#anti bummies
deluweil · 5 days
What in the amount of blocked bummies tell my "for you" dash that I want more loons on my dash?
Just when I thought I blocked them all, another racist bummy rears his ugly head on my for you dash and bash Eddie, before even watching S8.
Yes, we get it you joined in for the two white males and the daddy kink joke, but for the love of God at least try to watch the entire thing before spouting crap like a racist old man with a 'stache getting along with the brown haired tanned Latino on his crew, that even if he kept his head down he would still make a handsome target if only for his skin color and slight accent.
Oh and also his last name.
All you white ppl need to just shut up and see where the wind blows, before you start to sound unobjectively racist while hating the racist captain for MAYBE picking on the one white male of the group.
And how the hell are they still only five?!
I want Ravi. But that's for another post. Probably for the best, though, for him to return after Gerrard kicks it out to early forced retirement. (De ja vu anyone?)
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thegayestdiaz · 3 months
i don’t mean to be one of those people that keep going on and on about what they hate but i literally cannot stop thinking about how buckt*mmy’s first date fills me with incandescent rage.
why did you, an older gay man that came out later in life and knows how homophobic people in your line of work can be, ask a newly-discovered technically-closeted bisexual man out on a date if you were going to treat him that way? like this guy has not come out to anyone, he’s on his first date with a guy in public and already tense, and then his best friend walks in and because he’s not ready to come out on the spot, he overcorrects and yeah it’s the most awkward thing ever but you already knew he was an awkward person? so why did you make a closet joke and them ditch him in the middle of the date with barely any explanation, leave him on the literal side of the road and then ghost him? and then he apparently has to apologise to you?
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vintagebyers · 4 months
i’m about to say something i’m sure a lot of people don’t want to hear, but i truly cannot fathom the hold tommy kinard has on half this fandom. he is more of a cardboard cutout of a character than anything. the majority of the (very little) time he’s been on screen, he’s been more irritable than likable. the closet comment on their first date? sure, let’s say something like that in front of buck’s best friend and potentially out him. tommy of all people should’ve understood that it is a struggle to accept your sexuality. the daddy issues comment?? CRAZY in the context of the situation, and in no way the serve he thought it was. tommy has mentioned he’s jealous of buck twice now, and yet people still don’t see the red flags of it all. not to mention his past of racism and sexism, which most conveniently brush aside. though god forbid, the person who acted like this was a woman. the pitchforks for her character would of been immediate…
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eddiediazismyhusband · 4 months
people will really say eddie is a bad partner for buck bc he’s got repressed feelings, PTSD, and mental health issues, while simultaneously saying that someone who has actively dismissed buck’s interests, been condescending, and was actively complacent in workplace racism is his “forever love” and “his soulmate.”
they argue that we aren’t giving tommy room to grow and be developed when the show has not even tried to do so, and had continually isolated him as this uninterested 3rd party who does not matter past him kissing buck.
eddie is extremely repressed, and has so much trauma from his past that has kept him bottles up for decades— these are feelings he has only ever been comfortable enough to show to buck… a clear indication that clearly there is something there to examine. his past relationships have always failed because they were built off of a sense of obligation, not actually feelings. No that is not bthe fault of any of his LI’s, but that is also not his fault that he feels pressured into doing that to begin with. The only people he has ever fully been himself around and has felt fully comfortable with opening up to have been buck and christopher. He is a different person with buck than he is with any of his LI’s.
He is also one of the only people who views Buck for who he really is. To eddie, buck is not a figure in his life, he is not some role to fill, he is an equal in every way. This would not change if they were to persue a relationship. Buck and Eddie genuinely are the only ones who have ever been able to match each other’s energies in a way that transcends friendship and a working partnership. Once eddie realizes why his past relationships haven’t worked he will realize that buck is who he needs.
And when Buck realizes he is more than just face value, more than “defective parts,” more than a pretty boy, more than his reckless behavior, and that he deserves someone who actually sees him as an equal, then he will fully be able to thrive in a relationship. He does not need someone who wants him to fit a mold (taylor, after they started to fuck her character over), he does not need someone who views him as reckless (ali and taylor), he does not need someone who is only interested in his trauma and near death experiences (natalia), he does not need someone who is constantly talking down to him and shows no interest in him past kissing (tommy)
he needs someone who trusts him with his soul, someone who has his back… someone with whom he can do the same. and that has always been eddie. we have seen it time and time again that their other relationships are never compatible in the end— but that isn’t because they are “just bad at relationships.” it’s because they are both more committed to each other than they can ever be to anyone else, and nothing will change that, and until they realize that they are still going to run through failed relationships. until they realize that they are who each other needs, they are going to continue breaking hearts/getting their heart broken.
anyway sorry for the rant, i just get tired of seeing the argument that eddie would somehow be a bad partner for buck when he’s the only one who has ever matched buck’s energy and actually saw him for him rather than some other version of him, and vice versa.
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SMH! This scene between Eddie and Chris WAS NEEDED!
It should have been included instead of that daddy kink BS with BuckT*mmy, those long ass scenes with the Diaz parents or the long ass scene with Eddie and the doppelganger in 7x9. 🙄
I'm so pissed that we didn't get this in 7x9 or the finale. If we would have seen it, things would have made more sense and Chris' departure wouldn't have seemed so abrupt.
This is all due to KR's raggedy way of handling pacing and timing! Why did viewers have to suffer through that cartel nonsense when Athena should have been at the hospital with Bobby? And what was up with that neighbor who was in her burned down house? Those were wasted minutes too. 🙄
One more thing... so they just keep retconning Eddie’s backstory with Shannon. In 6x16 he said they met when they were 14 in 8th grade then they reconnected in the 12th. He never said they met at the lake and he also said she was his first girlfriend but in this scene he said she wasn't.
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satan-says-uwu · 2 months
Forever in awe that there is a dispute in the 911 fandom about who is better, Eddie or Tommy...
One is canonically racist and sexist and the other isn't. How in the fuck is this even a conversation anymore?!
And I swear to God if I see one more person say "Hen and Chim forgave him in canon, people change" I will canon myself into the sun! Look into my queer eyes and pinpoint a season, episode and timestamp where Tommy on camera said "I'm sorry". Let me help you out, there isn't one, it doesn't exist. And before anyone says "it's implied since Hen and Chim are nice to him" in no universe is it ok to imply an apology for racism and sexism. That shit needs to be seen on screen.
Let me ask you this, have you never been kind, even playful, to someone that fucked you over because it's easier to get through the day that way, especially when said thing they did was so deeply ingrained in who they are as a person. You know in their soul they aren't actually sorry. The only times we see Tommy interact with Hen and Chim after leaving the 118 were the helo scenes (where they are under immense stress to find their friends) and 1 deleted scene where you can see that Hen and Karen both don't like Tommy. How is that them forgiving Tommy? May I also add, when Hen asked for a helo pilot to get to Bobby and Athena she asked for Lucy.
This isn't even about Buddie vs. Bucktommy anymore, this is just basic human decency.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
You want to know one of the ways I know most B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou more than Buck and Oliver or anyone else?
Look at the way they talk about their ship. Most of it is them parroting stuff Lou or T*mmy has said.
They call Buck Evan.
They constantly say B/T are thriving (because Lou said it in that one video).
They say T*mmy had a difficult childhood because Lou headcanoned that.
They defend how T*mmy treated Hen and Chim in s2. They even say that Hen and T*mmy are besties now when there is no evidence of that.
They never see any faults in anything T*mmy does. Not a single thing he did in season 7 was wrong in their eyes. Yet they don’t shy away from pointing out the faults they see in other characters including Buck and especially Eddie.
They talk about how much the show needs T*mmy. Needs to make him a main. Needs to give him a begins episode while some of them haven’t even seen any season before s7. They make posts about how much more deserving of being a main character T*mmy is than Ravi or Karen who have been there for years.
Most of the posts about B/T are either sexual (likely because T*mmy constantly makes everything sexual) or them headcanoning them as a way more serious relationship than what’s presented on screen. They constantly talk about how in love B/T are when no one has even said the word boyfriend yet. This in my opinion comes in large part from Lou’s cameos where he continually used language that made the relationship seem more important.
They talk about how much Buck needs T*mmy and a lot of their posts make Buck the damsel in distress trope. Which just goes along with how much T*mmy patronizes Buck. Calling him Kid, calling him Evan (even though everyone else calls him Buck), dismissive of his feelings when he gets upset like an adult to a kid (like at the bachelor party), the daddy kink joke when Buck was trying to be vulnerable about his real father figure almost dying. Making decisions for Buck without talking to him (again like you would a child) like when T*mmy just abruptly told Buck he wasn’t ready and left him at the restaurant.
They say that Buck’s season 7 journey would be meaningless if B/T ends in season 8. They accuse us of making Buck’s coming out about Buddie but they have definitely made Buck’s coming out about T*mmy. They have said without T*mmy Buck wouldn’t have even realized he’s bi. Yet we know from Oliver he was attracted to Eddie in season 2.
They talk about how much T*mmy cares about Buck and how much he understands him but we've had so many examples of the opposite being true. At Buck's first date with a guy T*mmy didn't seem to have the patience for Buck's nervousness and left him at the restaurant with little explanation. The bachelor party T*mmy chose not to dress up and didn't seem to care even though the party meant a lot to Buck. The medal ceremony Buck was excited and T*mmy's response was "enjoy it while it lasts". In the deleted scene with Henren T*mmy seemed blase about his relationship with Buck. At the dinner Buck was opening up to T*mmy and T*mmy changed the subject to sex.
Also I rewatched a bunch of Lou’s cameos (pray for my soul 🤢) and in them he often will confirm whatever they ask him. This is why they continued to spend money on them because it was like an echo chamber with a “celebrity”. They’d headcanon something T*mmy was doing or thinking ask Lou and he would confirm it even though there was little to nothing to indicate that in the scene or script. His motivation I’m sure was to keep his little sycophants around and sending him 100/200 bucks a pop for his videos. But the main thing it did was create a monster of a mini fandom that believes everything they were told is the gospel according to Lou F*rrigno Jr.
They believe that not only is what they've seen on screen canon but so is everything Lou told them and they use that as a way to feel superior in the 911 fandom. Us looking at the many many years of Buddie's history seeing the depth of their relationship and seeing the logical place their relationship will go just makes us look desperate and delusional to them. Even though some of them used to be Buddie shippers. It's like they got lobotomized and removed the Buddie part of their brains.
They believe that not only are Lou and Oliver (he supposedly doesn't post on ig about Lou or B/T to protect them😒) on their side they also believe they have Tim on their side as well. They wholeheartedly believe that Tim is invested in B/T (despite all the evidence in s7 to the contrary) and that he can't stand the Buddie fandom and that he wants to punish us by never making them a canon couple. Nevermind the fact that since Tim has returned to showrunner Buck and Eddie have been together more than ever and in really important scenes that deepened their relationship no less.
I really can't help but wonder what they are all going to do when it dawns on them that their ship isn't going to last because Buddie or no Buddie I don't see B/T lasting beyond season 8. They have built this ship up to be some amazing love story when nothing in canon has given the impression that T*mmy is supposed to be anything other than the first guy Buck dates. In fact the relationship is like a lot of Buck's other relationships with women. Buck is still with someone who doesn't really get him. He only thinks it's different this time because T*mmy is a guy and there's been all that excitement that comes from exploring your sexuality for the first time. When that newness starts to fade Buck will have to look at his relationship with T*mmy and he'll realize he's been trying to be a version of himself to fit the relationship. Just like he did with Taylor. Buck wants someone who will love him to the core of who he is. Someone who he won't have to contort himself into a different version of so they will stay and love him. Soon he'll realize he's had that person in his life already for a long long time in Eddie.
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sofa-king-lame · 1 month
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Bummy fans know they can just...not comment on Buddie fics, right?
Like I don't go into Bummy fics and leave comments like this. I just don't read them.
Rude AF
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stvrpst · 3 months
If there's one thing I know, when buddie goes canon, I don't wanna see none of y'all bummy bitches be surprised or upset when it happens. Because all the signs were literally right in your face and y'all still chose to ignore the absolute fuck out of them for no reason. So it will be your own fault for getting attached to a ship that is quite literally the definition of a plot device, and has been implied so by Tim, Oliver, and even your little bitch boy Lou.
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swiftiesbuddie · 3 months
The delusion of (some) Buckt*mmys->
Downplay Buck’s role in Chris’s life
Want Eddie to be k*lled off so Buck and T*mmy can raise Chris together
Make it make sense.
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Truly just paused in my tracks because my brain had A Thought, and that Thought is Marcus Sköld (from young royals) and Tommy Kinard (from 9-1-1) give off the same vibes. Granted, they both have very little screen time in their respective shows. They’re dismissive of their partner’s signals and verbal requests (Simon not wanting anything serious with ANYONE post-video/breakup with Wille, Buck talking about his struggle with Bobby’s near death experience while Tommy makes a daddy joke). They’re both so clearly plot devices for a different endgame ship (Wilmon, Buddie), but a few wild corners of each fandom started shipping them with their temporary love interests anyway. They don’t fit in with their partner’s inner circle (we barely ever see Marcus interact with anyone besides Simon, Tommy has bad blood with basically Buck’s entire family that knew him before the two of them met). They’re willing to take shots at their partner when they feel like they’ve been done dirty (Marcus during the ENTIRE breakup scene with Simon at the stables, Tommy making a closet joke and almost outing Buck to Eddie and Marisol bc Buck didn’t cop to being on a date the first chance he got). Neither are genuinely trying to connect to their partner, or if they are, it’s done with a marginal amount of effort (Marcus coming to the dance at Hillerska, but later berating Simon for not appreciating this effort taken enough, Tommy coming to the bachelor party for Chimney that Buck plans, but without an actual costume, and leaving as soon as everyone decides Chimney’s a no-show…unlike Eddie, who sticks by Buck’s side for literally the rest of the night).
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deluweil · 25 days
I'm mystified by the fact that the excuse to Buck's behavior and the way we see Eddie behave in 7x04 is that we're seeing, supposedly, the world through Buck's eyes.
We see sunshine, funny, gorgeous, yummy enough to eat Eddie, through Buck's eyes. - We see Buck watching Eddie, THE ENTIRE EPISODE, and rant about Eddie, THE ENTIRE EPISODE, right up until the moment T kisses him unexpectedly.
And we're supposed to believe that Buck was after T's attention the entire time...
Sure.. I ... believe that...?
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thegayestdiaz · 4 months
the thing about bummy that fucks with me is that it could have been a good ship but the writers (and that one guy) have consistently fucked them over throughout the season. it’s the fact that they’re trying to claim that bummy have this close, intimate relationship without showing us any vulnerability or intimacy.
how am i supposed to ship and defend them when there’s nothing for me to grasp onto? so many moments that could’ve deepened both their romantic relationship and tommy’s character were wasted and instead we got dry humor and sarcastic comments that always fall flat. tommy has spent the season dismissing buck’s feelings and dampening his excitement but shippers will act like the man made the sun rise and the stars shine.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
new buddie lore dropped in that part of the fandom:
apparently eddie stans only like eddie bc of chris…. and somehow wanting chris to come back is…. toxic?
yeah idk but anyway apparently all of us eddie/buddie stans are just gonna be whining about christopher come s8 which…. idk about yall but i wasn’t personally planning on making my eddie/buddie blog purely about chris going to texas but apparently since i have an eddie pfp and a bt stan said so then that means all i’m going to talk about for s8 is chris?
bc apparently the only reason that i as an eddie fan like eddie isn’t actually bc i like the character, but bc i…. just like his son…..? which makes perfect sense why i have an eddie diaz pfp and url instead of a christopher one… like that just makes perfect sense!
oh and also apparently we are all turning on buck now bc we wanna see him in an actual fulfilling relationship so… there’s that too…
anyway, just wanted to let all eddie stans know that apparently we need to switch gears bc this person who’s a “recovering buddie fan” said this so and we all know that they are never wrong about anything
just incase yall missed the “bob” patch notes that were released in the bt fandom
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Buddie: Eddie supports Buck in everything!
Here's one of the many reasons why Buddie is endgame!
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One of the many things I noticed during the beginning scenes of 7x6 that heavily included Buck and Eddie was Eddie’s undying and never-ending devotion to Buck. He's always been like that so it wasn't a surprise to me but IMO, apparently, TM wanted the new viewers to see it too. Also, it was probably included as a reminder for those who've been watching but may have forgotten.
Here's what I mean.
Chimney clearly said he didn't want a bachelor party and he said it so EVERYONE could hear it, including Eddie.
But Buck was adamant about it and he wouldn't give up (in 5x2 Eddie said it to Buck that he never gives up and Buck learned that from Chris in 3x1 - 3x2 when they were talking before and after the Tsunami). Eddie knew Chimney didn't want one but he never dismissed Buck’s intentions of wanting to do something that he believed Chimney should experience. It's who Buck is and Eddie knows him to his CORE and so much so that he indulged him by not only suggesting they go as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice but also he was the only one who complied with Buck's wishes and came in an 80s costume.
He was the first person there and he made sure Chris was cared for so he wouldn't miss it. And he was THE ONLY ONE IN ATTENDANCE WHO STAYED WITH BUCK ALL NIGHT. They partied like it was 1999!
Eddie’s love and support for Buck was on full display and it's what he needs in a life partner. Buck doesn't need someone who just wants to kid and son him and who doesn't support him in EVERYTHING the way his supposed LI is doing. T*mmy didn't even try to oblige him and his response was nonchalant and stand-offish like he thought it was ridiculous. Also, him being on standby didn't have anything to do with it since they have to CHANGE CLOTHES WHEN THEY GO TO WORK ANYWAY. Hello, they wear uniforms.
My point is Eddie’s still waiting for Buck to get it. He gave him his heart years ago but he's patiently giving him the space and the time he needs to realize it on his own. He's supportive and he doesn't dismiss him and most importantly, he loves Buck unconditionally and that's what makes BUDDIE THE SUPERIOR SHIP.
They have spent years loving each other and being there for one another and IMO, it's the reason why TM is putting them front and center in every episode. He said he was going to show their "coupling" (his word) and that's what he's doing. Anyone watching should be able to see they're PERFECT for each other. Also, there's no denying how much chemistry they have and they haven't even kissed yet. But trust when they finally do kiss on screen, it's going to be EVERYTHING because all the years they've spent loving each other will pour out of their hearts and they'll put their all into it. It will be the most satisfying of beginnings for them. They will be each other's last everything and they'll grow old and spend the rest of their lives together.
They've built a life and a family for the past six years that's based on trust, love and devotion and if the Diaz parents showing up in a future episode is any indication of what's to come, I believe Eddie's WILL is about to come into play in a big way and there won't be any room for Eddie to deny what it means. It was a love confession and he did it in the best way he knew how at the time. He loves Buck and Buck loves him and that's what matters.
They're in love with each other and they share something greater than a couple of on screen kisses since they've been sharing a life and a family for the past six years.
They're best friends.
They're soulmates.
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buddiebitch · 4 months
love how Bummy stans are so concerned with canon when it comes to Buddie spec but have no issue calling Buck and Tommy boyfriends despite the fact that, canonically, they’ve kissed twice and gone on a date and a half
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