sun making the walk pleasant overall. The blue painted brick and mortar building stands alone with small tables placed outside. From your view, the place isn’t too crowded but is plenty busy. The smell of freshly made waffles tickles your nose and triggers your stomach to grumble. You place your hand over it in an attempt to quiet its noise, but you fear Taemin has already heard it by the suppressed smile on his face.
“Hi,” he says to the hostess posted behind a stand. “I made reservations under Lee Taemin.”
The hostess looks at a sheet of paper before grabbing two menus from the shelf behind her.
“Follow me,” she smiles and begins walking to the back of the building.
Taemin’s arm falls from your shoulders and takes your hand in his. His thumb caresses the top of your hand as you keep up with the hostess who’s speed walking to your table. He stops at the door the hostess walked through and turns to wink at you. A confused expression spreads across your face until he walks in front of you and helps you cross the threshold.
You bring your other hand to shield your eyes from the sun and are amazed at what is in front of you. A small man-made pond sits in the middle of the small space with beautifully planted flowers and bushes surrounding it, small vintage tables and chairs of different pastel colors are placed around the area, and a white wooden fence encloses the space. Taemin smiles at your reaction and guides you to a pink table located under the shade of a tree that is decorated in white blossoms.
“Enjoy your meal,” the hostess says before retreating inside.
You and Taemin sit across from each other in a booth next to a large window. Plants and small trinkets line the windowsill while large pink bubbly letters reading “Sweety’s”. His eyes dart back and forth on the menu.
“How did you find out about this place?”
“My father used to take me here every Friday after dance lessons,” Taemin says, smiling at the sweet memories playing in his mind. “This place became our little secret, not even my mother knew about it.”
“But I know about it.”
Taemin shrugs and leans back in his seat. “I only bring special people here.”
“And how many special people have you brought here?” You inquire, raising your eyebrows slightly.
Taemin leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. The corner of his mouth tugs upward as he smirks at you. The closeness of his face makes you lean back a little, your emotions feeling tangled as his warm eyes stare into yours.
“Only one,” he replies. The faint scent of spearmint lingers on his breath “and I think she’s pretty special.”
You try to conceal the smile growing on your face as you watch Taemin lean back. Throughout lunch, you allow the smile you once tried to conceal to show as you and Taemin exchange stories from your youth. The thought of lunch coming to an end makes you want to remember his face, his words, and his voice until he suggests you have lunch at Sweety’s every Friday afternoon. You eagerly agree to his suggestion, finding yourself excited for the times you can be in his presence.
For the next few months, Taemin takes you to Sweety’s every Friday afternoon and surprises you by returning to Spinners to escort you home. Between the Friday lunches, long walks home that consist of meaningful conversations, and phone calls that go until late at night, you find yourself feeling more attached to Taemin. He’s someone you can trust, someone who comforts you, someone who you don’t want to be without. To describe the feeling Taemin gives you with just his soft stare would be similar to being filled with so much love that it overflows.
This Friday starts as usual - you go to work, have lunch with Taemin, and he escorts you home after your shift. But at lunch, Taemin invites you to stop by his mother’s bakery after closing hours. When you arrive at the quaint store, you can see Taemin is vigorously cleaning the countertops through the storefront window, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His head immediately turns in your direction when you gently tap on the window. A smile grows on his face as he, almost skipping, quickly goes to the door to allow you in. Before stepping in, you’re met with the sweet scent of fresh cinnamon raisin bread and a warm embrace.
“How was the rest of your day?” Taemin whispers. He takes your hand and leads you to a round table along the back wall.
“Busy as usual, but why are we at your job?” You ask while having a seat.
“I thought you might enjoy a sweet treat,” he winks before disappearing into the kitchen area behind a set of double doors.
The bakery is dimly lit with the air sweetly scented with pastries and freshly brewed coffee. The marble floors reflect the lowlights, causing an illusion of sparkles to glimmer throughout the area. The faint words and rhythm of a song playing overhead make you sway along with the song.
“What song is playing?” You ask when Taemin returns with a tray in his hands.
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” he says softly while placing the tray on a table nearby. “But it’s my demo. I’ll get you a copy.”
“Of course,” he winks before placing a small plate in front of you. “And I now present you with an arlette ice cream sandwich, all made by yours truly.”
Taemin rests his chin in his palm while you melt at the fresh and sweet flavors exploding on your tongue. He chuckles lightly and reaches over to wipe away some ice cream that smeared on the corner of your mouth. His thumb lingers against your face, gently stroking your cheek and watching you with gentle eyes.
“There’s something I wanted to say to you,” he says before pulling back, his face tightening as he straightens his posture. “But I don’t know how to say it.”
You slowly lower the treat from your mouth and focus your attention on Taemin. He fidgets in his seat as his eyes dart back and forth overhead, like the words he wants to say will magically appear.
“I’m afraid,” he says low. “I love our friendship. I love how we can confide in one another, I love how we trust one another, I love how we can have different opinions, and I love the way I feel when I’m with you. And I tried to convince myself that it was just an infatuation, but you’re always on my mind. I think about you more than anything, I think about your voice, your smile, the way you longingly gaze at me, and I love the way you call my name and how it echoes in my head. But I’m afraid of losing our friendship.”
“Why would you be afraid?” You ask with tears brimming your eyes. To see Taemin on the brink of tears while confessing to you makes you want to leap up and hold him in your arms. Instead, you try to suppress your tears until you no longer can. A few fall on the tabletop when you reach across the table and lay your hand on top of his and squeeze it gently, encouraging him to continue.
“I love you, ___. And I don’t want to lose our friendship or have you slip away from me, because I love you. And I understand if you don’t feel the same,” he whispers the last sentence while his thumb softly strokes the top of your hand. “I just need to hear you say something.”
Taemin’s head hangs when you retract your hand from his grip. You hurry to his side and kneel beside him and gently direct him to look at you before gently pressing your lips against his. His hands tenderly cup the sides of your face as he presses into the kiss, his lips slowly moving against yours. Your forehead presses against his as you slowly pull away.
“What took you so long to tell me?” You ask while flashing a wide smile, your hands holding onto his wrists.
“Then I guess I know the answer if I ask you to be my girlfriend?” He smiles eagerly, ready to bounce out his seat as he awaits your answer.
“I would love to be your girlfriend, Taemin.”
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It’s been a year since Taemin asked you to be his girlfriend. To say love is a rollercoaster of emotions is an understatement, a generalization of what it truly feels like to feel the high and the lows. There’s something wonderful about being able to run to each other’s arms when things don’t go well, when insecurities taunt you, and even after arguments you find the strength to get through it together. He’s become the one person you can trust, besides Gio, and the only person you’ve felt this strongly about.
You find yourself wrapped in Taemin that you notice the change in how you act and think about him. You find yourself passionately kissing him like you’re breathing life in his lungs and find him in your fantasies. You think it’s just a phase until he enters your dreams and you look at his hands and wish they were touching your skin.
He finds your stares impassioning and he can feel his stomach knot each time his eyes meet yours. Whenever your lips passionately collide with his, he feels the world stop around him. And he wants nothing more than to hold you close and have his fingers caress your body. When you confided in him that you will let him know when you are ready, he’s done his best to not pressure you or even hint at it. But tonight, you were ready.
You stand in front of the mirror, tying a robe around your naked body. Your stomach is swarmed with butterflies the more you think about Taemin waiting outside the door. This is it, you think while giving yourself a smile of encouragement in the mirror. With a deep breath, you place your hand on the handle and open the door.
The room is dim and painted in a warm hue as the candles flicker on the dresser and nightstand, creating shadows on the walls. Taemin’s back faces you while the candles cast shadows in the dips where his muscles are. Hearing the door open, he slowly turns around with a soft smile.
“Hi beautiful,” he whispers while walking towards you. The closer he gets, the more nervous you become. When you glance at the floor, he gently lifts your head. “It’s okay. I got you.”
Taemin closes space between you with a deep kiss, your lips hungrily moving against one another. His hands quickly untie your robe and slide it off your body. Before you can cover yourself with your arms, his hands rest on your waist, squeezing it gently. Your palms press against his chest as he pulls your body to his.
Swiftly, Taemin drops his hands to the back of your thighs. His fingers grip them as he hoists you up and carries you to the bed, placing you on the cool, satin sheets. His lips stay against yours as he positions himself on top of you. His hand slowly snakes up the side of your body until it cups your breast. You sigh sensually when his fingertips gently squeeze your aroused nipple.
He slowly pulls his lips away from yours, his teeth lightly biting your bottom lip as he does so. His luscious lips place tender, wet kisses from your neck to the sensitive area between your inner thighs, making you squirm as butterflies tickle your stomach. His eyes are laced in seduction, watching you squirm under his touch.
Taemin spreads your legs and softly kisses your lips. Your hips buck when you feel his tongue part your lips and brush against your clit. You suck in air through clenched teeth at the brief moment of pleasure. Before you can recover, Taemin’s tongue circles and teases your entrance while his thumb rubs against your clit. The overwhelming dual sensation makes you reach down and grip his hair with your hand while the other grips the sheet. Your breaths shudder as you try to suppress any moans begging to escape.
You let out a small whimper when the pleasure ends and sit up on your elbows to see him more. You watch as his fingers glide up and down your folds, spreading your wetness. Your body shudders and you choke on a small moan whenever his fingers pass over your clit. Two of his fingers slowly begin to push into your entrance until you reach down and grip his wrist.
“Are you okay?” He softly asks, worried when he sees the nervousness on your face. “We can stop if you want.”
You’re quiet for a second until you let go of his wrist and smile gently at him. “I’m okay, just nervous.”
Taemin’s face softens as he reassures you. When you’re ready, he slowly enters the middle finger and then the ring finger. Their presence in you makes you shift as you grow accustomed to them. He slowly begins to pump his fingers in and out of you. The slight uncomfortableness on your face changes to pleasure as your eyebrows furrow while you moan under your breath. He notices the way your chest rises and falls quickly with the pace of fingers.
When your walls grip around his fingers, Taemin slides his free hand down his sweatpants and grip his member, jacking himself off to the pace of his fingers. He bites his bottom lip as he imagines your bodies grinding against each other. He groans at the sound of your wetness stirring in the air.
A ball of warmth heats your core when Taemin’s fingers curl in angles. Once you were afraid to let out a moan, now you can’t do anything but moan at the waves of pleasure continuously crashing into you. Your hips grind a little onto his fingers, desperate to allow him to go deeper.
You whimper when he abruptly retracts his fingers. You watch as they glisten against the light, drenched in your wetness. Your fingers unconsciously grip the sheets when he locks eyes with you, pushing them past his lips before licking them clean. You follow his hands as he slowly slides off his pants, revealing his erect cock. It twitches when his eyes look over your body. Reaching over to the nightstand, he opens a condom and places it over his member.
Taemin grips your thighs, pulling you closer to his body. He gently lowers himself on top of you, his chest pressing against yours so you can feel his pounding heartbeat. Moving slightly, he positions himself at your entrance.
“Are you ready?” He asks softly.
When you nod, he places a kiss on your forehead while slowly pushing his cock through your entrance. Your eyebrows furrow in discomfort as you grip onto his upper arms. Soft praises flood from Taemin’s lips until he is fully inside you. He stays still for a while to allow you to adjust before slowly rocking in and out of you. The light kisses he places over your eyes, nose, and lips tickles, allowing you to get your mind off of the unusual pressure for a moment. Your nose scrunches as you squeeze your eyes shut.
Gradually, the feeling of discomfort subsides and transforms into pleasure. The feeling of him rubbing against your walls makes you close your eyes and softly moan his name. Your sultry tone when moaning his name becomes his motivation as his rocks become faster and his lips caress your jawline. You hold onto the back of his head and allow yourself to repeatedly call out his name.
Taemin sits up and grabs your hips, holding them in place as he pulls back before snapping back into you, making your breasts bounce each time. The unexpected harshness makes you choke on a moan each time his tip rubs against your sweet spot. His face flushes as he quickens his pace, his bangs sticking to the sweat on his forehead. He groans your name loudly before pulling out of you.
With a few swift movements, he flips you on your stomach and guides you up so your back is against his chest and legs are apart. His strong arm holds you tight while the other holds his cock, rubbing it along your folds before positioning it to your entrance and thrusting it in. 
You sigh together as he enters you. You look far enough to the side for Taemin to press his lips but accidentally bump your forehead against his. You both softly laugh at the mistake before he catches your lips on his while he slowly grinds into you. He, once again, whispers praises and encouragement against your lips. One hand plays with one breast as the other descends to your clit and quickly rubs it, making you loudly moan against his lips. You feel him smirk when you beg him to go faster, and he obliges.
A knot forms in your core causing you to pull away from the kiss and rest your forehead against his jaw. You begin to whimper at the sensation and find yourself trying to pull away from his body, but he holds you tighter.
“It’s okay,” he struggles to say through a moan. “Just relax.”
Your small whimpers turn into a pleasurable scream of his name as you throw your head back, allowing your body to let go. Your body twitches in his arms as the wave crashes into you and leaves you. The euphoric relief that settles over you makes you softly smile. But the smile is short-lived when Taemin holds you tightly and thrusts into you quickly, chasing after his end.
The sound of your skin slapping against each other bounces off the walls as your intimate shadows move along them. Taemin’s breathing becomes hitched as his thrusts become arrhythmic. Whines of your name drip from his tongue as he inches closer to his end. Finally, when he reaches his gratification. He squeezes your body tight and cums into the condom, his hips thrusting forward with each spurt.
For a few moments, Taemin keeps you close, his heavy breathing tickling the side of your neck. Gently, he pulls out of you and guides you to lay on your back. He sits beside you, his eyes looking over your face as his fingertips gently stroke the side of your face.
“You did so well,” he whispers with a gentle smile. “Are you okay?”
You smile bashfully and cover your face before nodding. His soft chuckle makes you feel warm as he removes your hands from your face and gazes into your eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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babeyvenus · 4 years ago
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 16: The Big Bad Wolf
“Shit.”, Georgie groans, holding his stomach and stumbling as Vivian helps him in the back of the car. “I know. I know.”, Vivian reassured him, avoiding the sight of his wound. She sees Sonya and Bigby running out of the portal, looking around frantically.
She hurriedly runs to the driver’s seat and starts the car, catching Bigby’s attention. He ran to the car, grabbed the bumper of the car before it could move.
Holding tight on the bumper, he changes into his second form. Sonya watched in surprise as he lifted the car but the car separated from the bumper and took off.
“Dammit…”, she muttered. He rumbled at her, catching her attention as he kneels in front of her. “What?”, she asked. He gestured for her to get on his back.
Her eyes widened. “B-But-”, she started but he gave her a low growl. “Okay, okay!”, she rushed onto his back, and he ran off with her.
The getaway car drives into traffic, making a few cars stop and swirve. Bigby charges in between two city buses that started to get closer to each other. “We’re not making that!”, Sonya yelled.
Bigby runs on all fours, charging through the shrinking gap, effortlessly. She sighed in relief and held onto him tighter as he turned the corner and dodged the increasing traffic.
He jumps up on top of a truck, jumps on another truck then on top of a city bus and runs across the roof of a building until they have a full view of the street.
Bigby stops and scans the street, growling at the sight of multiple cars moving. “Let’s move up.”, she said. He saw a building and charged into the door. Immediately, people screamed at the sight of a huge gray figure rushing through the halls and out of the building to the roof.
Bigby looked over the streets and saw a car driving crazy and growled, following the car. Sonya’s eyes widened as he jumped onto a highway bridge, rushing to the edge. “Bigby, we gotta go!”, she exclaimed, seeing cars honk and swerve away from them.
He takes a few steps back then runs and jumps in the air, landing on the car, making it swerve a bit.
Sonya noticed a familiar limo and frowned seeing the Crooked Man look at her and roll his window up. She huffed, carefully climbing off of Bigby’s back and heats up her hand to burn a hole in the roof of the car.
Bigby slammed his fist, clawing into the roof. Vivian violently swerves the car, making them unsteady. Sonya nearly fell back but Bigby grabbed her with one hand, keeping his other claw into the roof of the car.
Vivian stomped on the brakes, sending them off of the car. Bigby wrapped his arms around her to soften her fall as they rolled on the road. She sighed, getting up and helped him up.
They turn to an alleyway where Vivian makes a U-turn toward them. “Gun it.”, Georgie orders Vivian. “Are you sure?”, she asked him. “Just do it!”, Georgie shouts hurriedly. Vivian slams down on the gas pedal but Bigby and Sonya don’t move.
“They’re not moving.”, Vivian warns Georgie.
The car came speeding down the alleyway and just before the car could hit them, Bigby grabs Sonya and jumps onto a fire escape, climbing his way up on the building to the roof.
He walks on the rooftop, keeping her held close as he jumps onto more rooftops that led to the Pudding ‘n Pie.
They see Vivian leading a bleeding Georgie into the building. Bigby sets Sonya down, and looks around, seeing a white shirt, pants and a tie hanging off a clothing line.
She turns away, waiting for him to get dressed and once he's finished, he leads her to the building.
They see a large trail of blood from the car to the door of the club. “Holy shit…”, Bigby muttered as he looked inside of the car, the metallic smell entering his nose.
"You did stab him good.", she said, giving him a raised eyebrow. They walk inside, following the trail.
“Come on! We can’t stay here.”, they hear Vivian's voice. “Hang on. I need a minute.”, Georgie groans. His eyes widened to see Sonya and Bigby walk toward him and Vivian. “Shit.”, Georgie groaned, sitting on a couch.
“Hello, you two.” He said. “I hoped you two would come to your senses…” then he slowly stands up and walks towards them. “Crooked Man’s the one you two want. But of course, you two are too stupid to see that. Or maybe you guys just like me too much to let me go.”
“We’re taking you in, Georgie. Let’s go.”, Bigby tells him. Georgie leans against a railing and groans. “You gonna carry me?”, he joked.
Vivian steps in front of Georgie and pleads. “Please, Sheriff and Deputy. Haven’t you two done enough? Look at him! He’s dying!"
"Vivian! You don’t know what you’re doin’.”, Georgie groans. “I’m trying to help you here!”, Vivian yelled.
“You can’t seriously want to protect this guy. You know what he did.”, Sonya said. Vivian looked down at the floor. She, then, looks back up at Sonya. “I’m not going anywhere. It isn’t his fault!”
“He’s a murderer!”, Bigby exclaimed. “Faith and Lily? He’s the reason they’re dead!”
“Look, I know he made a few mistakes. We all have.”, Vivian replied. “What?”, Georgie asked.
“He made sure they couldn’t talk with those damn ribbons, and then he killed them! You’re wearing one yourself!”, Sonya exclaimed, pointing at Vivian's neck. “Doesn’t that bother you even a little? Knowing that man murdered–”
“Of course it does!”, Vivian shouts. “Those girls, they’re like—”
“So it’s all my fuckin’ fault then? You fucking-”, Georgie winces.
“I didn’t mean–”
“You’re gonna throw me to the fucking wolf too! You know I didn’t have a damn choice! What the fuck!?”, he yelled. He looks at all of them. “I did what I had to! Sometimes you have to just do what you’re told. Then it comes back to bite you in the ass because some good-for-nothin’ Crooked bastard decides you’re not worth shit anymore!”
“You didn’t have to do anything.”, Sonya growled.
“Like hell I didn't! Look, Faith and the others tried to pull a runner on us, and as you can imagine the Crooked Man wasn’t too thrilled. But of course the big boss didn’t want to get his fuckin’ hands dirty….", he winces.
"So he told me to take care of it! You think I don’t know what that means? Either I do what he says or I’m the one getting dealt with! So I fuckin’ killed 'em! And I’d do it again! Cause it’s not my fault! The Crooked Man gave the order! He told me to kill them! And then he fuckin’ sold me out!” Georgie yelled, angrily.
“You’re still the one who pulled the trigger! Nobody held your hand and made you go through with it.”, Bigby said, shaking his head.
“Fine! Believe what you want.”, Georgie groans. “I can tell you two have made up your minds. Doesn’t matter if it’s fuckin’ true or not!”
Bigby walks up to him, fuming. “Go ahead and arrest me then! But it won’t bring back Lily and Faith! It won’t free your friend Nerissa! And I’m just the sap takin’ the fall for the whole thing!”, Georgie said, making Sonya frown deeper.
“It must be so easy being you! Just come in here and blame me for all this shit! Job’s done, right? Georgie’s the bad guy! It’s all his fucking fault!”, Georgie rambles and starts to give up. “But what was I supposed to do?”
“You could’ve done literally anything else. You could’ve let them go! You could’ve freed Faith and Lily from those fucking ribbons instead of murdering them!”, Sonya said.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! If I freed them–”, Georgie's eyes widened in realization as he looked at Vivian. He pointed at her. “What would you have me do? Kill her?”
“Georgie, don’t.”, Vivian pleaded, turning to him.
“It was them or Vivian! So you tell me! If freeing Lily meant she had to die, do you still think I had a fucking choice?”, Georgie asked angrily.
“Wait. How is she involved in all this?”, Bigby asked him.
“This is the original.” Georgie said, placing his hand on Vivian’s shoulder. “
I’m sure you two have heard the stories. Couldn’t take it off, couldn’t talk about it. She used her little purple ribbon to make more of 'em. To keep our girls quiet. To ensure our discretion.”
“You promised you wouldn’t…”, Vivian whimpered, turning away. “All that magic is connected to this little thing.”, Georgie said as he pointed to her ribbon.
“You remove hers….and the spell’s broken. They’re all free! But you know what happens to her? The same thing that happened to Faith. So don’t you come in here and tell me I fucked up!”, Georgie exclaimed.
“What the hell, Georgie?”, Vivian yelled in anger as she brushed Georgie’s hand off of her shoulder. “We were supposed to look out for each other! I trusted you!”
“You can’t fuckin’ blame me. You’re not innocent here either!”, Georgie growled at her.
“I know that! But did it have to be like this?”, Vivian cries.
“Wait, those were your ribbons? You’re in on this? I thought you cared about them!”, Bigby said to Vivian.
“I do! Of course I do! You have to understand. Nobody was supposed to die. When we built this place…it was just a stupid idea….a gimmick. That’s how it started anyway. This was supposed to be our place. We were gonna be in charge for once, and nobody would try to control us, or use us….that was the point. Then the Crooked Man showed up and everything just turned to shit.”, Vivian explained.
“So do you two get it now? Why I couldn’t just–", he closed his eyes before glaring at them. "If you still think it’s so fucking simple then you do it! Go right ahead! Kill her then!”, Georgie yelled.
“What are you doing!?”, Vivian asked, her eyes widened at Georgie.
“Break the spell! Save the fuckin’ day!”, Georgie shouts.
“Stop it!”, Vivian screams as she backs away in fear.
“I told you….sometimes all your options are shit. What the fuck are you supposed to do then?”, Georgie asked.
“We’ll find another way, she–she doesn’t have to die. Maybe the witches can–”, Sonya tried to say but Vivian interrupts her. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not even here. Please.”
She walks towards Georgie. “You think this is hard for you? My life is such a fucking burden on your conscience! Don’t I get a say? It’s my life!”
“Of course. It’s your life….”, Sonya said, walking up to her.
“I know what I’ve done.” Vivian said as she placed her hand on her ribbon, making Sonya stop. "H-Hold on-", Sonya says, feeling wary.
“Wait…”, Georgie said, frantically.
“I’m sick of everyone thinking they can just do what they want with my life. I thought it would be different here. But it’s all the fucking same.”, she said, pacing in front of them. “Vivian. I didn’t mean–”, Georgie started, feeling bad.
“Do you think I wanted to be this person?”, she turned to Georgie. “What I did to Faith and Lily…to all of them…”
"Every day I have to look Gwen and Hans in the eye and pretend I don’t care. I have to forget what I’ve done to them. What I took away from them. I look at Nerissa and I hate myself.”, Vivian says.
“Vivian…”, Georgie warns.
“I can’t pretend anymore.”, Vivian said as gripping her ribbon. “Stop!", Sonya yelled. "What are you doing!?”, Bigby asked in fear.
“Vivian! Don’t!”, Georgie shouts as he tries to run towards her but his wound makes him double over and holds his stomach.
“Goodbye, Georgie.”, Vivian whispers as she removes her ribbon. Her head falls off of her shoulders as her body falls over. Sonya whimpers, covering her mouth.
“No! Fuck! No, no, no, no, no!”, Georgie exclaims while Bigby stood there in shock. Georgie crawls over to Vivian’s body, his hand hovering over her body. “Why’d you have to do that, Vivian?”
“Are you happy now? Is this what you wanted?”, Bigby roared at Georgie in anger.
Georgie shook his head in tears. “Vivian….I didn’t fuckin’ mean it. I was just—” He suddenly shouts in pain, sliding down next to her and leaned against the cigarette machine.
He lets out a shaky breath, then grabs her ribbon and places it in Vivian’s hand and holds it.
Sonya lets out a breath of her own. She couldn't believe what she saw. Seeing Faith and Lily's heads weren't all that easy to deal with. But to see how it actually worked...and to know that Nerissa is the only one they know that also has a ribbon…
She shook her head from the thought. Bigby steps in front of Georgie. “Get up.”, he orders. Georgie doesn’t move. “Get up!”, Bigby yelled again.
“Don’t think so, Bigby.”, Georgie said, moving his hand away from his stomach. Sonya felt bile rising in her throat as she saw some of his intestines poking out.
“I’m gonna die here. I think we all know that. Just make sure you two give the Crooked Man the same treatment when you two find him. Really fuck him up for me, alright?", Georgie begged, looking at them.
"Don’t worry. He’ll get a lot worse.”, Bigby reassured Georgie. “Good.”, Georgie said, nodding. “Old foundry by the river, alright? Sheppard Metalworks. He’ll be there…the fucking asshole. You wanna finish me off now? Or do you plan to kick me around a little first?"
"That’s not who I am.”, Bigby says. “Prove it, then.” Georgie said, coughing. “No more games, alright? We know how this ends.” Georgie coughed. “Just be quick.”
Sonya's eyes widened as Bigby’s features turned wolfish again. “All right, Georgie.”, Bigby rumbles as he kneels down, and shoves his clawed hand in Georgie’s wound. Georgie screams in pain, struggling as Bigby pulls out his intestines. Sonya looked away, finally hearing the ends of Georgie's screams.
Bigby turned her away from the scene, and turned off the lights, leading her out of the club. She frowned, giving him a determined look. “Let’s go get that Crooked bastard.”
He nodded, returning the look and headed off to the warehouse with her.
Sheppard Metalworks Late Night
Arriving at the Foundry, Bigby walks up to the front of the limo and places his hand on the hood. “Still warm….”, he mutters. “He’s here alright.” Sonya walked up to the door, jiggling the handle. “Dammit… locked.”
“Lemme see.”, he says, as Sonya moves out of the way. He grabs the handle, pushing it down and slams his shoulder into the door, busting it open. He rubbed at his shoulder and looked around.
They saw packages on the left side of the warehouse and the Crooked Man’s brand. “So this is where they’ve been sending these…”, Sonya muttered.
Bigby looks over at them and takes her away, moving her to a door at the end of the hall. A light comes on as they approach and he opens the door. They walk in and look around, seeing some machinery moving around and entering melted metal in one of the boilers.
“Bigby Wolf!”, they hear Bloody Mary’s voice echo. They noticed an open doorway and walked inside. “The Big Bad Wolf.”, she whispers. They look around to see open boxes and cabinets. Sonya notices a bulletin board with pictures on it.
“You used to be something.”, Mary taunts, as Sonya and Bigby look at the board. They saw seven pictures pinned to the board. Two of them had her and Bigby talking in different locations, two other pictures had her, Bigby and Faith talking, another one was of Nerissa, Lily and Faith.
The next one was of Snow, Sonya and Holly walking in the Woodlands. The very last picture was of Nerissa and Faith and they looked like they were arguing.
The thought of someone following her around taking pictures made her shudder. “They used to fear you.”, Mary whispered as they left the room and walked across the little bridge that led to the other side of the factory.
“They’d hide somewhere their shivering bodies would fit.”, Mary said as they walked through a room and saw a workbench inside where there was a mold for bullets and a couple of silver bullets. “Silver?”, Bigby said, as Sonya picked one up.
She frowned and set it down. “The Big Bad Wolf.”, Mary’s voice whispers in their ears, making them jump and turn around. They don’t see anything or anyone.
Suddenly, the back of Sonya’s knee gets kicked in. As she turns around, Bloody Mary backhands her and punches Bigby in the face. Sonya wobbly gets up, as well as Bigby.
Bloody Mary watches in amusement. “It’s about time you two showed up.”, Mary said as she walked past Bigby. “We had to take care of some things first.”. Bigby said, rubbing his jaw as he pulled Sonya up.
“Little errand boy and girl. That’s nice.”, Mary smirks. The Crooked Man creeps around the corner, facing the three. “Ah, Bigby and Miss Sonya. I see you’ve made it here in one piece. I do apologize, but I have some business to attend to. I leave you two in the capable hands of my associate. Come find me when you’re finished, dear.”
“Don’t worry. This won’t take long.”, Mary said, turning to them.. “Get the hell out of our way. Now! Don’t make this worse.”, Sonya growled. “Aww, they don’t want to play.”, Mary told the Crooked Man. “I’m sure you’ll persuade them.”, Crooked Man said, escaping.
“Cut this shit out!”, Bigby growls at Mary. Mary tsks at him. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners? Or was she too busy fucking whatever breeze drifted through town?”
Bigby snarls at her, raising a fist to punch her but she ducks. “Oh, come on.”, she said and she kicked him in the stomach. “Is that the best you can do?” She turned around to meet Sonya's fist.
She scoffed with a smile, rubbing her jaw. Mary shoves Sonya away and disappears. Bigby growled and changed into his first form. They run out the door and into the factory. They looked around in the dimly lit area and saw nothing. Sonya turned her back to Bigby, noticing a figure rushing past her.
"The fuck…", she squinted to look closely but couldn't see anything. "C'mon.", Bigby said leading her to a ladder nearby. Bigby climbs up the ladder with Sonya following him close by. The two look around, carefully walking along the bridge.
Sonya looked around intently, her eyes glowing an orange color. She shivered a bit, hearing a heavy gravelly breathing around their area. Bigby looked over his shoulder to check on Sonya. She nods, keeping close to him as they continue moving.
Sonya yelps at the feeling of something cutting her cheek. Bigby's eyes widened, looking at her and growled loudly, looking around frantically. "Let's go.", she says, now keeping her back towards him, watching his six.
They moved just a bit more, only to get attacked repeatedly with cuts. They kept their arms up in a defensive stance to protect themselves until they got on top of the boiler.
“Where are you? Come out and face us!”, Bigby roars in anger.
Sonya looked around to hear the breathing get closer. Her eyes widened as her heart dropped at the sight of Mary in her true form. A sight that definitely frightened kids and teenagers as they called her through their mirrors.
Her eyes were completely red, blood dripping down her face. Unfamiliar symbols brightened and dimmed as she made a noise with her breathing.
She had shards of glass sticking out of her body as if she ran into a window. Her nails were also practically glass and every step she took towards them sounded like she, herself, were stepping on pieces of glass.
Bigby throws a punch at her and she ducks, slicing at his side. Sonya does the same but receives the same treatment.
Bigby charged at her but she jumped up onto a platform above of the boiler and grabbed a pole to smack Bigby upside the head with. She swings the pole at Sonya but Sonya grabs it, struggling to tug it away from Mary.
Mary pushes the pole into Sonya's chest, knocking her off the bridge on and onto the floor below. Sonya wheezes, trying to get up quickly and catches her breath.
Bigby relaxes a bit to see her get up and turns to face Mary but Mary jumps on his back. He struggles and tries to knock Mary off of him, choosing to fall off the bridge and land next to Sonya.
Her eyes widened to see him transform into his second form which caused her to transform into her first form now that they had more room to fight.
Sonya takes out her chain, engulfing it in flames. Bigby growls as Bloody Mary stalks over to them but he stops once he notices another Mary from the corner of his eye.
They back into each other, seeing duplicates of Mary's surrounding them. "Well, shit.", Sonya muttered.
One duplicate creeps up to Bigby, making him smack her to the side. Another one walks up to Sonya, making her whip her chain at the duplicate and shattered it. "Huh…"
Another duplicate tries to kick Bigby but he ducks, making Sonya punch the duplicate into pieces. Another Mary stabs Bigby’s side with her glass claws and more surround the two, making Sonya either blast them with fire or swing her chain at them.
Bigby smacks Mary’s claws out of him and picks her up and slams her down. Another Mary jumps at Sonya and she sliced at her arm. Sonya retaliates with a blast, and gets tackled by another one. Bigby looks around and drops Mary as another one cuts at his back.
Suddenly, multiple Mary's toppled them, most of them took Bigby down and started slicing at him while just a few either burned or attacked Sonya as best as they could.
Sonya engulfed herself in fire, burning and throwing the duplicates back. She pants heavily as her eyesight blurs from using her powers so much. Another duplicate appeared behind her but was smacked away by a large paw.
Sonya looked behind her to see an 8 foot tall black wolf. He had a duplicate in his mouth, swinging it around like a ragdoll before he bites down on her and she breaks apart like a glass statue. "Holy...", Sonya mutters in astonishment as he smacks the other duplicates away from her.
She snaps out of her surprise and wraps her chains around a duplicate and thrashes it around and swings it at other duplicates, shattering them.
Another duplicate jumps on his back, making him growl and shake. He lifts himself on his hind legs and falls backwards, landing on his back, and crushing the duplicate. He rolls over and walks in front of Sonya, keeping her below him as he bit into another one.
She runs at another duplicate as another stabs Bigby with a pole. Bigby smacks it away and knocks her down, pinning her down before he bites her head off.
Sonya backed up swinging her chain at the duplicates, slamming them into a wall and watched them shatter as she panted heavily. “I wish I had my bat…”, she panted.
She looked up to see Bigby chasing a duplicate onto the boiler and snaps at it. Once he tried again, the duplicate shoved a pole between his teeth, making his mouth stay open. He shook his head and bit the pole, bending it enough for him to spit it out.
He looks down at Sonya and stands over her, looking around at the accumulating duplicates. Bigby looks side to side before reeling his head back. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was about to do and ran behind one of his legs.
Bigby takes a huge breath and blows a huge gust of wind at the duplicates. Some of them only skidded back a bit, fighting off the wind before Bigby blew another strong gust of wind, shattering them against the walls.
Sonya notices Mary above him and rushes to get to her before she could attack him while he blows. The real Bloody Mary growled at Sonya once she made it to the top and wrapped her chain around her.
Mary let out a scratchy screech and fought her chain off, slicing at Sonya’s face and making the bridge shake. Sonya wobbly throws a punch, nearly missing and grazes her knuckles against a shard.
Before Sonya could throw another punch, Mary pushes her off the bridge, making Bigby growl as he looks up. Sonya closed her eyes, expecting to hit the ground but felt a soft landing instead.
She opens her eyes to see black fur surrounding her as if she were laying in knee high grass. Bigby had caught her, making her sigh in relief. She looked up to see Mary pulling out a shard from her head and dived for Bigby.
“Bigby, she’s comin’!”, she warned, making him growl and leap. Sonya held tight, hoping that she wouldn’t pull his fur out as he jumped up towards her.
Bigby catches her in between his teeth, and before she could stab the shard in his eye, he chomps down on her, shattering her. He lands and lets out a loud roar that makes goosebumps rise on Sonya’s skin. She smiled and climbed down, looking around for more.
He looks around, growling, unsure of their safety. Sonya chuckled to herself, looking up at him as he bared his teeth, intently watching the sides.
She places a hand on his front leg, making his attention snap toward her. “You’re good.”, she says, making him stare at her for a moment before lowering his head with a huff.
She lifts a hand and puts it on his head, rubbing his head as his gaze softens. She placed her forehead on his. “You did good.”, she reassured and could’ve sworn she heard a soft whine covered with a rumble.
She wrapped her arms around him as best as she could until she felt the fur turn into skin and hair brushed against her face. She looked to see Bigby’s human form as he laid in her arms, panting softly.
She could see how tired he was, from the cuts on his face to his bloodied mouth, he slowly opened his yellow eyes to look at her. She placed her hands on his shoulders, giving him a tired grin. “There you are, pup.”
He gave her a soft smile, "Hi." and wiped at his mouth. “Gross…”, he mutters. She chuckled and paused.
Her eyes widened as she took in his half naked─ or rather, fully naked state without having to look down. “And you’re naked…”, she says, turning away with burning cheeks. He looked down and looked around for some clothes. He found them and went to get dressed, leaving her in embarrassing silence.
She waited, rubbing at her bleeding cheeks, and trying to shake the memory of his half naked being from her mind. Her eyes look up to see a window to an office where the Crooked Man stood there, watching in amusement.
She glared at him as he turned away. She sighed, until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a fully dressed Bigby.
She noticed his yellow eyes never returned to their dark brown color as he glared at the window ahead of them. “C’mon.”
He led her to the office, cautiously opening the door. They walk in and see Crooked Man standing there, his back faced toward them. “Hello, Bigby, Miss Sonya. You two look tired.”, he said. “Give me one good reason not to rip you apart right now!”, Bigby snarled.
Crooked Man turned around and aimed a gun at him. “This gun holds six rounds of specially designed silver bullets. Now, I may not be the best shot….but I can guarantee that at least one bolt will meet it’s mark and you’ll find yourself rolling on the floor in agony. Then she will be next. Unable to heal yourselves. Without Swineheart to save you or Miss Sonya, both of you will die.”, he said, as Bigby covers Sonya.
“Before you do anything with me, I thought I should point out a few things. Snow White wants you to bring me back to the Woodlands, doesn’t she?”, Crooked Man asked.
“That’s right. But what happens to you once you get there is a different story.”, Bigby says, walking toward Crooked Man. “I’m not quite finished.”, Crooked Man says, backing away from him. “You two bring me back alive. Look, all I ask for is a chance to speak for myself in front of the community. And I’m sure Miss White would agree that I should be given a fair trial. Can we at least agree on that?”
“The whole town’s gonna be calling for your execution. Why would you want us to bring you back there?”, Sonya asked him, confused.
“Why don’t you let me worry about that.”, Crooked Man says. Bigby starts to slowly walk towards him. “Look….there’s no reason for us to be at each other’s throats here.”, Crooked Man warned.
“That’s funny….coming from the guy pointing a gun at my head.”, Bigby remarks with a smirk. Crooked Man looked at the gun. “This is just a precaution. I’m sure you understand. I’m no murderer, Mr Wolf, Miss Blaze. I didn’t kill those women. And I think you two know that.”
“Maybe you didn’t carry it out….but I don’t think Georgie was lying when he said you ordered their deaths.”, Bigby said.
“Georgie would’ve said anything to save himself. We all know that. I’m a businessman. Not a killer.”, Crooked Man said. “You’re doing the same thing. Instead, you aren’t the one bleeding out… at least, not yet. You still got a lot to answer for.”, Sonya said, walking up.
“And I will….as long as you agree to my terms. Because I’m not saying another word until I am brought before the community. I don’t mean to belabor the point, but just so we’re clear. if either of you change your mind and decide to do something stupid….you won’t get your answers….but you will have a difficult time explaining yourselves to Miss White and the rest of this miserable town.”, he says, stepping back some more.
“You two are often reckless. And I worry you’re not thinking of the–”, he pauses. “Let me ask you two an honest question…..what do you two really care about here? Where this case is concerned, I mean.”, Crooked Man asked.
“This is about protecting Fabletown. When some asshole murders two of our people, it’s our job to bring him down.”, Bigby declared. “Then why are you here?”, Crooked Man asked. “You know who murdered them. Georgie. He’s dead isn’t he?” He looked at his gun before looking at them. “My point being, the killer has been dealt with. You’ve won.”
“You really think we’re that stupid!?”, Bigby asked. “I understand you two have an obligation to bring me in, but both of you can brighten up a little. It’s over. So….shall we get going?”, Crooked man asked.
Bigby smirked and shook his head. “Oh, I don’t think so. We’re not doing this your way.”
The Crooked Man takes the safety off of the gun. “How unfortunate.”, Crooked Man replied. Bigby charges forward and grabs the gun out his hand. Crooked Man shoots but misses Bigby, being pinned to the wall by Bigby’s arm to his neck. His expression changes from shock to smug as he looks at them. “I’m sure Miss White will be pleased…..such reliable pups.”
“You’re under arrest. You will be given a trial in front of your peers.”, Sonya says, crossing her arms. Bigby harshly cuffs the Crooked Man. “And your punishment will follow.”, Bigby glared at him.
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pinky-the-elephant-room · 5 years ago
Heiwa Anthologies
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Synopsis:  The Heiwa clan was engulfed in exaggerated rumors of being man eaters. But as years passed and the women continued to steal men from various clans, they were risking war. The Fire Daimyo stepped in to establish the rules for the clan. If they wanted a husband from a rival clan, they had to duel and win. These are the stories of the men that were challenged and of the women who were brave enough to do it. Thanks to @pinkbegonias​ for editing this for me <3.
Warning: Contains Original female characters, Explicit Smut, and pregnancy sex. Read at your discretion. DONT send hate for writing OCs I will not entertain it and I swear you will get blocked.
In Fire Country, there were a variety of clans. First, there were the noble clans that were given land by the Fire Daimyo himself that included the Uchiha, Akimichi, Hyuuga, and of course the Senju. Everyone else was a minor clan that occupied the land, some of the those were exceptionally gifted and had their bloodlines that didn’t include a dojutsu like the Nara and the Hatake clan with their white chakra. But none of them were as strange as the Heiwa clan. They say that the clan came from a minor island from the oceans of the Country of Water. The rumors state they were wicked mermaids who became humans and had a thirst for human meat that’s why they settled in Fire country when their meat source became rare on their isolated island.
Tobirama didn’t know the truth behind these speculations, but what he did care about was the facts. The facts were the Heiwa clan was a clan of women. Nobody knew where they resided exactly, and their exact location was a mystery for decades. They didn’t have notable bloodline or any dojutsu that made them fearsome. No, what gained them notoriety was their habit of stealing men. Which is exactly what it sounds like. A hundred years ago the tales first spread like fire throughout the country about a ruthless kunoichi who had stolen away a member of a clan. And they never saw him again. Many had dismissed the claims because if a shinobi could get kidnapped by a woman of all things then he wasn’t a man from the start. But that was just the start. Men were kidnapped throughout the years, married, engaged, or spoken for it didn’t matter. If you were a man of marrying age you were a prime target. It caused strife throughout the regions, marriages that were formed for political connections lost their main source of reconciliation.
Now, this was an issue for minor clans or civilian nobles, but as far as he knew the women of Heiwa never tried to steal a member from one of the noble shinobi clans. Which is why he suspected they were able to get away for so long without repercussions. And then fifty years ago, a Daimyo declared that the women of Heiwa had a right to challenge any man for their hand. And if they won then the man was obligated to the mercy of the Heiwa clan. Many were shocked at the new ruling and many gossiped that this anonymous heir who became the new lord was actually one of the sons from the women of Heiwa. Why else would he rule in favor of such a bizarre clan?
Tobirama had to admit that if the previous Daimyo’s rumored origins were true then the Heiwa had pulled off a political scheme like no other. The Senjus didn’t really gamble amongst the nobles despite being nobles themselves. They were more warriors than anything, but even he realized that they solved their legitimacy issues without spilling any blood. If only the solutions were as simple for their ongoing war against the Uchiha. However, this ingenious law came with a price, no longer were the women allowed to steal any men they liked. First, they had to be unattached, of age, and any man with prior commitments was to be returned to their original clan.
Still, it was no loss to the clan, their reputation grew even more curious. There were tales of women having multiple male concubines along with their legal husbands. A village where only women ruled and no strange men were welcomed unless they were stolen. Again, he didn’t know if it was true and honestly, he didn’t care. They were just another clan in the country as long as they didn’t side with the Uchiha, he had no animosity against them.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the opinion of every other male. Recently the sightings of the women whispered about their exotic and out worldly beauty. It seemed like they didn’t just have women from the Fire Country, it appeared their clan was a melting pot. There were darker-skinned women like from the Country of Clouds but sported a Heiwa banner. It was a curious symbol involving a water lily, nothing that inspired fear. But then again with a name like Heiwa (peace) it wasn’t their intention in the first place. But back to the women, they gained a reputation of lewdness and beauty that gave them an aura of unattainableness. And so, among the men, it became a symbol of your worth to be challenged. And even better win and live to tell the tale. Last he heard a man from the Hatake clan that won became an overnight sensation. Whereas before he was just a foot soldier among his people, now nobles and clans from across countries were trying to build alliances with him. Regrettably, for him, the woman he defeated was so angry with him for entertaining the proposals she poisoned him and dragged his half-conscious body back to her clan. The Hatake clan still didn’t know whether their clansman was even alive.
Even among the Senju, there were quite a few teenage boys who would entertain the notions of being challenged. It was a romantic notion amongst a period that was filled with tragic losses and bloodstains. Tobirama didn’t want to burst their bubbles, he thought it was highly unlikely that the women would challenge any of the clans feuding right now. There were no records of Uchiha men or Senju men being confronted. Though, there was an Akimichi boy who had been recently reclaimed by his clan who stated he was permitted to seek out his father’s clan if he so chose. The Hyuuga on the other hand publicly denounced the Heiwa, calling them a clan of “whores”. Well, they didn’t exactly call them “whores” they were too sophisticated to stoop to such a level, but it was what they implied.
In Tobirama’s opinion, it was just a plot to dissuade any of the women from challenging Hyuuga men, they probably didn’t want the Byakugan in another clan’s hand. It worked because none of the Hyuuga men were challenged either.
As for himself, he liked the idea of being challenged. The thought that someone would entertain a duel with him without any consequences resulting in war was quite a revelation to him. But the thought of being married to a woman, well he didn’t know what to think of it honestly. Many of the Senju women described him as a Tundra wolf. He was beautiful and wild, but none wanted to get close fearing his temperament. Thus, he had limited experiences with women despite being of age for several years now. He didn’t entertain such thoughts either too busy trying to survive the war and protecting his people. Hell, due to his lack of interaction he couldn’t even safely say he liked women at all. The only women he constantly interacted with were Toka and Mito. And none of them were available to him. One was promised to one of his distant cousins and the other was infatuated with his anija.
So, in all except for the facts and reports he read of the Heiwa clan, Tobirama’s mind was occupied by things that took far more precedence than a clan he probably wouldn’t interact with.
But in hindsight, Tobirama really should have done his proper research. Because if he did, he probably wouldn’t be in this predicament right now.
It was a bright afternoon and the field was filled with wildflowers, not the type of setting you would have thought of that involved a bloody battlefield. But in a few hours, Uchiha and Senju alike surrounded the area, ready to fight to the death. Tobirama cut through his enemy, slaughtering Uchihas one by one. Until he happened upon his sworn enemy, Uchiha Izuna. It was a battle that felt like hours rather minutes. Both desperately trying to outmaneuver the other before Tobirama was finally able to get the jump on him.
“Water release! Water Severing Wave!” he called out as an enormous wave crashed down on the battlefield. The water’s collateral damage was headed towards the field were many Uchihas were fighting.
Tobirama looked around before he found a slouched Izuna on the ground, he quickly pulled out his sword to rush him. With adrenaline pumping, he didn’t hesitate to put an end to the collapsed man. However, just as he was finally about to make his move, out of sheer instincts he was able to dodge the jutsu aimed in his direction. Tobirama backflipped away, a few hundred feet away just as a bolt of lightning crashed down on the ground where he stood a minute ago. Since there was water everywhere, it acted as a perfect conductor for the lightning jutsu. Where the few men who survived his water jutsu stood, they now collapsed as they dealt with the voltage.
Tobirama watched with suspicious as a woman darted out from the forest and stood directly in front of him and Izuna. Was she here to protect him? She didn’t look like an Uchiha, what with her periwinkle hair though her dark eyes did resemble the enemy.
She pulled out a scroll and unfurled it. He felt his eyes widen when he recognized the clan symbol.
“Senju Tobirama, I Heiwa Daitan challenge you to a duel for your hand. Refuse and face the consequences of my clan and as well as the esteemed Daimyo,” she boldly called out her eyes blazing as if she dared him to deny her request.
Tobirama stood there more stupefied than he had ever been in all his 20 years of life. Vaguely, he heard the sounds of battle get quieter and quieter until he could only hear the sounds of his heavy breathing.
He took a few seconds to settle his labored breaths before he responded.
“Indeed. But can’t it wait? I was in the middle of an imperative battle,” he replied as he couldn’t help the tiny bit of sarcasm that seeped through.
The minuscule amount was enough to be apparent to the woman because her face grimaced with annoyance before she settled into a neutral expression.
“No. The contract states you have to honor my challenge anywhere and anytime. Unless you’re a person with no honor, Senju-sama?”
Tobirama narrowed his amber eyes at her. Of course, he had to oblige her now, she called his honor into question. He straightened his back and sheathed his sword.
“Fine, but we can’t fight here. Too much distraction, follow me.” He started swiftly running, not waiting to see if she was following or keeping up. In his opinion, she wasn’t worth the challenge if she couldn’t do as something as simple as adjusting to his pace.
As Tobirama left the field, he could see the astonished looks on both his clansmen and Uchiha alike. He scowled heavily when he heard his anija saying something moronic as usual.
“Woohoo! My ototo’s getting married!” Hashirama’s voice echoed throughout. He scoffed at that sentence, that’s only if the girl managed to beat him. Which he highly doubted she could.
Tobirama stopped a few miles away from their battlefield, another open grassland. Perfect for his overwhelming water jutsus that she’s can’t jump onto trees to get away from. He settled into a taijutsu stance and she pulled out a sword that covered itself in white chakra.
His eyebrows rose at the technique. Was she related to the Hatake clan? Perhaps the man who was stolen so long ago had lived long enough to father children. It seems like the battle will be harder than he thought, and he pulled out his sword. They waited for the other to make a move before they rushed at each other. Both traded blows in equal strength where Tobirama thought she would be overwhelmed by his strength. But it seemed the chakra surrounding the blade acted as a cushion and doubled her sword’s strength each time it met his katana.
They sparred for a couple of minutes; he could tell she was talented in kenjutsu enough to rival him. Growing tired of getting nowhere, Tobirama backed up and sheathed his katana. Pulling out a few shurikens, he tossed them her away to get some distance between the two.
Tobirama immediately flew through hand signs as he summoned a dragon. “Water Style! Water Dragon Jutsu!” The missile-shaped dragon raced to the woman as she quickly ran away to avoid its direct hit.
The fight continued as the girl feinted and continued to dodge his jutsus one after another. It occurred to him after the fourth time that she was avoiding him on purpose. Like how a stoat chases after a rabbit until the rabbit overcome with exhaustion collapses allowing the stoat to strike.
‘She purposely challenged me during a battle.’ He thought reluctantly.
The girl was cleverer than he previously imagined. She waited until the battle was almost finished as he was about to land the crucial hit on Izuna only to interrupt him and take advantage of the timing. How long had she been watching him fight before she pounced? Not only that she seemed to know the exact range of his attacks and predicted them perfectly before dodging them.
Tobirama smirked, that plan would have worked on anyone but him. Still, she did excellent preparing for an opponent she was outmatched by. Perhaps there was no need for severe injuries on either party, she had earned his respect and he would be merciful to her. He would allow her to escape before rejoining his brother on the battlefield.
Tobirama rummaged through his armor before finding the side pocket on his pants. He pulled out a brown pellet and swallowed it whole. He grimaced at the awful sour taste. The pellet worked as his body regained its lost energy and chakra. The pellet was a work in progress that he developed along with Toka, it was supposed to be medicine to instantly stimulate the body and its chakra pathway. So far it worked but not without repercussions. But hopefully, he would be far away from the Heiwa girl before it started so she wouldn’t take advantage.
He quickly gathered his chakra and let it flood his body. The sheer pressure from his chakra depth pushed out a shockwave throughout the field. The girl stopped to watch him in astonishment and only blinked before he crossed the distance between them in a second. He sent a punch her way which she dodged but was unable to do so with the leg sweep he followed with. She quickly rolled away before he could kick her and righted herself. The girl took out a kunai and rushed at him. He quickly took out his own and clashed with hers.
He looked into her dark eyes and jolted with realization as to how pretty she actually was despite the sweat and her upheaval hair. He scowled at his own thoughts. That was not what he should be thinking about and that distraction was enough for her to take advantage. She dislodged his kunai from his hand and with a fury of punches and a kick had him laid down on the ground.
He gave a short gasp at the kick on his midsection and just as he was about to get up, he pushed down to the ground again with her top of him with her sword to his neck.
“So, Senju-sama. Listen whatever you just ate gave your chakra back at 100%. And really, it’s not fair for me or anyone that crosses your way. So, I have to cut this short, but don’t worry I’ll be back to issue another challenge,” she said with a flirtatious smile.
She leaned forward in his face. “Don’t miss me too much while I’m gone. There will be plenty of battles with me on and off the field.”
The girl planted a quick kiss to his lips that he barely registered with how fast she pulled away. She got off him but still held the sword in a defensive position.
“And also, you can get rid of this wave. No need to threaten a person who’s on her way out,” she said pointing to a wave a few meters behind her.
Tobirama sat up and diminished his jutsu as the water fell and seeped into the field. He could only watch with a heated face as the girl with a water lily symbol on her back rushed away.
He sat there for a few minutes, trying to regain his composure. Pretty sure his ears and cheeks were red and not from overexerting himself on the battlefield either. His damned fair skin always managed to expose his true feelings whether from embarrassment or anger despite his well-maintained stoic image.
Eventually he made his way back to his clan and realized that the battle was over. Many of the Uchiha had already collected their dead or injured and had rushed back to their stronghold. It was hard to know who had had won this one exactly, but he knew that either way both suffered loses. There would always be a family who would lose someone each time the bitter enemies met.
He spotted Hashirama still standing around along with a few of his brethren. They brightened up seeing him and Hashirama actually looked a bit put out.
“Anija, is the battle over?” he asked as he greeted his older brother.
“Yes, the battle was pretty much over as soon as you got challenged. Everyone was kind of distracted to continue. This has to be weirdest way to end a battle, but I’m not complaining,” Hashirama said with a beaming smile.
“How are the loses?” Tobirama asked again as he looked around for any casualties.
“Not too severe. 5 dead and 20 injured,” Toka replied.
Any dead is of course awful news, but when lately each battle was getting dead in the double digits this was a considerable reprieve.
Tobirama turned around to face his older brother when he grabbed him and pulled him close.
“Tell me, ototo. Are you getting married? Shall we make this a double wedding between mine and yours? How does the Heiwa clan even get married?” he asked gushing with excitement. “Oh, what does it matter? I’m so happy for you! I always thought you would just end up being a lone wolf.”
Tobirama gave an insufferable sigh at his sibling and just brushed him off.
“There will be no wedding. No one won and I walked from the challenge still a single man.”
Hashirama pouted and a dark aura surrounded him as he began to grow mushrooms in the background.
Toka ignoring the clan leader said, “was she impressive? She had to be considering she’s one of the first to challenge our clan and not just anyone but one of our strongest shinobi.”
Tobirama allowed a small smirk to appear on his face before his face became stoic once more. He didn’t offer a Toka an answer, but his cousin could sense the mood he was in and guessed that the kunoichi had his respect. Especially since she’s only seen her wayward cousin in such a mood after a productive research session or a spar with his older brother.
She watched him walk away with a soft smile and decided that whatever was his destiny she hoped he get the happiness he sorely deserved just like Hashirama.
The next couple of days was torture to Tobirama, not because he was injured or someone precious to him died. Nope. It seemed after being challenge many decided to come to stare at him like he hadn’t been in the Senju compound since he was born. It was like they were seeing him for the first time. Luckily, his impatient glares kept everyone at bay, but it didn’t completely stop his kindred. The women would stare at him more than they usually do. Sure, before some would stare at him and quickly turned away when he noticed them, but now they were blatantly staring with desire and admiration. He was so unused to this type of attention that he had taken to researching jutsus in his room rather than sparing outside with everyone else.
Tobirama scowled at his brother as he continued to laugh so hard that tears had gathered in his eyes.
Finally, unable to deal with his clan and the oppressive air, he begged well not beg more like politely inquire his brother about a quick mission.
His brother decided this moment was the perfect time to use his observation skills whereas he was clueless about most social situations beforehand. His anija took one look at his miserable composure and burst out laughing.
“Oh, ototo. Forgive me. It’s just this is so funny. I never thought you would be so popular.”
He continued to scowl before he grew tired of Hashirama’s moronic laughter and snapped.
“Quiet, anija! Do you have a mission or not? Or should I take leave without informing anyone?”
Hashirama pouted at his brother’s incensed rebuke and threw him a mission scroll.
“Here, it’s a simple message delivery, but if you take your time traveling it should take a week before you return.”
Tobirama read over the details and thanked his brother with a bow. As he left, he didn’t see Hashirama smile amusingly at his lone surviving sibling. The leader of the Senju then pulled out a scroll and with a dopey grin, wrote to his betrothed about Tobirama’s plight. No doubt she would see the humor in the situation too.
The rain poured so heavily throughout the days as he headed out to his destination that he had to frequently wipe his face to be able to see clearly. Still, Tobirama was one of the few Senju that were in their element in water. While others would have been annoyed and perhaps even freezing by now, Tobirama was right at home as the wind and rain blasted wave after wave on him. As he reached his destination the rain cleared up and he saw a castle of the local Lord that paid patronage to the Daimyo. He was here to deliver a crucial letter from the Daimyo to the local lord.
Tobirama was let in at the gates without hesitation, no doubt his recognizable features gave them a clue as to his identity. He was allowed entry into the esteemed home and waited a few minutes before a man appeared, his fancy, rich kimono giving away his status as the owner of the home. They exchanged a few words and he handed over the message. The lord extended his courtesies and asked if he would like to stay and rest for a while. Tobirama graciously declined as he preferred to rest and sleep in places with the people he recognized. There were far too many casualties that occurred when an enemy decided to breach a resting place away from home. Besides, he could rest a few hours on the road while a kage bushin kept watch. So, with that, he left the castle and began his journey to return home. Hopefully, by then everyone would have settled down and moved onto the next piece of gossip. Though he wasn’t confident if worst came to worst at least the newest showdown between the Uchiha would always be the topic that the clan preoccupied themselves with.
Tobirama stopped at a clearing in the forest and leaned against a tree for a short break. He pulled out a scroll that he unsealed and grab a skin flask filled with water. He also grabbed an onigiri with salmon fillings (his favorite) and took a generous bite while taking a sip of water. Just as he finished up and drank another sip, multiple shurikens lodged themselves into the tree trunk.
He shoved everything in his scroll and sealed it back up while taking out his sword. The same Heiwa woman dropped onto the tree and smirked. He couldn’t help but visibly relax a bit before taking guard once more.
“Hey there, told you we would meet again. So, you ready for that rematch?”
He raised his eyebrow at her challenge. “How long have you been following me? How did you know I was here?”
The woman tsked at him. “I can’t tell you all my secrets. That would be cheating besides I know how much of an accomplished sensor you are. If I told you I would lose my advantage for the next time!”
The two would-be enemies eyed each other warily as they circled each other. Well, as much as they could move around on a tree.
“So, you already know you would lose this battle. And you’re prepared to return for the next one? Tell me is intelligence not a requirement of kunoichi from your clan?”
Tobirama watched instead of getting angry at his insult, the girl smiled widely, and the entirety of her face lit up as she chuckled.
“What can I say? I’m stubborn and when I want something. I will go any lengths to get it even if it means badgering my future husband with a hundred challenges to get it. Besides, no one has ever married a Senju in my clan. I would like to be the first,” she said between her giggles.
He narrowed his eyes at her. So, it wasn’t him she wanted, rather a Senju. He knew his clan was reputed as strong warriors, but he had hoped in a way that the girl would want him as Tobirama and for his accomplishments. He felt disappointed though he wasn’t sure why.
“A presumptuous husband don’t you think? I was being generous letting you go the first time. But if you insist on wasting my time I have no problem taking you out even for a woman like you,” he said as his chakra flow increased and the pressure surrounding them became suffocating.
The Heiwa’s body visibly shook yet she didn’t crumble as she bravely stared back at him.
“You’re angry why? Are challenges that bothersome to you? Most men would consider it an honor.”
Tobirama considered disregarding her questions and just attacking her. But she wasn’t mocking him rather she was genuinely confused, and curious despite being affected by him.
“You would be asking me to abandon my clan while we are fighting a war. Though why you’re challenging me out of all the Senju men when you just want a Senju man, seems curious. You’re outmatched but insist on fighting me despite knowing the danger. There are plenty of other men in my clan that are easier to challenge and would likely and happily accept your challenge. So, why me?” he asked as he settled his chakra that allowed her to relax.
She stared curiously for a minute before something flickered in her eyes.
“Because I’ve seen you on the battlefield. The Uchiha are your enemies, they killed your brethren and many of your family I assume, but still, I’ve seen you offer the little ones mercy. Each time you met a child on the battlefield you’ve either knocked them out or quickly ended their suffering without pain. You’re a man of honor, Tobirama. There’s no one else I would rather challenge.”
His heart clenched at the sound of his given name pass through her lovely lips.
“You know there’s a chance that you might never win, right? There’s a chance you might be fruitlessly fighting me,” he hoarsely replied through the lump that seemed to form in his throat.
“Well, you’ve never met a woman like me before. Besides, I just have to win. It doesn’t say how after all. I’ve got a lot of tricks up my sleeve, you know,” she said with a wink.
He watched confusingly when she relaxed her position and started getting closer to him.
“What are you doing?”
She just cheekily smiled back at him and got even closer. The grip on his sword loosened until the weapon dropped from his hand and he stared warily at her.
“I think there’s no need for a battle today don’t you think so?” she murmured before tugging the fur outlining his armor and planting her lips on him.
Tobirama immediately stiffened feeling her soft lips, he stood there for several seconds unable to respond.
She slowly smoothed her hands over his shoulders before intertwining her fingers through his wild, white tresses. Her blunt nails scratching his scalp relaxed him immensely and when she leisurely started to coax his mouth to respond, he didn’t think twice before following her movements. It didn’t take long before Tobirama got the hang of kissing after all he was considered a prodigy. He tugged her closer to his body and tilted her head up to be fully in control. She let out a whimper when he gently bit her lip and started dictating their dance. The taste of her overwhelmed his senses and the control he worked so hard to maintain crumbled.
He had always judged shinobis harshly who abandoned their duties because of a woman. He didn’t understand what was so enticing about the opposite sex that caused them to lose all their sense of propriety. But now as he slammed this woman against the tree trunk and ravaged her mouth while touching all the skin, he was able to reach, he could vaguely understand their feelings.
Daitan broke their kiss when air became necessary and she panted harshly as he started leaving minuscule bites on her fair neck. She let out a moan when he clutched her behind firmly and bit her hard one last time before straightening up to look her.
“Ha, you know I always thought you would be an intense lover. I see the dedication you have for the things you are passionate for and I couldn’t help but wonder what would it be like to have all that focus on me? It seems like I was right,” she mused as she rubbed her swollen lips.
That sentence snapped Tobirama snapped him out of the haze he had found himself and he instantly let her go and stepped back a respectable distance between them.
Daitan could watch in amusement at the stupefied look on his face, his eyes had widened, and he stared incredulously back at her.
Tobirama looked around before finding his sword and he sheathed it. He looked at her one last time before hightailing out of the forest at top speed lest he once again loses his senses again and starts groping a woman who he wasn’t technically betrothed to.
Daitan pouted as she watched the shinobi run away like he had just seen an entire platoon of Uchiha. She could honestly say that had never happened to her before. But it wasn’t like she was never going to see him again, Daitan let out a chuckle and looked at the strange sight one last time before she left the scene.
Tobirama sincerely wished that was the last time he had seen her, but luck was not on his side. Because she kept appearing during his missions or his battles again and again. As an accomplished sensor, he was able to see the locations of his enemies for miles. Yet, he couldn’t predict where she was going to pop up. Her chakra felt like water from a warm hot spring so really, he should be able to distinguish her amongst thousands, but she somehow managed to sneak up on him with her damned scroll to challenge him always. It got to the point where Hashirama just shook his head at him during one battle’s preparation and told him to instead get ready for his future sister-in-law’s visit. And it wasn’t even like he spent that time fighting her to the death either, they always started as a battle too. But in the middle of it, he would get distracted by something (her eyes, lips, and her body), only to corner her somewhere and paw at her like a dog in heat.
It was so unlike him! He was a proud Senju shinobi, not a boy who just barely started puberty. People were counting on him to protect them and yet here he was distracted by a pretty face.
So, during another challenge, he grabbed her before she could even begin with her intoxicating touch.
“Listen. Can you cease challenging me during my missions and on the battlefield? You’re a distraction.”
Daitain instead only smiled coyly at his request. “Oh, so I am a distraction, huh?”
He frowned at her before replying, “I’m serious. I have a job to do and you can’t continue to interfere and make a mockery out of everything.”
“The missions I get, but the battles? Do you even know what you’re fighting for anymore?” She asked with a scowl.
The grip on her tightened and he responded to her scowl with a fierce scowl of his own.
“They killed my brothers and several of my clan members!”
“And you killed hundreds of theirs! So, what you will keep fighting until both of your clans are wiped out? When your son kills one of theirs? —”
Tobirama got momentarily distracted with an image of a boy with his hair and her eyes along with her smile. He focused once again back at what Daitan was telling him.
“Or when their grandson kills your grandson? This is exactly why my clan refuses to wage in pointless wars. We deal with our problems without bloodshed.”
“It isn’t as simple as you think it is,” he began but he was interrupted.
” So, will you slaughter every single member of their clan? Will you burn down their villages, kill their children, and slice open pregnant women so that the Uchiha will be no more?” She implored with desperation in her eyes.
“Then make it! You and your brother with your limitless chakra have the power to end this war. Tobirama, please the more you keep fighting the more innocents will die.”
He let out a disgusted scoff and shoved her back gently.
Tobirama didn’t answer her right away and refused to meet her eyes.
“I see. I think I got my answer.”
He watched as she gathered her composure and turned her back to him. She left without a backward glance at him.
The upcoming battles he didn’t see Daitan nor was he interrupted in the middle of it. He was able to bring victory along with his brother to his clan. But why didn’t that make him happy? Instead, he felt more hollow than usual, it was like the importance of the victory was lost amongst the dead that littered the grounds. He watched as both his clan and his enemies carried their loved ones with grief and sorrow. It seemed like both clans shared those particular feelings regarding the endless war.
Each time he prepared himself for battle and secured his outer armor, it felt like he was being forced onto the field instead of that duty-bound readiness that he usually wore. It was even worse when a young Uchiha child shivering and crying braced himself for his death when he saw him on the battlefield. Instead, Tobirama refused to meet his eyes and pretended like he didn’t see the child and marched far away from him.
When he got home, his nights were filled with flashes of her. The smell and touch of her soft skin haunted him; his need pressed against him each morning. He should have been happy; she was finally gone like he wanted. He never wanted her, nor did he want to get married. But misery hung on him like a forlorn lover.
Finally, the choice of peace was taken out of his hands when those same hands were drenched in the blood of his enemy. As Uchiha Izuna laid dying on the field, those desperate eyes of Madara would haunt him forever. Hashirama pleaded for peace as Madara rushed to get help for his injured brother. When Tobirama returned to the battlefield once more, it was only to hear the news of the death of Uchiha Izuna. His death brought him no joy and once again the emptiness became a chasm in his heart. The only positive that came out of the ordeal was the ceasefire agreed on by both clans. Hopefully, it would last for a while before the clans came to a legitimate treaty.
He only saw Daitan once more at a local hot spring that the village he was visiting for a mission contained. Tobirama grabbed her hand and tugged her inside the room of the Inn he was staying at temporarily.
“You were right,” he whispered in her hair as he hugged her close.
Daitan ignored the slight trembling she felt as she soothed his fears. That night he ignored all decorum as he kept her close in his futon and slept away a tranquil night for the first time in months.
The pair continued to meet throughout several weeks, not to fight but just to enjoy each other’s companies. The need to win and best each other was gone, all that was left was a longing to hold her in his arms and caress her soft lips with his own.
Tobirama grabbing some chopsticks calmly chewed despite the sweat collecting on his forehead. When he grabbed the bowl and downed all the soup, he looked up to see a bewildered Daitain looking back at him.
“Sit by me,” Daitain cajoled him to get closer as they picnicked one day near a stream. Several of the curious dishes prepared by her were quite spicy and nothing he had ever tasted.
She pointed out what looked like noodles in a fiery soup. “Here, this one you will like. I know you have a taste for savory foods. I asked one of the clan sisters about some of the dishes from Wind Country where they are very generous with using hot chili peppers.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Y-you! You ate all of that without asking for water once?! Are you even human? And you even finished it! I can barely take two bites without dying!” she squawked out.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed some water to wash his meal down.
They took a stroll through the woods when they finished their meal and packed up. When Tobirama found a secluded and secure spot in the dense forest, he rested his forehead against her. Trying to convey the feelings and loneliness he felt from her absence that he couldn’t say verbally.
She reached up and stroked his cheeks tenderly before kissing him. He thought he knew what it meant to have passion in your life, fighting to the death to protect your loved ones was a passion for him a long time ago. Studying and learning Suiton techniques was a passion for him. He thought passion meant devoting yourself, but he never realized what it meant to be passionate for someone else. The whimpers she let out and the way she looked at him when he lowered her on the soft grass. It was like she knew he would protect and love her to his dying days without ever opening his mouth.
Oh, the sounds she made for him when he trailed his hungry mouth across her naked chest for the first time. It was enough to drive a man insane. The way she sunk in her sharp nails in his shoulders when he sucked those lovely glistening peaked nipples made him dizzy with desire. The need to be proper and to follow decorum seemed so insignificant when he could have died without the war ever ending. Would she have found someone else? The thought of Daitan being with anyone else made him lose focus and when she moaned his name, he looked down to see his hands digging into her hips. He smirked, of course, his little hellion liked a little pain with her pleasure.
He mapped her body with the same intensity he does when learning a difficult and dangerous jutsu. She was worth putting in the effort to memorize all the ways he could make her wild, he wanted to do that for the rest of his life. And when he shed his clothes to add to the growing pile, she looked at him awed. Her precious hands that probably didn’t see as much as death as his, lovingly traced over his scars and faults. She looked at him like he was irreplaceable. No one ever thought that of him. He was the second son, the spare. The stoic Senju that couldn’t measure up to his excitable sunshine of a brother. But she wanted him since the beginning, she wanted Tobirama and no one else.
His breath hitched when he finally slid inside her wet slit, their hands interlocked on that warm sunny afternoon. She looked beautiful with her hair wild and spread out amongst the wildflowers, her body arched each time he hit that spot that made her cry out deliriously. Maybe he should have been ashamed for having her without marrying her first like a proper nobleman would. But the way she pleaded for him to give what she wanted and how his name spilled out from her throat, all needy with desperation in her face; made him not give a damn. And when she finally came like the merciful goddess she was, she took him along with her. With a moan and fervent whispers of her name against her shoulder, he spilled into her wet heat. Tobirama so desperately wanted to prolong his pleasure so he continued rutting, trying to keep his seed from escaping. When he finally grew limp, he withdrew and tugged her into his embrace.
It felt forever when he finally recovered stamina but it was too soon for her.
“You want to go again? Give me time at- “
He didn’t let her finish before spreading her legs and setting a fast rhythm that satisfied him but overwhelmed her to the point she begged and pleaded for him to slow down. He only let out a low chuckle when instead of heeding her he only got rougher and made her squeal as she came again and again on his cock.
“You ass.” Daitan declared in between her heaving pants. She tried to hit him, but her hand flopped uselessly missing her highly satisfied target.
“Sorry I couldn’t hear you over your screams of pleasure,” he rumbled as he kissed her sweaty hair.
“Oh, so sex is all it takes for your humor to come out. I see and here I thought you were devoid of any expressions except mild disapproval and that cute face you make every time I flirt with you.”
“I do not have a cute face.”
“Yes, you do. Your face and ears get all r-mrrphhh,” she got interrupted by another kiss and another. Anything to keep her distracted. His face was not cute.
They continued to meet several times, but their meetings now included illicit affairs that usually ending with him between her legs and his hand on her mouth to silence her moans. He was now impatiently awaiting her letters from messenger birds on their next location as he hurried off to meet her while Hashirama watched him depart with an amused look in his eyes.
While one thing was going right, the war on the other hand resumed just after Izuna’s death until Hashirama was ready to kill himself at Madara’s suggestion. Tobirama seethed with rage as his brother stopped him from killing Madara to end the conflict. But apparently, his moronic anija’s antics were good for something as Madara stopped Hashirama before he could go through with his sacrifice and finally agreed on a treaty. The treaty itself was lengthy and included a joint endeavor between both clans to create a village. Most of the housing was planned out by Hashirama and his mokuton jutsu. The entire ordeal was exhausting but rewarding as several clans joined in the effort to create a peaceful environment for the future.
All of the bureaucratic nonsense kept him busy and from going out searching for Daitan. He hadn’t seen her in two months. They were meeting regularly until one day her letters stopped asking him to meet her. Nothing indicated that she was unhappy, and she still responded to him often. Yet, each time he asked her to meet him somewhere she always had a convenient excuse. Tobirama was flabbergasted to the point he even asked his clueless anija as to what this all meant. He just received a lecture on how mysterious women are and how it’s probably nothing. Which didn’t explain why Daitan was purposely avoiding him to meet in person.
Tobirama was about to ask Hashirama for a small break for him to leave the village when he got a missive from the Heiwa clan. The white-water lily was unmistakable, and he stared at the unopened seal for a couple of minutes before snapping out of it when Hashirama and Madara came back from strolling around the village.
“Ototo, what do you have there?” His anija asked before his face brightened. “Is it from Mito? Has she finally decided to elope like I asked her?”
Tobirama shook his head. “No, I think it’s another clan wanting to join the village.”
He didn’t think his brother’s smile could get even wider, but now his smile stretched from ear to ear as the older man chuckled wholeheartedly.
“Oh wow! Which one is it? Is it the Yamanakas? They were acting coy, but I knew my charms worked on them.”
Tobirama looked at the two men, one looked expectedly back at him and the other with wild black hair looked bored.
“No, it’s the Heiwa clan.”
Complete silence filled the office. “Ototo, you don’t have to hide your love letters as missives, you know? Everyone knows about your affair by now.”
He glared at the man and tossed the scroll his way. “See for yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Hashirama grew serious as he read the contents and quietly closed the scroll.
“Well, it seems like the Heiwa clan would like to join. But honestly, I’m intimidated I’m not good with confident, beautiful women. I mean I was a disaster with Mito. So, can you go talk to them instead, Madara?”
Madara didn’t even bother looking at his best friend and instead looked out the window.
“I have better things to do, Hashirama. I don’t want to entertain them. You know people don’t like me.”
“Oh, come on! You know that’s only true for little children. The women like you just fine.”
Tobirama thought for a second, Daitan was their clan member maybe they could provide some updates on her.
“Anija, I could greet them when they arrive.”
The two friends stopped their bickering to look at him. Hashirama looked skeptical and Madara had his eyebrow raised at him.
“Are you sure? Those are your in-laws and you want to make a good first impression on them. I know how grumpy you get dealing with all the politics.”
He fought the urge to roll his eyes at his sibling. “I’m not married for the last time and they’re not my in-laws.”
“Alright fine. You can deal with them when they get here and then send my way for the final negotiations if everything goes well. However, Madara will come to check up on you occasionally just in case.”
Tobirama frowned at the mention of Madara, he was not a child to keep an eye on. He could perfectly negotiate terms between people, he wasn’t that incapable well at least in comparison to the Uchiha. Who seemed overly smug at the moment and smirked when they made eye contact. He shot a nasty look at the older man before leaving the office to head to the training grounds.
The news of the Heiwa clan arriving spread like wildfire throughout Konoha and it seemed like many of the men appeared elated and jovial. Some people appeared to be concerned with the clan’s traditions of stealing men which in essence meant the Uchiha but overall, the response was rather pleasant. At least there weren’t any outright protests to the clan.
When the time came to meet the representatives sent by the clan, he headed to the gates in his standard blue armor. When Tobirama saw who exactly was approaching his home, he realized he should have at least dressed for the occasion. He saw Daitan and another young woman with sea-green hair making their way slowly to the gate. The sea green-haired woman was in a beautiful kimono with a slit at the end showing off her legs, she was equipped with weapons. No doubt a competent kunoichi with the way her observant eyes was surveying the area. His attention finally turned towards Daitain only to frown. She was just in a plain summer yukata with a sword on her side. But that wasn’t what worried him, she looked like she hadn’t slept in a while and lost weight since the last time he saw her.
When they came closer, he bowed to them and they bowed in return.
“Greetings, I’m Senju Tobirama. Welcome to Konoha,” he simply stated while trying not to be obvious in his observations of Daitan.
She sent him a warm smile that slightly calmed his inner worries. They continued inside the village where he led them on a tour, showing off the newly built markets. The green-haired woman had introduced herself as Heiwa Nariko and the name fit as she was courteous and calm throughout the tour. Nothing like Daitan, he kind of expected all of her clan to be vivacious and full of life like her. But apparently, he was wrong as Nariko displayed the qualities of a well-bred noblewoman. With all the attention on them as they went from one district to another, it was hard for him to get in a private word with Daitan. Until Madara showed up just like Hashirama asked him to.
The two ladies bowed to the leader of the Uchiha as he simply introduced himself as “Madara.”
He noticed with a cringe a spark of interest from Madara as he eyed Nariko before it went away. Likewise, the lady made her attraction evident before she averted her eyes.
“Ah, Madara-sama I heard quite praise about the architecture of the Uchiha district. Do you mind showing me the way? I would love to hear from the leader himself,” Nariko requested as she looked over her fan that was covering her face. It made her look demure and shy which was exactly the image she was going for without looking too forward.
“As Heiwa-san wishes,” he replied as he beckoned her to follow him.
As the two left, Nariko turned around and cheekily held a thumbs up to them before hurrying after Madara.
“Madara-sama, you don’t have to call me by my last name. You can call me Nariko-san.” That was the last thing both heard before they disappeared from their view.
“Wow, that was the leader of the Uchiha huh? He has no experience with women I can tell. Nariko’s going to eat him alive,” Daitan giggled.
Not wanting to waste time, he quickly gathered Daitan in his arms before using shunshin to get away from peering eyes. He hopped roof to roof until he got to his own private home that was built for him when the date of his anija’s marriage was decided.
He let her down on the tatami floor of his living room and went to grab some tea for her.
Daitan was looking around his quarters and commented, “hmm, so this is your house. I like it, it’s kind of bare but it suits you.”
When he came back, he offered her a seat and some tea before getting to the point.
“Why haven’t you let me see you lately? What’s going on?”
“So, you missed me? That’s so sweet. Before you used to tell me to stop bothering you, it’s ironic how things turn out.”
He looked at her deadpan, knowing that she was purposely trying to skirt around the issue.
Daitan let out a chuckle at the sight of his face and kissed him.
“You” kiss “are” another kiss “so cute!”
He tugged her close until she was on his lap and kissed her harshly. Letting out a growl against her lips, he sucked on her bottom lip before gaining control of the situation.
“I’m not cute. You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
Tobirama hoisted her around as she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he carried her to his room. As he laid her out on his futon, he realized this was the first time they were going to make love inside instead of out in the open. His attention was once again riveted to her as she slowly unveiled her yukata to show her bare body to him. He did the same to his clothes and covered her. Their cores connected and he felt her shudder against him. He dipped and started kissing down her body.
“My love, I need you to be gentle, ok?”
He looked up in surprise, she never asked for that. She always loved whatever he could dish out.
“Daitan, tell me what’s going on. Something’s off. You’ve lost weight and you’ve been avoiding the subject.”
She touched his face softly and her face glowed with happiness.
“It’s not a bad thing. Hopefully, for you, it’s not a bad thing. Because I’ve never been so happy.”
Daitan grabbed his hands and placed it firmly against her stomach. It was a bit swollen and tight. His eyes widened and he was speechless for several moments
“I’m with child, I couldn’t meet you for months because I was bedridden with sickness. I could barely eat without vomiting. But I came now because the morning sickness has subsided and I’m finally feeling better. The clan leaders know who the father is and that’s why they asked me to accompany Nariko.”
Tobirama was shocked to his core. Though, honestly, he should have seen it coming, did they even discuss preventions before having sex? No, they went at it like two touch starved idiots in love. Well, that described him, Daitan was far more composed but was content to follow his lead. He didn’t regret it at all despite the life growing inside her. Sure, he’d have to marry her sooner than later to prevent gossip before she grew too large to hide her pregnancy from outsiders. Now that he thought about it, things were happening faster than he intended but the situation worked out. Daitan was going to be his wife and she was going to carry his heir eventually. It just happened in a different order than he intended.
“Are you happy?” she asked bringing his attention back to her.
Instead of answering her, he decided to show her by settling in between her thighs and tenderly kissing the growing bump. He cupped her breasts but was smacked away by Daitan when she hissed.
“Careful, they’re sensitive.”
He let out a grunt and continue to lick and kiss across her upper body. Her body’s changes he noted with reverence, her breasts were slightly bigger along with her hips being wider than before. He was mesmerized. Her moans were growing with a fever pitch and what he brought his member closer to her cunt, he could already feel its wetness and heat. He rutted against her, spreading her juices over his member. Her chest was heaving erratically, and her pink buds caught his scrutiny. Bending over to latch onto it with his lips, the sensations was too much for her as her body arched and shook. With a jolt, he realized how sensitive her body was now.
Her slick tunnel made it easy for him to slide inside and he watched captivated as his member entered with no obstructions to slow him. Usually, it would take a slow pace for her to adjust to his size without hurting. She immediately wrapped her legs around and crossed her ankles to take him deeper. He shuddered and tried to slow down the pace as she provoked him to take her. Finally losing his temper, he slammed her hands above her head and kept them there.
“Slow down. I’m not going anywhere,” he growled out.
Despite the ease, he still set a torturously slow pace and withdrew when he felt her walls flutter and clench around him. If he gave her what she wanted immediately, she wouldn’t be satisfied with the underwhelming climax.
“Tobirama, please. J-just..” She couldn’t finish that sentence as an unfiltered moan broke out when he slammed back into her and jerked her body.
“Is that what you want? Didn’t I tell you to wait?” It seemed like she just too wound up to listen to his earlier warnings and with a scream spilled over creating a filthy squelching sound when his cock thrusted over and over again. His unsteady breath hitched when he felt her walls squeeze tightly so much so he could barely pull out and shove himself back in as he helped her ride out her pleasure. Just as she was finally settling down, he allowed himself to let go and fill her with his essence. He collapsed on the side of her, murmuring unintelligible tidbits before curling her body against him.
When the fiery desire succumbed Daitan couldn’t help but remark, “you’re quite chatty when you’re making love.”
She heard an exasperated exhale. “And your talkative for someone who’s been screaming out her lungs, onna.” Daitan felt her cheeks heat up and let the matter go, choosing to instead lay her head on his chest and feel the rhythmic rise of his breaths.
The rest of the day was spent inside his home as they made themselves familiar with each other bodies and the various surfaces around the house. When Tobirama woke up the next day, he heard someone pounding on his door. With bleary eyes, he opened up to his older brother standing outside with a frantic look.
“Ototo, did you escort Heiwa-san back to the inn? Her clan member hasn’t seen her since yesterday!”
Tobirama just glared at his anija, he couldn’t believe that he woke up for this. He barely got any sleep last night.
“She’s with me. Oh, and by the way anija you’re going to be an uncle in a couple of months.” With that, he slammed the door on his sibling ignoring the jaw dropped look from Hashirama. The girlish squeal that erupted out of the Shodaime was something he would deny to his dying days.
* Daitan = Daring and Nariko = Humble child
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cherryrogers · 4 years ago
when dusk falls {1}
pairing: bucky barnes x reader | royal au
warnings: mentions of war, death, rape + forced marriage. pure angst tbh.
summary: One fateful afternoon, your blissful life as the beloved princess of Taria comes to a sudden halt.
a/n: ok so i am very excited for this fic. more excited than i’ve ever been to write a fic ever, i really hope you guys like it !! it’ll likely be a slow burn, and i’m gonna try so hard to do weekly updates (unheard of from me i know !!) anyway please enjoy and any feedback is appreciated !!
series masterlist
The Kingdom of Taria was said to be the most beautiful place on the planet. A verdant location, rich with greenery from north to south. Known as the planet’s garden, visitors would travel for days overseas simply to inhale the fresh scent of the crisp air upon arriving within Taria’s borders. The civilians were lovely, always smiling and willing to offer tours of the gardens and markets. And the monarchs — the most loved the world had ever seen. They lived in a fabulous palace in the centre of the green land, one of the oldest buildings to exist in Taria. The palace front garden was free for anyone to roam, a place where the King and Queen could be seen waving from their balcony, broad smiles covering their lips.
And the Princess; she was the kingdom’s gem.
Adored by the people of Taria and those of allied kingdoms, you made it your mission to be less of a princess to your people, and more of a friend. You played with the children in the palace garden on sunny afternoons, went to tea with the women who sold baked goods at the markets, helped their sons with schoolwork when you had time to spare — there wasn’t a single name you could put to a face. You felt so free, so lucky to be engaged with the people that made Taria as wonderful as it was. You didn’t even need personal guards, not when there wasn’t a soul in the kingdom that wanted to hurt a hair on your head.
The life you were so grateful to live, that you cherished so close to your heart — it was terrifying how easily it was stripped from you. How easily Hydra ripped you away from the golden dream that it was.
You’d been hiding in your library, laid out on a plush beige couch, the skirt of your royal blue dress spilling over the edge, flipping through the pages of a thick, hardback mystery novel. It’d been gifted to you by Sharon, your lady-in-waiting and best friend before that. She’d left you alone in the library momentarily while running to bring you both a steaming cup of chamomile tea; an essential when reading, she’d insisted. If you weren’t so caught up in your book, perhaps you would’ve noticed Sharon had been gone for nearly ten minutes. It was only when the sound of commotion erupted from behind the large doors of the library that your eyes finally flickered up, and when they did, your friend was suddenly bursting through the doors, a frightened expression on her face.
“Sharon, what’s wrong?” You’d slipped your bookmark between the pages of your novel before placing it at your feet.
The blonde rushed towards you, taking your hand and tugging you up from the couch. “We must go.”
Your face contorted in confusion, but Sharon didn’t care to explain as she snatched you away from the centre of the grand room, making a beeline to the back door of the room that led into your personal garden. Her hand was tight like a vice around your wrist, pressing your bracelets uncomfortably into your skin.
“What was with the yelling outside?” You questioned breathlessly, struggling to keep up with her pace as she pushed open the glass garden doors. “And why— my gosh, why are we running?”
Winding through the plethora of brilliantly coloured roses and tulips, you shrieked as you closely avoided tripping over your own feet, bare and aching from the gravel of the pavement between the square plots of flowers sticking to your soles. Everything was happening so fast, even the colours of the garden were blending together as you tried to figure out what could’ve been going on.
Sharon’s hand fleetingly let go of your wrist as you steadied yourself, and before she could clasp it back in her grip, you ripped it out of her reach.
She narrowed her eyes. “_____, we don’t have time—”
“Tell me what’s going on.” You folded your arms over your chest, the waver in your voice telling Sharon that you needed to know then and there, your nerves beginning to build more with each passing second.
The woman was about to object, but since you weren’t aware of the gravity of the situation, she decided telling you may have been a better option — whatever got you away from the palace the as soon as possible. Sighing quickly, she held your upper arms in urgency. “It’s Hydra, they’re here. Here for you.”
In that moment, you swore your heart had never dropped so low in your stomach. “For me? What— What do they want with me?”
“I don’t know; as soon as I heard your name, I ran to find you. They’re searching the palace for you right now, _____, we need to get to the stables and leave before they find you.”
She took your hand in hers, ready to make a run for it, but you didn’t budge. Mouth hung open in shock, you were paralysed on the spot.
The Kingdom of Hydra was a dark place. Plagued with freezing temperatures and harsh blizzards, the majority kept far away from it. The effects of a long dictatorship had set in over the decades, making it the complete opposite of Taria. King Alexander called all the shots, passed laws that benefited him, denied laws that benefited the public. Crime was at an all time high; women raped every day, markets trashed and robbed, murders around every corner — the King didn’t bat an eye. Nobody did. The only reason people stayed was because they had to. It was against the law to migrate unless the circumstances were exceptional, but realistically they’d never be severe enough for the King to lose tax money over.
Attempts at rebellions had spiked over the years, usually only consisting of not even one hundred civilians wanting to fight the system. The King’s father, who occupied the throne before him, was killed by a rebel when the castle was attacked by hundreds of men wielding pitchforks. Once Alexander became king, he threatened that any civilian who dared to rebel against the monarchy would be sentenced to death without question. While there were still quieter rebel forces waiting for their moment to strike, most were ultimately too fearful to take physical action, and they were right in feeling so.
Hydra was a brutal place; living there was a life sentence that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. But it seemed like soon, you’d be serving that miserable time yourself.
Only when you felt a warm hand press to your cheek did you snap out of your fear, glossy eyes meeting the deep brown ones of your friend. “You’ll be okay. I’m going to get you to safety, but I can only do that if we leave now.”
Forcing your fear down with a painful gulp, you nodded hurriedly. The blonde’s lips curled slightly in reassurance, before she took your hand eagerly and headed straight for the tall, cream garden gate leading out to the stables.
She quickly explained the route you’d take; travel west through the Goldwater village, borrow a rowboat from the docks, and sail over the Emerald Sea to the Swari Island; a small but resourceful community not ruled over by a monarchy, but had offered hospitality to the royals of Taria if they ever needed it. They’d know who you were when you arrived there, and because it was such an independent island, Hydra likely didn’t even know it existed. If they did, they probably would’ve attacked and taken over the place a long time ago.
The plan sounded hopeful, and your nerves had actually began to simmer once you were close enough to the gate for Sharon to shift the heavy metal lock. But when a worried voice called out from behind you, her movement was paused, the lock only being half pulled.
Steven — your father’s valet — stood tall in the doorway to the library, golden locks and beard seeming even lighter with the sun beaming down onto him. But the look on his face was anything but light; thick brows pinched and lips curled into a frown, he waved for the two of you to return.
“There are soldiers behind that gate,” He called. “You can’t reach the stables.”
You turned to Sharon with a fearful expression; she kept a tight hold on your hand, letting go of the gate to respond to Steve. She remained calm, but at the foiling of her plan, her demeanour had visibly changed. “Then what are we to do? I won’t let Hydra take her, Steve.”
His face fell even further, a hand coming to clutch at the sword on his hip as he jogged towards the two of you. Blue eyes set on you, he spoke with sorrow. “I’m afraid that they’re not going to leave without you, Princess.”
Your friend scoffed, shooting the valet a glare. “And why is that?”
Steve didn’t reply, an apologetic glint in his eyes as they stayed on you. You held his eye contact, shaking your head in disbelief. What did he mean they weren’t leaving without you? It wasn’t like Steve to give up so easily, especially when it came to your safety. He had a duty to your father, to ensure your protection before his at all costs. But Hydra didn’t care for duties and loyalty — they didn’t care for compromise. What they wanted, they got. And they wanted you.
“Steven, what do they want with _____?” Sharon asked again, this time more aggressive with her tone, but her hard exterior was beginning to crumble.
Like you, she knew Steve to be confident, determined. He’d been like that even at the age of thirteen when she’d befriended him — the scrawny blond boy that didn’t have the patience to read books or plant seeds in the back garden like the other kids she neighboured with, instead always running around on the dirt roads using long, pointy sticks as swords to battle with an imaginary opponent.
Originally from the war-torn Kingdom of Lidor, she migrated with her aunt after her parents were caught in the centre of a Hydra attack on their village. Sharon was staying at her Aunt Peggy’s for the weekend when it happened, and as soon as it did, Peggy wasn’t risking her young niece being killed along with her brother and sister-in-law if they dared attack again, which was likely inevitable.
That was the scary thing about Hydra; they had the absolute power to ruin everything in their wake.
Sharon met you when she was sixteen; she was wandering the beautiful palace garden with her aunt when you’d approached the two of them, introducing yourself with a kind smile. It was the first time they’d been near the palace, their new village being in a more remote area of Taria, and preferring to keep to themselves while recovering from the tragedy back home. You ended up clicking with her straight away, easily being drawn to her fiery attitude and quick wit. As you got closer, you became her shoulder to cry on when she’d opened up about her parents and her life during the war at home, learning that Lidor was fighting on their own against the powerful forces of Hydra, and had been three years — Hydra had a certain way of keeping their harmful affairs quiet.
Later that week, you informed your father of her kingdom’s situation, and after a discussion with Taria’s knights and the leaders of your allies, cavalries upon cavalries shipped out to Lidor to rid the place of Hydra’s men. The war came to an end months later, and you’ll never forget the relief and joy on Sharon’s face once you’d let her know that her home could soon begin to recover.
She’d also spoken of needing a job, and after a short conversation with your parents, they approved of her being able to fill the spot of your lady-in-waiting. Sharon was hesitant to take the role, as it meant leaving her old aunt to live alone in their home miles away from the palace, but you assured her she could visit Peggy whenever she wanted, and that the role wasn’t so much a servant job — more like a professional best friend.
Steve, then eighteen, was introduced to you when you ventured out to meet Sharon’s aunt at her home. Unlike him in his childhood, he’d grown incredibly tall and broad, large biceps and muscular thighs easily filling out his clothing. Purely kindness and charisma, Steve seemed like a man your father would’ve adored. One day, you brought the two of them down to the palace for dinner in the evening. Steve was obviously out of his comfort zone; he’d never once imagined he’d ever come to be around so many royals. Like you’d guessed, he had your father clutching his stomach with laughter, and he’d deeply admired the blond’s courageous spirit when he’d expressed his desire for a job where he could protect people who needed it.
At the end of the night, the King pulled him aside and told him that if he was interested in being his valet, the job was unmistakably his. Of course, Steve accepted it without question. You’d always remember the first time he held a real sword; it was like witnessing a child during a sugar rush.
Since that day, both Sharon and Steven had never been too far away, always around to keep you company. It was a good change to have good friends living in such close proximity. Your life had never been better, safer.
And now, in their presence, you’d never felt more afraid.
Before Sharon could force an answer out of the valet, a raspy, smug voice sounding from where Steve had been stood only moments ago in the library doorway caught the attention of the three of you.
Tilting your head to look past Steve, your jaw tightened at the sight of a dark-haired man, dressed in dark clothes and scruffy boots — a clear juxtaposition among the vibrant garden. Upon his lips, a too-satisfied smirk, and on the left metal shoulder piece shielding his thin tunic, the image of a skull with tentacles coming from the mouth clear as day — the symbol of Hydra.
“I must say, Princess, you have a wonderful palace here.” He patronised, stepping into the garden gesturing to the enormous building behind him.
It was then you noticed the four soldiers that’d followed him out, expressions completely vacant, staring straight ahead as if they hadn’t just infiltrated the royal palace. Their uniform was similar to brocks, except the skull symbol was replaced by a large red star.
Steve pushed you behind him protectively; your grip remained tight on your friend’s hand. “You have no business coming to Taria without speaking the King first. This wasn’t part of the agreement.”
Agreement? Hydra had no business in Taria at all; none that you knew of, anyway.
The man shrugged carelessly. “The King wants the Princess in Hydra now; circumstances have changed.”
“Circumstances have changed how?” Steve challenged, glowering at him.
Frustration bubbled in your chest. You didn’t understand what Hydra wanted with you, and you definitely weren’t aware that there was an agreement between Taria and Hydra. Your kingdom vowed a long time ago never to make deals with the devil, the devil being a kingdom ruined by dictatorship and power-hungry men.
Sharon uttered your name cautiously as you removed your hand from hers, stepping forward to lower Steve’s raised arm, no longer shielded from the man who’d seemingly been sent to collect you.
“Tell me what’s going on,” You spoke up confidently, shoving down the anxiety threatening to appear in your voice. “What agreement do you speak of?”
The man’s sick smile widened upon hearing your voice. Looking over his shoulder, he gave a nod to one of the docile soldiers who left his side on his signal, before turning back to you. “I could tell you, Princess — but I think it’s better that you hear it from the King and Queen.”
Your eyes widened; behind the man, you watched as four soldiers escorted your parents into the garden. They appeared tired, as if they’d put up a fight. Wouldn’t any loving parent to keep their child safe? Of course, Hydra had likely brought enough infantry to keep control of the situation. Your knights were strong, but scarce compared to the large army Hydra had built over the years.
“Go on,” The man coaxed, stepping off to the side so that you were eyeing your parents directly. “Ask them.”
Biting your lower lip, you pushed back the confused and angry tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “Father, Mother — what’s going on?”
A stray tear trickled down your mother’s face, her eyes never leaving the ground. She was petrified. Exhaling deeply, your father took her hand gently, before shooting you an apologetic look. “This was never meant to happen, _____. I was going to renegotiate the agreement…”
His pleads to show himself in a better light fell flat, futile — everyone knew that you were leaving with Hydra one way or another. You brought your brows together, silently asking him to just tell you the truth. Another heavy sigh, and he came clean.
“One day, when your mother was pregnant with you, her and I rented a sailboat from the east docks. We used to sail along the Heartlen Ocean all the time when we were young; she was due to give birth in two weeks, and since she’d be palace-bound upon your birth, I decided that one more sail before the big day wouldn’t hurt.”
Typically, most who chose to go sailing took boats from the west docks to travel the Emerald Sea. They were easier to access, less remote than the east docks hidden by the thick woodland separating them from Taria’s centre. But if you recalled correctly, that’s why your parents were so fond of the Heartlen Ocean — it was quiet, the whole ocean was theirs to sail freely.
“We’d been out for an hour or two, ignoring our compass and the sky growing dark. We had no idea how far out from Taria we were. Your mother suggested that we head back, but… but before we could, she went into—”
“Can we speed this up, Your Highness?” The insufferable man snarked, earning himself a piercing glare from your father, but he obeyed nonetheless.
His eyes landed back on yours, filling with regret once more. “She went into labour on the boat. We were so far out that going back to Taria wasn’t an option. So, we sailed to the nearest land we could find, which turned out to be Hydra. We had no choice but to ask for their help, and— and they gave it to us, but with a cost. The King, he refused to help your mother unless we made a deal, that deal being that if she gave birth to a baby girl… she was to marry his newborn son once he‘d turned twenty-one.”
You could have fainted on the spot. Steve offered his arm to you, which you took quickly, holding on as if the ground was turning to quicksand. If that meant the ground would’ve swallowed you up and been your escape from the nightmare-come-true that was happening before you, you wished the ground were quicksand.
Tears yet again glazing your eyes, you shook your head. “I— I don’t know what to say.”
Meekly, your mother lifted her head, broken eyes meeting yours almost painfully. “We had no choice, my dear.”
I know. You wanted to say it, but the words refused to leave the tip of your tongue. A sob stuck uncomfortably in your throat, but you couldn’t cry. You couldn’t let your guard down; not in front of Hydra.
Not in front of the people who held your mother’s life in their greedy hands, only agreeing to save it if they could benefit from doing so. You refused to show them an ounce of your vulnerability.
Still wearing that ugly grin, the man who seemed to be leading the Hydra soldiers brought himself back between you and your parents, and you couldn’t help but glower at him. “Well, I believe congratulations are in order. Princess, you’re getting married.”
“You’re sick.” Steve spat, but the man just snickered.
“Soldiers, prepare the carriage for our departure,” He called over his shoulder, and the expressionless soldiers obeyed, marching past you to unlock the garden gate, revealing another dozen soldiers right outside. “Oh, how rude of me, I haven’t even introduced myself.”
He reached for your hand, but Steve was quick to bat it away, drawing his sword from his hip with a stern stare. But by doing so, the soldiers stood at the gate followed suit, ready to lunge at the valet if his sword moved any closer to their leader. With great reluctance, your friend put his weapon away, and the man reached for your hand yet again.
His hands were rough, and you couldn’t hide your grimace at the dirt he’d failed to wash from them. Moving agonisingly slow, he brought your silk-soft hand to his lips. “I’m Brock; we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other once you settle in Hydra.”
You could’ve thrown up, right then and there. He was enjoying it, seeing you and your family miserable. Once the public heard of the sudden news, they’d be terrified. If the King of Hydra could so easily take their Princess away from Taria, what was stopping them from trying to take Taria for themselves completely?
Brock chuckled as you tugged your hand from his grasp. “I hope you’re a little friendlier to your husband-to-be; I know that Prince Isaac is very eager to meet you.”
Husband. It was still almost impossible to process. A deal to save your mother’s life — and your own — made twenty years prior meant that your freedom was to be completely stripped from you. It didn’t matter how they’d treat you in Hydra; they’d be taking you against your will, forcing you to marry a man you’d never met, and if he was anything like his father, you would’ve rather been as far away from him as possible.
Of course, you could’ve refused to leave. But when you were surrounded by soldiers, ready to comply to any instruction Brock gave them, you didn’t want to think about the consequences of doing so.
You’d like to have thought Taria had moved on from such traditional norms of a kingdom ruled over by a monarchy. Money was provided to civilians that needed it — not only to survive — but to live a stable life, the richer inhabitants of the Kingdom were taxed more and didn’t complain; everyone had a chance of a good life in Taria. Your family certainly made sure of that, and not many other kingdoms had come to follow in your footsteps of upholding a fairer society.
However, the rules concerning the marriage of the King and Queen’s children had been the same since a monarch first took to the throne in Taria, and everywhere else too. And you didn’t mind that; you trusted that your parents wouldn’t force you into marriage with a man you were certain about. They’d definitely never have you marry Prince Isaac of Hydra if they had a say in the matter. But the deal was made a long time ago, and Hydra had a knack for never forgetting what they’re owed. It’d be illegal for you parents to go back on the agreement, and again, you didn’t want to think about the consequences of that happening.
“The carriage is ready, Commander.” A soldier announced from behind you, voice as monotonous as you’d imagined it to sound. His words still sent a shiver down your spine.
“I— I need to collect my things.” You stated to Brock, who waved you off.
“There’s no need; everything you could possibly need will be given to you at the castle, Princess.”
So you weren’t even allowed to bring your own clothes, or books, or anything to remind you that you’d never truly belong to Hydra. Of course they’d want to strip you of your identity; they wanted you on strings, dancing around for them as if you were a puppet. In their clothes, reading their books between the walls of their castle, perhaps it’d be enough to transform you into one.
You sighed, clenching at the skirt of your dress in annoyance. “May I at least say goodbye to my family?”
Brock seemed sceptical, but figured that perhaps you’d let down your front a little if he granted you what you’d asked. “You have two minutes, then we must leave immediately.”
As soon as he stepped out of your way to begin gathering his soldiers, you made a beeline to your parents, ignoring the gravelly pavement against your sore feet. Pulling the two of them into a loving hug, you didn’t care to suppress your tears that time.
“I’m so sorry, dear,” Your father mumbled in your ear, his tone dripping with regret. “The palace guards tried to stop them from entering, but there were just too many soldiers. And the knights weren’t aware—”
You pulled away, offering him a forgiving smile. “It’s not your fault, Father. Neither of you are to blame.”
Tearful eyes landed on your mother next, who could barely lift her gaze from the ground. “Mother, please listen to me.”
She glanced up as you addressed her directly, her frown deepening. “If you hadn’t accepted the deal, neither of us would’ve lived to see how beautiful Taria has become over the past twenty years. Living this life and having it taken away from me… it’s better than never having lived it at all, I swear.”
“The arrival of this day has plagued my nightmares ever since you were born,” The woman choked out a sob, immediately taking your hands in her trembling ones. “Don’t let Hydra take away the good in your heart, my dearest. And— And don’t lose hope.”
You gave her a nod of assurance, before stepping back from the two of them, afraid that you’d turn into a sobbing mess if you spoke to them any longer. “Thank you, for everything.”
As the two leaned into each other, your parents plastered on smiles of appreciation, of love, and you made sure to keep that image fresh in your mind forever. If that were the last you were to see of them, then you refused to let the memory get away.
Turning around, you couldn’t help but chuckle sadly at your friends, watching you with such fallen expressions; they’d never appeared so down. Around each other, the three of you never shared a dull moment. If you were to leave Taria to marry in the future, it was meant to be far less melancholic. Unfortunately, not everything can work out in everyone’s favour; destiny seemed to really not want to work out in yours.
Approaching Steve first, you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, a sense of temporary relief filling you as his big arms enveloped your waist. He was a brother to you; it felt like you’d known him your whole life rather than a mere few years. He held you tight, almost afraid that you’d disappear into thin air if he loosened his grip in the slightest.
“I wanted to tell you...” He muttered softly in your ear. As the King’s valet and his most trusted confidant, Steve was told of the matter only a year prior. The King knew that Hydra would come knocking soon enough, and he believed that Steve deserved to know the truth, him being so close to his daughter and all.
“You couldn’t,” You responded, voice muffled by his shoulder. “I understand that.”
“Taria wouldn’t be the place it is without you; I guess I just thought that… nobody could ever take you away from here, no matter how hard they tried.”
Stepping back, you moved your hands to his shoulders, giving them an assuring squeeze. “Hydra will never be a home to me, Steven. Nobody could ever truly take me from here.”
His lips curled at that, though it didn’t seem to raise his spirits; it’d be impossible to. The worst case scenario had become a reality — Taria’s Princess in the clutches of Hydra.
Leaning forwards, you pressed a short kiss to his cheek, a token of your gratitude for the valet and one of your best friends. “Take care of yourself, Steve.”
“And you, _____.”
You grinned; it wasn’t often that he addressed you by your first name. He’d become so accustomed to calling you by your title around the palace that it slipped his tongue naturally, despite your pleas to address you as his friend, not his princess.
The moment your eyes fell to Sharon, she pulled you straight into her arms, almost knocking the wind out of you. She’d never been much of a hugger; even on her birthday each year she’d cringe when you and Steve would attack her with hugs and affection. But with the possibility playing on her mind that she may never get to be in her best friend’s presence again, she was happy to keep you as close as possible during the little time you had left there.
“There has to be a way to stop this,” The blonde shook her head against your shoulder. “It’s not— this can't be legal.”
A sigh left your lips as you pulled back, trailing your hands to her upper arms. “Somehow, it’s perfectly legal. Even if there was a way to prevent me from leaving, I doubt that the outcome would be any better than this.”
If marrying the heir to Hydra’s throne meant that the rest of Taria was left untouched, you’d leave your Kingdom without a second thought. Their King was not a man of reason; broken deals were always followed with brutal consequences.
Sharon knew that; Lidor happened to be on the receiving end of those consequences when the war broke out on her homeland. The Kingdom was meant to surrender themselves to Hydra’s rule when the previous king was in charge. But when he died and his son took to the throne in turn, he refused to let Lidor fall under such an appallingly cruel government. And following that refusal, Lidor was practically demolished.
If it weren’t for the help they received from Taria and their allies, the place would no longer have been inhabitable. It’d been rebuilding itself slowly over the past few years, and Sharon would’ve hated to see the same tragic thing happen to Taria.
But then again, look at what the cost was. You, trapped in the walls of Hydra’s Castle that’d seen more affliction and agony than your parents had ever even heard of — she couldn’t just let it happen. She was going to fight for you, as your lady-in-waiting and best friend.
Wiping at her eyes furiously, Sharon shook her head again, simply refusing to let you go so easily. “This isn’t goodbye, _____.”
“You’re always the one telling me to look on the bright side, to never stop looking for light at the end of the tunnel,” She spoke sincerely. “The war on Lidor had torn me up for years; without you, I have no idea where I’d be, but I certainly wouldn’t be happy. Now it’s my turn to get you through this.”
You furrowed your brows, uncertain of what she’d meant, but then she uttered something lowly, not wanting anyone else to listen in.
“I know someone in Hydra — they work for King Alexander personally. If I write to you, they’ll get the letters to you.”
Scoffing breathlessly, you narrowed your eyes at her. “Are you insane? Do you know how much trouble you could get into? And who do you know in—”
“Hydra is awaiting your arrival, Princess.” Brock’s teasing tone sounded next to the garden gate, and you assumed that meant your two minutes was up.
It was really happening. You were really being stolen away to Hydra, like a mere object.
Sharon took your face in her hands for just a moment, savouring her last few seconds with you before the smug idiot behind her snatched you away. “I love you, okay? We all do.”
“I love you all too.” You shot her half a smile, glancing up at Steve, who was already looking back at you, and taking a look over your shoulder to eye your parents once more.
Sure, Taria was aesthetically gorgeous, but it was the wonderful people who occupied it that made it a profoundly beautiful place.
The longing expression on your face soon faded when your eyes diverted to Brock, and announced that you were ready to leave. He offered you his arm; you ignored the gesture.
His cavalry were set to depart, already mounted on their dark-haired horses, shining manes blowing gently in the slight breeze. The carriage was rather small, only made to escort two people at a time, and the thought alone of being stuck so close to Brock for as long as it took to simply arrive at east docks made your stomach turn.
Sharon and Steve followed you out next to the stables, watching as the carriage pulled away with their beloved friend inside of it.
Steve naively waited for the nightmare to end, to wake up in his chambers and know that you were sleeping safely in yours. Sharon’s jaw was tight, already contemplating ways to guide you back to where you rightfully belonged.
The taller of the two finally tore his eyes from the carriage, now long gone down the dirt road heading east. He pressed his lips into a thin line, already sensing the frustration boiling in his friend’s blood. “Sharon—”
“You knew,” She intervened bitterly, crossing her arms over her chest as her narrowed eyes snapped up to Steve’s. “You knew that Hydra would come for her and you didn’t even tell me — didn’t even tell her.”
The blond’s lips parted to respond, yet we knew that there were no words he could possibly come up with to make the situation any lighter. “I know you’re hurting, so am I—”
“We’re not the ones being forced to start a new life in Hydra, Steve. _____’s the one that’s hurting. I just... I just think that she deserved to know.”
With that, the woman turned back abruptly, making a swift exit back through the garden gate. The valet remained in his place, a hand absentmindedly going to rest on the hilt of his sword as he observed the carriage morphing into a black dot on the horizon.
And for the first time in his life, overlooking the green land and breathing in the fresh air of the Kingdom he’d come to call home, he felt that Taria didn’t seem so beautiful.
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welcome-to-the-gay-bar · 4 years ago
So I we started to watch Attack on Titan again after many years and I’ve just finished season two and before starting season three I wanted to take a trip down memory lane and look at all my old favourite AOT fan fictions from 2014 (and see what’s popular nowadays that I may have missed, since wow, a lot has changed since I was last present in this fandom and compared to what’s happening in the current episodes season one was tame).
I’ve noticed a huge divide between fanon and canon and I kinda wanted to ruminate on this a bit.
Eren’s character in the show isn’t my favourite. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still fond of this brash idiot, but he’ll never be my favourite. He falls into this shonen protagonist trope of being hot headed and ill tempered. He doesn’t take advice, he’s not going to listen to plans or authority, he always thinks he’s right and only follows his moral compass, and to tie it all up he’s not even that strong. He can’t back up the threats that he’s laying down and yet he always rushes into situations with fists flying and never thanks or appreciates the characters (Mikasa) that get him out of those tricky situations. The only way to get through to him is to physically beat him down and even then it may not work if he hadn’t already somewhat respected you (Mikasa again). This character type is seen so often in shonen and I’m really not a fan, I like the cool and calculating protagonist better. Someone who has the power behind their threats and doesn’t rush into situations. Again, I like Eren, but I think it’s the other characters in the show that balance him out and the plot itself that makes me like Attack on Titan.
Compare this to fanon where his default character is happy ray of sunshine who’s a little bit naive. It’s a rather jarring comparison but I also don’t necessarily dislike it either. To me canon and fanon characteristics are almost completely seperate. If I had to always think a d compare fan fiction to canon I probably couldn’t read it. I read about happy fanon Eren and see canon angry Eren and to me they are two completely different characters - two completely different people even. If I had to read fan fiction about canon Eren I can 1000000% say that I just wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I’d be totally bored. As I said before, I like Eren but it’s the people around him and the plot itself that makes him bearable. I can watch a show about him because it takes less time and emotional energy, but I couldn’t invest in reading a book about him (which is why I haven’t read the manga either).
This isn’t even exclusively towards Attack on Titan. Back in my Teen Wolf phase I noticed how different canon and fanon characters were. Small secret - I was knee deep in the Teen Wolf fandom before I realised that I hadn’t actually watched an episode of Teen Wolf. One of my mutual’s reblogged TW artwork that was linked to a story and from that I never looked back. When I actually did get around to watching TW I can honestly say I was more than a wee bit disillusioned. Derek and Stiles are obviously not the main characters and I was prepared for that, but then they barely interacted, and when they did interact it was nothing like what I had read about - nothing like what their fanon characters or interactions were like. I can honestly say that I never made it past the first season - the show just wasn’t for me - but I was still thoroughly invested in the fandom for another year or two.
Something about fanon Sterek dynamics just did it for me, their characters and relationship was just so on point for what I wanted, and this is kind of when I came to accept that canon and fanon can be so different that it almost feels as if it’s two pieces of completely different media. I mean, fanon has its own set of rules, it’s own character tropes and story arcs that even completely different authors with completely different stories somewhat instinctively know to follow. I think that’s amazing, but it’s also a double edged sword. See these first two examples were of shows that I A) never watched/finished before reading fan fiction, B) don’t necessarily love love the characters in canon. That means that fanon is more appealing because it takes something I don’t care too strongly for and changes it to something more appealing. But what about when fanon takes something I love and cherish and remoulds it?
I want to briefly take this time to talk about something I’ve dubbed “the twink affect”. When you take a character that’s originally strong willed, self sufficient, and somewhat masculine and you pair the, up with someone EVEN MORE strong willed, self sufficient, and masculine - the “Alpha male” of characters if you will. I find that fanon is incapable of seeing two strong men together in a relationship and will eventually slowly twinkify one of them. Make them smaller, softer, lonelier, less self sufficient and more reliant on others, they need to be taken care of, they’re now a ball of sunshine that’s radiant and joyful, they’re cotton candy that melts on your tongue. You put them next to the pairing you ship them with and instead of seeing two strong men you see a bear and a twink. That’s definitely what’s happened to the two characters/pairings mentioned before and I honestly didn’t mind because I wasn’t protective of the source material, but when it does happen to a character I love it’s the most frustrating thing in the world, and I can’t even complain because I’ve already reaped the benefits from other fandoms. (I am going to complain though, this is my blog and I can do what I want mum.)
I’m going to talk about Mo Dao Zu Shi. Beautiful story that I love in (almost) all its various adaptations, but I’ve noticed the ever slow changing of fanon’s Wei Wuxian. For anyone reading this that hasn’t read MDZS (or if anyone’s reading this at all, I am expecting to just be shouting into the void at this point) Wei Wuxian dies - not a spoiler, it happens at the very beginning of the story - and comes back to life in the body of Mo Xuanyu. Mo Xuanyu is small malnourished and twinky - he even canonically wears makeup (or at least has it in his possession, I’m getting the various adaptations confused and I can’t remember if in canon Wei Wuxian woke up in Mo Xuanyu’s body already wearing the makeup or if he just finds the tin of makeup in Mo Xuanyu’s possessions). Wei Wuxian’s character is also a bit of a tease, and now he’s alive and unburdened by the past he’s much freer now than he was in the past, couple that with the fact that he’s pretending to be Mo Xuanyu (a character who is rumoured to be gay and also a bit insane) he goes all out in pretending to be a shameless flirt, and it’s honestly hilarious, I love his character. So in a sense he has all the makings of a canon twink and I’m really not here to shame on those who portray him that way while he’s in Mo Xuanyu’s body.
My personal issue is with the same extreme twink portrayal while he’s in his original body. In his original body Wei Wuxian is BUFF. He’s hunky, he’s in the top five most eligible bachelors, he’s *car honks* woof woof bark bark *whistles* puurrrr, he’s one of the most powerful cultivators of his generation, he’s a genius too. He’s hunky. He still has the cheeky shameless character, but when you compare him to the male lead Lan Wangji, they’re about the same size and strength. My favourite type of fan fiction in MDZS is fix it/everybody lives nobody dies/no war/etc etc. Basically stories where Wei Wuxian keeps his original body. The fanon twink portrayal of him being so small and soft and weak while in canon he’s one of the strongest and smartest urks me in ways I can’t explain. It’s not what I want, not what I’m looking for. I love him for who he is in canon and to see his character so distorted by fans of the original work is frustrating. I just want to read about Wei Wuxian as a jock with his equally buff and tall nerd boyfriend.
I want to pause here and say that I have nothing against authors that write him in a twinky way, I respect your work and your characters (and as I said before I’ve reaped the benefits of other fandoms twinky character portrayals numerous times), if I read a fic that I’m not happy with the characterisation I just close the tab and move on so absolutely no hate to anyone who enjoys this character type. I’m just ruminating on the fact that I’ve been seeing it happen more and more often lately to the point where I’ve kind of bounced the fandom and am sticking to other works like Scum Villain that haven’t yet twinkified too much (there will always be one or two stories in every fandom that twinkify and honestly? I respect that. Authors said twink rights ONLY, good for them).
Mo Dao Zu Shi isn’t the only fandom I’ve been in that I’ve negatively reacted to fanon. Another one would be Batman (I love Tim with all my heart and I love him getting treated nicely but damn I sometimes wish people would remember how freaking strong and amazing he is too), 2Ha is another I’ve started to see “twinkified” (although I don’t mind seeing Chu Wanning being soft and taken care of, he is canonically called handsome and masculine and he’s quite tall too), I’ve even seen the canonically “top” character (and that seems so weird to write oml) be twinkified by fandom because they want to see him get bottomed for ~equal rights~ because apparently bottoming is seen as a “woman’s position” to them and they’re trying to be woke by switching the sexual positions up but failing to see how misogynistic and homophobic that take is (imma stop myself here because that a WHOLE ‘nother can or worms to be opened right there).
What I’m trying to say is fanon is a double edged sword and I’ve definitely enjoyed some and hated some. I think it’s important to seperate the two. I do think it’s annoying for fandoms to be flooded with mischaracterisation when you actually do like the original characters and I wish there was some way to seperate fandom into “actual canon fans” and “fans of fanon”, but I don’t have a solution and I’ve definitely contributed to the problem in the past so for that I’m sorry.
I don’t know how to end this long ass rant, I don’t know what the goal was in writing this, but taadaa ~ here’s my exceptionally long take on fanon.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years ago
UC Sunnyhell: Part four
When Hell freezes over
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Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: College AU. Part four of eight. Spike is the campus bad boy with a secret soft heart. The pair continue to navigate living together and try to focus on their similarities than their differences.
Originally requested by: @sunflower-stan​
Other tags: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @harpersmariano @artsymaddie @cameo-greaves @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard​
Warning: Alcohol consumption. Swearing. Sex reference.
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For a long time since the open mic night, Spike had been thinking. Writing. Not able to stop himself running those words through his mind. That glimpse of you he was now becoming slowly obsessed with. He was getting ready to leave for the night, probably to drink himself into oblivion depending how this interaction went.
He shrugged on his leather duster and stalked into the living room where you were curled up with a book. You looked up, about to smile but he rushed his words out before you even had chance to change your facial expression.
“Your words”
“Yeah?” You braced yourself. Expecting him to belittle you. To tease.
“I liked ‘em” He shrugged. It was quiet but he had definitely said it. It almost knocked you down in shock. Your eyes widened, to have his approval had been all you had wanted. No matter how mad at him you had been, this weird need for him to like you or some part of you had been there. Even while you disliked him.
You opened your mouth to say something back, but he had already walked away. Leaving to go out for the evening and leaving you reeling at his admittance.
For him, that was massive. He didn’t say much except insulting quips. So, that sentence really started to mean something. You clutched it, tried to hold on to this glimpse of kindness. You had began to want to see the good in him.
He had to walk out quickly before he said something further and ruined it. He knew what you had done, the type of person that would write the words you had – speak them with such feeling, he couldn’t not tell you. Seeing as you had put yourself out there that way to tell him.
He was embarrassed though and didn’t want to have to stand and hear you gushing. It would make him uncomfortable.
Since that night you and Spike had managed to have a few conversations that weren’t entirely unpleasant for either of you. If you saw each other in your shared kitchenette or in the hall you would nod or even hold a little conversation.
It mostly consisted of exchanging ‘hellos’ and you would explain what you were doing and he would nod and not provide you with his intentions for the day. But it was something.
You were becoming more and more curious about the other. Neither of you could help it. You wanted to know more about that poet you had seen glimpses of.
Later that week, you had seen Spike cleaning up after his time in the kitchen. His way of making things up to you. I mean, he moved a plate from one end of the room to the other but the intention was there. You knew he had done it because you always asked him to.
You were beginning to warm up to him. To get used to him. You were confused with yourself for it, after everything but you supposed it had been petty. That you had acted on what others had told you rather than getting to know him properly yourself.
You were sat at lunch with your friends, you had been testing Willow on her history knowledge ahead of the text she had in her next class.
This was before, as it usually would, your group’s conversation turned to your usual living predicament. They did this to offer you support, but you weren’t so sure that you needed it anymore.
“He’s actually been almost nice recently… I don’t know” You mumbled, unsure of yourself.
“What happened to ‘I’ll never find a single good trait of Spike’s – Hell would have to freeze over’?” Your own words repeated back to you.
“Yeah, well Hell may have just frozen over” you mutter this inaudibly as you frown. But you just shrugged to your friends. They began to tease you about it, that you had a crush. It was because it was unthinkable, ridiculous even for this to ever happen.
You took it back, embarrassed about the way you longed to find this connection. Even if it was with someone you had been so sure you hated. You couldn’t dare tell them about the open-mic night. You knew they would only laugh more. And you didn’t want them to laugh… at either of you. Not that you thought they would be cruel to you - you were just wary of their views on the matter.
You then moved conversation onto something you knew would distract them. You had gossip about the time you had been spending with Angel for your presentation.
“He mentions you all of the time” You insisted to Buffy, which was definitely true. Angel always appeared to be thinking about her.
“You think? I was worried I was making it up, y’know? I miss him”
“He feels the same, from what he’s said. But he didn’t say all that much”
“Details! We need the exact words and tone. Now, y/n!” Cordy demanded which made you laugh as she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, we’ll send Will to the lab for analysis” Xander joked, his part in this kind of gossip was usually humour and suggesting he was ‘the voice of reason’ on the matter. Although, nobody really listened to his thoughts especially on Angel. They usually teased him because he didn’t get into the frat angel belonged to.
Buffy listened intently as you told them every detail you could remember. You explained how you had been dropping in good words about Buffy here and there. She grinned, hugging you in thanks. She was really excited. She had always loved Angel and she just wanted to be with him again.
Cordelia said that the next stage would be to get Buffy and Angel in the same room, perhaps at the frat party on Friday. You all nodded in agreement as Xander rolled his eyes. He would go, but he would be complaining about the fraternity and how stupid they were the entire time.
Later that week as the party neared, you had been humming softly as you cooked your evening meal. You made pasta but you soon realised you had made too much. So, you walked into the living room a little embarrassed and offered him a bowl. He looked at you with suspicion first. But quickly agreed. He nodded his thanks a little awkwardly as he took the second bowl from your hand.
You went and sat on the comfy chair on the far side of the room from him, still able to cast an eye to whatever it was that he was watching. He watched you from across the room for a moment and you smiled at him as he tucked in.
You were both thinking about the other. As you watched him, you found yourself wanting to know the man behind those sweet words. To take a chance on him despite the way he had acted.
He was fast becoming to realise that your pleasant nature was how you were genuinely. It was your natural setting. You had no ulterior motive other than the pasta would have wasted had he not agreed to have a bowl. You wanted to be friendly. You wanted to share connections with people.
And you were beginning to figure a few things out. You couldn’t confirm it, but you had guessed that the way he acted was a defence. He had built up this armour around himself to protect him from the way he was used to getting hurt. Spent his time drinking and having  lot of sex to fill the void. The emptiness and loneliness he often felt. You knew taking Psych 101 wasn’t a complete waste of time.
You just stared at each other, eating your pasta in silence with the buzz of the tv in the background. It wasn’t uncomfortable, it was just silence. You were both thinking deeply. Completely lost in your own minds.
You emerged from your room on Friday evening. You had been getting ready for the frat party and you thought you better make some kind of effort. You were in a much lighter mood since you and Spike had begun bridging the gap between you. You were both seemingly even marginally more considerate than you had been yesterday. Which was progress. You had this weird flicker of hope inside. As if you and Spike could move forward this way. Be civil at least.
Spike caught sight of you and had to double take.
“Goin’ out, love?” He asked. You nodded, thinking over his use of pet name before he continued, “Makes a change. The annual loser parade?” He asked but this time you knew he wasn’t being cruel.
In fact, the insult had fallen a little flat compared to the biting comments he would usually use. This told you that he was softening. Or, at least, trying not to be as rude as he usually was.
“Just some frat party I promised the girls I’d go to” You shrugged and he nodded distractedly as if he wasn’t too bothered about where you were going. His eyes scanned your body subtly as you moved around the living space looking for things. You turned back to him and he snapped his eyes away, frowning at himself. His brow furrowing.
You were stood with your group of friends at the party, you had drinks and you were letting the music wash over you. The vibrations changing the rhythm of your heart it was so loud. You were laughing with Buffy and Willow. Cordy and Xander were kissing in the corner after Xander had defended her against some loser that had poured beer down her front. He was distracting her while the water they used to wipe her clothes off dried.
Buffy kept looking up at Angel every so often and you all tried to encourage her to walk over to him. While Willow continued talking her friend into walking up to him (which he so clearly looked like he wanted to do as well), you looked off into the distance.
Into the swarm of party-goers. You felt like you stood out. Like everyone else had this amazing time except you. These strong even deep connections that you longed for. You loved your friends but you still felt like you didn’t fit in here completely.
As you felt this, you looked across the room to find none other than your roommate. Spike was there. At a frat party. He stood out as obviously as you felt that you did. He was talking to someone. A woman you was using her arms animatedly as she spoke. She appeared annoyed and he was just calmly nodding along.
Cordy came back from their corner and Xander handed you a drink. Everyone followed your line of vision, thinking you were angry that Spike had crashed. They offered you words of support, some glares in his direction. Willow lowered her voice to explain that the one Spike was talking with was Anya. Nobody really got along with her, she was very blunt and hard to get along with.
“They had a thing”
“Ew, they deserve each other” Cordy scrunched her nose up in disgust at the pair of them.
“Who wouldn’t have a thing with her?” Xander had said at the same time as Cordy, referring to the fact he had always found Anya attractive. He was checking her out and Cordy gasped and hit him in the chest.
They began heatedly arguing and Cordy’s cup looked suspiciously like it was about to empty in Xander’s face.
You tried to help calm them down but Willow tugged you away, shaking her head. She explained there was a 90% probability at any moment they would begin kissing and making up again and nobody should get caught up in that.
You noticed that Anya had stormed away from Spike and he didn’t seem entirely all that bothered about it. For some reason he hadn’t been in the mood for her proposition. Not with Anya, anyway, he maintained. Maybe he was just keeping his options open…
His eye had wondered toward you every so often, he ended up positioning himself nearer to where you would be. He wasn’t sure why or even that he was doing it consciously. He had a taste of your mind. Of your authenticity. That fiery tension that surrounded you both had fuelled this strange feeling. Despite the fact he didn’t want to admit it. He was softening on you.
After a moment, you moved from where you stood by the drinks and made your way over to Spike. He had just been stood in the corner of the room, his face like thunder. He wasn’t well-liked and so he was alone. Again.
You felt bad, seeing him alone. So you walked straight over to him, offering him a beer, “Here” You offered. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion but took it eventually. You joined him, standing beside him with your back against the wall.
“Shouldn’t you be frolickin’ with the rest?”
“Uh, no. I’m taking a break…” You offered, “I don’t really feel like I, y’know, fit in properly here” you admitted, taking another large drink from your bottle. You were speaking more freely as you drank further.
He was interested to hear this. Shocked that you would feel that way and that he could identify with it. He scanned your face, finding your honesty there. A face he so wanted to trust. Especially after hearing more about your earnest thoughts. Writings.
“Yeah, well, it’s ‘cause they’re all bloody mindless automatons”
“Like me, you mean?” You said, not able to let that slide as you took another large drink.
“No, I-” He shook his head when he looked back at you. Seeing that you were actually smiling. You were only teasing him. The corners of his mouth quirked slightly as he looked down. You liked his smile. You weren’t sure if you had ever seen him properly smile before that moment.
You liked it. It softened his features, brightened them. Made him look so much more attractive than that deep-set scowl he usually had on his face. Like the whole world was against him. You were about to tell him you liked his smile, that you wished you could see it more often when you were interrupted. By Buffy.
She pulled you away, hurling a scathing review of his masculinity and telling him to leave you alone. That he had terrorised you enough at home. That he wasn’t even invited into any frats after the last time. You didn’t want to ask about the last time. You had been getting on and didn’t want a reason to change your mind about him.
The scowl returned to his face and you found your own features mirroring his. You felt bad for him. You really had only been talking. You tried to say something, perhaps in his defence but you couldn’t come up with anything. This tenuous understanding was new to you both and so you just kept silent. He hadn’t expected you to say anything and wasn’t particularly annoyed at you.
It just meant he kept an eye on you from the corner of the room again rather than speaking to you. He swigged the beer you had handed him, surprised at the way you had teased him. The way you had been so easy-going. Almost comfortable for him to be around.
As the evening came to an end, you had gotten yourself separated from your group of friends. You were stood in the fresh air of the night thinking about walking home and trying to remember the correct direction.
As you chose a path to follow, you stumbled over your own feet. You braced yourself, expecting to meet hard concrete. But instead some strong hands caught you. Looping around your waist and setting you back on your feet. You turned to look at the blurry bleach blonde figure with a smile.
“You wanna watch it, love. Can’t be stumbling all over the show in a town like this after dark” He muttered. Everyone called the place Sunnyhell because weird things happened with no explanation. He squinted around, “Where’s Blondie? Shouldn’t she be with you?”
“Told her… I’d be okay” You insisted, holding your stomach slightly. You were feeling a little queasy.
“Well, don’t matter what you said. You’re clearly hammered, pet”
“I’m not… you’re- you’re ‘ammered” You copied his accent and giggled slightly. He stepped a few paces in the real direction of your home and stopped looking at you as you just watched him go.
“Come on then, I’m not waitin’ around all night” He gestured with his head for you to walk with him. He was fairly drunk himself, but he could hold it a lot better than you. Too much practice.
“How are you not drunk? You had more th-than me…”
“Some of us can handle our liquor, pet” He said smugly, lighting up a cigarette as you walked beside him, staggering slightly to keep up with him. You were too drunk to notice but he made sure to exhale the smoke away from you as a courtesy.
“I was nervous, I-I feel like I stand out so much in places like that… a piece that doesn’t fit, I stand out so awkwardly” You sighed, pouring how you felt without filter. Spike frowned slightly, you appeared to blend in so easily. Everyone seemed to like you. From the nerds to the jock-types. But he could tell you meant it. He identified with it held onto the idea you were like him. Clung to it with both hands.
“I get that, love, I’m always in the shadows. When people aren’t laughin’ they’re cowering” He shrugged as if it didn’t bother him but even in the state you were in, you could tell he wasn’t as cool about it as he pretended.
“You get lonely too? But you always have friends a-and the music… and sex” you mumbled, despite you already having the suspicion he wasn’t as fulfilled by these as he made out.
“Thing is, pet, that’s all well and good but it doesn’t change that when all’s said, I’m on my own by the end of the night. In mind or body. A connection, that’s what matters. Something real…” He shook his head as he realised he had revealed too much of himself.
You stared at him for a really long time as he said this, he glanced at you twice as you both walked in silence. He didn’t understand why you were staring. That you felt this so deeply. That a deep connection was all you had ever dreamed about.
“You know… I think that we could be friends... you know? You’re all dark and scary but your heart is… it’s soft really. I think I saw it and I like it. I like you… I think. When you-you’re not being a complete-”
“Alright, watch what you’re sayin’ or you’re not getting any kind of friend out of this” He warned, although he was smiling at the way you spoke. He had been feeling similar about you.
“Friends?” You asked, having caught what he said and wanting to confirm it. He looked at you, squinting for a moment. As if he was trying to check if you were playing some kind of practical joke. No, he decided. You were drunk and just running your honest thoughts.
He just nodded, looking away from you. You almost cheered when he nodded but opted for a more subtle smile. But he caught it and it meant more to him than he thought it would.
You then tripped over your own feet and overbalanced because of the way your head was spinning. You really had drunk a lot. He had to grab you by your middle again before you tumbled to the floor and lead you back to your shared home by taking on your weight.
He made sure that you were safe and in your bed. He had to move the piles of paper you had left there. Your writings. Thoughts, poems. He scanned his eyes over them, but the pages were a little blurry.
You flopped into the bed fully clothed. He took your shoes off for you before looked around your room, soaking up just how much of you was in such a small space. He found himself liking it. The smell. The colour scheme. Those books you never went anywhere without.
He pulled your bedclothes over you and used his hand to balance himself against the wall and leave to his own room. He couldn’t help smiling softly as he walked though, at the way you had asked so innocently. You really had wanted to be his friend. His mind was reeling. His opinion of you was beginning to change. And he was starting to actually acknowledge it.
In the weeks after, he began to grow more and more fond of you. It grew and creeped up on him in a way he wasn’t accustomed to.
You slowly began to have slightly longer conversations when you crossed paths. Starting after you thanked him for leaving water by your bed for when you woke up that night you got drunk.
You became animated in conversation and he caught himself watching you, genuinely listening. How had he missed how nice you were? How genuine your enthusiasm was?
He now knew the plot to several musicals and books despite having never heard of them before. Just as you knew a lot more about the origin of punk and the bands he loved so much. It was strange sharing these parts of yourself.
It could still be awkward at times and it wasn’t as if Spike had entirely changed his personality. He still lived the way he usually would. He just tried to mind you a lot more. He started to realise he wanted to be considerate of you. Where he definitely hadn’t before.
He sometimes saw you writing and nodded. You shared a small smile. Understanding each other in that sense. He even acknowledged you in public now. Sidling up to you so long as your group of friends weren’t around. He found his chest lifting when you spoke.
He wasn’t used to friends he actually got along with. Actually enjoyed spending time with. He usually tolerated people that felt the same way as him – those on the peripheries of the others. Or people that liked the same music.
You and he truly began to become friends. You find yourself genuinely enjoying his company. His silences weren’t filled with anger or resentment for you anymore. Your company wasn’t his only to berate the way he lived his life or cast judgement you had learned from your friends.
You genuinely started to get on. The first time you began to laugh at something together it made you smile for the rest of the day. He had replayed your conversation over in his mind. Your home life was getting so much better.
You both even started making use of the shared living space together. You began silently watching some dumb soap in the late afternoon (aka Spike’s breakfast time). He was eating Weetabix and suddenly got excited at what you were watching, throwing himself down beside you and taking the remote from your hands. He turned the volume up and settled in.
You were bemused, laughed a little which made him frown and look at you.
“What?” He asked with a mouthful of Weetabix as he caught that smile of yours.
“Nothing” You stifled a giggle and turned back to the tv. You weren’t trying to tease him you just hadn’t expected him to be so into the show. You would almost find it endearing.
The proximity and the natural way he had sat down beside you made you smile slightly too. All it had taken was some careful coaxing and he was already showing you more of himself.
He was beginning to grow on you. Maybe you really could be proper friends after all…
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