#and i constantly feel the need to prove that to like
bellaxgiornata · 3 days
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Tell Me
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!Reader Word Count: 2.3k [Tuna-Tober Masterlist]
Tuna-Tober Prompt: “Why? Why do you love me?”
Warnings/tags: angst, emotional hurt/comfort, almost breakup
Summary: Matt has been acting cold for the past couple of weeks–ever since you told him you loved him.
a/n: Of course Matt was the first one who came to my mind for this prompt. Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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“We’re done,” Matt stated. “That’s it. I can’t do this any longer.”
A thick and palpable tension hung in the air at Matt’s words, a heaviness so pervasive that you didn't need his heightened senses to feel it filling the apartment. Standing beside the leather couch, your arms tightly wrapped around yourself as if they alone were the only thing holding you together. Heart pounding rapidly inside of your chest, it felt close to bursting straight out if you dared to move your arms even an inch. 
Across the room, Matt stood in front of the large living room windows with his back turned to you. The light from the billboard across the street washed the front of him in a dark crimson, casting looming shadows along his tense and rigid form. His hands were situated on his hips, fingers digging so sharply into his dress pants that they were pulling the fabric even more taut around his waist. Everything about his posture–from his clenched jaw to his squared shoulders–felt as if he was intentionally shutting you out as well as keeping a physical distance between the pair of you.
This is it, you thought. This is where he finally tries to push me away.
You’d known Matt for a while now. Long enough to know how he operated when things became just a bit too much for him or if someone grew a bit too close. Over time you’d slowly learned the signs of when he’d start to close himself off, beginning to read him sometimes better than he thought he could even read you. 
It had been ten months since you’d met Matt while working on an article for The Bulletin. You’d interviewed him about a case that his firm had won and the pair of you had steadily and easily grown closer together after that initial encounter. Neither of you had been able to stay away from the other. You’d long since been past the point of just dating and occasionally sleeping together–you’d been an official couple for months now. You had clothing hanging in his closet and you knew exactly where he stored the red Daredevil suit that he donned most evenings. You knew about his past from the many late nights he'd opened up to you either after a rough patrol as the Devil or a case he was particularly fired up over.
But lately Matt had started to become prickly around you. Constantly on edge. Canceling dates and intentionally trying to avoid you. He was often gone in the mornings the few times you’d stayed over at his apartment, not even giving you his usual goodbye kiss before he left. He hadn’t invited you over as frequently either because most nights now he told you that he planned to stay late at the office before running out to deal with one thing or another as Daredevil. 
This had all started just over two weeks ago. Right around the time you’d first told him you loved him. He’d seemed off that night, too. You remembered how he’d suddenly grown quiet in bed, his expression shifting to something impossible to read as he almost immediately shut you out. You’d assured him that you hadn’t expected him to say it back in the moment–and you’d meant that. You knew he’d heard the truth in the firm beat of your heart. Because you loved Matt. You knew him opening his heart up to let someone in was not something he did easily, and you were prepared to continue proving to him that you weren’t about to disappear from his life like he seemed to secretly fear.
You’d long since wondered if his sudden coldness was some sort of a test, one he himself wasn’t even aware he was putting you through. As if he expected you to leave at the first sign of difficulty in the relationship which had otherwise been fairly smooth. You’d always encouraged open communication between you both–something else you were aware he struggled with–but you’d always been patient and understanding with him, which was what you’d tried to be over these past couple of weeks.
Until this very moment. Because right now you did not fully understand why Matt had just told you that he couldn’t continue the relationship anymore. You could feel the tears building in your eyes as you stared at the back of his navy blue dress shirt, your eyes fixed on the wrinkles that formed throughout his work day. In your chest, you could feel your heart teetering on the verge of shattering, ready to break into pieces with only a few more words from his mouth. You found yourself wondering if Matt would be able to hear your heart break.
But you didn't want to let him go without a fight. You didn’t want to lose him. You loved him far too much to let him self-sabotage the relationship you'd both created and poured yourselves into over the past few months without even trying to get through to him first.
“There’s no way you mean any of that, Matt,” you told him, shaking your head and ignoring the sting of tears in your eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
His head snapped to the side when you'd finally spoken, the sharp angle of his profile swathed in red just over the top of his broad shoulder. His jaw was set firm, but even in the light from the billboard you could see the muscle jumping in his cheek.
“And what makes you think that?” he asked, a rough edge to his words.
“Because,” you answered, taking a small, hesitant step towards him and noticing the way he flinched. “I know you. I think you’re just trying to hurt me to avoid the perceived hurt you think is bound to happen if you continue getting close to me. Growing comfortable in our relationship. Because you think I’m going to leave you. You think it's inevitable.”
The muscle jumped in Matt's cheek again, the only movement you caught on his otherwise immobile body. Pressing your lips together, you tried to fight the way they'd begun to quiver. In this moment, it felt more like you were approaching a feral cat than a grown man–a feeling you'd experienced a few times with Matt in the past. And you knew right now that if you showed him any sign of weakness he'd pounce on it.
“You're scared,” you continued slowly, taking another cautious step towards him. “I think you're terrified of how great things have been between us. I think you feel as if you don't deserve the happiness I've seen written on your face when we're together.”
Something like an agitated growl rumbled in his chest at your words. Not exactly a noise of disagreement, but also not exactly the sound of a warning. It sounded more alarmed than anything, which had you feeling more confident that you'd just struck the exact problem he'd created in his mind.
“But you're wrong,” you assured him firmly. “You deserve love and happiness, Matthew. And I intend to be here with you. I will happily spend every day right by your side helping you until you see it for yourself.”
You took another cautious and careful step towards him, but you stopped moving the second you saw his lip curl back into something like a snarl. You could see his eyes narrow at you even behind the lenses of his red glasses just before he spoke.
“Why?” he growled. “Tell me why.”
Swallowing hard, your hands nervously curled up inside the sleeves of your sweatshirt. “Why what?” you whispered.
“Why do you love me?” he demanded. “Why? How could you possibly love me?”
Freezing on the spot as your breath hitched, confusion briefly washed over you. Despite having now learned his strange behavior had indeed been brought about by you saying that you loved him for the first time weeks ago, it had taken you entirely off guard that he'd wanted an actual explanation as to why you did. But then again, that really shouldn't have surprised you quite so much considering you knew just how unlovable he thought he was. And you weren’t going to let an opportunity to tell him how you really felt slip between your fingers. 
“Because you have the biggest heart I've ever seen, Matthew,” you began softly, emotion thick in your voice. “You keep it buried deep in your chest, hiding it from everyone, but I see it. Every time you come home with another banana bread or casserole dish and an excited story about how you helped someone in this city who'd otherwise have been looked over because they couldn’t afford good legal representation. I see it when you come home late at night bruised, exhausted, and bleeding but grinning in triumph as you tell me who you saved. I see it whenever you just simply look at me.”
The snarl that had initially curled his lips back gradually slipped off of his face while you'd been speaking, the hard lines of his body slowly beginning to soften. He didn't speak, but his shift in body language had given you some hope back. Hope that you could get through to him.
“And I'm not bothered by how much of yourself you give to this city,” you continued, once more carefully closing the space between you both as you slowly lowered your arms to your sides. “I admire you for it, Matthew. Ever since you told me the truth. I've never disliked that part of you. I’ve never taken issue with it. I’ve never been afraid of you. That part of you has only made me admire you more. Love you more.”
You were standing a few feet away from him now, able to see the faint tremble of his lips with how close you were. Everything you were saying was having an effect on him so you continued, hoping your words would start to sink in. Even just a little.
“And it's not just that I admire that big, beautiful heart in your chest,” you told him, “but I admire that big, beautiful brain in that handsome head of yours.” You paused, smiling a little back at him. “I think you're incredibly smart and brilliant, Matt. In and out of the courtroom. You're fiercely passionate about justice no matter the cost to yourself–whether it's sleepless nights out on the rooftops or hours pouring over files here at your apartment. And you're funny when you let yourself stop being so broody most days,” you said, your small smile growing a bit more on your lips as a tear slipped down your cheek. “You brighten my days more than you know, Matty. Always helping me to find the light in the darkness when I think there isn't any. Seeing the good in everyone…except for yourself.”
Reaching up, you wiped away another stray tear that had raced down your cheek with the back of your hand. Matt sniffled quietly, his shoulders sagging as he finally and hesitantly turned towards you. His hands had fallen from his hips, hanging at his sides as his fingers twitched.
“Do you really want me to go?” you whispered, more tears slipping from the corners of your eyes. “Because I–I can take my things and leave if that's what you really want, Matt. I can walk out that door and leave you alone.”
Matt shook his head firmly, his mouth visibly trembling at your words. Tears had managed to slide their way beneath his glasses, trailing their way down his cheeks. The sight had your own tears falling faster as he timidly approached you, closing the small bit of distance that remained. 
“No,” he breathed out. “No, I don't really want that.”
Feeling a flood of relief, you reached out and wrapped your arms around his waist. Drawing himself the rest of the way into the front of you, Matt immediately buried his face directly against your neck. You could feel a dampness forming on your skin from his tears, the feeling only causing you to hold him tighter.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed into your skin. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I don’t want you to go. I didn’t mean it. I’m just–just–”
Turning your head, you buried your face into his hair as your hands began rubbing light and soothing patterns over his back while he struggled to find the words he wanted. Your eyelids fluttered shut as you breathed in that warm, rich scent that was always uniquely Matt. With his warm body wrapped around you, your once rapidly beating heart began slowing back to a normal rhythm.
“I know,” you murmured back, lips brushing his hair as you spoke. “I know you didn’t mean it, Matty. Relationships are scary,” you told him. “Giving someone so much of yourself is terrifying, I get it. But I love you and I don’t want to leave you. I’m not going to leave you.”
With his face still buried against your throat, you felt his features screw up against your skin before another rush of Matt’s warm, wet tears began to slide down your neck. Your hands fisted his dress shirt, holding him even tighter to the front of yourself as he cried. You didn’t need him to explain why he’d suddenly begun to weep because you’d already known the answer. He’d heard the truth in your explanation for why you loved him as you’d spoken them aloud. The same unwavering truth that was always present in your words. 
“I love you,” he whispered into your skin. “And I don’t think I could ever stop.”
A smile pulled your lips upwards, tears burning at your eyes for an entirely different reason now. You pressed a gentle, lingering kiss to the top of his head as a warm rush of emotion filled you at hearing him finally say those three little words back to you.
“I love you, too, Matty,” you whispered. “And I don’t ever want to stop.”
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Matt Murdock One Shot Tag List: @pazii @shouldbestudying41 @kmc1989 @ebathory997 @yeonalie @shiorimakibawrites @xxdrixx @wkndwlff @leikelle @pinkratts @lazyxsquirrel @1988-fiend @marvelcinematiquniverse @carstairswife @stilldreaming666 @kiwwia-wiwwia @willwork4dilfs @will-delete-this-later-probably @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @theetherealbloom @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @ladywholikesreading @millennial-birkin @tartbeanpuzzles @harleycao @sunflower-tia @gamingfeline @juskonutoh @kezibear @ninacotte @withyoutilltheendoftheline @justanerd1 @scriptedmoon @lucienofthelakes @sarahskywalker-amidala @flowher @loves0phelia @a-half-empty-g1rl @zomtart @justvalkyrie @steve-chandler
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starless-nightz · 1 day
Can you write about if Hera had a daughter at chb like how she would be and how people would react
Being a daughter of Hera HCs
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note -> I love Hera bro Rick did her dirty. This turned more into being a daughter of hera HCs so i changed it to that sorry😭
warnings -> none.
content includes -> platonic! protective! Hera, idk what else to put.
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Being a daughter of Hera is quite hard, your relationship with your mother would is complicated, you would feel a lot of pressure to uphold her mother's image, feeling the need that you always need to please her
Contrary to others belief Hera genuienly loves and cares about you, you are her one and only demigod child who she would do anything for, compared to most of the demigods you get to see your mother more often, in your dreams or reality, and while she does have high expectations for you she still cares about your well being, shes pretty protective of you
Being a daughter of Hera you would likely have a sense of authority and justice, you would be very loyal to your family, you might have a strong moral compass, but also a sharp temper when crossed, much like your mother, you would also likely have a strong sense of responsibility, always feeling like you must do the right thing
You would be the biggest talk of the camp, Hera doesnt have any mortal children and considering her reputation at the camp you wouldn't be very well liked at first, they didnt trust you one bit, especially Percy and Annabeth since they dislike Hera and saw you as trouble
There would be whispers about who your mortal parent is, considering the fact that Hera stays faithful to Zeus, but you try your best to ignore their comments and whispers
The chances of Zeus killing you if you stepped foot out of the camp are 100%, so unless you were going on a quest or somehow Hera made him promise not to hurt you you would have to be at the camp all year round
Your powers would included being able to manipulate the weather and shapeshift just like your mother is able to, but you would also be able to command respect and admiration in social situations, it is an active one, you could influence and manipulate people's emotions subtly, especially when it comes to loyalty or trust
Over time, as you prove yourself, you would likely earn the respect of the other campers, but there might always be a layer of fear or awe regarding you considering your mothers reputation as a goddess of revenge and loyalty
Some demigods might come to you for advice about family matters, given your divine connection to the goddess of marriage and family
You might find yourself unintentionally forming you own group consisting of kids from different cabins who are drawn to your authority and leadership, this new group could act as a neutral council within the camp, where issues about family dynamics, justice, and fairness are resolved
You are a natural mediator in conflicts between other demigods, especially when it comes to disputes between families or friends, you would be respected for your fairness, though you could also make enemies if your decisions don’t sit well with everyone
At some point you might go on a personal quest to redeem your mothers reputation, especially if other campers constantly throw Hera’s past deeds in your face, you might seek to undo some of the damage Hera caused, whether it’s helping mortals affected by your mothers wrath or finding a way to prove that shes different from the stories
Some campers might be hesitant to get close to you, fearing that befriending you might attract Heras attention, Hera is known for her jealousy and punishments, and campers might worry that their own families could be drawn into your mothers web of divine politics
There might be whispers that Chiron and the other leaders give sou special treatment due to her mothers status as queen of the gods, this could cause resentment among the campers, especially the children of lesser gods, who might feel overlooked in comparison, especially if they learn how often your mother talks to you
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arrenlebanen777 · 12 hours
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♅ Im very impressed by the beauty of Cancer risings. ♅ And also very impressed by Cancer freakiness. ♅ Remember knowing astrology should be bonus since you can see hidden influences and energies that usually rules people uncounciously. ♅ Mars conjunct/parallel Daitarabochi(8551): Very violent person if its pushed, dark desires, attracted to taboo and dark things, and usually can be intimidating to a lot of people and if the person is not intimidating phisically it can be repulsive for some people. ♅ Mercury conjunct/parallel Daitarabochi(8551): The mind process is inmense, usually their minds can be scary sometimes, is the people you think are psycopaths but aren't, x-rays, sometimes suicide is always an option for these people, they can be perverse, and are a little bit crazy when they experience some kind of abuse, usually is kinda difficult to these people to see the light(metaphorically), always in dark places sometimes. ♅ Mars conjunct/parallel Heracles(5143): unshakable determination, tendency to seek out or attract situations that require strength and courage either in the external world or within, combative/ competitive attitude, the person might feel a strong need to prove their ability to overcome difficulties, Without realizing it, they constantly seek out difficult or challenging situations.
♅ Mars conjunct/parallel DANTE(2999): An extraordinary capacity for actions that others would deem extreme, brutal, or even "evil" in certain contexts. Their drive to act could be fueled by a deep connection to the darker side of existence. They are likely to pursue their goals with a disregard for conventional moral boundaries or concern for the suffering of others, potentially making them capable of cold, calculated actions. This individual may appear unstoppable or unyielding when going after what they want, with a natural affinity for crises, violence, or radical transformations. Tendency to confront the darkest aspects within partnerships and might be drawn to relationships that involve power struggles, control, or even transformative or traumatic experiences. They could be perceived as cold, distant, or ruthless, especially if they feel their authority or power is being challenged, (Very similar to Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach). ♅ Ive seen some Scorpio Venus having hard times in matters related to love, since loyalty and fidelity are being so trampled on these days, they usually suffer the consequences of this and have a pretty bad time, I have seen that some opt for open relationships or even polyamory, but I know that deep down they only want one person with whom they can completely merge, which is also quite difficult in these times, I know.
♅ Usually in intimacy some planets or asteroids related to sexual things can be expressed on the oposite sign, for example: Eros in aries is more submissive in bed and Eros in libra is more dominant and agressive. ♅ Mars in capricorn: Can represent the devil himself sometimes, very materialistic, very rude and brute, sometimes they see people as obstacles, horny 24/7 but usually supressed 24/7 too due to the focus on their ambitions and goals, if they are not connected with their ambitions and purpose they can enter in very depressed states, very critical and demanding with themselves and with others too, strong endurance and stamina, sometimes they objectify their partners and they can generally resist more than others. ♅ I have seen many people who know almost nothing about astrology being Lilith dominant and I swear that when they are unconscious of this part of themselves they are usually quite narcissistic, violent, cold, calculating, manipulative and superficial since Lilith "remember" if is not conscious it always brings poison with her. ♅ Moon conjunct Chiron: Ive seen that this placement is very similar to Lilith conj moon but is sad, the mother usually is very negligent with the child, doesn't trust her, and the native of this position can be very naive about the mother's true intentions or the total opposite and not trust her at all. But i love them, they are so compassionate too, and this side is very beautiful.
♅Lust(4386) conjunct/parallel Moon: Constant desire for passion and pleasure, they feel drawn to situations or people that evoke deep emotional and sensual satisfaction, once they connect with you emotionally the seduce you almost completely, blurred line between emotional needs and physical impulses, rich inner world but it can be overwhelming at times, can be nymphomaniacs, they get depressed if they don't have someone they can have sex with constantly. ♅ Almost all anime villains that you see are the archetype of Lilith/Pluto dominant people. And finally: It really bothers me when people talk about having good intuition or claim that certain signs or placements have great intuition—that’s just nonsense. Intuition is something you develop, like any other skill, and it doesn’t come with time, but through practices like meditation, which clears the mind and creates space for true intuition to emerge. Without that, it’s like having a bad GPS sending you in the wrong direction, and then you call it fate or something else. Sure, some people might be naturally more attuned to it, almost like a soul’s genetic trait, but most of the time, if you’re not actively working on it, what you’re following is just survival instincts, fear, judgments, and prejudices guiding your life.
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wilsons-journey · 19 hours
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July Tinapple
Engineer • Iron Legion • She / Her • 18 years old.
Future Commander in an alternative AU in which my other Charr don't exist. An AU that is closer to the original Story, yet with a small twist: She is the daughter of Tybalt Leftpaw.
She is also my go to replay the whole Story of GW2 again. Its ages since I last did it.
So you might see her grow in her role as Commander.
More about her under the cut: (Beware of long text / brabble)
July is a temperamental Charr with a short fuse. She lives in the shadow of her sire - getting reminded of his disgrace all her life. That's why she got the name Tinapple in her warband - just to mock her. But also as a reminder of where their roots lie. For July its a fuel to prove everyone she is better than her Sire. That she will never be a disgrace and serve the legion well. She works hard - extremely hard.
Even more when her Warband nearly got wiped during the Ascalonian Ghost attack. Only Maverick remained - her best friend, but also mate for a short time. Their relationship won't last long - it just didn't work out - a recurring theme in her life. But they stay best friends - even later on. Maverick is a person she loves to return to, when she want's to forget the weight of the world. He will never be a friend to talk to about heavy topics, but at least someone who knows how to distract her.
"Looks like failure runs in the family" - a sentence that makes July blood boil. She gets to hear that often after loosing a huge chunk of her warband. It slowly fades, after she proves herself over and over again. Granting her soon the title of Centurion. Her constant need to prove herself lets her slip into something, she actually never wanted to sign on. And she will be too proud, to admit that this title might be to much for her. She will become the Commander - a huge and important figure in the history of Tyria.
And it starts with joining one of the three big orders. But instead of joining Vigil, the order she actually wanted to join. She ends up in the Order of Whispers, where she gets reunited with her Sire. All because of an sarcastic joke and false pride, to admit she wanted to join another Order.
At first she is not happy to see her Sire. He despises him for all the trouble he caused her, for just being related to him. But she will warm up to him. Even starting to see him as a father.
Only to have him ripped from her later on. She will grow so unbelievable angry at this. Hatred against her Sire,... her father will once again boil up. Only to cover how hurt she is, loosing him. July always had problems to express her true feelings. She hides these behind a loud and rude mouth. She will rather yell at you, then admit she is hurt. Its easier. It always was.
She will channel all the hatred for the fight against the Elder-Dragons. She wants them dead - each of them. This might change when she finds an egg - forming a huge crack in all this hatred has accumulated all these years.
Some loose bits: (that might change with replaying the story)
Trahearne, he will play a huge part in her development. He can't ease her pain and the hatred she feels for the world. But he will become someone she looks up to. Someone she feels first sees her worth. Who is truly proud of her. Who believes in her. Despise all her flaws. (Imagine the heartbreak during HoT)
She has terrible anger issues. Something she has to work on for many years.
She is an emotional mess. And she does her best to hide this ugly side. Just as the anger that boils in her.
She is incredible talented in her craft as Engineer. She will take huge part in crafting weapons against Dragons and their minions. They will be effective and absolutely deadly.
Later she will definitely pick up on Jade-Tech
Yet during all the years as Commander, she constantly doubts her abilities. She fears she is not strong enough - especially when Rytlock comes back as Revenant. He is so much more powerful than her. All she can do is craft stuff. Maybe hit hard with her Hammer,... but thats it. Without her Gadgets she is nothing. This gnaws on her a lot.
At one point she might ask Rytlock to take over as Commander - maybe after HoT. Of course he will refuse.
She is friend with Kairo Windshear (Belongs to @brightwingedbat) We still have to figure out a lot. But so far it looks like their relationship is messy. They hooked up for a while, but like with Mav, - it didn't worked out.
She will pickup the love / fixation for apples from her dad.
July desperately seeks for a meaningful something / relationship. Something to hold onto - something that won't leave her and maybe see her. Not the angry mess - but also the person behind all this. Just,... a constant in her life. An anchor, to make her feel safe.
At this point of her journey I'm not sure if she will find it or how this will look like. Will she find a soulmate - as a everlasting friendship or love? Will she make peace with her role as Commander and start to thrive in this role? Will the sudden motherhood for Aurene bring her that? Or with own Cubs?
Who knows. At this point her pages are still blank. Its on her to fill these.
(While writing this,... Gw2 Story has so many moments where they give the Commander something and then its taken away. Even in a way Aurene. Man,... you can fit so much trauma in the Commander. July,... I'm sure you will do your best, but I already see a lot of suffering for you ahead. Good thing she is stubborn,...)
And bonus, some screens of her and Tybalt, shortly after their first meeting.
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He tries hist best.
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mitskijamie · 2 days
I need to hear your omegaverse HCs immediately!!
This is so embarrassing do NOT look at me
• So I'm thinking. Like. 70-80% of the general population are betas, 10-15% are alphas and 10-15% are omegas. Alphas are super overrepresented in professional sports, so the team is maybe 50/50 or 40/60 alphas:betas.
• Alphas include Rebecca, Roy, Isaac, Rupert, Zava, and most of Richmond's first team.
• Betas include Ted, Beard, Sam, Keeley (although I could also see her as a transdynamic alpha), Colin, Bumbercatch, and most of Richmond's second team.
• Jamie's either the first omega in the pl or one of the first, and Nate is the first omega to ever coach in the pl <3 I also think Trent would be an omega and take an interest in sports journalism because it's such a foreign environment to him.
• Jamie's dad is either an alpha or an insecure beta who is constantly overcompensating because he's not an alpha. But either way, he hates the idea of having an omega son and dips as soon as Jamie is born. Then later on when he finds out Jamie is actually a super talented badass who could make him rich down the line (because, shockingly, there's more to a person than their biology) he starts coming around again, because he figures Jamie might be worth something after all.
So James has Jamie on heavy-duty suppressants for years and years, which makes him build muscle and get rid of the ~omega look (sort of - he still has the hips, but there's not much you can do about that) and scent to the point that he can and does blend in with alphas and betas fairly well. He's extremely repressed and possibly closeted idk
• I think Roy kind of struggles with being an alpha in some ways, because even though he identifies with and is proud of the caretaking and protecting aspects of his identity, he worries a lot about whether he's like. Inherently too rough and Angry and dangerous to be around certain vulnerable people, especially Phoebe. Childrearing is not something alphas do a lot of, and he was never really taught anything about it, so he's constantly worried that he's going to do something horribly wrong or is ~infecting her with the worst parts of himself.~
• Also. Zava. This is the plot point I always imagine I'd write omegaverse for if I ever did. I normally think the whole Zava thing is boring but in A/B/O I could actually see it going somewhere interesting
Jamie as an omega is immediately put off by Zava, because he has like a built-in sixth sense for creepy alphas. But no one else detects it, because they're all alphas/betas, and they're just not as in-tune with that kind of thing. So Jamie tries to talk to the coaches about it, but they think he's just jealous because he's not the center of attention anymore and kind of brush him off.
Zava's constantly doing these little things that Jamie feels are obviously intended to make him feel like he doesn't deserve to be there or is less of an athlete than his teammates (petting his hair like a dog, stealing his goal, pretending he doesn't know who he is and thinks he's the kitman), but NO ONE else gets it and he just feels like he's losing his mind.
And then Zava calls Jamie over on the pitch to say something completely unimportant while rubbing his shoulders and smacking his ass, and Roy starts to pick up on the bad vibes because it was so obvious that Zava just wanted to prove to Jamie how much power he has over him in front of thousands of their fans, which makes Roy's skin crawl.
So that's how they start training together in this situation <3
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spotsandsocks · 3 days
So many choices!! They all sound amazing!! I think I'll have to go with...
Happy writing!! 🥰
Hi thanks for getting me typing! I’m having so many ideas!!!
Buck had made it through that by being remarkably interested in the words on a page that he’d reread six times and still not taken in by the time Eddie’s head was on the pillow.
Pretending to be absorbed in his book didn’t stop him noticing that Eddie was facing him, had his eyes open and was looking at him. He didn’t mind, he just noticed. He’d glanced over once and smiled down, Eddie has smiled back, looking sleepy and beautiful and said “Good book?”
He’d lied and said ‘riveting’.
That had made Eddie laugh because he could see the title and knew it was a book about the roles women took up during World War 2, including working on the planes and machinery needed, ‘riveting’ being a key part of that.
Eddie laughed at his joke, he’s pretty sure no one else would have.
They talked a little longer until Eddie’s eyelids had started to flutter and then he was asleep breathing slow and deep. Buck took his turn at watching then, but only for 30 seconds, because it’s creepy watching someone sleeping, then he’d turned the light off and prayed he’d keep to his side of the bed.
Morning light creeping through the curtains had revealed his success in that area. He’d stayed mostly where he was, albeit a little closer to the center now. Eddie too was much where he’d been when the lights were turned out, except his arm is outstretched almost like it was reaching for something.
Still sleepy Buck considers the possibility that maybe it was?
Deciding he can blame sleep he wiggles a little closer still until Eddie’s hand is close enough for his fingertips to touch Buck’s arm. Those fingertips are a little too cold actually so the kind, responsible thing to do is make sure Eddie stays warm.
The rest under hear cos I write long sentences and apparently 60 sentences gives you a very long post!! 😆
🧠 this was a prompt for buddie with telepathic bond from @steadfastsaturnsrings I hadn’t done anything with it but now I have … this is all there is for now… I’ll keep thinking about it
You get three people. That’s it. Three and you cant choose them until you're 16.
After that it’s down to personal preference, compatibility and your own heart.
Not everybody chooses and hardly anyone chooses three. It’s a big decision even stupid teenagers know that.
Buck’s first choice was Maddie. She’d asked if he was sure. She hadn’t chosen anyone yet even if she was so much older than him. Doug wasn’t a believer in taking the bond so he’d said no when she’d asked. She’d said yes to her brother and then she’d left him.
He’d never understood why.
So he’d never asked anyone again. He bonded with Maddie and then she was gone. Seemed like an omen to him.
The second bond happened without him realising it, and neither of them kniw exactly when it happened but he must have wanted it and so must Eddie because you can’t bond without consent.
However the first time he heard Eddie’s voice in his mind was when he’d been buried by 40 feet of mud and Buck was insisting he was alive when he could see the fear in everyone else’s eyes that his best friend was already lost.
😧 amnesia fic
“Hey, no need to scowl at the juice, it’s not done anything wrong.”
That’s a matter of opinion but Josephine’s smile is gentle, she understands how frustrating it is to be stuck like this, not a damn clue who he is or where he belongs. And he does belong somewhere, he knows he does. The ache in his chest proves it, it burns constantly, a deep furious conviction that he has to be somewhere else, has to get back to something important.
The something remains a mystery but he thinks it has to be a family. He just feels like he has a family somewhere and he has to find them again. They probably think he’s dead and he’s not, he’s just lost. Lost everything it feels like.
He tries to remember but there’s just a dark void at the center of him; cold and empty. That’s wrong, he knows that, so wrong, there should be light and laughter and warmth there. He remembers the feeling even if he can’t remember what put it there. He rubs at the ache in his chest constantly, trying to soothe it away, and from there each time his fingers reach for something around his neck that's absent.
Each time his fingers seek and find nothing, he doesn’t know what’s missing, only that he misses it. It makes his eyes sting. He wants to remember what’s missing so badly.
😈 demon!Eddie
Eddie stands there, waiting patiently, allowing the witch who owns and runs this place to sense him and prepare herself. It’s only polite after all, no one likes an unexpected demon even if they’re technically an old friend.
As he waits Eddie lets the peace of this place soak into him. The light that manages to make it through the dusty windows is warm and casts soft shadows across the floor. The air is filled with the scent of old paper and leather, hints of herbs and spices lingering too. Against the walls various cabinets, bookcases and shelves are crammed full of a range of trinkets and treasures, some fake, some genuine, some just ordinary things because even the customers who come here need candles and matches as well as the more interesting things you can purchase here. Eddie’s not here for matches, nor the more esoteric items on sale. He just wants to talk. He has questions and he thinks that this is where he’ll find the answers.
Still and quiet he waits until she’s ready and before too long the curtain to the back room of the store moves and he’s not alone anymore.
She’s cautious because she’s old and she’s wise and she knows that even old friends like him require watching carefully if you want to stay being old.
“Your Highness” her eyes twinkle because she knows how much he hates that, “you honor my humble business with your presence.”
The lady steps forward glorious and beautiful, dark skin glowing, warm eyes teasing him and the curve of her mouth telling him she thinks she’s funny. Eddie narrows his eyes, she’d better not even think about bowing.
“Linda, you know I hate it when you do that.
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starimusprime · 5 hours
ok ok!! ya got me to start a talkin!! ok so anyways im not much of a storyteller but my hc is post movie so big fat spoilers on the way
anyway, elitas been like SUPER clingy to optimus after she gives him the lil pep talk
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peep the images. constantly being by his side. heck, even CHOOSING to run ACROSS the battlefield to be next to him
so oppys like “hmm, she DOES know what she’s doing and i do need someone who’s more experienced in leading.”
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yea THAT scene (her flustered “who me 🥺??” will forever be living rent free in my mind)
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(ew wips)
optimus: Well, I’ve been thinking of another promotion; With the Quintessons still at large, there’s a chance they’ll have my head. I’m needing a bodyguard. Someone by my side 24/7 to ensure I don’t make “stupid decisions”
(im terrible at writing dialogue dont bully me 😔👊🏽)
so elita sees this as an opportunity. Which yknow, her whole character arc was her wanting to prove herself and all.
especially now bc she feels SO SO guilty that she couldn’t save optimus, or stop Megatron in time :((
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(adding to this hc she does cling to his left arm after the events(tm)
Oh yea and oppy now lives in the tower as he is now The Leader Of Cybertron
he moves most of his pals in their too (jazz, B, WheelJack, Arcee etc.)
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(nother wip)
he wants elita in HIS quarters bc shes his bodyguard. so of course he’s gonna need her berth closest to him
(Perhaps 2 ppl 1 bed trope teehee 🤭)
anyway. das my 2 cents. i hope that helped in anyway for prompts. again i aint much of a storyteller but i have concepts!!
I need to break this down into a summary of my favorite points because WHAT THIS IS SO GOOD!
Clingy Elita. Makes sense, especially her tendency to be on his left. Launchpad for tension, perhaps Optimus starting to wonder if she’s okay because she’s being overprotective even for a bodyguard.
Optimus seeking leadership advice from Elita since she was the captain of his mining team and he’s never been in an authoritative role for anyone ever. Builds trust, confidence, and mutual respect between them. Beautiful.
Mutual subconscious pining revealed through Elita’s desire to prove herself via protecting and advising Optimus and through Optimus’ desire to station her as close to him as possible at all times, maybe because he is as afraid of losing her as she’s afraid of losing him (again). Did I mention mutual pining? 🤌
Optimus not just taking over Sentinel’s tower (does anyone know its official name?) but sharing it as a sort of headquarters with his Autobot High Command. Love exploring the facets of his being that separates him from mecha like Sentinel, selflessness being one of the biggest differences.
Thank you so much Munejewels I am eating this up for dessert tonight and will use it as inspiration to produce a banquet for my fellow Optimus Prime X Bodyguard Elita fans
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slightlyartist · 2 days
do you have any headcanons about emma-may (tate's mom)?
EMMA-MAY MY BELOVED!! I have a bunch of HCs!
She genuinely was in love with Fiddleford, but Fidds always felt a bit off in that marriage (throwing my HC that he is a closeted gay man with religious guilt but this isn't about him).
She tried SO hard to make the marriage work, blaming it even on herself for not being enough, and feeling undesirable at times.
She is so concerned about Tate's (canonical) intelligence. She doesn't want her son to end up crazy or absent like his father, so she constantly reminds him that he IS smart, but doesn't need to go to great lengths to prove it. You can be smart but desire a simple life, and that's okay, no need to do extraordinary things to be extraordinary.
She remarried! She is with someone who loves her the way she deserves. <3
She was terrified when Tate decided to go to Gravity Falls to take care of Fidds. She already lost the man she once loved, she doesn't want to lose her son as well. Tate promised to keep in touch and visit her every once in a while.
Christmas is bittersweet for her. She always tried to come up with nice gifts for Tate, but they didn't have a lot of money so she and Fidds always ended up handcrafting and building them. When Fidds came back from Gravity Falls empty-handed, it drove her nuts because she'd been singlehandedly taking care of their son for 6-7 months straight and getting some gifts during holidays was the least she expected. Discovering Fiddleford handcrafted multiple thoughtful gifts to Ford didn't help the case.
Aimed for a "traditional family" and a simple life. Got neither of those until she remarried.
"A single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kid and never stops, with gentle hands and the heart of a fighter, I'm a survivor"
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jjkeremika · 1 day
Heyy how are you? i hope you are doing fine <3 can you write sick zeke headcanons plss? or maybe sick hc for all the aot boys but including him plss? thx i love how you write them
hi friend<3 sorry for the delay. been thinking on this on A LOT because i feel like zeke acts differently depending on how sick he is.
also features of reiner, eren, jean, and armin
zeke jaeger
• if it’s a little cold, a couple sniffles and a sore throat, zeke is convincing you that he’s perfectly healthy. totally immune.
• was that a cough? nope. just clearing his throat so you can hear him talk about how healthy he is with perfect vocals.
• does his voice sound a little scratchy? he thought you might like a change in tone, something a little hoarser, a little raspier. so he’s “practicing” speaking differently. like the talented, thoughtful man he strives to be.
• was that a sneeze? no. never sneezed before in his life. maybe you’re not feeling well and are hallucinating. do you want him to fetch you some tea? maybe a cold towel for your forehead?
• sick?! hah! as if. sick of you asking how he’s feeling, maybe. but seriously. nothing to worry your pretty little head over. he’s perfectly fine.
• "yn, honey, honestly, stop asking. I'm really okay. I can do the same fifty push-ups today that I could do yesterday. Need me to prove it? Get on the floor. I'll do it over you~"
• but then when he’s really, really sick—like, can’t hide it anymore sick, bedridden with a fever sick—he’s obsessed with your attention. constantly calling for you to feel his forehead, because he’s so warm and the back of your hand and your so soft lips are oh-so cool and soothing
• could you be a darling and maybe fetch him some tea? please let it cool first, though. his throat is on fire and he feels like he's dying. he needs something cold to quell the heat burning up his insides
• he’s got his arms weakly wrapped around you because he just can’t muster the strength to keep you from pulling away. but he wants you to stay so so badly. he’s burning hot and he wants you to stay and be his snuggle buddy, his comfy weighted blanket
• total weenie (affectionate)
• 100% makes his condition out to be worse because he loves you doting on him.
• “baby, i think i have the flu,” he’ll complain with a light cough. he preens as you touch the back of your hand to his forehead. any touch from you is enough to lift his feverish heat. “hm,” you’ll hum sweetly, “no fever, reiner.” reiner will cross his arms in a huff, disagreeing with your verdict. “that’s just cause your hands cold!”
• “will you please make me some soup? i’m so hungry. my stomach is eating itself.” “no it’s not, reiner.” “you can’t prove that! with the flu, anything’s possible.” “you don’t have the flu, rei.”
• "babe, can you pass me the tv remote? i'd do it myself but im oh-so weak, and my usually strong, healthy muscles are suffering from this body cold..."
• does this man even get sick? someone coughs near him and he’s pulling a mask out of his bag, protecting himself and you from any rogue pathogens from entering his body. he washes his hands like crazy, dresses for every weather change so that his internal temperature never deviates. his immune system is as strong as boulders.
• but when he does get sick, he's so incredibly nervous about infecting you, he needs to keep his distance. fights his body to keep you away.
• he so desperately wants to be close to you, but he's too conscious about infections and spread. and he's too loving to be the reason you get sick. you need to stay beautiful and happy and healthy. not coughing and sniffling because of a cold.
• plays video games the whole time when you’re not around. tries to be near you when you are. he’s sick? well, uhh, can he still kiss your cheek? can he still sit next to you? will you hand him that nice cozy blanket? will you cuddle him under that nice cozy blanket?
• still adamant about how he can take care of himself, wants to reassure you that despite his illness he still is capable of looking out for himself and grabbing drinks/food/blankets for himself.
• but, well, let's be realistic. he'd do the same for you, so he just wants some love like that too.
• he's also convinced your touch and your love is healing. a couple kisses on the cheeks later and he's already feeling better.
• oh, but not too much better. because then he won't get as many kisses. and he looooves your kisses.
• it must run in the family. sick but doesn’t care, acts like he’s perfectly healthy and normal anyway. continues to go about his day, doesn't really care about who he's infecting. doesn't really think about other people to be honest.
• when he’s really sick though, he uses it as a bartering chip. “i can’t go to your event tonight, baby, im too sick. i need to stay home and rest up to get better like you said.”
• “can you make me some soup please? i would get up to do it myself but im just soooo sick.”
• “will you turn the tv on for me love? my body feels so cold and weak.”
• argumentative if you say no and argue against it. but gives you the sweetest, most innocent smile every time you give in and do anything for him in this state.
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veestudiess · 4 months
i was thinking about it and genuinely, what is yalls motivation to work hard
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casualavocados · 24 days
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Learn from who? Learn from you?
Chen Bowen as CHEN YI & Chiang Tien as AI DI KISEKI: DEAR TO ME (2023)
#kiseki: dear to me#kisekiedit#kdtm#kiseki dear to me#ai di x chen yi#chen yi x ai di#nat chen#chen bowen#louis chiang#chiang tien#jiang dian#userspring#uservid#pdribs#userspicy#userjjessi#*cajedit#*gif#uh huh. mmhm. parallels and shit#OK LIKE. in nice words ai di essentially tells chen yi to go for it BUT bc hes a Lil Shit he says it like 'use force to PROVE how you feel.#followed by '.....OH WAIT YOU CANT BEAT HIM'. the way he rubs that in chen yi's face too like it isnt even 'youre weaker than him.'#it's you're LOWER than him. & thats why ai di calls him a coward bc therell always be a divide between chen yi & cdy that chen yi wont cros#and the point of this is - okay i know chen yi is literally picking ai di up and throwing him around here but also you have to remember#ai di LETS HIM. ai di doesnt fight back as hard as he could and that puts them on EVEN. EQUAL. GROUND. every time.#& yeah theres some comedy to it but you cant Ever forget that ai di wants chen yi to want him. needs it. he's faking sleep in the 1st scene#and once chen yi realizes what he wants he puts everything he has into keeping it - inadvertently taking ai di's advice by doing so -#& expresses it in every kind of way too. whatever it takes. bc between the two of them its not just 'bring him back' it's 'bring him HOME'#in a way thats based on the constantly being witness to the worst of each other & choosing it AND. years and layers of trust & love.#..ok only I would take a gifset of chen yi picking ai di up & make it abt how their relationship is perfectly balanced. but im right so idc#the last one ties it all together in my onion. chen yi got him home. and ai di's deliberately allowing himself to be loved. they won
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torchickentacos · 3 months
i will always shout praises of bi4bi but given recent discourse I feel the need to say that I love bi4het too! I just love bisexuality in general in its many forms, and anyone who only likes it when it's 'queer enough' for them is biphobic. Bisexuals should be able to bring their LaMe CiShEt BoYfRiEnD to pride without being made to feel like spectators and outsiders to their own event.
#3 am queer discourse take <3#anyways hot take number two. cishets do belong at pride. everyone who wants to celebrate queerness should be welcomed at pride#if a completely cishet business major fratboy wants to come to pride and vibe with us then he should be welcomed!#not even like. oh he has a queer sibling. no. if he's just a cishet dude who wants to spend his saturday at a parade then hell yeah#like completely ignoring that you have no way to tell he's definitively those things. it shouldn't matter regardless imo#pride is not a secretive club you need to be let into. it's a feeling and a celebration and a statement and a state of being#and whatever you want it to be#burying my other related hot take under the tags readmore ksdjksdjksdj#idk. i'm just tired of a lot of the things people seem to think about bisexuality's validity relating to bi women specifically#this is frustration with the gatekeepy and straight-passing discourse of it all#I'm tired of people being expected to act and to preform and to BE queer enough for others' opinions.#am I still welcome if I haven't been with a woman in a few years? if I dress boring? if I like m/f? if I don't listen to chappell roan?#joking on that last one but like. idk. never straight enough for the straights but never gay enough for the gays#constantly some mercurial in-between that offers no comfortable easy group to put us in.#what do i have to do to not be judged as a filthy hettie? are my doc martens enough for you yet?#like oh sorry let me cuff my jeans and have a bob and wear a button up over a cami and wear etsy earrings. am I visually bi enough yet?#let me apologize for the cardinal sin of liking men too. let me wash my hands of any time a cishet man has held them.#if it was a bisexual man then just hand sanitizer is fine right? where do you draw the line on my queerness?#let me preform for you in a way that makes me queer enough.#anyways. sarcasm aside. I think I've made my distaste for this whole affair evident#if you don't want cishets at pride then what happens to those you incorrectly deem as cishet? do I need to prove myself to you?#am I passing as straight? am I passing as gay? am I enough for onlookers?#is it not enough to just show up at pride and celebrate? anyone and everyone who wants to?
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kitten4sannie · 8 days
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look at the way i ride ~
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sakusasunaru · 1 month
when will we get another akihane song. its all i want orz screaming and crying and rolling on the ground
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theatrekidenergy · 1 month
I’m chronically ill. I’m a figure skater. I use a cane when I’m not skating cause I have really severe chronic pain that gets especially flared up by any warmth. And this morning I had the bright idea of “guys, fall is coming, I’m gonna go on a run this morning. Just a quick 10 minute run.” I then went on said run (against all better judgement telling me “this is going to be bad for you later, you’re allowed to let your body rest, you’re already athletic, you don’t need to prove that to anyone, you need to stop ignoring your health.”).
For context I live in Texas. And I only get pain relief in very cold environments (such as the rink). It was 78° at 6am. And humid. I’m flared up to no tomorrow. I only ran for 10 minutes and when I got out of the shower I fell over immediately and sublexed my hip. I just don’t know what to say really. Why does taking care of myself hurt so bad?
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worstloki · 1 year
While I do feel Thor should have insecurities about Frigga preferring the adopted son over himself it’s a given presumption that his involvement with Odin overshadows that largely enough for it to not be mentioned much. But it shouldn’t be unless Thor doesn’t respect his mother at all.
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