sadclownsc ¡ 4 days
What pleases u in bed?
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sadclownsc ¡ 10 days
fine i’ll rewatch lisa frankenstein 😪😈
*turns on the promise by when in rome on my bluetooth radio speaker* boy i sure hope there isn't any storms tonight that coincidentally strike the grave of a hot man played by cole sprouse and bring him back to life so we can go on our murderous journey of love to find his missimg body parts that would be a shame
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sadclownsc ¡ 11 days
the worst thing lestat did was kill this queen all she did was be an ally and fujo out
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sadclownsc ¡ 16 days
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Women in Film Challenge 2024: [70/52] Lisa Frankenstein, dir. Zelda Williams (USA, 2024)
They kept saying, “Time heals all wounds.” But that’s a lie – time is the wound. It takes you further and further from that place when you were happy. Makes those good smells go away.
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sadclownsc ¡ 16 days
Math is really tiring, im so glad i finally get to relax and do some knitting and crochet and i oh god oh my what the fuck
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sadclownsc ¡ 16 days
listen. aging into your thirties rocks. yes your joints get a little creaky. yes you can’t sleep in a pretzel on the floor anymore after a concert or a convention. and you lose some friends. but the thing is that you sort out who your real friends are and you sort out who you really are. and you get to see your friends settling into careers they like, and adopt new dogs and cats, and you find a job you can stand, and get really good at arts and crafts, and maybe that book you loved as a kid gets a movie deal and it doesn’t suck, and you learn to like new food and bake your own bread, and you realize that the great portfolio of self harm scars you all used to curate are going white with age and not updated, and half your friends are a different gender now and so much happier and maybe you are too, and you know who you are, and that it’s a journey and not a revelation. it’s a direction you’re headed, and you’re enjoying the trip.
reaching your 30′s rocks. and i’m hearing good things about what comes next, too.
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sadclownsc ¡ 16 days
Speech given by Russell Means of the Oglala Lakota tribe in 1980.
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sadclownsc ¡ 16 days
If you’re a Non-Muslim and you see a Muslim praying in public, could you please not pass in front of them?
Go behind them, but not in front. 👍
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sadclownsc ¡ 25 days
reblogging for later
Housewarming Magic
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For when you’ve moved into a new living situation or are ready for a new start <3
Finding your home/moving:
House hunting crystals
Spell jar to find a house
Spell for your dream house
Spell for securing a home/property purchase
Property locater spell for house-hunting
Moving witch tips
Moving magic for a happy home
Moving house cleansing ritual
The witch’s moving checklist
A deep room cleanse
To absorb negative energy from a room
Magical spring cleaning tips
Summer house cleansing
Witchy cleaners
Clean house powder
Home cleansing tips
Thoroughly clearing spaces
Crystals to cleanse the home
Cleansing your space without smoke
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
Warding + Protection:
A crash course on warding
To ward the home
Threshold magic 101
Protect my home spell
Home protection steam spell
Simple home protection jar spell
Room/home protection
Protection oil for windows and doors
Sharehouse peace witch’s ladder
Wall of fire property & house protection spell
Protection (wind) chimes
The Rowan cross
Protecting the property
Check out the sigils below!
For a magical and happy home
Find a home that will bring you happiness
My new home suits me well
I find a good place to live
I have found a safe place to rent in my price range
This space is full of life, light, and bright energy
My home is safe
This home is safe for all
This home is a safe and healthy environment
My house is protected from unwanted influences
My home is protected
I live well on my own
Witchin’ it up:
Happy home spell jar
Home sweet home spell jar
Hestia’s house blessing
Fire spell hospitality blessing
House to home spell
Laundry magic
Mundane magic: Laundry edition
Pleasing household spirits
House witch’s chores
When a bad guest leaves
Building a magical home
The magical home
Herbal home blessing
Odds and ends:
Magic, and power, in homemaking
The history and creation of witch bottles
Bringing nature inside
Cottage witch tips
Hearth witch tips
The basics of kitchen and cottage witchcraft
You may also like:
Bedridden witch: garden / stale energy / kitchen edition
Spells for job seekers
Travel witchery
Updated August of 2024. Please inform me of broken links via ask-box. Click original post to check for updates!
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sadclownsc ¡ 25 days
A Deep Room Cleanse
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The state of my room is extremely important to me. It’s a direct reflection of my mental health, so when it’s messy, my energy levels are low and I just feel yucky. There’s no way I’m getting any kind of work done, magical or mundane. When it feels good and clean to be in, it’s a lot easier to deal with my symptoms and be productive. You don’t have to do every step every time of course, but each step has helped me so I figured a list like this might help someone. 
Change the lighting. Use natural sources of light (like pulling back the curtains and letting the sun in) over artificial ones. If you have salt lamps to turn on, those are still very nice. If you need artificial light to keep it from being too dark, try to prioritize light bulbs you like the color of, and ones that don’t whistle quietly when they’re on.
Change the airflow. Open a window, if you can. Often our rooms feel yucky because the air is stale. Get some fresh air moving. If it’s too cold, it’s okay to only keep it open for a few minutes or put on a coat while you work because you’re stubborn like me.
Change the sound. Put on your favorite cleansing music. Let it soak into the room. I tend to go or ambient spa stuff, or playlists that sound built for a rainy day. (Note: the music that helps you cleanse the best may not be the same as what you like the most. The playlist should keep you focused/uplifted while you work and reflect the vibes you want your room to have.)
Change the smell. Take out the trash, maybe refresh the sheets on your bed. Light a scented candle, some incense, heat up some oil, something to make your room smell distinctly different from the mucky-feeling room from before. (If your method of choice is something short like a room spray, I actually like doing it at the very end.)
Actually clean and organize. Nothing junks up the energy of a room more quicker than actual junk. Organize everything as much as you can (this might mean finally gutting your closet, even if you can close the door and hide it.) Wipe down any surfaces that need it, get everything fresh and functional again. Do some laundry while you work. If you have clothes or trinkets that are just collecting dust, extra points for purging them! 
 Cleanse any sacred spaces by themselves. A lot of us have altars or shrines in our rooms. A sacred space can also be just an extra important area of your room, like a reading nook.  Make sure to give them extra attention! You don’t need to wipe the board energetically (and probably shouldn’t), but taking a little extra time to clean surfaces, straighten up, and make sure everything feels okay on them goes a long way.
Cleanse in your regular way. Bust out the herb bundles, the bells, the ribbons, the broom, whatever you usually do to cleanse a space! The room is SUPER primed for it now, most of the negative energy probably already feels removed if not broken down. A good once-over with your favorite cleansing method should finish it off nicely. 
Refresh any wards or protections. Self explanatory. If you maintain energy borders in your room, now is a good time to check in on them and zhoosh them if needed. Keep the space clean for longer! 
Practice self-care. Take a shower, a nap, eat some food, whatever you need. You’ve put in a lot of work and you deserve it. 
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sadclownsc ¡ 25 days
say it again, human beings are not defined by the capital we produce!
disability rights involves the right to do fuck all. the right to be a useless member of society and STILL be loved and cared for and have a fair standard of living. human beings are not defined by the capital we produce.
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sadclownsc ¡ 25 days
I’m sorry, but aren’t we collectively tired of all our clothes being made of polyester?
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sadclownsc ¡ 1 month
dandelions deserve more respect than they get
you say “weeds” I say “widespread non-native edible plant and early-blooming pollinator resource that is not considered invasive because it behaves politely and does not cause deleterious ecological consequences”
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sadclownsc ¡ 1 month
I keep having to tear down extremely predatory/misleading Scien.tology flyers in my school's art building. This is the third fucking time I've ripped the fuckers up and I'm getting Real Fucking Tired of it.
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sadclownsc ¡ 2 months
honestly i just think we all need to slow down
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sadclownsc ¡ 2 months
public library save me
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sadclownsc ¡ 2 months
i love you USPS I love you NASA i love you taxpayer funded services that actually contribute positively to society i love you libraries i love you public transport
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