#annie x john
devotedgossamerreader · 11 months
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cod-dump · 2 months
Laswell and her wife + PriceNikGraves on a double date, shenanigans ensue
Laswell and Price agreeing to a double date only to immediately regret it because their partners get along a little too well. It didn't feel like a date more they were two extra wheels to a tricycle.
Annie and Graves just click immediately upon meeting (ignoring everything Laswell had told her about the man) and she was already besties with Nik before that. Laswell wanted to spend time with her friends (minus Graves) and her wife but now it just feels like it's just her and Price.
Price is just exhausted by southern American slang not even thirty minutes into the date and just zones out for the rest of it. Nik is having the best time and Graves loves Annie immediately.
Laswell and Price both agree to try to avoid any more potential double dates and just spend their own respective time with their partners. They both agree it's much more enjoyable that way.
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c3berus · 3 months
Kia ora! Are you able to write about 141 having tall!reader bf. What was their initial reaction when they first met Him? Besides, it’s quite hard to find someone when you’re too tall😔😔.
(I’m 6’5🥲. sorry if some of the words don’t make sense, had to just guess some the words, English ain’t my first language)
Can I be 🫀anon?
they met you when you all had to work together to catch some terrorist. they all sat around the table, silently chatting with each other at a meeting waiting to meet you. and when you walked in lets say you were definitely a nice surprise. From the way you slightly had to tilt your head to enter the room to in johnnys words you walked like your dick hurt to carry.
they were immediately interested in you.
simon was particularly bothered by it but not mad at it. he liked how you looked down and titled your head at any words he spoke. or when you would brush your hands over his waist to get by him. it left him wanting you more.
kyle insisted you worked out with him so he could yander at your muscles. he’d ask if you could workout with him as an added weight which eventually would turn into you fucking him into the sparing mat, roughly pushing his head into the sparring mat with the sounds of your dick bullying into him.
johnny wasn’t even the tiniest bit ashamed of the way he’d feel you up and stare you down. he’d make comments on how you hand to be some type of giant, or how you shouldve went to wrestling. if you’re above him in rank, he’d come into your office and situate himself on your lap despite your series of ‘not now’s’ and ‘im busy’s’ and put your hand into his pants letting you feel how riled up and leaky he was for you and he whined into your ear about how he wanted you to have him.
and price, the ever so sweet price, he’d try to be respectful he’d greet you with coffee or tea, he’d cook you dinner on base and let you sit in his office as you worked on reports but nothing up above would help him when he trailed his eyes to your dick in the joined base showers. he didn’t even think he’d need any help the way you were fucking the pleas out of him like you were his god.
and let you have a particularly raspy and deep voice?? they’re squirming in their chairs.
if you harbored a bit of broken English?? they didn’t mind, in fact simon often teased you about it like the little shit show he was. you’d often bite back saying something about brits back.
BUT what really sealed the deal for them was how protected and secure you made them feel.
you remembered when ghost ordered a recruit to explain why he was late and the recruit gave some half assed excuse why, before marching off like a little shit and giggling with his lads about why he was actually late. you overheard it was because he was being a creep trying to hit on the female recruits. they didn’t notice that you had heard their entire conversation. until it was time to dismiss and you called him back, forcing him to push his body to the absolute limit. that soon earned him the call sign mute because everytime you were present he wouldn’t utter a single word.
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cameron-s-gaskins · 4 months
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Bit of an update on chapter 2 of ‘Sam Tyler Doesn’t Exist,’ unfortunately I’m running a bit behind, and I don’t think it’s going to be done when I wanted it to be :( A lot of real life stuff going on, but I should have some more time to work on this soon. Don’t worry, it will get done! The line art is done, with the exception of a few of the more difficult panels, and I’m working on color now. Hopefully just a few more weeks. I added some pages, so it’ll be 14 pages, instead of the originally planned 10.
But here’s the first page as a bit of a teaser preview!
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kaizsche · 5 months
in my dreams, you love me back
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a starlight/homelander fic set during s3e06, a missing scene (kind of) inspired by red velvet's in my dreams.
warning: delusions. angst. more delusions and more angst.
note: thank you thank you thank you so much to DelightfullySad and @finnismyoriginalsin for being the numero uno numba one enabler. if it weren't for them i wouldn't be here writing for starlander. i owe them my life. period.
crossposted on ao3
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He felt the absence of her presence like a phantom limb. 
They have been inseparable the past few weeks. Ashley had coordinated their schedules to accommodate their PR relationship stunt. Where he went, Starlight naturally followed. Silly interviews about their relationship and public appearances were staged. 
He even began to enjoy her company despite her corpse-like enthusiasm. The moment he realized this, he began seeking more of her. His lips lingered long after their perfunctory kisses and his hands, he found, if not at the small of her back, were either wrapped around her waist or intertwined with the softness of her hands.
There was an odd moment of embarrassment but also smug satisfaction when a reporter wrote an article about them. How sweet! Homelander can’t keep his hands off his girl!
John supposed his recent business venture as the new CEO of Vought made him forget about everything else. He was lost in the technicalities and in turn had lost sight of what was important. 
Starlight. Annie.
To make matters worse, Soldier Boy rose from the dead, his appearance a cause for immediate concern. Nobody at this moment would be able to make the connection that Soldier Boy was behind all the explosions but the instant someone did would be ruining everything he worked hard for. 
Before that could happen, he needed to kill Soldier Boy. Fast. 
That was when he remembered. 
“Don’t you think that maybe the best way to handle this is to find him?”
If there was anyone who had information about Soldier Boy, it was Annie. Though, if it had been a day since she hadn’t reported back to him on the matter, maybe she wasn’t better off.
Her apartment was empty, much to his confusion. He was under the impression that she was scheduled to shoot an advertisement for a skincare company and yet her costume sat idling inside her walk-in-closet. 
For a moment, his traitorous mind entertained her connection to Soldier Boy’s reemergence. 
What did you expect, you fucking idiot! A distant voice in his mind screamed for attention. You killed her ex, you think she wouldn’t retaliate?
John whimpered, But she did it first. 
Just shut the fuck up and let me think.
He spied his gleaming reflection off a white telephone and dialed Ashley’s office.
She answered on the first ring. “Starlight? Where the fuck are you—”
“Where’s Starlight?” He questioned, ignoring the sudden spike of her heartbeat at the sound of his voice echoing from Starlight’s telephone. In Starlight’s room.
Ashley answered with a long suffering sigh, “I don’t know, Sir. She just took off without informing anybody.”
He drummed his fingers in silent contemplation, his eyes taken to examining every intimate detail of her room and stopped, glaring lasers at the offending image positioned right next to her bed.
“Alright. Call me when she comes in.”
He left the comfort of her room not before accidentally bumping into her framed picture with Hughie.
You’re acting like a spoiled brat. 
John dismissed the voice as he retreated to his quarters. It continued to whisper nasty things in his ear that Annie was likely an accomplice. He knew how much Butcher and his skinny side-kick Hughie (who happened to be her boyfriend) detested him. John wouldn’t put it past them to summon Soldier Boy in an attempt to level the playing field.
The voice grew louder, snapping insults in his ear about his weakness—that he had too much humanity in him. That it was disgusting and he was absolutely embarrassed to be him. 
He grabbed for the remote blindly in an effort to distract himself. 
“...he children had all signed a letter thanking Starlight and Homelander for their generous donation to the hospital. Starlight met with patients with kidney failure whose lives were dependent on machines. They are on dialysis three times a week for four hours — until they can have a transplant. The process, however, takes years because of a shortage of donors.”
Annie sat cross legged, surrounded by children. She held a children’s book in her hand, reading to them in silly voices. Different camera shots of children bursting into laughter at her antics flashed through the screen, some of it even catching teary-eyed parents. 
The scene changed. Annie was speaking to a kid with sunshine locks and blue eyes. 
“Dominic for instance has been…”
A lump formed in his throat at the sight of her arms around the boy. The screen transitioned to another shot of Annie cradling him in her arms like a babe as she spoke with a doctor. 
What the fuck? Get your shit together, man!
He closed his eyes, lost in the image of Annie and the boy.
John you fucking halfwit! Get back here! I’m not done with you yet! JOHN! YOU MOTHERFUCKER—
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He stirred to the faint sensation of being rocked to consciousness. 
“Dad!” The voice screamed. “Wake up! I’m going to be late for my recital!”
John stuffed his head deeper in the sinking softness of his pillows. A hand snatched it out of his chin, his forehead making contact with the headboard in a loud bang.
“Wha…” A woman mumbled beside him. 
“The fuck?!” He exclaimed.
“Mooooommm! Dad said a swear word!” Before he could recover from the damage upon his forehead, there was another blow to his head—too soft to ever bruise him but a hit that took him off guard.
He rose to meet the attacker, the heat of his lasers igniting the low rage simmering within him. 
And stopped at the peculiar yet welcome sight of Annie’s bed head and her legs tangled in cream sheets. A smaller figure dressed in pajamas blocked his figure, meeting his rage with a smug smirk so reminiscent of his own. 
“Pay up!”
He blinked. His throat was so dry he was simply unable to respond. Bewildered, he sought Annie’s help. 
She frowned, but complied nonetheless. Annie laid a hand on the girl’s shoulder, her voice raspy in the quiet morning. 
He was unable to follow their conversation for he had been occupied with the room he seemed to have been sleeping in. It was a modest bedroom, he noted, filled with mementos. There was a compilation of images of his unlived life with Annie.
His temple throbbed with the effort of remembering. A continuous ringing occupied his hearing the more he examined each picture. Memories flickered in his mind like sifting sand through a screen.
What is reality and what is not?
At the center of the images was a baby girl swaddled in his colors. 
Something itched at the back of his head, a memory long forgotten.
“Wendy?” He tested.
His daughter faced him with a beaming smile, her lips thinly pursed like his own but she had her mother’s nose. 
“Are you—”
John tackled the two of them in a tight hug, dotting kisses to whatever part of their faces he could reach. Twin echoes of shrill laughter brightened the morning as they struggled against his sudden display of affection.
“Dad, stop! It tickles!” His daughter cried, short of breath. 
He pulled away, reluctant to not be within her presence but remembered the urgency of the situation. “Chop chop, ladies! We don’t want to be late for the recital!” 
Annie smiled at him with a question in her eyes once Wendy left to go prepare for the big day. 
“What was that all about?” 
He leaned to press a gentle kiss against her lips but moved to her cheek at the last second. Somehow he knew she didn’t like to kiss with morning breath. 
“It was nothing.”
Her soft fingers gripped his wrist, “Are you sure?”
John chewed on the inside of his cheek in contemplation. Should he tell her the truth? That he wasn’t the man she married but a fraud? A momentary lapse of insanity to give peace to his troubled mind? But doing so would be akin to ruining the dream. 
John wasn’t quite sure he was ready to face the world just yet.
And so, he said, “I love you.”
“I love you t—”
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His consciousness spoke to him in loud banging noises. Like what he did as a child when he begged for any scrap of attention. 
Welcome back, you fucking pussy. I’ve taken the liberty of actually getting our shit together. This’ll be the last time you do this to me. Do you hear me, you absolute piece of—
John heard her before he saw her. He had locked on to the gentle cadence of her heartbeat drowning all but the sound of her.
Annie sat down, sighed, and cleared her throat.
He moved without knowing, driven by the remains of his dreams, seeking her touch. The comfort, the soothing balm she alone could provide. 
“I’m really glad you’re here.” 
When all he wanted to say was, “I love you.”
He continued, driven by the questioning look in her eyes so reminiscent of the wife in his dreams. 
“I missed you.”
When he wanted to tell her, “In my dreams, you love me back.”
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omg-hellgirl · 1 year
it's his song. He's a motherfuckin' starboy ✨
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
stray bullets
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(a/n): it's been a long time coming, but.....i am beyond excited to share this piece. focused on some early days with kennedy x bucky, i wanted to dig into kennedy and her character (and her fun internal monologue) and introduce exactly how she's connected with bucky - because let's be honest, even she doesn't know how it happened. please enjoy!! :D (also...it's a bit of a long one - i was having some fun haha!)
The silence around the interrogation table was enough to mess with any person's head; whether they were the command pilot, like Lieutenant Bradshaw, or a tail gunner, like Marianne Salinger, they all seemed to sit in reserved quietness as they festered in the happenings of just an hour ago.
Sweat trickled down the sides of her face as she leaned against the wooden table, picking at pieces that were peeling up, trying to keep her eyes away from the maps sprawled out, and that big leather-jacket notebook where Bessie kept all her notes, coordinates and documentation for what planes had gone down - when and where. The other tables were much more lively - louder, chatty, a bit of yelling even. The Silver Bullets table was quiet, and they were all sure it had to do with the notable lack of their flight engineer, who was currently at the Med-Bay, bloodied and unconscious.
Margie Harlowe was on all of their minds it seemed.
And the thought of having to recount the events leading up to that point, made Kennedy want to vomit. The hit had come just as they were on the 90 degree turn to get the bombs ready to drop. Achterberg had taken control of the plane, with Bradshaw and Montez working to guide the B-17 swiftly to the side, as the onslaught of flak and bullets sprayed from the German fighters swinging around above them.
Kennedy remembered the yelp and anguished cry of pain that had come from her headset, the blood-curdling scream for help that had Kennedy forgetting about her .50 cal and racing towards where the top turret was. She couldn't get that look on Margie's face out of her mind; sobbing, horrified, the blood covering half her face, Stagliano trying to calm Margie down the best she could, while waving off the sad excuse of help that Kennedy had been. Freezing up like that, what was she thinking?
"Sergeant Farley." Kennedy's head snapped up - she didn't realize she'd blanked out, staring at the dried blood on her hands, shoved up underneath her fingernails, and had her name being called all at once. She met the eyes of the interrogator and swallowed.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw said you were there when you got Sergeant Harlowe out of the top turret." the interrogator started, "Can you recount that for me?" Kennedy stared at him, suddenly feeling the eyes of everyone at the table and some of the surrounding upper brass, on her.
Colonel Harding had stood in the background, hand nervously resting on his upper lip, eyes masked in worry as the group had come in - it seemed whenever something happened to Silver Bullets, he was always at interrogation, especially their table. Making sure wrongs were righted and that whatever was going on, was fixed. He looked out for them.
"I was, sir," Kennedy managed out, shifting a bit, as more sweat dripped down her face, briefly catching the worried look from Judy just a few people down. Her eyes caught on Vivian's gaze opposite her own. She then found Francis watching her, and tried to avoid her emotions that she felt as she noted the ones in their co-pilot's own. The only thing keeping her steady was Lieutenant Bradshaw's presence beside her.
In some innate way, having Lieutenant Bradshaw there kept her from losing it.
"It was quick," Kennedy said, "I figured flak or….something from one of the fighters. German fighters. Bullet spray." Kennedy saw Paulina nod her on encouragingly.
"Sergeant Ratcliff was manning her post….so, I went to Sergeant Harlowe," Kennedy said, her eyes filling with tears, her voice breaking, "I got her out of there. As quick as I could. I…I laid her down. There was blood…..everywhere…." Kennedy trailed off. She was staring at her hands again, covered in blood. Margie's blood.
"I was able to stop the bleeding from both the side of her face and her shoulder. Took what bandage was there and wrapped her shoulder. Set it in a splint." Paulina said quickly, her words firm and much more logically-backed and confident than Kennedy's would ever be, "I ensured that there weren't blocked airways and she could breathe. It was a joint effort, Sergeant Farley and I, to ensure her safety." Kennedy looked to Paulina and gave her a slow nod of thanks, to which Paulina nodded back. Because that's what they did for each other; having each other's backs like this.
"Alright," the interrogator said, making a few extra notes before clearing his throat and looking towards Lieutenant Bradshaw, who was sat there stoic and quiet, "we lost Browning and Alder. How many chutes….?"
Kennedy watched in a reeling bit of slow motion as Judy sat there and recounted the number of chutes she had seen, Marianne and Francis chiming in with their own recounts and visuals. How many more chutes would they have to count, planes going down all around, before this would be over? Before this nightmare would end?
Kennedy looked to the empty chair where Margie would've sat and felt her heart sag and her throat tighten with emotion she had been forcing herself not to feel. It was eerily similar to when Captain Faulkner had taken the hit. When she had died. They still had sat around this stupid interrogation table, having to talk about that mission, about what had happened, with Captain Faulkner's chair left open, her presence highly gone. They all remembered that. It hurt.
Whether it was the fact she was sat at that table, or was used to a constant presence of eyes, she glanced upwards and found, from the middle opening space where some of the brass would linger in times like this, Major Egan watching her, his hands placed on his hips, and his eyes seeking out her own.
Kennedy had never been wrapped up in any sort of long-winded conversation with Major Egan - their differences in rank and formalities were already a larger factor than needed when it came to talking to him and she didn't want to incite any sort of inappropriate ideas past that. They'd debated about baseball a few times - her, a raging Red Sox fan, him a stupid Yankees fan - and they'd even had a few conversations that were outside that realm. But it was never anything much more than that. And she intended to keep it that way. Yet, something in his gaze made her not want to look away from his face, from his eyes, from his presence stood there in the center of the room.
"Sergeant Farley?" She snapped her head away from his eyes and back to the table - many of which of the Silver Bullets girls were currently watching Kennedy with sorrowful and worried expressions, while Lieutenant Bradshaw eyed her curiously.
"The number of chutes from Browning. That you saw?" the interrogator asked. Kennedy righted herself and straightened her back.
When they were dismissed, after Kennedy had been sat, blanked out for a greater portion of her time there in the seat, Lieutenant Bradshaw had caught her before she could run away, pulling her to the side, with a warm hand on her shoulder and a soft look in her eyes.
"You should go visit her," Annie said quietly, "I can tell by the look in your eye that you won't change out of these clothes or eat until you do." Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw did know her rather well in that sense.
"Yes, ma'am, I will," Kennedy said firmly, reaching up to wipe at the beads of sweat still trickling down her face - whether from the stress still circulating her body or the idea of Margie there on a cot, unconscious, she wasn't sure, "you do the same." Annie watched her with a smile before reaching up to squeeze her shoulder.
"I will, Farley," she said, before patting her shoulder, "and wash up. A few of the girls were planning on heading to the flying club tonight. Destress and all." Kennedy smiled softly and nodded.
"Will do." she said and Annie smiled before turning and heading off - leave it to Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw to instill what comfort they all needed after something like that. Birdie used to do much of the same - Annie even had the same look in her eye as Birdie usually did after a mission. Kennedy smiled slightly.
"Sergeant Farley." The achingly familiar voice struck her system and she turned to her left to find Major Egan walking towards her, as she watched him approach with that slow, even and swaggering gait, his crusher cap a bit lopsided on his head, sweat dropping down the sides of his face, as he wore that stupid, beige sheepskin jacket that she had offhandedly made fun of him for that one time (and proceeded to rub in her face ever since).
"Sir." she said, saluting him quickly as he came to a stop in front of her and shook his head, reaching up to bring her arm down from the position she'd taken up.
"Nah, nah, don't worry about that bullshit," he said and she raised her brows, "Harlowe. Sergeant Harlowe - is she good? Is she alright?" Kennedy stared at him, her heart pulsating inside her chest in a way that made her unable to get her breathing entirely under control. She watched him, tilting her head to the side and then managed to find her footing.
"Not entirely, but she's alive," she said firmly, with a nod, "flak hit up top. Or….stray bullets. Either way, she was hit and knocked out. But she's fine now." Kennedy watched him as she spoke, his eyes refusing to leave her own as he stared down at her, his larger-than-life presence soaking up every part of the view in front of her, the worry in his eyes, covered with that joking nature a slight surprise and the deep breaths he was taking enough to make her fail at controlling her own.
"And yourself?" he asked her, the corner of his lips poking upwards, a smile fighting to be on his face.
"Me? Sir, I, uh, I'm fine," she said quickly, sputtering a bit like a small child, "I'm fine seriously-"
"Good, good," he said quickly - they were pretty quick with whatever they seemed to be talking about here, "just…..when the planes came back and Harding said something about Silver Bullets taking a hit, I thought…..thought the whole goddamn plane had gone down from the way he was fucking talking so." She stared at him. He stopped talking and then stared at her, before running a hand over his face and nodding to her. She stared back at him, unsure of what to say.
For probably the first time in a long time, looking at him, she did not know what to say. This panicked approach to this sudden stillness and quiet. There were voices all around them, nurses bustling about with medics and doctors, and pilots with their crews meandering away from interrogation like limp horses, dragging gear that was nothing but a pile of garbage behind them. And the smells - like gasoline, smoke and death wafted through the air, enough to make a person want to vomit. She needed to go see Margie, and she was beyond sure that Major Egan had somewhere better to be as well. Kennedy wanted to move her feet, but she couldn't. No part of her was moving or even ready to move. Major Egan was stock-still in front of her as well.
"Is there….something else, uh, sir?" Kennedy didn't know what to do with Major Egan sometimes - call him sir, but he told her not to bother? Call him sir because he was the one who held rank? Major Egan continued to watch her and then ran a hand down his slightly sweaty face and shook his head.
"No." he said quickly, firmly, "You should get a check on Sergeant Harlowe. Make sure she's alright when she wakes up." If she wakes up, Kennedy thought, but that sour idea in her mind disappeared as Major Egan nodded to her. She stared at him for a moment longer, before she slowly nodded to him, turning away from him. She took a few steps before she could hear his footsteps and feel the placement of his hand wrapped around her elbow.
"Farley," he said, his voice quieter, as she stopped her paces and turned, her eyes searching his own as she looked at him, "seriously, you alright?" She stared at him, slightly surprised at the way his voice had grown softer, his eyes less vibrant than normal.
"Yes," she told him, but as he tilted his head towards her, she felt her heart race a bit faster than normal and couldn't help but take a shaky step back from him, "it was just a lot today that's all. But it's a lot every day. Nothing new. Can't complain." Major Egan watched her, like he was trying to diagnose whatever the fuck was currently wrong with her, acting like she didn't just watch their flight engineer and closest companion almost die.
"You like the jacket?" he asked her quietly, and it didn't take long for what stress she had in her mind and heart to roll back into that violent ocean crawl of waves and a small laugh to leave her lips.
"Is that why you came waltzing over here?" she asked him, her voice low, as she crossed her arms, "Because if that's all this was about, I'm just going to head to the Med-Bay now." Major Egan let out a dry chuckle and looked to her.
"And if I told you it was?"
"I would happily discard that jacket for you, even start a bonfire." she said, "We could get real fancy." She stared at him. "It looks ridiculous."
"You sure about that?" he said, popping up the collar, which made her roll her eyes, "I think it fits me pretty well."
"I would beg to differ," she said, "seriously, an A-2 would do you one better."
"You going sweet on me, Farley?"
"Since when did that idea get into your head?"
"You like me in my A-2, admit it."
"It would look better than that shitty thing."
"C'mon, Farley, don't leave me hangin' now." She raised a brow at him as she crossed her arms across her chest and smirked his way.
"Goodbye, John." she said, with a grin, turning away, only to have him placing his hand on her shoulder and turning her back around. She looked up at him.
"For someone so hellbent on making his rounds, you sure seem to like hanging around me." she said quietly, with a small smile, watching as his eyes seemed to twinkle in the hazy afternoon sunlight.
"Consider it a compliment." he offered her.
"A compliment?" she said with a small smile, "Didn't know you handed those out. And for free?"
"Farley…." he said with a slight groan in his voice that made her laugh as she reached forward and nudged his shoulder.
"It's okay to admit that, Margie says I'm a grand friend to have anyway," she said, watching his gaze soften at her, "it means a lot, truly."
"Friend's a word." he said with a shrug, his face tensing up slightly as she stared at him.
"Yeah." she said, with a nod, "And so is goodbye." He stared at her and she smiled up at him.
"I'm only kidding," she said, before her face fell a bit, "seriously, you okay? You weren't even on the mission and you look seriously fucked up." Kennedy had hoped that keeping up with this banter, this light-hearted, dare she call it flirting, maybe would lift his worrisome and lonely spirits, but he seemed drawn into himself and concave again and she wasn't sure what more to say.
Hey, even going as far to compliment his physique's correlation to an A-2 was pretty nice of her!
And something she wasn't actually lying about - not like she had spent too long staring at his broad shoulders over breakfast the other day (but no one except her knew).
"Didn't know you handed out compliments with a side of self-degradation, now huh?" he said and she let out a scoff and crossed her arms to look at him again.
"Seriously, John, what's wrong?"
"You can call me, Bucky, remember?"
"Nothing's wrong. Nothing, just…." he looked around, that lazy smile on his face, and looked back at her, hands rested on those hips of his again and looked to her, "does anything have to be wrong when I come to talk to you?"
"Usually there is something wrong."
"Alright, look," she said, "if you don't budge, I'm gonna head to the Med-Bay, check in on Margie." She was playing her emotions really well, so well she had almost forgotten the mission altogether.
"So, you gonna tell me what's wrong, or am I going to have to decode it from you myself? Beg on my hands and knees? Don't make me look that pathetic." Major Egan watched her with a slight smirk and she shoved his shoulder again.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like whattt?" he said as she rolled her eyes with a laugh, "Oh, c'mon, Kennedy, I'm supposed to hear that Silver Bullets took a hit and not think about you?"
Kennedy's smile dropped and it seemed the realization hit Major Egan at the same time and for a moment, they were just standing there, staring at each other like deer in headlights. She couldn't look away from his eyes, because for the first time there was something more than besides his usually flirty, joking self. Hell, that was just how he normally was - no stake in the ground with a soul, moving with the wind, taking him where the Lord put him, all that bullshit. For a second, she almost thought she wasn't hearing him straight and was going to leave it at that. But no, he'd said that and she was sure her face matched the color of her dirtied ginger hair and her strawberry-blonde ends.
"Egan!" The two turned from each other, in what had been a…rather intense stare down and found Crank coming towards him, "Harding needs us!"
"Give me a fucking second, Crank! I'm talking here!" Major Egan yelled back before turning to her and gulping, before parting his lips as if to speak. She stared at him still, unable to find the words that would amount to much of anything.
"Don't give me lip, Bucky - look, we gotta go!" Major Egan turned.
"Just a minute, Crank, seriously." Major Egan called out before turning to her still stood there.
"You really should go." she finally said, her voice somewhat hoarse as she did so, like she couldn't get the words out right, "Colonel Harding-"
"I don't care what Harding thinks right now," he said firmly looking at her, "look, Farley, I-"
"It's fine." she said quickly, plastering on a smile quickly and a nod, "I'm fine." Major Egan looked far from convinced in that moment. Because she wasn't convinced herself.
He had heard Silver Bullets took a hit and suspected immediately it was her?
That's why he had looked at her like that?
In interrogation?
She wasn't much to him, so she thought, at least - what…the few conversations they'd share? She'd practically egged him on into conversations about baseball where it was less of a discussion and more of a debate. If anything, he should've heard Silver Bullets and suspected about Annie or Francis.
"Go on," she said, shoving down her feelings and emotions, offering a small smile, "Colonel Harding sounds like he really needs to talk to you. Plus, if you must continue to talk about your stupid sheepskin, I'll be at the flying club later. Maybe I'll even beat you in darts. Again." Major Egan stared at her, for the first time, a little wordless and nodded.
"Kennedy, I-"
"It's fine." she said, convincing herself the very same - if she acted like she didn't hear it from his lips, then it never happened. He never said those words, never looked at her like that, never even bothered to tell her he was worried about her after hearing about Silver Bullets getting hit. If she ignored it, it wasn't what had happened.
And it was better that way.
"A second, Crank, please!" Major Egan yelled over his shoulder again, before looking at her and sighing, jabbing a thumb behind him.
"I gotta…." he started, his words fading as he managed a weak smile at her.
"Yeah, yeah," she said quickly, with a nod, and a forced smile.
"Let me know how Harlowe is…?"
"I will." she said as he began to backpedal backwards, his eyes holding hers still. Then, she watched Crank come up to Major Egan's shoulder and spin him around before pointing and frantically talking. Then they were walking away and disappeared. Kennedy stood there like the wind had just been taken out of her sail. Why'd she act like that?
"Hey! Kenny!" Kennedy turned and found Judy coming up to her, with Bessie and Carrie behind her, splitting a few cookies in their hands, "Here you are. We thought we couldn't find you." Kennedy stared at Judy, who came up beside her, with bright eyes, before looking to Bessie and Carrie, who shared a look before looking at Kennedy.
"You alright, Farley?" Bessie asked her, glancing in the general direction of where Major Egan had wandered off to, "What'd Bucky want?" Kennedy snapped into her usual collected self (which took far more effort today than usual) and ran a hand over her hair, cringing at bit at the smell of oil and grease that followed - which undoubtedly Major Egan had smelled - and sighed.
"Heard about Margie." she said firmly, cooly, kind of quick at that, like she couldn't get the words out fast enough to cover her ass, "He knows we're close and wanted to check in. Make sure things were okay."
"Always sticking his nose into all our bullshit," Carrie muttered, crunching off a piece of the sugar cookie and shaking her head, "you know I heard the other day he was trying to ask Bradshaw for a tour of Silver Bullets. Next thing you know, I'm tearing into him, telling him he touches my area, my shit, it's over for him-"
"He just wanted to make sure she was okay, Bergie," Kennedy said with a shrug, "guess it just gets old, hearing about losing people. Over and over."
"Especially someone from Silver Bullets." Judy finished for her, "Bucky's always been sweet as peaches to me, anyway. It's mighty kind of him to come and check up on you. Knowing how close you two are. He's got an awful soft-spot for Silver Bullets."
"Some soft spot." Carrie said with a slight chuckle and smirk, glancing at Kennedy, who rolled her eyes, ignoring the looks, and glanced back to the direction of where Major Egan had gone.
"Let's go to the Med-Bay," Judy said, "I'm sure Margie would want to see us when she wakes."
"What this face?" Carrie said, "We all look like sorry excuses for circus clowns."
"At least a little flak never scared off that charisma, Bergie." Bessie said as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and the whole group burst into chuckles as they headed towards the Med-Bay, sharing cookies and smiles.
But all that was on her mind, until the hit the Med-Bay doors was that Major Egan had thought of her, when Silver Bullets was said to have gotten a nasty hit.
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singeart · 9 months
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Come let me love you
Come love me again
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terapsina · 10 months
Your favorite ship involving that 'Why The Fuck Are They Always Staring Into Each Others Eyes' energy?
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Letters Part One
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John Mitchell x Reader
Words: 2927
Summary: More of Mitchell’s past comes back to haunt him when the first person he ever turned shows up at the flat needing his help. On the run from her coven in Ireland, the reader seeks refuge with the one person she ever truly loved in her decades of living. 
Notes: Mitchell, to this day, is one of my favorite characters both in general and to write. I’ve never really done a series for him, so I thought this could be fun. I have no idea how long I want this to be, I’m just going with it. 
June 7th 1917
My dearest John,
Another summer day passes without you and the only question anyone can figure to ask me is if I’ve decided upon a date. I’m half tempted to lie and tell them we eloped before you left just to see their reactions. Though, sometimes I wish it was true. 
Look at me, rambling even through paper and pen. I know you’ve always said how fond you are of it, but I always feel so ridiculous. I hope here it can bring a smile to your face. You know how I long to see that smile again. 
I know it won’t be long, my love. I can feel it, though you may not believe in that kind of thing, I do believe there are forces that even you, John Mitchell, cannot understand. Until then, I will keep you with me through your words. 
Write soon, my love. 
Yours completely,
The ferry horn blared in your ears, ringing around like the thoughts in your mind.
This was a mistake. You didn’t have any other choice. He would turn you away. He owed you. You promised yourself to never think of him again. How could you see him now? 
You didn’t have any other choice. 
This was a mistake. 
Over and over, round and round, the parade of problems just made your hangover worse. 
You should have had more to drink. Maybe then you’d still be drunk for what was going to happen next. It was already going to be a wreck, so what could a little whiskey hurt?
Just the thought of a shot almost made you hurl over the rail. 
You ran a hand down your face and sat on one of the rain-soaked benches. Your phone sat in your lap. It wasn’t your fault you couldn’t call first. There weren’t exactly phone numbers the last time you saw each other. 
So there you were, on the ferry headed toward the last remaining thread of your past. The man you loved. The man who’d left you. 
You hung your head and stuffed your phone in your pocket. “Damn you, John Mitchell.” 
It wasn’t fair. One would assume being dead meant being immune to such human problems as a hangover, but that just wasn’t the case. 
Mitchell gripped the coffee mug in his hands, sitting on the sofa with a grimace and a glance at his roommates that said not to bother him. 
They’d never understood it. There was something about this day, some reason that he always drank too much, always insisted on spending it alone. 
Annie, of course, had many theories. Maybe it’s the anniversary of when he was turned? Maybe vampires just have a set day every year when they turn into wankers. Or, her favorite, perhaps today reminded him of some great love that he’d lost. She’d never voiced that last one to either of them so she had no way of knowing how right she was. 
Mitchell stared at the wall. 
He should be over it by now, shouldn’t he? All these years, all of the other horrible things he’d done. But this was the one that would stay with him forever. The one he would never get past. The one that started all of it. 
“So… calling in sick tonight?” George asked, looking at the time. Sure, they had hours before their shift, but he had a feeling his flatmate wouldn’t be moving from that couch anytime soon. 
Mitchell just nodded. 
Annie opened her mouth to suggest making a night of it, but Mitchell stood and hurried up the stairs to avoid any other interactions for the rest of the day. 
He couldn't handle their worried glances or pitying comments. Not today. 
“What’s gotten into him?” Annie asked. “It seems every year, he has to choose today to be his time of the month.” She laughed lightly. George just gave her an exasperated look. “Get it? Because you… and I used to… oh never mind.” 
George had known Mitchell for only slightly longer than Annie had, but he’d made the same observations. And he’d decided it was probably best to let vampire problems remain vampire problems. 
The day passed away, ticking slowly on, and neither of them heard or saw Mitchell at all. 
“Just… keep an eye on him,” George said as he headed for the door.
Annie held up a hand, an idea clear on her face.
George sighed. “Not by poofing into his room.” 
Annie frowned. 
The roommates bid each other goodnight and George cast one last worried glance up the stairs before he left for work. 
He stepped out into the early evening air and took a long, deep breath. He looked up at the moon. Still a good two weeks away from his least favorite day of the month. Things were going to be okay, even if Mitchell was broodier than usual George took a step off of the front stairs and ran right into something. 
Not something. 
Mitchell hadn’t moved in hours, but he couldn’t sleep either. All he could do was sit and stare and smoke and put out cigarettes and smoke some more. The coffee had helped his hangover enough to have him thinking about round two. 
Anything to clear the sound of her voice from his head. 
“Oh, god, I am so-” George stammered, looking down at the woman he’d stumbled into. 
“It’s fine, really.” You backed away, the scent of wolf invading your senses before you could prepare for it. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“No, the fault is all mine.” George glanced over you and you tried to imagine what he saw. 
What a great first impression. 
“Can I…” His brows drew together in confusion. “Help you?” 
You could smell it from the street. Cigarette smoke wafting down from an open window. Had your heart been beating it would have stopped. Somehow… you just knew. 
“No, I think I’ll find my way, thanks.” You gave the werewolf a smile and watched him head off. 
You breathed in, staring up at that open window. 
There, beneath the smell of the tobacco, was him. 
You could sense him, see him as if he were standing there in front of you. Those dark curls, his hazel eyes that seemed to burn like candlelight. His lips. Lips that used to kiss you goodnight. That smiled whenever he saw you. 
You doubted you’d receive such a warm greeting now considering how you left things. Or rather, how he left. 
Rock music played into the street. It was odd, hearing him listen to modern music. It reminded you of how much of your lives you’d spent apart now. 
You knocked.
“Good lord, George, forget something alr- oh-” A pretty woman opened the door, mouth falling open when she saw you. “Hello. Sorry, I thought you were my flatmate.” 
“Hi,” you smiled, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. But as you tried to form your next words, it felt like you had cotton in your mouth. Just the idea of saying his name…
“You alright dear?” She asked. She pushed the door open further. “Why don’t you come inside, you look like-”
“I’ve seen a ghost?” You blurted. That’s what she was, you realized as you took in that faint glow of death around her. 
She blinked, looking more concerned. 
You continued before she could start something else. “Does John Mitchell live here?” 
“Um, yeah-” Her brows drew together in confusion. “I’m sorry, who are you?” 
“How rude of me,” you exclaimed, plastering a charming smile on your face. “John and I go way back. I rang him earlier, he knows I’m here.”
Annie seemed a little more at ease with your sunny demeanor. 
“Let me go get him,” she said. “You can come in and wait if you’d like?”
You stepped over the threshold, the invisible barrier falling. 
“Thank you.” 
She turned away and started up the stairs. 
You took a deep breath. 
This was a mistake. 
You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t stand there, in his living room, like you really were just some old acquaintance. 
You stepped back into the dark and let your gaze go back to the window. 
Annie knocked lightly and opened the door. 
Mitchell was laid out on his bed, exhausted from his day at work, with a book in his hands. He looked up with a rather annoyed expression. 
“There’s a woman here for you,” Annie said. She shrugged. “Irish, I think. Says she’s an old friend of yours, which I’m assuming means she’s a vampire.” Realization washes over her face and Annie bites her lip. “Oh, that means I shouldn’t have invited her in.”
Mitchell scrambled out of bed. 
 “I’m still not used to that, you know,” Annie defended, hurrying after him as he ran down the stairs.
Both paused, finding the front door open and the living room empty. 
“I swear, she was just here,” Annie said. 
The pieces started to come together in Mitchell’s mind. 
It couldn’t be. 
“Just,” he let out a heavy sigh, “be more careful about who you let in.”
“What are they going to do, kill me?” 
Mitchell rolled his eyes and returned to his room. His mind was reeling with too many thoughts for him to notice that, when he walked in, he wasn’t alone. Mitchell froze as the door clicked behind him. 
“Hello, John.” 
It wasn’t possible. That voice. Those eyes. You sat on the edge of his bed and were glad. If you were standing, you might have collapsed under his gaze. 
“Y/N,” Mitchell gasped. He steadied himself against the door. 
Those eyes.
Eyes he’d dreamt of for decades. The ones he could never get out of his head. 
“Sorry for the dramatics. I thought you might not have wanted this conversation to happen in front of your… friend.” You stood, trying to force yourself to stay calm. You were here for a reason. 
He straightened, letting whatever frustration and anger he could muster take over. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I-” You reached up as if trying to see if he was really there. If he was real. But when you saw your shaking hand, you stuffed it in your jacket pocket. “I need your help, John.” 
“You can’t be serious,” he scoffed. “It’s been-”
“I know how long it’s been,” you snapped, taking a step toward him. “Do you think I would be here if it wasn’t important?” 
“I can’t imagine what would bring you here at all.” 
You lowered your gaze to the floor and took a breath. “I heard about Herrick.”
Mitchell crossed his arms. “And you decided to pop by? Share your condolences.”
“Of course not. You know how much I hated…” You trailed off, shaking your head. “My point is, I'm not the only one who has heard, John.”
“I go by Mitchell now.”
“That would be a tad confusing for me, don’t you think?” You were letting your emotions get the better of you. “Look, I’m not here to hash out old problems. I’m here because you’re the only one who can help me, John-” You winced. “Mitchell.” 
There’s a tremor to your voice, one that always used to send protective shocks through his limbs. It still did. You were scared and it made his cold exterior melt. 
Mitchell sighed. “What happened?” 
The blood. The fire. Your cohort's bodies turned to ash and whisked away into the night. 
“I think I need a drink.” 
Mitchell frowned. 
You rolled your eyes. “Christ, I’m talking about whiskey, Mitchell. Not a waitress.”
“So you don’t…”
“I’m not perfect, I’ve had a few slips over the decades but,” you blew out a sigh, “I’m clean. For a while now.” 
He nodded. Something flashed in his gaze. If you didn’t know better, you might have thought it was admiration. The way he used to look at you…
“I’ve been trying, too,” he said. “Get clean, I mean.”
“I’m sure Herrick took that well.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” His ferocity returned. “Herrick’s dead. Everything can go back to normal now.”
“My God, do you hear yourself?” You scoffed. “Everything can go back to normal. What is normal?”
“I have a life now, Y/N. One away from the shadows and the,” he sucked in a breath, “the blood.” He gave you a long, hard stare. “I won’t let anything mess that up again.”
“They’re going to kill me, John,” you finally blurted. “And for the first time in a long time, I am right scared.” The wavering in your voice made it hard to speak but you forced yourself to remain steady. You felt pathetic enough begging for his help. 
“Who?” Mitchell growled. He clenched his fists at his sides. 
“The coven I’ve spent the past decade with.” The name tasted foul on your tongue like you were still breathing in the ashes of your home. “Their leader- Lizzy Kain.” 
Mitchell’s face shifted again. 
“You pissed off the Kains?” He said. His voice was so calm it scared you more than the hoard of angry Irish vampires on your tail. 
You swallowed. 
Mitchell opened his door and motioned for you to follow. 
“I think I’ll get us that drink now.”
Things are getting worse. They say that one of the big players in England just became werewolf-chow and now Lizzy is going mad. She keeps talking about following in Herrick’s footsteps and taking what’s rightfully ours. I remembered you saying that name before and I was wondering if we could talk? I’m getting scared. They’re just taking people from the streets now. That creep, Ron or whatever, brought in a thirteen-year-old girl. He didn’t even turn her, just tore her apart. 
We have to stop them, somehow. 
Meet me at the old clock tower at sunset. 
“So you didn’t go along with the big bad plan and Lizzy makes you an example?” Mitchell paced in front of you. “Something there doesn’t add up.”
Your fingers gripped the beer bottle in your hand so tight you thought you’d break it. 
“What did you do?” Mitchell eyed you.
You took a drink.
“I may or may not have,” you took a deep breath, “killed her husband.” 
Mitchell almost dropped his bottle. “Y-you what?” 
“He was a creep who harassed me every chance he got and he was recruiting kids. Kids, Mitchell.” 
“So you decided to take matters into your own hands, well that’s just great.” He ran a hand through the dark curls you used to tangle your fingers in. “I’m sure you feel very noble now.”
Anger pulsed through you like the heartbeat you no longer had. You stood, setting your drink aside. “I knew it was a mistake coming here.” You started for the door. 
Mitchell sighed. “Y/N, wait.” 
You kept moving. 
A hand closed around your arm. 
“Just wait.” There’s a slight plea to his voice. “I shouldn’t judge you for trying to do something… good.” You always were the good one, he wanted to add but didn’t. 
You stood there for a moment, taking him in. 
He did the same. 
“I’m sorry, but could someone please clue me in as to what the hell is going on?” Annie huffed. 
You’d forgotten she’d been standing in the kitchen doorway, listening in even though Mitchell had specifically asked for some privacy. 
Frustration returned to his face. 
“It’s complicated-”
“I’m sorry, I have been incredibly rude.” You flashed the ghost a grin, a touch of your ingrained Irish charm breaking through your panic. You crossed the living room to shake her hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“You said that, yeah.” She eyed you suspiciously. 
“Mitchell and I have known each other for a long time.” You glanced over your shoulder, unsure of how much he wanted to reveal. 
“He knew Herrick for a long time, too.” 
You held up a hand to stop him. “It’s okay.” 
Annie shifted on her feet. It wasn’t normal for her to be like this and it made her uncomfortable.
“I can understand why you might have a healthy distrust of vampires.” You motioned behind you with a smirk. “Other than him, of course.”
Finally, a small smile spread across the spirit’s lips. “Even him sometimes.” 
“I can hear you.”
“We know.” Both of you said at the same time. 
Annie peaked over your shoulder. “Okay, I think I like her.” 
“I’m already winning your friends over.” You gave Mitchell a victorious smile. “Now you have to help me.” 
 He rolled his eyes. “You haven’t met George.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s right,” Annie grimaced. “Plus Nina just moved out and that’s a whole mess unto itself, let me tell you-”
Mitchell cut her off. 
“Can we get back to the reason you’re here?” He said. “What makes you think I can help you?” Mitchell held out his arms, motioning to the flat. “It isn’t exactly the perfect place to hide.”
“Who are we hiding?” The door opened as he was speaking. The man you’d bumped into before stepped in. He spotted you and furrowed his brows. “Oh, um, hello.”
“Wait,” Annie said, still trying to wrap her mind around everything. “How exactly do you two know each other again? Were you part of Herrick’s groupies?”
“Herrick?” George gulped. 
“No, it isn’t that.” Mitchell moved to stand next to you. “George, this is Y/N.” He turned to you, a flicker of who he used to be resurfacing as he spoke. “My wife.” 
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thekingofspin · 11 months
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(or stay in rock harbor for her!)
0 notes
indieboysarehot · 5 months
hiiiiii i’m still working on fics for the dastmalchian characters and the scream franchise the dc universe annnnnnd being human uk !!!! im obsessed with all of them ughhhhh
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dustylava · 2 years
Y/n is holding on with the last of her strength, so as not to cry.
Men: Homelander: rolls his eyes and makes a face of disgust. A-Train: "well, you... Well, don't be sad, come on. Good luck to you." The Deep: "oh, come on. It's not that bad. The poor things in the ocean are much worse off, don't be selfish!" Black Noir: hastily turns away, continuing his business.
Ladies: Ashley: "when you smile, my legs are buckling!" Queen Maeve: "my heart beats faster because of your beautiful eyes!" Starlight: "when you're next to me, the stars shine brighter!"
Ashley: "A beautiful flower, that grew out of pain, I will take care of you. There is no need to be afraid anymore." Starlight: "I will hold you close to me, so you are not afraid of the darkness inside of you." Queen Maeve: "everyone who hurt you, is a dead man. I will kill all those, who dared to touch you."
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Community 1x9 | Big Shot 2x7
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khruschevshoe · 2 years
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Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again
-John Denver, Annie's Song
Sometimes, when Jack is looking at his arm, at the familiar green and red and pink and purple ink on his skin, he sometimes wishes- and he hates admitting it- but he sometimes wishes that there was blue there as well. He can’t explain the reasons why it feels oh so wrong to not have blue ink on his arm as well, why he feels like there's something not complete about the colors of the marks on his arm, but he can't help it. And it makes him feel like a piece of shit, thinking that way, because he fucking loves all of his Soulmates. Each one of them carries a piece of his heart, and he loves them to the ends of the Earth. His day would not be complete without Bridge’s rambling logic, Syd's flair, Z's selfless heroism.
But he also knows that he wouldn't be the same man without Sky's stubbornness and attention to detail tempering out Jack's more reckless tendencies. Sky is just as important a part of the team as the rest of them, and sometimes Jack wishes that that extended to the marks on his wrist.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, these scars on my heart I own them (we are unbreakable)
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