#anti aging mask for boobs… I hate this world…
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anawkwardlady · 4 days ago
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Maybe if you masked your boobs you’d feel better.
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usednapkin · 4 years ago
It’s Been Too Long... And I Know Long... Long... Long~ Long~ MAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN~~~~
(moaning and heavy breathing)
If you don’t get that reference, don’t worry. Nobody is perfect. The Japanese really know how to make a great commercial series.
You’re gonna look it up now, aren’t you?
I feel like I used this reference before in my past blogs... can you blame me for not remembering? It’s been ages since I did this again. I’ve grown from a boy to a bigger boy. My gut is bigger. My double chin is doubler. I shave every week now. I drink tea sometimes. Adulthood is a busy lifestyle.
But it’s not only adulthood that’s been making things busy - of course I’m talking about the new trend of putting a fake penis next to your loved one and see if they cuddle with it in their sleep. Apparently, it will instantly get you a hundred thousand followers on TikTok. Try it out! I won’t lie to you!
I joke, that’s a fake trend. But now you’re thinking about whether it would actually be plausible. I dunno man, anything is possible in this world. And right now, we are living in a historical time. Covid19? Black Lives Matter? I wear contacts now? What’s going on?
Seriously though... it feels kinda weird to be doing this blog. I never realized how much it helped me, doing this on a regular basis. Just me and my third computer, typing out my thoughts - it can be very therapeutic, but it also helps me with my creative process. I also learn to type a little bit faster. 
Where do I even begin? What do I blog about when there are so many things to talk about? I could talk about how Covid19 affected my life, I can talk about how the BLM movement changed my perspective on how I view the world - but I’m not here to talk about issues in the world, I’m here to entertain, and break down my thoughts in a way that confuses eighty percent of the internet population.
And rant about how stupid customers can be.
I still work the same job - been at it for six years now, like hol--you know what? Let’s talk about how Covid19 affected my workplace. So I work in a grocery store - “Living the dream,” as one of the managers calls it - and during the first couple of weeks that the news declared a global pandemic, oh man... it was fun.
...Is that a weird thing to say?
You have to imagine, my job isn’t the most stressful, eventful, entertaining or fun place to work at, but when the pandemic rolled through. we were busy as fuck, Customers were rolling in, ready to prepare for the worst. And this was before we started to regulate the flow of customers. If the music was super loud, it would’ve been a bangin’ grocery store club. 
But they would have to dance to Haven’t Met You Yet by Michael Bublé.
Imagine your parents grinding to that.
You all probably think that the toilet paper was the first to go--AND YOU’RE RIGHT. It went along with the hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes, but did you know that all the frozen foods, pasta, canned food, and fresh meat were  almost emptied? At one point, a customer asked if we were selling barren shelves. I threw pickles at him.
Aside from all the sales, customers were being rowdy. People were on edge about getting in and out of the store, people tried to slip ahead of the line by explaining injuries that we couldn’t prove was real, I saw these two ladies fight over the last bag of shrimp, this drunk man ate a frozen chicken pie that was on sale for a dollar, this white lady overtly yelled out how she felt threatened by a pregnant black lady standing in line with her husband--
--okay, I may have used situations that weren’t due to covid19, but you get it.
Damn it, Grocery Gabby.
The store was probably seventy percent more chaotic than it would be. I don’t work in the front, so I didn’t see much of the action, but there was a lot more yelling. The owners got into a lot of fights with the customers. A couple of them even got physical. This was the first time that my ordinary job felt like it was a threat to my well-being.
It was kinda thrilling.
But of course, at the same time, it was something that I did not want to last. Later, when the world started to learn more about the virus, and we got our toilet paper supply back, everything basically went back to normal. I miss the days where I was able to bike to work on the empty streets... And I miss my temporary, very short-lived hazard pay.
Yeah, we don’t get that anymore. Our customers aren’t in bad condition like they are in the hospitals. I knew it wouldn’t last, which is why I asked for extra hours during that period. Smart of me, huh? I also had nothing much to do at home, so there was that. Lockdown and everything, y’know?
I look forward to the day where we won’t have to wear our masks in the store again. I mean, I was wearing one before the pandemic happened because Asian style, but now I kinda miss seeing the faces of my coworkers. I also met a few new ones for the past year and I don’t think I’ve ever seen their real faces. I mean, do they have a round chin or pointy one? Do they have moles like me? How’s the condition of their teeth? How can she have boobs so big, yet grow more chin hairs than I can?
These are the important questions in life.
But that’s work in a nutshell. Occasionally, we have issues with anti-maskers, but those customers make up like, two percent of the total that enter our store. Some are even conscious about distance, meaning that they KNOW they choose not to wear a mask, so therefore they try and keep their distance even more from you. It happened to me a couple of times.
But seriously, if you can, wear a mask.
Why do adults hate the idea of being told what to do? Is it their pride? Is it because they feel threatened of the idea that someone is smarter than them? Are they tall, ugly-shaped babies or something? I kinda get it, you’re an adult, and you shouldn’t be told how to live your life and be told what to do by someone else, but when lives are being at risk, think about your loved ones. Is it really worth your pride and ego?
I digress. TL;DR: My first year of covid19 was an eventful one.
“Was it though?”
Yes Bob, it was. 
Now I just have to have faith in humanity to be able to combat this virus until it’s demise. Hopefully we can try and stop it before the variants become too strong. I miss people. Until then, I’ll still be stocking shelves with a bunch of employees who look like ninjas.
Retail Jutsu.
Our ninja stars are crackers.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years ago
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused? Read this post to catch you up!
Chapter 8: Bitch I Hope the Fuck You Do!
I wish I could tell you that I got the courage to tell the class rep that I don’t like him. But it’s the next day and I’m feeling like pussy ass bitch. So I’m doin’ what I do best....call my mommy.
“Hello? Lili? Can you hear me?”
“I can hear and see you very clearly” I said as the video call got extra crisp in quality “did you update the camera?”
“No, we bought a new television” my mom laughed “your dad and his friends trashed the living room when I was away on Friday. Oh you should have seen them when I came home a day early!”
I laughed but I remembered why I called “Mom, can I ask you something?”
“What is it mija?”
“When you were in high school, how did you figure it out?” I slumped a bit “the whole dating stuff and holding back feelings?”
“Well, first off, I started dating in middle school. The dating culture is different where I grew up than here.” she sighed and put her coffee cup down “there’s a sort of pressure to date and find your partner, especially for girls with telekinesis. These poor girls are cursed with short life spans, but if you find the right person, they live longer lives. I was with somebody before I came over here and I thought they were my one and only, like I was ready to marry him and live my short life with him.” Her smile disappeared “but when I was on my own here, I thought I was going to die early anyways. Then I met your dad, which I saw as somebody that felt the need to be like my parent-friend. I hid my feelings from him because I wasn’t going to ruin my one friendship I had in the hero world” she picked her cup up again “so I dated Hoshi’s dad, had something purely physical with Mr. Tokoyami, casually had a fling with Mr. Monoma, and had a long term relationship with Mr Hitoshi. All before admitting my feelings to your dad in my twenties, it felt different when we started dating. It was like I just took one step up from our friendship, being around him felt natural and I could be myself. My one regret was not telling him sooner, imagine all the heartbreak I could’ve avoided if I just stopped overthinking things.”
“You didn’t know either?” I pondered “then is it okay to not like somebody after one date?”
“Of course it is! That’s why we have dates” Mom chuckled “It gives you a chance to see their personality and behavior to see if you click.”
I take a deep breath “Okay because I went on a date yesterday and-”
Mom spit out her coffee and choke a bit “YOU WHAT?!” her eyes widened and teared up “TENYA! OUR BABY IS GROWING UP!”
Dad ran into frame “What? What happened Lili?!”
“Oh jeez- I just said I went on a date yesterday and-”
My dad gasped and instantly started crying “My little girl is growing up!” he sniffled “I wasn’t one to be brave enough to ask your mom on a date at your age! But here you are, being honest with your feelings.”
“Um, actually, that’s why I called” I explain the disaster that was yesterday “...and I don’t know how to let him down easy.”
“Oh just do what I did, show dominance and tell him that he deserves better” Mom said casually “that way they don’t try to win you over with the next person you’re with.”
“I mean, that is what you did BUT” Dad followed up “just be honest and don’t delay in telling him! The longer you wait, the longer you leave them assuming the wrong thing.”
“Okay! I think I got it” I took mental note of their advice “I’m gonna go now, thanks for answering me! Bye Bye!”
“Bye Bye Lili! We love you!”
I click off the video call feeling better about my situation. And like the anti-social, dense dumbass I am, I didn’t tell him out of cowardliness. I kept him arms distance and smiled at the things he’d show me. 
-2 weeks later-
“What’s for lunch today Lili?” Hoshi asked as everyone scattered to the cafeteria.
“Hot cheetos, cold pizza and an unpeeled apple” I said as I opened my lunch bag “I miss my mommy making my lunches” I slumped on the stone table “at least she’d cut up my fruits.”
“Need someone to cut your fruit?” said the class rep that seemingly pop up out of nowhere “didn’t mean to startle you Iida-san! But I can cut that apple for you if you’d like.”
“Um sure” I said as I handed him the apple “thanks!”
“It’s no problem, anything for you” he blushed as he said that “it’s a free admission day tomorrow at the hero museum, and I was hoping to take you.”
“That sounds cool but um” I look at my open bag of cheetos “I have to meet with support management tomorrow!”
“Huh? You do?” Hoshi questioned as he grabbed a cheeto from me “who you meeting?”
“Yea! I’m meeting with that one student with the hair and the” I make the gesture of big boobs “they said they can prototype the support item I’ve been thinking about.”
“Oh! I didn’t know you were designing a support item” the class rep said as he finished peeling and cutting the apple “maybe next time we can do something, I’ve been wanting to spend some time with you.”
“Yup! Next time!” I flash my smile as he hands me the finished apple “thanks for cutting this for me.”
He turned completely red and flustered “Yeah! Um y-you enjoy your lunch and I’ll see you later!” he turned around and scurried away.
Hoshi was getting suspicious “Lili what the fuck was that?! I thought you didn’t like him?”
“I don’t like him, you right” I said as I munched on an apple slice, Hoshi narrowing his eyes at me “I just, you know, not told him that yet.”
Hoshi put his face in his hands and groaned “Oh my god Lili! Didn’t you talk to your parents about this?”
“I did! And I’m a coward!” I groaned in response “Like, I don’t want him to hate me or think I’m some sort of bratty, rich girl that thinks he isn’t privileged to be around me!” I softly slam my face on my lunch bag “I just think he’s so bland and stereotypically hero-in-training.”
“If you don’t tell him by Sunday, I’m going to make you confront him!” Hoshi slammed his hands on the table “seriously Lili! It’s cruel that you’re leading him on like this.”
I sigh “I know, and I hate myself for being such a coward.”
-After School the same day-
“Hey Iida-san! Can we walk to the dorms together?” the class rep asked excitedly as I was putting on my shoes.
“She’d love too!” Hoshi said slapping my back “have fun Lili! See you later!” Hoshi flashed me a look, threatening me to tell what I need to say.
I flash my smile “Well he answered for me!”
“Great! Lets get going!” he said as we walked toward the dorms. He started to talk about one of the books he bought the other day and I wasn’t paying attention, I was too distracted by my thoughts. I felt the warmth on his hand holding mine, uh oh he’s getting bold! “You know Iida-san, I’m glad you gave me a chance. I thought maybe I was too beneath you to have a chance! But you’re so nice and your smile has me flustered” he squeezed my hand “so I was wondering if I could call you my baby.”
“Oh ummm” all the jazz music stopped in my brain, this is bad!
“Was that too much?! Sorry! Um, how about lets start with first names?” he was hasty to fix himself “Can I call you Lili? Or do you prefer Perla?”
“Um actually I-”
“Oh what the hell is all this?!” yelled Maru as he stomped in our direction “hands off my Lili!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to me like that” barked the class rep back “can’t you see I’m with my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?! You don’t have what we have” Maru was getting defensive “I’ve known her since she was born! She’s my girl, we shared a kiss.”
My head was hurting with everything unfolding before me, I’ve had enough! “I’M NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!” I yelled as I pulled my hand away, then turned to Maru “AND I’M NOT YOUR GIRL! I DON’T LIKE YOU EITHER!” and then everything went dark. I opened my eyes and I was looking up at the commons room ceiling, was it all just a bad dream? I sat up to see sensei, Hoshi, some of the girls and the class rep gathered around me...Oh boy.
“Sensei, she’s up” said the class rep “lay back down, you passed out on the street pretty bad.”
“Yea, that stupid second year friend of yours really tried it this time!” Hoshi said with a scowl “I was about to beat his ass on your behalf!”
“No need, I let his dad know what happened” sensei said then turned to me “as for you, I also let your parents know. Mom said to bed rest and if you feel worse at any point to call her.”
“Thank you” I said weakly as I lay my head back down.
“Lets leave her be guys” Hoshi said to get just me and the class rep alone in the commons room “Hashima-kun, I trust you’ll help her?”
“Yes I will!” the class rep responded “I got it from here sensei.”
I watch everyone part ways to their rooms and I felt at my lowest. “Hey, um, about earlier, I-”
“It’s okay, I understand it was a high stress situation and you didn’t mean what you said” caressed my face “you scared me when you just fell out of nowhere, but you’re safe now my delicate flower.”
Oh gag I hate that! “I can’t hold back anymore” I sighed and lifted his hand off my face “Listen, you’re a decent guy and very courteous, but” I looked straight into his eyes, to assert dominance “I don’t feel the same, we just don’t click.”
“What do you mean? You’ve been nothing but smiles and attentive with me these past weeks.” 
“We’re too different and to be honest, I don’t like hero stuff like you do. I like flavorful food and I abhor boba! Like why the fuck do you want to eat and drink at the same time?!” I started to come around to my usual self “And Deku is my least favorite hero THERE I SAID IT! Mans looks like a broccoli under the mask! And I get you want to be a great hero and you study hero history, but you showing me your collection and favorite bookstore, it makes me feel like I’m not smart enough or I’m not doing enough to be a hero.”
“That’s not true Iida-san! You’re powerful and nimble, way better than me!”
“But it’s true, plus I just lack the social skills to be a decent girlfriend” I put my hand on his hand “you deserve somebody that won’t lead you on like I did, I’m sorry.”
He had a hurt expression on his face “I won’t force you to stay with me, I understand” he slipped his hand out from under mine slowly “it’s because of Togata-kun isn’t it?”
“What?” I was confused and wasn’t expecting him to mention Hoshi.
“You like Togata-kun, you’re always with him and first name them” he explained “your dorms are connected with a rope ladder and your parents treat him like he’s part of the family. He’s special to you.”
“He’s my friend, thats all” I denied any assumptions “yes he’s special to me but it’s not romantic.”
“You say that now but you two are the definition of chemistry” he said standing up “I can only hope to have what you two have.”
He walks to his dorm and I just try to sort myself out on that couch. Bet mom didn’t have it this bad when she had to break it to someone. I peel myself off the couch and make my way to my room to get on with the rest of my day.
-The next day, after school-
“So you’re telling me that your mom and friends just ran off on their wacky adventures?!” Hoshi said in awe as I told him of all my mom’s misadventures in High School “wish we had the same liberties! And fast travel quirks, imagine if we could just think of a place and suddenly be there?!”
“Hahaha my mom’s quirk doesn’t work like that” I laughed at their statement “though I don’t know how they did it! How they just did all that traveling without quirks.”
We were taking our time walking to the dorms, originally we were thinking about going to downtown but we’re honestly too tired to do all that walking! Downtown isn’t too far from the dorms or school, not really worth taking public transport. I envy my little brother Oro for being blessed with the teleportation quirk! Little punk doesn’t even use it! He just walks or bikes everywhere, just to spite us! As Hoshi and I turn to our dorm building, we got stopped by the intel trio we saw when we moved in.
“Yoohoo! Royal children!”
“We said not to call us that” Hoshi responded as they approached.
“Sorry! Um we just wanted to invite you two to our kickback” said the small one “it’s this Saturday in the 1st year’s dorms, doors open at 7pm.”
“Oh?! We’ll be there!” I excitedly spoke for the both of us.
“COOL! See you two then!” said the tall one as they turned back to their dorm.
We waved them off before entering our dorms “I can’t believe it?! We’re cool enough to go to an intel party!”
“I KNOW RIGHT?!” I couldn’t control myself “I’m going to dress up really casual!”
Hoshi gasped “I can wear that tank top with hawaiian shirt outfit I’ve been wanting to flex!”
“Oh my gosh! Your himbo outfit?!” I gasp in response “now I really can’t wait!”
I run off to tell my mommy that I got invited. She tells me that they have rules for all their guests to follow, if I don’t follow them, I’ll get kicked out. She also warns me to not drink too much since it’ll be mine and Hoshi’s first time drinking. My mom didn’t drink too much around us growing up, so I don’t know how bad things get if one drinks too much.
-Night of the kickback-
“Oh crap, I forgot how the hell are we going to sneak over there!” I exclaimed as I was in Hoshi’s room, fixing his outfit a bit.
“Dang that would be an important thing to plan out” he pondered “Hashima-kun does a sweep of the dorms to make sure we’re in our rooms in like 5 minutes.”
“A thought, we say we’re turning in early for the night when he does his sweep” I explain “then I jump in your balcony, you phase us into the ground, we land swim all the way to the inside of their dorm building.”
“Lili, that has to be the craziest thing you’ve ever said to me” he puts his hands on my shoulders “I’m in! Let’s get in our places!”
I nod and I get back into my room, do my part when the class rep does his courtesy knock. When I jump back onto Hoshi’s room, he could hardly keep his giggles in! I get on his back and we go onto the balcony rail.
“This might be a little scary, close your eyes” Hoshi said as he gets ready to jump “I’ll do the land swimming, so just hold on to me.”
I do as he asked of me and I feel the whoosh of us falling and phasing into the ground. It feels a little weird being permeable, like this isn’t my first time being affected by his quirk but in those short bursts of exposure, it feels like you aren’t real! Like you’re a figment of someone’s imagination or a character in somebody’s story. Suddenly, I feel the pop of becoming solid again, I open my eyes as we’re mid-air in the other dorm.
“Oof I’m still not used to that” I said as we fell on our asses.
Hoshi helps me up “Well, at least we made it here!” he smiles “I don’t think anybody saw us sneak out, we’re in the clear!”
We go up the stairs and get greeted by the bouncer, it was the tall one of the trio and they lets us in right away. The others greeted us with excitement and were excellent hosts. It would’ve been amazing...if I didn’t get so drunk so fast. Hoshi was just as trashed as I was, luckily the others took care of us by giving us plenty of water and food. They put us in their extra room to lay down for a bit to sober up. I look over at their digital clock, it was almost 10pm!
“Ugh, I feel like I’ve literally gone crazy ah gone stupid ah!” I groaned on the futon “at least you’re here with me.”
“Lili, you’re like the best!” Hoshi slurred as he reached over to put his hand on my face “you’re pretty and smart, HEY! if I -hic- if I chopped off my titties, would I be hot?”
I thought about it “Hmm, it would help bring the natural muscle build you have under the titties” I poke his chest “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your titties without the binder. Either way, you’re one of the boys to me!”
“Oh dang, I like that answer” he said as he flips onto his back to look up at the ceiling with me “I’ve been thinking about getting top surgery once I get the funds when we graduate.”
“Man, that’s like forever from now” I responded “would you still be my friend after?”
“I’d be your friend no matter what Lili” Hoshi let out a burp “pardon me, but yea, even if we have to work in different cities or you somehow become a famous dancer and have to travel abroad” he turns his head to face me “I’d still be your friend. Would you still be my friend if that comes true?”
“I’d miss you like crazy but I’d still be your friend” I smiled at him “you’re my only true friend Hoshi, out of all the people I’ve met and grew up with, I don’t hate you at all.”
Hoshi starts to tear up “Wow, I feel so loved” he brings me in for a hug “you’re my only friend and GOD am I going to cherish you for the rest of my life!”
I snuggle into his embrace “I love that for us” I look up to his face “you’re comfy to snuggle with, I could drift off to sleep right here.”
“I’ve never been the big spoon before” he put his hand on my lower back and another on the back of my head “we can cuddle all we want, as long as I get to be big spoon! Because it feels nice.”
“Deal!” I laugh as I lay my head on his chest. And I guess we did fall asleep there because I woke up in the same position. I rub my eyes and squint at the digital clock, it’s 7:22am! “Crap! Hoshi, Hoshi! Wake the frick up!”
“Huh? 5 more minutes Gimi-kun” Hoshi groaned sleepily as he rolled over onto his side “I’ll just drink some coffee today before class.” 
“What? No wake up Hoshi!” I said slapping his chest to get off me, his body was crushing me.
He was now fully awake and jumped off me “Sorry! sorry!” he looked around him and panicked “oh no, Lili how the hell are we going to get back to the dorms?! Hashima-kun is going to do his rounds at 8!”
I was thinking at full speed “I can’t think of anything that’ll get us back without getting caught!” I sigh “I guess we gotta take this L and accept punishment.”
“Well, for what it’s worth” he put his hand on my head “it was a fun first time drinking with you. Even if we passed out early.”
I laughed “It sure was” I stood up and my head started to hurt “oof, I think I’m starting to feel that hangover.” We walk out of the room quietly to see all of the intel class up and getting breakfast going.
“Oh shit you didn’t leave in the middle of the night?” said one of the students sitting at the table “I swear I heard you two scurry off at like 3am.”
“No that was the other two that came together and cried on the balcony” spoke up the girl sitting on the counter “these two are the royal children in the hero class” she faces us “anyways, need some help sneaking back to your dorms?”
“Um yes actually!” I winced “our class rep does door to door check in knocks at 8, if we could some how get to our balconies and pretend we didn’t just come back from this.”
“OOH OOH! Is it time to mirage?!” excitedly piped up one of the boys as he jumped.
“Yes, it’s mirage time Mitsuki” responded the girl on the counter “We split into two teams, distraction team and launch team. 3 of us are going to this side lawn and cause a scene, the launch team is going to take you two to the watch tower where I’ll shrink you small enough for Sube-chan here to carry you to your balconies.”
Hoshi raises his hand “Question, can’t you just do that without causing the distraction?”
“Yea but where’s the fun in that?” said the very petite girl as she jumped out of her chair “it’s go time team! WHOO!”
“WHOO WHOO!” chanted everyone as they scurried to their places.
“Come with us!” said the petite girl as counter girl picked her up on her shoulders “to the watch tower my trusty steed! HIYA!”
We follow them to a set of spiraling, iron stairs that seem to go on forever! “How much longer?” I panted
“Just 3 more floors to go!” responded counter girl like it was no big deal “finally, an excuse to use the tower!”
Hoshi and I looked at each other with fear in our eyes, my mom wasn’t kidding when she said intel students were on another level. I will never understand how this whole thing worked because once we got to the top, we looked down to see the distraction team and they miraged a jaguar fight. Then we got shrunk down for the petite girl to carry us on her parakeet form. Apparently she can transform into small birds and the counter girl can shrink or enlarge anything temporarily. It was scary to get fast transported to our balconies, then the pop of suddenly growing back to your normal size! Not good if you’re hungover. But it all worked out! The mirage team showed themselves and chortled the hero dorms for getting scared, the two girls in the tower signaled that they transported us safely and they all returned to their dorms. Things resumed on our side like normal, Hoshi and I start laughing when I gave them a look over some coffee.
-Monday, Lunchtime-
We were at our usual lunch spot when a little birdy came to our table.
“Aw look how cute the little pajarito!” I said as I held out a strawberry “pspspsps, queres fresita pajarito?!”
Suddenly the bird turned into the petite girl from the intel dorms “Don’t mind if I do!” she ate the strawberry out of my hand.
Hoshi and I freaked out “I knew it was weird that a bird with school uniform colors would so happen to land at our table!” Hoshi exclaimed.
“Sorry about that heehee” they wiped their mouth “I wanted to relay a message from our aspiring trio! They want to exchange numbers for fast communication, I don’t do my message carrier service for free!” she takes a sticky note out of her shirt pocket “here they are! OH! and write your numbers in on the back here with your names.”
We copy the numbers and gave our numbers to relay back. I learned that the petite girl’s name is Robin Sube...she took my strawberries as she flew off. Minutes later we got texts from the three people that invited us. It was so cool that I was making friends with students outside my program! Wonder what they may need to us for, aside from parties?
-Saturday evening, the dorms-
I was sitting in my room, working on a piece I saw on the ICONIQUE feature page, when I heard yelling coming from downstairs. The boy’s section was getting rowdy I thought until I heard Hoshi yelling ‘Stop’, then my big sister senses kicked in. I climbed down the rope ladder and onto the balcony.
“Hoshi?” I said as I knocked on the sliding door “are you okay? I heard you yelling and thought I’d check up on you.” I heard the whispers of two other boys then a slam of the door. I opened the door and parted the curtains to see Hoshi’s room trashed and Hoshi trembling, face down on the floor near his bed “HOSHI!?”
As I picked him up, I saw that his shirt was ripped open along with his binder torn and stretched “Lili, I-” Hoshi couldn’t talk, he just started crying and slumped onto me. I didn’t need him to explain, this was clearly a hate crime. Somebody found out and lashed out. That angered me to the point of breaking. I didn’t want eye for an eye, I wanted BLOOD!
“Shhh, shhh, I’m here” I held him close and saw how badly those people hurt him, I put his blanket around him “can you stand up?” He nodded and stood up “good, can you climb up the ladder to my room?” he climbed up to my room and I followed after. I destroyed the rope ladder and saw Hoshi fully breaking down on my bed, trembling with heaving sobs. But what am I to do? I can’t leave Hoshi here alone as I go get my reinforcements, who to call? THAT’S IT! The intel trio!
I pulled up one of their numbers and dialed it, standing on my balcony.
“Oh good! You answered!” I said relieved “listen, I know we don’t know each other very well but I need help.”
“Oh! yes of course my team and I can help!” the guy on the other side was now on high alert “how can we help!”
“Not going to sugarcoat this but somebody attacked my friend, LeMillion’s son” I try to keep it together “he’s in my room right now because they trashed his room and I really need to tell my sensei about this but I don’t want to leave my friend alone.”
“Say no more, you need us to protect him from further harm?”
“Yes! Will you do it?” I asked with hopefulness “I can offer anything but homework help.”
“I’m gathering the whole squad, we’ll be at your balcony in one minute!” he said as the background noise got hectic “hang tight!” then he hangs up. On the dot, a group of 5 people came zip-lining in.
“Man! I always wanted to use that!” said the tall one “okay, we’re here! Brought the ground team” then he pointed to the watch tower “got eye in the sky team on high alert for any runners. We got your backs!”
“Thanks! Please come in” I let them in my room “Okay, so he’s banged up and they ripped his shirt open-”
“No! Please don’t tell me he got targeted by transphobes!” snarled counter girl “the NERVE of some people!”
“Wait, you know he’s-”
“He told us at the kickback” said the skinny one “we’re super accepting of him” he kneeled at my bed and put his hand on Hoshi’s back “hey, it’s okay, we won’t let anybody hurt you. You’re valid.”
Hoshi wiped his tears “Thank you... all of you” he smiled “I’ve never felt so loved and accepted by anyone, I trust you.”
“I’m going to get sensei” I go to my door “stay here, I’ll be back.”
I close the door and make the dash to sensei’s quarter’s, if they really thought things through, they’d be expecting me. Am I scared, yes. In all my life, I never had to fight like this but my mom told me what to do in such situations. If they worked for her, I trust they’ll work for me. I thought I was in the clear once I was in the hallway leading to the commons room, but two people greeted me once I entered the space.
“I don’t think so!” said on the boys “we’ve been waiting for you!”
I couldn’t believe my eyes “You’re in my class!” I pointed to the other person “and you’re in Maru’s class! Why did you hurt him?!”
“Don’t you mean IT?!” hatefully spat the 2nd year “that’s not a real boy! Things like him shouldn’t live among us!”
“Yea! Don’t tell me you’re one of those bleeding heart social justice warriors!” chortled my classmate “a fine girl like you shouldn’t mingle with those...things!”
“HE’S my friend! You are monsters! Villains even!” I barked back “I don’t need to be social justice warrior or hero to know that he’s happy like this and should be treated with respect!”
“What are you going to do? It’s two against one” snickered my classmate as they got into fighting stance “try to dance yourself out of this one!”
Both of them lunged at me and I dodged them both. With some quick thinking, I bound the second year to the curtains. My classmate had a speed quirk and it was extremely hard to land anything on him. He threw me around like a rag doll, mocked me but I wasn’t ready to tap out. After a while he had me pinned to the ground, both of his feet on my hands.
“Stop! You’re crushing my hands!” I growled as I tried to free my hands.
He put more pressure on my hands “Sorry Princess Ballerina, but I can’t have you tainting my image” he put his hand on my head “hold still, it’ll all be over soon.” 
I braced myself for a direct hit when I heard a bird chirping “Sube-chan? PSPSPSPS pajarito!” I called out, hoping it was really her.
“Huh?” said the classmate before I heard the thud of punches being thrown. I felt his feet lift off of my hands and I got up to see Sube wailing down on my classmate.
“GO! I got it from here!” cried out Sube pinning down my classmate.
I gave them a nod as I ran to sensei’s quarters, I pounded on his door “Sensei?! sensei! Please open the door!”
“What do- OH MY GOD what happened to you?!” sensei was in shock “this is bad! Tell me everything you know!”
I gave him the short of it “...Hoshi is in just a bad of condition, what are you going to do?”
“As much as I hate to say it” sensei sighed “call your mommy, this is her realm. I’ll call the principal, Midnight and nurse Eri to examine you two.”
I made the call and she portaled in the moment I said Hoshi got attacked. She threw down the law on the two culprits, the police got involved too. I didn’t leave Hoshi’s side through this whole process and I didn’t let anybody get too close to him who wasn’t my mom, the police or a school staff. The intel class was excused to go back to their dorms after giving their eye witness accounts. The two culprits were taken into custody by police, by then it was very late into the night.
“Lili, may I come in?” my mom asked gently as she stood in front of the entrance of my room.
“Come in” I lowered my guard.
Mom sighed at the sight of us “So everything is under investigation and being taken cared of” she sat at the foot of my bed “if you two want, I can take you two to the house for 3 days. Just until things are finalized, the school is allowing it.”
“Please, I don’t think I can lay in my dorm room in peace” Hoshi pleaded, eyes tired of crying “I need to escape this environment.”
“I’ll get your clothes and essentials” mom assured him “I’ll get Midnight in here to escort you two to the commons room so I can portal us home.”
She gets Hoshi’s things and we wait for her in the commons room. Hoshi grabbed my hand, like a child holding on to their mother’s hand so they don’t get separated. I squeezed my hand in response. Mom didn’t take long to bring out his things, she summoned a portal that lead right inside the house. My dad was waiting on the couch and got up when we stepped in. He ran up to us and hugged us, he saw the bruises on our bodies and my bandaged hands and just broke down. 
“Who would hurt you two so badly?!” he sobbed “you’re just children that did nothing wrong!” he put my hands in his “did you fight Lili? I wont get mad.” I nodded and teared up “it’s okay, you were brave enough to stand up to what’s right and you won. My sweet daughter, you’re a better person than I was when I was your age.”
We washed up and got ready for bed. I climbed into the guest room bed with Hoshi because I didn’t want to leave him alone. He let me lay on his chest, he didn’t have his binder on, so I felt the lumps of his breasts on the side of my head. I felt like we broke through another layer of friendship, he will always be one of the boys in my heart and eyes.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen...
“I can’t believe this happened! Imagine if Lili didn’t call those intel kids!”
“Don’t say that Tenya, I don’t want to imagine it.”
“I’m sorry! But -sigh- now what?”
“Now we wait, they’re safe here until then. Nobody is going to separate me from my children.”
“You’re a good mother, I love you and your efforts to keep our family together.”
“Do you think they think I’m a good mother too?”
“I know they do, she wouldn’t trust you with her friend’s secret if she didn’t.”
“True...lets go to bed, they should be asleep by now.”
-Chapter 8, End-
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