#and besides. the other way is cool as heck.
being-of-rain · 7 months
I just listened to The Children of the Future, and really enjoyed it (Sarah and the Brig were such a delight in it, and Tim Foley is definitely one of my favourite current regular Big Finish authors). But I found it interesting that Three seemed to think he was near the end of his current life, because that's a trope that turns up a fair amount in the Dr Who expanded universe. Basically every classic Doctor seems to know when they're in their final few years, (it sometimes feel like Seven spends half his EU life thinking about how he's going to die soon,) because the authors just can't help themselves. The stories are deeply rooted in the continuity of the TV show, and the emotions of the fans who are writing the new stories. So every time a Doctor reaches their final season they get a meta self-awareness about it, which is something that I don't think ever happens in Classic Who itself. Even in New Who, the melodramatic 'the end is coming' attitude only turns up when the Doctor is told so by someone else. It's just when authors are looking back on the show that authors add the knowledge in, as if it wouldn't have any affect on the character or stories.
I don't know where I'm going with this yet. It's not something I really dislike, because I'm a fan too, and I understand exactly the bittersweet place that the writers are coming from. And in some stories, like The Children of the Future, it works really well and adds an extra dimension to the character (which goodness knows is always welcome when it comes to a character as well-worn as the Doctors). But it's another instance where it feels like the Doctor is really in-tune with the timeline (or narrative) of themself and everyone around them. Things like that always puts me in mind of TV Movie Eight, who reads people's entire lives like a book just by being around them. Or even less deliberately than that: he instinctually, maybe even subconsciously, picks up on their destinies, like long-time audience members of a specific genre, passively recognising the tropes and character archetypes as they're introduced.
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kafus · 2 years
beginner’s guide to the indie web
“i miss the old internet” “we’ll never have websites like the ones from the 90s and early 2000s ever again” “i’m tired of social media but there’s nowhere to go”
personal websites and indie web development still very much exist! it may be out of the way to access and may not be the default internet experience anymore, but if you want to look and read through someone’s personally crafted site, or even make your own, you can still do it! here’s how:
use NEOCITIES! neocities has a built in search and browse tools to let you discover websites, and most importantly, lets you build your own website from scratch for free! (there are other ways to host websites for free, but neocities is a really good hub for beginners!)
need help getting started with coding your website? sadgrl online has a section on her website dedicated to providing resources for newbie webmasters!
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the core of what all websites are built on. many websites also use JS (JavaScript) to add interactive elements to their pages. w3schools is a useful directory of quick reference for pretty much every HTML/CSS/JS topic you can think of.
there is also this well written and lengthy guide on dragonfly cave that will put you step by step through the basics of HTML/CSS (what webpages are made from), if that’s your sort of thing!
stack overflow is every programmer’s hub for asking questions and getting help, so if you’re struggling with getting something to look how you want or can’t fix a bug, you may be able to get your answer here! you can even ask if no one’s asked the same question before.
websites like codepen and jsfiddle let you test HTML/CSS/JS in your browser as you tinker with small edits and bugfixing.
want to find indie websites outside the scope of neocities? use the search engine marginalia to find results you actually want that google won’t show you!
you can also use directory sites like yesterweb’s link section to find websites in all sorts of places.
if you are going to browse the indie web or make your own website, i also have some more personal tips as a webmaster myself (i am not an expert and i am just a small hobbyist, so take me with a grain of salt!)
if you are making your own site:
get expressive! truly make whatever you want! customize your corner of the internet to your heart’s content! you have left the constrains of social media where every page looks the same. you have no character limit, image limit, or design limit. want to make an entire page or even a whole website dedicated to your one niche interest that no one seems to be into but you? go for it! want to keep a public journal where you can express your thoughts without worry? do it! want to keep an art gallery that looks exactly how you want? heck yeah! you are free now! you will enjoy the indie web so much more if you actually use it for the things you can’t do on websites like twitter, instead of just using it as a carrd bio alternative or a place to dump nostalgic geocities gifs.
don’t overwhelm yourself! if you’ve never worked with HTML/CSS or JS before, it may look really intimidating. start slow, use some guides, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. even if your site doesn’t look how you want quite yet, be proud of your work! you’re learning a skill that most people don’t have or care to have, and that’s pretty cool.
keep a personal copy of your website downloaded to your computer and don’t just edit it on neocities (or your host of choice) and call it a day. if for some reason your host were to ever go down, you would lose all your hard work! and besides, by editing locally and offline, you can use editors like vscode (very robust) or notepad++ (on the simpler side), which have more features and is more intuitive than editing a site in-browser.
you can use ctrl+shift+i on most browsers to inspect the HTML/CSS and other components of the website you’re currently viewing. it’ll even notify you of errors! this is useful for bugfixing your own site if you have a problem, as well as looking at the code of sites you like and learning from it. don’t use this to steal other people’s code! it would be like art theft to just copy/paste an entire website layout. learn, don’t steal.
don’t hotlink images from other sites, unless the resource you’re taking from says it’s okay! it’s common courtesy to download images and host them on your own site instead of linking to someone else’s site to display them. by hotlinking, every time someone views your site, you’re taking up someone else’s bandwidth.
if you want to make your website easily editable in the future (or even for it to have multiple themes), you will find it useful to not use inline CSS (putting CSS in your HTML document, which holds your website’s content) and instead put it in a separate CSS file. this way, you can also use the same theme for multiple pages on your site by simply linking the CSS file to it. if this sounds overwhelming or foreign to you, don’t sweat it, but if you are interested in the difference between inline CSS and using separate stylesheets, w3schools has a useful, quick guide on the subject.
visit other people’s sites sometimes! you may gain new ideas or find links to more cool websites or resources just by browsing.
if you are browsing sites:
if the page you’re viewing has a guestbook or cbox and you enjoyed looking at the site, leave a comment! there is nothing better as a webmaster than for someone to take the time to even just say “love your site” in their guestbook.
that being said, if there’s something on a website you don’t like, simply move on to something else and don’t leave hate comments. this should be self explanatory, but it is really not the norm to start discourse in indie web spaces, and you will likely not even be responded to. it’s not worth it when you could be spending your time on stuff you love somewhere else.
take your time! indie web doesn’t prioritize fast content consumption the way social media does. you’ll get a lot more out of indie websites if you really read what’s in front of you, or take a little while to notice the details in someone’s art gallery instead of just moving on to the next thing. the person who put labor into presenting this information to you would also love to know that someone is truly looking and listening.
explore! by clicking links on a website, it’s easy to go down rabbitholes of more and more websites that you can get lost in for hours.
seeking out fansites or pages for the stuff you love is great and fulfilling, but reading someone’s site about a topic you’ve never even heard of before can be fun, too. i encourage you to branch out and really look for all the indie web has to offer.
i hope this post helps you get started with using and browsing the indie web! feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions or want any advice. <3
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galactic-rhea · 8 months
WDYM Anakin is Luke and Leia's dad
I dunno if this post will reach the Star Wars fandom but I hope it does because I'm sure you all will get a good laugh at me.
As of recent I have developed a good hiperfixation for Star Wars, the thing is I knew nothing. NOTHING about Star Wars besides the fact it had aliens and...a war...in space? And funny swords. And main character is Luke or something, I spent over 20 years ignoring anything about Star Wars and somehow missing most references out there.
And recently, literally less than a month ago I saw a gif and said to my partner "oh this guy this guy looks cool, this gif looks nice" and he said "Oh well, he's a good character." And it all developed into me watching Clone Wars, the animated series you know and...and I was kinda blown away, on my opinion the show IS GREAT. And I love every character and their interactions, I love how much they focus on side characters, and they all seem very well written. I got hiperfixated really fast and saw Anakin and I was like "Omg, babygirl. He's a blorbo now."
And because of the show, this was super unexpected, but somehow I also got, really got, into the ship with Padmé because omg, cool woman. Literal happy squeaky noises of someone who was in a bad state and needed some good ol' distraction and comfort.
Now, like I said I knew nothing about Star Wars as a whole. And I still haven't watched the movies, besides the ocassional gif?
So imagine my shock, my surprise, my...bewilderment when I realized.
"Wait a minute, LUKE IS ANAKIN'S SON?! HOLY-"
Ladies, gentleman, and others, I think I came very late to this party and I don't even know how it took me so long.
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Not only that, but because of this sudden love for the series, I went to my friends circle like "BESTIE, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A NEW BLROBO AND A NEW FAV SHIP AND EEEP"
And my friends are like "omg that's amazing, what is it?"
I tell them, and of course they all know these characters and they all react like they know this very bad secret fact and I got told several times already "Please, don't watch the episodes 2 and 3 alone, it will hurt."
I feel like blissfully walking among rainbows and blue skies while everyone else know that my future is doomed. Somehow.
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(Uncomfortable silence)
Not only that, but then I spent a whole deal of time thinking "Where the heck I have seen these guys" cus there was some fmailiarity I couldn't just point out and then one day I woke up, brushed my teeth and of all sudden I realized and it was such a shock.
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Do you know how SURREAL is to get very into a character, and into a ship, and then realize they're the same from that super widespread meme that has been around for who knows how much time?
I swear I thought that meme was from some old medieval fantasy movies or something.
But alas, Star Wars now is EVERYWHERE. People do references to Star Wars ALL THE TIME and it's just now I'm catching them.
I got spoilers. From a meme. In a youtube review that had nothing to do with Star Wars hah. Everything is a spoiler, the world is an apparent spoiler. Now I'm here, trying to avoid spoilers from something everyone seems to know, even my family knows. It's so surreal and I wouldn't have it any other way 😂
Anyways, if you read until here, know that a wild ride still waits me, cuz I'm only starting Season 3 of Clone Wars and I don't plan to watch the movies until I finish the series.
And yes, I made this blog just to ramble freely about SW and draw stuff because it sparked my inspiration after a long art block.
Have this doodle I drew after watching the two first episodes, my offering for you reaching this far.
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Note: Wouldn't Anakin and Padmé's ship name be Animé? Cuz that's hilarious.
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infinizero · 5 months
Ok so
There is this trope about ghosts not reaching maturity until they've been ghosts for several centuries
There is ALSO the trope that ghosts fight as a sort of way to communicate
With the power of these two tropes combined-- I give you this strange headcanon:
Ghosts become mature adult ghosts after 500 years.
Danny and his usual troublemakers are all in the same "daycare".
He's just the youngest + most unique ghost so they like playing around with him the most. In other words, it's the ghost version of older siblings ordering their younger siblings around
As far as ghosts go,
There are blobs, ghost animals, shades (those are ghosts as we know it) and ghosts (aka Infinite Realms Beings) etc etc
The blobs and etc are, well, blobs and etc
But ghosts need a while to fully grow up and be considered adult
And so, if these ghosts are children, they need guardians or caretakers at the daycare right?
Baby ghosts are under the care of the nearest authority (Ancient or Leader or etc etc)
Except baby ghosts usually stay near where they were born and Danny and Co just so happen to be near Pariah Dark
Pariah Dark is asleep
But Fright Knight is there!
Except Fright Knight is also sealed
And it's one thing to wake up the ultra powerful megalomaniac tyrant kinda parent figure but not really you're supposed to have and another to drag your oldest adult sibling out of their room to touch grass
In other words, the surrounding authorities just went eh the babies can contact fright Knight if anything happens
But then Danny defeats Pariah and inherits his authority
So he technically becomes the caretaker of baby ghosts in the area while being the youngest baby ghost himself
Hence the other ancients visiting and *playing* with him to see if it's ok to leave the babies with this other baby
And since they're ghosts who don't have human guidelines or morals, decide that since he's that strong it should be fine to leave it alone
Besides he has Fright Knight! Good 'ol Frighty will definitely help out this new baby kid ghost with doing everything!
Meanwhile, Fright Knight waiting for Danny to come claim the crown and ring: ...
Cue Danny's rogues coming up to him to show him shit they accomplished
Youngblood : Phantom look at this cool baking soda volcano that spews out real lava!!
Danny: It does WHAT
Youngblood: Look!
Danny: NO
Ember: Hey Babybop wanna listen to the new song I wrote? It compels humans to start cults based on my name!
Danny: Ember, no
Ember: I think you mean Ember YES
Skulker: Ghost boy I have skinned an alien and brought you a pelt turned into a coat
Danny: ...you did WHAt
Skulker: It is nearing winter time and one must always be ready for winter time
Danny, having an existential meltdown after seeing his parents and Vlad get it on together: Desiree what the actual fuck??? Did you do????
Desiree: I merely fulfilled a wish
Johnny: Hey Phantom look we got matching tattoos to celebrate our anniversary!
Kitty: Wait what did you just say?
Johnny: uh, we got tattoos for our anniversary?
Kitty: ...our anniversary is in TWO MONTHS. THAT was for my DEATHDAY.
Johnny: ...oh shit
Danny, about to soup them both: Man, get good
Lunch Lady: Phantom have you eaten your proteins today?!
Danny: uh... Yeah?
Lunch Lady, already throwing meat at him: EAT MORE
Danny: oh come on seriously
And on the other hand,
Walker, dumping ten piles of paper in Danny's room: Phantom, here are the latest forms that need revisions
Spectra: What do you MEAN you're not allowing me to open a beauty salon in order to dig into other girls' insecurities and maintain my own beauty?! That's why it's called a beauty salon!!
Cujo and Wulf who are both the best boys and favorites, with smug faces:
Fright Knight still waiting for Danny to accept the ring and crown:
Plasmius: What the heck is this weird feeling my ghost side keeps making me feel??
Plasmius: is it... Is there perhaps a ghostly way I can adopt the little badger??
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itsgirlyki · 3 months
“Princess of the island”
the jujutsu trio and their sensei take a trip for a celebration vacation but megumi likes a little more than the scenery
🌺includes: megumi fushiguro
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contains: pure fluff, fem coded reader, ooc megumi ngl
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the white haired sorcerer came to an abrupt stop after walking through milestones of trees and shrubs.
he points out to the crystal waters “here we are my cutie students. the beach of mamanuca island!” he turned to face his students and sees they already went ahead of him to explore the beautiful scenery.
“woah, this is so cool! i’ve never been on an island before.” yuuji exclaims while expanding his arms out as he fell against the warm sand. two feet slammed beside his head causing him to jerk away with a yelp.
nobara couldn’t tell seeing as she was to excited jumping in her spot. “so many views to take pictures of!” she pulls out her phone filming herself then the ocean ahead.
yuuji sat up in a hurry dusting the sand off his hair. “you almost stepped on my head!!” he huffs and pouts to the brunette.
“well your head should’ve never been in the way.” nobara shrugs not paying him any mind, keeping her focus on the device. yuuji growls and gets up out of the sand beginning to chase her. she sprints in the other direction screaming playfully, hoping not to be caught.
megumi sits quietly muttering to himself under the umbrella he set up watching the two fool around. gojo steps next to him offering a water bottle and the boy waves gojo away not wanting to be bothered by his antics. the childish man frowns and opens the water bottle letting it fall over megumi’s head drenching him.
“gojo-sensei what the heck?!” he growled shaking the water from his hair.
gojo chuckled snapping a picture of the now wet megumi “starting to act like your shikigami’s now eh? very doggish if you will.” he smirked teasing the younger male giving him a brief ruffle on the head.
megumi retracted from gojos touch almost snapping at him but kept his cool. he huffs through his nose turning around leaving away from the beach traveling elsewhere hoping to get as far as possible away from ‘the teasing gojo’.
after some time he came across a bush that was very lively which had him in confusion. he put his ear closer and could hear the slight sound of instruments playing which entranced him to come closer. inching up above the bush his view expanded bringing him to awe. beautiful color palettes of flowers and people littered the place, not to mention the aroma was mouth watering.
megumi stepped into the scene past the bushes basking in the bright sight. he sees many women approach him. he had frozen thinking he was intruding but only to receive a lei across his neck and arm. the eldest pats his cheek with a heavy grin reaching to her eyes “enjoy yourself darling!” all the ladies then giggled waving him away to find another target.
he sighed in relief then pondered around embracing the warm set up of the island wondering what kind of tradition it is. he found comfort in the place taking a seat at one of the empty stalls with wandering eyes.
a man tatted from head to foot came out from behind a tarp and saw megumi seated. “why hello there youngster, are you hoping to get a bite?” megumi tensed not knowing what to say.
“uh no thanks. i haven’t got any money on me.” the man blinks at him weirdly before laughing boisterously. megumi raises a brow with a tight lipped face.
the man halted his laughing before looking at megumi again, “oh, you were serious?” he scratches his head.
a girl suddenly came up and sat at the stall next to him entering their conversation, “i think he was definitely serious mau.”
megumi watched her from his peripheral drinking in her appearance letting a heavy blush coat his pale cheeks. she was glittered in body gems making her look glow even brighter.
“well then two bowls of saimin please mau.” she grinned.
“you got it yn.” mau nodded with a sweet smile going back past the tarp beginning on their meals.
he felt himself looking at her again only to see she was staring right back, “i see you’re not from here.” she giggles.
“uhm.. no i’m not.” he said dryly looking forward once more.
she tilted her head wondering who the mysterious boy is. she closed her eyes while leaning closer to him to catch a whiff of his scent making him flinch away and flush. “what are you doing?”
she stayed in her position still trying to sense his aroma putting a finger on her chin, “smelling you.”
after a few more seconds she leaned back opening her eyes. “you’re from kyoto, japan. and you’re not alone.”
megumi couldn’t hide the shock that was evident on his face. “how did you know all that?”
she chuckled pointing at her nose, “really good sense of smell. and you have multiple.”
he didn’t know why but he felt his chest speed up a bit at the odd girl. he coughed in his arm looking away rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “so, what is your name?” he asked but shortly smacking himself after remember hearing the man say it.
though the girl didn’t pay mind to that, “it’s yn ln! what about you pretty boy?”
“megumi. megumi fushiguro.” he chokes back a stutter feeling the heat rush to his face.
“cute name for a cute boy.” she smiles with a wink. oh she was going to kill him with these compliments.
“foods ready to be served!” mau came out with his hands full of two saimin bowls. he placed them in front of the two as well as chopsticks.
yn claps excitedly smelling the dish. she looks at megumi and ushers him to taste. he slowly picks up the chopsticks digging into his meal. one bite after another he hums in fulfillment and gratitude.
“thank you, it taste good.” megumi bows slightly to mau then returning to his meal.
mau crosses his arms with a smirk, “oh don’t be so modest young man. you can say it’s more than good.”
yn chuckled at the man shaking her head, “don’t get too over your head mau.”
she quickly finished her food and waited for megumi to be done shortly after. they then waved off mau a quick goodbye before yn dragged megumi elsewhere. they were going further away from the liveliness and more into a calmer area that he hadn’t had yet to explore.
he looked down noticing their fingers are laced together and tried to ignore it failing miserably. yn noticed his fingers tense so she fully cups his hand bringing him closer. “why so stiff? relax a bit!” she smirked up at him causing megumi to burn brighter.
they walked past a few shrubs and hanging vines entering a beautiful garden that had just as much color as the festival. megumi was stunned at the sight letting out a little, “wow.”
yn chuckles at his reaction letting his palm go,“beautiful isn’t it? grew them myself.” if megumi’s jaw couldn’t drop anymore than he thought it would it did.
his brows risen in amazement, “all??” she nodded ushering him closer. they walked to the center of the garden seeing a beautiful hibiscus protected by glass. he noticed that it matched the one in her hair and reached out to touch it only for a vine to stop his hand.
“oh! yeah i wouldn’t do that if i were you.” she shook her head as the vines were very protective of the flower.
“they move..”
“yes! they do!”
“does the one in your hair move too?” it peaked his curiosity as things got much weirder. she flushed and nodded her head. she plucked it from by her ear and another regrew back in its spot.
“kinda, since i am the one who controls them.” she dropped a big bombshell on him like it was normal. maybe to her it was but this was new grounds for him. she saw as he was still confused and waved her hand around the garden making more flowers bloom. “see?” she hands him the flower she plucked forcing it into his hands.
she turns her back hiding the blush the arose to her cheeks, “now come along, we wouldn’t want your friends to think you’re missing.” he nods in agreement following the girl closely behind.
as they step through the shrubs together megumi trips over a branch bringing yn down with him making them smack lips together. they stayed intertwined for a good two seconds before pulling apart heavy blushes on each face.
“imsosorrywhattheheck.” megumi stammered feeling embarrassed but not regretful. he held out a hand for her to take seeing as she was still on the floor.
she gratefully took his hand which firmly pulled her up into his arms, “thanks.” she mumbled shyly flowers started to bloom around her feet and his. megumi smiles slightly tucking a hair behind her ear almost leaning in again.
“woah woah woah. back off our princess!” megumi felt a shove to his chest causing him to stumble back away from the girl.
“princess?” megumi asks in confusion. but no one has spoke up still leaving him in the dark.
“hey! don’t push him like that pali!” she frowned stepping in front of megumi. “he’s my friend.” she said crossing her arms.
“didn’t look very friendly.” pali smirked down at her. he glances at megumi curiously. “who are you anyway? not too often we get visitors.”
megumi squints and huffs, “i’m fushiguro.”
“well fushigurgur, i need to collect our princess so she can finish our ritual.” pali grabbed yn’s arm preparing to leave.
“ritual??” megumi rose a brow. yn glowered quickly denying.
“he’s being an idiot, it’s just a firework show at every ceremony. you’re free to watch.”
“well come on less chatting or we’ll miss it.” pali unhanded yn walking ahead letting her fall beside megumi so they could walk together.
“so yn?” megumi pondered.
“hm? something on your mind?” she questioned.
“yeah actually. why’d he call you princess?” yn giggled at the question feeling the answer was obvious enough.
“well silly, that’s because i’m the princess of this island.” the sound of a penny could be heard dropping. megumi was bewildered stopping in his place bowing at the girl.
“get up! none of that is necessary.” she blushed softly grabbing his shoulders lifting him up.
“now come along we have some fireworks to see.” her hand pulled his into the crowd as she settled him down in the sand. “i have to go on the stage but you can watch me from here pretty boy.” she winked at him with a thumbs up.
she stepped on stage with presumably the king and queen of the island waving. they lit the fire works letting them set off into the night sky doing beautiful patterns with many colors. but the only thing megumi could look at was yn. she was the prettiest thing of the night and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. she felt the burn of his eyes on her and turned to look at him with a smile and wave.
“megumi! megumi! megumi!” the said boy had woken up to yn pushing him out of his bed. he groaned rubbing the back of his head.
“you’ve been sleeping since 3pm! gojo told me to come check up on your before we went to our next mission… but you’re not even ready.” she shakes her head with a facepalm.
“oh.” he blinks up at her from the floor looking around.
yn scrunched her face with a questioning look, “oh? did you hit your head or something?”
“nevermind. get out so i can change.” he told the girl blankly.
“well okay meanie! i’ll be waiting for you outside.. by the way your hair looks a mess.” she chuckled walking outside closing the door behind her.
megumi got up off the floor stretching before rubbing his face, “way to ruin a good dream.”
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for more like this follow @itsgirlyki !!
( this is based off a real abandoned island with hawaiian traditions )
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k8luvsu · 5 months
“i’m insecure of my laugh”
ft. Tsukishima Kei
f!reader x Tsukishima Kei
angst to fluff
author’s note: thought of this during class, yay!! anyway, i hope u enjoy, stay safe, xoxo ‼️🫶
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It was another school day, just talking to your friends, when someone made you laugh— another classmate of yours scoffed and commented, “What kind of laugh is that?” , the others just laughed, telling the person to shut up and mind their own business, but you minded it. Your sound of laughter soon died down, now forced chuckles and smiles here and there. That really affected you, ruining your entire day, heck, maybe your entire week.
Days passed, you were nonchalant and dry. You still showed smiles but the laughs felt like a rare sound to hear now.
After classes, you went to one of the quiet parts of the school. You just needed.. time. Were they joking? Were they being serious? But in the end, it was stuck in your head the past few days, you were zoning out, just.. sitting there. Until you felt someone beside you, humming quietly. You slowly turned your head to see that it was none other but Tsukishima Kei.
“Jeez, Kei! At least say something when you’re here— wait, first of all, how did you know I was here?! Are you a stalker?!” You squealed in surprise, almost jumping from where you sat.
“One, I just had to grab the chance to spook you. Second, isn’t it obvious by now? You go here when you need to cool off or whatever. And lastly, no, can’t a guy know his girlfriend too well?..” He replied in a nonchalant way, but somehow there’s a hint of humor in there, like another one of your daily banters.
“Well… okay, yeah. Why are you here?” You frowned and glared at him, slightly chewing on your lip in nervousness.
“…To check on you…” He whispered quietly, “What?” You furrowed your eyebrows, “I came to check on you…” He mumbled, “What???”, you raised one of your eyebrows, “I came to check on you, dummy!” He finally said in a voice you can actually hear him.
“..O-oh. Oh.” You finally realized, you made a small smile, giggled a bit, almost laughed, but kept it in.
“Why?” He scoffed without looking at you, just looking in front of him to avoid eye contact, you replied, “Huh? What do you mean ‘Why?’, Kei?” You said in a confused tone.
“Why did you let that idiot’s words get to your head? About your laugh?” He grumbled. “Well.. I mean, it is weird, now that I realize, I don’t get why I laugh like—“ You explained before you get cut off by him, “Like an angel? Yeah, I don’t get it too, your laugh is so mesmerizing, it drives me insane.” He confessed with a blush, then you blushed as well. “P-Pardon? No, I think you misunderstood me—“, you quickly replied, “Yeah, yeah, I get it, your laugh’s like that. So what? It brightens up the whole room— brightens up my day. Everyone’s got a different laugh. Your laugh’s my favorite. My medicine.”
“I-I mean- well..” You look down, fiddling with your fingers as you bit and chew on your lower lip, “Look, I know I don’t say these a lot, but please, don’t let the words of pathetic people go to your head, they want to do nothing but make you insecure of yourself. Your laughs and smiles are so.. I don’t know, its like heavenly sounds ringing in my ears. You know? You’re divine. I love you.” He mumbles shyly, his cheeks heating up.
“Pfft-“ You giggle, stifling a laugh, then you laugh out loud, showing obvious comfort in his presence. “No way, did the Tsukishima Kei say that?!”, you laugh.
“There she is,”, he smiles, staring into your eyes as he basks in the divine beauty before his eyes.
the end </3!
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feroluce · 3 months
So this ficlet-ish thing was inspired by @hydrachea, nsfw super genius extraordinaire, but also by the fact that in addition to Boothill's left eye being cybernetic, I like to hc even the parts of him that look human aren't fully natural. I mean the dude eats bullets, after all. I think he should also have vents in his mouth so he can literally blow smoke/steam, it would look super cool. Think Father Gascoigne or Studio BONES' Todoroki. We as a fandom deserve that!!
So anyway, of course, sometimes these vents get blocked up and need to be cleaned manually. Thankfully, Dan Heng is super helpful ☆
Like there's one day where Boothill is lazing around in the archives, fresh off a bounty and happily soaking up the luxury of the Astral Express after however long he's spent tracking his prey through all the dust and dirt with almost no rest.
Boothill likes it in the archives. It's not silent, but it's quiet. There's no music and only muffled voices from outside, but there's the hum of all the computer systems. It makes for a nice place to hide away and recharge when he's just finished exhausting himself.
And besides, Dan Heng is there.
Sometimes the two of them talk back and forth, but today it's mostly quiet...except for-
"I didn't know it was possible for you to get sick."
...Except for Boothill having to constantly clear his throat. That's the thing about your mark trying to flee into the desert. You either go after them and get sand everywhere (and even worse, sticky sand once it gets all bloody) or you wuss out and lose out on the bounty. Personally, Boothill likes being able to afford to eat.
"Grit's stuck in a vent somewhere, 'n' the usual maintenance ain't gettin' it. I'll prob'ly have ta manually dig it out." But later, when he's not laid out half asleep on Dan Heng's extra futon. Usually after a chase as long as this one took, he can shut down for almost a full day. He doesn't want to get up yet.
Something shadows over him, and reflex demands Boothill's eye open. Dan Heng steps around him on his way to some drawer built in the wall on the other side of the room or something. Boothill closes his eye again.
From under his hat he hears the sounds of rummaging, drawers sliding open and shut, the swish of a long coat. The shadow returns.
"Sit up, just momentarily. I have something to help." And Boothill groans a tired don't wanna, but he does it anyway, he hauls himself upright into a kneel. And then he sits up a little straighter because he realizes Dan Heng is standing right over him.
Dan Heng tells him "open your mouth," and Boothill's jaw pops open without his permission, without even a second thought, and hey, what protocol in there ok'd THAT?!?!
Before he can really unpack whatever the heck that just was, though, Dan Heng murmurs for him to say so if he needs them to stop, and then he's sliding a long, hard rod down Boothill's throat, tipped with some soft little brush he probably uses for all his fancy archival equipment.
Dan Heng tells him the handle of the brush is straight and can't be bent, he needs to move his head to be able to reach the vent in his throat. Boothill hums affirmatively; he can't do anything else with his mouth occupied.
Dan Heng's free hand holds him by his jaw, tilts it up slowly but firmly so he has to look straight up at him.
Boothill feels dizzy.
The cycle of blue blood through his artificial heart whirrs just a bit faster, his temperature sensor pings an internal alarm to warn for imminent overheating. Boothill curls his fingers into the guard over his knee as Dan Heng carefully brushes at the dust irritating him. All other sounds- the hum of running equipment, the occasional beep from the computers, the noise of the crew outside of this room- seem to pull away, until all Boothill can focus on is the steady and measured breathing from the man above him.
"Almost done."
Thank the aeons, maybe one of them likes him after all.
"Your tongue is in the way... I'm going to hold it down, ok?"
The fingers holding his jaw curl around his chin, thumb slipping past open lips to dip into his mouth and pin down his tongue. One of his teeth catch on the digit, breaking skin just enough to bleed a drop where he can taste it. Dan Heng doesn't even flinch. Another temperature alarm pings off in his brain, then another, then another.
Boothill has never been shy about eye contact but oh, god, it nearly kills him when dull green irises flick away from their task and look down right at him as his mouth is held open. He quickly squeezes his own eye shut for some relief.
With his vision cut off, the rest of his senses automatically recalibrate to compensate. He can hear every breath even more distinctly now, every soft inhale and exhale, feel the strain in his neck, the softness of the brush, the hard floor beneath his knees, the hand holding his jaw and the fingerprints that feel like they should leave burns in his skin, the taste of Dan Heng heavy on his tongue-
Forget it, eye open, eye open!!
"Alright. There's one last pebble stuck."
Boothill had been trained to endure torture, back on his homeworld. It was part of being in a gang, part of being a bounty hunter.
Somehow, keeping himself quiet and still as Dan Heng inches the brush even further down the back of his throat is a profoundly similar experience.
The seconds tick by, Dan Heng's brow furrowing, face growing ever more concentrated and Boothill struggles not to watch him too closely, fights down the noise that suddenly tries to escape him as the brush withdraws-
Stars and aeons, Dan Heng is going to be the death of him.
Boothill swallows. He feels it when the movement finally dislodges the loosened pebble from his vent.
His face feels shockingly cold now bereft of touch, even though Dan Heng's hands are always cool. He asks to see, and Boothill's mouth is already open again to show him, even as he belatedly realizes he could have just told him it had worked.
"Good." There's the slightest smile on Dan Heng's lips as he finally, mercifully, leans back out of his personal space, goes to put away the brush. "That should feel better now." Boothill spends a moment dizzy and dazed, feeling the need to blink spots out of his eye even though his vision is clear. He still hasn't moved off his knees.
What the fudge.
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wisteria-blooms · 6 months
fly away on my zephyr (bill weasley & reader)
Summary: You and Bill discuss your post-graduation plans. (1.06k words).
Tags: fluff, Bill being a cutie
A/N: I am so bad at answering requests (I promise I see them and I think about them daily). But I wanted to write this one to break things up a bit. We love Bill Weasley around here, and especially Bill Weasley fluff.
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Bill Weasley dismounted his Nimbus, feet gliding over the grass before effortlessly stepping down with one foot. He swung his long leg over from the other side, and commanded the broomstick to his palm.
It’d been a year since you began dating and you couldn’t wrap your head around how Bill was so cool and perfect. Head Boy, top of his class, well-mannered, athletic, handsome, committed. You thanked the stars every night that he was your boyfriend. Yours, all yours. 
As your Bill approached, your friends giggled, taking it is a cue to leave you alone. One of them whispered, “Have fun with Bill!” before catching up with your other friends.
Bill sped up the last couple metres, his long legs turning what was a jaunt for most people into a jog. Before you could react, Bill swept you up in his strong arms. A gentle spring breeze swept over the courtyard, the smell of flowers sweet but Bill’s embrace even sweeter. The same wind blew away a long strand of ginger hair to reveal a metal stud on Bill’s right ear. Definitely against the dress code, but even if McGonagall saw it, you reckoned she’d turn a blind eye.
After all, it was your last day of your last year at Hogwarts. 
The ceremony wrapped up earlier in the day. Gryffindor had won the House Cup and Bill and his teammates fancied themselves one last game of Quidditch to celebrate. You knew he was going to miss the field and the glorious memories he made there. 
Bill gave you a peck on the cheek and set you down. He wanted a little more than that, but he also wanted to maintain some propriety so as to not embarrass you in front of your friends. Bill then took your hand and walked with you across the field.
“You’re still going to Alfie’s party, right?” Bill asked, leaning down to look at you.
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
“You best control yourself then, we wouldn’t want to miss the train tomorrow.”
“I—what?” you stammered. “I can control myself just fine! If I’m remembering correctly, you were the one I had to try to carry back that one night.”
“What?” Bill chuckled. “That never happened.”
“Oh, it so did,” you giggled. “I’m sure Filch was peering angrily from above the staircase. He’ll recall it for you.”
Bill made a face. “No, thank you. There are some people I won’t miss.”
After a moment of silence, Bill’s face quickly shifted into a still, more serious one. “And (Y/N),” he started. “I promise we’ll talk more about my job offer after tonight, alright? I don’t want it to spoil the mood.”
Bill clasped his other hand over yours, engulfing it. You fought the quiver of your lip and nodded.
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Miraculously, you and Bill both survived the tell the tale the next morning. The party was wild, rife with unsanctioned alcohol, and Alfie spent most of the night poking at Bill, joking he was going to rat him out. Bill shook his head, asking Alfie how he was going to snitch on him if he himself was indulging in extra-potent whiskey, and stayed by your side for most of the night. 
After Bill ensured everyone had boarded the train, he led you to his own compartment—Head Boy privileges and all—giving you some much needed privacy. The Hogwarts Express flew through the Scottish highlands, the grass tinting the windows green. Bill watched you watch the mountains from beside you. 
Bill’s hand found its way to your thigh, drawing your attention to him. “I thought about it, and I accepted the offer.”
You nodded in encouragement and weakly, you responded, “As you should.” 
Another reason you loathed graduation was because you wouldn’t be able to see Bill everyday. Heck, he wasn’t even going to be on the hemisphere as you. Maybe you should’ve savoured having breakfast with him in the Great Hall everyday, laughing as he dotted ketchup on your nose. Carried your cauldron for you because it was too heavy. Waved to you as you admired him in the Quidditch stands. Wrapped his coat around you leaving the snow-covered grounds of Hogsmeade. 
“(Y/N), I know it’s not going to be easy for us,” Bill said with a frown. "That's why I was hesitant."
“No, Bill,” you said. “I’m so proud of you. Being employed at Gringotts is difficult enough, especially straight out of school. And a curse-breaker? In Egypt? There’s no one but you who could accomplish something like that. This is going to be huge for you.”
“I know,” Bill admitted. He bit on his lower lip. “This job is something I’ve always wanted. It’s truly a dream come true, but I keep thinking about the distance I’m putting between us.”
“The distance isn’t the main thing on my mind,” you corrected. 
“Then what’s on your mind?” Bill asked. 
“Bill,” you whimpered. You've had nightmares about Bill disappearing in some dune or losing his way in a sandstorm. And a stupid one where he was abducted by camels. “You’re going to die.”
Bill laughed. “I’m not going to die, (Y/N). That’s a little dramatic, even for you!” 
He gave you a peck on the lips. “You may die of boredom at your desk job at the Ministry, my love, but I assure you I’ll very much be alive.” Bill squeezed your waist. “I’ll be back in England every holiday and a couple weeks in the summer for vacation. I told the goblins that that was non-negotiable. And I want you to come visit me in Egypt whenever you can.”
You perked up. “Really?”
“Of course!” Bill affirmed, like any insinuation of you not being there was unthinkable. “You’re worth more than any treasure I might find. I refuse to lose you because of this.”
You blushed at Bill’s words. He’d clearly thought all this through and worked out every possible kink before accepting the job.
“I love you, Bill,” you whispered in his ear. “I can’t wait for you to come back.”
One of Bill’s hands found yours, and his thumb kneaded little circles below the knuckle of your ring finger, as if he could alchemize some imaginary metal and diamond to give you. But this, this would have to do for now to vow his dedication to you.  
“I love you, too, (Y/N).”
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plz-help-meeee · 7 months
The shadows are my friends!!
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Tw: Mention of suicide, cringe???, logic is none in, death,
A/n: this is my first fic, this is inspired by "get off my screen" by @matrixbearer2024 go check them out their really cool. I really did want to add more to this fic but I couldn't think of anything else so if you have question or have headcannons about this that you want to share you can send them to me.
Synopsis: just a normal teenage dirtbag who can also parts of hell without being dead.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
It started small with seeing little shadow out of the corner of your eye, Thinking you saw a critter go under your chair but you thought this was all just normal stuff that people always see.
That was until you started to see the sky be a red color only for you to rub your eyes or look away and it to go back to normal. Strange tall figure walking by you and you turning back to see no one there.
One day when you were walking back home you saw what looked to be weird red demons and a wolf girl in an alleyway, you spied on them as they walked through a portal talking about having just finished a job.
You lean against the wall after they were gone, you should have been scared, you should have been panicking but a smile creeped its way up your face. Any other person would have been confused and terrified but to a suicidal teenage dirtbag like you this was the most exciting thing to happen in your dull life.
You started to stare up at the red sky longer wondering how long it would take for it to change back to normal, you drew the figures you would see trying to get as many details as you could get right.
You started to change, you started to say 'good morning' and 'I love you' in a more happy tone, you became for active in school.
You even made little horns made of cardboard and fabric in the style you saw the red demons had, you saw a figure who had spikes on their tail once and you decided to make a tail to go with the horns that looked like the figures, you know it was cringey but it made you happy.
You started to recognize the streets you'd frequently see specific figures at, you'd always see this tall owl thing walk down the street you walk down to get home, the demon you walk by who had spikes on his tail would walk down the park you go to to relax
One time you close enough to touch the spiked tail demon's hat, you got so excited, you started to try and touch every figure you walked by.
There was this one figure that stood still no walking by you, or scooting just out of sight, they were just standing there. The figure was tall, much taller then you, they color palette consisted of mostly blue, they had what looked to be fire as it's head, in fact it had three heads one in the middle and two on either side of it.
You were afraid to look away thinking it would disappear as soon as you did, you tried to reach out to touch one of the heads but you stopped when you heard a voice "Ozzie!!". You turned around to see who said that but you found nobody, the figure started to move and you were able to touch their arm just slightly.
You never really saw that figure again, but that was okay you had plenty of others you could see. You patted the tall owl things shoulder whenever you would walk by him on your way to school, you tipped the spiked tail demon's hat over his eyes for fun when you could.
You kept a journal were you wrote down which figures you passed by on what street and also drawings of the figures with little information panels besides the drawing, you named the owl thing towel (cause tall and owl, get it, I'm not funny I know) the spiked tail demon was named cowboy, the figure that had three fire heads was named Ozzie (Asmodeus???, no that would be absurd, right?)
Everything was going great and you started to improve, you got better at speaking to people, had gotten a better relationship with your mom, heck you even texted your brother the one person you said you would never want to see again.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
Today you were walking to school like always, you got your backpack, ate your breakfast and got your lunch box. You said by to your mom and was about to leave but you got this gut feeling, something telling you to do something. You walk up to your mom who was on the phone and hugged her, "I love you mom" you said in a genuine voice.
Your mother looked surprised at your hug but decided to hug back, "I love you too baby" your mom said back with smile on her face. This was the first time you two had said you love each other without malice or irritation in your voices.
You walk outed of your house and to your school, on the way you patted towel's shoulder like usual and hummed a song. You were near the part were you had to cross the road.
You saw a little kid run into the street to chase after a duck toy they had, you noticed quicker then anyone that car was heading straight towards the kid. You reacted fast as you ran towards the child to get them out of the way.
You grabbed the kid's arm and pulled them close to you as you kneeled down to shield them. Thankfully the car the avoided you and the child by mere inches, you scoffed when you saw that the driver was on their phone through their car window.
The child looked upset "my-" "toy?" you cut the child off, "right here" you said as you showed them their duck toy that you managed to save in time. "You should really be more careful kid, your life cost more then some toy." you lectured the kid about safety, you felt like a hypocrite saying all this considering only a few months away you were ready to die at any time.
Your lecture stopped when you felt a cold metal press against your head, "you just can't seem to die can you?" a familiar voice said. You turned your head around slowly, "bro-" you were cut off as everything went black.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
Are you familiar with Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)? What about Yandere Platonic Batfamily with a reader who is basically like Kamala (Comics ver).
Just imagine how hilarious to find that their Fangirl knows their identities and made a few fanfics about them. Like for example-
Red Hood vs The Monster truck possessed demon!
Batman and Robin vs Evil Sewer lizard's from another world!
Nightwing and the Smog-Breather!
Y'know just Fanfic writer who's also a superhero.
Also I love your content. Make sure to take breaks!
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“Just to make sure. . . You’re totally Damian Wayne right?”
“Cool! That means Batman has to be Bruce. And the robins…”
You may or may not have been knocked out during your first encounter with one of your favorite heroes. By Robin himself.
Look, Damian doesn’t usually knock out innocent civilians like they murdered his cat or anything but you were a liability and a half.
Yeah, maybe revealing that you knew everyone’s identities wasn’t a good idea.
Besides Damian was kind of iffy about you since you were feeling up his body when he swooped in to save you.
(Turns out you were just confirming your theories but still)
Now the surveillance started mostly due to your uncanny encyclopedic knowledge of the Batfam and basically every other hero and villain out there.
Once they figured out you were basically harmless and just needed to get a better filter when it comes to things you say, you were mostly home free.
The thing is, the Batsons might have formed an obsession with you. Since you’re asking a yandere blog here, it was definitely not healthy.
They liked the idea of someone knowing them in and out. You’ve had competitions with Tim to figure out who knew the other better while Bruce and Damian just deadpanned in the background.
Dick loved entertaining your ships and headcannon questions. Bruce was more reluctant but found it to be a great way to incentivize you to behave and work with him better.
Jason just adores you. You’re the only younger sibling that isn’t stuck up or reminds him of his low self esteem and struggle to be a good vigilante. He was definitely weirded out at first but grew to be like Dick and definitely fuels your fan habits. Both guys definitely not so subtly strip in front of you sometimes so you can get more “reference” material.
Which brings me to the next point, who you choose to write or draw on your blog definitely gets discussed. Your blog’s every post is actively monitored at all moments. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bruce installed a large monitor in the Batcave just to watch over it.
Him and Tim definitely analyze your stats and help you with growing your blog. Watch Bruce spend thousands of dollars to get your page everywhere (subtly cause the first time he did it, you were so embarrassed you refused to talk to him for a week). Alfred works as your personal assistant when it comes to timing/scheduling your posts and making sure you tag them properly + have the most aesthetic formats.
Anyways, back to the discussing your posts thing, you learnt to make sure your posts, heck even your drafts, are all equal when it comes to who it features. Otherwise prepare to get overwhelmed with love bombing.
It took Damian the longest to warm up to you, but when he realizes how much you mean to him there’s no turning back. It starts from him unconsciously humoring your questions to full blown out debates over how he’d definitely win in whatever battle you pit him in your fanfics.
Speaking of fanfics, Damian loves to blackmail you about them. He’s the type of brother to love tormenting you about your totally ‘weird hobbies’ while simultaneously reading every piece of literature/art piece in your blog as if you’re bringing out the modern bible and he’s a staunch believer in the God that is you.
He then proceeds to critique your art and written works if not outright bash them.
You’d have been in tears from the essays he writes about you if you didn’t already know it was him.
(Tim told you.)
Now when your powers awakened, you went from that one sibling that knew way too much to almost an essential part of their team.
Almost because every time you were allowed to go out, someone had to be on “mouth guard duty” for when you accidentally spill what you know.
(It’s usually Tim or Bruce)
You worked a lot with Bruce during those times. Who definitely flexes the hours you two spend in comparison to the batsons.
He doesn’t mind it if you get distracted by the boys, though.
Really, he’s glad you haven’t asked how your family has been doing or when you’re going home.
‘Cause he’d have a lot of explaining to do.
General Batfam Taglist: @the-sander-fander
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justalildumpling · 1 year
⇢ renjun as your boyfriend
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pairing: renjun x reader  genre: fluff, established relationship note: happy bday to our fav lil angry bean jun <33 (also um?!?! he literally has THE BEST bf material photos istg)
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your relationship would’ve probably started off as not friends but not dating in a way, whether you met thru mutuals or just naturally, the two of you would’ve felt a spark but wanted to get to know each other before actually pursuing something
renjun would’ve made it obvious but not too obvious about his feelings, enough for you to question it but not enough for you to be completely confident with your evidences
the dreamies would be ROLLING AROUND the floor in frustration, telling him to confess his feelings already and giving you the biggest hints ever with the two of you shrugging them off saying it’s too early
despite the slow burn lead up to your relationship, i feel like renjun’s confession would be rlly casual like you two would be over at one of your guys’ place watching tv on the couch cuddling and renjun would just drop it like- HUH?!
it could literally be a disney movie in the background and renjun would say “you know, that character is my favourite from that movie” and you would laugh and ask him why
“idk it’s just really cute and it reminds me of you in a way, maybe that’s why i’ve always liked you.” 
once you started dating, not much would’ve changed in your relationship ok besides from the occasional kissing and hand holding etc
i feel like he would send you little doodles throughout the week that reminded him of you
oh the way he would have the softest smile on his lips whenever he talked to you or if he received any messages from you during his schedules 
renjun would have so much care for you whether he would express it thru just random sweet sayings throughout the day like “you look pretty today” or just giving you that honey soaked smile that he has (you know the one) 
he would call you love or some sort of cute nickname and would get super happy if you gave him one too (tho wouldn’t admit it to the dreamies LMAO)
the dreamies would so tease him everytime you came over ESP HAECHAN OML which would probably end up in a bickering match between the two so nomin and mark would take you away from the scenario and have a nice civil chat
he doesn’t seem like the type to overdo on PDA but wouldn’t mind small gestures like holding hands or leaning on each other’s shoulders/lap/stomach
tho i feel like he would purposely kiss you in front of haechan just to be petty and see his reaction LMAOO
tho he doesn’t seem like the possessive type, he would get clingy towards you when schedules abroad comes up 
“imagine you came with me to Thailand that would be so cool, haha im kidding! i mean… unless??” “ok fine!! i’ll stop guilt tripping you but like just so you know i’m gonna be crying on the plane tomorrow.”
ok. renjun may be a relatively small man but do not underestimate his power/anger like if he found out you were ever mistreated in any way he will fight. like rip to whoever hurts you because jun would roast the heck out of that person (touch them and i’ll destroy you vibe)
your dates will either be aimlessly exploring the city and trying to find the best hotpot spots or food spots in general to just chill nights at your houses just enveloped in peace
you would feel so comfortable around each other, and could feel that the relationship was stable from the start
he seems like the type to communicate problems well and stress the importance of it. even tho it can be hard to communicate sometimes just in case it may hurt the other’s feelings, he makes sure to address the problem on the early stages because he cares and wants to be with you in the long run
he doesn’t seem like he would throw in this much effort for people he thinks isn’t worth his time and energy 
the best thing about dating renjun would be that you would feel at home with each other, you guys realise early on that you are each other’s rock, that you can trust each other with your lives and be each other’s driving force to become your best selves
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taglist: @polarisjisung @wooyoung-a @w3bqrl @enelrahs @rv7hsua @n0hyuck @neosdaisy @xxxx-23nct @maeumiluv @produmads @dearlyminhyung @shwizhies @baekhyunstruly
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inklore · 2 years
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premise: going to your works annual holiday party is the last thing you want to do. but javier has a way of easing the torture that comes from the social event. with his smile and with his tongue.
pairing: javier peña x (f)reader
word count: 1.2k+
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warnings: established relationship, unprotected piv, f receiving oral, light degrading, spanking, biting, creampie, public-ish, dirty talk, this is the first time i’ve written for javi so that’s a warning all it’s own.
note: i want to wish a happiest of birthdays to my darling, my soul sister, my sister(wife), my soul mate @psychedelic-ink, you have brightened my life so much!! growing close to you has been the best part of my year and i can’t wait until you get to the states because i’m going to annoy the heck out of you with hugs! have a wonderful day bby <3
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Holiday parties were about as fun as taking a trip to the dmv—to you at least. The loud overbearing Christmas harmonies, the drunken colleagues who always seemed to have way too many shots and shared more than you’d like to know about their lives outside of the office. Not to mention the obnoxious Santa Clause your boss insisted on having present, pulling people into his laps unwarranted.
Holiday parties at your office was an absolute nightmare.
But having Javier beside you wasn’t so bad. Made it less stressful to feel him at your side. His suit alone brings life into you where the party has failed—his arm wrapped around your hip, keeping you at his side, whispers in your ear of “you’re scowling again, corazón.” His tone sweet, teasing, as he pecks the skin below your ear.
If it weren’t for him you know you would have thrown your drink in Santa’s face hours ago.
You adored him for trying to lighten your mood. Him just being here made you feel lighter, more relaxed. And not just because he takes the lead in every conversation you try to avoid.
But only so many sweet words and convincing pecks, could help when you’ve heard the same Mariah Carey song for what feels like hours now.
That’s why when Javi pulls you into the bathroom, pushing your back to the wall, smirk devious and tempting: you don’t refuse. Don’t worry about your coworkers hearing you from the other side of the door. Not when he's giving you those bedroom eyes and his mouth is attached to your neck, sucking and biting the annoyance from tonight right out of you.
It doesn’t take long for him to have you bent over the sink. Your nails gripping the marble countertop as his hands roam up the backs of your thighs, to the start of your ass and over the round muscle. Pulling the bottom of your dress up until the cool air is nipping at your cheeks and the lace of your thong is the only clothed part of your lower half.
Javier crocheting down to sink his teeth into the skin of one of your cheeks. A hard palm squeezing the other before a stinging slap comes down on it, making you squeal. “Naughty girl,” he grins against your skin. Kissing his way to that part peaking between your pressed thighs, that part that is already wet and throbbing for him. “You should be out there mingling, being good, friendly.” His palm comes down on your ass again, making you press your hips higher in the air for him. The sting landing right on your center, lust burning straight through your insides. “Instead you’re in here about to be fucked.”
You whimper when he runs the flat of his tongue up your clothed pussy. His hands spread your cheeks and thighs just enough to give him the perfect angle to soak your panties more. To run the tip of his nose so close to your entrance you want to start begging. “My filthy girl.” He growls, hooking a finger into the material of your underwear to give himself access to your wetness.
Your moan echoing off of the walls when you feel his tongue run up your bare pussy. Sucking, licking, pushing a fingering into you. Your head back, legs shaking.
He eats you out like that for what feels like ages, centuries, until you’re a complete mess. Until you can hear the sounds of his fingers fucking you. The squelch of your arousal—of being so close to coming—likely to be heard over your moans. His tongue dives deep between your lips to find your clit, to wreck your body with even more trembles and fires of pleasure.
Your hand reaches back to keep him stationary there. To grip his hair. To grind your ass back against his tongue. To come—you’re so close, so so close. That burning in your belly about to absolve you of the foul mood you’ve been in all night. His tongue your salvation from going properly insane.
But just as that coil tightens, as that dam is about to burst: he stops.
Leaving you panting and whining against the marble of the sink.
Your eyes meet his in the mirror with a confused scowl. A look he returns with a simple smirk, arm wrapping around to splay the warmth of his palm against the column of your neck. Pulling your back to his chest, chin turned so your noses are brushing and you can almost taste yourself on his lips, as they brush against yours as he speaks.
“My cock is the only thing you’re coming on tonight, corazón.” His voice is filled with lust and gravel that has you mewling against his palm. Reaching out for his lips, which he is all too eager to oblige you with a passionate kiss. His tongue shares the taste of you on your tastebuds. Devouring your mouth like he did your cunt. “I think you’ve earned it tonight.”
Javier grins. Makes quick work of undoing his belt and freeing his cock to push inside of you hard, fast. Pulling the air from your lungs when he captures your mouth again, swallowing down your moan; loud, piercing, from being filled full so fast, so deliciously.
His pace makes your legs feel woozy. His hands keep you tight to his chest. Close enough to kiss, bite, and leave marks on your exposed skin when he wants to—needs to. Needs another taste of you, another touch of your trembling flesh against his tongue. Another breath moaned into his mouth. Another beg swallowed down.
You think you hear a knock at the door. Think you can hear someone's voice on the other side. But all you can feel is Javi.
All you can think about, breathe about, is him. How he’s fucking you, how good and absolutley filthy—and wrong—it is to have him take you like this. To have your entire office hear you beg him to let you come, beg him to fuck you harder; and to hear Javi’s grunts at the shell of your ear of how good he’s going to fill you up. How you’re going to walk around with him inside of you for the rest of the night.
“Every time you move you’ll feel me.” His teeth bite at your jaw, “they’ll all know. Know how filthy you are. How good you take my cock.”
“Javi,” you whimper. “Please.”
And it’s not pity he takes on you, it’s understanding, it’s a fucking gift to feel his palm move from your neck and press his fingers to your clit. Rubbing tight circles with the same rhythm of his hips; one, two, four times and you’re coming. His name echoing off the walls as you clench around him. His teeth digging into your shoulder blade as he follows right behind you; as you milk his cock.
He doesn’t let you move either. Keeps you pressed to him until you’ve come down, breath no longer heavy, eyes lidded in that after sex haze. You can feel his heart finally settle down against your back, just as you’re sure he can feel yours against his palm as he drags it back up your body.
“Pretty sure this’ll be your last year getting an invite to any parties.” He jokes, presses a kiss on the bite mark he’s left on your shoulder. A soft laugh shaking your chest,
“My hero,” you praise, smiling at him through the mirror.
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
RWBY V8 & Penny's Fall:
I wanted to weigh in on this matter again with a perhaps alternative take to some of what I see as the more usual FNDM stance on her fall.
Namely, it doesn't bother me.
Sacrilege, I know, but the thing is while Penny is not in my top four, she is a character I both like & find genuinely interesting.
Heck, I have a video heavily focused on Penny & Ruby's characters & relationship being much deeper & more interesting than the UWU beans I find in most FNDM.
She's a great character but that's also why it doesn't bother me as I feel it works for the story & made sense for the character. 
But first, some house cleaning.  
House Cleaning - They made her human?
As others noted, this is something some take issue with for a few different reasons. As I understand it the main issues people tend to have with V8's handling of Penny outside her death was that they made her 'human' in place of keeping her synthetic body. As others also noted, I am unsure if she even was human and not just another kind of synthetic entity, but that's rather besides the point. 
House Cleaning - Thematic Representation?
The other thing people take issue with this is that they regard it as a form of ableism to make her human. I always feel its integral to note that while many in FNDM understandably took Penny's robotic nature as meaning in a Real World AU, she might be using prosthetic limbs.
There is no evidence as far as I am aware that the writers intended her to be considered analogous to a disabled person or to thematically represent disabled people. 
Thus, while its a fine and fun headcanon, I am not sure one can argue it was some sort of deliberate offence or act of ableism on the creators part if they never even conceived of Penny as such.
This wouldn't be like becoming aware of queer subtext, ship teasing then killing one of them off and putting the other in a straight relationship. As far as I can tell their thematic framing of Penny never shifted and was never explicitly used to draw such comparisons. 
House Cleaning - A Reward?
Penny being rewarded with a none robotic body & then dying. We'll discuss the death later but just on the reward angle, I think that is rather iffy.
Yes, Penny appreciated not being dead and enjoyed the increased tactile sensations. But we also see how much more fragile and floundering she is with her new form. When Penny fought Cinder last time with Cinder having backup, Penny kicked her ass. 
Here, Penny has the support and is barely keeping up. She's in pain, she can't fly easily, she can't use her weapons easily, she has lost tons of functions that were once innate to her very being.
Maybe one could argue its like post surgeries fragility or that she'd have grown into it, but as it stands, I don't think the new body was presented as strictly speaking a good thing or a reward. It was a desperate gamble to save her life, nothing more. 
Adding onto that, I think people mis-ascribe the source of Penny's angst regarding her mechanical nature. She's shown cheerfully embracing and enjoying many aspects of it all the time. When it becomes an issue for her is when others use it to de-'humanize' her.
Given how quickly Ironwood, the Ace-Ops, Mantle and even just casual conversation could do that on purpose or by accident. I think its less "I hate being a robot" and more, "I hate that people treat me this way because of what I am and its giving me anxiety & or insecurities". 
I also think anyone would be a little uncomfy with their body being something someone else can take over and puppet, that's an issue with loss of agency & physical invasiveness & we have Semblances which might not have been able to effect Penny that can do similar things, IE memory erasure & mind control. 
House Cleaning - Conclusion
For comparisons sake, if Ruby's essence got moved over to a sort of life sized marionette and she was cool with it because she's still alive & have super flexible joints for wicked cool attacks, but then she he died fighting, I don't think people would regard it as a reward turned sour.
In essence, I think a lot of the stigma comes with people associating tropes & themes to the writers decisions that were not actually in the story & just assuming them present; as opposed to than having textual support & despite CRWBY's efforts to deconstruct tropes & themes in general. 
The Main Event:
Moving on to Penny's death, people take issue with quite a few aspects of it but I weirdly feel it all ties together well and think it works on a thematic level. My reason being, that Penny is the other side of the coin whose other half Ironwood and between the pair are the likes of Winter, the Ace-Ops and so on. 
What I mean here is that the Atlas arc dealt heavily with the themes of 'de-humanization' of seeing people made unto like objects, mere cogs in a machine that were not expected to think, feel, or heal & have their entire worth judged against an idea or a system & always come up wanting. You don't matter, I don't matter, they don't matter, only what we can accomplish for the worlds, the cause, Atlas, ETC, matters. 
Ironwood regards Mantle as a few city blocks, their suffering is at best a theoretical moral burden to him and a political nuisance, nothing more. Winter thinks expressing any emotions or making decisions for herself is a failure and act of disloyalty and is not allowed time to heal after severe injuries but just poured into a mobility mechanism, then thrown back onto the battlefield. Meanwhile the Ace-Ops are not allowed to even conceive of real, deep or genuine emotions or ideas, they have all convinced themselves they don't matter except in how they serve Atlas.
The Happy Huntresses are actually the exception to this because they escaped the coin/system & are dedicated to people, ideals & each other. 
Meanwhile, Ironwood is the opposite of Penny, while both still embody the opposite extreme ends of the same spectrum of beliefs. 
Both of them talk of or otherwise frame themselves as the one with the duty to save the world, both put themselves under immense and isolating pressure tanks to their respective Atlas's complexes and both default heavily to sacrificing whenever the opportunity or even potential need seems to arise. Both will do whatever it takes for their goals and beliefs. 
The difference?
Ironwood sacrifices everyone else for his goals and beliefs, for his idea of what Atlas is, what it means & what its worth. 
Penny tries from volume 8 if not earlier, to sacrifice herself because of her goals & beliefs, & what they're worth to her. 
She does this so much and so often, that she had to keep being talked out of throwing her life away in the hope that Ironwood, or Salem would calm down and leave them be. She defined her self worth and existence by being out there doing things, hence becoming so saddened when needing to be kept away from the battlefield despite the fact she was both a target and potentially a huge game changer for any of the villains. 
Penny has Atlas's ideology of de-humanization and sacrifice every bit as much as Ironwood, but in her mind she's the expendable one, while Ironwood cannot conceive of himself as being expendable, because he has tethered himself to Atlas, which he has tethered to the world. 
Here is the thing though.
While Penny's take on this idea is more noble, more charming, more useful it is still part of an incredibly self destructive ideology, one that is of itself rooted in Ozpin's well known Guardian theory. With isolated lone champions serving as paragons of virtue & himself as the main character heroically bearing all the burdens. An ideology we saw sent Pyrrha spiraling, left Ozpin a broken & paranoid wreck & nearly destroyed Ruby.
Penny & Ironwood both fell because both keep trying to sacrifice others (Ironwood) or themselves (Penny) in a bid to accomplish their goals & or otherwise fulfill their designates roles; roles that both only have because of the culture and ideals suffusing Atlas, as reflected by how they are seen in so many other characters and the overarching themes of the Atlas Arc. 
Thus, it makes sense character wise and I think it both makes sense thematically for the reasons outlined above & dramatically as this is the darkest moment. But also because if Penny just won, or somehow survived without changing that ideological thinking it'd be implicitly arguing that this was a good way to think and act rather than one that is ultimately self harming. 
For comparisons sake, if a show has a good victim who only gets help because their trauma responses are convenient or 'cute' and who never grows out of or overcomes said traumas and the show argues it is meant to represent how best to view escape & recover from abuse. Then that series is inadvertently arguing its better a person stay locked in a traumatized state than actually try to change or grow & that is a story problem.
So, in this regard, Penny surviving would also necessitate her making the decision to prioritize the mission over her self sacrificing tendencies or to otherwise prioritize her own safety (Which she has every right to do given the circumstance). However it would not involve Penny flinging herself into another self sacrificial bout but winning this time, or just being saved again after its happened so many times already. 
I hope that, that made sense. 
I am essentially saying to keep Penny alive but keep everything else mostly the same, one then throws away the thematic & narrative meaning of the Atlas Arc; or if they want to keep Penny alive, they need to alter the Atlas Arcs themes or the cast & overall story to keep it coherent.  
People are obviously free to not be fans of it, I am sad when characters I like die, but I don't view it inherently as a bad writing decision and I hope I have outlined here, exactly why I think that this worked for the Atlas Arc, the series of RWBY and made sense for its characters. 
Thanks for reading! 
Now, I don't do much speculating, but given so much of the shows current drama was created as a result of someone wanting a dead loved one back, them returning but it ultimately not being enough to stave off tragedy and self destruction. I feel one can also ague this is meant to serve and tie Ruby & Salem closer together as nominal dramatic foils.
This is speculative of course, especially given the nature of death, balance and resurrections in this series is not even close to the hard line some think it is thematically speaking, but I do think that is worth keeping in mind. 
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justali-anne · 2 months
Undertale Playing On A Minecraft Server!
This is Post-Pacifist, by the way.
Probably the one who created the server, let's be real. They're also the one who introduced the monsters to Minecraft in the first place.
They sometimes like to play in creative mode, but I bet they're willing to take on some of the hardest Minecraft challenges for kicks. Sometimes to the detriment of others on the server.
They're likely to play along when Alphys wants to roleplay. A well-behaved child.
Spends time with everyone as equally as possible! They love everyone on the server, so of course they would wanna do that!
Shows everyone the ropes and gives them tips. They help out Asgore the most.
Sometimes they like to play survival properly with Papyrus and Undyne, sometimes they like to troll them with Sans. They're kind of a wild card when it comes to that.
Since they're the host, they're always on the server when it's running.
She doesn't play on the server that much - she's often too busy with grading homework and taking care of the school. But when she does join, it's a nice treat.
Because she doesn't play as often, she's further behind than most of the other players on the server. Luckily, Frisk and Papyrus are kind enough to supply her with materials and food.
I'm sure she would love to build a pretty cottage in a forest biome, surrounded by a nice farm and do her own thing.
Sticks by either Frisk or Sans. Often tries to reign them in when they're taking their pranks too far. Sometimes she even distracts Sans while Papyrus and Undyne are doing something important. She's an unsung hero in that regard.
Although, on occasion, she might be prone to a little bit of pranking herself... Mostly on Sans, because he needs a taste of his own medicine.
Trolly troll troll trolly troll trolly troll troll!
No, but seriously, this guy is a menace! He steals important materials, messes up Papyrus' organised chests, knocks players off of cliffs, you name it, he's gonna do it.
Well... apart from griefing. Sans wouldn't go that far. He's not mean-spirited.
He also uses cheats. Like, all the time. It's a miracle he hasn't been kicked off the server yet. Probably because Frisk is too nice to kick him and besides, he's one of their best friends!
Obviously targets Undyne and Papyrus the most, but sometimes he actually stops trolling and helps them out.
Possibly has the dumbest skin on the server, let's be real.
He likes it when someone gets back at him! He finds it very humerus!
If someone genuinely gets upset at him, though, Sans will back down. As stated earlier, he's not mean-spirited.
Plays very often, in fact, he's almost always there when the group plays! What can I say? He just likes spending time with his friends.
Absolutely adores playing Minecraft, and would pester Frisk (kindly) to start up the server so he can play.
He likes to set himself challenges so he would never get bored. He'll defeat all the bosses, then make a challenge to defeat them again and again... IN THE SAME AREA.
Will explore every inch of the server and build landmarks (statues of himself, farms, buildings etc) to keep track of where he's been.
Likes to keep all his chests organised and tidy, and fumes when someone (cough cough Sans cough cough) messes them up.
Rages easily, especially when Sans is around. It takes a lot for him to rage quit, though.
I don't know why, but something tells me Papyrus would be good at redstone. He could use it to make cool Minecraft puzzles! And then test them with his friends! Isn't that cute?
He likes to play along with Alphys' roleplays when Undyne isn't around. He's sweet like that.
Would go out of his way to ration every resource equally and keep some extra for Toriel. Iron, food, heck, even diamonds and netherite. He's very generous.
How often does he play? Pretty often, actually! He and Sans are a bit of a package deal, so when one shows up, the other inevitably will. I forgot to mention that before... Well, unless he's at work. Papyrus is no slacker.
Loves ALL challenges! She's in it for the thrills and would go for every boss and achievement.
She's a pretty intense player. She rages easily and is very reckless, which leads to a lot of deaths and a lot of lost resources. Chill, Undyne.
She doesn't really spend a lot of time building things, so she just leaves the building to Papyrus and Alphys. Thanks to them, she no longer lives in a dirt hole!
Sometimes she will rage quit, only to come back 2 minutes later. It happens so often that everyone is used to it now. "Oh, Undyne quit? Maybe this time she'll- Oh, look, she's back again."
She'll roleplay with Alphys, especially cool anime battles and stuff like that. She has a bit of a guilty pleasure for this. And besides, who could say no to Alphys?
Often sticks by Papyrus since the two are best buds. Though she's just as likely to go adventuring on her own.
She doesn't play as often as Frisk and the brothers, but she's very frequent and plays like 80% of the time... ish? When possible, of course. She's busy too, you know!
She's the type who loves to roleplay. She even builds settings for them.
Heavily inspired by anime. She actually likes to be in Creative Mode most of the time for two reasons. 1. So she can get all the resources she needs to build her humble town. 2. Because she doesn't like the creepy mobs coming out at night and attacking her.
She hates creepers and phantoms with a passion. Creepers destroyed her builds more than once and jumpscare her easily, and she's the one the others have to coax into bed because she insists on building and gathering materials all night, so phantoms are definitely gonna spawn and annoy her.
Building and roleplaying isn't all she does. Like Papyrus, I'd imagine Alphys would pick up on redstone very easily. She's also the one who creates the best material farms so she can gather resources quickly.
Occasionally, she will join Undyne and Papyrus on their challenges.
Avoids Sans most of the time... For obvious reasons. The two definitely still talk to each other, though. No hard feelings.
She doesn't play too often, but she has a lot more free time than Undyne does now that she's on the surface. And let's be honest, she's kind of a shut in already. She'll only join the server when she's up for it, as in, mentally.
Oh, sweet sweet Asgore.
The poor soul, he fumbles most of the time and doesn't know how to play. He dies the most often, but the sweetie is a good sport about it.
Thanks to Frisk, he gets the hang of the basics, but there's still a lot he doesn't know. And to be honest, he doesn't have a lot of time to get to know them, since I imagine he would be busy with other important things.
Will gladly roleplay with Alphys. He doesn't usually take part in the adventures. Not unless someone drags him into it.
He's a pushover and just follows everyone else.
Doesn't play much at all. Like Toriel, it's only on rare occasions, but when he does play, it's a treat.
Other characters:
Flowey - Used to play. Got banned because he was a lot like Sans, just 100X worse.
Monster Kid - They love playing Minecraft, and they like the server too! However, they also have a server of their own, so they just play on that most of the time. They love playing with Frisk and Papyrus, though!
Mettaton - Doesn't play at all. Sorry, darling! He's busy travelling the world and doing tours! He's got fans to please!
Napstablook - Also busy supporting Mettaton with his tours, so they don't play at all. However, they have played ONCE and never again. They didn't know how to play, and just gave up after one little mistake in typical Napstablook fashion. Bless their soul.
W.D. Gaster - ☟︎☜︎🕯︎💧︎ 😐︎✋︎☠︎👎︎✌︎ 💧︎☟︎✌︎❄︎❄︎☜︎☼︎☜︎👎︎ ✌︎👍︎☼︎⚐︎💧︎💧︎ ❄︎✋︎💣︎☜︎ ✌︎☠︎👎︎ 💧︎🏱︎✌︎👍︎☜︎ ☼︎✋︎☝︎☟︎❄︎ ☠︎⚐︎🕈︎✍︎✍︎ ☟︎☜︎🕯︎💧︎ 😐︎✋︎☠︎👎︎ ⚐︎☞︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ 👎︎☜︎✌︎👎︎✍︎✍︎✍︎ ☟︎⚐︎🕈︎ 👍︎✌︎☠︎ ☟︎☜︎ 🏱︎⚐︎💧︎💧︎✋︎👌︎☹︎✡︎ 🏱︎☹︎✌︎✡︎✍︎✍︎✍︎ ✋︎ ☺︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎ 🏱︎🕆︎❄︎ ☟︎✋︎💣︎ ☟︎☜︎☼︎☜︎ ✌︎💧︎ ✌︎ ☺︎⚐︎😐︎☜︎📬︎
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
Guys, I Think The Leaks Are Fakes Made By The Owl House Crew
yes yes i know, right now that might be a WILD ass claim to make but i want those who are reading this to hear me out and read this whole post, because I've been chatting with friends since these leaks happened and i think there’s reason to suspect we might be getting punked here.
And i say this fully accepting there is a chance i could be entirely wrong about this and they could be real, but I think there’s some reason to doubt the episode actually was leaked to the internet.
Now to get those who need it up to speed, the first of the three specials for toh s3 “Thanks to Them” is airing this Saturday on the 15th, it’s a big 45 minute episode that takes place on earth in Luz’s town of Gravesfield. There was a comic con panel about it a few days ago were some fans got to see some sneak peaks, it was all over the internet and everything.
But the day after, some images floated around, 6 of them mainly, claiming to be spoilers from this episode and everyone went WILD with anger, rightfully so, this huge ass episode got leaked to the internet and spoiled for everyone? Man what a way to ruin a week huh?
Well i thought the same for awhile too, but i’ve had some time to cool down and talk to others and guys....something isn’t right about this whole situation.
Below i’m gonna explain why this whole situation feels REALLY off and why I think there might be a chance that not only did the episode NOT leak, but the leaks were fabricated by the crew itself.
And just to be safe, i will do so without showing said leaks, nor will i tell you exactly what’s in them.
Those who saw them will understand, but for those lucky enough to avoid them, i’ll give you an idea of what about them makes me and others suspect something isn’t right.
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Now i’ve had episode leaks before in fandoms, it’s nothing new, they can happen to any fanbase due to issues with scheduling, or mishandling, or episodes being put up online and some people get to it fast.
So the idea of this happening isn’t odd.
However, i raise you this, because i found this to be REALLY Strange.
How come it’s only these 6 images?
Remember when ST and EE were shown privately to the TOH discord by crew members as a treat before they aired? Remember how afterwards there was a ton of images about lumity blushing and amity’s parents?
We were told the ENTIRE EPISODE was not only LEAKED, but put ONLINE. 
And yet all i and anyone else have seen are these images and people claiming they’re real, and nothing else.
There were gifs, clips, dozens of frames from willow’s dad’s holding hop pop books to the “That’s rough buddy”. There was so much about these episodes the moment the internet found them.
So let me get this straight? Those episodes the moment the fandom gets them get dozens of gifs, clips, drives to watch them, screenshots, memes, and fanart.....meanwhile this HUGE 45 MINUTE EPISODE has nothing but these specific 6 images?
I’ve never seen anything besides these images floating around when it comes to the the claim the episode was put out, there are no clips, no audio, no gifs, no dialogue being mentioned, nothing.
Is that not strange? 
Don’t you guys think if the entire episode was leaked we’d see more then these specific images? Don’t you think we’d see MORE then these shots?
 Like this is a big episode, and there is nothing else worth spoiling? Nothing about the wittebanes? lumity? Huntlow? any other big reveals? You’d think if the episode was revealed those would be leaked too right? 
Isn’t it so odd that these are the only leaks out there? if there’s video, why doesn’t it seem to be posted anywhere? Heck, where is the video that shows off what’s happening in the leaks with the biggest spoilers?
it’s also strange how this got “Leaked” over a week before the episode comes out, because how in the heck would someone get access to the full episode THAT early? When episodes usually leak, if they aren’t shown privately, it’s either the day before or because of a scheduling error. 
So that also seems odd.
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There’s also this to consider, the content of the images themselves.
I won’t go into detail obviously, but you know what i found so off-putting? That the images in question proved a specific theory, proved a few theories and predictions people were floating around the fanbase...theories that aren’t something that’s strongly supported by any current evidence or even liked by quite a few people.
The last images are so....out of nowhere too. They’re sequential enough that they could tell a story of what happened without context and some of them are DEFINTENLY SHOCKING.
But the first two, they have nothing to do with the context of those last 4, so why did they get leaked? they reveal nothing, they’re also things we get to see in the promos that just were released.
Except, if you consider they were “Leaked” to make these leaks seem more real.
Don’t you think it’s odd two of the leaks are things that ended up in the promo that showed up later that day? i mean, what are the CHANCES? 
But if you were on the crew, and you wanted the fans to buy into the leaks, you WOULD pair up the fakes with real ass images the fans would see later that day wouldn’t you?
It’s so oddly deliberate.
You would also make leaks that would support big theories and have shock value so people were bound to spread them more. Which is EXACTLY what these ones are.
And if you’re on the crew, you know what the characters are wearing, so even easier to make them look real, because no matter what clips are shown in any disney promos or commercials they will appear to line up with the leaks.
There’s also other off stuff, like how one image is VERY oddly cropped compared to the others, or some character inconsistencies, some even seemingly off model.
“But the 6 minutes in HD are a thing-”
yeah and if someone wanted to fool the fanbase into thinking these leaks were real they WOULD release the 6 minutes alongside it to claim the episode had to be out.
The thing is, the 6 minutes have already been leaked to the fanbase from the nycc panel to the entire fanbase the moment it ended, it’s not as if putting the hd version out there will spoil anything because everyone already basically saw it.
And again, if the episode is OUT, why is that the ONLY footage that appears to have been posted anywhere? The footage we the fans already know about and saw?
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And i wanna send off the rest of the suspicious details about these leaks by talking about the crew.
The crew, has been DEAD SILENT about these leaks, they have not said a word about these specific ones, not even to warn fans about them or how upset they are or anything. 
Which is not what they usually do, they have warned fans before, so why not warn us about these supposed BIG leaks about a big episode?
And ok, maybe they don’t wanna make a fuss about them, fair enough, but there’s something else.
Rebecca Rose, who works on this show, liked this tweet just recently.
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Now for those who don’t know, Alex Hirsh (Voice of King and Hooty) is the creator of Gravity Falls, another Disney Cartoon. That cartoon is infamous for it’s mysteries and secrets, and Alex, actually made a fake leak about a major spoiler to troll the entire fanbase.
He made this tweet after it successfully tricked the fans.
Now not only does he work on this show too, but you wanna know where these “Leaks” started out? 4chan and reddit.
Same place his did.
What are the chances?
What are the chances a crew members likes this old tweet about his stunt NOW of all times? When the episode has supposedly been leaked?
Now would it suck to assume the entire fanbase got fooled into thinking the episode was leaked and all the posts made about shaming the leakers were completely for nothing?
Oh yeah.
For the crew to pull this stunt and make us all look like doofuses would be insane.
But i think there’s reason to find this whole situation off and i hope this post makes you all reconsider some details you might not of considered before. Maybe we were leaked, maybe this is all a huge coincidence.
But if you ask me.
This is all too fishy for my liking.
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mimimui · 1 year
hii !!! love your works <3 can you do jing yuan and buko pie ? (i actually had that for dessert today hehe) THANKS !!!
headaches (and heartaches, but he won't admit it) (honkai star rail)
student council president!(character/s) & troublemaker!reader
includes: jing yuan
tags: mi's 1k, modern au, secret pining, endearments (used by reader), not proofread
a/n: i'm writing again aaa it's been one heck of a month... so much has happened and now i'm opening up tumblr again! i am still going to be writing for my 1k because i owe u guys one .. enjoy !
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jing yuan was always level-headed, that's why he's such a good student council president. but he loses his cool whenever he's around a certain student.
"pres! good morning," you greet, running up to jing yuan who was also walking to school. he nodded his head in acknowledgement before looking you up and down.
"you're not wearing our uniform correctly." of course, as the president, he has to make sure all the students follow the rules. the dresscode is a very simple one, yet it's always your problem.
your polo was always untucked in some way, your shoes barely make it into the accepted type, you never wore your school id, and your hair wasn't as neat as it was supposed to be.
other students seeing you stand next to jing yuan was... something. there was a very clear difference in your uniform and overall attitude. "(y/n) can never stay still," he says about you.
"so... nothing new," you hum, your smile never leaving your face as you continue walking beside him. you chat his ear off with mundane topics like the weather, but he isn't paying attention.
he would—could—never admit that he's slightly interested in you. no matter how many times he scolds you, you will never change the way you act.
though he'd much rather have all the students follow the rules, there will really be people that don't. he can't help it, he thinks, since there are a lot that don't care for the rules.
"you're not wearing your blazer today," he says politely, but it elicits a big reaction from you. you curse yourself internally, mumbling a few words under your breath.
"that's what i forgot this morning..."
"you could wear our entire uniform wrong, but berate yourself for forgetting the blazer?" jing yuan chuckles, which you take as an insult.
"i'll have you know-" you got cut off when he drapes his own blazer around your shoulder, making sure it's resting snuggly on your shoulders. he continues on like nothing happened.
"...that it's cold in my classroom. what are you doing?" you ask, confused. that doesn't mean you give him back his blazer, no, you welcome it with open arms. but it's not bad to be curious.
"i'll see you later, (y/n)." he smiles sweetly, giving you a small wave before going inside the school. you stood at the gates, left to think about his actions.
"you're weird, jing yuan..." you mumble, adjusting the blazer with his name neatly embroidered on the heart.
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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