#anti aging mask
escapeaging · 1 year
Anti Aging Mask | Escape Aging
100% Preservative & Chemical Free Face Mask!
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Escape Aging offers a selection of anti aging masks designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Their website provides information on how to use the masks and also features customer reviews to help customers make informed decisions when choosing a product.
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gloriousonemahanon · 2 years
Oh, no no no Bioware. Are you really trying to tell me that Celene immediately choosing to commit genocide against thousands of her own citizens because her cousin is a cunt was 'a tragic necessity', but Anders destroying a Chantry with twenty or so people inside after years of trying peaceable and nondestructive routes and options while said Chantry ignored the horrendous and public abuses inflicted upon the mages was 'monstrous and unforgivable'??
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aobkorea · 24 days
I [email protected] famous Korean blemish care trio, and I found that the 3 products work together to give me a comfortable and beautiful skin
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dammitradar · 2 months
I love this stupid official Broadway photo of Aaron because. I mean look at it lmao
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They fucking DeWalted that man
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
on divine justinia (pt 3)
Justinia V will be remembered as one of the most progressive Divines in the history of the Chantry. Before her untimely death at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, she made strides to break down barriers for both mages and elves, as well as encouraging free thought among the Maker’s many children. For her views, she won as many enemies as she did supporters.
-- World of Thedas Vol 2.
PART THREE of a series, exploring Divine Justinia’s political stance. Was she really as progressive as people claimed?
Firstly, before we even dive into looking at Justinia as a character, we should define ‘progressive’. In the most base of definitions, it implies progress -- a gradual betterment. As a widely accepted definition, someone whose politics advocate for social reform. 
The Masked Empire
As always, before we begin, here's some contextual factors to this story that are necessary to know/things I'm going to emphasise here out of relevance:
There are three weeks in-world between the events of TME and Asunder -- that means the Order is still bound to the Chantry, and the Circles are still very much in-tact.
One year after the events in Kirkwall, Fiona is elected as the new Grand Enchanter and immediately proposes to secede from the Chantry. In response, the Chantry disbands the College of Enchanters and stops them from meeting, despite the fact that this vote did not go through (in large part due to the urging of Wynne).
The War of the Lions hasn't yet started in earnest, though tensions between Gaspard and Celene are running high.
For the most part, I'm going to focus specifically on two scenes, both involving conversations between Celene and Leliana, who is acting as a representative for Divine Justinia.
Well! Let's dive right into it -- in this first scene, Leliana and Celene meet to discuss the growing mage-templar tensions, and what Justinia will do about it.
Celene: The templars have become even more restless since what happened in Kirkwall, as have the mages, for that matter. What does Dorothea intend to do? Leliana: The Divine does not wish to assume that what transpired in Kirkwall was anything more than the actions of a single mad mage driven to tragic action by overzealous templars. You know that in some Marcher city-states, mages face more restrictions than they do in Orlais.
"A single mad mage" is an obvious reference to Anders. Anders was not "mad" -- some strange writing decisions seemed to conflate his shared body with a spirit of Justice to having bipolar disorder. Even if you do interpret that as Anders also being bipolar, that wouldn't make him crazy. More than that, Anders protested Meredith's treatment of mages -- and he was right about all of it, in the end. Alrik really was making mages Tranquil to rape them -- and he really did propose a Tranquil solution to the Divine, who rejected it. (Unsurprising, considering the looming threat of the Qunari invasion in Act 2; I've written here about how the Circle functions primarily as a military resource and how the only time you see mages let out in Kirkwall properly is during the Qunari invasion when the templars instruct the Circle mages to defend the city). Meredith really was turning Harrowed mages Tranquil -- Karl Thekkla, for example, but she also turns Maddox Tranquil and can turn all of the surviving Starkhaven mages Tranquil as well -- against Chantry law. Most damningly, Meredith had already called for the Right of Annulment in Kirkwall long before Anders took any action at all -- she really was going to kill all of the mages and had taken the steps necessary to facilitate that action. Anders' actions were a direct response to Meredith asking the Divine for permission to slaughter the entire Circle. Cassandra interrogates Varric in 9:41, and it's unclear where that fits into this timeline, but Varric does say that he was brought to Haven after his interrogation. I'll give Leliana (and Justinia) the benefit of the doubt here and say that maybe they don't have the full story just yet.
But Leliana also says "overzealous templars" -- overzealous templars that Leliana and Justinia had plenty of opportunity to censure or bring to heel, and never did. Overzealous templars -- because of course, they're just very passionate when they're sending death squads to hunt down civilians accused of helping "apostates" and murdering nobility trying to organise an election of a new Viscount. They're just very passionate about their beliefs in the Maker when they make mages Tranquil to rape them, when they beat Tranquil mages over things they can't control, and making eleven year old children Tranquil. They're just very passionate about their beliefs in the Maker which is why they refused to investigate the actual serial killer using magic in Kirkwall, because they wanted to remain in favour with the nobility. And Justinia knows this because this was going on for three years, during which Justinia did nothing until the mages started to rebel.
More importantly, this is ... the direct opposite of what Leliana said in DA2. In DA2, Leliana explicitly states that they (both herself and the Divine, who she speaks on behalf of) attribute the unrest in Kirkwall to the Resolutionists -- an offshoot of the Libertarian Fraternity, who are interested in freeing mages from the Circle. Not that the unrest was a result of horrific abuses in the Circle, or even the untenable political situation in Kirkwall. There was certainly no indication that Justinia suspected or agreed that the templars overstepped their bounds -- there was no directive from Justinia, who would have overruled Elthina on the matter, forcing Meredith to back down. There was no statement ever claiming that the templars were wrong to act as they did. If anything, Justinia threatened an Exalted March to help the templars maintain their control of Kirkwall.
So why phrase it like this? I think the interesting thing to note here is actually Leliana's use of the phrase "the Divine does not wish to assume". This seems to indicate that at this time, Justinia is trying not to treat the situation as a mage rebellion - she is treating Kirkwall, not as the start of a mage rebellion, but rather an isolated incident involving a single crazy mage and some passionate templars. There is some indication here that she's reluctant to consider Kirkwall or the mages voting for secession as indicative of a wider problem but...
“I do,” Celene said, “and I also know that you have not answered my question. If Dorothea proposes to do nothing to unite the templars and the mages, she is following in the footsteps of Grand Cleric Elthina, who waited and prayed while Kirkwall tore itself apart.” She turned and faced Nightingale directly. The other woman had reacted again at the use of the Divine’s given name. “Justinia wishes to see this world made better, Your Radiance. We gain nothing by acting capriciously.” “Sometimes events do not allow us the time we wish, especially when magic is at play.” Celene looked at Nightingale, who sat as a proper lady, relaxed and poised in her simple robes, and made a guess. “I understand that during the last Blight, the Circle tower in Ferelden was nearly lost when one of their senior mages became an abomination. After killing the creatures, the Hero of Ferelden was forced to decide on the spot whether to kill every remaining mage in the tower.” Her barb struck home, as Nightingale blinked, then said with heat, “We are hardly in the thick of battle, Your Radiance.” “We are always in battle,” Celene said. “It is only that some of us do not always realize it."
Following on from the thread of the previous conversation, to me, Celene seems to be urging Leliana to tell the Divine to take more definitive action against the mages. She deliberately creates a parallel between Elthina insisting she had control of the situation and not taking direct action to Justinia insisting Kirkwall was a single isolated incident. She directly draws parallels between how Elthina's lack of action led to the situation in Kirkwall and how Justinia's lack of action could lead to a similar situation with the mages and templars.
More alarmingly, however, is Celene's next, far more subtle proposal. To me, I was always baffled by why Celene suddenly started to talk about Kinloch Hold, but after looking at this context, I actually think Celene is suggesting a much more permanent, direct resolution to the mage problem, similar to the kind of decision the HoF had to make - whether or not to annul the entire Circle.
To me, I think this reads as Celene proposing the Chantry goes to war on the mages. She chooses the specific example of Kinloch Hold because Leliana was there - so that Leliana will not misunderstand the kind of action she expects the Divine to take.
To Leliana's credit, she does retort that the conflict hasn't escalated to the point where that's necessary yet, and that the Divine does not wish to act "capriciously".
“Perhaps I might,” Celene said, and smiled before lowering her voice and continuing. “Divine Justinia must know this: I have nobles begging in private salons for the throne to take direct action in this matter.” At Leliana’s shocked look, she nodded. “There are men of Orlais who would sooner see us march upon our own people in the name of safety. I would despise that. Dorothea knows that I would. But I must offer them some alternative.” Leliana stood, frowning in thought. “You wish the Divine to make some overt show of ameliorating the situation.” Celene let out a breath. “In truth, any overt show will bring complaints that I have allowed the Chantry free rein to rule this empire for me,” she said, and Leliana nodded wordlessly. “But if Justinia can calm tempers before I am forced to turn the blade of the empire upon itself, then I will pay such a price willingly.” Leliana smiled. “You think less for yourself and more for Orlais than I had expected, Your Radiance. It is a fortunate quality in a ruler, and one I have not seen enough.” Celene stood as well, and for a moment her gown was bathed in the crimson light of the stained glass. “Tell me something. How large was the Archdemon?” Leliana laughed the delicate cultured laugh of a noblewoman or trained bard. The effect made her sister’s robes look like a poor disguise. “Large enough, Your Radiance, that after having seen it, most problems seem small by comparison.” Her face turned serious, and she added, “I will ask Justinia to consider acting directly. She will want your support, to head off accusations that she might be attempting to steal power for herself.” “Of course. Perhaps if she made a statement at a ball thrown in her honor?” Leliana considered it. “It is not the place where one would expect her to make such a pronouncement…” “Which is why you like the idea,” Celene said, smiling.
Celene makes it clear here that the Orlesian nobility is restless about the growing mage/templar situation which is quickly growing unstable. I specifically want to draw attention to Celene's phrasing here - "march upon our own people in the name of safety" - because I think the implication here that she considers the mages as "her own people" is an appeal to Leliana to get the Divine to act.
But how does she want Justinia to act? At a first glance, it seems reasonable here that Celene is asking for Justinia to try and talk to the mages and templars and settle things between them. Except, when Leliana specifically asks whether Justinia should "make some overt show or ameliorating the situation", Celene's response is that "any overt show will bring complaints" - which reads to me as a decline. She is declining that Justinia should try to reason with both parties.
On top of that, there's some more ambigious phrasing here. ".. if Justinia can calm tempers" - Celene makes no mention here of whose tempers she means. From a first glance perspective, or even from Leliana's perspective, it might seem like she's referring to the roused tempers of the templars and mages, following on from the actions in Kirkwall. But with the context of the previous paragraph in mind, where she very much points out that the nobility of Orlais are not happy with the state of the mage/templar situation, I think she's referring to Justinia doing something that will calm the tempers of the nobility of Orlais.
Later, she follows it up with the phrase "I will pay such a price willingly", referring to the public loss of opinion with the nobility if Justinia can calm these tempers. To Leliana, I imagine it reads as something magnanimous - indeed, Leliana even says that Celene thinks "more for Orlais" than herself, which was unexpected.
But to me, it reads as Celene promising Justinia that if the situation worsens, if Justinia calls for an Exalted March on the mages, Orlais will answer the call. Orlais is willing to march on the mages, if only Justinia calls for an Exalted March, and Orlais -- through it's Empress -- is willing to lose the small amount of public opinion - that people might whisper she's allowing the Chantry free reign of Orlais (and, presumably, all it's resources, for the purposes of this Exalted March, which is actually... an interesting perspective for Orlais to take. But I will not get sidetracked here) - if it accomplishes the greater goal of resolving the mage/templar tensions directly and definitively, because the lack of resolution is causing a negative reaction from the Orlesian nobles, which we know Gaspard is taking advantage of.
(Important to note: at this point, an Exalted March is still entirely feasible; the Order is still bound to the Chantry by the Nevarran Accord. Justinia has been considering an Exalted March since 9:37, though Leliana's dialogue suggests she's hesitant to go through with it. Historically, Orlais has contributed to the Exalted Marches and has been the sole contributor of at least one Exalted March.)
But Vee, I hear you say, this is absurd. Surely, this is a bad faith reading of the situation, no way Celene would propose something like this. No way Leliana or even Justinia would agree to this.
I have several counterarguments to this: firstly, the Grand Game of Orlais relies on complexity of word play and layered meanings. It relies on saying on thing and meaning, at the very minimum, three other things. It's entirely plausible for Celene to be appealing to Leliana's sense of empathy and justice, to seem to be proposing that Justinia soothe the tempers of the mages and templars to prevent something worse from happening, using the same words that she's actually proposing something entirely different - and more violent and direct - to Justinia with.
Secondly, by the time Justinia calls for the Conclave at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, she already has a writ for the creation of the Inquisition prepared and Leliana already has agents planted in the Hinterlands, only minutes away from Redcliffe, where the mage rebellion is seeking refuge. The Inquisition was planned and I am fairly sure that the Inquisition was created specifically to march on the mages. This is not a last minute thought - that writ is huge - this was planned. This was in the works already - why isn't it feasible that this is where it starts? Justinia was already considering an Exalted March on Kirkwall. Why is it so unfeasible that she'd consider more direct action to deal with the mages?
Thirdly, there's actually a follow-up conversation with Leliana about this that I think pretty much confirms that this is what Celene and Leliana (and as she's a proxy for Justinia, also the Divine) are discussing here.
Take the next excerpt:
Celene shut her eyes. “And what does the Divine think about this?” Leliana smiled. “The Divine has never had a very high opinion of the theater, Your Radiance.” At Celene’s silence, the Divine’s representative sighed. “The elves are the children of the Maker, just as we are, and just as deserving of His grace.” “But the Divine will not say that,” Celene guessed. Leliana looked away. She had been trained as a bard, so every movement she made was likely deliberate, but Celene thought that her discomfort was genuine. “I have … been comrade-in-arms with elves. I would not see them harmed. But you did not ask for her support in that matter.” She looked back at Celene. “You asked for her support calming the templars and the mages.” “Indeed.” Celene nodded. “And will she give that support?” Leliana let out a breath. “She will,” she said, nodding slowly, “but in return, she needs to know that this matter with the elves is under control.” Celene felt her heart break inside her, for all that she had known within moments how the conversation would go. She breathed a tiny sigh, and then said, “Of course. I could hardly ask the Divine to keep her affairs in order were I not willing to do the same myself. I hope you enjoy the coming ball in Justinia’s honor. I fear I will not be able to attend in person.” “The Divine understands,” Leliana said, and in a soft, sad voice, added, “Walk with the Maker’s blessing.”
I've written a little bit before on how Justinia doesn't seem to care very much about the methods that Celene uses to resolve the situation with the elves -- it's Leliana who hopes for a peaceful resolution. It's Leliana who believes elves are children of the Maker.
But I actually think what's happening in this scene is more horrifying than I initially thought. This is the second interaction between the two -- and with the context of the first scene, it feels like this is Leliana saying the Divine has agreed to more drastic measures for the mage rebellion if Celene will also deal with the elven rebellion. That the Divine will accept Orlais' support and march on the mages if Celene can deal with the elven rebellion quickly.
This is Leliana passing on Divine Justinia's agreement to a more permanent solution to the mage rebellion. This is Divine Justinia agreeing to an Exalted March on the mage rebellion, and agreeing to support Celene if Celene will support her. Justinia's support here is conditional on Celene maintaining control - and Celene's support is conditional on Justinia maintaining control.
That's...horrifying. But why else would Leliana sound sad, unless she knew exactly what Celene was going to do? What the Divine was allowing Celene to do? What the Divine was telling Celene to do in exchange for the solution Celene proposed? Celene herself explicitly states that she cannot ask the Divine to take action without also being willing to take kind of action herself.
And as we know, the direct action Celene takes to deal with the rumours in Orlais of her sympathising with elves, to solidify her political position, is to slaughter all the elves in the Halamshiral alienage. That is the clearest indication to me that what Celene was proposing was an Exalted March on the mages - and the Divine agreed.
i want you to keep in mind that, at this stage, the College of Enchanters has been dissolved. Fiona has proposed seceding from the Chantry but the vote did not pass. For the most part, there is no mage rebellion currently; they've been cut off from each other, their right of assembly has been revoked, and the templars are still very much aligned with the Chantry. What Justinia is agreeing to here is if the situation gets worse, she will take action, and Orlais will back her up on it.
This sets up the background for Asunder; the Divine's last ditch attempt at resolving the situation before she takes definitive action against the mages.
Could they be with Gaspard, countering Celene’s plan? Unlikely. Ser Michel would never have turned traitor, and while Melcendre had lured him out with blackmail once, he was still too ashamed to allow such a ruse to work twice. They had come from Celene. Had Gaspard done something to force the empress’s hand? Had the Divine made a new demand? What had changed Celene’s mind? Then, as she came past the torches, Briala saw the night sky, glowing a sooty red. She smelled the smoke of Halamshiral’s slums burning. After that, Briala stopped thinking.
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shironezuninja · 6 months
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Oh, Wow. An extra 10 photos has been added to the Instagram 10 Photo count posts. This’ll make Tumblr jealous.
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comfortmindbody · 1 month
🌿 Pamper Your Skin: Discover the Best Face Masks, Both Store-Bought and DIY! 🌿
Looking to give your skin a little extra TLC? Whether you're a fan of tried-and-true store-bought products or love whipping up your own beauty concoctions, Comfort Mind Body has you covered! Here’s everything you need to know about the best face masks to keep your skin glowing, healthy, and happy. ✨
Top Store-Bought Face Masks for Every Skin Type:
Hydrating Heroes: If your skin feels tight or dry, opt for masks with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and glycerin. These will quench your skin’s thirst and leave it plump and refreshed. 💧
Purifying Clay Masks: Struggling with excess oil or breakouts? Clay masks, especially those with bentonite or kaolin, are perfect for drawing out impurities and balancing your complexion. 🌱
Brightening Boosters: Want to amp up your glow? Look for masks infused with Vitamin C, niacinamide, or turmeric to brighten your skin and even out your tone. 🍊
Soothing Saviors: Sensitive or irritated skin needs gentle care. Masks with ingredients like oatmeal, chamomile, and cucumber will calm inflammation and reduce redness. 🌸
DIY Face Masks for a Natural Glow:
Honey & Yogurt Mask: Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of plain yogurt. This mask is perfect for hydration and gentle exfoliation, leaving your skin soft and smooth. 🍯
Avocado & Oatmeal Mask: Mash half an avocado and combine it with a tablespoon of oatmeal. This nourishing mask is ideal for dry skin, offering deep moisture and a soothing effect. 🥑
Turmeric & Milk Mask: Combine a teaspoon of turmeric with enough milk to create a paste. This brightening mask helps to reduce dark spots and give your skin a radiant glow. 🥛
Banana & Honey Mask: Mash half a banana and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. This mask is great for anti-aging, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and leaving your skin feeling firm and rejuvenated. 🍌
Tips for Maximizing Your Mask Routine:
Cleanse First: Always start with clean skin to ensure your mask can penetrate deeply and work effectively. 🧼
Customize Your Routine: Mix and match masks to target different areas of your face (think multi-masking!). This way, you can treat dryness, oiliness, and dullness all at once. 🎭
Consistency is Key: Incorporate face masks into your routine 1-2 times a week for the best results. Your skin will thank you! 🌟
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sanguinaryrot · 10 months
say what you will about the 12-step skincare girlies sometimes putting a bunch of chemicals on your face does make you feel better. idk they might be onto something
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shiobookmark · 1 year
I just reread the Masked Empire and was struck again by the idiocy of Celene. For all she tells us that she’s a masterful player of The Game, most of the evidence in the story is to the contrary. The first big gambit we see is her diffusing hostilities by asking her Champion to duel Bann Teagan with feathers, thereby ensuring that while honor is satisfied no one is hurt and their alliance with Ferelden holds. But lets analyse that a little. For one, Bann Teagan could have taken the duel as yet another insult. Gaspard openly derides Ferelden royalty as little more than bandits and idiots (and I don’t understand how that doesn’t make him the aggressor who insulted Teagan’s honour first but... Orlais thinks itself above everyone I suppose.)
and then Celene interrupts to suggest that Teagan demand a duel before Gaspard can, leaving her to decide the choice of weapon. She choses feathers, and the only feathers on hand are Chevalier crests. Teagan could have easily taken this as further mockery, but thankfully realises that she’s an ally and allows himself to be made fun of to diffuse tension. Notice Celene left no room for Ferelden pride. She relied on Teagan realising that the Chevaliers were being mocked first, and playing along.
For another, Celene congratulates herself for knowing her fickle courtiers will delight in the spectacle but utterly fails to consider how the nobles (ie. The people who actually give her material support) will see it. Chevaliers are revered in Orlais. They’re all nobles prancing around with a code of honour and license to do whatever they like to peasantry, pretending they’re clever and honourable people. It’s a pretty easy critique of the ‘code of chivalry’ romanticised in a lot of fiction - they have the appears of honourable knights, but the peasants suffer for it.
And they hate being made fun of and will fight to the death to defend their honour. Celene should know this. Yet she mocks them anyway and is then surprised when a number of the nobles, who have relatives who are Chevaliers if they are not Chevaliers themselves, turn around and support Gaspard. This shows how little she actually understands what motivates people. And then there’s the genocide against the elves of Halamshiral. Gaspard creates a play insinuating that she is too distracted by her Elven lover to rule the country and Celene, thin-skinned as she is, decides to prove him wrong. And she knows he wants her to react with violence. She knows he’s forcing her hand. But she considers doing so to be ruining his plans. When all she’s doing is proving that she is exactly as short-sighted and dim-witted as people think her to be. So not only is Celene a vile, murderous and self-obsessed ruler. She’s also stupid and easily manipulated. Gaspard insults her, so she does the opposite of what she’s accused of, thereby playing straight into his hands. There will be no elven university students or traders when she’s burned them all to death, she undoes all her work she claims to care about.* Gaspard later says that when someone flinches, it teaches him where to hit them. And Celene flinched, and praised herself for flinching. So in the future all her rivals have to do is insult her in the right way, and she’ll do exactly what they want just to prove them wrong. And it’s a shame none of this made it into Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts because it is vital information when picking a ruler. Celene has only successfully ruled Orlais because she had Briala by her side, propping her up and telling her how to win people’s hearts. Briala understands people, Celene does not. Celene is an ineffectual ruler who fancies herself clever and misses the forest for the trees, focusing on clever pageantry over actual tactics. Briala is cunning and plays the Game masterfully, if ruthlessly, while caring about elves and servants. Her weakness is Celene and she can be encouraged to continue abandoning her. Gaspard is a glorified thug who is clever and cunning, but ultimately understands military tactics more than he does The Game. He’ll outmanouvre someone on the field but won’t really stand up against politics. It’s noted that when his military gambit fails, Orlais descends into chaos almost immediately and under his rule the whole thing would collapse. He loves war and little else. Given this, Briala is the best choice for Orlais because she understands a little of both Gaspard and Celene’s worlds while actually trying to make things better. The Dalish clan Virnehn used and betrayed her, but she didn’t let that stop her trying to help them as well. I question how well she could control Gaspard long-term, given he’s better than Celene, but since we’re not given the option to have Briala control Celene and I also question the wisdom of putting her in close contact with her abuser...
*To be clear Celene visibly does not care about elves. She cares about being perceived as a wise and benevolent ruler who people serve unquestioningly and loyally out of gratitude for not being oppressed as much as they might be. imho she’s pretty clearly written to criticise white saviour type characters by showing them as the self-absorbed idiots they really are. I enjoy Celene’s character very much and wish we could see more of her. But I enjoy her specifically because we’re shown the stark contrast between how she perceives herself and what she truly is. (Briala is my favourite and she deserves the world. Solas made a big mistake.)
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
my favourite game is sending my sister posts criticising the beauty industry for all the shit they’ve brainwashed women and young girls into thinking they need to do and then she either says smth like”but they want to do that to feel better about themselves” or ignores it bc she doesn’t want to ever acknowledge or admit that she also was and is brainwashed by the beauty industry into thinking she NEEDS to do these things to feel better about herself when inherently the problem is that she shouldn’t fucking care about it in the first place. but she does. and she always did. she was one of those high schoolers who were too scared to leave the house without eyeliner on or some shit. anyways
like. I sent her a post saying bro this is insane this woman got fucking plastic surgery on her EARS bc she though her earlobes dropped too far and thus they were too long. I said that’s crazy. and she said “well if it makes her feel better” THE LENGTH OF HER EARLOBES!!! SHOULDNT HAVE MADE HER SELF CONSCIOUS IN THE FURST PLACE!!!!!!!
but I can’t get heated or angry bc obviously she’s also still brainwashed by the beauty industry so of course she doesn’t understand or see these things for what they are. lmfao
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escapeaging · 1 year
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aobkorea · 23 days
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fiorhe6 · 1 year
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Not to be one of those skincare (tm) girlies but omg I forgot how good my face feels after doing a sheet mask. Why don’t I do these every week
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wild-at-mind · 2 years
I’ve always wondered about the whole razor blades behind facist or transphobic stickers thing, because articles about it happening are often frustratingly vague, and often without pictures which is odd as these days most people carry a device with a camera! Wouldn’t you want proof?
I found the below by an anti-facist writer about the issue: https://libcom.org/article/sticking-it-razorblades-and-anti-fascist-folklore-f-bear
The main conclusion the writer comes to is that it may have happened a few times for real, but it is also an urban legend that can be found referenced in the press as early as 1976. He notes that the razor blade articles tend to recommend not removing the sticker and reporting to the police instead, therefore leaving the message behind for the next person to see. (Tumblr and twitter posts tend to prefer a rather vague ‘be careful when removing!’) He points out that the razor blades would greatly increase the cost of the stickering, the time to apply the sticker, and the penalty for the stickerer if caught doing so. So yeah, I’m inclined to agree with all these points. I think sharing round the razor blade sticker one source articles from local papers, or tumblr posts, is subtly encouraging inaction and spreading fear in marginilised communities. There is no need for this. The writer says keep taking down stickers as your social duty- a 50p can help scratch off the stubborn ones, or a black marker to cover the message if it really won’t come off.
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