#and probably Princess Kaguya
This happened like a month ago but it still irks me a bit so I’m putting it up here.
In my DnD campaign, one of my player characters was talking to another character about various religious stuff in the setting. I took this time to introduce the Moon Goddess Galicaea, who has a winged wolf icon that he saw in a nightmare.
“Yeah so she has a special bond with wolves, and has a whole host of winged wolves that fly alongside her chariot that pulls the moon. This special bond is why wolves howl at the moon.”
“Actually, wolves don’t actually howl at the moon. They howl to communicate. Also, her chariot pulls the moon?”
“…What about gravity?”
My brother in Christ you are playing as a 12-year-old boy and his 14-year old sister trapped in the same body because both of you died and then made a shady deal with a mysterious god. One of you was deathly allergic to magic, but is now fine, and the other can shoot literal fire and lightning from her fingertips. You have fox ears and a tail that nobody really knows how to explain. You are talking to a half-human half-angel kid with a half-orc step dad and whose angel dad left because he was bound to the celestial planes. Your partner in crime is a dragon man who is learning to manipulate the flow of time and can breathe freezing death at people.
But God fuckin forbid the wolves are actually howling at the moon or there be other magical forces in space besides gravity. That would shatter the immersion!
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undyinglantern · 1 year
noticed a bunch of ghibli films are on hbomax so decided to watch some (had only seen spirited away and ponyo before) and realized i tend to have a common problem with them. the pacing is really awkward, in that it takes too long to get you immersed in the world and characters without much going on and then the climax and especially resolution end up feeling too rushed and unsatisfying
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maxknightley · 7 months
Which Touhou Girls Can You Plausibly Read As Butch? A Comprehensive Overview
Earlier on Tumblr I saw a post complaining that someone called Hecatia Lapislazuli from Touhou Project butch. This is Hecatia Lapislazuli:
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Obviously, like most Touhou characters, she is in fact quite feminine - she just shops at Hell Hot Topic. But it got me thinking: In a series like Touhou, with a cast overwhelmingly defined by feminine (if rowdy) ladies, how many characters could you say are 'butch' without sounding like a complete doofus or significantly redesigning them to fit your headcanon?
I'll be using four main criteria to judge characters' butchness. In real life, of course, butchness is a multivalent and extremely personal thing, but I'm talking about funny cartoon women from a video game here, so I'm willing to be a little reductive.
These criteria, in order of descending importance, are:
FASHION. In a series where goddamn near everyone is in either a dress or a skirt, the mere act of Wearing A Dress Shirt can be enough to make a powerful statement. Hats may also play a role here, given how many Touhou characters have gay little hats.
HAIRSTYLE. Short hair is not the be-all and end-all of butchness. I, myself, am Decidedly Butch even though I've been growing out my hair since college. But the length and styling of the hair are still a valuable indicator of how someone thinks of themself and wants to be seen.
'TUDE. Could this character be accurately described as "kind of a frat boy?" How do they speak to others? Do they just kind of seem like a character who ought to be butch, regardless of their looks? Do they even lift?
COMEDY FACTOR. Self-explanatory. This will probably only come into play if I run into a weird edge case.
I'll also emphasize that we're grading on a curve here - butchness is being assessed relative to the characters who do not appear on this list. Nobody in this series has a buzzcut, you know what I mean?
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Fujiwara no Mokou. The girl wears a dress shirt, fucking suspenders, and trousers. Not shorts, actual full-length pants. She's also in a perpetual love-hate mutual-murder situationship with Princess Kaguya, who is femme as all fuck. Obviously you don't have to be butch to date a femme - I'm just saying it feels Fitting given their whole deal.
Yuugi Hoshiguma. Most of the time, her fashion sense is actually quite feminine - but her look in the most recent chapter of Cheating Detective Satori, with the one exposed shoulder and the sarashi and all that, significantly alters the balance. Her hair actually reads as more masc to me when she keeps it long and unruly - when she puts it up in a ponytail, she ends up looking very kempt, even elegant. The deciding factor here is 'Tude: Her sheer levels of butch swag are off the fucking charts. (Still, I wouldn't blame someone for arguing she should be knocked down a tier - especially since I'd argue the Comedy Factor works in reverse here. She's way funnier if she doesn't think of herself as butch in the slightest.)
Minamitsu Murasa. In his original appearance I'd argue that Murasa is in "Reasonable" tier - maybe even as low as "Kind of a Stretch." But her big gay Jotaro jacket in Sunken Fossil World, combined with the emphasis on the weightiness and solidity of his trademark anchor, put her over the top. One of the only Touhou girls I consider worthy of being He/Himmed.
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna. The other He/Him-worthy Touhou girl. Very short, slightly messy hair; wears a kimono, not a dress; inheritor of Issun-Boshi's legacy; wears fucking dinnerware as a hat. Why do you want to be Big so badly, huh? So you can pick up women more easily? So you can carry your awful wife through the upside-down threshold of your upside-down bedroom?
Raiko Horikawa. For the longest time I thought her skirt was a pair of shorts because I straight up could not parse it as anything else. Even now I'm like "that can't possibly be a skirt, ZUN just drew it weird. She has to be wearing a full two-piece suit." Skirt aside, her jacket/dress shirt/necktie are still undeniable, as is her short hair. Also, she is a taiko drum given life, and I feel like taiko and timpanis are naturally butch. Maybe if she was a tambourine or a set of bongos I'd rank her lower?
Momoyo Himemushi. Rough-talking miner. Wears a dress shirt, leaves the top button(?) undone. Tromps around a big weird cave with no shoes or socks on. Wears bows and bangles basically everywhere but in her messy, tangled hair. Also, maybe I'm stereotyping here, but I just can't picture a centipede as being femme.
Wriggle Nightbug. The dress shirt, cape, and puffy shorts all paint a vivid picture, but I just feel like I don't have a strong enough opinion on Wriggle as a character to put her in the top tier. In other words, she's got plenty of points for Fashion and quite a few for Hairstyle, but I just don't think the 'Tude is sufficient for me.
Reisen Udongein Inaba. The skirts are a strike against her, but her whole "dress shirt + necktie + sometimes suit jacket" thing makes a big difference, especially given that we're grading on a curve. Her rumpled ears and (particularly in Inaba of the Moon, Inaba of the Earth) pathetic demeanor go a long way towards giving her a vibe somewhere between "overworked salaryman" and "Detective Columbo."
Aya Shameimaru. All you need to know about Aya is that her "human reporter" disguise looks like This:
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Mononobe no Futo. Butch, but in a really weird, circuitous way, imo. Like. She's sort of wearing a dress, but it's sort of a robe - the contrast of the hemline with her big flowy sleeves makes it hard to pin down - and her outfit quite notably has tassels rather than any kind of frills. I don't know what the hell is up with her hat but it's definitely not femme by any stretch of the imagination. Then thou hast the wayes in which she speaketh all "faux-olde-timey," even though nobody else in the setting does that... she transferred her soul into a plate, but she also throws plates around as weapons... It's like she's constantly putting on a performance that only she truly understands. It's like she reverse-engineered "masculine womanhood" by hanging out with a bunch of queens and doing kind of the same thing but kind of the inverse. The more I think about Futo the more I think she's entirely on her own wavelength, but I think "Reasonable" tier is a... uh, reasonable... approximation for the sake of this post.
Sagume Kishin. She dresses like if Bill Nye were a woman, and I think that cuts to the heart of it - she reminds me of a professor who you're not ever sure is gay, but you kind of pick up on a vibe, and near the end of the semester she offhandedly refers to "her partner" and you're like HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT. I went back and forth between putting her in "Reasonable" and "Kind of a Stretch"; ultimately, the Comedy Factor decided it because I couldn't stop thinking about a scenario where she says she's a woman, accidentally upends her whole understanding of gender in the process, and ends up taking testosterone while still ID'ing as a lesbian. I don't actually know if her powers would work that way and I don't care.
Eiki Shiki. I don't have a lot to go on, here, because she hasn't had many official appearances and seems to spend most of her time lecturing people or tormenting sinners. Her uniform(?)/apothecary outfit(??) is pretty snazzy; combined with the hat, it gives her a vaguely "military officer" look to me. We'll call her "butch pending further investigation," which I think she would agree is the correct course of action.
Sekibanki. She's here partially because of the cape, and partially because being sandwiched between Wakasagihime and Kagerou makes her look way more masc by contrast. I know what I said.
Ringo. It's pretty much just the hat and the pants, though - as a butch woman who Loves Eating - I am also inclined to project my own experiences onto her.
Aunn Komano. She reads as more "tomboyish" than outright "butch" to me, what with her whole puppy-dog vibe, but at the same time... she's very much wearing shorts and the kind of goofy-looking button-up shirt that is central to my own wardrobe and the wardrobe of other butches in my life. I'm willing to count her.
Takane Yamashiro. A living testament to the power of small character design choices. I would never in a million years call Nitori butch, even with her gay little hat and all the pouches on her outfit - she just looks like a girl scout. Takane, though? Takane, with her little hair swoopy, and the fucking suitcase slung over her back, and her camo-print dress? I mean - ultimately it is still a dress, which is why I can't justify scoring her higher, but she's definitely chewing tobacco and riding around on an ATV on weekends.
Chiyari Tenkaijin. If she's butch, it's not really because she's trying to be butch, it's just because being femme seems too expensive and time-consuming. She's got better things to do (drink blood all day). Still, I think an argument could be made.
Renko Usami. ZUN is kind of inconsistent with how he draws her hat - sometimes it's more of a porkpie/fedora type thing, other times it's round-topped and looks a bit like Koishi's hat. To me, this is a crucial distinction. In a more general sense, I feel like Renko's outfit gets a little less plausibly-masc with each passing album, which says a lot about our society. Or her society, anyway, since she lives in the future. Still, the capelets and bowties...
Rinnosuke Morichika. I think it would be really funny if the only significant male character in Touhou wasn't actually even a dude. I'm not aware of any real textual support for this interpretation, though.
Shou Toramaru. Pretty much only on here because of the hair and because I think there's a certain je ne sais quoi to her whole deal of "she's not a real tiger, she's the idea of a tiger that pre-Meiji Japanese people came up with from secondhand accounts."
Seija Kijin. Not even remotely butch by any stretch of the imagination... But if she did consider herself butch, isn't that exactly what she'd want you to think?
Cirno. "Tomboyish" is not the same thing as "butch," to me, especially if you exclusively wear dresses. Also, I'm not sure Cirno even knows what a lesbian is.
Saki Kurokoma. Not actually butch, just a horse girl. (And a horsegirl.)
Mike Goutokuji. Can't tell if she's wearing a skirt or shorts. She's got short hair, sure, but the whole "matching bell collar and wristbands that also have bells attached" thing makes her look more like a Very Online Trans Woman who just figured herself out and hasn't started hormones or bought any new clothes yet.
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honey-milk-depresso · 8 months
Batboys watching anime with reader
You know my ass went FULL ON LOCK MODE with Tim. I went crazy- 💀
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Doing requests until 1 Feb! Please see my pinned post and read the request rules on the navi! Thank you!🩷
Batbros watching anime with you
Dick Grayson
He’s watched a few 90s anime before, more the basic ones like One Piece and Pokémon, and he probably still watches them to this day. Boy has old CDs he has and you should probably try finding a Blue Ray (or use his if he can have Tim help fix it because it’s good as dead 💀) because he’s popping in every CD of old anime’s he have lying about.
“Wow, I didn’t know I had cowboy bebop! Or Slam Dunk!” He got a few rare gems, which makes it all the more fun to sit down on the couch under a blanket as you huddle and watch the nostalgic 90s anime shows together while eating popcorn.
He doesn’t mind watching new, modern day animes, just be prepared for when you two watch sad anime shows because he will sob like it’s the end of the world.
“NO, WHY WOULD KAORI DIE LIKE THIS?? AND SHE LOVES ARIMA- OH MY GOD IM SO—”sobs even more. He gets emotional while watching them because it’s so sad that it’s sO GOOD-
Loves dancing to those danceable anime music with you. He goes ALL. OUT. He even sings all of it in Japanese like wow-
I would love to hear him sing Cruel Angel’s Thesis in his Discowing suit and with goth makeup on it because it “sets the mood”, PLEASE-
Overall, great time watching with Dick. <3
Jason Todd
You expect someone like him to like Chainsaw Man, Trigun or something like those grunge-y, guns and knives animes, right? I mean, he does, but only with you and ONLY with you will he let his inner Magical Girl enthusiast ass shine. Because he LOVES Magical Girl animes. That’s probably the reason and one point of time why he wore red ribbons around his arms, he wanted that Sailor Moon experience and Tim might’ve just teased him about that era without knowing his love for Magical Girl animes and Jason might’ve flipped and freaked the fuck out and started chasing him down the manor.
Jason watches Sailor Moon, Madoka when he feels edgier than usual, Cardcaptor Sakura, every Precure series, Tokyo Mew Mew, man has all these shows somehow. He swears they weren’t through illegal means and he just worked very hard to gather all of them. He also might be a shoujo anime fan because if he loves Jane Austen books, you bet his ass would be reading Fruits Basket, Maid Sama or something because of course he would.
Also a Studio Ghibli fan, although watching the Tale of Princess Kaguya might make him feel too much, especially getting pissed off with the dad who forces his daughter into a wealthy life without her input and- yeah, you gotta calm him down as he cries bitterly and sourly with a pout on his face.
The two of you can go on and on about debating about unclear endings of animes all day long. You know the “AND SHE WAS A PRINCESS” video? That’s Jason.
Great man to watch anime with, and he’ll gladly be your Tuxedo Mask to your Sailor Moon (and not the “But you did nothing meme- or the other way around- he don’t mind being the Usagi-). <3
Tim Drake
I’m very convinced this man got into his whole detective shit because he watched Detective Conan and honestly I can’t blame him. Tim has probably the largest vessel of anime knowledge out of all of them. He doesn’t really have a specific genre he likes but he’s pretty fond of old 90s and 80s animes. He can explain the whole lore of One Piece, Fairytale, Pokémon like Jesus Tim, calm down- 💀
I can see him watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain or Key the Metal Doll because he likes that little bit of horror nature and mystery and thriller in his animes although he really doesn’t mind watching Haikyuu all over again if you want to.
Might introduce you to underrated and/or old animes like Revolutionary Girl Utena, Nadia the Secrets of Blue Water, every Studio Ghibli movie, those kinds of animes that give off the really pretty and aesthetic old anime animations that is just so pretty to watch and with really good storylines that both of you can cuddle on a couch together and watch. I bet he even watches anime with you even before you two got together, so you guys pretty much have “watching anime together” as part of the foundation of your relationship. Owns so much manga that you can’t even count, too.
Just… don’t make him watch those really slow burn, comedy love animes, specifically Love War. Not that he don’t like romance animes, he watches Ouran High School Host Club and Your Name, trust me, but Love War? He is going absolutely insane because of it.
Damian Wayne
Damian likes anime. Would 100% go to an anime convention with you as a date if you’re up for it. He doesn’t mind (surprisingly- just for you only-).
He doesn’t necessarily like showmen animes although he has enjoyed a few, but he really loves slice of life, I feel. It just feels like he wants to put himself in a normal life and with a tad bit of drama in it like what the characters go through. The touching ones like Hyouka or Natsume’s Book of Friends.
Also animal related anime maybe except Beastars because he didn’t understand shit-?? He calls that peak anime. Aggretsuko, Chi’s Sweet Home and My Roommate is a Cat?? Damian loves this shit, he watches it intently with his arm around you. Even if he doesn’t smile, you know he loves it by the way his eyes sparkle.
Just don’t tell his brothers. He will seriously feel betrayed if you do so because he only watches these kinds of shows with you: the cute animal ones that are actually wholesome and/or funny.
The whole family is into Studio Ghibli, and he is no exception. He feels like it’s the best kinds of anime to watch with you when you guys just want to turn in for the day and huddle up on the couch. It’s one of the rare times he relaxes and softens and he’s glad to have quality time with you. <3
Duke Thomas
He likes anime! Studio Ghibli is definitely a favourite of his and he would gladly watch it together with you! He also love a fair bit of Shounen animes, the more popular ones like Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Haikyuu, or Spy x Family. He likes them a lot!
A big fan of romance animes too: Ouran High School Host Club and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (if you two are in the mood to huddle on the couch together and cry).
Duke doesn’t mind any kind of anime so long as it doesn’t have too much horror or gore like… Higurashi. He gets chills when that anime is mentioned. D-Don’t watch it for your own sake if you don’t know. And if you do, avoid it with him at all cost because he will.
Duke also like singing some good anime songs with you and you guys can go crazy and dance around, just not as dramatic as Dick.
He would be super excited to spend a date with you watching shounen anime movies like from Jujutsu Kaisen and he would be so hype to spend time with you being a fanboy while also sharing that romantic air for the shared love of anime between you two and the love that you two share, although that love is far stronger. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
When He Sees Me: Azul Ashengrotto
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a/n: this is supposed to be part of a series about the boys who start out with a less than good opinion of Yuu falling in love with them anyway. Azul wasn't supposed to be first he was just the most cooperative. I will add a link to the rest when they become available, but it will take a while because this is really fucking long. Like 6,261 words long.
notes: SPOILERS FOR CH. 3 AND AZUL'S BACKSTORY. Azul is thirsty for Yuu, nothing explicit just mild mild spice. They/them pronouns used for Yuu, but there is a reference to things "girls find attractive" that isn't meant to be aimed at Yuu and discussion of the myth of Princess Kaguya. Morons in mutual denial/pining, references to the events of Azul's labwear and Ruggie's ceremonial robes vignette. Edit: other fics can be found on my masterlist here.
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Azul has always been a dreamer, in both senses of the word.  When he wants, he wants with intensity that borders on insanity, it is only natural for those thoughts to invade his dreams.  When he was younger his subconscious would engage in a painful loop of equally impossible scenarios, sometimes positive but mostly extremely, horribly negative.  They read more like memories being played on a sickening repeat, harassments and insults that he can’t run or hide from because his dream won’t let him move at all.  Now that he’s older he seldom has those dreams, tucking the hurts away behind mountains of successful plans for the future.  Tucked away but not dealt with, his overblot clearly proved that.  Azul is no stranger to having dreams, no, but lately he has been experiencing something new.  A dream that plays on repeat, never changing but with an underlying feel to it that makes him think if he just had a bit more imagination he could direct the flow.  It is a memory, sort of like those other, painful dreams though this one doesn’t hurt quite the same, less painful and more… pining.
He’s standing in front of the photos at the Atlantica Memorial Museum, eyes steady on the photographs.  “You have talent.”  the Ramshackle prefect says with such enviable confidence.  “You are amazing as it is, even without stealing anyone else’s powers.”  He looks at them, he searches desperately for the lie, for so long he misses the timing for his line but the dream keeps playing yours.  “You work so hard, determination is much harder to master than magic.”  
“You think that?” he asks, begs really because in this dream he gets to wrap himself up and live in this moment where someone sees him as his subconscious plays your words on loop.
“You have talent… You are amazing… You matter…” 
He rises from slumber, but doesn’t wake.
“Nyaaah who does Azul think he is!”  Grim whines and you sigh, for what feels like the eight hundredth time but is probably just the third.  “He can’t just scam us outta money like that!”  You give a noncommittal grunt and Grim takes his grumbling to under his breath where it belongs while you ruminate on the morning’s events on your way back to Ramshackle.  You had woken up to Azul knocking on your door with a photograph of Grim… fighting with Lucius?  You weren’t entirely clear on the details, Grim stole some food or something you couldn’t really care less, but Professor Trien certainly would, which was the point Azul had made with a smile on his face and an outstretched hand.  He needed a “small favor” he said, just follow him to Ignihyde and help him and Idia out with a project Idia was working on.  He tried spinning it to you as helping out Ortho, which hey you did care about, let it not be said that the prefect of Ramshackle did not care about sweet little Ortho Shroud.  You just… didn’t trust Azul as far as you could throw him, so when the part he asked Grim to retrieve was revealed to be worth a gajillion thaumarks you were not surprised and you did not care.  Grim, of course, freaked out and the two older students laughed at him.  Laughed at you both really, and sent you back to your dorm with a can of tuna for Grim’s trouble and a coupon to the Monstro Lounge for yours.
That you decided as you stared down at the little golden ticket, did piss you off.  You were tempted to light it on fire, but that stupid part of your brain that got excited when you heard laundry detergent was on sale at Sam’s wouldn’t let you.  Like you would offend and be permanently cursed by the gods of couponing if you did; so you tucked it away in your wallet and ran through the list of students you didn’t currently want to beat with a steel chair for someone who would actually use it.  “Hey prefect, you got a moment?” 
“Ruggie.”  You snap out of your thoughts to see an angel standing outside Ramshackle’s door.  He looks at you a little confused, but still peppy.
“That’s my name!  Now as I was sayin, you got a moment?  I’ve got an opportunity for you.”
In a game of chess the player who moves first has an inherent advantage.  That advantage, however, is not absolute which is something Azul is cruelly reminded of when RUGGIE BUCCHI waltzes into his restaurant, whistling, with his carefully played opening in his hands.  “Hey, is this thing real?  Prefect said you gave it to them but that sounds fishy.  Why would Azul be giving out things for free?”  
“That’s confidential.”  he pushes up his glasses and Ruggie simply leans back on his heels, hands behind his head grinning like a well fed cat.  “What I am anxious to know is why you have it?  It was not meant for you.”
“What’s it to ya’?” he has enough sense to keep his annoying laugh to himself but it’s echoing in Azul’s ears anyway.  His gaze flickers to Floyd, weighing the pros and cons of involving the twins in this… admittedly private affair but that seems to be enough for Ruggie.  He drops the easy going act,  “No seriously what is it you’re trying to do, they seemed seriously pissed.”  
“Who says I’m trying to do anything?” Anger was… not the reaction he was expecting but the look on Ruggie’s face is making him feel especially like he should have.  Like there was something incredibly obvious he was missing here.  His sigh just punctuates that.
“Because you're Azul.”  He says flatly.  “Look it’s not my business and I don’t want it to be, are you gonna give me a free drink or not.”  Azul takes the coupon with his best customer service smile and tries to make another plan.
“You are amazing.”  He gets to look at them this time, see their honest admiration.  He wants to reach for it, hold it up to the light and admire it from every possible angle.  His hand moves, agonizingly slow like he’s reaching through jelly, desperate for purchase as it lands on their cheek, running his thumb along the curve.  Azul is a merfolk, utterly unaware of what it feels like to drown.  But he surrenders himself to the tide as he guides them closer, closer, to him and the realization he never wants to let go.
Azul wakes up alone and upset, a good thirty minutes before his alarm which just adds to his frustrations.  He fumbles for his glasses and goes for the safe next to his bed, if he’s awake he can work, he should work it will take his mind off of… whatever this is.  It isn’t important, his bad dreams always fade away over time, he will conquer this, he has to.  A notification lights up his phone.  It’s from magicam, from Cater who he usually ignores but he opens it anyway.  The post is a dump of short videos of Heartslabyul students messing around in the maze, there was an unbirthday party yesterday complete with pastries and those weird games he never understands the appeal of no matter how many times Riddle explains.  There’s Trey posing like a middle aged man with his flamingo, Cater running around conducting mock interviews with the flowers, and a number of students making nonsensical toasts with admittedly nice looking china.  And in the final video, if he pauses it at exactly 7.23 seconds there’s the prefect.  They look clueless, disappointed even as they watch Grim demand he be allowed to play croquet, it’s cute but that’s not where his gaze goes.  Tiramisu.  It’s difficult, painful even to make, but they seem to be enjoying their slice.  It really would be an excellent item to add to the Monstro Lounge’s limited time menu for numerous reasons completely unrelated to… whatever this feeling was.  If he keeps the paused video up and next to his paperwork while he draws up his plans, no one needs to know.
  You wake up with a sneeze a good two hours before your alarm and if you were actually awake you have no doubt the timing would fill you with righteous fury.  The moon still peaks through your window, soothing your hypothetical temper slightly as you meander out of your bed towards it.  Ramshackle has always been a good place to watch the stars, at least according to Tsunotarou.  You’ve always been more partial to the moon, there was something comforting about its constant presence.  No matter where you went in your old world, even if the constellations changed the moon would always stay the same.  If you focus on this one’s shape, if you ignore the snoring monster in your bed or the shape of the window you’re looking through, you can almost trick yourself into thinking that things are still the same.  That you will get back to sleep and see your loved ones when you wake up tomorrow.  A strange bile builds up in your throat and you turn away from the window towards your desk.  The photographs that decorate it are filled with things that should be impossible.  Leona standing on a flying broom somehow bored out of his mind, Jack and Deuce posing at a track practice, Ace trying to teach Grim a card trick, but if you were giving awards for the most out of place… There’s eight people in the photo, three humans, one monster, one beastman, and three merfolk, but only two sport tails.  Azul looks exactly the same as the day you met him, dressed in a neatly pressed dorm uniform with that stupid hat covering his beautiful, perfect hair.  You can’t decide what’s more unreal to you, the Leech twins' appearance or the location of the photograph, but well they sort of go hand in hand don’t they?  Your eyes settle on Azul.  He had refused to show his true form during the trip, if you didn’t know any better you would assume he was human like you but not like you.  There’s something undeniably magical about him, beautiful even.  He belongs there, in that photo under the sea, in this world.  The moon illuminates the photo with her gaze, cold, distant, completely out of your reach but oh so very beautiful.  
You take a deep, shuddering breath and try to throw away your thoughts.  
“Hench-human!  Look at me look at me!”  There are many days you feel like Grim’s parent as opposed to his… dorm leader?  Classmate?  Fellow traveler?  Whatever you were actually supposed to be.  
“I’m looking Grim, I promise!”  You cheer him on, waving up at the monster who is happily flying above you on his little broom.  “You’re doing great!”  Coach Vargas had gone out of his way to find it for him so he could “train his muscles” with everyone else in flying class.  It was cute, soothed the wound of not being able to participate yourself just a bit.  The list of exercises Vargas handed you certainly didn’t.
“Slacking doesn’t build muscles!”  You knew it was stupid to want to participate in a class that’s literal purpose was to teach students to channel magic, but it still sucked to be expected to do yoga in the corner of a field while Ace, Deuce, and now Grim get to zoom around above.  At least you know Deuce isn’t making fun of you and will give you a ride if asked.  “Hey while you’re at it would you mind keeping an eye on Azul?  He’s supposed to be practicing over next to the bleachers.”  You blink, stupidly at Vargas. 
“I’m sorry?”  Vargas points towards what is usually your exile corner and see- a sight.  One you can immediately tell Azul would probably rather you never have ever seen.  Your beautiful merman, rival?  Acquaintance?  Object of affection?  Is pathetically hopping up and down with a stern look of determination on his face like he’s trying to negotiate with the broom rather than fly it.  Your heart beats uncomfortably close to the front of your chest.  Cold.  Out of reach.  And yet so blindingly pathetically beautiful you have to choke down bile as you make your way over to your little corner and begin clumsily stretching and keeping your gaze firmly on Grim out of habit.  You hear rather than see him notice you.
“Prefect!”  he splutters, chokes really and you have to physically bite your tongue to ground yourself enough to speak normally and completely lose it when you turn to face him.  Azul’s winded, the tentacle waves of his hair are shimmering in the late afternoon sun with what’s probably sweat, but he doesn’t smell bad at all.  His glasses are slanted and he’s clinging onto his broom so tightly his knuckles are turning white.
“Azul!  Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”  It comes out as a squeak and you break eye contact immediately.  “I just-” you don’t want him to think you’re spying on him.  “I usually-” well that just sounds like an excuse.  “I can’t fly!”  The smile on your face has got to look stupid but when you look at Azul he doesn’t seem to mind.  If anything he relaxes in both posture and expression.
“I can see that.”  He smiles and his eyes shimmer for a brief second before reaching to push his glasses and his persona back into place.  “Does Coach Vargas always have you exercise during flying class?”
“Pretty much.”  You don’t feel like you should complain really, it would be a bit unfair on paper if you were the only one relaxing during a class filled with physical activity.  “Crewel convinced him to let me do yoga because I ‘need to relax more’ or something like that.”  
“Do you not find exercise relaxing?”  It’s a relatively simple question but this is Azul asking so it feels like the start of a survey that ends with you agreeing to sign away your immortal soul.  So naturally, 
“Not when everyone can watch.”  you answer as honestly as possible because according to the dark mirror you don’t have one anyway.  If Azul notices your skepticism it doesn’t stop him from plowing on ahead.
“I can understand that.” He lets out what you think is his best performative sigh, hand over his heart in a manner you are sure even Vil would compliment as well crafted showmanship.  “Really there’s no reason for this school to force us to participate in activities we simply aren’t meant for.”  You have to swallow a giggle at his use of “we,” that earlier display must not have been a one time thing.  Sure would be a shame if you asked Floyd about it, he definitely wouldn’t tell you embarrassing things about his best friend.  “Do you not find the lounge relaxing?”  He asks the question with the same tone as his previous monologue, but it catches you off guard.  You had expected this line of questioning to go in a different direction.  Maybe he wanted to know just how close you were to the staff and see if he could use you as an in, not a google review.
“It’s very relaxing.”  You aren’t just trying to flatter him, though you won’t object if he decides to puff up with pride from your praise.  “There really is- well I certainly haven’t ever seen another place like it,  I just have other places I should be spending my money.”
“You know I can help with that right.”  You must look extremely unamused because he deflates slightly but doesn’t falter.  “The National Track and Field Meet is coming up relatively soon, and I’ve been making some… changes to the menu.  It’s meant to appeal to a different clientele than we typically serve.  As a human from a completely different world your perspective on such a switch could prove invaluable.”  You stare at him, hard, trying to figure what angle he’s working and can’t really hit on one.  Well beyond the obvious; he thinks this will make him money.
“Are you sure you don’t just want me to wait tables during the event?”  Azul’s offered you work before, usually through Floyd dramatically arriving at Ramshackle unannounced to slack off in your guest room because “Azul will never find me here.  Not if I close my eyes and hide behind little shrimpy.”  But you weren’t too sure if that arrangement could apply to an event.
“I’ve already secured Ruggie’s assistance with that, but if you’re interested in a paid position Jade will certainly need some help in the kitchens, well assuming you’re better at washing dishes than Grim.”  You both have a bit of a laugh, though yours is significantly less mean spirited.  “I can give you more details about the menu tomorrow night, assuming you are free.”
“I suppose I could find some time.”  you give your best impression of Azul’s own shrug and hope he isn't too insulted.  “Any fine print I should be concerned about before I completely agree to this?”  He pauses, you are tempted to say because he didn’t expect to make it this far, but realistically he’s probably just trying to pick out what part of his plan is safe to tell you.
“The waitstaff will all be wearing their ceremonial robes as a special uniform for the event, but since you would just be washing dishes I would recommend-”
“I’m sorry, do you mean those things everyone was wearing at orientation?”  You don’t mean to interrupt him, really you’re just confused.  “The Octavinelle dorm uniform looks just fine.”
“I’m pleased you like them.”  He means it, you can tell by how he stands just a little bit taller, stopping your heart for what you tell yourself is the briefest of seconds.  “Our school's ceremonial robes are extremely popular with the local girls, so I am hoping they will draw more outside attention to the lounge.” 
“The ceremonial robes?  Seriously?”  Not that you could ever have been considered an authority on what types of menswear was objectively attractive but you were a person with preferences and the ceremonial robes looked a bit difficult to take off.  Not that you have thought extensively about them or anything else you’ve seen Azul wear.
“Do you not find them attractive prefect?”  The fact Azul’s asking you seriously, with a touch of distress doesn’t register until you’ve inelegantly vomited up your response.
“Not really.  I mean from what I remember from orientation you looked good in them but I can’t say I like them better than your dorm uniform.  You even make the stupid hat work.”  You physically bite down on your tongue to keep from saying anything else incriminating but the damage is already done.  The poor man looks like a boiled octopus, red from the tip of his ears to the point of his nose.  “Azul?”  He coughs into his hand.
“Well, disagreements about fashion aside, I take it we have a deal?”
“Sure.  Just send me a message on magicam when you need me and I’ll be there.”  
The location flickers in his peripheral vision, his focus wholly consumed by them.  He’s never touched them like this, they’d never let him hold them like this but those thoughts fizzle in the face of your memory.  “You are amazing.”  He kisses them slowly as he gently cradles their face.  Closer, he wants them closer but tauntingly, agonizingly they pull away as the scene settles.  He’s on land, in the vip room of the lounge arms wrapped tightly around their waist while they’re sitting in his lap.  Closer they’re not close enough to him they can still move away, but they show no sign of leaving.  They just stare down at him, into him seeing him for who he is and not flinching at the sight.  Closer.  They lean back into his kiss and he pulls, surprisingly strong, into a tighter embrace.  Closer.  In dreams you don’t need to breathe, he’s free to move his hand behind their head and maneuver them down.  Closer.  He pins their hand next to their head, intertwining their fingers.  Closer.  “You look good, you look beautiful.”  He shudders into them, and-
Wakes up dry heaving into his pillows with a scream.  He’s panting, desperately trying to convince himself it’s out of disgust but he knows that’s not the case.  Azul’s known for a while now just how he feels about them, he finds it ugly.  Not them, sevens never them, he doubts he could ever truly find them as insignificant as he did before losing his contracts ever again.  He untangles himself from his sheets and reaches for his glasses and phone, searching for the picture they’d taken at the museum.  They look so happy, in awe even, and if he wants to lie to himself he can pretend that’s his doing and not the allure of the sea working its magic on yet another human.  But Azul is a merfolk, he may admire the sea witch but he knows the tale of the mermaid princess just as well.  The love between her and her prince was always portrayed as pure, innocent, devoid of things like thirst and greed.  That’s the sort of love he thinks they deserve, the kind that’s not burdened by insecurities or possessiveness.  Who would love someone who constantly lies?  
“You are amazing as it is, even without stealing anyone else’s powers. You work so hard, determination is much harder to master than magic.”
If he closes his eyes he can still see your face as you say it.  You meant every word, he knows you did.  Even now you don’t really treat him all that differently than you do your other friends, his efforts are appreciated and respected according to the work he puts into them just like he’s always wanted.  A wry smile works his way to his lips.  How poor and unfortunate he is.
“When you need me” came sooner than you expected.  As soon as you made it back to Ramshackle you had two messages from Azul, one letting you know it was him and the other saying he had a space available for you to buss tables tomorrow if you were still available.
“I haven’t forgotten about my original request, once closing tasks are complete you can expect a truly unique reward.”  
He texts like he speaks, professionally.  If you didn’t know he was still a student you’d assume he was twice his actual age and already established in an office somewhere.  Part of that was true you supposed, he did own the Lounge and was probably texting from his office.
“(* ^ ω ^) I’ll make sure to be on time!”
“Hench-human.”  You look up from your phone to see Grim sitting on his favorite armchair, he sounds deathly serious and his face is bent into a look of disappointment he usually only reserves for Ace.  He’s even crossing his arms like a disappointed parent.  “We need to talk.”  
“Did you puke on the bed again?”
“No!”  He drops the act for a brief second before remembering he’s supposed to be “the one in charge” or something like that.  “But if you keep gigglin’ like that I’m gonna!”
“Like what?” you attempt to mimic his energy by folding your hands across your chest.
“Like you got a crush on that stupid octopus.”
“Oh.”  Oh.  You hadn’t really thought much about that.  On purpose really.  “Well you don’t have to do that.”  You had thought many things about Azul, felt a lot of things too.  Frustration, no one got to treat your friends that badly and then laugh about it.  Disappointment, someone so talented shouldn’t be wasting his time bullying others to feel better about himself.  He should be secure in his own successes.  Pity, but then again how else could he be expected to feel with his childhood having been what it was?  Anger, that made his actions all the more inexcusable, you didn’t really regret putting him in his place even if the method was… less than ideal.  Awe, you were aware most of your friends were still stuck firmly in anger.  Sure, Ace and Deuce didn’t have much of a problem buying things from the Lounge or using their point cards, but there still was a bit of a sting to the whole arrangement.  Grim might not have been capable of much but he could hold a grudge.  Especially when someone hurt you, it was exceptionally sweet.  You however…
It started with his overblot form.  Floyd never should have told you that’s what he actually looked like, you swear you forgot how to breathe for a solid minute.  Azul was beautiful, ethereal, and awe inspiring.  You didn’t even mind that he was actively trying to choke you with his tentacles, you were that tempted to let him.  Once he came to and came back to his human form, you were forced to swallow those feelings.  Tuck them away in the hopes that Azul would go back to being that distant pretty face he had been since he ran down Grim at orientation.  You told yourself you were content being friends with Riddle and the Heartslabyul gang, you didn’t need the acceptance of other dorms.  
But he hadn’t.  The trip to the museum apparently made the twins decide you were a friend; Floyd would follow you around when he got bored and demand you play with him, and if Jade had your schedule memorized no he didn’t prefect him ambushing you with an invitation to check out his club was completely coincidental.  Azul remained distant, only ever really approaching when he needed something or to make an offer.  It hurt that small part of themselves they’d been beating away with a stick, it hurt even worse when he reached out harder when they ignored him.  This world’s already hurt you enough, you don’t need to be pining over an emotionally unavailable guy who viewed everything in the world through material value.
“Mmmmm.”  Grim’s staring at you, clearly unconvinced and trying to not come off as worried.
“Really Grim.  I promise, no kissing fish for me.”  your phone pings and you see another message, from Floyd this time, and swipe to unlock just as the front door of Ramshackle nearly cracks off its hinges to announce his arrival.
“Shriiiiiiimpy, I’m so bored and Azul’s makin me work.”  A loud obviously fake whine rings through the foyer and you sigh.
Looks like you will be seeing Azul a bit sooner than expected.
The lounge is chaos by the time you sprint through the mirrors into Octavinelle.  You scan the lounge frantically for Jade and settle on his retreating form heading towards the back office.  It would be undignified to sprint towards him so you force yourself to speed walk through the waves of customers towards Floyd’s usual section.  Another first year, one that actually belongs in this dorm, is floundering around trying to figure out why he’s even alive and nearly jumps out of his skin when you tap him on the shoulder.  “Sorry I’m late, can you let Azul know I’m here?”  He abandons you faster than a sinking ship and you barely resist the urge to scream at him to show a little gratitude.  The Monstro Lounge is a “gentleman's establishment.”  It doesn’t employ howler monkeys, but it sure does serve them.  You snap your best customer service smile into place and glide over to one such cherished customer whose glare is threatening to freeze you to the floor.  “I’m sorry about the wait, how can I serve you today?”
Meanwhile, back at the office, Azul is attempting to convince himself that he isn’t mad.  Really, he’s just disappointed and really how could he be that when Floyd has been such a cherished friend for so long and-
“Oya, Azul, you’re starting to resemble a boiled octopus, are you sure this hasn’t complicated your plans at all?”  Jade is usually, key word being usually, just as inconvenienced by his brother’s mood swings as anyone else.  But this time, this time, Azul thinks while his left eye threatens to spasm out of its socket, he has a slight feeling that Jade might have encouraged this one.  He’s smiling way too wide.
“Nonsense, I always have back up-”  Jade doesn’t let him finish his thought.
“Ah but we can’t just go calling the prefect for this can we?  Not when things aren’t perfect yet.”
“Just what are you getting out of this?”  He really shouldn’t have to beg, Jade seems surprised he’s even trying.
“Maybe I’m just a bit better at reading things than you are.”  And before Azul can try strangling Jade for that comment one of his students bursts into the back room panting as if he’d just run a marathon. 
“Dorm leader!  The prefect came over to take Floyd’s section.  Said to let you know they were here.”  He doesn’t respond immediately, he can see his plans going up in dust around him while Jade laughs beside him.
“There you see, Azul?  No need to worry.”  And as if the night couldn’t get any worse that damn moray bows to whisper in his ear.  “They came for you after all.”  
It really is a good night for unagi.
The walk back to Ramshackle is quiet.  If you just keep your eyes on the path in front of you, the only thing you can hear is the chirp of an occasional cricket.  The sigh of an owl.  And of course the light click of the footsteps beside you, if you were extra quiet, you could maybe even hear Azul breathing.  It’s soft, if you could bring yourself to look at him maybe you would see that he’s just as nervous about this as you are.  
Not that “this” is anything special really.  You’ve worked closing shifts at the lounge before, and someone always walks you back.  Usually it’s Grim, he never actually helps with the work but he’s more than happy to show up at the end and claim some share of the reward for shepherding you home.  But this time the little weasel had decided not to show and, for some reason, Azul had asked to accompany you.  “For my sanity if nothing else.”  You hadn’t been able to speak since hearing that for fear your heart would leap right out of your mouth, you aren’t even entirely certain how you managed to nod an approval.  Not that Azul’s been much better, he hasn’t made eye contact with you since you started the walk back.  Or spoken.  You’d almost think he’s annoyed, or angry, if not for how the closer you get to your dorm the slower his steps get.  Maybe he doesn’t want things to end so soon either…
“The moon is beautiful tonight.”  He breaks his silence with a sigh and you choke slightly, eyes darting towards him warily even though you know for a fact that phrase doesn’t hold the same meaning here.  
“Ramshackle always has a great view of the night sky.”  you look up at the moon to avoid Azul’s quizzical gaze.  “It looks almost exactly like the moon in my world.”
“You enjoy watching it then, I take it?”  You don’t answer immediately, the question swirling up a myriad of contracting emotions and answers.
“Sometimes.”  You settle on a thought, haphazard as it feels.  “It’s funny, the longer I look at it the more it makes me think about a story I used to really like.”  
“Used to?”  You don’t have to look at Azul to know he’s doing the thing he always does while probing for information.  Yet you do anyway, the little unnecessary push he gives to his glasses is too cute.
“It just feels a bit too close to home now.”  It feels silly to say that, but then again, this is Azul.  He could also technically be considered to be from another world, so maybe he’d understand.   “There’s this bamboo cutter who finds a baby in one of the bamboo stalks he cuts and raises her as his daughter.  There’s always something just a bit off about her, when there’s a full moon out she stares at it and cries a whole lot, like there’s something up there she misses.  She’s extremely beautiful though so everyone kind of brushes that off, and after finding her the bamboo cutter starts finding gold in every bamboo stalk he cuts.”
“That’s unrealistic.”  scoffs Azul.  “There has to be a catch.”  You can’t help but laugh, of course this is where he’d choose to interrupt.
“It’s a story, Azul.  And besides you literally live in a world where magic exists calm down.”  He snorts and you quickly start talking before he can begin his protests.  “Anyway he starts finding gold inside the bamboo and becomes wealthy enough to be considered important.  His daughter grows up to be an otherworldly beautiful woman and gets a bunch of attention from all over the country, people call her a princess.  She’s so popular the emperor himself comes to see her and they get to talking. The two of them find they have a lot in common, so when the emperor proposes he’s sure she’ll say yes.”  Azul’s smart, you’re pretty sure he’s figured out the plot twist already by the way he’s set his jaw, but he makes no attempt to stop you.  Almost like he’s hoping you will prove him wrong.  “But she doesn’t.  She says she can’t marry him because she isn’t from his country and can’t be his queen.  He’s heartbroken but the princess agrees to keep in touch so he thinks that maybe he could one day have a chance, but then the princess’s strange behavior’s start getting more erratic.  She starts spending every night outside looking at the moon, and when her father finally asks her why she tells him a secret.  That she is from the moon, and that soon she’s going to have to return.”  You look back at Azul, expecting his eyes to be on the moon only to find them centered pointedly on you.  It’s a heavy gaze, suffocating almost.  
“I can’t imagine the emperor was accepting of that.”  He’s trying to make a joke, at least you think.  The words fall sort of flat.
“When the princess tells him that, he tries to send soldiers to her house.  To prevent the moon from taking her back.  But it doesn’t work, when the time comes for her to return everyone in the house falls into a deep sleep while the princess is swept up by the moon people.”  You both stand in silence for a moment before you think to add.  “That’s not really why I started disliking it though.  There’s- when she goes back to the moon they wrap her up in this cloak that makes her forget everyone she met on earth.”    
“Do you think that’s what will happen to you?”  There’s an emotion in his voice you can’t quite place.  If you had to describe it you’d say he was teetering on the edge of desperation, over what you can’t quite tell.  “Do you want that to happen to you?”
“No!”  You surprise yourself with how forcefully you shout.  “I don’t think the lady from the moon did either.  Pretty much every version of the story I ever read really made it seem like she wanted to stay, but-”
“Why didn’t the emperor go himself?”  He’s getting closer to the edge, similar to how he sounded when his contracts got turned to dust but thankfully not yet that desperate.  “If he was in love, why didn’t he demand they stay?”  And that aura from flying class is back;  he’s talking but he isn’t saying what he means but this time you think-
The way he looks at you has changed.  Azul’s smiles have started reaching his eyes, you belatedly foolishly realize, and now his carefully concealed doubts have too.  “Maybe he was afraid.”  you don’t have to phrase it as a question, there’s no real question about what’s keeping you both silent here.  He flinches, trying desperately to steady himself.  You take a deep, shuddering breath as Azul squares his shoulders and steps closer to you.  “That they wanted to leave all along and he couldn’t bring himself to deny them.”  Closer.  “Maybe he thought somethings were more important than taking a risk on someone from another world.”  Closer.  Not quite yet as close as he could be but firmly within reach, but he doesn’t dare move any more.
“He’s a better man than me.”  It’s a warning, or at least it should register as one.  Make you reconsider the smile that escapes your lips and settles firmly into his poor unfortunate heart.  “I don’t think I could let such a rare person go if they shone so clearly against the night sky.”  You want to laugh.  Really you do but you’re too busy reveling in the newfound light in his eyes to do anything other than choke back a sob.  
“Then I guess you’re lucky I’m not from the moon.”  And finally, finally, finally you move to close the gap so you’re standing chest to chest under the light of the moon, warming the cold beat of his heart into something far less shallow.  Finally, finally he sees you, and knows he doesn’t have to look away.
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*Jade encouraged Floyd to ditch so Azul wouldn't be in control of the conversation. Partially to mess with him and partially because I think someone as obsessed with perfection as Azul should be forced to realize love isn't something you can plan every aspect of and I think Jade would agree with me because I am the author and I say so.
**In the original translation I read everyone is blinded by a light. I changed this for correlation to chapter 7.
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stirringwinds · 8 months
reflecting on ye Olde Hetalia strips 🤔 tbh I think as a chinese person back then, I did weirdly appreciate himaruya’s take where the First Sino-Japanese war was depicted as Kiku being aggressive unprompted and completely surprising Yao because I was concerned about portrayals being too soft on Japanese imperialism. so on that level, it’s by no means a bad or inaccurate thing to show Kiku as capable of being aggressive that way.
but—looking back, I guess it’s very different from how I’d now write the first Sino-Japanese war, particularly when it comes to Yao: Yao’s shock because it’s contrasted to his memories of Kiku as this cute kid he found in a very Princess Kaguya/Tale of the Bamboo Cutter way feels like it skips over a lot lol! Because Yao being backstabbed by Kiku really shouldn’t be a big surprise to him, when we snap in the longer timeline of East Asian geopolitics. the disastrous Imjin War in the 1590s, which came right before Japanese isolation, was a Japanese invasion of Korea with the goal of overthrowing Chinese imperial power after all. and the First Sino-Japanese war is….such a literal mirror of that in so many ways. despite its name, it was a power struggle over Korea too, and this time Japan succeeded in ending Qing China’s political influence over Korea. So—less a surprised and startled man rudely shaken out of his nostalgia than a famous but weary, injured old general grimly feeling the aches and utter weakness sinking into his bones—as his once-student finally beats him at his own game.
Kiku and Yao as I see it, used to play xiangqi (which is basically Chinese chess) together. It’s one of the things Yao “taught” him almost a thousand years ago—and they probably played shogi and go too, which are Japanese strategy games. Coming back to the 1890s, it’s the once-apprentice holding a gun to his former mentor’s head and coolly saying “checkmate”. Probably politely even, and that farcical decorum pours more salt into the wound! and Yao is so, so utterly bitter and resentful—but he’s not surprised. At all. An even longer time ago, during the Tang dynasty, he’d defeated Kiku easily despite being outnumbered in a battle because of his superior naval and military strategies. So, the way I see it, Kiku may have looked to Western military models, but Yao knows that there’s plenty in the humiliation of the First Sino-Japanese War that Kiku learned from his example. History can rhyme in some of the most terribly ironic ways. Disrespecting your teacher and elder may be very un-Confucian, but winning because of superior strategy and technology is right at home in Chinese history.
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sepublic · 9 months
So I watched the drawing request livestream from today that I missed out on, and I must apologize! Near the end, Dana clarified that she preferred for the requests she drew to be Patron-exclusives, with her releasing them to the public as she saw fit; As such, I've deleted my previous post showcasing them. Sorry about that...
As for some fun facts I learned during the stream; Apparently Severine is named after Dana's middle name, Mary Severine! I thought Severine was a made-up name, in reference to the word 'Severing' as per Boiling Isles morbid aesthetic, but it's actually a real one! Dana Mary Severine Terrace...
Dana also mentioned how the red grass and purple trees of the Boiling Isles were meant to invoke a bruise that's healing; Symbolic of the Boiling Isles having issues it's dealing with, since even before Belos, and the colors of the isles were meant to convey the idea of Belos striking like a sledgehammer.
We very easily could've not had The Owl House, because of a coin flip! When deciding between Animation and Illustration as a career path, Dana literally flipped a coin to decide... Talk about a gift of fate! Though she did note throughout the stream that art direction isn't her thing, nor is illustration, as it focuses on fine-tuning specific details, whereas Dana prefers things like animation, writing, drawing, etc., getting her ideas out there. TOH might’ve still happened regardless.
And yes, Dana IS a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, she watched both series when she was around 14 years old on Toonami! I freaking knew it, the similarities between TOH and FMA, the acknowledgement of Arakawa as someone Luz would've emulated in art... Dana prefers Brotherhood, since it's closer to the manga. The chimera episode messed her up like everyone else, and FMA was one of her favorite childhood cartoons alongside Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Champloo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Pokemon.
Dana also watched Dragonball Z, including the Buu and Cell arcs in real time, and was quite creeped out by Cell, as he was unlike anything she'd seen before; So the reference to DBZ in Eclipse Lake is probably from Dana's own experiences, as was the realization of how long it's been. Dana's first and favorite Ghibli film is Princess Mononoke, followed by Princess Kaguya, and she obsessed over the Gorillaz music videos.
Someone in chat suggested that for artists who want to get used to streaming themselves drawing, they can begin practicing by drawing in public! Dana liked the idea and encouraged people to also begin with friends to ease into it.
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nkn0va · 4 months
Orie, Wagner, and Mitsuru with an s/o that randomly picks them up?
We live for high class women being flustered when they're shown affection.
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-Straight up, Orie is just the type that looks extremely liftable, especially in casual attire. Something you catch onto very quickly.
-You do have the decency to at least not do it out in public most of the time, but occasionally you just can't help yourself, like the first time you ended up doing so.
-She'd managed to finally get a day off between Licht Kreis duties and school, inviting you for a night out on the town to explore and do whatever. She was still relatively new to Kanzakai so this was the best possible opportunity to learn about everything that was around.
-You'd been out for quite a long time and it was obvious you had much more stamina then her, she was looking quite drained despite all the fun you'd had. So you got the brilliant idea of picking her up bridal style out of nowhere.
-Her face immediately turns crimson as she asks you what in the world are you doing, and only gets even more embarrassed as you say you're carrying her back to her place since you can't let the lady be tired. She hides her face in your chest the entire way through and prays that nobody recognizes her.
-As much as she'll deny it, she definitely wouldn't mind if you did this again. Just...not in front of her friends. Especially Kaguya, she's showing no mercy to the poor girl.
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-Honestly, you started doing this as a joke more than anything. The way Wagner carried herself was like a high and mighty princess so you only thought it was appropriate to treat her as such.
-As she was playfully gloating about herself you then suddenly lifted her up off the ground, causing a strong, immediate reaction out of her.
-She immediately makes her startled annoyance very known, loudly reprimanding you and asking what the hell you think you're doing. That's about what you expected, but being lucky enough to have become her S/O, you know you're not in any actual danger.
-She won't really do anything really as long as you don't do this in public. For the love of god, do not do this when other people can see.
-It becomes...acceptable over time as you do it more. She at least does recognize the fact that you do it out of affection and admiration for her which is a flattering thought.
-She'll probably still act like a complete tsundere about it but she'll never make any actual moves to stop you, secretly reveling in the attention she gets from you.
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-Mitsuru is normally a very professional, put-together woman. The way she holds herself brings about both admiration and intimidation depending on the situation. However you have the rare privilege of being able to see this facade drop when she doesn't need it.
-You wanted to test the waters so to speak on what would happen when you were more direct with your affection, and what was more direct than picking someone up bridal style.
-She initially threatens to execute you, though it seems more reflexive than an actual serious threat. You knew better obviously, but you put her down for now.
-This was doing nothing to stop you from doing this in the future of course, much to her chagrin. Doubly so if the rest of S.E.E.S happened to see you do this. She's at a loss for words as the panic sets in.
-If you want the best reactions, do it away from prying eyes. Her face will turn almost as red as her hair before she eventually settles into it, embracing your warmth and presence with a sigh of content. She feels safe with you, more than with anyone else.
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tulliok · 11 months
Hi! you seem to draw from a lot of diverse inspirations for your art, just curious as to what your favourite movies/shows etc are? like, the series to get to know you, & have inspired you the most! (either artistically or in subject matter)
That's a loaded question, and there's so many pieces of media I'd love to talk about in depth in terms of how they inspired me. If I were to narrow down some shows/films into a list to get to know me (and why), it would probably be:
Revolutionary Girl Utena- Highly experimental and theatrical anime with heavy themes about adolescence, patriarchy, sexuality, and fantasy. Every theme explored in Utena is something I care very passionately about.
Land of the Lustrous- Very simple and atmospheric body horror manga and anime inspired by Buddhist philosophy. It's the main inspiration behind City of the Avian.
Song of the Sea- Children's adventure film that combines Irish folktales with family drama. The film that inspired me to work in animation!
Millennium Actress- The best movie for animation fans that love film history and cultural costume design as much as I do. I foam at the mouth looking at all the attention to detail.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya- Animated adaptation of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. The incredibly emotional character animation and the Heian era costumes are everything I could want.
There's a bunch more but I don't wanna ramble endlessly! If any of these sound interesting give them a shot, all of them are worth a watch.
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h2llish · 3 months
how'd i not watch ghibli movies for so long what. anyway here's my thoughts on all the ones i've watched because i feel like it :3
howl's moving castle ─ so good oh my god i'm in love with it. sophie is amazing, howl is amazing, i'll talk up this movie with nothing but praise oh my god.
spirited away ─ so cute!! you guys i loved it, it was so sweet. he was a dragon?? love dragons. amazing movie. also in love with it.
ponyo ─ cute, funny. i was giggling the whole time. so sweet. loved the ending.
kiki's delivery service ─ cute, sweet. scared me cause i thought she lost her magic but yay! all was well. so cute you guys.
my neighbor totoro ─ also so cute oh my god. it was just the sweetest thing. i almost cried when mei went missing, i was ready to sob, but i didn't shed a tear because she was okay and totoro helped. in love with it.
castle in the sky ─ so sweet. "we orphans have to stick together" what a line, really. i loved it as well. they were so happy together.
the secret world of arrietty ─ sweet, made me sad when they split up :( they were such good friends. i got scared when he was running around with his heart issues, but he was okay.
the cat returns ─ caught me off guard. don't know what i expected, probably some puss in boots type of shit, but that was not it. it was good! great even. i couldn't take it seriously but i loved it.
nausicaa of the valley of the wind ─ guys i'm also in love with this, so good oh my god. scared me in the end, when i thought she died, but she was okay because they helped her and she's amazing and it was such a great movie.
princess mononoke ─ beautiful, i loved it. thought for sure he was gonna die but no. i didn't expect the way it ended but it was a good movie
the wind rises ─ it was about planes and then he goes and falls in love but she was sick and i'm so sad because she left and then died and now, he has to live missing her. sobbing. i loved it.
whisper of the heart ─ it was cute and funny. he really liked her because he seen her reading a book what a dork. i loved it.
from up on poppy hill ─ i was so confused. i was rooting for them and then i wasn't and then i was and then i wasn't again. i thought they were related but then it turns out they weren't! confused the hell out of me but it's a good movie.
when marnie was there ─ i'm in love it. it was actually kinda sad but also so sweet. i was shocked to realize that was her grandmother. but she ended up making a friend and she was happy. sobs.
the tale of the princess kaguya — it was so sweet but so sad. i loved it, i’m in love with it. i actually cried. she was so miserable and then she left and sobs :(
only yesterday — kinda confused me at the start but i got it eventually. it was sweet i liked it.
porco posso ─ it was silly. i loved it. fio was sweet and she kinda reminded me of nausicaa. he totally loved gina but he's in denial cries. and the end??? did he go to the garden omg?? i need to know.
tales from earthsea ─ it so good, so pretty. omg, i loved it, in love with it. it might actually be my favorite. there were dragons! and she was a dragon! and i was so stressed but it was such an amazing movie! i love love love.
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Round 1: Match 13
"Two Sides of the Same Coin"- Two things that are regarded as part of the same thing. Even if they're very different, they have at least one common thread that helps them fit into this trope.
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Aziraphale and Crowley:
(no propaganda)
Fujiwara no Mokou and Houraisan Kaguya:
"A pair of feuding immortals. Kaguya is a moon princess exiled for drinking the elixir of eternal life, though she is happy with her immortality. Mokou is a human, (probably bastard, definitely neglected) daughter of a noble. She stole the elixir of eternal life and regrets the decision. They have opposing views to immortality and a personal feud that I can't describe quickly but they each found in the other a way to stave off boredom and the weight of eternity."
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author-main · 11 months
I’m afraid I missed that theory (assuming you like, made a post that I didn’t see) but it sounds incredibly interesting and I’d be interested in knowing more
I can NOT sting my thoughts together I'm sorry, I was gonna write a whole thing but holy crap I'm terrible at talking
I didn't write this idea as a whole theory. I just made a post a couple weeks back saying "Zonai are moon people to me"
If I recall, Zonai are not Gods, they're considered godlike. I think they're called godlike only because they're not from Earth and their magic was not easily understood. Their technology could hypothetically be recreated by ancient Sheikah or modern Sheikah tech. The only the only thing that probably can't be recreated is the secret stones? Which is a mystery to me still.
I'm already aware of several other Japanese modern media that deal with people from the moon (some of them Moon people are like this advanced civilization). Okami, Houseki No Kuni, and The Tale of Princess Kaguya are all that come to mind. And the moon people all have a Shinto, Buddhist, or maybe even Taoist (? I don't know much about Taoism but Waka is etched into my brain) depiction, probably because that's where it comes from. That and the Princess Kaguya is an adapation from the tale of the Bamboo Cutter, which is also parrt of Okami.
Idk Something something.... Shinto, Buddhist, MAYBE Taoist imagery in Tears of the Kingdom + Inspiration from Ghibli or older monogataris is apparent
Zonai descended from the heavens, but that could me Ozone layer, that could mean literal heavens, it could be moon. The fact that there are no other Zonai, and the Zonai architecture we do see is abandoned... idk I just think they left. Went home or something.
Also this just looks like Moon People Shit to me
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Uh tell me if there's something you need explained in even worse detail
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
I really like how even though Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion were themed after figures from Greek Mythology, Princess Serenity has a little bit of Princess Kaguya in her theme with her being a Moon Princess who liked Earth, but had to be brought back home (even though she ended up dying and reincarnating instead of living and losing her memories of her time on Earth)!
Oh yeah, there is definitely some influence from Princess Kaguya on the whole Serenity/Endymion storyline in SM! What I really love about Sailor Moon is how both Western and Eastern myths have a big influence on it. We always talk about Greco-Roman mythology and its influence on SM, but we don't talk as often about Chinese and Japanese influences (probably because the English-speaking fanbase is predominantly Western and we aren't as familiar with those influences).
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kingovharts · 3 months
If it’s not too much trouble could you show us the moon goddesses that could be MC mother?
From the top of my head:
Princess Kaguya (I have to research more about this)
These are all I can remember from the top of my head lol. But you all guys have the option to input the goddess you like if they’re absent from the options I’ve given.
I’d probably base it off here. The moon goddess selection won’t happen anytime soon anyway so I have a lot of time to finalise this.
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sadclownsc · 4 months
About me! I saw a few blogs have these and wanted to do my own :)
I’m 19, bi, go by they/them pronouns and i’m mixed race (half Jamaican, half Welsh).
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My favourite artists: The cramps, scary bitches, ICP, she wants revenge, BTS, carlos santana, destructo disk, motley crue, megan thee stallion, x-ray spex
I’m studying accounting so i’ll probably complain or celebrate my course on this blog.
I struggle with my mental health and just want to share and talk about it on here.
My favourite shows and anime : criminal minds, modern family, good witch, one day at a time, brooklyn 99, otherside picnic, haikyuu, kurokos basketball, log horizon, bnha, carole and tuesday
My favourite youtubers: Amber Scholl, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Tarayummy, Amy Kay Asmr, Bestdressed, Cinema Therapy, Gibi Asmr, Goodnight Moon, Mina Le, Miss Mina, Sherliza Moe, Trixie Mattel
My favourite movies: Legally Blonde, any monster high, Lisa Frankenstein, Corpse Bride, Princess Mononoke, Howls moving castle, the barbie and bratz movies, The tale of princess kaguya, any xmen and avengers movies, Frankenweenie
My interests: Knitting, Witchcraft, Skateboarding, Watching shows and movies with my parents, daydreaming, alternative subcultures
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