#and the video is really haunting
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findjackwalten · 3 months ago
Findjackwalten update 2/12/24
im kind of late to this since im busy with college whoops but i'll do my best to make a hopefully chronogical log of the things that changed since it updated a lot on some of the same paged
the main page of Findjackwalten was updated first, containing this image:
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then, it changed to this image:
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(that's rosemary on the right teehee)
then, another valentines day card:
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they seem like an apt comparison to jack and rose. I wonder though if they're symbolic objects or real things that existed at a certain point.
then, the main page updated to look like what seems to be a blank image:
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if you adjust it, you get this:
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someone familiar in wonderland. It's rose, probably wearing a sheep/sha mask simmilar to susan wearing a bunny/banny mask in wonderland.
and now the largest part of this update:
/missing updated to showcase a new video. It's still up, for now, but Brightoncast has also uploaded the video in its entirety on youtube, which i will link here for easy viewing.
It intially showcases a cartoon lamb with a censor bar over part of it's body, playing Paula Clarke's 'Downtown' in it's entirety (thanks to @butchsophiewalten for finding it) even as the audio begins to distort and elongate- the image of the lamb becoming a gorey snap of a scene (i'm entirely unable to tell what's happening, really, it's very unclear other than blood and a few colours). eventually garbled speech and noise begins to play. The speech seems as though it's coming through a phone reciever, but this could be a quirk of the directing choice.
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It's frantic, almost illegible through the peaking microphone and sing-songey manner in which some of it is delivered. at 2:27 i can clearly make out the person singing the nursery rhyme 'it's raining it's pouring'. they seem to continue it for a few lines even with the abrupt halt in the audio. after that, at 2:49, a sentance which is mostly garbled seems to pause and then call out a name. maybe it sounds like '...rosie?' or '...sophie?'. the general theme of this update surrounds Rosemary so im more willing to say it sounds like 'Rosie'.
after some more audio, the screen shifts into a distorted image of Rosemary's face.
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the final update that happened was the main page changing again, to a different white image this time.
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when adjusted, it looks like this:
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which has been said to be "Bon" by Eva, one of the cast members and his VA.
this is the current state of the main page up to this day.
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ronanlynchbf · 2 years ago
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spiderfroggo · 2 months ago
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another saw doodle dump!!
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mgu-h · 2 months ago
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Lando Review 62/? • May 2021 • Training Like Lando
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potatobugz · 1 year ago
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frobby · 6 months ago
rin 1000000% has a list somewhere of things hes good at that yukio is bad at
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totheidiot · 2 months ago
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valewritessss · 7 months ago
You know what I find so funny? That I’ve come across a lot of people on TikTok that have something against this one account that posts pjo content. I do too, I mean I got into an argument with them because they kept saying percabeth is strained because annabeth made Percy feel suicidal. And I ended up blocking them because they made a story saying that percabeth shippers need to calm down in their comment section because we’re crazy or something like that. And I just wanted to scream like this isn’t because you don’t ship percabeth, it’s because you constantly bash annabeth, unintentionally but prominently make Percy this stupid victim that can’t feel for himself, and think pereyna and Perachel had better development (not to bash pereyna or Perachel shippers, but in canon, this is just obviously not true). And I thought I was the only one who had something against this person but now people are speaking up about it I guess and I think it’s so funny because I’ve BEEN having problems with them.
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nepenthes-maxima · 1 year ago
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tomaturtles · 10 months ago
The smile when you tore me apart
A little AMV for Kawoshin Week Day 2 - Anime! Song is Angels by Within Temptation 🧡💙
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doodlingwren · 8 months ago
If only the original Saint Seiya anime was a 2014-2018 anime series instead of being aired in the 80s-90s, I can only imagine the sheer amount of animation memes that could have been done. Some of the characters are just so perfect for those, like, if this was a more animation-oriented fandom this would totally be a thing.
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serenhob · 2 months ago
I feel like I should be original but my friend sent me more things she found funny for me to Journey to the westify
Here they are
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I'm thinking Sun Wukong vs the bureaucracy of heaven
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No idea but I love this image
And finally
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Sun Wukong bullying Zhu Bajie (affectionately..maybe)
Also before I forget my friend made me and my friend vote on what we would rather eat and to begin it was meat or spaghetti but after further prompting she said 'congealed meat slop or dry raw pasta' there's a right answer and that is not the one she chose.
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chiropteracupola · 5 months ago
Bling and face for kate haunted by your hand?
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kate! kate! kate!
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
no jewelry for her! all her flash is in her clothing and pistols, and she rather regards the various trinkets she steals off travelers as more prominently a form of money than one of personal adornment. wearing earrings would feel about the same as wearing coins on her ears — she could be buying clothes with that! or wine!
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
kate is sharp — a pointed face, a pointed smile, a pointed stare. in keeping with the rest of her, she's all straight lines and bony features face-wise, and is not at all good at any other expression than 'very obviously up to something.'
more physically, the way she wears her hair usually draws people toward interpreting her as 'woman in man's clothes' on first sight. she resents this but not enough to cut her hair or even tuck it into her clothing or hat.
before her death, she has acne scarring on parts of her face, as well as her chest and shoulders, but this, as well as her freckles and her original hazel eye color, doesn't transfer over to her ghost appearance. she's more a glow in the air with dubious intentions than a person with dubious intentions, now.
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thissying · 4 months ago
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thefirstknife · 2 years ago
Some important stuff in regards to the harassment of developers came from Bungie today. They won a lawsuit against a guy who repeatedly harassed a community manager and his family (not fully confirmed in the official document, but people are fairly certain this is about A_dmg and his family). This is a twitter thread from the lawyer who went into some details about the situation. The court document is also available to read (featuring some of the horrific harassment tactics that were motivated by racism and also used racism as part of the harassment so be advised if you want to read).
This isn't just a win for the individual community manager and Bungie, but also has potential to set a bigger precedent in the future. It's basically the first time this has been done to this extent and some ruling in this case made it clear that companies can pursue this sort of legal action in the future if their employees are harassed and threatened. This is HUGE because the protection of employees in the gaming industry has been abysmal otherwise. This case will allow for the company to file a lawsuit on behalf of their employees in cases of harassment.
Before I add some of the more heinous stuff about this situation below, I want to say that the majority of reactions to this are positive. People are happy that this happened as it did and a lot of people are excited about potential big influence this will have in the future to combatting harassment of this type in the gaming industry.
Extra details and thoughts below (racism tw):
This started because the community manager highlighted a black content creator, Uhmayyze, who is himself a victim of harassment more often than not (usually of racist nature). He is most often harassed because he is unapologetically positive for which people have continuously sent him awful shit and comments. Because he enjoys the game and isn't jumping on the hate train. Just recently he commended Bungie for a ban wave and had hundreds of people hound him on twitter for his comment, including Gladd who started it by specifically replying to Uhmayyze and putting him on blast (warning for a lot of gross comments, including photoshopped screenshots of fake discord texts to make Uhmayyze look bigoted, nsfw images, r slur, suicide baiting and so on). This is important because the incident of real life harassment was fuelled over a community manager highlighting a content creator that is himself being harassed and despised online for the crime of... being positive. And you know, for being black. This situation isn't an isolated incident. The community, including other content creators, are absolutely horrible towards this one person that they feel, I guess, does not follow the content creator NPC questline of hating Bungie and Destiny.
So of course, at some point, someone from that crowd will feel confident and justified taking things further. How dare Bungie promote this person they hate. How dare they focus on a positive creator. They're clearly biased and don't want to listen to criticism, only to "toxic positivity" streamer. How dare a community manager highlight this creator. It's a personal slight to them, and "proof" that Bungie is bad and evil and "ignoring criticism." There's someone out there (and probably not the only one) that hates this creator and the game so much they were willing to harass and threaten a community manager and his family in real life.
The community manager was first harassed by phone with text messages and voice mails featuring racist bile, including apparently a voice mail telling him to "convince Bungie to create options in its game in which only persons of color would be killed." This is the worst part for me and super concerning in general, as well as showing the dedication of this person to racism, motivated by his hatred of a black creator (which also, by proxy, technically makes the streamer being harassed as well). Absolutely ghoulish behaviour.
This escalated to also harassing the CM's wife and resulted in doxing them; the harasser somehow found their address. Most of the reports on this will say that the asshole "sent them pizza" which doesn't truly capture how horrific the incident was. First, it's a random guy who has your address which is concerning enough given that he harasses you by phone already. Apparently the pizza was made to be "inedible" and the delivery was instructed to bang loudly on the door upon arrival to maximise discomfort. The order was also deliberately made to be paid on delivery to create as much pain for the victims as possible. The harasser also kept track of the delivery and then called the family again when it was done to tell them to "enjoy the pizza." The family immediately contacted Bungie who contacted the police and provided the family with protection. There's no telling how this would've escalated had they not been in the position to call Bungie and had Bungie not reacted to them asking for help. It's absolutely crucial here that Bungie is the type of a company willing to immediately assist in this situation.
Immediately following that, Bungie organised a long and expensive manhunt to identify the harasser and bring them court. That's where most of the expenses went; finding the culprit and protecting the employee and his family. This is the money Bungie earned back by this court decision because they could prove that the expenses were caused by a person harassing and threatening their employee.
This is a big win overall for the whole industry. It's Bungie setting a precedent on how a company should protect its employees. No matter what people think about Bungie or big corporations or whatever, this is how you can use a lot of money and power to make sure that your workers have rights to decency and safety. That's huge for the rights of workers and worker protections. I hope it becomes a standard and that any future harassment is prevented altogether or at least punished accordingly.
Naturally, the commentary on the news from a big part of the community is super positive. Unfortunately, there's also a part of the community that has a lot of really awful shit to say about this. The comments on twitter are littered with people who are using THIS specific moment to yell about Bungie being a greedy corporation, how the money they won should be used to "fix the servers" and "make more pvp maps" or how Bungie will greedily put this money "into Eververse" or "into Marathon." There's comments about how time was uselessly spent protecting an employee who should expect harassment anyway, instead of working on "fixing the game."
This is what I mean when I talk about how impossible it is in the current situation to have a meaningful discussion about any sort of criticism or feedback. There's thousands of comments from people who think that this specific instance shows how Bungie is greedy. This is what I mean when I say that none of these people actually understand what they're talking about. You can't make proper criticism when you can't separate game development with a company's legal effort to stop an escalating harassment campaign of an employee. The majority of gamers are simply not fit to offer any criticism or feedback. The idea that we all have something useful to say and that employees at Bungie are obliged to give us their time of the day is simply incorrect.
I genuinely 100% stand by the claim that the recent barrage of content creators promoting the idea that Bungie is "the greediest company in the world that's scamming players and increasing costs out of greed" as well as the idea that Bungie is "abandoning Destiny for Marathon, isn't working on the game anymore and is deliberately ruining it" is the reason for these comments existing. If a big streamer said that Bungie is getting too much money but also not doing anything "good" with it, then any money that Bungie receives (including compensation for expenses they took to protect an employee from active harm) is a result of greed. The nuance of any situation is lost; when you only learn the mantra of "company has money therefore company bad" you WILL end up causing harm for people and you will most definitely not be an advocate of workers rights. That's where we're at right now.
The dehumanisation of people who work at Bungie (and the harassment itself) is a consequence of this crap and other similar crap that's been thrown into the ether for the past year, disguised as "we're just offering feedback." People heard that Bungie is a "microtransaction hell" and that Bungie is only investing in Eververse and Marathon and they feel like this story reflects that; they feel like an employee being harassed is not deserving of proper condemnation and that this isn't important enough and that Bungie is a greedy corpo anyway so who cares about that. They do not understand how companies work, how games are made, the state of the industry as a whole (or the world as a whole), the treatment of employees or workers' rights, and you cannot meaningfully critique a company's business practices without understanding that. And they don't because they think that legal expenses used to protect victims, finding a culprit and bringing their ass to court is money that is being used for game development and that Bungie receiving this money should result in... new pvp maps or "fixed servers."
And there's even seemingly good commentary where people recognise how this is good, but they initiate the comment with "As much as I hate Bungie and Destiny and I think they're awful and greedy and destroying gaming as a whole..." : that's not the time and place. You don't have to excuse your support of a big win for potential new employee protection policies just because those policies are done by a company. Of course it is. Companies are the only ones capable of pursuing this sort of legal action. It's one good way a big company can put their power and money into a good place to actually help people and bring forth positive change. And like, you don't have to tell us how much you despise Bungie before you're "allowed" to admit that this is good news. Sometimes companies do good stuff. It's literally not that complicated.
I hope that this situation will help other employees demand the same protection, that other companies will follow suit and that this will also make potential other harassers rethink whether or not they will engage in this or similar type of behaviour. In the meantime, know that the community is largely positive about this, but that there are still absolutely detestable human beings who should feel ashamed of their reaction to this. They shouldn't feel welcome here. And there's still people doing this to the devs and I hope Bungie takes their asses to court too.
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valewritessss · 5 months ago
Raise your hand if you had a pjo edit account that you rarely used but deleted it out of anxiety from not posting and out of fear that someone from school would find it
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