#Bella swan
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tomz-fucked-ur-mum · 18 hours ago
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catednlp · 12 hours ago
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Twilight // (2008) — dir. Catherine Hardwicke
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cece693 · 1 day ago
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I wanted to begin writing for twilight again, but didn't have any ideas for who. So this fic is mostly be just going with the flow.
Sparkling Awkwardness
pairing: jasper whitlock x male reader x edward cullen tags: you are a newborn, but even then you can't catch a break, tug of war between two vampires, comedic elements, pre-relationship, reader is not that old, newborn vampire
In Forks, Washington, the perpetual gray skies had always been your friend—before and after you became a vampire. But not even the cozy gloom of the Pacific Northwest could hide the shimmering tension stirring between Jasper and Edward over you, of all people.
You never asked to be so desirable; you certainly hadn’t been in your human life. But now, you were a shiny new vampire with a perfect complexion and a magnetic personality—at least, so you’d been told. You still felt like the same slightly clumsy, socially awkward guy, except you no longer tripped over your own feet unless you were actively trying to blend in. It was weird. Oh, and apparently, both Jasper and Edward thought you might be their “mate.” That word alone was enough to give you hives if your skin could still do that. It made everything feel predetermined—a cosmic real-estate deal on your afterlife.
No, thank you.
You plopped down on the gleaming white couch, adopting what you hoped was a casual position. Edward sat at the piano bench, absentmindedly letting his fingers hover over the keys, while Jasper paced near the staircase. They were doing that silent eye-contact thing—what you liked to call “vampire telepathy” (you knew it was actually Edward reading thoughts and Jasper sensing emotions, but still). Either way, you were definitely the topic, if the frequent side-eye glances were any indication.
You cleared your throat, forcing a grin. “So, are we going to continue the silent stare-off, or do I need to crack a few jokes to break this tension?”
Edward turned to you, lips curving into a tight, apologetic smile. “Sorry,” he murmured softly. “Old habits.”
“You guys have old habits? You’re basically the definition of ancient habits,” you teased. “I’m the new kid on the block. Cut me some slack. I’ve only been a vampire for—what—three months?”
Jasper stopped mid-pace, sending you a faint smirk. “If it helps, you’re doing a fine job adjusting. No unintentional biting incidents this week.”
“I appreciate the recognition. We can add it to my vampire résumé,” you said, only half-joking. “Next up: perfecting the sparkle. Do you think if I rub my cheek up against a disco ball, I’ll blind everyone within a two-mile radius?”
Edward’s eyes sparkled with suppressed amusement. “Might be a bit dramatic, even for us.”
Jasper shrugged. “No more dramatic than having two vampires fight over you, I reckon.”
You grimaced, nose scrunching. “Yeah, about that.” You cast them both a meaningful look. “Are you two really fighting over me? Because I’m not exactly used to…you know, this.”
“Yes,” Edward said at the exact same time Jasper said, “Of course.” Then they flicked irritated glances at each other, as if each wished the other had said anything else.
When Carlisle brought you home after that near-fatal accident, you had been delirious and bleeding out. Edward, in typical heroic fashion, had insisted on saving you. Next thing you knew, there you were: newly turned, hungry for blood, and fitted with a brand-new wardrobe courtesy of Alice.
You’d spent the early days stumbling through the house, flinching whenever someone shut a door too loudly. But from the get-go, you noticed two sets of molten gold eyes on you more than the others: Jasper’s and Edward’s.
You didn’t think much of it at first—maybe they were just protective. But it quickly escalated from polite overprotectiveness to…whatever this was. Tense stands in the living room. Soft arguments at midnight. That time Jasper accidentally crushed a chair arm because Edward “invaded your personal space.” Or the time Edward snarled under his breath for no apparent reason when you innocently asked Jasper for some sparring tips.
Needless to say, that’s when you began to suspect something was afoot. And apparently, that something was the so-called mate bond. You still didn’t buy it.
A creak on the polished floor made you realize you’d been tapping your foot anxiously—only to discover it was Jasper edging closer to you. He had that concerned older-brother-turned-smitten-face again. Meanwhile, Edward looked up from the piano, watching you like you were the only thing in the room worth paying attention to (besides maybe the antique piano itself).
You sighed, addressing them both. “So, as fun as it is being the center of your undead soap opera, can we talk about the whole ‘mate’ thing? I still don’t buy into it.”
Edward studied you, a hint of a frown creasing his perfect forehead. “I’ve heard your thoughts,” he began, “and I understand why you’re—”
“You heard my thoughts?” you cut in, eyes narrowing. “Hey, man, that’s private property up there. At least charge admission.”
A sheepish smile briefly pulled at his lips. “I try to respect your privacy, but strong emotions tend to overflow.”
Your cheeks heated (which was impossible, physically, but you felt it). You cleared your throat. “Well, guess I should keep my strong emotions dialed down—like that’s even possible. I’m brand-new at this vamp thing. I can’t walk across the room without rearranging furniture accidentally.”
Jasper let out a low laugh. It instantly relaxed some of the tension in the room—he couldn’t help broadcasting some of that relaxation to you, as was his empathetic gift. “I’ve got no intention of forcing you into anything,” he said gently. “It’s just…I feel how your emotions waver between us. It’s intense.”
You threw up your hands. “I can’t help it! You two are like walking advertisement campaigns for impossibly cool vampires. I mean, Edward, you’ve got that brooding poet vibe, and sometimes your hair looks like you walked off a shampoo commercial—”
He seemed surprised. “I—thank you?”
You went on. “Jasper, you’re the calm center in a raging storm, and plus, that Southern drawl is kinda hot. Sorry, is that weird to say out loud?”
Jasper blinked. “It’s— it’s not unwelcome.”
Edward’s lips twitched in a smile. “So, you do admit you feel…something?”
“Well, yeah!” you exclaimed. “But does that mean I have to pick and stamp a romantic label on it right now? Because that’s a lot of pressure.” You flopped back against the couch dramatically. “Especially when I’m trying to figure out why my sparkles look more like glitter glue than fancy vampire confetti in the sunlight.”
You heard a snicker and glanced to the side. Emmett was leaning in the doorway, arms folded across his chest, thoroughly entertained. Alice stood behind him, grinning like this was the funniest show on earth.
“You’re both about one push away from a territorial meltdown,” Emmett teased his brothers. “And I, for one, can’t wait to see who’s gonna punch whom first.”
Jasper shot him a warning look. “Not helpful, Emmett.”
Edward winced. “I’d prefer if we avoided violence.”
You rubbed your temples. “Yes, please, let’s not have that. It’s already complicated enough without fistfights.”
“Aw, come on,” Emmett drawled, “vampire fights are the best. It’ll be over in about two seconds and destroy half the house. Great entertainment, if you ask me.”
Alice laughed behind her hand. “I saw a vision of that once. Rosalie was not happy about the furniture repairs.”
In an effort to shift the mood, you sat up straight, cleared your throat, and pointed at Edward and Jasper in turn. “First, you.” You locked eyes with Edward. “Stop reading my cringe-worthy daydreams—I can’t handle that level of exposure.”
He pressed his lips together in a teasing way, then nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
“Second,” you said, turning to Jasper, “no more flooding me with calm vibes to manipulate me into hugging you for, like, five minutes at a time.”
Jasper put a hand to his chest, feigning offense. “I don’t do that on purpose. Usually,” he added under his breath.
“And third,” you said, scanning between them, “I don’t want either of you jumping to assumptions about being my ‘mate.’ I don’t even know what that truly means aside from it being the vampire version of destiny. Maybe I’m too new to see the big picture, but…” You shrugged, folding your arms. “I’m not ready to commit. I like you both. Deal with it.”
Edward’s eyes flickered with relief and a shade of disappointment simultaneously, as though he’d half-expected you to declare an immediate eternal bond. Jasper gave you a solemn nod, managing a small, humble smile.
“So you want to, what, keep this casual?” Edward asked.
“I want to keep living—uh, un-living—my new existence,” you corrected, “without strapping myself into an epic love saga just yet. Let me be a baby vampire who can’t even do a normal grocery run without wanting to pass out from the smell of raw hamburger.” Your voice dropped into a mock superhero tone: “Time to buy more steak sauce, but oh wait, I can’t eat human food anymore.”
A strained silence passed, then Edward sighed, letting the corners of his mouth lift. “Fair enough.”
Jasper stepped closer, just enough that he could have touched your arm, but he hesitated. “And if we…I don’t know, slip up? If one of us tries to edge the other one out?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You both have about a century of experience on me. I promise, if you slip up, I will find some comedic way to remind you. Maybe I’ll laminate a scoreboard.”
At that, Jasper chuckled quietly. Edward dipped his head, biting back a grin. It seemed the cold war between them was cooling off—somewhat.
Emmett broke into a broad smile. “Aw, man, a scoreboard. Please put me in charge of that. I’ll keep track of who gets the most time with you. Strictly for comedic purposes, of course.”
From across the house, Rosalie’s voice rang out, “Don’t encourage them!”
As the sun sank below Forks’ ever-present clouds, you rose from the couch, nearly tripping over the rug on your way to the door—reflexively, Jasper grabbed your elbow, steadying you. Edward hovered just behind you, poised to catch you if you stumbled further.
“Thanks,” you murmured to both of them, awkwardly aware of their closeness. Being flanked by two protective vampires had once seemed terrifying, but now it felt…comforting. Still weird, though.
“We’re not going to solve everything tonight,” you said, taking a purposeful step back so you could see them both—and so you didn’t spontaneously lean into someone’s chest. “Let’s just agree not to tear each other apart, yeah?”
Edward extended a hand toward Jasper, as if to form a truce. Jasper eyed it warily for a moment before accepting the gesture in a calm, if reluctant, handshake. “Alright,” Edward said. “No tearing each other apart.”
Jasper nodded. “Can do.”
Feeling a spark of mischief, you clapped your hands. “Great. That’s one less lawsuit for Dr. Cullen to worry about. In the meantime, Emmett—please start designing that scoreboard.”
“On it!” Emmett crowed from the doorway.
“Have a good night, you two,” you said to Jasper and Edward. Then, with a flash of a grin, you headed for the stairs, half-dreading, half-anticipating the comedic fiascos tomorrow was sure to bring. Behind you, you heard their faint conversation:
(Edward) “He’s definitely going to drive us insane, isn’t he?”
(Jasper) “Yep.”
(Edward) “… And you’re okay with that?”
(Jasper) “I think I am.”
Your lips quirked into a smile. Even if you didn’t believe in mates, you had to admit—it felt pretty good having not just one, but two admirers who thought you were worth fighting for. Sure, you still sparkled like a glitter bomb gone awry, and your vampiric existence remained confusing at best. But if that’s the price of comedic immortality… well, you could live—er, un-live—with that.
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 days ago
I watched the Harry Potter saga and now I can't stop wondering!
The Cullens' reaction when their partner comes up to them and tells them they have something important to show him, and they take out their cell phone and show Cedric (a Harry Potter character) who looks just like Edward (let's ignore the fact that it's the same actor)
The Cullens when you show them Cedric Diggory
I think this is such a funny concept so hopefully this is good
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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So concerned
He tries his best to play it off and say that he doesn't really look like him
But he can't deny that he does
He goes on a whole deep dive of the actor and watches everything with him in it obsessively
"See he has a mustache in this one he doesn't look like me"
"He literally just looks like you with a mustache"
He won't admit it but he kinda wants to meet the guy
Just to see if they're really as similar as they look
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Thinks it's hilarious
It's only made funnier when Edward keeps completely overreacting
She prints out pictures of the actor and tapes his face over Edward's in family portraits
He does not find this funny
She teases him about it a lot
Calls him by various names of other characters the guy has played
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He thinks it's funny, sure
But he doesn't care nearly as much as Edward does
And he doesn't take as much joy in teasing him as Alice and Emmett do
So when you show him he chuckles a little
But he honestly doesn't give it much more thought after that
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She honestly gets a little jealous
Like wdym Edward gets a celebrity lookalike and she doesn't
But other than the initial annoyance she doesn't care
She helps Alice and Emmett with their pranks
But she doesn't go out of her way to prank him herself
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This is comedy gold to him
And especially once you told him that Cedric dies (spoliers sorry)
He was insufferable
He pretended Edward was dead
And that he could still hear his voice like a ghost
Help Alice cut and print all the photos of the actor and replace Edward with him
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She thinks it's interesting
She's seen a movie or two with him in it and never made the connection
Sees it as just a little fun fact
After all there are like 7 people who look just like you or smthn like that
Or maybe that's wrong idk
But she doesn't think it's too weird
She likes to imagine that her son is famous <3
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He's not surprised
Over his many years of living and traveling, he's come across many people who look exactly like other people
It's a common thing
Especially when you've been around a lot
He reassures Edward that it's okay and he doesn't need to be worried about anything
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Vampire! Bella:
She was alive around the time HP 4 came out
I like to think she was an avid reader/watcher of the series
She never made the connection until you pointed it out
So she then proceeds to gush to Edward about how Cedric was one of her crushes
He absolutely hates it
She's joking
But he doesn't need to know that
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skintyfiia · 11 hours ago
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for once i dont hate this and yes i drew her again
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akayna · 1 day ago
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laughingoutcast · 2 days ago
Bro twilight fanfic writers will write literal Shakespearean bars before clocking into their 9 to 5 and I support it 1000%
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 2 days ago
What if Smeyer had opted to give Edward a love interest similar to how she gave Bella, Jacob? A love square. Would canon change or would Edward still wind up with Bella?
In Some Sense She Did
There are people other than Bella interested in Edward canonically.
In Twilight, we immediately meet Jessica who has been low-key crushing on Edward for a while... and is dealing with the mortifying fallout of Edward having said "ew no".
Later, we meet the more realistic threat of Tanya, who is revealed to have been asking Edward to bang her for a very long time. Edward has also said "ew no" to this continually--albeit in a nicer way as he actually likes Tanya (certainly a lot more than Jessica Stanley).
Because of this, and the fact that Tanya is a hot blonde vampire who has known Edward much longer, Bella is... not entirely comfortable with Tanya.
But Love Square!
I mean, depends.
The thing with Jacob is that for a marketed love triangle there wasn't much triangle about it. Bella consistently chose Edward, without question, was never in doubt. Even when Jacob (and Edward) both gun hard for "you should stay human!!!" Bella never considers it all that seriously and for all she wants Jacob in her life... she chooses Edward. She wanted Jacob to magically stay even when she chose Edward, there was no "don't choose Edward" option.
(And somehow this happened in the most wild way, Bella wins).
So, while Edward was freaking out about competition (and rightfully so because he did fuck up bad and has no idea how loyal Bella is to him after the shit he pulled)--he wasn't in any danger.
But you're asking about introducing a character for Edward in which case we get roughly two scenarios a) Edward ain't into it b) Edward is into it (oh no)
In the first case, we're back up to where we are in canon, Edward does have admirers beyond Bella, it's just that Edward's not and has never been interested in any of them. Depending who it is, Bella may find them a laughable non-threat (a Jessica) or someone she goes "oh my god, why isn't Edward picking the hot blonde OH MY GOD" (a Tanya). Ultimately, though, we'd see what happens in canon where Edward reassures her "lol lol lol no, not interested" and things work out when Bella's turned and she feels beautiful and sexy now.
In the second case... well... depends when, how, who, what, why. Is Edward already married/in a relationship with Bella and this is another human that he most certainly shouldn't be interested in? I'd ask if it's a vampire, but let's be real, Edward will never be into a vampire.
But mostly this is one of those wishy washy asks where it really depends, because yeah, if Edward's interested more in A than Bella--then A will win. If Edward grows bored with Bella due to A, or is already justifying leaving Bella, then A wins. However, if A is ultimately less interesting then Edward either goes "ah, friendship" or "meeeeeeh" after comparing to the siren song of Bella Swan.
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xostrawberrymlk · 4 hours ago
yes and also Carlisle and Jasper being one of the first to die because those are two of the biggest ties for Alice to be with the Cullen’s (Edward makes them The Big Three but they’d never kill Edward bc they want him too)
& Emmett killing Alec bc Alec tried to take out Bella for shielding Jasper, the only reason Jane was able to use her powers on Jasper was bc Alec attacked Bella, then after Demetri and Felix execute Jasper OF COURSE Emmett is going to take out Alec
again, I can’t remember if it was TikTok, YouTube, tumblr or Reddit where I heard this that Peter was originally going to be the one to yell “LET HER GO” and then charge after them to try to save Alice (who was never going to die anyways let’s be real), it would’ve been SO CUTE but he wasn’t MC enough so I get why they wanted to change it to Carlisle so he could be the catalyst to the whole fight bc ya - those were all his friends, Aro supposedly included, so OF COURSE that’s what would trigger the battle
it was SO well done 😭 truly a cinematic masterpiece, the only thing I wish was different was we got to see Peter and Charlotte during the battle bc hello they fought alongside Jasper before?! they would’ve been so good, it’s my head canon we don’t see them + Rosalie bc they were too busy committing such heinous war crimes (NOT PG13) against the Volturi & Friends for killing Rosalie’s twinnnnn and her dad 🙂‍↕️
I have to say 🥸☝🏼 the battle in breaking dawn pt2 was so well executed, all deaths make so much sense.
Carlisle dying because he wanted to protect Alice. The battle starting to avenge Carlisle’s death. Alice and Sam killing Jane together to avenge Jasper and Seth. Leah, after watching her brother die, sacrifices herself for Esme, the only vampire who was nice to her. Having Bella and Edward killing Aro was the cherry on top.
I get chills every time i watch it.
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simkaye · 5 months ago
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Anyone else feel like it’s been one of those days since 2019?
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sharkfinsoap · 5 months ago
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dalooch · 7 months ago
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twilight girlies
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suitfer · 1 month ago
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bella: where are your fangs?
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edwardsdeathcabcd · 4 months ago
when bella didn't want to get married at 18 because she saw how her parents' marriage crumbled and she was opposed to the patriarchal nature of the whole institution, and is bitter about it until the moment she is walking down the aisle, but as soon as she's married she realizes that being mrs. cullen is actually the best thing to ever happen to her and she's immediately ecstatic to have a baby with her husband. the way jacob says "you don't even belong to yourself anymore" about imprinting and is repulsed by the very idea, but then when he imprints he realizes it's actually what he was born to do & nothing could make him happier & he leaves everything behind to live with his mate's family. man once you become aware of the mormon agenda present within the twilight saga it is ALL you're aware of lol
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frogshunnedshadows · 4 months ago
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2008 newspaper ad for Twilight.
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