#tell me what things YOU think that rin okumura is good at that yukio okumura isnt
frobby · 24 days
rin 1000000% has a list somewhere of things hes good at that yukio is bad at
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Please may I have a Blue exorcist scenario of when Yukio completely overworked himself to submission to the point of being ill..and Rin ended up having to ring you (Yukio's girlfriend, she is a higher class exorcist and she is a skilled medic in her own right and she is Yukio's childhood friend and Rin's and she is a younger twin sister to big sis Yuki whose homemade inventions caused harm sometimes and she is the sensible one) to sort out your stubborn boyfriend..you had been teaching your students how to heal a broken arm when Rin called you and said that something was wrong with Yukio and he wouldn't listen to him..you went over to the place that the Okumura twins were at almost instantly. You were incredibly stern when you told Yukio to go home and rest..and Yukio was greatly reluctant to obey and totally insisted that he was fine and you and Rin thought so otherwise..Yukio's pale face, dark circles and unsteady breathing was not yours or Rin's definition of fine. Yukio evidently had to obey when you told him to go back to the dorms and rest in a "do what I say or else" tone when you felt his temperature and knew that it was high..
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the scenario!
Fandom: Blue Exorcist
Character: Yukio Okumura x gn! Reader
Word Count: 0.8k (816 words)
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Yukio is overworking himself again, this time to the point of getting sick. When you're called in, will you be able to convince him to take a break?
“He’s not listening to me. Or anyone else for that matter. If he keeps this up, he’s going to make himself even more sick than he already is.”
You sighed. Rin was clearly frustrated and you could hear people arguing in the background. You could also hear Yukio arguing in return. Even through the phone, he sounded weak.
“Look, I’m in class at the moment but as soon as I finish, I’ll come over and make sure he gets some rest.”
Rin made a sound of agreement and hung up. You lowered the phone from your ear with a sigh. Of course your boyfriend was overworking himself to the point of being sick again. You returned to your classroom. “Sorry everyone, back to the lesson.”
As soon as the bell rang, you were gathering your things and marching down the hallway to the room you knew Yukio had been teaching in. As you approached, the door opened and Rin stepped out. As soon as he saw you, his irritated expression cleared.
“Thank goodness you’re here. I can’t deal with that four-eyed, mole-faced idiot any more.”
“How is he?”
Rin sighed. “He’s been better. I think if he keeps working, he’s going to actually make himself sick this time.”
“I’ll make sure he gets some rest.”
You walked past Rin and into the room. Yukio was sitting at his desk, papers spread across its surface. He had bags under his eyes and you wondered when it was that he last slept.
The rest of his students were still seated at their desks, paused in the process of packing away their equipment. They were all staring at you, waiting to see what you did. You knew them well enough to be familiar with their names but you knew Yukio was closer with them.
Yukio finally looked up from his work, his eyes drifting across to you. Even from a distance, you could see it took him a moment to focus on you. “Hey.”
“Don’t you ‘hey’ me mister.” You kept your tone firm.
From behind you, you heard Rin snickering. “Ooh, they're using the teacher voice.”
“Up you get Yukio. You’re going home to rest.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you saw a change come over your boyfriend’s face. You recognised that look. It was the one that told you Yukio was about to dig his heels in and do everything except what you wanted him to do.
“I’ve got work to do. You know what it’s like teaching. If I fall behind now, it’s going to be worse later.”
“And it’s because I know the situation you’re in that I’m here to tell you to go home and rest. You’re going to make yourself sick at this rate.”
Yukio opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a cough that made its way unbidden from his mouth. You stared at each other for a moment, Yukio’s eyes struggling to hide the guilt in them, yours widening in disbelief.
“You’re already sick.” Your voice was soft but firm.
Yukio was already shaking his head. “A bit of saliva went the wrong way, it’s nothing.”
But he wasn’t going to dissuade you. You were already striding across the room towards him, placing a hand on his forehead when you reached him before he could protest.
 He was burning up.
“You’re going home. Now.”
Yukio sighed. “Fine. But I’m taking my work with me.”
You nodded. “Sure.” He could take his work with him, but that didn’t mean you were going to let him keep working when you got him back to his room. Your boyfriend needed rest.
As you guided him out of the classroom, you turned back to his class. “Sorry everyone. Mr Okumura needs to take the rest of the day off. I’ll organise a substitute for you.”
Various replies drifted back to you as you passed Rin who was still standing in the doorway.
“Thanks for getting him to listen.” You could see the gratitude on Rin’s face. As much as the twins fought, you knew they cared about each other deeply.
“All good. I care about this idiot too. Next time though, call me before it gets to this stage.”
Rin nodded, reentering the classroom and pulling the door shut behind him.
As you walked down the hallway, you could feel Yukio’s gaze on you.
“Sorry. I know you worry when I overwork myself.”
You shrugged. “It’s okay. I do worry but I know it’s a habit of yours and habits are hard to break. Let me know next time your workload builds up again. I’ll give you a hand.”
A soft smile spread across Yukio’s face. “Okay, I will. Thank you.”
You smiled back at him. You’d take on as much of his workload as needed if it meant your perpetually stressed out boyfriend got some much needed rest.
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weirdxstarseed · 1 year
imagine rin being your childhood friend
content: fluff, friends, childhood friends, kids, family friendly, y/n best friend of rin | warnings: none¡!
ok, the story of how you and rin started your friendship was quite funny
it was a quiet afternoon in the kindergarten
all the babies and kids were sleeping except for one kiddo who was playing around in the backyard
this blue-haired boy was having a good time just running and jumping through the games
his little brother was sleeping
so he didn’t need to worry if a dumbass was bothering him
but a silent cry suddenly appeared in his small ears
he went near the sound and watched how a little girl was crying in the sledge
he was hesitant thinking if it was a good idea to go and talk with the crying girl
being a rude kid sometimes made him a bad background and he didn’t need more problems
the girl (y/c/h) watched how the boy was staring at her, causing her to subtly furrow her brows.
“what do you want?” y/n asked with an angry tone in her cute voice.
the boy blinked a little confused, he decided to come down from the place he was and moved closer to this petite girl.
“oh, you’re too little” was the only thing, he said, provoking a mad reaction in y/n.
“shut up, idiot” she defended herself, standing up from the sled, rubbing her eyes annoyed.
“h-hey!! why are you too rude with me?” he yelled bothered by the attitude of her.
“cuz you were staring at me when i was crying, and also you called me little!!” she yelled too.
“b-but…you’re little” he mumble really confused.
y/n started to walk to another place in the backyard when rin took her arm so delicated, surprising the petite kiddo.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you angry, amm…can we started again?” he said with a big smile showing his canines.
y/n watched him. she was amazed by his smile and for an instance her little heart jumped. she nod in response and stared him, attentive.
“my name is okumura rin, what’s your name?”
“my name is y/n” you replied, freeing your arm of the little hands of rin.
he continue smiling at you and approaching to your ear, he asked “why were you crying?”
y/n heart beat once more, not for the question or the action of the boy, the gesture of asking her like a secret they both shared was warmful for her, something that in the future she’ll appreciate it.
the petite girl breath heavily and started telling him that some girls were being rude with her also as boys and she couldn’t defend herself properly cuz a teacher was near her.
rin opened big his eyes, surprised by her confession and after finish hearing it, he took his hand nicely.
“i’m going to protected you, y/n. you don’t need to be angry or scared anymore”
y/n's teary eyes immediately disappeared at those words and an unexpected smile appeared on her face.
rin smiled her too feeling his chest warm and also, being surprised by his own little heart who was jumping of hapiness.
since that day, no one was near you (in a bad way ofc)
rin always protected you from the guys and also you defended the twins of everything, sometimes rin and you complained with others kids to protect yukio.
the three of you were inseparable.
you always played in the park in the afternoons
sometimes you went to the house of rin and being the only girl around many men, you were treated like a princess
another times you fell asleep in his house watching cartoons, this closeness started to reach yukio cuz
you started play with him and encouraged him to be a doctor
with rin, you both started to talked about how could rin would be an amazing chef having and that he could have an exhuberant restaurant
you know, that kind of dreams that kids have!
being childhood friends with rin means: fun adventures in every place, a lot of laughs about mischiveous jokes but also a feeling of belonging a family <3
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writing-mlm · 3 years
late night snacks
Rin Okumura x Male reader
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word count: 1k
warning: a kiss and like a single curse
      Things at True Cross Academy had finally started to settle down, buildings were restored to their former glory and people stopped looking over their shoulders so much to where sleeping was something almost foreign. But it was also exam season and the amount of studying you had to do was pulling you in every possible direction, with regular class studies, exorcist studies and your part-time job you barely had any time to yourself. 
    Which, coincidentally also meant you had little time to freely speak to your boyfriend. The only time you did have was passing in the hallways and sometimes during cram school ever since Yukio had placed him in the back for being a distraction.  And with Rin he hates not being able to do what he wanted, he would plead for hours to come to your dorm house or your study group whenever he could but to no avail. 
    You could tell he was pretty hurt by it, he must’ve assumed it was because of his whole being Satan’s son and all- which it wasn’t. In no way were you afraid of Rin, the same boy who tried to carry you to the infirmary when you fell off of a desk wouldn’t even think to hurt someone he cared about. So you decided to make it up to him by making him something. 
     It didn’t take long to figure something out, he loved food and you could bake well- your mother was the only person who had ever tasted your baking before so you held her praise lightly. You decided on cookies, some you could make a lot and have them be totally different within a somewhat short amount of time. Plus they were easy to munch on. 
    “Thank you so much, Bon! I didn’t expect to get so much,” You chuckled as he set the last of the grocery bags on your bed and huffed. 
       “I dunno why you’re trying this hard, Okumura is just being a baby. Get him a rock and he’d be happy.” While you had dumped the contents of the bag onto your bed, you stopped and turned to him with a slight glare. 
       “I like rocks- Rin gives me some all the time! Even Kon and Shiemi!” To prove your point, you gestured to the shelf of rocks (and some shells) behind him. He paused and turned back to you, almost disappointed that you’d be won over by minerals. But he left it there and the room, the door silently shut behind him left you to your thoughts and copious amounts of cookie making supplies. 
     Almost three hours later and you were finished with the baking and presentation for the cookies, there were around a dozen different types of cookies laid out on the platter. Your favorite being the dinosaur shaped ones. 
    It was around nine, so Rin would be at his dorm within the next hour so you had time to do some last minute preparations like wash the dishes and make the ice cream sandwiches you said you would only make if you had the time. But as soon as you turned around to face the sink you heard the laughter that could only belong to one boy. 
     “(Y/n)! Woah- look at that!” He shouted, having noticed the kitchen light was on and the smell coming from the back. It didn’t take long before he parted from his brother and entered the kitchen, his tail rapidly moving behind his back. 
         “Hello, my dove,” You smiled, although you were nervous beyond belief. There was still so much to do and you hadn’t even tasted the final project- what if the cookies tasted horrible or they were undercooked or worse, overcooked. You didn’t want to make scones! 
       “Did you make these?” He asked as he dipped his finger into the batter bowl and shoved some raw dough into his mouth. 
      “Uh- yeah, I wanted to just apologize for not spending time with you recently,” There was something about the way his eyes lit up and the way he smiled that made you forget about your worries. The pit in your stomach filled with butterflies as he scooped up a cookie and scarfed it down without a second thought. 
    “This is so good!” His eyes lit up as he wiped the crumbs from the corner of his mouth.  
        “Thanks… ah well, eat up, Rin!” You said as you moved away from him and grabbed the ice cream in an attempt to hide whatever expression you were making since you were sure it was nothing short of embarrassing. 
          “You never told me you were such a good cook, (y/n)!” 
       “I bake for fun, it’s nothing big,” You quickly dismissed and set down the vanilla ice cream before doing your best to leave the kitchen without bypassing Rin who had gone back to eating as many cookies as he could without choking. 
         “My stomach says otherwise.” It didn’t take much for him to grab your hand and pull you close, his tail wrapped around you for good measure. 
         “Rin, it’s nothing really. Plus I’m super tired, I should get back…” As you spoke, you tried to unravel his tail from around you and leave, the butterflies in your stomach did nothing but fly around faster. 
    “Okay, but you should have some. It would be a waste for you to not have some,” 
    “Fine, but then I have to go,” While you were getting situated to standing on your own again, Rin was getting a lunch box for the cookies. 
       “I was thinking-“ He slowly spoke as he closed the lid to the box. “We could have a picnic, with your baking skills snacks will be like- a thousand times better!” 
     “It’s not that good, Rin, please,” By the time he had finished you had slipped your jacket on and grabbed your phone from one of the kitchen tables. 
       “It’s amazing,” He whispered as he placed the box in your hand and kissed your cheek. 
     “I- uh-“ You blinked, unable to find what you were going to say and he laughed before walking you out of the dorms. 
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
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flying pigs
yukio okumura x gn!reader
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day 5: pumpkin patch
word count: 1.4k
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬; 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟒 - 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭; 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟔
[a/n: I’m sorry this was posted so late, but here is day 5! I know he’s not a very popular character but I absolutely adore him, he’s so adorable and ugh his two little moles are so so cute 🥺 enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy ]
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The soft sunlight coming in through the blinds made Yukio squint, his hand coming up to rub the tiredness from his eyes. At his subtle movement, he felt you move around just a bit before snuggling back into his chest.
“Good Morning.” He chuckled softly, a smile growing on his lips when you hadn’t responded. He could tell that you were awake, your chest was rising and falling at a normal rate. He could also feel you smiling against his bare chest. “I said good morning, sleepyhead.” He whispered in your ear, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine but you still hadn’t responded. “I can play games too, my love.”
Before you could even think of responding, he had flipped the two of you over and was hovering over you. A satisfied smile on his lips as he stared into your wide eyes. Your eyes squeezed shut once more as he leaned down and pressed feather-light kisses all over your face and down your neck.
“Y-Yuki s-stop!” You wheezed as he started to tickle your sides. “Yukio!” Your laughter and his stirred the quiet air as he continued his merciless assault on your sides before finally letting up and collapsing onto the bed besides you.
Lying on his side he reached out and cupped your cheek to turn your head towards him. “Good morning baby.”
“Morning Yuki.” You leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
“We should start getting ready.” Yukio smiled against your lips before pecking them once more before the both of you finally got up from bed.
See, Shiro and the others at the church wanted to do a pumpkin patch on the grounds this year and he thought it’d also be a great way to meet his son’s fiance. You had never met Father Fujimoto before and while you knew he wasn’t Yukio’s birth father, he was a father to him all the same so to say you were nervous would be a gross understatement. Your hands wouldn’t stop shaking as you got ready. It wasn’t until you were struggling to get a bead of toothpaste on the brush that Yukio took notice of your nerves. He knew you were nervous, and so was he but he was also sure that they would absolutely love you.
Rin definitely did.
You got on with his twin quite well, which was both a blessing and a curse. Rin definitely bought out your mischievous side. Not that Yukio minded, that’s why he fell in love with you. You were silly and playful but serious when needed. You balanced him out. However, Rin was the gunpowder that always set you off and as much as he adored the fact that you got along with his, slightly, older brother...he wasn’t fond of the pranks that you both pulled. That’s when he was especially thankful for Shiemi who would, more often than not, calm Rin down with something as simple as a kiss.
Wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. “Relax (y/n), they’ll love you. I promise. And even if they didn’t, that would change absolutely nothing.”
“But there’s a chance that they’ll hate me.”
“Sure, if we see a flying pig today then there’ll definitely be a chance that they will absolutely hate you.” That was slightly comforting because the chances of seeing an actual flying pig were very slim but there was still a chance.
Finally leaving, it was a slightly tense drive to the church but it went by in the blink of an eye. There were a few kids running around and playing in the hay and parents picking out the perfect sized pumpkins to carve.
Yukio’s hand slipped into yours, fingers interlacing as the both of you walked around in search of Father Fujimoto. As you both approached a rather large wall of hay, there was something that made you stop dead in your tracks and tug on Yukio’s hand rather harshly.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“I-It’s….oh god….p-pig!” You panicked, stomach churning. Yukio was ready to brush it off and tell you that you were seeing things but he couldn’t.
There was a pig.
It wasn’t really flying? It was...hovering, which was slightly worse, over the huge wall of hay.
“What the-?” Yukio’s jaw dropped.
“Rin! Put that poor pig down! You’re going to drop it!”
Then came Rin’s ridiculous laugh before the pig disappeared. Both of you rushed your way around the corner and, sure enough, there was Rin with the little pig in his arms.
“Oh come on, old man, he’s fine!” The older twin turned the pig to face him. “Aren’t you, little guy?” He cooed as the pig seemed to squeal in agreement.
“Just put him back!” Father Fujimoto hissed and smacked Rin upside the head.
Rin leaned down and placed the pig back into the ‘petting zoo’ pen. Rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head before he caught sight of the both of you. “(Y/n)! Yukio!” He screeched in delight before running over and throwing his arms around the both of you. You chuckled at his enthusiasm and tried to hug him back as best he could.
As both of you greeted Rin, Fujimoto watched. He watched the way Yukio’s eyes practically glistened as he watched you engage a very excited Rin in conversation. He was looking at you as if you hung the moon and all its stars in the sky. His heart warmed at the sight.
“Oi Yukio! Aren’t you gonna introduce me to your fiance?”
“Oh right.” Yukio grinned. “Dad this is (y/n). (Y/n), this is my dad, Shiro.”
You gulped nervously. “It’s very nice to meet you Father Fujimoto.” You bowed before holding your hand out to shake his. He frowned. Your stomach dropped as a million thoughts raced in your mind. ‘Should you not have called him Father Fuimoto? Did he hate you already? Did he-”
“Oh there’s none of that, come here.” He gently pushed your hand away and pulled you into a hug, one that you gladly reciprocated as relief flooded your body. He then pulled away and held you at arms length and looked you over. “You're stunning...are you sure you wanna marry Yukio?” He was just teasing as his tone was playful and before Yukio could say anything witty back, a look of confidence and determination took over your features.
“Of course I want to marry Yukio. I love him with my entire being...he-he means the world to me.” Hearing the sheer certainness in your voice, Yukio swore that his heart would burst right then and there.
“Well then,” Fujimoto started to tear up a bit. “I’m glad Yukio found someone that loves him so much.” He squeezed your shoulders gently. “I hope you two are staying for dinner, we have much to celebrate.”
Before either of you could question why, Shiemi called out a greeting to you guys before coming over and sharing the news. Yukio was speechless as he saw Shiemi show off her engagement ring as you were now just noticing that Rin was also wearing one.
“Now go enjoy the pumpkin patch, we have some delicious candy apples over there.”
As the night went on, you and Yukio had gotten lost in the corn maze and played a few fun games before heading inside to eat some of Rin’s delicious cooking. Now you were all around the fireplace as Shiro shared embarrassing stories and baby photos of the twins who both had a permanent blush on their faces as they watched you and Shiemi coo at how cute they were.
“-and he would just cry and cry until rin came over and helped him out.” Shiro cackled as he recounted one of the many times baby Yukio cried because of a scraped knee or because a kid made fun of his moles.
“Dad…” Yukio groaned and hid his face in his hands before he felt you gently grip his wrists and move his hands away.
“I think your moles are adorable Yuki.” You leaned forward and placed a kiss on the moles that were just underneath his eye, your nose bumping the rim of his glasses in the process.
“I know baby, that’s why I love you.” He blushed even harder, heat basically radiating from his cheeks as he leaned forward to give you a proper kiss.
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𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 (open): @soul-of-rwby @randomesk-yuku @angeltsukkis
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Headcanon: Omegaverse
Warning: little language and sexual moments
Problem: I don't push others away and label genders, I hate it. This is for any and all to read not just fem readers.
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Rin x Reader 🔖
🔖Rin as a omega just think about it, soooo kawaii 😍
🔖But seriously he'll try and keep his second gender a secret, he doesn't want to be looked down on by anyone.
🔖You can't tell me otherwise!
🔖But when he met you his omega senses clicked right in. Your strong, brave, a little mean but also bit of a temper bitch.
🔖But perfect
🔖Taking suppressments, acting all high and mighty not letting anyone press him down
🔖Being a fake alpha
🔖Your alpha like status made your profile shine, not just that your one hell of a knight and tamer. Best in the class
🔖He wanted you to take him as your mate then and there. But he had to ignore his instincts and use his head.
🔖What made things difficult was his doubts and uncertaint thoughts. That wasn't all that held him back you both had things to do, important things to focus on and dreams to achieve.
🔖Fuck no! That's not what holds him back!
🔖Your freaking last name is holding him back!!!
🔖Pheles, bloody hell you had to be the clown's kid.
🔖He wanted nothing to do with Mephisto anymore the clown was enough, but you were nothing like that guy completely different that what he fell for
🔖Your personality, the way you are, he didn't just desire your body for sexual use or his heat. He wanted you as a person to love and care for, making you happy is all he wants.
🔖But it'll never happen. His a demon and his afraid to tell you that.
🔖Later on something kept running on his mind, if your Mephisto's kid and his a demon are you one two
🔖Have he not seen it or something?
🔖So he went straight to the source and ask Mephisto himself it was irritating talking to the clown but what piss him off more was that Mephisto answered him with a question
🔖"Why is it that you wanna know?. Mr okumura."
🔖"Come on man just tell me, stop beating around the bushes and tell me!"
🔖"So rude. Yes (Y/n) is indeed blood related to me, so what do you think?"
🔖He was lost for words he was happy and worried at the same time.
🔖Could you be together if you know about him
🔖Your already great friends have a lot of fun together enjoying time doing stupid shit when you two are chilling together both your IQ's drops to one, but being near one and other just felt right to him.
🔖Finally working up the courage to ask you out.
🔖This guy went all out! brought roses dressed in the nicest hoodie he owns did his hair even wrote a speech that took a week to finish
🔖It all flopped, he got nervous suttering not making sense at all, the words that left his mouth came out as wrong as if his chatterbox broke. His palms all sweaty smudging the ink on them making it hard to tell what he wrote.
🔖You just stood there with a smirk trying not to burst into laughter, the second he came to you with roses dress like a slop you already know that he wants to ask you out.
🔖You just sat back enjoying the show.
🔖It was cute, but started getting annoying.
🔖You had to sush him placing your hands on his cheeks, "it's okay chill, Rin. Yes I will go out with you." Those few words made him the happiest omega alive, he couldn't ask for more. Maybe ask your dad to fuck off cause Mephisto was peaking his out from a corner behind you.
🔖But his happy.
🔖When you two started dating it was a little confusing all the couple stuff not knowing what to do or what's right or wrong, what your partner wants or likes.
🔖You where all cool and relax about it figuring things out along the way... on the other hand Rin was dumb as fuck, he didn't know shit he even took exstra time Googling what couples does?
🔖When he finally found the perfect blog that shoot his taste, he started experimenting. With hugs
🔖He loves hugging you from behind pressing his chest against your back and hocking his arms around your waist, rubbing his cheek against yours.
🔖But you prefer, embarrassing him making him blush. You hug him normally wrapping your arms around his waist pressing your bodies against each other his face in your neck and your in his, but your hands though goes straight down to his buttcheeks giving them a squeeze
🔖He blushes fifty shades of red!!! No end becoming all defensive and making no sense, but secretly he likes it.
🔖With hugs comes cuddling, but your form of cuddling is a bit different whenever he is busy or chilling you just lazily get on him.
🔖In cram school you sometime lean on his side wrapping your arms around him protective, when his studies you sit on his lap facing him as your bodies press together he rests his chin on you shoulder looking at his work, when he lays on the bed you just flop on him no matter what position just fall on him
🔖Holding hands, no big deal you two use to do it a lot before dating, just taking each other's hand in the mall or in public making sure not to lose each other in big open places
🔖It came naturally to you two not one of you are embarrassed or nervous. It was okay
🔖Next's was kissing, he expected a normal peck on the lips, but from you he got the best make out session of his life, but what he hates the most is when your angry that you found a new way to cool yourself down.
🔖Yes you kiss him just a normal average kiss, but to get to the kiss you suddenly without any warning whatsoever grab a hand full of his hair forcefully pull his face near yours.
🔖At least his happy you don't curse or kick random things around you or break whatever is in your hand if your holding something that is, as much as you used to before.
🔖When eating together you and Rin started sharing food without knowing, at times making each other taste your food or genuinely splitting a milkshake.
🔖Rin is actually very simple, pretty much gullible and naive at times, so taking him on a date is pretty easy you once took him too the aquarium and he had a blast like a 5 year old kid, so next time just take him to the zoo, he'd run around pointing silly things out and do all the things mention for kids.
🔖You guys take naps together all the time, just shows how much you enjoy each other company but it's best to find a different napping place other than during class.
🔖Rin is good at cooking we all know that, he loves to bake but you not so much. Your father is freaking Mephisto Pheles ofcourse your going to love junk food just as much as the clown does. You rather have instant ramen than eat a full course meal Rin took hours to make just cause you hate homemade meals.
🔖One thing that Rin will never stop is wearing your oversized hoodies it has you scent all over it making it feel like home to him, not just that he likes getting you two matching outfits or secretly pick out your outfit for the day. He even brought matching bracelets which you love thinking it's cute your omega wants to show his love
🔖You love reading and it makes you relax jumping into a new world, while Rin lays on your chest between your thighs sometime taking short naps or not, while you run your fingers through his hair letting him enjoy the little massage
🔖But.. You suddenly get pissed and either through the book or literally take a lighter wanting to burn the book which he has to stop you.
🔖 When the others found out about your relationship they where actually suprised it took them this long, especially Yukio.
🔖in all honesty Yukio tried giving Rin the talk, which ended awkward.
🔖Mephisto knew from the beginning, he really didn't care as long as your okay that's that.
🔖Suguro was beyond furious, jealous by how Rin got a lover before him which turned into a big mess of teasing and yelling between the two
🔖The others congrat you guys happy for the newly formed couple.
🔖You love Rin but sometimes you can't tolerate the people he hangs out with, you hate Shiemi and Yukio.
🔖Shiemi once tried to take your omega. Which result in you giving her a rude attitude and telling her to shove off. But Rin was quick to defend her... it turned into a full blown argument.
🔖And Yukio, tried separateding you two by secretly getting you mad at each other, you where able to catch on fast and exspose Yukio, Rin turned to your side on this getting angry at his brother.
🔖Sometimes he gets jealous that you hang out with Suguro and Shima the most. He get all whiny about it which you reinsurer him your only his alpha.
🔖When you get jealous you immediately turn violent, you once tried to kill Shiemi for wrapping her arms around Rin's arm, or when Shura hugged him to her chest, even when Izumo wore Rin's jacket.
🔖Ready to tear off their heads. But you have to contain yourself.
🔖At some point you did stumble upon Rin's nest, it wasn't in his room but in one of the many rooms in the dormitory he and Yukio lives in alone, it was like any other nest filled with blankets pillows you could find one or two suff animals in there and clothes... your missing clothes.
🔖But you just left it not wanting to do anything to it, it is his save place after all you have to wait till he willingly allows you in on his own terms it is privacy after all.
🔖Scenting is something you guys do regularly, Rin just wants your scent to feel comfortable he got so use to it, makes him feel uneasy if he doesn't get to rub on you. You enjoy it equally if he doesn't scent a stuff animal or two that is yours you might get angry and punch a hole through the wall
🔖Rin loves you dearly but he didn't bonded with you in the way he thought he would.
🔖Somehow you came down in a rut affecting him aswell, falling into an early heat.
🔖Your will power was long gone force yourself on him giving him the most lovable night he'd never forget you where so gentle and caring taking care of him before yourself. It took everything in you not to fuck his brains out.
🔖But with that it came with you slipping for a second, biting on nape so hard making him bleed, made him scream in pain mixed pleasure.
🔖it took you awhile to have Rin bite you in return cause he didn't what to hurt you and was nervous about it.
🔖But afterwards you showed off the mark wearing it with pride, pinning your hair up (if you don't have long hair just ignore it.) And wearing shirts that exspose more of you neck and shoulders.
🔖After bonding you two stayed near each other having issues with separating for more than half an hour, this result in you leaving your dad's home moving into the dormitory Rin lives in both of you claimed a different room.
🔖Rin rebuilt his nest in both of yours room giving you full access.
🔖Others seem to keep asking you what it like in a alpha x alpha relationship, which confused you.
🔖But you simply answer with either ignoring them or "Just like any other relationship?"
🔖After becoming intimate, you love walking around him shirtless and pantsless. You can either get a blush or a horny moan out of him.
🔖Something more intimate is taking a bath with each other you can't keep your hands to yourself at times like these.
🔖giving each other pet names are normal and cute.
🔖Rin mostly prefers calling you- Babe, sweetheart or handsome/beautiful.
🔖You on the other hand call him- Baby cakes, love, Darling or idiot
🔖But in bed he once accidentally let a Daddy/mommy kink slip his mouth, it turned you on more than ever.
🔖But in bed you call his name mixed with a lot of dirty talk. Which gets him all rile up.
🔖Studying together is not a good option anymore you both can't concentrate, can't keep your hands off your lover, randomly start goofing off or get horny.
🔖You regularly get more piss off at Yukio more than Rin does, When mission come around your either stuck on a lame team or with Rin not allowed in the action.
🔖During the camping trip or exercise, instead of bringing back a lantern you kinda got lost in the forest.
🔖And only reunited with the others when Rin went viral, blue flames every where the trees burning and mist of the students were injured.
🔖Yes Amiomon did think about using you before Shiemi but it wasn't a good idea since Mephisto refused for obvious reasons.
🔖Number one the would have not been able to control you much less get underneath your skin though to your superior abilities.
🔖Number two you would've beating the shit out of Aniomon even if he wasn't your uncle.
🔖And lastly number 3 Your a demon with a class near Mephisto, he could've exspose it if you fought Amiomon but keeping you a secret from the order is more important than Rin.
🔖After all that crazy shit, Rin couldn't look you in the eye now you know he's a demon there could've been hope if he was just any other demon but his the span of satan himself.
🔖He doubt you would want to have him as your omega anymore.
🔖It sadden him and made him depress losing the cheerful happy attitude. Not just his behavior that changed as well as his scent it started becoming displeasing and disgusting.
🔖You treated him the same as you always do, you already knew everything since Mephisto opened his big mouth and blab to you long before you and Rin got together
🔖your also the first to feel the change in your omega, but thought it was cause of the way the others treat him.
🔖But it wasn't the same when he avoided you and didn't let you in him nest.
🔖At some point you had enough, doing something that an alpha shouldn't, you drag Rin straight out his nest to confront him
🔖It started in a argument leading of to crying and yelling, it ended with you mostly trashed the room, and the words never spoken once from you
🔖"I love you!" It made Rin extremely happy knowing you love him dearly.
🔖"I love you too"
🔖You two were finally on the same page again, continuing your relationship. Loving and cuddling.
🔖When the others treated Rin bad you where the one to comfort him and give him a not of ice cream.
🔖That's till Izumo birthday came aroun, You don't celebrate birthdays since your a demon and all much older than you look.
🔖You even helped Rin decorate the cake that was clearly Christmas themed, which confused you but you just brushed it off.
🔖Until Suguro yelled at you two claiming it was clearly not a birthday cake.
🔖They could understand Rin's explanation being that his birthday is really close to Christmas it is natural to celebrate the two on the same day not using up much money.
🔖You on the other hand were a different case, they where honestly worried, who would tell someone
🔖"I don't celebrate my birthday, I really don't care and truthfully I don't know the date to my birth?"
🔖Yes, you read it Mephisto never told you, and you really don't care about minor stuff like that.
🔖You suggest to them to just give the cake to Mephisto, your old man isn't much of a Christmas fan after all
🔖It was fun. And so where the rest of your days with Rin.
🔖Really happy.
Thanks sis for the request... I'm blocking you🤗❤
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aonogifreactions · 4 years
Yukio Okumura Alphabet Headcanons - [SFW]
a/n: its finally here! and suprisingly, its not 2am, lmfao- heres our fave problematic boi. he deserves love too.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
Yukio's quite affectionate! However, most of the affection occurs somewhere in private, rarely in public; but it's not like he doesn't like showing it - he considers it somewhat intimate. Yukio has no problem holding your hand in public or wrapping his arm around your waist, though.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Being yourself. Not acting like completely another person, whether its to just to fit in or to get an advantage in something. Even though it sounds kinda silly, he loves seeing you being yourself, the real you, doing what you like. It comforts him in a way, considering that he always had to change himself to either be an adult and take care of someone, or fighting his own demons. Since he always has to have a facade on, it's oddly satisfying seeing the person he loves the most being true to themselves and others.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
In private? hell yes. anytime, unless he's doing some important work (well,, he still lets you sit on his lap nonetheless). Loves to cuddle, even if he's a bit reluctant at first, since he isn't really used to it. Whenever you cuddle, he always unconsciously intertwines his fingers with you - it's a habit he's developed as he got used to the other person's touch.
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Similar to Rin - having a normal life. No satan, no Illuminati, just quiet and peace. Yukio also wishes to open up about himself and finally, leave any troubles and dishonesty behind. He feels guilty a lot knowing he's probably messed up too much and it's probably not gonna happen.
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
He does his best! He has a great memory, so whenever an anniversary or bday approaches, he's already prepared. He also cares a lot, and it shows whenever he checks up on you - he acts kinda like a strict and caring mom, but that's just how he is. Questions about your wellbeing are always honest. Emotionally, he might be a little clumsy.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Outside is calm and collected, but outside he's panicking. He handles the situation pretty well, no matter if it's something serious or not. He asks if you're okay, if you need anything; if he hears "no", he kisses you on your forehead, sits next to you and pulls you closer to him, so you can wrap your hands around him and listen to his heartbeat. He doesn't say anything; instead, he plays with your hair and gives small kisses on the crown on your head.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
He's the jewelry type of guy. Whether it's expensive or something on the cheaper side, he likes both if it holds some kind of meaning. He loves buying you bracelets, sometimes he gets himself a matching one and wears it hidden under that black, exorcist coat. Doesn't really want nor expects to get a gift in return, and will have a hard time accepting one, but eventually, he'll take it. (and I mean, if you shove it in his hands and leave)
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Hugging is a must, but in a very subtle way. Oh, you two greet for the first time this day? He side hugs you, placing a kiss on your forehead. Side hug works as a goodbye as well. Full-on hugs occur usually after a tough mission, if your life's been in danger or he feels particularly affectionate that day.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He's pretty romantic, likes those cliche things, like giving you flowers or lighting candles for a special dinner for you two. Sometimes he cringes a lot because of that cheesy things, but it's really sweet, considering his personality. The only problem with intimacy is, well, his mind that at first, doesn't want to allow you to get to know his struggles. Since he's always self-loathing, it's really hard to get through that thick walls he's built throughout the years; He does actually open up eventually, but it takes him a lot of time - he wants to know that he can trust you.
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Gets jealous only if you're "interacting too much" with people close to him - like Rin (sorry), Bon, or Renzo. Yukio just stares and, possibly, burns holes in the other person's skull. He'll place his chin on his palm, resting his elbow on the desk and.. just stare with no shame. If that person looks at him, he just smiles, but let me tell you, that smile is NOT a pleasant one. (aka "you better stop or else" kind of smile)
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
He's a decent kisser. I think he's kissed before, so he generally knows what to do and gets better as the relationship goes. Likes kissing, surprisingly! Often kisses you around your face, like on the forehead, cheeks, or your hair. Lips kisses, however, are mostly shared in private -  he feels it's way more serious and intimate than any other kiss.
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Yukio says "I love you" when he feels like it; it's not like he doesn't love you, it's just the way he is. Even though it's not often, he pours everything from his heart into these words. He's most likely emotionally vulnerable during this time, too -  when his walls break down and he finally lets some of his struggles out, he always says that three words when he's done with his monologue. Sometimes however, you can do a random thing, and out of nowhere you hear him saying it too (just imagine eating marshmallows and hearing his "I love you", then looking at him with your stuffed mouth.. well-). He's a 50/50 guy - he knows he doesn't say that often, so he makes it up by trying to show it in different ways.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Would love to get married! But Yukio being Yukio, thinks that who'd want a fool like him to spend their life with? with him? after all he's done? You won't accept his proposal, bet! When he's actually going to propose, he thinks "you only die once" (this proverb is so cursed-) and he's just gonna do it, thinking he's gonna be rejected. Would like a small ceremony, only with people he trusts the most and your families. (Mephisto is NOT invited, by the way.) ((yes, he's mad about it. hoes mad))
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Home dates all the way! Or, if night walks are considered dates, they're his favorite. Walking through the city with a cold breeze, empty streets, and blinking stars above him - it's his guilty pleasure. There's no one to bother him, and the fact that he can share this feeling with you makes him feel fulfilled inside. If it's okay with you, he can go on walks like this every night (unless the weather sucks).
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
As silly as it sounds, he's usually against a nice, specific skincare routine. Whether you suggest giving you both masks, he turns that down. He thinks it takes too much time and ultimately does nothing to make his skin better. (psst, just beg him until he gives up and gets a tiger mask on)
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
He's quite playful if he's in a good mood. His only weapon is to tickle you whenever you expect it the least.
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Depending on what topic the discussion is about, he might or not ask you for your opinion. He does value your thoughts on things, but if it's something regarding his actions, he's very likely to listen to himself anyway. If it's about something more light-hearted or less serious in general, he's definitely gonna ask you. He himself shares his own opinion rarely, unless he's cornered.
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
It's been planned ahead, at first, but given that his "adventures" with both the Order and Illuminati made things quite... messy, it's now considered kinda spontaneous. He, to be honest, doesn't want anymore to plan things too far ahead, not knowing if they're gonna actually work out or not.
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He's a switch! Most of the time he's the big spoon, sleeping behind you with his arm over your hip, but when his mental health gets worse, he likes being spooned. Before sleeping, he has a small routine with you - when you're lying in bed, he hugs you tightly to reassure both himself and you that you're still here for him and he's for you, safe and sound.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Yukio's got a little bit of trust issues, at first. In the first few months, he won't tell any information about either himself, or Rin. If his s/o doesn't participate in exorcist classes, he won't even bring up the topic of being the son of Satan himself (so his schedule might seem a little bit sketchy). He's that kind of guy that believes his relationship won't last long, so he sees no need to tell any sensitive info that could possibly cause even more problems. As the relationship progresses and he realizes his s/o deserves to know and has put up with his shit to the current day, Yukio will slowly break the news, feeling extremely guilty.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
Despite him bottling up his emotions and thoughts, he's a top-notch listener. Whenever something is bothering you, he's gonna ask if you wanna talk about it; he's gonna listen to it and give you the best advice he could possibly think of. He thinks something along the lines of "if I can't be helped, at least I'll help someone else that actually cares about me."
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Very, very long. A whole ass year, if not more. His breakdowns are very violent - they start with him being furious - he's yelling, pacing around, and holding guns all the time; might also throw stuff, so in this phase, it's better to let him do his thing, instead of getting yourself injured and making him blame himself for more. The second and last phase is when he just kneels and lowers his head, dropping the guns on the floor and placing both of his hands on his face; that's when he starts sobbing, apologizing, and saying what's been on his mind all that time. He chokes on his sobs whilst talking, his entire body is shaking and when you come closer to him to embrace him, he throws himself at you and holds you like it's the last thing he's doing on this world.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
On a happier note, Yukio's all ready to try out some basic, simple things you're interested in! You're baking? He's here to help you in any way he can - mixing, decorating. I headcanon that he's able to read extremely fast, so he might as well read any of the books/manga you like and talk about it later on. If you're an artist, no matter if the beginner or not, he's very willing to help you with anatomy, drawing certain parts of the body, or explaining them in detail!
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Surprisingly calm, unlike Rin. He's patched Rin up before, plus he has a meister in doctor, so he's familiar with it and is pretty skilled with his hands. If the injury is too much for him, he's gonna get you to the hospital.
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
The only things that bother him are sticking nose in other people's business or forcing him to talk about certain things.
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
He's trying his best to be; likes passion himself, but feels like he doesn't deserve a single bit of it.
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Yukio edit isnt mine! credit to the author! <3 headcanons written by me.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Demon’s Keeper
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be added to the taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to add anyone!
(Rin Okumara x Reader)
Summary: Rin Okumura is a hot headed demon who is hard to keep under control, only one person seems to be able to do it better than anyone, Y/N. For that, she’ll be known as the Demon’s Keeper, but what exactly does that entail for them?
A03 Link
Part One:
Word Count: 2169
Our nightly ritual of sitting on the swings at the nearest park was rudely interrupted when a certain black haired hot head caught sight of some kids preying on some birds. His eyes filled with anger and I grabbed onto his hand, trying to get him to stay back. “Rin, come on, don’t do this. Can we just have one night where we don’t have to pick a fight with someone? Please?”
Rin pulled his hand from mine. “Do what you want, but I have to help those animals. Look at them, they’re helpless.” 
One of the boys, the one who looked like the leader, was pointing an arrow straight at the group of what seemed like pigeons by the jungle gym. The boy pulled the trigger and an arrow shot straight through the bird. I turned my head and hid my face. How could someone do that to a helpless little animal?
Rin looked from me to the bird, growing more angry at the situation as he saw my discomfort. Another arrow was put into the bow and that’s when he took action. Rin hollered to them. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!”
The boy turned to face us and aimed the bow and arrow toward us instead. Before we could move he shot the arrow. I gasped loudly as the arrow landed an inch from Rin’s face, sticking into the tree that the swings hung on. Rin growled and the boy provoked him. “Get out of my face. I’m just getting rid of these useless pests that just swarm, eat, and crap everywhere. So just shut the hell up.” The boy next to him loaded another arrow for him. 
I never had a chance to grab the sleeve of his jacket before Rin was barreling toward the kid, fist in the air. I tried to snap him out of it before something went wrong. “Rin, stop! Don’t do it!” His fist connected with the kid's face and he hit the ground. 
The kid backed away from Rin and I ran toward them. I grabbed onto Rin’s arm and hid slightly behind him. The two boys beside the leader grabbed his arms and helped him to his feet. The boy looked at Rin both in terror and in anger. “What kind of demon are you?”
They started to walk away and Rin looked at them. “Who are you calling a demon? You assholes are way more demonic than me.”
Rin wiped his nose on his sleeve of his free arm and looked down. Blood tinged the end of his jacket and there was some drying on his nose. He looked toward me. “Oh crap, I did it again.”
I grabbed his face in my hand and took a tissue out of my pocket with the other, wiping his nose and kissing the end of it. 
“What am I doing Y/N? ...Damnit.” He sighed and looked up as the birds he saved flew away. 
“You’re speaking up for what you believe in… even though I tried to stop you.” I smiled at him and giggled. 
He put his hands on my waist, turned me around, and started walking forward. “Let’s head back to the Monastery before the old man wonders where we are.”
* * * * * * 
When we got back to the Monastery we were greeted at the front doors by none other than Shiro Fujimoto. When he spotted the cut on Rin’s face he didn’t look pleased. “What happened to you?” He pulled his glasses down his nose some to take a closer look. 
Rin turned his head so he couldn’t see it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Shiro looked at him with intent. “Into the chapel, now.” I started to turn to walk to our bedroom when he spoke again. “Both of you.” I sighed and the both of us followed him in, sitting in the pews near the front. Shiro looked over at Rin. “Into the confessions booth, no if, ands, or buts.”
Rin groaned and went into one side of it, Shiro sitting in the other. I watched from the pew across from the booth. Rin looked more annoyed than I had seen him in a long time. Rin rested his face on his chin and stared at me as shiro spoke to him. “Oh straying lamb, confess thy sins with true sorrow and pray for forgiveness.”
Rin blew out a breath. “Yeah? Why should I? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Where did you get that cut on your face?”
And this is the point where the stories started. “I tripped going down stairs.”
“Your clothes are a mess.”
“It was a mother of a fall.”
“And that trace of a nose bleed?”
“Yeah, well, when I fell, I bumped smack into this super hot chick, and I-”
Rin didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Shiro came running out of the booth, standing in front of me, frantic. He turned back to his son. “What? Let’s go after her! Show me where she is, Rin!
Rin gulped. “Crap.” 
Shiro reached into the booth and dragged Rin out in a headlock. “You moron!” Rin wiggled in his arms. “You got into another fight. Admit it.”
I stood up from the pew and started toward them. “Shiro, you’re choking him.” I bit my lip nervously. It wouldn’t be the first time that Shiro had done this and Rin had passed out.
“Why must you always brawl?” Shiro squeezed a little harder. 
Rin fought back. “Let go of me you old fart!”
Shiro let go and turned around. “I just received a disturbing phone call from you employers. They told me they have no need for a delivery boy who doesn’t bother to return”
Rin stood up and stepped next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “So what? Big deal. There was no way I could cut it anyway. As if a guy like me could ever hold down a job.”
I looked over at him and smacked him in the back of the head. “Don’t be a baby Rin!”
Shiro chuckled at me. “I knew I liked this girl for a reason.” He got serious again as he spoke to Rin. “Y/N is right. A day will soon come when you must leave this monastery and strike out on your own. And as your guardian it’s my duty to see that you do so. You can’t rely on Y/N for everything when you leave here. Or do you just want to become a priest and run this monastery?”
Rin looked offended. “Take over this crappy church. Dream on.”
We all jumped when Yukio, Rin’s twin brother, walked into the room and spoke. “Dad? I’m all done getting myself ready to move out. All that’s left for me to do is carry out my luggage.”
Shiro smiled at him. “Well done, son.”
Yukio smiled at us. “Welcome home you guys!” He looked over at Rin. “Get into another fight.”
Rin looked away from him in anger. “Shut the hell up.” I smacked him in the back of the head again. He shot a glare at me. “Ow! Would you quit doing that?!”
“Would you be nice to your brother for once?”
Rin said nothing and the monks behind us spoke as they cleaned the windows. “I swear, for a couple of twins, those guys couldn’t be more different.”
They struck up a conversation without realizing we were listening. “Yukio might be the younger one, but he doesn’t act like it. He’s great at sports, always gets straight A’s, and he’s about to start his freshman year at True Cross Academy.”
“Meanwhile his big brother’s only accomplishment is causing trouble.” They looked over at us. “Rin,” Rin tried his best to ignore them. “You should really try being a little bit more like Yukio and start straightening out your life.”
My eyes grew wide as the other one spoke again. “And you should probably start taking better care of that girl you have on your arm, if you don’t, a good guy like Yukio is going to take her away.”
Rin shot around to stare at him. “I said just shut up!” The furnace next to the two cleaning the windows shot out blue flames, almost like it had been activated by Rin’s anger. 
I jumped and looked at Shiro and Yukio. Shiro ran toward the furnace, spouting things about it being junk and needing to be replaced, but I was skeptical. I looked up at Rin who was still staring at the two men and then looked toward Yukio.
Shiro left the room a second later when another monk came in to tell him that someone was here to see him. He turned before exiting the door. “Yukio, Y/N, please tend to Rin’s wounds.”
We both looked over at him and spoke together. “Yes sir.”
* * * * * * 
As Yukio put rubbing alcohol on Rin’s cuts on his hand he whined like a baby. I chuckled at him. “That stings!” 
Yukio continued without faltering. “I’m almost finished. Suck it up Rin.”
Rin looked toward Yukio’s boxes that were packed near the dining room table. “So you’re moving into the dorm, huh?”
“Yeah, well, since school starts next week and all. I’ll be saying goodbye to sixteen years in this place.” 
I looked over at him. “We’re gonna miss you Yuki.” 
“Don’t make me sound like a baby Y/N.” Rin spat.
“Don’t try to sound so tough you big baby.”
Yukio chuckled at us. “I’ll miss you guys too.”
Rin changed the subject some. “So I guess that makes this the last time you’ll be treating my injuries”
Yukio laughed. “What I become a doctor I’ll give you all the treatment you want… for a fee of course.”
Yuiko amazed me. He had everything together, he knew exactly what he wanted in life. I loved Rin, but he didn’t know what he wanted in life and tended to just go with the flow. “Being a doctor’s always been your dream, hasn’t it Yuki?”
“It has.” He smiled at me. 
Rin held up his bandaged hand and showed it to me, praising his brother. “Then go for it, I’m sure you’re gonna make it.”
“Listen, you guys are gonna be alright without me, aren’t you?” He looked concerned. “You’re going to be able to keep this guy in line right Y/N.”
I gave him a weak smile. Goodbyes sucked. “Probably about as well as I do now. But we’ll be okay Yuki, don’t worry about us.”
Rin didn’t take it the same way as I. “What’s up with that? Are you gonna lecture me too?”
“I’m just worried, that’s all, and not just me. Dad’s worried too, and so is everyone else here. I mean, you’re getting into fights every day. And you can’t seem to hold down a part time job for very long. You can’t even see how worried your own girlfriend is about you, Rin.”
Rin looked over at me with an apologetic look. “I’m really stressed about all that too. I know I’ve got to pull it together, and fast, but I…”
Yukio sensed the tension as Rin fell silent. “I’m sure you’re just being tested in a way, Rin.”
“By who?”
“God, of course.”
Rin’s face dropped some. “You know, you’re starting to sound just like the old man.” 
A couple of apprentices came into the room and spoke. “There you are Rin, we heard that the Southern Cross Shopping Mall is hiring part timers!”
“Yea?” Rin seemed confused. 
“We called and they want you there right now for an interview!” 
“What?” Rin was getting angry again. “How dare you call them without telling me!”
“You better hurry, you can borrow one of my old suits for the interview!” The monk threw a box at him. 
Rin caught the box over his head. “I need a suit to interview for a part time job?”
Yukio cheered up some. “What do you say?”
Rin scratched his head. “Looks like there’s no way out. 
* * * * * * 
As we sat in our bedroom Rin struggled with the tie on the suit. I stood up and walked toward him as he squirmed with anxiety and annoyance. “Rin, let me see it.” I reached for him. 
“No. I can do it. I’ll figure it out. I don’t need your help with everything. I have to be someone you can rely on as well. I have to take care of you.”
I sighed. “Don’t let what that guy said in the chapel get to you. I’m not going anywhere Rin. As unorganized as you are in your life I couldn’t see us any other way. I wouldn’t want you any other way Rin Okumara.” I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
He smiled back at me and put his hand under my chin, lifting my head up to him. He put his lips on mine and spoke. “I love you too Y/N L/N.”
Part Two: *NSFW Ahead!*, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
Updated: 5/12/2020
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midnight-in-town · 5 years
That new Aoex chapter... I was actually hoping we were going back to the present, but I wasn't disappointed by what we got. Quite a bit of lore, a glimpse of the true forms of the demon kings, the birth of the Illuminati, and Shiro becoming a dad. There was a lot going on and I think it really helped to connect the past with the present. What was your favorite part?
MY, ANON, THIS CHAPTER WAS SO FUNNY! Like, the more I look at it, the more I think 50% of it is some sort of joke from Kato-sensei’s part??? And don’t get me wrong, I love it, but just, this was insane. 
First of all, can I just say that I truly enjoy Sensei keeping on destroying the very thought of Satan/Yuri as a healthy & romantic pairing with every chapter lately? 
Because, there is a lot of things I can agree to disagree with when it comes to opinions, but I can’t understand people praising abuse and seeing it as love, which was definitely the case between Satan and Yuri with some fans. 
Supposedly he loved her, but the moment she stops being useful to him?
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He destroys her (soul?) as well in Gehenna. 
For real, I feel bad for Yuri: we know that she loved Shiro and that it was bad luck & complicated childhoods that kept them away from each other until the end and now she won’t see her sons growing up, the Order is blaming her for Satan & Lucifer’s chaos and she somehow died twice. 
And the reason she betrayed Shiro and the Order for? Dude’s blowing it in her face that “it’s her fault” and that she’s useless to him, also after he revealed he killed her foster family. So yeah, I truly despise Satan, he’s not made to be a sympathetic villain at all (one can’t relate to his issue of lacking a body powerful enough to withstand his powers) and I hope their sons will somehow avenge their mother (and their actual father, the man who raised them).
Oh but since we’re on the rather gloomy parts of the chapter, I gotta say that… 
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I’m glad the events of ch1 are finally being addressed. 
Maybe we’ll find out soon about why Shiro couldn’t withstand Satan’s possession almost a year ago in the story, leading to his death: maybe Rin’s words really did hurt him, especially since we know that Yukio kinda had issues with him back then too, without mentioning Shura’s anger…?
So I don’t know, perhaps he got dispirited thinking his children despised him and then his body had grown too old, or the experiments of Section 13 were too far away in time for him to recover in ch1… I guess we’ll see about that soon. ://
Also also, I kinda got spooked by by the Toudou family:
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Looks like Saburouta killed his brothers and his wife during the Blue Night (?) leaving only his daughter alive, which is somehow how she ended up following in his footsteps and working for the Illuminati. 
Pretty scarring for that girl, I wasn’t expecting that at all.
As for the Myo Dha amongst the many victims of the Blue Night…
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…rip Takezou, Koneko’s dad and Mamushi’s mom (also wondering where Jin, Renzou’s oldest sister, was the whole time but I think Sensei forgot about her).
Finally, I always wondered about how Shura fared throughout the whole Blue Night incident and…
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baby girl did well by hiding. 
The rest of the chapter though? Mostly funny parts, I swear to Assiah and Gehenna, haha! For example:
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I gotta say I was really intrigued by whatever this Ark is supposed to be, but then…
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…Dude gets out a freaking vacuum to deal with Lucifer’s remains???? Yeah, honestly that’s where I lost it LMAO!
IDK if Sensei meant to imply “that’s because he’s trash” or somehow that vacuum leads to this Ark thing, but I really lost my mind reading that scene. xDD
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Mephisto literally said “looks like it will be tough cleaning all this up… Well, gotta go now, you sure don’t need my help, bye~!”. Is he the laziest demon or what?! 
Finally, guys taking out axes to free Jeremiah from the forest he created to protect himself from Lucifer ended up being the final blow for me:
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This whole scene with Shemihaza really struck me more as funny (with demons having their own vibes) than anything else. 
Same style but different time and space, we had Lucifer coming back to Gehenna after being defeated by the combo Shemihaza + Samael and…
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Mephy being here like “omg bro, u sure u ok after I exorcised you? yeah? well that’s good news then”, my God, I couldn’t help but think that he really is the lowest of the low. xDD
Best part of the whole chapter has to be the following panel though, obviously:
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Congrats Shiro, you got what you always wanted: kids to raise and a lifelong debt that is equal to losing your entire freedom. Well, aren’t you h a p p y? 
Nah, more seriously, as predictable as it was since everyone expected the “favor” Mephy requested when Shiro was a child to come into play, I still feel truly bad for him. In the end, escaping the Order is what he wished for, ever since his traumatizing childhood in Section 13, and it’s the one thing he never managed to bite back.
Unless… well, we don’t know yet what the twins will do, but if they somehow manage to defeat Mephy (who is on Assiah’s side but also possibly one hell of a villain as far as they are concerned) or even just the Order, then maybe we’ll have Shiro’s revenge finally out in the open. 
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To start with, we know that Shiro didn’t raise no weapon. Yukio may not believe it’s true, Rin can have his doubts, but Shura knows the real deal when it comes to Shiro’s feelings about Yuri and her sons.
So Shiro raising sons and not weapons might eventually be what will stab every manipulator within the Order deep in the back, which would make an awesome revenge for him in that case. 
Finally about this: 
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I made a post about this once, but just so it’s clear: as King of Time, clearly Samael knows that Satan will try to invade Assiah once more and him double crossing the Baals & Satan by telling Satan that he will prepare Rin as a vessel is just the best way to get Rin to face his father once he’s ready:
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Which he almost is by now, in my opinion.
So yeah, Mephy is the same manipulator as ever, toying with both humans and demons, but we know he’s on Assiah’s side so, from the way I see things, he cannot be in favor of Satan showing up every now and then, raising havoc.
On the other hand, Mephy toying with Shiro and the Okumura twins (amongst others) is precisely why he could make a very fine big bad that the twins have to confront (both for themselves but also for Shiro’s sake), once Satan and Lucifer are out of the way. Ahhh, we shall see.
TL;DR a w e s o m e chapter, as always lately! Some difficult and gloomy parts, some awful moments, some funny ones and Mephy being the same old trickster he’s fated to be: what else could we ask for?
I hope you enjoyed it too, Anon! I don’t think the present time is coming back that quickly (in at least two or three chapters maybe?), but for now I’m still enjoying the flashbacks, so it’s all fine with me. :))
Please have a nice day and thanks for passing by in the first place! ^3^
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hemera989 · 4 years
Hi there! I’m Alex, and I thought I should do an introductory post! This will mainly be background on myself as a writer, and the fanfics I have posted and are currently updating (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ 
I have been writing for 8+ years now, through fanfics, original writing, and various roleplays throughout the years! I’ve written for a dozen or so fandoms (Including Naruto, BNHA, D. Gray Man, The Arcana, Soul Eater, FMA, Danny Phantom, Homestuck, etc!) but the main fandom that I write for these days is Blue Exorcist/Ao no Exorcist! I post most of my fanfics on ao3 under the name SidewaysClarinet.
In this post, I’ll be listing the stories I have up and running so far, as well as listing my social media below if you’d like to follow! Fanfic titles are also click-able, and link you to ao3, where they’re posted!
Through Rose Colored Glasses
Genre: Action, mystery, hurt/comfort, angst
Pairing: Gen/No exwire ships (focus is mainly plot and action), Kirigakure Shura/Original Female Character, Past Fujimoto Shiro/Yuri Egin
Number of Chapters: 10/?
Update schedule: Sundays
Summary: “By some miracle, Shiro wakes up after being possessed by Satan and finds himself alive- sore, missing a few fingers, but alive.The only one who knows what happened that night is Rin himself, and he wants to take Rin's word for it when his son says that Satan abandoned his body to save it for later. However, the threads of Rin's tale are quickly unraveling, and people are becoming more suspicious. There's something not making sense about Shiro's survival, about the Kurikara, the truth of the night he was possessed. The forces of Gehenna and Assiah alike are demanding answers, and when their damning fingers turn to Rin himself, the lies begin falling apart to reveal something far darker underneath.”
Also includes collection of outtakes!
Brother Mine
Genre: Psychological horror, angst, hurt/comfort, Yukio-centric
Pairing: Gen/None
Number of chapters: 1/?
Update schedule: None
Summary: “Okumura Yukio is 18 years old, and he is a murderer. Of course, no one will call him that. 'You did the world a favor', they tell him. 'Got rid of the pest', they tell him. 'He wasn't human, so it doesn't count, not really', they tell him. He was the good boy, who saved the world from his no good, waste of space, demon spawn brother. But he is a murderer. And he knows that this is his penance.“
vignettes and snapshots
This is a collection of ship drabbles that I have written! Updates are also infrequent, but I am open to requests!
books: Kamiki Izumo/Moriyama Shiemi, ‘The girls fall asleep reading their favorite romance novel together.’
bathtub: Fujimoto Shiro/Yuri Egin, ‘Yuri and Shiro talk about moving out together.’
bite: Fujimoto Shiro/Yuri Egin, ‘Yuri gets her fingers bitten, and Shiro thinks she’s being a baby about it.’
hair: Arthur Auguste Angel/Lewin Light, ‘Lewin likes coddling Arthur a little more than he lets on.’
swipe right: Godaiin Sei/Okumura Rin, ‘Godaiin panics and rejects Rin on Tinder, unaware that his old classmate is watching from behind him.’
Though I don’t have many posted now, this is an ever growing and expanding list! I write oneshots mainly when the urge strikes me, and post them at random (─‿‿─)
first time for everything, right?
Genre: NSFW/smut
Pairing: Fujimoto Shiro/Yuri Egin
Word count: 3,285 words
Summary: ‘Shiro didn’t know how Yuri managed to convince him into trying this- bottoming, of all things -but he can’t exactly say that he regretted it.’
just one more try
Genre: Silly fluff, romance, fantasy AU
Pairing: Okumura Yukio/Shima Renzou
Word count: 6,593 words
Summary: ‘ From the second Shima saw that handsome adventurer in the white clothes and dark-framed glasses, he was enthralled. He knew he just had to do it- he had to get a date with the guy! But getting the adventurer to look at him was harder than it seemed, and it would take the combined efforts of himself, and the other (reluctant) demon generals to finally get that pretty boy to look his way!’
Though this is the list of what I have now, there is always more to come! I have many fics in the making, chapters to update, and ideas to flesh out, but thank you for your time and for reading!
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a A (Part 2)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Angel Beats!:
Genres: action, comedy, drama, school, supernatural
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Synopsis:  Otonashi awakens only to learn he is dead. A rifle-toting girl named Yuri explains that they are in the afterlife, and Otonashi realizes the only thing he can remember about himself is his name. Yuri tells him that she leads the Shinda Sekai Sensen (Afterlife Battlefront) and wages war against a girl named Tenshi. Unable to believe Yuri's claims that Tenshi is evil, Otonashi attempts to speak with her, but the encounter doesn't go as he intended. Otonashi decides to join the SSS and battle Tenshi, but he finds himself oddly drawn to her. While trying to regain his memories and understand Tenshi, he gradually unravels the mysteries of the afterlife. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2010 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: A masterpiece and a classic. Now that I think about this one probably deserves a rewatch! Tragic and beautiful with one hell of an opening theme. This one really takes you for journey in 13 short episodes and it’s not one that you’ll soon forget.
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! (Please Take my Brother Away):
Genres: comedy, school, slice of life
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Synopsis: Shi Miao simply cannot stand her lazy, stupid, and unreliable elder brother Shi Fen, who is one year above her at the same high school. Though the two siblings can only depend on each other, Shi Miao's violent tendencies combined with Shi Fen's knack for causing trouble cause them to fight constantly. And so, Shi Miao can only hope that someone might take her brother away—even though, when push comes to shove, Shi Fen always tries to do what he believes is best for his cute younger sister. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 12, 3 minute episodes. 
My Thoughts: Three minute episodes of pure comedic bliss. A short and light anime that’s perfect if you’re looking for a bit of a pick me up series but don’t have a ton of time. Highly recommend. 
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 2 (Please Take My Brother Away 2):
Genres: comedy, school, slice of life
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Synopsis:  As always, Shi Miao is tired of her brother's ridiculous antics, and Shi Fen can only hope to escape the clutches of his violent sister. With their friends and classmates in tow, the two continue their dysfunctional relationship as reluctant but devoted siblings. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2018 with a total of 24, 3 minute episodes. 
My Thoughts: The hilarity continues, this time with a 24 episode run! A must watch for fans of the first season. 
Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist):
Genres: action, demons, fantasy, shounen, supernatural
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Synopsis:  Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king. Ao no Exorcist follows Rin Okumura who appears to be an ordinary, somewhat troublesome teenager—that is until one day he is ambushed by demons. His world turns upside down when he discovers that he is in fact the very son of Satan and that his demon father wishes for him to return so they can conquer Assiah together. Not wanting to join the king of Gehenna, Rin decides to begin training to become an exorcist so that he can fight to defend Assiah alongside his brother Yukio. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2011 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Great look in terms of art/ animation/ character design. Great setting and premise but overall the series fell a bit short, in large part (my opinion only) because of the anime original ending. An ending that WAS ignored when they released a second season years later. I’d recommend this series for the simple fact that watching it would enable you to watch the second season which was much, much better! Pretty good opening theme though. 
Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen (Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga):
Genres: action, demons, supernatural, fantasy, shounen
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Synopsis: The ExWire of True Cross Academy are beset with shock and fear in the aftermath of discovering that one of their own classmates, Rin Okumura, is the son of Satan. But for the moment, they have more pressing concerns than that of Rin's parentage: the left eye of the Impure King, a powerful demon, has been stolen from the academy's Deep Keep. After an attempt is made to steal the right eye in Kyoto as well, Rin and the other ExWires are sent to investigate the mystery behind the Impure King and the ultimate goal of the thief. While this mission has them cooperating for the time being, Rin has never felt more distant from his fellow exorcists. In his attempt to reconcile with them, he undergoes specialized training to control his dark power. However, when the right eye is stolen not long after their arrival, the unthinkable threat of a traitor amongst them leaves them in need of all the power they can get. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Took years and a less than stellar anime original ending in the first season to get here but finally a second season came! Great art, music and story. An odd case where the second season is far better than the first and truly makes up for its predecessors missteps. If you decide to give this series a try be aware that what you’re really coming for is this gem of a second season and not the first! 
Aoharu x Kikanjuu:
Genres: action, comedy, sports, shounen
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Synopsis: Hotaru Tachibana has a strong sense of justice and just cannot help confronting those who choose to perform malicious acts. Furthermore, Hotaru is actually a girl who likes to disguise herself as a boy. After hearing rumors that her best friend was tricked by the popular host of a local club, Hotaru seeks to punish the evildoer. Upon arriving at the club, however, she is challenged to a so-called "survival game" by the host Masamune Matsuoka, where the first person hit by the bullet of a toy gun will lose. After a destructive fight which results in Hotaru's loss, Masamune forces the young "boy" to join his survival game team named Toy Gun Gun, in order to repay the cost of the damages that "he" has caused inside the club. Although she is initially unhappy with this turn of events, Hotaru quickly begins to enjoy what survival games have to offer and is determined to pay off her debt, much to the dismay of Tooru Yukimura, the other member of Toy Gun Gun. As time goes on, Hotaru begins to develop a close friendship with the rest of the team and hopes to take part in realizing their dream of winning the Top Combat Game (TCG), a tournament to decide the best survival game team in Japan. Although Hotaru tries her best, there are just two little problems: she is absolutely terrible at the game, and Toy Gun Gun doesn't allow female members on their team! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 12 episodes.
My Thoughts: I freaking loved this anime when it came out... though I doubt i’d be quite as generous with the score now. Good chance I was distracted by the cute glasses wearing male character which would have heavily impacted my score. A strong female lead masquerading as a male, attractive male leads (both with glasses and not) and some killer theme music. Even if I wouldn’t rate it quite as highly now i’d still argue that it was a pretty decent anime. No where near perfect but a bit of fun. 
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xsugarysweetsx · 5 years
Rin Okumura x Reader 3
I’m sorry this took so long I was taking a small break from tumblr to edit some stories on my wattpad but here we go! :)
1 2 3 4
Request are open! Here are the rules!
My wattpad
You and Rin sat under a tree watching the sun set. It’s been about five months of you guys dating and they’ve been amazing. Dinner dates, going out to new places, training together. You’d hate to be snobby but, you basically had the perfect boyfriend. You rested you head on his shoulder and his hand rested on your hip. He nuzzled his face into your hair
“You’re so beautiful” he’d say randomly. You giggle and look up at him
“Why are you so flirty even after five months of dating?” You giggled he cupped your face and laid a kiss to your nose.
“Because every time I look at you I can’t help but see the things that made me fall for you” you pecked his lips while you shared a lovely moment with him.
Your moment was shortly lived when you heard “Y/N!” You both quickly looked in the direction of your name. It was your father. “Get away from that, that...that monster!” He said as he approached with three other men. Rin’s grip tightened a bit at the name.
“Dad, please you’re over reacting Rin is-“
“A demon who will take you away from me!” He said grabbing you away from Rin.
Rin stood up ready to stand his ground. “You don’t know me and you don’t know my relationship with your daughter.” He said with a stern face. “Say what you want about me but I know I love your daughter”
“Rin....” you whispered surprised at how upfront he was with your father. He then took out his gun and aimed at him
“Go on tell her! Tell her who you really are! If you love her you’ll do it” your father challenged him.
“I-I can’t.....not now at least” you broke from your fathers grip and ran to Rin. You took his hands in yours, holding your breath.
“Rin, we said we could be real with each other. I know you’re a demon and I love you regardless. Please....” you pleaded softly. He gave your hand a slight squeeze
“Y/N, im not ready to loose you” he said with a small voice crack. How could such a small sound break your heart?
“You won’t...”
“I’m.....im the son of Satan.” You eyes blew up. Your mouth fell slightly open. Did you really just hear this? You knew he was a demon, but never did you once think the son of satan. Yet, when you look in those blue orbs you could see nothing but your goofy, loving, protective boyfriend. You launch yourself on to your boyfriend and hold him tightly
“I don’t care! So what if he’s the son of satan I love him and won’t stop loving him!” You exclaimed. Rin tried to push you away
“Y/N...I’m not good for you I-“
“Don’t say that!” You shout looking up at him “you’re perfect for me! You protect me and love me. You make me feel like I’m the only one you see! Please Rin, please don’t let me go” he couldn’t find words to go against what you said. He knew deep down he may not be good for you but....he couldn’t bare the thought of you with someone else.
His grasp tightens around you as you quietly let out a few sobs
“Y/N if you do this don’t expect to stay with him. I’ll separate you both eventually wheater you leave this school or I kill him I’ll do it.” You father said coldly. You didn’t budge. Yout eyes stay shut wishing for everything to just be a bad dream
He scoffed “...so it’s like that then? Don’t expect me to come back and be alright with this. I’ll be back for you Y/N.”
Rin sneered at him with a death glare as he turned his back and left. Did your father just disown you? But how could he..? Why couldn’t he just be happy for you? Rin wasn’t how everyone thought he would be. He was so kind, and gentle,
You sobed louder and Rin held you kissing the top of your head
“I’m so sorry princess. I’m so sorry that I caused this” he felt giulty knowing this was because of who he was.
“No it’s not really,” you sniffed and dried you eyes. Rin cupped your face and wiped off your wet cheeks
“Come on let’s go home, you need rest
That night Yukio let you stay with Rin in his bed. But only for tonight. You were cuddled with Rin as he stroked you hair. Just then an idea came to mind
“Um..Rin?” You said as your heart began to race
“Yea angel?”
“It’s just a question and you don’t have to answer it! But um...w-what if we were to get m-married..,?” You stuttered out. His eyes went wide just as he was about to speak against it you cut him off
“Hear me out. If we got married, my dad couldn’t force us apart right? I’ll be legally married to you!” You said with a hit of hope knowing it was a stupid idea. You were both still very young and it was kind of a reckless idea.
“Angel, I can promise you that I will definitely marry you, no doubt about it but right now is t the best time ya know..” he pulled you closer as he turned off his side table lamp. “Plus I would want to give you eveyrhing! A great ring, the wedding of your dreams, a house, eveyrhing but I need money for that. Once I get a stable job I swear on my life I’m going to make all that come true.” He said kissing your ring finger.
“AWWH Rin you’re so sweet, I love you” he rested his forehead against yours and spoke softly
“But I love you more” he laid a kiss to your soft plump lips. He nuzzled into your hair and you into his chest as both drifted off into sleep
Okay so I’m sorry if this isn’t good :( I have updated my wattpad so I’ll try and update here too!
If there are any ideas of what should happen next or in future chapters please let me know!
Thanks for reading :) ❤️
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lovingyukio · 5 years
“It’s Going To Be Okay.”
TW: This is a hurt/comfort type thing. It’s about the depths that Yukio’s depression can get to, and it’s just extreme self projection that happens to fit the character. Don’t read it if mental health / descriptions of it upsets you.
Shima’s not sure how to support him. He’s not sure what he’s supposed to do when someone breaks like this, how to help. Okumura hadn’t been any help when he’d asked for advice, but he didn’t want to leave Yukio alone.
Rin wouldn’t help him, and the younger twin wouldn’t let anyone else close enough to even offer a hand. Renzō was only here because he’d forced his way in.
He’d never seen someone so down. The curtains blacked out the entire room, and every light in the small apartment was off. The only happy life form in the suite was Yukio’s cat, Osamu, who was eating up the lazy pets Yukio was giving him.
But Yukio. Yukio looked like death in human form. His eyes had bags around them, his pyjamas were scarily baggy on him, and his hair was sticking up in different directions.
Renzō didn’t want to think about what that smell could be. He knew it wasn’t Osamu’s litter, because he’d passed it on his way in and it was clean, but he could tell Yukio was neglecting his own hygiene.
“It’s a stupid question with an obvious answer, but... are you okay, Yukio?”
Yukio gives him a blank stare, before he looks away with guilt sinking in. “I’m fine, Shima-san. You didn’t have to come,” he replies. “I’m just sick.”
“Have you been eating, at least? Sleeping for a few hours? Do you want me to get anything for you?” Renzō asks, completely ignoring the lie he’d gotten in response. He wasn’t going to leave Yukio alone.
No one deserved to suffer like this, especially not in isolation. Yukio needed to know someone cared, even if his own family wasn’t making that effort.
“I said I’m fine.”
Renzō nods in acknowledgement. “Okay. How about this then,” he takes his coat off and slings it over the desk chair on the opposite end of the room, before he pulls the slippers off.
“What are you doing? I didn’t invite you to stay.”
Renzō shrugs before he pulls the covers back and crawls underneath them. The smell is a lot stronger now, but he tries to ignore it. “I’m going to keep you company. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. But I don’t think you should be alone right now. Extreme isolation isn’t good for anyone.”
Yukio doesn’t say anything to that. He continues giving Osamu affection, until he hears Renzō clear his throat, obviously needing to say something. “You can just say it, you know. I can’t guarantee I’ll reply but... you don’t have to be quiet like me.”
“You know it’s going to be okay, right? Someday you’ll back and you’ll be happy to have survived this,” Renzō says as he reaches over and laces their hands together. “You’re strong. And I believe in you.“
Yukio offers a weak smile at that. “You really think I’m strong?”
“I don’t think you’re strong. I know you’re strong. You’ll get through this. I’ll help you. You don’t have to suffer alone,” Renzō replies warmly. “Even the strong have to be vulnerable. You’re not weak for this. It’s not your fault that you’re depressed.”
Yukio appreciates that. He needed to hear it; to be told that he’s strong, that he’s valid. And he needed to know he wasn’t alone.
Maybe he’d been too hard on Shima before.
He didn’t give the guy enough credit.
“You know, for someone who didn’t know what to do when you got here, you did an awfully good job at comforting me,” Yukio says softly. He squeezes Renzō’s hand. “I’m going to take a nap now. But... thank you for this.”
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pinkshinobi2 · 5 years
Rin Okumura x fem!reader
chapter 1
warnings: none?
summary: rin always thought of y/n as yukio’s friend from school, never bothering to actually speak to her, until the day she spends the night at his house. A lot happens, and people get hurt, but was it all worth it in the end?
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“Hey, Yukio.” Y/n smiled at her best friend, walking home beside him.
“Hello, Y/n,” he replied, returning her smile.
“Are we still on for tonight? I’m excited to meet your dad,” she asked. Her and the freckles boy were planning to study together that night, in preparation for their history test the next day.
“Yeah, but my brother will be there, too. I love him, and all, but he always interrupts my studying,” Yukio sighed, pushing his glasses further up his nose.
“I’m sure he’s not that bad. Anyway, what I’m confused about is: how have I never met any of your family members, but you’ve met all of mine?”
“Well, Rin’s always out, probably fighting, and whenever I invite you over, my dad assumes we’re doing “things” and steers clear.” He chuckled.
“I mean we might be doing “things”.” She wiggled her eyebrows at, playfully nudging him.
“Yeah, sure,” he joked.
She reached the street she lived on, and hurriedly crosses the road. “I’ll see you at six, Yukio!”
“See you then.”
Y/n entered her home, a goofy grin on her face. Her mother gave her a quick hug, offering her some fruit, and she ran upstairs to her room.
The time was 3:57, and Y/n had to leave at 5:40 to get to Yukio’s house on time, so she sprawled on her bed, scrolling through social media. After roughly 45 minutes, she decided to change out of her smart school uniform and into something more comfortable. Pulling her fairly new black hoodie over her head, and her old blue jeans up to her waist, she reminded her mother of her plans, before settling on the couch in the living room.
She searched her Netflix list for something entertaining to watch, finally deciding two episodes of How I Met Your Mother were adequate. When the second episode was over, she slid her feet into her shoes and checked the time. It was 5:45, so she would be slightly late, but she hoped Yukio wouldn’t mind much.
Saying goodbye to her parents, she exited her home, glad it was summer. The sun was still in the sky, and there was a warm breeze flowing through her hair. She began to think her hoodie was unnecessary, but she wasn’t extremely hot, and she wasn’t about to carry it for the rest of the journey.
Before she knew it, she was in front of Yukio’s house. She’d forgotten to text him when she’d left home, and wasn’t concerned when he opened the door in confusion.
“Y/n, I thought you’d forgotten we were studying tonight.” He ushered her inside, leading her into his kitchen.
“Sorry, I lost track of time and was in a bit of a rush,” she apologised. “And I kinda ran here so I couldn’t tex- hello!”
She noticed the man at the table. He was old, yet he had the aura and smile of a young man and his round glasses were perched rather high up his nose. He had patchy grey stubble around the lower half of his face, and gray hair to match.
“Ah, you must be Y/n. I’m Shiro Fujimoto, Yukio’s father.” He held his hand out for her to shake, rising from his seat. She shook it, hesitantly, a nervous smile never leaving her face. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh, same to you,” Y/n replied, glancing at her friend. He had a pink tint on his cheeks.
Shiro laughed heartily, releasing her soft hand from his grip. “You’ve got a good girl here, son.”
“I promise I will repeat this to you until you get it: we’re not in a romantic relationship, we’re just friends,” Yukio snapped, glaring it his old man. Y/n agreed, nodding her head furiously.
“Sure. Well, if that changes, make sure you tell me.”
“It won’t,” Yukio stated, grabbing Y/n’s wrist and pulling her to his bedroom. She could hear Shiro’s laughter behind her, blushing lightly.
When the pair of friends entered the room, the first thing they noticed was the blue haired boy lounging on one of the beds. He was in jeans and a loose t-shirt, hands behind his head. His hair drooped in his eyes and he stared at the two people in front of him. One he recognised as his brother, and the other was a rather beautiful girl he’d never seen before.
“Rin, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Rin, my brother.”
Rin smiled at the girl, pushing off the bed.
“Hey, Y/n. I don’t think I’ve seen you before, what are you doing here? In my room? With my brother?” he questioned, looking between her and his sibling.
“Sorry to intrude. I’m just here to study with Yukio.” She blushed, trying to avoid his gaze. She could definitely admit it to herself: he was attractive, and she almost couldn’t handle his proximity.
“Okay, I think I’ll join you.”
“Definitely not,” Yukio interrupted, “We’re actually going to study tonight, and you always distract me. Please, go stay with Dad.”
“Fine. I’ll se you later, Y/n.”
Rin left, leaving his brother and a girl alone in their bedroom. He was envious, they could’ve been doing all sorts of things together, and he’d barely spoken to a girl before. Especially a girl that gorgeous.
Y/n sat beside Yukio at his desk, pulling Rin’s chair over, and opened her textbook.
“Let’s get started.” She cracked her knuckles.
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nneefa · 6 years
fic: you taught me to hope
fandom: ao no exorcist characters: rin/shiemi summary: Rin didn't know if he was reading too much into his relationship with Shiemi or what, but the feeling he was getting from it all was definitely weird. note: slight au; shiemi asks rin to "wait for her" - part 1/2
If Rin hadn’t known any better, he would’ve thought they were on a date. He was beginning to think that a lot these days, not that he was doing it on purpose or anything. Just that whenever he was with Shiemi, whether they were on a mission or studying together or going to Pon-chan for monjayaki, that’s kinda what it felt like. Not to mention that lately, all their little get-togethers had been her idea, as if she was the one doing it on purpose or something.
Today was no different.
Their Demon Pharmaceuticals class had ended surprinsingly early today, as they’d only had to go over last night’s homework and review for next week’s exam. He meant to go straight home, train with Kuro, and take a long nap, especially since he hadn’t done so swell on his homework, but then he remembered that Yukio wanted him to stop at the store on the way home from cram school, since he would be too busy to do it himself. Rin was starting to notice that Mr. Moles and Glasses was “too busy” to do a lot of things these days, but he let it slide, only because he’d already needed to stop there for dinner anyway. Well that, and Yukio’s arm and ribs were still kinda broken from their last mission. (Rin made sure to put an extra bottle of mineral water in the basket, just for him).
That was when Shiemi had asked if she could tag along.
Rin didn’t know if he was reading too much into it or what, but the feeling he was getting from it all was definitely weird. It wasn’t as if it was the first time they’d ever been shopping together or anything, but that wasn’t really the point.
“Wait for me.”
That was what she’d said.
Even now, as he walked the aisles of the grocer, filling his basket with spices and seafood, his head kept replaying those three little words over and over and over again in her sweet voice, like a recorder. Ever since then, it seemed like Shiemi went out of her way to be with him. They spent more and more time together, alone, doing things like studying and sitting next to each other in cram school and eating lunch and going home. Rin felt like his friends knew something he didn’t about the whole thing. He could still hear Shima’s dumb, sarcastic voice going, “Congratulations, Okumura-kun. She didn’t turn you down. That’s gotta count for something, right?” Konekomaru and Paku seemed to cheer him on and Suguro wished him luck, and while Izumo gave him a look that would haunt his nightmares forever, even she told him, “You’d better not screw this up, Okumura.” (Something told Rin to keep it a secret from Yukio, for now anyway).
He didn’t wanna get his hopes up or anything, but Rin couldn’t help but think that maybe Shiemi was starting to, well, like him; like like him like him, as more than a friend.
He didn’t mind, of course, that she wanted him to “wait,” whatever that meant. He’d actually expected her to flat out reject him at the time, so it’d caught him completely off guard when she’d asked him at all - that was, until Umaimon showed up and ruined everything. It wasn’t until the bell had rung and she’d disappeared down the hall for class that he was able to really react to what had happened. He’d ended up thirty minutes late because of it.
Man, the whole thing was just too weird!
“Are you going to buy that, Rin?”
Rin jumped at the sound of Shiemi’s voice with a strangled yipe and just barely managed to catch the aforementioned item before it could hit the ground. It didn’t really dawn on him that he’d been standing in front of an open freezer like some kind of an idiot, with a melting popsicle in his hand, completely lost in thought. Shiemi only smiled at him, in that way she always does that made his heart race and face feel like it was on fire, and, without thinking, he quickly swapped out his ice lolly for a fresh one, dropping it in his basket and slamming the freezer door shut with enough strength to rattle the other items inside.
“Uh, yeah, I am,” he replied with a loud, forced laugh, not that Shiemi seemed to mind. “I think I got everything I need. How ’bout you?” His eyes flickered to the basket in her hands; her small box of raspberry-vanilla tea and herbal cookies looked like nothing compared to his basket full of groceries.
She almost seemed embarrassed when she held up her cart. “Yeah. I’ve been meaning to try these, ever since I came here with Kamiki-san, but I always forgot to buy them until now. Shall we?”
Shiemi gestured towards the register, and Rin, with a boisterous “okay,” obediently followed.
If Rin thought he felt like an idiot before, then he definitely felt like an even bigger one now. He always pegged himself as a naturally warm person, more so now ever since he learned how to control his flames. Where the average person - or half-person, in his case - needed fifty layers of clothes just to walk to the park on a cold morning, Rin could easily sport a t-shirt and pair of shorts to shovel snow if he wanted. A part of him kinda wished he could wear that right now, since the cold December air felt more like a steaming hot day in July, walking alongside Shiemi. On top of that, something in his brain actually told him that it would be a good idea to open that popsicle and split half of it with her, and she looked even colder than he knew it felt outside, if her rosy red cheeks were anything to go by.
It wasn’t his fault, he tried to reason with himself. He was just so damn nervous! No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but think that they were on a date. And Shiemi wasn’t making things any better, not that he was blaming her or anything. Rin liked to think he knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t doing any of this on purpose, that she was only being her nice, friendly self. It wasn’t like it meant anything when she smiled at him (like he was only the thing that mattered at that moment) and said “thank you” (like he’d won her the biggest teddybear at the festival) or when she accidently brushed her fingers against his when she reached for her half of Gori-Gori-kun (he really tried not to think about what that could’ve possibly meant).
Nope, that was all Rin and his dumb, overthinking brain’s fault, he thought, taking a huge bite out of his ice pop. God, he really needed to get a grip.
“You really like Gori-Gori-kun, don’t you, Rin?”
For the second time that evening, Rin jumped at the sound of Shiemi’s voice, his eyes going wide as saucers as he nearly choked on his pop. He saw her flinch out of the corner of his eye, her smile dropping like a weight, and he quickly flashed her a reassuring grin to let her know he was okay. Sure enough, the corners of her mouth lifted again and they were trading smiles. Seriously, there should be a limit to how stupid he could be in one day, he thought, ears burning like someone threw them on a barbecue grill.
“What makes ya say that?” asked Rin, taking another bite of his pop.
“You can even eat it while it’s cold out like this.” As if to prove her point, Shiemi blew out a long puff of breath in the chilly air, trying hard not to laugh.
“W-well,” Rin shot back with a noise, pointing at hers with his half-eaten one, “you’re doing the same thing as me, so that makes you no different.” He couldn’t really tell her that he’d bought it without thinking or that the only reason he was eating it in the first place was to cool himself down, since the winter chill wasn’t doing a very good job at it.
“Nu-uh, you can even it bite into it,” she giggled, watching him bemusedly.
Rin finished his popsicle off in a matter of three chomps, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “What?” he paused, pulling the last bits from the popsicle stick with his front teeth. “You can’t do it?”
“Of course not!” Shiemi blurted, and the next thing Rin knew, she was bursting into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
She tried, horribly, Rin thought with a flush, to hide it behind her bangs and what was left of her melting popsicle, but her shoulders were shaking like crazy and he could see all of her pretty, white teeth, and her cheeks were bright and pink. She tried to catch her breath, smoky puffs of air forming a halo around her head, but with each gasp she took, it seemed to only make it that much harder to stop as she wiped away the tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. Rin didn’t think it was that funny, especially since she was laughing at him, but for some strange reason, he couldn’t find it in himself to care at all.
She was beautiful, and Rin was captivated.
“Can I kiss you, Shiemi?”
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Abel and Cain Chapter 2
Izumo will play a huge role in this story eventually. A lot of the dark Teen movies like Cruel Intentions, Heathers , a certain TV show with dragons and the Craft inspired this story. Yes, Rin is not hundred percent innocent folks and you are all in for a terrible shock here.  Both Okumura bros are batshit here just a fair warning. Some pretty dark and disturbing stuff guys.
I walk into the room to find it completely vacant. Heck Kuro is nowhere to be seen. I heave a sigh of relief because it meant one thing; either Mephisto took that bastard away or some Exorcists came for him. Either way I am glad that he is nowhere to be seen because what I am about to carry out is very dangerous and disturbing and Rin being Rin would get triggered by it thanks to how hyperemotional and sensitive he is.
Met Izumo on the way who came looking for Rin which I find highly surprising. Isn’t she supposed to be this cold, detached, high and mighty bitch who puts herself above others and only cares for that weak friend of hers. What is her name? Oh yes Paku. Yet here is Kamiki having some concern for my foolish brother. But then again, I have always noticed how flustered she acts whenever Rin was around. Which means that my hypothesis of her is true. Kamiki does have a crush on Rin. But that goes beyond that. She seems to be very understanding and sympathetic of the guy, lashing out at anyone that dares to make fun of him. Still I do not see her as a threat yet. Just an annoying little ant that can be dealt with eventually.
Anyway, I get out of the room and head off to the one place that Rin and no one in particular knows nothing about and that is my secret sanctuary, a special lab that I created in the another block of the dorm that no one knows about.
Yes I am kinda like Batman but worse because I do not care about humanity or anyone. I only care about serving my own needs. And in order to do so without anyone knowing, I have to control stuff behind the scenes.
I power up the computer system and sit and wait for it to boot. Once that is done, I then begin to connect to a secret database only I know. From there, I hook myself to the camera I have installed in Shura’s home. That’s right. I secretly installed in Shura’s home to keep a good eye on the bitch and monitor her every move. I now know her every move and now it is time to act.
“Everything ready boys?” I say into the microphone. Beelzebub then whines. “I still do not see any use in any of this shit.” I simply roll my eyes. Beelzebub is even more cowardly than both Amaimon and Rin combined and that is saying something.
“Quit your complaints and do your job.” I command him. Iblis then says “Pay him no attention boss.” I hear some scrapping which means that Iblis must have hit him. Thank God for Iblis. At least we have one competent Demon King that is hands on in more ways than one. I think you are getting the picture here.
I watch as the duo make their way to Shura’s place, masking their presence from her. Shura was in her bathroom having her bath. I smirk evilly at this. This should be easy if Shura does not put up a fight that is.
“Let me get this straight. Not only were you an A-star student back in the day but also you were the IT boy?” Amaimon asked. I simply grin and nod at that. The ride of our destination has been enjoyable so far as all four of us have been chatting, mostly saying nasty stuff about Yukio hence the current subject of discussion.
 “Boy do I miss being on top and having people kiss up my ass.” I smirk fondly at the memories. Mephisto simply chuckles. “Kissing up your ass? And in what way?” My evil smirk gets nastier. “I try to play nice and all but when the situation calls for it, I play bitches like a giant chess board, moving the pieces the way I want.”
That’s right folks. Rin Okumura, or at least the Rin that you thought you knew was not and still isn’t a complete innocent ball of sunshine. No. The real Rin is a lot more darker than that. You are talking about a boy that lost his virginity at a young age. Do not ask me the age. Not only did I get high grades that were higher than all the shit Yukio brags about currently but also, I was the quintessential bad boy of the hood that everyone and I mean EVERYONE wanted to be like and wanted to date. And boy did I shag a load of people along the way. Way more than Yukio.
If teachers gave me grades I did not want, I would wait till everyone else is gone, corner the teacher and seduce them into giving me what I wanted. Oh yes, I was that bad of a person and I miss being a  bad boy.
Yukio thinks he’s the shit but guess what? I was and will always be that bitch. That benchmark he aspires to reach but can never quite get to. Yukio and I do not have and never had a picture perfect brotherly relationship.
The mere thought of being friends with that imbecile sickens me. He is the true pathetic loser here not me. The true difference between Yukio and I is that I try to play nice with everyone except him. He is a total jerk to everyone and has always been since day one though I will admit that his acting has sort of gotten better.
I act nice and can be nice. However like everyone else, I do have a dark side which I reserve for those that piss me off. I can be cold, calculating and manipulative when the need arises, something that Yukio clearly has forgotten about. Yukio and I have been having this rivalry ever since we were kids over every little thing. Whenever Father Fujimoto or the other priests were around, we would act like normal kids who would play with each other.
But when none of them were around, we would immediately turn on each other. Our fights were vicious back then. I remember throwing knives at Yukio’s head and Yukio doing the same to me. Yes we have always hated each other as kids but hid it well enough.
It got to a point that that whiny pussified bitch Yukio went to report me to Father Fujimoto, accusing me of bullying him. Funny since I was out with my friends when he reported me to Dad. I got grounded and that was when the bitch blackmailed me into downgrading myself for him. Big mistake. Now after years of humiliation at his hands, I want that bastard to suffer for every single shit that he has done to me. And I will gladly make sure of that of course.
We soon arrive at our destination which was this massive black gothic like mansion. Said mansion from the outside was so large, kinda like a little luxurious castle shaped like the letter U with dark grey bricks. There was a large oak tree by the left. I glare at Mephisto. “Someone sure loves to live fancy huh?” I say. Mephisto simply laughs. “Oh come on. You can’t blame me now can you? I love luxury and therefore must surround myself with it at all costs.”
I snort. “Touché.”
We then get out and walk into the house. I take the time to look around. The mansion was so massive and clean with dark gothic décor all over the place, starting from the chandelier. And the exquisite furniture. I feel most at peace with this shockingly. Must be my inner demon.
“This will be your new home kiddo.” Says Mephisto. I simply grins. “Ah this is more like it.” At that moment, a butler, who seems to be an elderly male demon with white hair and demon horns sticking out of his head dressed in a black suit walks into the room. “Haruto please show Rin to his room.” Mephisto instructs the butler who nods and motions to me which I do.
Shura hums as she gets out of the shower, drying her hair with a towel. The past couple weeks have been stressful thanks to Rin’s situation. She does not blame Rin for his actions. If anything, it was bound to happen anyway. However she would have preferred a far more pleasant situation. She can understand how the others feel in regards to Rin’s Satanic lineage especially if one considers the Blue Night and its terrible aftermath.
Regardless, Rin is such a nice guy deep down and does not deserve the shit people are throwing at him. She and Izumo are the only ones so far that still care and like Rin despite his lineage. Ironically she and Izumo have been having private conversations and in fact, it was she that told Izumo to go fetch Rin so that they would take him off campus. But it seems someone had already beaten them to it.  Definitely Mr Pheles.
It was then that she stops in her tracks as she feels a very powerful presence in the room. Tch….demons.
Before she could dash over to grab her sword which was in her bedroom, Iblis flash steps behind her and opens his mouth, spewing out a mouthful of flames at the lady, causing her to fall back and groan in pain. She tries to get up but Beelzebub grabs Shura and throws her so hard in the wall that she feels her spine crack. Shit….
Both demons exchange evil smirks before taking it in turns to beat up and straight up torture her, making her groans turn into screams.
Yukio meanwhile watches this sickening act with glee, letting out a psychotic evil laugh. “Now this is a wonderful piece of beauty right there!”
Once they were done, the demons disappear from the scene, leaving Shura’s bloodied corpse behind. Hours later, Izumo arrives to meet up with Shura but lets out a blood curling scream once she sees the horrible mess that lay before her.
Meanwhile, Mephisto and the others were eating their dinner which was a massive buffet of various human food, obviously out of consideration for Rin. Rin would have to admit. Haruto is a pretty good cook though he doubts he would be able to beat him in that department. At that moment, Mephisto’s phone rings. Sighing, the Demon King of Time pulls out the phone and picks the call. “What now?” he says in an irritated tone.
Once the caller on the line tells him what had happened, Mephisto’s eyes widened in shock. “WHAT?!” Rin lifts up his head. Whatever this is, it has to be serious. Once he was finished with the call, Mephisto sighs. “What happened Mephisto?” Rin asked.
“I’m afraid we have to return back to True Cross. Something bad just happened.” Astaroth glares at their brother. “Will you quit beating about the bush and get straight to the point here?!”
Mephisto nods and then says, “I’m afraid to say this Rin but I was just informed that Shura your teacher is dead…..”
Rin feels the world around him collapse. “T-That’s impossible….no….” Mephisto sighs and nods, a grim expression on his face. “Unfortunately it is true. She was apparently attacked by some powerful demons who are yet to be identified.”
Rin then clenches his hand as tears flow down his eyes. Astaroth hugs his younger brother whilst Amaimon gently pats his shoulder. “Any ideas who could be attacker anuie?” Amaimon asked. “I wouldn’t know till we get to the crime scene.” he says. Rin then wipes his tears and then says in a low angry tone, “Whoever it is that killed Shura, that person shall be destroyed…”
Yet another cliffhanger. I know. Don’t get mad at me folks. So what do you think? 
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