#and sephiroth is here too i guess
computerram · 2 years
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learned vincents backstory tonight
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gomacave · 4 months
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clinging to corpses
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mochapanda · 5 months
rebirth is cute but holy shit is the plot so fucking messy. what the hell is even going on
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The idea of "normalcy" was always a foreign one. Had to be, for any number of reasons, but increasingly over time the idea was a joke at best. Unrealistic. Undefinable. A word without meaning.
Seeing someone for the first time in a while was often likely to be a joyous event, wasn't it? Depending. Someone who you had no particular ill will toward, at least. Seeing that someone for the first time in a while with their fist raised and looking very much like they intended to use it immediately was another thing.
Survival instinct was reasonably good. Surprisingly, for the most part, but that didn't mean reflexes were up to par. Sephiroth's hand came up before the fist could make any decent effort to come toward him, stepping forward and then--
The rest was a jumble. Unclear. He didn't have the muscle strength he used to, but it was relatively easy to unbalance a structure of tall, lithe muscle that was already shifting, hauling back to hit, and the combined effort and likely momentary panic on both of their parts sent them both tumbling to the floor in a pile of tangled limbs and confusion.
Well. He supposed he'd more or less gotten used to... whatever passed for "normalcy" in his life. As much as one could when the definition was impossible to pin down.
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perfectlysanexd · 3 days
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I haven't done one of these kind of posts in a while, but the expressions in Rebirth were top notch, and I wanted to talk a bit about and analyze Sephiroth's different smiles, both pre and post Nibelheim.
Nibelheim itself is difficult to gauge, because SOLDIER Cloud is actually Zack, and furthermore, some of it is definitely his own wishful thinking. But one thing you can say for sure, is that they portray that Sephiroth, despite being so emotionally weary, still summons up the energy to smile at his friend.
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As soon as he turns away from Zack, his smile falls, and he doesn't give one to the Mayor at all.
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However, when he turns back to inform the men that they're free until sundown, he summons up another smile for them. I don't think that he's just attempting to keep their morale up, he genuinely has affection for Zack, and cares for the others. He respects them for their service, putting their lives on the line for what they think is a good cause, and Sephiroth—as we saw in Ever Crisis—learned to be a compassionate person, who cares about the lives of others, even enemies.
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Of course, he's deeply distressed during this time, the despair is eating him alive. Even Cloud acknowledges(despite having not known Sephiroth on a personal level) that he just wasn't himself once they arrived. But I'm not going to talk about my theories on all the Jenova stuff right now, that's not the focus here. Even at the window, you can tell he's feeling off, but when he turns to Zack, he attempts to smile again.
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Sephiroth has never enjoyed his fame, and as we learned in Ever Crisis, he didn't choose it; Shinra made up bogus achievements and declared him to be a hero before even his first field assignment, as part of their recruitment campaign. Can't argue with results, I guess—it certainly got Cloud to join up out of hero worship, right? In EC, Sephiroth admits that all he ever wanted was to be normal, something that he knows he can never have. How sad...
So when this man wants to take his picture, it's no wonder that he's over it by then, and tells him no. And rather politely, too, all things considered. But even before that, he smiles and tells Zack that as long as he does his job, their young tourguide will be safe.
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But as soon as he turns his back and walks away? Yeah, that smile immediately fades.
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Which certainly doesn't change when the guy takes his picture. But of course, when Zack asks Sephiroth to pose for one, he just can't say no, even though he's not super happy about it. Anyway, he continues to smile at Zack for the duration of their journey up Mt. Nibel, making an effort to talk and even cracking a couple jokes, just trying to be a good leader and keep them in good spirits.
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And of course, there's the very sad bridge part, where you can tell that he's genuinely upset that he failed to save the other infantryman that got washed away. He searches for him, but comes up empty-handed. Still, he smiles for Zack and teases him about a performance assessment, since their morale is quite low now, but they need to keep going.
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Honestly, the Nibelheim part of Rebirth really did an excellent job of portraying Sephiroth's inner struggle. For reference, there are only 3 points in Remake, I think, when Sephiroth drops his ever-present, sometimes affectionate(towards Cloud) and often unhinged, smile: First, it's replaced with sheer rage as he kills President Shinra.
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Second time, is when Aerith has a Cetra moment and suggests that his entire existence is "wrong".
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And the third time is when he holds out his hand to Cloud at the Edge of Creation, and is rejected by him.
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Anyway, back to Rebirth. Ignoring the bizarre smiles he showed us as Nibelheim was burning, as if he was in a trance and just not all there(that's a subject for a different chat), post-Nibelheim Sephiroth's smiles are interesting, too, if we consider what kind they are, depending on who he's dealing with.
For people he hates, like Tseng, it's much more unhinged looking, and very cold. You can tell there's a certain measure of satisfaction from shanking him, haha...
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For someone like Aerith, who...I wouldn't exactly say that he hates her, but she's definitely in the way. I would almost say that he considers her to be actively preventing Cloud from recovering his true memories, leading him to remain as merely Sephiroth's "puppet", but that's a theory for another day. He looks at her coldly, as well, but it's a bit different. There's a bit more respect there than there was for Tseng.
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And then there's Zack. Actual Zack. I feel like, deep down, he still cares about him, and has no intention of killing him. I almost sense a little...regret? Maybe? Hm. It's definitely a bit warmer of a smile. And of course, although he had many opportunities to get rid of Zack, he doesn't. Instead, he sends him off into the space between worlds safely.
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And of course, last but certainly not least, is the way he smiles at Cloud. I know, I know. "But Sane, you like sefikura, so you're biased!" Look, I won't deny that. However, when you really look at it and compare his smiles, which is what this is all about, his truest smiles are always saved for Cloud. He has 2 different "flavors": pure affection and cruel affection. (There are also a few pity smiles, I think.) The former is used most of the time, whenever Cloud is in his sight, and the latter is used during moments when he's trying to control/influence him. I would almost say that he's...satisfied, yet regretful at the same time?? Like these:
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And now, let's contrast that with his more genuine, affectionate smiles for Cloud... (The first shot here ⬇ can be contrasted with the shot 2 up from the bottom there ⬆, as the one above is when he's calling Cloud his puppet, and the one below is when Cloud goes to attack him and he opens his arms wider for the incoming uh...embrace.)
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Remake had many interesting smiles from him, too, but that will have to be a different post, as this already has 30 screenshots. Anywho, you're free to draw your own conclusions, and not everyone reads faces in the same way, so maybe I'm nuts. Who knows? Either way, I hope you enjoyed this random, indulgent, very long post, haha. If you made it to the end, you're awesome. 💕
All screenshots were taken by me on my PS5. I won't ask for credit on them, since literally anyone can take an identical shot if they pause at the right second. (The exception are the 3 Remake shots, which were taken on PC with mods and the freecam. For those, I would appreciate credit if you use them anywhere, since I don't watermark them.)
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sephirthoughts · 11 days
crisis core but if cloud was aware of his cuteness:
zack: hey, tseng, i forgot my wallet at the office. can i borrow ten gil for lunch?
tseng: you being irresponsible with your things is not my problem. i hope going hungry teaches you a valuable lesson
cloud: tseng-gege, can i—
tseng: here's my wallet take whatever you need
later on the helicopter to modeoheim:
cloud pouting and rubbing his ass: ow this seat is so hard
zack still mad about lunch: why don't you sit on tseng-gege's lap
tseng: wouldn't be any better
after they crash in modeo ravine:
zack: fuck! my leg's broken!
tseng: you SOLDIERs are supposed to be tough. use a cure materia and walk it off
cloud leans against tseng: sorry, tseng-gege. i'm a little dizzy
tseng scoops him up like a princess: i better carry you. can't take any chances with your health
zack: what about his rifle and gear?
tseng: good thinking. make sure you grab those. and pick up the pace, will you?
zack: a̵g̴s̸h̴f̷l̸a̶g̶s̴h̸f̶g̷a̵k̷
later outside the mako extraction facility:
cloud shivers: wow it's pretty cold up here
tseng: zack you can handle a few hundred enemies on your own, right?
zack: well not—
tseng: excellent. take care of this and meet us in town afterward. we'll be at the hot spring baths
zack: COME ON, MAN
years later in nibelheim:
tifa: not goin' too fast for you, am i?
zack: of course not. we're just trying to pace ourselves
cloud: actually, my feet kind of hurt
sephiroth turns around: your feet hurt? you are a shinra trooper. when we are in the field, you represent all of us. you should—
cloud: -takes off his helmet-
sephiroth: —be looked after with the utmost care, like the precious treasure you are. as such, i am duty bound to carry you the rest of the way up the mountain.
tifa: cloud…?
later in the shinra basement library:
zack visibly twitching: hey, sephiroth. what you got, there?
sephiroth reading a book to cloud, who is sitting in his lap: oh, zack, it's you. you'll never believe this. i'm not even human. turns out i was created in a lab, from the dna of an ancient creature they dug out of a sedimentary rock layer. isn't that cool?
cloud snuggling up to sephiroth: i think it's cool, sephi-chan
sephiroth: see? cloud thinks it's cool. i guess you just don't get it. actually, you'd better leave. you're kind of killing the vibe
zack: i̴̘̥̕ ̷̨͗͝å̶̱̝ḿ̴̡̕ ̶̰͋̕b̸̢͚́u̴̘̯͊͂r̸̼̭̐n̵̢̿ȋ̵̜n̴͙̠͒͘ģ̷́́ ̶̦̀t̵̼̗͑h̸̠̺̾͒i̷͚̗̿s̴̡̥͐ ̶̤͝f̵̤͐u̴̖͖͌c̷̱̲͑͗k̸͔̃̾i̵̮̥̊n̴͕̆̓g̸̨̒͝ ̴͎̈́t̵̼̞́̍ṏ̸͚w̷̡͗̃ń̸̫̈́ ̵̟̎t̸̞̓o̶̼̎ ̶̢͔̈́ẗ̸̼̩ḧ̵̳̮́e̴͚̋ ̵͎͚́̅g̴̗͒̈́r̸͉̓̕o̴̗͌̕u̶̹̓n̷̛̘̹d̴̙̑
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One of the cutest things I’ve seen written is the reader who loves to cook and a thought that helps me get through meals that feel like they take centuries long to finish. anyways, I guess here’s this little thought.
During their last exam Hojo couldn’t help but notice something a bit different about Sephiroth, but after taking his weight he finally put his finger on it. “Are you eating more? Your weight typically doesn’t fluctuate.” More so stating than asking Sephiroth looks down on himself almost self consciously.
Of course he’s still his usual muscular self, but I guess you could says he’s bulked up. He has been eating more but that’s because you love to cook. Making random dishes you come across, or dishes you’ve grown up with and want him to taste. Sephiroth relishes in this considering he’s grown up off of military rations, given he would have some of Angeal’s cooking from time to time, he’s never been too spoiled to home cooked meals.
Hell this man would rarely eat anything, usually eating just once throughout the day. Staring at you in confusion the first time you asked him if he ate for the day. Of course he hadn’t, he doesn’t have the time to feed himself. Somehow you still make time to do so though, making enough for him as well. Never too sure how much he eats, you usually make him a larger serving, considering he finishes the food every time you never saw it as a problem either. Taking pride in the fact that he would pout the days you didn’t have time to make him lunch, practically getting him out of the habit of eating company meals all together.
Later that day while eating dinner together he’ll mention that maybe you’re feeding too much. Joking that Hojo is worried about him losing his figure. He definitely doesn’t want you to stop, every meal that you make him warms his heart.
After thought?
The thought also stems from crisis core and I’m a bit addicted to feeding my bf. That scene where Angeal comments on Sephiroth’s weight also has stuck in my mind quite a bit. It would be so devastating to watch him go from eating anything you make him to barely eating so much he drops in weight. Imagine if something happens to you? He may never eat again.
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strayheartless · 3 months
Okay, I’m just sounding ideas here and don’t come at me from behind with a baseball bat or anything…
But do we maybe think that Angeal made the situation in the training room worse? Now I’m not saying Angeal’s to blame and I wanna caveat this entire ramble with the admission that I’m not even sure about this take. However, I was thinking about the actual situation like I was breaking down frames of a film (👋🏻 yoohoo! Film degree!) and when you look at it this:
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(Credit for clip: Shirrako on YouTube)
It’s Angeal’s sword that breaks. Now, again, not blaming Angeal, Genesis was being Genesis and the whole thing wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t challenged sephiroth. But there is a line of thinking that suggests that it is Angeal’s lack of trust in his friends that exacerbates the situation.
Fanon aside, there is nothing actually in text that suggests that Genesis and Sephiroth have ever actually taken it too far. Actually apart from that one e-mail from Kunsel:
"It seems every SOLDIER 1st Class has a quirkor three, but I think Angeal has a lot ofcommon sense and is a trustworthy fellow.Let's face it: Genesis never found groupactivities appealing, so Angeal is, in fact,the spiritual leader of SOLDIER.I've got a lot of respect for him, too.And I envy you for getting to work with himso often."
(Source: Fandom Wiki, Final Fantasy Wiki: Mail (crisis Core))
there is nothing at all about Genesis' personality before the accident and degredation at all. We can make general guesses based on what we see of Genesis before that innitial wound, but over all, we do not know. So, why does Angeal stop them?
The obvious answer to this is because Genesis and Sephiroth are literally destroying the training room, he even says "You'll destroy this place," but they've done this before according to Sephiroth and theres no point at shich either of them actually manage to hurt the other. Even when Genesis encases Seph in a ball of fire, he doesn't hurt him, and their swords never aim for flesh.
it would be very easy for Sephiroth to exploit Genesis' weakness' and aim for his vulnrablites.
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(credit for clip: Shirrako on YouTube)
As we can see in the above frame, Genesis leaves his left side virtually unguarded. His body is turned to favor his right side, he is quite clearly teligraphing a weakness that Sephiroth does not exploit once. Why? perhaps its hubris, perhaps its trust; who is to say, but what is clear is that, despite the destruction, neither are going to hurt each other.
The problem arises, then, when Genesis allows himself to grow overconfident. He legitimately blasts Angeal out of the fight and goes to defeat Sephiroth himself. Angeal is perhaps alerted to the fact that Genesis has lost some sort of control, but concidering there is not a scratch on either of them, he possibly didn't need to.
What I like about this line of thought is that it works hand in hand with the actual story itself. at the crux of everything it is not just Genesis and Sephiroth to blame for how events unfold, Angeals actions have a greater impact on everything.
When Angeal chooses to get in between the two he is the deciding blow that hurts Genesis, yet it is Sephiroth who is blamed for Genesis' sickness.
When Genesis storms the Shinra building it is Angeal who has left Sephiroth in the dark without answers; yet it is Sephiroth and Zack who have to pick up the pieces after it ends.
in Banora it is Angeals inaction that places Zack in danger and ends with the distruction of his home.
and the most obvious, Angeals death is not just defining for Zack but for Sephiroth too. While it is not talked about in text, Angeals death leaves Sephiroth vulnrable to Genesis' ire, and his own relationship to honour and monstrosity that affects Sephiroth's perseption of himself.
Angeal's decision to not allow Genesis and Sephiroth to come to their natural conclusion creates a consistant feeling of unfinished business. The ultimate question here is, would either Genesis or Sephiroth truly hurt each other. Had Angeal not intervened with his flimsy Shinra issue Claymore (possibly representative of his own morality and honour) Would Genesis have been wounded and would he have felt robbed of the title of hero?
This is all just conjecture and shaky soundboarding. If you have any opinions please feel free to share!
As always be kind and please don't yell or be mean (I am only a little critter I will cry!)
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esamastation · 11 months
Part forty-eight of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven
His Qi is beginning to spin.
It feels incredible. The flow is sluggish, the mass of energy is still so solid that it feels like he's working with a slurry of concrete - but there's a current. With each session, it gets easier.
With each session, it spins longer on its own.
He's never felt an achievement like it. Like, sure, he knows cultivation, he'd even advanced in cultivation. He'd worked really hard! He'd taken Shen Qingqiu's core almost to a new level before the Without a Cure Poison! He knows how it's done and has been doing it for years.
But the thing is, he'd never actually earned Shen Qingqiu's cultivation prowess. It came ready-made for the most part, with the majority of the hard work completed decades ago. He'd inherited an Immortal Master's Core, and he'd just brushed it off and carried on, and even though he'd made it work, it… wasn't really his.
And true enough, neither is this, not entirely. He's skipping at a minimum a decade of Qi-condensation work here thanks to Mako and MP and EXP and all that. He got one hell of a head start here! But then, everyone in SOLDIER did, and the current inside him, this development in that near solid mass of energy - that's all him.
He's cultivating a Golden Core! And it's all him. And goddamn, it feels so good. Like a giddy adrenaline burst with serotonin and dopamine and I kinda wanna jump around and dance and spin good. Happiness very literally incarnates in a beautiful glowing core.
He's not quite there yet, it's still like trying to spin a boulder the size of a house, but he's getting there, he's almost gotten it to shape, it's almost spinning under its own weight, it's so close that he can almost taste it.
Just a little bit more… 
Sephiroth moves from form to form, feeling the flow of energy circulate in his meridians, smoother by the moment. His spiritual veins are still scarred all the way to hell, but he's gotten them to yield, and the snags have opened up - the flow is easier now. With time and with careful cultivation, he'd be able to slowly heal them. With Sephiroth's natural healing aided by the magic of cultivation… and actual magic to boot…!
Ah, he's really making something incredible here!
It's pretty much inevitable that something comes along to put a spanner into the works.
It's Rude, coming to stand next to the training field. Sephiroth can't feel Angeal anywhere near. Reno is out of his reach too. And Rude feels… anxious.
Sephiroth searches the surroundings with his slowly sharpening spiritual senses and then begins pulling his cultivation in, as fast as he can without causing issues. He compresses his core, constricts the flow to safer levels and finishes his set by pulling it all inward. His core carries on with the momentum he's given it and keeps spinning.
Rude is standing at the very edge of the training field, not even trying to hide for once.
"What's wrong?" Sephiroth asks, pulling his sword into a brief salute before sheathing it. "Where are the others?"
Rude is quiet for a moment, taking him in carefully. Then he relaxes. "There is a Wutai troop movement in the forest. Reno confirmed they're heading this way," he explains and then, "Hewley has gone to meet them head on."
… Ah, shit. There it is! Plot, coming to get him! Guess things had been a bit too easy and nice. Okay, he probably should've expected this, what with it being warfront and everything, but still! Fuuck.
Sephiroth draws a breath and braces himself. "Which way?"
Rude hesitates. "It's unlikely that your intervention is necessary. SOLDIER of Hewley's level can handle Wutai troops."
Most likely, yes! But Sephiroth isn't sure he could handle the idea of Angeal just… killing people?! Even if it is the way it is and even if it is what they usually do. Who knows how many people they've already killed in Shinra's name! Going by his mission listings, the Shinra standard mode of operation is kill first, ask questions never… probably very often! If that's how Angeal handles things too, then…
"I didn't ask whether it was necessary," Sephiroth points out sharply. "I asked which way?"
"... North," Rude finally admits, and Sephiroth detects no lies in his tone or body language. The guy seems a bit resigned.
Nodding, Sephiroth searches the area north with his senses, and then - then he takes off.
He really takes off.
It might not be sword flight, but man, SOLDIER are really something else when it comes up to speed! Even with Sephiroth's stupid long legs and their ridiculous muscles, the way he just eats the distance is incredible! From the outside it must look like he just vanished, anime style. Just blink, and Sephiroth's gone!
Ah, pity he can't see it from outside.
Not the time, though. Superhuman speed or not, it's really awkward, navigating the forest - there's no handy-dandy road to follow northward, just bushes and trees and uneven ground. And smacking into a tree at this speed really doesn't appeal to him!
Hmm. Actually. Didn't Sephiroth fly around, like, a lot in the original game? He remembers it because, one, seeing the low poly model fly seriously towards the camera had made him laugh his ass off, and two, because seeing it sent him down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out whether there were Qigong aspects in Final Fantasy VII. He never got a definite answer to that, but… Sephiroth definitely flew around. And so did Genesis and Angeal, on wings that should've never been able to support their weight!
And he's already proven that cultivation works here… so, maybe…?
Sephiroth flexes his still imperfect core and pulses his still sluggish QI and spreads out his arms, Masamune in one hand, and jumps. His momentum sends him forward a bit more than intended, but he gets into the air. He gets up high indeed - and almost smacks right into a tree for his efforts.
With one foot he pushes off it, and he keeps going up, near weightless, carried on by his Qi. And it's. 
PIDW was, despite all its Xianxia themes of Demons and different Realms and Immortal Cultivators, more Wuxia when it came to combat. Sure there were spells and Qi attacks - and really, really elaborate sword formations for a story that didn't really do teamwork all that much! But while there was sword flight, there wasn't your usual weightlessness and gliding and jumping around from wire-thin branches, light as a feather. 
Shen Yuan had been convinced it was just because Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky wanted to write a million scenes of sword flight make out, and that didn't work so well if everyone could fly around willy-nilly, now did it? No, just take away the heroine's sword and make Bingge fly them around, and boom, perfect excuse for mid air PDA! He didn't mind reading it - sword flight was pretty cool and lack of weightlessness made fights more grounded overall. 
Heh, grounded.
Living in PIDW with a disability that made sword flight kinda risky though, ah. A bit of weightlessness in the way of most Wuxia heroes everywhere would've made it much easier, just getting around in Cang Qiong Mountain! Alas, he had to walk instead. What a waste of time.
Well, apparently there are no such limitations here! And of course Qigong flight comes easily for Sephiroth. Of course it does! 
Sephiroth flies his way to the highest tree tops and over them, jumping from the highest branches as the distance simply disappears beneath him. He's weightless and strong, and not even gravity can touch him!
Ahh, there's really nothing like cultivating a Golden Core!
One Wingless Angel, coming through!
Wheee~~ :D
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silvergreenseraphim · 11 months
Angeal and Sephiroth (And Genesis?)—Dissidia Opera Omnia—Part One
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Alright, so this chapter was a lot, and it opened with Weiss quoting “Loveless” for a reason, it seems.
“When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end, the goddess descends from the sky! Wings of light and dark spread afar, she guides us to bliss…her gift everlasting!”
Weiss becomes our voice for Genesis, or his “brother,” in this chapter. When Seymour questions his quote, Weiss replies,
“It was a passage from a story our brother loved. He used to quote it for his best friend. That friend was Sephiroth, the hero and friend of the other “brother,” Angeal as well.”
This part was hard to translate into English, but Weiss essentially explains that Genesis used to quote Loveless for his close friend, Sephiroth, the hero, and Angeal was right there with them as the third friend in the trio.
Seymour is shocked and gasps, “Sephiroth and Angeal were best friends??”
Weiss replies, “It’s hard to believe of the now-evil “hero” that never reveals his heart. And yet, the exemplary First Class soldier that is a role model for everyone was his friend.”
I am on the fence about the translation of this part and may change it once my friend gets back to me, but for now, it seems like Weiss is pondering the friendship of Sephiroth and Angeal and how differently they turned out, because Seymour does make a comment like, “I suppose if you have dreams and honor, you can’t go wrong.”
But there is potentially more here that Weiss is saying about his own relationship to Sephiroth and Angeal—perhaps suggesting he is not their friend and doesn’t quite understand their past relationship himself. I will have to keep researching.
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We cut to Sephiroth again, who is confused about his memory returning. He says he didn’t expect any memories to return from the Lifestream, but shakes his head and denial. He claims these memories Angeal brought back are unnecessary and that he most remove Angeal from the picture immediately. His motives are set.
Meanwhile, Zack and Angeal are talking about how Sephiroth changed. I translated this on Altocat’s blog and here is what they say:
Zack says,
“Angeal, I know you’re surprised…I can’t believe that Sephiroth changed like that…
Angeal replies,
“So, you were taken aback as well…”
Zack says,
“It was out of nowhere. We went to investigate Cloud and Tifa’s village…and I guess he discovered his origins. He killed everyone and burned down the village. He had always been the hero I strived to be…”
Zack and Angeal are both very crestfallen here, lamenting this knowledge. Angeal pulls himself together and says,
“I know…I’m disappointed too. Everything changed while I was gone, I guess.
Angeal further laments that he wasn’t there, and Zack reassures him that even though Angeal disappeared at the time and pushed everyone away, Zack would have stayed by his side and helped. Zack would have left Shinra, and he says he is sure Sephiroth felt the same way.
Angeal thanks his student but says that it was his choice and lonely path at the time—he had to carry the responsibility as a First Class soldier. Zack chastises him saying he shouldn’t think that way—after all, Zack is a First Class as well, and has enough experience. He could have helped Angeal. Angeal begins to reply, saying, “Zack…” but then they are interrupted by the others.
They say it’s time to make a decision about Sephiroth, and Cloud explains that the silver boi is planning to turn the world into an empty vessel that he may sail the cosmos with in order to find another world. An Advent Children reference, of course.
Rufus mentions that this goal is very similar to the desire of Jenova. He has to then explain what Jenova is to the other characters, as well as the Reunion theory.
This makes a lightbulb go off in Angeal’s head and he gasps, “So basically…Sephiroth is Jenova?”
He puts it together that Reunion implies that Jenova’s cells must be drawn back to their source, and since that source is currently Sephiroth, they must be the same.
However, the others simply say that Sephiroth/Jenova must be eliminated, and agree to hunt him down. Everyone nods and moves forward except Angeal, who lingers with hesitation.
In the next part, they are in the process of tracking Sephiroth, but the group notices Angeal’s troubled demeanor. They ask him if he’s okay and Kadaj says that he heard about Sephiroth being Angeal’s good friend. He says that it must be disheartening to see Sephiroth in his current state, since nothing is like it used to be.
Angeal notes Kadaj’s own tone of disappointment and Kadaj explains how Sephiroth used him as a puppet to find Jenova’s remains, which horrifies Kadaj because if Sephiroth and Jenova are the same, then his own “mother” used and betrayed him in such a way.
Angeal encourages Kadaj and gives him one of his classic pep talks, appealing to his usual “dreams and honor” code. Tifa notes that Zack often spoke the same way, prompting Angeal to recall teaching Zack all those things.
In response to Kadaj, he then says he was indeed surprised by hearing what Sephiroth did, but he says that,
“Sephiroth had his honor once too…and he has a tendency to hold onto things, so even if I am surprised, I can’t abandon him…”
The others say that they aren’t sure if Angeal’s words can reach Sephiroth, who was cruel enough to destroy Tifa and Cloud’s village. Tifa agrees as she recalls how she begged Sephiroth to explain why he did what he did, but she does say to Angeal that she believes he could have a better chance.
She kindly compliments him on how his “dreams and honor” philosophy had helped her as well. :,)
She encourages Angeal, saying that his words will surely be a beacon and that he should try to speak with Sephiroth again. Angeal hangs his head sorrowfully and agrees, saying,
“I don’t want to give up on him….so I’ll try as hard as I can…”
This is a good place to stop because the next chapters are where everything gets chaotic, but for now, we have some build-up for what Angeal wants to do, and for Weiss being a stand-in for Genesis later.
Some little notes:
The Zack and Angeal scenes were very sweet, as Zack wants to convince his old mentor to stop shouldering everything alone. Angeal’s absolute refusal to give up on Seph tugs at the heartstrings too, and I find it so sweet that Tifa actually encouraged him.
The “Sephiroth is Jenova” point is fascinating, but I believe we will soon find that Seph’s own will is blended into Jenova’s, as they are aligned, and this might be what reveals to Angeal that there may not be much hope for his old friend. :(
I am struggling with the Weiss and Seymour discussion, and this has been one of the parts that has slowed me down, because the context is hard to decipher, but I suspect that Weiss is comparing Sephiroth and Angeal to the figures in Loveless, which also becomes relevant later. I will update as soon as I can get an explanation from my Japanese friend. I am not skilled enough to decipher everything yet on my own, you see. 😅
But enjoy this for now, and I will be back with more soon! <3
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ajalholland · 12 days
Young Sephiroth x reader
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(Discovering feelings, long time friendship, fluff. (Y/n) and Sephiroth are the same age)
Sephiroth stood at the edge of the sand, the sun beating down on his back as he waited for (Y/n) to come out of the changing room. His fingers drummed against his thigh, clad in board shorts - an unfamiliar feeling. The fabric felt too light, too loose. He wasn't one for swimsuits, even in the heat of summer. But here they were, at the Costa del Sol, ready to... enjoy themselves? he wasn't sure he knew how to do that.
(Y/n) saunters towards Sephiroth, her feet sinking slightly into the warm sand with each step. She's traded her usual clothes for a brand new swimsuit . Her eyes, warm and inviting, meet his as she tilts her head, gesturing down at her new swimsuit. "So... what d'you think?" she asks softly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
Sephiroth's gaze flickers downwards, taking in her appearance, before quickly darting back up to her face. He shifts uncomfortably, his hands now clasped behind his back. "You look... nice," he manages to say, his voice gruff. He clears his throat, trying to rid himself of the sudden lump forming there. "I mean, you always look good, but... different. In a good way," he adds hastily, feeling his cheeks grow warm. He curses himself internally for his lack of eloquence, but he couldn't help it. His heart pounded in his chest, his thoughts racing faster than he could grasp them.
(Y/n) chuckles, her cheeks flushing slightly at Sephiroth's stammered compliment. She reaches into her bag, rummaging through their belongings until she pulls out a bottle of sunscreen. "Thanks... I guess," she teases lightly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She holds up the bottle, shaking it gently. "Come on, let me sunscreen you. Don't want you turning into a lobster out here." She grins, already squirting some lotion onto her palm, ready to apply it to his skin.
Sephiroth tenses, taking a step back instinctively. He'd never been touched much, especially not like this. His breath hitches, his eyes widening slightly as he looks at the white liquid on her palm. "I-I can do it myself," he protests weakly, his voice barely above a whisper. But even as he said it, he found himself standing still, his body refusing to move away from her. "It's just... I'm not used to..." he trails off, unable to put his feelings into words.
"You can't reach your own back, silly. Here, turn around." (Y/n) scolds softly, her brows furrowing gently. She nudges Sephiroth playfully, guiding him to spin around with a gentle touch on his shoulder.
Sephiroth hesitates for a moment before slowly turning around, his back now facing (Y/n). He can feel her closeness, her warmth radiating against him. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "Just... go ahead," he says, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. He closes his eyes, bracing himself for the unfamiliar sensation.
"Alright," (Y/n) smirked triumphantly, her fingers coated in sunscreen as she started to spread the lotion across Sephiroth's broad back. She worked meticulously, her touch gentle yet firm, her eyes tracing the lines of his muscles.
Sephiroth jolts slightly at the first touch, a shiver running down his spine. He bites his lower lip, trying to suppress a soft gasp. Her hands were surprisingly warm, her touch sending waves of... something through him. He felt giddy. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms, trying to distract himself from the strange sensations. "Y-You're thorough," he remarks, his voice coming out more strangled than intended.
(Y/n) leans in closer, her voice soft and teasing as she moves to sunscreen his arms, the back of his neck, and his shoulders. "I don't want my angel boy to get burned," she murmurs, her fingers working diligently, her eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth.
Sephiroth's breath hitches at the nickname, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the sun. Angel boy. That was new. He swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm not... I'm not fragile," he protests weakly, his voice barely above a whisper. But even as he said it, he found himself leaning into her touch, craving more of it.
(Y/n) hums her fingers pausing briefly on his skin. "I know you're not fragile, Sephiroth," she says softly, her voice barely audible over the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. "But you are pale, and you burn more easily than I do." she explains, her thumbs rubbing gentle circles on his back as she continues to apply the sunscreen.
Sephiroth looks down at his pale skin, realizing she was right. He'd never really thought about it. "Oh," he says, feeling stupid. He cleared his throat, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "Well, thank you then," he mumbles, his ears feeling hot.
(Y/n) leaned in closer, her voice soft and playful as she began to gently apply sunscreen to Sephiroth's face, her fingers tracing his jaw. "You're acting funny, angel boy," she chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
Sephiroth sucks in a sharp breath, his eyes dart to her lips. He freezes, panic surging through him. What the heck... why does he suddenly want to kiss her? "S-Sorry," he stammers, stepping back abruptly, putting distance between them. "I-I just... need a minute," he mutters, turning away from her, his face flushed with embarrassment and confusion.
(Y/n)'s brow furrowed with worry as she watched Sephiroth step back, her hands falling to her sides. She took a step towards him, her voice laced with concern. "Seph, you alright?" She reached out tentatively, her hand hovering near his arm, unsure if she should touch him.
Sephiroth tenses, his body rigid. He can't look at her, not like this. Not when he's... like this. "I'm fine," he lies, his voice tight. "Just... give me a moment, okay?" He takes another step back, creating more distance between them. "Please," he adds, his voice softer this time, a plea in his eyes as he finally glances at her.
(Y/n) held her hands up in mock surrender, her brow furrowed with concern yet understanding. "Alright, alright. Sorry," she said, taking a step back and giving him the space he needed, her eyes filled with worry but respecting his boundaries.
Sephiroth lets out a sigh of relief, his shoulders slumping slightly. He turns away from her, walking towards the water's edge, needing a moment to collect his thoughts, to understand these new feelings coursing through him. "I'll... I'll be back," he calls out, his voice distant.
(Y/n) watches Sephiroth walk away, her heart aching at the distance he's putting between them. She wraps her arms around herself, hugging her middle, her expression a mix of concern and sadness. "Alright... I'll be here..." she calls out, her voice soft and uncertain, carrying a hint of vulnerability. But he is already gone.
Sephiroth walks into the water, the cool liquid washing over his feet, then his ankles, his calves. He goes deeper, until the water reaches his waist, the current tugging at him. He looks out at the horizon, the vast expanse of blue stretching out before him, mirroring the turmoil within him.
His mind races, a whirlwind of confusion and fear. He's never felt like this before. This... this longing, this ache in his chest. This... feeling. For (Y/n). His best friend. His angel. He's known her for years, but this feeling... this is different. This is intense, overwhelming. This is terrifying.
He runs a hand through his hair, gripping the strands tightly. He wants to kiss her. He wants her in ways he's never wanted anyone before. Ways he's never even considered wanting someone. But he's scared. Scared of ruining their friendship. Scared of rejection. Scared of not knowing what to do, how to act, how to... be.
He takes a deep breath, the salty air filling his lungs. He needs to figure this out. He needs to understand these feelings, control them. He needs to... talk to her. But how? How does he tell her, without scaring her off? Without ruining everything? By the time he came back from his thoughts, the sun was setting. And (Y/n) wasn't were Sephiroth last saw her.
Sephiroth's heart pounds in his chest as he scans the beach, his eyes widening as he realizes (Y/n) is nowhere to be seen. Panic surges through him, his breath hitching. "(Y/n)?" he calls out, his voice echoing across the empty beach. "(Y/n), where are you?" He starts to walk back towards their spot, his eyes frantically searching for any sign of her. "(Y/n), please answer me," he pleads, his voice laced with urgency and fear.
(Y/n)'s bag lay abandoned on the beach, its contents spilled out haphazardly as if she'd left in a hurry. Her towel was crumpled nearby, her sunglasses discarded beside it. A half-finished novel lay open, facedown in the sand, its pages rustling softly in the breeze.
Sephiroth's breath catches in his throat as he takes in the scene, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He drops to his knees, picking up the book, his fingers brushing against the delicate pages. "No," he whispers, his voice barely audible, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "No, no, no," he repeats, his voice growing louder, more desperate. "(Y/n)! Where are you?" He looks around, his eyes wild, his body trembling with fear and adrenaline.
(Y/n) wanders down the beach, her bare feet sinking into the cool sand, the setting sun casting a warm glow on her skin. She licks at the melting ice cream in her hand, a content smile playing on her lips, her hair dancing gently in the sea breeze. In her other hand another ice cream, she headed towards a familiar figure standing alone at their spot, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "Seph, what's going on?!" she called.
Sephiroth spins around, his eyes wide with relief as he sees (Y/n) approaching. He rushes towards her, closing the distance between them in a few strides. Before he can stop himself, he pulls her into a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair. "Don't scare me like that," he whispers, his voice hoarse with unshed tears. "I thought... I thought something happened to you."
(Y/n)'s eyes widen, clutching the ice creams tightly to prevent them from getting tossed. "I-I just went to grab us some ice cream..." she mumbles, looking up at Sephiroth sheepishly. "Thought it might make you less mad at me..."
Sephiroth pulls back slightly, his eyes meeting hers. He blinks, taken aback. "Mad at you?" he echoes, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I wasn't... I wasn't mad at you, (Y/n)," he says softly, his voice gentle. "I was just... thinking.."
(Y/n) held up the melting ice cream cone, her nose wrinkling slightly. "Here, I brought you this. You looked like you could use something sweet after... whatever that was," she murmured, her eyes filled with concern and curiosity. "you've been acting all weird, Sephiroth."
Sephiroth takes the ice cream from her, his hands trembling slightly as he holds it. He looks down at the treat, his mind still reeling from the day's events. He takes a tentative lick, the sweetness momentarily calming him. "I'm sorry," he says, his voice low. "I'm... I'm dealing with a lot right now. Things I don't understand."
He looks back at (Y/n), his eyes searching her face. "I... I didn't mean to leave like that. I didn't mean to scare you." He takes another lick of the ice cream, buying himself a moment to gather his thoughts. "Can we... can we talk? I need to... explain."
(Y/n) leans in, her voice soft and reassuring as she tilts her head towards Sephiroth. "Let's finish our ice cream first, okay?" she suggests, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "We don't want it to melt all over the place. Then, we can find a quiet spot and talk, yeah?" She nudges him gently with her elbow, a small smile playing on her lips.
Sephiroth nods, his heart swelling at her understanding, her unwavering support. He takes her hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk back to their spot. They enjoy the ice cream, the cool sweetness a welcome contrast to the heat of the day, their laughter and easy banter lifting the heaviness in his chest.
Once they finished, he leads her away from the crowded beach to a secluded spot, the sand soft beneath their feet, the waves a comforting backdrop to their conversation. "Thank you," he says, his voice soft, his gaze locked on hers. "For being patient with me, for understanding, for being my friend."
He swallows, taking a deep breath, his cheeks flushing. "(Y/n)... I... I have feelings for you. I thought it was just... friendship. But it's more. I... I love you. I've loved you for a long time." He looks down at his hands, his voice shaking. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I just... I need you to know."
As (Y/n) locked her gaze with Sephiroth's, she could see the raw honesty and vulnerability in his eyes. His confession left her speechless momentarily. With a gentle smile, she cups his face in her hands. Her heart thundered in her chest, and without a second thought, she leans in and presses her lips against his.
Sephiroth's eyes widen as (Y/n) cups his face, her touch sending shivers down his spine. His heart races as she leans in, their lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss. He freezes at first, unsure, before relaxing into it, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her close.
He pulls back, his breathing heavy, his eyes filled with longing. "(Y/n)," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "Please, don't ever leave me."
(Y/n) meets his gaze, her eyes shining with love. She cups his face again, her thumb brushing over his lips, before she leans in for another kiss, this time more confident, more assured. As their lips part, she speaks softly, her voice a sweet whisper. "Never, angel boy."
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pinkgy · 4 months
Belphegor Theory
Ok, so I might and might have not spent about two hours doing some research about Belphegor because that "Halo" of his has me questioning a lot of things, and this is what I came up with, but extremely summarized.
I'm most definitely no expert on the topics I'm about to talk about, I just dug a bit too deep into the internet and got some interesting things, I would like to know if I'm wrong and I would love to read opinions about this.
I got the information from looooots of sources, and credit to all of them.
So, we know that What in Hell is Bad is heavily inspired by biblical concepts, the Seven Deadly Sins are from Christianity, the Seraphims are mentioned in Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Literature, and pretty much all of the nobles are from the Ars Goetia, and many of them are associated with Christian Demonology.
The game also has many references to other religions and beliefs, but if I were to make a list of all those references, I'd be here writing for days.
Let's dig a bit into who is Belphegor outside the game.
Belphegor is referenced in both Jewish and Christian traditions, he originates from the Moabites, a very ancient tribe that habited the region of Moab, an ancient Levantine kingdom. Belphegor is originally the Moabite god Baal-Peor, who was associated with fertility, sexual power, and orgies, then he was absorbed into Hebrew mythology and later into Christian demonology.
In Christian Demonology, Belphegor is one of the seven princes of hell, and he represents the deadly sin of Sloth. He is also associated with laziness, apathy, and negligence and his name means "Lord of the Opening"
Belphegor is physically described in many ways, a very interesting fact is that in the Dictionnaire Infernal, a book written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy that summed up, is an illustrated version of the demonology, he is described as always having his mouth open, and the hand placement he has in the banner that Prettybusy recently released could be making a reference to that.
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(Another interesting fact is that he's said to be hard to conjure because his sacrificial offering is excrement, but I prefer to ignore that)
Belphegor is also referenced in the Kabbalah, which is like a philosophy, or to be more precise, an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism that deals with the essence of God and the universe (I just copy&pasted this, it's a bit hard to explain, srry)
In the Kabbalah, guess what Belphegor is.
A fallen angel.
To be more precise, he was an angel in the order of the principalities.
Belphegor is known to be an enemy to the sixth sephiroth and the archdemon (or the leader) of the Togarini, they are the demonic counterparts to the angels that rule over the 10 Sephirot of the Tree of Life.
For context, the Sephirot are the ten emanations or attributes of God in Kabbalah.
I also read that some demons under the Togarini are Lilith, Samael, and Thaumiel, but there's very little information about that so I'm not going to use this as a fact.
The reason why he fell from grace is not explicitly mentioned, but it's somewhat implied that it was related to his association with the sixth Sephirah "Beauty" and the fact that he is depicted as a demon who tempts individuals with ingenious inventions, wealth, and discoveries (I also copy&pasted this)
It's also said that he rules over seduction, promiscuous men, and MISOGYNY.
I'm not sure if there are references from the Kabbalah in What in Hell is Bad, but if there were, it would be super interesting, as I said in the beginning, the game has a lot of references from various religions and beliefs, I would love to make a separate post about that just because I may have way too much free time to investigate that.
Or maybe I just spent 2 whole hours writing almost 700 words about a ton shit of things I barely know anything about and creating a theory just because of a black circle above a fictional character's head that it's probably just a horn just like @thrones-of-buer said on a post.
(I still have some doubts about that because it seems like in the new illustration that pb released of him today he has a unicorn horn just like Beelzebub, but I could be wrong)
This is just a theory tho, I'm most likely wrong, but I thought it would be interesting to share this with y'all :D
Sorry if there are any typos, I'm reaaally sleepy right now.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Out of Context Shit Heard on the SOLDIER floor #4
A portion of these were sent in/inspired by an ask sent by @strawberrysnortshake
Zack: Ironically this isn't the first time I've accidentally eaten chalk.
Angeal: Attention everyone we're now taking votes. Raise your hand if you would sleep with Sephi—I DIDN'T FINISH SAYING HIS NAME PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN.
Kunsel: We're all out of duct tape. Angeal used the last of it to tape Genesis to the ceiling.
Sephiroth: Are you satisfied with your fish sticks, Zackary?
Genesis: Why does it smell like mommy issues in here—oh hi, Sephiroth.
Zack: I'm officially 23% goat milk.
Genesis: Well well well if it isn't my old nemesis, Heterosexuality.
Zack: Aww! 🥰 You're the antichrist!
Cloud: Yeah you're a SOLDIER alright, a sold your ass.
Zack: Where are we supposed to put this giant clown statue?
Lazard: WHY do you have a giant clown statue?
Sephiroth walking towards Genesis's office with a flamethrower: The goddess has had it good for far too long.
Essai: If we all chip in, we can finally buy Kunsel a face.
Genesis: I guess this means that the box labeled used illegal knick-knacks is off limits?
Roche: let's all dance maniacally and pretend we're gay!
Sephiroth: Are you, as the kids say, flexing on 'em?
Zack: Does anyone know what happened to my Sephiroth scented candle?
Sephiroth: I'll add murder supplies and can of whipped cream to the shopping list.
Luxiere: Let me guess, nobody cared about your light up sneakers?
Zack: 🎶 We take the pain out of paint 🎶
Roche: Have a slutty, slutty evening, director.
Angeal: Gen, can you let me have a cup of coffee before you start divulging your theories on why Cloud Strife is a time traveler?
Zack: I am going to default dance my way through hell!
Cloud: Cool trick! I'm a wizard now.
Genesis: I will start rumors about your sex life.
Lazard: Sephiroth I can't fire you, but I can mysteriously make sure you go bald.
Kunsel: This is a cave. Nothing really matters.
Sephiroth: how does one acquire a leprechaun? Can you order one online?
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos is so pretty. He reminds me of a prostitute.
Sephiroth: Genesis got me a journal for my birthday. I think I'm supposed to write down my feelings but I don't have enough pages for that.
Kunsel: when will we be free from the chains of foot pictures?
Genesis: If I find drugs in this office I'm confiscating it for my own personal use.
Lazard: Would anyone care to explain why there was a condom filled with grape jelly in the break room?
Zack(drunk): Good evening, my esteemed bastards.
Angeal: Bullying is only allowed on the SOLDIER floor if it makes Genesis cry.
Sephiroth: Mental healthn't.
Kunsel: is anyone here familiar with the concept of witchcraft? we're hexing Commander Rhapsodos at dawn.
Luxiere: Here kitty kitt—Oh that is a huuuge cat—OH IT'S GENERAL SEPHIROTH.
Angeal: Why did you spell salmonella as Sal Minella???? Who's Sal???
Sephiroth, while walking towards his office with an entire pie and a fork: Do not presume to question my actions.
Lazard: If we suffer any more budget cuts we're going to use Zack's hair as a broom.
Sephiroth: Which one of you locked Director Lazard in the Janitor's closet?
Cloud, watching Genesis recite LOVELESS: The evil gay red man is at it again.
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altocat · 3 months
Random thought here but do you think they’re going to do anything with Lucretia in part 3? I know the creators mentioned there being a lot of loose ends they couldn’t tie up in OG because of technical and time limitations and to me Lucretia’s felt like one of the biggest ones. I mean supposedly she was frozen in ice not too far from where Sephiroth’s physical body was and he should know who she is- since he took in the knowledge from the Lifestream- but he never sought her out? I know he’s not supposed to have human attachments or whatever but come on… it seems like his raging mommy issues followed him into the after life as well. Wait as I’m typing this out another question pops to mind: wouldn’t Sephiroth also have figured out that he’s not actually part Cetra? Wouldn’t the knowledge from the Lifestream also include knowledge of his own parentage?
Just to clarify, while Sephiroth has canonically become aware of what he and Jenova really are as well as the fact that he's not a Cetra, there is no evidence to suggest he ever found out the truth about Lucrecia's existence. Some argue that he had to have. But he never ever mentions it. Ever. Even when Vincent speaks of Lucrecia in Opera Omnia, Sephiroth just brushes him off. His locket certainly made him aware of her face, but I think it was deliberate since recent entries have designed Jenova to look similar to Lucrecia. Sephiroth has never found out about Lucrecia, nor has he said or done anything to suggest he is aware of his birth mother's presence.
They could retcon this, of course. After all, Rebirth!Sephiroth shows up in all sorts of places he wasn't originally before. It's possible he follows the group to the crystal cave as well. Personally, I'd rather that they never meet, or that Sephiroth never finds out. It's infinitely more tragic that way. And him rejecting Lucrecia for Jenova, while completely in character, sort of leaves a bad taste in my mouth, though I'm not entirely sure why. It would feel anticlimactic I guess. I think it's just sad to have them separate from each other. Or at least not have them reunite until Sephiroth reaches his final endgame death. Idk that's just personal preferences.
As for Lucrecia, idk if there's much she can actually do in the plot beyond the purpose she served before in the OG. It's not like she can really escape her prison. The trilogy will supposedly link up to Advent Children, which leads me to believe it will do the same for Dirge, in which Lucrecia is still in her crystal. I really think it's going to be the same as before, with some added lore possibly thrown in, especially in the incredibly lucky chance they retcon Sephiroth's paternity.
This is all spitballing. It could go many ways. This is just where I currently stand. The separation of Sephiroth and Lucrecia is one of the more underrated tragedies of the Compilation. One could loosely argue that it was the literal centerpiece that staged the entire plot of the story. I want to see it done justice if they actually cover it, or at least not make it too predictably lame with Sephiroth being your typical scornful villain. It would be a huge moment. And I think that deserves something better than Sephiroth evilly monologuing like usual while rejecting his mom.
Lucrecia is flawed AF and is 100% responsible for what she did to her son. But it's like kicking a sick dog. I get no pleasure watching her continuing to suffer without a proper conclusion. I want to believe they'll do more with her, or at least make what was already there more tragic than before.
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ariseur · 1 month
AHHH CONGRATS ON 500 FOLLOWERS IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! I know I’m so late but I’m here now! Your prompt list is so cute I had to join ♡ Zack with the prompt- “this is my partner, aren’t they beautiful?” You always have the option to skip over this! Remember to take your time, pace yourself, drink lots of water, and EAT YOUR MEALS!!!! Have a wonderful day! (Also this is my first time submitting a request!)
-emotional support anon🫀
zack is referred to as a lot of things. a SOLDIER, a puppy — lots of things, really. but one thing zack loves to be called is your boyfriend.
so when he sees you in nibelheim, perched under the water tower as you talk with the town guide as people gawk at the crew of SOLDIERs and the shinra-wutai war hero sephiroth’s emergence into the small village, he’s ecstatic. his smile only grows brighter as a young girl comes up to greet him and the silver-haired man, all the while, the only sight he can let his eyes rest on was you. the way your legs swing as you sat on the wooden fence bordering the tower.
you haven’t changed since he had last seen you, he smiles at that.
he doesn’t listen much to the town guide after she introduced herself with her name, tifa lockhart — he wonders if you know her. he wonders how you’ve been, how you style your hair now, if anything unnoticeable has changed about you. all he can think about is you, which is why after the guide exclaims that she’ll give them a tour tomorrow morning, his first thought is to go with you.
“you’re awfully focused, zack,” sephiroth playfully chides, making the boy choke back a sound of surprise at the sudden hand on his shoulder. he tips his head up with a confident smile, gazing up the tall SOLDIER who’s face was drowned with shadows as the sun beamed down behind him.
zack gives a hearty chuckle before scratching the back of his neck as he apologizes. “sorry about that, guess i’m still excited about the whole traveling thing.”
“i wouldn’t say it’s that exciting when you’re constantly on business.”
“still,” the darker-haired man huffs as he looks away; he looks away at you. sephiroth quirks a brow before his smile remains placid on his face, ever so slightly twitching with amusement. “are you sure it has nothing to do with that person over there?”
“h—wha-? what person?” his eyes find sephiroth once again as the first class SOLDIER chuckles at his reaction.
zack watched as his superior takes a few steps closer, clearly observing you as well — you’re still on the fence, trying to sneak a few glances at the few SOLDIERs that had tagged along. zack smiles and wonders hopefully if you’re looking for him.
“i take it you know them, then?” sephiroth inquires.
the younger man laughs and shakes his head, although the former knows that he only means it as a way of dismissing his antics. he knows that he knows you, and zack knows that he knows that he knows you; so he can’t help but let his legs move ahead of him as they make their way towards you, sword clanking against the pieces of armor that hug on his body.
he waits for you to notice him, possibly dragging his feet against the soft, brown dirt that covers the village of nibelheim — and his grin only furthers once you turn your head to the dark figure emerging in your peripheral. he blinks away the crystals that glaze over his eyes at the sight of your smile too. he can’t cry when he knows sephiroth’s watching, you know?
but he does envelop you in his arms, tightening around your midriff as he internally promises that he’ll never let you go. his nose stays buried deep in your hair whilst his fingers grip the fabric of your clothes. all those letters, you think back to, all of his promises came true. every letter in the mail you looked forward to and look where you’re at now, zack fair, resting in your arms once again.
but his eyes fly open once he hears a familiar person clearing their throat, a low hum emerging from sephiroth as he eyes you carefully. zack lets go and straightens his posture, keeping his eyes forward rather than lingering on sephiroth.
you look up at the SOLDIER with glassy eyes and try to do the same, putting on a tough face even though he can clearly see your bottom lip quiver a bit at the sudden emotions. however, both of your worries are melted away when the silver-haired man laughs and extends a gloved hand out to you. “it is nice to meet you,” his low voice rumbles — an unspoken affirmation to put his subordinate at ease.
so he does just that. zack grasps your shoulder and looks between you and sephiroth. “ah, this is my partner,” he says. for the first time in what feels like forever, he’s face to face with you, taking in all of the small details that lie in your face, almost like they hold the secrets that’ll only be revealed at the end of the world.
azure eyes flit along the bridge of your nose and the lining of your jaw, seeing the way you nervously swallow at the sight of sephiroth before zack squeezes your arm in assurance.
he grins once more. “aren’t they beautiful?”
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𐙚 dottie’s 500 event — 🍡 ( dialogue ) prompts !!
𐙚 taglist ; @ch3rryfiles
𐙚 non-500 requests are closed — august twenty-sixth, 2024
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rosy-crow · 3 months
Oh, I nearly forgot to share this, but I believe the second episode of First Soldier was always meant to be a separate, planned story about young Seph, and from his POV.
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They told us back in 2022 that the story about Team Glenn was its own thing, while Sephiroth was getting his own unique episode. This means we’re probably just getting started.
It also sounds here like they added in a “part” about his youth to the original First Soldier story.
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I don’t want to make assumptions, as this COULD be talking about episode 2, but I am getting the impression they originally started writing the Rhadore story for Team Glenn that would cover the shift from P0 soldiers to Hojo’s SOLDIERS, but decided to add Sephiroth into the story in order to document his first mission.
However, his actual individual story was its own thing, and it’s about Wutai, Masamune, his friendship with Angeal + hopefully Genesis, and whatever the hell is going down with Hojo. Nojima mentioned Hollander in another stream, so there could be more on the Jenova Project too. Who knows. Still, I think we’re going to see more than we expect in Episode 2, and I’m quite hopeful it’ll start from Seph’s POV this time.
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Nojima knows about the fanon stuff lmao. He found it challenging to write more story for Sephiroth because of those headcanons.
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So, I guess his solution was to literally confirm half of them since that’s essentially what happened 💀
I remember us joking about Square reading our blogs, but Nojima might have actually read fan theories over the years. Funny to think about. It’s nice that he sincerely considered fanon and didn’t just squash everything that people had thought up.
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