#and who is learning ASL (actively!)
you know i mostly really like my grad program and everything but i have very quickly learned not to ask too much about vision and hearing loss bc it turns out most of the faculty here know very little about those things. they know a little bit about hearing loss but really only in the sense of "get them fitted with hearing aids/CI as early as possible so they can develop like a hearing child". i really wanna learn more about language development in deaf, blind, and deafblind children because that's the population i specifically wanna work with (and have worked with in the past). and it's just been frustrating having my questions about those populations be met with "uh. i'm really not sure."
most of the faculty have been nice about it, but i have had the misfortune of being assigned an advisor who is borderline hostile about it. the first time i brought up this subject, (back through email when i was still deciding where to go), i was asking about an ASL elective that was offered within the program and whether there were any other electives with related topics. she responded by telling me that this was a masters program in speech language pathology, not ASL. great! you could've just said "no." the second time it came up was a few weeks ago when i talked to her about maybe doing a masters thesis (i won't be doing one, by the way). i said that if i were to do one, it would be about deafness, blindness, and/or deafblindness, and she said something like, "that's not a subject that's typically studied or taught in a CSD curriculum". as if it's just crazy that i as a CSD student would want to learn about something as esoteric as fucking vision and hearing loss! what a marvel!! not like those two senses have fucking anything to do with communication huh??? not like children who are deafblind face significant barriers in their development of language, the effects of which i have personally seen in numerous individuals??? clearly i'm really the crazy one here
#sorry this ended up turning into a rant about this specific professor lol#i did mean for it to be more general but she really pissed me off#she has in fact pissed me off two out of the two times i have spoken to her so that's cool#she apparently also sucks as a prof but my cohort has lucked out bc#she was supposed to teach neuro this semester and artic/phono next semester but isn't for unknown reasons#so we get other (better) teachers#apparently i will have to have her this summer tho :/#anyway as to why i'm getting steamed about this weeks after the fact#i'm currently reading a paper on deafblindness (that i personally chose for a class project) and it's just on my mind again#everyone in the class had to pick papers on a population of interest for them (like autism; down syndrome; selective mutism; etc)#and there's a public list of what everyone chose and i'm the only one who chose anything about vision/hearing which i guess isn't surprisin#but yeah the more i think about this stuff the more i kinda wish i had taken all my prereqs so i could have applied to go to gallaudet#if there's any program that's gonna have people who know more about these populations it's there#out of the places i was accepted i feel very confident i chose the best option#this place has a brand new asl program and so they are actively making efforts to raise deaf awareness in the dept#but even with that it's still astonishing how people in this field brush off knowing anything about these populations#like yeah it's very low incidence i can get that#but we still learned a bunch about fucking williams syndrome and that's exceedingly rare#and rare or not it has a demonstrable effect on language development which makes it extremely relevant#jesus i'm sorry for the tag essay i'm gonna stop#i am procrastinating as usual bc i can't focus on this paper even though i am very interested#here is that grad school tag
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faggot-greg-house · 8 months
back with more house autism moments lets go
- when he has meltdowns or gets overstimulated he locks himself in his office with all the lights off and just throws his ball against the wall over and over again. the only person who knows and can tell when he's hurtling over the edge is wilson, and sometimes wilson lets him curl up on his couch with one of wilson's jackets over his head and wilson just quietly does work on his computer so house can listen to him breathing
- house has so so many stim toys because he actively destroys them by accident. he prefers stuff he can spin or manipulate the pieces of (and obvs his ball) but he has to keep such a surplus because he will fucking ruin them or lose them in a moment of stress
- he also uses his gameboy to stim, he's played all of his games so many times he barely has to think about it and having his hands moving keeps his mind straight
- when house is overstimulated or having a meltdown he is dead silent. he was trained into being "normal" by all the ppl in his early life so he just shuts down entirely except for scratching himself or digging his nails into his skin. it took wilson time to recognize this as him melting down but now wilson can recognize the look in his eyes nearly instantly
- house learned asl and forces wilson to learn some too so they can a) talk across the balcony and b) communicate when he's non verbal. he often uses asl to cause fucking PROBLEMS for wilson
- @greghatecrimes posted a bunch of good autistic thirteen stuff and i'm shamelessly piggybacking off of them to say that thirteen learns asl too and then they shit talk the other fellows in front of them. the main purpose was for talking when one of them was nonverbal but then
- house alternates between no eye contact and aggressively too much eye contact. it depends on how he feels but he is unashamed of either. he will kubrick stare you to death
- house uses elaborate metaphors that make sense to no one because idioms and metaphors ALREADY dont make sense to him so why not make up his own
- house's office is meticulously arranged and he can tell if something is different the Minute he comes in. he can also tell with wilson's office
- the reason house doesnt go to department head meetings is because he gets very understimulated and starts acting up! he hates sitting and having to listen and not being able to do any of his stims and he decided its just not worth it
- house is very hypersensitive to smells. hospital smells dont bother him because theyre Familiar but if someone wears too strong cologne or if he's near a candle its all he can think abt
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bahnloopi · 1 year
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I pitched the idea for "regional" Saiyans. Saiyans who evolve and adapt to their settled climates. Whis tells Goku and Vegeta that there are smaller Saiyan tribes that inhabit other less universes (not just U6).
These Saiyans inhabit a water/ice-based planet. They're based off of Japanese macaques or "hot spring monkeys". Naming system has been after bathroom products. They're super lazy but can inflict heavy damage if you engage a fight with them.
Planet Sento is predominantly an ice planet. The tropical hot springs are made from volcanic vents underneath that melt the ice of the surrounding area. Sentos have thick skin and fur and are accustomed to the scalding temperatures of the springs.
They're classified in roles: Therapies, Offense troopers, transporters, and Elders. Transporters are the Sento Saiyans with the thickest coasts who haul resources or thinner coat Saiyans to and from neighboring tribes. Offense Troopers are usually male/females with thick-enough coats who protect the Transporters. Therapies are females with thinner coats that can't venture through the arctic areas and they perform massage therapy on the troopers or transporters. If a Sento Oozaru is calmed enough from thrashing by soaking in the hot springs, Therapies swoop in to try and revert it back to base form using head scritches or giant leaf fanning.
Their courting/mating practices consist of top-tier acrobatic performances to impressing mates. Hetero/Homosexual relationships accepted.
They only really turn into Oozarus if you agitate them or they can't get access into the hot springs. Their skin and fur is thick enough to take the boiling temps of the spring but can scald regular skin. The spring has senzu-bean and muscle stimulator properties.
They don't really speak a lot since they sleep most of the time so they use ASL to communicate most of the time.
Powerwise I'd place them at SSJ3 level only when they're active fighting. They're fight primal style at ground-base. They cannot fly but can launch themselves in momentum. They can't sense energy but go by scent.
Main thing is Super forms. They do not physically turn into the forms. They learn to use the form's properties. (stamina\ki control\moveset). Think Ikari Broly. The only indicator of what form they're utilizing is eye color. If they're using SSJ, their eye color will change to the form's eye color.
In origins, there were a group of og saiyans that served under Vegeta's Great Grandfather and they decided to step away from the throne. They were exiled and accidentally discovered beings who could travel between universes at will. They had no desire to come back with Cold's regime active.
(There's a lot more information and I'll update the post again later.)
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AITA for pushing my partner to get narcan training?
For some context, I work as an ASL interpreter for d/Deaf and hard of hearing students. This means that I'm interpreting lectures as they happen and, because the lectures can be anywhere from 2 - 4 hours long, I usually have a partner and we switch out every so often. This also means that it's the same classes every week so you really get to know the students you work with.
This particular class was one for a student I had worked with before and my partner on this one was new. She was fluent in ASL but at a different level than I was if, if that makes sense. There's often a difference between people that grew up signing and those who didn't, which is sometimes equated to a certain fluidity with the signs. This isn't to say she's bad or anything, just that it's a different level of it.
This course was one for some sort of social work or community building program and during this class, the students were getting free Narcan training and were given a five minute break before it. During the break, the professor approached us and asked if we wanted to learn. We're technically not supposed to participate in the class in any way as we're just there to interpret, we're not students. I am already trained - and unfortunately very experienced - in administering Narcan but my partner wasn't. She was a bit hesitant about participating and was worried about getting in trouble but I encouraged her to go anyways and told her that I would take her turn signing. I don't recall my exact phrasing but it was something along the lines of 'It's a really important skill to have, especially in (Our city). I really think you should do it'.
She ended up doing it and from what I could tell there were no issues with it. I've worked with the student since they started getting their degree three years ago and I felt that they wouldn't be upset or bothered by her participating (And I spoke with them after class to apologize and check in and they were completely okay with it) as they're pretty easy going and prefer my style of signing so they probably wouldnt mind watching me for ten minutes longer than usual. We finished the class as normal and went our separate ways.
This was two weeks ago and about four or five days ago I received an email from my supervisor with a thinly veiled 'reminder' that interpreters should not be participating in class activities and that as the person with seniority, I should not be guilting or pressuring newer employees into breaking rules.
At the time, I didn't think that I was guilting or pressuring her into doing anything but thinking back, it definitely could have come across that way. I really wish I could remember the exact phrasing of what I said, since I think it's pretty important here.
I think I could be the asshole because even if I said it super nicely and wasn't at all pressuring or guilting her, I was still encouraging her to do something I knew we weren't allowed to do and she is much newer at this than I am. On the other hand, I do think this was an important topic to break the rules for but I also had my older sister die from am opioid overdose last autumn so I definitely have a bias here.
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hyperref-lex-ia · 1 year
Things you can’t do when you’re mute (partially for the pnf community partially cause i was just thinkin about it):
- Phone calls (yes they have TTS apps that can do this but a) they cost money to remove ads that physically interrupt you and b) people are stupid sometimes and constantly ask if you’re still there even when you introduce with the fact that you’re mute and to give you time to type)
- Fast food drive throughs
- Communicating while carrying things
- Communicating while driving (unless you are with someone who can understand sign/one handed sign)
- Asking people if they need help quickly without stopping them and having them wait for you to type
BONUS, doable things that are just kind of annoying:
- Paying for gas with cash
- Buying things at a register instead of self checkout
- Really just paying for anything in cash
- People acting like I am deaf when I am actively listening to music with large over the ear headphones loudly and having to point to my ears and do a thumbs up (this usually get the point across)
BONUS TWO, things that are cool that have happened to me:
- A hispanic guy (this is relevant) came up to me at a gas station who had seen me paying for gas inside and I guess heard me blasting my music and started speaking to me in spanish. I understand enough spanish that i was able to get that he was asking if i was mute, then he asked if i understood spanish and i shook my head, and he switched to english and started telling me about a seminar he went to on mutism. He was very sweet and it made my day
- The woman who is always working at the panda express I frequent at my school learned how to say a few things in sign presumably because I go there a LOT
- A little girl at the summer camp I went to who connected with me heard another kid ask me why I was using my phone to speak and said loudly “Some people can’t hear and some people can’t speak its a disability”
- Another little girl at the same camp kept running out into the hallway and the teacher was older and worried more about keeping an eye on everyone than her comfort so I offered to watch her in the hall. I sat down with her and asked her if she was overstimulated (in a way a small child would understand) and she nodded. I don’t remember what I said next but she signed me too. I signed asking if she signed and she signed back “a little”. I explained why I couldn’t speak and she said she was the same. I nearly burst into tears for this child and the connection we had. I spent the rest of the day with her. She spoke quietly to other kids but with me she would just smile big and point to things she wanted to show me. We read some of her favorite books quietly sitting next to each other.
- Teaching kids the ASL alphabet, they are always so eager to learn
If anyone is mute or has recently gone mute or has non verbal episodes I am here with you. There’s nothing wrong with us. I love you.
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oursystemblog · 9 months
Hi, we will be making comics and drawings about our experience. Usually more lighthearted ones because we'd not like to get too personal on the internet. Here are some alter stand-ins:
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Extra Information about us, as context:
Second one in specific has a hard time talking out loud, we are trying to learn ASL to help with communication for when they front (and also because ASL is just a good thing to know)
Fifth one is an introject, though not very connected to their source
Generally in casual conversation we'll use "I/my" instead of "we/our" unless it's specifically relevant that we're referring to ourselves collectively
also here's our pronouns i guess that's important. and also favorite colors too. also here's what we actually look like if you wanna know that
Extra information about the blog:
There's a lot of Sillier/less system-relevant posts or asks so if you want to see just the system stuff you can check the "#actualpost" tag
hi mutuals and followers who are following me on both my main and here
Things will be visually exaggerated for comedic effect and also to get across The Feeling™ of the interaction
I mute the notifications on my posts after a few days usually (i don't like having a lot of activity notifs haha), so if you want me to see something it's best to send an ask! ("question policy" here). also i don't mind anon asks, i might even be more likely to answer them if they're anon
I try to tag all of the asks as "ask" but either i'm doing A Bad Job or tumblr's being weird about it, so if you wanna go through the most of the asks i recommend you just go to our archive and sort the post type by ask
this wasn't really meant to be an advice blog i don't know how to give advice, i mean like . i can Try, but i also don't know what i'm doing
Singlets/non-systems can follow 👍
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deafsignifcantother · 3 months
♥ summary: after being flabbergasted at meeting a deaf person for the first time, and after husk gives him a little lesson, angel approaches with an apology. based off of if music be the food of love woot woot but i changed the reader to be a little less obvious it's the other protag so it's easier to consume for people who aren't interested in the series bc i love my audience :3 ♥ relationship: angel dust and x deaf woman reader (platonic) ♥ word count: 2.2k ♥ notes: for @glitched-out-dusk , reader talks with alastor a lot bc i actively hc alastor knows asl and i'll never change that in my stories
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The first time Angel saw you, he didn't try to communicate. He just analyzed you, staring you up and down, wondering if you were faking your Deafness. You stared at him back with a small smile. The moment only lasted a few seconds since Charlie decided it was time to butt in and start a conversation with you. Angel kept glancing over, his arms crossed, watching your body movements and how your eyes flicker around. You stare at others' lips, which is a weird habit, and though you have a clueless look in your eyes, you never look away from others' faces.
You are the first visitor in months after Sir Pentious. Since he came, Charlie hoped another visitor would seek redemption, and her positive affirmations came true. Angel only has expectancy this day. It's not like any other person will come knocking on the door.
His brain sinks into dirty thoughts while he watches you: how loud would you moan if you were doing the nasty? What would please a deaf girl most?
Husk can practically hear the porn star's thoughts, but Angel Dust's forcing those thoughts into his head to repress what he really feels. His heart decides on feeling a tinge of forsaken loneliness, he's going to be forgotten again, isn't he? But you're the one most isolated with the language barrier. You might be the forgotten one, right? Does he, selfishly, want that?
It is all Angel can do to imagine what you must be feeling, understand the situation you've found yourself in; dealing with everybody and losing social interaction. He's become a part of that cause, hasn't he?
Damn you. Damn you for forcing him to learn something new. Damn you for making him realize how empty he feels in the group and how he doesn't want you to feel the same way.
So sometimes, after you go to sleep, he'll stay up with Husk, both cooing at him and begging him to teach basic sentences.
Simple signs stick with Angel, even as drunk.
"Is hello that easy?" He asks. Husk just laughs.
"Some signs are a lot easier than you'd think."
Husk is rusty in his ability. He's only had to use the language a few times when he was alive, and he doesn't remember ever interacting with an actual Deaf person. Surely, he had learned it for a good reason. His soul is so long gone that he can't even remember.
But the alphabet sticks with him, and so do gambling-related signs. He picks apart those sentences and tries to teach Angel the words rather than their meanings when pieced together.
And one night, not even a week since you arrived, somebody tapped Angel's shoulder as he leaned over the bar's counter.
He turns, hair bouncing with the whip of his head, and he bites the inside of his lip when he sees you. He finger spells your name, and you can only give him a sympathetic smile in your sleepy haze.
"Good job," you sign to him before turning to Husk. "Do you have water over here, or is it in the kitchen?"
He stares at you blankly. You, water, pointing to the bar, pointing somewhere else, question face. "Yeah, give me a second."
Angel eyes you, taking notes in his head. Your hands move slower when you sign to Husk, compared to signing with Alastor, and you tend to sign high so Husk can focus on your hands instead of your eyes.
Holding back a yawn, you rub your eyes while sitting on a stool, taking the very full glass of water and sipping the top. If you sit here, they'd have to acknowledge your presence, but they need to be more confident to hold a conversation. What could they even talk about? Card dealing? Sex?
You look between them and smile to yourself, dropping your head and looking away in case they try to start signing. You're just here for water, not to be a test subject. The more they practice, the better they'll be.
A small groan leaves your throat. As you turn to Angel, he stops talking to Husk, closing his lips and searching your lifted hands. You sign your name, giving him your name sign, hoping he'd understand. When he stares at you in panic, you fingerspell your name and then wave it off, signing your name again.
Husk speaks up, dropping his voice. "It's her name. You don't gotta fingerspell it all the time."
Angel glances over, whispering as if you'd overhear. "Do I gotta use it everytime I see her? When do I use it?"
"It's a fucking name, you don't go around naming Charlie every time you see her."
Your eyes flicker back and forth between the two of them. Husk pauses, and so does Angel, almost in alarm.
"Idiots." You're not even sure they understood the insult, but you keep going. You grab the glass with one hand, signing with the other. "I know you filled this up just to keep me here."
Husk shrugs, pretending to understand, and grabs a bottle (copying your actions) and drinks it. Angel stares with red cheeks, awkwardly holding his own and mimicking the movement.
You fight a frown; they're so annoyingly cute.
So you chug the drink, closing your eyes as you do so. Angel would have preferred if you had stayed, but he had to say his goodbyes with his hand twitching as if he was waving wrong. You get up from the stool. "See you tomorrow," to Husk and a simple wave to Angel.
They both watch you walk off.
"Could have been worse," Husk mumbles.
"Great. What if she thinks I'm a dumbass." He puts his check in his hand, his elbow pressing hard into the wood of the counter. The words sound faint coming from Angel. The change of heart has Husk grinning behind a bottle. "What's come over you?"
He runs a hand through his hair. "Nothing, it's whatever."
Once again, once you wake up, you walk downstairs and head straight to the bar. But Husk isn't there. A prominent frown falls onto your face. The water you drank last night was the most comfortable liquid you've ever had the pleasure of drinking in Hell. It cleared your throat and overstayed its welcome in your need for hydration. You enter behind the bar, eyeing the crazy amount of bottles and the array of fridges. How does he remember all of these products? Perhaps he just drinks them and hopes they do something. Your hand runs across the area for mixing, feeling the sticky covers. Maybe he's not the best bartender.
You grab a glass, wiping off the rim just in case, and you eye the hose-like thing nearing the sink.
Husk watches from afar but your focus is too direct to perceive his presence. You push down on a trigger as lightly as possible, and a powerful burst of water fills the cup, wetting your arms. You place the glass on the counter and use a hand towel to dry yourself off. Is this thing stained? You hope not. It's so unclean back here.
You see the blurry colors of Husk in the corner of your eye before you look up at him. He can't help but give you a small, unadorned smile.
You figured the water out yourself; that's cute; the whole ordeal was a show he would have paid to watch.
He crosses your body and stands next to you, grabbing the hose from you and showing you the switch on it. It's not a button but a pressure-related scale. Your mouth forms an O.
Angel isn't the only one who wants you to feel welcomed.
Vaggie is having issues letting Angel be the second guest getting so close to you. She knows that he is undoubtedly someone who can't read the room and will fit sexual words into any conversation. His ability to read the room is either nonexistent or actively ignored. She watches him practicing signing with Husk whenever he can. Maybe he's trying to learn complete sentences before harassing you.
She also notices that whenever he hears the click of your shoes against the floor, he'll look up with excitement, clenching his fists to calm down his delight. He always tells himself, 'this is the day I'll actually talk to her.' The day doesn't come for a while since whenever he sees you, you're by Alastor. Alastor will tell you stories about his life (lies?) and things that happened in the hotel. He'll describe the nightshade assemblages before explaining how often their railings have fallen apart.
Angel can't understand anything that demon says but glimpses at your hand shows how comfortable you are around him. Angel stares expressionlessly at the two of you, signing back and forth, and your smiles, wide. The jealousy heats him constantly, but nothing ever comes from it.
It will take a while before he can talk to you like that. The realization puts him on the brink of giving up.
Beer dribbles downward, discoloring the tips of his chest fur. The bar is messy, as if it's not the middle of the day. His confidence rises when he drinks. All he needs is a moment where you're alone. Or not.
With all his might, he drags himself sloppily towards the lounge and almost flops onto the couch next to you. He steps over the threshold, inhaling deeply. Alastor eyes him with his every step, and you follow his gaze, staring at Angel. Angel braces himself by gripping the top cushions when he staggers close enough to the couch. He raises his right hand, fingers wiggling in thought. It almost comes across as a "wait."
Alastor's eyes go to you, half expecting you to look back at him and roll your eyes, but you continue your stern gaze at Angel.
Angel drops his head, looking up at you through his eyelashes, "I'm sorry."
The chandelier darkens his face from above, and gravity pulls down the fluff of his head that seems to have been unbrushed this morning. At your silence, his confidence melts leisurely down from his head to the tip of his fingers.
"Sorry for what?" You drop the smile that was on your face and adjust yourself to face him a little more. The major thing you notice is him signing with one hand comfortably.
"I'm sorry you only have him to talk to." Angel's interpretation of 'him' wasn't a point but a wave in the direction, almost a 'that guy over there.'
You laugh. "We are talking now, aren't we?"
More apprehension burns a hole in his chest. He finally stands up, using two hands instead of one. "I'm running out of signs I know."
"Are you sure?" You finally switch your position on the couch to face him completely, ignoring Alastor at last. Your eyes look him up and down. "You look tired."
Tired, he knows that sign.
"Just a little."
You hum, reaching out to him. Your fingers brush his fur, feeling the drip, trying to wipe it away. "Sure."
You unveil a smile that looks as if it were snatched from Charlie's at her bondings. But your eyes continue to stare intently. "You should go to sleep. Stop drinking so much. It's not even night."
"I got things to do."
"Really? Astonishing."
He snaps into focus. One day, he was worried about whether he was waving right, and days later, he signs simple sentences you understand. His vision aims at your eyes, the area he wonders he should actually be looking at.
His thoughts are interrupted by the clearing of a throat. "I'm afraid you're intruding," Alastor says. Angel frowns at him, and you follow his gaze.
"Alastor," you sign with a psah, "he's just practicing."
"Rather annoyingly, my dear. I don't know how you do it."
"With patience."
Patience, Angel doesn't know that sign. When you whip your head back and give a playful shrug, you lean in. "He's going to get pissy if I talk any longer. You're doing a good job, Angel. Don't doubt yourself."
You grab his hand, holding his pointy fingers and maneuvering his fingers to form a thumbs-up. If he doesn't understand half of your signs, at least he can understand that. And then, with a wink, you turn back to Alastor, who lets out a hum in disapproval at the whole ordeal.
The flicker of the lights went unnoticed as Angel marched over to Husk, a big smile on his face. He had left a manly collection of bottles surrounding the area, which Husk had politely taken care of.
Husk chuckles before Angel can even get close. "Yeah?"
"You won't believe it," Angel boasts. "I actually got her approval."
"Wow," it almost sounds sarcastic. "Good work."
Angel plops down on a stool, holding the edge counter to stretch out his hands, dramatically straightening his shoulders and putting pressure on the middle of his palms. "Now, whiskers, do I get a reward? I've been a good boy."
Husk grimaces as if he's smelled a foul odor. "Not excited for the day you learn how to sign that."
"She'll be ecstatic," Angel smiles at himself. "Won't even see it coming."
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xamaxenta · 11 months
ASL all being raised on violence so they genuinely don’t understand softer touch, genuine kindness at first
Like these three feral jungle kids bit kicked scratched each other full on brawled one another because it was the only way they knew how to show affection
(Garp’s fist of love is not exactly a great point of reference for any of them, Dadan was also likewise heavy handed but lets be real these brats kicked her ass more than she kicked theirs lmao)
Luffy clicks with Zoro because Zoro’s just built like that, he’s built walls and his dreams to become the worlds greatest swordsman and nothings gonna stop him, So when Luffy decks him, hauls ass flings him about, its how Luffy shows affection, rocketing at top speed towards Zoro whilst yelling his name because he knows Zoro can take it, the same doesnt really go down well with Nami or Usopp, theyre not built the same way— bruises and bumps and scratches, Nami whacks him over the head all the time for stupid stuff she says and Luffy finds thats familiar, to which Usopp is like my guy my dude thats actually pretty effed up holy hell
Usopp and Sanji being the first of the crew to show Luffy that affection doesnt have to be violent (like usopp sharing a cool beetle he found, Sanji ruffling his hair because hes mad hes gotta wait until dinner for more food)
Ace fights a lot because it’s all he knows how to do right, hes good at it, he wins alot mostly but loses just as many times because he overestimates himself, maybe after fighting Whitebeard 100 times he doesnt let up and Whitebeard catches on immediately after Ace has taken his ink like son, just because i can kick your ass doesnt mean you have to go looking for it. Ace confused is like huh? But isnt this like a bonding activity and WB concerned asks Ace what his childhood was like and Ace shrugs uh. Absent everyone? Like everyone, kinda acted out a ton for attention and stuff, the WBP appalled at Ace’s viewpoint on violence versus affection look to multiple ways in which they can smother their newest brother with actual kind affection, naturally it starts with Marco approaching him with food and no other motive than to be kind — Ace used to fighting tooth and nail to eat looks so suspicious its almost heartbreaking
Sabo who’s never known a kind word from his blood parents and only begruding respect and tolerance from Dadan — hes perceptive, the fact this bandit lady with the crazy intense face is allowing him to freeload with Ace n Luffy tells him a ton about her, she’s coarse and rude and everything Sabo’s parents hate so naturally Sabo loves her, (its a shame we never got more Dadan and Sabo :(((((() gravitates towards Ace because he’s everythinf his parents hate too, wild uncouth loudmouthed and violent and they get along, they beat each other up bc its how they tell each other theyre strong ive got your back
And then he loses his memories and maybe thats a good thing because Sabo learns kindness with the revolutionaries, he feels seen and heard and respected (Big Applause to Dragon and Iva for listening to kid Sabo beg and plead not to go back to his old life and went okay hes ours now chadmindset love to see it) he learns that violence and affection are a double sided coin, that he can use his skills to fight and protect those that cant do it for themselves
ASL are a rowdy set of rabble rousin kiddos but its really nice to see how they develop as they got older bc of the people they encountered who help them understand theyre not alone as they think they are
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! One Piece ASL
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Yandere! Monkey D. Luffy
🌟 Would be super clingy to the point that it’d be unbearable.
🌟 Luffy is already protective of his crew mates but with you it’s 100000 times worse. If he so much as sees a paper cut on you he’s going to act like you’re dying and the world is falling apart. He would immediately bring you to Chopper for a check up.
🌟 Whenever you’re around he acts like a lost puppy. He likes to follow you around a lot even around the ship. When you guys explore an island he makes sure to always hold your hand.
🌟 In order for him to sleep comfortably he needs to be coiled around you like a snake. His hold is very tight, there’s no way your getting out of that.
🌟 You most likely met him when he was a child. He probably saw you in town with some tasty food and you ended up offering some to him. Gradually over time, he kept coming back to you and before you knew it, he’s beside you 24/7.
🌟 Made a promise to you that when he becomes pirate king he would make you his pirate queen. Even after you repeatedly told him that you don’t want to become a pirate.
🌟 Definitely kidnaps you off of Dawn Island so that you can join him on his pirate adventures.
🌟 No matter how strong you are he always worries about your safety and fights your fights for you. When Luffy encounters his first battle at sea, he makes sure to lock u somewhere safe.
🌟 Will surprisingly share his food with you and makes you sit next to him when it’s dinner time. You’re the only person that he does not steal food from.
🌟 Everything that he owns is basically yours too. He is willing to share anything he has in order to make you happy.
🌟 You’re the only one on the crew who he actively listens to. Which delights Nami most of the time. Will listen to your words like it’s a lifeline. The only thing that he ignores is when you pleads to leave.
🌟 Is an attention whore and enjoys when your eyes are on him. If their not he will actively whine until he gets your attention. “Awhhh come on pay attention me”
🌟 If you ever try to run away he would just lock you in a room until he thinks you learned your lesson. Won’t ever hurt you physically, he can’t bare to see you in pain.
🌟 Over all compared to other One Piece characters, Luffy is not the worst Yandere to have. He loves you with all his heart besides what would a king do without HIS QUEEN.
Yandere! Sabo
🌟 Is 100% a manipulative little shit. He knows exactly what he wants and how he’s going to get it.
🌟 He wants you to have exactly zero communication with anyone but him. Koala is the only exception though, he’ll allow you to have her as your only friend.
🌟 Is the type to kill anyone he views as a love rival instantly in broad daylight. Like why are they talking to you don’t they know you’re his?
🌟 He imprisons you in a room so that the only one you can see is him. He gets so thrilled knowing that you’re depending on him to bring you food and other necessities.
🌟 You’re only allowed to eat if he hand feeds you. You just look so cute sitting on his lap while he spoon feeds you your lunch.
🌟 If you ever tried to escape he would be so furious. In retaliation, he would drag you back and break both of your knee caps so that you won’t ever run away again. Don’t you know he’s doing this for love? Why won’t you just listen?!
🌟 I can see you being a normal civilian he met in a village while stocking up for supplies. He falls in love the moment he sees you smilie, it’s just so mesmerizing. From then on he approaches you to get to know you better and is completely smitten over your personality.
🌟 He decides to kidnap you when he realizes that he needs to leave before the marines catch him. He believes that everything he does is justified because you simply just belong to him. Would definitely gaslight you if you said otherwise.
🌟 At night, he sleeps while holding you in a possessive hug. Whenever you need to get up to use the bathroom or drink some water you can feel his eyes linger on your body.
🌟 To be honest he’s probably just waiting for the Stockholm syndrome to kick in already. All he wants is for you to love him, why won’t you understand that?!?!
🌟 Enjoys listening to your voice, it’s the only thing that can get him to relax and calm down after a long day. You’re basically his lifeline.
🌟 Wishes to one day grow old and have children with you. It’s one of his biggest dreams and he just couldn’t imagine a life without you at this point. You just mean so much to him.
🌟 Does not care if anyone criticizes his actions. He’s going to continue to do his thing not matter what anyone says. Besides if they ever tried to do something to stop him he could easily just kill them.
🌟 Over all compared to the other two he’s probably the worst yandere to have due to how possessive he is. With him as your partner you most likely could never run away.
Yandere! Portgas D. Ace
🌟 Is the most touch-starved out of the three. Please hold this man he desperately needs a hug (and a shower).
🌟 Loves to be near you and talk to you. You don’t even have to do anything he just likes hanging around or being with you.
🌟 Whenever you guys visit an island your not leaving empty handed. Ace loves spoiling you with trinkets and goods.
🌟 I could definitely see Ace falling for a nurse who’s a part of the Whitebeard pirates. After Ace gets defeated by Whitebeard, he wakes up from his mini coma and sees you, the nurse who’s been taking care of him.
🌟 When he meets you for the first time he thinks that you’re really pretty but won’t admit that out loud. You found it very amusing when Ace would try to assassinate Whitebeard and fail miserably every time.
🌟 Due to this, it becomes a common occurrence for Ace to visit you to get treated. Each time he goes to you he can’t help but think that you’re extremely charming and enchanting.
🌟 It takes him a while to actually realize his feeling but when he does he’s head over heels for you. He’s probably the only one who realizes his yandere tendencies and tries to change them but fails to each time. He wants to be the best version of himself for you it’s hard sometimes.
🌟 He gets jealous of other people really quickly and hates how they take away so much of your attention. Ironically, Ace hates resorting to violence against love rivals and will instead try to guilt trip you into hanging out with him. “Please spend some time with me, I’ve been so lonely”
🌟 Ace is a simple man, his mood most of the time depends on your mood. If you’re happy he’s happy, if you’re mad he’s mad. The crew honestly thinks it’s really weird but ignores it most of the time.
🌟 He goes absolutely feral whenever you put on his hat. He swears to God that he feels time stop and believes you’re the cutest thing in existence.
🌟 If you ever decide to reject his affections he’ll emotionally manipulate you into thinking that you’re a terrible person and that he’s just doing things that are in your best interests.
🌟 Loves it when you play with his hair. It’s so therapeutic to him and will whine once you take you hand off of his head.
🌟 Due to his narcolepsy, Ace sleeps very often and whenever he feels the urge to fall asleep he grabs you. He basically uses you as his personal teddybear. He has an extremely tight grip that you can’t seem to get out of no matter what you do.
🌟 Even though he acts dumb most of the time, he’s surprisingly smart when he needs to be. You can always count on him to be by your side when you need to fix a problem. He makes sure that he is as reliable as possible. Only the best for his bbg.
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ficsinhistory · 2 months
There's a criminally low amount of content about Wendy and man, I intend to take matters into my own hands! Her character is amazing, so here's my character analysis of Wendy's journey in the series, along with my two cents because her writing scratches my brain in the best possible way!
Spoiler for the entire Netflix series, Sweet Tooth.
Season 1
To begin with, after Gus, Jeep and Becky, Wendy is the most important character in Sweet Tooth. She, and by extension her mother, don't appear so early in the story for nothing. Not only that, but to talk about Wendy is to talk about other characters too, because her arc is intrinsically linked to the others. Even this season, where she appears relatively little.
As we already know, she is a hybrid girl found and raised by Aimee since she was a baby, which started the life of this woman in the story. Wendy is curious, likes to paint, loves her mother more than anything and helps her keep their little family of rescued hybrids safe and in peace.
What may go unnoticed, however, is how the PPreserve and rescue of hybrids as we know it only happens because of Wendy.
Aimee wanted nothing more to do with the outside world and was content to watch society burn, focusing only on looking after her daughter.
But Wendy listened to the people on the radio, realizing that they were afraid,andnot only felt sorry, but she also felt compelled to respond and help. She almost responded once and only didn't because her mother wouldn't let her.
Do you understand?
Wendy is such a youngchild, no more than nine years old, but she is already trying to take an active role in alleviating the suffering of others in the face of horrors. A fundamental characteristic of her character is compassion and that makes me so delighted!
 She's a child who should hate humans who aren't her mother. She should be selfish and only think about her life, and it would be normal because she's just a child.
 We have images of her in a peaceful life with Aimee. It could go on like this. But Wendy doesn't want to.
Because she has so much love inside her!
She loves her mom, her home, and these children she doesn't know but wants to have a safe place for. Which drives her to care for Bobby, even if her mother didn't let her.
This girl sticks to her ideals and acts on them because it's the right thing to do! She says that they have to help!
Wendy convinces Aimee to rescue hybrids, officially takes Bobby in, and assumes responsibilities as an older sister, taking charge of the Preserve with her mother. She learns ASL because not all her siblings speak. She knows what each one does and has been through.
Damn, the girl is a born nurturer! She's intelligent, brave and kind. So sociable and ready to put herself in a position to help that it's touching!
And it's not even for herself because we find out later that Wendy feels actively different from her siblings!
Probably because she's a highly developed hybrid and takes on too much responsibility to interact as an equal with the other children. Plus, she's not human either and doesn't see herself entirely as her mother either!
Wendy remains in this limbo that leaves her lonely and sad. A person who loves to be cared for but finds it difficult to let herself be cared for, and yet focuses not on her own feelings, but on others!
Things then get very ugly as the Preserve is discovered by Abbot.
And guess what? She wants freaking help, wanting to do anything she can for her mother and siblings, even though she's terrified, because sees herself as the leader of the place just like her mother!
Aimee decides that they need to run away, and Wendy needs to leave the place she has known all her life, separate from her mother and guarantee the lives of her siblings, all without losing control. After all, she's the big sister they trust with all their hearts, and they're her little brothers. And Wendy doesn't want to separate because, listen, it's dangerous for Aimee and she's worried that, more importantly, being alone might mess things up.
She is afraid of not guaranteeing everyone's life.
Wendy is fleeing the house she's lived in forever from people who actively hunt children like her and all she can think about is looking after the younger ones! It's an unimaginable amount of stress and tension that she handles like a champ! So much so that they make it to run with her leadership!
The problem was that the Last Men got there first, and they were captured. I can't imagine what a blow that must have been.
Her mother, the person Wendy loves most in the world, put her in charge of the family, relying on her intelligence and decision-making skills in her absence, and they were all caught. Not only that, with captivity leaving them incommunicado with Aimee, Wendy became "mom" until they were rescued.
And this initiates one of Wendy's main traumas and much of her arc in Season 2: her parentification in the mission of keep her siblings together and alive.
She really is Bear's sister, because like Becky, Wendy swallows her own feelings in the name of caring for a greater goal and does not process what she feels.
Because her mother has asked Wendy to be strong and she can't be wrong, afraid or insecure because it will cost her dearly!
She's a kid who's always felt responsible for others now having to really be the main support since everyone sees her as the person in charge, without Aimee.
To make matters worse, one of her siblings, Roy, is taken away and there's nothing she can do about it. A fact that haunts her all the time in captivity.
HOWEVER, when he's taken away, Gus shows up and GUESS WHAT???
Season 2
So much that her first scene of the second season is her personally taking care of Gus. He's having a nightmare and she goes there to get him out of it.
And boy, the second season isn't kind to Wendy at all (neither is the third, but that one isn't kind to anyone).
She and her siblings are stuck in the worst place in their old home and being treated like animals, with Wendy trying to maintain everyone's dignity. She doesn't want them to be treated like captive animals eating dog food, but her siblings need to eat and, with options scarce, she accepts her defeats.
The trials have only just begun, and she must feel like she's already failing because looking after her siblings is everything to her!
Even her name, Wendy, is significant in this respect.
Just like Wendy Darling from Peter Pan, the big sister who looks after the brothers well-being like a grown-up even though she's still a child. That is what she is! A child with a lot of pressure having to act like an adult because she's the big sister.
I think that's why she got attached to Gus so quickly.
He, like Wendy, is one of the few hybrids in the series who grew up in a loving home and was raised as an ordinary child since he was a baby. Gus is probably the only child in the series that Wendy has connected with on an equal footing, not being a sibling who needs her care. He's smart, brave and has this sense that they can't be treated like that too.
Gus understands and thinks similarly to Wendy, and she notices this. So much so that they both end up in this season as the "father and mother" of the hybrids in captivity, working and deciding on plans together.
Gus talks about running away and Wendy shows that them were already trying and failing miserably. She then officially introduces the rest of the hybrids to Gus, and we see how much she loves these children.
(And I have to say, I think it's really cute that the sign she chooses for Gus is his antlers).
As an older sister myself, I can say that Wendy is excellent. This girl knows everything about her siblings to the point of being able to tell Gus every quirk that he's going to have to deal with. She cares and tries to accommodate each one as best she can.
And then we're hit with Roy's reminder. And how everyone there is counting on her.
Because Wendy misses her mother, is scared and hungry as much as any of them but can't afford to just be like that. Because the others actively depend on her. To the point where Jojo asks when Roy is coming back, even though she's been in the same place as them the whole time.
 All the children see her as this figure of answers that Wendy isn't but needs to be.
Wendy is 👏🏽nine👏🏽years👏🏽years old👏🏽!
Then they manage to come up with a plan to call Aimee on the radio and thanks to Bobby's skills, they get the key and manage to escape. With Wendy taking the initiative by knowing how to operate by observation.
Except that she's starting to crack under all this pressure. And the most devastating thing is that it's not even about her.
It is for her family.
Wendy is👏🏽nine👏🏽years👏🏽years old👏🏽, is surrounded by bad people (so the possibility of dying is very real) but her concern is that if she doesn't make it her siblings will pay the price.
Like Roy. Because Wendy feels responsible, even though it's not her fault.
This girl doesn't even think about her own life!
And that's what makes Gus' support vital. Because, up until this point, no one was looking after Wendy apart from Aimee. Sure, her brothers care and love her, but she's still the mother figure, the leader, the nurturer.
But Gus is supportive and looks after Wendy just as she does him. He assures her that she will not only make it but will go with her to help. He brings optimism and perseverance to her care and caution.
Is very nice that, in Wendy's arcs in general, she always has to accept help in order to be able to help. She gets help from Gus and later from Becky. She doesn't have to deal with everything on her own. She's not alone. She gets as much love and care as she offers.
Returning to the escape, the two of them cross the zoo to the radio room, a sequence that cements their connection and how Wendy and Gus now work together as equals.
They reach the radio and Wendy has her confidence renewed with the help of Gus's reassurances (which is ridiculously cute by the way), warning Aimee. However, things start to go wrong.
They almost get caught, which forces them to hide again, and Wendy comes across her brother's formaldehyde-dipped corpse.
Do you realize how insane this is?!
 Wendy now has confirmation that Roy is dead, that they are in serious danger and more pressure as if didn't have enough already. Not only that, but their mother also doesn’t answer. They end caught and the few means been taken away from them, with Bobby on a leash and Jonnhy reinforcing security with cameras.
Not only that, but now she and Gus must tell the truth about why Roy isn't coming back.
... except that Gus lies without thinking twice and puts Wendy in an impasse that she does not see much way out of other than agreeing.
 We realize that despite the brief time they've known each other, Wendy trustsGus even though she doesn't agreewith him. The girl could have denied everything on the spot, but decided not to because the moral was already low and it was a lighter way out, although not ideal. Even though she knew deep down that it wouldn't work out and would come back to bite them later.
Even so, Wendy isstill going to have some much-needed words with Gus because doesn't agree and says that lying creates a rupture that will be difficult to mend. That's what her mother taught, and he's put that trust in check (and so has she).
But above all, Wendy is distraught by the whole situation.
And Gus understands. Because he sees that, although the lie is one of the reasons she's so angry, much of the anger comes from the guilt Wendy is carrying. Of being captured and losing Roy. And he shares his experiences to make her feel better. That he understands because he's been there. And that things will get better. They will not end up dead, and they'll all get out of this together.
And Wendy brings Teddy into the conversation, revealing for the first time what is really bothering her to Gus.
She doesn't know how to look after her siblings without her mother and maybe can't do it on her own.
She is being truly vulnerable for the first time since was kidnapped, expressing doubt and fear freely and being the comforted one rather than the comforter, to which Gus replies that she doesn't have to do it alone, because they'll think of something. And that she can do it because Wendy is clever (Jesus, they're so cute!).
And Wendy is accepting help from someone other than her mother for the first time, and it's lovely to see. Because, remember, Wendy is 👏🏽nine👏🏽years👏🏽years old👏🏽. She's just seen her brother killed, has to lie about it and can't mourn properly, having to look after the siblings left without their mother, who doesn't even know if she's alive.
Guilt, responsibility and family are major elements of Wendy's arc. And the series talks about how in order to deal with all of them in a healthy way we have to forge connections in love, experiences and mutual affection. Beautifully illustrated in this conversation.
Finally, she has a foothold again...which is immediately ripped away from her.
Seriously, as soon as these poor kids have finished talking, Gus is taken out of Wendy's hands. Literally. She's still fighting it, but there's no way.
Man, the look on her face when Gus is carried off can only be described as devastated, her eyes glistening with tears, and so absorbed that she doesn't even react to the guard's mockery.
 The first person who really understood her since the whole ordeal began is going to meet the fate that Wendy knows killed her brother.
This leaves her so shaken that her next scene is of her curled-up crying, hugging Bobby.
Dude, that's a hard blow! The girl lost her mother, her home, one of her younger brothers and now her new best friend in two days tops!
 Fortunately, Gus not only returns, but informs her that he has bought them some time and brought a nightlight for Teddy that Wendy had mentioned. This makes her incredibly happy and grateful, as well as making Gus accepted as another older brother by the rest of the hybrids.
So much so that when dog is found, Wendy and Gus are called in to see and organize the next steps.
A quick aside to say that I congratulate the writers for handling Wendy and Gus' arc like champs. Sweet Tooth is about Found Family, friendships forged in the face of adversity and I'm thankful every day that the most canon romantic subplot was Rani and Adi (and we know how that one ended).
 However, they've managed to translate Gus and Wendy's dynamic well in a way that makes it clear that they are best friends, but their connection is stronger and deeper than just friendship per se and different from what either of them has, and we understand well why they end up building a family together in the end. They are basically soulmates who decided to get married, having had a strong enough love from the start regardless of the form.
Anyway. Wendy now has the support of Gus in leading the children and everyone begins to organize for the escape with the signal given by Aimee and Jepp, who are together. However, they have nowhere to go, Gus still has his own traumas related to his return to Yellowstone and Bobby is on a leash. Not only that, but the lie about Roy is getting out of hand.
Jonnhy then shows up to take Gus away at Singh's request and everyone must wait alone with the others until he returns, at the same time as the adults get on the Last Men's radar. However, they couldn't reach the zoo and have to leave town.
And we get one of Wendy's stand-out scenes of the season.
Her mother is alive, but she's and Big Man aren’t coming back, and no one knows why they left or if they'll return. She is then faced with the harsh possibility that will be in charge not until Aimee rescues them, but from now on. She's going to have to be the "mother" for real now because waiting is no longer an option, she's going to have to act.  Wendy will now have to guide them and come up with an escape plan, a👏🏽nine👏🏽years👏🏽years old👏🏽!
 If before she was the mother figure with the only grace in all the pressure of keeping everyone together being the rescue of the mother, now she has to actively get them out without knowing when or if can see her mother again, taking on a position that no child should take on.
But Wendy is too brave and too full of love for her family to give up and disappoint them. Not when they are the ones she holds most dear. Even though she's overwhelmed, afraid and grieving.
Gus then returns, informed that the rescue has gone and that they are on their own, and brings exactly what was missing: somewhere to go. He brings hope and perspective, a light at the end of the tunnel. And we see how much Wendy values this and genuinely cares for him.
He then gives more details about Yellowstone and tells stories about Bear, this being the first mention of the sister Wendy has, even though she doesn't know it.
I have to say that she's a real one impressed with Becky and that it's amazing how alike these two are.
This little girl has just as much talent for leadership and strategy as her sister, and just as strong a temper. I mean, this nine-year-old unashamedly states that she hates the cell guard, is happy to hear about the death of the Last Men, has a firm and somewhat cheeky personality, as well as resorting to violence without blinking an eye. I am sure she'd have her own army under other circumstances too, lol.
Escape plans are being made when things start to go wrong. Gus is taken away again, and it's becoming apparent that things are different for him. 
The children begin to question Wendy about the obvious difference in treatment, asking why he can have some freedom and if wouldn’t ending up running away like Roy. Of course, she knows that Roy is dead, but that brings up something very real: Gus has different circumstances. Those bad people want him alive, a grace that she and the others don't have.
Wendy replies that they can trust Gus of course, but the doubts are already there.
Rani's visit bring some relieves, but rock bottom arrives when the cell guard reveals the truth about Roy and Wendy is confronted about the lie alone in a claustrophobic scene and she ends up folding under so much pressure and giving in to mistrust.
And I don't blame her.
To begin with, Wendy is alone taking onthe consequences of a lie that was Gus's idea, which she would never have told if it hadn't been for him, who goes against everything Aimee taught him. Her mother and the person she love most.
Now it is brought to light that the person who is helping her the most is also the one who is being "favored", no matter how much she wants to ignore it.
It is in this fragile state that we see how Wendy's trauma has left its mark on her.
She loves Gus very much but is so overwhelmed and worried that she chooses fear and distrust over her inherent empathy and goodwill.
Because Wendy is only nine years old and is a scared child, no matter how much tries to want to be more than that, tasked with a duty that's too big and too stressful. And what's a bigger breach of trust for frightened children than lying?
That doesn't make it any easier for her. On the contrary.
Wendy got attached to Gus, remember? She loves him as much as her brothers, he is her best friend. But her best friend also lied and came back from what was supposed to kill them.
Something that her worry and above all her guilt cannot let go of.
Because Gus always came back while Roy didn't. While none of her brothers would come back. And Wendy won't let it happen again.
She couldn't take it.
Even if this separation makes you more tense, stressed and lost, because that's how fear leaves you.
That's why I find it symbolic that Bobby is the first to trust Gus again.
Bobby is the embodiment of Wendy's love and empathy. The child she took in before his mother allowed it because it was the right thing to do. From her thought of having to help others hoping for the best, not the worst.
A thought she still has. It's just... buried under guilt and pressure.
So much so that when Wendy angrily confronts Gus about letting Bobby go, he just... apologizes.
Because he recognizes that his best friend doesn't really see him as different. Because Wendy is just desperate to keep everyone together, alive, and having a tough time with it, which affects the way she acts. And that yes, he had made things worse, despite his best intentions. That Wendy reacted like him after finding out the truth about Paba and Birdie because lies hurt. And this sincere response moves her so much that he manages to calm her down, even a little.
Because they're still friends, they're still each other's support. That's thetruth and it hasn't changed.
So much so that when Wendy is threatened, Gus doesn't hesitate to protect her, although he ends up panicking after learning what happened to Peter and the results of trusting Singh.
And Wendy supports him immediately after he returns from what was essentially a torture session with Abbot.
At that moment, we see her returning to the way she really is.
A brave, kind, empathetic and loving girl who wants nothing more than to help those in need and relieve their fears. Especially those she cares.
And Wendy ignores all the misunderstandings from before because Gus arrives frightened.
Her best friend is trembling, terrified, and she does not hesitate for a second. With the necessary space given, he says he's feeling guilty, afraid, and the roles are reversed.
Now Gus needs to be comforted. And Wendy acts like him, bringing her experience to make him feel better. Assuring him that they will make it and make it stronger. Together.
Because they are friends. Family. He is one of them.
This attitude restores their bond and marks Wendy's choice of friendship, love and connection over fear and mistrust.
The day of the escape arrives, and we see this bond cemented when she entrusts one of the most important parts of the plan to Gus. Not only that, but she also openly supports him when doubts about him threaten to return.
After all, this is the boy who protected and helped her, Wendy doesn't need to fear. No need to give in to fear and anxiety.
She's only nine, but she's already chosen the right path more than most adults.
The plan is put into practice, the guard is subdued, and everyone escapes. A hilarious scene with a little personal revenge on the guy.
However, the soldiers are alerted by the flare that Jepp throws, and Teddy almost gets caught. Gus sets himself up as a distraction for the others to escape and guarantees his friend's life, providing a scene that shows just how important he is to this Wendy.
She is simply paralyzed by Gus leaving. We can see her conflict clearly because she loves Gus as much as her brothers. She doesn't want them to be separated. And only the reminder that this is the chance at his request for everyone to be okay that keeps her going.
Because again, Wendy is full of love and compassion, feelings that overflow in everything she does and even inspire everyone around her.
It inspired Aimee to rescue other children. Rani to see hybrids as more than wild animals. Gus to talk and fight for everyone's life.
Wendy is a symbol of this. How no, it's not easy to maintain empathy, kindness and a sense of community in the worst of times... but it is possible. It's necessary. Because we only really live when we love and connect. Otherwise, it's just survival, which turns you into a shell of what you once were and fought for.
And all the kindness she shows is reciprocated in a beautiful domino effect of positive consequences in which Gus refuses to leave with a newly arrived Jepp without the others, which saves her siblings, makes her reunite with her mother because she refused to leave her best friend behind and ultimately generates a successful escape.
Wendy got everything she wanted thanks to her love, empathy, and resilience. Gestures that could be described as naive or weak, but which turned out to be her greatest asset.
And she can be a child with her siblings and mother in a new home once again. All because Wendy decided for the love and unity that allowed connections with like-minded peers.
... Unfortunately, that doesn't last long.
Because Aimee gets the Sick and Becky finds her.
The end of the second and third seasons dealt with the same arc of community, siblinghood and family that has always been Wendy's hallmark, albeit from a perspective of mourning, maturing and new beginnings.
They finally arrive in Yellowstone, their new place to call home. Life seems to be working out again.
Her mother is there. Her brothers are there. Gus is there. They're eating real food once again. She can go back to drawing. Everything is fine, she made it. They've made it. She even has new friends, Becky in particular who is always genuinely nice to her.
And then her mother calls her to talk, and Wendy finds out that Aimee is going to die (not only that, I dare say that Wendy was the only child who knew, as the only one who didn't wish her mother well when they separated).
The person who has always looked after Wendy, the person she loved most in the world... is simply leaving and will never come back. With one last request from her mother in front of the fire for her, for everyone, to explore a world that is theirs. After everything she's been through.
And this beginning of the end comes with Tiger's warning that Abbot is coming after them.
The children need to hide, and they split up.
Wendy is only nine years old and has to say goodbye to her mother for good after all she's done to find her again and keep everyone together. Not only that, but her best friend is also falling behind, and she finds herself in the worst position she could want: unable to do anything to help.
 And she doesn't take it well at all. Wendy is numb to the facts, still doing the best to maintain order, but her mind couldn't be more disturbed. She wants to go back and fight. To help Gus and, especially, Aimee.
And Becky, poor thing, is trying to console her as best she can.
Except that Wendy gets progressively more impatient and irritated because still has no idea who Becky is, only that the warrior tells her to wait while all the people she loves most in the world are risking their lives. To stay safe.
For a girl who has never done anything but take risks and fight for those she cares about regardless of the danger.
Even though Becky still tries to appeal to her siblings, Wendy jumps in and runs off into the chaos. Which, considering everything she'd done so far had been for them, shows that this girl has a lot of personality.
However, she ends up being caught, taken back by Becky and discovering that they are sisters.
...at the worst possible moment, because between her grief and the urge to do something, Wendy is overwhelmed and ignores Becky. She only comes to her senses when she is saved from bisons.
Reality finally hits. She has a sister who loves her and has searched for her for years, and who she genuinely feels is there... but doesn't know. Becky is not familiar.
Nothing about it is.
Wendy has been the big sister all her life. The one who protects all her life. The leader of the hybrid children and whose care came from her mother. Now Becky arrives, with Aimee on the verge of death, and has her as precious family. Wendy is on the other side this time. The protégé instead of the protector.
This girl is nine years old and her whole reality is disintegrating.
Fortunately, she manages to arrive in time to have one last conversation with her mother before she passes away with a final promise of consolation.
Then we have the funeral scene. Not just of Aimee, but of Wendy's childhood and innocence. Poignantly represented when she stops wearing her bow on her head.
A symbol of childhood.
So much so that in the next scene she appears reading a story about...growing up.
Because she'll never be the child she was. Life has taken a lot from her. Now it's up to what she's going to do with all these changes. With all the numbness of grief and the new relationship with Becky.
We also see that she is going to accompany Gus, choosing to help him as his brothers are safe. It makes sense, he is one of the most important people in the world to her and they've been through enough trauma bonding and life connections to seal that Gus is as much a priority to Wendy as her mother was. They find Birdie's possible location and they go after her in Alaska.
Season 3
Things start off lightly with a car ride, one of the few scenes in which Wendy and Gus are children. The two are even much more in tune this season, clearly being a rock for each other, providing mutual support, wearing complementary colors and all.
We also see Becky trying to be a good sister and ensuring the safety of her dear little sister and Jepp struggling to be a father of three.
It is also remarkable that Wendy's grief for Aimee still affects her and her relationship with Becky, for example when she sniffs out a family killed by The Sick.
They arrive at a casino and, a few puns later, the children sniff out food, get caught in a trap and end up meeting a group of elderly people who run the place. They deny the necessary supplies and in the middle of the conversation, death is brought up once again. Which, for the nine-year-old girl who has just lost her mother, is obviously too much.
She hasn't fully processed Aimee's departure and this pain has a bearing on her ability to form bonds with her new sister.
Because, ironically, although deeply empathetic, Wendy it is extremely difficult to be vulnerable.
Which comes to light with his relationship with Becky.
 In the whole show, this girl has so far only been able to connect with her mother, who raised her from the cradle, and Gus, who is her best friend and basically kindred spirit. Wendy has always felt out of place and had trouble relating, ever since the first season.
Having an older sister is not familiar in any way to Wendy. On the contrary, it puts her in an uncomfortable position, even more so with her mother dying, and the opposite of everything she has lived through. Even the fact that Becky is human puts her in a different position from Wendy.
That's why Gus is the one who can console her.
As I said before, the writers were goats at working out Gus and Wendy's connection. They look alike and this similarity illustrates their connection with flying colors. Gus understands what it's like to lose the person who's looked after you all your life. That's all Wendy needed to hear. That it wasn't fair, that it never stops hurting. And that they dealt with it together. Which is familiarity and support enough for Wendy to pull herself together.
Although this leaves Becky feeling powerless.
Things at the Casino don't work out and they have to go without supplies.
Wendy is obviously irritated by the petty behavior of those idiots, and she reflects on old age together with Gus, promising to be better when it's their turn. It's a cute scene, especially because they're children in a world that wants them dead (dying too) and reaching that age hasn't been possible for many, both hybrids and humans.
And once again, Wendy thinks of others in the moment, reinforcing her empathy, her bond with Gus and some very well done foreshadowing (I'll never stop finding it endearing how Wendy just decided that yes, Gus will be around until her old age and they'll still be close and that's that, after stealing one of the boy's coats. Soulmates are soulmating).
However, an avalanche hits and the group narrowly escapes. And mortality surfaces once again, this time for her sister.
 Becky and Jepp may be dead and Wendy panics. She and Gus have barely escaped, and he can't hear them. However, Gus manages to calm her down and they find them both.
Then we see that Wendy really does love Becky, she just doesn't know how to deal with the change. Which is understandable. After an intense exchange between Gus and Jeep, they manage to get to Idaho and rest...
...for a few moments before Dr. Singh appeared.
I love how Wendy immediately calls him out for killing Roy! That's it! My girl holds grudges and it's iconic! No one messes with her family and gets away with it! However, Gus agrees to bring Adi with them, and they all escape thanks to the wolf boys who found them. They make their way to a house and meet Ven.
He won't let the children in because they are hybrids, forcing Wendy and Gus to wait outside while the others help his wife give birth.
During the wait, Gus asks if Wendy is angry about bringing Singh. It's sweet that he worries about it. After all, Aditya murdered her brother and that's not taken lightly. On the other hand, it's also sweet how Wendy isn't angry per se, even though she obviously can't stand the doctor's presence.
Trust has always been the basis between them, and she trusts Gus' decisions, only questioning whether he believes Adi is telling the truth. This shows how the pair have evolved over this long road.
That's when they spot a human child and Wendy decides, bless her sociable little soul, that they should talk to the boy (who just for the record was running away from them and yet she decides yes, new friend spotted lol).
They then meet Theo, Ven's son, and the rooster Kirby. Wendy is thrilled to meet another child, taking the initiative to introduce herself and interact. This girl doesn't have a bad bone in her body and her hobby is collecting friends at the end of the world, which is why the rooster approves of her.
She and Gus talk more about the hybrids, and we realize that Theo is a genuinely nice boy, but clearly misguided. He thinks they can't read, that they eat people and that they're not normal, basically. Thoughts that are misguided to say the least, but which the pair don't take to heart because it's a clear influence from their parents.
Theo loves to fly. He loves flying very much. And it doesn't take long for Wendy to connect the dots, her intelligence and observation skills highlighted once again. With a bit of gentle prodding from her and Gus, Theo reveals that he's a hybrid too. It's just that he suffers from self-loathing because of what he's been taught, hiding his animal characteristics thanks to his family.
We have a powerful moment of him learning from a speech by Gus that no, that doesn't make him abnormal, but special. That no one, whether someone else's opinion or his parents, can take away what makes him special. Theo then tells Ven his plan and the three of them go to stop him hurting his newborn son.
They succeed, but Ven hands them over to Zheng, but not before Theo gives them a van.
I feel this was one of the hardest trials for both Wendy and Gus. Both were raised by loving parents who nurtured their nature as hybrids, but seeing how they are more the exception than the rule has certainly touched them. Especially Gus, who is in the very arc of taking responsibility for everything and everyone.
And once again, we see how these children are rocks in each other's lives with Wendy assuring them that they'll be fine, even if Theo didn't accept the invitation to come along. Both holding hands in support.
They get to the beach to catch the ship to Canada, but everyone has already left. As the journey progresses to a point of no return, Wendy begins to get anxious.
She can't stop thinking about her siblings and above all, she can't stop thinking about Becky. Wendy can resist Sick for being a hybrid and escaping from hunters because that's what she's been doing for the last few weeks.
But her older sister is more likely to get hurt. And although Becky thinks Wendy is distant, here we see that it couldn't be the other way around. She has finally gotten used to her sister and is afraid of losing her too, especially with Aditya's predictions that humanity is on the brink of extinction.
So much so that when they discover that the new boat will not fit everyone, I believe Wendy had already decided not to go to Alaska.
 Because she didn't want to put Becky in danger. Not after hearing that she could lose her too. She wants to try to build that bond. Wendy is nothing but a family person, after all.
So much so that she gives Gus one last gesture of support by fixing his antler as a reminder and saying that she believes in him no matter what. Because he can handle. Gus is smart, immune and has Jepp with him. But Becky only has her and needs her more.
This is reinforced by the conversation with Coral.
When Rosie arrived, her mind was made up. Seriously, you could see the certainty and confidence in that girl's eyes. She knows that Gus can do it and that now her sister is the priority.
I believe Wendy's original plan was to return with Becky to Yellowstone and wait until Gus and the others returned, taking advantage of the time to get to know each other better and take care of the others.
...except that they are attacked by one of the wolf boys and Becky narrowly saves Wendy by accidentally killing Bruno, a hybrid, which shakes her to the core and creates guilt in her for going against her mission.
She is captured and Wendy's new focus is to save her sister. The teenager just appeared in her life and no way losing her is an option.
Becky is not having a good time. Captured and questioned by Zheng, I believe she believed that Wendy had left her. That's what she asked for.
Becky's character is at the height of her trauma here. She's lost the animal army; her sister apparently doesn't accept her as family and now she's killed a child she swore to protect. As well as being tricked by Jordan and revealing where Gus and Jepp are going. She has no purpose anymore.
This teenager no longer has any impulse to fight and, in short, has lost the instinct for self-preservation. Everything she did was for Wendy, who in her mind was safe and could go back to be with the kids she loved. And soon Gus and Jepp would be back, and everything would be fine.
The face she makes when she is taken to Alaska is that of someone who has accepted her own end. At most, Becky would stay alive for Wendy, not for herself. I think she gave up on herself a while ago, in fact.
She just didn't count on the unconditional love and iron persistence of Wendy who, once again, made the right decisions and achieved positive consequences. Choosing her sister only allowed her to show Beckey that she loved her, reignited the teen will to live and later guaranteed the support behind the curtains that Gus would need.
Wendy sets off for Alaska by getting on Zhang's plane, hiding in the same car Rosie was using and listening to the transmission with the plans, meeting the wolf boys (the first hostile hybrids she has ever met), staying safe thanks to the protective screen and infiltrating the enemy base.
Bear is not having a good time once again with Jordan making fun of her. Seriously, this guy gives me the crepes! He gives me the vibe of a kid who doesn't have his life under control and in order to get some, he ruins other people's lives because he feels like he's in charge. This jerk uses the Animal Army against her, threatens her with Helen's whole plan about births (remembering that Becky already said she didn't want children) stopping only when Rosie arrived.
Rosie questions her and Becky manages to make a connection by seeing that she loves her children, something the grieving mother didn't expect. Ginger then needs help, leaving the way open for Wendy to get her sister back and Becky with the opportunity to escape.
Jordan picks her up and is a weirdo once again when Wendy invades and chooses violence! This little girl is nine years old, but she's going to move heaven and earth in the name of the one she loves. It was so satisfying for me to watch her wipe the floor with Jordan, you have no idea!
It's lovely to see how far Wendy has come with her acceptance of her sister. She has overcome her grief for Aimee and accepted Becky as family and someone to care for. She has matured and grown up, ready now to be the support her older sister needed, returning the affection she received.
This was essential not only for Wendy but also for Becky. She did everything for her lost sister and after the two reconcile, this traumatized girl can begin to heal too.
With the rescue successful, Wendy sets out to help the rest of her family. It's in Alaska, in fact, that we see the best of her leadership and strategy skills. Position of the guards, where to go and where not to go. I can't help but laugh when she asks Becky why she didn't fight.
Wendy has no chill when it comes to the people she loves. A menace!
They take a car and head out into the blizzard after Gus and Jepp but end up getting lost. They stop and we finally see how Becky feels: she has spent so much time finding and looking after Wendy that she has forgotten to look after herself. She thinks she has no future or expectations in becoming an adult. Just as Aimee thought, that for humans, death is inevitable and hybrids are the future. That her little sister shouldn't waste her time or risk her life to save humanity and her.
And Wendy sees guilt, self-sacrifice and the conformism of the end, things that she herself and even Aimee had. And she says no. Becky doesn't deserve to die just for being human. She and the others are not inherently better for being hybrids. Rosie's wolf boys would tear her apart if they could, even if she was one of them.
Nor for being a bad human for defending herself. The fault lies with Zheng, who made them feel lost and like war machines. For pushing them, all of them including Becky, to extremes like death. Wiping Becky's face as she finally cries for the first time since the Animal Army dies.
But there would be good people to help guide them. Like Aimee was for Wendy, and Wendy would be for Becky.
This scene of consolation between the two of them cleansed my skin, watered my crops, and cured my anxiety. Because finally Becky is feeling Wendy's love back, seeing that she can have the bond with her sister that she always wanted.
They continue with the help of the constellation that Aimee spoke of before she died, finding Jepp in Birdie's old house, but without Gus. Which can only mean that the boy was outside.
The sisters send after him and stay to help stop Zhang and retake the base from the Alaska survivors who are also there before the polar night. With the plan in place, of which the two were also the leaders, everyone goes into action.
At the Alaska base, Becky and Wendy manage to break in and seize control of the wolf boys thanks to Nuka and Siena. To fulfill their part of the plan, the two need to lure the wolf boys and trap them, then stop a large station machine called the Beast, which Jordan has been assigned to drive.
Everything narrowly goes wrong when Rosie manages to figure out the plan, but the sisters arrest them, not without attracting the attention of Zhang's people in the process.
Much chaos, destruction and death ensue, especially after Rosie's children are freed by their mother and Zhang arrives at the tree-antler, ordering the Beast to come. Siena says there's one last chance to stop the Beast, since getting to the garage isn't working, by going to the greenhouse.
Opportunity presents itself when Wendy picks up and throws a Molotov into flammable oil barrels at enemy personnel. Seriously, this girl chooses and is great at violence. Her sister is proud and so am I.
(Man, I love my unhinge sisters who canonically have a body count).
However, it wasn't enough to stop the machine and Jordan heads off to the cave with Rosie, Ginger and Tex. Fortunately, Nuka thinks of a plan to stop the machine with harpoons, and they all leave too.
I'm not going to lie, the scene of the invasion of the Alaskan base is one of my favorites. Seeing Becky and Wendy being leaders together and having sisterly synergy is everything to me. These two are so alike and that shines through here. As well as relieving the parallel cave arc that...well, is not making Gus have a very good time to say the least.
In the chase, Wendy and Backy hold Rosie back from shredding and Siena harpoons the Beast's fuel tank, but Becky has to jump it to speed up the leak, much to Wendy's dismay.
Things get worse when one of the wolf boys almost catches her, but with her spirits renewed thanks to her conversation with her sister, Becky manages to subdue the boy in a non-lethal way. She tries to convince Jordan to give up, but he's too stuck in his convictions that forces Becky to make a drastic decision and turn into the Beast.
And man, if Wendy was scared before, she's terrified now. This nine-year-old girl has already lost her mother and now her sister may have died too. Certainly, one of the worst moments in Wendy's life, even more so with Sick being released because of the exposed sap from the tree.
She had everything stolen from her: the house she lived in, her mother, her childhood, innocence, freedom and now she could have lost her sister.
 Wendy is indeed very brave and kind because this girl had extraordinarily strong reasons to hate everyone and everything. After Gus, she is easily the child who has suffered the most in the entire series. But Wendy has nothing but good faith and love in her body and if that isn't an example of resilience, I don't know what is.
I think that's the word that most defines Wendy: resilience. She persists and maintains kindness in the face of a world that hates her because there are people in it who love her and whom she learns to love, like Aimee, her brothers, Gus and Becky, who survives the accident.
The two sisters meet, reaffirming their love for each other and what a moment, my friends!
That's when they hear one of Rosie's children. Wendy, being Wendy, releases him without further ado, using her empathy to calm the boy down. Rosie even goes as far as to threaten them, but she's clearly only doing it to defend her son and no longer sees any point in such senseless violence.
Especially as finally recognizes that Becky is just like her when she realizes that the sister she talks about so much is also a hybrid and sees that everything has changed since that day. Ginger goes into labor, and everyone goes to help her.
Gus and Jeep finally get out of the cave and the group has an emotional reunion. The journey ends with confirmation that the hybrids are the new dominant species, but humans remain will be able to live without fear. Gus thanks everyone, asking for some time with Jepp and Wendy continues down the mountains with Becky.
The trials are officially over, and everyone finally has peace. Wendy, Gus, Becky and (for me, for the sake of my future fics and psychology) Jeep return to Yellowstone where they build a community based on peace and a respectful remembrance of the past.
Becky can finally stop having to take on a fighting role and have a lighter life, helping to look after the children and her sister while honoring the Animal Army's original mission to protect the hybrids by now looking after them. As well as getting some peace and beginning to heal, watching her little sister become a leader in her own right.
 Jeep can finally grow old calmly, taking care of his new children, and making amends for the past with a new perspective. No more fighting or pushing the boundaries.
Gus can now have full freedom with his questions answered, settling things with nature itself and bringing the cure he and his mother wanted. Being able to concentrate on living and taking care of this new community that he so longed for in a more peaceful world.
And of course we have the character of the review: Wendy! She made peace with Aimee's grief, bonded with her sister and was finally able to take care of her family and the hybrids as she wanted. Finding support in Becky and Gus, whom she eventually marries and, even after they've grown old, are still each other's rocks.
In a future that promises nothing but good things.
Final considerations
And that was the analysis!
Wendy is my favorite character, and it was great to do this analysis! This girl is very underrated, and it was great to give her a bit more love!
 You can't approach her alone because her character has always been about community. It makes me happy that she has achieved one, with a secure family and honoring her desire to help other hybrids as she always wanted and her mother's desire to see and inherit the world.
Wendy received as much love as she gave and was never alone as a result, from childhood to old age, even when it wasn't easy.
And if that's not a good message, I don't know what is. Thank you for reading my thoughts.
Please share what you think, I would love to hear it!
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biceratops7 · 1 year
HOly fucking SHIT-
Guys I just had a complete Shellstrop style “holy motherforking shirt balls” moment at work about Donnie’s unusual speaking patterns. You know, when he does this:
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This tendency to narrate his actions in the third person or verbally say onomatopoeias in place of the sound is uh… well it’s autistic right? Look it features in literally every compilation but no one knows why other than “vibes, sometimes it just be like that 🤷”
But NO. No it NOT be like that. I finally know what this fucking nerd is doing, hear me out…
… he’s scripting.
Think about it. You know what else describes action, emotion, and sound in purely words? Books. He has these little speaking quirks, yah, but if you actually zoom out and see the whole picture, Donnie talks like he’s a narrator. This makes a SHIT ton of sense considering we already have textual evidence that he engages in scripting behavior (more specifically some possible echolalia. See: saying “New York! What a Town!” in any situation something kind of abnormal happens after he hears Splinter say it with the exact same infections and everything.)
And we also know from the mystic library that Donnie actively seeks out and enjoys reading. So it stands to reason an autistic 14 year old who likes to be left alone to work on complex machines a decent amount and takes pride in his intellect would model the way he communicates off of written media as opposed to tv or his brothers. He could fill his social tool box with lines from Jupiter Jones and Lou Jitsu movies, but he may think it would give him less of a chance to properly express his capabilities.
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Books are also the only form of media that can literally just tell you flat out what a character’s expression or emotion is supposed to be without it being awkward, which would be really appealing for Donnie. What solidifies this for me is the fact that at least once he verbally says “sad face emoji”, which could not have come from a novel or textbook. But we often do flagrantly use emoticons as tone indicators, and Donnie is constantly on his phone.
I think he’s definitely aware that this is not a regular way of communicating, but he’s clearly also self aware of his issues in getting his emotional meaning across and receiving input back. So it stands to reason he would accommodate this in a way that, yes, makes him sound odd, but is at least effective.
Now for my final little “I’ve connected the dots. I’ve connected them” moment, I headcannon that Donnie learned to read before he fully got the hang of speech. Aside from… literally everything I just said, he uses sign language to tell the squirrels to blow up his treehouse in that one episode. But he does the sign for “make” a bit incorrectly (there should be a slight twist in his upper fist), which leads me to believe he was probably taught baby sign out of necessity rather than being fully proficient in asl. This is fairly common for autistic children with speech delays.
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cruyuu · 3 months
Oh my god your last SukuIta post is so asl;djfdsa;l.... Like I always knew that Sukuna was lonely and that Yuuji was the only one that Sukuna ever needed to feel fulfillment, I completely missed the fact that YUUJI is lonely too. I mean... in the JJK world, where everyone is either morally gray or evil, is apathetic to the wellbeing of the masses/common man, and prioritizes only themselves and those they happen to care about, Yuuji is literally the only purely morally good and selfless (1/2)
character out there. There is literally NOBODY out there who understands Yuuji or his mindset or his convictions except Sukuna, even if Sukuna refuses to acknowledge that he understands him. And there is something oddly romantic about that??? Because unlike literally everyone and their mother (Gojo, Kashimo, etc) trying and failing to reach Sukuna, NOBODY even tries to understand Yuuji. Instead, Yuuji's always the one trying to understand and reach out to others (Hikari, Higurama, etc). (2/3) So, Sukuna's the only person who truly, genuinely understands Yuuji, and who, despite himself, actually took the time to observe him and understand his worldview. They are literally the only people who can ease each other's loneliness and that is so a;sjdlfja;s to me just GOD
Oh, anon, you're right. You're so right. You hit the nail on the head and you made me tear up a little.
The reason that post even came to be is because I listened to Day Scanner, one of Sukuna's character songs, and realized that it awfully fits someone else as well. Yuuji, alongside Sukuna, is also unreachable but the way the narrative unfolds it is so hard to notice until you really sit down and think about Yuuji as a character. Does he have an equal? Is there anyone as selfless as him? Isn't he also "unseen and unknown by anyone"?
And yet, someone sees him. Someone is acknowledging him and actively trying to push his brilliance to the surface, even if unaware of it. Someone who's so praised by the narrative, constantly winning and is unbeatable and unreachable. Someone who comments on his progress as a sorcerer constantly, plucks away the strong so that he gets to shine.
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Just look at these mirrors. Just look at them as characters and how well they compliment each other. It's so tragic, so beautiful, so... I don't know really. I lack the proper words to describe it.
It is like you've said, anon, yet at the same time it's also so much more. Yuuji is completely selfless and it's to that point that he disregards his life for the sake of others. He considers himself unworthy of living, someone who's weak and frail, a cog in the machine. There's also this fact that there's truly no one who can essentially match his selflessness just like how there isn't anyone who can match Sukuna's selfishness. Both of them are lonely like that and would've remained to be if only Sukuna wasn't reincarnated into Yuuji and is learning him, someone who's so opposite of him that he can't help but call boring, but the truth couldn't be more opposite than that. You worded it best:
So, Sukuna's the only person who truly, genuinely understands Yuuji, and who, despite himself, actually took the time to observe him and understand his worldview. They are literally the only people who can ease each other's loneliness
Honestly, I thought of making a follow up post to further emphasize just how perfect yet tragic and romantic it all is. Considering you've sent this ask and ticked my brain, I'll just elaborate further here to the best of my ability. The truth is these two fry my brain and leave me speechless because how cruel and wonderful they are. How undeserving yet deserving of each other they are. Sukuna's someone Yuuji desperately needs while Yuuji is someone Sukuna desperately needs and yet these two are so bad for each other, practically convincing you that they actually need to stay away from each other to be happy and yet they need each other to really be happy. It's all over the story really and it drives me insane and never fails to bring me to tears.
Again, to them it's all about others except each other. It's very fitting that their souls are intertwined because both of them are unconsciously matching each other as perfect equals even if they're anything but, even if they're fighting against the very notion. Sukuna is Yuuji's curse, Yuuji is Sukuna's. Yuuji can't die surrounded by others as long as he's around and meanwhile Sukuna could face death by Yuuji considering he's proving to be an equal who doesn't just die. Yet if these two just turned to each other, they'll funnily get what they've been looking for all along. Yuuji could die a honorable death without regret by bringing Sukuna down, helping everyone in the process instead of cursing them and therefore would be surrounded by others, and Sukuna could finally face an equal capable of killing him.
Yuuji is insignificant, is pathetic and yet he's still the only one who continually survives encounters with the unbeatable Sukuna. Yuuji terribly wants to connect with others, others who are stronger than him, but he can never be their equal because he's weak, but against someone as strong as Sukuna, he manages to hold out and survive.
They are, plain and simple, wish fulfillment for each other because ever since Yuuji brought back Sukuna, he got what he wanted which was immeasurable strength. He's able to harness cursed energy, to meet and connect with other people and not die alone. Sukuna, on the other hand, gets reincarnated again all because of Yuuji and gets his fair share of fights because of people who jump in to protect Yuuji. Hell, Higuruma gains acknowledgement by Sukuna as someone even stronger than Gojo, a genius.
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And this happens right after Higuruma recalls this:
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It is Yuuji who is changing and molding people's souls and making them appear "appetizing" and even stronger in Sukuna's eyes, giving him what he wishes for.
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And the following after this entire moment where Sukuna confesses the truth, after fighting someone who's a total mirror of him- except to Sukuna he's greedy because he grew lonely and wanted connection (but then again, didn't Sukuna as well because otherwise why split your soul and continue living even if you've had your fill, hm? What motivates you? Aren't you greedy as well, looking for someone?) and right after saying this, guess who's there?
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Like... what else can I say? I can't handle just how well written it all is.
As for Gojo, well-
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All of that which he was supposed to do as "the strongest" comes to fruition only because of Yuuji, Yuuji who willingly went and embraced death even if nothing is his fault. The truth was that- out of all the students Gojo had- Yuuji was the only one who really needed help because he is guided by his selflessness, is constantly taking blame for something which was out of his control. Still, this isn't to prove how weak he is, but quite the opposite, how strong he is. How he pushes people to be better and do what they were supposed to do even before but didn't want to. All of Gojo's students were selfish, after all, but Yuuji isn't. He originally lacks cursed energy, is completely new to this world of jujutsu sorcery and it makes you feel sorry for him, so sorry because he never asked for any of that. All of what's happening to Yuuji, after all, is Sukuna's fault.
Yuuji has this incredible gift- humanizing people with his selflessness. He actively strips down any negative aspect of them, the aspect which belongs to curses, and makes them embrace their humanity. Sukuna, on the other hand, embraces humans and teaches them about being a curse. Yuuji is a perfect human, like Sukuna is a perfect curse and yet both of them are actively rejecting the other side. Yuuji- selfishness and Sukuna- selflessness. And oh, if only these two turned to each other ARGHH
These two that I've put as examples were changed by Yuuji and despite being strong, they were willing to do something that is so opposite to their nature- die for others. Die protecting the weak instead of fighting to appease their egos and again funnily, it is what's happening to Sukuna even if he refuses to acknowledge it. Each step that he takes raises Yuuji up, shows off his strength even if he calls him boring. Each step that Yuuji takes further lessens Sukuna's importance as the King of Curses because he makes him behave like a human even if he discarded his humanity.
Yet both would never acknowledge that. Both would never acknowledge that they're the making and the breaking of one another.
Everyone's fighting to get Sukuna's approval and each of these characters are, in fact, quite strong yet they always die when facing him. Yuuji, on the other hand, doesn't fight his opponents as a way of measuring their strength but instead bares his heart out which in turn leads to his opponents trying to save him, and even if they're quite strong, they always end up dying to protect him.
And don't even get me started on the way they unknowingly care for each other even if they hurt one another.
Sukuna keeps taking people Yuuji is baring his heart out because the truth was they'll never understand him nor his selflessness but would rather weaponize it against him and lead him to death. Megumi is a brilliant example of that because after all, didn't Megumi tell him what he needed to hear instead of fighting him only to bring him out, surpress Sukuna, and leave him to die? Didn't he leave him alone to fight the Finger Bearer? Someone like Yuuji who barely even knows what curses are and couldn't even properly grasp cursed energy? This is why Sukuna rightfully asks him "Back then... why did you run away?" and why he sees him as a perfect vessel.
And then there's Yuuji who's incredibly indifferent to him despite actively sheltering and coddling humans who are more curses than they are humans at the end of the day. Choso, Higuruma, Gojo, name it. All of these characters, despite wearing human faces, are in fact everything that quite literally make a curse until Yuuji swooped in and made them more human, made them more selfless. Made them acknowledge the fact that they care for others.
And yet, when faced with each other, all of what makes them them, it all disappears. The way they show love to others, they don't to each other. Quite literally with them, it is-
You coddle everyone who's actively hurting you but condemn me. You show off your humanity to everyone but me. You want to kill me but want to save them.
You kill everyone except me. You continually praise everyone except me. You want to save me but you kill them.
It's curious really how perfectly built upon they are as opposites and how much they don't want to give to each other what the other one wants so desperately. Brings tears to my eyes, tbh.
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sardonic-the-writer · 10 months
You van now marry me because I am interested in your tf2 headcanons
Tell me more please
so happy someone asked for this. giving your forhead a big fat smooch. also, i would habe included tracker in these, but i feel like that would have been a bit self pretentious
• good artist. has drawn tom jones fanart before
• knows a little bit of french; his mom made him learn. also knows a few french songs because of this
• bisexual but battles with it a lot
• really appreciates his teammates and conciders all of them—except for maybe spy—to be his best friends
• terrified of medical procedures and terrible at hiding it
• brightest blue eyes you've ever seen
• wears underwear with the pattern of the american flag on them
• doesn't know it's not normal to have gay thoughts. literally would kiss a man sloppy style and then not understand why everyones looking at him. probably straight, but makes exceptions
• has had his hands cut off at least five times before. it's getting concerning at this point
• uses asl with their team and teaches those who don't know. they'll still use muffled sounds to communicate though
• has no gender actually. not trans, not cis, but a secret third thing
• aroace! latches so strongly onto platonic relationships though its actually insane
• attends bonfires with enigneer sometimes
• has a pair of onsie pajamas that they wear over their suit to bed at night
• is definitely in love with medic, no doubts to be had
• has a PHD in russian literature! a very smart fella, he just has trouble speaking his mind in english
• gay. so so gay. mlm all day
• the only merc to regularly check out books from teuforts library sans soldier. although he doesn't really check out books, he just yells at the librarian for not carrying sun tzu's the art of war
• sings little songs to sasha in russian
• has scars all over his chest from an accident with a grenade he had as a kid
• sends lots of post cards and souvenirs to his mom when he's on the job. he really loves her
• actually used to style his hair in dreads when he was a little bit younger, but just doesn't have time to do much with his hair anymore
• so casually bisexual; especially considering it's the sixties and seventies. takes interest in both men and women
• best friends with both his and the other teams soldier!
• his camper is such a mess all of the time. only ever cleans if he knows someone's going to be visiting, and even then there's a few stray piss bottles laying around
• plays poker & other card games with scout all the time. when they can't bet money, they'll end up using other things to play, like bullets or stray snacks
• thinks he likes both men and women. tries not to dwell on it too much since he gets anxious about it, but at the end of the day can't deny that he finds men attractive as well
• has a mug that says world's number one best sniper that miss pauling got him
• shortest mercenary r.i.p
• parental figure to pyro
• one of the only good cooks at the base. often ends up making dinner for everyone even if it's someone else's turn to cook that night
• has a prosthetic arm that he built from scratch & spends a lot of his time adding to/upgrading
• probably straight, but the biggest ally you'd ever meet
• genderfluid. has a few lady disguises he's had to use before, and is just as comfortable in them as any other one of his disguises. definitely had gay sex with scouts mom before
• reverts to straight french when he gets irritated or upset
• heavily bisexual and very open about it with any of his partners. a man/womanizer
• the only merc with a sense of fashion to be frank. have you seen everyone else. soldier thinks being naked and covered in honey is the epitome of fashion for fucks sake
• probably knows more about the medical field than any other doctor at the time. is actively dropping some medical talk & procedures that won't even be invented until a few decades later. he's fun like that
• owns one pair of regular clothes. everything else is lab coats and black pants. maybe a turtleneck or two if you're lucky
• super mega über gay for heavy. see what i did there
• also, i'd like to headcanon that he needs glasses because he's nearsighted of all things. it makes performing surgery hard without them
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redactahoe · 11 months
Tank centric shaw pack headcanons
Tw:// this is unorganized brain rot shenanigans, there will be mentions and talk of Quinn, tanks shitty parents, etc. but it will be mostly fluffy shenanigans also mention of my personal tank headcanons, this also is unedited
Tank was and still is freakishly huge (like bigger than David) in wolf form but kinda “tiny” in human form. And this caused a lot of health issues and social issues. But Mr Asher “I befriend everything that breaths” Talbots(is that his last name??) decided at the age of 14 that he was going to befriend the impossible(or that’s how he puts it)
Asher is one of the few people that could touch tank without them flinching
Tank was born half deaf(like they hear next to nothing without hearing aids) and a little blind in the left eye, so b/c of this Asher with the help of David forced ever single pack teen to learn asl(American sign language) so tank could feel included
Tank also didn’t even realize that they were deaf, they thought that everyone heard like them and struggled for the first few years of life to learn how to read lips (they got to learn sign language w/ everyone else :) )
That is until it was Milo that noticed that tank was deaf and brought it up in the next hang out the teens did(tank wasn’t there cause they were taking care of honey they’re baby sib)
Then the word was passed on to Gabe who decided to take tanker to get some hearing aids
Asher likes to greet tanker by shifting and tackling them to the floor
Asher was the one to introduce tank to music and movies and shows when tank got they’re hearing aids at 15
Asher is a very touchy person and (other than Sam) knows that tank is very touch starved and cuddly
B/c of this Asher used to scare the shit out his mom and dad by jump scaring tank
Most of the pack except for Gabe, David, Milo, Marie, Asher, and a few others are afraid of tank b/c of not only their abnormally sized wolf form but also b/c tank was and still is very instincts based person and more animalistic in nature
Despite the fact that Asher is a giant goofball he still very protective of his pack and mate
The most protective of them all goes tank, David, then Asher. Everyone else is normal
Asher had to be physically held back from running down to the d.u.m.p facility that Quinn was in so he wouldn’t tear Quinn apart
The pack didn’t know the full extent of abuse tank went through until after Quinn was arrested and it’s safe to say that a lot of the pack(including our non werewolf members) had some pretty violent thoughts they wanted to enact on Quinn
When Asher’s parents started traveling and his sister moved tank regularly checked up on him b/c they know what it’s like to feel abandoned
Soon after tanks meeting back in daliha, they had a heart to heart with David explaining that Quinn would’ve only attacked the pack if they were “in his way”. And that the only reason tanks friend was attacked was because that friend consistently called Quinn out and tried to keep tank from falling to deep into Quinn’s manipulation. The said something like “ Quinn is a coward, he would never attack Shaw pack without a sure fire way of getting away with it or if he’s was running out of ways to manipulate me and the pack had too many connections for him to do anything that wasn’t a desperate last attempt.” This is really when it clicked for David that tank really knew what they were doing when they kept everyone away. Sure it was self sacrificing at its finest but tank probably didn’t see many other options
This was even more solidified for him when tank was going on for hours trying to get a rise out of Sam and he said that if tank kept “acting”(whatever that meant) they would’ve forced him to “hurt those precious little humans the Shaw pack keeps around”
Out of spite of what Quinn said about darlin being his last sight before death, darlin, David,angel, sam, Milo, sweetheart,Asher, and babe stayed inside and had a sleepover at the pack house and actively avoid Any thing regarding the execution
Around the time tank and babe started getting close(they’re besties b/c I said so) bab started to work for a research facility they focused on bettering vampires lives and was able to get in contact with William and DUMP to start a experiment to see if they could find a way for vampires to be in the sun by using Quinn as experiment fodder
Babe went ask tank for permission and tank asked why keep him alive babe responded with “Quinn has hurt to many people to just simply die, he deserves so much worse, and hey maybe he could be useful for once in his pathetic life :).
Tank obviously agreed because there was just something so ironic about how Quinn’s want for power and eternity(he use to go on and on about how vampires are superior and how powerful and old he was) would be the cause for his suffering
On that same note babe despite being kinda small can be quite scary
I’m gonna end it hear. I’ll make a part two sometime later
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caius-hhhhhh · 3 months
Tumblr media
As promised, I’ve gone and stuck my shelved but still finished chapter of a Blitzstone fic on AO3 because… that’s literally what it’s for. It’s the origin story of how Hearthstone fell to Nidavellir and how Blitzen learned ASL. 5,349 words, originally completed in late December 2023.
Blitzstone nation, my darlings, my dearests: I’m passing through but not super active in your fandom. I hope you like my contribution.
My regular followers, number one you should read Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. But if you haven’t and want to read this anyway? I’ve included a handy summary containing pertinent information below the cut <3
Yes, the name Blitz has some overlap. They have nothing in common. This Blitzen is a dwarf. Dwarves turn to stone when they are exposed to sunlight. This process can be reversed by submerging the statues in water. Their world (one of the nine in Norse mythology) is completely underground. Dwarves are revered for their ability to craft exceptional items. Canon doesn’t expand upon this, so I’ve invented the idea that Svartalves (singular Svartalf, it means “dark elf”. Yes, this character is Black. Yes, that’s jank as hell.) are a different race of dwarves with a distinct culture from Nidavellir dwarves. “Svartalf Mart” is a canon location, but I’m not actually sure if the equivalent is supposed to be “Asian Market” or “Human Store”.
Midgard is the world of humans. Most Norse creatures can travel between the nine worlds, although such travel is not always advisable.
Elves are creatures of light. Their world, Alfheim, is made of sunlight; because Frey is the patron god of Alfheim they have safe haven in his sister Freya’s world, Folkvanger.
This is not revealed in my work: Hearthstone has been severely abused by his family. They have shamed him for being Deaf, refused to learn ASL, and made him believe that his basic wants and needs like food and shelter were transactional. There is a moment in my fic where Hearthstone is given some coffee — he has never been given that privilege before. Luckily canon goes about showing this in a really hyperbolic manner that, to me at least, avoided being triggering by being so exaggeratedly Evil. (If you’re interested in reading MCGA but this subject is difficult for you, please, DM me: I’ll provide you with more detail and context. I did not find it hard to read, but you may.)
Near the end of the fic, Blitzen references Gleipnir: this is the divine rope that binds Loki’s son Fenris Wolf, who will swallow the moon at Ragnarok. His confinement is essential to preventing the worlds’ destruction.
If I’ve done my job correctly you should be able to intuit the majority of other information from either the work itself or your likely knowledge of Tolkien. (I, actually, had to get a lecture from my close associate SpaceWall as I don’t read LOTR.) Although it’s safe to bet that if you don’t know what a word is referring to, it’s more likely a reference to fibre arts.
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Why does Steven sign to Earl? Can she not hear? Or is it just something special he does to make her feel more comfortable?
People use languages like this all the time. It's not special, it's just a part of multilingual communication. I use Russian to speak to my mother pretty frequently, despite the fact that she can understand English perfectly well. Earl and Steven learned ASL together, and despite neither of them being full on native signers, it's an important part of their home life.
Plus, using any language you know is an important part of keeping it active in your memory. If you never bother to speak spanish in spanish classes, you won't actually learn the language as well as someone who does, even if your classmates and teacher can understand English just fine.
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