#and it was said that twilight consumed him
natp20 · 4 months
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lookitsaworm · 1 year
I think everybody should put all of the characters from their favourite fandom into Tomodachi Life so they can see who everybody would end up with and so they can see their favourite characters do weird shit.
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misswynters · 1 month
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[TAGS: sadness, soft aemond, angst
[notes | i need more soft aemond, not proofread
inspired by @demigoddessqueens <3
gif: @barbieaemond @peachysunrize
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Aemond stood on the balcony of Maegor's Holdfast, staring out at the smoldering ruins of King's Landing. The twilight sky was heavy with smoke, the scent of ash and death permeating the air. Despair and anger twisted within him, threatening to consume him whole. His family was gone, scattered like leaves in a storm, leaving him to face the desolation alone.
The weeks leading up to this moment had been a nightmare. Aemond’s rage and fear had grown increasingly volatile, and you bore the brunt of his turmoil. Each time you tried to reach out to him, he shut you down with harsh words and cold stares, lashing out in fear and anger.
“Leave me be!” he had shouted one night, hurling a goblet across the room. It had narrowly missed your head, shattering against the wall behind you. You had flinched but stood your ground, refusing to be driven away by his outbursts.
“Aemond, I’m not your enemy,” you had said softly, your voice trembling. “I want to help you.”
He had turned on you then, his face a mask of fury. “Help me? How can you help me when you don’t understand? When you can’t possibly know what it’s like to have everyone you love ripped away from you?”
You had taken a step back, tears brimming in your eyes. “I understand more than you think. But you need to let me in, Aemond. You can’t keep pushing me away.”
His response had been to storm out, leaving you alone in the shattered remnants of his anger. It had been like this for weeks—moments of near-violence, followed by suffocating silence. Each time you approached him, he would lash out, his fear of losing you manifesting as uncontrollable rage.
Now, as he stood on the balcony, the weight of his grief pressing down on him, he felt a familiar dread. His grip on the stone railing tightened, his knuckles white. Memories of a childhood marked by doubt, insecurity, and fear surged to the surface. The tears that pooled in his eye were an unwelcome reminder of his vulnerability, and he despised himself for this perceived weakness.
Footsteps echoed softly behind him, but he didn't turn until he heard your voice. "Aemond?"
He turned slowly, his heart heavy. Your eyes, filled with worry and concern, met his. It was almost too much to bear.
"Would you leave me all the same, my love?" His voice was raw, laced with a bitterness that surprised even him. "Just like my family?"
Your eyes widened with hurt, and you stepped closer. "Aemond, no. I would never leave you. I'm here. I'm always here."
He scoffed, turning away from you. "That's what they all said. And look where I am now. Alone."
"Aemond," you pleaded, reaching out to touch his arm. "Please, look at me."
He remained rigid, the tears finally spilling over. "I don't know how to hold on anymore. Everyone I've ever loved is gone. How can I believe you'll stay?"
You moved in front of him, your frustration bubbling over. "You get like this when you're losing me or when you're being challenged. You shut down, lash out, and push everyone away. But I'm still here, Aemond, despite all of it. I’ve seen the worst of you, and I haven’t left."
He stared at you, anger and confusion warring in his eye. "How can you understand? You don’t know what it’s like."
"You’re right," you said, your voice firm. "I don’t but i can see how it’s affecting you. I don’t want you to end up in a place you aren’t meant for."
He looked away, the weight of your words sinking in. "But what if I can't protect you? What if I fail you like I've failed everyone else?"
"You haven't failed me," you whispered, your thumb brushing away his tears. "And you won't. We will face whatever comes."
Aemond's shoulders shook with silent sobs, and despite his initial resistance, he allowed himself to be pulled into your embrace. "I'm so scared," he admitted, his voice breaking. "I've lost so much...I can't lose you too."
You held him close, your own tears mingling with his. "You won't lose me, Aemond. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. We'll get through this. Together."
He clung to you, his walls crumbling in the face of your unwavering support. As he held you, he felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, amidst the ruins, there could be a new beginning.
But then he pulled back slightly, his expression shifting to one of deep worry. "Helaena," he whispered. "She told me something. She said I would die when I go harrenhal and fight a battle at the Gods Eye." Your heart clenched at his words but remained silent since you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want aemond to die a brutal death, it can’t be true. However aemond pulled you out of your mind as he spoke.
"I've always trusted her visions," he continued, voice shaking. "If she's right...if I'm fated to die, how can I keep you safe? How can I protect you from what’s coming?"
You took his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze. "We can't live in fear of what might be. Helaena's visions may come true, but they don't define us. We face whatever comes, together. And if you go to the Gods Eye, then I'll be by your side, no matter what happens."
Aemond's eye searched yours, filled with uncertainty and fear. "I can't lose you," he repeated, voice barely above a whisper.
"You won't," you vowed. "Not now, not ever. We're stronger together, Aemond. And we'll face whatever comes, side by side."
In that moment, amidst the ruins and the smoke, Aemond found a glimmer of hope. With you by his side, he felt a strength he had thought lost forever. And though the future remained uncertain, he knew that, together, you could face whatever fate had in store.
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tags: @benjicotblckwood @beebeechaos @spn-obession
banner by: @cafekitsune
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Forger Fam and WISE Budget😅
Sylvia’s current concern according to Endo: Balancing WISE Budget
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I mean how couldn’t she be concerned when maintaining Strix is so financially consuming.
I mean look at all the expenses the Forger family has made in less than a year:
1.Anya’s tuition that costs about $35,000 to $40,000, and that doesn’t include the uniform and school supplies.
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2.Anya’s clothes and she seemed to have new clothes regularly and Endo said these are mostly bought by Loid/Twilight.
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3.That castle rent that costs more than $77 000 and added the other check, I'm guessing for the furniture they used, that costs $17 600. (Yes, it costs more than Anya's tuition fee, I mean it's a castle 😂)
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4.Loid could also not just be purchasing clothes for Anya. It looks like he also pays for Yor’s wardrobe and Yor mentioned that he got so many clothes for her in the boutique before the Eden Interview.
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5.Loid is also the one who pays for their dates, seems like, and his dates with Yor doesn’t seem cheap at all, they seem to dine at fancy restaurants that require reservation.
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6.The big heap of cash he pays Franky every time he babysits Anya and Bond.
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And here it looks like the check his giving Franky costs 20,000 dalcs that is equivalent to $44,000 (one dalc is quivalent to $2.20). It's even more expensive than Anya's tuition, what?! 😂😂 (Twilight is literally willing to spend a lot money just to be sure that Anya won't be home alone ever again, he's not taking a chance on her being kidnapped again when he left her alone on ep1)
7.Loid didn’t seem to also hold back in spending a good amount of money for their apartments furniture and for Anya’s bedroom and even bought her a lot of toys and picture books.
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8.And of course their out of town/out of the country family trips featured in the Code White movie. Those must’ve cost a lot considering they have to book a hotel and all. And according to a movie spoiler from tiktok, that wasn’t the last time they went on a family out of town trip.
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Loid Forger does have a high paying profession. However, according to Endo, his earnings as a psychiatrist were only about $140,000 per year, not per month, PER YEAR. How could he cover that much expenses? Of course WISE covers the rest if it was crucial to the mission, or when Twilight insists it to be. I mean he always says that everything he does is for his mission so the one who has to pay was the one who gave him that mission.
(Most of these expenses didn't even contribute to the progress of Operation Strix. It just funds Twilight into sinking deeper into his fake fam and keeps the family even more attached to each other😂)
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Endo said WISE is not really generous when it comes to paying their agents but they seem to be lenient on spending their money on the Forgers. I mean they have to invest for their Top Spy's family and World Peace do depend on them.
So Twilight, pile the bills and let Sylvia handle the rest😂
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harukamitsuki · 4 months
Ugghh been consuming some bnha stuff and I'm reminded of why I largely prefer fanfiction over the actual story. I have so much hate and pettiness within me. Even so, I am never going to change my mind on how much I hate how bnha is just an amalgamation of wasted potention. Search the definition of wasted potential up and there's just an image of bnha.
I remember watching it as the first season was coming about because it was made by Bones and I just have to watch it in that case. I watched episode one and was so excited.
We have our mc, Midoriya Izuku, being powerless in a world full of quirks.
His childhood friend turned bully, Bakugou Katsuki, is shown to be favoured by literally everyone and this feeds into his ego.
All Might, the number one hero, is jaded and powerless for 21 hours of the day because of a fight nobody knew existed. Izuku is attacked and helpless, but saved by All Might. All Might tells him he can't become a hero. A much needed reality check because Izuku didn't work out a single bit before then and it's so incredibly hard to fight someone who has something you lack.
Then Bakugou is attacked and helpless. Bakugou, who is so much stronger and who people love, is left useless, only able to make the situation worse with his explosions creating a fire hazard. The pro-heroes can't do anything. All Might and Izuku both hate themselves for the part they played and how useless they are. Then Izuku sees how scared Bakugou is. He runs in, inspiring All Might as he mocks himself for breaking Izuku's dream yet forgetting the core of heroism.
Then, after all is said and done, All Might goes back to Izuku. And he tells him he can become a hero.
Then he offers him One for All. Now, when I was watching this for the first time, I was so disappointed. You set up a powerless mc in a world full of powers and you just give him the power of the strongest hero? Great. But, I kept watching.
I watched Izuku work to get his power, struggle even after getting a quirk. I watched as Izuku finally stood up for himself and win against Bakugou. I watched as the series went on and I... I started noticing more and more missed opportunities.
See, bnha is supposed to be a zero to hero story. It's supposed to be about the mc going from powerless to powerful. But it does it so quickly. Suddenly, it's not about Izuku finding his own form of strength, or realising how being quirkless may not give any advantages but it also has no disadvantages, or even any commentary on quirk discrimination or fantastic racism or anything.
It turns into a story about controlling your power. It's not what I signed up for.
That's just one missed potential. There's so many more. Horikoshi clearly tries to make some commentary on quirk discrimination and female heroes/sexism in the workplace and entertainment over peace. There's some effort put into making a comment on how heroes are glorified and people don't see them as public workers, they see them as celebreties.
But it's never delved into. We don't see how bad people with mutant or 'villainous' quirks are treated, and we don't see how people with weak quirks are treated, or how the quirkless are treated (because the only reason Izuku was treated so horribly was because of Bakugou). We don't see how female heroes need to have a bit of allure in their personas to have any sort of support.
Yuuei is literally a camp for making child soldiers, yet there's no controversy over it? There's no such things as heroes having to take lethal action and no moral dilemmas over it? There's nobody speaking out about how Midnight flirts with students?
We have literally no information about how heroes work. We don't know how their salaries are decided, how they're ranked, how undergound heroes work. if twilight heroes are a thing, how anybody but Rock Lock feels about bringing children into adult matters, (seriously, why do people hate Rock Lock for being rightfully worried about having 15 year olds in a raid against the yakuza), we don't know how villains work and how to decide if one's a criminal or a villain.
Heck, the only laws we know of are fanon, and the canon stupid idea that you can't use your quirk in self-defense.
It's just. Incredibly infuriating.
Also, analysis as a whole is so under-utilised. Both Izuku and Shigaraki are deemed creepy for their analysis, which is such a useful tool. I mean, Izuku accurately guesses Stain's quirk, which is useful because, otherwise, they wouldn't be wary about Stain licking their blood or cutting them. Shigaraki accurately guesses the time intervals between Aizawa's blinks, which helps him a shit ton.
But is it ever used outside of these situations? No. The thing is, quirks are scientific in nature, not magic. Therefore, they're not restricted like magic is. Fire doesn't always have to be fire, it can be smoke or just heat. Ice can be water or steam. Acid can melt through anything or just be used as a mario kart banana peel.
There was so much missed potential and that's exactly why there's so much fan content.
Horikoshi leaves so much out, and everything he misses tends to be the interesting parts. He willfully explains Bakugou's quirk in detail, but everyone else? Nah. Fuck them.
I mean, let's look at Ochako's quirk.
Gravity negation. Or is it? See, if it were just gravity negation, then two things, in particular, would happen. First of all, Izuku would have fucking died when she saved him from falling. Second of all, she would not have been able to get infinity in the ball throw.
Negating gravity does not negate the forces. Therefore, when she saved Izuku from falling, he would have still been affected by the force of his fall. It would have been no different from hitting the concrete. Additionally, when she threw the ball, it kept going. Air drag would have made it so that she couldn't possibly get an infinity.
More accurately, rather than force negation as some fanfics suggests, she's telekinetically accelerating whatever she touches. She telekinetically accelerates Izuku's body to stop him falling, and does the reverse for the ball, making it so that it continues to accelerate after she throws it.
See what I mean? Because Horikoshi gave Bakugou's quirk a scientific explanation with him sweating a nitroglycerin-like substance and being able to spark it, you have to look at every quirk with scientific knowledge. He could have said 'oh, yeah, I store energy from my quirk in these gauntlets' but Hori just had to be a smartass.
By the way, because of Bakugou's explanation, it's possible that his quirk is not what is named. Yes, it's possible to have two sides of a quirk, as we see in Shouto, but Bakugou's quirk isn't explained in the same way.
Rather than his quirk being creating explosions, his quirk is more like creating sparks in his palms. Why? Well, you see. Bnha never delves into actual quirk theory, but there's more than enough canon evidence that you have one main quirk and then one or more quirk mutations. For example, Ashido Mina's quirk is secreting acid that she can manipulate the acidity and viscocity of. Her appearance is not related to her quirk at all, meaning it's a quirk mutation from her parents. Same with Tokoyami Fumikage. Quirk is Dark Shadow, so there's no need for the bird head.
Why does this relate to Bakugou? Let me explain: Bakugou explains that he recieved a mutation from his parents with his mother secreting glycerin and his father sweating acid with combustive properties. In other words, Bakugou inherited nitroglycerin-like sweat from his parents, but his actual quirk is being able to create sparks.
His quirk is 'Sparks'. Not Explosions.
Why am I ranting about this? Because bnha completely misses all of this! It makes no sense which is a shame because the concept is so interesting! But then it throws away any scraps of potential left when it becomes 'My Kacchan Academia'.
Seriously, why do people and why does Horikoshi love abusive pieces of shit so much? Why did he throw away the potential to look into Shouto and his siblings' feeling about Endeavour? Why did he make Dabi's plot all about Endeavour instead of Shouto?
It's so easy to compare the ways Dabi and Shouto handle their trauma and their ways of revenge. It's so easy to look at Dabi and think about how easy it would have been for Shouto to become like him.
Shouto was transfixed on Endeavour. Everything he did related back to his hate for Endeavour. Using his quirk, fighting, grades, social interaction, everything. His only reason for becoming a hero is to spite Endeavour. It's only because Izuku reaches out to him and saves him from his own toxic mindset that he's able to move one and do things for himself.
Dabi, or Touya, on the other hand, doesn't get that. He doesn't get that person who recognises how far he's gone, how, in trying to spite Enveavour, he's living a life centred on him. How he's jealous of his little brother for being abused and tormented.
While Shouto became a hero to spite Endeavour, Dabi became a villain.
They're both full of hatred at first, but Shouto is saved from that spiral. Izuku helps him. Dabi doesn't have that. It would have been so interesting to see these two face of as parellels, but nope. It's all about Endeavour. Shouto is nothing more than an accessory.
I understand Dabi being hung up on Endeavour, but to outright replace Shouto with the abusive flaming trashbag? No.
Also, if Horikoshi wanted Dabi to be seen as sympathetic or redeemable, don't make him kill innocent people. Don't make it so that he unlocks an ice aspect to his quirk in a life-or-death situation because all that means is that Endeavour was right to hurt Touya the way he did. All that says is Endeavour should have hurt him more.
This piece of shit bullied Izuku relentlessly for years, used his quirk on him (yes that is canon), told him to end his life, tried to assault him in Yuuei, tried to kill him, threw a tantrum at an abused kid for not being magically okay with using a quirk that reminded him of his abusive father, assaults Izuku when he tries to work together but still magically gets a pass for being carried out unconcious which Sero was failed for, and the list just keeps growing.
Oh, but my bad. He has a sad backstory. You see, he fell in a river.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
*ahem* Yandere Alec & Jane x Reader
Think about it,
When Bella goes to save Edward from the Volturi, Reader comes along to make sure their older sister Bella goes home alive only to make first contact with Jane.
Jane would be the quiet yet protective Yandere type, meaning when Jane first felt the bond she instantly wants the Reader close to her.
As Jane tells Bella, Edward, Alice and Reader to follow her with Felix and Demitri behind them(of course Jane makes sure to hold on to the Readers wrist lightly but strong enough)
Soon the group is in the throne room, Alec soon feels the same type of bond just like Jane and looks at Reader with hungry eyes.
Alex is the type of yandere that gets jealous easily and just wants to keep the reader locked up in a room.
Soon both siblings are on each of the readers side being protective and clingy, holding onto their hand and arms for recurrence and security.
Of course the reader is not used to it and gets freaked out and tries to get close to their older sister Bella, Bella doing the same thing by trying to reach out to the reader.
But the reader gets pulled back from Bella and has been forced to stay by the Volturi and the siblings FOREVER.
Ah yes now you’re talking my love language, who doesn’t just love them an unhinged partner
❝forced to stay❞
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✭ pairing : yandere jane volturi x reader x yandere alec volturi
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : the moment she made a contact with the twins she should’ve known that her fate was sealed 
✭ authors note : I don’t know what it is about having a unhinged partner, but I find it oddly romantic . Like for an example I have been dating my current boyfriend for almost a year now and only recently I would say a couple of months back. He told me that he was going to look up my location and come to my house after I did not respond to him for the first few days of us talking, we were not dating in the beginning, obviously so the fact that this man was going to somehow get access to my location whew gurl, this man got me down bad 
✭ twilight masterlist
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The evening had settled in, casting long shadows as Bella Swan sat in her room, her thoughts consumed by worry for Edward. She had barely spoken to him since he left, and the emptiness was overwhelming. Just then, a light knock on her window startled her, and she turned to find Alice Cullen perched on the windowsill, her golden eyes filled with urgency.
"Bella," Alice began, her voice laced with concern, "we need to talk."
Bella's heart raced as she sat up straighter. "What is it, Alice?"
"It's Edward," Alice said, her voice steady yet grave. "He's planning to expose himself to humans—to reveal his true nature—in order to provoke the Volturi into killing him."
The words struck Bella like a physical blow. Her mind raced, unable to comprehend what she had just heard. "No, he can't be serious," Bella whispered, her voice trembling.
Alice's expression was somber. "He believes it's the only way to keep you and your family safe from the Volturi's attention."
Tears welled in Bella's eyes as the gravity of the situation settled in. "I have to stop him," she said, her voice determined.
Alice nodded in agreement. "I'm coming with you."
As Bella stood, her gaze locked onto the window, and she realized that someone else was listening. Turning, she saw her younger sister, (y/n), standing at the door, her expression a mix of concern and determination.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Bella asked, surprised yet touched by her sister's presence.
"I heard everything," (y/n) replied, her voice steady. "And I'm coming too."
Bella's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and worry. "(Y/n), this is dangerous. I can't let you get involved."
(Y/n) stepped forward, her eyes unwavering. "Bella, you're my sister. I can't just sit back while you face this alone."
Alice's lips curled into a small smile. "She's right, Bella. We're all in this together."
Bella hesitated, torn between her protective instincts and the realization that her family's bond was unbreakable. Finally, she nodded. "Fine, you can come. But promise me you'll stay close and follow my lead."
(Y/n) nodded, determination gleaming in her eyes. "I promise."
With the decision made, the three of them exchanged a look that held a mixture of worry and resolve. The bond between sisters ran deep, and their determination to protect each other was unyielding.
As they stepped out of the house, ready to face the perilous journey ahead, Bella knew that no matter what challenges they encountered, they would face them together. The unbreakable bond between sisters would guide them through the darkness, giving them the strength to save the ones they loved, even if it meant facing the Volturi themselves.
As Bella, Alice, and (y/n) approached the Volturi chamber, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. Shadows danced across the walls, and the weight of their purpose settled heavily upon them. Just as they were about to enter, a trio of figures appeared, drawing their attention.
Jane, Demetri, and Felix materialized before them, their presence both unsettling and foreboding. (Y/n) sensed the intensity of the situation, her instincts on high alert. Her gaze locked with Jane's, and a strange shiver ran down her spine. Unbeknownst to her, Jane's connection to (y/n) ran deep, fueled by the intense bond of mates.
Demetri's voice cut through the air, his tone respectful yet firm. "The kings are awaiting your presence. Follow us."
Bella exchanged a wary glance with Alice, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. With a nod, they followed Demetri and Felix, their steps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. The tension was palpable, and (y/n)'s heart raced as they moved closer to their destination.
As they entered the chamber, (y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine once more. The Volturi kings sat upon their thrones, exuding an air of authority and power. Aro, Caius, and Marcus regarded them with interest, their eyes glinting with curiosity as they took in the unexpected guests.
"(Y/n) Swan and Bella Swan," Aro's voice rang out, his tone laced with intrigue. "A pleasure to have you with us."
(Y/n)'s and her sister Bella’s eyes widened, taken aback by Aro's direct acknowledgment of her presence. They offered a tentative nod, voices momentarily caught in their throat.
“So tell me, why have you come here? Why do two humans and one vampire stand before us?” Aro questions obviously amused with the whole situation. 
As the conversation with the Volturi kings continued, (y/n) felt a strange sensation wash over her. The intensity of Alec's gaze upon her didn't go unnoticed. Unbeknownst to her, the same bond that had sparked between her and Jane had also formed with Alec, albeit with different implications.
Alec's eyes, hungry and possessive, trailed over (y/n) as if she were the only thing in the room. An invisible thread connected them, a connection that (y/n) couldn't comprehend. Her heart quickened under his gaze, an unfamiliar heat blooming within her.
As the conversation continued, (y/n) found herself shifting uncomfortably under the weight of Alec's gaze, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. Soon before she knew it Alec and Jane were standing before her, they clinged to her every being allowing no room for others to touch or even get near her.
Their presence was suffocating .
(Y/n)'s world had become a whirlwind of confusion and unease. She felt like a puppet, caught between the possessive affections of Alec and Jane on one side and the protective concern of Bella on the other. It was suffocating, overwhelming, and completely foreign to her.
As (y/n) attempted to navigate through the tense atmosphere, her heart rate quickened. Alec and Jane were by her side, their grip on her hand and arms feeling like a constant reminder of their presence. The clinginess and possessiveness made her uncomfortable, and she found herself longing for a moment of solitude.
Bella's attempts to reach out to her were a lifeline in this sea of intensity. She wanted to cling to her sister, the familiar bond between them offering a semblance of normalcy. But every time she tried to get closer to Bella, Alec and Jane would pull her back, their possessive gestures preventing her from seeking comfort in her older sister's arms.
Torn between the conflicting desires of those around her, (y/n) felt trapped. She wanted to be with Bella, to find solace in her sister's embrace, but Alec and Jane's hold on her was unyielding.
Then, the announcement from Marcus changed everything. His words echoed in the chamber, declaring that (y/n) was Alec and Jane's mate. The shock and realization of what that meant sent tremors through her. It was a bond she didn't understand, a connection that both terrified and intrigued her.
As the truth sank in, the weight of her circumstances settled on her shoulders. Aro, always the master manipulator, took advantage of the situation. He presented Bella and Alice with an unfair deal, Edward's life in exchange for (y/n)'s captivity among the Volturi.
The decision was left to (y/n), and despite the unease and discomfort, she found herself speaking up. "Agree to the deal," she told Bella and Alice, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "I'll be fine. You have to save Edward."
It was a sacrifice that she never thought she would have to make, but (y/n) was determined to protect her loved ones, no matter the cost. As the deal was settled, (y/n) felt a mixture of fear and determination coursing through her veins. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, and now she had to face an uncertain future, bound to two yandere vampires who held an inexplicable claim over her heart and soul.
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
After the excitement of the previous chapter, it's nice to be back to funny, wholesomeness~
I liked seeing that Handler genuinely cares about Nightfall (and Twilight, and I'm sure her other subordinates).
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To me, she's always come off as being well balanced between the strict, stoic lead spy persona, but also not letting it consume her and not being afraid to show/admit that she really does care (unlike Twilight and Nightfall, who obsess about keeping up their facades). As much as she joked around with Nightfall, it's obvious she really does care. I have a feeling that whatever harsh decisions await Twilight in the future, she'll support him over WISE.
Meanwhile, it's so touching that Yor got better at cooking! Shows how much her heart-to-heart conversation with Loid in the previous chapter affected her 😊 How did she hurt her nose though? My guess is a splash from some boiling water in a pot 😯
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But omg, so much wholesome Anya & Yor moments. I was reeling! 😍
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And Bond was hilarious in this chapter! His animal impressions are 👌
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The result of his elephant impression had me in stitches 🤣 He became Cubchoo!
Also his "don't I look fabulous?" pose when Franky comes in 😆
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I especially loved this panel of Yor brushing Bond. Even though Yor is the one who bathes him, we've hardly seen them interact, and the impression we've been given is that Bond is kind of afraid of her. So seeing how relaxed he can be with her (and tail wagging!) is super sweet ❤
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Also what she says to Bond here is similar to what she said to Loid previously 😁
Speaking of Loid, the poor man is so tired! He already experienced so many feelings the day before, so he had to quickly go back in his room before the wholesome atmosphere currently in the Forger house made him get more feelings!
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Don't worry bro, one day the wholesome family feels will revitalize you instead of exhaust you! 👍
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speechlessxx · 11 months
alluring. [vampire!aemond targaryen x reader]
this was a daydream i had. blame twilight.
this might possibly be a series? i dunno yet...
summary: she knew his secret...
warnings: vampires, twilight au, mentions of feeding, making out, outrageously short i apologize, bad writing.. oops.
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She gasped as his cold lips pressed against her warm skin. He trailed kisses from her temple to her cheek just before he captured her lips in a searing kiss.
It was heated and passionate. It almost felt forbidden, which, in a way, made it, and him, all the more enticing… addicting.
She gasped his name against his lips as he used his strength to pull her onto his lap. Her thighs parted, capturing his waist between them and her hesitant hands reached for either side of his statuesque face.
Everything about him scared her but it allured her in a way that she couldn’t explain. His very being invited her. And though he had spent his existence ignoring each and every woman that threw themselves at him, it was only she who captured his attention, who drove him mad the way only she could.
He kissed her hungrily, but she felt as if he held back – as if he didn’t want to hurt her or lose control. And she understood why.
He tried to pull away, but with her hands cupping his sculpted cheeks, he didn’t get very far. He whispered her name against her lips, against her kiss. “Stop,” he said, but she was relentless.
He knew his strength and she felt it in his touch. But despite this, he didn’t push her away. He gently whispered her name again, this time pleading.
“It’s okay,” she said in a hushed tone, finally pulling away from his lips. With her hands still holding his head, she stared into his eye – the pupil swallowing the violet hue whole. He was holding his breath as he looked into hers. “It’s okay.”
But it wasn’t.
She saw him swallow and, in his eye, she saw the conflict. His desire for her and his need to protect her fought against each other, and she wasn’t sure which side would win.
“I’m not scared,” she told him though her trembling hands gave her away. “I know, okay? I know.”
He didn’t say anything as he fought his internal war. His hands sat at her waist, and he knew with a single move he could shatter her. He knew he was dangerous. He knew what he was… and so did she.
So why didn’t she care?
Why wasn’t she afraid?
She said his name again as she leaned in. He tilted his chin forward as if to capture her lips once more, but instead, she bared her neck to him. He said her name, sternly, angrily – as if he had been offended that she’d even consider this.
“I know,” she said again. “It’s okay.”
She shuddered as his cold lips pressed against the warm delicate skin of her neck. She felt his teeth graze the skin and she held her breath in anticipation.
“I can’t,” he told her.
“I trust you,” she said. Her tone more confident than before. “I’m not scared, Aemond.”
He could hear her heartbeat and see her pulse. His gentle hand cradled the side of her head as he felt a side of him subside as the other was victorious.
“You should be,” he answered, but he could no longer control himself as he sunk his fangs into her neck and allowed her warmth to consume him.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
for writing requests, the chain givin wars a big ol group hug and letting him cry cus let’s be honest bro is not holding up well
Sunsets were always Sky’s favorite.
It was strange, how much a moment in time could change something like that, though. A few evenings ago, the sunset was stained blood read, dripping with anguish and fear, held together by a firm hand and guidance. It hadn’t come from their leader, however - the Hero of Time had been completely consumed by worry over Twilight’s condition, and Sky hadn’t blamed him for it, particularly after finding out they had a blood connection.
But after that initial horrifying sunset, Sky found that the dusk brought only exhaustion and melancholy, a worry that there would be another sunset that would stain the sky with blood.
Sighing, the young knight glanced out his window and saw the person he’d been looking for. While Time had been by Twilight’s side that entire evening, there had been another Hero who everyone had heavily relied on. Sky had tried to mediate and help as best he could as well, but he paled in comparison, certainly in terms of leadership capabilities.
But everything had a toll. Sky could see it well enough.
Exiting the inn, Sky heard the gentle serenade of crickets filling the air as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. The town was not as peaceful and quiet as camping out in the woods, but it held a warm sense of safety that they usually didn’t have the luxury to enjoy. Any town gave Sky a small degree of anxiety, as they were all foreign to him, but settlements like this put the captain at ease far more than anyone else.
At least Sky knew Warriors could get some peace somewhere. It was obvious the man was trying to seek it.
Warriors heard Sky’s approach, turning his head slightly. His sharp eyes were analyzing him in an instant.
“Hey,” Sky greeted softly, trying to settle the man’s worries; he’d been on high alert ever since Twilight’s injury, and he’d yet to calm down. It had been three days since then. “I just wanted to check on you.”
Warriors blinked, baffled a moment, not expecting such a remark, and then he huffed out a small laugh. “Me? I’m alright. Are you?”
Him? Sky was fine. Sky was always fine. He honestly didn’t feel much of anything anymore, except that sunsets made him anxious. He hoped that would settle eventually, as he did love them. “I’m okay. But I just… you’ve been on edge, you know. Since everything. Do you… our Ordonian is going to be okay now. They said so. You know that, right?”
“Of course I know that,” Warriors replied, his smile fading, voice growing slightly snappish.
“It’s just… you’re not acting like you know that,” Sky continued carefully. “You’re… anything sets you off. Everything has to be in perfect order, everyone has to be on their best behavior. You know? I just… wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Warriors watched him for a long time, face blank. His eyes steadily moved downward until they were staring at nothing, boring a hole in the cobblestone beneath Sky’s feet. The Skyloftian waited patiently, knowing when to be silent and let someone else process. Eventually, the captain sighed heavily.
“You were a great help that night,” Warriors said softly. “I wanted to thank you.”
“It was nothing,” Sky brushed off. “That’s not answering my question.”
Warriors huffed ruefully in response. “You’re not usually this persistent.”
“No,” Sky admitted. “But I’m not usually this worried, either.”
The captain’s eyes finally snapped back up to meet Sky’s. His stony expression softened, and he smiled gently. “I said I’m alright.”
“You can be, yeah,” Sky commented. “Like… you don’t have to wrangle everyone in now, you know. I’m here. Our leader’s getting back into, well… leading. It’s okay to step back.”
Something in the captain’s expression wasn’t quite readable, a kind of strange gentle amusement and haunting sadness. Sky wasn’t sure what to do about it. So he just walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Warriors seemed both inquisitive and slightly apprehensive at the touch, so Sky asked to be sure, “Can I hug you?”
The captain looked as if he didn’t even know what to say with such a request. He blinked once, twice, before a breathy laugh escaped his lips, eyes holding a tenderness to them that Sky wasn’t sure he’d ever seen in them. “Yeah. Yeah, you can.”
Sky smiled in return, leaning in and letting the captain wrap his arms around him. Sky gave what he received, not squeezing too tightly when Warriors’ embrace was hesitantly gentle. As they stood there, though, it seemed like the older knight settled into his predicament a bit more, letting himself relax as Sky held him tighter. Being a little shorter, Sky settled his ear against Warriors’ shoulder, and the gesture made the captain shift a little, resting his own head against Sky’s. His breath was shaky a moment, and Sky heard him swallow thickly.
It only lasted a few moments, but it was enough. Sky ached for the contact, honestly, and wished he could hug him more, but he knew better than to push the matter. Slowly, the two pulled apart. If Warriors’ face was a little more flushed than before, neither of them commented on it.
“Thanks, Sky,” the captain said quietly.
Sky’s smile was brighter than the sunset. “Anytime.”
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skyward-floored · 7 months
Febuwhump collab day 12 — semi-conscious
This one’s been on ao3 for a bit I just sort of forgot to put it over here XD This one was suggested by @zeldathusiast, I hope you all enjoy!
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No specific warnings apart from a mentioned kidnapping/being held captive, and a bad headache.
Today’s lovely art
Ao3 link
“He has to be here somewhere, right? That tip we got said he’d be here, but maybe they were wrong, Dad kept being vague on where he got it so I don’t know if we can totally trust it, and we should be prepared to get out of here if it’s a trap and if it was wrong we should plan to check that other—”
“Green, we’ll find him, alright?” Twilight reassured for the fifth time in as many minutes. “Don’t worry.”
Green’s mouth clicked shut, and he gave Twilight a tiny nod.
Twilight watched him turn away, the shadows under his eyes more prominent in the harsh artificial lighting they were sneaking past, and felt a familiar squeeze of worry at the similar expressions on the other colors’ faces.
Four had been split almost a week now, and with Red gone missing during a fight, he couldn’t reform.
Four had never been apart for so long, and that along with the panic of not knowing what was happening to Red, he was acting more and more strange, the remaining pieces of him veering more sharply towards what they represented.
Green had been getting more jittery, obsessing over Red’s whereabouts, and acting overly protective over the other two, which was driving them both crazy. Vio had turned to research and often closed himself away, poring over what information they had, and Blue would blow up at even the smallest slight, face red with tears in his eyes.
Twilight could only imagine the state Red was in.
The behavior grew more severe with every passing day, and while nobody said it, as they watched the colors fall apart they all silently wondered how long Four could even be split.
Did he have a limit? Was he nearing it?
And if he reached it..?
Nobody wanted to find out, and their efforts towards locating Red had only gotten more desperate as the days ticked by. All of them were worried and frightened on Four’s behalf, and Twilight knew he wasn’t the only one who was thinking back to that first terrifying week when Sky had gone missing, and stayed missing.
But Time had finally gotten some information that narrowed down where Red could be, to only a few places as compared to the entire city they’d been scouring before.
Which is why Twilight was now sneaking down a harshly lit hallway with a handful of his brothers, trying not to be consumed by worry while they searched.
“We close?” Twilight asked, and Legend nodded, gesturing to an upcoming split path.
“He should be in one of these hallways somewhere, but they’re pretty long. It might take us a while to actually find him,” Legend said with a frown. “...With time we don’t have. We should’ve brought Wild.”
“Well it’s too late now,” Blue snapped from beside him, his hands tightening into fists. “Why didn’t you think of that before we left?!”
“Well sor-ry, Wild’s checking that other place with Dad and Wind, twerp, I didn’t know we’d need him,” Legend snapped back.
“Guys, knock it off,” Twilight said sharply. Good grief, we’re all running on way too little sleep. “We’ll just split up into groups of two.”
“There’s five of us,” Vio pointed out.
“I know that Vio, I meant you and Legend and Green and Blue can pair up, and I’ll go by myself.”
“That seems like a bad idea,” Vio continued with a raised eyebrow. “Aren’t you always saying it’s better we stick together?”
Twilight took in a steadying breath at his snarky tone, ignoring the urge to be sarcastic in return. “Yes, but not in this case.”
“Why don’t we three just go together, and you and Legend team up?” Green suggested, and Twilight and Legend exchanged short glances.
“...No. Better we do duos,” Legend said, and jerked his head towards a hallway. “C’mon. Let’s get going. Come with me Blue, Green and Vio can check the opposite end from us. Twi can check the other hall.”
Twilight nodded when nobody argued, and they all split off, Twilight grateful that Legend would be able to see all of the colors from where he was.
There had been an unspoken rule as of late not to leave any of them alone. Not with how they’d been acting.
Twilight ran down his assigned hallway, peering through every door that had a window, and opening the ones that didn’t. They’d “borrowed” a keycard to use to get into the facilities, and managed to make copies so they could all get past the doors.
Twilight methodically checked every door, working steadily down the hallway. His worry grew the longer he didn’t find any sign of Red, and he picked up the pace, looking more frantically. He was nearly at the end of the corridor, and there’d been no sign anybody was down this way.
Are we sure that info was real? he thought as he approached the very last window in the hall. Mom hasn’t contacted us yet, so her group hasn’t found him... or maybe it was all faked just to give us false hope...
Twilight looked inside, and relief washed over him, intense and thick.
A little figure sat huddled against the wall inside, red clothes bright against the dull color of the room. His blond head was pressed to his knees with such an air of sadness that Twilight’s heart ached, and he quickly ran to the door.
It slid open with a quiet swish, but the figure didn’t move even with the sound, or when Twilight stepped inside.
“Red?” he called.
That made his little brother’s head snap up to stare at him, eyes wide and startled. His gaze landed on Twilight’s face, and his expression turned even more surprised, Red letting out a gasp as he jumped to his feet.
“Twilight!” he shrieked, and bolted, throwing himself into Twilight’s arms with a sob.
Twilight hugged him back just as fiercely, Red crying into his shoulder, and he quickly clicked a button on his radio four times, the signal they’d all agreed to use for “I found him”.
“We found you Smithy, you’re okay now, I got you,” Twilight soothed, his shirt steadily growing damp. “It’s okay. Are you hurt at all?”
“N-no,” Red hiccuped, face still pressed to Twilight’s shirt. “Th-they mostly left me alone, I d-don’t think they even wanted a-a hostage.”
Twilight squeezed him tighter. “I’m so sorry Red.”
Red didn’t reply, aside from another hiccuping sob.
Twilight knew they should get going, but he couldn’t bring himself to make Red move just yet, so he held him a little longer and just let him cry. Red’s louder sobs eventually petered out, and Twilight gave him a comforting pat on the back as Red finally sat up a little, still sniffling.
“Twi, is e-everyone else here?” Red finally asked, letting out a hiccup. “I-I don’t want to be separate anymore.”
“Yeah they came, they’re close by,” Twilight reassured, and Red visibly relaxed, though he still looked upset.
“It was awful being away from them so long,” he whimpered. “It felt...”
He swallowed and didn’t continue, and Twilight gave him a squeeze.
“Well if we want to get you back together, we should get going,” he said, and Red eagerly nodded, wiping his sleeve over his face.
Twilight helped him up, and then turned into a wolf, gesturing for Red to hop on. He gladly did, and they ran went back the way Twilight had come, opting less for sneakiness and more for pure speed. Twilight didn’t want Red to have to wait a second longer than necessary to be back with the other parts of himself, and he loped down the hallways as fast as he could without slipping on the shiny floors.
Red in turn clung tightly to his fur, his head not quite buried in it. Twilight could just barely feel Red’s tears dampening his fur as he sniffled again, and his stomach clenched, even with the relief pounding through him.
The part of Twilight, the more wolffish part of him that longed to protect had been going haywire all week, and even now that he had Red secure on his back, it still bayed for justice.
Twilight ignored it. He was pretty sure Red’s captors were long gone, and going after them now wouldn’t be productive in any way. Even if he wanted to demand answers as to why they’d grabbed a nine year old and locked him in a room for a week.
No. Red safe and secure on his back was plenty for now, and as he firmly told himself that, the wolf began to calm.
Though he knew it wouldn’t completely settle until they were all back together and safe at home again.
Twilight turned a corner near where he and the rest of the group had split up, and Red sat up and shouted, pointing excitedly down the hall. The rest of the colors were already making their way towards them, but they all zeroed in at Red’s shout, relief on all three faces.
“RED!” Blue yelled, and all three of them bolted, Red leaping off Twilight’s back and crashing into them with a happy cry.
All four of them began chattering simultaneously, asking questions and crying and in Blue’s case, giving Red a punch on the arm that wasn’t as hard as it could have been.
Twilight smiled in relief as they huddled together, turning back into a human, and realized that the rest of the team they had brought was coming up behind them, Legend Hyrule and their mother all looking extremely relieved.
“Red— never do that again,” Green said as they hugged, and Red nodded rapidly.
“I won’t! I won’t, it wasn’t even on purpose, they just grabbed me, a-and I couldn’t get away, and nobody heard me yell,” Red said in a watery voice, and Vio gave him a soft pat on the head.
“Well you’re okay now, you don’t have to cry,” Blue grumbled, but his arm didn’t leave Red’s shoulder.
The colors didn’t talk any longer after that, only hugging a few moments more before they began to glow, unable to wait a second longer to reform. A pulse of multicolored light shone around the hallway, bouncing off the pale walls, and Twilight had to look away until it began to dim.
Four stood alone, his eyes closed as the last of the glow faded away.
Then he doubled over with his hands clenched to his head, face twisted up in pain. Twilight darted forward and caught him before he fell, and Four whimpered in his arms, eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“Four, hey, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked, trying not to panic.
Four flinched at his words, and the sound of the others running up as well, and tried to curl into a ball, still clenching at his hair.
“What’s wrong with him?” Legend asked with wide eyes.
“Four, are you okay?” Hyrule asked, and Four only let out another whimper.
“Give him some space,” Malon said, and they slid back a bit, giving her room to kneel by Four. She placed a gentle hand on his back, and rubbed it as Four let out a pitiful groan. “Four? Honey are you okay?”
Four only groaned again, and Hyrule scooted over and set a glowing hand on his head, eyes closed in concentration. But he withdrew after a moment, gaze slightly bewildered.
”His head is fine, I didn’t see anything,” he said, and Twilight frowned.
“Did they do something just to Red then?” Twilight asked, trying to keep his voice calm and only partially succeeding. “That would hurt him when he merged?”
“I don’t... think so?” Hyrule said. He sounded uncertain though, and wrung his hands a bit.
“Seriously? We would have noticed if they’d done something,” Legend shot at Twilight.
“How do you know?” Twilight answered just as sharply. “It might not be physical!”
“Well maybe he’s just—”
“Boys shh, you’re hurting him,” Malon said a bit sharply, and they went silent, another quiet whimper from Four the only noise. “Four? Can you tell us what’s wrong?”
Four dragged his eyes open, and Twilight stared, the normal blue of his eyes completely overrun by jagged swirls of red, green, and purple, blue scattered throughout. As he watched, the red got larger, and Four flinched, once again slamming his eyes shut and falling mostly limp in Twilight’s arms.
“Four, we can’t help unless we know what’s wrong,” Twilight tried, running a hand through his hair.
Please Four, can you give us something?
A few long moments ticked by, Four’s shaky breathing the only sound in the bright hallway. Finally Four breathed out, the noise hitching in the middle, and his fingers tightened in his hair.
“T-too— much,” he finally bit out, voice hitching and wavering. “M-Memories, different—”
Four pressed his head tighter against Twilight’s chest, his breathing trembling. He let out another small groan, and Twilight ran a helpless hand over his hair as he tried to curl himself up even tighter.
“Oh. I get it,” Legend said quietly, and they all looked at him inquisitively. Legend sighed. “Look, he was split all that time, right? Normally getting back together is no big deal for him, even if it’s been a little while. But his experiences as Green, Blue, and Vio this time were so vastly different from Red’s that when he reformed...”
“...all of those stark different memories got put in one head,” Malon finished, and ran a gentle hand through Four’s hair again. “Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry.”
Twilight wasn’t sure if Four even heard her, with the way he was curled up in a ball, hands still clenching at his head, face screwed shut in a wince.
“Can we help him?” Hyrule asked, and Malon looked uncertain.
“I don’t know, hon. It looks to me like he’ll just need some time to adjust,” she said, gently running her hand through Four’s hair. “Is there any way we can help, Four?”
Four didn’t say anything in reply, but he gave a tiny, pained shake of his head.
“We should get him home then, right?” Twilight spoke up, trying not to sound overly worried despite how fast his heart was still pounding. “If he just needs to adjust. He’ll be able to rest better there, and we need to get out of here anyway.”
Malon nodded, and Twilight scooped Four up into his arms, relieved his brother was fairly lightweight. Four curled into his hold, face still drawn with pain, and Twilight held him tight as they worked their way back towards the exit.
Somehow zero alarms had been triggered by their presence, and Twilight was starting to suspect the place had been abandoned what with how silent and empty it was. The fact that that meant the people who’d kidnapped Red had basically abandoned him here all alone was enough to reawaken the protectiveness in Twilight’s chest with a snarl, and this time he only half-heartedly reeled it in.
For their sakes, they had better not show their faces again anytime soon.
Several minutes of the trek had gone by before the whisper came from Twilight’s arms, and he looked down at Four, still limp in his hold.
“Yeah bud?”
“Thanks,” Four whispered into his shirt, and though he didn’t elaborate, Twilight knew what he meant.
“You’re welcome,” Twilight replied gently, and Four tucked his face against his neck, the pained creases on his face slightly eased.
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theenchantresx · 13 days
Shadows of the Crown
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC Reader
Trigger Warnings: Violence and war (discussions of bloodshed, massacres), Emotional manipulation, Psychological trauma and guilt, Grief and loss (discussion of family betrayal, loss of loved ones), Mentions of past abuse and cruelty, Toxic relationships
Word Count: 3,500 words
All images are taken from Pinterest: credits to the original owners
The halls of the Red Keep were darker than usual, dimmed not just by the oncoming twilight but by the heavy weight of tension that seemed to seep into every corner. War loomed over the Seven Kingdoms like an ill-fated storm, and its cold winds had finally reached King's Landing. As Prince Regent, Aemond Targaryen was supposed to be the pillar of strength, but even steel cracks under enough pressure.
The fire of his kin was burning him alive.
You had been one of the few who could still approach him without fear of being dismissed. Though "approach" was a loose term—he never truly allowed anyone close, not since he had turned his back on his family. His eye, the one left unscathed, was hard as dragonstone whenever you stood before him. And the one that was lost, now replaced by the sapphire, seemed even colder.
Tonight was no different.
You found Aemond in the council chamber, the stench of conspiracies still lingered in the air. Maps, letters, and spilled wine cluttered the table before him, untouched since the maesters had delivered the latest reports. He stood by the window, tall and rigid, the flames of the fireplace casting flickering shadows against his sharp features.
"You’ve come again," Aemond said without turning around. His voice was like poisoned honey, slow, sharp, and dangerous. "I do wonder, have you come to scold me like the rest of them?"
You stepped forward cautiously, sensing the sharp edge of his temper beneath the calm. "I didn't come to scold. I came because you're alone, Aemond. And you know it."
He turned then, slowly, his single violet eye locking onto you. He was regal, tall, a figure that inspired both awe and fear, but the cruelty in his gaze had grown over time—thicker, more consuming, as if the loss of his family’s loyalty had stripped away the last of his humanity.
"Alone?" He chuckled darkly, stepping toward you with a deliberate slowness that made your heart pound. "It is a crown that sits heavy, not companionship I seek. I need no one."
"You've turned everyone against you," you said, keeping your voice steady despite his approach. "Your family, the council, even those who once supported you. What will your rule be, Aemond, if there's no one left to support you?"
He stopped just inches from you, looming over you like the shadow of Vhagar herself. His lips curled in a bitter, mocking smile. "You think I seek fairness? To be a king like my brother? Weak, foolish Aegon… he was an idiot, and where did that get him, hmm? I will not make the same mistake."
The intensity of his gaze was almost unbearable, but you didn’t back down. "And what will your cruelty gain you? Fear? Power? They’re fragile things, Aemond. They slip through your fingers the moment you think you have control. There’s no peace in ruling with only fire and blood."
His smile faltered, just for a moment, but enough for you to see the weariness beneath the façade. Aemond turned away sharply, stalking back to the window with a frustrated exhale. "Peace?" he spat the word as if it were poison. "There is no peace, not for men like me. Only war and treachery. The time for peace ended when my family betrayed me. When they left me to burn in the fires of their ambitions."
"You’ve betrayed them too," you said quietly, knowing it was a risk to push him further. "Your mother, your sister, your brother… You abandoned your house loyalty for what? To avenge wrongs you suffered as a child? To prove you matter because having the biggest and oldest dragon isn't enough? And where did all this lead you?"
Aemond’s hands gripped the windowsill so tightly you could see his knuckles whiten. His back was to you, but you could feel the violent tension rolling off him. "They never saw me," he whispered, low and venomous. "Not truly. I was always the second son, the lesser, the shadow of Aegon. And now they would dare question my rule?"
"They did see you, Aemond. Perhaps not in the way you wanted, but they cared about you in their own twisted way. You still have time to make this right. You don’t have to—"
"Enough!" He whirled on you, his patience snapping. The rage in his eye was feral, unhinged, as if your words had struck a nerve too deep to bear. He advanced on you again, his tone icy. "You think I will grovel before them, beg for their forgiveness? I am Aemond Targaryen, the rider of Vhagar, the right ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. I will not be questioned by anyone. Not by my family, not by you."
His hand shot out and gripped your arm, firm but not painful, though the threat lingered in the air between you. His touch was cold, as though all the warmth had been leeched from him by the cruelty he had embraced.
"I am not here to question you," you said, meeting his gaze without flinching. "I’m here because I know you. Beneath all this, I know there’s a part of you that doesn't want to rule like this. You’re stronger than the hatred you’re clinging to, Aemond."
His eye searched yours for a long, agonizing moment, as if trying to find some weakness, some opening to crush. And yet, he hesitated. His grip on your arm tightened, but his face betrayed something you hadn’t seen in him for a long time—doubt.
For a heartbeat, you thought he might let go, that the cruelty might crack, but then he released you abruptly and turned his back once more. The coldness returned, the wall between you rising higher than before.
"You think you understand me," he said, his voice softer now, but no less dangerous. "But you’re wrong. I will not bend. And you’d be wise to remember your place."
You stood in silence, feeling the weight of his words settle over you like a cloak of frost. There was still a glimmer of hope, buried deep beneath his anger and pride, but it was slipping away, just as he was.
"If you continue down this path, Aemond," you said softly, taking a step back, "you’ll end up with nothing but ashes in your hands."
He didn’t respond. He didn’t need to. The silence between you spoke volumes, and as you turned to leave, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you had just witnessed the last flicker of light before the darkness consumed him entirely.
Perhaps one day he would see reason. Or perhaps, like his dragon, he would only ever know how to burn.
And if that day came, you feared even you might not be able to save him.
The door creaked behind you, the weight of your words still heavy in the air, but Aemond's silence held you rooted to the spot for a moment longer. You had seen the fleeting doubt in him, but that spark was suffocated as quickly as it had surfaced. His back remained turned, his gaze locked on the darkening horizon beyond the Red Keep’s windows.
You lingered by the threshold, hesitating. Leaving him like this—angry, alone—felt like sealing his fate. The civil war had already claimed too much; if Aemond fell further into his madness, there might be nothing left to salvage.
“I dreamt of Harrenhal,” you said softly, not quite looking at him. “Before the war… before all of this.”
Aemond stiffened, but he didn’t turn around. The mere mention of Harrenhal twisted something in him, something raw. You had struck another nerve, deeper than the last.
“I’ve seen the ruins in those dreams. I’ve seen you there, standing in the ashes.”
Still, no response. His silence was damning.
You took a breath and pressed on, the words tasting bitter on your tongue. "That place… Harrenhal… it broke something in you, didn’t it?"
At that, Aemond finally turned, his single eye narrowing dangerously. “Broke me? Do not presume to know what I endured there.” His voice was a low growl, filled with a venomous bite. “Harrenhal did not break me. It forged me.”
There was a cold pride in his tone, but beneath it, you heard something else—something darker. You had heard the rumors, the whispers of what had happened at Harrenhal when Aemond had claimed the cursed castle. There had been blood, fire, and a cruelty even you had not imagined he was capable of.
“I know what you did there,” you said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. “The executions, the massacre. The blood on your hands… and for what, Aemond? What did it gain you?"
He stepped closer, the firelight catching the gleam of his sapphire eye. “It gained me control. Fear. Power.”
“Power built on ash,” you countered, your voice steady despite the cold dread pooling in your chest. "You didn’t need to kill all those people, Aemond. They weren’t your enemies; they were just… there.”
“They were in my way,” he said, as if that justified everything.
You shook your head, fighting the urge to step back from him. "The blood of innocents isn’t a price worth paying for your throne. Harrenhal… it’s cursed, you know that. It’s been a ruin since the day it was built, and now you carry that curse with you."
Aemond’s lip curled in a sneer. "Cursed? Don’t speak to me of superstitions. I don’t fear ghosts, nor do I fear the weight of my decisions. I did what needed to be done. And if I have to do it again, I will."
“You’ve become as cursed as the place itself,” you said softly, your eyes meeting his. “And it’s driving you mad.”
For a moment, his sneer faltered, and you caught a glimpse of something else—an unease that flickered in his eye before it hardened again. He was quick to push it down, burying it beneath layers of bitterness and pride.
Aemond turned away from you, pacing the room like a caged dragon. “I am not mad,” he hissed, though the tension in his voice betrayed him. “I see clearly, clearer than I ever have before. I see the weakness in my family. I see the cowardice in their hearts.”
You could feel the heat rising in your chest, frustration swelling with each word he spoke. “This isn’t about your family anymore, Aemond! This is about you. You’ve let your hatred consume you.”
“Hate is all I have left,” he said, his voice a quiet, dangerous whisper. “What else do you expect me to hold onto? Love? Forgiveness?”
His eyes bored into yours with a cold, mocking intensity, and you could see the bitterness in them—the pain he refused to admit, even to himself. He was a prince surrounded by shadows, a ruler with a kingdom of ash beneath his feet.
But there was something else—something that hadn’t been spoken of yet.
“Helaena…” you said, and Aemond’s jaw tightened visibly at the sound of her name. “She saw all of this before it happened, didn’t she? The blood, the war… the destruction of your family. She tried to warn you.”
The mere mention of Helaena seemed to crack something in him. He turned sharply, his voice trembling with a barely-contained fury. “Do not speak of my sister.”
“She loved you, Aemond. Despite all, she tried to save you with her prophecies, but you wouldn’t listen—”
“Her words were riddles,” he spat, advancing on you again. “Nonsense! How could she save me when she could barely save herself?”
You could hear the agony beneath his anger now, the guilt he tried so desperately to hide. Helaena’s death had wounded him more deeply than any battlefield loss, and you knew he carried the weight of it like a chain around his neck.
“Helaena wasn’t mad, Aemond. You know that. She saw things none of us could. She warned you—she saw this war, saw the death that would come if you continued down this path. And yet you ignored her, even when you knew she spoke the truth.”
Aemond’s face twisted with grief, but it was fleeting, quickly replaced by a mask of cold indifference. “It’s too late now. Helaena is gone. And her words…” He trailed off, his voice low and bitter. “They mean nothing anymore: I faced death and I'm still here.”
“They mean everything, Aemond.” You stepped closer, your voice urgent. “You’ve become the one that destroys everything it touches.”
He recoiled at that, as if your words had struck him harder than any blade. For a moment, you saw the raw, wounded soul beneath the cruel mask he wore, the boy who had once been overshadowed by his brother, by his family. But that boy was long gone, buried beneath layers of hatred and vengeance.
“I am a Targaryen, a rider of dragons, a ruler by fire and blood. I will not be cowed by whispers and riddles.”
You could feel the distance between you growing once more, the coldness settling in the room like a thick fog. Aemond had buried his humanity beneath the weight of his ambition, and no matter how hard you tried to reach him, the walls he had built around himself were too high to scale.
“If you continue like this,” you said softly, your voice filled with a deep sorrow, “you’ll end up destroying everything, just like Harrenhal. There’ll be nothing left but ruins.”
Aemond stood in silence, staring at the darkened horizon beyond the window, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. You could see the war raging within him—the battle between the man he had once been and the monster he was becoming.
But in the end, the shadows won.
“Leave me,” he said coldly, his voice distant. “There’s nothing more to discuss.”
Your heart ached as you looked at him, knowing that you had lost him to the darkness. There was no reasoning with him now, no way to pull him back from the edge.
With a heavy heart, you turned and left the room, the weight of your failure pressing down on you. You had tried to save him, but Aemond had already chosen his path.
And it was a path that led only to destruction.
You paused again at the door, Aemond’s cold command echoing in your mind. Your hand hovered over the handle, but you couldn’t leave. Not like this. The ache in your chest tightened, and before you could stop yourself, the words tumbled from your lips, raw and trembling.
"Am I nothing to you?"
Your voice cut through the heavy silence, and for a moment, it seemed to still the air in the room. Aemond’s back remained to you, his figure unmoving by the window, but the tension in his posture deepened, like a bowstring pulled too tight.
He didn’t respond immediately, and you took a tentative step forward, your heart hammering in your chest. "After everything… after all these years… do I mean nothing to you? Or am I just another piece to be cast aside like the others?"
Aemond’s head tilted slightly, but he still refused to look at you. You could see his fingers tightening around the windowsill, white-knuckled with restrained anger. His silence felt heavier than any response he could have given.
"I stood by you when no one else would. I tried to understand you when even your family turned away. And yet, here I am, begging for the smallest scrap of the man I thought I knew." Your voice trembled, but you pressed on. "Am I nothing, Aemond? Is that what I am to you?"
At last, Aemond turned to face you, and the coldness in his eye sent a shiver through your spine. The firelight flickered across his sharp features, casting deep shadows that only made him look more like the ruthless dragonlord he had become. But in that moment, there was something else, buried beneath the layers of cruelty—a flicker of guilt, of something he couldn’t admit.
“You presume too much,” he said, his voice low and dangerously calm. “You think your presence here makes you special? That your words can change what I have become?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. "I thought I was more than just another voice in the crowd, Aemond. I thought I mattered to you. But maybe I was wrong."
His eye flashed with something you couldn’t quite place—rage, perhaps, or regret. It was fleeting, but enough to make your chest tighten painfully.
"You do not understand," Aemond said through gritted teeth, his tone laced with frustration. "You cannot understand. There is no room for sentiment, not in this war, not in my world. Feelings, loyalty, love—they are weaknesses, chains that bind me to the past. I cannot afford them."
You felt the sting of his words, but you refused to back down. "You think you’re strong by pushing everyone away, by cutting yourself off from the people who care about you? That’s not strength, Aemond. That’s fear."
His expression darkened, and he took a step toward you, his presence looming like a shadow. "Fear?" he scoffed. "Do you think I fear anything? I’ve faced dragons, war, betrayal, and you think this frightens me?"
"I think you’re afraid of feeling anything at all," you whispered, holding his gaze despite the storm you saw brewing in his eye. "You’re terrified that if you let yourself care, if you let yourself be human for one moment, everything you’ve built will come crashing down."
Aemond’s face twisted with a mix of anger and something far more vulnerable. "You know nothing of what I’ve built, what I’ve sacrificed. My family, my blood, all of it—gone. I have no place for softness, no place for—"
"For me?" you interrupted, your voice breaking. "Is that it? You have no place for me in your life anymore, either?"
For a long, excruciating moment, Aemond didn’t respond. His eye locked onto yours, and for a moment, you thought you saw something—some hint of the man you used to know, the man who had once allowed you close. But whatever softness had flickered in him was quickly smothered by the cold, unyielding mask of the prince regent.
He stepped back, his expression hardening once more. “You are asking questions you don’t want answers to.”
The cold dismissal in his tone was like a blade to your chest, and the silence that followed was suffocating. Tears burned at the corners of your eyes, but you refused to let them fall, not in front of him.
"So I’m nothing," you whispered, more to yourself than to him. The realization hit you like a cold wave, and you turned away, your hand gripping the door handle. "After all this time… I’m nothing."
You moved to leave, but before you could open the door, Aemond’s voice cut through the room, softer now, almost pained.
“You were never nothing to me.”
The words hung in the air, and for a moment, the room seemed to freeze. You stopped, heart pounding in your chest, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn around. His voice, so controlled, so cold, had cracked, just for a moment. But it wasn’t enough—not after everything.
You swallowed hard, closing your eyes as the weight of his words settled over you. “You have a strange way of showing it.”
And with that, you opened the door and stepped out, leaving Aemond Targaryen standing in the shadow of the crown he had so ruthlessly claimed, alone with the weight of the choices he could never take back.
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fairykazu · 6 months
genshin impact men beabadoobee songs masterlist ++ taglist: @ainnofinway @lovemari @lily-lmao @aethion @jllyfsh-lvr
lovesong i didn't think i'd ever want this yet / when we had first met in fall / guess it's something you learn to accept / when i've been a mess, it's not your fault / ... / i missed the train again / i called your name / as if you'd drive it back
he was your first love and always will be. the both of you met each other when you were teens, but good things can't always last. despite wanting to stay together, the distance between you two always persisted and pushed apart the relationship that was tailored for young love.
heizou, kaveh, kazuha & thoma
10:36 i know you thought it was just us / i didn't think you'd fall in love / you're just a warm body to hold / i don't want to, yeah, yeah (i didn't mean that, that thing i said last night, it was)
you suffer from insomnia and although you viewed this relationship as platonic, he didn't. thus, creating an unhealthy codependent situationship between you and him. there was a clear power imbalance between you two, you call, and he always answered no matter the location, weather, or time. he answered. but it was an accident; you swore it was. you will never call him again until the day gets consumed by the twilight and your hand is hovering over his contact
xiao, diluc, baizhu & childe
apple cider we both like apple cider / but your hair be smelling like fruit punch / and i don't even like you that much / wait, i do, fuck... / ... / you said you liked the jumper i wore / so i always wore it
when he realized that he had feelings for you, despite the claims he had made against family and friends that he so didn't, he was screwed. you two spend every waking moment together and he'd probably die within close proximity with you. but what he didn't know is that you like him too and went out of your way to please him. "oh you like this?" then you can have it, all yours.
lyney, itto, gorou & scaramouche
1999 the way you touch me is a curse / and i'm not willing to let it all hurt / ... / 'cause i just hate the way you spoke / ... eyes make everything feel numb / you said i fucked up and ruined your life / but little did you know you ruined / mine
before the chaos had started, the relationship between the two of you could be described as warm and cozy as a cup of coffee and exciting as the turning pages of a new novel. if you told your honeymoon self this, they'd laugh at you and call you a big fat liar. it hurts to say that he no longer gives you the warmth he once provided but instead, a dark storm cloud that lingers to rain. you knew you weren't the same in his eyes either. but the both of you were too afraid of seeing this relationship actually lose the spark and turn to ashes. so, you tried, he tried. the both of you had tried and tried to keep this relationship a tight boat, up and running. it was too late, what was done was done because the flame no longer was bright as before but dimmish into nothingness, leaving you two separated on your own paths.
tighnari, kaeya & albedo
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wafflesrock16 · 3 months
Shakarian Viking/Soulmate AU
Remember how I said this idea wouldn't leave me? I had to write it out. Who else wants Viking berserker Shepard and Anglo-Saxon prince Garrus? Below a the cut.
Shepard watched as Jarl Anderson lowered his torch, setting the brittle branches at the base of the pyre aflame. The scent of pitch and smoke filled her nostrils, the loud crack of timber breaking the stillness of the gathered group of watchers. They stood near enough to feel the heat of the fire on their faces as it consumed the wooden structure, red tongued flames licking at the platform and the shrouded form that lay atop it. 
“He’s in Valhalla, now,” she heard Kaidan murmur. “We should all be so lucky to die in glorious battle.”
Shepard frowned. Jenkins had only been raised to the berserkers the year prior. He had never voyaged to the havens. This was to be his first raid along the Widow Sea’s frontier. He had known the risks, as did all who ventured here. Still, his death sat like a heavy stone in the pit of Shepard’s stomach.
At least he didn’t have a soulmate tethered to his spirit. There’s no one feeling hollowed out with inconsolable grief back home. The reasoning did little to staunch her guilt; if anything it only made it worse since it caused her to feel grateful she didn’t have a soulmate, either. 
Shepard sighed. She was the berserker commander. Jenkins was her responsibility. She wasn’t a wet nurse, but she ought to have kept an eye on him; at least admonished him to stay out of the trees. The silver-barked forests in this region were deadly. Old enemies with eagle eyes and rapier-like claws favored the cover the thick woods offered. 
She turned away from the funerary pyre and the low, solemn chanting that had begun as fire swallowed Jenkins mortal body. Nobody stopped her as she strode away from the conflagration, back toward the longboats. She needed a moment alone with her thoughts without guilt crowding in on her.
 The turians know we’re here—they must have spied us well before we made landfall though bleed me if I know how. Shepard found herself walking past where the dragon-headed longships had been pulled up onto the beach, lost in consideration. We outnumber them, though they have the advantage of knowing the terrain. They also have at least one skilled archer among them, even though that’s not who sent Jenkins off to Odin. 
No, a turian swordsman had done Jenkins in, and Shepard had returned the favor with her axe. It was small comfort. Humans and turians had battled for the land and wealth along the Citadel’s coast for time immemorial. There was talk of an asari negotiated peace treaty, but so far that’s all it was. Talk. Shepard wagered that nothing would come from those talks in her lifetime. And who knows how long that’ll be if we stay here?
Gravel crunched under her boots in the lengthening shadows of twilight. Shepard rounded a gentle curve in the land and came to stand on a dead tree, facing the North. The wind that whipped her fiery red hair about her face was warmer than back home. Then again, they were a long way from home, now.
She watched the dying light upon the waves, the ocean glittering like crushed diamonds. It would be dark soon. They’d need to make camp and plot their next course. Did they take the river deeper inland, as was the original plan? Or did they double back, take their chances in krogan territory where turians didn’t dare venture.
Against the crash of the breakers, Shepard missed the sound of a bowstring drawing taut. It was something else, some inexplicable tug at her heart, a susurration of unheard whispers in her ear, that caused her to suddenly duck and roll, the hidden knives she kept about her person flying into her hands. 
There was a loud thawk, as a barbed arrow embedded itself into the driftwood where she’d been standing. 
She flung a knife, gratified to hear the sound of a large body diving to the sand. She charged before the archer could restring his bow, tackling him to the ground with a savage roar. 
Eyes bluer than the center of a flame stared up at her from within a silver plated face, painted with the bold cobalt markings of Clan Vakarian. The turian’s crest of horns was cushioned by a clump of dried seaweed, tiny insects furiously buzzing about his head at the invasion. 
He flared his mandibles, exposing long, sharp, silver teeth. His jaw dropped as he took in his soon-to-be killer. Shepard sat astride his narrow waist, holding her second knife above his ridged nose, poised to strike. 
Something in those burning eyes softened. “You’re beautiful.” The rumbling subharmoinics seemed to embrace her, a vocal hug to reinforce the sincerity of his words. 
Shepard sucked in a deep breath. For the first time in years, ridiculously, tears pricked the corners of her eyes. “Shut up!” She shook her head as if to dislodge his words. “I hate you!”
Her hand holding the knife quivered. In the crystalline depths of his alien eyes, she saw herself reflected back, lips pulled back in a vicious snarl, red hair framing her face. The embodiment of a valkyrie and harbinger of death. Except, I don’t want to kill him, she realized. 
“I wasn’t trying to hit you,” the turian murmured. “If I had been, you’d already be dead. I hadn’t realized you were . . . you.” He suffused the word with a mix of awe and wonder that left Shepard’s chest feeling tight. 
With a cry born as much from confusion as frustration, Shepard rolled off him. She leaped to her feet, kicking a clump of sand. “Leave,” she commanded, wiping at her treacherous eyes. 
The turian slowly rose to his degi-grade feet. Sharp claws extended from the open toes of his boots. “What if I want to stay?”
Shepard glared at him. “Why should you stay? After what your clan did to our landing party this morning and us to you, shouldn’t you be regrouping?”
Why in the frozen hells was she crying? What was it about this turian of all people that had her feeling vulnerable as a new babe? She should kill him—he’d be back tonight with more men and slit her throat in her sleep. A small voice she couldn’t name told her that he wouldn’t do that. Not him. Not ever. 
“My name is Garrus,” the turian replied instead. “There are those who call me Archangel, but . . . it’s just Garrus, for you.” 
Shepard forced herself to look at him. Really look at him. He was tall and lean, as most turians were, and covered in metallic looking plates. He wore a deep blue tabard with the Vakarian family crest stitched out in thread-of-gold across his chest. A brown leather belt with well-made leggings and fine boots completed his attire. Not some common foot soldier or hunter turned mercenary, Shepard mused. Her eyes settled on the longbow laying at Garrus’ feet. It was nearly as tall as he was and looked like it was made of black yew wood. An expensive weapon. One only someone with a high tier could afford. 
Shepard’s eyes went wide as she realized who Garrus must be. “You’re the Primarch’s son.”
He dipped his head in acknowledgement, a hand moving to rub the back of his neck. Shepard was no expert on turian expressions but she’d swear Garrus looked embarrassed. 
Bright blue eyes met hers. “You seem to know me and my lineage, yet I confess, I have yet to learn your name.”
Shepard hesitated a moment before discarding any notion of subterfuge. What was the point? He could have killed her and hadn’t. She could have killed him and didn’t. Besides all that, she wanted to know him. “Commander Jane Shepard,” she said. “You can call me Shepard.”
Garrus extended his hand in a human gesture of greeting. “A pleasure to meet you, Shepard.” 
Shepard slipped her smaller hand into his. It was like being struck by lightning. There was a jolt, a suffusion of warmth flooding her veins, an invisible push in his direction. They collided at the same time, Garrus likewise shoved by an unseen force. 
She grasped onto his cowl, feeling like she were trapped in an undertow, liable to be swept away in the exultant rush of emotions, apt to drown in the depths of a feeling humanity blithely called ‘soulmates.’ Her skin tingled and she was hyper aware of Garrus’ proximity; the rough calluses of his three-fingered hands and prick of talons through her tunic where he held her waist. His pupils dilating and eclipsing the blue of his irises while his subvocals stuttered and a deep, percussive purr sundered in his chest. 
Shepard exhaled. “Oh.” 
Garrus lifted a shaky hand to gently brush away an errant lock of hair. “It is you,” he whispered, reverent. “You feel it too?”
She gazed up at him, feeling more a maiden than seasoned berserker. Her mouth parted to answer—
Shepard pulled herself free from the whirlpool of Garrus’ presence to peer into the murky distance. “The others are looking for me,” she muttered. How long had she been gone? Sudden fear squeezed her heart as she considered what would happen if Garrus were discovered. She gave him a forceful shove. “They mustn’t see you. Go! Hurry!”
Garrus moved as though in a daze, stooping to retrieve his bow and taking a few tentative steps backward. “I’ll find you,” he swore. “I’ll come back for you, my dea.” 
Before Shepard could respond he was sprinting; a glimmer of lancing starlight through the gloam, a shape half-seen on the edge of the forest. We’ll find each other, she promised herself, even as Kaidan and Ashley came into view, helmets donned and axes at hand. What joke of the gods is it that my other half should be an ancestral foe, on ground my kin intend to soak in blue blood?
She turned towards her comrades, trying to shake off the chill that had settled over her like heavy snow with Garrus’ departure. The others would want to know what she’d been doing out here, alone in the dark. “Searching for answers,” she’d tell them. “Considering what to do next.”
She’d omit her blue eyed archer. That whatever came next, Garrus would play a major role. For now, she kept her soulmate sheltered within the confines of her rib cage, a constant companion to her own beating heart.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Reader is a vampire who got her heart broken and went to the Volturi to try and get herself killed because of it, but she was so upset she failed to realize the spark she felt with the kings.
❝the flame that burns for you❞
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✭ pairing : volturi kings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) has her heart broken by a male who she thought out to be her mate turns out that was simply a mind trick he played on her to think, thinking she was to go without a true mate she seeks out the volturi to end her misery but blinded by sadness she doesn’t see the bond in the makings 
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The night was cool, and the moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows through the dense forest. (Y/N) moved silently through the trees, her senses sharp and keen. As a vampire, hunting was a necessity, and she had grown skilled at it over the centuries. Her crimson eyes scanned the darkness, searching for the telltale signs of prey.
But tonight, her thoughts were not solely focused on the hunt. She couldn't shake the unease that had settled in her chest since earlier in the evening. Leo, her vampire lover, had been acting strangely lately, distant and secretive. She couldn't pinpoint the source of his change in behavior, but it gnawed at her.
Eventually, (Y/N)'s hunt proved successful, and she returned to the secluded cabin she shared with Leo. She pushed through the creaky wooden door, her senses still on high alert. The scent of another woman hung heavily in the air, a scent she recognized all too well.
As she stepped further into the dimly lit cabin, her heart pounded in her chest. There, in their shared bedroom, she found Leo entangled with another woman, their bodies pressed together in an intimate embrace. (Y/N)'s voice trembled as she whispered his name, her world crumbling around her.
Leo pulled away from the other woman, his eyes widening in shock as he turned to face (Y/N). Guilt etched across his features, but there was something else there, something sinister.
"(Y/N), I can explain," he stammered, but she couldn't bear to hear his excuses.
Tears welled up in her crimson eyes as she confronted him. "I trusted you, Leo. I thought we were mates, bound for eternity."
Leo's gaze shifted away from hers, and a cruel smile played at his lips. "Ah, yes, about that," he said, his voice dripping with deceit. "You see, I used my ability to force those thoughts into your mind. We were never true mates, (Y/N)."
Her heart shattered as Leo's confession hung in the air. All this time, she had believed in their love, in their eternal bond, and it had all been a lie. The tears spilled down her pale cheeks as she realized the depth of his betrayal.
"You're lying," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Why, Leo? Why would you do this to me?"
Leo's smile widened, his true nature revealed. "Because, my dear (Y/N), I grew tired of you. It was time for a change, a new companion."
Her world collapsed around her, and she turned away from him, unable to bear the sight of the vampire she had thought was her mate. In that moment, she felt utterly alone, her heartache too much to bear.
Without another word, she fled the cabin, her mind consumed by despair and a newfound determination. She had lost everything, even the belief in her true mate. With nothing left to live for, she made a fateful decision.
She would seek out the Volturi, the ancient vampire council, and ask for the ultimate release from her immortal existence. For (Y/N) believed that without a true mate, her eternity was meaningless, and she would rather face the cold embrace of death than live with the agony of betrayal.
The grand halls of the Volturi castle were as imposing as the legends suggested. (Y/N) stood before the towering doors, her heart heavy with despair, as she awaited her audience with the three vampire kings. She had traveled a long, lonely journey to reach this point, and now she could only hope that they would grant her request for death.
Finally, the massive doors creaked open, revealing the regal figures of Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the rulers of the Volturi. (Y/N) stepped inside, her eyes locking onto Aro's penetrating gaze. She felt vulnerable and exposed under his scrutiny, but there was no turning back now.
"I have come to seek an audience," she said, her voice steady but laced with desperation.
Aro, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, gestured for her to approach. "Of course, my dear. What brings you to our doorstep?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her resolve firm, as she spoke her darkest desire. "I seek death, my lords. Please, end my immortal existence."
The three kings exchanged glances, and Caius, with a trace of disdain, remarked, "And why should we grant such a request? You have committed no crimes worthy of death."
Desperation clawed at her, and (Y/N) explained, "I have exposed our kind to humans. I led them to our presence before hunting them. I have brought shame upon our kind."
Aro's eyes lit up with intrigue as he leaned in closer. "Tell us more, my dear. How did you expose us?"
With a heavy heart, (Y/N) recounted the events that had transpired with Leo, the man she had believed to be her mate. She told of how they had shown themselves to humans before feeding on them, their reckless actions endangering the secrecy of the vampire world.
Aro listened intently, and when she finished, he spoke, "Indeed, this is a grave transgression. However, my dear, it is not you who killed those humans, but your mate. By our laws, you are not directly responsible."
(Y/N)'s hope dwindled as Aro continued, "And as for your request for death, we cannot grant it. Your actions, while reckless, do not warrant such a punishment."
Tears welled up in her crimson eyes, and she looked down, defeated. "Then what am I to do? I cannot bear the weight of my existence any longer."
It was Marcus who had remained silent throughout the exchange, his thoughtful gaze fixed on (Y/N). Suddenly, he spoke, his voice barely more than a whisper, "Aro, there is something I see."
Aro turned to Marcus, his interest piqued. "What do you see, my brother?"
Marcus gestured towards (Y/N), and his eyes met Aro's with a knowing look. "I see a bond forming, a connection between her and us, Aro."
Aro's eyes widened with realization, and he nodded slowly. "You are right, Marcus. There is an unseen bond, a unique connection between us."
(Y/N) was bewildered, unable to comprehend what they were discussing. "What are you talking about?"
Aro smiled, though it held a hint of mystery. "My dear, we have decided not to grant your request for death, but we will not tell you why. There is something about you, a connection that has intrigued us. You may stay with us, and we shall monitor this bond closely."
Confusion and uncertainty swirled within (Y/N), but she had little choice but to accept their decision. She had come seeking an end to her existence, and now she was tethered to the enigmatic Volturi kings, with a destiny she could not fathom.
As (Y/N) resigned herself to her fate, the bond between herself, Aro, Caius, and Marcus continued to strengthen, its purpose shrouded in secrecy and uncertainty, a mystery that would reshape her eternity in ways she could never have imagined.
Days turned into weeks within the chambers the Volturi had granted (Y/N). She had become a ghost of her former self, plagued by the weight of her existence and the enigmatic bond she shared with Aro, Caius, and Marcus. She couldn't understand why they kept her around, why they refused to grant her the death she so desperately craved.
Depression had settled in her heart like a never-ending storm, chaining her to the dark solitude of her chambers. She had little reason to venture beyond those walls, for her existence had become a relentless torment.
One gloomy evening, (Y/N) made a decision that would shatter the fragile status quo. She slipped out of her chambers and into the dimly lit corridors of the Volturi castle. Her crimson eyes, devoid of hope, glistened with tears as she walked towards the imposing front gates. She intended to reveal herself to the world, to expose her vampire nature, and force the Volturi's hand to end her suffering.
As she stepped into the moonlight just beyond the castle's entrance, a cold, iron grip seized her by the arm. Before she could react, Caius had her pinned to the castle wall with inhuman strength. Marcus and Aro appeared swiftly, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.
Aro's voice carried a tone of confusion as he asked, "My dear (Y/N), why would you do such a thing?"
Tears streamed down her face as she choked out the painful truth. "I wished for you to have a crime to kill me for. To end this misery."
Marcus, usually serene and detached, grew serious. "You must not endanger yourself like that again."
"Why?" (Y/N) cried out in despair. "What is the point of keeping me here, torturing me with this existence?"
Caius, his voice harsh and unforgiving, finally spoke, "Because we are mates."
(Y/N) froze, her mind struggling to process the words. "What...what do you mean?"
Aro, always the one to explain, took a step forward. "When you first came to us seeking death, Marcus saw a bond forming between the four of us. A connection that defies explanation. That is why we keep you here."
Tears welled up in her crimson eyes once more, but this time it was disbelief that washed over her. "It's another mind trick, isn't it? A way to keep me here, to torment me further."
Marcus's voice held an uncharacteristic warmth as he assured her, "No, (Y/N), it is not a trick. We may not fully understand it ourselves, but this bond is real. We are connected, and that is why we cannot let you go."
Aro continued, "We believe that this bond serves a purpose, one that we are meant to discover together."
Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, (Y/N) struggled to accept this revelation. She had come seeking an end to her existence, only to discover that her destiny was inexplicably tied to the enigmatic Volturi kings. As they surrounded her, their faces filled with a strange mixture of determination and compassion, she couldn't help but wonder what awaited them all in this unforeseen journey of their immortal lives.
Centuries had passed since (Y/N) had discovered her inexplicable bond with the Volturi kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Their unique connection had grown stronger with time, forging a sense of unity that transcended the boundaries of conventional vampire relationships. Yet, one desire continued to linger in (Y/N)'s immortal heart—a longing for a family of their own.
However, the cruel irony of their existence was that vampires could not procreate, and so (Y/N) had resigned herself to the reality that they would never have children. It was a source of sorrow that cast a shadow over their otherwise harmonious existence.
But the Volturi kings were not ones to accept defeat easily. Their power and influence extended far and wide, and they were well aware of the extraordinary circumstances that had allowed Edward and Bella Cullen to conceive a child. It was a vampire-human hybrid, a rarity that defied nature itself.
One moonless night, the three kings convened in their chambers, their minds focused on a daring plan that could grant (Y/N)'s deepest wish. They had watched humans for months, identifying three women who lived on the fringes of society, with no family or loved ones to speak of.
Aro, his eyes gleaming with ambition, explained their audacious plan. "We shall offer these women unimaginable riches and comfort in exchange for their cooperation in carrying our children."
Caius, ever the pragmatist, added, "They mustn’t know that this childbirth will claim their lives. They will bear vampire-human hybrid children, a feat that defies nature and carries a heavy price."
Marcus, the most reserved of the trio, nodded in agreement. "As long as we must ensure that (Y/N)'s dream of a family is fulfilled."
With their plan firmly in place, the Volturi kings set out to find the three chosen women. They were drawn from the darkness of the streets with promises of wealth and luxury, but with full disclosure of the mortal peril that awaited them.
The women, each facing their own desperate circumstances, agreed to the pact. For them, the lure of riches and a comfortable life was too tempting to resist, even if the circumstances were unnatural.
As the months passed, (Y/N) watched over the three women, their bellies growing with the unnatural life they carried within them. The bond between her and the Volturi kings deepened, as they shared the anticipation of their unconventional family's arrival.
The day of the births arrived, and the Volturi kings were present, their power ensuring a safe and painless delivery for the women. Yet, as the first cry of a hybrid infant echoed through the room, a solemn truth hung in the air—the women had fulfilled their part of the bargain, but their mortal lives had come to an end.
As the women's life forces faded, their final breaths marked the beginning of a new chapter for (Y/N) and the Volturi kings. They had achieved the impossible, a family that defied the laws of nature itself.
The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the chambers where (Y/N) and her three children, Hades, Rosemary, and Juliet, were gathered. It was a nightly ritual, a moment of connection and comfort as they settled in for a bedtime story.
Hades, with his ebony hair and piercing red eyes like his father Caius, nestled close to his mother. Rosemary, her dark hair cascading in waves like Marcus, and Juliet, with Aro's striking features, eagerly awaited their mother's story. They had always wondered why they looked different from their beloved mother.
(Y/N) smiled down at her inquisitive children and began her tale. "Once upon a time, my dear children, your fathers and I longed for a family, just like this one. But, you see, I am a vampire, and vampires cannot have children."
Hades, Rosemary, and Juliet exchanged curious glances, their young minds eager for the story to unfold.
"We knew we needed help from something greater than ourselves," (Y/N) continued, "so we asked the gods above for a miracle. The gods listened to our plea and decided to create you, my precious triplets."
The children's eyes widened with wonder, and Hades asked, "How did the gods make us, Mother?"
"They sculpted you from clay, molding each of you with care," (Y/N) explained. "They gave you looks that matched your fathers, so you would carry their essence within you."
Rosemary, her gift resembling Marcus's but with a unique twist, interjected, "Does that mean that our other sibling will look like you then someday, Mother?"
(Y/N) blinked in confusion, not aware of any such plans. "Another sibling? I'm not sure what you mean, my dear."
Hades, with his unusual ability to grant wishes, smiled warmly. "I wished for a sibling, Mother. I know I am not suppose to use my abilities but I couldn’t help it mama.”
Understanding dawned on (Y/N)'s face as she placed her hand over her stomach, a mixture of surprise and joy washing over her. "You wished for a sibling?"
The children nodded enthusiastically, and Rosemary added, "And the gods listened, just like they did for us."
A wave of emotion overcame (Y/N) as she realized the profound love and unity that bound her unique family together. She had longed for a family, and now, through a combination of divine intervention and her children's wishes, she was about to experience the joy of motherhood once more.
With a radiant smile, she whispered, "Yes, my darlings, it seems you will have another sibling soon, and this time, it will be a gift from your brother Hades and the gods who watch over us."
As (Y/N) tucked her three children into their beds, their hearts filled with excitement and anticipation for the arrival of a new member of their extraordinary family. The gods had indeed smiled upon them, bestowing them with a love that transcended the boundaries of existence.
(Y/N) gathered her three mates after three days of avoiding them. Aro, Caius, and Marcus, in their private chambers to share the astonishing news. The air was heavy with tension and curiosity as she began to speak.
"I have something incredible to tell you all," she began, her voice filled with awe. "Hades, our dear son, used his unique ability to make a wish."
The three Volturi kings exchanged puzzled glances. "A wish?" Aro inquired, intrigued.
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "Yes, he wished for a sibling, a brother or sister to join our family."
Caius raised an eyebrow, skepticism in his gaze. "But, my love, we are vampires. We cannot conceive children."
A mischievous smile played on (Y/N)'s lips. "That's the remarkable part. Unlike a regular pregnancy, I have come to find out that I had only been pregnant for three days."
Aro's eyes widened with astonishment, and Marcus, usually the most reserved of the trio, leaned forward in anticipation. "Three days? How is that even possible?"
(Y/N) explained, "Just as our transformation into vampires takes three days, this pregnancy was swift, almost like a supernatural event. And now, I have given birth to our newest addition."
With that, she unveiled a small bundle in her arms, revealing a beautiful baby boy with the softest, snow-white hair any of them had ever seen. His pure appearance was a stark contrast to the vampiric features of his siblings.
Caius, Marcus, and Aro stared in awe at the newborn, their initial skepticism giving way to profound wonder and love. The bond that connected them all was as strong as ever, and they welcomed the newest member of their unique family with open hearts.
Hades, who had been waiting anxiously outside the chambers, entered and joined his mothers, his eyes filled with pride. "I wished for his existence, so I get to pick his name right?”
His three fathers exchanged amused glances and nodded in agreement. "Very well, Hades," Aro said, "What shall we name him?"
Hades grinned and announced proudly, "I name him 'Sunny,' because he brings light to our lives, and he's different from all of us, like a ray of sunshine."
The name 'Sunny' was met with smiles and nods of approval, and they all took turns cradling the precious newborn in their arms. Sunny's arrival had defied all expectations, but he was a cherished addition to their family, a symbol of the love and unity that bound them together.
In the days that followed, Hades proudly introduced his new baby brother to Rosemary and Juliet, who showered Sunny with affection and adoration. The Volturi castle echoed with the laughter and joy of their growing family, as they reveled in the miracle of Sunny's existence.
For (Y/N) and her mates, their family was like no other in the vampire world—a testament to the extraordinary bonds of love, sacrifice, and the unexpected miracles that could unfold even in their immortal lives.
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sotwk · 9 months
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1st Day of Yule: “A Partridge in a Pear Tree”
Crown Prince Thranduil & Princess Maereth
Second Age 3430 
Bar Lasgalen, Palace of the Crown Prince
In all his three and a half thousand years of existence, Thranduil was certain he had never before held anything so precious, so desperately in need of his protection, even while the tiny fist that clutched his forefinger already boasted of a strength that made his heart swell with wonder and pride. 
He tugged the swaddling clothes up higher to sufficiently cover the newborn’s head, before stepping out into the balcony and the cold winter's night. He held the babe aloft for a moment, so that the legion of stars might meet and kiss his face with their light before fading into the dawn. 
But something else, something less expected, greeted them in the morning twilight. From far off, unseen voices carried faintly across the sprawling, snow-covered palace grounds, singing in chorus a sweet hymn so old, as ancient as Eryn Galen’s trees, that even he could not understand all the words of the Nandorin blessing.
“Our people welcome you, ion nin.” Thranduil chuckled at the gurgle he received in response. Such keen curiosity shone in those wandering little eyes, that already sought to take in the wide world he had just entered!
Tonight they were given privacy and peace. Tomorrow, well-wishers will descend upon Bar Lasgalen and the great feasting will start. King Oropher had already declared and made arrangements for a kingdom-wide celebration in honor of his new grandchild. The heir to his heir, the future of his house, the scion of his line. It pleased Thranduil that his father had finally set aside his grievances concerning lineage and did not let it mar his excitement over the newborn prince. 
Yet a persistent cloud cast a shadow of unease over Thranduil's boundless joy. His knowledge of the Darkness stirring in the lands beyond their realm weighed on him, more heavily now that he carried a priceless treasure in his arms. The enemy threats they thought they could dismiss as distant and outside of their concerns, suddenly felt too close and too real to him, too unsafe to ignore and leave unquelled.
As father and son retreated back into the warmth of the royal chambers, Thranduil sensed his wife stirring behind the sheer curtains of their canopied bed, waking from her much-needed rest. 
“Can I bring you anything, Endanya? Are you hungry? Shall I send for food?” He did not doubt his wife’s great strength, but she had yet to properly eat after her long labor, and in the days leading up to the birth she would consume only the golden pears she craved, a rare fruit that grew in the valley of Imladris where she had previously lived. Elrond himself had sent baskets of it across the mountain to Eryn Galen, making time for this gesture of care even in the midst of a rising crisis. However well-intentioned, this kindness added to Thranduil's burden of obligation to their old friend.
“No, my love.” Maereth smiled and reached out with a hand that Thranduil immediately took inside his own. “I have everything I need right here.”
“I never imagined I could love anyone anywhere close to how much I love you,” Thranduil shifted his gaze from her lovely face to that of the infant that had now fallen back asleep, content in the curve of his arm. “But this one has firmly taken his place second in line.”
He knelt at his Queen's bedside to bring their son closer to her. Maereth brushed her hand lightly over the baby's head of fine hair, silver as the starlight, just like his. 
“I will do everything in my power to protect you both,” the prince said suddenly. “To the last breath in my body, I will do what I must. I will not let any danger or evil come near either of you.”
He knew she understood his meaning, and that she believed him; she always did. But she squeezed his hand and leaned over to kiss his forehead. 
“Leave those vows for the morrow, Melmenya,” she whispered. “For now, let us keep our thoughts on the gift we have been given. On Mirion.”
“Our Mirion,” Thranduil agreed, carefully returning the sleeping child to his mother's bosom. “Finally, a jewel I could agree is worth marching to war for.”
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Yuletide Series MASTERLIST
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Yule Event Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @spacecluster @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @acornsandoaktrees @warriormirkwood @emmanuellececchi
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
maybe wars and twi talking about their interactions with midna?
I got a little carried away here, ngl 😭 I’m not sure if this is what you meant specifically, but here you go! (It’s 675 words)
It was a quiet evening, the rustling leaves and crashing waves consumed Twilight’s thoughts as he sat with his bare feet dangling in the river. He tried to let the sensations of the living world around him fill his mind so he didn’t have to focus on the ache in his chest where he felt something missing.
He’d stepped away from the group for a moment, overwhelmed by how loud they got when it came time to unwind from the day and tell stories, but he hadn’t been prepared for how far his mind would wander when he was alone. He almost wished he’d just stayed with his brothers.
“Twi?” A soft voice called and he jumped, whipping around to find the captain walking towards him. “Oh, there you are.”
Warriors had changed into his sleep tunic, and he looked a bit like he’d just woken up from a nap, his normally perfect hair was a bit messy and he blinked slowly like he was only half awake. He took off his boots before sitting down next to Twilight on the river’s bank. Twilight expected his brother to start rambling on about something, maybe to even start complaining about the frigid water they were both dangling their feet in, but the captain stayed surprisingly silent.
The absence of chatter allowed Twilight’s mind to drift further. Memories of his journey, his adventure with Midna came to the front of his mind, and he found himself fighting to hold back tears the longer he thought of her. He missed her so much some days his chest ached.
“Do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls?” Twilight whispered eventually when he was unable to bear the silence.
“Hm?” Warriors hummed softly, turning his head to look at him. Twilight couldn’t bring himself to look the captain in the eyes just yet so he kept his gaze trained on the water.
“They say it’s the only time our world intersects with theirs…”
“You talkin’ about the Twili?” Warriors asked, and Twilight’s head snapped so fast to look at him his neck hurt.
“You know about the Twili??” He choked out, eyes wide. The captain looked frustratingly calm, as if this were a very normal conversation for two friends to be having at dusk.
“Yeah,” the man shrugged. “I uh, I knew this one Twili girl. She absolutely kicked my ass once in a training ring, and I couldn’t look her in the eyes again for a week after because she bet me I couldn’t last five minutes in a fight against her and she was right...”
“Sounds like the one I knew…” Twilight said softly, looking back down at his lap. “
“Yeah, she rode around on this spirit wolf too,” Warriors continued. “Said it reminded her of someone she had to leave behind.”
He stared back up at the captain, unaware of how he’d stopped breathing. A spirit wolf?? Someone she left behind??
“H- How did you know her?” Twilight forced himself to ask.
Warriors let out a small sigh, leaning back and crossing his legs. “She came to help us fight a battle I don’t think we could’ve won on our own. She wasn’t the only one, a lot of people from across time came to help us.
“Across time??”
“Yeah,” the captain nodded, taking in a deep breath before he went on. “I… I know she was important to you, Twilight. I figured out it was you she was talking about all that time when I found out you were Wolfie.”
“You really knew Midna?” He whispered. Warriors smiled at him softly.
“Yeah, I did,” his brother told him. “She missed you a lot, I can only imagine how much you miss her too.”
Tears were blurring his vision, and Twilight had to look away, but when Warriors reached out to pull him close, he let himself melt into his brother’s side. He was glad the captain had come to find him, as much as he missed Midna, he felt a little less alone.
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