#and it's understandable that i haven't really seen ppl talk about this
starrywangxian · 11 months
ofmd s2 e8 spoilers!!
a lot happened in s2 e8 but one scene i found interesting that i haven't really seen anyone talk about is when ed kills those british navy soldiers after he sails back there's a sharp ringing noise??
there, watching the smoke rise from the ships, he's not sure if stede is okay and a switch is flipped. he turns into the kraken and kills all those british navy soldiers without a second thought.
it's interesting that before this, ed has only ever killed his dad to protect himself and his mother and now he's killing people to get to stede.
i'm not great at analysis so feel free to add your own comments on this, i just find it very interesting that ed turns into this killing machine after thinking stede might be in danger the same way he did when he was protecting himself and his mum against his dad.
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
i'm just gonna say it. on the app that could reasonably be called Misinformation: The Website, where you have no good reason to believe almost anything that anyone says, where people are known to play genuine fucked up long cons where they go so far as to fake a disability, or stage scenes of verbal/emotional abuse with their partners, or make some other incredibly serious claim only to eventually come out and admit that they lied or faked it to be *interesting* or whatever... i think it's wise to take the anecdote of a single random person with a grain of salt
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byooregard · 29 days
iwtv universe dashboard simulator
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girlmand reblogged
😶‍🌫️gaysexinthecity Follow
not saying vampires are real but i think Daniel Molloy gets way too much shit . like if i was a pulitzer prize winning journalist in my seventies and some guy called me and was like im a vampire want an interview i wouldn't hesitate either. fuck man sure tell me about being a vampire. i'll believe you
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🎆 magical-swiftie
reading Interview with the Vampire rn and Claudia and Madeline are sooo Long Face core
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#now that i think of it a lot of tvl's songs fit this book really well #like #'she gave me life I gave her death'??? # that's so them!!!
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🏞️ girlblogg1ng
btw if you're still listening to the vampire lestat, unfollow me now. and like, seriously consider why you're giving plays to a guy who appropriates ancient egyptian history for his vampire schtick, it's honestly sickening
#the vampire lestat #tvl #maintagging because people need to see this honestly #.txt
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keep seeing ppl try to cancel tvl for things hes said to his fans or how he talks about ancient egyptian mythology and not that song where he talks about fucking his mother. like im not crazy right he wrote a whole song about how he fucked his mother
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💟 stingorarr
"we are your children/but what do you give us/is your silence/a better gift than the truth?" sounds like it should be some ancient Greek poetry but it's literally in a song by the vampire lestat!!!
it just hits so hard... like your parents gave you nothing but maybe the truth would be more unbearable than silence...
#tvl #the vampire lestat #twmbk #those who must be kept
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sampire reblogged danielmxllxy
🌫️ beatlesrpf Follow
please tell me you guys arent serious about the vampire lestat. please tell me youre not stanning a man who wrote "im an actor in my makeup, i get fatter when we break up"
#guys please #this is worse than the tortured poets department
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🤖 carrieblogging Follow
Based on your likes!
Hey, Tumblr, I need a little help here?
So, my best friend has been acting a little weird lately. Like, his sleep schedule has gotten really strange (stranger than normal 😅), and I haven't seen him without sunglasses on in a week?
His diet has changed, too, like he used to always be snacking whenever I'd call him, but now he doesn't eat anything that I can see.
He even cancelled our tickets to ComicCon!! I've been waiting to meet up with him for years, and now he's just bailed on me?!? I'm mad, but honestly more worried than anything....
#carrie speaks
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🌌 marbellina124
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guys I think I've found the vampire Armand at the MET 😏😂
#it doesn't match the dates from the book so like #yeah #but imagine.... #parisian mutuals you have a power that can be used
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interview-with-the-glampire reblogged wormyworms
🪱 wormyworms Follow
mmm tbh the only reason i *don't* believe vampires are real is because if *i* was interviewing two vampires to write a book about their life? i would not be leaving that house without their fangs in my neck and eternal life. just saying
🌇 interview-with-the-glampire
understandable but have you considered. if I went to interview two vampires and got immortality and vampire sex out of that deal I wouldn't go around letting everyone know :/
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danielmxllxy reblogged sampire
🌌 marbellina124
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so were all in agreement he fucked that vampire right
#oh I think he fucked AT LEAST two of those vampires #iwtv #rb
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bunabi · 4 months
just wanted to say i appreciate ur post abt dav and layoffs bcus i've been feeling like, really weirdly empty bcus i just haven't seen many ppl mention them and i cant figure out if i'm excited for the game or not since it all just left such a bad taste in my mouth...
They're talking about it privately lol
Discussing it now in the open is the fastest way to be called a hater looking for a morally just reason to nitpick the game
And to be fair: people will do that! But ignoring the human cost thats unfolded for years in front of us is goofy. There will be a balance of understanding and nuance eventually.
I'm glad people are having fun though. I am. And my World of Thedas vol. I delivers today.
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bahrtofane · 5 months
dialogue 7 trope 8 with tchouameni pls. so happy that ppl are finally writing for him 🥹❤️
- "ooohh you wanna kiss me sooo bad." - Bodyguard au
happy to write for him! he needs more love enjooyyyy
word count - 800+
watch it - flirty tch and weapon mentioned like once enjoyy
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You know you're not a very stereotypical bodyguard. Shorter than most, no rippling muscles that tear shirts apart. It does give you the advantage of surprise. No one expects you. Even more so for the man you've been tasked to protect. 
You know they hired you specifically to blend in and so you do. Still keeping close but you look like you could be anything from a part of the crowd to a friend and whatever more. You've seen yourself on a few gossip pages and on news articles here and there. 
They have yet to put the pieces together and you want to keep it that way. You have a job to do and a man to protect. A man that for the life of you you can't understand. 
He's an enigma on a good day. Aurélien keeps a curious eye on you, eager to watch you. But yet so hesitant. 
He doesn't talk to you all that much, but when he does he manages to squeeze playful words in between each sentence. Always catching you off guard. He goes from being honed in and focused to letting his shoulders loose in a laugh. 
Today seems like no exception. You wait in the wings backstage of an event. It's just a rehearsal for the actual thing yet you're here. Its empty save for stage screws running about with wires and microphones tangled on the floor. 
You stand arms crossed a few feet away from where Aurélien is being fitted with different wires and what not. He speaks, arms waving lazily and nodding along to whatever his agent is saying. You haven't talked to him today yet. 
He spots you soon enough, giving you a wave while you respond with a curt nod. He gets shown to where you stand, told to “hang out” here for a second while they adjust the lighting. 
“Didn't know they dragged you here too?” he says, hands resting inside the pockets of his jacket. 
“I have a job to do.” you shrug. 
“Does it even get boring? Being around the same person all the time. I know I get tired.”
Your expression remains neutral, though a spark of amusement flickers in your eyes. "Perhaps," you hum, "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm here to protect you, whether you like it or not."
He grins, gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before turning back to watch the lights cycle through the different settings. "Well, in that case, I suppose I'll just have to make your job as interesting as possible," he says with a lazy shrug. 
You roll your eyes, but cant help the small smile that tugs at your lips. "I have no doubt you will," you reply dryly 
Aurélien gives you a playful smirk before leaning in slightly, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "You know," he says, amusement dancing in his eyes, "sometimes I wonder if all this protection is just an excuse to be close to me."
You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed by his attempt at flirting. "Don't flatter yourself," you retort, though you can't stop the smile that seems between your words. He's bold today. 
Leave it to Aurélien to find a way to wiggle into your personal space and under your skin with his words so early in the day. And you have so many more hours left with him. How thrilling. 
He chuckles softly, leaning even closer until his breath brushes against your ear. "Oh, come on," he murmurs, "we both know deep down, you wanna kiss me sooo bad."
You can't help but laugh, shaking your head at his shameless antics. "You wish," you reply, giving him a playful shove before straightening up, feeling the waistband of your pants for your weapon. Old habits die hard you suppose. 
Aurélien grins, the playful glint returning to his eyes as he steps back, resuming his role in the rehearsal.
You don't know what game he really plays. If his words really hold any meaning. If you should listen. So you choose the safe route and brush them off and try to do your job. Even if he insists on making it near impossible. 
He sends you knowing looks from the other side of the backstage area. Ones you know would easily strike up talk. But you can't talk your eyes off him. Partly because of your job and partly due to him being so- what's the word- dazzling. 
You do want to kiss him, but he doesn't need to know that. Not now at least.
For now you watch him do his thing while you try to do your job and push away his voice from ringing in your ears over and over. 
we both know deep down
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roxy-writes · 1 year
the comment i'm replying to: please consider a cool college au dabi who hates his dad but still spends his old mans money. he's a good boyfriend, very low key and yet he manages to garner plenty of female attention, mostly superficially but abundant none the less. reader has to deals with glances, whispers and jabs about shade regarding being partners with dabi. a non conventionally attractive reader (I'm chubby but this could be anything you want) once he finds out some intense body worship 🥺🥺
FIRST OF ALL OMG I LOVE THIS. i haven't written anything with chubby!reader in a while so i'm very excited. i hope you like this!
warnings: chubby!reader, ppl making negative comments about reader's body, body worship, facesitting, not proofread
you were always aware of the attention that dabi attracted. you know he's good looking, and so does everyone else. this could be...disheartening for you at times. attending the same college as him made you ever more conscious of just what kind of attention followed him. the kind that made you feel sort of sick to your stomach at the thought of how much prettier the people that attempted flirting with him were than you. you try not to let the whispers and scowls thrown your way get to you.
dabi also always made his attraction towards you clear. whether it be a hand set on your waist or lower back when you're out, or, in more private settings, eagerly groping at your chest and ass. this was sometimes inconvenient. it only seemed to make people stare at you harder whenever he'd attempt the slightest bit of PDA. he notices how your behavior seems to change when people see you in public, and he immediately assumes the worst. that you didn't like him, or want to be with him.
so he tries to fix it. using his father's credit card of course, he'd take you out shopping to buy whatever you like, take you out on fancy dates, whatever. when this doesn't work, he begins seeing the problem for what it really was. he finally started noticing how people behaved towards you, acting like you weren't even there, coming up and flirting with him like you were nothing.
he confronted you about it in his room one night. asking why you didn't tell him how you felt, begging you for answers. you don't know why, you say, you didn't know if he would understand.
"fuck, why the hell would you think that?"
"'cause y'know, there are all these people that make comments about me when we're seen together. it's never you they're talking about."
he closes the distance between you to wrap his arms around you.
"i'm sorry. i'll tell all of them to fuck off. you don't deserve anyone's shit," although vulgar, dabi's words are comforting, and you wrap your arms around him as well. you bury your face in his neck and he pulls you closer in response. but after a few seconds he pulls back and presses his lips to yours the same way he always did. gentle but rough at the same time.
you almost feel bad for being kinda horny during a sweet moment like this. not like you can help it. and based on the slight bulge you feel pressing against your thigh, neither can he. "heh, sorry babe. i think i've got a big problem," he whispers sultrily in your ear.
"i can help you fix it, if you want," you say, and he couldn't have been more eager. your clothes were pulled off of you as he lowers you onto his bed.
"pretty," he mumbled softly as his eyes rake over your body. and in that moment, you felt pretty. he makes you feel pretty. his hands settle on your shoulders, slip down your chest and stomach until they're right where you need him.
his thumb presses your clit and rubs the bundle of nerves, causing you to jump slightly. he looks so turned on right then, you can see it in his face. and he can see the arousal in your face when he pulls you up towards him as he lays on the bed. all he seems to want is for you to ride his face as hard as you can, and why not give the boy what he wants?
"just, tap my thigh if you can't breathe." you tell him.
he plants both his hands on either one of your thighs and shoves his face into your pussy. you squeak at the sudden stimulation and unconsciously grind on his face. he moans and his eyes flit up and down your body, gaze landing on your chest. he watches it bounce as you squirm, his nose swiping your clit messily. you can feel his hot, wispy breath on your skin.
he's pressing you harder into him, getting his tongue deeper in you, his hips bucking into nothing. you start to get a little wobbly from the pleasure, so his hands lock onto you and his fingers dig into the fat of your hips that you hated until you realized how much he loved it.
you cum with a cry as he buries his face into your aching pussy. he lets you hump his face to drain every last bit of pleasure from your orgasm. you wait till the aftershocks wear off before lifting off him. "want me to return the favor?" you ask, but he shakes his head no. you're still sensitive and twitchy from cumming, and he gently massages your thighs to relax you.
one hand wraps around his cock to line himself up with your hole, and the other slithers up to your face to tilt your chin so you look directly at his face. "jus' focus on my face baby," he whispers, trying to distract you from the pain of the stretch when his tip breaches your entrance.
he fucks you like the world is ending tomorrow. fucks you like you're the only girl in the universe. he can't even think about himself when he's got you moaning on his dick and you look so good. his cock rubs against your g-spot and you see stars.
you cum before he does, and you swear he's pulling an even more lewd face than you are. he's so close, so fucking close, and what finally pushes him over the edge is the cry of his name you let out once the pleasure gets to be too much. he cums so hard he whimpers a little bit.
you think it's so cute the way he can't help but curl into himself at how good the couple seconds of pleasure feel. you both wish the feeling didn't end so quickly. he slowly pulls out. you bask in the afterglow for a while, dabi's body cuddled up next to you. you feel so much better. you know he'd never cheat on you, know he'd never hurt you or your feelings, know he's good for you. all it really took was realizing you were the hottest girl ever in his eyes.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 1 year
SJM + Eugenics + Ableism in her Writing
thinking about how insidious eugenics can come up in writing- specifically SJMs writing. Personally I take a lot with a grain of salt bec I don't think a lot of ppl realize how fucking deeply entrenched and rooted it is in everything and more often than not its not intentional
and to an extent I don't think it was intentional by SJM. she does have a degree of plausible deniability in her story telling
however that being said:
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the Cauldron "pairing mates" has allusions to being a breeding program of some kind of supernatural predestined idiocy. Sam + Melissa on Tiktok have some pretty great videos on it
However, while they think that SJM is providing commentary on the matter, I do have a different view, not that I really disagree with what they're saying
SJM has a track record of using disabilities as an aesthetic for her characters. It's often a point of suffering and/or there ends up being a magical fix (yay fantasy eugenics providing miracle cures!!! /sarcasm)
Chaol, severely injured with a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed goes to the super special healing place to have the world's bestest healers where the magical healing trope + black girl magic collide. He spends the whole book, a duration of only six months, regaining the ability to walk, with a cane most days. Chaol spends a large part of the book feeling sorry for himself and immasculting himself. Yerene, a professional trained healer who helps him with PT snaps at him in frustration to "just get up" when he's being difficult with her Note: some of these detailed may be incorrectly remembered + I never finished the book bec I can't stand him
Lucien: he gets his eye ripped out and is literally blinded but now he has a magical eye that is even better and can sense magic and spells and all that good shit
Rhys: chronic pain; never addressed
Azriel: scarred hands and wings, but so far we've seen no real struggle or accommodation of any kind or even a real discussion on how he had to learn how to fly at an older age due to his captivity and scarred wings
Cassian: his wings were beyond shredded but between books they got fixed up right as rain. it would have been fantastic rep for this decorated veteran and leader to be disabled, esp for a culture of warriors where flying is so crucial + where thr women are also forceably mutilated and can't fly either
speaking of the illyrian women
the Illyrian Women: not being able to fly and use their limbs is a disability. We have seen zero repercussions of Emeries father (and brother(?)) for disabling and mutilating his daughter
the mental health crisis of NESTA for ONE. in both the Fandom and in the series the grating toxic positivity and lack of patience and understanding and support and willingness to meet her halfway enraged me holy shit. The tone policing, the lack of autonomy, the unaddressed childhood trauma that has made Nesta the core of who she was. it was vile and disgusting
Aelin: quite frankly should have difficulty moving as fluidly as she does. she was whipped to ribbons and beaten bloody. Her back should be full of chronic pain and difficulty
Elide: as far as I'm aware Elide isn't too bad and she's incredibly intelligent and resourceful but it's been a hot minute since I've read the series. I do remember when they talked about it at the end about possibilities to heal her ankle (they couldn't)
I haven't read CC yet but I heard that LIMBS CAN GROW BACK???? sure let's just completely erase and magically fix imputations I guess?
I find it a lit harder to forgive "accidental eugenics" when her disabled characters disabilities are either made into Aesthetics, not properly addressed, or just healed all together
and when you pair magical eugenics + aesthetics:
You get Rhysand, the most powerful high lord of ever that you just have to keep being told is the most powerful high lord ever due to his parents being mates that his father whisked away from moments before she became mutilated like all the other Illyrian Women at 18 years old to a 900 year old man
you get his entire IC who is made of The Night Courts super special powerful clique who now happen to be the most powerful illyrian EVERRRR (Cassian + Azriel), Amren who was some trapped angel of death or something and Mor who is just so super powerful a mountain quaked or something when she was born
the entire IC is a concentrated powerhouse who also uses a specific mindset of "might is right"-
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-and have forced others hands across the entire series or just outright lied and stole. also trespassing and routinely breaking laws but hey
Rowan, Aelin, Aedion, Dorian, Manon are all ToG Powerhouses. Rowan is described as the "most powerful full blooded fae male alive". there's an implication that human blood "weakens" fae traits and magical abilities [this is rather common in a lot of fantasy books]
every single character in this series is seen as some sort of extraordinary person with some sort of extraordinary power or ability aside from maybe a few. Hell Chaol, the only fully human character with no powers is the "Captian of the Guard" which he got bec he's a nepo baby from being Dorians friend. He gets disabled and they immediately go to get him fixed
tagging: @feynessupremacy @bookishfeylin @andramoreaux
I thought yall would appreciate
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catcze · 1 year
Okay BUT LIKE...
I've seen ppl bring up the idea of an arranged marriage with him.
Idk what else to say it's almost 4am where I'm at and I just got out of work but djdjidjd
Getting to know your now-husband who you originally thought was distant, but really he's just busy and he also wants to get to know you essentially, if that makes sense.
Brain tired, but I just wanted to bring that up
WAIT I LOVE THIS AHSDKASJ???? There's a cut here because I was thinking too many thoughts hAJKSNDAJSK
My god okay can you just imagine,,,,, and like suspend any disbelief or misinformation regarding Fontaine's government and like hierarchy and all that technical shit for a bit because I haven't played the archon quest yet but,,,,, Okay lets think abt a situation where Wriothesley has just newly appointed as the Administrator of the Fortress of Meropide, right. You, meanwhile, come from a family that is wealthy, influential and on the upper echelons of society.
You're in line to be the heir of your family and to inherit everything that is rightfully yours when, at the last minute, some of your relatives, in an attempt to take your seat as the head of the family for their own kids, argue that you are unqualified to represent as the head of the household when you are still unmarried, and you don't have a second set of hands helping you. A bullshit reason, really, but with enough honeyed words to the rest of the family and some taunts in your direction, you're eventually given an ultimatum: get married by the end of the month or give up your inheritance.
And goddamit you can't go down without a fight. Not when you know that your cousins who are competing with you would run your family into the ground and would use the wealth for corruption and a whole lot of bad shit. Even if the romantic in you, who had one day hoped to marry someone you love and who loved you back, is quietly disappointed at having to marry just for the sake of doing so. So you talk to your friends about your worries, they talk to their friends, and eventually word even manages to reach Wriothesley in the fortress at the bottom of the ocean.
He comes to meet you and propose an idea: you both have a marriage of convenience where you make use of his title and influence to establish dominance in your household and show that you're not here to fuck around, while he makes use of your connections, quick wit, and your skills in pulling society's strings to help him achieve his own goals: to give the convicts of Meropide the tranquility to live their lives unbothered.
so you get married, you become the head of your family, and Wriothesley heads back to the fortress, just now with a simple ring on his finger and your promise that you will do whatever you can to make sure trouble doesn't come his way.
You're busy with solidifying your position as the head of the family now–– managing all the businesses and finances that are placed on your desk. Some time passes without much correspondence from Wriothesley, though. You tell the rest of your family that he's merely busy with his own duties, but on a particularly slow day, you take the time to come see him down at the Fortress of Meropide for an impromptu visit. Just because your family is growing suspicious of you two, of course. Not... not at all because you're worried about him!
So you go down there and Wriothesley is understandable surprised by your visit. So you explain the situation to him and he agrees to let you come visit every now and then.
("Just as long as I can return the favor and visit you if I'm ever in the city," he says, with the slightest of smiles that makes something warm and gooey and sweet flood your veins.
"You're always welcome in my house, husband," you say, then have to stifle a small laugh when he turns away quickly– but not quick enough that you don't catch the light blush that graces his face.)
SO yeah;;;;; Wriothesley and a reader who by all means married for convenience on both of their ends, but whose personalities mesh well together and who banter so well that after a while, when they get to know each other and make time for each other, their light flirting goes to full blown flirting, and the marriage of convenience turns into the sweet romanic marriage that you've always wanted <3
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onigiriforears · 2 months
After approx. 2-3 months of studying Japanese I started to read free graded readers online and then graduated to a collection of short stories that I purchased off of Amazon. I thought that the reason I was starting to have trouble understanding sentences was because I didn't know enough vocabulary but it was because I neglected grammar completely. It was sorta drilled into my head off of Youtube creators to just study kanji, vocab and simple sentences as much as possible before even touching grammar. I feel absolutely lost, dude. I am at the 5 month mark now. I can "breeze through" kanji for the most part. (as in, I can actually retain it in a decent amount of time) I decided to study grammar about a week ago. It is SO FREAKING HARD. I don't know if there's something wrong with me or what. I don't know if it's supposed to feel like what I thought I knew is being ripped apart at the seams, stapled together, and then torn apart again....but it does.
Do you have any tips for learning grammar? Is this feeling normal? Can you tell me when the pressure in my skull will subside? I am using Bunpro's free trial but I'm unsure if this tool will actually help me. I write tons of notes to flip through but I still fail to give them the nuanced answer they're looking for. I really enjoy the setup of Bunpro and I want to like it since it's similar to WK but I'm not sure if I'm going too fast or there's a better way to learn. I stopped learning 5 new grammar points a day and started doing only 2. (I also have Genki I and watch GameGengo. He explains things in a way that's easy for my brain to understand.) Sorry for the long post but any insight would be appreciated. I'm a bit nervous asking people in the language learning community for help or insight because a lot of them treat it as a way to show how fast they learned/1-up others. Tumblr's langlearn community is a lot different with what I've seen (or maybe I'm just following the right ppl lol)
Hi! Thank you so much for waiting for this response--I'm sorry it took so long. Your message was one of the ones that popped up when they locked my ask box (they actually still haven't answered me on why it was locked so 🤷‍♀️). To make up for that, I'm gonna be longwinded because I think that this is a super valid and important question that others may also want to know the answer to!!
Pls pls PLEASE DM me if none of this is helpful or if you'd like to talk more about what you think you need help with!!
I think that sometimes when we're learning a new language that we know is so overwhelmingly different from our own language, we focus on the things that we think will be the main hinderance and sometimes we forget the key points. You might be thinking "how did I forget grammar?" but I would say don't beat yourself up about it! Many of us focus on the things that we think are our problems(--the last time I studied for the JLPT, I focused on my weak point too much and then was frustrated with myself during the exam bc I neglected the other areas.)
I don't want to lie to you and say that learning grammar will is going to get easier because that's not the case for everyone. Think of learning grammar vs everything else as learning different types of math or science--have you ever had a friend that was absolutely phenomenal at algebra or calculus but couldn't do geometry? Or a friend that was wonderful lab partner in chemistry but struggled in biology? They're struggling in biology because it requires a ton of rote memorization in comparison to practical application and math that's present in chemistry and rote memorization may not necessarily be their strong point. Personally, I think that's also why a lot of us struggle with certain grammar points. There are some that just click with us immediately and then there are others that we have to see over and over and over and over and over--you get the point--just for us to find a single sentence with it that we understand. If you're math oriented, we need to figure out a way to no longer make grammar points rote memorization for you, but to turn it into a formula of some sort. I actually write my notes out in ways that are like that--I use plus signs (+) in my notes not because the textbooks use them but because my brain genuinely reads it as "noun + particle + grammar point = a sentence that makes sense" because, for me, formulas don't fail. Your weak point doesn't have to be your weakness--you can turn the weakness into a strength that works just for you.
I've been going at this for years and every single professor or Japanese friend (or even people from the discord server) I have can tell you that I've struggled with pretty much any grammar point that included ~ように--and it wasn't because I wasn't trying, but because I couldn't find myself using any sentences that with those grammar points because I found the alternatives/similar ones to make more sense. Surprisingly, it wasn't until I was reading 夜カフェ for our book club that I was actually able to start grasping the meaning (ngl, I still haven't used it myself--I'm notorious for using alternatives); I was finally witnessing it being used in a way that made sense in my brain.
The frustration you're feeling when you encounter a new grammar point or overload yourself with too many things in one go is completely normal and I promise that a ton of us in the Japanese langblr community have definitely experienced it too! It probably feels like everything you know is being ripped apart because your native language may have a SVO (subject-verb-object) format while Japanese has a SOV (subject-object-verb) format--your 1-to-1 translations for your notes may not be helpful in the beginning because you're still trying to wrap your brain around the fact that your words still need to go in another order than you're used to. And then you add the new grammar points and concepts on top of that (like particles and other things) and it can become overwhelming and frustrating. Sometimes, you're going to find some grammar points just downright annoying--especially when you find that there's no equivalency to it in your own language. But don't give up!
I know this is a super cliché thing to say, but practicing them will help. If you can, I would make note of the grammar points that you're struggling with, try to make sentences with them, and ask somebody to check them and explain exactly why (or why not) they're working and then ask them for examples because they may have an even better way of explaining it to you than what you've come up with for yourself!
I can look back at old notes and see when I wrote a sentence as an example just because a textbook/professor used it but I didn't actually understand why it worked at the time and then I can also find notes where the sentences written as examples were added once I finally found something that clicked for me.
You've already done yourself a favor by learning a lot of vocab, kana, and kanji because now you'll be able to try out an array of ways to pick up grammar instead of just a textbook. (I will make a note that if you're looking to take the JLPT, I would recommend having a list of grammar points that you would need to know for the level that you're planning on sitting for because there's no guarantee of what will or won't pop up on the test.)
Another important thing while you're practicing: be comfortable with making mistakes. We all make them, but when you're learning a new language it's important to be ready to make mistakes and to welcome them with open arms because it gives you a chance to experience and learn in real time.
ALSO: for you specifically--because you're interested in reading, you might enjoy learning grammar through tracking the different grammar points through what you're reading and using the sentences as your examples because they're all going to be cohesive. And if reading books or other things totally turn you off right now, maybe games? Animal Crossing and Pokemon are very nice games to play in Japanese for people that are just starting out! You may also enjoy using Lingo Legend--it's an JRPG language learning app that I beta tested and I think that it's a nice way to review (it has some fun incentives). I'm not a big gamer, so I struggle with learning through games, but I've been picking up a lot of grammar through reading because I focus on finding things that I'm interested in, rather than things that are "at my level." When I start a manga, I will scour a ton of websites and forums and bug a ton of people when I come across a grammar point that I can't wrap my brain around because I want to be able to understand what's going on.
We have book clubs and gamers in my discord server, as well as places for people to post what they're practicing or to ask for help. We have people of all varying levels and different skillsets that love to share their wisdom with others.
I haven't used Bunpro, but I know that @sammilearns has, so she may be able to weigh in on that! And @tokidokitokyo @nihongoseito @chouhatsumimi @kanpeki-bekki @burgeoning-ambition probably also have even more tips that me--I'm trying to tag people that I know we all learn in different ways, so their tips and tricks might be just what you need!
Please weigh in, fellow langblr members! How have you been learning grammar? Are you game-ifying it? Have you turned it into math equations? Have you managed to tie it in with your special interest? I can't wait to see what people add to this post!
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bywons · 6 months
the way you keep copying yeonie is pathetic and so disrespectful, just because she's too nice to you to say anything doesn't mean you get a free pass to copy her. there's no way you coincidentally changed your theme when she did and somehow it's this crazy similar.
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yeah last night my dash was FLOODED by yeonies anon answers,, asking and talking with her abt this issue. well actually i too commented on one of her posts asking if they actually copied her word to word, i got the idea i might be the problem again when she didn't answer me back. and now it's all clear.
i do get the fact the one needs to work so hard on a particular theme and such,, it's true. but i don't really see any similarity between our themes anymore, last time when i answered the same kinda ask i could still see how it was justified but this? no i can't rlly find any similar part. ever since i've followed yeonie i haven't seen her doing any dark feminine typa theme whereas my blog has almost always had have themes related to that, so i don't really understand where you're coming from. i have seen a few more blogs like that with the similar type of thing,, i don't know why am i being attacked like this but oh well.
i've been so so nervous and tensed abt this since i'm still new to this platform and dunno how to deal with these but here we go.
second thing, if yeonie is reading this then i would like to say that the way you kept on shading me in your answers instead of actually confronting me really really hurt me. if IM the problem come to ME, not answer anons. i really didn't expect that especially after when u said last time that my theme was all fine and it looked nothing like yours, which still holds to it's truth upto now, i really don't see ANY SIMILARITY in our themes but if u do then please SAY IT TO ME girl not shade on me like that it's so saddening to me.
lastly, i never copied yeonie and i'll not repeat that again. also the way u say "coincidentally changed ur theme with hers" bro she never confronted me and i never said that how can u make such a statement like that about me? pls watch what you're saying am i not supposed to change theme? my last one was old so i changed it and ppl have a problem again smh,, I too searched the pics and lyrics and stuff and did my theme ALL BY MYSELF.
i don't get how we should argue e/o like this on anons and shading when it can be just over in a conservation no big deal. i hope u understand my view.
i'll not be entertaining any more asks like this.
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blortch · 3 months
Just wanted to say thank you for responding to my ask. I know youre busy with your exams so i wont bother you. I also wrote a detailed ask to the frosty person, who seems very nice but wanted to voice my point on view on their response. i hope they understand that and dont take it the wrong way. i appreciate all of you nice peoples time.
one thing I also wanted to clarify and make sure that i didnt say it incorrectly, but i was not saying i think the acolyte is a leftist show, (i havent seen it) but i was saying that its the ppinion of the right wing conservative trolls that they are because they have diversity. which clearly a gigantic conglomerate like disney is absolutely not leftist lol
thank you again for listening.
good luck with your exams!
You're welcome! I'm honestly glad this video and your ask sparked some interesting discussions across rlmblr. I think ultimately, ppl will read what was said differently no matter what...but also, probably nobody here would ever claim that they watch RLM for their politics so it's bound to create situations where some people disagree vehemently against what was said in the video while others don't see how something like that would get in the way of their entertainment if they don't watch RLM for that reason. YKWIM? Though I'm more in the former group because I wish for a world where people don't go "don't woooorry about it they're white cishet guys they'll mess up like that !" I'm kinda already sick of coddling the likes of them at the ripe age of 25. Also I have a tendency to be cynical about Mike's views at this point ngl. I mean this in general, not really about this famous Schrödinger's video I haven't seen.
The ask you sent to @frostytherobot was this ask right?
I have my 2 cents to give to that ask and this one. Your assumption that white leftists alone express annoyance with identity politics isn't quite correct. The arguments I've seen against leaning too much on this framework is that white """leftists""" often think they can stack their oppression from their marginalization like lego in order to compare said oppression to that of people of color and this behavior is very evidently NOT about solidarizing and empathizing with people of color but about centering any talk about oppression around themselves sadly.
And lastly about this ask, good 2 know we're on the same page about the Acolyte lol. Yeah that is indeed the case, that such shows are miscategorized by bad actors & grifters >>;
P.S: Today was my last exam and I think it went well, surely because you told me 'good luck' in this ask 😏
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nightmarewolf133 · 2 years
light analysis of the whispers from the IRIS video (+ anti's giggles as bonus)
hey so, i haven't seen ppl talk about the whispers much so i hopped into adobe audition and tried to listen for them. I couldn't decipher much, they are very hard to hear and i don't really understand audio so I couldn't edit them as much as i wanted, but still. Let me know what you guys hear or ignore this if it's no new information.
Whisper sequence 1 (10:46 of the video, slightly edited)
It's really hard to tell, so these are mostly just vague guesses (time codes are relative to the video): 10:46 - "you can't be here… obvious" ? (seems to be a diff voice than the folllowing) 10:50 - "you don't know what you believe.. of of" (first I heard "awful") 10:56 - "...something… you're not thinking…smart" ( could be "you're not thinking straight" ?) 11:05 - "chase" x2 (this one is obvious) 11:07 - "this is what they want us/wuss" (wuss? XD) / "is this what they want..." , "remember me"/"over here"/"out of here" , "do it now" 11:11 - "you can't help him" - this last one I'm pretty confident on, in the video it's hardly audible, so I isolated it and edited slightly and I'm pretty sure it's that
Whisper sequence 2 (19:59, slightly edited)
19:59 - "you know we have to leave" , "We can't be here" , can't tell the S sounds 20:07 - obvious "no"
Chase being dragged (21:00, very slightly edited)
can't hear much in this one, it all kinda blends in for me but one whisper struck me: 21:06 - "you don't mean it/do you mean it" said in a woman's voice, I find that interesting as Arin's character said that earlier
and lastly, at the end of the dragging sequence (21:09, slightly edited) another very hard to hear low whisper:
"This is your grave."
IDK if this is helpful for anything, as again, I can't edit sound very well, but I still wanted to give this a shot anyway. Guys please listen to these and share what you hear and if you agree with the two low whispers I heard. Also I haven't noticed anything sus on spectograms, but I also could've missed stuff.
As a bonus for reading this far, I give you the isolated Anti giggles:
if ur anything like me you will appreciate these
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neptunescore · 5 months
umm hii so i came across your blog and tbh i am still a fairly new person to f1. i don't understand the whole kelly piquet thing. like for sure her father is not a nice person, idk about rest of her family tho. idk if she's racist given the gen she grew up as it was normal and comman to have same opinion as parents. i don't understand if we like her or hate her because i've seen people hate her even the blogs i fllw hate her and some people love her. is it because of the age gap? because that's what i am guessing after going thru your blog. plus i don't understand the "magical night" thing.
Hii! I honestly wasn't gonna respond to any more kelly asks (there is one more I will post tho, which includes all the brands shes partnered with that still support israel), but since u seem unsure ill just do a quick run through of why ppl dislike her.
So, the MAIN issue is how kelly started dating max when he was literally a fresh adult, and she was 32. Not only this, but she first met him when he was NINETEEN (this is max at 19 btw, TELL ME HE DOESNT LOOK LIKE A CHILD) at a dinner event hosted by her brother, and (after they got together) when asked abt their first meeting (WHEN MAX WAS 19 AMD SHE WAS 28 AND IN A RELATIONSHIP) she talks abt how there was 'definitly smthng magical that night.' MAD
Ppl are also hating on her for other things such as how she's racist (haven't really seen any proof of this), how she only posts P (her daughter) to get views (personally, I'm still iffy abt this statement, bc she could just be posting as a mom would) and how apparently she tried to get with lando, lewis and daniel bfr she got with max (these are such WILD rumours and I physically can NOT believe them if I don't see actual screen shots and shit😭)
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youremyheaven · 4 months
150 questions is insane 😭😭 but i did it all anyway and im a kibbe r i think and honestly… something about this quiz healed me because there was one qns that asked if older women instinctively mother me nad i always felt not feminine again (oh oops hi im the anon that shares the same placements as your mother again 💗💗) and as a child i guess i was seen as very young and small and sweet and a nerd so it was easy for them to take care of me
but when i grew older i felt more out out of place and not as feminine or liked because older women wouldn’t instinctively take care of me the way they did with my other friends and such and i was always seen as more mature and capable of taking care of myself (internally im 8 years old though) and even when they kinda did it was awkward and i felt too much and out of place and it didnt always feel natural with most
when i was got the mother archetype i was kinda 🥹🥹 because ok maybe other older women might make me feel a little bad at times but maybe because im busy mothering others more
u over here having realisations upon realisations
Wait you're the Mother archetype, so are you a Sensualist?
Omg you being Venusian and a Kibbe Romantic IS SO PERFECT,, Venusians have the kind of fleshy boneless body that Kibbe Romantics are said to have (obviously not every Venusian will look like this tho)
In this video, Claire mentioned how Purvashadhas have a very soft curvy body but i think it broadly applies to all Venusians
I do think we switch roles throughout our lives and through different friend groups 🧐 I feel like I'm the more mature, big sister type friend among certain ppl but if you ask others, they'd say that im babie and I naturally switch to a more relaxed and annoying younger sibling vibe among them.
I think you just haven't met the kind of people who'd baby you tbh but I promise they're out there for sure!!! It's not some innate unworthiness, I just think it's a relationship dynamic thing tbh
Like there are people who believe I'm a highly serious, uptight, goody two shoes bc they've only ever seen me like that and our dynamic is such that I can never let loose around them??? But there are others who are genuinely surprised that I have brain cells at all. One time I called a friend of mine for help with something and he started describing everything in such micro detail like he was talking to a 5yr old (not patronizing or anything, just genuinely breaking things down in the simplest way) and I'm like damn wow he really gets me bc i genuinely wouldn't understand any of this otherwise lmfao 😭😭😭 some people overestimate my abilities when even if I look put together, I still could use their help lmao
I hope you mother others but also get to relax and be babied bc u deserve it 🥰✨
I'll call you Mother anon now bc you share placements with my mom AND it's your archetype hehe 🤭😂
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ca-suffit · 3 months
So, I'm the anon that asked the "how do you rationalize the violence?" question, btw. Thank you for your answer. I personally believe 2x07's version of the events is closer to the truth (I don't think there's a POV that 100% accurate, but I think that's as accurate as it gets about it), but that doesn't excuse Lestat's violence. Louis might have provoked him, but he had just seen Claudia being chocked and stepped in to defend her. I don't blame him for lack of a better word, 'exploding'. I think I would've done worse if I saw my niece, that isn't even my own child, in that situation. And yes, Lestat has gone through a lot of trauma in the books and the show, and people can argue how that and being turned into a vampire shaped his mind and have this aggressive side he might not be proud of, but it doesn't excuse anything. Because Lestat himself caused a lot of trauma in both Claudia's and Louis' lives. I do hope if the show is going with a loustat endgame (haven't read the books, but from what I've heard, they're canon), they're gonna have Lestat using his infinite lifetime to reflect on that, really earn Louis' forgiveness, be the kind of companion he deserves and never even consider doing it again. If it's possible to redeem him. I don't know if it is, but at least they have the "they have all the time in the world to do that" card. I do hope they try it, though, because making this behavior normalized and recurring would be terrible. I just don't know if it will be convincing and satisfying, but I'll wait I guess. I hope the same for Armand too and that they give him and Assad the grace of flashing out the character instead of demonizing him to make Lestat look better. I hope they also know he'll need and deserve more from the narrative than a half-assed apology, because there will definitely be some double standards about Lestat and Armand. There already are. But I struggle with some other stuff too. Because I love Louis, but he's not innocent either. I also don't believe in punitivism and I don't want to be reducing him and feeding into people that want to stereotype and demonize him, but... Claudia really is the only character that has always been inferior in terms of power imbalances in the dynamics of the show. At least among the main characters. If we consider killing people to feed then it's basically useless because they're vampires and not even the human is innocent because Daniel didn't worry about Malik being lunch. I do think it's a good thing for Louis' accountability that he feels regret and remorse for his worst actions, but I don't believe the fandom does the best job at discussing that. Many times it feels like babying the white character, reducing the characters of color into racial stereotypes of abusive, comparing them, ignoring what's convenient to prop their favorite etc. Like one is always traumatized, misunderstood, trustworthy, ashamed, trying to be better and the other is always wrong, unreliable, overdramatic etc. There doesn't seem to be a lot of nuance on people's interpretations and a safe space to discuss the differences of each moment and dynamic without accidentally feeding characters you love to the lions... Anyway, I'm rambling at this point, I don't even know what I was trying to ask lmao. But thanks for the attention and the previous answer.
(context) u can ramble all u want here tbh.
there *are* a lot of questions to explore and this fandom makes it v hard to do it. despite what the racist side would have u believe, ur not going to get attacked for exploring questions. ppl know whether someone's being intentionally racist or not when trying to talk about these characters.
the thing that the fandom isn't understanding (on purpose) is that having black and brown characters have these complex personalities u can explore is a rly good thing?! racists want u to believe that there's topics we can't talk about bcuz of stuff like saying ppl "need" louis to be "a victim," but all that rly says is "I don't want to have empathy for black ppl but I'm gonna say it another way and blame others for it." nobody here is saying louis, claudia, or armand is off limits to exploring, just don't be fucking racist about it! ppl would rather run off and say the fandom is full of bullies who will call u racist instead of...looking at their own biases? half the time nobody is even saying the word "racist," these ppl apply that shit to themselves in a panic. it'd be funny if it wasn't so harmful.
things to ask urself here are....what is ur definition of "redeemable"? where does that belief come from in the first place? a religion? society? both? what is ur own relationship with abuse and trauma? have u explored what codependency looks like in real relationships? do u understand all the emotions behind these things the characters are doing? why is louis feeling regret and remorse important to u?
I think a lot of confusion and anger over the DV is that ppl only know of one response to it and that's to leave forever. a lot of society is built on v black and white thinking with no emphasis on forgiveness or growth. ofc nobody has to interact with anyone they don't want to or "owes" anyone forgiveness or help to rehabilitate and all that, but it doesn't change that the person themselves is capable of growing and changing. we tend to have strict ideas of what "abuser" and "victim" look like and don't realize how quickly those identities can switch on the same people. a lot of abusive behavior is learned from trauma and traumatized ppl tend to form relationships with each other and act just like these vampires do. it's hard to place anyone in single categories bcuz it's a spectrum. this is humanity reflected at us thru vampires.
all of these vampires carry their specific trauma and triggers and are living in ages where none of this even has been put into words yet, plus they're vampires on top of it. their rules *are* different from ours to an extent and a lot of it is bcuz they're also a v small group who is immortal. imagine someone u rly hate for having harmed u badly in some way (mentally and/or physically) and then imagine u knowing ur gonna run into them or hear their thoughts for the rest of eternity. are u supposed to kill them? could u live with that for eternity too? what if they're stronger than u? what if they read ur mind first and kill u instead? it's a lot to forever think about. idk what the show is going to do, but I have faith it'll be satisfying bcuz of knowing AMC's history with writing about traumatized ppl. Television has gotten rly good at writing about abuse and trauma in v nuanced ways. ppl tend to shy away from it tho bcuz they're not ready to confront these things in their own life and so they find an excuse to say it's bad. the racist side cannot get over calling it "shock value" even tho all the violence (physical, emotional, sexual) has been treated with great respect to the audience and characters. u see the violence move thru the characters, affect them for years, and nothing shown of the violence itself is meant to feel cheap and "shocking." these ppl simply do not want to engage so they find a reason to justify why and this story will never make sense to them bcuz of it.
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Some thoughts about One Piece on Ice
Thanks to some help by one kind fan I managed to watch One Piece on Ice. 😍 Thank you so much! ❤️
Admittedly I probably wouldn't have watched the show if Shoma wouldn't be the star of the show. I was so interested to see his character portrayal because it's so out of Shoma's own character.
But before I talk about Shoma here are some other thoughts...
First of all I am quite clueless about the anime or manga of One Piece which probably would have helped to understand the story better because I don't own any Japanese language skills, so I won't say anything about the story. I just wish I could appreciate the whole story better. (I have basic knowledge of the characters and I watched a couple anime episodes when I was like 12 years old so 😅)
I think anyone who has seen pictures of the show, knows how amazing the costumes are and how close they are to their animation counterpart (I mean at least I know the characters with my less than good one piece knowledge)
It's quite a different than usual ice show. It really tells a complete story, no "extra" skating to just show off, every skating is implemented into the story. It really feels more like a theatre on ice than an actual ice show. It's not easy to produce a theatre that needs to tell a story from 3 viewing angles. Usually theatres are directed to watch from the front. Here it's watched from 3 sides, which on a stream made it sometimes difficult to see the conversation that was going on but in the arena it's needed. (Tbf no stream or video can ever give justice to a theatre production no matter if on ice or in theatre just because the circumstances are wildly different. I won't elaborate on that but let you tell this by a musical nerd who watched countless musicals live and on screen)
The choreography ideas are great. Especially cool are the choreographies for the fight scenes, each fight scene has a different set up. The spcial effects on top of it are so cool. Congrats to Kenji Miyamoto for this show and also congrats to the lighting and special effects designers. These things really add a lot.
The ACTING!!! OMG the acting is so good for an ice show. These are skaters not actors (besides Miyu) and all of them do an amazing job. There is a lot text going on especially for Marin, who is actually the main star of the show, no one has as much to do besides her and she is emoting so well to an audience. She really should be thinking about going to theatre. Rika Hongo is one of my favorite characters in this whole show. This suits her so well. How she can implements the skating skills into the character and how she is never off charater. And SHOMA OMG OMG OMG 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 How can this be Shoma? He can act. Like really. He's full of energy, full of different expressions, he is a come to life animated character, acting over the top like it's suited to the character and on top he does skills on ice I haven't seen him do anywhere before. Admittedly I was sceptical about Shoma acting and on top such a "quirky" character, but they couldn't found a better person for it.
I applaud the full cast for their acting. And they stayed in character until the very end until the curtain call.
It's a great show from the ideas, to the choreography, to the costumes, to the acting! ❤️
What an amazing show! 😍
Do I have any negative points about the show? 🤔 Well only one thing...the availability for ppl outside Japan is a disaster. I know countless ppl who would have paid to see the show on stream but weren't able to because of the geoblocking and trouble finding a working vpn or credit card. It probably has to do with copyright but then at least give the fans an explanation...The other small critique is simply on me personally😅...without knowing Japanese or One Piece it was not the full experience it would surely give...but you know what maybe that actually gives me a reason to really learn Japanese and to watch the anime/manga 😉
If anyone wants to and is able to watch. Do it, you won't be disappointed!
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