#angry train rant
engineer-gunzelpunk · 2 years
Victorian Railways R-Class Hudsons
Its to be pointed out that it at the time that the R-Class was introduced as an express passenger locomotive, they had already thought to start introducing diesels (which they did in July of 1952, as the poor R-s needed extensive work at the Shops after their trip by boat) and thought to phase out the S-classes. Any blame on the R-classes themselves is pure arse covering and ignores how deeply ideological the introduction of the diesels was and how short sighted at this point the VR had become.
(They had already dropped the ball on rejuvenating the post-war rail network by reinforcing the lines, were cutting a lot of branches, scrapped Heavy Harry's two other siblings before completion; thought to introduce diesels but then ordered the R and J classes... and when they finally introduced the diesels, it was in this arrogant, pig-headed fashion that ignored that the diesels at that point were quite new and a lot of kinks to iron out.
They withdrew and scrapped the S-class Pacifics before any preservationists could save them and painted the diesels in the blue and gold VR express livery as a statement... and refused to let steam engine crews rescue or take over trains from broken diesels because it made VR look bad...
One particular incident at Seymour involved a diesel that was hauling a banana train breaking down, and the crew of an already prepped and ready R-Class Hudson being told it was more trouble than their jobs were worth to go and pull that train, so they had to sit by while fitters were called from the diesel depot at Dynon.
No Super Rescue here I'm afraid.
Sorry about the rant, its kind of a weird bone of contention in gunzel circles apparently... and its awfully convenient the foreign manufactured locomotive gets the blame. Hhhhmmmmmm...).
I headcanon these fellas as Scottish, but we Aussies have a whole thing of Scottish folks we adopt as our own (Jimmy Barnes, Malcolm and Angus Young, etc.) and Victoria itself as a very strong Scottish influence in a lot of place names and culture. They are solidly Scottish-Australian in my view.
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eightspringdays · 3 days
People who infantilize autistic coded characters are the weakest link in society's chain.
How are you gonna look at this mf
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And then tell me he's too uwu to do anything. Open your eyes, expand your brain; he thinks of the MCnasty too. Let him say fuck !!!!
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
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starrycosme · 3 months
Tbh, I had never seen how to train your dragon 3 before cause I knew I probably wouldn't like it, since it seemed to be centered around Toothless' love interest. But, when I started a rewatch of the movies, I decided I would watch the entire trilogy.
I find myself a bit underwhelmed, ngl. I feel like all this movie centered around one theme: everyone has to pair up past a certain age, or it's sad, and we can't have sad!!!! It's a kid's movie (look how many silly lighthearted jokes haha.) What's more, we get to the conclusion that abandoning your friends to live your life with your significant other is for the best, which I find upsetting in so many ways as an aroace person.
The light fury was supposed to be identical to Toothless, instead we're left with a no-personality Disney princess of a dragon. The villain is downright plain compared to the antagonists in the other movies. Anyway, that's not really the point of this post.
The main themes of this movie are so heteronormative that I received psychic damage by watching it. I really don't care how many wink, wink, Gobber's gay, look how progressive we are jokes they make (without ever once acknowledging it fr), that doesn't erase the fact that this entire movie revolves around the fact that, to have a happy ending, the two best friend protagonists had to be separated. Because, obviously, having a romantic relationship is way more important than a years long friendship which was the focus of the entire franchise.
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captainhysunstuff · 2 months
Just finished watching Infinity Train (or what’s available of it). What a wonderful, intense adventure of a series~! Now I understand why people wanna put various fictional characters on that darned train, and I’m even more pissed off that it got canceled and can’t be easily watched anymore. Bastard executives. I’ll never forgive them for this. I’m gonna hunt down DVDs so I can at least own the first couple seasons.
Find this series if you haven’t already~.
Note: There ARE some spoilers in the replies of this post. I highly recommend going into this series as blind as possible!
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bimbo-stargirl-xoxo · 2 months
someone sent an ask and i blocked them i think, but they said some shit like "saying ddlg/ageplay is pedophilia is like saying petplay is beastiality, stop pretending you're one of the good ones."
okay. first of all, im into very light petplay that i wouldnt even consider petplay. i like aspects like leashes because i like being owned and showing that i am. i like wearing ears and a tail because it makes me happy. i am NOT attracted to animals or animal parts or anything like that. i dont like eating out of a food bowl. i dont like crawling around on all fours. i like being called pet names like "puppy" the same i like being called pet names like "baby". people who are into petplay for the most part are not attracted to animals. thats not what petplay is. im a little creeped out by people who liked to actually play as animals during sexual stuff but thats another thing.
AGEPLAY IS LITERALLY PRETENDING TO BE A CHILD DURING SEXUAL SCENARIOS. CHILDREN DO NOT AND WILL NEVER HAVE A PLACE IN ANY SEXUAL STUFF EVER. stop trying to justify it by bringing up other things that while there are certain aspects of it that aren't okay, for the most part it is. there is NO part of ageplay that is okay.
also, i dont think im one of the "good ones" ??? im into some fucked up shit. ill admit that. i will NEVER be into ageplay, and will NEVER allow pedophiles on my blog. if you dont like it? BLOCK ME AND FUCK OFF, I DONT CARE. this blog is my space and i will do with it as i please in ways that dont hurt people. me not being okay with using the idea of CHILDREN as SEXUAL GRATIFICATION is not hurting anyone. just leave.
(keep in mind im saying this as someone who age regresses due to sexual trauma and other personal matters.)
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A foul-mouthed teacher's take on Gen Alpha
Can we stop saying that gen alpha is DOOMED?! They just fucking got here!
fucksake, they just hit sixth grade. We are registering the warning signs right now; the lack of respect or empathy, the inability to read , the need for instant gratification OR ELSE, and don't get me started on this Sephora bullshit. Yeah, it's looking pretty bad.
The fact is though, we are their skibidi gyatdamn parents! This is our wakeup call to do better. So here's a list of a few things that might improve the situation.
If you've got a younger child, please do not get them on an i-pad until they are at least 4. Even as an educational tool, they are no replacement for the hands-on and interpersonal learning that their developing brain needs. Talk to them, give them blocks and balls and plenty of things that they can safely place in their mouths. These things help them build a deeper understanding of the world that later social skills and academic stuff can anchor to. At pre-school a little supervised and directed exposure to educational programs can be a good supplement, but do not leave them to use screens feely. As they get into middle school, you should still be aware. There are a lot of dangers on there that tweens don't have the experience yet to recognize and it's a lot wierder than you think.
2. On that note, If you must put them in front of the TV (no shame, it has to happen from time to time in this late-stage capitalist hellscape) for the love of fuck, please pay attention to what they are watching! I cannot begin to tell you, as a teacher, what a difference this can make. Don't trust that everything on Nick jr or Disney is your friend no matter how colorful or silly it looks. Watch a couple episodes either on your own or with them to determine if it has substance or if its values are ones you are ready to expose your children to (I was shocked when I sat down to watch the original Thomas the Tank Engine).
I'll do another post on shows I recommend sometime but as a teacher, PLEASE let most of their TV time be PBS Kids. I shit you not, I can tell the difference between the kids that primarily watched Paw Patrol and the kids that watched Dinosaur Train.
For younger kids, violence is a no, for sure; their brains are still developing and no matter how smart they are, a toddler is not prepared to process whatever nuance you as an adult may have the context for. You don't want to normalize it.
The same goes for adult humor. I have had to send too many kids to the office because of a racial slur or sexist comment that they pulled straight from Southpark or Family Guy. That shit should not be happening!
3. From obscure, seemingly cutesie philosophies that turn out to be cults, to the fucking manosphere and any number of hate-groups that have perfected the art of planting-the-seed with kids, you need to keep them off social media, including Tik-tok and Youtube. There are parenting aps that can block these and limit screen time, but even they cannot be used as a "set it and forget it" solution.
4. Failing all of this, the most important thing you can do for your kids may be to actually converse with them. Sit and watch some shows with them, listen to their interests, let them talk your ear off about their favorite game. Normalize them sharing with you and do this as early as possible. The benefits are numerouse
A. It opens up the lines of communication. You can identify trouble a lot faster and support their goals a lot easier when you have this going for you.
B. It establishes early that you are a safe person to share things with. This is invaluable as they get older, and for keeping them safe at any age.
C. It gives them a chance to utilize RECALL PRACTICE. this is an often overlooked brain booster, but recalling information so they can share it with you, actively helps gear their developing brain for future learning by making it easier for them to call on and access information at will.
D. It builds confidence When you take time to listen to them, you are showing them that their input is valuable; that the things that interest them are worth sharing. There may be times when it is not appropriate, and you can guide them on that, but giving them the respect of listening when you can will help them recognize their worth when future "friends", colleagues, and partners consistently dismiss them or shame them for it.
E. It builds socio/emotional intelligence and models respectful dialogue.
5. Read to them and with them. Even if you aren't a reader, listen to audio-books. Give them a chance to practice their reading skills and comprehension. Normalize the idea that reading is enjoyable.
5. Finally, understand this: you are not being an authoritarian when you set rules and enforce them. They are going to test boundaries, not because they are bad, not because they crave a lack of restriction, but because they need to know that they are there in order to feel secure. There are as many new fads for parenting as there are diets, but whatever parenting style you choose, be firm and consistent with your core rules and principles. your kids, and the people who have to interact with them, will be better off for it.
And cut yourself a bit of slack too. Parenting is tricky, and there are new challenges we are having to learn quickly as we go. It doesn't help that our generation caught so much shit, but we cannot simultaneously be parents AND continue to be victims. Seek out support, and give it whenever you can. We have to recognize our worth and our importance to this generation and take a stand now for their well being.
You are their parent and you play a very needed, active role in their lives.
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permanentreverie · 6 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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duncanor · 6 months
I am going to fist fight with a secretary in the damn parking lot I don't give a shit anymore. Bro, I'm going to be homeless because of y'all bullshit and ya don't want to take 5 MINUTES of your damn time to DO YOUR JOB.
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stranger-awakening · 4 months
i have a training shift today to learn something new at my silly little job please wish me luck 😭😭😭
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hahskeleton · 8 months
ugh I hate it when my parents make me do something I don’t want to do
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fayeandknight · 2 years
I am fuming and way too angry to go through tonight's agility class in dept. If it wasn't our last class class with this instructor it would be anyway.
Someone who can't tell the difference between a dog coming up at them aggressively and a dog jumping as a displacement behavior has no business professionally handling dogs.
The instructor was yelling at me for not understanding their directions and it was stressing both me and Forte out. Forte jumped up on the instructor. He came in sideways, the anxiety in his body language clear as day.
The instructor grabbed him by the scruff, yelled "I'm not afraid of you" and brought one hand back to strike him. I don't know what I yelled, probably stop or don't. They stopped, clearly startled by my reaction and I recalled Forte. He yanked out of their hold and came to me immediately. I couldn't hear whatever they said to me over the pounding in my ears and my feeding Forte chicken and telling him he's a good boy.
I don't care how long someone has been a trainer, how much "experience" with Belgians they have, what titles they've achieved or helped others achieve. No one. Absolutely no one, is allowed to hit my dog because they're mad.
That is fucking bullshit reactionary behavior on the person's end and completely unacceptable for a "professional".
Anyway this person is lucky they stopped when I yelled because if they had actually hit Forte... There's a chance I could have frozen in disbelief. But there's also a chance it could have broken the seal on my rage.
My dog doesn't bite but I do.
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gayjunebug · 10 months
saw my ex today, day = ruined.
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raeofgayshine · 1 year
*stares into void* How am I supposed to sleep knowing that doctors don’t take me seriously? That the pain I’m in, all over my body by the way, that was bad enough earlier I couldn’t turn my head very far because I was in pain and it felt stiff (and now I just have the pain left so I can at least turn it but will continue not to do so much). Pain that makes it hard for me to stand for very long because it kills my back and also my hip, who has a fuck ton of issues on my own, of course all the way to my feet, and there’s a reason I have frequent nightmares of my legs just giving out and no longer working, because the longer I stand the more that feels like it’ll be the case, and also that seems to be a lower bar lately which fucking great you know. The pain also, that goes from my neck like I said but into my shoulders and down my arms, sometimes. Sometimes also just my fucking wrists hurt, my hands will get so stiff I feel like I can’t do anything, can’t even close them around something to pick it up, and isn’t that my shittiest situation because I like to be doing stuff.
But instead of taking me seriously doctors have insisted it’s all my anxiety (except my wrists, which is clearly carpal tunnel despite multiple tests proving I have no fucking signs of that). Which is basically the modern day version of getting diagnosed with hysteria.
And so how can I sleep both knowing I will only continue to get worse and deal with more symptoms (pain and otherwise) until I reach a point I can’t actually fucking function anymore because no one will take me seriously, and also how can I sleep when I’m in fucking pain no matter how I lay and there is no medicine I have that will fucking help it?
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decarabiandivorce · 2 years
ai art makes me so fucking violent i want to bite murder kill
fucking circlejerking yourselves for typing in a prompt. Why must such a cool tool be used to steal and diminish the very PEOPLE that had their creations funneled without their permission im going to go insane
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anthropwashere · 2 years
It’s been hours and I’ve long since calmed down but in a vague sense of LiveJournal longevity I just want to put this somewhere to aid my terminally terrible memory
One of my aunts died today, specifically the aunt that raised me better than my own parents ever bothered to, and within a matter of hours my mother used this tragedy as an opportunity to try and pick a fight with me
I’m sparing all of y’all a LOT of ranting. I’ve spent 15-ish minutes trying to summarize today succinctly and just kept getting pissed the fuck off, so.
I just want to be able to find this later. Yet another example where I tried to keep the goddamn peace and Mother Dearest Did Her Thing
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