crows-in-the-house · 3 days
(nsfw) Bill Cipher x reader pt II
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summary: part I is here, nsfw headcannons for Bill Cipher, this time Triangle and Human forms
pairing: Bill Cipher x Reader
tw: sex ofc, slight gore?
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Triangle! Bill
Licks your whole face, all the time
Would make you take a bath with him in your own blood. Don't be a crybaby! This is very romantic and your not aprecieating this at all!
Very tauchy, groping your body all the time. You can't squirm away, he will just laugh lauder, holding you tighter and closer
"Where do you think you're going, it's time for real fun! (= pinching and pushing your body to watch your expressions change)
The way he bites you constantly changes - sometimes it's just a flirty kickey on your neck, and sometimes it's biting of the flesh from your tigh.
He can hold you for hours with how many hands he can manifest. You may push one back but the other will grab you tighter! Sometimes they act a little like tentacles, roaming on their own, when he's busy thinking about overtaking another galaxy. Your embarassed wimpers and pleas won't be even heard in this state.
Will try to kiss you eye to eye. First time you let him he will come closer to you without blinking, staring at you and holding by both shaulders. He will then wham into one of your eyes. And quickly fly away. Such a dirty meat bag! Tempting him to do such filthy things! What a loser!
Then he will proceed to kick his little feet in air and tell about it to all his henchmaniacs.
From this moment he will get more pushy, appearing out of nowhere, choosing an eye and holding your arms and eyelid open as he goes in for a kiss. He will munch on the eyeball, exploring the eyesocket with his tongue and playing with the eye nerve that bearly holds into your eye. He will lick of your tears giving you a big fat (human type) smooch on your cheek
Also into possesion, getting inside your body and exploring it as he wants is his greatest wet dream. Learning how to get all the best sensations as he puts whatever he can in your holes. Likes making you watch and whine how "he shouldn't do that, he should lube this place, be gentler with that part, stop making such faces" etc and then immiediately putting you back in your body so the only sound you can make are loud moans.
Wants to fuck you on his throne, all cute and chained up!
Human! Bill
He's rather laud and whiney, won't shout up and will talk all the time unless you stick something in in his mouth. Technicly you could try to make him give you a head, but you better be prepared for bitting.
Will be quite selfish, in pursuit of his own pleasure. Don't worry tho, making him feel good will also make you. Have you ever came just from tauching someones dick? No? Well now you have a chance!
Loves you sitting on his cock, but also needs to try out all his body parts, so you better find a way to make it nice for you.
If he's jealous he will pin you to a wall and tell u to strip. If u don't he will just snap the clothes away.
(No, all the towels, blankets, and your whole wardrobe are gone too. Better spend time with him now, or he will take your flesh away too)
Likes you not wearing anything when he's in his whole suit. Would also love to finger you in his gloves and would scold you for trying to cover up.
Pls grab his jaw and look into his eye ordering him to act nicer and gentler. He will smirk at that but if you succesfuly punish him once, he will be your obidient dog every next time.
The aftercare is him hugging you and not letting go. He will let you take care of him, but still wants you close. You're not getting further then a meter so better have everything prepared nearby. Alternatively, if he's somehow too tired to think, you can throw him your sweater and try to take care of yourself. You better come back soon tho.
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crows-in-the-house · 8 days
Can't take my eyes of you
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summary: hc's for Stanford having a crush on reader
pairing: Stanford Pines x reader
tw: none
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after being alone for years in different dimensions with no hope of escape? tauch starved 100%.
has separation anxiety and will want to stay with his loved ones most of the time. if he ever wakes up from a nightmare you better comfort him, reminding he's home and safe. kisses and hugs will be apprecieated
wants to ramble about his interests but will be quiet around his love interest to not sound "too weird"
(please ask him about fantasy and science fiction stuff! he will share all his theories with you!)
also, he would love to teach you things, no matter if it is math, physics, the anomalous, his knowladge won't go to waste!
he takes allnighters just so he can plan out every interaction with you for the next day
def an overthinker
won't be opposed to take you for missions to spend time together. He knows how to keep you safe from any harm. He doesn't realize how hot he looks when doing it tho.
will also enjoy you patching him up. Getting beaten by an alien is worth it when he sees you running with bandages! Just don't mention the blush on his face, he won't be able to say anything withaut stammering for hours!
helping him with shaving? so he doesn't set himself on fire? lovely. his mind is racing with ideas to take you on dates.
helping him solve a hard equasion which he worked on for hours? great! his mind is imagining you two getting married.
he would also let you wear his coat, you don't even have to ask! he will see you wear it, smile and go back running to his lab to create a machine that prints memories on paper
will scan your dna to see how compatable you two are
let's you peak into his journals! Sometimes even you can draw in them or add some memrabilia like photos, pretty leaves or sticky notes.
to be honest, all your sticky notes are in there. just neatly hidden between glued pages or in secret envelope pockets
he's a little insecure about his hands - hold them! he will melt!
over all 10/10 pinning and blushing, you will have to nudge him a little to make a move
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crows-in-the-house · 20 days
Sinful sensation
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summary: the demon brothers sensing you're feeling their sin
pairing: demon bros x reader
tw: none
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Get's pridefull of you being praud, and will ignore the fact that it's still a sin and a sign of being full of yourself or egoistic. In his eyes you're just a silly human who deserves to feel over the top sometimes. Feeling that sensation will make him smirk, wishing to see you imiediately and messaging you a ton of compliments. You rushing to tell him what happened will only fuel his pride - obviously, his sweet little human came to tell him first.
He will come running to you if he senses you feeling greedy. He just needs to see that, maybe take a few picturies, record that, draw it if he has to, his human is simply too cute to not memorise it in some way. He would make u a photoshoot if he could, it doesn't matter you look the same as always!
If you're already out of money, he will give you his goldie. Here, you can buy yourself something nice (he's too embarrased of his blush to see what unnecessary thing you're about to buy)
Will find out who made you envious and will proceed to feel envious of them. What do you mean you're thinking about those people! You are already great, pretty and so cool, and you should have been thinking about him and his games! Do you not like spending time with him?? Is it becouse of those stupid idiots?? Is he not good enough?
Your jealeusy is often short lived if you're near him. He will either cheer you up or spiral into envy which will make you the one helping.
Will try to help you out whatever the sytuation is. Lucifer yelling at you making you blush? Will come running to "flirt" with him so you don't have to deal with the embarassent. Feeling highly attracted to somebody? Will try to set you two up. Wanting to feel good tonight? Will join in. Which is, of course, his favorite kind of help he offers.
Usually he will help you get calm again, for example by calling and checking up on you. If you don't answer he will just wait in his room so you can always find you yourself. Sometimes tho, when he's in a bad mood and feels his favorite human also pissed he will start making imaginary scenarios in his head. He didn't eat today, got B instead of A on a test, got scammed by Mammon, and probably his human is getting threatened by some filthy lower demons! He should kill them! He has to find you and destroy them!
He feels as if he grew a second black hole in his stomach. In those days you never feel full or satysfied which makes him worry. You try to spend 6 hours at the gym which he allows on only if you eat, drink and rest from time to time. Accompanies you on all side quests from Diavolo that you obliged to go on. He even bought you an emergency freezer just so you don't waste the access food you bought (will also help eating that ofc). He doesn't mind helping you with your gluttony, he feels responsable for it.
He knows you've overworked in student council when feels your sloth. Every time when you had enough you start to get reluctant to work or make any effort. He just takes you home and helps you get in bed. He will make you change into pyjamas, but only because he knows how uncomfortable it is to sleep in uniform. Might also keep you well feed but dont expect him to remind you of brushing your teeth, hair or such unimportant tasks.
He's happy you get to procrastinate together. But sometimes this word slips from his mouth - and it's a wake up call you better pick up.
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So, the difference between gluttony and greed (from what I've read) is that the first is more of consumerism and food wasting for your pleasure and greed is for control, money and such and for a person to desperately get higher then others. I hope I get that in well enough?
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crows-in-the-house · 8 days
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summary: hc's for Bill being jealous and doing awful things to everyone around you
pairing: yan! jealous!Bill Cipher x gn!reader
tw: toxic behaviours, mention of sex (at the end), death of a pet
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his actions would be dependent on how much you spend time with either him or them - whoever "they" are. A pet? How cute, how silly, oops it's dead! What? It would die in a year anyway, stop making a fuss.
do you have a pack of friends? He wants to meet them! Let's see what kind of worthless scums try to take your attention from him!
a partner??? Do you know how much those things take from yours his time? You should break up with them this instant! Chop chop kid we have galaxies to overthrow!
at first he would be delicate, testing the ground and just manipulating you into spending more time with him. Maybe he would start adding some praise here and there, maybe doing actual nice things, like creating an (actually edible) meal out of thin air, or stopping the rain when you don't have an umbrella on you
just for you kid, just for you
soon it wouldn't be enough tho. He would start possesing you - promising he needs only twenty minutes and won't harm your body. Why not, what could go wrong?
this way he would "meet up" with your friends. At first he would just break in to their hauses and watch them sleep, wondering what do you see in them. What alse would you possibly need that he can't offer?
he would start reading their diaries, sometimes destroying the pages in the fit of rage at a mere mention of you. (The same would happen with their minds, if he would notice them dreaming about you)
would put ropes and knifes everywhere, break every lightbulb, draw triangles and ominous runes that somehow make their insides itchy. Maybe he would switch their salt with sugar. Or arsenic, who knows.
what would happen if all of that wouldn't work? That you still hang out and are even closer? That you start suspect Bill has been doing something suspicious lately? He would move to a different tactic of course.
also would tie them in their closets and set their homes on fire
it would be making you intruduce him to all your friends. He would make you sing praises of him and all his good deeds. After all, he's your inspiration, companion, best friend, your everything! Why not spend time with your other friends and "loved ones" together?
(he would not acknowladge your partner as gf/bf, no, it's just "that other mammal", but what's wrong with that, Bill is just Bill, he calls people stupid names all of the time!)
oh how cute you are, not noticing how uncomfortable all of those meatbags are. You just adore him, right?
every time you'd leave the room he would start gushing about you two spending time together. He would imply you prefering him, loving spending time with together, laughing and doing interesting stuff alone, just the two of you, kinda like a pair.
he would make gross remarks about their appereances, getting right into their insecurities. But why would that matter? They are not good enough anyway!
he would also posses you during sex making you moan his name instead of your partners. But don't act so fussy! It was just a joke!
if he would want to especially get under your partners skin (not litterally this time) he would gush about you hugging and kissing him every day. In reality it's just him squizing and licking you but tbh he doesn't see the difference
he would destroy all your matching clothes and accesoriess, no matter if it was with your friends, family or partner. It could be some 6 year old ex memrabilia, he doesn't care, it goes to the fire when he finds it, the only one you can match with is your lord and saviour Bill Cipher!
but don't think he would be only cruel! He would always whisper you just the sweet nothings when you're tauching yourself! Oh come on, just go on and stop telling him to leave, he needs to study human anatomy!
over all, this guy would be possesive and cruel not only to you, but also everything in your proximity
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crows-in-the-house · 15 days
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Summary: Hc's for Bill kidnapping you and making you his queen/king
Pairing: Yandere!Bill Cipher x reader
tw: gore, harm to Y/N
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soo let's say Bill won. The Pines family is gone, your friends are stuck in ripped banners and the rest of the town is now Bills trone. And what about you? You are his precious human, his co-ruler, the lung to his liver, the ameba of his eye and whatever he wants you to be!
Oh but no no no no no, don't you think he would treat you badly like those worthless meatbags, we can't have that! Everytime you're next to him, he makes sure to bombard your brain with dopamine and such! You're smiling, and giggling, and don't even think about getting addicted to that feeling! You already are, so there's no point in worring! You love him so stop trying to deny it!
after some time you may find yourself actualy enjoying his presence (don't you dare call that stokholm syndrome!! It's just pure love and obsession!)
he flushes your nerve system in pleasure every time you do something he wanted you to do (oh you accidentaly killed somebody? good job kid, stop crying, there's your prize)
he does take some of your bones, sometimes just those that you don't need - "you don't even use your vermiform appendix, why do you care what I'm doing with it?! wait... are you jelly?"
if you don't want him in your dreams then better get used to being observed every night in your sleep. he won't even blink.
there's no point in shouting at him, he will just shout lauder, laugh and baby you
you may as well be cuz sometimes he just takes your fucking spine
cuts open your stomach and shoves there some demon food. this way you can actually digest it and eat it! or be a good fridge for him! aren't you a treasure?
summons you like a cat. of course, he could just teleport you with a snap, but making you run towards him is soo cute!! (ignore a hellhound running after you, it's just for brainless catlle! better quickly pspsps on his lap!)
will also show you of to anyone he can. are you trying to escape? will hold you like a fisherman holds fish
or by a throat
makes you wear chains
crack your joints
all the time
sometimes he may skin you and put all that on himself. how cozy, look, he's a human now!
makes you sit on his laps! and plays with your body and hair, just cuz you look like a grumpy cat! he should put a collar on you!
with all that being said, he won't let anyone bully flirt with you (that's his job)
he will carve his name all over your body to show you you're his (secretly wants you to do it to him too)
will try to give you a pet made of your enemys body parts sewed together and turned back to life. oh but you didnt make any enemys in your life? Silly meat bag, everyone has them!
he will put needles in your forhead and around your head so it looks like a crown. you may look like a sewers cushon but at least the needles are gold and shiny
he will make you watch how he tortures your race. If you want him to stop, start complimenting him and saying you are bored. maybe lets look at the stars, hm?
will then proceed to look at ur memories and find one. A kid who took your crayon when you were a toddler? that's the one!
also don't worry, he will make more enemies with you, isn't that romantic? you two can share them now!!
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he will make you bathe in gold! litteraly. it hurts and burns your skin. you will start begging him to take your nerves system so you don't have to feel that. how adorable
he wants you to be next to him all the time! Kiss him, hug him, worship him.
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crows-in-the-house · 17 days
Y/N *hugging Bill* : Omg look at the babyyy he's just the cutest!
Ford: He's a monster who tried to take over our dimension and destroy it. He tortured me, my family and all the townfolk bringing chaos and despair. He deceived me for years acting as a muse, while constantly harming me and Fiddleford. He gave my family trauma- no not only them but all the people who experienced Weirdmageddon, and the only thing that keeps them sane is acting as if nothing happened, that's a dangerous psychopath incapable of any empathy and-
Y/N: Oh, I am aware he's an awful evil overlord. But look how squishy he is!
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crows-in-the-house · 24 days
Bill Cipher x Reader possesion hc's
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tw: harm to reader, violence and blood?
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i think he would posses you in your sleep, making sure you are deep in nightmare realm, getting in only when he's sure you won't wake up :
he will start his fun with drawing eyes on your eyelids and your forehead, maybe whole body if he's in the mood,
and the best part? It's going to be with a the pernament marker sucker!
if he gets bored he might start drawing triangles or riddles, sometimes just in places you won't see, like "Bill's property" on your nape (ha! you still have that you fool!)
oooh, and maybe he will tattoo that if you've been ignoring him lately
just so you know haha
will try to see if he can bite of ur fingers
will eat spiders (his fav human must be well feed)
will bath you in nailpolish so you're "well preserved"
will prank call random people hoping he finds any of the Pines numbers (so you two can go on a murder date!!)
will make a fashion show!
but don't hope it will turn out well, he will cut out "clothes" out of your curtains, make a shawl out of toilet paper and use a grater as a bracelet. Later you may just find yourself half naked cuz he bearly knew how to put back normal clothes on you (he will defend himself saying that real clothes are boring and out of style)
on the other hand he will also put on lots of jewelry and accesories - so you may also wake up with three hats, old winter glove, two bowties (which you didn't own earlier?) and 6 rings on your toes. enjoy!
sometimes Bill will just watch tv. Maybe he will comment on "my little ponny" or other shows, what else can he do? He has to talk to somebody, you know, while waiting for his lazy human. The next day you can feel ur throat burning and eyes itching
"what about building a portal?" - you would ask. Well no, he obviously does that. It's just that it's not so enjoyable when you don't have anyone to boss around! So he gets bored quickly and nags you about it later. Or send you more nightmares about it, cuz how dare you be so sloppy with your work!?
he will also draw himslef on all your mirrors so you can look at him every time u try to look at ur relfection (if you try to clean that off, he will just scratch it with something sharp the next day, so better be cearful, theres going to be lots of glass shards everywhere)
prolly will just throw brokade everywhere cuz its pretty
if he's feeling lonely or desperate he will start rewiring your brain, maybe adding a few fake memories where he's your hero, or putting himself in a place of somebody that helped you in hard sytuation. Remember that one time you got sick and somebody was next to your bed 24/7? Yeah it was Bill, do thank him.
will read all your thoughts about him
will drink a soup made of energy drinks and candy
will write his name on ur brain. or heart. or lungs, maybe just everywhere, why not?
will act like you in front of the mirror and compliment himself!
will try making a piercing. if he fails with your ears he will just practice on your tights! And neck!
will haunt down your friends, you better tell them you were just playing tag with them. Yes, with a knife, who doesn't?
will try to lick your eyeball
and elbow
also will hurt your body in weird ways but that obvious
(buuuut maybe, just maybe, he will make you not feel all the pain the next day. If he likes you that enough, that is)
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crows-in-the-house · 22 days
Swapping clothes with Bill
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Summary : headcannons for you wearing his and him wearing your clothes
tw: none
there may be some spelling mistakes ig, sorryyy, tell me what you guys think!
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You wearing his clothes
laughts at you cuz u look stupid
adjusts the bowtie practically strangling you (he couldn't care how much he suffecates you, his favorite pet human looks just too cute! Maybe he should get you a collar? won't tell you that tho)
his gloves and shoes/socks? yeah no, you're not wearing those, they won't fit you, but you're welcome to wear similar ones
won't tell you but your impersonating attemps do make him a little amused.
will try to manipulate you make you fall for him harder, so if he's in human form you can get his overcoat. he will act like a gentelmen of course, putting it on you, saying he's worring his dumb little puppet will get sick! It's so chilly here, you should have brought a sweater! (as if you two are not inside your home)
his clothes have weird feel to them, like as if they were buzzing, maybe moving on their own just slightly, you won't feel entirely comfortable wearing them (10% evil silk, 90% ghuls skins, made in Ghx̌okþo)
just dont reach inside the hat. Whatever bunny joke you have won't make him laugh if you pull out something else and lose it.
Him wearing your clothes
will also laugh at you
your stupid human clothes are weird and don't make sense! (either help him put them on, or watch your shirt and pants get new holes)
it's not like you will want them back tho, some of your pockets will get filled with glass shards, centepides or even black holes if you've been annoying him lately. he can wear your jacket for mere 2 seconds and it will get altered in some way. maybe a zipper turns to teeth. maybe the fluffy insides are radioactive, who knows.
your scarfs, bowties, shawls and hats, have the biggest survival chances (don't think you will get them back tho, they are Bills now)
the least amount of "customizing" you got was when you begged him to give you back your favorite shirt. It has "Bill's property" cut out on your back now.
tbh if you want your clothes back in one piece you better just buy new ones and let him draw on them with those cloth markers. he will call himself the greatest model and designer
for him 10/10 experience, likes wearing your hoodies
will not admit that tho
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crows-in-the-house · 25 days
affection from Bill
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Bill being giddy when he gets to tauch you. His insides are mushy, his vision is foggy, he feels supernovas in his stomach, that's such a funny feeling! He won't admit that tho, of course, he will act like a little tsundere, telling you you're too close and distracting. He will tell you, he can hear your sweat under your nails, and you drooling in your mouth (its just saliva?) and oh stars, your so desperate, he CAN feel that beating heart in your insides, AND NO he said HEAR not FEEL. Gosh humans are so stupid.
He just sits there and let's you hold his hand when he makes new sock puppets. You are allowed to stay and watch but he swears he will make next ones out of your skin if you do something further. So you don't. For some time. And then he gets whiny, telling you all this takes too much space, and he can't see where he put buttons or threads.
For some reason his messyness is all your fault. But you don't get to leave, he has a better idea. What's that? He sits on your lap. Yes, shut up, that's the only solution! It's not like he could make you or him smaller, or make stuff fly, not this time kid! And stop thinking of other ways to do it! You are clearly at awe of his solving skills! Just stop trying to best him!
Oh also, since you initieted this (no you didn't) you should get the job done and squize him harder. Like, for this so called "hug"? C'mon, toots, he won't be satysfied untill he feels his brains pop out! Stop smilling idiot, what do you mean he sounds happy?!
It will take a few minutes to explain to him that's not what hugs are about. He then will proceed to bite you. What's the reason? Taking his precious puppet making time. Just sit there pretty and watch him do it. And NO, he ISN'T red, he doesn't have blood. (Well, in general he doesn't, let's ignore him savouring your taste on his tongue)
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crows-in-the-house · 16 days
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Summary : (this statement by @/exodusin) / Mabel finds you in Bills penthause but instead of escaping with her, you show her your true colors. And your new husband, Bill.
pairing: Bill Cipher x gn! evil! reader
tw: none, tell me if i should add
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Mabel couldn't find Dipper. For twenty minutes she's been running around Bills piramid only to get the demon further away from her Grunkles. That worked out. Kinda. Now she couldn't find a way back and had him running after her and her brother. And now she lost him! She really hoped he was fine. Hearing a booming sound she turned to another corridor. This one was looking... different?
It was smaller and narrow, as if the walls were about to crush her trying to protect something further. On the end of it, she found grand traingle doors. She really hoped whatever was inside would be harmless enough to let her rest a second. She opened them, coming into a big luxurious room. It looked like some sort of a penthouse with an expensive cauch, a fireplace, chandelier and a-
"Oh! Mabel, hi!" - Wait, what? It was you! Y/N her cool older friend, the one who helped her out in numerous adventures, and the one who vanished, just some time before the start of Weirdmaggedon! She could't belive her own eyes!
"Y/N? What are you doing here! Has Bill kidnapped you and inprisoned? We were so worried!" The girl rushed to hug you. "We need to go! Bill is-"
"Go? Oh Mabes, why would we go anywhere?"
She took a step back. You looked the same as always. Just maybe more elegant? Her tired mind desperately searched for the explanation for the weird feeling she had right now.
"Y/N... what... what have you been doing since the start of Weirdmaggedon?"
"Oh, well, I was sitting here " you gestured around the luxurious room. You didn't seem to be panicked at all. Have you get used to the situation? " I've been quite bored, but overall I'm fine, really! I'm glad you're here to visit!"
"Visit? No! I'm here to defeat Bill! Have you seen what he did to the town? To the people?!"
Despite your face being frozen on a smile something in your eyes changed. You didn't answer immiediately, stepping back to a table nearby, pouring yourself a drink. You talked slowly, as if you were soothing a panicked animal cought in a trap.
"Oh yes. Trully a work of art. It took time to design all of this you know? Do you have a favorite part?"
She felt her stomach drop. She misheard you right? O-or you're just acting! Or under some weird demonic enchantment, you wouldn't say such a thing, right?
You smirked tilting your head. " Well... in my opinion, the top three things would be... hmm, the walking water tower - I know, I know, a boring choice, but it walks very funny and-
"Y/N, listen-" you ignored her, continuing as she wasn't even there "- the second would be bubbles, very creative, colorful and fun, you know? Especially yours, it was so cute it made me a bit jealous! It's a shame I didn't get to visit tho. Yes I know, sorry, don't look at me like that, I will do that next time ok? Now! Drumrolls! the first place goes toooo-"
You looked at her as if wanting her to guess. In response she gave you a mixed look. It seemed like you clearly needed some help, but there was no time to sit around.
"I dont know, what is it?"
" ME " she jumped quickly pointing a grappling hook at the intruder. It was Bill, again in his yellow tamer form, standing awfuly close to you and holing-
" Dipper!"
"Nu-uh Shooting star! You're not playing with that toy anymore!"
At the snap of his fingers her weapon dissapeared. He grabbed her and before Mabel could move she found herself in the same hand where Dipper was trapped in. But you? You just stood there.
"Y/N! Help us!" her brother shauted. You only responded with a piting look in your eyes. Until your attention moved over to the demon getting closer.
"Hey toots! Check this out - a pegasus dropped it off today!" he handed you a card. From where the twins where placed they could see a drawing of the pyramid and a short text which Bill read out laud:
"It's a "I missed you, B.", and yes, it's me, I'm the B, also there was no pegasus, also there was me."
He blinked at you.
You gasped and smiled, your cheeks got darker and your hands tauched where your heart was supposed to be.
"Oh Billy! You're such a romantic!"
Dipper looked at you with disdtain "You just didn't say that."
"Oh but they did! That's my spouse after all!" you both laughed at shocked faces of the children. It was funny how none of the Pines realised they had a traitor among them. Now everything started to make sense. How you claimed to love spending time in the shack. How your face always lingered on Dippers journal. How you never smiled at Stanford but was always calming him down after a fight with his broher. How they all could always count on you, to take care of the kids on their silly adventures.
"How could you!" Mabel felt her eyes getting watery. She really liked you. She trusted you!
You shrugged lightly smiling. " Oh dear, don't be sad, it was always the plan. I'm sorry you have to be entangled in all of this"
"No you're not."
"Ha. True, I'm not. You know me so well kid."
"Why. Why did you do all of this? We were friends-"
"Oh HA HA HA, they already have friends kid! And money, fame, riches, infinite power! And the handsome ol' me! What else would they need?"
"An entire world to rule?" - You kissed Bills eye while handing him a drink "Oh, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way, you know? But i hate you. I thought I could get over it. But I feel sooo tired. And it's just the time to split up! I mean, honestly, you and your grunkles had lot's of chances to get to the right side of history but you decided not to. Now you pay. Tell my thanks to Ford, I would never meet the love of my life, if not for his stupidity." your smile dropped.
"Y/N you can still fix this!"
"As if!" Bills form grew larger while he opened the door "See you sweetcheeks, I will get that equasion in no time! Gotta disassemble some kids molecules!"
You stayed there smiling, waving back at Bill.
That was the last time they saw you.
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crows-in-the-house · 6 days
Some Bill Cipher nsfw 🙏🏻 I want that triangle
Same anon. Same.
I didn't know if you wanted headcannons or a fic so I made general hcs. I will add a part 2 later with him as a human and a triangle
tw: slight gore, and sex over all, nsfw!
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At first he would be really bad at anything intimate - too harsh, too sloppy, maybe too fast, too laud or annoying. But with time he will learn. Especiallly with you as his test subject! Not that you will remember that with your memories changed!
also, enjoys making your mind blank, it feels like a tv with static, it's so funny to him he can't stop!
He likes to shove his tangue in your mouth when you don't expect it. He towers over you, exploring the insides and biting on your lips, making saliva drip down from your mouth. Then he steps away and leaves as nothing happened
He's not really into sex, he doesn't get anything from it, but likes to watch you squirm and make funny faces so he can get down to it - at least he gets to mock you.
He likes how fragile humans are, the thought of being able to snap your bones with one wrong move doing your special time makes him going places. Of course, to your dissmay, he will share such informations with you. Wanna know how you could die now? What are the chances for you getting a heart attack? He will let you know!
And don't worry! He won't shut up during the whole thing! Really! He will talk withaut a break, constantly laughing at your attempts of making him stop.
He is into gore so will actively try to harm you. Don't worry tho, he will make your nerves drown in pleasure when he disarreanges your body parts and organs. Will also take a bite out of your heart, lick in between your lungs and try to stick his fingers in your hot throat. Doesn't it feel nice? Maybe he should stick something else in there huh?
He enjoys making your hair messy. You look like a pouting dog every time!
His hands are constantly roaming on your body, if it's not your hand, it's a waist or arm, or maybe the back of your neck. He likes to "whisper" (shaut and threaten) all the things he could do to you if you won't stop talking to all of your friends. After all he wants to you himself. Always.
If you want him to, he can act a little more caring, whatever that means. Of course, you will have to pay him back for that, but why would you care about that now? For once he will be gentle, confessing how good you make him feel, how adorable your emotions are, how cutsy (pathetic) you look to him.
Remember to pay him back later tho, all great actors must have their prize sooner or later!
Also uses your blood as a lube and drinks your saliva lika water
I think he would be a switch - either wanting to annoy you, being all bratty and whiny or trying to embarras you as much as he can, being raugh and mean, ejoying you obeying him.
Call him your god, your muse, your world, your life! Anything stroking his massive ego will get him rilled up. Drown him in compliments, show him your devotion and admiration, maybe he will act a little softer then usually.
Better be careful what you say during sex tho, he will ask milion questions just to get you under his control :
"Want me to stop? Really? Oh it's a shame you can't tell me with that gag in your mouth!"
"aww does my puppet want to cum? yeah? what would you do to get it hm? OH, EVERYTHING? WOULD YOU SHAKE ON THAT?"
he's into shaming and degrading his partner but prefers to receive praise, will get mad and raugh if you try to deny giving it
will pull your hair,
and your limbs, he may even rip them of just to put them back in
enjoys your cries, doesn't matter if it's from pain or pleasure
also doesn't understand what "too much" means until he's on the receiving end
not that he doesn't like overstimulation, getting unable to talk and move just because of you stroking him so good shows him how obsessed you really are with him! Please make him tremble and shake, make him beg you to stop, laughing and whining when you ignore him
Will absolutely lie to you and prey on your naivety - of course he can make you not feel the soreness and pain the next day! He's a demon, remember? All tiredness could go away at the snap of his fingers, that's a promise.
(Not a deal tho, so he ignores it the next day. Just to see your tired expressions and body covered in bite marks.)
Over all, he's a very intense experience.
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crows-in-the-house · 25 days
matching Bill's freak brainrot
guys guys just listen, ok, like, Bill giving somebody dead stuff?? Best thing ever.
Idk about you but I really like to draw dead animals, like birds, fish or bugs. If he would get me a bag of dead rats and arrenge them in my name I would swoon over this man in no time. Like, they are still fresh?? And he possesed all of them just so they spell my name? In one night? It took time and effort guys, u just don't get it. Now scooch, I need to draw (maybe he would pose for me too?)
Ooooh and deer teeth?? Like girl pls, we can make matching bracelets or necklaces out of this!! No shop sells that! Isn't that an unique gift? No? Well then what about your mortal enemys head? Who would ever be so creative and romantic to give you something like that? Well, obviously, Bill.
And what if he makes me a bowl of worms instead of cereal? Well, at least he tried! How is he supposed to know humans don't eat those, he isn't one! And all that bug eating advertisments on earth don't make it easier!
Talking abt not being a human - I just need him to describe the colors my brain can't see! What do you mean you can see ultraviolet!! You just have to explain how it looks in nature and where can i find it. Hyperbeige? Ok now i hate my human body too. Fuck it, lets make a deal, he gets to posses me and I get to float unnoticed and stalk ppl around. Will I regret it? Maybe. But look how cutey my boy is laughing!
I bet he would be full of ideas of what to draw. Obviously, such a muse would inspire to make great art on every topic and in every medium! Like drawing him in all angles, paintng skies with stars and planets out of our world, making poems of how triangular piramids and mountains are, writting, well, weird equations of something looking like a portal, but hey, it looks pretty! Oh and sculpting organs, photographing the unknown! A great help to those with artblock!
I just wanna bite him, i cant
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crows-in-the-house · 14 days
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19 / any pronouns / maybe i will draw here to?
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requests open!
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this blog is 18+ minors dni
no romantic fics with characters who canonicly are children (idc if u ask me to age them up, not writting romance with them),
no things like (TW:) incest, pedophilia, self harm, disorders, rape, extreme kinks (for ex. piss kink)
no stuff making me uncomfortable, if you want to know if something does just ask, pls behave
i won't write complicated oc's, which by that i mean an ask like "can you write an (character) x a reader who's a demon princess with black hair, one leg and a tsundere personality?" im reaching here but i hope u know what i mean, i also dont describe skin color, or over all body parts
fine with gore
no character x character, this is an x reader blog
pls tell me if you rather want a hc or a fic
fine with nsfw
reader will be gn unless specyfied
plagiarism of my work is not allowed nor condoned no matter the circumstances.
𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒔!
art : artsycrow
writting (headcannons and fanfiction) : thetalkingcrow
short ideas/hcs/ramblings or thoughts : 💜°
requests/asks : petitionem aut petere
ao3 (will add that later)
𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒔 𝒊 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓
Gravity Falls (mostly Bill Cipher rn)
Obey me! Shall we date
Bungou Stray Dogs
Humans are space orcs (/elves/pirates etc)
others may be added later
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crows-in-the-house · 23 days
last time updated : 13.09.24
requests: open
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Types of fanfics:
✉️ - headcannons 🔪 - yandere
🫐 - nsfw
Gravity Falls
Bill Cipher
matching Bills freak
getting affection from Bill
possesion ✉️
swapping clothes ✉️
fic with evil reader during weirdmageddon
making you his queen/king ✉️🔪
Bill being possesive and jealous ✉️🔪
general nsfw (pt.1) (pt.2) ✉️🫐
with a laser pointer
Stanford Pines
general hc's ✉️
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Bungou Stray Dogs
none for now
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Obey me! Shall we date
Demon brothers
they sense you feeling their sins ✉️
1. Lucifer
none for now
2. Mammon
him dancing for you on a pole ✉️🫐
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none for now
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Humans are space orcs
none for now
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